Are you going through a dark, confusing, lonely time? THIS is the bright light at the end of the tunnel.

This last year has brought to the majority of humanity, what lightworkers have been experiencing since they have stepped foot on earth, loneliness, confusion, identity crisis, mental distress, or a complete feeling of being in the dark with no one to relate to or talk to.

Before falling into the trap of outsourcing your power by having someone try to tell you what’s “wrong” with you by rushing to the doctor to get a prescription for depression or anxiety medication, let’s go over the immense benefits of traveling through this uncomfortable pain, or what I refer to as “the valley of darkness”, to take your power back!

What society has never taught humans, is that 1, it is OK and completely normal to feel this way and go through this, and 2, that going through it will make you happier, stronger, and more fulfilled than covering it up. In fact, anxiety, depression, and an array of other illnesses are a bi-product of living in a world that is so far away from our natural state and not listening to our soul’s calling. For when we mask it, we often live with long-term anxiety/depression/etc, and it will just continue to erupt in a different way throughout life. This is also why many people have “mid-life crises” and mental breakdowns when they are older. (Insert the world’s mental breakdown that is happening right now!). Society makes you feel ashamed, or like there is something wrong with you for feeling these uncomfortable feelings because you don’t fit the narrative of the “societal lukewarm life”, which then fuels addictions, shamefulness, emotional eating, unhealthy attachment issues, and many other things that the structures of our world easily have a “solution” for of course. Why may you ask? Well, because the way society has been structured will not benefit from you being whole, happy, and healed, but rather keeping you down and under easy control. But those days are over. The number of people that have been forced to sit back and go within, through the valley of darkness, is higher than ever before.

Collectively we have been going through the dark night of the soul, simply put a valley of seemingly unending darkness where you feel everything you have never wanted to feel inside of you, at a very fast deep level. The more you resist it, the harder it becomes, the more you allow the feelings and truth to flow through you, the easier and actually more positive experience it becomes. In no way am I downplaying how uncomfortable it is while you are going through it, because I to have been there, however speaking from experience its worth the period of discomfort rather than numbing it, as I’ve done both.

Going through the valley of darkness is lonly because you are in the process of unbecoming and letting go of all the facads society has created of you, and reconecting with your higher self which you have only maybe met a few times through your intuitive nudges or “gut feelings” that you may have brushed off as nothing in the past. Friends can seem far away, and you may even lose some or disconnect from the majority of those who have been around you your entire life. Have no fear, this is normal and filled with much value.

What happens after you go through this valley of darkness? Your own awakening, your personal spiritual enlightenment are on the other side. You become healed, and your viewpoints change on just about everything. You no longer view the world, situations, and people through the lens of trauma which distorts everything, yet you view them from higher perspective and inevitably become a conduit of unconditional love and understanding, filled with compassion and a deep desire for truth.

Once you re-connect with your own higher self, and lead from a higher perspective, you will naturally be vibrating higher, and living in a higher frequency. This is when you will automatically link and connect with new people who are on that same frequency as you. You will have a deep sense of “family” and “belonging” as you have never experienced before.

The veils between all sources of created division, separation, this side that side. right and wrong, evaporate. As you look at life through a healed lens, you are able to think more critically, freely, and for yourself, rather than be subjected to society victim propaganda and personal agenda. You will be able to look at things objectively and come to new conclusions rather than “fighting” or battling for this or that. You understand that every human can only understand things from their level of perception and frequency. You become an enlightened soul.

If you have always felt like you never “fit in”, it’s because you were never meant to. If the structures of society never resonated with you, it’s because you are here to create new ones. If you have always felt like an outsider, it’s because you are here with a BIG purpose to fulfill. Many people spend years, or even most of their life trying to do what is “right” by society, or their parents wishes, wasting precious time resisting their soul’s calling and desires. But this past year has been divinely guided to assist humanity to stop fulfilling society shoulds, and focus not their own needs. Millions and millions of people have been going through the valley of darkness willingly, without resistance any longer because the contrast is so strong, and the result is a new world emerging from that ashes. A new world built on love and not on a fake facade. It’s happening right now. The world is going through its own dark night of the soul as a direct result of humanity doing so.

You are not alone, in feeling lonly. In fact, even those st spiritually evolved go through new periods of darkness from time to time. Each new level of spiritual evolution requires you to let go and grow more. And you begin to love it and crave the benefits that come after it. It’s like a caterpillar in a cocoon, if you resist it, you will always stay a caterpillar. but if you can withstand the short time of darkness, you come out a beautiful butterfly and can fly higher than your wildest imagination.

Ashley Ulizzi

Gaia Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth! by Linda Dillon:

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating…

GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth!

Greetings, I am Gaia, I AM Gi’Anna – and welcome, beloved ones, angels and hybrids, starseeds and earthkeepers. I welcome you, the New You that is the true you, that has always infinitely and indelibly been you. I come to you as sister, as brother, as Mother, as Archangel.

The New You that emerges, that resurrects, is the truth and the power, the beauty, the determination of who you have always been as inter/multidimensional being, integrated, balanced, intentional.

When I have transformed into this planetary awareness, I have invited each of you originally and in this very moment of what you think of as the infinity of time, and I have invited you to join with me in the glory, in the beauty of Creation, in the sweetness of community.

This physicality that you have assumed in form is a very curious form, and it is quite petite compared to my planetary form, is it not! But never mind because each of you are powerhouses, each of you are generators, each of you are transmitters, each of you are anchors, all of the above, of love – and each of you are powerful creators, just as I am.

For yes, this is intended to be a planet of love but, sweet angels of light, it is also intended, and is, and will be a planet of creation, a planet of the new, a planet of the original, the unfoldment of the Plan, of the promise that we have all made, yes, to the Mother but to each other as well.

Do not think, sweet ones, that I am not cognizant of the breadth and might of who you are, yes, each and every one of you. You have declared yourselves, particularly in this incarnation, as my allies and as the allies to your Star Family, as the allies to the kingdoms that now can come out of hiding to join in community and creation once again.

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating, yes, in tandem – yes, with me – but also with the galaxy, the universe, the multiverse, the omniverse. There is no separation!

Now, you have been so constricted and frozen in time and space, and now, as you embrace and open your being, not just your heart – yes, that is the on/off switch – but as you open to truly engage, not with this or that dimension, this or that timeline, this or that aspect, but with the totality, you join with me in the realm of 12 dimensions, in the realm of 144 levels, in the realm of the octaves.

You join with me not because there is any level of coercion or control, or even what you might think of as need, for security has been a very big issue for the human race. Security is not something we tend to concern ourselves with a great deal.

So what you are doing with us – and us with you – is birthing, renewing, and expanding. When I say you are returning to original promise, that is so, and it is in divine allowing, acceptance, and praise of the One. But you are also expanding upon that. You have declared your willingness, your desire, and your readiness to use the tools, the energies at hand to not be stuck, uni-dimensional, frozen, isolated, separated in the illusion that has been a construct of mankind, of humankind – and yes, mostly mankind!

It is over! It is done! Yes, there is rehabilitation, yes, there is reconstruction, and you are being helped from every corner of the Omniverse. The time of preparation, of learning, of waiting, of yearning comes to a close.

So I, as your planetary sister, I come in love to welcome you, the totality of you as Nova Gaian, as unique and beautiful individual, as the powerhouse that you are. I welcome you to Nova Earth, to freedom, to liberation, to a new realm and cycle of existence. I welcome you home! And I am helping you.


Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

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