Throughout 2023, you will sense dramatic shifts within your being, resulting in new interactions in your outer world.

Dear Ones,

Even though most years, changing the calendar year does not ensure a new life, this year is different. Throughout 2023, you will sense dramatic shifts within your being, resulting in new interactions in your outer world.

Until the recent global energy shifts and your inner work, you addressed most issues with a 3D consciousness. “Because this worked before, it will work now.” Instead of your new life stance, “This action seems unusual, but it feels right.”

For what was is no more including outer world problem-solving. The past few days, you let go of eons of shoulds, have tos, and guilt resulting in new ways of interacting with others and yourself.

Your 3D being was an accumulation of activities you wished to eliminate in this life – and so you have.

You are now almost a clean slate. Even though pieces of your current 3D life remain, those pieces are so minimal as not to be included in your current self-assessment. So some relationships you might continue are not necessarily as loving as they once were because you ended the karmic ties that bound you to that person.

You are addressing your interactions with fresh eyes and new needs.

You are new, and the earth is new. Yet many of you are surprised you no longer respond as you once did. Those differences will increase throughout this year, for you are quickly shifting in ways you cannot yet envision.

Many of you have heard of walk-ins – beings who contend they entered earth via a human body previously inhabited by another being. In truth, those walk-ins were test projects created en masse by those of you who wished to transition beyond 3D. Just as is true for experiments or most creations, you wanted to ensure that the new you being you contemplated was possible. You questioned whether you could shift quickly in this lifetime and yet remain of the earth.

Walk-in beings are newer versions of themselves without the burdens of past lives – just as is now true for you. If someone were to measure your thoughts, beliefs, and reactions before you initiated your transition in this lifetime, they would find you different enough to not be recognizable – or a walk-in.

You are no longer the 3D you others were once familiar with.

Those not transitioning find you confusing and probably aggravating. While those who are transitioning are as confused about their new being as you are with yours.

Even though you have been informed by many universal messages, including ours, the end product of your transition evolves almost daily. Resulting in a confusing mish-mash of words and actions. You feel this way one day and completely different the next. Of course, something similar was true in 3D, but through eons of earth life and fear consistencies, you seemingly had justifications for this fear or that feeling. “It’s raining and cold, so I feel down.” “I might be fired, so I better work longer hours.” “I’m in love, so I’m floating in joy.”

Your actions are no longer consistent with your expectations. So you might be tired, even though you had a good night’s sleep. Or filled with joy even though the actions in your outer world would have previously made you sad.

You no longer have emotional or interactional givens. You are truly new with new thoughts, actions, and speech patterns.

Allow yourself to feel and respond as your new life happens instead of stuffing yourself into your 3D boxes of fear or socially right actions.

You have no right actions now because you are discovering yourself. Just as the walk-ins had to shift their thinking and actions to fit their new being, the same is true for you. The difference is you are surrounded by millions of others moving through the same doubts and, at times, fear. What once made you comfortable is no more. Your current and future beings are changing by the minute.

Please know that you will often question yourself throughout your ongoing shift into new earth maturity. Not because you are wrong but because you are new. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Is it Ever Going to Get any Better?

mountains and clouds outside of an airplane window
Photo by Dan Gold on

by Vidya Frazier

This has got to be the question most people on the planet are asking these days.

There is so much turmoil occurring all over the world in so many arenas, and so many predictions about dire situations that await us as time goes on, we can’t help but wonder: Can it all truly ever be resolved? It’s hard to imagine that humanity isn’t simply headed for extinction.

And yet, there are those of us who are aware of the fact that we are currently traveling through what has been called the Transitional Times. We understand that this chaotic period on Earth has been predicted in numerous and diverse spiritual scriptures throughout the centuries and also in teachings passed down through indigenous tribes across the planet for a long, long time.

We know this is the period of time in which humanity is in the process of making a momentous leap into a much higher frequency of consciousness known as the Fifth Dimension.

We understand that all the disruption and collapse of old systems and institutions that are now occurring must take place.

We realize that, in order to make this leap, all the darkness – the control, the manipulation, the corruption – that has existed on the planet for thousands of years must first come to the surface to be clearly seen and dealt with. People have to wake up to it all and reclaim the powerful sovereignty the human species is capable of. In essence, it requires an extremely rapid spiritual evolution for humanity.

More Challenging than We Expected

Still, although we have certainly expected some disruption in the world to occur during these times, we perhaps did not expect just how rocky and challenging all of it might be.

We didn’t quite foresee how frightening events in the world might become. We didn’t realize the magnitude of what we are all likely going to be experiencing in this coming year. According to some experts, when all the disruptions are counted, we are about to enter the most chaotic period in recorded history.

In addition, did any of us really imagine how much we would each be challenged in our personal lives, as well? Or how much dedicated inner work in our individual awakening process would be necessary to navigate these times? Many are in shock in realizing how radical the changes within themselves and their lives have been. Many do not even recognize themselves anymore – sometimes in positive ways, but often in very confusing and frightening ways, as well.

We are Still Going Forward

Nonetheless, here we still are. All of us who know ourselves to be Lightworkers are somehow handling it all, in one way or another. Sometimes it’s on our hands and knees; sometimes it’s with great fear and confusion. But we keep going forward, don’t we?

We know we are alive here and now on Earth because we are meant to be here. We have within us what it takes to not only make the leap into fifth-dimensional consciousness ourselves, but also to assist others who are ready to make the shift, as well.

It’s important to remember this. We have strength and power and gifts deep within us, that are now revealing themselves, specially designed for navigating these particular times on Earth. We will surprise ourselves. As Japanese author, Haruki Murakami, has stated:

“Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain: when you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”

Yes, It Will Eventually Get Better

If you are still asking the question, “Is it ever going to get any better?”, try tuning in and asking your knowing Heart. You will undoubtedly hear the answer: YES, it will. The events in the outer world will eventually sort themselves out.

In fact, perhaps some of the predictions about disclosure and tribunals in the coming year may even finally come to pass. The fifth-dimensional frequencies on the planet are simply getting too powerful now for the lower frequencies to continue to exist here. It will just take some time. Certainly, it will take longer than we have been hoping for; but eventually peace and sanity — and a whole new fifth-dimensional world — will exist.

But what’s important to remember is that we need not wait passively for that time to come. We can continue on in our own awakening process, even amidst the continuing chaos in the outer world.

We can begin living as much as possible in fifth-dimensional consciousness in our own lives – and focus on creating islands of light wherever we find ourselves.

And, whether we realize it or not, it will be this action we take now that will help guide humanity toward the 5D world we all envision and yearn for.

Faster & Faster Manifestation by the Newly Awakened ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are electrified with enthusiasm about where you are headed as a collective there on Earth. We have noticed how many individuals there on Earth have awakened recently, and we have felt their enthusiasm, their excitement, their eagerness to explore who they really are and what they can create. The newly awakened actually have an advantage in the creation department, an advantage that those of you who have been awake for a while didn’t have. They are coming to this realization at a time when there are faster moving energies upon all of you. 

Faster and Faster manifestation is possible now, and they will benefit from not ever having tried to manifest something previously and failed. Those of you who have been awake for a while have attempted to manifest and have not been successful enough times that many have given up, or at least started to dream a lot smaller as a result of their past failures at manifesting. Therefore, those of you who have been awake for quite some time actually have a lot to learn from those who are newly awakened. You will see them on the fast track, and you will notice how easy they make it look, because they are not jaded, because they are not bogged down by a lot of heavy energy, as some of you who have been awake for longer have.

It’s all right, and it’s understandable, but it’s also time to throw off those shackles that are self imposed and to realize that you are living in a brand new era. You are swimming in uncharted waters, and you have more energetic support for what you want to create than there has ever been on planet Earth at any time in human history. Get ready to go further, to manifest more quickly, and to become the masters that you were always going to become, even though a lot of you have given up to a certain extent. 

Some people are just waiting for the shift to be complete so that they can instantly manifest all the time, but those of you who can feel the energies upon you know that this is a beautiful time to be in creation mode. This is a wonderful time to have your hearts, minds, and eyes set on the proverbial prize. You are standing in the midst of an evolution of consciousness right now that is unprecedented, and we would like to see more of you who are old souls getting more of what you desire. 

Those of you who have been around the block quite a few times need that injection of enthusiasm that the newly awakened are bringing to the party right now. Let them show you what is possible; let them surprise you. And guide them when they need it, when they ask for it, but try to avoid discouraging them from dreaming too big, because they will prove you wrong if you do.   

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Arcturian Group Message 1/1/23

JANUARY 1, 2023

Happy New Year dear readers. Welcome to a year in which you will witness increasingly more change, awakenings, exposure, and new beginnings.

New beginnings because the world’s collective consciousness which is the sum of all previous and present states of consciousness on earth is changing. It is becoming Lighter and more evolved due to presence of so many spiritually advanced souls now on earth with more continuing to come. Much that has long constituted the universal collective consciousness is dissolving or has already dissolved through the presence of so many spiritually evolved individuals on earth.

Divine Mind is the One and only mind and therefore the real mind of every person. However, in the lower resonating energy of the third dimension, mind, a channel of awareness for consciousness, is overshadowed with dense energies of duality, separation, and two powers becoming for all intents and purposes a human, personal, ego mind, a three dimensional concept of the ONE MIND.

The personal/ego mind is only able to access information and truth from outside of itself–from the collective. As the collective becomes increasingly illumined through the presence of the many high resonating states of consciousness now on earth who came specifically for this purpose, people will have access to and begin to draw ideas from a higher resonating collective and begin to implement them as spiritually evolved, new, and better ideas for living.

There will always be those who benefit from the status quo and resist change while continuing to cling to and promote familiar and less enlightened ways of solving problems and living life. All have free will to choose as they please, but changes are coming and resistance will prove to be futile because earth’s ascension is a Divine Plan that will continue to unfold in spite of any and all resistance.

The new year is seen as a time for making “New Year resolutions” because the start of a new year feels like a perfect time to examine the past year and make changes. However, most New Year’s resolutions never come to full fruition simply because people are consciousness with bodies rather than bodies with consciousness and whatever remains firmly established in one’s consciousness simply continues to manifest.

However, choosing to make resolutions for positive change indicates that a person is looking more deeply into themselves, recognizing how and what they would like to change, and are attempting to make it happen. The problem is that most resolutions are based in three dimensional concepts about how life could be better–physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, concepts that never really address the underlying root of that which they hope to change.

Long accepted beliefs about how people or life should be in order to be right or successful are no longer resonating as true with an increasing number of individuals. People are beginning to recognize that change happens automatically as they let go of old concepts and allow themselves to expand and embrace ideas that are based in oneness rather than separation and competition. The inner is the outer and so in reality there are no victims but you cannot say that to those who as of yet are only able to understand life from a three dimensional perspective.

Let your New Year resolutions to be about observing, allowing, and ceasing to resist in the realization of yourself as SELF, a Divine Being who chose to be on earth at this time in order to add Light to the collective, clear remaining dense energies, and assist others to awaken. Let your resolutions reflect your evolved state of consciousness, your spirituality. Let them be about love, the reality of all life, and simply BEing.

Resistance adds energy and increasingly empowers whatever is being resisted. The clearing process often causes anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, self loathing, guilt, and all sorts of negative emotions to surface. Do not resist them for their presence does not mean you are reverting back to an old state of consciousness, but rather simply means that you are experiencing the emotions associated with whatever pocket of old energy is moving through. Observe, feel, and simply allow any negative emotions or thoughts. Allow these old energies to flow through and out without giving them power or believing that they are personally yours.

Refusing to give something power in spite of appearances does not mean ignoring someone or situation in need, saying to them; “God is all, it’s not real, its an illusion”. Many have gotten trapped in this three dimensional way of interpreting truth which is the ego based act of pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. Living truth means assisting or stepping in with human footsteps when or if you are intuitively guided to do so while never forgetting the underlying reality and innate Divinity of all involved. This does not mean yanking someone out of their chosen lesson. Always listen to your intuition for guidance in these situations.

There are those who are not yet ready or able to integrate the new and higher resonating energies flowing to earth at this time and are choosing to leave in order to come back into the new earth at a later time. Others are leaving because they believe they can assist earth’s ascension process more fully from the other side. Death is always a choice . Not one made from three dimensional awareness but one made on deeper levels. Many were tired and just wanted to go home and Covid offered this opportunity.

Earth is a very difficult school of evolution but because there is only the ONE Life, no life is ever lost, wasted, or a failure. A person who leaves as the result of addiction, violence, or other negative choices quickly and with the help of Guides begins to understand what he was unable to while on earth. Every soul has infinite opportunities to return to earth armed with a new awareness and prepared to experience and move past that which held him or her in bondage the last time.

This is how spiritual evolution works on earth until at some point the soul has learned all it can from three dimensional experiences and is ready to continue evolution in the higher dimensions .

Pat yourselves on the back dear ones, for it takes a strong and dedicated soul to choose and graduate from earth’s three dimensional school of evolution and then even when it is no longer needed choose to come back in order to help others.

New energies and higher states of consciousness are giving birth to a new earth.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/1/23

Donations are welcomed


by Patricia Cota-Robles

January 1, 2023

Cosmic Beings from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun were given permission by our Father-Mother God to descend into the atmosphere of Earth to help Humanity in powerful ways that we had not been able to vibrationally withstand previously. Our God Parents gave these Beings of Light permission to remain here and to work with every person’s I AM Presence from the September 22nd Equinox thru the December 21st Solstice in 2022. Prior to returning to their distant Homes on the Solstice they blessed Humanity with an activity of Light that prepared each of us in wondrous ways for the Divine Mission we are being Called to fulfill in 2023.

On December 21, 2022, this activity of Light was encoded into the patterns for the New Earth in the Causal Body of God and will be intensified at a cellular level within every Human Being each time we participate in this Gift from the Cosmic Beings. If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now as we empower this Gift from On High for every man, woman and child on Earth. And we begin.

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. In Loving Gratitude I Breathe in my Life Force which is my Gift of Life. With every elevated Holy Breath I take my I AM Presence Consecrates every thought, feeling, word and action I express with Light and Love in appreciation for my Gift of Life.

I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. Collectively Humanity’s I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now Breathing in unison with me as One elevated Holy Breath.

What I invoke for myself this day, I invoke on behalf of every person on this Planet, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the Highest Good for all concerned.

Now, Beloved Presence of God, I AM, through the Divinity blazing in every person’s Heart Flame I invoke the 5th-Dimensional Silent Watchers and the Cosmic Beings who are assisting us from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun. I Invoke the Solar Logos from Earth’s lineage including our Physical Sun – Helios and Vesta, our Central Sun – Alpha and Omega, our Great Central Sun – Elohae and Eloha and our Great, Great Central Sun – El and Ela. I also Invoke the Mighty Elohim and all of the Beings of Light serving the evolutions of Earth from the Realms of Illumined Truth.

On this sacred and holy day, through the Divine Intervention of the entire Company of Heaven now gathered in the atmosphere of Earth, I invoke from the very Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving at this time. Beloved Ones, use this Gift of Light to accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is Transfiguring the carbon-based Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.

Simultaneously, raise Humanity’s newly recalibrated spiritual brain centers as well as our mental bodies, our superconscious minds, our conscious minds, our subconscious minds and our physical brain structures into brand new levels of Divine Consciousness.

This elevated shift of Consciousness is now empowering ALL of Humanity to clearly hear the Inner Voice of our I AM Presence and the Voices from the Beings of Light serving us from the Heavenly Realms as they help us to attain a state of Listening Grace.

From this sacred space I hear a Voice speaking in the deepest recesses of my Heart Flame … and I listen.

The Divine Words reverberating in my Heart Flame remind me that I AM an Instrument of God, and that I have come to Earth during this critical moment to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical world of form. As I listen to these words I remember.

This remembrance stirs within me the Inner Knowing that I have been preparing for aeons of time for my Divine Mission during this Cosmic Moment. Deep within the recesses of my Heart I KNOW that I have all of the wisdom, strength, skill, knowledge, talent and ability I need to succeed in fulfilling my mission God Victoriously … I also have the courage to act NOW.

Suddenly, I hear the Voice of God calling me to a higher octave of Divine Service … I respond with willingness and enthusiasm.

The Voice of God reveals to me that due to the urgency of the hour a contingency plan for the Earth has been set into motion, and my assistance is acutely needed in order for the plan to succeed … I joyously agree to serve in whatever capacity I AM needed.

The Voice of God speaking within my Heart Flame reveals that the time is short and that I AM needed as a surrogate in this unprecedented Divine Plan to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of ALL of Humanity. In deep humility and compassion I volunteer.

I take a deep Breath and I feel myself spiraling up a scintillating shaft of Light. In an instant, I AM standing before the August Presence of the Cosmic Beings that have come temporarily to assist us from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun. These Beings of Light have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to assist Humanity during this critical facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan in ways that have never before been allowed by Cosmic Law. This is being allowed now because the Love of our Mother God has at long last returned and is now reclaiming this Earth.

This Divine Intervention is being monitored by every person’s I AM Presence and will occur for every Son and Daughter of God in alignment with our highest good and the maximum assistance that we are capable of safely assimilating.

As I look upon these Cosmic Beings with wonder and awe, the Light of a thousand Suns seems to be radiating through their Heart Flames. Exquisite colors, fragrances, musical tones and frequencies of vibration beyond anything I have ever experienced begin to permeate my Being. As this wondrous Light enters the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my Earthly Bodies, and all of the spaces in between these particles, I realize that I AM receiving a Baptism by Sacred Fire directly from the Heart of my Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

I now feel my Heart’s Call and I move closer to the luminous Presence of the Cosmic Beings. As One Luminous Presence they place their blazing Hands of Light upon my head and decree:

“With this Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Heart of our Father-Mother God we now Consecrate your Earthly Bodies.”

“We Consecrate your Mind to be One with the Divine Mind of God.”

The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my Heart and decree:

“We Consecrate your Heart to be the Open Door through which our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Limitless Abundance will flow to bless you and all Life.”

The Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my eyes and decree:

“We Consecrate your Eyes to perceive the Truth and to recognize perfection in all things.”

They now place their Hands of Light upon my ears and decree:

“We Consecrate your Ears to hear the still small Voice of God within your Heart for guidance and illumination. Truly listen and respond with Love to all of those who communicate with you.”

The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my lips and decree:

“We Consecrate your Lips to express only Truth and to communicate clearly, openly and honestly whenever you speak.”

They now place their Hands of Light upon my nose and decree:

“We Consecrate your Nostrils to Breathe in the perfectly balanced Holy Breath of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. This elevated Holy Breath will now revitalize, rejuvenate and heal your Earthly Bodies with every Breath you take.”

Their Hands of Light are now placed upon my hands and they decree:

“We Consecrate your Hands to bless and heal all that you touch.”

The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light on my feet and decree:

“We Consecrate your Feet so that as you continue your Earthly sojourn you will walk the Path of Light. As you fulfill your Divine Plan, you will reach your highest potential as an Instrument of God.”

The Cosmic Beings now decree:

“In the name of the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, we decree that this Baptism by Sacred Fire and this Consecration through the Infinite Light of our Father-Mother God has been victoriously fulfilled for every man, woman and child on Earth. This activity of Light has been permanently encoded in the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God. And so it is.”

In deep Humility and Gratitude I express my appreciation for the opportunity to be an Instrument of God in this new and greatly accelerated way. Father-Mother God allow me to be the Open Door for the Light of God and a Force of Healing for all Life I come in contact with during my Earthly sojourn. In my mission of being an Instrument of God I magnetize into my sphere of influence every person, place, condition or thing that I can assist in any way with God’s Infinite Light. Give me the Divine Opportunities to Love all Life FREE on this sweet Earth.

I AM Open! I AM Willing! I AM Receptive! And I AM Grateful!
I AM God’s Infinite Light in Action on Earth!
And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Dear One, this week go within and ask your I AM Presence how you can add to the Light of the World in the most powerful way during this vitally important and wondrous time.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Your Peace and Balance Serves the Whole

woman wearing sports bra with eyes closed

Photo by PNW Production on

Just as you are shifting into the energy of the new year, so is your planet. This is why you will sometimes see earthquakes or weather events in the space between Christmas and the beginning of the new year. The planet will cleanse and release as necessary to align with the energies of the year it is entering.

As you continue to shift, giving yourself whatever you need and then getting back into a space of alignment is incredibly stabilizing, not just for you, but for your planet, as well. You and the planet are in a symbiotic relationship, with each of you being both dependent upon and supportive of the other.

So what we wish for you to understand is that every time you can find peace and balance within yourself, you serve yourself and you serve the whole. Every time the planet shifts and releases and finds its way back into balance, it serves itself and the whole. You are in a beautiful, intricate dance of mutual love and support that is absolutely breathtaking to behold.

You are in a space of energetic adjustment that occurs every year after the influx of Christed energies that happens over Christmas, regardless of your belief system.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Adjust and Align with the New Year

fireworks display wallpaper
Photo by Jonathan Petersson on

You are in a space of energetic adjustment that occurs every year after the influx of Christed energies that happens over Christmas, regardless of your belief system. From that point, there is an accounting of where you are energetically and how much shifting needs to occur in order to align with the energies of the new year you wish to step into.

How you shift personally in order to align with the new year can be vast and varied. You may require more rest. You may find yourself energized or wide awake in the middle of the night. You may feel the need to move your body in specific ways or to eat certain foods. You may be drawn to visit a certain area or walk in nature.

You may feel the need to release an abundance of energy in your body, or you may have old emotions or memories come up that are ready to heal and release. You may feel lightness or you may feel heaviness. You may feel waves that come over you that make you feel moments of anxiety or moments of peace. You may laugh or cry or do both in the same day because both are absolutely wonderful methods of release!

What we wish for you to understand is that all of this is perfectly normal and you are absolutely capable of moving through all of it. Trust the wisdom of your body and the wisdom of your soul. You have prepared well for the times you are in now. Move with the flow of the unfoldment with confidence, curiosity, and excitement because there is progress, and purpose, to it all.


woman on rock platform viewing city
Photo by on

Dear Ones,

You have a need for change. You want more but do not yet know how to obtain it because that need feels just beyond your grasp.

You do not yet understand that you have achieved what you dreamed of before entering the earth in this lifetime. You wanted to help shift the earth. More importantly, you wanted to end the eons of fear karma you and other humans created. But before that could happen, you needed to end your personal human karma.

Many speak of love – that once you open your heart to love, all will be well, as others will gravitate to you and wish the same for themselves. Such is true with a small caveat. Self-love is impossible if your human fear karma continues to be part of your being.

Many months ago, we of the Universes stated that karma was no more. That you were creating a new world and personal life. But you could not fully accept that knowingness for yourself until you released the human fear, anger, anxiety, and self-punishment you accumulated for earth eons. You have been releasing that human-earth karma for the past few weeks.

Perhaps you wonder why, if karma was released years ago, you neglected that human piece until recently. Such is so because you were too frightened to address the human roles you have played.

It is one thing to practice your new or ongoing spiritual skills but quite another to address human self-love. A self-love that requires you to release the fear and pain you have carried for eons. You were a bright shining star maintaining a hidden pocket of self-fear.

Even though you have cleared for seemingly decades now, you did so with your spiritual knowingness instead of addressing your deeply hidden humanness*. Only in the past couple of weeks have you dared to fully open your heart to yourself – to both the good and what you considered bad.

Such is why this holiday season has been difficult for so many.

This season is touted as a family event. Yet for many of you estranged from your family or, more to the point, yourself, the thought of interacting in such a highly volatile time was more than you could face – until you did. Once you faced the karma you secretly berated yourself for, including interactions with those in your family in this life and others, you were able to lift the block that has covered your heart for eons.

Think of that block as a heavy metal safe you finally blew up. You are exhausted, perhaps even angry, not because of the holiday but because of all you have accomplished the past few days.

Take a moment to sense, see, or feel your heart. If you detect any covering, any blockage of flow, remove it, for you are free of those long-held, self-imposed encumbrances to complete self-love. You are free. A freedom that allows you to start again with a fresh slate.

Some of you are concerned that you remain angry with someone or you do not feel anything for those you should love. Again, please know that you have cleared what needs to be cleared so you can fully love yourself as you do in locations other than the earth.

You have cleared your human fears. But just as is true for those with a fever that finally breaks, it might take a few days to actualize your new human being.

You previously cleared your spiritual being with bits and pieces from other locations and segments. You have now also removed all that you feared within yourself from your past and present human actions.

You are free. Free to fully love both your human and spiritual new being. And you are free to start anew.

A new world and a new human you in a new year. So be it. Amen.

*After reading this week’s channel, my friend, Elizabeth Farwell, informed me that the term, Spiritual Bypassing, is using one’s spirituality to avoid facing unresolved issues on a personal, interpersonal, or systemic level. The term was made popular in the 1980s by the late John Welwood, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist.” To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2023, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link:

Archangel Michael Group – Week 87 Message

pink peace light sign
Photo by Jonathan Meyer on

December 25, 2022

Hello everyone. Ivo and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. I believe although more change is in the works for next year that we’ll begin to see some real progress at ground level.

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group. This week’s events in the United States bring the Khazarian mafia front and center in the North American public eye. Many are fooled into thinking that this war between Russia and the Ukraine is about their own politics when in fact the KM use the Ukraine as a base for their operations and homes. Encouraging a war between Russia and the U.S. is exactly what they desired and so now it appears they will have their way.

Mr Putin threatens to take out the KM in the U.S. in the same fashion he did in the Ukraine: through whatever means, even nuclear war. This must not be allowed to happen. The will of the people must be heard and your way of making yourself heard is by sending loving energies in order to quell the tension. There are other solutions that can be affected rather than simply bombing the innocent but your leaders are not as skilled in this diplomacy as they should be.

Please send your energy to the two parties involved and help to raise the mindset of humanity past the level of feeling that war is necessary.

I am Archangel Michael. Together we are the voice of God. We are Legion.


Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega

no matter what is going on in your world, allow yourself to feel the miracle of light, the harvest of light, and the birth of light by simply sitting quietly on any silent night and realizing that in this love, all is calm, and all is bright.

northern lights over mountain and forest
Photo by Mohan Reddy on

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Many of you reading this are celebrating your holidays at this time. However you gather, or whether you gather, you are embraced by those of us in the heavens. You are loved beyond measure and treasured, for you are a gift to the universe. Your every loving thought sends ripples to the far reaches of the cosmos. You, dear ones, are the peace in the silent night. You are the miracle of light in a world in turmoil. You are the embodiment of the values that help humanity evolve. You, dear ones, are a gift to Life itself. Receive our love, as we celebrate the gift that you are.

We would love for you to take a little time amidst your holidays to sit and allow the peace of heaven to wash over you. If you can, take a little time to receive the gift of our love. We love to share it. We hold the vision that you will believe and receive all you wish to experience in this life rather than struggling and striving and trying to figure things out. We would love it, dear ones, if you would receive the love that is waiting because just like your holiday season demonstrates – as you give, you receive, and as you receive, you naturally give.

In the stillness of a Silent night, a baby was born in a cave, in a manger. His mother watched in wonder. His father felt a sense of humble awe, trusting that God would guide him. They were young, unmarried, and far from home. Yet in their child’s eyes – as in the eyes of all newly born children – they saw the Creator’s love. You came into the world, allowing that love to look through your eyes. You, too, are a miracle of love, an embodiment of the light you celebrate. You still have that within you. Sit. Breathe. Receive. Allow us to awaken and bolster that light within so that you can feel the magnitude and miracle of your own being.

In the stillness of a silent night, a tiny bit of oil was lit in the lamp. No one expected it to burn for long. It was cold and dark, and times were dangerous. As the community members again dedicated their temple to the Creator, the light burned long and bright, miraculously so. That light burns within you. Even when you feel you have little left to give to your days – little energy, little time, little money – that light of the Creator is there, ready to burn within you, ready to guide you, prepared to be the beacon inside of you that lights your way. You are not alone dear ones. The light of the Source burns within.

In the stillness of many silent nights, seeds waited in the ground until they sprouted, grew, and gave life. There came a time after nature worked her wonders for the harvest – reaping the first fruits that are a marriage of light and darkness, sun and rain, and nutrients plus waste. Those who celebrate Kwanzaa also celebrate the strength and oneness of the light within.

Dear ones, you are nothing less than an embodiment of the light that creates universes. You are the light present in the child, the lamp, and those first harvest fruits. You are an individual in a human form, but in your depths, you are one with all that is good, pure, and holy.

So no matter what is going on in your world, allow yourself to feel the miracle of light, the harvest of light, and the birth of light by simply sitting quietly on any silent night and realizing that in this love, all is calm, and all is bright.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


person holding white printer paper
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

DECEMBER 22, 2022

(The Creator Writings)

The funny thing about resentments; they keep you right where you are. No moving forward, no moving back, static, unchanging. Now is the time to first forgive yourself and then forgive others. Surrender your resentments and be free. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

Feeling Good is Feeling God.