Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, April 30, 2021

30th April 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Time marches on and in general terms you can sense that in many parts of the world Covid19 is under control and having less effect. You could say the end is in sight but you have little idea as to the time scale. In some parts of the world such as India the situation is dire and has not yet peaked. It was to some extent expected as the virus is significantly more dangerous to those souls who are of Asian birth. Their immunity is not as successful for them, and in consequence more fatalities can be expected. However, be assured that the souls involved are immediately cared for and helped to overcome their experiences. Great help and love is exercised and any fear or harm experienced is quickly replaced by calmness and caring. Like all souls that have passed over they are quickly restored without carrying forward the result of any aging or experience they may have been involved in.

You are experiencing the effects of a cleansing and upliftment of all souls, and it will continue as the vibrations gradually increase. This period is the final stages of changes that are necessary if you are to become prepared for your journey that will take you all the way to Ascension. You cannot take your baggage with you and consequently it must be discarded. As with any changes be assured that you will be helped all along the way and guarded from any interference from the dark Ones. However take care and be aware of any attempts to draw you away from your chosen path. Few souls at this stage are truly aware of the magnificence of their achievements in having made it to this point in their evolution.  You have tried unsuccessfully to do so on many occasions but have learnt from your experiences and finally achieved your goal.

You have yet to fully learn of your true potential but from here on you will gradually grow in consciousness. At present you are but a glimmer of your true selves and now that you are leaving the lower vibrations behind your evolution will speed up substantially. You are being given an opportunity to create the path to your desired objective, and as you evolve you will have increased power that will eventually enable you to create instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that you will be God like and that is your destiny. Now you will understand why your evolution has attracted so much attention as you have reached a critical point that the dark Ones will try to prevent. Have no fear as providing you keep to your path they cannot stop you succeeding.

Dear Ones, you have come a very long way to reach this point in your evolution and be assured that much help will be given to ensure your success. One day you will be able to look back on your achievements and will no doubt be astonished by your experiences in the midst of the lowest vibrations in this Universe. It augurs well for your future as you have strength of character that will help you fend off any attempts to interfere with your progress. Bear in mind that you have souls around you such as the Pleiadians who seeded you and have followed your progress for eons of time. So accept that you are great souls now finding your feet and ready to travel your chosen path to the higher dimensions. For us it is quite as exciting as it is not every day that there is such an important event coming as your Ascension.

Having been told that you have had many if not hundreds of lives on Earth, you may wonder why you do not appear more advanced than you are at present. The simple answer is that you incarnate for each life with the skills or knowledge that are necessary to enable you to carry out your life plan. In other words as you evolve you intuitively know what you have come for, and if necessary with some prompting from your Guides are assured of complying with it. Some life plans are so important to your evolution and nearly always include other souls who are part of it.

Friends and partners can also take part in it so you see it is quite involved. Obviously close partnerships are pre-arranged and much work goes into ensuring you meet the right person. Sometimes It goes wrong because you still have freewill, but be assured every step is taken to get you back on the correct path you agreed to prior to incarnating. Obviously on some occasions it can badly go wrong and should it be necessary your life plan can be held back to be played out in a later life. Some souls are so backward and wayward in their activities that they have to rely on other souls to ensure their karma is carried out.

Life can seem to be full of random happenings and indeed there will be many instances of them that are of no real consequence where your life plan is concerned. It is a beautiful system that helps you to evolve which is the purpose of incarnating upon Earth. In this present period those souls who have cleared their karma are enjoying a trouble free life, and have the awareness of what their goals are and will have no problems in fulfilling their life plan. It is a great system that deals fairly with people’s needs and ensures that if necessary lessons can be repeated many times.

Some souls are placed together because they need the experience that they can give to each other, which would not necessarily have been their choice. Hence the experience can be fraught with problems because in some ways they are incompatible.  It may seem a strange way of doing things but in fact it helps both souls to evolve because of the challenges they face from each other. They help to highlight their weaknesses and undoubtedly learn some hard lessons in consequence. Realise that the methods used have been tried and tested for millennia of time and proved successful.

Know that because you are now in a different cycle the old ways of experiencing are no longer applicable and you are responsible for setting out the path you wish to follow. Obviously you still get help as your Guides are ever present but you have more control over your experiences. You will have a goal in mind that you call ambition and some of you are totally dedicated to achieving your aims. Providing you maintain your sight and focus upon your goal you are assured of success that ultimately means achieving Ascension. You are to be congratulated for reaching the final stages of your life plan.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.Love,Nancy


You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

Divine Mother ~ Transmuting Toxins & Disease

Divine Mother ~ Transmuting Toxins & Disease

This inspiring gem is lovingly shared by Hairol from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Divine Mother: Disease is simply an incongruence; it is a malfunctioning of the human belief system in terms of how things work at their most basic. And, as you well know, the entire planet right now is obsessed with dis-ease! …

Hairol: How will I avoid receiving the annual flu shot required by [university name]?

DM: You do not need to necessarily avoid it, [although] that is very easily done if you should so choose. But one of the things that you are doing, sweet angel, is also learning and teaching how people can transmute all kinds of toxins, diseases, or simply what is in the very air they are breathing.

So you may transmute this substance with the Violet Flame, which you well know already, or you can simply use my Blue Diamond Flame as well.

H: Oh, so it’s the same thing with the coronavirus vaccine, just in case [university name] decides to require that as well?

DM: That is correct.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

Freedom codes disrupt and dismantle that which does not serve Quantum Divine Will

Blessings Beloveds ~

It was a strong Gate passage. Record Cosmic Rays. Flares. Geomagnetic storms. Quakes. Intense Schumann waves. These new crystalline plasma influxes adjusted our trajectories.

We enter a unique phase in May.  My gatekeeper journal has a unique entry for next month. Rather than dates it says:  Consistent.

While science has noted the recent cosmic forces as *unusual*, the light-codes and plasma reveal shifts to unity consciousness.  This is a new level of the Freedom codes. And Freedom codes disrupt and dismantle that which does not serve Quantum Divine Will; highest interests of the collective.

Freedom codes reveal the Cosmic Christ principle, the unified Crystalline path of expression. More ease, manifestation of highest alignment, and a crystalline lifestyle emerging. We hold a calm zero point consistently; the Ascension experience in this Now.

Even while working on the Crystalline Convergence, I notice the effect across the realms. A small task asks for more crystalline consideration; how can it reflect what is happening with the higher levels, the cosmic levels? Every step of event planning attunes to the multidimensional. What does our gathering look and feel like upstairs in the higher reflection? What is most needed, effective, heart-opening? How can every moment express more of the crystalline New Earth Now?

This broader perspective, the unified perspective, is a gift in this Now. When you apply it to everything – cleaning the house, the morning walk, challenging tasks – the larger operation is revealed. For the moment, practice opening perspective with every creation. Remember your impact across the realms. Feel how a simple gesture, word or activity shifts the unified field. this is responsible creation blooming within our lives.

Ascension has always made us more aware of our thoughts, feeling and activities. Now we harvest the fruit of those practices, and take it further. Consistent unified perspective. As always, it is a process. Practice builds spiritual power.

Take a look at the how and why of your daily flow. These new frequencies are stimulating a cosmic memory of the crystalline process: the awareness of the Cosmic Christ. The illusion dismantles, and we see, feel, sense the Self as fractal: doing something in these realms, reflected in all expressions of self across the multidimensional landscape.

50 days to the Crystalline Convergence

I can feel Solstice and the Convergence already; the energy after the eclipses of May and early June. Legions of Light are gathering, a higher reflection of our physical gathering. How glow-ray-us to celebrate with the collective in person.

Convergence attendees, both live and livestream, your bonus and preparation material is available. Login to your account at https://www.ascensionpath.com to access pre-event activations from myself and our co-creators.

Tickets and details at https://www.ascensionpath.com/convergence

Note: Our quarterly Ascension webinar is replaced by the 2-day Convergence livestream.

Online Course Coupon: Guidance for these amplified energies

Need pure, effective guidance for your process? My online courses provide comprehensive intel, tools, and activation for every phase of Ascension. They also provide a comforting voice and gentle reminders for alignment when you need them.

Visit AscensionPath.com to select your course. Take $111 off any online course with coupon code: GRATITUDE through June 30.

SUNday Unity Meditations

It is an honor to share this weekly practice to see, feel, and activate as ONE.  See you in the field on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time.

Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage.  Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Indeed, this is the moment.

Every Soul Will Now Be Challenged To Make These Choices
We are indeed in the middle of intense things happening on all levels now, and these are happening in the invisible realms and mostly on an exceedingly high vibrational frequency level.
The great purification by the Sacred Divine Fires is escalating and indeed this is going to go deeply into very core of the heart and soul.
I was shown yesterday, how this the beautiful Sacred Fires are descending and are a beautiful Golden-white-platinum color. This is acting like a huge purification network and indeed I saw how the souls who are ready to ascend and who are purified are being lifted into the New Earth and thus new existence.
At the same time I was clearly shown how souls choose to not go through this process because of fear, and because of clinging onto the old. More than this, a deep stuck-ness in the lower frequency bands and thus choosing to stay in what they feel is familiar and refusing to let go of pain and suffering.
This purification process will now truly escalate and indeed it will take some time before all is purified, as each soul will be given the free choice, whether they wish to be purified or not, indeed whether they wish to fully stand in the fullness of their highest soul truth and who and what they in truth are and live it in the New Earth.
Every soul will now be challenged to make these choices.
Indeed it comes to the fact that each soul is solely responsible for their own choices at this time. For as the lifting happens, as said before – two will stand next to each other, one will be lifted, and one will choose to remain. No one can piggyback any other soul into the higher state. It is impossible. One can show the way – but one cannot go through the purification process for another soul and nor can one do this for them.I have never experienced anything like this before, but indeed, once lifted you assume your new light-body and indeed will not wish to ever sink back into the quagmire of the Old Earth and old 3D again. The challenge though here is to maintain that exceedingly high frequency band and to grow ever higher and higher into the truth of your Soul and its highest Universal Mastery.
Indeed, this is the moment.
Each one will be given to the measure that they are ready to receive and are ready to completely let go of the old, in all and every form and way.
The choice is yours.
For indeed with the Fires of Purification, the Power of Divine Love and Wisdom and Light expands, and the sacred Keys and Codes are activated and given as the soul is ready to receive them. These are Divinely activated.
Indeed, the inner earth energies are now fully reactivated and thus the purification now is happening from deep within and without.
So much is happening and in all aspects of life on planet earth and indeed the New Earth, more than I can even try to put into words, although I am being shown.
Judith Kusel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Innocence Reclaimed

April 28, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


Dear Ones, we understand so many of you have been through challenging times. You may have felt that the world has been a very harsh place for you, and because of that you think you have lost your innocence. What we want you to understand is that your innocence is never lost, it has just receded in order to keep itself safe, and it has just been waiting for you to reassure it that it is now safe for it to come back up into the light.

Connect with that inner child aspect of you that has felt it was best for it to hide. Recognize it has been there all along! Let it know you are an adult now and you will absolutely provide it everything it needs to it can get back to the business of being a kid and enjoying all the wonder and innocence that comes from that.

This is exactly how you incorporate more play, fun, and magic into your life. Acknowledge that aspect of yourself still exists and encourage it to come forward. This is moving back into the wholeness that has always been there just waiting for you to reclaim it.


Patricia Cota-Robles
April 29, 2021
 The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth refer to May as the “Mystical Month of May.” This is because of the various Celestial Alignments and assistance from the Heavenly Realms that Humanity is blessed with during May. This year, due to the incredible shifts we have all been experiencing since the March Equinox, Humanity and Mother Earth are being given even more opportunities than usual to transcend the chaos and to lift into the Light during this Mystical Month of May. The Company of Heaven would like to share with us the assistance we will be given in May to help us let go of the past and to move forward in the Light. Needless to say, it is always to our great benefit if we choose to take advantage of the Divine Intervention we are being offered from On High. May 1st is celebrated as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. Every year on that sacred and holy day, Saint Germain directs his Legions of Violet Fire Archangels to bless the Earth with intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame. This is the frequency of Light from our Father-Mother God that most effectively Transmutes our human miscreations back into Light.
 During the month of May we will experience some NEW and incredibly powerful frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light. Every influx of Light pushes the negativity that conflicts with that Light to the surface to be Healed and Transmuted back into its original perfection. In order to prevent this influx of Light from exacerbating Humanity’s challenges, Saint Germain is directing his Violet Flame Archangels to bathe the Earth and ALL her Life with the most intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame that Cosmic Law will allow throughout the entire month of May.
 Embodied Lightworkers can assist with the efficacy of this Heavenly Gift of Sacred Fire by invoking the Violet Flame on a regular basis. If we will ask our I AM Presence to Consecrate our Life Force to be the Open Door for this influx of the Violet Flame on behalf of the masses of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth, it will help immensely. 2021 is numerically a 5 year, 2+0+2+1=5. This means that May 5, 2021 is the 5th day of the 5th month of a 5 year, in other words a 5-5-5 day. The Beings of Light revealed that this numerical frequency is forming a Gateway and creating the space for a NEW STARGATE into 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light. On May 5, 2021, this 5-5-5 STARGATE will be opened for the very first time.
 The 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of Light that will bless the Earth through this Stargate will move Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her forward in the Light in new ways. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this assistance is being allowed by Cosmic Law, because of the overwhelming progress that has been made during the influxes of Light Awakening Humanity has Cocreated with the Company of Heaven since the Equinox on March 21st. The influx of Divine Light that will bless the Earth through this new Stargate is designed to move Humanity into a new spectrum of possibilities. The Beings of Light said it will pave the way for powerful interdimensional changes that will move us closer to the Evolutionary Shift into Unity Consciousness that Awakening Humanity is being Called to Cocreate with the Company of Heaven this year. The Light flowing through this new Stargate will help us to let go of the past. Remember, there is no turning back. The more we try to hold on to the painful and obsolete miscreations from our past, the more difficult our Ascension process will be. Any resistance will only slow down our progress and create more pain and suffering for us. The end result, however, will be the same. In the end, we will all be abiding on the New Earth in our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. Then we will experience the wonders of the patterns of perfection on the New Earth that we have Cocreated as well as our New Planetary CAUSE of Comprehensive Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.
 Another wonderful thing that occurs during the Month of May is that our Beloved Mother Mary opens the doors to her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Planes and invites all of us to visit her in our finer bodies while we sleep at night. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take us to Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart when we go to sleep and it will be done. We can also ask our I AM Presence to help us bring back the conscious memory of our experience with Mother Mary when we wake up in the morning. Mother Mary’s greatest responsibility is holding the Immaculate Concept for each and every one of us. Our Immaculate Concept is the Divine Blueprint pulsating within the Permanent Seed Atom of our Immaculate Heart Flame. This Divine Blueprint reflects our full Divine Potential which is encoded within our newly activated Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. At this time, Mother Mary is working with our newly integrated I AM Presence to help us bring the Sacred Knowledge of our full Divine Potential to the surface of our conscious mind.
 Another event that greatly adds to the Light of the World during the Mystical Month of May is the Celebration of Mother’s Day, which takes place in several countries. Mother’s Day in the USA and Canada will be May 9th this year. In Mexico Mother’s Day is always on May 10th. In 2021, on every Mother’s Day celebrated throughout the World, our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity will flood the Earth with higher frequencies of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love than we have ever known. This will greatly assist Awakening Humanity in the process of Cocreating the Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love that is necessary in order to manifest the Evolutionary Shift of Consciousness that will permanently sustain the Presence of Unity Consciousness for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. That Global event will take place during the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination in August of this year. On May 23rd this year, billions of people will celebrate Pentecost. Through that Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, will Breathe Her Holy Breath into every person’s Heart Flame and bless Humanity and all Life on Earth with a Baptism by Sacred Fire. On May 26th, we will experience the third of the Three Full Moon Festivals of Spring. The First Full Moon Festival is the Passover Full Moon which is the first Full Moon following the March Equinox. It always takes place during the Sun Cycle of Aries and ushers in the celebrations of Passover and Easter. The Second Full Moon Festival takes place during the Full Moon in the Sun Cycle of Taurus. This is known as the Wesak Festival and is the annual celebration of the Enlightenment of the Buddha.
 The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini which this year is May 26th.This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ from the First Full Moon and the Divine Enlightenment of Buddha from the Second Full Moon, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our Hearts and Minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. This year The Good Will Festival of Humanity will take place during a very powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26th. The synchronicity of these two powerful events will provide an amazing opportunity for Humanity to move forward in the Light and to seal the full Divine Momentum of ALL of the Blessings we will receive during the Mystical Month of May.
 Please do not let these opportunities pass you by. Listen to your Heart. Invoke the Light of God and focus on the patterns of perfection YOU want to Cocreate with our Father-Mother God. When you are in a state of Listening Grace, feel the Gratitude pouring forth from our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven in appreciation of your willingness to add to the Light of the World. You are Blessed beyond your knowing! 
The 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination
 Dear One, we are ALL being Called to assist with this facet of our collective Divine Mission. Please respond. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth need our assistance NOW. All of the information you need to participate in the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 14-19, 2021, is on our website. This will be a FREE Online Virtual Event. TO REGISTER just click on the link below: 
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440    www.eraofpeace.org
 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. 
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles

what is meant for you will finally be able to find you!

Note :I love when Abraham Hicks shares: If you want it, it is ment to be! i truly resonate with these words.

Here is Archangel Gabriel sharing with us today :

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Honoring Your Mission

The question we would like you to explore today is how are you not being true to you? Is this by making yourself wrong for your innate traits? Is it by denying what your true wants and desires are? Is it by never allowing yourself to sit with yourself long enough to even discover what those desires and interests are? Is it by never allowing yourself to receive? Is it by repeatedly choosing to stay in energies that you know without a doubt are not a true match to you?

An amazing thing happens when you start to be true to yourself. Your energy shifts to emit a beautiful clear energy that is the pure essence of you, which the universe responds to in kind. In other words, what is meant for you will finally be able to find you! It is from that place of being true to yourself you will best be honouring your mission on the planet, which is fully embracing the energy of being you and the profound purpose of your honest self expression.

Feeling GOod.

It can be irritating with the speed that things seem to move in the physical world.And all we have is NOW.So better make good use of it,instead of wanting at all cost to be right for any matter at hand,even when one knows there is truth in what they share.It all comes back to feel the Love that one really is. One can not do this by blaming any other as any other is a mirror to the self.Yes to be aware and look to feel the love and be the love no matter the circumstances is the true mastery that any human is called to work on in this phase of our existence as a collective,it has always been like that,only now the energies are calling for a much larger awakening.The true meaning of life in my sense is to intend to feel good most of the time and when it is not so,do what needs to be done to find it from within out.I can not do this with words i share here for anyone but myself and so goes for anyone.The more one realizes their power as Love,as a positive vibrational frequency,the more their world becomes a better place to live in with all one wishes in it including everybody else as one understands that ALL IS ONE and ONE IS ALL.From this place caterpillar has permanently moved to Buttefly existence.And the more butteflies one feels within the more their ability of soaring in infinite possibilities expands.Pure Magic.#feelmorethanfine

Donations are welcome

Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:

Galactic Federation Summons All StarseedsWe the Galactic Federation of Light summon all the Starseeds and Lightworkers on Earth to raise their vibration and send out this message to the dark forces on this planet.

According to Universal Law, we the Galactic body that oversee this part of the Cosmos, do not give the dark forces of energy our permission to continue using the energy of the people of Earth for their own ends.
As Governors of Light, we urge you to leave the good citizens of Earth alone, after many thousands of years of being allowed to remain on this plane of existence, due only to the Law of Freewill, which was given to this planet at the beginning.
Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:
We the people of Earth do not give you, the invisible dark forces, beings and entities, permission to control us in any form imaginable.
We do not give you permission to make us war against each other, to poison our food and water supplies, to poison us with chemicals that harm the human body, the animals and the environment.
We the people do not give you permission to hold our Sovereignty from us or to govern us through heads of State that profit from the people energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other forms of vampirism.
We the people now take our planet Earth back under our control for the betterment of All the citizens on the planet and demand you, the dark forces which are part of the invisible, to leave this planet with immediate effect.
This message is out for all to see and should be read out loud, copied, reproduced in all realms of existence concerning this planet and the Solar System we reside in.
• Only those entities and energies of positive vibration and higher frequency will be given permission to occupy this planet Earth.
• We the Citizens of Earth now take back our home and evict all negative energies, beings and entities that reside here.
• By the powers and laws of the Universe – leave now!
• Earth Gaia is a frequency of light that no longer allows lower, negative frequencies to inhabit the surface or indeed any region under the surface of the planet.
• All beings who do not vibrate a higher frequency of positive and loving energy for All – leave now – leave this planet in peace!
• This declaration of Sovereignty for planet Earth is Complete.
• Leave the waters of our Universe, for your presence here is no longer agreed upon.
This is the Galactic Federation of Light. We thank the citizens of Earth for their endurances throughout timelines of Planet Earth in its many forms. We love you all and help release you from all the negativity you have had to endure.
We are sending you new integrated light energy for the purpose of your healing as a Global Nation.
We express our gratitude for your high resolve in this Galactic matter and ask that you hold the light for short bursts and then send to the earth, to ground the energy deep within your planet.
All negative frequencies, energies, beings and entities will move to another plane of existence to live out the destiny that has been set.
The planet will no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source and will undergo a deep healing process and regenerate back to its original template it was created to be.
We, the Federation, ask you to assist in getting this message of declaration out and to transmute all negative thought forms, emotions and energies, back to Source for healing and integration of your DNA codes.
We serve the greater good and aid the citizens of Earth at this time in history, as it was meant to be. Send your own declaration messages out now – For it is time.
 -The Galactic Federation & First Contact Ground Crew Team
Love Has WON!

You can have an awareness that something is not working for you and still choose to direct the bulk of your energetic currency (your focus and attention) to create beyond it.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Disengage to Open Space

If there is one area of your life you find particularly problematic, we invite you to explore what you would do if you knew with 100% certainty that area was about to sort itself out. What would you think about? What energy would you release? What direction would you suddenly flow toward? What new thing would you start to engage with?

It is a powerful act to take back the energy you pour into what you perceive to be your greatest challenge. How much of your energy do you use pushing against what is unwanted? By choosing to disengage you immediately open up space for expansion. You allow the flow to carry you over, around, or through the issue to the solutions that exist on the other side of it.

We are not suggesting that you ignore any major issue in your life. You can have an awareness that something is not working for you and still choose to direct the bulk of your energetic currency (your focus and attention) to create beyond it. You do that by shifting into broad intention, flow, and the conscious engagement of your preferences.

start planning it in your mind, and feeling what you would like to do, within your heart…and how you would like to help others.-JFK-

April 25, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy – A Transcription

Hello, this is JFK, or Jack, as I like to be called. I welcome all my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers tonight, and I am just going to give a brief message…

And it is about the hope for our future, and it is not very far away, truthfully. In fact, as many of you know, it is already happening behind the scenes…there are many, many positive things happening already. We are just now getting closer to when they are coming out into the Light, so to speak…and that is going to be a wondrous time!

There is much chaos going around right now, as I know you all are feeling, and you all are very concerned about it…however, there are certain “intel” people whom you can trust. You can use your own discernment as to which ones those are. However, you may trust that we are moving forward. There is no question about that, at all…and I say that with much truthfulness.

When I was on earth, more than fifty years ago, I was trying to bring us to this point, so I am elated to see that we have finally reached the point of no return…in a good way…for a positive return to our new future.

Hence, I just wanted to speak about our future a little bit. Now, I have said this many times before; however we need to focus, each of us individually, on what we can do to help bring about our positive future.

Each one of you has skills and abilities, and a passion for doing certain creative tasks and projects that will help to bring about both directly and indirectly, to bring about our wonderful new future.

Hence, I would just like to talk a little bit about the technologies that are coming. You all know about the med beds; however, there are so many other types of technology that are going to be beneficial to all of us…most especially the free energy.

That is going to be the biggest change in our lives for the most part, because it will allow most people to be able to quit the job that they have and are not enjoying, and to find something they are passionate about, and to take the time they need to find something they are passionate about, because they will not have to earn nearly as much money as they were needing to in order to pay for the energy they were using in the past.

It is going to change the whole fabric of our society when energy becomes “free.” Taxes will go away…there will be a great need for the “retraining” of many, many people. However, it should be a joyous thing when that happens because many old, boring jobs will go away when the new technology comes out.

There will be technicians needed to learn to use the med beds, and there will be a great need for humanitarians. Now, many of you have heard of the Financial Reset and the Revaluation (RV), and there are people ready to begin very large projects that are going to need many, many new workers. They will be able to match up all these people who no longer have their boring jobs anymore, and want to do something that they are passionate about.

There is going to be a great global database that keeps track of all the humanitarian efforts out there, and there will be many opportunities for folks who are looking for jobs, to match up their passion, with one of these humanitarian projects. There will be thousands, and even millions of jobs needed for these humanitarian projects, so that we might cause everyone in our world to become equal again…in stature, in financial standing, and primarily to have all the basics of life.

However, it goes beyond that because eventually we are going to be able to do things that we haven’t been able to do in the past. We are going to be able to enjoy ourselves and do things that we enjoy…and do things that we Love to do!…and I say “we” because I feel I am a part of all of you here. I am with you all the time right now, and I am sending you Love, and I am sending you Energy to help you to keep going during these very challenging times.

Well, I just wanted to give you this rather short message, to say to “keep your chin up!” please, and we know that better times are ahead…and start thinking about what kind of a wondrous, passionate job you would like to have…a vocation, where you could do good for others, and you can use your special skills and abilities.

I primarily wanted to ask you all to start thinking in that way, and to start thinking about our future, because it is going to be here sooner than you realize…and I want you all to start planning it in your mind, and feeling what you would like to do, within your heart…and how you would like to help others.

So, I thank you for listening and I will be speaking with you again shortly, and I Love you all, and I am here, always.

Your ever-devoted, Jack.


You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well.

Your Tribe, Your Soul Family & Becoming Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are a collective within a collective within another collective, and so on, and so on. We came together to become this particular collective because of the vibration that we were all offering as individuated consciousnesses, and we were drawn to each other. Our collective naturally formed. You are at a point in your spiritual evolution where you are simply going to find that you are harmonizing with, that you are attracted to, other humans who are offering a similar vibration to the one you are offering. You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well.

And then you can act and talk to each other with those similar goals that you have in mind. You can co-create a better version of reality together for all of you and for the larger collective of which you are a part. When you realize that you have this power, this ability, you are also recognizing how you become Source Energy again. And of course, you never stopped being Source Energy, but you don’t always operate with that full knowing of who you are. When you start to think of yourself more as a collective, that’s how you become closer to Source, and the Source Energy vibration, perspective, agenda, and so on.

You want to see and feel and demonstrate how you are all connected there on Earth. That is why when you care about someone that you have never met and that you have nothing in common with, someone whose struggle is much different from yours, you feel yourself becoming more whole. You become a more complete version of yourself because you are in reality a collective already. But some people know this to be true, and some people do not.

When you base who you are interested in collaborating with on vibration, rather than on any other superficial aspect of who you are, you access more of the power that you all hold within you as individuals. When you come together naturally and organically, you can really feel the synergy that is created through the coming together of all of the various parts.

All of your fellow humans play their role in this powerful, co-creative, collaborative group that you form. But if you only come together with those who look like you, who went to the same high school that you did, or who are members of your family of origin, then you are less likely to grow and expand into more of your true selves. You needn’t come together with others just out of habit or out of a sense of obligation, but instead you can allow the universe to bring you those who will resonate with you and give you more of that feeling of becoming your whole selves.

Eventually, everyone will resonate with you, and you will feel more empowered by coming together with every single human there on Earth, but you are simply not at that time yet, and that’s okay. It’s okay to realize that you’re not in vibrational harmony with someone, and offer that person love, compassion, maybe even forgiveness, from afar.

Allow yourselves to be with your tribe, with your soul family, and feel how much more of Source you become, as you see yourselves as a collective, rather than as individuals who are each trying to get what you all need to survive. You are coming upon a time there on Earth where these types of collaborative collectives are going to be needed to help advance the consciousness even further and to help spark that initiative to bring all of you together as one, one human collective, one family, one group of ascending beings, because that is truly who you are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You’re a Butterfly, Not a Caterpillar

Dear Ones,

You are not alone. Of course, you have heard that phrase so many times; it holds little meaning for you. But we wish to reiterate that such is true because your next phase might seem lonely.

Even if you have not yet left your cocoon, you have completed your cocoon stage.

This next phase is a bit more complicated. Not because it has to be, but because we, of the Universes, cannot necessarily explain it in 3D terms.

You are starting to fly or flit.

Once you exit your cocoon, if you have not already, you will need to explore your new world. Similar to a caterpillar leaving its cocoon and discovering it can fly with new objectives. The exiting butterfly unfolds its wings and discovers nutrition in new elements, especially flowers. Do you not suppose that butterfly might try several flowering types before it finds its favorite or most easily accessible?

So it is for you. You will likely flit from interest to interest until you find the interest that best sustains your new being. Do not be concerned if that discovery process takes days, weeks, or months. Finding your new you interests is not a race, but instead a dedicated effort to explore your puzzle piece in new dimensions and frequencies.

New you has combined segments from different lifetimes, frequencies, and dimensions. So it is, new you is reaching out to tap this and that interest in the quest of finding a new totality. Just as is true for a butterfly searching for a favorite flower.

Your new world has little to do with your former 3D life. For some, that thought is frightening, for others, exciting.

Such feelings do not matter, for you are not who you were and will never be again.

You have stepped out of your former 3D life into a new world with a new being. Just as the caterpillar and butterfly no longer interact even though they are part of one another, so it will be for you in your new life.

You were once a human interacting and functioning in 3D. You are no longer that human. You evolved into a flying entity that has little to do with 3D. For you transitioned into a Universal being with skills far beyond anything imagined by your 3D being.

In a sense, you have become the alien from outer space you have long discussed and even feared. You are so different as to be labeled a nonhuman, for you have merged your Universal being with your human body.

Eventually, you will not be able to interact with those who remain of 3D, for you will not understand one another. You are no longer alike, except for skin color, as was true in 3D. You are nothing like a 3D human – just as a butterfly is nothing like a caterpillar.

There will be little need for you to interact or even pretend you are comfortable in a 3D world. Any more than a butterfly attempts to crawl on the ground, or a caterpillar flies.

You are different. Allow that to be in all its ramifications. It is almost as if a wall separates you from the 3D world.

For some, that last phrase indicates you will not care about any but those who have transitioned beyond 3D. Such is not true. For you will generate sparkles of joy and fun encouraging those firmly of 3D to move beyond 3D. If such does not interest them, you will flit away.

Throughout your interest-seeking stage, you will flutter past those of 3D trying to attract their attention. But once you establish your primary interest or interests, you will be so enmeshed in your new world as not to care if those of 3D follow.

You are not alone for millions are now awakening. But if your friends and family wish to remain of 3D, you will have less and less interest in them or their needs.

You are flying, ready to encourage those wavering to fly with you. But if they show little interest or need, you will not stop to pull them along, for you are a butterfly, and they are caterpillars.

Such does not mean caterpillars will never transition, but instead that you will have little need to be with them when they do unless they transition within a few days of your interest search.

The schism between you and those who do not wish to transition will become too great.

So it is you will find less and less need to interact with those of 3D and they with you. The earth is becoming two separate planets in one. Those fully of 3D will continue living in fear, and those beyond 3D will be in joy.

This life is the last hurrah for those of 3D, for never again will earth be populated by 3D beings. It is a new world.

This shift is like that of a shift from horse and carriage to airplanes. The only relationship is both are modes of transportation. The earth has become an airplane system as it will be forevermore. So be it. Amen.

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Excellent self care prepares you to succeed when the next action phase is energetically supported to break through into your awareness.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Honor the Flow

April 25, 2021, trinityesoterics.com

The idea that there is ever a static moment where nothing is happening in your life is not only completely false, it is impossible.

Dear Ones, you are beings of continual growth and expansion. You are also beings of flow. There is always movement occurring, it is simply tangible, or intangible.

If you are not experiencing movement in your lives, it simply means that all the action is happening behind the scenes, preparing you for your next big adventure. In the mean time, you may be getting caught up on your rest, shifting something internally, or integrating the latest energy download that is necessary for your success when the action phase comes.

Excellent self care prepares you to succeed when the next action phase is energetically supported to break through into your awareness. We urge you to simply honour the system of the entirety of the flow and make the most out of whatever phase you are in, because both work together in the most complex and efficient ways to ensure you can successfully realize your dreams.

What is happening in the Human form is the braiding of polarity. Particularly the masculine and the feminine as this was the first split.

Jenny Schiltz ~ Council of Light: Becoming Whole

The intensity of things have really sped up. The sun is very active and sending in lots of plasma to assist us with these deep changes. The Schumann Resonance is, the heartbeat of the Earth is speeding up as well.

I shared with my Aura Cleanse members that I was told and shown that Earth has been moved back on track. It seems we were going off in left field. They showed me an image of a lasso pulling the Earth back into alignment with the universe and this is exciting good news! Even though the process of uncovering and working through all that was not in alignment in our inner and outer worlds is a challenge. It is still good news.

I was recently in a meeting with the Council of Light. It was the largest meeting I have ever attended. It was as if all the smaller councils had gathered and there were many, many spectators.

In this meeting it was explained that the earth is getting ready to go through tremendous change. It was likened to a pregnant woman that moved from contractions like Braxton Hicks to full active labor.

Here is what was said:

“With this labor is a mass exodus of energies that no longer will be able to sustain themselves in the increasing frequency. With each contraction the vibration on Earth and within humans will rise.

Each person at a soul level is being given the option to leave or continue forward. There are those that have reached their goal of moving from one vibrational frequency to the next or who have anchored in what was needed and this is enough.

Contracts are ending. Some are being rewritten but those that are being rewritten often have end dates attached. This gives each person the opportunity to evaluate all in their lives and choose what is appropriate for them.

No longer will one be caught in a never ending loop that keeps a person locked into a pattern of behavior and thoughts. This is very important as we would like you to understand that all taking place energetically on your planet is so that the unconscious is made light and in that moment there is a choice.

The Earth is heating up as is the human form. There will be changes made to the landscape of your world in the next 5 years. This change will be used to induce fear and manipulate free will. It does not have to be this way.

If one feels the urge to move to a different location, we urge them to follow that push. Each person that follows their deepest urging must know that all will be fine, they will be provided for. However, we do not want people leaving a location because of fear of what may come. Rather, we want them moving towards something, somewhere, even someone with great excitement.

Fear will overshadow, cloud, even corrupt the messages your heart gives. For this reason, we ask each one to examine their fears and do their best to not react from that space.

What is happening in the Human form is the braiding of polarity. Particularly the masculine and the feminine as this was the first split. As the masculine and feminine within braid together, no longer acting in opposition, an activation takes place and the polarity within will change.

For some this braiding may aggravate mental health issues, depression and an overwhelming sense of the need to leave. We advise that each person look at their personality traits and think of what is the opposite.

What is the polarity of what they are holding? Can they then make themselves whole by bringing in the opposite trait? If one is holding sadness can they then also hold joy? If they are holding rage can they also hold peace?

It is the polarity, the either or, that causes much discord in the human form. It makes them susceptible to programming, to be pushed and pulled in whatever direction the world would like the person to go.

While this may seem counter-intuitive, it is not. It is through the duality, the polarities that one is vulnerable, one is susceptible to manipulation. As soon as one says I can hold love and I can hold hate and I CHOOSE which way to act, then at that moment there is immense healing.

Healing will not take place by denying or pretending to not be the all. Rather healing takes place when one understands that You Are the All choosing to act in the light.

There has been much damage done to the Divine Feminine and Masculine on your planet, yet the healing cannot begin until all the traits are seen, recognized, and understood. It is the shadow aspects within that are coming to light.

For many this will be a time of challenge. To not get lost in the fear that is being drummed up on your planet. To not get caught up in the outer reality and miss the transformation that is happening within.

The braiding of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine within the DNA will shift each person and could cause many symptoms as mentioned before particularly in the realm of mental health.”

At this point, questions were able to be asked.

Me: How do we assist ourselves and others through this next stage whether it is the braiding of the masculine and feminine, the first split into duality or the understanding of wholeness? Do you have any suggestions?

“You assist by really seeing yourself. For the good, for the bad. Can you then see that you also hold the opposite characteristics. For one who is not routine based, can they also hold discipline? For one who is lazy they can also hold motivation? That each moment is a choice.

When you have an emotion that could be considered undesirable, do not try to clear it, as it is part of the all, rather bring in the opposite characteristic. Each word has its own frequency, its own opening into your field.

I ask you where do you hold war?”

Me: I hold it between my solar plexus and my heart chakra, it feels as if it is clenching. But I also have pain in my lower back.

“Very good. Now examine the meaning or archetype of that chakra and what the meaning of lower back pain”

Me: Solar plexus is the place of the me, the human, heart is the place of the soul and lower back pain can be from feeling unsupported, taking on the world type energies.

“Yes! Now bring in peace into your lower back and your chakras

Now if I say to you where do you hold joy? What area of your body activates? Which chakra?”

Me: It is my higher heart and the area between my shoulders and around my head but it’s outside the body there.

“This is very good to see. For you see where you are holding joy outside of yourself not within, it must be called in. Not simply residing within the higher heart chakra of your soul. Invite it in.”

Me: I invite Joy now to every cell of my being may it make a home within me.

“Now look at the opposite of joy. We would call it sorrow or malaise. Where do you hold that?”

Me: Immediately what comes up is my intestines.

“Yes, now specifically invite joy into those spaces.

Me: I invite Joy into my stomach, my large intestine, my small intestine, my duodenum, my colon, I invite joy into the way that I absorb life. I invite joy in now.

“This is a very valuable teaching tool. Use it with yourself and those that you assist. Help them to see where they are holding one frequency but yet they can also hold the other. It is not about getting rid of one emotion It is about inviting in the opposite and then choosing.

Me: Thank you for your help.

“It is our deepest pleasure to assist humanity in this way.”

I hope that this information and tool helps you to work with the intense emotions that we are all feeling. May we love ourselves completely as we come into a place of wholeness. Be easy on yourself and others.

Thank you to all that share and support this work. You are very appreciated. If you have not already done so, please join my mailing list so you will receive this blog and other things via email. Social media has become quite unreliable for disseminating information.


Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Loving Others in Their Own Chosen Path

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.

At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.

Set the energy you want in your world by awakening your consciousness to all the good available to you. It’s a matter of choice. Attune yourself to only that which you would have in your life. Release the need to be right. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that threaten your happiness.

Moment to moment, make the choice to live in the Light of True Love. As you do, you are being a true bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Making the choice for Love allows you to be in the world but not of the world. When you make the choice to love others as they are, you pave the way for a mass awakening of Love on the planet so all may be free.

Receive Love, give Love and be Love. With this loving energy as your intention, remember your Message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world.