Daily Archives: April 27, 2021
Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:
Galactic Federation Summons All StarseedsWe the Galactic Federation of Light summon all the Starseeds and Lightworkers on Earth to raise their vibration and send out this message to the dark forces on this planet.
According to Universal Law, we the Galactic body that oversee this part of the Cosmos, do not give the dark forces of energy our permission to continue using the energy of the people of Earth for their own ends.
As Governors of Light, we urge you to leave the good citizens of Earth alone, after many thousands of years of being allowed to remain on this plane of existence, due only to the Law of Freewill, which was given to this planet at the beginning.
Starseeds, Lightworkers and Citizens of Earth please state out loud:
We the people of Earth do not give you, the invisible dark forces, beings and entities, permission to control us in any form imaginable.
We do not give you permission to make us war against each other, to poison our food and water supplies, to poison us with chemicals that harm the human body, the animals and the environment.
We the people do not give you permission to hold our Sovereignty from us or to govern us through heads of State that profit from the people energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other forms of vampirism.
We the people now take our planet Earth back under our control for the betterment of All the citizens on the planet and demand you, the dark forces which are part of the invisible, to leave this planet with immediate effect.
This message is out for all to see and should be read out loud, copied, reproduced in all realms of existence concerning this planet and the Solar System we reside in.
• Only those entities and energies of positive vibration and higher frequency will be given permission to occupy this planet Earth.
• We the Citizens of Earth now take back our home and evict all negative energies, beings and entities that reside here.
• By the powers and laws of the Universe – leave now!
• Earth Gaia is a frequency of light that no longer allows lower, negative frequencies to inhabit the surface or indeed any region under the surface of the planet.
• All beings who do not vibrate a higher frequency of positive and loving energy for All – leave now – leave this planet in peace!
• This declaration of Sovereignty for planet Earth is Complete.
• Leave the waters of our Universe, for your presence here is no longer agreed upon.
This is the Galactic Federation of Light. We thank the citizens of Earth for their endurances throughout timelines of Planet Earth in its many forms. We love you all and help release you from all the negativity you have had to endure.
We are sending you new integrated light energy for the purpose of your healing as a Global Nation.
We express our gratitude for your high resolve in this Galactic matter and ask that you hold the light for short bursts and then send to the earth, to ground the energy deep within your planet.
All negative frequencies, energies, beings and entities will move to another plane of existence to live out the destiny that has been set.
The planet will no longer carry energy that is not of pure Source and will undergo a deep healing process and regenerate back to its original template it was created to be.
We, the Federation, ask you to assist in getting this message of declaration out and to transmute all negative thought forms, emotions and energies, back to Source for healing and integration of your DNA codes.
We serve the greater good and aid the citizens of Earth at this time in history, as it was meant to be. Send your own declaration messages out now – For it is time.
-The Galactic Federation & First Contact Ground Crew Team
Love Has WON!
You can have an awareness that something is not working for you and still choose to direct the bulk of your energetic currency (your focus and attention) to create beyond it.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Disengage to Open Space
If there is one area of your life you find particularly problematic, we invite you to explore what you would do if you knew with 100% certainty that area was about to sort itself out. What would you think about? What energy would you release? What direction would you suddenly flow toward? What new thing would you start to engage with?
It is a powerful act to take back the energy you pour into what you perceive to be your greatest challenge. How much of your energy do you use pushing against what is unwanted? By choosing to disengage you immediately open up space for expansion. You allow the flow to carry you over, around, or through the issue to the solutions that exist on the other side of it.
We are not suggesting that you ignore any major issue in your life. You can have an awareness that something is not working for you and still choose to direct the bulk of your energetic currency (your focus and attention) to create beyond it. You do that by shifting into broad intention, flow, and the conscious engagement of your preferences.
start planning it in your mind, and feeling what you would like to do, within your heart…and how you would like to help others.-JFK-
April 25, 2021
Message from John F. Kennedy – A Transcription
Hello, this is JFK, or Jack, as I like to be called. I welcome all my beloved Patriots and Lightworkers tonight, and I am just going to give a brief message…
And it is about the hope for our future, and it is not very far away, truthfully. In fact, as many of you know, it is already happening behind the scenes…there are many, many positive things happening already. We are just now getting closer to when they are coming out into the Light, so to speak…and that is going to be a wondrous time!
There is much chaos going around right now, as I know you all are feeling, and you all are very concerned about it…however, there are certain “intel” people whom you can trust. You can use your own discernment as to which ones those are. However, you may trust that we are moving forward. There is no question about that, at all…and I say that with much truthfulness.
When I was on earth, more than fifty years ago, I was trying to bring us to this point, so I am elated to see that we have finally reached the point of no return…in a good way…for a positive return to our new future.
Hence, I just wanted to speak about our future a little bit. Now, I have said this many times before; however we need to focus, each of us individually, on what we can do to help bring about our positive future.
Each one of you has skills and abilities, and a passion for doing certain creative tasks and projects that will help to bring about both directly and indirectly, to bring about our wonderful new future.
Hence, I would just like to talk a little bit about the technologies that are coming. You all know about the med beds; however, there are so many other types of technology that are going to be beneficial to all of us…most especially the free energy.
That is going to be the biggest change in our lives for the most part, because it will allow most people to be able to quit the job that they have and are not enjoying, and to find something they are passionate about, and to take the time they need to find something they are passionate about, because they will not have to earn nearly as much money as they were needing to in order to pay for the energy they were using in the past.
It is going to change the whole fabric of our society when energy becomes “free.” Taxes will go away…there will be a great need for the “retraining” of many, many people. However, it should be a joyous thing when that happens because many old, boring jobs will go away when the new technology comes out.
There will be technicians needed to learn to use the med beds, and there will be a great need for humanitarians. Now, many of you have heard of the Financial Reset and the Revaluation (RV), and there are people ready to begin very large projects that are going to need many, many new workers. They will be able to match up all these people who no longer have their boring jobs anymore, and want to do something that they are passionate about.
There is going to be a great global database that keeps track of all the humanitarian efforts out there, and there will be many opportunities for folks who are looking for jobs, to match up their passion, with one of these humanitarian projects. There will be thousands, and even millions of jobs needed for these humanitarian projects, so that we might cause everyone in our world to become equal again…in stature, in financial standing, and primarily to have all the basics of life.
However, it goes beyond that because eventually we are going to be able to do things that we haven’t been able to do in the past. We are going to be able to enjoy ourselves and do things that we enjoy…and do things that we Love to do!…and I say “we” because I feel I am a part of all of you here. I am with you all the time right now, and I am sending you Love, and I am sending you Energy to help you to keep going during these very challenging times.
Well, I just wanted to give you this rather short message, to say to “keep your chin up!” please, and we know that better times are ahead…and start thinking about what kind of a wondrous, passionate job you would like to have…a vocation, where you could do good for others, and you can use your special skills and abilities.
I primarily wanted to ask you all to start thinking in that way, and to start thinking about our future, because it is going to be here sooner than you realize…and I want you all to start planning it in your mind, and feeling what you would like to do, within your heart…and how you would like to help others.
So, I thank you for listening and I will be speaking with you again shortly, and I Love you all, and I am here, always.
Your ever-devoted, Jack.
You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well.
Your Tribe, Your Soul Family & Becoming Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are a collective within a collective within another collective, and so on, and so on. We came together to become this particular collective because of the vibration that we were all offering as individuated consciousnesses, and we were drawn to each other. Our collective naturally formed. You are at a point in your spiritual evolution where you are simply going to find that you are harmonizing with, that you are attracted to, other humans who are offering a similar vibration to the one you are offering. You are going to come together with those individuals who likely will have a similar perspective on life as well.
And then you can act and talk to each other with those similar goals that you have in mind. You can co-create a better version of reality together for all of you and for the larger collective of which you are a part. When you realize that you have this power, this ability, you are also recognizing how you become Source Energy again. And of course, you never stopped being Source Energy, but you don’t always operate with that full knowing of who you are. When you start to think of yourself more as a collective, that’s how you become closer to Source, and the Source Energy vibration, perspective, agenda, and so on.
You want to see and feel and demonstrate how you are all connected there on Earth. That is why when you care about someone that you have never met and that you have nothing in common with, someone whose struggle is much different from yours, you feel yourself becoming more whole. You become a more complete version of yourself because you are in reality a collective already. But some people know this to be true, and some people do not.
When you base who you are interested in collaborating with on vibration, rather than on any other superficial aspect of who you are, you access more of the power that you all hold within you as individuals. When you come together naturally and organically, you can really feel the synergy that is created through the coming together of all of the various parts.
All of your fellow humans play their role in this powerful, co-creative, collaborative group that you form. But if you only come together with those who look like you, who went to the same high school that you did, or who are members of your family of origin, then you are less likely to grow and expand into more of your true selves. You needn’t come together with others just out of habit or out of a sense of obligation, but instead you can allow the universe to bring you those who will resonate with you and give you more of that feeling of becoming your whole selves.
Eventually, everyone will resonate with you, and you will feel more empowered by coming together with every single human there on Earth, but you are simply not at that time yet, and that’s okay. It’s okay to realize that you’re not in vibrational harmony with someone, and offer that person love, compassion, maybe even forgiveness, from afar.
Allow yourselves to be with your tribe, with your soul family, and feel how much more of Source you become, as you see yourselves as a collective, rather than as individuals who are each trying to get what you all need to survive. You are coming upon a time there on Earth where these types of collaborative collectives are going to be needed to help advance the consciousness even further and to help spark that initiative to bring all of you together as one, one human collective, one family, one group of ascending beings, because that is truly who you are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”