Daily Archives: September 13, 2018
Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine.
09/12/2018 by John Smallman
Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do. There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this. Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent!
Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans. This presents as the daily grind of going to work, struggling to survive, and paying the bills that are the price of a basic human survival state for most people incarnate at this moment. Consequently that “stuff arising” seems to vastly increase the burdens which people are already finding almost too heavy to bear.
This is a temporary situation, and it will ease. So make sure to go within daily, or even more frequently if you can, and rest there in the divine field of Love to which you are all essentially and inseparably connected – One with Source – and open yourselves, open your hearts, with the intent to feel the Source of Love with which you are indeed One.
Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine. You were created in Love from Love to experience eternal Joy. Joy is not a static state, a state of inactivity, but a state through which creation flows endlessly, manifesting astonishing innovations to please and delight the One, the All, all Consciousness. Some have had glimpses through near death experiences, but when you awaken, as you all will, those glimpses, which the NDErs have spoken of, will become your constant state, forever thrilling and delighting you.
Truly this, as you have been told before, is a time for CELEBRATION!
As you read, watch, or listen to the news, it does appear that disasters and catastrophes are arising all over the planet, and indeed much is arising to be collectively released. This enormous collective releasing is an absolutely essential part of your awakening process, and those of you who are reading messages of this nature or following alternate and uplifting news channels do understand this. However, many of you still feel very alone in your awareness, seemingly without friends or contacts with whom you can discuss these happenings, and this does make it difficult for you to deal with your own “stuff,” let alone believe that you are actually helping the whole human collective in its massive awakening process.
Therefore I am here now to confirm you in your knowing that you are, each and everyone of you, doing a wonderful job. Without even one of you this enormous event could not be happening. And that is undoubtedly extremely hard for you to believe. But, as you are being so frequently reminded : You are all divine beings of infinite power!
A major part or aspect of being human is your amnesiac state. You all know this, and yet you have difficulty much of the time in believing this. I want to assure you that it is true, that you have, as humans, forgotten who you reallyare, and I want to reassure you and reassure you and reassure you that, YES, you trulyare, always have been, and always will be, Divine Beings, permanently One with and in the Presence of Source, the creative field of Love in which all existence is lovingly, safely, and enthusiastically embraced without interruption or disengagement of any kind, ever.
At the deep center of yourselves you knowthis, and that is how you have the strength to persist and continue on your varied and demanding human life paths. Whenever it seems to you that your strength or intent appears to be weakening or failing – and I assure you that there is NEVEReven the remotest possibility of this – go within, to that holy inner sanctuary where you can experience the safety, the acceptance, and the love, in which you are held at every moment.
A meditation practice of some kind is most helpful, although it is not essential. It assists you to quieten the ego mind that is constantly demanding your undivided attention to deal with issues and problems, mostly of a very minor nature, immediately. That is what your egos believe are their reason for existence, and when you choose not to give them your full attention they become very vociferous. By engaging with a regular meditation or relaxation practice you learn to quieten or slow down that constant flow of thoughts, enabling you to sit at peace, without any sense of urgency or need to be doing something else, even for a few minutes, or longer if you choose, and this is very healing for you.
You are all dearly loved in every moment, and here in the spiritual realms we continue to be amazed at your strength and determination to follow the paths you so carefully planned before incarnating. Those paths were personally planned by each individual, with clear insight and foreknowledge, in order to be in a position to successfully complete your preordained tasks perfectly. And that is precisely what you are doing. Your self-doubts are utterly invalid, so knowthat where you are, whatever relationships you are experiencing, and every event and situation that unfolds in your life is meant to be occurring for the lessons you have personally chosen to learn, and in order that you can assist in the collective awakening of humanity at this critical juncture in its spiritual evolution.
You are all highly honored souls doing a marvelous job at precisely the right moment. Because of your sterling efforts the awakening process is proceeding precisely as divinely planned.
With hearty congratulations, and limitless love, Saul.
Water ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have discovered the best way to get though to those of you who are asking for energy and information from us. We have been sending it to you through the energy that you receive when you are bathing. Whether you are taking a shower or a bath, you tend to relax in those moments, and the water is an excellent conductor of energy.
It is marvelous to witness how easily and beautifully you receive when in that state. And we are, of course, non-physical beings, and therefore you don’t have to worry about your privacy. We see you as energy. We don’t perceive your physical bodies, unless we are looking through the eyes of a human, and we only do that on rare occasions.
Now we want to speak a little bit more on the issue of water and hydration because it is a significant one. When you are immersed in water, when your body is surrounded by it, you are able to connect so much more to the feeling of being loved, because the water’s consciousness is recognizable to you. You are able to detect the love that you are receiving from that life-giving substance.
And so water and air contain consciousness and energy, but it’s more concentrated in the water, as the water is denser than the air. When you drink water, you also take in that love and that consciousness. You take in that beautiful energy that many of you recognize that you can infuse with an intention or a vibration, or both. And the more hydrated you are, the better conduits you are for high frequency energy.
So use this valuable substance for your benefit, and reconnect with the womb of creation that water most certainly is for all of humanity. And you will feel the effects of that simple act of getting in water and drinking more water immediately.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
You Are Our Arms and Legs,Ours and Ears-Meditation,Channeling,Q&A
You CAN change your world.
When you look around you in your now, things seem to be chaotic. They couldn’t get much worse. Well, yes, what you are looking at can get more chaotic, and soon will. Remember what we have said many times, you cannot build a new house until you raze the old. In the case of what you have had until now, remodeling would not work. The wood rot in the very framing is far too extensive. You will not find it pretty, but you need to see it so that you never allow it again.
Several other things should be changed at the same time. We see that there is far too much animosity and spite being hurled around. Calling each other names and threatening them with harm is only not unproductive. It delays much of what needs to happen for the collective as well as for the individual.
There are millions seeking to raise their vibrations at this time. This is a wonderful occurrence. More are joining in, literally every day. However, many are still allowing the negative to be a part of their daily intake – and output. This is like trying to get somewhere while taking a step back after every step forward. As we have taught elsewhere, you cannot be in the light while you hold another in darkness. You cannot be loving and still harbor hatred.
Now, if we may, let’s take a more positive tack.
The incoming light, the new energy environment that your planet is passing into, continues to increase in frequency and effect. Those who are accepting what is available are noticing a wide variety of personal change. Some are seeing what they have never seen before. Some are going through great changes in their personal circumstances. Some are slowly discovering abilities that they never dreamed of having. If you wish to witness this, however, you will only find it in personal interaction. It is not going to be in the news. Your media does not give even a moment’s attention to anyone’s inner development.
If one were to make that personal development their focus, their entire view of the world would transform almost immediately. How so, you ask. First, it is time. It is time because humanity has said so. Second, now that your collective souls have asked for and accepted it, there are vast numbers of others ready and urgently waiting to help in your efforts.
“How do we know that? And how do we know we can change? Things have always been this way. That’s what reality is.”
May we gently point out to you that you have almost no concept of what reality is? Even more gently, please understand that it is not required that you know. It is only required that you begin to accept the possibility of change.
Toss the unexplainable fiction of a loving God that can be so angry at you that he smites you and then burns you forever. Understand your Creator as one who has made you out of All That Is and that you are therefore an integral part of Her/Him. God can have only love for something that is, even in your understanding, a reflection OF God.
As a reflection of your Creator, you are a creator. You might find it very enlightening to begin each day with the intention to create the best day that you are able. Seven billion people doing that would have a new world built in short order. One person doing that would have a new world built for herself in an equally short time. And what you do not see very clearly yet is that, that person’s world will affect all of the others. You CAN change your world.
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/