Daily Archives: December 15, 2019
Celebrate! You have achieved the miraculous this year!…fill your cup first, before you spill it – financially, energetically, and emotionally – and you give only when guided by joy…-the Angels via Ann Albers, 14 december, 2019-
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Celebrate! You have achieved the miraculous this year! You have soothed the heart of Mother Earth and although there are volcanoes blowing, “the big one,” was mercifully calmed because of your love and prayers. Through your love, Mother Earth was calmed and soothed, and thus able to dissipate the pressure she’s been feeling as a result of the divisions within the human race.
The year has been a challenge for many of you. As Mother Earth pulled within to re-evaluate what she is willing and able to “put up with,” so too many of you have been re-evaluating your lives and looking at the balance.
Many of you, like Mother Earth, are selfless givers. You are lovers. You want to see everyone happy, healthy, and comfortable. That is beautiful dear ones and we love and appreciate your shining hearts. However, many of you have given to the point that you forget your own needs, hearts, and balance. Our recommendation always, is that you fill your cup first, before you spill it – financially, energetically, and emotionally – and you give only when guided by joy.
This year more than ever before, it became apparent to many of you that you want more balanced relationships, more equitable jobs, and more satisfying lives. Many of you found yourself less tolerant with “takers,” less “OK” working without appropriate compensation, and a little less willing to live off-balance.
This year many of you wish to “cocoon” more than usual – to pull within, spend time at home, with close friends or family, or in silence.
Dear ones, these changes are healthy changes. In fact we celebrate your awakening to greater self-love, and your commitment to live more authentic lives. We celebrate your desire to connect more deeply with God and self and therefore to bring more of your true self, into all other connections. We celebrate that in the midst of a very divisive planet, so many of you light workers have found greater unity within your self, and therefore a greater ability to live and let live.
Be kind to yourselves. Allow yourselves to bask in the holiday spirit of love. Allow yourselves to rest, and to “cocoon” if desired. Spend more time doing what is meaningful or uplifting to you and less time living out of a sense of duty.
You are perfect just as you are. Your old tendencies to either “struggle or make nice” are being replaced with a more organic and easy way of being – simply honesty, and innocent authenticity. In the balance, these are very good changes indeed.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Master Jesus via Natalie Glasson, December 13th, 2019
The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, I, Master Jesus, honour you now as I come forward to speak and share my consciousness with you.
Let me hold your hands in mine; let me wash them with the love of the
Creator. May everything and every person that you touch from now on be
charged with the love of the Creator.
Let me hold your feet in my hands; let me wash your feet in the love of
the Creator. May every step you walk upon the Earth be a step of love.
Let me embrace you in my arms; let me wash your being in the love of the Creator so that you may know and feel that you are never alone. The Creator is within you always. I use the love of the Creator to dissolve all fears that you may have of realising yourself as a magnificent being of love, a sacred vessel of Creator love. Let the love of the Creator wash away fear so that you may realise that there is nothing to fear and you are loved unconditionally and eternally by the Creator. Do not shy away from the love of the Creator, it is your divine right, know that you are worthy of the love of the Creator because you are so magnificent, precious and sacred. Do you realise that you are loved every moment of your day, every moment that you sleep? Do you realise that you are loved so completely and absolutely with every breath you take? The love of the Creator will never and can never be taken away from you, it is yours to accept, realise hold and express.
The love of the Creator is the essence of life; if you do not allow
yourself to feel, experience and express the love of the Creator then
you haven’t truly experienced life on the Earth. There are so many
wondrous sights, smells and experiences on the Earth but none are
greater than feeling the love of the Creator, knowing that the love of
the Creator is around and within you at all times and will never be
taken away from you. The love of the Creator is the only true thing that
you can depend upon whether you are on the Earth or on the inner
planes. It is our right and a need as soul’s of the Creator to place our
trust and faith in the love of the Creator. When you realise the love
of the Creator within you, when you trust wholeheartedly in the love and
the will of the Creator, then you will understand that there is nothing
more that you need because you will feel completely fulfilled on all
levels of your being.
Your most deepest yearning is for the love of the Creator and yet my
brothers and sisters there is no need to suffer any longer, the love of
the Creator is yours to grasp and treasure now. If you just dissolved
your fears and held courage you could recognise the love of the Creator
and bathe yourself completely in blissful, joyous and healing energies.
Your guides and I are here to help you, you do not have to achieve this
on your own, all you need do is ask and you will receive with divine
My aim is to help you understand how precious you are, how precious those around you are and how you are never alone. This is my greatest aim as a being of love to share and awaken the love of the Creator in others.
I am worthy of the love of the Creator.
I am loved by the Creator unconditionally and eternally.
I am fearless and loving at all times.
I recognise with ease the love of the Creator around and within me.
The love of the Creator embraces heals and awakens my being.
I am the love of the Creator; I am the purity of love in manifestation on the Earth.
You can say these statements to yourself, but don’t just say them, understand and feel the words and their meanings to you.
Let me embrace your soul in the love of the Creator to allow the truth and essence of your soul to be magnified, nurtured and intensified. Your soul is after all the essence of the Creator within you. Recognising your soul is to remember the truth of your being and who you are. Feel, sense or acknowledge the love of the Creator swelling from within you. I am here to support, protect and cradle you in my love; I am devoted to assisting you now, let yourself be devoted to your unity with the Creator and acceptance of love.
In order to truly feel the love of the Creator which is naturally
within and around us, there is a need to surrender to the Creator. To
surrender is to give up or let go of anything that is no longer needed.
To surrender to the Creator is to submit all that is causing you pain
and suffering, all that is hindering and limiting you to the Creator. It
is to detach yourself from any negativity you may be experiencing and
to give it up to the Creator. The Creator can transform all negative
energy into positive loving light but when we give negativity to the
Creator we are asking for the highest vibration of light to cleanse and
heal us. To hold onto negativity is simply harmful for the mind, heart
emotions and physical body. To surrender all to the Creator shows a
detachment from the negativity, a realisation that the negativity or
pain is not your truth nor is it needed. Sometimes we are unable to let
go of an unneeded energy as easily as we might like but this is because
there is a lesson waiting to be learnt through the situation or feeling.
Remember that you do not have to go through your life alone; the
Creator is here to help you and will take away all appropriate
negativity if you ask this of the Creator. We are all so greatly
honoured when we learn that there is an energy that is composed of pure
love that loves us unconditionally and eternally. What a wonderful gift
we have been given. With this understanding you can realise that you are
so precious, you must be as you have been blessed beautifully and
perfectly. I believe that this is the ultimate gift that a soul could
receive, to be loved unconditionally and eternally, there is no gift
that is greater. Now is the time to accept your gift, it is yours to
experience now.
Whenever you feel down or negative remind yourself that you have been
given the ultimate gift of unconditional and eternal love, recognise
this love within you and then say out loud or in your mind.
I surrender all false energies, illusion, pain, suffering, negativity
and lack of love to the Almighty Creator. I detach from these energies
and allow them to be transformed into light of the highest vibration.
Breathe deeply,
I ask that the energy of joy and love emanates and is magnified from my soul now.
To surrender to the Creator is also to trust in the Creator’s will and divine plan for your reality on the Earth, to understand that you are experiencing the divine perfection of the Creator at all times of your reality and to trust in this completely. With this belief, you allow the perfection of the Creator to manifest and you naturally step onto the path that is most appropriate for you to aid you in being of service in the most perfect way. To trust in the will of the Creator can be difficult when you are experiencing chaos or pain but it is your most healing tool after love, it is to trust that everything has a purpose and that positivity arises from all situations.
To surrender to the Creator is to submit yourself to the Creator for complete and absolute healing. The more you achieve and practice this the more connected you will become with the Creator, gradually transforming your entire being into love.
With sacred love,
Your brother and friend,
Master Jesus
Saul through John Smallman: All Will Feel the Infinite Intensity of Divine Love.
Here in the spiritual realms, as we watch over you and support you, we are all elated with the progress that the human collective is making as it moves purposefully forward on its path towards awakening. It has, in regards to the time spent on it, been a long and arduous journey, and many have suffered greatly due to the general ignorance or lack of understanding of the purpose of life as a human.
When the choice was taken to experience separation from Source, the enormity and intensity of the state of confusion that this would lead to was not, and could not have been foreseen. Once you had entered into the experience of separation – even though it was and is unreal – your memory of Reality was replaced by a dream-like territory that enormously limited both your creative abilities and the wisdom to understand what you had done.
Initially, the purpose of life, when you became aware that it had a purpose, was survival. The human form, being easily damaged or killed, needed your constant attention so that you could provide it with the energy it required – food – and shelter and protection from all that could harm it.
There were many elements in the dream environment that you had constructed that at any moment could cause you serious injury or death. It was therefore a frightening environment in which rapid reactions were sometimes necessary if you were to survive and avoid the life-threatening catastrophes that arose, often without any warning. Life as a human was, initially, very demanding, sometimes requiring you to make very rapid decisions whether to fight for your life, or to flee in search of safety.
Over time you formed families, tribes, supportive communities, and later, cities and nation states, in order to provide a sense of safety and security. But always disagreements would arise, either one-on-one or between larger groups, that inevitably led to conflict.
Now, as the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you choose to set the daily intent to be only loving whatever arises, vast numbers of you have recognized that conflict never resolves the issues that led to conflict in the first place. This recognition is leading to changes in attitudes and behaviors all across the world as the intent to be loving alters people’s perceptions about life’s meaning and the way it should be lived.
Although the military industrial complex mentality is still operating powerfully and very corruptly in many areas, many within it are now seriously questioning its philosophy and consulting with one another in order to establish within it practices and incentives to completely alter its old and utterly outdated conflict-driven mentality, a mentality that has been its guiding principle for so long, and which has caused and continues to cause so much suffering, while at the same time doing so much uncaring damage to the planet which is your only and total life support system while you remain in form as humans.
The insanity of previous methods of dealing with the issues that arise for humanity is now clearly understood, and they are being discarded as new methods that respect and honor each and every individual as well as the whole human collective are being introduced.
This is a time of enormous change as the Tsunami of Love dissolves the fear that has for so long been separating you and driving you apart into warring factions riddled with deceit and mistrust. Times of change are always very unsettling as much that was hidden is revealed, bringing into the light the egotistical hunger for more and more power over others that drives so many who hold influential positions in politics, in the military, or in major industrial corporations.
Egotistical behaviors and attitudes are fear driven, and have arisen because of the sense of complete separation from everything that is not self that every individual sentient being in form experiences. Even though modern science has now shown that absolutely everything in form – from rocks to humans – is connected to everything else, only an extremely small number of people are actually knowingly aware of this truth. Yes, some accept it as a fact intellectually because science say that it is so, but practically no one at all knows it in the intense way that one knows that one exists.
When that intense inner knowing that there is only One is widely shared and experienced, then fear dissolves and loving cooperation becomes fully established as the only way in which sentient beings can and desire to interact or relate with each other.
Knowing that there is only One, and that each of you are that One, instantly removes all the blocks and barriers to Love that have been built and reinforced over the eons that you have been experiencing separation through living lives in form. When that happens – and that is your awakening – all will feel the infinite intensity of divine Love, which is the only environment that exists, flowing though them abundantly and constantly, and they will also feel It flowing through all others.
The bliss and the joy of that knowing that you are One is what you have all been seeking for eons. You have never been apart from It, but you have been having an extremely long, ongoing, and terrifying sense that you are each alone and separated from It, purely because you made the collective choice to immerse Yourself in the dream that presents itself to you as physical reality.
That unreal state seems totally real because the vast majority of humans identify themselves completely as only their individual physical bodies, totally separated from other physical bodies that can and do attack and hurt them.
God, Source, the supreme Wisdom and Intelligence, is infinite and absolutely limitless energy – LOVE – and You used only a tiny fraction of the power flowing constantly through that field to construct unreality, the dream, that you experience as the vast multiverse in which, as seemingly tiny insignificant beings present in form for but an instant, you experience your lives.
The only point to note is that it is unreal, that it does not and cannot contain you for even a moment, because there is nothing that can contain, limit, or restrict LOVE, which is what You are, eternally. Celebrate Reality, and accept that you are about to remember who You are as you awaken into God’s divine Reality, Your divine Reality, where you exist and have always existed in eternal and – in human terms – absolutely unimaginable Joy.
With so very much love, Saul.