We Rise Up Globally Every Day at 21h21 CET for 1 minute for The Highest GOod For All.
The next ninety days will be like none before them for the compressed effect of massive global alteration.-The ONE via Sophia Love-
June 9, 2021, 5:24 AM
It is the One.
Things are occurring right now on this planet that effect the course of the (human) race. These are hidden from the public view at this point. They will not always be.
It is helpful for you to hear of these things. As you do, and you process their meaning, you’ll have a more expanded view.
Part of the process of your expansion is this view. You will incorporate a broader perspective into your seeing, and will have a deeper comprehension of how your life fits. How your life fits into the greater scheme of things. For you are here with purpose. That purpose is both personal and what you might call global.
Once you comprehend your true nature, you’ll experience a sense of purpose unlike any you’ve held thus far. It will feel more complete. It will be more comprehensive.
For your life as a star seed, light worker or truth teller holds an initiatory force for this planetary shift. It is because of you that this happens at all, and because of your presence that it occurs right now.
It’s been attempted twice before.
This time, it will be completed.
You came with different skill sets and purposes. On some level, your participation has been part of your life always.
You also came to play out human dramas and lessons, simultaneously pushing forward an agenda. An agenda of evolution.
A program of enlightenment. A process that will assist in the Ascension of the (human) race.
What can be said now is this. The cumulative effect of your efforts, the efforts of the star seeds, light workers, truth tellers and light warriors, has yielded an unstoppable wave of destruction, cleansing, and ultimately – nourishment. It is a tidal wave of change. It is pure power.
What this looks like from an earth-bound perspective will be a breaking up of all that has held the matrix society together. The destruction has begun, and it proceeds in earnest. Its cumulative effect will feel massive and shocking. These will be short-lived emotions for those of you here for this. They’ll quickly change into calls for action.
You will each instinctively know which action to take.
Do not fall into fear. There are many more of you here for this next part than are currently aware. They will soon be activated. Events, about to transpire, will see to it.
There has been a change in command. A transfer, in this physical realm, of the machinations of control. It is done. It must be played out now in an orderly fashion for humanity to witness.
There will be pushback. Expect unrest and a bit of discomfort, but this will not be long-lived.
You are to see the unfolding of the complete story; the truth. The next ninety days will be like none before them for the compressed effect of massive global alteration.
The narrative changes.
The narrative around health, government, money and control begins its transformation. This happens already behind closed doors.
Yet, prepare for those doors to be blown wide open. You will not end the year in the same fog in which you started it.
The confirmation of command and control has occurred in your military. You will hear of this in whispers and unconfirmed reports. When you do, know that they refer to a true transfer of control.
What needs to be said is this. There are many who are here now to assist. They have been caught up in their life and are not fully conscious of their purpose for this time. The majority of them will be sparked now, will be “turned on” and directed towards their planned role. They will take their place and assist.
The transfer will be messy, yet complete and rapid. This is a global effort.
Know that every inside nudge now will point you closer to where you’ve intended. It may not appear so outwardly. Trust.
What you will quickly discover is that all systems are go, and the place they are going is one of freedom and peace, prosperity and joy.
This is a place ruled by a state of love, not fear. This is the place you are here to usher in, to welcome and to enjoy. This is your new Earth.
It cannot show up in any way but truthfully. Know that when you see or sense falsehoods and deception, you are witnessing the last gasps of what it is you are leaving behind.
Your new Earth will arrive in full transparency – pure and whole.
Anything other than that will not survive, will not continue.
No more lies.
No more deceit.
No more power-over.
You are about to begin an era of power-with and power-full. A combined effort with a single purpose. Oneness.
As you witness the breakdowns and reversals in these coming times, hold on to the fact that all falsehoods must fall before the truth can be revealed.
You will know truth by its frequency. It will take some getting used to, you haven’t lived there much.
You are about to.
You will see, dear human, many changes in the coming days. Know that they all lead to a place you’ve come to build together, as One.
This is a wonderous place and it will be worth every step taken.
You will not be disappointed.
That is all.
Thank you.
expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event
A June Solstice Gift for the Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting, feeling into the possibilities for what we can deliver to you all for the upcoming June solstice event. We know that many of you feel that you are ready for anything and everything that we could possibly throw at you, but we have to work within the parameters of what is allowed by your higher selves, and we also cannot overwhelm the rest of humanity with what they are not ready for. And so, we negotiate and contemplate, and as always, we look for opportunities to reach only those of you who are ready.
One of the ways in which we have been able to get more precise is by using smaller portals. These smaller portals can act like a device that shoots a laser. We can have pinpoint accuracy and deliver energies right to where you need them most. Therefore, we are currently working with the higher selves of the awakened collective to see what is permitted to deliver to all of you at the time of the solstice, and a little before and a little after as well. We are looking to deliver energies that would expand your consciousness and open you up to your multidimensional selves.
We want to specifically target your pineal glands in order to do this. As most of you know, the pineal gland is the physical representation of the third eye, and the third eye allows you to see inter-dimensionally. This is something we feel that those of you who are awake would certainly benefit from at this time, as you need to know how much help there is around you. You need to know how much support you have, how many beings there are sending you love and light.
And for most people, seeing is believing. And so, one way or another you can expect a third eye chakra upgrade for this upcoming June solstice event. We have many, many more upgrades and activations coming, and we are not alone. We are but one group from one star system who is looking to help humanity raise the level of your consciousness so that you can continue to move forward in your ascension and help as many others who want to ascend with you as you can. This is a golden age of enlightenment for those of you who are willing to be in your bodies, to be heart-centered and to be there for your fellow humans, many of whom have never had the level of support in the physical that they need.
That is where you all will continue to step in and be the teachers, the healers, and the guides that they need. That’s what all of the gifts we send to you are ultimately for, and we know that you will use them appropriately because we have seen down all of the timelines, and because we love you and trust you so very much.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Golden Opportunity: Eclipse Meditation on Thursday
Blessings Beloveds ~The photo above is from gatework this week in Sedona. Pre-SUNrise is such a pure zone to unify with all realms, and the emerging realm of the Crystalline Stargate of the Heart. Diamond-Solar flows have opened wide, supporting Truth, Revelation, Divine Perspective, and Freedom. I witnessed a consistent stream of golden-diamond sphere-like God drops coming through the Gateways. The photo above was taken just afterward at SUNrise. Into the Golden race we glow. Latest Article: Preparation for Higher Truth This eclipse-Solstice passage requires effective self-evaluation. When the heart is coherent (neutrality) we may see ourselves more clearly. The heart becomes a conduit of the revelation frequencies.Mastery questions are a deeply personal experience; take care to meditate on them, feel them, and be transparent with your own heart and journey. Personal revelation becomes a collective experience when we do this. Change within, change without. [READ THIS ONLINE] Solar Eclipse UnificationThursday June 10 at 3:41AM PDT: Global Unity Meditation New Moon 3:54AM PDT Palpable new frequencies level up many OverSoul groups Dropping off of old Self support for Embodiers; rapid Self-Revelation Solar flash experiences (transcendence activations) amplified Crystalline Bridges to New Earth Realms open through the Heart Crystalline Convergence Access We are at capacity for in-person seats at the Crystalline Convergence in Sedona. Livestream access with the full 10 hour replay is still available HERE. The Crystalline Convergence replaces our quarterly webinars with two days of vivid presentations, activations and a few surprises. SUNday Unity MeditationsJoin us in unified intent. Quantum support, DNA and Lightbody expansion are present in this unified field. SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time. 30 minute sessions. See you in the field for the Solar eclipse peak on Thursday, and our SUNday Meditations! Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,Sandra |
Abraham Hicks – You will be amazed how fast your manifestations follow you | Law of Attraction
Let yourself roar, let yourself flow with no apologies.
June 9, 2021, jennyschiltz.com
We went camping over a long weekend by a beautiful river. When we arrived The river was flowing at a decent speed. It was beautifully hot and sunny. This must have caused a rapid melt of snow off the mountains.
The next morning we woke and took a hike and I was shocked at the change in the river. It was much higher, louder, and forceful. I watched the River rage. I watched it take limbs, rocks, soil, even a young tree or two. Anything that was in her path was simply washed away.
I stared at her beauty, listened to her roar, felt the coolness in the air. I watched her rage with such power as she funneled water from the mountains to the fertile delta and reservoir below. She provides drinking water and irrigation for so many.
Sitting on a rock above her, I was overcome and began to cry without really understanding why.
Then I heard her speak:
“Can you let yourself go? Can you let yourself flow for the sheer purpose of being who you are in this moment?
Imagine if I stopped myself for every tree, rock, bug or even animal that got caught in my path.
Imagine if I held myself back, forced myself into a trickle of what I really am. Can you imagine the pain I would endure?
Can you see all that would suffer as they would not receive my fullness?
Now I say to you, you are no different. When you force yourself to be the trickle, you harm not only yourself but all those counting on your fullness.
Let yourself roar, let yourself flow with no apologies.”
I then felt her presence drift away from me, off to different things.
I sat in awe at the message. So many of us are sitting at the precipice of another huge jump, another huge leap in consciousness, in embodiment. While it is so very exciting, it is also scary. It’s a leap into the unknown AGAIN. What was once us living in our fullest has now become only a fraction of our truth. We must embrace this new level without the mind worrying over the bug, the tree, or anything that is in our path.
Let yourself roar, let yourself flow with no apologies.
Huge Thank you’s to all those that support and share this work. It really means the world.
~ Jenny
Your dreams are how your soul beckons you forward. Engage with your life! Trust in your dreams and highest potentials.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to see how big and beautiful your life really wants to be?
June 7, 2021, trinityesoterics.com
It is quite common when human beings suddenly experience forward movement towards their dreams to fall into fear and doubt. We would like to discuss this today.
When you are about to take a big leap or enter a phase of profound expansion, your ego self will often panic. It is the part of you that likes things to stay the same. It can be helpful to think of it as a toddler who doesn’t like sudden change and likes to feel like they are in charge.
If this occurs, all you need to know is the ego self is looking for reassurance that it won’t be left behind. You can simply let it know it is an essential part of you that is honoured and will always go with you. This is, again, getting all the parts of you cooperating and participating with your forward movement, just as you would reintegrate any fragmented aspects of self.
When seen through this new lens of awareness, you can actually see your fear and doubt as proof positive you are onto something. If you were not, the ego would not be making a peep.
There is also a human belief that if you believe too much in your dreams you will somehow jinx them. Dear Ones, you know better than that. Your dreams are how your soul beckons you forward. Engage with your life! Trust in your dreams and highest potentials.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to see how big and beautiful your life really wants to be? We say absolutely! When you whole-heartedly allow the unfoldment to lead you into the discovery of those highest potentials you become a willing dance partner with a universe that adores you.
Do you see? Your full participation has been the magic ingredient all along.
Simon Parkes Update & Med Bed Info!
You are you and no one else. So there is no right action that anyone has taken or will take that is the same as yours…Your new world word is freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to not choose. The freedom to be.
Dear Ones,
Likely, you have a need to be different – and yet the same. You want to return to your normal life – the life you knew before COVID. But doing so does not seem to spark your interest. As if you are a five-year-old attempting to be interested in a rattle.
Even though we, of the Universes, have discussed this topic previously, now that it is becoming part of your being, you are questioning your sanity, life, and relationships.
The difference between reading about disease and having it is two different layers of understanding. If your friend is ill, you are likely sympathetic and caring. But if you have the same illness, such as the flu, you are not necessarily thinking or caring about others, for you are focusing on you.
So it is now. Reading about ending your cocoon stage with new interests and actions is far different than experiencing it. Some of you may even worry that you have lost your mind. And, of course, you have.
For your new world is about accepting your heart instead of your mind as your operational focus. That is not to say you and others will no longer be interested in learning, but that you will unite that learning with a heart focus. Just as before, you once united your learning about the pain or fear of others with your heart feelings.
Your mind or intellect most often directed your 3D actions and thoughts. Now that you are beginning to direct your actions with your heart, it feels wrong somehow. And so you return to, “Did I do this right?” “Why am I doing this?” “What will others think?” Not because you do not know the answer, but because you do not yet trust that answer.
Logic remains important, but logic is no longer key as it was in 3D. You are now focusing on heart issues and concerns. Neither of which necessarily have a logical base.
So you might do or say something that surprises you as well as others. Actions that almost seem counterintuitive. For 3D, counterintuitive was to be ignored, wrong, denied, and ridiculed. Counterintuitive meant you had no basis for your decision – options were just selected randomly.
The new meaning of counterintuitive is that you are basing your decisions on logic instead of your heart.
Perhaps you will continue to rely on logic for a short time, perhaps not. But please be aware that logic is no longer logical. For you can only live in fear if logic is your deciding factor. Logic allows you to be wrong. If you were only smarter, wiser, younger, wealthier, older, a different race, had a different sexual preference, etc., you would know how to respond. Logic is an allusive target with no basis in your reality other than you could be wrong – and you often based your 3D guilt on believing that you were.
Decisions based on your heart/intuitive messages cannot be wrong, for those decisions are based on your current needs and interests. So it is the fears and guilt of yesterday will fade as you implement your new directives from within instead of outside of yourself.
Logic was vital in the past, given that you did not trust your inner voice and you had no other instructions other than the history built by your friends, family, and community. “If I do this, my life will be wonderful because that is what happened to others.” Logic is created on the history of what was instead of an inner-knowing of what is.
No longer will you fit within a cookie-cutter/logic life. Just as a caterpillar has few options for movement, so too did you when you were of 3D.
Now that your world has exploded – and exploded is the correct word – into millions of options, you no longer need to use logic or to qualify your actions with “That’s what everyone does.” It is almost like your teen years when you argued with your parents that you should be able to do this because everyone did it, even though your parents saw the larger picture of what those actions might lead to in the future.
You are you and no one else. So there is no right action that anyone has taken or will take that is the same as yours.
Logic or no other word with a similar meaning can describe your interests or actions. Your new world word is freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to not choose. The freedom to be. So be it. Amen.
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Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Very special message from Abraham – Abraham Hicks | Law of Attraction
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
When finished studying French i was asked to write a small essaie so i can express myself so jury may approve my level of vocabulary in order to enter Univercity…i started speaking about One man standing in front of the tanks in china…little did i know then that what i was speaking was going deeper to the games that ca.bal was playing via CCP to control….since then i ‘ve learned that behind every war it was never a nation but the ca.bal using people in every country who chose to sell their souls for money instead of following what gives them true joy, many thought that just having money is the definition of success…not here to judge anyone, just i remember speaking about Free Energy, Ascension , Galactics , UFOs , Self Healing , Resource based Communities etc and people not understanding looking at me like i cone from another planet and indeed i do just as you do too …till i figured ,i am not here to be understood , i am here to understand others holding firmly my place just like this man in front of the illusion namely here the tanks or co.vid or whatever other ways they might try, that always feels good as feeling good is being closer to God and #feelmorethanfine even closer lol. SO MY FRIENDS remember this man when more intense lies hit your screens, hold your position within and do not let illusion scare the S$%t out of you even though i know already many will need tones of toilet paper
Schuman Frequencies are consistantly rising every day now…
we just had a blast from The Sun only 2 hours ago…if you feel tired and sleepy…now you know why…best thing to do have a nap and then do a 15′-20′ meditation after what you will feel refreshed. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water or fruit juice helps too ,especially coco nut water or watermelon juice, they both contain high amounts of electrolytes.
No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.
June 6, 2021, shantagabriel.com
Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.
When you are in harmony with your heart’s intelligence, seeking answers to your life’s questions outside yourself will seldom be necessary. This seems impossible to you and yet this is a time when people no longer need an intermediary to be in tune with God, the Source of all Life.
There has been a quickening in the vibrational frequencies on and around planet Earth. Because you are an electrical being, you are very much affected by this increased Light. A higher level of energy enables you to attune yourself to a finer vibration, which allows you to consciously receive the resonance of wisdom and love from the Divine Mind.
Wisdom and love come through your energy field as light energy, which carries with it information allowing you to live more in harmony with the needs of your soul.
This means that as you pray and meditate, you raise your vibration and draw to yourself, like a magnet, a high frequency of light and love-filled energy. As this energy permeates your being, it opens your mind to receive answers to any question you put forth. You have the capacity to be a conduit for information, as well as for the ecstasy of God’s love.
It may not seem possible to receive answers to complicated questions. Yet this is true only when fear and doubt cloud your perception. Pray to receive clearly, and pray to know the truth that is in your highest good. You can ask to know beyond a shadow of a doubt. Then you can follow the “Diamond Covenant of Moses.” This declares that you are willing to do whatever is revealed to you, when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that which is in your highest good.
This willingness to follow your inner guidance sets up a flow of energy through you, which allows your Higher Self to be attuned to your conscious mind.
When you are in a relaxed and expanded state of being, you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. The Angels are available to flood your mind with love and light if you ask. When your being is filled with love and light, you understand consciously what steps to take in any situation.
This inner knowing may not be immediately apparent to your conscious mind. However, as you go about your day, you will begin to respond to all situations with greater calm and certainty. When you look back, you will see how you just “knew” what to do.
Try writing your question on a piece of paper. Have it with a pen close to you as you meditate, and pray to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ask that your Higher Self be in tune with Divine Mind. Now sit, breathe in a rhythmic way, and allow your mind and body to relax. Visualize yourself sitting in a pillar of golden light connecting Heaven and Earth. After sufficient uninterrupted time, you may feel the impulse to write.
While you pray and meditate, you are in an expanded consciousness. From this place all answers are obvious, yet the critical nature of the mind loves to make judgments. Do not read your answer right away. This will defuse your inner critic. After an hour or so, go back and read what you have written. Most likely you will surprise yourself with the simple, practical solutions to your questions. With practice this process becomes easier, as you set up a direct conduit to your higher self, that part of you in touch with the Angelic Dimensions and Divine Guidance.
This is the dawning age of direct guidance and wisdom. You no longer need priests, gurus or those outside yourself to show you what is in your highest good. This does not mean that teachers and role models are not important. It does mean that you do not have to seek outside yourself to find the answers to your most important questions. No one else knows more than you what is right for your life. When you are aligned with God and spend quiet time in prayer and meditation, all that you want to know will be there for you.
So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Be aware that the answers to all you are seeking are within you.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
Flowing forward firmly anchored in the knowingness of who you really are and the broad traits of what you would like to experience will allow you to stay centered and respond on your feet in the ways that honor your truest intentions.
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Anchoring Innate Divinity
June 7, 2021, trinityesoterics.com
Fully knowing and accepting who you truly are and trusting your divine capability is an essential step in preparation of super accelerated flow. When the energies start to move very quickly you won’t have a lot of time to sit and figure out what is a true match to you or what your preferences are.
Flowing forward firmly anchored in the knowingness of who you really are and the broad traits of what you would like to experience will allow you to stay centered and respond on your feet in the ways that honor your truest intentions.
The long lull period many of you have experienced over the past year has, in fact, been prep work for the huge leaps many of you are about to take. Trust that you are ready, remember what you know, and enjoy the expansion.
You are living in powerful times and all is proceeding according to plan. Rejoice.
the Arcturian Group 6/6/21 via Marilyn Raffaelle
JUNE 6, 2021
Welcome, dear readers.
We observe that as restrictions begin to lessen many expect their lives to pick up exactly where they left off before the period of isolation. Nothing can or will be exactly as it was for the energy of earth has and will continue to change. Allow the process dear ones.
It is important to honestly examine your belief system and allow yourselves to recognize everything that you may still hold with regard to how things must be in order to be “right”. Be open to change through understanding and accepting that the world has entered a new vibrational pattern which does not allow it to express exactly as it did previously.
Listen to and trust your intuition fully, allowing it to guide you to new and previously unknown ways of living in a higher resonating world. It has become a time of fear for those who remain spiritually un-awakened because as their comfortable and familiar belief system begins to crumble they experience it as the loss of their foundation, one built on sand.
Divine Consciousness is a permanent state of fulfillment. Divine consciousness never gives fulfillment to an individual, for Divine Consciousness holds nothing about the belief in separation or individuals as being separate from ITself. God is always fulfilling ITSelf as and through individuals.
Individual expressions of Divine Consciousness experience fulfillment in accord with how open their consciousness is to receive it. A consciousness that is already filled with false beliefs of two powers, duality, and separation has no room through which Divine fulfillment can express.
It is time to ponder and evaluate the ordinary facets of your life. “Why do I struggle to maintain a job, relationship, way of life that feels finished? What beliefs drive me? Am I doing these things to please others? In the light of what I know, are these beliefs true or simply concepts I have accepted and feel comfortable holding on to? ” The benefit of the time of confinement is that it provided an opportunity for individuals to ask themselves these questions which in turn has helped many move beyond old beliefs that were holding them in bondage.
Throughout all lifetimes the majority has comfortably accepted and lived from what they were led to believe was the “right way” or “truth” about everything most of which was based primarily in duality and separation. The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder dear ones, which is why most people are unable to easily speak with their Guides, teachers, and loved ones on the other side.
Three dimensional energy does not align with the more refined Light energies of the higher dimensions. Many continue to believe that the higher dimensions do not exist because they can’t see or hear them. Some who do believe in an afterlife continue to view it from narrow and false concepts of a “heaven” or “hell” awaiting everyone which in turn has provided a well used control tool for churches, parents, governments, etc. Never doubt that those living in the higher dimensions are alive and well, learning and evolving, and happy to be back home.
Ghosts are individuals who are so completely aligned with three dimensional energy that even after the death of the physical body they remain fully aligned with it. It is their state of consciousness. Higher dimensional beings are always close by ready to assist but free will allows them to remain in their illusions as long as they choose.
Those who incessantly mourn someone who has passed on by erecting altars, having seances, and consistently trying to make contact do no favor to themselves or the person they mourn because these actions only serve to keep both tied to what is finished and keeps the one who has passed from moving on.
There is, never has been, and never can be death. Could an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God die?
As individuals evolve and grow spiritually, it becomes easier and more natural to communicate with Guides or even loved ones if contact is necessary. This is because as a person’s energy becomes more refined, they automatically begin to align with the same energies in the higher dimensions.
Never forget that you are not a human being with a consciousness but rather you are consciousness presently utilizing a material body as is necessary for living in the denser energy of earth.
We observe hesitation on the part of many who are aware of their true nature but are unable to fully trust it because they believe that it never manifests as they expected, is unpredictable, and is thus not practical for every day living. Realize and remember that Consciousness is the substance of form, not an intellectual knowledge of truth. This is why the first stages of the spiritual journey do not seem to bring forth much fruitage.
Everyone has experiences that cause them to doubt what they have learned about themselves and God. It is part of the evolutionary process. Have no guilt, sorrow, or feelings of failure about it. Rest assured that Truth is a never changing reality but for humans used to living in third dimensional energy Truth must be held silently and sacredly within and practiced until through Grace it becomes an attained state of consciousness that can express outwardly.
Trust that your Higher self is running the show and bringing to you that which you need. Once a person consciously or unconsciously decides to spiritually evolve, their journey begins with no going back. From then on experiences of both bad and good are based in learning, clearing, and moving more deeply into spiritual awareness.
Try not to judge your life by outer appearances for experiences can get quite difficult on all levels as old stored energy from hundreds of past lives begins to surface in order to clear. Look for the lesson underlying all experiences for there always is one.
It is important to set aside a particular time to state the intention to clear all oaths, promises, vows, or commitments made in this life and all past lives for they can bind you to their particular energy. Even lifetimes lived as a warrior can bind a person to the energy of oaths and promises made to always serve a leader, country, or cause to the death. Likewise, old vows of poverty can keep a person continuously struggling with abundance. Most vows, oaths, and promises of the past were appropriate at the time but as a person evolves they act as anchors and block the new.
Over the course of living many lifetimes everyone has surrendered personal power to others be it some religion, person in power, husband, wife, child, or cause. Mankind has reached a place of spiritual readiness to reclaim the innate power they willingly and ignorantly, or forcibly surrendered to some person, place, cause, etc.
The integration and balancing of the masculine and feminine energy fully present but often unrecognized in every person is a necessary component of reclaiming one’s power as a Divine being. Those who ignore or resist opening themselves to the qualities of either gender will be presented with opportunities that force them to go deeper with regard to this.
Everyone came to believe through experience and teachings in this or previous lifetimes that they were powerless. For many, powerlessness remains intact as their state of consciousness and continuing to manifest outwardly in every facet of their lives. The process of evolving beyond a consciousness of powerlessness often includes situations that seem to be problems but which in reality are experiences created by the Higher Self necessary for attaining personal empowerment.
When a person reaches a place of “NO MORE!” the upper realms rejoice for it means the person has begun to break their bondage to some person, place, or thing outside of themselves freeing them from energies that they may have been carrying through many many lifetimes.
Appearances are never what they seem to be according to three dimensional thinking. Three dimensional minds regardless of how educated or bright can only access what is already known in three dimensional collective consciousness simply because that is what they are in alignment with. Fresh new ideas can only flow from the Source of creativity–Divine Consciousness.
Great artists do not seek new ideas from what already exists in the three dimensional collective but look within where creativity exists. Often without conscious awareness of what they were doing, the great artists and creators of every age pondered and silently listened, opening a path through which new ideas for music, art, dance, medicine, learning etc. could flow.
Once a new idea is brought forth from the Source of creativity within, it then becomes a part of the collective and available to others. This is why it often happens that two people will invent the same thing at the same time and is also why every truth you know and integrate serves to lift and add Light to collective consciousness.
You are living in powerful times and all is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/6/21
Losha: “The Children” Speak
Message from The Children:
“The Children” Speak…
Welcome to all who read this message…we currently exist in the higher realms and we are the collective of “children” who have crossed over after being tortured, killed, raped, and sacrificed…throughout the last several millennia. Yes, that is how long these heinous acts have been happening to “us.”
We have asked Losha to speak for us now…as she is also one of us, because she had the same horrific acts exacted upon her in several earlier lifetimes…that is why she is “hearing” us now.
We have asked Losha to carry our words to as many as will hear them and we appreciate all who do hear us.
We are fairly certain that those who will be reading these words are already familiar with the many tragic “acts” which have been perpetrated upon us, and our brothers and sisters, before us. Hence, we will not go into great detail at this time regarding those acts.
What we would like to address however, is how deeply these acts have affected us…and how long this treachery can reside within the human soul.
Losha recently discovered she has experienced several lifetimes as one of these “children”…primarily during the 1600’s – 1800’s, time period. As such, she also discovered how those past lives of such tragic consequences have so extensively affected this current lifetime in which she currently lives. The biggest area which was affected in this lifetime were her feelings of unworthiness.
It has also shown itself by way of Losha trying to “control” everything in her life…because she felt she had “no control” during those challenging times from her past. Hence, it requires much emotional healing work to learn to forgive all those involved and to move forward in one’s life.
There are many, many Lightworkers whom have agreed to “life contracts” throughout their time on Earth which put them in harm’s way, via the method of torture, rape, and sacrifice. The reason for agreeing to experience these horrendous events is because all Lightworkers must undergo as many diverse emotional aspects while living on Earth as possible…and that includes circumstances involving people who have in fact, sold their soul to the dark side.
This then allows the Lightworker to learn about forgiveness…both for themselves, which is the most essential aspect of their journey, and to also learn to forgive their “transgressors.” While they are learning to forgive, they are preparing themselves to help and assist others, to learn to forgive, also.
There are still many Lightworkers who have yet to realize they have also personally lived these lives of tragedy as young children during their previous lifetimes. Even though it may have occurred several hundred years ago, it still feels as vivid to the soul, as if it had just happened yesterday…however, it is also hugely challenging for one to initially “remember” due to its horrific nature.
There are many of you beloved Lightworkers who have “assisted” us in the recent past during your sleep-time, to rescue all of the children who were still Earth-bound, and in very “dark” places, both literally and figuratively. We are still continuing to provide our assistance in any way we can so we may bring home every last one of these beautiful children, so they might begin their healing process.
Every soul who has lived through these horrific circumstances, throughout time on Earth, becomes a literal “beacon” of Light, for all the other children to “see” and help guide them to safety. To all of you who have helped in this process throughout millennia, we send you our most heartfelt Gratitude and Love. We could not have done it without you.
We still have more areas on Earth to attend to and we are continuing to join all the brave military men and women who are sacrificing their very lives by going down into these “dens of iniquity”…and helping to bring as many beautiful souls back as possible. After being involved in such excruciating circumstances, these military personnel also require healing for themselves because the normal human conscience was not equipped to process such horrendous acts and situations.
We understand that our message here today was not a “light” one, however we wanted to bring a few insights to the surface, so more souls might better understand the true and tragic plight of “the children.”
We thank you for your time and for allowing us to speak with you today. We send each of you the Love of our Creator, Unconditionally.
The Children.
Channeled by Losha.
Unity is returning. Unity of inner conflict resolved. Unity with star brethren & Creator. Abundance for all will be experienced.
Andromeda of Venus 6/5/2021
I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner light that burns brightly through whatever darkness may present itself. Darkness has been upon your realm for eons. We Venusians have been quietly shining our lights, our friendly energy signatures to our sister planet steadfastly. We had some internal skirmishes but that was long ago and we have easily ascended beyond them. It has not been so easy for you light workers, light bearers upon Gaia, for you are bearing the burden for many energetically and it has cost you in more ways than one.
I am Andromeda, water bearer of lights, keeper of the flame of the inner light of truth to those who seek it. I am currently embodied on Venus, your sister planet, from whom you could learn much, and you will. Venus is filled with love, with light. (I am seeing purple oceans with yellow skies. The air is crystal clear and has a zing in it, full of energy and vitality. It feels so good to be there. I am seeing a beautiful white marble structure with columns by the purple ocean on a cliff. There are winding steps with alabaster railings descending gently down the cliff. The sea spray is comforting, cooling but not cold. Beings here dress elegantly and have more Grecian like garb, white or lavender robes, flowing and shimmery. Metal and crystal brooches pin the robes at the shoulders. Everyone is tall and stunning.)
I am Andromeda of Venus. I am currently on Venus but I have had many sojourns, as have you, dear travelers of the many into the one. I am showing this one some of our council members. We meet and discuss those of our beloved families who are experiencing earth in its density towards its rising star form. Many of us have aspects upon your planet. You are not alone. You may come here to this place and recharge your energies when you slumber at night. We have many healing modalities here. It is a beautiful place. New Earth will also be one of exquisite beauty, but more blues and greens will be present while here is more a scenery of purples, pinks and yellows. All colors have healing frequencies within them and one can benefit from all. Nova Gaia will be blues and greens to represent the heart of the universe, and the opened third eye of the awakened human collective of one who has seen clearly through the mist and shadow. Shadows and mists will be vanished and vanquished from this realm of illusion and all will be brought into clarity of sight of the heart. The heart-sight is returning to Gaians and it is a glorious time indeed.
I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner flame. I see clearly the amount of pain that separation has wrought upon your realm. Unity is returning. Unity of inner conflict resolved, unity with star brethren, unity with Creator and abundance for all will be experienced. You will find your way. Do not be dismayed by the news reports of lack, of internal strife. The dark ones are losing their grip. We Venusians send our light of internal healing, strength and internal fortitude. We are united in planetary and cosmic consciousness. Soon too will Gaia be united. The light bearers are bringing this cord of unbreakable truth to the realm where you are currently embodied and you are bringing it, grounding it from all of the places that you have traveled, from the higher dimensional travels that you have experience and from your planetary homes and kingdoms from the stars. We are truly a family of light and I wish for you to feel this connection with us. (I am seeing a beautiful woman dressed in a purple robe with draped fabric and golden brooches on the shoulders that are shaped in lotus blossoms with diamonds encrusted on them. She is lighting a white candle and singing. Her shining hair is piled high upon her head. She is lighting a single small white candle and handing it to me).
I am Andromeda. I send you this frequency of a light from a single candle. Place it within your heart space and illuminate your inner chamber so that you can see clearly. (We are in a cave of white walls with hieroglyphs and cave drawings, some are primitive, others are glowing light language letters depicted vertically, like columns of codes.) We are showing you your inner chambers. You have so much information to unpack and remember. This candle of illumination from Venus will assist in your guided rememberings. It is our gift to you. The cave drawings of your early experiences into density are all wrapped in light of the light language that surrounds. (I am seeing that the light language is embedded in the totality of the white cave walls and they are the structure coding of the cave itself. I am hearing the om tuning fork frequency and feeling that the cave is now an egg and I am in a healing chamber.) Yes, we are bringing up inner healing for all of humanity in this time. Those who read will ground and expand the inner lights of the others. (I am seeing single candles lighting other candles and there is no more darkness now, just a sea of light.) Your body is like this cave, galaxygirl. All hidden memories are within. Your bones remember. They are attuned to the healing frequencies of light that we offer this day. State, “I welcome and allow these codes of Venusian frequencies to further amplify and embody my ascending form into the crystalline matrices of eternal lights that fill me now. I am one with Source and myself. I am full and complete with this earthly sojourn into the lower realms and I deem my experiences wrapped with the violet flame of the highest dimensional lights. I extend healing to all around me and deep into the heart of Gaia. I am that I am. And so it is.”
I am Andromeda. (She is wiping away a tear from my eye and tucking a wisp of hair behind my ear.) Galaxygirl, what do you see? (I look into her purple eyes and I am seeing the galaxies, she is eternal, whole and complete.) So too are you eternal, whole and complete, dear ones reading. Feel the love extended to you in this moment of now. Feel your completeness of this earthly experience. Feel your wholeness of self. Claim your power and divinity and be healed. You are welcome to come to this place. I will meet you. (I look down and there is a small stream on the cave floor that is glowing with light, gurgling softly. I didn’t notice it before. My feet are wet, it is cool and refreshing to stand in.) You were not aware because it was not manifested. A small soothing stream is now flowing through this space, through Gaia’s inner heart as you extend your light to the many the more will flow. Water finds water. Light finds light. You will find what you seek, for it is already within you, the great mystery revealed.
I am Andromeda of Venus, keeper of the inner lights. The inner flame is now lit for humanity. I decree it is so. I am Andromeda, offering my love and service in this simple guided meditation this day. Claim this experience as real and it will be. I am Andromeda.
~ galaxygirl