Moving into Enlightenment by Archangel Michael

By Natalie Glasson ~ Sacred School of OmNa

Such a wealth of joy, love and devotion is being channeled into the Earth now, so many loving beings of light wish to be of service to those on the Earth who are willing and wanting to grow spiritually. I am among the many surging the light of the Creator into the Earth, I am Archangel Michael and I honour you now, for you and every person on the Earth are beautiful pearls glistening so brightly. On the Earth now many are seeking to move into enlightenment, to experience the light of the Creator around and within them more fully and to be at one with the Creator. Many people are focusing upon self-discovery, they acknowledge from the beginning of their journey that they are more than they currently realise. To imagine themselves as the Creator may be overwhelming but there is a path to this realisation that begins with the detection of your negative habits whether mental or physical, feeling comfortable in your own energy and understanding the skills that you naturally hold. This path of realisation is also a path to enlightenment. Many people ask me to describe to them the meaning of enlightenment. Of course, there are many opinions on the meaning of enlightenment but my view is that you receive enlightenment through your self-discovery. When you realise in your day that you have been unkind or selfish, that is an aspect of enlightenment. When you then counteract this by expressing love and appreciation then you truly have experience enlightenment because you have learnt a lesson about yourself. You have realised a negative or non-instructive part of yourself and have transformed it into the truth, into love and light. It is at that point of transformation that you are experiencing enlightenment. So we could explain enlightenment as a process of realising, accepting the truth and then manifesting the truth within your reality. Essentially you realise the habit and you realise the truth, you can see them side by side then with your mind you choose which energy is most appropriate, the truth or the habit. This is when your mind becomes an enlightened mind. You will see that you experience moments of enlightenment throughout your day, they are such precious moments. Eventually you will experience numerous moments of enlightenment in your reality and the love or transformational energy will be so powerful that it will overflow into your being and reality, the truth that you are discovering will anchor and you will feel it maintaining your natural balance, raising your energy vibration and enthusing your being with the life force energy of the Creator. You will feel that you are more enlightened than before and this is simply because you are realising the truth of the Creator and your being. So moving into enlightenment is a process or path of realisation, manifestation and transformation while being enlightened is to see, understand and live as the truth of the Creator. In many ways it is all a state of mind, because when the mind is open and free from toxins then the entire being is free to exist as light, love, truth and the presence of the Creator.

When we view you on the Earth we, of course, see you as enlightened beings, then we see puffs of smoke around you, these can be thick or thin in appearance. The puffs of smoke are the illusions, fears and limitations that you hold onto, they are your creation because of your unenlightened mind, understanding of yourself and reality or your unwillingness to realise your truth. I know that all of you would say to me that you are completely willing to realise your truth, to be at one with the Creator and to exist as an enlightened being on the Earth. This is not always true, your soul is willing, but is your mind, your personality or your emotions? Most often it is your mind, the habits and attachments that you hold onto that mean that you are unwilling to become enlightened. You can pray as hard as you like to become enlightened but if your entire being isn’t willing to do so then enlightenment will not truly manifest.

When I say your mind is unwilling I am speaking of your fears and doubts, these need to be recognised, placed alongside the truth and then you must choose which you wish to energise and manifest. Achieving this will allow your prayers to be answered because you are freeing yourself from all limitations and restrictions so that you may transform into your truth with ease. This is something that you can work on in your reality and throughout the day if you allow your mind to be observant of yourself and your thoughts. It can be tiring for your mind but you must enhance your focus of and on yourself, we could describe it as a spiritual awareness.

We see the energy of the Creator within you so strongly and clearly, it is our wish for you to view yourself in this way also. If you could allow your mind to realise the immense light of the Creator that you hold naturally each day then your reality and thought process would change and you would begin to comprehend the wonderful spiritual potentials that are available to you. We, in the Angelic Kingdom constantly, whisper into your ears that there is no need for you to suffer; you are such a beacon of light. We do not mind if you do not notice our words but wish you to know that we are always here to support and love you. We send you a vibration of light that is able to activate your energy and dissolve limitations to view the truth but this activation can only begin when you give your consent because of your free will. Our vibration of activation is akin to an intention, we view you as your truth and so we send this image or vibration of you as your essence to you as a healing, release and activation. At present you may not be able to remember your truth or the essence of your being, we help you by holding an image or vibration of you as your truth. Every moment of the day we send this to you, we speak to you openly telling you how loving, healed and wise you are. It is our constant mission to encourage you to take off your cloak of delusion and the glasses that limit your thoughts and understanding of yourself in order to accept the vibration of yourself which is true.We ask you now to give your consent to accept the vibration that your guides and the Angelic Kingdom send to you, knowing that as you open your mind to acceptance, you are opening your heart and being to receive our vibration of activation.

Sit now for a moment and call your guides and the Angelic Kingdom to surround you, speak with them and say that you are ready to accept yourself as they see you and allow the vibration of light that they view you as to infuse and awaken within your being. This can be very powerful, allow yourself the time and space to experience it fully.

The main obstacle that will hold you back is fear; this is something that the Creator is asking all on the Earth to face up to now. It is time to conquer your fears and to move into enlightenment.
Remember that fear is not true. For every fear, you have or create you can create a positive energy, siltation or experience in your mind. You can then look at them side by side and choose which you wish to energise and manifest. It is this process that allows you to conquer your fears and to move into moments of enlightenment, accepting and experiencing the truth and love of the Creator.

If you wish you can adopt this focus into your reality, let yourself notice how it changes your outlook and the reality you experience.

I am always here to love and protect you if you wish to go forward and accept the challenge of conquering your fears then call upon me to assist, guide and protect you at all times.

With deep and eternal love,

I am Archangel Michael


The Angels via Ann Albers, September 21, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each cell in the human body, dear ones, has meaning, purpose, and value. Without it, you would not be who you are. You cannot discount a cell simply because it is so tiny in comparison to the body, and the Divine cannot discount you because you feel so small by “comparison” to the vast reaches of the cosmos.

Just as each cell matters, each soul matters. Just as each cell is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the body, each soul is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the One.

You all serve a purpose. You are all adding to the awareness of what Love can collectively become. Just by being your unique, precious self, you matter. How could you ever imagine yourself inadequate or unworthy of love?

We know the answer, of course. You’ve been programmed to think you must be something, do something, or serve some external purpose to be worthy of love. Nothing could be farther from truth. You are loved, beloved, treasured, and cherished. You are loved unconditionally. You are love.

Inadequacy and unworthiness only exists as concepts in fearful and lower vibrations. They exist in the vibrations of those who were afraid and who taught you to be afraid.They exist in the vibrations of those who didn’t know God loved them unconditionally and were afraid that you wouldn’t be loved if you didn’t live up to the “rules” and “conditions” that were placed upon them, and therefore upon you.

Unworthiness is a lie.

Inadequacy is a lie.

You are all worthy of love. Is a wave “worthy” of the ocean? The question does not even make sense when the waves knows that it is the ocean. Can the wave “fail” the ocean? That too doesn’t make sense when the wave knows it IS one with the ocean.

So too, the notion of you being “unworthy” or “inadequate” makes no sense at all when you realize you are ONE with the love that gives rise to universes. You are Love.


Dear Divine Source, help me feel your love rising up within me. Help me know myself as a precious, perfect, and unique embodiment of the only LOVE there is. Help me see your love in my eyes, feel your love in my heart, and most of all, help me know Your Love as the essence of my very being.

Then, when you catch yourself thinking or saying, “I am not enough. I made a mistake. I failed. I am unworthy. I am inadequate,” talk back to those voices:

Be Gone! You are lies! I am ONE with the POWER that creates Universes! I am ONE with the LOVE that sustains LIFE. I am ONE with all and I am simply growing into a greater awareness of truth! Be gone unworthiness! Be gone inadequacy. You have no permission to be in my mind, heart, body, and soul.

Make up your own version of this affirmation. Put it where you can see it. Repeat it often. See if you can feel it.

Dear ones, there is no such thing as unworthiness, inadequacy, failure in the eyes of God or your angels. These are seen for what they are – illusions of separation – in the higher levels of awareness.

Unworthiness and inadequacy are like the “monsters under the bed” that haunted you in kindergarten, but are no longer scary now that you see them for the illusions that they really are.

Just as you give up certain kindergarten notions as you evolve into higher levels of education, you will eventually realize that feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy have no more place in your heart, your mind, or your lives. And then dear ones, you will allow the love of the Divine to flow freely and unobstructed into your lives.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Consciously accept that the peace, safety, security health, intelligence wholeness, harmony, abundance, etc. you have been seeking is already fully present within you.Once and for all release all favorite excuses as to why this is not possible.

Arcturian Group Message 9/22/19


SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

Welcome once again to the Arcturian Group messages.

Everything is proceeding according to plan although it may not seem that way. Each day as more people awaken and begin to question the status quo, the collective consciousness grows lighter. Many more are now beginning to ponder higher ways of living as they recognize that that which they have always accepted without question does not serve the majority.

Much of the old energy remains alive and well but do not be fooled by appearances for the changes taking place in individual consciousness are beginning to manifest outwardly. This does not mean everything is going to suddenly become roses and light, but rather means that increasingly the obsolete creations of duality and separation are being recognized and rejected.

A great deal of exposure is going to take place in the next year. Those who refuse to to accept change and continue to flex their three dimensional muscles in hopes of keeping the majority in fear and old energy, will find themselves becoming less and less effective as those they hope to control begin opening their eyes.

Intense frequencies of Light are flowing and lifting all who are receptive to higher levels of awareness. Everyone, receptive or not, is feeling these energies. Relax and allow the process of integrating them as best you can. Detach from the chaos when you feel the need, even if it means simply going to a restroom for a few moments. Center frequently throughout the day and eliminate the “must get this done” programming that pushes you to do, do, do, when your body is tired.

Do not identify with the ascension symptoms you may be experiencing but rather simply recognize and allow them. You are moving into an integration phase now. Many believe they are sick or that something is physically wrong as their physical body integrates higher frequencies and forms new pathways with which to carry them. The ascension process affects every person differently depending upon what is clearing and what is integrating according to their individual state of consciousness.

Mind, which is an avenue of awareness, will always jump in with solutions according to what it knows. Honor the mind and evaluate its suggestions, but never forget that that there is a deeper and higher process going on that the human mind in and of itself, cannot explain to you. Information that flows from within comes to you through the mind, but never from it.

You are well beyond the need to continue seeking for God and spirituality as these practices flow from a sense of separation. Instead, begin to identify with the reality of your being, the I AM, the Divine Consciousness that you are. Consciously accept that the peace, safety, security health, intelligence wholeness, harmony, abundance, etc. you have been seeking is already fully present within you.

Once and for all release all favorite excuses as to why this is not possible. Until a person begins to acknowledge and accept the reality of themselves, they remain in and continue to manifest from separation consciousness.

In general, consciousness is awareness fully integrated and expressing through and as a person’s thoughts and actions. For example–learning to drive a car. At first a new driver will study and think on an intellectual mind level about every step and rule for driving. However with time and practice, the information becomes automatic and driving becomes easy and without conscious thought. Driving a car is now established in his/her consciousness.

This is the secret behind child prodigies or talents that are quickly and easily learned. The particular musical, acting, scientific, or artistic talent was developed and perfected through other lifetimes and is now a state of consciousness. Although most are not aware if it, prodigies young or old, have all spent lifetimes studying, practicing, and perfecting their particular talent and because consciousness does not or cannot regress from an attained level, they incarnate with it intact.

Divine Consciousness is all that exists–omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness flowing Itself as all that is. Everything is this one Consciousness expressing ITself in, as, and through individual consciousness which then manifests it on the level of their personal conditioning or attained state of consciousness.

When the consciousness of some truth is attained, it is becomes available to all who are a part of your consciousness–children, family, friends, etc. for there is only ONE. If they are open and receptive they may receive insights or even healing but if not, they will not even notice.

My oneness with Divine Consciousness automatically constitutes my oneness with the spiritual reality of all living things as well as with every spiritual reality embodied in Divine Consciousness.

The spiritual journey is simply the evolution of individual consciousness which on earth is done through lifetimes in which a person gently or painfully learns to move beyond that which is false in his consciousness. Divine Consciousness is already fully present in every individual simply because it is all there is, but freewill allows every person to express whatever three dimensional conditioning they choose for as long as they choose.

The worst of criminals has Divine Consciousness but is allowing only a tiny pin prick point of its Light to express. This is not done consciously. The un-awakened do not yet know who they are and are only able to express themselves through the three dimensional belief system they hold as reality. Divine Consciousness remains forever fully present awaiting recognition in every individual regardless of how limiting their present belief system may be.

The evolutionary process requires hundreds of lifetimes and experiences for most. You have done this work or you would not be able to align with these messages. Most of you chose to came into this lifetime having already attained a higher level of awareness in order to teach and serve during these energetically intense times. Evolution does not end at a particular point, but rather continues infinitely because Divine Consciousness is Infinite.

Evolution is like observing life through a very dirty window through which objects appear distorted and colorless. The observer then bases his beliefs and life decisions on what he sees. Each good or bad experience in every lifetime serves to wipe a tiny bit of grime off the window until at some point he is able to clear increasingly larger sections, allowing him to perceive that which was previously unrecognizable with new insights and clarity.

Previously dull colors are now seen as vibrant and varied while life and people begin to reflect beauty, unity, and love. All life forms are recognized to be in and of ONE and hope arises to replace previous despair, sorrow, and sense of separation.

You may wonder; “I am awake. Why then am I still experiencing three dimensional problems?” At this point ask yourselves; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way?” There are many answers to this question but frequently it is because new insights have not yet fully integrated and become one’s living, breathing, state of consciousness. Sometimes it is because the individual’s has made a pre-birth choice to serve in lower resonating energies for the purpose of helping awaken those who remain steeped in density.

Know that once you choose to spiritually evolve you are on your way and whatever difficulties may present along that way are a part of your individual process. Release all teachings and concepts regarding how evolution must look or be experienced in order to be correct. Trust that your intention to evolve has set everything in motion and you don’t need to light a candle, chant, or jump up and down to make it happen.

An attained consciousness of Oneness manifests outwardly as whatever is needed even in the most intense of circumstances and often as something seemingly very ordinary and practical. Give up trying to figure out, plot, and plan everything with the mind. The finite human mind is incapable of understanding or comprehending that which is infinite.

Cease struggling to attain what you already are. You have been falsely programmed to believe that the spiritual journey must be difficult and hard. All that is required is that you live each moment from your highest state of awareness. Simply allow the process and go within often to bask in Oneness with Source.

We are the Arcturian Group 9/22/19

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