If we told you that the world was your oyster you might wonder what it had to offer

Mike Quinsey Channels His Higher Self, November 8th, 2019

8th November 2019. Mike Quinsey.

If we told you that the world was your oyster you might wonder what it had to offer, when all around you is the great mess that Man has left it in and is continuing to make worse. What you cannot see are the changes going on behind the scenes that would totally change your view about things. We have often mentioned the nature of coming changes, and an end to the disrupting activities of those who have ignored the needs of nature and Mother Gaia to satisfy their own greed. Clearly matters have to be taken in hand so as to put a stop to the destruction that is taking place. Plans have been made and all that remains is to put them into being at the appropriate time, so as to ensure success. We cannot say when that will be but due to the urgency of the situation we cannot visualise it being too much longer.

As you must know by now, on our side of the veil time is not as you understand it, as everything is in the now. So it becomes difficult to give precise predictions for events to take place, so we have to generalise based on what we know about your activities. Freewill always comes into it but on occasions we are “ordered” by higher sources to take certain actions regardless of any other situation. There is of course a greater plan for Mankind that at this time concerns your path to Ascension and no one will be allowed to interfere with it. Having passed the 2012 marker there is absolutely no way that anyone will be allowed to make changes to it. In the greater plan there are often Galactic considerations to be made as the result of your future actions are more far reaching than you might imagine.

The Human Race is now the focus of attention and largely because you will be the very first to ascend in your present physical body, and in the process it will become refined as a result of the higher vibrations. This is really what Ascension is all about and you would have known about it before you reincarnated. The trigger for it is your Sun as we have previously mentioned. You could say that the end of your journey is in sight although it will still take some years before you reach it. The imminent change is your release from the lower energies that have held you back, often deliberately by the dark Ones who have wished to prevent your Ascension. However, you have nothing to fear provided you keep on the straight and narrow road without deviating from the plan for souls desiring to ascend.

The spiritual truth can be mighty powerful, so much so that you feel like announcing it from the rooftops. It is understandable, but it is best to keep such information to yourself and only release it when you are prompted to do so. It is possible to give out too much too soon for some souls to comprehend and could deter them from going further. The best time to help other souls is when they ask for it and not until they do so. Remember that all souls have Guides who will ensure that they are helped to rise up when the time is appropriate. The soul holds an enormous amount of information and it will be used when it is best likely to help them to further evolve.

There are now many groups of people that have their own particular interest in helping others evolve. The feeling of “service to others” is growing and it is due to the continual upliftment of your vibrations. It is all part of the plan for Humanity, to prepare as many souls as possible for the ascension process as there is nothing difficult in it, simply a desire and determination to stay positive at all times and maintain your level of vibration regardless of what is going on around you. It is much easier than you might imagine but you must be careful not to be drawn into negative discussions. Always think and act positively and keep calm when others choose to do otherwise, and your presence may help defuse a difficult situation.

With Ascension gradually getting nearer and nearer you may wonder if you have reached a point where you are ready, and will be one of those who will go through. Know that you do not need to be concerned about your future, simply put Ascension will occur in the near future and if you have raised your vibrations you will go through. It is an automatic outcome which is why those souls who are not ready progress to their level and continue evolving on a different path. It is a wonderful system that is absolutely fair and helps all souls to continue with their experiences giving every opportunity to make progress. Many earlier civilisations have made such a journey and long completed their time in the Matter Universes. So the system has been long tried and tested and found to be perfect for the purpose it was intended.

The Human Race creates so many problems by believing that one group is superior to another, when in fact all are on the same level. The fact that there are many different races with different skin colours, religions and beliefs, is because over a great period of time they have developed their own belief systems. It allows souls that are re-incarnating a choice to choose the family that offers the best opportunities to evolve, meaning that you may select a different path from one life to another. It begs the question that since you have experienced many different religious beliefs should you not consider all souls as your brothers and sisters and respect them accordingly. Instead of seeing the differences between one Race and another accept that all souls are treading paths that eventually lead to the same conclusion.

As time marches on so small groups will start forming who have a common interest, and the predominance of extremely large groups will change. It is also the reason why people will move from vast cities for a more personalised existence. To use one of your phrases there is also the fact that “small is beautiful” and much more easily handled and supported. These are changes that may be some way off, but you are already beginning to see the decline of centralisation. Also bear in mind that you will become more self-supporting, and modern technology will help reduce the time spent carrying out your tasks.

History will tell you that for many lives you have struggled to exist and rarely lived without some threat to your existence whether from natural causes or through man’s activities. The latter period ended with the end of World War Two although many years on you have still been unable to achieve total peace, but for certain it will come eventually. Again it is the young people that will bring it about, having been born to Earth purposefully so that peace can be more quickly achieved. Listen to them and note their determination to change Man’s traditional ways of living for the betterment of all people and a caring approach to the needs of Mother Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

You have done far beyond from what we expected.From a Partial 3D to full 5D in 2020.All people you are interacting with are shifting too-The Creators-

You’re likely clearing some last pieces of earth or personal caretaking issues. Such is so in preparation for 2020. Even though you don’t believe it is possible, your political, environmental, and personal fears will end as the emerging energies are shifting all. Those following have solutions you can’t yet imagine.  Please Note: The sound quality of this week’s BlogTalk channel isn’t the best because I used a cell phone instead of a landline.

Feeling spacey, blissy?Our 11:11 Gateway just opened.

Content is Light-Encoded to assist your journey V
Blessings Beloveds ~

Our 11:11 Gateway opens tonight. We continue to see more rainbow-plasma, crystalline realms and collective DNA activation. This is a quantum effect of the Embodiment of a new level of Christ consciousness.

Embodiers have been particularly blissful this week; more preparation for this Divine passage which supports BECOMING the new light in form.

We have experienced this before; the sleepy, dreamy, blissful daze of higher activations. It is growing in frequency and consistency, washing away the density of the old Self and the sensation of duality. Surrender to it, express gratitude while it works its magic on the cells and consciousness. Your Higher Self will only deliver what you can handle, and what you request in alignment with your path.

Much of this passage is about alignment, reality choices and 2020 clarity of the Heart. Gaia is in FULL SUPPORT of the new Gateways, which is obvious to anyone working with her reconnection to multiple cosmic stargates. The energy and codes are there for you to receive and amplify.

What makes this passage different is the WIDESPREAD collective activity of Embodiment. The conscious collective choice to show HUmanity what Ascension is truly about, and pave the way for a new expression of the HUman genome in its Christed state is opening the gates within.

Opportunities to Connect as ONE

SUNday Unity Meditations: Infusions of peace, stability and amplification of the New Light at 5:11AM, 8:11AM & 11:11AM PST (UTC – 8). Details HERE.

Monday November 11 is our 11:11 unification. Please mediate and gather at 11:11AM in your own time zone. We enter this sacred space with a global focus on peace, revelation and unity consciousness.

Sedona Tribe, join us at the Cathedral Rock platform on November 11 for a unity meditation at 11:11AM MST.Details here.

Gatekeepers/Gridworkers: Hearts up for our next influx November 13-17.

Free 2020 preparation guide next week

Linear time check-in:  Much is unfolding in the next 5 weeks with the 11-11 and 12-12 Gateways. Solstice and the eclipses are just six weeks away.

I AM guided to create a concise Preparing for 2020 video for the Tribe. This will assist while I AM on my annual private retreat (December 15 – January 15). Subscribers will receive a link to these materials in the next newsletter.

Crystalline DNA Mastery class

Our final Live Q&A call is Saturday, November 9 @ 10AM -12noon PST
Login and visit Module 12 for connections details and replays.

All class content is live now. Sign up anytime for a full year of access to this transformational and informative content.

Subscriber sneak peek: Curious about this class? Watch a clip from Module 5 HERE

More free DNA content:

The latest conversation with John Burgos about the experience of Divine DNA is now on YouTube. Click the image below to listen in:

Responsible Creation

This is a big shift passage, within and without. We lead the way with kindness, compassion and Divine Neutrality. With the energies pushing for personal transformation – in order to create collective transformation – it is a perfect moment for self-care, highest choices of Love, and supporting each other with New Earth Now dynamics.

How does your experience of the next level look and feel? Visualize and FEEL your creation, however you would love it to unfold. We walk upon fertile 5D soil. Plant wisely.

Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,

Looking for the free Crystalline DNA ebook? Go HERE.


Dear Ones,

You probably feel that all is not well in your world. Even though we have addressed this issue on several occasions, you continue to worry about your future and that of the earth. For indications are that leaders you once held in esteem are not worth the energy to help them maintain their status. And those you once feared are more evident daily.

So it is there is little for you to attach to other than your inner-world for all else seems counter-intuitive, mean, and self-serving. You assumed that at this stage in your transition, you would be encased in a bubble of joy that excluded those who did not agree with your beliefs.

Even though you no longer believe that separation is possible, such is yet to happen.

You completed each difficult transition phase with hopes that joy would be evident with the next step. But you are so worn out now you no longer expect joy, merely more struggles as has been true for earth eons. Your current reality is that your life is not as pleasant, as was true before you initiated your transition. You are noting the underbelly of the earth and its inhabitants without the sunshine you once believed was a requirement.

Surely, you could not suffer as much as you have during this transition, including the loss of family and friends, without a reward. So it is you no longer care if that reward is of 3D or 5D. You merely need some indication that all you achieved is worth a reward.

Instead, you feel lonely, sad, angry, and yes, fearful. What if there are no rewards? What if the remainder of your earth life is to be in this nothingness without highs, joys, or fun? What if you pushed yourself almost beyond endurance to this flat life that is opposite of what we and others prophecized?

Such is not true. But until you receive some indication to the contrary, you are losing faith that anything is changing. So it is you are becoming surly in your inner anger. Anger and angst, directed at yourself. “Why was I such a fool to believe that I changed the world?”

Those of you in a different place – either before reaching this emotional block or after doing so – cannot understand the angst of your spiritual brothers and sisters. For you are cool, calm, and collected, knowing that all is well.  All is well, but extremely difficult to prove if you are experiencing your dark night of the soul or clearing of your final fear dust bunnies.

You forerunners are in the midst of the earth’s sea change from 3D to 5D. Yet, you are sensing or experiencing a more in-depth 3D than you once thought possible. Part of your discomfort is sensing the general upheaval of all earth beings.

Your views are so different from the general population that you have little in common with them, nor do you wish to find commonalities with most outside your circle. Even those within your circle are starting to demand your help – if not, physically, then emotionally. Those followers expect you, caretaker supreme, to help them through their phases. The same phases you struggled through without knowing where those struggles would lead or end.

Of course, you are angry and fearful. For not only are you in void time, making final preparations for 2020, but those followers connected to you, physically or emotionally, want you to carry them across their finish line. So it is, that whenever you sense a sparkle of joy, a follower either within your immediate circle or those you connect with empathically, call out for help with their issues.

So it is you are having difficulties believing there is a finish line.

Both your rest and nurturing time is limited. Exhaustion similar to your experiences during the first years of your child’s life. When your child cried, it was your duty to determine why they were crying, no matter how tired or busy you were. You were on-call 24/7.  You are falling into that same pattern believing you must care for others – even if you merely sense them – 24/7.

Stop caretaking. Stop feeling sorry for followers. Make them pick up their toys (clearing their fears) instead of doing it for them.

Of course, this command seems nasty, given that no one seems to be asking for your help. Need we remind you that you are both a consummate earth caretaker and Universal sensitive? So it is you are likely sensing cries for help more than you are physically experiencing them. You, with your sensory portholes wide open, catch the emotional cries of beings who do not wish to do their transition work.

Transition work is not easy, as you well know. But you completed your work so that those following were capable of completing theirs WITHOUT your assistance. They are not frail infants who must be cared for. Followers are earth adults and Universal beings. They, just as was true for you, want the easiest route possible – which they know you can provide. For you are capable of holding their pain as they explore their new life. But doing so is harming you emotionally and not helping them complete their transition.

Many of those following are looking for helicopter parents like you to pull them through difficult pieces only they can complete. So it is those of you who are overly sensitive are in a quandary for you are natural caretakers.

Both you and those following must leave this enabling path.

You have created the superhighway those following can branch off of. By doing so, you completed the most difficult part of 5D path creation. Stopping to create a unique path for those following reduces the number of 5D forerunners completing their roles.

Stop caretaking – emotionally or physically. You cannot create a reward for yourself if you are enmeshed in the progress of those following.

Nurture yourself knowing those following are no longer infants, but instead middle school children who want you to do their homework, and cook, and clean for them. They want you to do it all.

It is time for you to say, “NO.” A loud NO that needs to reverberate to those surrounding you physically and those leaking into your empathic being because they are frightened.

Just say, “NO.” So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Peace is the natural fruitage of a consciousness that knows; “There is only One”.

Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele | November 3, 2019

NOVEMBER 3, 2019

Dear readers, welcome once again to our message. We are very happy to see so many of you beginning to release fear and move into your true nature as sons and daughters of truth rather than continuing to live as human beings at the mercy of every three dimensional concept and belief still resonating in three dimensional collective consciousness.

You are evolving more quickly as intense high frequency energies increase. These higher dimensional energies are causing those who do not understand what is taking place to lash out with fear and panic in an attempt to return changing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues back to the status quo that they are familiar with.

Change is happening and you are going to witness it become increasingly more intense. Fire and the other elements are Gaia’s tools for clearing old and dense energy. Know that the many dear ones suffering from these things at this time volunteered to go through this–not consciously, but pre-birth. Fire is a powerful tool for clearing old energy, allowing and often even forcing a person to examine their belief system with new eyes.

Those who have held mankind in bondage for eons are being exposed, These people go back a very long time continuing to function in service to self as “power over” from generation to generation. The energy of the collective is becoming too bright and high for them to continue as they always have. It is a new time dear ones. Hold to your center at all times and in all circumstances despite outer appearances. Know that much is taking place behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of. All is as it should be.

We wish to speak about personal peace. The peace that can only arise from where it exists–within. A peace that expresses consciously and unconsciously through words and actions that reflect oneness.

You are all aware of people who live ordinary lives from a consciousness of oneness and yet who never even think of it in terms of spirituality or unconditional love. It is simply who they are.

Peace consciousness is attained through living, learning, and experiencing in many, many lifetimes. This is why those who automatically live from unconditional love are often referred to as “old souls”.

Most humans are as of yet unaware of the higher dimensions. This is because three dimensional energy cannot align with the higher frequencies. This is why many remain “stuck” (ghosts) and do not move on after death. Because they continue to align only with third dimensional energy, they remain attached to familiar people, places, and things, unable to see their Guides and those waiting to assist them into the next phase of their journey.

Once a certain level of spiritual awareness is attained and becomes a state of consciousness, the person can never revert back to their previous or outgrown state. Many on earth at this time incarnated having already attained a very evolved state of consciousness. They appear to be living ordinary lives and can be found quietly serving the ascension process in ordinary ways and in all professions and belief systems.

They are you.

Three dimensional solutions for peace between individuals are always birthed from concepts of separation. Globally, attempts for peace also based in separation have the added elements of “power over” and force considered to be acceptable. The energetic clearings taking place at this time personally and globally are necessary because the dense resonating energy the world has always known can never align with the peace and love it seeks.

Problem relationships believed to be resolved and cleared are surfacing once again for many. Energy clears in layers as an individual is spiritually prepared to do the work. This is especially true with intense and long buried cellular memories. If an issue with some person, place, or thing has reappeared in your life it indicates that you are now ready for its next and usually final clearing. See it as a graduation, not a failure.

Karmic situations between people begins when negative experiences either from long ago or the present remain alive and well in cellular memory. This energy is then carried by both through many lifetimes and becomes what is termed karma. Karma is not a punishment as so many believe but is simply an energy imbalance needing to be cleared or brought into alignment.

The attempt to bring peace and resolution to some problem relationship from a higher level is often met with resistance from the other or others who prefer continuing to live from victim consciousness. If this happens do not align with the other’s lower resonating energy in an attempt to meet them at their level of awareness for this simply feeds and prolongs energies that may go back many lifetimes. This does not mean you cannot speak to them at their level of understanding, but means that you do not align your energy with theirs. This is spiritual empowerment.

If peaceful resolution is not possible because the other simply refuses, it can be done without them. A spiritually aware individual can clear an existing karmic situation without the permission or cooperation of the other who is not willing or ready. This is how you do that–

Set aside a specific time when you will not be interrupted. Center, meditate, clear your energy field, and firmly state your intention; Example–“In the presence of my Higher Self and my Guides, I choose to once and for all clear all remaining negative energy with…state the name.” Use your own words because it is your intention. Make it as long and inclusive as you want. Silently acknowledge the other person’s Light as a Divine Being even though they may not be interested or ready to know anything about this. Visualize the reality of them as pure Light. When you do this you are acknowledging their true nature and not the illusory sense of them you have come to know.

Remove any and all energy cords to the person. Ask your Guides for help if you want. Visualize your hands as Light entering into the solar plexus area and removing and all cords and their roots. You may or may not become aware of a long and very old cord. Simply allow the process and when it feels complete, lovingly hand the cord back to the other and fill the empty space with golden white Light.

You are now ready to let it go and move on. You will soon discover that further interactions with the person/persons are not so draining or difficult as they once were because you will no longer be carrying this dense energetic burden.

If the other continues to seek negative interaction do not be afraid to speak your truth from a place of spiritual empowerment and remove them from your life knowing that if you indulge the situation again at its original old energetic level, you once again create energetic cords and karma.

For a period of time the mind will continue to remind you of old hurts because it is trying to help you but is doing it from levels you have since outgrown. Think of your mind as a friend walking by your side who is trying to help you from an incomplete level of understanding. Mind automatically reprograms as a person spiritually evolves because mind draws from and forms the outer from the person’s state of consciousness.

Because like attracts like (One always seeking to be whole), thoughts and beliefs floating around in the collective that are in alignment with your energy will be drawn to you. These thoughts are impersonal and never become yours unless you accept and claim them as yours. Everyone still carries a bit of old energy that will act to attract similar energy from the collective.

Your job is not to panic and go into resistance when some unwanted thought floats through, but rather to simply recognize it as being impersonal and that somehow you attracted it. Replace the thought with the truth about whatever it represents and examine your belief system because there is no unexpressed consciousness. Even the little hidden bits will continue to express until cleared.

Example; A hypochondriac will attract all sorts of random impersonal thoughts and beliefs about disease. When they claim some or perhaps focus on one in particular they firmly establish it as their state of consciousness often creating the disease for themselves while adding more energy and power to their already established consciousness of disease.

Never resist negative thoughts when they come floating through (and they will), because that only gives them a power and substance they do not have. Simply recognize them for what they really are. One day you realize that you are no longer attracting many old familiar thoughts and ideas.

Karma is not always between people, but can be about the need to move beyond an old belief system that has governed throughout many lifetimes. For example– If a person has lived many lifetimes strongly attached to the teachings of a particular religion and pre-birth realizes that they are spiritually ready to move beyond it, they may choose to incarnate into a family that holds those same beliefs in order re-activate them once again. Now sufficiently prepared to see the old belief system from the level of a more expanded consciousness, he/she is able to release the energetic ties and move on.

Always know that real and lasting peace is a state of consciousness that cannot be acquired through effort and actions from outside of self although at this time some human footsteps remain necessary. Always remember that real peace is already fully present within every person whether or not they are aware of it.

Peace is the natural fruitage of a consciousness that knows; “There is only One”.

Claim the infinite peace that lives in and as you just awaiting recognition– that which will “never leave nor forsake you” — That which you are.

We are the Arcturian Group 11/3/19

Archangel Michael Through Ronna Vezane~ What Are You Doing While Waiting to Ascend?

November 1, 2019, starquestmastery.com


Beloved masters, as we monitor your progress, measure the “Light Quotient” of your thought patterns, and observe how valiant and stalwart you are in your endeavors to integrate the wondrous energies of Creator-consciousness, we are most gratified, as well as amazed, at your astounding progress.

The maelstrom of negative thought forms that have swirled throughout the three lower astral planes, and which have affected humanity for eons of time, are gradually being replaced by uplifting thought forms of hope, inspiration, joy. This will allow the reality that scarcity is only an imbalanced, negative thought form, which can be replaced with an assurance that abundance is everyone’s Divine birthright.

All you have to do in order to claim your heritage is to accept as your truth that you are worthy, and then to solidify that reality via your positive thoughts, deeds and actions.

A wondrous new vision, a powerful probable future for humanity and the Earth, is awaiting your entrance into a Fifth-Dimensional environment. It is being strengthened and magnified moment by moment. It is a future whereby all humanity, as well as the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, Devic and Elemental kingdoms will peacefully co-exist on Earth.

Envision an Earth which is pristine in its beauty, and which has sparkling clear water and clean healthy air to breathe. It will be a world of abundance and plenty, whereby no one will suffer from lack of adequate food, shelter or opportunity. It will be a world whereby different races, cultures, beliefs and traditions are honored and respected – where no one tries to force his/her beliefs on others, or deny others the right to live their own truths and follow their own customs.

As more and more of you slowly withdraw your attention and thoughts from the self-limiting thought patterns of old, they are gradually dissolving and becoming ineffectual. Have we not told you over and over again, “your thoughts have energy – positive or negative – and what you focus on, you magnify”?

Many of you are so caught up in the desire to ascend, and to live in a perceived paradise of the higher dimensions, you are forgetting and neglecting the beauty, joy and the benefits of experiencing the magnificence and wonder of the journey.

Each phase of new awareness or expanded consciousness has its special miracles and benefits, which are to be savored and enjoyed. Each time you release some old self-limiting, painful thought form, habit or discordant energies within, you are transformed, and you remove a small (or large) part of your disguise, which allows you to integrate another Facet of your wondrous God Self.

In doing so, you are gradually creating a new empowered you, and a new reality opens to you whereby you have access to many new concepts, as well as many new talents, and your sensitivity to the exquisite nuances of Spirit miraculously unfolds around you.

Those of you who have followed our teachings over the years are aware that the major theme for the Spirit/human experience on planet Earth has been separation, duality and polarity, with an ultimate goal of returning to balance, harmony and oneness with your multi-dimensional Self, and unity consciousness with ALL.

Each of you fragmented your Divine Self into hundreds of individual Sparks of consciousness as you ventured forth to fulfill the Divine Mandate of the Creator, “Go forth and create new worlds without end in my name.” Along the way many of you forgot that there is a Universal Law that states, “You must experience that which you have created.”

The great multitude of seekers who have moved back onto the path, which leads to harmony and a reunion with Spirit, have primarily done so because each of you were tired of the pain and suffering of the past. And so, your Soul-self finally got your attention so that you were ready to listen to the whisperings of Spirit.

Those of you who have diligently sought your higher truth, and have striven to live and exemplify that truth, are now reaping the rewards. You are learning that you are in control, and you are not being tossed around by the whims of fate. You are not being punished or rewarded by anyone, for you have realized that you are responsible for your thoughts and actions, and you create your own reality – All of it! – via the harmonious or discordant frequency patterns you emit.

You have finally realized that you are not surrendering anything, but when you align your will with the Creator’s Will, you make way for unlimited miracles and possibilities to enter your life.

We have discussed in depth about bringing all the Facets of your multiple chakra system back into harmony, and the importance of integrating and balancing the virtues, qualities and attributes of the Rays of God-Consciousness. If any one Facet of your Being is out of balance, none of the others can function at its maximum potential.

You are meant to be a composite Spiritual/human being with a unified consciousness. In most human beings, the physical senses and desires of the body have overridden the more subtle senses of their spiritual nature.

A person who lives mostly in a mental world is lacking or missing out on the wonders, strength and delight of the heart, refined emotions and the Soul. A person who is driven by his/her emotions is living in an unstable world, which has no foundation or structure, and is susceptible to the emotional highs and lows of everyday occurrences and those around him/her.

A person who has disconnected from Spirit lives a life without hope, and no matter what he/she may attain or accumulate in the physical world, he/she lives an existence that does not sustain the Soul, a life without the luster of lasting, heart-felt gratification. Humanity has focused on the emotions of spirit for thousands of years, and has neglected the science or mental aspects of spirituality.

The Universe and all creation function under the immutable Universal Laws as decreed by the Supreme Creator. Know the laws and live in harmony with them, and you will exist in alignment with Creator Will. As a result, you may be assured that all the beauty, bounty and abundance of the Universe will be yours for the taking.

Returning to harmony and balance within what we call the four lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, is the next vital step after coming to an understanding about the energies, qualities and attributes of each chakra and how they affect the four bodily systems.

It is imperative that you stimulate and work on your emotional intelligence and your mental intuition. You need to redefine your altered ego-desire body, and re-establish the proper relationship between your ego and your Soul-self.

The ego was designed to function under the direction of the Soul, not the other way around, whereby you are to focus your attention on your inner world of reality instead of the illusion of the outer world. You will no longer look for some event, some person or some thing to give you a moment’s satisfaction or happiness – things that are usually fleeting, and often fall short of your expectations.

When you turn inward to validate your self-worth and to feed your emotional and spiritual yearnings, you will tap into that wellspring of unlimited sustenance.

Many of you have chosen to experience strong First, Third or Fifth Ray energies, which often lead to a tendency to function almost exclusively within the left (mental) hemisphere of the brain structure, with a linear, outward focused, analytical mind-set. A major focus of your life’s lessons is to learn to use the abstract / emotional right brain structure, and to explore and integrate the emotional facets of your nature.

Second Ray people are apt to be more balanced in their bodily nature, whereby they explore and use both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, but this is not always the case. However, those who have chosen to experience and balance the Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Rays during this lifetime are inclined to function mostly within the right brain structure, and they tend to be very emotional in nature. Their world is often perceived as an emotional roller coaster, and it is very difficult to find a balance or to live a harmonious existence.

Your goal is to blend and harmonize the major bodily chakras of your physical being– to balance your mental and emotional energy fields and OverLight them with your Spiritual Essence. We will define each category so that you may quickly identify what you need to focus on and rectify.

Mental Body Focus* When the mental body is the major focus, your beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge are derived from text book and historical/traditional facts without the benefit of emotional or spiritual validation. You tend to be very analytical, often rigid, judgmental, and you must maintain intellectual control. You have limited visionary abilities, and you only believe what is tangible and what can be proven scientifically.

Emotional Body Focus* When the emotional body is the driving force within you, you are vulnerable to the strong emotional tide of the mass consciousness and your altered ego. You must examine and discover how your emotions drive and control you through your desires and wants, and you must closely examine your motives.

Mental Body with Spiritual Body Overlight* You have learned to utilize the wisdom of your superconscious mind as you integrate all the attributes, qualities and virtues of your God Ray and Soul Ray, and you have learned to focus on the Still Point of the NOW. You have perfected the process of healing the past, scripting the future, and living in the power of the moment.

Emotional Body with Spiritual Body Overlight* As the mental and emotional bodies are harmonized, you will have learned to rely on your mental intuition as you seek to validate and integrate the higher truths you are accessing in your never-ending quest for en-Lighten-ment. You validate your truths through your heart/Soul monitor, and then you live by those truths to the best of your ability. New expanded thoughts and concepts become the norm.

Emotional/Mental Body Unity = Emotional Iintelligence* The emotional energetics you radiate along with your focused intent are some of the most important components in the creation process. When there is a balance of power between your emotional and mental bodies, you begin the process of understanding yourself, and you learn to identify the driving force behind your actions. You learn to harmonize your will with God’s Will as you begin to understand the workings of the Universal Laws. The desired mode is emotional detachment, as you move gracefully and surely toward your desired goal.

Spiritual/Mental Body Consciousness* When you begin to use the intelligence of your Soul-Self, you tap into the unlimited possibilities of the Cosmic Stream of Divine Light. You learn how to bypass the distortions of the Third/Fourth Dimensions as you create and use your Pyramid of Power/Light in the Fifth Dimension. That is when the miracles truly begin to happen, and you will know without any doubt that you are partnering with Spirit in all your endeavors.

Spiritual/Emotional Body Consciousness* Love tempers your emotions, and although you still have a human nature, you have learned discernment, and you become detached from all the negative life drama going on around you. You now view the events in your life from a higher vantage point – that of a Self-master.

Harmonized Spiritual/Mental/Emotional/Physical Consciousness* You derive nurturance from your indwelling Spirit, and from our Father/Mother God via your God Ray. You stop looking outside yourself for validation of your self-worth. You no longer experience the sharp highs and lows as you move into a state of joy or bliss. You learn to live in the world, surrounded by a sphere of higher frequency Love/Light that you have created, as you expand your consciousness to incorporate the great variety of multi-dimensional expressions now available to you.

You are now living in an ascended state of consciousness as you unite with the multiple Facets of your God Self. You move out of a state of becoming into a state of BEING. You have developed clear-seeing and pure intention, and the fog of illusion no longer affects you. You mold and create your greatest visions and desires from the storehouse of Divine unmanifested potential, and you live in harmony with all Creation.

You develop an unerring assurance that you can have or become anything you can envision, if you are willing to put forth the effort to accomplish your goals. You have learned to rely on your angelic helpers, and you gain strength and sustenance from their presence. You will then be seen and defined as a unified, radiant Spiritual Being in Human Form.

Brave hearts, we can offer you tools and knowledge, and we can encourage and inspire you; however, you must be willing to turn the knowledge into wisdom, and take the necessary action to reclaim your Divinity and the glorified state that awaits you. I am your faithful companion on the journey, and you are loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Now is the time of freedom, of joy. Now is the time of one’s true path being revealed.

We are the Elohim of the ancient days, returned. For time is an illusion as is our separation from the All That Is or from each other. We Elohim wrap you in light, activating you from your nose to your toes. We see all that you are and all that you are to become. Many of you are us in human form. Many of you see with the eyes of ancient wisdom and knowing. This is for a deep purpose that will soon be revealed to you. For the time is at hand for the massive wound within the heart of humanity’s collective consciousness to be transmuted and transformed into yet more light and love. As this light emanates with great power, love, and ferocity, truly all will change. The dark ones know this and are most displeased, for their time of tyranny is long past, is over. Now is the time of freedom, of joy. Now is the time of one’s true path being revealed. (I am seeing dusty bare feet on a dirt path surrounded by green fields.) Now is the time to walk confidently, shining your light as you did when you were the saints of old. For you are the saints of the new. You are much, you are many things. You are source light and yet within you, you have infinite choices and possibilities of who you may become, of what roles you will play. But you will always be you, a fractal of Source.

We are the Elohim. Many of you are us, experimenting with play and form, for this is how we grow and expand as spirit. Choose love. Choose more love, more light to enrich your field. Choose abundance and the universe will conspire to please you. For all is a gift to you. Do you see? This entire experience, no matter how arduous the path, has been a gift of the greatest proportions for you are finding your true treasure of the Christed consciousness within. Many have exemplified this. Many have become this Christ flame in all of its glory. And you have worshipped them. You have revered them, you have set them high up on an altar far out of reach from your grasp. No longer. Friends, this is attainable for all of you. This is the great teaching of the Christ, of the way. The inner pathways of the great mystery of being one with the Great Father, the Great Mother. It is all within you if you grasp it, if you claim that separation programming no longer exists for you. If more of you do this it will break, dissolve like smoke in the wind. Much wind is blowing now on your surface of Gaia. Much wind is blowing within the collective consciousness of humanity. Much change is afoot within the hearts of man and womankind. For now is the chapter of new beginnings and you are a new creation, should you choose it. You are wise, ancient, in your knowing. Many of you are aspects of us. It was always to be this way. We, instigators of this game, would return for its completion. We are sorry for the depth of havoc and pain. But on the other side of the veil as the great mysteries unravel, when you witness your tremendously influential part of this cosmic play of the ages we think you will be grateful that you were chosen to participate. And so we now extend healing to you. We Elohim place our etheric hands all along your spine, the back of your neck, activating your chakras one by one. We infuse you with the higher light of the Christed consciousness which beckons your discovery. Listen to the inner whisperings of your heart space and unravel your story. We think you will be tremendously pleased and excited with what you will find. For we are all one. We are the Elohim. We have spoken. We are nearby should you wish to connect.

We are the Christed Consciousness. Connect. Restore. Renew. Become one with our energies of bliss, of unity of joy, of light, of the highest light. We are a massive oversoul of the highest order. We are within you for we are a state of being of the highest you, that is no longer lost but found with deep inner knowing. We are life. We are green, light. We are all that the dark abhors. And so we love them. We love the dark and we wish for you to extend this same love to them. For you will grow and they will expand into this possibility of healing, and in turn, you, friends, angels of the way, you will be healed. We see you as standing in your power and this gives us great joy for we know who you are. The whole universe waits with bated breath to watch the unveiling of your discovery of yourselves. We send blossoming rays of light of the Christed rays into your crown, penetrating and dissolving away any remnants of blocks. We decree you are now unblocked. We decree that light language, that love becomes more fluid for you now. For you are morphing into the liquid light and colors of the rays of the Most High. We work with masters. We see you all as masters, as equals with us, for you are extensions of us. We unlock the codes with you, should you allow.

We are the Christed Consciousness, beings of the highest ray, energies of the purest of clear flowing waters that quench the most thirsty of hearts, of souls weary from these long treks into the lower fields of consciousness. You will have much to teach us, to teach the All. For your experiences are the treasure chest of memories that lie deep within that are to be counted and treasured. Fore each is a lesson of love when healed and purified. See how many lessons, how much love you have in your piggy banks? You are the treasures of heaven. Gaia is to be brought back from the depths of the dark into the heights of the light as the truly magnificent being of light that she is. You are to honor her. We honor all on this grand plan. We extend yet more healing rays to you, this time deep into your heart space. Work with us. See yourselves as light, as only light. Within your body there is only light, only love, only perfect health and wellness, wrapped in perfect joy. This is your destiny. This is your birthright. This is who you are. We are the Christed Consciousness Collective. We breathe on you, baptizing you in the liquid light of the highest way. You are ready. Peace.


Advances are happening so quickly now, that you must be allowed to benefit from them thus removing old ideas and systems that are no longer appropriate.

1st November 2019. Mike Quinsey.

Changes around the world continue unabated and will do so until the old can be replaced by the new. Advances are happening so quickly now, that you must be allowed to benefit from them thus removing old ideas and systems that are no longer appropriate. In the short time the direction you are travelling in would not seem to be of benefit to you, but see it as clearing the way ahead to allow the new to manifest. You have already spent too long in the lower vibrations and instinctively know that better things are to come.

The old ways cannot serve you so as to bring the needed changes into being, however many people have been working hard to get new ideas and systems into being and they will succeed. Humanity is due a helping hand to get things moving and allow those being held back freedom to introduce new ideas that will immediately raise the standard of people’s lives. Progress can be slowed down through interference whether deliberate or not, but cannot prevent new ideas and ways of working coming into existence. There is in fact much to do in the preparations for your upliftment and absolutely nothing will be allowed to interfere with it, and of that you can be assured.

As individuals you can help the new energies manifest by not getting involved in negative situations, and focussing entirely upon the positive. You can be assured that the old energies are slowly ebbing away whilst the new energies are becoming stronger, and as you continue to enter the new vibrations it cannot be any other way. It is all for the good of Humanity and will ensure that you eventually reach a level where Ascension takes place. It may not necessarily occur within your current lifetime, you may therefore come back to Earth for that experience. You have gone through so many different lives to reach your present level and are well prepared for the upcoming challenges.

The period that you are in is exceptional inasmuch that souls from all levels of evolution are involved including the lowest densities. All will benefit from their experiences that help speed up their growth into the Light. No opportunity is lost to help you evolve as all experiences are carefully planned to give you the most appropriate help that depends upon your needs. You get so many opportunities to lift up your vibrations, and your Guides who are always with you will do their best to ensure you take them, without infringing your freewill. Life on Earth can be hard and difficult at times but whatever effort you put in will be well worth it and rewarded.

Do not be distracted by the happenings around you as it is important that you maintain your focus at all times. We know is easy to access news of activities on Earth, but not all of it comes from truthful sources. Often you are fed false information that the dark Ones send out to cause confusion and often fear amongst you. It is really best to ignore the details whilst still being aware of global events, and realise that it is often the reason that the news is sometimes omitted. In time all will change for the better and even terrorists will eventually fade from the scene seeing that their cause has no future or chance of success.

We admire your tenacity and determination to achieve success and know that you have been chosen for your tasks because you had the right experience and desire to help Humanity succeed in establishing peace upon the planet. The strength of your willpower has seen you successfully come through many tasks over many lives, and you are well loved by all who know you. You are just one of an army of individuals who hold the Light and are determined to make the Earth a better place for all life forms. You are succeeding and you are well known for your devotion to the Light. We say “Well done” and one day not that far away we shall be celebrating your success with you.

We wish you could see the same potential as we do as it would enable you to understand that better times lay ahead, and that already the foundations are being laid for their manifestation. There is a system that you might regard as one of “rewards” for the achievements of Mankind. You are set tasks to prove your worthiness to a higher vibration and all of the advantages that come with it. You came through your period of trial and error to achieve a remarkable result that was not necessarily expected. All credit to those who not only successfully rose to the challenges but were able to overcome them.

At present there is so much turmoil upon Earth it is difficult for you to see the potential, but we would assure you that so much is in preparation for a great leap forward. As the darkness gives way to the Light you will gradually notice changes around you that promise an upliftment that will see the end of much that is causing considerable negativity. Be one who spreads good news and the prospect of an end to all of the negativity that presently exists. Know for certain that we will be with you all of the way giving you every encouragement to keep spreading the Light. The dark Ones will go their own way to a different future that will also give them opportunities to turn to the Light.

It has been said before and we reiterate again that you all have a great potential and all it needs is for you to have faith in your own abilities to bring things into being. If sufficient of you focussed upon your needs you will find that collectively you have so much more power. Obviously those souls who focus on negativity can have a similar effect but stand little chance when opposed by the Light that is vastly more powerful, and in fact it can disperse the dark energies quite easily. As time passes you will find that the Light completely rids the Earth of the lower energies.

Your history is full of stories about clashes between the Light and dark, and in the last Age that you have just come out of you experienced two major wars that enabled so much karma to be played out and cleared, and it created the way for the Light to once more be fully established. You are now seeing the final efforts of the Light to clear the dark energies for once and for all, and without a doubt it will succeed. The key word for the New Age is “sympathy” and many souls have found that their feelings have gone into that direction. You can expect to see it bringing about more compassion and love for those souls who still struggle to exist.

The migration of people looking for a “better life” is awakening many to their plight, and with the recognition that you are “All One” it is only natural that you feel a desire to lift them up out of their poverty. At heart Humanity is caring and loving where all life is concerned and it is within its natural instincts. It is now blossoming as more focus is upon those who have suffered through lack and the bare necessities of life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming.

Humans & Extra-Terrestrials ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you.

You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them.

You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor.

First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming.

Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

There has been a significant upliftment in Energies on many levels. Many can feel it throughout their Being.

31st October by Blossom Goodchild and the Federation of Light

October 30, 2019

Having finished performing in a show for six weeks, I then became sick, hence my absence. All good now!

Well, Hello! People are wondering where we have got to! The funniest one being, “Have I Ascended to New Earth and do they not have Wi-Fi?”

It’s been a long while, my friends. So happy to be back in touch and see how the land lies?

Greetings of/from the Highest Order to you Blossom and Each One upon the Earth plane, shining their Glorious Light in the direction of Home.

Woah! A wave of heat, Energy and Love has just swamped me. HELLO! HELLO! HELLO!

In the distance of when last communicating we would express the upgrade of your Planet has fallen nicely into place. By this we mean that these Higher Energies that continue to flow into your atmosphere and directly into your Beings are allowing the ‘spaces’ in-between to be filled.

Eh … Meaning what exactly?

Exactly? We cannot say. Yet, from appearance on what you would consider to be a radar, the Energy of Light-Love that is being emitted by those who chose to … BLAST THE PLANET WITH THEIR LOVE … is off the scale.

There has been a significant upliftment in Energies on many levels. Many can feel it throughout their Being. Can you Blossom?

Well, I have been sick, so I haven’t been bouncing around shouting ‘Hallelujah’! Yet, I have to say that the ‘I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM’ Blessing, which I say a lot, seems to be taking on a much stronger feeling/significance.

In what way?

Visualising myself as a column of Light and Love when I say it, seems to FEEL it is ‘getting somewhere’.

Where is somewhere?

Into the Hearts of Souls … Into the Heart of Gaia … Into the KNOWING.

Ahha! That’s where we were driving to. ‘Into the KNOWING’. Top of the class!

With your help, I feel!



The more you continue on with reinforcing this KNOWLEDGE … into /out of … your Being, the stronger you are becoming in LIGHT, LOVE AND TRUTH.

Keep up this splendid work, Dearest ones. You are on top of things. You are overcoming weaknesses.


Stop and think for a moment the difference you are making. For BY/THROUGH this KNOWING and FEELING this KNOWING you are leaving a trail of shimmering hope to those who walk behind you.

You ARE Lighting the way. Just by FEELING THIS TRUTH.

Think back, as we always say … think back to just a few short years ago … how much more now are you convinced of this TRUTH?



Yes, we are! Very slowly! Yet so much around us is happening. It is all leading up to ‘something’.

It is all leading up to ‘The Switch’.

The Switch?

The point when the tables turn.

And what happens then … dare I ask?

Everything changes.

So would you call ‘The Switch’ …’The Event’?

Yes. We use this new term as to put new Light … new Energy … on to/in to … The Happening/The Event that is to occur.


Because we are aware that the ENERGY around that word ‘Event’ has mixed emotion.

Mmm! I wonder why! Actually, someone wrote in suggesting that instead of asking ‘When’ will this take place, what if instead, we asked “How much work remains?’, or “What tasks are left to complete?”.

That indeed, would be more of an appropriate question from our perspective. Bravo!

And the answer would be?

The change that is taking place is happening NOW. You are in the midst of it.




There are uprisings. There are rebellions. There are Truths coming out that are only just beginning to unravel a very large ball of string.

The younger souls of your Planet are making a stand … as they came in to do.

People of your Planet … most of them … are seeing through the lies.


Yet, it is being done by/through yourselves. The stirring inside of ‘something not being right’ is causing so many to look deeper into that which they are being fed and discovering it is laden with poison.


This is more than evident on the ‘Energy of Light’ scale, as we view and estimate.


Indeed. Exactly as you asked. Estimate how things are moving along due to the human soul preparing themselves, most of them unknowingly, for THE CHANGE to be activated.

You see Dearest Souls … so much is shifting within the Energy of your Planet … YOU CAN FEEL THIS.

It can appear to be topsy-turvy, as we have said. Yet, IT HAS TO BE SO.

Your world needs a good shake up wouldn’t you say? And it is getting one.

Let us offer you this if we may?

A salt and pepper shaker … both ingredients in the same jar. The dampness has been absorbed and therefore, the granules have become stuck … set in their ways. A mixture of both … almost melted on to one another.

Then someone (Each one of you) comes along and decides something needs to be done about this. You pick it up and begin to shake it. Not a lot happens … too stuck in its ways. One gives it a little tap on the edge of the counter … gentle yet, meaningful … another shake … a little breaks loose. This continues, and as one does so, they FEEL their way through. They are testing the waters and KNOW how hard the next tap can be and how rigorous the shaking can become.

This continues on until … one has the hang of it. One can now shake so hard with such conviction from within that eventually … the lid blows off and the contents are set free. Scattering the salt and the pepper everywhere. Out in the open.

The lid has not blown off … and there is certainly a lot more shaking to be done.

This Energy is heating me up to the point of human combustion right now!!

We would say you are over half way. Remembering that the second half is so much quicker, as so much has been dislodged. The momentum and keenness to see ‘this thing through’ is what drives one on.

So, really, quite a long way to go still? Humph!!


Eh? Confused?

Something is going to be revealed that will blow the lid off far sooner than expected.

It will not be able to be kept under wraps and when it is forced out into the open … there will be no stopping its journey … leaving in its wake, untold devastation.

Can you reveal more of what we should be looking for?

There is no need. For its enormity in capturing the world’s intrigue will be obvious.

Does it involve a particular person, or many?

It involves the disclosure of secrets that one cannot possibly imagine.

What … like things worse than we are already aware of? Things that have already leaked out?


Yet, how will this/can this come about?

A slip.

I feel you want to say ‘of the tongue’? Is that right?

Yes, along with exposure of discoveries that simply can no longer be hidden.

When this takes place … your media will be in a state of such disarray.

This is when that of which we speak of, will be apparent. The topsy turvy world will not only be topsy turvy, yet, spinning to what will seem to be out of control …

Then …

… I know what you are about to say!

Then say it for us, Blossom

The ‘Switch’ will occur.


Your world will be in such a place of turmoil due to discoveries that ‘have to be seen to be believed’ … and they will be … that THE ULTIMATE MOVE INTO POSITIONING OF LIGHT HAS TO OCCUR … AT EXACTLY THE PRECISE TIME … IN ORDER FOR THAT SWITCH TO SAIL SMOOTHLY THROUGH.

I am getting a metaphorical image (I assume ) of a Light ship travelling through space with such turbulence and rocks and boulders being dodged at High speed … hanging on for dear life and then suddenly … through! PEACE, TRANQUILLITY … floating in a beautiful starlit sky … AHHH!

This Dearest Souls is HOW IT SHALL BE.

Keep this in mind. Keep this in Heart.

When you are so confused and bewildered by all that is going on/taking place …





Thank you. The thing is, that which I have some to realise over many a year, hanging on for the knowing of ‘when’ … makes no difference at all.

Shining our Light from within … out, AS we hang on … makes all the difference … in the/to the … world. So I KNOW … we shall simply carry on doing that … until IT IS SO. And SO BE IT! Many thanks Guys.

Blossom, before we go … there is one more thing we would like to offer …

By all means …

No words came through. So, I sat waiting with my eyes closed. I found myself saying in my mind I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM. I said it three times and saw an image of myself with my Light sword (‘sabre’ for those who prefer) raised to the skies. A wave of such PEACE, CONFIDENCE, WARMTH AND LOVE was received. I imagine you will get the same.