keep on keeping on

21st May 2021.Mike Quinsey.

We see you rather confused and worried about events on Earth that every now and again take a turn for the worse. Be assured that what you are seeing is the final outworking of old ways of dealing with each other. There is less enthusiasm or support for them and there will be no place for them in the coming higher vibrations. How many more times will you try to settle your differences by using force when diplomacy, common sense and a desire to create a peaceful dialogue would result in a peaceful solution. The people tire of violence being used to settle differences and are rising up in anger at their leaders, who seem unable or unwilling to seek answers that bring peace. Eventually common sense will prevail, but how many more unnecessary deaths will occur before peaceful negotiations take place with the necessary “give and take” that will enable success without bloodshed. Peace will come and not a single drop of blood need be spilt in the process.

The biggest change you will experience is when compassion takes a prominent place in your life. With it comes caring for all life that is seen as precious and a gift from The Creator. For centuries Man has fought battles with those considered to be his enemies, and very few attempts have been made to understand the meaning of their differences. Now there is a movement growing that has become tired of the destruction and loss of life, and is beginning to protest loudly to encourage people to sit down with each other and talk peace. Why does it have to be that way when an end to war is inevitable and could have been avoided in the first instance. Before long it will all change, it will be the people who demand an end to confrontation and hostilities, and their voices will be heard and positive action taken as a result.

The thought of permanent peace is so uplifting and attainable if those in power approach it with the right frame of mind. It would be a new era when the establishment of peace was foremost in people’s minds. What rejoicing there would be and old differences could be put behind them for good. It would be quite a surprise to many people as to how quickly friendly relationships could be established and renewed. Everyone benefits from peace and those dealing in armaments would be the great losers, because on many occasions they have played one side against the other for profit with little care about the loss of life.

With big changes there are always losers and the closing of the big stores top that list. It is really a case of moving with the times and the needs of the people. Covid19 has caused a lot of pain and hardship, yet has also given everyone the opportunity to consider what they want out of life. After all, everyone is being affected by the changes and having to consider what is best for them where the future is concerned. You had known for some time that changes would be inevitable if you were to keep pace with the changing needs of the people. The recent period has shown the depth of some problems and given you every opportunity to put things right. You cannot cling onto the old ways that are unsuited for the new way of life that is emerging.

It is some 200,000 years since intelligent life forms such as you know them first came into being, and in that relatively short time they have experienced the depths of the dark energies yet evolved. They have survived and finally risen up in your life times to achieve the opportunity to ascend. There is a plan for your future but how you get there is largely up to you, and if you keep projecting thoughts that are positive in general terms rather than in detail the best results will be yours. You are already laying down the foundation for what you would like to see, and the potential is undoubtedly far greater than you could presently imagine, however keep an open mind that will allow for the unexpected.

After all you have left the old behind that has no future and you can expect many exciting changes that will raise your quality of life. Bear in mind what we have often mentioned in terms of “small” is beautiful because it is going to be the key word, small but able to provide everything that you are likely to need for a pleasant and undemanding life.  All that you have experienced has led you to this point, and you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You are ready to take more steps to increase your knowledge and understanding, and there is nothing in your way to stop complete success.

There should be joy on Earth at what the future holds yet the uncertainty and doubt that exists prevents many souls from grasping what there is for them.  Clearly the old habits still exist but the futility of matters such as warlike actions paints a different picture. Such ways of conducting yourselves are being opposed by the people and their voices will be heard and acted upon. They can no longer be ignored but if they are your leaders do so at their peril and they would face the collective power of humanity. Those who would act in accordance with the changes called for patience and wait their opportunity to come forward and carry out the wishes of the people. Their day will come very soon when the changes shall speedily occur.

Mother Earth is already making preparations for the changes and the cleansing of it. Man has poisoned the Earth with chemicals and destroyed so much of the woodlands and the land itself. Yes, we are aware that there are groups who care for the Earth so much that they try to lessen the damage and restore it, but it is a mammoth task that can take some years to come to fruition. However, at the appropriate time we will lend a hand as what can take you years to put right we can see to in a very short time. Some of you wonder why we do not go to the trouble to put the wrongs right, but it is your responsibility to make good the damage you have caused. However, when you show willingness to act we are only too pleased to help you out.

You have a nice expression “keep on keeping on” and it is appropriate for the present time, as you must not lose sight of your path to Ascension. We keep reminding you because it is so important to you, as the dark Ones will try anything to distract you from your goal. We of course hold the upper hand and do everything to encourage you to keep to your dedicated path. We are with you all of the way and will use our influence to help keep you on track.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.Love,Nancy

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

You might be wondering at this point how it is possible to know when the higher frequency energies are coming so that you can be prepared. At this point, it is a good idea to be prepared all the time.

Are You Prepared for The Shift/Event? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort of mental breakdown, or even a seizure. Those who are awake, but have not been preparing themselves for the higher frequency energies, might experience some bodily sensations, some weird dreams, and some physical dehydration. Those of you who are awake and do expect the higher frequencies as they come in have beautiful experiences where you tap into new abilities, where you know yourselves as your higher selves for periods of time, and you also have many other positive outcomes.

You might be wondering at this point how it is possible to know when the higher frequency energies are coming so that you can be prepared. At this point, it is a good idea to be prepared all the time. Don’t just wait for a full moon or a solstice. Make sure that you are always hydrated, always rested. Make sure that you are constantly grounding, feeling your emotions, connecting with nature and opening yourselves up to receive. The experience of a heightened energy download can be one of the greatest experiences of your life. It can also be one of the worst. It really does depend on the environment those energies are stepping into. If a person has a lot of unresolved, unfelt feelings, higher frequency energies can bring them all to the surface. If a person is not taking care of themselves physically, the energies can intensify their experiences of the illness or pain.

And as we have said, you might as well stay prepared because you are getting closer and closer to ascension every single day. Ascension will be the ultimate download of higher frequency energies. Preparing yourselves for that major event that is coming in your lifetime is a very sound spiritual practice. But all of the things we have given you here as a way of taking care of yourselves and preparing higher frequency energies are also just good, sound practices for living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

And so, in many ways, those who are completely unaware that a shifting is occurring can be preparing themselves subconsciously. Certain individuals know that something is happening without putting it into words. And so, you see, it really does not matter what you believe. It does, however, matter whether you listen to your inner guidance, and your inner guidance is always telling you the same things that we are. So we recommend that you listen and that you feel for these energies every single day. The first thing you can do when you wake up to prepare yourselves is to take the temperature of the energies that you can feel and see what the universe has in store for you. When you are prepared for anything, you have a much easier time of being there during this very tumultuous and shifty time of ascension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We are here offering our invitation and celebration.

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Codes of Light

May 20, 2021, via email

We are here offering our invitation and celebration. It is an invitation for you to remember your magnificence. And the celebration is honoring the awesome event that is taking place within the consciousness of Humanity.

We do not have to remind you of the past events that caused the entire planet to shut down. That shutdown, the ramifications of which are still being felt by you and the collective, offers the greatest gift. The shutdown that was experienced by your entire globe has been the setup for the rebirthing of a new level of consciousness.

When Humanity experienced all their normal activities removed, they were forced to make a shift within their own being. The isolation and the stillness that was provided caused a pause to take place within each individual Human and also with the entire collective of Human experience.

It was not just an experience felt by a few, it was an experience felt by everyone. This shutdown, this still point, was the pause in preparation for the next stage of your own personal evolution as well as the evolution of Humankind.

There are still pockets of resistance; there are still those who insist that their point of view is the only way. There are those who are engaged in actively keeping negative and misqualified energies charged. There are those holding on to the old paradigms and old limited programs. There are those who continue to honor hatred and prejudice. Their actions make up most of your news broadcasts.

However there are other events that are not making the news. These events and energies are truly magnificent and awesome. They are subtle yet extremely powerful. Many individual earthwalkers are feeling these energies; they might not have words to explain what they are feeling, yet they know something is certainly different.

There is a new cycle of existence that is being birthed. Your planet is undergoing a tremendous shift of evolution. There is an awakening taking place in the consciousness of individuals and groups of individuals. This awakening is contagious. These transcendental energies are being felt by everyone.

Ancient wisdom is being revealed; hidden mysteries of nature and the powers latent in humankind are being triggered. Everything in nature is but the materialization of spirit. It is being revealed that there are other levels of consciousness and beingness that are wanting to interact with humanity and your planet. This is a reality that many have believed yet never was there proof of this possibility.

We might say celebrate what is coming, yet perhaps it is best to buckle your seat belt and prepare for takeoff. Your planet and all its inhabitants are in for a wild ride. There are numerous solar flares and cosmic downloads being presented. These waves of cosmic energy are triggering everyone to wake up. These energies are invitations for humanity to rise up beyond form and take its place as co-creator in the creative process.

You are being reminded that you are a divine being who has experienced a multitude of experiences on the timeline in other star systems. You must remember that you carry latent, veiled packets of light that are coded in your very DNA. These packets of light are being activated and awakened. They have perhaps been dormant within you, awaiting just the right moment of powerful cosmic energy to trigger them to come forth.

Many of you have been drawn to visit special ancient sites and countries, never truly realizing that these sites or the energies of these countries were triggering your codes of light. Many of you have read books that came into your life at just the right moment causing you to make a major shift in how your viewed your world or your personal experiences. Consider for a moment that these are not accidental happenings; you have been on the path of your own personal awakening since you took your first breath.

Realize that your divine lineage, your star lineage, has been coded to hold the frequency intended at this particular time. Realize that there are personal codes and gifts. However, we are speaking of codes of light that have a planetary benefit for humanity. This is what is being activated within you. You are a master; you came to this planet to assist in the evolution of consciousness at this time.

This planet is being readied to move to a higher dimension and frequency. This can only happen when humanity as a whole is ready. The fifth dimension energies are pressing upon your very reality. This understanding and awakening is stirring within you. This past shutdown that you experienced allowed you to consider the possibility that negativity and misqualified energies do not serve.

As a divine master you have known far different experiences and have lived in another dimension or star system in which divine grace, love and spiritual light was the true frequency field. This might be one of the reasons that you never felt comfortable here in this dimension on planet earth.

We say to you now, you are here to anchor the truth of divine grace, love and spiritual light. You are here to anchor peace on earth. You are here to heal your wounds. You are here to transform any and all negative and misqualified energies you have experienced.

Be in your joy. Be grateful of being alive. Be grateful for being fully embodied. Ask yourself each day how can I make this day the best I have experienced. Make a point of living from your heart. Make a point of forgiving others and healing all past hurts.

You have the awesome ability to make each day, actually each moment, your very best. Stay conscious, stay present in the moment. Be kind to yourself and to others. Give yourself grace and recognize your blessings. Practice the spiritual and the physical activities that enliven you. Remember to love yourself.

We love you and extend our deep gratitude for your courage to be here at this time of tremendous change and challenges. You are doing great work. Please allow yourself to be acknowledged. We are your friends and are always available to support and assist you. Call upon us and all the other divine beings and masters of light. the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

The dark ones are weary too. They see the futility of their actions. They are now in more of a knee-jerk reaction to events than well thought out and planned and orchestrated offensives. They are holding on by the seat of their pants and the fabric is growing quite thin. Hang in there, sweet one.

Mellianna to T, May 14-19, 2021

May 14th

“Judgment Day” draws near. The Collective is calling for it and so it shall be. As you’ve so rightly stated it will be very tumultuous but necessary. A mother gives birth and it is very painful but necessary as it is a part of the birthing process. The end result, of course, is Joy of a newborn.

And so it will be here. Joy will follow the pain. You are more than ready, sweet one. However, many, even most, of your fellow Gaians are not. And that is as was expected. Many have had signs to offer them new knowledge, new insight but have refused or denied it. Many are caught up in their version of reality. Nonetheless, it is time. Be ready to broadcast the Love that you are. It will be in extremely short supply.

May 15th

Greetings, sweet one. It is another beautiful day, is it not? Expect more beautiful days going forward until such time as all days will be beautiful, including when it is raining, snowing, blowing or whatever. Mother Gaia is firmly in charge now. And she is “petal to the metal” now. She is as eager to restore Her perfection as you are and is doing so already. The next several days will bring much surprise and joy. Much of this revelation will be in ways you could not have foreseen. So in that way it will be particularly sweet. Our advice now is play, play, play! It is your nature and your grandson has it down cold. Follow his lead.

May 17th

[I was filled with doubts this morning about my role]

Blasphemy. We are on the verge, sweet one, of a TOTAL paradigm shift. Don’t be throwing in the towel so close to the “finish line.” This mood will pass. Your life will ease considerably so hang in there. It does feel a bit heavy right now but that is being created by the Dark Ones. They are at their wits end trying to figure out what to do next to “stem the tide.” But, like the tide, there is nothing they can do. It is over, fini!

May 18th

Abundance beyond your wildest dreams. And we are not talking just about money, though that is certainly a central part of it. We are also talking about an abundance of joy, of health, of happiness, of awareness, and on, and on, and on…! The time is very near. Keep your eye on the target.

May 19th

The time grows shorter as the days grow longer. Not much longer, sweet one, not much longer. We understand the frustration. [An image popped in my mind of an old cartoon of the end of a marathon, where the runners were so exhausted they could not break the tape. Some were chewing on it. Some were laying on it, and some were trying to pull it apart with their hands, but none were successful] Yes, the cartoon is a perfect metaphor for today. All are weary, but not just you.

The dark ones [I immediately questioned the use of small caps here as she had always referred to the dark ones before as the Dark Ones. See May 17th entry, for example.] (Yes, sweet one, we changed the “Caps” intentionally.) The dark ones are weary too. They see the futility of their actions. They are now in more of a knee-jerk reaction to events than well thought out and planned and orchestrated offensives. They are holding on by the seat of their pants and the fabric is growing quite thin. <grin> Hang in there, sweet one.

Beloved Ones, as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience, you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.

AA Michael Energy Update“Greetings, Beloved Ones.We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Things are shifting rapidly and many are feeling unsure as to where they are in this process and how this will all turn out.
Beloved Ones, as you are going through your moment-to-moment experience, you are creating each experience from within your feeling state.
At the center of your creation is the vibrational signal that you are radiating and which then returns the energy back to you in form of an experience.
Your environment and everything around you is prompting thoughts, feelings and most importantly the desire for improvement.
Your asking with your feelings and thoughts is instantly creating the answer and it is then on its way to you.The only way it can then enter your experience is by your maintained state of harmony.
The longer you are able to maintain your state, or return to the state of harmony, the faster you are able to experience your desired reality.So, how do you do that?

Start your day with appreciation, meditation and connection to your I AM Presence of God. (Your I AM Presence is the individualized aspect of God that is assisting you in your Ascension.)
As you are going throughout your day, pay attention to the way you feel and what you are thinking.
If you think and feel anything less than harmony, take a moment and ask for your I AM Presence to return you back to Divine Harmony.
Place your hand on your heart center, breathe a few deep and slow breaths and allow for Divine Harmony to enter your heart…
After a few moments, you will begin to feel more at peace and in Divine Harmony.
Then all the experiences you have asked for can begin to reach you and enter your experience.
Even if you are not consciously asking for something specific to manifest, when you are in Divine Harmony, your I AM Presence is able to bring you many blessed experiences and move you upwards into your Ascension.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channeled by Asara Adams.

Truth of Chaos – Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, I am Archangel Metatron, it is an honour to be present with you today. Let us be present with the vibration of truth, the truth that flows from the Creator. Let us be present with the vibration of chaos, a chaos that is and can be created even with the vibration of the Creator. As we are present with truth and with chaos, we allow ourselves to exist in a space of balance where we are grounded, centred, balanced, able to receive, to accept, to acknowledge, to know and understand. We are able to exist without reacting, we are able to express from peace, from a centre of calmness within. We can also acknowledge exactly what is occurring on all or many levels of reality. As we are present with truth and with chaos, we enter into a space of acceptance, knowing our inner truth and our inner wisdom.

Every being existing upon the Earth is created from the frequency, light, and the truth of the Creator, every being on the inner planes is the same. You are a being of the Creator, you are an expression of the Creator, you allow the Creator to flow through your being. To some extent, this is not a choice, it is a natural habit of your being and body. When you exist upon the Earth you exist in a reality that you can create, you can create anything and everything if you wish. You have the ability to create, to manifest through your thoughts, through your emotions and your intentions. The energy flowing through your being from the Creator supports and fuels manifestation.

Beings upon the Earth have a choice, they can choose if they wish to accept lower vibrations of energy. They will still except the high vibrations of the Creator, however they will recognise and focused upon lower vibrations. We can recognise lower vibrations as negative emotions or thoughts, maybe even emotions such as anger or frustration. Although it is complicated to really describe what the lower vibration could be because everything is an aspect of the Creator. It is important to remember that even a lower vibration is simply a different stage of development. Each person has a choice if they wish to accept a lower vibration and focus upon this then of course they can, if they wish to express a higher vibration and focus upon this, it is their choice. When you express, receive, and focus upon a negative or lower vibration the manifestation is often chaos, confusion, anger, frustration. The feeling that you are not getting what you want, things are not going the right way, upheaval and so forth. Chaos can manifest in numerous ways and each person who has existed upon the Earth has experienced some sort of chaos whether within their being or outside. When you allow yourself to connect with a negative vibration or a lower vibration, your chakras do not work at their heightened potential and they tend to send energy outwards, therefore you become very depleted and this in turn supports the creation of chaos, as well as the energy going outwards. Due to an outward focus the divinity, the truth of the Creator, and your intuition are somewhat ignored and not allowed to flow. The flow of the divine through your being is hindered. If you are constantly focusing upon negative vibrations, lower vibrations, and expressing these through your emotions and your mind you will become depleted needing to gain energy from somewhere.  I will remind you that this way of being is a choice.

If your energy is constantly focusing outwards, you may be drawn to people of higher vibration or a positive loving vibration to receive energy from the outside world.  These people express the natural flow of the Creator through their beings. The person of a predominant lower vibration or connections is drawn to a spiritual being, in order to draw energy into their being to sustain themselves, their vibration, frequency, emotions, mind, and their body. It is easy to recognise that someone connecting with negative or lower vibrations is not allowing the flow of the Creator, is focusing outwards, is aligning with, and creating chaos, and therefore becoming depleted within. They are fuelling and using higher vibrations and energy flows to fuel more chaos.

It is important to recognise within your being as a spiritual being that you may enter these cycles at some points during the day, and this is natural. It is a natural and normal part of your existence. There are other beings upon the Earth, those that you may know, those that you may not, that exist in this space always and it is these beings that are creating chaos within the world. It is not their fault and there is no judgment because we recognise that everything is a process of ascension. Therefore, we can recognise that chaos in the world is created in this way and we can also recognise that each person upon the Earth has added to the chaos in the world at some point or other. Again, there is no judgment, we simply seek to understand and create transformations and shifts.

As a spiritual being connecting with higher vibrations, focusing your mind on love, peace, and joy, allowing and encouraging yourself to be the flow of the Creator, to be an expression of the Creator, you may be aware that others try to absorb your energy. This is nothing to worry about because your energy cycle and flow is constant. You have the abundant love energy of the Creator to give to all, you can never be depleted of energy because there is always more Creator energy to flow through your being.

If you find that you have become depleted in energy, maybe after being with another person, in another situation or thinking of a circumstance, then realise simply that the person, situation or circumstance has chosen to connect with the lower vibration and that you have taken this on, you have aligned with that lower vibration. There is no need to disconnect, simply realign yourself as an expression of the Creator with the light, flow, and divinity of the Creator, therefore everything will be erased, and you will be recharged. When you feel depleted, it is important to acknowledge this, it is also important to realise that you have the abundance of energy to give all beings. When you send energy to a person, a situation or circumstance that you believe is connected to a lower vibration, you send it to the purpose of increasing the divine flow, and divine expression through that person, situation, or circumstance. Rather than sending the energy for them to transform or heal, you are sending the energy to awaken once more their remembrance of the divine flow, divine expression of the Creator, because focusing upon the divine expression of the Creator, your true existence is a choice, and it is something that you choose or do not choose in every moment of your reality. Always send energy to the flow of the Creator, within a person, or a situation, this will realign them to a higher vibration thus shifting and transforming their thoughts and their emotions allowing the Creator to come forth and thus in that moment, they stop creating chaos. With the energy flow they become energised and charged. They then receive an energy, vibration, and inspiration within them to make the changes for themselves taking responsibility for their reality and their existence, choosing to remember they are an expression and the divine flow of the Creator. This is a way of transforming another being and bringing forth healing.

When we look at the world, the reality, the Earth, using this technique is a way of transforming situations of chaos in the world. You send energy to open, to awaken the divine flow, the divine expression of the Creator in situations, in countries, whatever, wherever there is chaos upon the Earth. When you achieve this, you recognise that you are being a beacon of truth. Not only are you recognising the truth of chaos. You are recognising chaos as simply an alignment, a creation from an alignment and that you do not need to become involved in the chaos. Rather, you connect with the flow of the Creator for yourself, or for others. Chaos begins to dissolve gradually and easily, the more that other beings focus upon their truth and the divine flow of the Creator the more chaos simply slips away, dissolves, it becomes no more. This is the healing that is required upon the Earth because there is chaos within many beings. There may be chaos within your being that you are ignoring or maybe you are aware of it and there is chaos in the Earth, in the world that is being created. I, Archangel Metatron, simply wished to bring forth this simple message so you may gain a greater understanding of how you can be of service.

As a beacon of light upon the Earth, you are the energy flow. You are the one that energises, you are the one that creates the intention, directs the energy and the light of the Creator. It is now time for you to be a director of the Creator’s energy for yourself and for all. I do hope that my words have inspired you and inspired you to recognise how powerful you are, and how you can make transitions upon this Earth because you have the flow, you are energised and you have the divine flow of the Creator, as well as the intuition, the guidance, the ability to see, sense and acknowledge the Creator’s presence and how to bring forth the Creator.

My love is with you always, I thank you.

I am Archangel Metatron

Here is a nice Q&A about healing we had with a friend today.

Here is a nice Q&A we had today with a friend that asks support for some friends:

Friend :Nikos, can you send some healing energy to X?He is really not in a good mental state, very skinny, sad and very addicted still.And also to XX . She has cancer and needs to get treatment the following weeks and months.

Nikos :i can but instead of you asking for it, they must be the ones asking otherwise they do not receive and we both get karmic debt.Instead i invite you to do the following with me :visualize them in their own pure Lightin this now.Visualize them 100% healthy. See them moving on in their journey with ease and grace. See them in a green emeraude ray of healing as we ask the Angels to support them in their journey and if they want help all they need to do is ask and it will be given, but we can not mess up with their free will.💚🙏ps. it is very important to see them as capable as we were/are to get on with the energies and step out of the fear/disease mode.if we did it, they can also do it.that is how Jesus performed his miraclesbecause everyone believed so and Jesus saw them as they are in their Pure Light.

Friend I do that every day already … for X I have been doing that for 3,5 years now. For XX I see it clearly as welljust don’t know when what I see will occur.I always pray and say : I know they are strong enough! let their strength come out even more so they can save themselves and be happy and enjoy life just as I enjoy mineI know they can!!

Nikos :…even if you ‘know’, this does not mean they will 100% because it is up to them in their own plan to take action…practising detachement for expected results is the only way of unconditional love…in other words send them love and let go and let God.

Friend :By “knowing” I mean “feeling” and I send them love and light every day…Don’t interfere with anything…It’s like the birth of a bird out of an egg or a butterfly out of its cocoon. They need to struggle for their own (re)birth for them to be strong enough for the future.

Nikos :yes when you feel it, you help the collective not just them .Individual cases depend only on how each feel for themself…your power can not be transferred, they must do the work and give birth. Don’t worry, if they are already going through their dark night of the soul , it means they are already on their path. Darkness showing itself is a good sign. it is the only thing we can rejoice for now,for everything in Life because Light shows more darkness .

Meditate and Celebrate.


GOod News!

Soudan will be one of the first among impoverished countries to get debt relief.

Watch here Santa Surfing from 5’30”

5/19/2021 – Debt relief for Impoverished Countries! Banks are Bonkers! (

Amazing speech from this little girl

(12) Facebook

UFOs are about to make their way to the U.S. Senate. Here’s what to know

Picture from Storm approaching in Texas (Kryon)