Daily Archives: April 22, 2020
Go to that place in between your second and third chakras, and feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration.
A Process for Conjuring a High Vibration ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are here to invite you to a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. We are here to help you to unlock a new vibration within yourselves. We know that it is high time for humanity to experience something brand new, something that will take you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We invite you to feel for the vibration that is a combination of peace, love, and joy.
It is a vibration that all of you can access as you focus on the space in between your solar plexus and sacral chakras. Focus on this part of your physical body right now, and breathe. Breathe into that space with the same focus and intensity that you would use if you were trying to ignite a fire from a very small spark on the edge of a newspaper. Breathe in with the knowing that you can experience all three of these vibrations in combination with each other.
Know that you are there to take what already exists in the fourth dimension and create something new, something never before experienced, never before felt. Go to that place in between your second and third chakras, and feel the combination of peace, love, and joy as one vibration, one experience, one aspect of who you are. Let the feeling fill you up, fill yourself from head to toe with three of the best feeling vibrations combined into one.
And now, let the energy that you have been conjuring up spill out and over into your energy fields. Let yourselves feel surrounded by this beautiful experience, this beautiful energy. Let yourselves feel wrapped in this warm, gooey sensation, and know that you have done this yourselves. We have just coached you through it. We will take no responsibility and none of the credit, and also know that there is so much more where that experience has come from. It’s all inside of you, and it’s time to awaken the very best.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Man waiting for stimulus check finds $8.2 million in bank account.
This is just the beginning of the prosperity funds being activated.
“I went to the ATM at the Family Express and once I withdraw $200 out of my account, I looked at the available balance that was still left in my account. Apparently, my account had $8.2 million in it. I’m like what in the world is going on here?” said Firefighter Charles Calvin.
Read the article here
Sacred Release: New Moon Sound Healing
forgive those who have hurt you, who are hurting you, who have hurt others, and who are hurting others. Once you do the integration of your own darkness, you not only feel more whole and complete, but you also then will have no further need to create that level of darkness on your world. You will have solved the puzzle.
Ascension Requires Less Hunting, More Forgiving ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been integrating so much since the beginning of your calendar year. We are still ascending back into Source, and therefore, we also have integrating to do. We actually are learning from all of you about the darkness in the universe. We are able to integrate through forgiveness the darkness that exists in this universe, and we are able to forgive on your behalf. When we see an injustice there on Earth, we can offer forgiveness to the ones who are playing the role of the dark beings. And once we integrate that aspect of ourselves, we have a non-physical leg to stand on when we ask you to do the same.
There is a lot of hunting going on at this time on Earth, and those who are hunting are looking for bad guys. Now we are talking about this in both a literal and a metaphorical sense. Many who are looking, hunting, scouring the Earth for people who are responsible for all of the bad deeds, are doing so from their homes, and they are doing so because of injustices that are real and some that are imagined. They are doing so because of persecution experienced in this lifetime and persecution experienced in past lives.
That’s the vast majority of you, and once again, we will invite you to forgive those who have hurt you, who are hurting you, who have hurt others, and who are hurting others. Once you do the integration of your own darkness, you not only feel more whole and complete, but you also then will have no further need to create that level of darkness on your world. You will have solved the puzzle.
You will have ascended to the next round, the next level, and as you know, the crimes against humanity that have been exposed are pretty horrific. That means you are doing some serious integration work at this time. The way you do that work is not by finding the bad guys. The way you do that work is by forgiving all who are playing that role of the dark beings on planet Earth and elsewhere in the galaxy.
You can trust that karma will take care of all of the acts that you would call evil, and therefore, you don’t have to worry about anyone going unpunished. But as long as you are hanging on to anger, hatred, and resentment, you will keep creating a world where darkness exists. Until you graduate to the next level, you will continue to see these reports of crimes against children and all of humanity. You have your work cut out for you. We are not giving you an easy assignment here, but we are giving you the keys to your evolution and ascension, as we always do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
your quest for perfection has nothing to do with the agreement of others or the understanding or support of a 3D world. -AA Gabriel via Shelley Young-
Perfectionism is something many enlightening souls struggle with. This is due to their deep desire to make sure the shift occurs on your planet because many of you are holding the cell memory of times where a shift was possible and was not successful.
Because of this many of you are deeply committed to honouring your soul mission and are very serious about this and agonize over making the right choices. This can get challenging if you are striving to satisfy everyone from a 3D perspective while trying to anchor higher vibrational energies.
You can mistake other’s lack of understanding or differing options as feedback on your mission, which can cause you to stall because you do not wish to make a mistake.
Dear Ones, hear us when we say your quest for perfection has nothing to do with the agreement of others or the understanding or support of a 3D world. That is seeking approval from an energetic layer that simply cannot see you in your truth.
The perfection you are truly seeking comes from always staying true to what your heart and inner wisdom is guiding you towards as a true pioneer of the light. It is from there you know you can never, ever make a mistake and will continue to drive the great shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet.
~ Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young