As the level of consciousness increases people will become more intuitive and less likely to accept what they are expected to believe. For ages they have been fed with news that has not given them the full truth and at times have been outright lies. Now the situation is changing as people are becoming more aware and they are beginning to demand the truth. Their voices will be heard and at one end of the scale there will be demonstrations until they get what they want. It is regretful that violence has been used but it does nevertheless show the passion that people feel about such issues. The same energy must be channeled into peaceful protests, as otherwise it will give the authorities an excuse to use greater force to control the protesters. The authorities have no wish to fight the people, but if order is to be maintained it sometimes becomes necessary to act when violence is used. It is unfortunate that unscrupulous people use demonstrations as a cover for it as it is not necessarily connected with the aims of the protesters.
The people of Earth have much more power than they realise, and when their collective thought forms focus upon the same things it brings results, and it is why group meditation is so powerful. For the same reason prayer is powerful but not the degree of repetition that is often associated with religion. The message must come from the heart and be filled with love. When you call upon the greater powers such as God for help, be assured that your prayer is received. Sometimes it will be responded to in such a way that you would not necessarily link it with your request. Those who make negative requests are likely to find that it rebounds upon them through the Law of Attraction.
If you consider that there has been no apparent let up to the changes occurring on Earth, it should be obvious that there is no going back to the old ways or conditions. A new era has already begun and with it the old ways have been overtaken by new ideas, and the New Age is slowly but surely becoming firmly established. The time has long past when changes that should have been introduced can be held up by the actions of those who continue to support the old ways. In your present time new inventions and ideas to bring in better ways of doing things are prevented from benefitting you, by those who profit from progress being held back. It is prompted by the desire to maintain the old ways of doing things that are often more profitable. However, progress will ensure that the changes will come and be introduced, and those Beings of Light helping to bring it about will succeed.
Dear Ones whatever situation you find yourselves in it is more than likely you have attracted it to yourselves. It does not mean you are necessarily going to be involved, but your experience may be from the point of view of an observer. You are in effect learning all of the time whatever situation you find yourself in. for example if you think upon it, you may see an accident and would your first thought be to give assistance, or not get involved as some people choose. Many such situations crop up quite frequently and they are in a sense a test of your reactions. Clearly you cannot be all things to everyone, but if your first thoughts are for the wellbeing of others you are raising your vibrations.
The Earth is a tough place to gain your experiences, through which you learn what is right or wrong from a spiritual point of view. Bear in mind that what you reap comes back to you, and when you believe an experience has been unjust it may not necessarily relate to your present life. Karma can be held until an appropriate time comes up when it can be cleared, so be assured there are no mistakes where it is concerned. Take it all seriously and accept what you perceive the lesson to be, and it is almost certain you will not have to experience it again. Karma is not a punishment but a learning curve that evolving souls have to go through. The system is absolutely fair and we have often told you that as a result of lessons once learnt, you will never have to go through the same experience again.
If you find the experiences of life overpowering know that you always agree to them before you incarnate, and no one is expected to accept more than they can cope with. After all, your Guides are ever present and help you through the difficult times if you listen to them. Then again you have your Higher Self, your ever present aspect that knows you better than yourself who also gives you guidance, but it is never forced upon you. Freewill is respected even if you use it incorrectly but it will incur karma. So accept your lessons with grace and goodwill as they are your stepping stones to evolution. If you knew exactly how much your Guides have helped you, it would surprise you as they influence you to take the right action when your thoughts may take a different path.
In your loneliest or saddest moments your Guides try to lift you up, they are always by your side. They send you loving energies all of the time and are ecstatic when you in turn give your love and blessings to another soul. Every kind deed is noted and goes a long way towards increasing your vibrations. Other people that come in contact with you will experience them without knowing what they are, and feel very good in your company because the higher energies are healing in nature. At the other end of the scale negative energies make people feel uncomfortable as they are clearly unpleasant. In the near future such souls will find themselves with like-kind, whilst the souls that are ready will ascend.
Life can seem unfair if you do not understand the system of karma, and what you need to do to move on and create your own opportunity to evolve, is leave the lower vibrations behind. You should concentrate on your own progress as no one soul is favoured over another, and all are given equal opportunity to learn and evolve. It is up to you when you consider you are ready to advance, and as soon as you wish to do so help will be on hand. Those who have already evolved to the higher dimensions will help you along your chosen path. At many different levels you are helped through your lives, as it is in every ones interests to help as many souls as possible to ascend. It releases them from the wheel of karma and frees them from the necessity to have to keep reincarnating into the lower dimensions to evolve.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion.
Beloved masters, each advanced level of evolution and Ascension contain higher truths, along with new challenges and opportunities to attain Self-mastery. Self-discipline, heightened awareness and determination are required. However, the more you bring your ego-desire body under control, and allow your Higher Self to guide you, the easier the process will become.
As you expand your awareness, and begin to view life from a higher vantage point, your perspective changes. You no longer focus on the negative aspects or what is wrong in your life as you develop a positive outlook and focus on the good in others. You learn to appreciate the beauty of nature, and what is right with the world. Gradually, you also develop a sense of wonder and thanksgiving for the many miracles that manifest for you and those around you.
One of the most difficult things to accomplish is to let go of old outmoded, preconceived thought patterns and habits. Ingrained habits, traditional rules and standards, as well as social, racial, and religious influences of the past are only some of the shackles you must release as you strive to become an “en-Lighten-ed, free Spirit” within a newly emerging reality.
Humanity as a whole, as well as individually, is still trapped in half-truths and concepts that originated many thousands of years ago. Each of you is a composite of all your experiences, not just past lives, but experiences you have had from the time you first externalized into an individualized conscious Facet of the Creator. Many of these limiting thought patterns have no place in your new world of expanded consciousness. It is vitally important that you release these negative influences, if you are to continue your forward momentum upon the spiral of Ascension into the higher realms of Light and Self-mastery.
It is time to take an inventory, dear hearts. Review what you have released during the last few years of your time. What outmoded ideas, habits, and responsibilities have you released and what has replaced them? What do you still need to release, or transmute into a higher form? What is limiting yourspiritual growth,and no longer serves your greatest good?
** Have you learned that you are no longer a victim of fate, and that you are in control of your own destiny? What are you doing with your newly found power?
There is no one or no thing out theredoing anything to you or for you unless you allow it. You have been gifted with all the tools of Creation, and you are entitled to all the beauty, bounty and opulence of this Universe – it is your Divine birthright. We can assist you, guide and inspire you; however, you are the composer and builder of your world and the reality in which you exist. Each and every day you are projecting thought forms, feelings and intention, which will influence and construct your reality of tomorrow. If you do not like what you have created, and what you are experiencing at the moment, change your attitude and your thought patterns to a higher frequency, and then watch your world change for the better. Remember, as you acquire skills in focusing your thoughts, and you practice deliberate, step-by-step action, your power to create will accelerate exponentially – both positively and negatively.
** Are you becoming more comfortable as a cocreator of your life’s experiences? Are you now willing to take credit and responsibility for both the positive and negative experiences in your life?
You can monitor and determine what kind of thought forms you are radiating forth out into the world by the people you draw into your awareness. Are you experiencing a lot of negative feedback or interaction with those around you? Are you still allowing people to take advantage of you in order to feel worthy?
When you do things for others, how often do you feel harmonious and loving afterward? How often do you feel resentful or exploited? It would be better to not do something for another person, than to do it for the wrong reason.
** Remember, it is also the vibrational patterns that you are projecting that determine the “rightness” of action, not just the action itself.
In the process of returning to balance and harmony, there must be a balance in ALL things. There is an energy exchangein every thought you have, and in everything you do. If you constantly give to another person without receiving some kind of positive energy exchange in return – an imbalance develops, which soon manifests as resentment or guilt, and often a sense of superiority or inferiority. It becomes impossible to radiate unconditional love to another person under such conditions.
** Have you gone through the process of releasing everything and everyone in your world to its or their greatest good? This is one of the major challenges you must experience during your journey toward Self-mastery.
This does not that mean that you will have to give up anything or anyone, but you may be tested to see if you truly mean what you say. Holding on to people or things, and resisting change are the major cause of human pain and suffering.
In truth, you do not own anything, and you certainly cannot own anyone. All you are assured of is amoment in time,or the present now moment. Everything and everyone in your life could disappear from sight in a flash – including you.
We do not wish to make you fearful; however, what we are trying to instill in your consciousness is that everything in your reality of today is transitory. What are you holding on to that still brings you pain or discomfort? What lessons are still to be learned from the discomfort these things instill in you? Isn’t it time to let go of the suffering, and to claim ease and grace?
** Do you own your possessions or do they own you?
Are you so deeply in debt or so obligated to others that you have no time to enjoy life? Do you spend all your time taking care of, cleaning, fixing or striving to pay for your possessions? Remember, we have tried to impress upon you, things do not make you happy. Most often, they only bring a moment’s satisfaction, and then you are looking for something or someone else to satisfy the urges of your ego-desire body. Happiness, joy and satisfaction come from within. What you are yearning for is a quality of life, or a state of Being.
How long has it been since you took a walk in nature, since you took time to gaze at the stars or the beautiful cloud formations in the sky? Can you remember the last time you walked barefoot in the grass, and attuned to the heartbeat of Mother Earth? How long has it been since you sat quietly and listened to the birds sing – or watched the people around you, as you endeavored to sense what they were feeling, or the frequency patterns they were emanating?
In your fast-paced existence, isn’t it time to slow down and experience the perfection of the moment? In doing so, you are creating more perfect moments, instead of a more frenetic lifestyle, which has become the norm for so many people in today’s world.
**Do you constantly have to be entertained or have outside stimulation to keep from being bored with your life situation?
** What can you let go of in order to simplify your life, and to make your everyday experiences more enjoyable?
** How often do you spend time in solitude, enjoying your own thoughts, and the whispers of your Soul-self?
** Do you always have to have music, the television or some outside distraction to keep fromtuning in to your own inner thoughts?
** Do you enjoy being alone?
You must learn to enter the silence of Selfin order to connect with Spirit – your Higher Self and your God Self are waiting for you to tap into the magical Light stream of Divine consciousness. We sense the yearnings of so many millions of dear Souls who wish to communicate with their Higher Self and with us. It is so simple, dear hearts. All you have to do is state your intention, and then practice going into the silence and stillness within, so that we may clear the pathways, and strengthen the connection that is already there – a connection which has atrophied from mis-use or non-use.
** What negative habits have you released? What positive habits have you replaced them with, and what results have you noticed?
You will find it becomes easier and easier to release negative habits and thought forms as you begin to see the results of your positive actions. You will automatically begin to fine-tune your everyday conscious actions as you become an observerof your thoughts and intent. It is important that you become aware of the frequency patterns you are projecting, as well as the words you use. Always use positive words of empowerment, tempered by love, and constantly monitor your negative mind chatter.
**Has it become easier to practice unconditional loverather than loving with conditions?
You must first forgive yourself, and practice unconditional love of Self before you can practice unconditional love for others. You cannot project or give what you do not have within. This does not mean that you should not strive to better yourself or achieve a higher level of Self-mastery. It means that you accept and love yourself the way you are at the moment, as you strive to integrate more of your Divinity and the Lightness of Spirit.
**Remember, heal the past, script your future, live in the moment.
Fear of the future is a result of not trusting yourself and the decisions you have made or will make. This is a result of deep-seated memories of failures or painful experiences of the past (in this or many other lifetimes). Guilt and shame are also ego-driven emotions of not achieving intended goals or perfection in the past. Fear, guilt and shame are often directed toward other people in your lives who are mirroring back to you the vibrational patterns you need to balance in order to let go of those past negative patterns and experiences. When you learn to radiate balanced, loving energy, it will be reflected back to you through the people you interact with, and also through your everyday experiences.
**Determine what attachments you have which no longer serve your highest good, and that are holding you back. Make a concerted effort to release those attachments, and envision the vacancies being filled with transforming crystalline Light substance.
**Remember to use the power of the Violet Flame of transformation. Use this magic elixir often to assist in the transmutation of negative, imbalanced vibrational patterns.
**Endeavor to sever any cords of attachment that you still have with people in your life. With your inner vision, see these cords of attachment returning to the other person wrapped in loving energy. Strive to become consciously aware when someone is trying to tap into your solar power center. With loving intent, return the energy to the sender.
** Endeavor to view life and circumstances around you with detachment. Be an observer and reserve judgment. Seek and live by your own truth as it has been revealed to you.
Beloveds, you are in an intense phase of transition in which you are letting go of all the negativity of the past from the deepest core level of your Being. Old energies, symptoms, thought forms, and possibly pain, are roiling up into your consciousness and within your bodily form in order to be transmuted. You are building a strong probable future through your intentions and actions, and you are being challenged to see if you are ready to bring your dreams and desires to fruition. Take some time to determine what kind of probable future you are building. If you do not like your design, MODIFY IT, for if you do not – as surely as there is a tomorrow ‒ what you have envisioned will become your reality.
We have been with you since you were birthed into consciousness in this Universal experience, and we will be with you throughout eternity. From the Sacred heart center of our Father/Mother God, blessings without end are constantly being showered down upon you. You are loved most profoundly, I AM Archangel Michael.Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:
The Future is closer than you think.Medbed rejuvenates you for example from 90+ years to 22 years if you so wish and you can also change your sex,if you so wish.
Published: August 6, 2018 By: Dennis Shipman Writer’s Note:Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand.
Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her information is posted in the second-half of this article. Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with the global transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators and Med Beds.
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Jared Rand:“I am not an attorney, not a lawyer, not a financial advisor, and not a wellness expert. I have been in one way, shape or form, involved with the entire global transition for 36 years. I’ve lost countless friends. I’ve been shot at, poisoned, just about everything you can think of. Our attitude is we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. A lot of us don’t know each other, have never come across each other, maybe once in a while on occasion, but the compartmentalization is absolutely huge. A lot of times the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Is that a positive? Maybe in some ways it is and in other ways it’s not. We have a wonderful group of human beings that have collaborated and worked together for a very long time.”
Jared says his family has been in the U.S. since 1624 – long before it became the United States in 1776. Do the math and that’s 394 years (2018). He even gives us a clue to cross-reference his identity and family if we are so inclined to take the trouble to discover it. He says to look up Charlestown, a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts. There’s a cemetery in the town (actually there is more than one), and on the main lock of the cemetery gate is the name of John Rand. Research reveals there was a John Rand, Sr. that lived in Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America from 1664-1737. Thomas Rand, whose family was from Essex, England lived in the colony about 1626–1683.
Charlestown is a historic waterfront neighborhood originally settled by a group of Puritans. The settlement increased in size to about 20,000 people during what’s known as the Great Migration from 1620 to 1640. They came in family groups rather than as isolated individuals and were motivated chiefly by a quest for freedom to practice their Puritan religion. Charlestown is the oldest neighborhood in Boston, incorporated as a town in 1628, and incorporated as a city in 1847. Charlestown Peninsula was the site of the first key Revolutionary War battle – the Battle of Bunker Hill (now The Bunker Hill Monument) on June 17, 1775.
Jared talks about high-profile issues impacting humanity’s 3D-5D transition (aka The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness, Ascension, The Great Shift, The Event), considered to be the greatest evolutionary event in human history. He says his mission is benevolent: to help educate the general public about what has been hidden from them, who and what we really are, and where we are going.
Jared also hosts a daily global guided meditation program that starts 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the U.S. Telephone numbers to access the “live” program for callers in the U.S. and International countries can be obtained at the meditation’s website. For more information, check the listing in the Resources section at the end of this article. The initial goal is to reach 8000 people meditating on a consistent basis. It is said that one person with focused intent can effect change for up to 1 million people!
Tachyon Energy & Plasma Energy Med Beds
According to Rand, there are three (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes. Fifty years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.
The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.
The technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ET’s. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.
The Med Beds have Artificial Intelligence (AI) that’s controllable so it cannot get out of control and run wild. The AI is the computer. It operates kind of like an MRI, where you sit in a tube and it rolls over your body and does a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease. The Med Bed scans your skin, your muscle tissue, all the organs and everything in your body. It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. When it does that, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection. For example, you could have stage 4 leukemia, and on a Med Bed in about 2.5 minutes, you’re cured. No side effects.
And, if you had an organ cut out or removed from the body, the Med Bed’s re-atomization process regenerates that organ as if it was never removed. Because your body leaves a resonance – a vibrational frequency. The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or stopped operating, and the Med Bed’s artificial intelligence links into the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ.
Rand says he has studied cancer research for many, many years. Cancer can be cured with the Med Beds all day long; very easily and very cheaply, too, he says. Because he’s done it for people. With the Med Beds, cancer is gone. Chemotherapy becomes obsolete. Lou Gehrig’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, all disease is gone, eliminated.
Rand says some people believe this whole process of healing with the Med Beds is just science fiction. That it can’t be true. Somebody just made it up! And, because nobody believes it exists, its easy to manufacture them in quantity and get them ready for distribution.
“When you are in this Med Bed, you don’t go through any pain, you don’t go through radiations. It’s not like some evil event. You go into a deep sleep. There’s no injection, no needles or anything. You wake up and look in the mirror and your creepy skin is gone. Your white hair is the color it was when you were in your twenties (20s). It’s the same for your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell. Everything is restored to a perfected younger state again,” Rand says.
“This is the new age for the new Earth and new human race. It’s totally the opposite of what we’ve lived. These technologies are already here. It’s a matter of getting them safely – SAFELY – to the people that can use them.”
In the article on this website, “Behind the Scenes News Sources,”on the update for July 15, 2018, Saint Germain says Med Beds will be introduced to the public before the end of 2018.
Holographic Medical Pods
Ileana the Star Traveler wrote the following information on the Holographic Medical Pods. She obtained the information by using a unique method “hypnosis regression memories” whereby Ileana was able to verify the information did indeed come from the Secret Space Program by seeing the holographic medical pods during her tenure as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. The information is available in a PDF free download – see Resources at the end of this article.
Ileana hosts the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube – an interview program covering topics such as spirituality, ET contact, healing modalities, awakening and the ascension process. She has published many fascinating stories of her galactic travels at her website, and also channels benevolent star nation beings, spiritual guides, and her Higher Self. She has the ability to astral travel, conduct remote viewing, and work in the Akashic Records. She has obtained much knowledge from her past lives as a star traveler living out in space.
The following information contained in Ileana’s PDF reveals how the medical pods work, what they look like, and how they are utilized in the advanced medical field of technology with 3D anatomical imaging equipment. Information is also provided on how the medical pods can revive people from the dead, cure diseases, heal wounds, remove scarring tissue, and administer an age regression protocol before discharge from the Secret Space Programs.
The Holographic Medical Pods are automated medical stations where a medical expert selects the type of medical procedure to be done from the computer database, then the patient lies down in the pod, and the machine performs the medical operation or procedure, then the lasers will close up the points of entry where the procedure was done. These types of holographic medical pods have features such as an Airtight Operating Shield, Comfortable Limb Restraints, a Laser Scalpel, Laser Mirror Arms to remove scarring, Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms, Liquid Spray Anesthetic, Vital Signs Sensors, and all of these features are mounted on an Adjustable Titanium Base. The Med Pods (aka Med Beds) allow users to diagnose, treat, and preform a wide range of surgical procedures with the ultra-fine laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning. The 3D scanning has refractory lenses which take live scans of the body in order to do various medical procedures.
The 3D anatomical scanning lens and laser technology allows for complete diagnoses of all body systems including neurological factors, treatment of infections through concentrated antibiotic injections, detoxification of the body in order to cure diseases like cancer, basic or advanced wound repair, limb regeneration through cellular DNA reconstruction, and scar removal. As well as other procedures can be done such as appendectomy, laparoscopic ablation, and Cesarean section.
The Med Pods can also regenerate dying cell tissues in the body in order to make the cells healthy again, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc. This is done in order to be able to cure diseases like for example Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc.
The advanced medical pods have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification or even do cross hybridization between human DNA and ET genetics, or mix animal DNA with the human genome to create stronger and healthier species of humans.
There is advanced holographic super computer software that can create various types of memory engrams that can be imprinted on people’s brains through light spectrum visual imagery in order to create false or altered screen memories. As well as brain memory suppression injection drugs are administered so black listed classified memories cannot be easily recalled by individuals. These procedures are often done in the SSP programs while someone is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract discharge time is up and they are administered the age regression protocol.
Interactive super computer software display that can encode memory engrams onto the brain during the age regression protocol process. Some of the Med Pods have bio-mimetic gel on them which will synthesize healthy and young cell tissue in the body in order to replace the cells that are dying off and can no longer self regenerate.
The bio-mimetic gel is also use to prevent third degree burns from scarring the body so that scar tissue does not build up on the skin. This gel also removes any germs or bacteria that can cause infections in the human body.
(Left Picture) This is an example of how the Bio-Mimetic gel is placed on one of the Holographic Medical Pod units.
(Right Picture) A Medical bay being prepared for 3D metric laser surgery with one of the Holographic Medical Pods.
Medical Lab for Holographic Medical Pods: The Holographic Medical Pods are usually located in medical lab bays either on space stations, planetary bases, or on space ships. These Med Pods can be installed virtually anywhere as they do not require much power to operate.
We got to be able to see and face darkness cause too much Light will burn us.While this website is dedicated in bringing feelings of Joy at all times this is a post that goes towards all parents that i have been expressing my concert about vaccinating their children without any result.Here is the story of Malakai that is now sitting next to The Angels.
Matthew and Angeline Le Grangeof South Africa recently lost their youngest son, Malakai, to eight vaccines on September 22nd, 2018. He was only three and a half months old. Malakai was a vibrant, happy, and healthy baby boy leading up to his 14 week doctor’s appointment. Within a day of receiving his last round of vaccines at this doctor’s visit, he died.
No family should ever have to bury their child as an outcome of the destructive path of vaccination. Vaccine death stories from shattered families worldwide continue to be expressed, shared, and shouted from every corner of the world, and we have over a dozen vaccine death storieson this website alone. Please listen. Please hear their truththrough their agony, grief, and tears. The pain of what these mothers and fathers have endured is unfathomable and unbearable, yet these selfless broken-hearted parents offer their tragedies as a cautionary lesson to anyone who will listen and heed their warning.
The Le Grange’s share their raw painful experience and horrendous tragedy in their own words below, followed by a question and answer exchange.
Malakai Le Grange was born on the 12th of June 2018 at the Pretoria West Hospital in Pretoria, South Africa, weighing 4.1kgs (9 pounds, 4 ounces) and measuring 55cm (21.65″). Our healthy big boy was breastfed and growing fast. He had a bit of colic, but other than that he was full of smiles.
On the 21st of September, he was taken to a Dis-Chem Clinic for his 14 week check up and vaccinations. He was given the Rotavirusorally, PCV (Prevenar 13)in his right thigh, and a third dose of the Hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV)in his left thigh.
The nurse instructed Angeline to give him a dose of Calpol3.5ml when we returned home. Angeline was alone with Malakai when the nurse gave the injections; the nurse was quite rough as she pulled his legs to inject him and she manhandled his body.
Roughly two hours after Malakai got his injections, Angeline gave him a 2ml dose of Calpoland he was closely monitored as he wasn’t himself. We considered this normal as our first born son, Zachariah (20 months old), was usually groggy after getting his vaccinations done.
Malakai stayed up a bit later than usual that night and we played with him. He had just started shouting and laughing, so we entertained him, tickled his toes, and enjoyed his new giggle and noise. At around 3:00 a.m. on the 22nd of September, he had his last full feed from mom. Matthew woke up at around 4 a.m. and slept on the couch when Malakai had woken up for a demand feed. At around 6:45 a.m., Angie woke up feeling something in her womb and knew something was wrong. She noticed Malakai wouldn’t wake up and wasn’t breathing. Then I rushed Malakai to Matthew, and he immediately tried to perform CPR, and noticed his lungs were clogged up.
We got in the car and drove as fast as we could to the nearest hospital which was a few kilometers away. We took Malakai to casualty and the doctor and nurses urgently tried to resuscitate him. After what felt like days, the doctors came in and told us that they have tried the best they can, but at this point there hasn’t been enough oxygen in the brain for a while now and they must stop. They called his death at 08:10 a.m. September 22nd, 2018.
The nurses allowed us a private room to say goodbye to our boy while they called for the coroner and the police to remove his body and open a police report as they said his death was unnatural.
There was a miscommunication between the police and the hospital, so we waited in that cold room with our son for almost four hours. We held his little hands as they went ice cold and stiff. There were tubes coming out his mouth filled with blood and mucus.
His body was removed and had to be taken for an autopsy to establish the cause of death. Our lives had been destroyed. We lost our son and we still had to be strong for our first born who was watching his mom and dad break apart. He kept asking for his brother Kai.
Matthew went to identify Malakai’s body at the state mortuary. The pathologist wanted to speak to him in private. She first wanted background information on the pregnancy and asked him how long was the baby sick for. She sounded shocked when Matthew told her he was perfectly fine before the vaccinations. She hadn’t found the cause of death, but she found swelling on the brain, a build of fluid on the brain, and found contusions on his lungs and they were heavily congested. She had taken all the necessary samples and had sent them away to the lab. Matthew was then led to another room to identify him.
Matthew: I looked through a small glass window and there was my boy, wrapped in state hospital blankets. He still looked so peaceful but his lips were purple. The pathologist was kind enough to cover up the parts of his body that she cut open for the autopsy. I just saw his face; I saw my own face and my wife’s face there too. No father or mother should see their child that way.
An investigating officer contacted Angie and took her statement. He was going to get all the statements and get the investigation sorted out as soon as possible. But he did warn her that the blood results and other samples taken, could take up to nine years to complete as there are problems with the forensic department in South Africa.
Almost a month later, our lives have been torn apart, dealing with the trauma of trying to resuscitate our dead son. Identifying his body in the morgue has caused us a lot of depression and fatigue. We’ve been getting in touch with a lot of moms who also recently lost a child due to “SIDS” or unknown causes. ALL of them lost their children within 24 hours after receiving vaccinations. We try and help them get through each day if possible, but we ourselves struggle each moment, wondering if our lives can ever return to normal.
Malakai was a healthy baby before his injections. We took a videoof him that night before he passed away and you can see him lifting his body up and laughing with us. Seeing his body lifeless has made us feel like we are going crazy.
Q&A with Matthew and Angeline:
Q: Were you aware of the risks of vaccinating prior to Malakai?
Le Grange’s: We had heard some information about vaccines being harmful to children. When Zachariah, our oldest, was born I tried to stop the midwife from giving him injections right after birth, but she informed us both if we refuse the vaccine we cannot leave the hospital with the baby. We had no idea up until now when we are actually researching what they are giving to our babies.
When Zachariah had his earlier injections we would notice he would be uncomfortable and irritable immediately after receiving them. We thought this to be normal as we are told most children behave this way after vaccinations.
Q: Did your doctor provide you with the full vaccine package inserts which shows all the risks, contraindications, and extended info? And/or did the doctor offer any information about the risks, including death to vaccination prior to your son being vaccinated?
Le Grange’s: We weren’t provided with any information. After his death, I had requested that clinic send me the package inserts and they have still not provided me with them. I have obtained online copies of them.
Q: Have you received the autopsy results yet? (Brain swelling (encephalopathy) is listed in the vaccine adverse reaction list on many of the inserts.)
Le Grange’s: We haven’t received the official report yet and the cause of death is still under investigation. Due the back logs with the South African forensic laboratories, we could wait up to 9 years for the toxicology and histology results.
Q: What advice or recommendations do you have for other families and parents?
Le Grange’s: I would advise them to do thorough research on vaccines and any medications any government wants to give out to its people. Don’t be intimidated by society shaming you for wanting to know more information or deciding not to give vaccines to your children. We have paid the highest price by blindly following instructions from our country’s health care system.
Q: Is your older son up-to-date on his vaccines? Since Malakai’s passing, are you continuing vaccination plans for your older child and your household? And if so, or not, why or why not?
Le Grange’s: He is up to date on his vaccines and only needs one at 6 years old and 12 years. We are not going to take him for those vaccinations as we believe these vaccines are not necessary and they have not been properly tested enough to be given to any human being. Losing our son has made us even more protective over our first born and we definitely will not continue them. The risks of giving these vaccines far outweigh any good that can come out of it.
Q: Are there any programs in South Africa to report adverse vaccine reactions/injuries/death? Is there any accountability or liability for the doctors there? (In the US, we have the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)that was passed in 1986 releasing liability from the vaccine manufacturers.)
Le Grange’s: Yes, we can report adverse reactions in South Africa. However, from a legal point of view, we cannot even try and take the clinic or vaccine company to court as no lawyer will assist us. Almost every firm we have approached tells us that the legal costs are too high and they will outweigh any compensation given, if any.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Le Grange’s: Since our Malakai passed away we have met a lot of beautiful people that helped us work through the first few weeks of trauma and we are really grateful for that. We have also been in touch with a lot of moms from around the world who have also lost their babies within 24 hours of receiving a vaccine. Something is wrong with all these healthy babies dying. It’s not rare or uncommon this is happening every day. Our children are dying. We have to save each other.
May Malakai’s catastrophic story and short-lived precious life raise awareness and open hearts and minds to the grave reality and regularity of vaccine-induced deaths and injuries.
Please leave your condolences below for the Matthew and Angeline and hold them in your heart as they continue to mourn their son, Malakai.
~ In loving memory of Malakai Le Grange (June 12 – Sept 22, 2018) ~
Yellow Vest to prove the politics, morale, globalists bankrupt on 1 December in The Hague.
Now we are lucky that the common man is not with empty hands at this meeting.
This letter will also be sent to trade unions.
We can list what crimes the globalists have done to the world’s population, but let’s start by changing it, because that’s in our own hands.
No matter how many police will be, they are of the same color, and are involuntarily fellow standers, even if they have another mission, to protect the government’s rigs.
How can we stop these political villains from demolishing the Netherlands further?
Very easy, don’t pay any more to a criminal organization, through taxes and CJIB, payroll taxes or health insurance.
We pay for our own misery, we can stop it en masse.
Not everyone is aware that the current debt slavery money system will be replaced before the end of the year by the introduction of a new money system with value coverage.
For this, all the central banks in the world will fall apart, so that the bankers no longer have any power over money creation.
Through the new money system we will ask to freeze the accounts of the government and state, tax authorities, and CJIB, and to deposit them back for the population, also the disappeared € 1400 billion pension monies belong to the Dutch, an effort has been made for that, and the corrupt state has stolen it.
Police and Army can only get income if they serve their employer, and that is the population, not the globalists Bilderberg mafia criminals from The Hague.
It’s very easy, don’t want to listen to the hand that feeds you, go income, for police and army.
The new money system will eliminate world poverty, which means that the UN Migration Pact will be an outdated thing, because people also get an income in their own country and can live in abundance.
The Netherlands is for the Dutch, Africa for the Africans, the Antilles for Antilleans, etc.
Europe is a Christian continent, not for Muslims who want to claim the happiness of their own culture, because of lack of intelligence and their barbaric religion to dominate the world.
The Cabal Politicians have conspired to set in motion the exchange of the people of Europe.
This is an act of treason, to commit the genocide on its own population, by deliberately mixing it with low IQ people from the 3rd world.
Muslim countries need their own people to rebuild their countries, just like Africa.
It cannot and will not be the case that the European population must work to serve migrants forever and must continue to provide them with income, shelter and food.
The deliberate destruction of the economy must be stopped, no longer grow GMO food, deliver farmers directly to the population, to implode multinationals and to continue their exploitation system.
The Merkel’s, Rutte’s and Macron’s of this world together with many paedophiles will disappear from society by the mass arrest that will take place.
The involvement of Rutte, EU, Shell, Timmermans for the disaster with the MH 17/370 will be made public by co-causing at the CIA, FBI, NSA, Deepstate puppets.
The demonization of Putin and unjust sanctions will stop, the Nazis will be driven out of Kiev just like the corrupt EU maniacs in Brussels, with the new money system they will no longer be financed.
Share this information with the Yellow Cardigan initiative, people will wake up and see for what it is, a dirty game by a corrupt government that has betrayed its own people.
Possibly tomorrow November 30, 2018 the stock exchange will crash to announce the revaluation of the money system on December 1 in Argentina, by announcing the GESARA. Global Economic Security and Reform Act, signed by Bil Clinton as early as 2000, but never introduced to protect bankers and Wall Street and further suppress their world population.
Ask the police why the Netherlands, as one of the few countries in the world, has no constitutional court, because the laws are not legal, and the kingdom on May 13, 1940 has lapsed due to the flight of the royal family, according to the then valid constitution article 21, that the seat of government should never be outside the kingdom.
All laws and treaties after May 18, 1940, when the Germans ruled the country, are not legally valid worldwide because the Netherlands never got its own government back from the then occupying Germany after the capitulation in 1945.
Let yourself be surprised by what revelations will be made, and how the self-appointed Elite will be crushed.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have sensed the feeling of struggle in so many humans, and we want you all to know that the more you have struggled in your lives, the more you have sought to be free of that struggle. You have asked for a feeling of relief so many times in this lifetime, and in all of your previous lifetimes, you have also faced some challenge in your life that brought you to your knees.
And therefore, you have been seeking relief for eons and eons of your time. Now, the ways in which you have attempted to get that relief have historically not brought you the results that you want. This is where we come in, because we are here now to offer you that sense of relief as an invitation. We invite you all right now to let go of the struggle. Let go of your angst. Let go of your tension, and feel the floodgates opening.
Feel yourselves in this moment to be in a state of receiving. We are not the only ones who can deliver to you exactly what you have been summoning. There are so many beings who want to help, who want to be the answer that you have been seeking. We are just here to facilitate the process and to let you know that we have also observed that this process works.
Now, there are reasons why many humans hold on to the struggle, and all of those reasons come from the mind and ego. So we are also inviting you to let go of your clinging to the old ways of doing things, and embrace the ways of your higher self. Embrace this moment as one where you get a taste of what it is like to be fifth dimensional.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
November 29, 2018 11-11-11 Today we are experiencing another opportunity to bathe the Earth and all Life evolving upon her with the life-transforming 11-11-11 Gateway energies that moved Humanity and Mother Earth forward in the Light a quantum leap on November 11, 2018. Many activities of Light took place that day that allowed the Company of Heaven to assist each and every one of us in extremely powerful ways. November 11, 2018 was the commemoration of the 100thanniversary of Armistice Day. That was the day that the armistice was signed in France between the Allies of World War I and Germany. That event ended the war on the Western Front which took effect in 1918 “on the 11thday of the 11thmonth at 11:00 a.m.” On November 11, 2018 a gathering of 76 world leaders took place in Paris, France to acknowledge the millions of soldiers and civilians who died in that horrific war. As millions of people from around the world opened their hearts and focused their attention on the events taking place in France, a collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness was formed. This, along with the thousands of other events orchestrated by Lightworkers around the world who were participating in the 11-11-11 Gateway Opening, gave the Company of Heaven an Open Door through which they could greatly accelerate Earth’s Ascension Process. On that sacred and holy day, we held our Free Seminar in Los Angeles, California. A wonderful group of more than 300 dedicated Lightworkers attended the seminar. We were joined in consciousness by thousands of Lightworkers around the world who selflessly projected their Light and Love into the Chalice of our Heart Flames in Los Angeles. This exponentially expanded the amount of Light our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven were able to infuse into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As promised by our Father-Mother God, that Gift of Light is now amplifying the Lightwork of every single person on Earth one thousand fold every day. The next wave of Light from our Father-Mother God which will infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, will take place on December 12, 2018. This is the day that Humanity acknowledges our Mother God and the Divine Feminine by focusing our attention on the aspect of Beloved Mother Mary known as “The Virgin of Guadalupe.” We will not have a Free Seminar in December; however, we will join in consciousness with Lightworkers around the world to energetically empower our Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love on December 12th.If you have the Heart Call to add to the Light of the world in this powerful way on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth, please weave your magnificent Light into our Grid of Divine Love anytime during that day that is convenient for you. The Second Phase of the Wondrous Divine Plan Accomplished in Los Angeles It is not by chance that this area in California is called Los Angeles. This is the multidimensional Portal of Angels through which the Angelic Kingdom enters the physical plane to fulfill their specific services to Humanity and Mother Earth. When that phase of their mission is complete, the Angels return to the Realms of Light through the Portal of Angels in Los Angeles so they can be refreshed, rejuvenated and empowered for their next mission on Earth. A couple of years ago we officially entered the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. The predominant influx of Divine Light that will bathe the Earth during this 2,100 year cycle is the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity. This is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection which pulsates with the perfect balance of the Blue Flame of our Father God’s Divine Will and Power and the Pink Flame of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. When we officially entered the Age of Aquarius Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection appealed to our Father-Mother God and asked for a Cosmic Dispensation. That dispensation would allow 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels to assist in awakening Humanity and in educating the masses about the power and might of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. In an act of merciful Divine Grace, our Father-Mother God gave permission for billions of powerful 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels to descend through the Portal of Angels in Los Angeles. One of these Archangels was stationed within the aura of every man, woman and child on Earth. These magnificent Archangels cannot interfere with our free will, but for the past few years they have been working with every person’s I AM Presence in unprecedented ways whenever the opportunity presented itself for the person to further awaken and consciously participate in the use of the Violet Flame.
Due to the incredible shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness that have taken place on the planet since the activation of the consciousness codeswithin the DNA of the Millennials and the children, the Company of Heaven revealed to us the miraculous events that were being accomplished during the opening of the 11-11-11 Gateway in 2018. We were told that several days prior to November 11ththe 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels that were stationed within the aura of every person on Earth were summoned into the Great, Great Silence by our Father-Mother God. Within that forcefield of God’s Infinite Light, these powerful Archangels were initiated into a Higher Octave of Service on behalf of Humanity. That initiation prepared the Archangels in NEW ways to assist the I AM Presence of every person on Earth with the next phase of our Ascension process.
As those of us gathered within the Portal of Angels in Los Angeles participated in several activities of Light, we served as surrogates of behalf of ALL Humanity. Through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, our Father-Mother God breathed into the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness higher frequencies of Light which allowed the I AM Presence of every person to recalibrate our pineal and pituitary glands and our nervous system. This recalibration prepared every person on Earth at a cellular level to withstand higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection than we have ever received. Once that was accomplished our Father-Mother God directed the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels who had been basking in the Light of God within the Great, Great Silence, to return to the aura of the person on Earth they had been serving for the past few years. As these selfless Messengers of God passed through the Portal of Angels and took their strategic positions within the auras of every person on Earth, they began the process of assisting the I AM Presence of the Son or Daughter of God to which they had been assigned through the next phase of his or her Ascension process.
Every person’s Ascension process is unique and is being tailored moment-by-moment by our I AM Presence. This is occurring in perfect alignment with the greatest need of the hour for each of us personally and all of us collectively. Whether this process is easy or difficult depends on which of our past life experiences are surfacing to be healed and transmuted back into Light and how quickly we can accomplish that process. The faster we complete this purging the sooner the pain and difficult challenges will stop. Then we will be able to tangibly experience the patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth. The most powerful way in all Creation to transmute and heal our surfacing miscreations is by bathing that misqualified energy in our Father-Mother God’s Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection. The Gift of Light that our Father-Mother God blessed Humanity and Mother Earth with on November 11, 2018 during the Opening of the 11-11-11 Gateway, literally Transfigured at an atomic and subatomic cellular level our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. This gave every person’s I AM Presence the ability to withstand higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light than the Earth has ever known. Once that monumental shift occurred, our Father-Mother God exponentially expanded the Bandwidth of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that will bathe the Earth and ALL Life abiding upon her throughout the Age of Aquarius. The Company of Heaven said that with our finite minds it will be difficult for Humanity to comprehend the colossal benefit this expansion of the Violet Flame will have on our ability to accelerate our Ascension process. They affirmed, however, that as we continually invoke this Gift from On High to transmute and heal the residue of our surfacing miscreations, we will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this Divine Intervention is LIFE CHANGING. On this powerful day, November 29, 2018 = 11-11-11, the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangel within every person’s aura is asking us to empower their efforts to help us by magnetizing these NEW frequencies of the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through our Heart Flames. We have the ability to easily do this through the following invocation. If you have the Heart Call to be the Open Door for this awesome Gift from our Father-Mother God, please join me during this invocation through which the NEW frequencies of this 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection will be anchored within the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth. THE VIOLET FLAME OF GOD’S INFINITE PERFECTION INVOCATIONPatricia Cota-Robles I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Cosmic Law will allow. Beloved Saint Germain, we ask you and the Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels who are stationed within every person’s aura, to blaze this NEW unfathomable frequency of the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through every person’s Heart Flame. Secure this Violet Flame within the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth. We ask that you now blaze, blaze, blaze this Violet Flame in, through and around all contamination within Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Expand this Violet Flame through all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition or thing has ever placed on the pathway of Life’s perfection. Transmute this negative energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. (pause)
Legions of Light, we ask that you now expand this activity of Light and project this Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection with the power and might of a thousand Suns into the human miscreations that are surfacing all over the Earth to be healed and transmuted back into Light.
a) Blaze the Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Divinity within ALL Life, and every expression made by Humanity is a Healing Benediction to every part of Life on this planet. b) Blaze this Violet Flame through all incoming babies, the children and the Millennials until the sacred knowledge in their consciousness codesis tangibly available within their conscious minds. Expand this activity of Light until these precious Ones are raised up in energy, vibration and consciousness to hear and carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.
c) Blaze this Violet Flame through all parents, grandparents, guardians, leaders, teachers, instructor and professors in every line of endeavor. Beloved Ones now expand this Violet Flame through all youth centers, schools, colleges and universities. Create the sacred space where the Millennials and the children can express the Divine Wisdom, God Illumination and Enlightenment pulsating within the consciousness codesof their DNA. d) Blaze this Violet Flame through all religious and spiritual teachings until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, Oneness, Understanding and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood become a manifest reality.
e) Blaze this Violet Flame through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates and every institution associated with Healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Compassion, Caring, Healing and Integrity are tangible realities for every person.
f) Blaze this Violet Flame through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true Integrity, Honesty, Generosity, Fairness, Abundance and the God Supply of all Good Things. g)Blaze this Violet Flame through all places of incarceration and all employed there. Now intensify this Violet Flame through every correctional institution, every law enforcement officer, every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained for every person.
h) Blaze this Violet Flame through ALL of the governments of the world and every person, place, condition and thing associated with the governments of the world at national, state and local levels. Intensify this Violet Flame until every government is focusing on the highest good for ALL concerned, and cocreating an environment of Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life for every person in every single instance. i) Blaze this Violet Flame through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.
j) Blaze this Violet Flame through the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity until all aging, all disease, all human miscreations and their cause and core are purified, dissolved and transmuted into Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth and Infinite Physical Perfection.
k) Blaze this Violet Flame through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies until every person’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies become a manifest and Eternally sustained reality. l) Beloved Ones, now blaze this Violet Flame in, through and around the air we breathe and every remaining electron of precious Life energy on this planet until we have completed our Ascension into the full embrace of the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth.
We now ACCEPT and KNOW that this unparalleled frequency of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, which Saint Germain and the Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels have blessed us with this sacred and holy day, is God Victoriously accomplishing this facet of the Divine Plan even as we Call.
We also ACCEPT and KNOW that every time we invoke this activity of Light our efforts are being amplified one thousand fold through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. And so it is! Patricia Cota-Robles God Bless You,
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included with my name and website address. Thank You.
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization Dba Era of Peace PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717 Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-751-2981
I am Ashtar, and I am more frequently with you in these times, because of these times, because of what is occurring, because of what is coming.
Many of you have been feeling these waves of energy coming into the planet, feeling these energies come into your body. In some ways it may even seem like a jolt of energy that comes in at times as if you have a sense of electricity coming into you, an electrical impulse.
Because of this, you do feel a heightened sense of oneness, maybe even a blissful sensation come over you which in those times can be better than the best high that you have ever had. It may even make you feel a sense of giddiness, joy.
At other times depending on where you are in your aspects of yourself at that moment, you may feel the energies as heavy. Because if you are lower in vibration in those times and as these waves of energy come in, then it will manifest as something more heavy, more negative to you, will magnify whatever your feelings are at the time. If you are feeling somewhat down, it may even make you feel further down. But always know that in that moment you can raise yourself up just with a thought. It is all that it takes now, is a thought, a thought to bring you out of the doldrums. You do not need to stay there any longer. You do not need to hold yourself in those lower vibrations. For just with a thought, or even a visualization, you can bring yourselves out and into the higher vibration. Just think of something beautiful. Think of how grateful you are for whatever it might be in your life. Think of a happy time in your life, those times that bring you joy. And in that instant you will come out of those lower vibrations and into higher consciousness. That is what this is all about, my friends, this transition, is all about for you and for ALL mankind.
For those of you who have been working with these vibrations, working to raise them at a conscious level, understand that there are those across the planet who raise their vibrations each and every day but may not even be conscious of it. It is being done at an unconscious level.
But for those of you, the Lightwarriors, you are raising your vibrations consciously because you have learned to do it, you have learned how to do it. That is what is important now for those of you. Because as you learn to do this, you will be able to teach others to do it as well. And then they will be able to teach others, and so on, and so on. As has been said many times: you are the mentors of the ones that are coming after you, just as we are the mentors to you now. So always trust in yourselves. Trust in your knowings, or your higher knowings. And everything that you want in your lives you will have, because you will create it with every single thought that you have. So learn to work with your thoughts. Learn to control your thoughts. As I said earlier, it only takes an instant of a new positive thought to raise your consciousness in that moment.
I am Ashtar, and always know that we in our ships are here watching over you and preparing each and every day for those moments, those times, when we will be able to show ourselves more and more as we are already doing. Those of you who now have the eyes to see are able to witness those things in the skies that many others will not yet be able to see.
Here’s a short description of NESARA’s mandate in the United States: ET Disclosure of both humanoid and non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of Earth and throughout our galaxy. Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt. Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area. Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Removes all dark cabal agents and administration officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement. Allows the new Republic of the U.S. to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held. International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups. Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance. Allows the new Republic to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law. Ceases all aggressive U.S. government military action worldwide. Forces the U.S. military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations that no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil (including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc.). Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum, and precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply. Restores financial privacy. Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the United Nations Security Council. Releases unprecedented prosperity funds in a “share the wealth redistribution program” for every individual on Earth as well as the release of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across the planet. This means that every human being could become a multi-millionaire instantly without debt of any kind. This is in alignment with the Global Currency Reset & Revaluation (GCR-RV). Stay up-to-date on developments. Click here. Enable the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines. Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on Planet Earth. Increases benefits to senior citizens and children. Reinstates the Original Title of Nobility amendment. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
They will work with a range of charities and advice centres helping to dish out reams of help and adviceto those most desperately in need of assistance. Housing charity Shelter estimated that 320,000 Brits are homeless in Britain today – whether that’s sleeping rough on the streets or having to crash with family and friends.
New DWP Amber Rudd has vowed to get Brits access to cash quicker – and has said she wants to “fix” problems with it.
Universal Credit rolls six benefits into one payment– but the rollout has been beset with issues and complaints that it pushes Brits into debt.
Minister for family Justin Tomlinson told The Sun: “This government is committed to tackling homelessness in all its forms – whether a person is sleeping on the street, living in temporary accommodation or sofa-surfing at a friend’s house.
“We want to ensure people are getting help to access the benefits and support they’re entitled to, so they can find a safe and stable home, get into work, and improve their chances in life.
“We’ve listened closely to expert guidance as we developed these new, step-by-step guides and I believe they are a fantastic tool to make the welfare system more accessible for vulnerable claimants and the organisations working hard to support them.”
The guides go through how to access help and what to expect at the jobcentre when applying for benefits.
And homeless Brits can get extra help with Universal Credit such as:
Pausing requirements to look for work so claimants can get stable housing
Setting up alternative verification processes for claimants who don’t have the proper ID
Helping use a hostel or temporary accommodation as their address
Helping them to set up email addresses and bank accounts
The new Universal Credit system will be in every jobcentre in the country by the end of next month, but the rollout has left many struggling.
Turn Off, Tune In ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are pleased to share with you the following transmission because we know that so many of you have been waiting to receive any sort of hope about the progress that humanity is making. We sense that there is an urgency within humanity to right the ship, to get yourselves pointed in the right direction, and we want to assure you that there is no such ticking clock.
The evolution of the consciousness of humanity will continue regardless of what happens and what does not happen. Therefore, we want you to relax and to stop taking score. You are doing very well, and you will continue to be the ones who are holding space for the rest of humanity.
What we have also noticed is that those of you who are awake and who are aware of the higher frequency beings who are assisting you are letting yourselves off the hook more. And when you do that, when you take the weight of the world off of your shoulders, you let in more of that help that is coming.
You are receiving more healing energy. You are receiving more upgrades, more downloads, and you are raising your vibration to such an extent that we can say with even more certainty than we have ever said this before, and that is the truth that you are shifting to the fifth dimension.
The pendulum has already swung, and there is no going back now. So the question remains then: how can you enjoy it more? How can you live with a sense of hope, rather than that sense of urgency? And how can you let in more of what you’ve been asking for?
One of the easiest ways to do this is to turn off your televisions, put down your devices, shut off your computers, and either go within or go outside. The less you tune in to the media, whether it is social or otherwise, and the more you tune in to what is important to you, the more you get that which is important to you. And you can see the progress that you are making when you look within for it, because you all can run so much more energy than you could just five years ago, and that is something to feel excited about.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Your Creations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are fascinated by your projects. We talk to you often about relaxing, receiving, and feeling, but we rarely discuss with you how enthralled we are with the actions that you take and with the creativity that you possess and put on display for everyone else in the collective and beyond. We love to see you in the midst of one of these creative endeavors. We love to feel the energy that you infuse into your creations, and we love to witness the beauty, and the ingenuity, and the sharing.
We are huge fans of humanity. The ability that you possess to take the raw materials that are available to you there on Earth and to put them together in a way that has never been before is something that deserves recognition. You all deserve to feel very proud of everything that you do. Every song, every poem, every novel, every film script, every painting, every sculpture, and every house that you build deserves to be celebrated. You deserve to be celebrated for all that you do.
Now, we also want you to acknowledge that you do receive the inspiration from a higher place. And we are not attempting to take any credit for your creations, because you still have to be the ones who get those raw materials together and take the actions necessary to create such beauty. However, we also want you to acknowledge that there is co-creation in everything, and we want you to know that there is so much more for you to download.
There are so many more collaborations ahead of you. This is a very good thing. It is good for you to know that you have been channeling your ideas, your inspirations, and your projects. And when more beings are let in to assist and inspire, think of what can be achieved in this wonderfully diverse galaxy of ours. It is literally unimaginable.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
It is only a few years ago that i learned about NESARA and decided to create a dance track on 432HZ in order to bring awareness through music as all of the music i am creating.There is always a message for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.Little did i know the whole story about National Economic Security and Reform Act.Here is the music and below a full article about what happened and why the delay of prosperity funds for humanity.
What Really Happened….
Let us consider what happened with the creation of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). The Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 9, 2000 and then sent to President Bill Clinton for his signature. President Clinton signed NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. At that point NESARA, as with any legislation so acted upon, became a “law of the land”, but wait a minute! No one wanted to enforce it. Why? No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those, who were treasonous. Those, who had deliberately acted outside the Constitution of the Republic, had committed treason. Those who were treasonous included the United States president and vice president, the presidential cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.
You ask, “Why would the United States Congress ever pass a law that would, upon enactment, instantly remove them from public office? On March 9, 2000 in a secret joint session of Congress with the walls of the House Chambers lined with Navy Seals and Delta Force, the United States Congress passed the NESARA law unanimously at gun point under the threat of death. They passed the law knowing full well that there was a plan already in place to forever delay NESARA from being enforced. You ask, “Why would our president ever sign a bill and create a law that would remove him, his vice-president and his Cabinet from public office the moment he signed it?” In the Oval Office on October 10, 2000 President Bill Clinton, surrounded by special forces, at gun point signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this law was never to be enforced.
To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public. If the people learned the Truth about NESARA, they would demand its enforcement. This could not be allowed. The plan to hide NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public. To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created. The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery. NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice. This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.
To discredit NESARA and spread misinformation a false website was set up by the United States Government under the direction of evil CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as NESARA, that it had no congressional file number, no sponsors and was only a thought somewhere under consideration. The public was told through the government websites of www.nesara.comand www.nesara.orgthat there never was such a bill, it was never acted upon nor passed by Congress, and that the president had never signed it. Even a fictitious name was given to it under the same acronym, and a fictitious rough draft was posted on the internet to mislead the people. This distorted information from an “official” government website served to mislead and cause doubt for thousands of people.
For the past three years and four months this game of deceit by our treasonous United States Government, United States Supreme Court and World Court judges has continued. On October 10, 2000 NESARA became the law of the land in the United States of America, but it has never been enforced. The story was created that the enactment of NESARA had to happen by an “official” public announcement. Why so? Has that ever been true of any other law passed by Congress and signed by the president? It is all a trick to fool the people.
Of the 40,000 laws passed each year in the United States, how many of them are known by the public? Very few. How many are ever enacted by public announcement? None. Yet, if you should break a law that you know nothing about, you are still held accountable for your ignorance of the law and your actions. Laws are made and become law the instant the president signs the legislation. That is the requirement of the Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America. There are no exceptions.
So, who has been fooled about NESARA? The serious and dedicated White Knights have been fooled. The Dove has been fooled. The NTAT people have been fooled. A and A and Jennifer Lee and D’ Yanna Amrito and Nancy Tate and Bob Towers and Patrick Bellringer have all been fooled. The world’s people have been fooled by the Illuminati and all their stooges. That is the NESARA Lie! These past three years and four months of delay have been only a scam by our government to avoid obeying the NESARA law. All this time the United States Government has been unlawfully in office and conducting unlawful business. They have been constitutionally unlawful since 1933, but now they are playing “double jeopardy”. Since October 10, 2000 we as a nation have been under our original Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America, but we have not realized it. Since October 10, 2000 we have been under common law, but the courts have continued to destroy us with their military law.
For three years and four months the Internal Revenue Service has been eliminated, but we have continued to pay our income taxes right on schedule, because we have been ignorant of the game of deceit being played against us. Since October 10, 2000 we have continued to use fiat money and a worthless credit money system, unable to discharge any debt, while we were lawfully under a gold standard banking system. All this time we should have had our Farm Claim and Prosperity Program money. We have been tricked. WE have been fooled big time, and the darkside is laughing at us.
What proof do I have that what I say is true? The proof is in the banks. Under NESARA the new gold and silver certificate currency was printed and sent to the banks. It is currently being held by the bankers for our use. They have been “sitting” on our money all this time. To lawfully print the new gold currency, NESARA had to have already been enacted. Such information has been purposely with-held from the public. Also, as additional proof, under NESARA the bankers were ordered to have new computer software and data ready for use under the new gold banking system. They have been forced to comply with this requirement of NESARA, but, again, such information is being carefully withheld from the public, due to the gag order. The gag order in itself is a big joke. The gag order was unlawfully created by an unlawful United States Supreme Court to provide an “official” reason why the unlawful public officials can’t talk about NESARA. The gag order was done to stop the Truth, to stop NESARA from being known. No public official or media person or banker or judge or lawyer or military person wanted to tell you that he or she was a part of the plot to hide NESARA, to delay NESARA, to stop NESARA forever. None wanted you to know that they were your enemy.
My friends, think about it. Had NESARA been enforced on October 10, 2000, President Bill Clinton and our entire treasonous government would have stepped down at that time. The banks would have been changed to a gold system and the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs would have been paid. What a difference for good that money could have made. There would have been no 9-11 disaster! There would have been no Iraq war! There would have been no Patriot Act I, no Patriot Act II, no unlawful George W. Bush election and no George W. Bush administration. All that has happened to you in the past three years and four months would have been vastly different. We have been tricked big time! What will it take to wake us up? Will it take another war with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, or North Korea? Will it take Patriot Act III? Will it take World War III? How long will we remain asleep and oblivious to the NESARA Lie? When will we as a people say “enough?”
Here is a little discussion that Ljiljana opened on FB this morning,i feel is good to share with you all here:
LjiljanaFor a moment please lets turn our attention from NLOs, Light bodies, Ascension, Unicorns, Dragons, Fairies, Inner Earth, Orbs, Merkaba,😉etc. and recall that we are first of all in a human body dealing with some much more “practical” and urgent issues!
Don’t have to name them now, you all know what is challenging for you, but here is one example! A friend mention the other day a sexual tension he’s been having for awhile. Not asking for a deeper reason, I’ve started to wonder as well.. We have all certainly experienced it at some point in our lives, caused by different reasons, but yes, such topics are really crucial and Timely to talk about!
Nikos Akrivos Hi Ljiljana ok i will give my best shot once again of what i resonate with and in my present space time state of awareness.Again i wish that all sisters and brothers find be their own captain within through Self Love connected to their Higher Self.I am just another part of you and you are just another part of me,you are my relfexion,i am your reflexion and there is no separation.And i will do that more in form of questions so that anyone can follow and if the answer is yes then can continue further down this rabbit hole:1.Do you accept that you are unlimited love & light being spirit having an earthy experience in a costume called human body? 2.Do you accept that your body is the best technology out there?meaning that body is born perfect and has all tools to heal anything? 3.Do you accept that You are God with a big G? 4.Do you accept that you consciously came on Earth incarnating in your body and chose to be here for the purpose of joy & satisfaction?5.Do you accept that when one is aligned with Higher Self =IAM Presence =GOD connection this is when Truth flows in through Love & Light guiding intuition and choices to make by being able to listen the beauty of silence?6.If all answers so far are yes,doesn’t this all mean that you are indeed the creator of your reality and every second that manifests in your life is being created it in the now by your thoughts and feelings and mental pictures you hold in consciousness?7.Are you willing to take responsability of your being and be a deliberate creator of your life no matter what you see around you by focusing in what brings you joy and satisfaction?8.If the answer is yes to this 2 then begin creating by always including the Highest Good for all being God walking in a costume called human body.There is nothing You can not be,do or have.You are God.IAM God.We Are God.And out of free will choosing Divine Will.9.Doesn’t this all mean that You Are The Architect of Your Matrix and in that sense you can create what you wish and there is no need for gurus or intermediaries of any kind (priests,brainwashing media or books filled with lies or any other human being including your close family) telling you what is right or wrong and how to live your life and instead always connecting to the inner voice of your God within?.Even if you don’t know the answers to all these questions,The only advice i can give at this stage is this:Always ask for support from Your Higher Self,Your I Am presence,Angels,Archangels or Ascended Masters and Mother Father God to be The Highest version of what you can be do or have and support will show up your way and fill you with joy to guide you in the path you chose to go through in order to serve Divine Mother’s Plan.And you still have free will to live your life as you wish,a lot of sex or abstinence,heterosexual,gay or bisexual,there is no judgment,God loves all and judges no-one and when you know you are God you know you do exactly same.All are God,all are divine and all are expressions of Love.:)
Ljiljana Stojsic“Suffering is a byproduct of resistance. Resistance to situations of life bring forth suffering in mind. Acceptance of situations delivers freedom”. Mohan Ji1ManageLove· Reply· 8m
Nikos AkrivosAll sicknesses are created by resistance.We are electromagnetic beings.we are vibration.If resistance appears it is a clear sign to go within and release resistance by listing to God within.1ManageLike· Reply· 6m
Nikos Akrivosand Ljiljanaabout shamanic ways of doing things,i must say i did once san pedro and i know many out there do ayahuasca knowledge in this is that any substance that comes out of the body is just that ,one experience to go through if ones chooses for their own healing purposes and fun times.To my sense there is nothing more pure than the purity of Love and Light ,then comes fresh air and pure Water then come organic fruits and vegetables.There are beings existing in bodies that need no food,no air to live just love and light.We are evolving from carbon based to crystalline base is a slow process within 3dimensional concept,not in 5d and higher and we can choose to be already there in the now.There is only Now. Thank you for this Q&A opportunity.Posting on my website as well :)Much Love!
and again this is my very humble perspective in the now.Just one person among 7.5 billion. 🙂1ManageLike· Reply· 27m
Ljiljana StojsicNikos Akrivosbeautiful again 👌👍😁 Fully resonate.. .. I couldn’t agree more.. Our beings are becoming very subtle and I after I’ve certainly wanted to experiment with Aya Journeys too.. Have had some interesting and heart mind expanding experiences.. But as well all that has been as it seems “too harsh” for my ever very etheric and subtle system, so the divine needed to assure me that my path is much more hmm how to say.. Well maybe “effortless” 😇😘😉.. I’ve needed to faint out and literally go beyond the Veil to be returned Reborn and even more grateful for the Choice my precious soul made… Giving Abundant Thanks to All My Relations and this Beautiful Generous Magical Planet We are hugely Blessed to Call Our Heart Home Now in these Most Amazing and Inspiring Times 🌎🌏🌍❤️🌹🎉
Ljiljana Stojsicwow isn’t that just awesome?! I just adore that variety of Choices.. 😁😇🌞 Gosh We are truly Blessed! Thanks!!
Triumph is your word of the day, week, and month for you have moved through much to achieve what no one, including you, believed possible in one earth lifetime.
So it is you are waving goodbye to what was and opening your heart and yes, soul to new you.
Many of you will protest that you feel no different from what you felt last week or last month – as you ignore your need to proclaim your freedom from the thoughts and actions of others.
For you cannot yet distinguish you are that different even though those around you are amazed at your daring words and actions. Perhaps an apt analogy would be your transition into a young 3D teen. Throughout that process, you were likely a bit testy demanding your freedom one minute and needing to curl up in your mother’s lap the next.
That early teen transition was filled with ups and downs emotionally and physically. So it is now. One moment you are declaring your freedom to be and the next you are wondering why you said or did what you did. Even though for many it is a confusing time both emotionally and physically, the result – as was true in your 3D life – is a maturity you are just beginning to realize.
So it is you feel as if you have no stability in your being or your words and actions. You feel as if you are a “cat on a hot tin roof” (said with humor) for you are neither of the old or completely of the new.
Of course, such is to be expected, but since you are the first to evolve through the new you opening into love, you believe you are somehow wrong, or it will not happen for you. Is that any different from what you feared in your teen years before you started developing a mature voice or breasts? Just as now, you were certain you were the only person your age who would never mature beyond a childish body and voice.
Such was not true then and most definitely not true now.
You are evolving into new you second by second instead of week to week or day-to-day. Do you remember the times your height changed as you slept? The same is happening now. Sleeping, awake, daydreaming or during activities – all are times of your shift.
There is no need to placate you or offer condolences for your lack of new you transition for you are all shifting so rapidly that what might have been true yesterday will not be true tomorrow.
Again, because you are part of the forerunner transition to new you, it seems as if nothing is happening.
In truth, the Universes need you to be stable within your new you being by the end of your calendar year, so you are evolving rapidly without much personal notification.
Perhaps you question that last statement as merely another carrot to continue your New Earth journey. To the contrary, you are evolving second by second for you cannot achieve what you wish to attain with a partially complete physical or emotional new you being.
Just as it is unlikely you would have been mature enough to marry a 3D romantic mate at age 13, it is impossible for you to move to the next phase as a partial new you.
You are maturing, growing, evolving more rapidly than you can now imagine – day and night. Allow that to be knowing you will be ready for the next phase of your evolution near the beginning of the calendar year.
Perhaps it will help you to imagine you are in your early teens loudly proclaiming that you want the physical elements announcing you are an adult even though you are not emotionally mature enough to be that adult.
So it is you will be a young adult by the beginning of the new year with all the attributes you desire to begin your new you role – in addition to lighting your beacon. Allow that to be.
And allow yourself to evolve at the rate that is right for you for you still are some weeks away from the start of the new year. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:
Received 11-25-18This is Mother God and I also have a message this fair evening for my Lightworker Children. Feel my love. I am bathing you in my pink light of unconditional love and it seeps into all your bodies; your physical body and all your light bodies. You are loved and cared for deeply. I know how difficult the past few years have been on you, dear Children. You have worked so very hard and with such conviction to accomplish your missions. Your dedication to the Light is astounding and I am very grateful for this. Of course, your Father and I are also proud! Proud parents you might say. This lightwork included transmuting the dark dross which had encapsulated and suffocated Gaia from eons of dark thought-forms of pain, suffering and loss; clearing the energy grids surrounding Gaia; and reaching out to the ‘dark ones’ and assisting them in crossing into the Light. Each of you had missions which were specific to your special abilities. All felt like never-ending tasks to be sure. Many of you indeed performed this work diligently during your dream-time and awoke exhausted. We applaud you, dear Children. Your sacred work has been successful!! Now, the time of my Tsunami of Love, my Love Wave is almost upon you all. It is my way of showing you my gratitude for all this work you have done. It is my great blessing. And as I said before, it will arrive at the perfect time. You will be delighted and relax into my love, feeling it encapsulate every single cell of your body with living, loving joy! It will wash away your pain, troubles, and stress. Let it soak you to the bone, dear hearts!!! It is my gift. I AM your Mother God and I wish you a peaceful night’s rest or a beautiful, joyous day whenever you are. Your Father and I love you endlessly and send you our Love. Always. *** Please feel free to share! Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
I AM SANANDA and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth at this time. This message is to be short and sweet as you say. For I AM busy celebrating with your Brethren, with your Ascended Masters, Angels, Company of Heaven, Galactic Family, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and your Inner Earth Brethren who are awake and aware. We are all celebrating the coming of the New Age, the New Golden Age which has in fact started already!
You may or may not be aware, dear Ones but this is true. There have been many events behind the scenes which have triggered your final jump into the New Golden Age and you all will receive this news through channels with which you are familiar very soon.
What does this mean, you ask? Well, it does mean that your planet and all her peoples have ascended into the next stage of your development. You have broken free from your slavery! The grand experiment that we have all been working on for ages and ages has finally and truly been successful in earnest. Peace has been claimed. Governments have acquiesced. They have finally bowed down to let their people be free and in your terms, have abided by the new GESARA laws to enable all Earth’s peoples to be FREE!!!! After much resistance for many years from many governments, this is the happiest news we have had in awhile.
Lastly, your blessing of the RV is at your doorstep once again, dear hearts. We know it has been an over and over situation for you; hearing it is coming and yet does not show up when promised. We understand and know how you feel. You have the saying “cry wolf” from an old fable. So, for your sake we will not give dates and times and promises, but just to let you know that it IS still coming and is at your door ready to knock or ring your bell.
Many other glorious events are timed in with your RV, dear hearts; including Mother’s Tsunami of Love/the Event which you are all waiting for as well. As Mother God told this One previously, she has timed her Love Wave perfectly and we would not wish to spoil this surprise.
So, there are many things to be grateful for at this time, do you see? Your official start of the New Golden Age where all man & womankind will be FREE to pursue their highest dreams, the RV so the Lightworkers of the World can start their humanitarian projects to help those in need; Mother’s Love Wave; GESARA; visits from your Galactic Family; the return of your Mentors and many other wonders that you haven’t even heard of yet!!
Be grateful and accept these upcoming blessings into your hearts, Dear Ones for they are all on their way! You will be delighted beyond your wildest imagination—and we know you have imagined a great deal!!
You are blessed. You are loved beyond measure. I AM SANANDA and I wish you all to feel these many blessings coming, to feel the Love of your Mother and Father God who have given life to us all. I am grateful for all of you who have joined us in this grand experience. Thank you for your service, support and love. We will be together soon. Namaste.
I have personally anchored Light Cities as Gatekeeper for teams in Ioannina,Athens in Greece and Ibiza,Spain.If you want to anchor Light City in your area,i recommend you do the work as described in this post by Council of Love.You will see my name in the number 79,80 Light cities.
i also recommend to listen these 5 shows from Linda Dillon.