Rising vibrations are aiding in the riddance of all dark activity and are preparing Earth’s peoples consciously and spiritually for the momentous day of greeting other members of the universal family.

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing the two matters of most concern to readers—first, mandatory vaccinations for children. Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines; nevertheless, continued opposition to vaccinating children as a prerequisite for their attending school is necessary to end this practice that has caused an autism-like condition in many children. Bodies’ chemistry and immune systems are stressed by mercury, and youngsters who are especially vulnerable sustain neurological damage that results in symptoms very similar to autism, which is a very rare condition. Opposition can be reinforced by declining inoculations advised by healthcare professionals who are rewarded by vaccine manufacturers or believe the false claim that “preventive” flu shots and a raft of others are necessary public health measures.

We add that vaccines, like the first pharmaceuticals, were developed for beneficial purposes. Any innovation that is designed to be of benefit can be adapted for malevolent purposes, and that is what the Illuminati have done at every stage of the civilization’s progress.

The other matter is the 5G wireless technology that offers highly accelerated speed and broader bandwidth. This new generation of communication service still is in development and market-testing stages, and universal family members are reducing the emissions’ impact on bodies of the relatively few people who are exposed; when devices are in mass production, those members will expand their technological assistance accordingly. A significant factor is the amount of light in a body—the more light, the higher the vibratory rate, and the less the body is affected by emissions.

As the society learns the facts about vaccines and the effect those emissions can have on bodies’ electrical systems, by public demand unnecessary vaccinations will be stopped and all electronic equipment and devices will be designed with safety-to-health as the foremost consideration.

In previous messages we addressed readers’ issues with US President Trump in simple statements acknowledging his lack of presidential qualifications and sound judgment and that he was reversing his country’s progress. The following excerpts from some of the many similar reactions to our last message show that you want explanations and we need to offer them.

“His behavior just does not seem to jibe with the persona of someone who is attempting the important work of dismantling the Illuminati.”“He doesn’t appear to care about anyone but himself. Could Matthew please explain this?” “Trump is a pathological liar. Why would anyone in that international group trust him?” “Please ask Matthew to expound on that man in the white house.” “Our president seems mighty far from ‘the light’ in words and actions. How come this is not addressed?” “If Matthew is going to put Donald Trump forward as someone who is working to topple the evil ones and lead us into the light, he owes us an explanation for how such an extremely odious human being could be tasked with such a world-changing responsibility.”

“What I can’t understand is why anyone voted for that narcissist, misogynist, racist liar who’s pompous and crude to boot. From the minute he started campaigning, it was obvious what kind of person he is.” “If Matthew feels it is for the highest good, could he please address this contrast we are seeing in all the actions Donald Trump has done that are destructive to so many of the programs that help the environment and the health and well-being of our US citizens?” “I cannot understand how Americans could elect a man like Donald Trump to be their president.” “Could you please explain to me how he can be so opposite of loving energy for our world and still for putting the Illuminati down.” “Trump is a very disgusting man who has CAUSED a lot of anger and divisions in the country. Why was such a morally bankrupt man chosen to be in this position? It doesn’t make sense.” “I really want to feel a trust for this country’s political leadership but find so much of it wanting for integrity. Who do we trust?”

First we say, our love for Donald Trump is unconditional, as it is for all other souls on Earth. As we respond to those questions and comments, it will be without judgment or criticism of him, but rather a straightforward account of what we know.

When he entered the presidential race, he lacked the support base that the other candidates had. To build a base, he made promises he knew would appeal to principals in the fossil fuel and banking industries who wanted regulations on their enterprises eliminated; the wealthy and corporate heads who wanted lower tax rates; individuals who wanted their religious convictions to be the laws of the land; those who did not want immigrants in the country; and the many people who felt their government ignored them while enabling others to prosper. Enacting laws and policies that would please voters across that spectrum was directly in line with Mr. Trump’s goal, to undo everything he could that the previous administration had accomplished.

As far as we know, he’s not familiar with the name Illuminati—his “crooked Hillary” was, like “drain the swamp” and “build the wall,” a slogan he devised to attract and retain the support of like-minded citizens. Although he was right about “crooked,” he had no evidence to substantiate that until recently, and we are aware that he wants her “locked up” so he can say “I told you so.” While that self-serving reason is not admirable, it has no bearing at all on why he is included in the international group working to end all Illuminati activity—as stated in our last message, it is the presidential office he holds. We are aware, too, that while others in the group treat him with the dignity accorded heads of state, they have little respect for him and are prudent about what they reveal. But they know his cooperation is essential—he is the leader of the country where most of the peak Illuminati are citizens and must be dealt with within its justice system.

The “persona”Donald Trump. His egocentricity, truth-twisting boastfulness about himself and his achievements, and appointing persons whose flattery of him often exceeds their competency stem from deep-seated insecurity and need for approval, childhood feelings that intensified as the years passed. During the fleeting moments when those feelings emerge, his fear and confusion result in a repetitive phrase, a slurred or wrong word, or gestures. To disguise his brief lapses of loss of control, he intentionally repeats phrases or gestures so they always appear to be for emphasis; however, his mental processes are not as keen as they once were.

To love and respect others, first one must love and respect self, and, contrary to public perception, Donald Trump does not have those feelings for himself—that is why he can’t feel love or respect, empathy, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness or concern for others. Instead, he is driven to win, to succeed, to control, to obtain and maintain, and he doesn’t let laws or ethics interfere with attaining his objective. To be sure, he is not unique in that regard—it is that his widely publicized wealth, business ventures, relationships, and now, the presidency, have kept him in the spotlight. And he is afraid of losing that. Beneath his public bravado and self-assurance is fear of loss, and there is no light in fear.

Trust is earned, and if individuals act in ways that do not engender your trust, they don’t deserve it. Let that be so, and put your trust where it is deserved: your intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspirations. Living in accordance with the soul’s guidance evokes a sense of inner peacefulness even when circumstances are not satisfactory.

And now, dear family, please let’s put to rest this issue of misgivings about the United States president. We are not saying those feelings are unjustified! But a far better direction for your energy is into light-filled thoughts and feelings. The light, the same energy as love, that is within each of you is the power that is transforming your world.

“It seems impossible to destroy the cabal by ourselves. If extraterrestrials are going to help us like you and other channeled messengers said, what are they waiting for?” Extraterrestrial family on the planet and in ships surrounding it have been helping you all along in all the ways they are permitted. They cannot interfere with anyone’s free will except to prevent attempts to start a nuclear war, which is by Creator’s decree, or to cause pandemics, which is by God’s honoring Gaia’s free will choice.

There is another consideration here. Earth is the homeland of the civilization there, and by universal law, it is their right and responsibility to manifest the kind of world they want. However, in this unprecedented time in the universe, other civilizations have been authorized to assist Earth’s peoples, and you volunteered to help them realize that they have the power to make their world the way they want it to be. At soul level they do know this—the realization that is still nebulous on a conscious level will become clearer as the vibratory rate continues accelerating.

Even without consciously knowing their innate power, their progress is praiseworthy, and your steadfastness in the light has been an invaluable contribution. Think of the myriad grassroots movements that are improving conditions in villages and cities around the world; finding ingenious resolutions to challenges in healthcare, education, communication and multicultural relationships; preserving the environment; treating animals humanely; expanding philanthropic assistance and humanitarian aid. All of those achievements have been chipping away at cabal-perpetuated impoverishment, destruction, bigotry and violence; and the aforementioned international group is working to hold the cabal, the Illuminati, accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Crews will land with their technologies and extraterrestrials living among you will introduce themselves, that is certain, but it isn’t likely to happen until after the cabal’s global network is destroyed. God is in charge of the timing of the occasion commonly called Disclosure, and the determining factor is assurance of safety for everyone. That will come with the elimination of threats from forces still under Illuminati command and a civilization that is ready to meet strangers from other worlds. Rising vibrations are aiding in the riddance of all dark activity and are preparing Earth’s peoples consciously and spiritually for the momentous day of greeting other members of the universal family.

Beloved sisters and brothers, light beings throughout this universe support you with unconditional love and honor your dedicated service to Gaia and her civilization.



Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Everything will be all right.

Many of you spend great amounts of your time each day searching for, yearning for, asking for things that you are sure will make your lives better. Many of you are asking for things that you understand as being able to make yourselves more complete. And you think that perhaps you are doing something wrong or perhaps that you have not yet discovered some magic key.

We will say to you that the yearning is in great part a knowing of what is possible for you. We will say that whatever you need will be yours when it is needed. Is there something wrong with desiring to have it before such a time? No, there is not. In fact, less likely would be a better term than wrong. Does that mean that you may not have it? No, of course it does not. When you were young, did you not have a bicycle even though you could have done without one? So, what’s going on?

You are learning. You are learning who you are. You learning what you are capable of. You are learning now what you are becoming – another little added piece of your life’s puzzle. You have been told recently that you are now becoming multi-dimensional beings. You have new tools, new abilities. What in the world does that mean?

As usual, we will point out that it will mean different things to each of you, even though there will be many similarities.

There are those among you who truly miss having capabilities that you know very well are a part of you. You feel as if they are misplaced in a wrong pocket. There is no question in your minds that they exist. You ask us over and over to help you claim them. You see them all around you, and yet…

We do not have control over your gifts, you see. Who would have that control? Why, of course that is you. So, what are we saying?

We are suggesting that you turn your sight, your intentions, your ‘manifesting magnets’, and your requests inward. Speak with your Self with the full understanding that you are a part of her, a part of him. And have a sure understanding of how you intend to use those manifestations when they arrive.

Be ultra-sure that having them pop into your reality suddenly would not be, shall we say, disconcerting. Suddenly you hear conversations all around you. Suddenly you see people walking through your doors and walls. You should realize that you are awakening gradually not because you have done something wrong, but because your comfort zones are being worked with. Come to an agreement with your Self. And magnetize. You know how to do that. Only point your magnets inward. Now, when you see these things emerging for others, is a time of possibilities.

It is a time of possibilities because of the current energies of the world you are living in, not because we say so. So it is rather like looking in all the pockets of your jeans instead of on the floor around you. You know those things are not on the floor around you, so stop searching there.

Now if we may, let us take a quick look at the current state of your surroundings. Things appear to be a bit chaotic and unpredictable. So allow us to make a small prediction. We predict that everything will be all right. You would not have thought so at a great many times in your history. Is that not so? If you were standing in front of the gates when the Huns approached the city, would you have thought everything would be OK? And yet, here you are, living in world that you could not have imagined then – could not have imagined a few scant years ago.

Everything will be all right. How many times have you been told, “Be not afraid?” Quite a few, we think. You will be afraid if you believe that the world is happening to you. You will be unafraid if you understand that you are its co-creator. Your thought, your emotion, your intent, your beliefs have as much effect on the outcome as anyone’s. And everyone’s has an effect. Smiling we say, “Your vote counts.” And the system is rigged. How many times do you open a door and see the dark rush in and make a lit room dark? So, the force is with you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/

In order to receive our up-leveling, all you need to do is state your intention to receive it as you are drifting off to sleep.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are putting forth an invitation to anyone and everyone who wants to experience the up-leveling of your vibration. We are offering this service because we know that there is nothing better for you than to put out a higher frequency of vibration, and we love so much to give to all of you in whatever way that we can. In order to receive our up-leveling, all you need to do is state your intention to receive it as you are drifting off to sleep.

The delivery system will be through a meeting that will take place in the astral realm. That is where you are able to meet ninth dimensional beings at this time. And so we are happy to meet up with you and to provide you with this service. Now, you are going to experience some changes once you receive this vibrational upgrade. You are going to heal more quickly. You will receive more inspired ideas. You will feel more joy, and love will flow easily to you and through you.

We have seen the results of these vibrational upgrades in those who have accepted them from us in the past, and we are very pleased with how you all shift your vibrations so easily when you are open to receive. We also want you to recognize that we are really just the facilitators here. You are the ones who will accept our invitation, and you are the ones who will meet us in the astral plane so that you can receive what was always yours for the taking.

A higher vibration is your birthright, and as many factors as there are on your world that keep your vibrations in the lower frequency range, there are as many of us in the higher realms looking to support you in holding a higher vibration. We always have and we always will.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Small, Subtle, Conscious Shifts

We are here to acknowledge and empower you. We are here to remind you that you are a divine being of light energy vibrations. This is the time to begin to step into that awareness and actuality. This physical dimension that you are focused upon and within is demanding, addictive and alluring.

We understand that the physical reality needs attention to be maintained. We understand that the physical reality offers sensations and pleasures of being in form. Having a physical body and relating to this dimension is the game. How you translate the events and the emotions colors your experience which serves to support and awaken you to your highest self.

Your physical body is a requirement for this dimension. It is your physical consciousness that observes, interfaces and makes judgments about all the experiences you have. Being physical is busy; it requires almost all of your attention. This physical illusion has many distractions and pulls for your focus; remember you give your energy to whatever you are focused on.

We are not saying that you need to shut down or disregard your physical aspects. We are inviting you to make small, subtle, conscious shifts several times an hour or the several time a day.

These small, subtle, conscious shifts begin to open the door of your awareness to a wider more expansive self. The goal is to become aware that you are aware. The goal is to understand that the physical experiences are only tools to activate, to stimulate your personal understanding of yourself as the creator.

When you begin to practice ways to refocus your energy throughout your day you will be amazed and rewarded with the results. We understand that your life can be demanding with family, work, projects, interests or just the maintenance and requirements of your body.

These are all important to your experience and we encourage you to participate in all these areas of your life from a place of gratitude and appreciation. However what we are suggesting in this message is that you develop a protocol that nurtures your body of light and energy.

We invite you to be willing to recognize that you are a divine multidimensional being residing within a human form, experiencing this dense unconscious field of limitations. You are here to uplift and transform those very limitations you encounter. You are here to transform the misqualified or negative energy you encounter.

Begin to nurture your energy self with new conscious practices. The first we would suggest is to simply remember to take long slow deep breaths as often as possible. Just this basic action will reset your physiology.

This action sends a signal that all is well and more, so muscles relax releasing tension, heartbeat slows down, adrenals lower their vigilance of fight or flight. This tool is free and easy to utilize, we invite you to begin to use this method as a way to refocus from the stress of being physical to the sacred space of your higher knowing.

This pure humble practice creates a link, a portal. You are encouraging the real connection between the physical consciousness and your divine consciousness. It is in this gap that you will experience your wholeness and begin to connect to the universal field of energy

We also invite you to begin to practice sitting in silence for five minutes several times a day. In the beginning this might be difficult. We encourage you to continue. There are no requirements other than you show up. Over time the universe will begin to share its secrets.

You can also meditate for longer periods of time, you can walk in nature, practice slow conscious movements, dance, sway, and also remove yourself from all electronics. You can also open this portal through listening to pure tones or sounds. These practices, even for a few minutes, open your receptivity to a conversation with the universe.

Your goal is to invite stillness, even for a short period of three deep conscious breaths. You are meant to be in conversation with the universe; you are meant to receive messages and guidance from your highest divine self. Stress and busyness shut off these subtle messages.

The universe is within. You do not need to look elsewhere, it is within. As you begin to invite quiet moments, when you begin to invite stillness, you begin to touch the truth of who you are in the most magnificent infinite awareness.

This is just a matter of some simple practices that will allow you to refocus. These practices support the well being of the physical body. These practices will bring a balance between your physical self and your energy self.

We are inviting you to honor your connection with the universal energy field of all creation. We are inviting you begin to have an open clear dialog with the other physical and non-physical divine beings.

In order for this to occur, first you need to be willing.

Second, create a sacred space which will allow this conversation to take place.

Third, engage your imagination; allow images, and ideas to flow.

Fourth, stay in a coherent vibration of gratitude and appreciation for these vibrations are the key to allowing good reception between the dimensions.

Fifth, be aware of and acknowledge all the signs, messages, and synchronicities that you observe. Sixth be spiritually amazed at the process of experiencing more than one dimension.

We are reminding you that you are meant to be in contact with the other realms and dimensions.
You are the liaison, the bridge between the physical and the non-physical realms and realities. This is the time for you to step into that role and begin receiving information, ideas, solutions meant to support the evolution of consciousness and the ascension process taking place.

However in order to make this connection and receive these messages you must open the channel. This means you will need to give yourself time to connect, offer and invite this shift.

We know that many already have a conscious connection to the non-physical realms and beings of love and light. These beings of love and light are awaiting the invitation to participate in this dense 3D experience. Together in this partnership you will assist the collective consciousness in truly shifting and awaking.

We are honored to interface with you upon request; this is true of all loving beings of light consciousness; an invitation is required in this free will reality. We acknowledge you for the exceptional expansion that you are calling forth and anchoring.

The ‘Team.’

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

There is no longer a need to classify yourself as male or female for even though you have the physical features of one or the other, you are both male and female within your being.

Dear Ones,

You are of 5D and beyond for you have completed your 3D lessons and are ready for a new phase of your earth life. It is as if you were once certain you were Clark Kent only to discover that you are Superman or Superwoman.

There is no longer a need to classify yourself as male or female for even though you have the physical features of one or the other, you are both male and female within your being.

Even though such might seem like blasphemy to some, the reality is much different. For females seem to have different experiences and opinions, but in reality, 3D females were playing the role of 3D male accomplices.

Females allowed male dominance in more than sexual issues for they programmed themselves to accept the fear and servitude of male dominance prior to their 3D entrances to earth. So it continued until male dominance, whether performed by males or females, became the “law of the land.”

Now that law is changing. Many hope it is shifting to female dominance. In truth, it is the acceptance of all whether male or female.

In the previous 3D eons, male dominance was played in a fearful manner – controlling, belittling, domineering. The new male/female combination is of love.

For indeed, females have always contained male DNA as males have always had female DNA. But for the first time, while of earth, both male and female physical beings are combining their male/female DNA to create a loving whole.

Indeed, disliking or dismissing males would be no different from what females experienced for eons. It is time for love, not disdain nor dismissal.

So it is you accepted your male segments if you are a female of 5D or beyond – and males accepted their female segments. For the life you are now creating is not possible if 50% of the population and your DNA were negated or punished. It is a time of love.

Granted, there are some – and according to your media – many who refuse to live in love, to accept their totality or the totality of others. So if you are in female form, you might feel as if male dominance is more prevalent than ever. Instead, realize that those who refuse to acknowledge the totality of their being are being exposed. Not for punishment but for the realization that not all men wish to dominate and not all females wish to be submissive.

This is a new age with new beginnings. The first of such new beginnings is the acceptance of your totality. A totality that is neither good nor bad, it just is.

You are so familiar with blame, dominance, and fear you cannot yet understand that such is over for you and anyone of 5D and beyond. You no longer need to dominate nor be dominated. You no longer need to fear nor do you need to create fear.

So it is you are becoming mellow, accepting, and peaceful, knowing there is no longer a need to defend yourself nor to control others. All you need is the acceptance of who you have allowed yourself to become.

Some of you physical males or females might be concerned that you are not as loving or peaceful as we described, that you still feel a need to battle someone or something. Such will pass as you become more comfortable with your new being.

Even though you will maintain your current physicality, your inner world will blend into one easily. For becoming one is not possible if males and females continue to label themselves as unique beings.

Once you fully declare you are both male and female, it will be more difficult, if not impossible, for you to blame one another for your trials and tribulations. For a cell does not distinguish itself as male or female, but instead as a hair cell or a heart cell.

Cells are interchangeable as might be displayed by Henrietta Lacks whose cancer cells created many of the vaccines for various diseases such as polio. The vaccines created from Henrietta Lacks’ cells did not distinguish between race or gender. So it is for you now.

Of course, you will continue to have a dominant gender sense just as some of you write with your left hand instead of your right. But that dominant sense will not preclude you from accepting your male or female tendencies as “normal.” Any more than a left-handed person might do most activities with the right hand.

So it is females and males will not try to dampen their female or male tendencies but instead accept all as part of their being. For males and females are of the Godhead, of the Universes. And all of you have experienced both roles.

This new age is to combine the two into a loving whole instead of one dominating or disparaging the other.

It is time to be whole in every sense of the word creating a loving environment in which peace and tranquility are the “law of the land” allowing you the freedom to create a new world order of acceptance. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Earth and all upon her will rise and be resurrected into the high Light of God once again and forevermore.

#13 How the Future Is Creating the Present
Archangel Michael:
As you can perceive, there is much unfolding across Earth. Each day produces surges forward and upward. Yes, often the duress of such profound change feels intense, so it is helpful to maintain the perspective that this is due to the huge energetic and practical accomplishments you are most assuredly achieving. Also, keep in your awareness that it is not Earth’s past which dictates her future – and since that is true – then what does?
The past does not create the future. Isn’t that good news?! Your current situation is not merely the momentum of your past rolling recklessly down the mountain of life, crushing everything in its path. Your present situation is not just a tally sheet of former wins and losses.
Yes, the momentum of your past decisions and cumulative choices plays a role in your ever-appearing present, yet it is your future that truly shapes and forms your now. How is that so?
Whenever you have a thought, it slings like an arrow through the air of space and time, landing in the Land of Intention, also known as The Future. A thought all by itself is not really very potent in the scheme of creation. It is when a thought becomes super-powered by the fuel of your feelings that a thought becomes a rocket of manifestation.
The rocket of your thought, powered by your emotions, lands in the future. Unless you change the thought, your life will be magnetized towards the fulfillment of the thought. This entire process occurs in the NOW eternal moment. The clearer your thought and the stronger your feelings, the more directly and potently your intention will manifest into waking reality.
If you were to muddy the creation slipstream with thoughts of doubt or worry, for example, and then superpower those thoughts with emotions of anxiety and fear, well you can see what would happen to the original thought. It becomes overrun with the confusing instructions of the newly launched aberrant thoughts which do not support your original intention at all. Chaos ensues, and the clear path to your dream becomes overrun with things you did not even want to experience.
Similar thought-forms which feed on this new vibration, now dog pile onto the situation, looking for an energetic meal. Without even realizing it, you have rung the dinner bell for low mind density.
Before you hardly know what’s happening, you find yourself deluged with thoughts and emotions such as: disappointment, regret, hopelessness, confusion, anger, despondency, defeat, and many more. You become so overwhelmed it’s almost impossible to recall the passion of your original dream much less figure out how to clean up this emotional mess.
The solution is remarkably simple and powerful. Your lightsaber of clean creation is choice. During any and every portion of your creation process you may make a different or a new choice. You may choose a fresh thought or you may choose again your original thought, and even more importantly you may choose a different or new feeling.
When you – once and for all – decide to choose your thoughts and feelings you will be sovereign, you will be free. It will no longer matter to you in a binding manor what is happening in the arising reality around you because you will be alive and at peace choosing your way through, up and out of the density jungle.
Long before Earth entered into its current descending spiral of experience, Father-Mother God sent out a rocketship of thought feeling creation into the future for all of Earth and every soul dwelling upon her.
The crystal clear thought empowered by their loving feelings was the prophesy which would land in Earth’s future, eventually magnetizing every reality into its ultimate fulfillment. That prophesy by Father-Mother God is: Earth and all upon her will rise and be resurrected into the high Light of God once again and forevermore.
With your gift of Free Will, you may now choose the arrows of thoughts and feelings you sling into the future of time and space and beyond, creating your experience pathway to this grand eventuality. Earth and all upon her will be restored to God/Light/Love. The new Golden Age is not only real but it is inevitable.
Serving alongside you,
I am Archangel Michael
The next title:#14 Why Do Such Terrible Things Happen to Good People in Service? (Archangel Michael answers a reader’s heartfelt question)
#15 What to do with a Broken Heart
(Channeled by Christine Burk, 15 October 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)
*****************************************************Sign Up for Messages & Showswww.WhoNeedsLight.orgAll shows and messages are FREE or by donation.

You are entering into a time where there is so much more awareness

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that the situation there on planet Earth has gotten remarkably better than it was just a few months ago. We are seeing that the energies you have been receiving are being put to good use, and we have noticed that there are far fewer incidents of individuals falling into a pit of despair.

Now, many of you who are receiving this message have already experienced your dark night, or nights, of the soul, and you have emerged from those experiences shiny and new. What we have been noticing is that the average person on planet Earth is benefiting from the energies, even if that person is still asleep.

So you are receiving the support that you have been given and putting it to good use. You, who are the ground crew for beings like us, are getting far more clever in the ways that you are able to help your fellow humans. You are recognizing that there are more ways to be of service than to take physical action. And so it is the combination of the work that you have been doing and the energies that we have been sending that is responsible for the lessening of the need for individuals to go down into a dark, dark place.

We also can sense that the work that the Earth has been doing on all of you is having a profound effect. You are recognizing the Earth as a co-creator more and more, and the young ones that are coming in are less likely to feel detached from the Earth, even with all of the electronic devices.

So the situation there is good and getting better all the time. Now, what you can expect as a result of these areas of improvement is more contact, more contact with non-physical beings, with physical extra-terrestrials, and more contact with those inner Earth beings that we mentioned recently.

You are entering into a time where there is so much more awareness, and where there will be so many more awakened souls with you to lighten the load on the ground crew, and when you recognize that and can really feel it in your bones, you will take more time to enjoy the rest of this journey to the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


it is time to become prosperous and abundant as you step forth to begin your work.

I Am Saint Germain and I bring you a message today that is filled with love and promise. It is time dear heart, it is time to become prosperous and abundant as you step forth to begin your work, your mission that you so intricately planned out before returning to your beloved Mother Earth. Yes it is time, it is time for a changing of the guard you might say, it is time for the old guard to hand over the reins to those who rightfully deserve them, and that is you precious Gaians, as you like to be called and as you will be known once you become a Galactic Society. For yes, you are Mother Earth and Mother Earth is you. You have all her elements so delicately woven through your being to create the human form you currently inhabit. Yes you are eager to get to work and anxious to end the old way, the old way of being and doing, but dear one, if you would stop and pause for a minute and reflect on where you have been, you would see that you have already done that, yes there are a few things you still hold on to, but the old way of “thinking” through things has been let go and now you are “feeling” your way through these uncharted waters. Yes dear ones, it has been a bumpy ride and the seas are still to grow as you move through the storm but know that a beautiful tropical paradise lies just on the other side of these stormy waters, for that is what you are, you are navigators, way showers of the ship, this ship being your human form and the seas being your reality. You are very well equipped to handle whatever comes at you and that is why beloved, you are the ground team, you are the captains of your ships, and yes, as you know a lot of you ARE captains of your own ships, and these ships get closer and closer to the planet each day and each moment for it is that time, the time where all is revealed and the sleep is wiped from the eyes of those that are still unaware. So be prepared as you have been told, but I mean that now when I say be prepared because it is about to happen, it’s “about to go down” as you say. Enjoy it because it is the storm that will bring everything you have been fighting so hard for into perspective and into full view for all of those to see, those that have been ignorant to the truth. No, this will not be an easy task for those who are unaware, that is why you, the front runners, the marathon stars, that is what you have been preparing for and it is now time to witness the spectacle that is to alter this planet and herald in a new Golden Age. I Am Saint Germain and I say be ready, be prepared and most of all be in love! You are there children of Earth, you are there.

Per Stefan Sananda.

You are far more powerful than you know

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been impressed by the joining together that we have witnessed of factions of humans that we never thought we would see banding together. This is happening in the secret, but very real, arena of the alliance. There is an alliance that has been in place for quite some time, and this alliance is comprised of many different humans who hold different positions of power and who want to see a better tomorrow for the planet.

Now, whenever you have humans representing different groups, different countries, and different interests, you often see that there are people who will backstab and go back on their word. We are not seeing that. Instead, we are seeing that those who are members of this alliance are coming together, even more powerfully than they were to initiate the alliance in the first place.

Now, for those of you who have no idea what we are talking about, suffice it to say that there are negatively oriented extra-terrestrials out there and negatively oriented humans as well who want to dominate and destroy. And whenever you have one side of the spectrum in a system of duality, you must have the other. So the people who comprise the alliance are doing so out of a need. There is a need to have a force that counterbalances the negative side of things.

But neither side is as powerful as all of you are. There are billions of you living on planet Earth, and every time you come together, every time you team up with other humans who have a similar agenda, you create such a powerful force. You are far more powerful than you know, and those of you who want to be of service and to help humanity need to find each other and create your own alliances because there is power in numbers, and you do want to create peace and harmony on Earth and in the galaxy.

And the way to do that is not to create these alliances to push against the negatively oriented beings that are most certainly out there. But instead, you want to come together because you have a common goal of spreading more love and light to all beings in this galaxy and beyond.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Preparation for our October Trajectory

Blessings Beloveds 

The latest energetic shift is a strong one. The drop-off of energetic support for negative realities at the end of September opens us to the higher frequency force of the Christed timelines, New Earth and higher positive trajectories.

This means the uncomplimentary parts of ourselves get cleared just as strongly as larger uncomplimentary operations. Let the light reveal what serves your journey, and what does not.

Our next influx is October 13 -16. Solaris is already responding.

Yesterday’s gate opening was strong, and today our Gateway SUNspot appeared. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, anyone in service; Let us unify and focus on the pure heart-SUN connection, DNA reconnection and opening the bridges to the New Earth realms for all willing hearts.Focus on the unification of positive consciousness, rather than the dissolvement of negative constructs. Distortion gets cleared, and most of it kicks and screams on the way out. It is what it is, try not to judge, energize or give the lower illusion more power. Choose the higher priority of peace.

As always, don’t watch the old realities burn, create the new. Higher vibrations have more influence; use it to create the new with as much ease and grace as possible.Embodiment Series: Parts I, II & III

A beautiful video on the Embodiment series will come out next week. I AM focusing on our current experiences of the Christed state, crystalline DNA, and the transformational passage through January. A deep understanding of the Solar flash – heart center – Unity consciousness connection may assist the tribe with balance and activation.

Kindwhile, let us unify for this Gateway passage.

October 13 – 16 are still presenting as the Gateway. Please join us for our global mass meditations on SUNday, October 14th. Note the added time of 5:11AM PDT. Details on the Unity Meditation image and link below.

This is a powerful step in our Mastery. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

#11 UPDATE: What’s Happening Now

Archangel Michael:

I Am Archangel Michael. Across the planet, individuals working solo and within groups are giving their all for the transition of Earth, now underway. There are persons in every area of finance, government, military, media, law, art, science and society working consciously to deconstruct and dissolve the corrupt, collapsed systems of domination and slavery, replacing them with new ways. These new ways are transparent, expansive and designed for the highest good of all. These new ways will ensure the opportunity for all souls to set themselves free.

Yet, that is not enough.

So, also across this planet at this moment are those who are working intentionally and primarily within the Inner Realms. These unflappable souls focus on bringing through the changes of Earth inwardly, beginning with their personal Ascension. These are your Gatekeepers, Healers, GridWorkers, Messengers, Transmuters, Transducers, JoyHolders, SystemBusters, Meditators, Pray-ers, EarthKeepers, Networkers, WisdomBringers, Enlightened-FormBuilders and many more. They work tirelessly; although, in many cases, they are exhausted and depleted.

There are also the unspoken ones, who – at great risk – infiltrate strongholds of corruption to end oppression.

From your current view, it would be difficult to perceive the scope of what is now in motion to free Earth because the effort is that huge. Know this: Earth. will. be. freed. This story most certainly ends in everlasting glory.

Let’s travel in scope from our wide view of the massive global army of Light all the way to one living-room in a small remote cabin on a pristine little lake in North America. There, we find several lead transmuters gathered with other embodied masters, just like you. With the help of their network/family/pod, they have come from across the globe: New Zealand, Russia, the UK, Belgium, Spain, the US… and more are on the way. They have come to answer the clarion cry for help from two of their own.

I will explain. You see, the only way to transform human dross – the energy humans have received from God and subsequently through the use of their free will have used to create imbalance – is to do it sincerely, meaning a person must experience imbalance in the form of feeling and actuality and then choose God/Light/Love in the midst of the experience. The more difficult the experience, the more misqualified dense energy is restored to Light and then available for the endeavour of Co-Creation.

In order to free Earth, a tipping point of energy must be reclaimed, restored to Light. This is transmutation, done by a large global team of intentional transmuters who work around the clock to hold a bandwidth of Light steady and open, helping ensure the achievement of The Event and beyond. Of course, every embodied soul can and does participate in transmuting dense energy into Light through their every Light-filled decision and choice. At the same time, there is a planetary team consciously devoted to doing a larger share of transformation of energy on a larger scale.

The members of this team go into the depths of life experience in all areas of being – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – to have intensely challenging experiences, so that when they claim the Light of God within these experiences, that very Light is then able to flood into the depths and crevices of pain, creating an upward momentum and a pathway out of suffering for themselves and for others.

The danger, of course, is that the challenging experiences can become so overwhelming that the person gets caught in the downward spiral of the experience rather than transmuting their way up up and out. Also, members of the transmuting team do not simply finish their job once an area of density is transformed. Instead, with every victory, the members expand their capacity to transmute more personal and human dross and begin, yet again.

Back at the cabin, two members of the transmuting team were in trouble: one physically (this channel) and one emotionally and mentally. They had called for help to us and to their close network. When community comes together in the way this community responded, much can be done not only for individuals but for the greater good and freedom of all.

The family gathered in quiet at the lake during the past ten days, unaware of many other synchronized freedom events transpiring across the globe. Following their own inner guidance, collectively, the little group – backed by their clan – plunged themselves into the deepest work of freeing themselves inwardly in ways they could scarcely see they were caught.

These veterans of inner spiritual work dared to face within any and every unfaceable hurt, torment and violation. Stories and energies of: ritualistic sexual abuse as children; torture; theft; loneliness; abandonment; poverty; and domination were released, felt and put into the Violet Fire for transformation and healing.

The resulting momentum accomplished much. Not only did the endangered member free herself mentally and emotionally from the influences of the Dark Agenda, but the shared success sent the others hurling back into life to apply their hard-won gains to their everyday world thereby spreading the gains far and wide. That is active blessing. More than that, this small yet mighty group worked so sincerely and unified with such trust that the Light they generated combined with other individuals and groups working similarly in Faith to permanently create a rise in the threshold on Earth.

Meanwhile, often quite near death from the physical toll of transmuting and the ensuing attacks the resulting Light attracted, this messenger still began this series of messages, at our request. Faith moves mountains.

Like you, this channel will stop at nothing to realize freedom within and freedom for Earth. The 111 messages will certainly still be delivered in 111 days. Now some days will have two messages instead of one. Flexibility has been a requirement of us all in the liberation of Earth and all upon her.

These 111 Messages in 111 Days is one of the results of your requests for more support through the transition. We hear you. We care. We are you. We will deliver this and more to meet your own contributions in kind.

Stay unwavering in your commitment to the resurrection of Earth. Be flexible. You are the – sometimes bedraggled yet always victorious – heroes of this story. Go within to find what still needs purifying. Face it, feel it, release it. Choose God. Be willing to trust anew others who are striving to do the same. Every choice either produces Light or dross. Increase the Light and claim your freedom once-and-FOR-ALL.

Serving alongside you,
Archangel Michael

SPECIAL NOTE: Beloved Sheldan Nidle & beautiful Colleenie, our prayers are with you. For so many years we have gratefully received and put to work within your subtle and public encouragement and guidance. We would not be as free as we strive and claim to be without your profound service. We love you so much! Christine & Kathryn – The-Can-Do-Gals & WhoNeedsLight

The next two titles:
#12 UPDATE: Testimonials of What’s Happening
#13 How the Future Is Creating the Present

(Channeled by Christine Burk, 10 October 2018. WhoNeedsLight, Dr. Kathryn E. May, Founder. Please include channel and full message when reprinting. Please no mechanical voice recordings. This Story Ends in Glory!)

we just want you to know how much support there is for you when you are aligning yourselves with all that is of a high frequency, and ignoring that which is not.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing the ways in which you tend to protect yourselves from that which is unwanted in your experience. We have noticed that you go through many different actions and speak different words in order to prevent yourselves from experiencing what is not wanted. You will often even pay large sums of money to insure yourselves against some unwanted probability.

Now, if you were to put as much of your time, words, actions, and focus on bringing about the experiences that you do want to have, you would find that your minds would be far less occupied with the unwanted experiences. You want to give yourselves more to focus on that is positive, and you want to release the idea that you need protecting.

Of course, there are beings out there in the universe who harm others and seek to control, manipulate, and even steal from, murder, and do all kinds of nasty things to whomever they can. And we recognize how hard it is to ignore their presence, but we are saying to you that if you are more focused on raising your vibration and putting your attention on what you want to experience, you will not be dipping your vibration low enough so that you are an easy target and a vibrational match to the beings who would do you harm if they had the opportunity.

It is time to stop focusing on what you need protecting from, and it is time for you to start experiencing yourselves as the powerful creator beings that you are and that you continue to blossom into. We know that this must be hard to hear coming from beings like us in the ninth dimension where there are no bad guys. There is no body, or home, or money to protect from any bad guys who would exist. And so we want you to know that we have compassion for you in your fear about manifesting something unwanted in your lives.

But it is also hard for us to watch you not step into that power that you have out of fear. And so we just want you to know how much support there is for you when you are aligning yourselves with all that is of a high frequency, and ignoring that which is not.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”