It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.

The First Domino and the Greatest Show in the Multiverse: Towards a Collective Intention

April 21, 2023 by Steve Beckow

Keep your eye on the prize, it’s said.

Ah, but what is the prize?

The Ascension of Gaia and all her inhabitants, an Ascension so unique it has never been seen before in the multiverse.

That’s a prize worth getting behind.  The deep state has done its worst and is rapidly being arrested. No nuclear war is possible so their dire threats are meaningless. (1)

Time for us to rouse ourselves and get moving.

We want and need a collective intention that can unite and motivate the world.

Before going there, let me establish one matter. The Mother and Michael have said to us that everyone here at this time is from the angelic kingdom.

Divine Mother: Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart. (2)

Michael put it this way:

Archangel Michael: To use your phraseology, there are no day laborers on Earth at this time. None. Now, do you realize what I am saying to you? That the mother who sits by the brazier burner in India or walks the Kalahari in Africa or dances in the street in Rio all have chosen to congregate on this magnificent planet, Gaia, at this time? …

So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing. (3)

I also like how Gabrielle phrased it:

Gabrielle: You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel. (4)

So keep that in the back of your mind. Now, what was the original intention behind Earth’s creation? Jesus summarized it:

“Often we have talked to you, and particularly my beloved Mother has talked to you, about the creation of this wonderful planet of Gaia and how it was created as a planet of Love and a planet of peace, my friends. …

“In the very creation and the essence of this mighty being called Gaia was the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was [like] to have a physical experience of Love.” (4) [My emphasis.]

We are those angels. We’re intended to have a physical experience of the same love that permeates the rest of creation, just not the Third/Fourth Dimension until now.

“Love” here is not meant as sex or lust. The film Cocoon suggested what love-making in the higher realms we’re headed for might look and feel like – a blending of auras.

Apparently we angels here are among the Creator Race who first inhabited Earth and began to fashion terrestrial habitations.

Thus I suggest that our collective intention, once we’re funded by the Reval and G/NESARA and assisted by our star family, start with restoring the Earth, the vessel of Archangel Gaia, to its original state, as a planet of love where the angels can come and have a physical experience of love.

We can be doing that prior to Ascension and we can be doing that by simply sending Gaia love.


I also invite us to give equal attention to the fact that this form of Ascension for the inhabitants of all Third/Fourth-dimensional star systems in the multiverse is absolutely new. The second part of our intention is to contribute in any way we can to that novel and important Ascension.

The story of it will likely be told and retold and our personal testimony will probably be valued and sought.

What’s new about this Ascension?

It’s the first time a Third-Dimensional civilization has ascended retaining the physical body.

It’s the first time that a total population has had the potential to ascend together in that physical body. Previously Ascension has been individual and/or the body has been shed.

Other civilizations like Tralana and Halion have ascended together but not retaining the physical body.

It’s the first to see the ascending Third-Dimensional civilization become interdimensional.

Fifth-Dimensional (some say Seventh-Dimensional) humans, who’ve been prevented from travelling higher in the past, are about to receive the ability to travel throughout the dimensions. This is a huge development.

It’s the first into a new region of space shaped by this novel interdimensionality.

And it’s to be followed by further Ascensions throughout the multiverse, into this new region, with Earth’s being the first domino and the original model.

The Mother is creating something totally new. So our Ascension is largely unprecedented. And we’ve had a couple of failed ascensions to look back upon and improve on! (Many of us, apparently, were present then and want to get it right this time.)

The human mind and body probably could not take a sudden Ascension, without preparation, so our Ascension has to be gradual as well as sudden. It has to allow for preparation. and then experience (enlightenment) and then assimilation and preparation…, etc.

I personally am surrendered to the Mother and see whatever comes my way as her Will. So it really doesn’t matter to me what comes next on a cosmic level. On a personal level I’m not so detached; I’m working on it.

So much to look forward to.

Meanwhile, let’s individually get behind the intention of a successful and fulfilling Ascension for Gaia, an event unique in the multiverse and watched everywhere with great interest.  We’ve paid for our ringside seats. Some of us are even performers in the greatest show in the multiverse.

You and your planet are being offered energy that will move through all limitations of your life and this planet.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Times of Great Change

ethnic female meditating on bench in park
Photo by Michelle Leman on

We are here to support you as once again you are being offered the opportunity for transformation and expansion. You and your planet are being offered energy that will move through all limitations of your life and this planet. These are extremely strong vibrations and energies to assist and support you moving to a higher dimension and a new reality.

One of the most important masteries and skills you bring to this moment in time is your awareness while embodied is to be fully conscious you are in each NOW. It does not matter what you are doing or with whom you are doing it, the key is to be in the moment, fully filled with your joy gratitude and appreciation. It is not what you do but how you do each moment. There is a place within that everyone longs to discover. It is that place of the gentle flow of events and activities especially when your planet is being gifted with the energy of transformation.

When human beings experience struggle and stress this only adds to the disharmony of the activity and the seeming chaos. Once the energy and dynamics of struggle and stress are engaged it takes conscious skill to change and transform the pattern. Frequently it is the pattern of stress and struggle that they bring to all activities.

It is a pattern that is strong in mass consciousness, the belief that everything is a struggle, a challenge, a strain. This is an illusion. This is a learned pattern. Now is the time to release this for yourself.

There is a mental state of mind and an emotional state of being in which we invite you to maintain. When you bring your awareness into the present moment of NOW and you are holding an energetic stance of high vibration no matter what you are doing, no matter who you are doing it with, there will be a flow, a grace and an ease, even when things feel intense.

The illusions of struggle, stress and strain are low frequencies, and these states of mind vibrate/radiate in the third dimension. They are a part of the matrix of lock-down. You now have the opportunity to break out of this lock-down and move to a higher dimension of consciousness.

Many humans are becoming aware that they are multidimensional beings playing in a hologame here on planet earth. This hologame board offers the illusion of limitations. The illusion of limitation is strong, it is well maintained, it is encouraged and it is reinforced by the media, the leaders and the old third dimensional paradigms.

The programs of limitation are given to each human being upon arrival by their parents and by society. Many humans never question or discover that they are truly powerful creators. They exist and live their lives with a poverty of consciousness.

There is an evolution, a transmutation that is happening in the hearts and minds of scores of humans upon earth at this time. This evolution of consciousness expands into the truth of the unlimited self, the awareness and aspect of each human becoming aware of their lives in multi realities.

The awareness of staying in a high vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation allows you to stay in the fifth dimension where synchronicities, miracles and divine connections allow for a graceful flow of events and activities to take place. It offers a shift in your belief about time.

We share with you the example of a rapid moving strong current river. If you struggle against the movement you will drown. Yet if you surrender, your body is buoyant enough to float and will therefore move with the strong current. Again, if you cling to the shore, unable to surrender and unable to climb out or even swim, you will tire and drown.

During these times of great change on your planet, there is a rapid moving strong current river of energy. This dynamic and powerful energy current that is washing over your planet is moving through all aspects of life, it is bathing every cell and atom of the body with a frequency of transformation and evolution. When you as a being surrender to this rapid flowing current you move with it, you become a part of it, like a small twig that floats upon the surface.

Yet if you cling to the shores of old patterns, old familiar behaviors you will be battered, you will tire and you will drown or if you fight the energy current or doubt it’s power you will be overwhelmed.

The best and most conscious manner to deal with this incredible energy that is being gifted to humanity at this time is to bravely trust the flow and allow yourself to embrace the movements and changes that are taking place. Surrender into trust, drop into a place within your being that offers you the flexibility of all that is transpiring.

You as a change agent, a being of light and others like yourself are most effective when you surrender into the flow. It is your flexibility, trust and guidance that allows the energy current to carry you safely.

At this time there are many millions of beings like yourself who are aware of the bigger picture that is unfolding, awakening and understanding the divine manifestation. As a guardian of light you are most powerful and effective when you maintain a high frequency vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation. These emotions allow you to float on the energy current that is coming with more intensity each day; dense emotions like fear, anger, frustration and sadness are like weights upon your feet, they will pull you down and you drown.

Again we say to you practice maintaining high frequency vibrations and emotions. You are most effective as a change agent. You are more fully connected with divine source and therefore guided to the places and people that are ready and willing to shift. You will offer a vibration which will trigger awareness in another, a vibration which will anchor a new expanded consciousness. You will offer a life raft to those who are willing to trust their divine nature and surrender to who they are, magnificent beings of divine light.

We are available to support you as you integrate these powerful energies and allow yourself to move with ease and grace into your new reality and new hologram. the ‘team’

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