You are ready. You have done the work. Now accept who you are and live it through the celebration and joy that comes of of understanding the real meaning of Christmas.-The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Rafaelle, Dec. 15, 2019-

DECEMBER 15.2019

Dear readers, welcome to our message in this seasonal time in which much of the world is celebrating according to their beliefs and traditions.

It is a time during which many who have chosen to live closed off from others inadvertently for the first time experience a sense of oneness.

Love and giving even at their most primitive and unaware levels are facets of oneness. The spiritual evolutionary journey begins at a level of unawareness. Younger souls are unable to love at the same level as those who have learned and evolved though the experiences of many, many lifetimes. Their Divine nature is fully present within, but they are not yet prepared to understand and embrace it.

Young children love easily because they have not yet been conditioned by beliefs of separation and duality

Love is only able to flow with the same resonance as the consciousness of the person from which it is flowing. Because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, all things are created and flow from this One Consciousness. However, when Divine Consciousness individualized becomes conditioned with false beliefs and concepts, its expressions will reflect that.

Examine honestly and often what you may still be holding as truth in consciousness for you are creators by virtue of being who and what you are for there is no unexpressed consciousness.

The highest expression of love for those living fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system may simply be giving old clothes or goods to another or a thrift shop, dropping a coin into the red bucket, or simply greeting a homeless person–simple actions, but actions that hold a potential for opening tightly closed doors to deeper awareness.

It is very important to honestly examine the intention behind every action, dear ones. “Am I doing this charitable action or loving act to be seen by others, to feel good about my value, or am I sharing from the realization that what I give physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually never comes from me personally where it can be depleted, but rather through me from that Infinite Source within that never runs dry?”

What matters is the intent behind every action. A treasured dime donated from a heart filled with love and oneness is much more powerful for the giver and the receiver than hundreds of dollars given with no thought or love other than to get a tax write off.

It is imperative to be open and honest with regard the intentions that underlie ordinary words and actions. You are quickly moving beyond a great deal of old programing at this time and a personal fine tuning is taking place. Many ordinary but low resonating habits considered to be nothing actually have the ability to hold a person in some facet of outgrown old energy.

During these celebratory times ask yourself what exactly is it that you are celebrating–the birth of a Christed individual 2000 years ago, the miracles of Hanukkah, or just because it is the season for parties and gifts ?

You who read these messages are ready to take your awareness of the season to a deeper level through understanding that the Christmas story is your story–that the miracles and birth represent the birth of your own Christhood.

We have stated in previous Christmas messages but will reiterate that the Christmas story represents the birth of the Christ consciousness that takes place at some point for every person.

All must eventually wake up. A conscious choice to evolve allows the reality of Oneness with Source to awaken and eventually express as one’s personal Christmas–the culmination of outer and inner experiences through hundreds of lifetimes that finally birth the fully realized state of consciousness.

One’s personal Christmas can only be born in the state of consciousness that is represented by the lowly stable. One that over lifetimes has been stripped free of beliefs in, yearning for, and seeking from three dimensional concepts of good. A consciousness aware that all that is needed is already present within and thus good or what is needed will express ITself without seeking. (Gifts of the Magi)

A fragile new born Christ consciousness must be protected and held close until it becomes strong enough to endure the slings and arrows of those who fear and hate the Christ consciousness (King Herod) but eventually, perhaps over lifetimes, the Christ consciousness is no longer fragile or in need of protection for it has matured into its innate wholeness where the nonsense of the three dimensional belief system can no longer effect or hold power over it.

The Christ Consciousness is its own protection by virtue of being fully realized as the one and only power.

Each now moment is the right time to begin journeying toward the stable. In particular, the energies of celebration and giving make it easier to love and experience oneness. Every loving gesture no matter how seemingly small to material sense adds Light and lifts the energy of the collective.

The energies that flow from loving celebration between people overrides the energy of chaos and destruction for the energies of love are real, whereas chaos and destruction have no reality or law to maintain or sustain them.

Become Christmas by allowing acceptance and recognition to your Divinity, allowing it to flow out to a hurting world through every word and action regardless of how it may be accepted. Be who you are never fearing to love through whatever forms resonate with you for there is no lesser or greater love unless it is personalized.

Love is the energetic glue connecting all things within the ONE. This reality has been ignored and disregarded through ignorance forming the basis of all beliefs in separation. Many, through fear of being “different” continue to live concepts of separation long after attaining knowledge that only one “Something” exists.

This “Something” can be called God, Consciousness, Power, Reality, or even fiddlesticks for IT is un-namable and can never be understood with the limited human mind. Truth cannot be avoided forever because it is the reality just awaiting full realization–Christmas.

Let your Christmas, Hanukah, or other celebration blossom into loving fruitage that does not cease at the end of December. Give, serve, and love in whatever ways seem appropriate as you view the world from a level of spiritual empowerment.

You are ready. You have done the work. Now accept who you are and live it through the celebration and joy that comes of of understanding the real meaning of Christmas.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/15/19

Donations are welcomed

We are interested in your processes that you employ when you are sitting home alone, by yourself, and you need to access a higher vibrational state. We know that you all recognize the importance of being in a higher vibrational state because you recognize that you create your reality with the vibration you are offering… There is nothing more simple than breathing, and there is nothing more powerful than doing it consciously.

New Earth Education.

In the course of researching what Nova Earth will look like after Disclosure and Ascension, I came across this channeling by Goldenlight in 2013, which includes a school curriculum for Nova Earth.

I found it fascinating and hope you do as well.

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light, April 24, 2013, at

Education :

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life. Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.
There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication.. Free energy propels all. Pollution is a thing of the past. Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.
Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se don’t exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation. Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.
Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travellers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride. “Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self. Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.
School curriculum consists of:
– Ethics of Telepathy
– The Golden Rule
– Teleportation
– Yoga
– Organic Gardening
– Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
– Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
– Bathing in Source Light
– Caring For Your Temple of Light
– Intergalactic History
– Interacting With Star Nations
– Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
– Holographic Art and Music
– The Connection of All to Source
– Crystal Geomancy
– Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
– Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
– Sacred Earth Journeys
– Earth Council Service and Equanimity
– Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
– Higher Dimensional Exploration
– Levitation
– The Essence of the Angelic Realms
– The Ascended Masters
– The 12 Dimensions of Creation
– Shapeshifting
– Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting
These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools. Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul …
And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.


Keeper of the Frequency | Peggy Black and the Team

Keeper of the Frequency

Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here, offering our encouragement and certainly our acknowledgment for your tenacity and courage. We observe all that is taking place in your reality and will bow to your willingness for being active in that physical experience.

We see you as beings of energy yet you experience yourself as a solid physical being. Dear ones you are quantum beings. You are made up of stardust, light energy and multidimensional consciousness. We know that when you are active in your current life, doing your tasks and handling issues, you do not think of yourself as the quantum being. It might shift things a bit if you considered yourself this energy superhero.

We are wanting to stretch your understanding and invite you to begin to weave the awareness of your quantum self into the various mundane activities that you create. Let us assure you, if you begin to do this even a few times a day it will make a tremendous difference in your outlook and even the results.

We observe that it seems to be easy to get into a pattern of sameness, repeating actions over and over again without bringing consciousness to the task. What occurs with these types of behaviors is a numbness that occurs within; your energy self becomes repressed. Where is your aliveness? Where is your excitement of being here and now?

It is important for you to shake yourself out of the dullness and sameness and to re-energize your moment. Bring yourself to the moment, to the task at hand; fill it with your full attention, your full energy and even some excitement. Remember you are keepers of the frequency.

Being alive is the prize. Being alive in this reality is truly the prize. You are a being of energy. Every part of your body is filled with light. Every one of your cells emits light. Every cell has consciousness. Own the responsibility of interacting with your body, your cells in ways that continue to keep them energized.

Observe a small child; they are bundles of energy, actually expressing themselves in all directions. Begin to notice where you have shut down your energy. We are inviting you to reclaim it, pump it up, activate it.

What does it mean to be an energy being? Find things that enthuse you, find ways that fill you with renewed energy. Those that live a long and productive life have learned how to refill their quota of energy. They are continually excited about the day. They find new ways of doing the same tasks. They energize their mind and thoughts with adventure, real or imagined. They understand that they are keepers of the frequency. This is most important for all humans to understand and to be active in restoring their energy.

One way to restore energy is to release old emotions and old patterns. These old emotional energies can be a burden, weighing you down, without you even realizing it. Think of these old memories of regret, bitterness, anger or shame as caged animals. Let them go. Release them with as much grace as possible. Trust us; when you do this, you allow a new surge of energy to flood into your body and consciousness.

Another way to renew and restore you energy is to pull energy from your natural surroundings. Literally, imagine reaching out your hands and cupping your figures, and pulling energy from the green, growing living things around you. You can call in energy from the stars, from the sky. The energy vibrations of all living things are available. You can invite energy frequencies from music to refill you. Notice that singing or chanting can fill you with alive energy. Laughing is an excellent way to recharge.

As you begin to own that you are a quantum being of energy that does need to be recharged and renewed, you will take a more active part in this process. You will begin to notice what energy you do allow to fill your quota. Is it artificial energy or electronic energy? Is it negative energy?

Remember that self care is a priority not a luxury. Taking a rest will also restore your energy. Do what feels good and right to maintain your well being and aliveness.

Your goal is to continue to raise your vibration, raise the frequency of energy that you are taking in and expressing out. Remember that gratitude, appreciation and joy are the three keys of a successful keeper of the frequency.

We are here to acknowledge you and support your renewed energy of aliveness. You are doing good and great work. We are always available to serve with you. the ‘team’

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

the energies pummeling you now are not only exhausting; they are also redirecting you to new places and times…Everything will be easier in a few days. For now, do what you can when you can. Allow yourself to rest as much as possible…Allow yourself to be the leader in determining what you can or cannot do.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are in a “good” place, perhaps not. So many energies are now pummeling earth that most of you are likely in a topsy-turvey sense of well-being. One moment you are joyous and the next in despair.

Such is to be expected as you try to combine your 3D history with your 5D being. Despite the Universal energies, you are in the 3D world of holiday celebrations. So you feel alone if you have no celebrations to attend. And overwhelmed if you are participating. Of course, those statements are broad generations, but both affect more humans than not.

It is time for you to decide what is best for you. Even though we discussed that concept before, we did so with a gentle nudge. Now your inner-being is at the forefront of your decision making. So if you betray your new being by pretending to be someone you are no longer or never were, your inner-being will rapidly shift your mood from joy to fear.

Before, there were few repercussions for actions not related to your true self. You smiled and functioned like a happy being despite your discomfort with the person or activity. As you become more fully 5D, you cannot hide your discomfort, nor do you wish to. You have become a belligerent 5D entity and may not even understands yourself.

So it is you are discovering the number of falsehoods your 3D being lived daily. For in 3D, you used the charade of loving this or that, and all was well with your world. Now that you are of 5D, those same charades are no longer possible. That is unless you wish to feel heavy and uncomfortable.

In 3D, others rated higher on your pleasing scale than did you. Now that the scales are becoming balanced, you are discovering how unpleasant many of your 3D actions were. You performed those actions to please others, to increase your outer-directed power, or to harm others. None of which are joyous 5D activities.

So it is you are reassessing your actions and thoughts for you wish to feel the joy we and other channels tout as your new go-to emotion.

Instead, you are likely feeling confused, angry, frightened, and all other emotions that inform you that you are not true to yourself. Who are you is the question that keeps rambling around your thoughts and our words. For you are no longer who you were. And you are just discovering who you are becoming.

The key has been and always will be, what gives you joy? A simple concept – yet, given your 3D earth lives, very difficult. For throughout your 3D journey, you purposively lost yourself. Now that you are rediscovering your true being, you frighten yourself at times. For your inner-being is telling you to ignore this or repeat that. All confusing commands because you are not used to listening to yourself.

Of course, many of you are intuitive and may have been for many earth lives. But that intuition was most often applied to what others were feeling or potential actions. You studied others, but not yourself. Such was so for the obvious reason. If you had studied yourself, you would have discovered your inner-power. So you denied self-knowledge beyond your 3D reactions in any lifetime.

You are now discovering multiple 5D layers of yourself, which is not a little disconcerting. The difficulty is explaining your new feelings and actions to others, much less yourself. So you are experiencing emotional ups and downs as you attempt to find your new you groove. At the same time, this holiday season demands certain 3D actions that no longer fit who you are. So your disconnect is difficult as are the decisions about whether to participate in the expected holiday celebrations.

Jumping between the messages of your inner voice and those of society, all the while adapting to the energies now pummeling the earth, is heroic management of yourself. So it is your emotions are up and down and all-around. Which of you do you honor? Who you have been? Who you are becoming?

Of course, joy is the key. Your difficulty is determining that joy. Somedays, 3D expectations are joyful. Other days, those same expectations are onerous. The same is true for your new 5D actions. For even though they feel right – for example, hiding under a blanket until this season passes – it is unlikely you would feel entirely comfortable doing so.

Joy is not even part of the equation, much as is true if you have the flu. Mere existence and waiting for it to be over is more like what many are now experiencing. For you are betwixt and between. Very few times of the year demand as much 3D action as does this holiday season. Yet the energies pummeling you now are not only exhausting; they are also redirecting you to new places and times. Who are you now? And who will you be tomorrow are your concerns and your dread. Do you deny or accept the traditional holiday activities that are supposed to be joyous?

Everything will be easier in a few days. For now, do what you can when you can. Allow yourself to rest as much as possible. For your body is undergoing extreme changes. But then, such is also true for almost all you interact with. So it is that most are pushing themselves because they do not understand why they feel different. You do.

Allow yourself to be the leader in determining what you can or cannot do. Others will be relieved by your actions and strength, for they too need to rest. This holiday season has become a time of most attempting to be who they used to be and wondering why they do not feel as they have in the past. Allow them to rest, as you allow the same for yourself. Be yourself, so others dare do the same. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

now is the time to replenish your energy in this second half of the month of December, it is best for you to lie back, relax, and open yourselves up to these energies that are so strong, so supportive, and so ready for you to co-create with them


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we see humanity making in regards to the way you’ve been able to handle the solstice energies that are already coming in and playing their part. You have had many experiences with solstices and equinoxes that have helped to propel you into a new level of consciousness, and each time you come to one of these pivotal points in your calendar, you are going to experience something new. As we have previously mentioned, there are energies coming from new sources and new places that you are being asked to assimilate.

You have lived through many solstices in your time on Earth, but this one is particularly significant because it is leading you into such a significant decade. You are likely to have full, open, physical contact with e.t.s in this next decade, and you are likely to shift your consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency range in this next decade. And so, you have support. You have energies that come in to support you. They don’t come in so that you can have it all done for you. In fact, they are likely to stir things up and make your lives a bit more challenging at first. But ultimately, you ride the wave of these energies to new heights.

You had a spike on December 12th. You will experience a dramatic spike on the solstice, and then you will have the transition into the new year, which will bring on an even larger spike because everyone knows there’s a new year that you’re celebrating. Not everyone celebrates the solstice or the Christmas holiday, and certainly even less people take notice of a very important date where all of the numbers line up, like they did on December 12th, 2019.

And so, you’re building to something. You’re building to a time when these December energies are unmistakably powerful, uplifting, life-affirming, and supportive. What you need to do in order to take advantage of all of these significant dates on the calendar is that you want to employ your skills as deliberate creators. You want to see yourselves as the ones who are making the decision about what you want to experience individually and what you want to see the human collective do and achieve with the spikes in the energies in this pivotal month of December.

You are going to see a massive amount of awakenings in the year 2020, and you are going to be called upon to support those who are awakening, and that’s why it’s a good time for you to be getting the support that’s coming from these energies and all of these new helpers that are starting to pay more attention to humanity and planet Earth. The message here for humanity is to receive, receive, and receive some more. Let yourselves, as lightworkers, be supported.

You don’t have to always be the ones doing the supporting, but you will be called upon to do more of it in the next calendar year. So now is the time to replenish your energy in this second half of the month of December, it is best for you to lie back, relax, and open yourselves up to these energies that are so strong, so supportive, and so ready for you to co-create with them. Co-create the version of this next calendar year that is to your greatest liking, and include all of humanity in your desires for it. That is the way to get the most of these December energies.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Well,HO HO HO Surprise Surprise!

When i hear AA Michael saying that I created all my experiences in life and all my life, the truth is that there have been many moments that i had difficulties in understanding why did i create this or that experience.And this is not from a point of view of my terrestrial choices rather a point of view before i incarnate in my current physical body.I understand that many so called negative experiences in my life have been the result of a kind of karmic debt to be instantly paid off ,sometimes in the speed of a boomerang ,for the choices i made living my 3D reality of SEPARATION from Source God within:Prayer was coming from a place of begging instead of already being thankful for all i have in my life.I thought that i need to go to church in order to connect with God and i thought that i need to do good at all costs, including neglecting myself 100% for the benefit of others, giving away all financial means and all my love to partners, family and friends.Needless to say that because of this attitude i found myself in situations of poverty, even if that wasn’t needed when somebody looks at the family where i was born too:a hard working family of 2 parents with 2 kids, that gave the best they can and have to their kids in their own understanding of doing good. This came to be from the moment i started doing my inner work to reconnect with my soul:while from one side, i am experiencing a deep feeling of love emanating from within that i don’t yet qualify as such in the early stages, i am becoming witness of a reality that it is not what i thought it was, the more i love myself, the harder the lessons and the harder the lessons the more i am asking myself and God(still from a separation place) is there any end in this?and then after realising with a great deal of struggling all things i want to experience in my 3D world, one day i come to understand deeper the importance of daily practise called meditation.Prayer has always been in the menu since i was a child:i couldn’t go to bed in i wouldn’t first say ‘Our Father’ prayer and also ask for peace and love on the planet , my own little prayer that i could understand saying it in my own simple words.Meditation for me has been for the over 16 years of my life now, first years sporadically then daily ,a journey to realising the unlimited mighty power that Love and Light truly is.And not just that, in this life time you and me are experiencing Ascension while remaining in our physical bodies and this just by itself is already a reason to celebrate at all times.And so while now, because of immediate effects of the accelerated evolution of my body mind spirit complex through the Tsunami of Love inundating all Life and my willingness to be the open cup to receive this love for the highest good for all, one can expect to have feelings of joy emanating from within at all times, especially when one dedicates all ‘nows’ constantly remaining observer of ‘How do I Feel?’ ,’Do I Feel Good?’ ,’Do I Feel More Than Fine?’. Well,HO HO HO surprise surprise!!!The first 6 months of 2019 have been for me, a deep cleansing of memories of past lives:while i am constantly making the effort, participating in global meditations daily and doing my inner works , a lot of pain and suffering comes to the surface to be released and i witness it both in my inner and outer world.Then now, after reaching a place of totally feeling one with Source, One with My God within(which is One and the same for all Life:I Am Presence) and starting to become witness of small and bigger miracles unfolding now from a place of NO SEPARATION while learning to live a 5D life , one again can expect to be in the bliss and peace and love and joy at all times. ‘Well ,cut II,HO HO HO surprise surprise!’ a pain is present so deeply felt that it is impossibly to ignore it and play games or do something pleasant that will make me feel more than fine.This pain is asking for my attention, even though i am doing my meditations and inner work, this pain is still present and it is not willing to go away for almost 2 days.Of course Abraham Hicks would say that this is because i am not aligned with source within and my feeling is a great indicator that i need to reconnect and shift my attention in something pleasant and while i do my best to do that, creating music or projects or making some great raw vegan recipe, deliberate creation, anything that i know gives me joy, nothing nothing nothing makes this pain go away.I do not say that Abraham is wrong here, she is super on spot ,just that in my case what saved the situation is the deep understanding that the pain i feel is not my pain but the pain of the collective.And while i am aware of that, i forgot to do one simply thing:Ask during my meditation The Creator, Mother Father God to take this pain away. And so i want to say a big thank you to Natalie and a big thank you to Sananda aka Master Jesus for this reminder here this past weekend. Now, i am back into Feeling Good .The effect was immediate after asking for assistance and doing the invocations.We are not separate with Mother Father God means that when pain is present we can ask for it to be taken away, it is not ours to carry and only Joy is the order of the day at all times.So yes :Feel More Than Fine at all times is the intention at all times, what one vibrates, one creates!To Feel More Than Fine is to be the Love ,to be the Light and the Joy one knows is.
Sometimes it takes more time to recalibrate our being to truly feel IT, especially like now being in these extreme energies of 12-21 portals.And that is because there is a lesson to be learned.As Abraham Hicks says:i’’t is ok if we don’t always feel it, be easy about all this on yourself’’. How many lessons are there to be learned while progressing in living a 5D life?we will find out!’’Well, HO HO HOSurprise Surprise cut III’’ to be continued, hopefully this time with immediate action knowing fully what needs to be done as i/we remain in gratitude for all ‘negative’ moments in my/our life, shaping the person I Am/We Are becoming.
Austerity?yes, grateful for having experienced it because without it, i would have never felt the joy of manifesting small and bigger things and that Feels MOOOOOOre than Fine,the more ‘O’s the more Love as LOOOOOOOOOOVE.

Austerity like the homeless man on the picture of this blog sitting right next to me while i am posting at Starbucks.I Create Homes for All Homeless on the planet.And So it is.And So Be It!

And so now here comes the bonus of all bonuses:Isn’t this because i am one with GOD that i feel also what GOD feels? IAM GOD,IAM. And isn’t this the proof, at least the proof for me, from my own experience, that GOD is experiencing HIM/HER-SELF through me and each one of us?the joys and the tears of me and all ? the cries and hopelessness of me and all? the misery and fulfilment of me and all?

I wish you this Christmas Holidays to go into your cave within to find your innocent child baby Christ being re-born again, even when we know this is not the real b’day of Christ, Love is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ,i wish you to find that indeed It is UNLIMITED.Where do you stand in your pain and what needs to be released from personal traumas in this life or other lives, this is only up to you to know to discover and to always remember to ask God, The Creator to take it away because one way or another you came here for the purpose of Joy.YOU AND ME ARE UNLIMITED BEINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT.
I wish you to truly FEEL this DEEP in your Being so that it becomes integrated as knowledge from within and not just something you read somewhere or somebody writes about.

And then out of pure joy emanatating from your being ,find somebody on the streets that is not as blessed as you are and show them love,give them a bottle of water and something to eat,some monies maybe,always out of joy,never because you feel you have to.

Much Love!

Feel More Than Fine


Donations are welcome.Out of Pure Joy.Not because you feel you have to:)))

Celebrate! You have achieved the miraculous this year!…fill your cup first, before you spill it – financially, energetically, and emotionally – and you give only when guided by joy…-the Angels via Ann Albers, 14 december, 2019-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Celebrate! You have achieved the miraculous this year! You have soothed the heart of Mother Earth and although there are volcanoes blowing, “the big one,” was mercifully calmed because of your love and prayers. Through your love, Mother Earth was calmed and soothed, and thus able to dissipate the pressure she’s been feeling as a result of the divisions within the human race.

The year has been a challenge for many of you. As Mother Earth pulled within to re-evaluate what she is willing and able to “put up with,” so too many of you have been re-evaluating your lives and looking at the balance.

Many of you, like Mother Earth, are selfless givers. You are lovers. You want to see everyone happy, healthy, and comfortable. That is beautiful dear ones and we love and appreciate your shining hearts. However, many of you have given to the point that you forget your own needs, hearts, and balance. Our recommendation always, is that you fill your cup first, before you spill it – financially, energetically, and emotionally – and you give only when guided by joy.

This year more than ever before, it became apparent to many of you that you want more balanced relationships, more equitable jobs, and more satisfying lives. Many of you found yourself less tolerant with “takers,” less “OK” working without appropriate compensation, and a little less willing to live off-balance.

This year many of you wish to “cocoon” more than usual – to pull within, spend time at home, with close friends or family, or in silence.

Dear ones, these changes are healthy changes. In fact we celebrate your awakening to greater self-love, and your commitment to live more authentic lives. We celebrate your desire to connect more deeply with God and self and therefore to bring more of your true self, into all other connections. We celebrate that in the midst of a very divisive planet, so many of you light workers have found greater unity within your self, and therefore a greater ability to live and let live.

Be kind to yourselves. Allow yourselves to bask in the holiday spirit of love. Allow yourselves to rest, and to “cocoon” if desired. Spend more time doing what is meaningful or uplifting to you and less time living out of a sense of duty.

You are perfect just as you are. Your old tendencies to either “struggle or make nice” are being replaced with a more organic and easy way of being – simply honesty, and innocent authenticity. In the balance, these are very good changes indeed.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Master Jesus via Natalie Glasson, December 13th, 2019

The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus
Channeled through Natalie Glasson  – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, I, Master Jesus, honour you now as I come forward to speak and share my consciousness with you.

Let me hold your hands in mine; let me wash them with the love of the Creator. May everything and every person that you touch from now on be charged with the love of the Creator.
Let me hold your feet in my hands; let me wash your feet in the love of the Creator. May every step you walk upon the Earth be a step of love.

Let me embrace you in my arms; let me wash your being in the love of the Creator so that you may know and feel that you are never alone. The Creator is within you always. I use the love of the Creator to dissolve all fears that you may have of realising yourself as a magnificent being of love, a sacred vessel of Creator love. Let the love of the Creator wash away fear so that you may realise that there is nothing to fear and you are loved unconditionally and eternally by the Creator. Do not shy away from the love of the Creator, it is your divine right, know that you are worthy of the love of the Creator because you are so magnificent, precious and sacred. Do you realise that you are loved every moment of your day, every moment that you sleep? Do you realise that you are loved so completely and absolutely with every breath you take? The love of the Creator will never and can never be taken away from you, it is yours to accept, realise hold and express.

The love of the Creator is the essence of life; if you do not allow yourself to feel, experience and express the love of the Creator then you haven’t truly experienced life on the Earth. There are so many wondrous sights, smells and experiences on the Earth but none are greater than feeling the love of the Creator, knowing that the love of the Creator is around and within you at all times and will never be taken away from you. The love of the Creator is the only true thing that you can depend upon whether you are on the Earth or on the inner planes. It is our right and a need as soul’s of the Creator to place our trust and faith in the love of the Creator. When you realise the love of the Creator within you, when you trust wholeheartedly in the love and the will of the Creator, then you will understand that there is nothing more that you need because you will feel completely fulfilled on all levels of your being.
Your most deepest yearning is for the love of the Creator and yet my brothers and sisters there is no need to suffer any longer, the love of the Creator is yours to grasp and treasure now. If you just dissolved your fears and held courage you could recognise the love of the Creator and bathe yourself completely in blissful, joyous and healing energies. Your guides and I are here to help you, you do not have to achieve this on your own, all you need do is ask and you will receive with divine timing.

My aim is to help you understand how precious you are, how precious those around you are and how you are never alone. This is my greatest aim as a being of love to share and awaken the love of the Creator in others.

I am worthy of the love of the Creator.
I am loved by the Creator unconditionally and eternally.
I am fearless and loving at all times.
I recognise with ease the love of the Creator around and within me.
The love of the Creator embraces heals and awakens my being.
I am the love of the Creator; I am the purity of love in manifestation on the Earth.

You can say these statements to yourself, but don’t just say them, understand and feel the words and their meanings to you.

Let me embrace your soul in the love of the Creator to allow the truth and essence of your soul to be magnified, nurtured and intensified. Your soul is after all the essence of the Creator within you. Recognising your soul is to remember the truth of your being and who you are. Feel, sense or acknowledge the love of the Creator swelling from within you. I am here to support, protect and cradle you in my love; I am devoted to assisting you now, let yourself be devoted to your unity with the Creator and acceptance of love.

In order to truly feel the love of the Creator which is naturally within and around us, there is a need to surrender to the Creator. To surrender is to give up or let go of anything that is no longer needed. To surrender to the Creator is to submit all that is causing you pain and suffering, all that is hindering and limiting you to the Creator. It is to detach yourself from any negativity you may be experiencing and to give it up to the Creator. The Creator can transform all negative energy into positive loving light but when we give negativity to the Creator we are asking for the highest vibration of light to cleanse and heal us. To hold onto negativity is simply harmful for the mind, heart emotions and physical body. To surrender all to the Creator shows a detachment from the negativity, a realisation that the negativity or pain is not your truth nor is it needed. Sometimes we are unable to let go of an unneeded energy as easily as we might like but this is because there is a lesson waiting to be learnt through the situation or feeling. Remember that you do not have to go through your life alone; the Creator is here to help you and will take away all appropriate negativity if you ask this of the Creator. We are all so greatly honoured when we learn that there is an energy that is composed of pure love that loves us unconditionally and eternally. What a wonderful gift we have been given. With this understanding you can realise that you are so precious, you must be as you have been blessed beautifully and perfectly. I believe that this is the ultimate gift that a soul could receive, to be loved unconditionally and eternally, there is no gift that is greater. Now is the time to accept your gift, it is yours to experience now.
Whenever you feel down or negative remind yourself that you have been given the ultimate gift of unconditional and eternal love, recognise this love within you and then say out loud or in your mind.
I surrender all false energies, illusion, pain, suffering, negativity and lack of love to the Almighty Creator. I detach from these energies and allow them to be transformed into light of the highest vibration.

Breathe deeply,

I ask that the energy of joy and love emanates and is magnified from my soul now.

To surrender to the Creator is also to trust in the Creator’s will and divine plan for your reality on the Earth, to understand that you are experiencing the divine perfection of the Creator at all times of your reality and to trust in this completely. With this belief, you allow the perfection of the Creator to manifest and you naturally step onto the path that is most appropriate for you to aid you in being of service in the most perfect way. To trust in the will of the Creator can be difficult when you are experiencing chaos or pain but it is your most healing tool after love, it is to trust that everything has a purpose and that positivity arises from all situations.

To surrender to the Creator is to submit yourself to the Creator for complete and absolute healing. The more you achieve and practice this the more connected you will become with the Creator, gradually transforming your entire being into love.

With sacred love,
Your brother and friend,

Master Jesus

Saul through John Smallman: All Will Feel the Infinite Intensity of Divine Love.

Here in the spiritual realms, as we watch over you and support you, we are all elated with the progress that the human collective is making as it moves purposefully forward on its path towards awakening.  It has, in regards to the time spent on it, been a long and arduous journey, and many have suffered greatly due to the general ignorance or lack of understanding of the purpose of life as a human.

When the choice was taken to experience separation from Source, the enormity and intensity of the state of confusion that this would lead to was not, and could not have been foreseen.  Once you had entered into the experience of separation – even though it was and is unreal – your memory of Reality was replaced by a dream-like territory that enormously limited both your creative abilities and the wisdom to understand what you had done.

Initially, the purpose of life, when you became aware that it had a purpose, was survival.  The human form, being easily damaged or killed, needed your constant attention so that you could provide it with the energy it required – food – and shelter and protection from all that could harm it.

There were many elements in the dream environment that you had constructed that at any moment could cause you serious injury or death.  It was therefore a frightening environment in which rapid reactions were sometimes necessary if you were to survive and avoid the life-threatening catastrophes that arose, often without any warning.  Life as a human was, initially, very demanding, sometimes requiring you to make very rapid decisions whether to fight for your life, or to flee in search of safety.

Over time you formed families, tribes, supportive communities, and later, cities and nation states, in order to provide a sense of safety and security.  But always disagreements would arise, either one-on-one or between larger groups, that inevitably led to conflict.

Now, as the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you choose to set the daily intent to be only loving whatever arises, vast numbers of you have recognized that conflict never resolves the issues that led to conflict in the first place.  This recognition is leading to changes in attitudes and behaviors all across the world as the intent to be loving alters people’s perceptions about life’s meaning and the way it should be lived.

Although the military industrial complex mentality is still operating powerfully and very corruptly in many areas, many within it are now seriously questioning its philosophy and consulting with one another in order to establish within it practices and incentives to completely alter its old and utterly outdated conflict-driven mentality, a mentality that has been its guiding principle for so long, and which has caused and continues to cause so much suffering, while at the same time doing so much uncaring damage to the planet which is your only and total life support system while you remain in form as humans.

The insanity of previous methods of dealing with the issues that arise for humanity is now clearly understood, and they are being discarded as new methods that respect and honor each and every individual as well as the whole human collective are being introduced.

This is a time of enormous change as the Tsunami of Love dissolves the fear that has for so long been separating you and driving you apart into warring factions riddled with deceit and mistrust.  Times of change are always very unsettling as much that was hidden is revealed, bringing into the light the egotistical hunger for more and more power over others that drives so many who hold influential positions in politics, in the military, or in major industrial corporations.

Egotistical behaviors and attitudes are fear driven, and have arisen because of the sense of complete separation from everything that is not self that every individual sentient being in form experiences.  Even though modern science has now shown that absolutely everything in form – from rocks to humans – is connected to everything else, only an extremely small number of people are actually knowingly aware of this truth.  Yes, some accept it as a fact intellectually because science say that it is so, but practically no one at all knows it in the intense way that one knows that one exists.

When that intense inner knowing that there is only One is widely shared and experienced, then fear dissolves and loving cooperation becomes fully established as the only way in which sentient beings can and desire to interact or relate with each other.

Knowing that there is only One, and that each of you are that One, instantly removes all the blocks and barriers to Love that have been built and reinforced over the eons that you have been experiencing separation through living lives in form.  When that happens – and that is your awakening – all will feel the infinite intensity of divine Love, which is the only environment that exists, flowing though them abundantly and constantly, and they will also feel It flowing through all others.

The bliss and the joy of that knowing that you are One is what you have all been seeking for eons.  You have never been apart from It, but you have been having an extremely long, ongoing, and terrifying sense that you are each alone and separated from It, purely because you made the collective choice to immerse Yourself in the dream that presents itself to you as physical reality.

That unreal state seems totally real because the vast majority of humans identify themselves completely as only their individual physical bodies, totally separated from other physical bodies that can and do attack and hurt them.

God, Source, the supreme Wisdom and Intelligence, is infinite and absolutely limitless energy – LOVE – and You used only a tiny fraction of the power flowing constantly through that field to construct unreality, the dream, that you experience as the vast multiverse in which, as seemingly tiny insignificant beings present in form for but an instant, you experience your lives.

The only point to note is that it is unreal, that it does not and cannot contain you for even a moment, because there is nothing that can contain, limit, or restrict LOVE, which is what You are, eternally.  Celebrate Reality, and accept that you are about to remember who You are as you awaken into God’s divine Reality, Your divine Reality, where you exist and have always existed in eternal and – in human terms – absolutely unimaginable Joy.

With so very much love, Saul.

Don’t Take Reality And Try to Improve It

”….most of the work is done in this vibrational realm (during meditation or day dreaming) and when you know that , when you know how much you’ve accomplished so what we’re saying is most of it’s done already here and then all you want to do is get up to speed so that you can witness the birth of it the birth of this part of it i…”

How to Step Up Your Yoga Practice with Yoga Tools and Tech

Half the fun of any fitness hobby is buying cool gear to go with it, and yoga is no exception.
While it’s a simple practice at its core, there are a lot of things you can add to your yoga practice to overcome hurdles, introduce new challenges, most importantly, have fun! If you love yoga but are itching for ways to keep your practice exciting, these are four yoga tools and tech you need to try.Use yoga apps to practice at home (and anywhere!)
You can avoid falling into a rut with your yoga practice by using yoga apps to access new yoga routines, challenges, and pose progressions. Yoga apps are ideal for practicing yoga at home or in the great outdoors. However, since most of them are newer and fairly dynamic, you need a phone and a data plan that can keep up, especially if you want to take your yoga outside. If your current phone isn’t up to the task, consider upgrading when your contract expires. If you’re holding onto an outdated phone for budgetary reasons, look for providers who offer a credit toward a new device when you switch to a new data plan. Look for a smartphone with a fast processor, such as the iPhone 11 Pro Max, which also has an excellent display and fast charging capabilities. If an Android is more your pace, the Samsung Galaxy S10 phones have a fast chip, vibrant display, and long battery life.

Make use of blocks to learn new poses Yoga blocks are a great tool for beginners easing into yoga poses for the first time, but these important yoga props aren’t just for newbies. Yoga blocks create support and length so your
body gets more out of yoga practice. Use yoga blocks to relieve tension and joint pressure, work toward new poses, or to take it easy on days when you’re not at 100%.Yogis have a few options for yoga blocks. Foam is the most common, but try cork blocks if you want more grip. 9” x 6” x 3” is the standard yoga block size, but petite people and advanced yogis may want a thinner block.Get straps to stretch your flexibility Yoga straps let you achieve deeper stretches and push your flexibility to new levels. Yoga
straps are also great for alignment. If you struggle with joint stability and posture in challenging poses, a yoga strap can assist you in achieving the full pose without hurting yourself. Over time,you’ll get better at doing the pose without the strap. Yoga Direct recommends straps without
rings or buckles for beginners, but if you want the ability to adjust your strap, look for a cinch or pinch buckle that’s easy to adjust one-handed.
Use a yoga swing to elevate your practice Yogis who want to add serious excitement to their practice should treat themselves to a yoga swing. These cool aerial yoga tools are surprisingly affordable, but it’s essential to install them correctly to prevent injury and damage to your home.
Yoga swings aren’t just fun. Aerial yoga enthusiasts swear by the practice for its ability to lengthen the spine and relieve back pain. However, doing yoga in the air has its risks, so it’s recommended to attend a few aerial yoga classes before trying this practice at home.
No matter what your yoga goals are, the right tools and technology can help you reach them.Plus, adding props, apps, and other tools to your yoga practice is just fun!Start with these four ideas, then experiment with other ways to keep your yoga practice interesting — from adding
props to attending yoga retreats, the possibilities are endless.

Sheila Johnson

Yoga apps-

excellent display –

vibrant display –

Use yoga blocks –

cork blocks – 

alignment –

recommends –

cinch –

install them correctly –

relieve back pain –

Unsplash –

Image via Unsplash


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have been waiting for quite some time to see major changes in the arena of your world economy and the economies of the major industrialized countries of the world. The changes in currency value and the economic structure of the major countries in the world have been topics of considerable debate. There is now an understanding that leveling the playing field, so to speak, would be good for everyone. It is time for those who have been disenfranchised, not given the same opportunities as the privileged ones, to get their share.

Now the big question is how to do this, and the answer lies within you. You are an individual, and as an individual you have the ability to help create economies that work for everyone. You have the ability to see every person as deserving of having their basic needs met. You have the ability to create that world, and if you are one of the have-nots it’s time for you to feel your worth.

It’s time for you to accept your value and receive. Open yourselves up so that you can receive. Feel the abundance vibration flowing through you so that you can be the catalyst for a major change in the way the world operates financially. If enough of you do this, you will create that change.

Don’t wait for others to fix the system. Don’t wait for anything to come along before you create the reality that you want to experience. This is not about playing the same old game and being one of the winners. This is about acknowledging that the game has been rigged and creating an entirely new one.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

I Pray

I pray for family and friends that are not ready to hear my perspective about all atrocities that took place on our planet.Many of you ask yourselves why we can not hang out together like always and while i always reply to you that I Love You so Much and I respect the Divine in You,i am asking you also now:how can we hang out out when you are not ready or do not want to hear my perspective ?I can only allow silence speak for itself.This is the big awakening for all of you my dear family and friends.I pray for you and i pray for your families and friends too for you that reads these words.I know that the wounds that are now opening is the place from where Light can finally penetrate your and their Hearts.I pray and hold the space for you and i send also Compassion and Love to Mother Father God cause if there is one that can truly Feel Humanity’s pain is our Mother Father God.I can only feel part of the pain as a result of Unified Consciousness and my job is to send the pain to the One Mother God to be released so i may poursue my work to hold the space in my Heart for all not fully awake sisters and brothers,that’s my job on the planet:To #FeelMoreThanFine holding the space,that is how Divine Love works.My job is to empty the vessel and allow more Love and Light move through.In this endeavour i ask for assistance and IAM immediately assisted by countless Light Beings=The Company of Heaven and Mother Father God.My only job is to be the Love,to be the Light: IAM The Love,IAM the Light,IAM. And that’s your job too,if you happen to be reading these words.You are not of service when you REACT to something one says,when you want to be right about your beliefs at all costs.You are doing your service when you can sit and listen and hear and hold the space of compassion and love,allowing each and everyone evolve and feel the pain deep in the hearts because it is from the wound that Love will FINALLY penetrate their closed Hearts.I pray for all of you.I pray that The Angels and your Light soul families from on High assist us all to release the suffering and finally live our lives peacefully with one another where each and everyone is safe from harm.There is so much to be done in this coming decade and you that keep reading these words,your mission is for now to hold a space of Love and Light and Peace for those that are waking up around you.And so to be of service for the Highest Good for All,what you need to do is to Love Yourself,to love all parts of Yourself.Only when you love yourself unconditionally you will be able to feel again the Joy and Love you already are,The God that You already Are.This is Who You Are.Only then you can truly radiate out your Love and Light fully as only then you #FeelMoreThanFine from within Out.Truly.Unconditionally.In Harmony with All That Is.With All That You are.Thank You.And I Love You and Hallelujah Anyways.



Concentration in the now, focused intent, and visualization of your dream will bring what you want into fruition rapidly now.-Adama and Rosalia of Hollow Earth via Dianne Robins-

Consciously Guiding Your Thoughts
  I am Adama, and Rosalia is standing by my side. Yes, we did call to you, and you did hear us. We thank you for coming to the computer. There is so much to talk about. 

Consciousness is all there is. It comes in many forms, in many vibrations, many colors. It is all part of the energy spectrum of life. It has wide ranges, heights, and depths, and the key is to excel in all its ranges until you reach Nirvana, where we in Telos dwell. Everything is an exercise in consciousness. Every thought, feeling, and action, and the words you use determine your level of consciousness. Focused attention in every now moment is essential, because now the energies are on the rise, dramatically increasing day by day, and being in control and consciously guiding your thoughts brings you what you want to receive, rather than what you don’t want to receive by random unconscious thoughts. Concentration in the now, focused intent, and visualization of your dream will bring what you want into fruition rapidly now.
  Manifestation is on the rise, and you want it to be positive, and to be what you truly desire, so vigilance is needed every moment of your waking day. To be a master, you must master your thoughts and feelings every moment. We call it “being in the Presence”, and the Presence is feeling the Source flowing through you. It is a heightened state of awareness. Being in the Presence allows the God force to permeate every fiber of your being so that you are wide awake and alert and receptive to all that is coming through you. You are then able to receive from the cosmos all you desire and deserve.
  In Telos, we plan our lives, our days, and our minutes by clearly feeling our way through life. We are alert to all nuances, and shape our thoughts according to our desires, thereby bringing to us exactly what we want and when we want it. It is practice. And we’ve had eons of practice because of our long lifespans. This is what you have been missing on the surface—you have been missing your longevity, your long lifetimes. This longevity gives you the memories of all you have learned so that you don’t have to keep learning and remembering over and over again. You learn it once, and remember it for many thousands of years in the same body—then manifesting becomes as natural as walking and running. You don’t have to think about it, it just happens. And it happens perfectly.
  We see a rapid rise in consciousness now exploding on the surface, and it is time. It is long overdue. Soon you will see the crumbling of the old and the rising of the new. And then we emerge. I am Rosalia.

”Thoughts should be pure as the air, light as the wind, and
dazzling as diamonds.Then all you think will manifest”
”Every thought, feeling, and action, and the words you use
determine your level of consciousness”
”All that you shall ever seek lies within you.You bring all that you desire to you through your imagination and thoughts.”
– Jesus-
Copyright © Dianne Robbins 

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Your support is greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance! 

~ Dianne Robbins

It is your job to desire because it is through your desires that you create, and it is through those creations that Source expands.

what your job is - the 9D Arcturian Council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when you are asking for something, and we are able to detect exactly what you are asking for, even if you don’t verbalize it or think it consciously in your head. And we are just one council in one dimension, and we are only focused in this galaxy. So you can imagine how tuned in to all of you Source is.

Source is all that is, and yet Source still has the ability to sense and understand every single one of your desires. Now, we also want to point out that Source has many different ways of delivering that which you desire to you. There are many agents working on behalf of that very benevolent, loving, ubiquitous Energy that Source is. We tell you this because we want you to know that your job is not to make it all happen.

You are told from a very young age that you will have to work in order to not only survive, but also to get the things that you want for pure enjoyment purposes. And so you are regularly programmed into thinking that it is all up to you and that you will usually only be able to get something that you desire through hard work, blood, sweat, and tears.

The re-programming is underway now, and we are happy to be a part of that re-programming. We want you to have faith, to trust. We want you to relax and to know that you are also an agent of Source. It is your job to desire because it is through your desires that you create, and it is through those creations that Source expands.

We recommend that you do your jobs and that you let the rest of us do ours. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

DEC. 12, 2019 is a 12:12:12 Day, STAY FOCUSED ON THE LIGHT

part of transcript:

…on December 12 we will experience a very powerful full moon and a multi-dimensional celestial alignment that will open a portal of light that has been building in momentum for over 500 years this influx of light from the portal will intensify until the December solstice on December 21st and 22nd 2019 …

Completing a task because you should is of 3D. Doing or creating something because it is joyful, is of 5D.

Dear Ones,

It’s time to address your concerns about which of your actions are of 3D and which are of 5D. The only measurement you require is joy. If an activity feels joyful, it is of 5D – for you are of 5D.

Many of you continue to believe you must do this or that before you can be of 5D.

You have not only completed all of the 5D requirements, but you have passed more tests than you imagine.

Even though you may slip into 3D actions at times, you are no longer of 3D. So it is that those 3D actions are becoming less comfortable daily. A bit like picking up one of your toddler toys as a young teen and wondering why you ever thought it an exciting toy. But then, that toy does not make the toddler wrong; instead, reviewing the importance of that toy allows you to acknowledge you are in a different place.

So it is many of you chide yourselves for finding joy or fear of holiday activities.

For eons, you were taught to be right – whatever right meant to your society at a specific time in history. Until you became a punitive parent of yourself. It is neither right nor wrong to enjoy the holiday season. You merely need to determine what is joyful. For joy is now your go-to feeling, just as fear once was.

Perhaps you question that last statement for you believe that many of your 3D actions were joyful. We beg to differ. Much of what happened in 3D was not joy; it was the avoidance of fear.

Now that fear is no longer your avoidance emotion, you have difficulties determining if you are functioning in joy or because you should (fear). So it is we ask that you allow your actions to filter through your thought processes – which most often include shoulds – and then your heart or your inner-being, which is always pointed to your true North of joy.

You can slow your 5D creation process by following shoulds that no longer provide you with joy. But you cannot return to 3D. So it is you are learning how to access joy with a simple exercise. Does the activity feel joyful or heavy? If it feels joyful, it is your 5D path. If it feels heavy, cumbersome, or filled with shoulds, it is of your 3D past.

This holiday season, you are discovering that many of your activities are not as joyful as they once were. Is it because in addition to holiday demands, you are over-burdened with the intense Universal energies now pummeling you? Or is it because those holiday activities are no longer who you are? If either response is accurate, you are attempting to be someone you no longer are.

Your task becomes to either ignore those activities, redirect them in ways that feel comfortable, or allow others to complete the tasks that no longer interest you. Explanations are not necessary, nor is guilt for those tasks are no different than the example we used at the beginning of this piece. A teen does not need to apologize for not wishing to play with toddler toys, nor does anyone expect a teen to do so.

In 3D society, it is acceptable to inform others that you are too frail to prepare the expected dinner or decorate your home. Yet, informing others you wish to change the expectations they have of you seems almost insurmountable. Not because you find joy in completing those tasks, but that someone may not like you if you do not follow their traditions. Traditions that might even have once been yours and others are merely doing what they think you expect. So it is time for you to be honest with others and yourself. What gives you joy? Not what are the expectations of others or yourself, but what gives you joy?

In 3D, you expect to evolve as you age. From toddler toys to walkers or other paraphernalia indicating you can no longer perform as if you were a teenager. But until you are entirely infirm, you often push yourself to do things that no longer provide joy. In 3D, such is accepted and even discussed and laughed about among friends. But in 5D, such is no longer acceptable behavior.

Joy is your key.

Completing a task because you should is of 3D. Doing or creating something because it is joyful, is of 5D.

We will add that even though a task is joyful, it might consume more of your energy than you realize. So it is you stay awake throughout the night designing a new product that provides you with great joy. Or you are awake studying for a class you do not like. In 3D, both actions would likely be exhausting the next day. But in 5D, your creation/joy energies are unlimited. Something you have yet to thoroughly test.

But as you test your new joy energies, remember the days and nights you were fearful of outcomes. Did you not go to work or school or even play the next day despite lying awake worrying about what ifs? So it will now be for joy and more. Not joy mixed with “What if it doesn’t go as planned? or What if I don’t have as much fun as I think I will?” But instead, a knowingness that as long as you stay within your joy parameters, you will have more energy than you understand at first. But if you return to 3D fear, you will find yourself completely depleted of energy.

You are no longer residing in the 3D world of fear. Attempting to return to those fears will exhaust you, for you will be paddling against your stream. Joy is your only direction. Fear no longer feels right, for fear is now like a heavy element contaminating your glass of water. You no longer need those heavy elements to hold you of the earth. It is time for you to fly into your creations of joy. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: