When you know, that you are empowering what you are focusing on, why not focusing on what you really want?

Adama of Telos: A Higher Dimensional Civilization

by  Asara Adams


Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are moving through this profound transition of Earth, many old paradigms and societal structures are changing.

The question is: “What are they changing too?”

This is entirely up to The Vision each one of you is holding on a consistent basis.

When Lemuria sank and the remaining population was rebuilding itself as Telos, within sacred Mount Shasta, we had to “remember” what life is like in the higher dimensions.

This is what we wanted to create – a higher dimensional civilization.

Humanity on the surface has the same opportunity now.

Every individual has this Divine memory of a higher dimensional life, which you call the “Divine New Earth.”

So, how can you contribute to such a creation?

You, as the creator of your reality, are in control where you are focusing your creative energies on.

The more you are focusing your attention to “What is,” the more you are continuing to create “What is.”

In other words, if you are focusing on the unpleasantness of your world, the more you are re-creating it.

When you know, that you are empowering what you are focusing on, why not focusing on what you really want?

With that in mind, we invite you to begin to envision the kind of civilization that you wish to create. (Anything is possible!)

The moment, your thoughts want to go to the unpleasantness, interrupt your thoughts and bring them back to what you want.

As you are doing this little exercise, you are already creating a new Divine Earth.

Just take a few minutes and write down the answers to these questions:

What would a higher vibrational civilization look like?

What would that feel like?

How would people interact?

How would people live?

What would government and so forth look like?

What other areas could you invision?

Now, take a moment and create the answers as a movie in your mind.

As you go throughout your day, be very mindful, what you are focusing your attention on.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love…

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos.

From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.

Your Earth Mission: Arcturians with other Star Races

by Rita Kempf


Greetings, dear friends, we would like to help you understand something that has been puzzling you. We do not want to download too much new information into your field right now, for you are more than busy staying righted in these powerful celestial energies.

There is much coming at you right now to help you in your earth mission and we are steadying you to accept these energies while remaining stable in your highest vibration. Know that you are very courageous, for we see you riding these energies and facing them with strength.

No second thoughts, you square your shoulders and deal with them head on. Have we told you how talented you are? You were brave to accept your earth mission. Many were called and many answered but only a few were allowed to take on this mantle, for the chance of success was much higher for you, our talented ground crew.

You earned the admiration of the many beings that watch what you are doing here. But you would continue in your mission even if there were no one watching you, for being admired is not necessary for this group. You do what you do because you made yourself a promise to lend your talent, to lend your love, to lend your very self to Mother Gaia and this earthly mission.

While it is not necessary for us to praise you and it is not necessary for you to hear these worlds, perhaps when you have a moment of overwhelm, a bit of praise may help you to attain your sense of confidence again, especially if these energies had caused you to lose your footing for a moment.

There are many others joining you now on this earth, for your actions have released the awakening frequencies that many have needed. From now on, even as the energies rise, you will find the going a little bit easier; for you will have more help, more love and more awakened beings around you.

They will be confused at first, but as they emit their higher frequencies, a wave of relief will sweep over you and you will not feel so alone there, our beautiful children on planet earth.

How we love you for what you have done before, as you prepared the groundwork. How we love you for what you are doing now as you step through the high waters of ascension and for what you will do in the future as you mingle your energies with others and spring-board through love to your future together.

There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ From Wall to Buffer Zone

dog and cat on the floor
Photo by Marián Šicko on Pexels.com

May 9, 2022, trinityesoterics.com


How much separation you choose between you and others can be indicative of a need for healing. For many of you distance equals safety. There is big difference between healthy boundaries which comes from a space of wisdom and empowerment and separation that is still rooted in fear and perceived powerlessness. There is a difference between solitude and isolation.

So what do you do if you feel you are choosing separation due to unhealed wounds? Explore the space. What emotions are driving the need for distance? Why are you feeling afraid or disempowered?

Once you discern what the prevalent emotion is that is driving that need for space, send love to the the part of you that feels unsafe and then send love to distance itself. Make that space between you and others not a wall, but rather a buffer zone of love and healing that will positively affect everyone involved. As you fill in that distance with the safety and comfort of love and compassion, you will find it much easier to shift into being open to connectedness which is what your soul truly seeks.

Walls, while they often seem like a good idea, keep everything out. We want you to have the full experience of what you yearn for and deserve from connection, such as love, joy, support, encouragement, friendship and so much more! From a healed space you will be able to use your wisdom to let others in who will truly add to your life in the most wonderful ways.