Trinity of Archangel Healing by Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honor to be in your presence and to bring forth the Angelic vibrations.

Today I bring forth the Angelic vibrations of Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel. We create a trinity, a trio of Archangel light and Archangel healing that we wish to share with you.

As we come forth as three, we wish to instigate and provide to you a healing vibration that supports you in your current stage of existence. We each represent a quality of the Creator,

I, Archangel Michael, represent the Divine Will of the Creator,

Archangel Raphael represents the Divine Awareness of the Creator,

Archangel Gabriel represents the Divine Expression of the Creator.

The New Earth Ascension Blueprint has anchored into your being and the Earth. It continues to be activated, manifesting upon the Earth, creating a new earth, a new world and existence for you to embody and experience.

There are so many changes, shifts and transformations taking place that you may find it confusing, unsettling, and may experience yourself lacking in balance. It may occur to you that everyone around you is changing and you are remaining still or maybe you are changing so much and everyone around you is noticing.

There is so much change occurring on the earth now and especially within your being as the New Earth Ascension Blueprint takes place upon the Earth and becomes more physically manifested for all to experience. As this manifestation takes place you may notice your attention being drawn to focus upon the turmoil, the turmoil in the world and the turmoil occurring within your being.

You may discover that old energies which you have buried, confusion which you have long forgotten or simply feelings of being unsettled, unstable or unbalanced may come to the surface, which you have not recognized nor experienced for a while. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is bringing everything to the surface which is not of the light and the truth of the Creator.

We are all stepping through a doorway now, a doorway into a new world. It is very much as if we are all packing our holiday bags choosing exactly what we want to take with us into the new world and what we want to leave behind.

It is often what we really want to leave behind and know we need to leave behind that is challenging and sometimes difficult to acknowledge. Many energies will come to the surface to be acknowledged and therefore we, the three Archangels, wish to bring our healing vibrations to you in order to support you in feeling more grounded, settled, able to cope with the changes occurring and the shifts in the reality around you and within you while focusing and allowing yourself to understand things that are the truth and things that are not.

We wish to bring forth a healing vibration, that holds the Divine will, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator, promoting these within your being.

As you walk through the door into the new world, it is these three energies you will need.

The Divine Will of the Creator, the Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression, which you could also translate as intuition, awareness of who you are, and expression wish to integrate into your entire being.

This integration wishes to take place within your physical body, your awareness of your emotions, your thoughts, what you wish to create, and how you are acting and reacting with yourself and others.

Divine Awareness is a recognition of the truth and what is not the truth, what you wish to create in the world and an understanding of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint as it activates further.

Divine Expression is the key purpose for your existence upon the Earth, and the important purpose of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint.

The more you can express the Creator the easier you will find it to exist in the world. The easier you will be able to be fulfilled, complete, successful, to be love and peaceful.

Our three energies act as stabilizers to support you as you enter through the doorway into a new world.

The process of walking through the doorway may take time, it may take months even years.

You are an extremely sensitive being composed of multiple levels and dimensions. Such transitions cannot take place instantly because there is a need for your awareness of everything that is taking place to learn how to exist within your body and the reality being created now.

The new earth I, Archangel Michael, speak of is not that you will leave behind others, you will remain upon the Earth. Instead, your vibration will shift the way you see, sense, and acknowledge yourself, reality, and others, as you transform you will become aware of the new earth.

It is important to be aware that shifts are taking place within your being, allowing new experiences and new people to enter your reality. The New Earth Ascension Blueprint is about the transformation and shifts of the collective as well as the individual. It is about the collective shift into a greater expression of the Divine Will, Divine Awareness, and the Divine Expression of the Creator.

I, Archangel Michael come forth with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Gabriel, we hold our hands out to you, our palms facing to you, and our energy encircling you.

As we surround you I, Archangel Michael begin to express the Divine Will energy of the Creator into your being, Archangel Gabriel expresses the Divine Expression of the Creator and Archangel Raphael expresses the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

These energies extend into your being, you may feel them as warm even hot energies. They are burning up all unneeded energies, dissolving that which is not aligned with the Divine Will, Expression and Awareness of the Creator.

It is as if we are encircling you within a flame, a flame of angelic vibrations and healing. A potent flame which is burning up everything that is confusing to you, everything that is causing you to feel unsettled, unstable, and unbalanced. Everything that is causing you to feel alone, separate, unsure of the world around you, unsure of your own energies, your place, and your purpose in the world. Doubt, judgment is all being dissolved with our Trinity of Archangel Healing.

This energy is immensely powerful, there is simply a need for you to exist within it.

We invite you to exist within this energy over the coming seven days, even if only for a few minutes a day. What you will notice is that you are more aware, that you are able to recognize the Divine Will within your being and outside of you, and able to discover new ways of expressing the Creator through your being.

Your healing is personal to you. Your healing will embed and activate the New Earth Ascension Blueprint even further and even more within your being and reality. Your healing will bond your soul, your soul group and your Divine self-aspects with your current reality, allowing you to experience a greater awareness of the Creator. This healing may be subtle, it may be intense, the more you allow yourself to receive the more you will experience.

Call us forth in your meditation or quiet time. Simply say:

‘I ask Archangel Michael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Will of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Raphael to express the healing vibration of the Divine Awareness of the Creator.

I ask Archangel Gabriel to express the healing vibration of the Divine Expression of the Creator.

And so, it is, I receive and embody with ease and joy.’

Simply allow yourself to receive.

Breathe in deeply as if you are breathing everything that we wish to share with you into your being, imagine yourself like a sponge.

You do not necessarily need to understand, the more you can receive into your energy field and your cells, the easier understanding will flow.

We invite you to experience this over the coming seven days.

We thank you, we are with you always,

I am Archangel Michael

Know that you are anchoring the 5D, regardless of what is happening in the 3D/4D world.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Melting the 3D

March 12, 2021,

You may consider the matrix of ‘reality’ to be like a spiral. Many of you are focusing on moving ‘up’ the spiral, from 3D/4D to 5D. Many of you are enduring moments of great intensity, where you feel tired, aching, grumpy, confused or fed up: or all of these at once!

Let me suggest to you, that you are creating the passage between the 3D/4D and the 5D. Let me also suggest that the 5D is here, right now, at the same time as the 3D/4D. They exist together. One is a cave, the other is the vast landscape in which the cave is located.

Imagine you are in a large box; you can stand and move, but you can’t see anything apart from what is inside the box and what is painted on the walls of the box.

Take a deep breath. In. Out.

And another. In. Out……..

And a final…. Innnnn……. Outtttt…….

Now, imagine that the walls of the box are almost shimmering, as if you can see through them. Gradually you see vast horizons, countryside, sky, sunshine… You have melted the box, you have expanded from 3D/4D to 5D.

Then the phone rings, and you are back into the world of doing, not being. The world of focus, not expansion.

5D exists in your now moment. It is around you, because it is inside you. Your mission is to find it, to live from that inner knowing, that expansive vibration: only then will you find the 5D in the world outside you.

Your breath transports you from the outside contraction to the internal expansion. What occurs inside, must be reflected outside.

The more you practice melting the illusion of the 3D/4D box outside you, the stronger your resonance in 5D becomes. Practice stopping and breathing… it immediately refocuses you on the internal, on the 5D. The more you practice, the deeper your experience becomes.

Then, you will begin to walk in both dimensions simultaneously, using the 5D to navigate and expand the 3D/4D. Soon the 5D is obvious to even those who have been sleeping and not noticed the transformation process that has been occurring all around them. They will recognise it as a feeling they experience when they are with you, or out in nature, a sense of deep expansion and possibility, a familiar sense of home, of freedom, of anything is possible. That is the inner world resonating with the 5D potential that exists already, all around.

As often as you can in your day, take a deep breath.

Experiment with this process: stop, drop from your busy mind in to your deep awareness of this moment, imagine a box dissolving as you breath deeper and deeper. Know that you are anchoring the 5D, regardless of what is happening in the 3D/4D world.

This is Ascension and you are doing it.

This is why your feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep.

Messages from the AngelsMessages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Sleep is a glorious experience of dying unto the “self” and expanding into your greater being. In your sleep your consciousness temporarily ceases to identify with the body and mind. You re-emerges into a greater awareness and understanding of yourself as a soul. You surrender to love.

This is why, when your mind is not in the way, deep healing can take place in your sleep. This is why you can go to bed with questions and wake up with answers. This is why your feel refreshed after a good night’s sleep.

This is also why, when you don’t sleep well, it is important to find a way to temporarily tun off the mind and just “be,” for it is in your sleep or in your restful states, – when you are free of thoughts and concerns– that you return to your soul’s natural state of being. You become open to receiving love, flowing, trusting, relaxing and surrendering into the perfection of life.Whenever you can turn your mind off, calm the thoughts, and simply surrender to love, you open to a miraculous flow that is an ever present, steady stream of energy from the Source – a love that is always trying to help and assist you.

Even if you don’t sleep well, you can put on beautiful music and just feel it moving through you. You can breathe deeply and slowly into the heart until you feel yourself relax. You can meditate, walk peacefully in nature, cook, pet the dog, or do any number of things that allow you to switch the mind temporarily off and “lose yourself” in the moment. In these spaces, without the usual chatter of the mind’s habitual filters, you receive unfiltered love. In these space of receptivity, miracles are possible, solutions easily accessible, and guidance available.

While you can easily open to this flow of love in sleep or in mind-less states of blissful being, you can also open to it consciously and willingly during your everyday waking hours.

Stop for a moment. Breathe into your heart. Say to yourselves, “I am loved exactly as I am.” Allow the truth of this to flow into your body, mind heart, and soul. Stop putting conditions around why you should or should not be loved and open to a greater truth. You are loved.

Say to yourself, “I am open to receive the magnificent love of my Creator.” Imagine opening your heart and feeling this love flooding into your awareness.

Now say to yourself, “The Divine loves me exactly as I am… Exactly as I am.”
 Breathe that in, and allow it to permeate your being as if water is seeping into every corner, crack, and crevice of your soul, or light is filling every little area within your body. Repeat this several times while breathing into the heart and let it fill you. Willingly feel it. Embrace the truth of it.

Something deeper than your mind knows the truth of these words, for the Source that lives and breathes within you knows its own love. Open, open, open dear friends. Let the love that creates you fill you. Stop resisting love. Breathe. “The Divine loves me exactly as I am.” Allow it in.

When you sleep you surrender to this love. When you find ways to shut off your mind, you surrender to this love. When you consciously and willingly surrender to this love, you become open to miraculous help, healing, and change even while wide awake. Try this exercise several times a day.

You want to surrender to love. You want to feel it coming to you. You want to feel the truth of the fact that you do not have to earn your Creator’s love. You do not have to be “worthy” of your Creator’s love. You do not have to achieve anything, be anything, or do anything to receive the unconditional, ever flowing, never ending love from the Divine.

You, dear ones, and all of creation, are constantly able to receive this love. Only you can decide if you will open to it.

The flower does not have to earn or be worthy of the sun that constantly shines.

The ground does not have to earn or be worthy of the rain that will inevitably falls upon it.

The animals do not have to earn or be worthy of the sustenance that is freely offered.

The cells in your body do not have to earn or be worthy of the nourishment that is constantly provided to them.

You dear ones do not have to earn or be worthy of the love that flows unceasing to you.

Open. Breathe into your heart. Say to yourself, “The Divine loves me exactly as I am.” Deeply allow these words to seep into you, fill you, soothe you, and ultimately remind you that you are and always will be beloved, cherished, and whole in the eyes of your creator.

In one moment of truly allowing this love in, your entire life can begin to change. Breath, dear ones. God loves you exactly as you are.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels