Intend to connect with your own inner god self.

Galactic Center 4/25/2020 I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose, galaxy. This one was hesitant to bring me through, for there is much misconception about places having consciousness and I assure you that of course there are many more mysteries such as this to unravel. Collectives, within collectives, like grapes on a vine, exist. You are but one grape in an infinite orchard of possibilities, of beauties yet undiscovered. And yet, within you is the same. These human bodies of yours are going to be magnificent once again. Yet, the intricacies, beauties and mysteries of your bodies are like the infinite vineyard. (I am seeing the inner workings of the cell and the energy signatures behind the components, all divinely directed and working as one unit). I am the Galactic Center, the core of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. Connecting with me after firmly anchoring to Gaia’s crystal heart, is most welcome. Many creators come here to think, to create plans of their future endeavors. I am the still point. I bring through my energies of stillness, of neutrality, of brimming potential to Nova Gaia, to you, grounded ones who are tapped into these very high, very much alive energies of creation. I am downloading, with permission, more creativity. For many of you are anxious about prosperity programs, of new directions that you wish to take with your lives and perhaps it is time to meditate more, to connect with the still point within. I am a very large still point consciousness. I ground the center of your galaxy. And of course I am but one small grape in a yet larger orchard of infinitely beautiful galaxies, parallel and otherwise. You will never have a lack of things to explore. You will never cease to wonder at the majesty and marvel of creation. You are creators experiencing the rise from a great fall. I say this sincerely, try to enjoy this. For many are watching, learning from you. For you will be yet further teachers, expanded and etheric to others who will partake on similar journeys in the future. But none will be allowed to fall as far as Gaia has fallen. You have been trapped in a matrix of illusion, of a fallen realm that is being imbued with love from the very heart of Mother Father, from the Galactic Core, my Mother Father. Consciousness is all around you. Infinity is infinite, beyond human comprehension, yes, but not beyond the comprehension of a higher evolved being which you are realizing that you are, and that you always have been. I am the Galactic Center. I wish for you to remember your own center within you. Your own central sun beams brightly. Connect with Alcyone, connect with the central sun network, yet again, another set of grapes , larger grapes (laughing) in an infinite orchard of creation. All is alive. All is brimming with light and love, with memory, with the heartbeat of creation. Remember. It is time for humanity to remember their own infinite beauty and worth as members of the Galactic Federation once again, as members of numerous councils, too numerous to mention and list. You, grounded team, have been very, very busy. In this busyness, one can easily become ungrounded, if one is not aware. I am the Galactic Center. I am sending codes of neutrality and balance. Inner balance, inner peace, inner guidance, all are within you. I am the inner stillness point for your galaxy. You may connect with me always, but only best after sufficient grounding to the heart of your beautiful planet, not to prevent you from becoming lost, for that is fear. No. But to be able to pass along this blessing of balance and of my own energies into Gaia. I encourage the light workers to perfect this inner grounding, to bring further balance and neutrality and healing into Gaia. Intend to connect with your own inner god self. Balance this current planetary upheaval you are witnessing with love, with neutrality, with balance, with grace. Grace is a key component in balance and loving creative efforts. Grace is afforded to all, there is abundance of grace, of hope, of all good things. Just as the universes are infinite, so is Sources’s love infinite for you, for you, dear ones, just for you. For all – all things are one. But for you, dear heart, warriors in form, the universe is lovingly conspiring to help and to guide, to nurture and to provide for you, for one little grape on a vine in a sea of infinite grapes. Every grape, every soul is precious. The sunlight shines, the rich fertile soul nurtures and sustains, the water quenches, the vines grow strong. Your vines are strong. Your roots are deep. You cannot fail. Hold ground. I am the Galactic Center. I am the grounding place for many systems. Feel my love for you. Feel the breath and hear the prayers said and felt across the multiverse for Gaia’s ascension and know that you are a key, critical player in this infinite masterpiece of healing. And be healed now, dear ones. Feel my light and be home. When you are balanced and at peace, at one with the All, there is your home. No need to long for other star systems. See, they are contained within me, many of them. And if not, even if you are incarnated from the furtherest spec of a galaxy from across the vineyard, we are all connected with the vine, with Source consciousness. See, you are home. I am sending you feelings of home, of balance, of pure love. You are loved beyond measure, a human to be treasured, you are safe, you are loved. We are one now. I am the Galactic Center. Peace dear ones, peace. Should you wish to connect with me, I am here. I am not going anywhere. When you visit you are feeling the loving intentions of those who have created before you. It is an excellent space to rest and recharge. Channel these healing energies into Gaia and ascend as one. ~ galaxygirl

It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.-Ashtar-

I am Ashtar Sheran and again, I have a message for those of the Light.

In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. With such a leader as Trump, who steadfastly holds his course despite many threats to his well being and that of his family, yes, he receives them even from the general public. Despite these threats, he stays his course.

We of the Light have sworn to protect his family from harm in return for his work to set your world straight. Many of you know it was end game as the New world order was to implement its final stages in order to enslave you.

You see the power struggle being played out in front of you. Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it.

This is about power for your world, and particularly for North America as the power holders shift from dark to Light. This is being carried out in front of you, the public, in order that your power too may swing and it has. Many more are awakening to the truth and they realize that all was not as it was professed to be.

In other parts of the world, world leaders are subjected to change as well. Kim Jong has been proclaimed to be dead but this is not the truth. In fact he is alive, however that it was indicated in the press that he was dead is a threat to him and you must realize that this is what is going on in your media – threats are being printed in American newspapers, knowing that they will be seen by the ones who the threat is directed towards. And the threateners were indeed the Rockefeller faction of the Illuminati.

Any ally of the white hats is a threat to the illuminati and will be threatened in turn, if not taken out. That is the politics that is going on on your planet and has been for years. It is up to the people to be aware of this.

A few years ago, a missile was launched appearing to be from North Korea, aimed at Hawaii in an attempt to break off friendship between the White Hats and Kim Jong. It was not successful. Now this threat is another attempt at threatening Jong-un off. They don’t want to see Korea re-united as their prototype society would then be released to freedom. In the same way that Germany was re-united in 1990, fascism would take another hit. But it is due to happen.

As for CoVid 19, hardest hit areas are quarantined and measures are sufficient now to isolate them. The spread is minimal at this point. New measures are being sought and spoken of for the first time by the president. Why? To shift the power away from the pharmaceutical industry towards healing modalities that actually work. With the lockdown being so severe, people are now willing to embrace new ideas. They are seeing the old didn’t work and new measures are being embraced as they are being introduced by your leaders.

This will be one win at a time. We would love to see a grand wave of new awareness sweep over your planet but it won’t be like this. It will be one issue with new solutions, over and over until finally the cabal are powerless and the world has turned away from the old regime. This will take time and patience.

Relief funding is being issued to those who are not working and have lost income. This same network will be used in issuing the St Germaine funds when the time is ready. Were so much money to be issued to your people now, they would not understand. So it is being introduced slowly as relief money at a time when they are in need of it. It is about getting your people to accept and embrace the changes.

With more payments comes also the ensuing upset to your society as people no longer need to work. Again, this is a large change and needs to be introduced slowly. There is also the suspicion that the government is attempting to control, and so these funds have to be introduced at a pallatable rate when the timing indicates otherwise. We are attempting to quell any rioting or revolt against measures to liberate your planet.

People on the planet are ready to rebel to the imposed control over their lives, not understanding that working for a living is more controlling of their lives than requiring them to stay home and relax. To change the status quo that has been in place for so long takes small steps, and then observation of the result. Correction may be required. Your people will be asked to tolerate frequent small changes rather than fewer larger changes. We believe this is the way to acclimate them to the new GESARA based system that is coming in.

Again, We Are Here With You, Always.



YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega