The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe.

Sananda – The great changes that are approaching!

The great events that are about to happen will change humanity’s course forever taking you to the start of a new golden age where the new human beings will be able to enjoy their true essence as gods of love and peace.

Good morning my beloved Sion it’s a pleasure that we are able to connect when the new day is yet to light up in this part of the planet, you ask me what is going to happen in your immediate future?

Well, my love as we have been saying to you; great changes are approaching in your and the planet’s horizon. Right now you are in a process of monumental changes that may appear as nothing to your human eyes because it looks like all is the same as always but believe me what you and your light worker brothers and sisters are living and experimenting is marvelous, it’s the ascension process itself !

The complete and radical change of the end of an era that even though it has been hard for most of you on Earth, it was of great blessings for the universe for all the changes that have been accomplished not only in your minds but by the impact on the lives of other brothers and sisters with your love and light, which many times it has been done unconsciously, by your presence alone you have achieved transmuting that negative and unstable energy for one of great love and peace.

What happens is that as you don’t see it with your physical eyes you believe every day is the same but what you don’t see is what is truly important and thus I’ll tell you about it my dear Sion:

You and all your brothers and sisters are being transformed from the inside out with the powerful energies that Father/Mother have been sending to the planet, which without them it would be impossible for you to return home with us. These changes in your DNA, like I told you in the book that I’m still working on with your daughter Valeria, are imperceptible to you and maybe you only feel it as physical discomfort due to the changes produced by it but in reality one of the greatest miracles, as you call them, that humanity could have conceived is happening.

The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe. As we have told you in many messages before this process from human to god in one life time has never been done before thus we are facing of one of the greatest events we have witnessed and of which we are very proud to say that we have done it along with you, that dear Sion its called evolution and we have done it, you and us together as ONE.

Saving your own selves from self-destructing like the other civilizations that were here, which were your selves in past lives, has been a great achievement and the passing of the December 21, 2012 marker, that we had to pass, which was done successfully as WWIII did not start as many on the planet wanted to so they could have their genocide and keep their world. Contrary to those sad non news, today we can tell you that you are firmly walking home where we, all full of joy, are waiting for you with open arms for your return to live in the beautiful paradise that Gaia is.

That my dear Sion is what is happening right now in your world and because the cleanup started from the inside out of each of you and of beautiful Gaia now those changes will have to show up outside of each of you and Gaia. That is why each day that goes by we are even closer to the moment that all that was changed, cleaned and transformed inside you and all the human beings as well as your beautiful planetary Mother will have to be seen changed, cleaned and transformed in the exterior of every single one of your lives and that is why everything has been moving a lot, there are some that for whom their whole life transformed and all is changing rapidly in their now which they have noticed even though they have not been able to understand yet what is happening but their lives have turn unimaginably and all are trying to adapt to all those changes and transformations in their lives that have led them to think; something is happening!

And those same individual changes are happening to your loving Mother Gaia as she herself also is part of this change, cleanup and planetary transformation that is impacting the whole universe and that is why I want you to understand my beloved Sion that you and your brothers and sisters do not have to be afraid of the events that are forthcoming in the following weeks and months as they are part of everyone’s cleanup and are much needed to uproot all the darkness that had you trapped in the mind’s illusion.

Mother Gaia knows perfectly what is coming and she is not afraid of anything because she knows it is part of the process that she choses to live and it only flows with these changes and events that come up every day, allowing our guidance to follow her evolution process. Remember that what is inside so on the outside and what is above so below and all is one and the same. We are to the point to the start of great changes on the planet that are not other than Gaia’s internal changes and you have made it possible so prepare yourselves and your lives that change from your heart with the outmost love and joy for all that is coming, without fear, this is a marvelous and true heavenly celebration.

I love you my dear Sion

I promise you that very soon we will be together

Your beloved Sananda


Message channeled by Sion – Victory to the Light!!!

Translation to English from Spanish: Ramon

Editing of English: Per Staffan

Original English website:

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