Monthly Archives: October 2018
The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe.
Sananda – The great changes that are approaching!
The great events that are about to happen will change humanity’s course forever taking you to the start of a new golden age where the new human beings will be able to enjoy their true essence as gods of love and peace.
Good morning my beloved Sion it’s a pleasure that we are able to connect when the new day is yet to light up in this part of the planet, you ask me what is going to happen in your immediate future?
Well, my love as we have been saying to you; great changes are approaching in your and the planet’s horizon. Right now you are in a process of monumental changes that may appear as nothing to your human eyes because it looks like all is the same as always but believe me what you and your light worker brothers and sisters are living and experimenting is marvelous, it’s the ascension process itself !
The complete and radical change of the end of an era that even though it has been hard for most of you on Earth, it was of great blessings for the universe for all the changes that have been accomplished not only in your minds but by the impact on the lives of other brothers and sisters with your love and light, which many times it has been done unconsciously, by your presence alone you have achieved transmuting that negative and unstable energy for one of great love and peace.
What happens is that as you don’t see it with your physical eyes you believe every day is the same but what you don’t see is what is truly important and thus I’ll tell you about it my dear Sion:
You and all your brothers and sisters are being transformed from the inside out with the powerful energies that Father/Mother have been sending to the planet, which without them it would be impossible for you to return home with us. These changes in your DNA, like I told you in the book that I’m still working on with your daughter Valeria, are imperceptible to you and maybe you only feel it as physical discomfort due to the changes produced by it but in reality one of the greatest miracles, as you call them, that humanity could have conceived is happening.
The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe. As we have told you in many messages before this process from human to god in one life time has never been done before thus we are facing of one of the greatest events we have witnessed and of which we are very proud to say that we have done it along with you, that dear Sion its called evolution and we have done it, you and us together as ONE.
Saving your own selves from self-destructing like the other civilizations that were here, which were your selves in past lives, has been a great achievement and the passing of the December 21, 2012 marker, that we had to pass, which was done successfully as WWIII did not start as many on the planet wanted to so they could have their genocide and keep their world. Contrary to those sad non news, today we can tell you that you are firmly walking home where we, all full of joy, are waiting for you with open arms for your return to live in the beautiful paradise that Gaia is.
That my dear Sion is what is happening right now in your world and because the cleanup started from the inside out of each of you and of beautiful Gaia now those changes will have to show up outside of each of you and Gaia. That is why each day that goes by we are even closer to the moment that all that was changed, cleaned and transformed inside you and all the human beings as well as your beautiful planetary Mother will have to be seen changed, cleaned and transformed in the exterior of every single one of your lives and that is why everything has been moving a lot, there are some that for whom their whole life transformed and all is changing rapidly in their now which they have noticed even though they have not been able to understand yet what is happening but their lives have turn unimaginably and all are trying to adapt to all those changes and transformations in their lives that have led them to think; something is happening!
And those same individual changes are happening to your loving Mother Gaia as she herself also is part of this change, cleanup and planetary transformation that is impacting the whole universe and that is why I want you to understand my beloved Sion that you and your brothers and sisters do not have to be afraid of the events that are forthcoming in the following weeks and months as they are part of everyone’s cleanup and are much needed to uproot all the darkness that had you trapped in the mind’s illusion.
Mother Gaia knows perfectly what is coming and she is not afraid of anything because she knows it is part of the process that she choses to live and it only flows with these changes and events that come up every day, allowing our guidance to follow her evolution process. Remember that what is inside so on the outside and what is above so below and all is one and the same. We are to the point to the start of great changes on the planet that are not other than Gaia’s internal changes and you have made it possible so prepare yourselves and your lives that change from your heart with the outmost love and joy for all that is coming, without fear, this is a marvelous and true heavenly celebration.
I love you my dear Sion
I promise you that very soon we will be together
Your beloved Sananda
Message channeled by Sion – Victory to the Light!!!
Translation to English from Spanish: Ramon
Editing of English: Per Staffan
Original English website:
The messages posted on www.sananda.websitecan freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.
Patricia Cota-Robles
OCTOBER 31, 2018
At this time, Company of Heaven is encouraging all of us to take a deep Healing Breath and to focus on empowering the Divine Matrix for the New Life Path for Humanitythat was created through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth during our Free Seminar which was held in Seattle, Washington on October 14, 2018. A wonderful group of very dedicated Lightworkers attended the seminar and we were joined in consciousness by thousands of Lightworkers around the world who selflessly projected their Light and Love into the Chalice of our Heart Flames in Seattle. This exponentially expanded the amount of Light our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven were able to infuse into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As promised by our Father-Mother God, that Gift of Light is now amplifying the Lightwork of every single person on Earth one thousand fold every day. The next wave of Light will infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love during our Free Seminar in Los Angeles, California, November 11, 2018. Numerically that will be an 11-11-11 day. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. That will be a very powerful day for all of us to join in consciousness to empower our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Please join us if you or anyone you know in Los Angeles or the surrounding area has the Heart Call to add to the Light of the world in this powerful way on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth. We will welcome you with open arms. Here is a direct link if you would like to register for the Seattle, Washington Free Seminar.
The Second Phase of the Divine Plan Accomplished Seattle
During our Free Seminar in Seattle, the Company of Heaven informed us that the sacred knowledge now surfacing into the mental and emotional bodies of the Millennials and the children through the newly activated consciousness codes in their DNA, is providing a new opportunity for Humanity’s forward movement in the Light. Since we are all One and there is no separation, the shift of consciousness that is occurring within the Millennials and the children is creating an upward shift that is lifting the consciousness of every other person on the planet as well. The Beings of Light said this has created the sacred space for the I AM Presences of Humanity to form a Divine Matrix that can be encoded with a NEW template for Humanity’s Life Path. They asked if those of us gathered in Seattle were willing to serve as the Open Door for the formation of this Divine Matrix. We gratefully accepted this honor, and as One unified force of Divine Love the Company of Heaven guided us in activities of Light through which we created a Divine Matrix and encoded it with a New template for Humanity’s Life Path. Now, in unique and individual ways, every person’s I AM Presence is tailoring this template in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan. The Company of Heaven is revealing to us now that the empowerment of this template for Humanity’s New Life Path will serve as a catalyst for the reactivation of Humanity’s dormant 5-Dimensional 12 Solar Strands of DNA. These 12 Strands of our DNA became dormant after our fall from Grace. The Beings of Light are informing us now that the reactivation of the 12 Strands of our DNA is a critical KEY to the final stages of our Ascension
If you have the Heart Call to be the Open Door for this critically important facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan, please join me during this invocation through which we will empower the template for Humanity’s New Life Path. And we begin.
I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I proceed. As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.
Now as I lift up in consciousness, I Ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth. I pass over the Bridge to Freedomwhich is the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that connects Heaven and Earth. I enter the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light which is the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Solar Light associated with the New Earth.
The entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness now, and I send forth a Clarion Call into the Universe invoking my illumined brothers and sisters to come and help me in this moment of transformation. The Cosmic Tone of my Clarion Call reverberates through all dimensions, and the response comes from every corner of the Cosmos. I see the luminous Presence of Legions of Divine Beings descending into the atmosphere of Earth. They take their strategic positions above the planet and as One unified consciousness of Divine Love, the Beings of Light begin Inbreathing into their Heart Flames the most intensified frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and the Earth have ever been able to receive. In response, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth prepares to serve as an Open Door through which this unfathomable Gift of the Violet Flame will now flow into the world of form.
On the Holy Breath, the Threefold Flame blazing in every person’s heart begins to expand and expand until it envelops their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. As One collective consciousness, we now experience a beautiful Blue Flame blazing through our left-brain hemisphere. This Sacred Fire is pulsating with NEW frequencies of our Father God’s Divine Will, Power, Authority, and the First Cause of God’s Perfection.
Now, we experience a beautiful Pink Flame blazing through our right-brain hemisphere. This Sacred Fire is pulsating with NEW frequencies of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration, Oneness, and Reverence for ALL Life.
As these NEW frequencies of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God are balanced within every person’s physical brain structure, we experience NEW frequencies of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Christ Consciousness being activated within our spiritual brain centers and our Crown Chakra. This Sacred Fire represents the Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom and Illumination of the Sons and Daughters of God.
Now all is in readiness and through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth we empower the template for Humanity’s New Life Path.
As One Unified Consciousness we affirm:
I AM the full expression of my I AM Presence here and now in the world of form.
I remember who I AM, and I Love and respect myself as a Beloved Child of God.
I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Love as I sojourn through ALL of my Earthly experiences.
I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
I AM vibrantly healthy and eternally youthful.
Divine Love perpetually flows through my Heart Flame. I AM creating wonderful, loving relationships in every aspect of my Life.
I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for Being.
I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job. Day by day, I AM open and receptive to the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance.
I AM financially FREE!
I AM reaching my highest Divine Potential in all of my experiences as a son or daughter, a woman or man, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, as a relative, a friend, a coworker, a teacher, a way shower, a steward of the Earth, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of Heaven on Earth.
I AM an exponent of Divine Family Life, including my place in
the Family of Humanity.
My Heart Flame is the Open Door through which flows the Infinite Light of God’s Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Abundance, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Illumination, Harmony, Balance, Happiness and Abounding Joy.
Through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs I AM a living example of Divine Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance and Reverence for ALL Life.
I communicate openly and honestly with every person I come in contact with and
I AM a compassionate and thoughtful listener.
I continually ask for guidance from my I AM Presence and I intuitively receive information and viable solutions to the various situations surfacing in my Life. I also receive guidance that will assist me in easily fulfilling my Divine Plan.
I now realize through all levels of consciousness that I AM a powerful Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth. With this knowing, I Consecrate my Life Force to Loving ALL Life FREE.
To assist in this Holy Endeavor, I invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to instantly transmute into Light every thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way prevent the patterns for the template of my New Life Path from tangibly manifesting in the world of form.
I realize that I AM a multidimensional Being of Light, and that I abide simultaneously in both the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light in the Heavenly Realms and the physical world of form on the New Earth.
Now, in the Realms of Cause my Life reflects the Immaculate Concept of all that I have invoked through this newly created template of my Life Path.
With every breath I take, these patterns for my Life Path are being magnetized from the Realms of Cause and breathed through my Heart Flame into the physical plane of Earth. Through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, this invocation of my Life Path is being amplified one thousand fold.
And so it is. Beloved I AM that I AM.
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Era of Peace
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-751-2981
©2019 Patricia Cota-Robles
Becoming the vibration of that which you seek to experience is the fifth dimensional way
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have discovered that the true path to connecting with you is to provide you with information, and we would like to change that. We know how important it is for all of you to begin feeling for different vibrations and determining which ones are resonating with you the most. So we are working on shifting the vibrations that we infuse into these transmissions, because we want you to feel us even more than you understand what we are projecting.
We are not using words, but we are sending you transmissions that the channel here then translates into words that you all understand. This is how we keep you interested. We have also noticed that when it comes to your process of creating the reality that you want to experience, most of you are still using words, thoughts, and actions to attempt to get to the places you want to go.
We are encouraging you to feel for the vibrations infused into these transmissions because we want you to be able to feel for the vibrations of the realities and the timelines that you want to experience. We cannot overemphasize this point. Being energy that vibrates at a particular frequency, this message should really speak to the heart of who you are.
Becoming the vibration of that which you seek to experience is the fifth dimensional way, and it is the way that we are encouraging you to start practicing now, here in the fourth dimension. Practice, practice, practice, and you will succeed. We know it, we can see it, and most importantly, we can feel it.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You Are Becoming A Galactic Human.
PAO Message of Introduction |
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Planetary Activation Organization (PAO) Have you ever asked yourself:- why our world is in such chaos- where humans originate from- if our planet could be made more pristine- about life on other worldsLearn the answers to these questions, and many more, during Sheldan Nidle’s FREE Webinar, Galactic Humans 101Topics Include: • My Story And My Mission • About PAO • Our History & ET origins – Starseeds • The Great Shift – Why Now? • The Galactic Federation and Other Factors in the Shift • Becoming Galactic HumansGalactic Humans 101 FREE Webinar |
For More Info please go here
La Belle Verte,The Green Beautiful.
Everything is in flux
Glow From Within Starseeds!
Our Vegan Future
The Crown of Gold
You are not the sheep of yesterday, you are the superman/superwoman of today.
Dear Ones,
Even though you wish to love all, the chaos in your outer world limits the scope of your love. You likely crossed off large groups of people because they seem so unlike you. Perhaps they are of a different political party than you align yourself with or are a different gender, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or race.
Such is so to encourage you to find your base, your soul actions. But since that overview is not enough for many of you to accept those not of your thought processes, you experience guilt and fear.
For you believe you cannot be of 5D or beyond if you cannot accept those of the opposing team if you will.
That inner crisis is not as devastating as you now believe. Enmesh yourself in team activities if you wish. Eventually, all will be as one – but not yet for most of you.
This is a divisive time.
Even though you will outgrow these feelings, you are clearing eons of societal rage. As predicted, those clinging to 3D power will not be leaders of the future and for many of you, not now. But this time has to play itself out, just as a kettle of water does not boil instantly.
Perhaps your concern is that 3D power and fear seem to be never-ending – flooding the world like a virus. Those fears and power plays have always been. But they were contained enough, so they did not necessarily touch every second of your every lifetime. As long as you played by most of society’s rules, you were relatively safe from direct contact with those who wielded power in fear.
Those power plays are now being exposed and as you change, you find them deplorable. Not because their actions have changed, but because you have. You are not the sheep of yesterday, you are the superman/superwoman of today.
So it is you are fighting against norms established for eons. Today’s happenings are no different from what has always been. Perhaps the communications are more rapid so you learn more than you wish to, but the actions are no different.
What happened in the past was a bit like believing in Santa Claus. You noticed what you wanted to notice and negated the rest. Until the day, you felt strong enough emotionally to know “the king wears no clothes” and Santa Claus is not real.
You are maturing. Those firmly ensconced in 3D refuse to do the same. So it is they are returning to a time when everyone believed in Santa Claus. And to prove their point more dramatically, they are shouting their rightness to the world instead of whispering in back rooms as has been the norm.
You are not wrong. Nor are those who believe in Santa Claus wrong. The difference is you are pulling away from them, and that frightens those who wish to remain of 3D. It is as if you tell your parents you no longer believe in Santa Claus and they continue to pretend that Santa Claus is a real. Your parents know they are not telling you the truth and you know they are not telling the truth, but you do not wish to disturb them so you pretend past the time when such is appropriate.
Those following any deeply enmeshed in 3D are pretending to be of one mind. And perhaps they are – for a time. Most of those followers will also mature and understand there is no Santa Claus.
You, the forerunners, are a bit ahead of the crowd knowing without a doubt that fear is no longer appropriate or believable.
That belief is rapidly growing within humanity and all earth beings – except for those who are prolonging 3D fear to help you shift to 5D or beyond.
Those of 3D are your helpers, just as your parents created Santa Claus to make your holidays more festive. But unlike your parents, those deeply ensconced in 3D do not wish for you to grow beyond their belief systems of power and fear. You have and others will.
Those deeply enmeshed in 3D do not understand and will fight to the end to maintain their power. Not because they are evil entities, but that their transition role is to hold the 3D bastions despite all efforts to move beyond 3D. Those firmly of 3D are as deeply attached to their roles as are you to transitioning to 5D or beyond.
This is not a time of trifles. This is a time of discovering your role within the greater whole. So it is, you are horrified by that which you once accepted as normal.
Which returns us to our original point. You feel as if you are in a battle of “good” against “evil”. The truth is you are merely beginning to express your 5D role, and those you are battling against are expressing theirs. All as predicted.
Follow your heart, your inner-being and you will soon float beyond your anger. Pretend you are not angry or concerned and you will function as you always have in 3D.
The 3D kings and queens do not wear a cloak of 5D love and most likely never will in this lifetime. Allow your anger to flow until you understand why they fought so diligently to maintain your belief in Santa Claus.
Their actions are of love for this transition. They merely pulled the most difficult role as villains in a time when villains are being exposed and ignored. Grant them the freedom to act out their roles as they are encouraging you to act out yours.
If you are angry and bitter about those villains, it is merely your way of clearing societal ills you ignored or denied for eons.
You have played the part of a villain in other lifetimes. The difference is you were supported during those times by your society – and today’s 3D villains will not be supported much longer.
There is no Santa Claus as you have all realized – and more and more are realizing daily. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
We utilize, crystals, colors, soothing tones and vibrations and it is a smoother transition of realms.
Greetings, humanity. We are the Pleiadian Collective here this day sending you our heart felt greeting. We see the trials and tribulations that you have gone through in this lifestream, our grounded ones, and we wish to convey our thanks for your sacrifice and service for the collective of humanity, that up until this point has no idea who you are and all of the blessings you have bestowed upon them. But we ask that you kindly remember that each time that you send your healing and your blessing to the collective you in turn are blessed and healed. That is how it works friends, and so we encourage you to please keep it up! Keep up your hard work, but we wish that you would not term it “hard work” anymore but change out the wording a bit for we see how hard, how full and difficult it has been for our grounded ones to balance the screaming demands of 3D with the 5D search of introspection and quiet solitude. It is extremely challenging for many of you to find the time and space alone to seek out such messages but we assure you it is extremely important especially in this precious Now moment of gradual ascension.
And we do say gradual for it has been happening for some time now, but it is at an extremely rapid clip compared to other societies. For it can hardly be compared to societies morphing and deepening in these understandings over eons of time. This is not what you are experiencing here on the Earth plane now in this time and that is precisely why you asked to be here in this Now moment. To experience something new, something different, something to add to your already impressive resume and we acknowledge you sacrifice and your service. We repeat this again because we think a pat on the back is necessary and important at this time when many of you are frizzled, irritated and feeling as you say ‘burned out’. But we assure you that all is not lost, and you are simply being born – reborn – into these new energies and it is normal for the newborn to be irritated, to cry and to be dirty – covered in fluids and irritated in general because it is painful. It is painful to the baby when they are literally being squeezed through the muscle chamber. They are bruised and battered. But in the end they are delivered into a new realm of light, of different source and of senses, for there is suddenly light! Where the infant only saw dark and heard sounds suddenly there is bright light and that is so startling to them that it takes awhile for them to stop crying and to be comforted. Now in our realm we have mastered the art of baby birthing and we try to make it as calming of an experience as possible. We utilize, crystals, colors, soothing tones and vibrations and it is a smoother transition of realms.
This is why you are receiving such an incredible amount of assistance from beings like us and the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the dragons, the elementals and the list goes on and on. Many – many – want to help you. Simply ask. And when you are feeling frazzled by the new energies and feeling squeezed a bit too tight, then rest. Call on us and ask for healing and be assured you will be heard and your prayers answered. For we are here for you in loving support. We are the Pleiadian Collective. Be at peace. Birth is a process and we are here to be your midwives explaining the new energies and new technology, new systems that will be available to you. Many, many changes are coming you way and we assure you that all is proceeding according to plan. We send you our love and greeting and reassurance. You did not come here to be comfortable. You volunteered to come here to expand and to assist the others and to lend your light to Gaia and aid in her ascension. That is your mission ground team and a vital role, we assure you, you are playing. We send you our love and support. We are the Pleiadian Collective.
~ galaxygirl
An Energy Surge ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are exploring the possibility for humanity to experience a wonderful energy surge from the Earth’s core. The Earth is a being, just as much as she is a planet, and just as we look for opportunities to give you what it is that we feel you need, so does your Earth. She is also always looking for ways to help, and right now there’s a great deal of consideration going on within Earth’s consciousness.
We can of course communicate with her, and we have been. We have been making our suggestions, and she has been taking them into consideration. And so, at this time, there is a lot of discussion about an energy surge. Now, this energy surge would be something that not everyone would feel, but it would impact every single person on the planet and every single being living in the oceans and underneath the surface of the planet. It would of course affect the plants and animals as well.
Now, as you connect with Mother Earth, realize that there are smaller surges of energy coming from her core all the time, and that is one of the best reasons that you have for grounding. You also benefit greatly from earthing, which is the act of lying on your planet.
We know that she will make the right choice for all of you. We know that there is no other being who is more equipped to make that choice. She loves you unconditionally and without hesitation, and every time one of you thinks of her and takes her well-being into consideration, she is aware of that.
She is very pleased by how many more humans are awakening to the significance of caring for her and looking out for her well-being. She is on this ascension journey with you, and in many ways she is taking you with her. So please take as much time as you can throughout the course of each day to connect with her and to show your gratitude and appreciation.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off
A Life Well Lived
Pleiadian Message for 2019 – 2020
We are already an interstellar, Star Trek civilization, with stargate and super-light-speed “warp drive” capability.
In case you didn’t read Part One,I highly recommend it. We are discussing Q Anon briefings from September 19th confirming the existence of Secret Space Programs.
This is a tremendous development that suggests disclosure could be much bigger and better than many of us thought.
In my previous article from September 8th,I made it very clear that I supported Obama when he was pushing for disclosure, just as I now support the Alliance initiative working through Trump.
The Cabal is suppressing technologies that can resolve every single crisis that plagues our planet at this time.
We are already an interstellar, Star Trek civilization, with stargate and super-light-speed “warp drive” capability.
We are already interacting with hundreds of different species of extraterrestrials.
All along, I have seen Trump as the “battering ram” that was necessary to smash through the overwhelmingly violent resistance to disclosure that exists.
The “Fearless Dominance” and strong motivation to be the best, and make history, have somehow led to him doing this.
Read more here
your ability to feel is so crucial.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an agenda and that agenda is to help, that agenda is to serve. And every being and collective and council that you will encounter as you move forward in your different contact scenarios will have an agenda. You will need to determine for yourselves whether that agenda is pure. Many of you have developed a healthy skepticism when it comes to politicians and heads of corporations. You see their agenda, even when they’re trying to hide it.
So you’ve had a lot of practice at sniffing out what a person’s true agenda is, and this will serve you, because not every being that you connect with as you make more contact with physical e.t.s is going to have your best interests at heart. This is why your ability to feel is so crucial. You need to be able to feel things out, and you need to be able to feel people out, whether they are human or whether they are non-human.
Your feelings are your best guides and your best friends. They also help you to create the reality you want to experience. This is one of the reasons why you are often told to feel your emotions no matter how uncomfortable for you to feel. Of course, there are many, many more important reasons for feeling your feelings, but you certainly cannot intuit a being’s agenda without having a firm connection to your own feelings.
You are feeling-based beings, and Earth has been a wonderful proving ground for all of you to stretch those feeling muscles and to demonstrate to yourselves how powerful you are. You are going to do a wonderful job of feeling into the different beings that you connect with moving forward. We are absolutely certain of that fact.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here
All research facilities that are not beneficial to mankind will be shut down. (no matter where they are on this planet)
The Saudi Crown Prince was responsible for the killing of Mr. Kashoggi and the U.S. knew it…so Treasury Secretary Mr. Mnuchin flew to that country against Trumps orders to pick up $2 Trillion to keep the matter quiet.
The Saudis gave the Secretary fake Gold Certificates labeled Manna World Trust which were worthless.
Mr. Mnuchin has been fired. (He was cabal)
While ‘The Caravan’ of mostly ‘Male Fighters’ approaches our borders to start insurrections…Hurricane Michael was steered into Florida to drive away residents and take over the land by the bad Military and cabal operatives and bring in terrorists.
Those who refused to evacuate were shot.
Katrina and Hurricane Florence were similar False Flag Operations.
Caravan people were paid between $1500 and $2000 to invade America…and be further trained in secret camps.
The corrupted military…foreign bankers and cabalists want the U.S. destroyed financially and politically. (they are failing)
Cabalists in the Military have shipped a fleet of F-22 Raptors from Tyndall AFB at Fort Walton Beach, Florida to Israel to defend against a Possible Russian attack on that Nation.
Israel is the last hold out by the cabal before GESARA compliance is complete.
HSBC tried to hack into the Manna World Trust and had their computer systems destroyed as a result.
The mail bombs were a stupid stunt by the democratic cabal who used a number of operatives in Florida and other states to frame the republicans.
It was sloppy and it has failed.
Gitmo is now finished and ready for its new occupants.
Arrests will begin after the election.
You will see troop movements all over the U.S. and not just the borders.
The military is planning to exterminate the secret cells hiding all over the U.S.
The 5 G system will be destroyed and GMO crops ripped from the soil to save mankind from their ill effects.
The Galactics are preparing to hit earthlings with a purple beam that will join the right and left brains of humanity allowing for growth and ascension to the 4th Dimension.
The Med Beds are coming along rapidly and will be updated when they are ready.
Life extension technology will be here soon to allow us to live ages of 900 to 1500 years as we did in the past. (Moses was 800)
Arizonians have been seeing UFO ships in the sky.
They number over 900 and are being staged to help us.
Pedophile Bob Hope liked little black boys…(one was Michael Jackson)…he and Walt Disney worked as a team sometimes.
Two Billion years ago a gigantic meteor of Graphite hit Southern Africa and has been protected by the Bantu Tribes for centuries.
From this…comes ‘Graphene’ which is the strongest…lightest and best heat conducting metal on earth.
In 2016 Disney made a film called ‘Graphine Vibranium’ so that folks could understand what this means to mankind.
Money and Banks were created by the Malevolent Draconians committed to stealing the wealth of humanity and enslaving us.
‘The Positive Alliance’ is finishing up the job of repelling the soulless beings from other galaxies known as the ‘Sirius Draconians’ or ‘Saturnalia Anglo Saxons’ known as ‘Satan’ in the bible.
Great wealth will be released into the new QFS (Quantum Financial System) of the BRICS Alliance headquartered in Bejing, Moscow, New Delhi, Rio De Janeiro and the Great Zimbabwe.
Its wealth is estimated at $1 followed by 68 zeroes.
We now know…that the dark cabal plan…for the people of earth…was to kill us all off…and leave ‘the Elites’ with all of the wealth.
But it is their bosses at the Vatican (the secret ancient family bloodlines) and finally the real perpetrators who are the Dracos…Mantids…Archons…and nasty Chimera Group extraterrestrials (who consider Earth a ‘Gem of the Galaxy’) who are behind it all.
Almost everything that you have been told or taught is a lie…as you will eventually see.
Over 85% of the cloning facilities have destroyed.
All research facilities that are not beneficial to mankind will be shut down. (no matter where they are on this planet)
The Military is planning this operation now.
we are asking Lightworkers, as we did in Wednesday night’s Abundance Group Call, to please concentrate now on beauty, kindness, goodness, new life, and inspiring thoughts, sights, and music now—and to get more rest, drink more water, have a daily quiet time, and to listen to inspiring high-vibrational music as often as possible.
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
COR: My friends, as you know, it’s not unusual for me to get emails from people who are tired and frustrated with the state of the world. From time to time I come to you with one of these, asking for your wisdom and encouragement for all who are experiencing this now.
Here is a recent email I received from a Lightworker who is always working at receiving higher wisdom and making their Light brighter, yet who feels discouraged:
Lightworker: “I am trying so hard to keep a good thought for the current political situation in this country, but I am having a hard time being secure that we will win the day on November 6.
And now that our highest court has been illegally packed with dark hat conservatives, do we have any recourse even if we do prevail in November? I am so very weary of all this hate and greed. All of us need a break.
I AM intending to manifest enough money to get my own place and take a year off. Any assistance with that would be appreciated.
I just feel that if I do not get some good news/success at something after all this work, I would rather just leave. I am heartily sick of this limited life. The “job,” my roommate, my son’s broken neediness, political corruption.
Most of all, I am sick of the empty promises that it will be better. Even though I would like to believe differently, I now think that the “Law of Attraction” is b.s., and that it’s all about the luck of the draw.
One way or another, I’m taking a break, here or over the Rainbow Bridge. It truly makes no difference to me anymore.”
Photo by Lynne Newman
The Collective: We are glad that you have come to us with this question, dear one. Because what you are experiencing now is being felt by many millions around the planet.
You are correct in your perception that things have reached a dire state in the United States and in other places in the world.
Yet we assure you that much of this is Appearance, and that is never the whole story.
Far from seeing a resurgence of shadow-filled thought, feeling, and action upon the Earth, what you are witnessing now is the end of the old regime.
It is so that humanity was once programmed to view life as a matter of fear-based self-protection, sheer survival, competition for resources, ego-driven desperation, armed conflict, chaos, and sacrifice.
None of this need describe life on Earth now. It does not describe your life and principles, nor the life and principles of many millions of others.
And that is the hard part, at the moment, dear one.
For as you are moving forward into a new day, in which your understanding of how life can be—one of Peace, prosperity, renewal, cooperation, compassion, intuitive understanding—as you are moving into that beautiful New Earth, the old power structure is exerting its last desperate efforts to hold back from your consciousness the Light that you came to absorb, and to beam out into every aspect of Earth life.
It is not your role to take on the depth of their darkness and density, any more than it is their role to encourage you further into the Light.
Release the need to either understand their machinations or to supersede them by using their old form of using purely outer action to change things.
Your power now is utterly within, and those feelings, thoughts, and beliefs you must guard powerfully.
You speak of an election, and it is indeed important to participate in such.
Yet who is elected in any election is not anywhere near so important as the active involvement of millions of people in the act of voting itself—the forward movement that says, “We are here, and we are using our collective Voice to declare our own political reality.”
That is the power of unified human consciousness—when people get together and decide, as you have, that they are stepping out of a limited life.
And it is that, among other breakthrough moments, that you are asking to see now.
You are asking for inspiration, for a reason to keep going. You are asking for the grace needed to see the Light at work, and to disregard the shadows.
You are asking to feel good about your life, to stay present and aware in it, and to remember why you have come here. And that is beautiful, and as it should be.
Yet in order for you to experience what you are asking for, we would ask that you take your eyes off of the intentionally chaotic mismanagement of so much public life now, and concentrate on the beauty of any good thing you can find.
Any inspiring piece of music, art, or community work.
Any positive action on behalf of any group or individual, whether it is assisting someone less able, showing some kind encouragement or support to children or elderly, creating a community garden, volunteering to work with homeless people or animals—the intention behind any kind or good action you take or observe now will magnify in effect many hundreds of times over.
Photo by Rene Turcotte
Because what the evening news has not told you, while announcing one disaster, disturbance, gaffe or another, is that all done in the Light now is taking on a special strength, resilience, and expansiveness.
And so those acts, intentions, words, feelings, thoughts that come from the heart with a high intent are multiplied in strength many times over, reaching round the world to strike a similar chord of contentment, thankfulness, and inspiration for not only thousands, but millions of people.
This is why we are asking Lightworkers, as we did in Wednesday night’s Abundance Group Call, to please concentrate now on beauty, kindness, goodness, new life, and inspiring thoughts, sights, and music now—and to get more rest, drink more water, have a daily quiet time, and to listen to inspiring high-vibrational music as often as possible.
Yes, there is a tremendous pressure being exerted on your systems now. You will feel exhausted and “done in” some days, and ready to be done with Earth life.
Yet it is not Life you are rejecting. It is the old third dimensional forms, energies, constraints, and beliefs that your entire system is throwing out and refusing to live with.
You are also going through tremendous change on all levels of your being that would exhaust or try anyone’s patience and ability to cope.
There are also layers of radiance being added to your energies that you may not yet be aware of.
These can assist you if you will engage your etheric energies (highly responsive to your thoughts, physical well-being, and emotions) in positive and upward-facing ways.
And so we encourage you not to think of “leaving,” for you would only run into yourself and your Ascension birth pains everywhere you went, dear one—even if you exited for rejoining life in the higher realms.
There are still questions to be answered, and old issues from this and many other Earth lives to be resolved, and you have come here for that, along with the experience of Joy when you least expect it.
Photo by Lynne Newman
We ask that you not be put off, discouraged, or disheartened by the lost souls’ desperate, last-chance bag of tricks.
Do not be so impressed with these that you believe their machinations have anything to do with you, or anything to do with Earth life now.
For you are creating that Earth that you have waited to see for so long.
Far from wondering when the madness will finally be over, you have chosen to be an active participant in creating that vision which you dreamt of before incarnating—that of a New Earth and a human race that cannot be harmed, deluded, exploited or lied to anymore.
You are on a very great spaceship of organic matter, spinning through the Universe at great speed.
Honor your place as a crew member of real importance on that ship, and find any reason to avoid that which brings your energy down, in favor of seeking out that which brings your energy and mindset up.
Time in Nature can be highly restorative, making an evening walk a far better choice than sitting down before the evening news (which works on you even more vibrationally than it does mentally and emotionally).
We are aware that you wish to know “What’s going on!” So ask your Spirit team whatever you need to ask, pouring out any frustrations and unhappiness, and require them to download you with their wisdom and guidance.
Act upon what you receive.
Now is the time to take your eyes off of falsely appointed “leaders” and realize, “The leader here would be me, actually—and I accept that office!”
Despite these pains and tiredness of what you have been observing, whole parts of your spirit are even now moving joyfully into your new place as a co-Creator on a self-determining sovereign planet.
You are leaving behind forever the sadness of feeling you have no choices, and that all is lost.
All is now found, and found within your own spirit and soul, and that of millions of other Light Beings who came here to witness an unprecedented move from 3D density to 5D brilliance.
You will not miss that very beautiful boat, we promise you.
Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Introduction to the Galactic Federation.
Introduction to the Galactic Federation
The Galactic Federation is comprised of various star systems and planets of benevelent beings that are based in the Tau Ceti star system. This federation is governed by the Andromeda Council and the federation looks after the management and enforcement of various cooperative protocols for intergalactic, intestellar and interplanetary trade/barter/exchange of resources, products and services, societal, cultural educational exchange and many other activities on a planet to planet basis. At present the Galactic Federation consists of approximately 140 star systems and has 300 planets in its membership, this federation has its own sitting council representing its own star systems and planets, the federation is the 10th senior chaired member of the Andromeda Council, and the federation’s lead planet is Xeta.
Introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings. Most members of the Galactic Federation of Light are fully conscious beings. We hope that this information will help you to identify or validate any experiences you may have had with some of these beings. Our purpose is to foster goodwill and understanding of the star nations that are answering the call of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy to assist us in our ascension/transformation process.
Find more about all our galactic families here
You can expect yourselves to continue to rise up and be the wayshowers for the rest of humanity that you were born to be.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are satisfied with the progress we see you making, and we are encouraged by the receptivity that we feel you have for our transmissions. We do not see any reason why any of you should fear an undesirable set of circumstances for the human collective, but we know that you do at times access and feel those fears. We also want you to recognize yourselves as being the ones who are doing the majority of the work to ensure that humanity stays on the right path.
Now, we understand that doubt creeps in as well because you don’t see the overwhelming changes on your world that you hear about. You don’t see the predictions coming to fruition that you want to see coming to fruition, and we recognize how discouraged you can get when even the circumstances of your own lives seem to either be stagnant or changing for the worst.
But we assure you that things are getting better on the energetic plane, and it is only a matter of time before you start to see the changes in your personal lives and on the planet as a whole. Now, you also recognize that there are those among you who benefit from keeping you in fear and doubt, and there are those who benefit from keeping you divided.
So whenever you get triggered by any of these emotions, you need to continue to do that work that you’ve been doing. You need to continue to do the heavy lifting for the collective, and you need to remain hopeful. We know that as the ones who have taken on the lion’s share of the work, this lifetime has been hard, but we also know that you can measure your growth.
You can see how far you’ve come, and you can expect that trend to continue. You can expect yourselves to continue to rise up and be the wayshowers for the rest of humanity that you were born to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”