We want you to C E L E B R A T E!

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday March 12th

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!”  On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated.  Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature.  That has changed, drastically.  Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent.

Those of you who read and channel this kind of spiritual material are increasing in numbers daily, and the effect of your loving individual energy fields is shared and felt planet-wide.  What you are all doing, sometimes without knowing it, is bringing into effect the essential changes that are leading to humanity’s inevitable and unstoppable mass awakening.  You collectively made the choice to awaken, you then set the intent, and that extremely powerful intent is now being acted upon.  You have every reason to be very pleased with your progress, and to celebrate this knowingness daily further strengthens and empowers it.

We want you to C E L E B R A T E !  Yes, CELEBRATE, because humanity, all of you on Planet Earth have been engaged in playing illusory games for eons but have finally chosen to awaken from the nightmare of pain and suffering that has so engrossed you.  And that, you must agree, is truly a cause for celebration.

When you celebrate you raise your energy field, the field of unconditional Love that is your unbreakable connection to Source, and which flows through you in every moment connecting you all together in an inseparable bond of Love, to extremely powerful and all-inspiring levels of spiritual awareness.  This brings you back to an awareness of those in the spiritual and non-physical realms with whom you are always in a very close associative state but whom you have closed off from your awareness while sunk within the distracting and very disempowering lower frequency energies of the illusion.

To begin to know yourselves once more as you truly are is most definitely a reason to celebrate.  Do not be distracted by the ongoing dramas and confusions of the illusion, focus on your true nature – LOVE – and on your eternal connection to Source, to us in the spiritual realms constantly uplifting and supporting you, and to one another in physical form who are but Love incarnate awakening together into the eternal joy from which you have never been separated.

Separation, as we keep on telling you, is utterly impossible.  Nevertheless, when you are experiencing life in the severely limited way that your human forms appear to dictate, separation seems very real indeed.  You are all masters, because that is how you were created, and what God creates is eternally unchanging.  You always have all the power that He gave you at the moment of your creation, but while you focus almost exclusively on the distractions from your spiritual beingness with which the illusion constantly presents you, you cannot get a full sense of this.  And, as physical beings who have a human form, you are limited, you cannot access the infinite power available to a child of God, but you most certainly can access enough to demonstrate quite conclusively to you that you are far, far vaster beings than your physical forms suggest.

To dwell in fear, and anxiously worry about disasters and catastrophes that might befall you, draws you down into the unreality of the illusion and drains your vital energy unnecessarily, leaving you feeling tired and depleted.  When you choose instead to acknowledge and accept this truth you will find yourselves delighting in the knowing of it daily as your lives start to flow far more smoothly because you are engaging with it by choosing to live lovingly instead of fearfully.  Life is an energy field, It is the Love that can and will fill your hearts if you open them and allow It to do so.  You can restrict Its flow by holding onto fear through anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, and other similar negative thought forms that damage you far more than those onto whom you direct those negative energies.

Love expands, welcomes, accepts, heals, and forgives, empowering those who engage with It.  It is the Oneness or the All that is God, Source, and You.  You can ignore It, hide from It, deny It, but you cannot be separated from It, because you are One with It, eternally and inseparably.  And that again is reason enough to celebrate.

You were created in Love, for eternal joy, and that divine intent can never be changed or altered in any way, so It willprevail.  You will awaken into the knowing of who you truly are because it is God’s Will, and your will is inseparable from His.  You can pretend that your wills are separate, that is what the illusion is all about, but pretense is as unreal as the illusion in which you play your games of separation, and the illusion is in the process of disintegrating.

The time for games of separation has passed, and the deep sleep of dreamers that you chose to experience is deeply disturbed.  Love is nudging you back to the state of wakefulness in which you know yourselves as inseparable aspects of God, living in joy and expressing yourselves in endless joint creative ventures where you align in harmonious and uplifting cooperation, bringing intense joy to all of creation.  Endless and limitless opportunities to delight you in every moment await your awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Seen First Here :

Saul via John Smallman, March 12th, 2017


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”New Jerusalem and you see this huge ship… especially as you are coming up to it and it is huge beyond your imagination. Something what is it 2000 miles wide by 2000 miles across each one. Can you imagine the size here, the immenseness? But then when you move inside the ship and you see the ocean! Did I just say the ocean? Yes there is an ocean there. Can you imagine?! There are plants, there are deserts, there are mountains, rivers, streams, valleys. It’s a planet itself you see. And you would be within it and on it. You see? It is amazing what is coming”

One Who Serves


One Who Serves and Aramda via John McConnell, March 5th, 2017

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Nothing Matters More Than To Feel More Than Fine



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Greetings, Beloved Family! That was a most inspiring report!* And in case you have any questions about it, remember – IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE!!! Now, I will start by adding some additional information about Mr.Trump. You all know what he’s doing, because he is attracting a great deal of attention with his pronouncements and directives, and so on and so on. You heard more from our Master Reporters.* And I want to assure each and every one of you that, while we (from the Lighted Realms) stay out of judgment, we do observe!

We are, first of all, in communication with him and various others – and he does know! He may not have accepted it, but he has been told that he, like everyone else, does not have a ‘get out of jail free’ card, as you might call it. He will face consequences for whatever dark actions he has done. And indeed – well, I’ll just say that he is greatly afraid.

Now, that does not at all cancel the effect that he is creating with his activities and pronouncements. I have stated before – I have called him a great ‘alarm clock,’ and this is because his very programs are causing people – who have not been awake before – to wake up and say, ‘Wait a minute – or however long it takes – we need to do something to turn this around, to change this, or eliminate that, or substitute, or whatever it is, depending upon the individual circumstances!

And the best way to accomplish this for all of us – yes, we’re in this together – it doesn’t matter whether you are in a human body or beyond it – there’s part of you that is a Light Being anyway, that part of you that resides in the Higher levels. We’re all moving toward the same destination, which is the Golden Age, and we are doing this together with you! We are here WITH you to accompany you on the Path and to facilitate as much as we can – but we cannot do it all!!!

It’s not like we can give you a pill and say, ‘Take this, go to bed tonight, and tomorrow you will wake up in the Golden Age – and we’ll take care of everything else,’ because we are not empowered by the Galactic Federation and the Council of Elders, and the others, to do that for you! You must do it yourselves, Beloved Ones!!!

But we are here WITH you. We are available and we are approachable! So call upon us for whatever there is you see that you want to accomplish, regardless of what it is. And I will ask that ALL OF YOU send the LoveLight to NESARA, and to Mr. Trump and his cronies, his backers, to those to whom he owes money and other favors. Put the Light on the whole dark hat agenda!!! Don’t be distracted overly so by the factionalisms. Don’t think that, just because you favor one thing that Mr. Trump does, or you are angry at one thing that he does, that this makes you for or against him, or anyone else. What are YOU for? Love, Peace, Freedom for all, Abundance for all, and everything else that comes from Love!!!

And as you empower these energies even more by adding your own to them, and by calling upon these incoming energies to join you in your energy fields – and then sending them out, whether it is as an individual or in a group – you are helping us! And that means that we, in turn, can do more to help Planet Earth to reach its destination which it has chosen. YOU’VE CHOSEN IT!!! And more and more people are coming to that realization. It might be one issue, one event, onesomething that captures the imagination, the emotions, the spirit – and, yes, the concentration of the minds – of large numbers of people.

Think about Standing Rock. Think about being in the majority because you are representing LOVE with us! Think about the fear that the dark hats had, the ones who wanted to push the lines through – regardless of the damage that it did, the disrespect for the spirituality and the spirits who were there. And, yes, if you have a moment, look up Trinity Point Farm.** It’s another Standing Rock, another pipeline issue, another water to protect, and the sacredness of the land and all that is there on the land!

And, you know, all of these power points, or whatever you want to call them, this connection, this grid, is powering up more and more – and you know about that! You know about the crystals and you know about all of the sacred places. Where is the most sacred place for each one of you? I’ll give you a hint! It’s not stationary. As long as you’re sitting in that chair, it’s there. But when you get up out of that chair, where is the sacred point for you? It’s in your Heart!!! And so it travels with you. And this is another way of saying that we have this Grid of Love here in this Ashtar On The Road Family. And we invite anyone and everyone to join with us, and we join with everyone who is bringing in Love and sharing it.

Now, who do you think the majority, Worldwide, is? You’ve heard talk about, you know, the one percent. That usually refers to money, but it also refers to power, control – and all of those things that, right in this moment, on third dimensional Earth, money can buy. Well, that’s becoming less and less reality, even in 3D because you see we have to reach into 3D, then reach out through it,in order to move up and out of it!!!

So remember that, Beloved Ones! Be not in judgment of Mr.Trump, no matter what he says or does. Remember, he’s here to wake people up, and rejoice – or not – at what he says or does. I’m not speaking of him, even if there is something that you are appreciating, such as the spotlight that he is putting upon the toxicities contained and traveling into everyone who has a vaccination or an immunization of any kind. And you’ve just heard the latest scoop on that, and what’s in there now, in addition to everything else.

Yes, rejoice at the spotlight that he is shining on it and everything else, and SEND HIM LOVE!!! We need to join together in unconditionality. It’s not about, ‘Well, Mr. Trump, I will love you and support you as long as you do what I want you to do.’ That’s not it! He is doing what he has wanted to do, and this is waking people up and causing a lot of attitude change, a lot of releasing of old programs. Realizations are coming hard, fast and strong to everyone, and that is causing the opening of the Hearts, so as to lift up into the Higher Realities!

Another way of looking at this, Beloved Ones, is if you get too invested in following all the details and waiting for tomorrow’s news with an anticipation of what you’re going to find there, and so on and so on, you can get distracted away from that which is your Mission, which is to be Love, to share Love, to pay Love forward, and to teach Love!!!

This is exactly why we are telling you that one of the big dark hat programs – the dinar-dong currency ‘RV’ that they’ve made it up to be – is so distracting. Those of you who hang on ‘today-today, tomorrow-tomorrow,’ would be better serving yourselves to let go and just say, ‘Whatever.’ If you want to hang on to them, hang on to them – it’s your choice. If you want to let go of them, then let go of them. No matter what you decide, let go of the distraction that they are causing in your lives!!! And that is just another example

We are giving you examples of distractions in order to encourage you to be all that you came here to be, to do your absolute utmost that you can do in the program of Love – Unconditional, High Dimensional Love! And the more you do that, the more you will benefit, the more you will prosper, the more you will heal your own wonderful selves!!! Don’t let anyone else get hold of you and instill their programs and their attitudes in you.

Think for yourselves from your Hearts. FEEL for yourselves and then, JUST GET WITH THE LOVE, and all that you are wanting to see in the way of changes – within yourselves, and Worldwide, and beyond – will come that much sooner and that much easier, and we will have the Paradise on Earth that we have been working toward! It’s already there and waiting, and we are accompanying you by being here with you, even though we are a presence, of course, in the Higher Realms as well. We are here with you because it’s our Mission to be in this Oneness, this Love and, yes, this Accomplishment of Mission together with you and, really, with Planet Earth – all of the Kingdoms – and beyond. And so, Beloved Ones, thank you for coming to this Gathering! More ‘magick’ is ahead!**** And so it is. Salut!


Earth’s School of Universal Knowing

Our Galactic Family through Suzanne Lie

We, your Galactic Family, wish to send you more information about the NOW of your Personal and Planetary Ascension. Very often, your physical body tells you what your brain is afraid to know. The brain has to house all of your old guilt, lies, and hidden truths. Therefore, the body often acts as a threshold keeper for your fifth dimensional consciousness and fifth dimensional spirit.

Your body will know before your mind when your consciousness is expanding into the higher frequencies, as well as when it is collapsing back into your third dimensional self and/or into your third dimensional consciousness, which, of course, are all the same.

Your third dimensional self and your third dimensional consciousness work in tandem to assist you to perceive and interact with your third dimensional world. Your third dimensional consciousness binds you to your third dimensional self, and your third dimensional self binds your consciousness to your third dimensional body.

When your body feels safe and sound it can expand into its innate fifth dimensional frequency, resonance and state of consciousness. Meanwhile, the fifth dimension is dipping further and further into the core of all third-dimensional matter. Just as there is fifth dimensional matter in the core of Gaia, there is fifth-dimensional matter within the core of all physical life.

In the same manner that all seeds have the promise of new life in the core of that which you may think has no life force, all life on, or in, Gaia’s earth, air, fire, water and ethers has a small, or large, core of fifth-dimensional matter.

With that core, every molecule of life echoes the inner need to focus on the fifth-dimensional core of Gaia’s sacred Core Crystals. This Core Crystals are located in the core of Gaia’s Planetary SELF.

Gaia has been recalibrating her planetary self since She slightly fell off her axis during the fall of Atlantis.  What was known as humans was greatly diminished due to the many experiments on them under the direction of the dark ones during the time of Atlantis.

Fortunately, the dark ones are now dying off, and many of their children are not willing to be on that dark dimension. Therefore the Illuminati are beginning to die off. There are, of course, many examples of power over other rulers that must be transmuted within your Now. You, the members of humanity during this “ Now” of planetary shift, are being called on to assist your Mother Planet, Gaia.

Gaia is a loving being who is pregnant with her fifth-dimensional child. The dark ones are also aware of Gaia’s ability to transmute her planetary self into a higher frequency. She has been practicing this transmutation deep inside her core for longer than your 3D time could count because Gaia could always feel the fifth-dimensional resonance, which was growing in her core.

However, due to all of the assistance of the Galactics, the Angelics and the higher dimensional guests that are now living within Her core, Gaia is beginning to “right her self” in preparation for Her Planetary Ascension.

NOW, long extinct “keys” are turning to open up long lost places within Gaia’s body. Just like your human body, Gaia’s planetary body is greatly influenced by the emotions and thoughts that are sent to Her. Gaia’s core crystals have downloaded all the messages, and she is translating all of these messages into fifth-dimensional Light language.

The multidimensional power of fifth-dimensional Light language imprints into Gaia’s body in the same manner that a tattoo imprints onto a human’s body. Once this imprint is created, it takes another request from a majority of humanity to activate it.

Please think of Gaia as a huge living computer. A computer downloads files and interprets, activates, carries out certain commands. In the same manner, humanity’s requests are noted and eventually acted on by Gaia. When that action occurs it is according to planetary needs, rather than human needs.

How can a planet have enough consciousness to refuse or accept a command? Even now there are growing episodes of Gaia changing. After all, how could Gaia not change now that the fifth-dimensional Light is rising up from Her core crystals, and simultaneously, descending down from the areas of space beyond Her atmosphere?

As this higher dimensional frequency of Light moves into Gaia’s atmosphere, it transmutes much of the lower dimensions of pollution. There is an Alpha, which is the beginning of this process, as well as an Omega, which is Gaia’s finale. In other words, this NOW is the beginning of that which will evolve into Gaia’s shift.

The first fifth-dimensional Gamma Waves of light are coming to Earth. All of those who represent “power over others” will be shocked and confused by this frequency of light. At first humanity may also be shocked, and may even become frightened.

But soon they will remember that they are not just third-dimensional vessels of clay like they were told in the many lies that were fed to them. Instead, more and more of humanity are beginning to realize the Truth that the Higher Light shares with them in their daily lives.

Fortunately, because of the conscious, or even unconscious, growing exposure to the Higher Light, humans are beginning to expand their resonance, and thus their state of consciousness, into the higher fourth and fifth dimensions.

How will this occur, we hear you ask? This miracle has always been within the Now of the fifth-dimensional ones.

You do not need to change or improve that which you fear and/or judge. Instead, please release the darkness, which is usually fear that has always hid in the hidden corners of your consciousness. As you release these ancient fears and frustrations into the Higher Light, the dark shadows that have accumulated in Gaia’s aura, due to humanity’s fears and aggressions will clear.

Free of humanity’s wounded or wounding shadow, Gaia will be able to perceive and accept the Higher Light, not from a side angle in which the light cast too many shadows to see the truth, but straight down and in from above and beyond.

Also, it was “Step One” of the Great Plan for all of the illusions and shadows to be visible so that the Ascending Ones could learn to discern between that which was Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love, and that which was illusion and power over.

When humanity is ready to perceive, and more deeply understand, the truth about the amount of darkness that has freely encompassed this world, they will be called into active duty. The Awakened Ones have learned through many incarnations that if you fight the dark by being dark you become dark.

Then you will have lost. You will have lost the fight and most important, you will have lost your connection with your SELF. The winner of this “planetary contest” is to be TheOne. The One of which we speak is the collective consciousness of all humanity, as well as all of humanity’s life forms that are united into the process of Planetary Ascension.

Once humanity is united within this process of Planetary Ascension, the force of that unified and collective intention will absorb into the very fabric of time/space. Then, the Collective Personal Consciousness of humanity will expand into the Collective Planetary Consciousness of humanity.

How does this occur?  In order to retain the power within that allowed you to first take an earth vessel, you will be called on to combine that courage with all of the light, love, fear and challenges that you have ever experienced in all of your earthly incarnations, so that you can begin your process of completion.

Once you are complete, which means that you have balanced all the energy fields of all of your myriad incarnations. “Balancing,” means that you have released the polarities of “good vs. bad,” or even “you vs. them” to discover and resonate to the ONE.

You will have also learned that “time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimension.” It when you have released this illusion that you can more easily enter the fifth dimensional NOW.

Finally, remember that in order to graduate/ascend from the “Earth School of Universal Knowing” you will need to have have learned/remembered the Center Pathway that travels in-between to connect all third dimensional polarities.

 When you are in-between all polarities, you are free of all the fear and darkness that you have experienced in all of your incarnations. Free of fear and darkness, you can more easily remember that


It is then that you will graduate from the “Earth School of Universal Knowing.”

What is Universal Knowing?

When you understand and live that answer to that question, you will ascend!


PERCEIVE that reality as already manifested.

FEEL how joyous you are to finally be achieving this goal, gift AND destination.

ALLOW the details of that reality to remain a bit blurring, as you perceive them in the higher   dimensions.

MOVE though the chaos that precedes all change by creating a Portal of Light that easily opens before you.

SEE the portal of light before you.

NOTICE how the portal is opening for YOU.

IMAGINE yourself entering that portal.

NOTE your first thoughts and emotions as you move through the portal.

HOW do these thoughts and feelings influence your experience?

ACCEPT and unconditionally love all your fearful and negative thoughts as components of your self.

SEND all these fears and negative thoughts your Unconditional Love.

ACKNOWLEDGE that you are very brave to create this new reality.

SHARE this unconditional love with your grounded self.

UNDERSTAND that this journey can be difficult because you must look deep into your self.

LOOK deeply within your many aspects of SELF.

INVITE any aspects of self that do NOT want this change to communicate with you.

EMBRACE this communication with love and patience. 


See first here:

Our Galactic Family via Suzanne Lie, March 6th, 2017


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Multidimensional Message To 3D Mind



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The Schumann Resonances Exploded Last Sunday During Our Meditation

COBRA Update – Etheric Liberation Report – March 1, 2017

The critical mass has been more than reached. Somewhere between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation with around 150,000 to 200,000 people actually participating. There were so many people meditating that the server for one of the main websites for the meditation crashed because too many people tried to connect and join the meditation.

I first noticed that something extraordinary is happening around 2 hours before the activation when I began to receive certain intel of a critically important nature, parts of which I will be able to release in the following weeks and months. Then less than one hour before the activation it became obvious that we will reach the critical mass and I was instructed to communicate that through my blog just before the activation started.

At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.

This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below:

Шумановские резонансы (Schumann resonances)

This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.

It means that the „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the „head“ remains.

Since our activation, healing of the „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity is proceeding faster than expected.

Since our activation, Galactic Confederation forces have become very active inside the Moon orbit towards the Earth surface. It is not a coincidence that the next day Elon musk announced that he will send two people to the moon and back in 2018:


Galactic Confederation forces have taken absolute passive control over all communication satellites in geostationary orbit and relative passive control over communication satellites in Molniya orbit:


Passive control means that the Light forces can take over the satellite broadcast but will not do so because the Cabal would then retaliate to the hostage surface population. After the Event they will take active control, meaning they will actually use these satellites for TV broadcasts similar to this one.

Vrillon: A Message from the Ashtar Galactic Command

The rift in the auric energy field above Congo has been sealed. This has triggered a positive chain reaction in the energy grid around the planet, causing the etheric and plasma Archons to start losing control fast, liberating all other important energy vortexes around the planet. This will finally bring world peace because all wars have their occult reason in negative etheric and plasma entities engineering war and possessing war leaders:


The leadership of Daesh is now confused and in shock, suddenly feeling lost without strategic military guidance of negative entities that possessed them before.

They are losing Mosul, the location of a very important Nineveh Goddess vortex.


The liberated Nineveh vortex has already yielded some important archeological discoveries:


They are also losing their remaining strongholds of the Syria pentagram.

They are losing Raqqa:


And Palmyra:



Although big victories have been achieved, the battle for planet Earth is not over yet and we need to keep pushing until the final liberation.

If you feel so guided, you can still join our Ascension Conference on March 11th and 12th in Taiwan:


Victory of the Light!


Feel More Than Fine Workshop At Coco Mat

Combining Meditation,Reiki,Chi Gung,Dance,Music and Playful Interaction here are few pictures of my 4 hour workshop on a rainy afternoon at  Coco Mat in Dusseldorf,Germany.

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<option value=”East Timor”>East Timor</option>
<option value=”Ecuador”>Ecuador</option>
<option value=”Egypt”>Egypt</option>
<option value=”El Salvador”>El Salvador</option>
<option value=”Equatorial Guinea”>Equatorial Guinea</option>
<option value=”Eritrea”>Eritrea</option>
<option value=”Estonia”>Estonia</option>
<option value=”Ethiopia”>Ethiopia</option>
<option value=”Falkland Islands”>Falkland Islands</option>
<option value=”Faroe Islands”>Faroe Islands</option>
<option value=”Fiji”>Fiji</option>
<option value=”Finland”>Finland</option>
<option value=”France”>France</option>
<option value=”French Guiana”>French Guiana</option>
<option value=”French Polynesia”>French Polynesia</option>
<option value=”French Southern Territories”>French Southern Territories</option>
<option value=”Gabon”>Gabon</option>
<option value=”Gambia”>Gambia</option>
<option value=”Germany”>Germany</option>
<option value=”Ghana”>Ghana</option>
<option value=”Gibraltar”>Gibraltar</option>
<option value=”Greece”>Greece</option>
<option value=”Greenland”>Greenland</option>
<option value=”Grenada”>Grenada</option>
<option value=”Guadeloupe”>Guadeloupe</option>
<option value=”Guam”>Guam</option>
<option value=”Guatemala”>Guatemala</option>
<option value=”Guernsey”>Guernsey</option>
<option value=”Guinea”>Guinea</option>
<option value=”Guinea-Bissau”>Guinea-Bissau</option>
<option value=”Guyana”>Guyana</option>
<option value=”Haiti”>Haiti</option>
<option value=”Heard and Mc Donald Islands”>Heard and Mc Donald Islands</option>
<option value=”Honduras”>Honduras</option>
<option value=”Hong Kong”>Hong Kong</option>
<option value=”Hungary”>Hungary</option>
<option value=”Iceland”>Iceland</option>
<option value=”India”>India</option>
<option value=”Indonesia”>Indonesia</option>
<option value=”Iran”>Iran</option>
<option value=”Iraq”>Iraq</option>
<option value=”Ireland”>Ireland</option>
<option value=”Israel”>Israel</option>
<option value=”Italy”>Italy</option>
<option value=”Jamaica”>Jamaica</option>
<option value=”Japan”>Japan</option>
<option value=”Jersey  (Channel Islands)”>Jersey  (Channel Islands)</option>
<option value=”Jordan”>Jordan</option>
<option value=”Kazakhstan”>Kazakhstan</option>
<option value=”Kenya”>Kenya</option>
<option value=”Kiribati”>Kiribati</option>
<option value=”Kuwait”>Kuwait</option>
<option value=”Kuwait”>Kuwait</option>
<option value=”Kyrgyzstan”>Kyrgyzstan</option>
<option value=”Lao People’s Democratic Republic”>Lao People’s Democratic Republic</option>
<option value=”Latvia”>Latvia</option>
<option value=”Lebanon”>Lebanon</option>
<option value=”Lesotho”>Lesotho</option>
<option value=”Liberia”>Liberia</option>
<option value=”Libya”>Libya</option>
<option value=”Liechtenstein”>Liechtenstein</option>
<option value=”Lithuania”>Lithuania</option>
<option value=”Luxembourg”>Luxembourg</option>
<option value=”Macau”>Macau</option>
<option value=”Macedonia”>Macedonia</option>
<option value=”Madagascar”>Madagascar</option>
<option value=”Malawi”>Malawi</option>
<option value=”Malaysia”>Malaysia</option>
<option value=”Maldives”>Maldives</option>
<option value=”Mali”>Mali</option>
<option value=”Malta”>Malta</option>
<option value=”Marshall Islands”>Marshall Islands</option>
<option value=”Martinique”>Martinique</option>
<option value=”Mauritania”>Mauritania</option>
<option value=”Mauritius”>Mauritius</option>
<option value=”Mayotte”>Mayotte</option>
<option value=”Mexico”>Mexico</option>
<option value=”Micronesia, Federated States of”>Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
<option value=”Moldova, Republic of”>Moldova, Republic of</option>
<option value=”Monaco”>Monaco</option>
<option value=”Mongolia”>Mongolia</option>
<option value=”Montenegro”>Montenegro</option>
<option value=”Montserrat”>Montserrat</option>
<option value=”Morocco”>Morocco</option>
<option value=”Mozambique”>Mozambique</option>
<option value=”Myanmar”>Myanmar</option>
<option value=”Namibia”>Namibia</option>
<option value=”Nauru”>Nauru</option>
<option value=”Nepal”>Nepal</option>
<option value=”Netherlands”>Netherlands</option>
<option value=”Netherlands Antilles”>Netherlands Antilles</option>
<option value=”New Caledonia”>New Caledonia</option>
<option value=”New Zealand”>New Zealand</option>
<option value=”Nicaragua”>Nicaragua</option>
<option value=”Niger”>Niger</option>
<option value=”Nigeria”>Nigeria</option>
<option value=”Niue”>Niue</option>
<option value=”Norfolk Island”>Norfolk Island</option>
<option value=”North Korea”>North Korea</option>
<option value=”Northern Mariana Islands”>Northern Mariana Islands</option>
<option value=”Norway”>Norway</option>
<option value=”Oman”>Oman</option>
<option value=”Pakistan”>Pakistan</option>
<option value=”Palau”>Palau</option>
<option value=”Palestine”>Palestine</option>
<option value=”Panama”>Panama</option>
<option value=”Papua New Guinea”>Papua New Guinea</option>
<option value=”Paraguay”>Paraguay</option>
<option value=”Peru”>Peru</option>
<option value=”Philippines”>Philippines</option>
<option value=”Pitcairn”>Pitcairn</option>
<option value=”Poland”>Poland</option>
<option value=”Portugal”>Portugal</option>
<option value=”Puerto Rico”>Puerto Rico</option>
<option value=”Qatar”>Qatar</option>
<option value=”Republic of Georgia”>Republic of Georgia</option>
<option value=”Reunion”>Reunion</option>
<option value=”Romania”>Romania</option>
<option value=”Russia”>Russia</option>
<option value=”Russia”>Russia</option>
<option value=”Rwanda”>Rwanda</option>
<option value=”Saint Kitts and Nevis”>Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
<option value=”Saint Lucia”>Saint Lucia</option>
<option value=”Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
<option value=”Samoa (Independent)”>Samoa (Independent)</option>
<option value=”San Marino”>San Marino</option>
<option value=”Sao Tome and Principe”>Sao Tome and Principe</option>
<option value=”Saudi Arabia”>Saudi Arabia</option>
<option value=”Senegal”>Senegal</option>
<option value=”Serbia”>Serbia</option>
<option value=”Serbia”>Serbia</option>
<option value=”Seychelles”>Seychelles</option>
<option value=”Sierra Leone”>Sierra Leone</option>
<option value=”Singapore”>Singapore</option>
<option value=”Slovakia”>Slovakia</option>
<option value=”Slovenia”>Slovenia</option>
<option value=”Solomon Islands”>Solomon Islands</option>
<option value=”Somalia”>Somalia</option>
<option value=”South Africa”>South Africa</option>
<option value=”South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands”>South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
<option value=”South Korea”>South Korea</option>
<option value=”South Korea”>South Korea</option>
<option value=”Spain”>Spain</option>
<option value=”Sri Lanka”>Sri Lanka</option>
<option value=”St. Helena”>St. Helena</option>
<option value=”St. Pierre and Miquelon”>St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>
<option value=”Sudan”>Sudan</option>
<option value=”Sudan”>Sudan</option>
<option value=”Suriname”>Suriname</option>
<option value=”Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands”>Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands</option>
<option value=”Swaziland”>Swaziland</option>
<option value=”Sweden”>Sweden</option>
<option value=”Switzerland”>Switzerland</option>
<option value=”Syria”>Syria</option>
<option value=”Taiwan”>Taiwan</option>
<option value=”Tajikistan”>Tajikistan</option>
<option value=”Tanzania”>Tanzania</option>
<option value=”Thailand”>Thailand</option>
<option value=”Togo”>Togo</option>
<option value=”Tokelau”>Tokelau</option>
<option value=”Tonga”>Tonga</option>
<option value=”Trinidad and Tobago”>Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value=”Trinidad and Tobago”>Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value=”Trinidad and Tobago”>Trinidad and Tobago</option>
<option value=”Tunisia”>Tunisia</option>
<option value=”Turkey”>Turkey</option>
<option value=”Turkmenistan”>Turkmenistan</option>
<option value=”Turks &amp; Caicos Islands”>Turks &amp; Caicos Islands</option>
<option value=”Turks and Caicos Islands”>Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
<option value=”Tuvalu”>Tuvalu</option>
<option value=”Uganda”>Uganda</option>
<option value=”Ukraine”>Ukraine</option>
<option value=”United Arab Emirates”>United Arab Emirates</option>
<option value=”United Kingdom”>United Kingdom</option>
<option value=”United Kingdom”>United Kingdom</option>
<option value=”Uruguay”>Uruguay</option>
<option value=”USA Minor Outlying Islands”>USA Minor Outlying Islands</option>
<option value=”Uzbekistan”>Uzbekistan</option>
<option value=”Vanuatu”>Vanuatu</option>
<option value=”Vatican City State (Holy See)”>Vatican City State (Holy See)</option>
<option value=”Venezuela”>Venezuela</option>
<option value=”Vietnam”>Vietnam</option>
<option value=”Virgin Islands (British)”>Virgin Islands (British)</option>
<option value=”Virgin Islands (U.S.)”>Virgin Islands (U.S.)</option>
<option value=”Wallis and Futuna Islands”>Wallis and Futuna Islands</option>
<option value=”Western Sahara”>Western Sahara</option>
<option value=”Yemen”>Yemen</option>
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I AM Abundance,I AM.

I AM in possesion of my own world,I AM the Intelligence that is governing it ,i command the Big and Radiante Intelligence of God to enter my world,i command  it to bring  God’s infinite Abundance and Prosperity visible into my hands and for my own use.I command it to create total perfection,love and beauty.I AM the Master Presence fully activated now.I speak and command with authority,I AM.

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Etheric Liberation.Make This Viral!

Thursday, February 16, 2017


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on February 26th to create a portal through which we will enlighten the energy field around the planet.
Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:
This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex. That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo. This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence. Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area. This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people there are possessed by Reptilian entities:


Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996. Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

Our meditation will begin to heal this energy vortex and seal the rift in planetary energy field that was created in Congo in 1996 (the image posted here is symbolic):

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide and will actually reverse the negative effects of the 1996 invasion.

Path of totality of our Solar eclipse actually touches Congo:
Astrological chart for our meditation shows a cardinal grand square of Mars/Uranus, Vesta, Jupiter and Pluto, which signifies planetary tension that we have been feeling since the beginning of the year and will only be completely resolved in mid-April. The Sun-Moon conjunction of the eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces serves as a huge focal lens for energy that will begin to resolve this planetary tension. Grand trine of Juno, Ceres and Lunar Node is like a huge arrow that points to the position right across the zodiac opposite of the eclipse, at 8 degrees Virgo. That is the position of Thuban, the home star of the positive Dragon families. They will play one of the pivotal roles in our meditation.
We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26th at 3:55 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 4:55 pm EET in Cairo, 4:55 pm CAT in Bukavu in Congo, 2:55 pm GMT in London, 9:55 am EST in New York, 8:55 am CST in Chicago, 7:55 am MST in Denver, 6:55 am PST in Los Angeles, and 10:55 pm CST in Taipei.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process healing for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Congo vortex and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Africa and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.
5. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all raped women in Congo, healing all Congolese people and bringing peace to the country. Visualize this divine feminine energy sealing the rift in the planetary aura in Congo. Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Africa and healing all people there Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Updates about the Etheric Liberation meditation:

Try this meditation to raise your vibrations and to set positive intentions around attracting abundance and money into your life.

Archangel Michael via Victoria Cochrane, February 14th, 2017

Money is a necessity on Earth and it is the cause of many sorrows, worries and anxieties. Lack of money can result in extreme poverty and is the biggest cause of inequity on the planet. Why is it that some people live in extreme wealth and attract it all their lives whilst many others struggle with lack of money and cannot turn it around?

Everything in the universe is made up of matter which is energetic in nature. It may be static or fluid but it all emits an energy. When people interact with each other they exchange their energy. The frequency with which they are each vibrating at will affect the nature of the interaction. When one person is vibrating lower than the other the exchange will be uneven and could result in a sapping of energy of the other person. The exchange of energy that is returned will also match that which has been given. Whether this is intentional or not, the interaction is likely to be unpleasant for the other person whose energy is higher.

The same is to be said with money, which is an energy form used to equalise the exchange. When a person’s vibration is low and whose expectation is that will continue to have no money, the return will be the same. When a person holds an intention and focuses their energy on it they will manifest it. Saying to oneself that you never have any money, that you are broke and can’t afford anything is the same as holding an intention. You believe it therefore you manifest it. The Law of Attraction states that what you give out will come back to you in equal measure. Thus you create your reality with every thought that creates intention, whether you know it or not. Change your intention and you will change your reality.

Try this meditation to raise your vibrations and to set positive intentions around attracting abundance and money into your life:

Close your eyes. Breathe in and out on a slow count of four three or four times, relaxing into your chair. When you are ready, breathe in, filling your lungs and expanding your abdomen. Breathe out and send your energy right down through your body, legs and feet and down into the ground. See it as light if that helps or just feel yourself grounding. You are now going to clear each chakra through your breath. See each chakra as dark and murky and breathe out stress and breathe in light, love and peace, clearing each chakra with every breath. Stay there until the chakra feels clear or the colour is clear, bright and unblocked. On the next in-breath bring your focus up to your base chakra, breathing in light, love and peace and breathing out stress, anxiety and fear. When the colour is a clear red or it feels clear and unblocked, move your awareness up to your sacral chakra, again breathing out stress and bringing in light, love and peace until the colour is a clear orange and it feels clear. Do this for each chakra- base red, sacral orange, solar plexus, yellow, heart chakra green, throat chakra blue, third eye indigo and the crown chakra, violet. In your crown, feel it opening with every out-breath, expanding your awareness and your connection to the All.

On the next in-breath, take your energy above your crown to your soul star chakra. This is the gateway to your five galactic chakras and your entry into the energy of the Seventh Plane or the Creator. As you sit in this energy, see yourself surrounded by a bright, pearlescent white light. Feel the energy expanding around you until that is all there is. There are no colours or people, just a feeling of unconditional love and peace. You are now one with the Creator of All That Is.

This is the highest energy in which to manifest all that is good and positive in your life. You must watch your thoughts whilst in this energy, for anything you intend will be, so keep your intentions positive and always ask for your highest and best. Now it is time to manifest abundance! Remember that abundance comes in many forms, not just money, so you must be very clear in what you ask for. Always holds the intention that any abundance coming into your life does so in the highest and best way in the forms that you desire one by one- having a good job, living in the house of your dreams, driving a nice car, eating fantastic food—- see each vision and give thanks for your abundance, ask that it come to you in the highest and best way, then fill it with light until it becomes one with the light. When you have finished with each one give thanks and then say “It is so, it is so, it is so.”

When you have manifested everything you wish for, fill yourself with the light of the Creator and feel the love and joy of being alive. Give thanks for what you have and for the abundance that is coming into your life. Hold yourself in this energy and hold the intention that you receive a message for your highest and best. Then clear your mind and allow Creator to speak to you.

After you have received the message feel yourself coming back into your body. The light around you shrinks and your energy becomes centred in your heart space. When you open your eyes you are grounded, centred, peaceful and thankful for all that you have and all that is about to be!

I AM Archangel Michael.


Seen First Here:

Archangel Michael via Victoria Cochrane, February 14th, 2017



Light Permeates Everything!

So much information coming out that we have difficulty to follow everything.

Here are few links that will help you to remember where we come from , who we truly are and what we are here for.

Cobra Transcript Interview with Prepare For Change Turkey

The Collective of Guides via Salena Migeot, February 1st, 2017

“A War in Space & Inner earth with Out of This World Beings aproved by President Trump.



Flat Earth “Theory,” Antarctica Alien Reclamation Zone: FAKE NEWS?




Gift for today:

Extremely Powerful Shaman Shamanic Drumming | Mandala Magico | Meditation Music | Chakra Cleansing

You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload.

Michael’s Message

            Beloved masters, the winds of change are blowing strongly within your inner and outer worlds, and you often feel you are being tumbled about by the winds of fate. You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload. Everything is changing so rapidly in your world that you can no longer depend on what was considered to be the norm, and there is such a plethora of new information that it is difficult to know what to believe. Old concepts are being updated and the philosophies of the Eastern and Western worlds are blending as higher expanded truths are being presented for your learning as humanity strives to become spiritual adults and masters of their destiny.
          There are many paths to en-LIGHTEN-ment and many variations and levels of the truth; however, the universal laws and Creator truth are immutable. There are essential truths in every religion, and if you strip away the dogma, man-made superstitions and limitations, you will find they all contain more similarities than differences. Instead of criticizing or condemning the beliefs of others, would it not be better to seek a common ground of understanding? The majority of humanity does not have a clue about the origins or major beliefs of other religions, and yet there is condemnation of all beliefs that are not one’s own. The core cause of all the wars of the past, and the wars that are presently raging around the world are based on conflicting religious beliefs−how sad and how futile. There can be no winners; everyone loses in the rage and fury for supremacy that is rampant on Earth.
          I have asked my messenger to research and give you a condensed synopsis of some of the similarities and the differences between the Eastern and the Western world views, as well as a condensed overview of the major religions of the world, past and present. It is important that you understand the customs and beliefs of your brothers and sisters around the world if you are to move forward on the path of reunification and harmony.
          Humanity is gradually moving beyond the narrow concept of isolationism and secular “religion” into the expanded and cohesive truth of spirituality whereby you turn inward and connect to your own Divine Source for Creator truth and universal laws to guide you, instead of turning to someone you think is more knowledgeable and powerful than you. In the past, humanity has been mostly of a herd-state mentality, and it has been a common practice to follow the man-made religious laws as defined by others: dogmatic beliefs or superstitions which were/are often steeped in fear.
Herein we will list some of the similarities and also some of the differences:
Eastern view: Belief in a Supreme Deity, maker of all Souls and all things, and in lesser deities.
Western view: Belief in a Supreme Deity, maker of all Souls and all things, including angelic beings and the heavenly host.
Eastern view: Salvation is through strict obedience to God’s will, and the descent of His grace through spiritual enlightenment.
Western view: Salvation is through strict obedience to God’s will, usually through a messiah, prophet, minister or priest.
Eastern view: Moral living is essential to spiritual progress, for unrighteous thoughts, words and deeds keep you from spiritual liberation.
Western view: Religion is based on ethical and moral conduct as outlined in the Ten Commandments; the opposite leads you away from God.
Eastern view: There is more to reality than we can experience with the five senses.  The Soul is immortal, deathless and eternal, and will ultimately be liberated from the cycle of rebirth.
Western view: There is a reality beyond what we experience on Earth. The Soul is immortal, deathless and eternal, living forever in God’s presence or separated from Him in an eternal hell.
Eastern view: The universe exists in endless cycles of creation, preservation and destruction. There is no absolute end to the world. We are a part of God and God is within us. Unity is stressed.
Western view: The world was created by God and at some point in the future it will be destroyed. He is distinct from it and rules from above. A dualistic nature of the world and humanity is stressed.
Eastern view: There is but one true and absolute God. All Souls are destined to receive God’s grace through experience on many paths according to their understanding, temperament and maturity.  God is pure love and Consciousness.
Western view: There is but one true God and one true religion. Those who accept it will enjoy God’s grace; all others, unless they repent and come to “your” God, will suffer eternally in hell. God is loving as well as wrathful.
Eastern view: Personal, inner and often mystical experience of God is the foundation of Eastern religions. Man can and ultimately must come to know God during earthly life.  Individually oriented and introspective.
Western view: It is presumptuous for man to seek personal knowledge of God. The basis of religion is not experience but belief, faith and a virtuous life. Socially oriented and extroverted.
Eastern view: God is love and all Souls are a Facet of God. Each Soul is guided as it experiences karma interactions into dharma (enlightenment and alignment with universal laws). Hell is the lower astral planes, not a physical place, nor is it eternal. Karmic suffering is a state of mind during life or between lives. There is no intrinsic evil. All is good. All is God. Only the veil over our intuitive-intellectual mind keeps us from realizing our personal relationship with God.
Western view: On judgment day the physical body of every Soul who ever lived is brought to life. Pure Souls are granted entrance into heaven, while sinners are sent to everlasting hell. There is genuine evil in the world, a living force which opposes God’s will. Satan and his demons embody this evil, as well as in man if he develops evil tendencies and does not follow God’s commandments.
Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion; it predates recorded history, and has no human founder. Its major scriptures are called The Vedas. There are nearly one billion followers, mostly in India. Hinduism is a vast and profound religion whose followers believe in one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both Creator and unmanifested reality. They believe that all Souls are evolving toward union with God, and will ultimately gain spiritual knowledge and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. They believe in karma, the laws of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny through his thoughts, words and deeds.
Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago in India and was founded by Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, Enlightened One. The Buddha’s essential teachings are contained in the Four Noble Truths. There are over 300 million believers throughout China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Indochina, Korea and Tibet. There are three main sects, Theravada, Tibetan and Mahayana. Zen Buddhism, well-known in the West, is a Japanese Mahayana school. Their goal in life is nirvana (salvation). They believe in the Middle Path, living moderately, avoiding extremes of luxury and asceticism. They believe in love and compassion for all creatures that live, and that man’s true nature is Divine and eternal. They believe in karma, dharma, reincarnation and the passage on Earth as an opportunity to end the cycle of birth and death.
Taoism began about 2,500 years ago in China and was founded by Lao-tzu, whom Confucius described as a dragon riding the wind and clouds. The Tao-te-Ching, or Book of Reason and Virtue, is among the shortest of all scriptures, containing only 5,000 words. There are approximately 50 million believers, mostly in China and other parts of Asia. The Tao or the Way, has never been put down in words, rather it is left for the seeker to discover within. The primary goal of Taoism may be described as the mystical intuition of the Tao, which is the Way, the primal meaning, the undivided unity and the ultimate reality.  He who has realized the Tao has uncovered the layers of consciousness and sees the inner truth of all things. Taoists believe in the oneness of all creation, in the spirituality of the material realms and in the brotherhood of all men.
Confucianism began about 2,500 years ago in China by the supreme sage, K’ung-fu-tsu (Confucius) and Second Sage Meng-tzu (Mencius). Its major scriptures are The Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, Great Learning and Mencius. There are over 350 million adherents, mostly in China, Japan, Burma and Thailand. Confucianism is, and has been for over 25 centuries, the dominant philosophical system in China and the guiding Light in almost every aspect of Chinese life. Confucius urged individuals to strive for perfect virtue, righteousness, and improvement of character. He taught that man grows spiritually by living truthfully, serving selflessly, and aligning himself with the Eternal way through humility, simplicity, serenity and effortless action. They believe God is the sovereign One, the omnipotent, immortal and personal Creator, a being beyond all time and space. They believe in the oneness of all creation, in the spirituality of the material realms and in the brotherhood of all men.
Islam began about 1,400 years ago in present-day Saudi Arabia. It was founded by the Prophet Mohammed and its major scripture is The Koran. There are over one billion followers, mostly in the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, China and Eastern Europe. There are two main divisions of Islam. The Sunnis are followers of the political successors of Mohammed. The Shiites are of Mohammed’s family successors, all martyred at an early age. Islam means submission, surrender to the will of God, called Allah. Those who submit are called Muslims. Islam is based upon the Five Doctrines and observance of the Five Pillars. The virtues of truthfulness, temperance and humility before God are foremost for Islam, and the practice of fasting, pilgrimage, prayer and charity to the Muslim community are most necessary to please Allah. They believe that the Soul of man is immortal, embodied only once on Earth, then entering heaven or hell upon death according to its conduct and faith on Earth. The primary goal of Islam is to enjoy eternal life, both physical and spiritual, in a heavenly paradise with Allah.
Judaism began about 3,700 years ago in Egypt-Canaan, now Israel. It was founded by Abraham, who started the lineage, and Moses, who emancipated the enslaved Jewish tribes from Egypt. Its major scripture is The Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament and the Talmud). There are about 12 million believers world-wide, over half in the United States. Jews are divided into Orthodox, Conservative and Reform sects, with other regional and ethnic divisions. The religion of the Jews is inseparable from their history as a people. By far the most profound characteristic of Judaism is its strict monotheism. The Jews hold an unshakeable belief in one God and one God only from whom all creation flows.
          Much stress is placed on the hallowing of daily existence, worship in synagogue, prayer and reading the scriptures. They believe obeying God’s laws brings rewards in the future life when the Messiah will come to overthrow evil and reward the righteous in God’s kingdom on Earth. The Soul thereafter will enjoy God’s presence and love. They believe that man has two impulses: good and evil. He can either follow God’s law or rebel and be influenced by Satan, who caused God’s Creation to go astray. One must strive to follow justice, charity, ethics and honesty, being true to the one true God, Yahweh.
Christianity began a little over 2,000 years ago in what is now Israel. Its major scripture is The Bible, Old and New Testament and was founded by Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth.  There are estimated to be about 1.5 billion Christians. Christianity consists of three main sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among Protestants there are over 20,000 denominations. Most Christian faith revolves around the basic principals of the Apostles’ Creed, but with important exceptions to its various beliefs. Christianity has an unswerving conviction that it is the only true religion, the only path to salvation. They believe man’s plight is caused by disobedience to God’s will. Man needs redemption from the forces of evil which would enslave and destroy him: fear, selfishness, desire and the supernatural forces of the Devil, sin and death against which he is powerless. Stress is placed on acceptance of Jesus as God and Savior, on good conduct, compassion, service to mankind, faith and preparation for the Final Judgment. Only good Christians will be saved and accepted in heaven. The goal of Christianity is eternal life with God in heaven, a perfect existence in which God’s glory and bliss are shared.
          Beloveds, can you not see that there is a strong pattern, a compatible philosophy that is the basis for all religious beliefs: the belief in a Supreme Being, a desire to personally know the Creator, a belief in the intrinsic goodness of humankind, and the priceless value of love, harmony, charity and faith.  Are the differences so important that wars must rage and separation of family, cultures, and nations must prevail? Unity consciousness is the foundation of spiritual teachings of the present and future, not the separatist views of the past. The current religions of the world are based on the spiritual teachings of a particular time, beliefs and energy of the past. It is time to let go of the negative, restrictive, dis-empowering, fear-based teachings of the past, as humanity prepares to move into the realms of higher learning and self-mastery. Why not glean the beauty and positive aspects of each religion as you strive to embrace and live your own higher truth? The Creator and our Father/Mother God does not care what religion you are, or what you call your beliefs. You are known by your radiance and by the Love/Light you give forth. Our greatest desire is for you to understand and experience the ecstasy of the harmony and Oneness that are available to you in the higher realms of Light. We are ever near to guide and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael.
​​​​​​​​​​Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : RonnaStar@earthlink.net
Note: Ronastar.com is experiencing technical issues which we expect to be resolved within the next few days. The monthly message will be posted on the QFM Facebook page below.
​​​​​​​www.QuesrForMastery.com * www.QuestForMastery.org * RonnaStar@earthlink.net

Stay High in Your Hearts and Light the Way

Ashtar via Susan Leland, January 24th, 2017

Ashtar: “Stay High in Your Hearts and Light the Way!!!”
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – January 24, 2017
“Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are here with numbers so vast that it is an incredible – and yet credible because it is REAL -an accompaniment to what you have called forth here on Planet Earth, below, on and above.  And I shall say this – Love is not only the Answer, Love is defining the direction which the Planet is moving in even now!!!
“And yes, there is still a lot of activity, because there are those who simply are so programmed – so deeply programmed – that they will not be convinced that they no longer have the ability, or the self-given authority, if you will, to rule over the Planet.  They have proven time and again, not only to those of you who are awake and watching – but also to those who are among them -that they are much given to disagreements amongst themselves.  They have proven that they really do not have anything more to offer than more for themselves.  Greed is a part of their programming.  And they simply do not know how to get up and out of their fear-based reality.  But you do!!!  We do!!!  And I am happy to report that their – let’s call it ‘reign of terror’ shall we, that’s an appropriate name – their reign of terror is coming to an end!
“Now you may have some leadership members – and these are Worldwide, not just in the United States of America – you may have some among your leaderships who are still wanting to beat the drums of war.  Well, first of all, there is not going to be any nuclear war!  And secondly, any kind of war that is started is going to somewhat self-implode!!!
“We are not going to give you exact details in aerial locations, numbers, and any of that. That is for two reasons: One, the security of those who are working so diligently to bring Peace to all of the Earth, and secondly, because there are still opportunities for individual timelines to change and come into Higher Alignment with where you are or where you want to go.
“So for those reasons, as I am telling you, we are not going to give details.  We only want to remind you once more that WE HAVE EVRYTHING WELL IN HAND!!!  There is nothing that is going unseen.  There is nothing that any of these dark hats are going to be able to impose upon the rest of the World, when the rest of the World so clearly wants to go in different directions – the directions of Peace, for instance, and Freedom for all; the end of separation and inequality and all of those kinds of situations that have been the program which has prevailed for eons of time, millennia of time.  They’re not going to be the way of the World anymore!
“Now we know you’ve heard this and we know there are many different interpretations.  We know that you, for instance, are Fabulous Creators, and that if you take a bit of this concept of how Love is going to prevail and expand upon it, you will each come up with a different method or means of achieving this!
“Well, we’re going to tell you the best, or we shall say, the most effective way to do this, is simply to stay in the High energies!!!Now we know you’re human.  We know that you still have the three lower chakras, and even though Sananda is currently teaching how to bring those up into a Higher level* – rather than to just toss them out, because that’s not how you make your Ascensions – we can understand that many of you are still allowing them to speak louder to you than your Higher Dimensional chakras, or Higher level chakras, beginning with your own Hearts.
“So a piece of advice that I can give you in this moment and in all to follow is FOCUS ON AND FROM YOUR HEARTS!!!  Now that seems simple. Sekhmet is going to go into more detail on that.  You’re going to love this one!**  But what you need to do is love yourselves as you are.  Don’t feel guilty.  Don’t condemn yourselves, even if you are, oh, sitting in a prison somewhere listening to this – you are forgiven. Even if you have taken the life of someone else, you are forgiven!
“If you have been a soldier on a battlefield, and have marched into a village and been a participant in taking the lives of innocents – children, for instance – you are forgiven!  This is not any kind of a judgment at all.  It is simply that what you need to do is bring yourself into a Higher level of self-concept.  See yourselves as you have been seen ever since you were born, and as you are seen now.  You played your roles.  You did what you came here to do!  And it is for YOU to determine that it is to forgive yourselves, no matter what you’ve done.  I have used a murderer just as an example. 
“Most of you, in this lifetime – in fact I will say all of you – have not murdered anyone in this lifetime, but you may have done so in others.  Whatever you’re holding within yourselves in the way of self-judgment, self-doubt, low self-esteem, low self-worth – those are creations and messages given to you because they are programmed in these – I’m talking about your three lower chakras, and in particular your solar plexus area.
“There is no one – no one on this Earth or beyond – who can lift the burdens that you are carrying from you – your innermost emotional and mental burdens – EXCEPT YOU!!!  And that is how to get up and out of the programs and that is how to assist, not only yourselves, but the World!
“Now we know there are still many of those ‘d’s’ floating around, and we’re talking about things like depression, distrust, and disillusionments.  Well, yes, the 3D programs are all those and more – if you buy into them, if you continue to allow them to run within your beings.  So what I am saying to you, Beloved Ones, each and every one of you – you do not have to wait for someone else to lift you up.  I and your guides are here to assist you, but it is up to you to say, ‘Okay, I’m ready!  I want to live in my Higher chakras where there is only Love, Peace, Abundance, and Joy’ – and all of the things that you desire as individuals and as the collective consciousness of the Humanity of Planet Earth!
“If you will just apply this, each of you, to yourselves, it’s not so daunting, it’s not so difficult.  It’s certainly much more possible than waiting and hoping that the entire World will accomplish this.  And every one of you who lifts up – even though you might not stay there permanently – every one of you who lifts up into the Higher levels of being – you, in turn, are showing the way for others!!!
“So, we’re here to partner with you.  We are doing so many actions behind the scenes that even I couldn’t count them.  It is only for you to know that your time to shine is now!!!  And in that, Beloved Ones, we are with you all the way!  So turn up your Lights of Love, shine them forth, and be the bright ones, the radiant ones, the Divine Beings that you came here to be, in all of your lifestyles and expressions, while you are here in your human bodies!
“You have never had an opportunity such as this, and I assure you that the changes that you’ve been waiting for are here.  Pull them in!  Create High Vibe visions, and share those with the World as well. And BE IN JOY!!!  No matter what the picture may look like, no matter how you might feel about your government or any of your institutions, THANK EVERYONE INVOLVED!!!  Begin with yourselves and go from there and thank everyone involved for showing you what there is to change.  Give it your Heartfelt assistance in creating your visions, and know that you are a part of those who are here to make these changes for all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!
“You couldn’t have chosen a better time!  Makes no difference your age, makes no difference what country you live in, the color of your skin, or your spiritual beliefs – so long as you know that Love, True Love, Unconditional, High Vibrational, High Chakra Love is the answer!  Bring it into yourselves, open your Hearts to it, and share it.  That, Beloved Ones, is how you work with us to accomplish our Mission!  And we thank and honor you for being here to be in partnership with all of us, your Brothers and Sisters who come to you from the Stars and the Universe, beyond Planet Earth!  And so it is.  Salut!”
** (Stay tuned for Sekhmet’s Meditation mp3.  Meanwhile here’s the link to the recording of the entire call):
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, January 24, 2017. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Planetary Liberation Happens Now Signs


Chimera Group and Additional Help From Galactic E.T. Alliance Coming From A Couple Galaxies Away
In January 31, we are supposed to have spaceships coming from two galaxies over to help the earth alliance rid of the Chimera group. The Alpha Dracos/Chimera group have strongholds under the Brazilian rain-forest and in the African Congo. Ships will be cloaked. White Hat Military Destroy Cabal’s Deep Underground Military Bases Off of Southern California By High Tech Directed Energy Weapons
Kent Dunn says that this morning at 10:30am , 26th of January 2017. The White Hats detected signals coming out of the San Francisco, California area. The signals were being sent to Bouvet Island which is were “they” (cabal) were conducting cyber attacks. White Hat military unleashed their directed energy weapons and “blew up” the cabals underground bases in San Diego. If you were in the area of San Diego you may have heard a “big boom”. The cabal’s underground base had communications equipment which was destroyed by the directed energy weapons. Kent Dunn says their is still another cabal base operating out of northern California, but White Hat’s are waiting for the cabal to activate the equipment before they take them out.Galactic Allies vs. Grey Aliens Earth Battles
Galactic Extraterrestrials allied with the White Hat military are fighting with the subterranean Grey aliens in Alaska right now. They are trying to bring them out of the ground, says Kent Dunn. They are dug in pretty deep. Residents of the Alaska area may experience rumblings and strange environmental phenomenon while these battles are taking place in order to remove the Greys. This location is considered a “hiding spot” for the Greys but is not one of the main bases which the Greys inhabit. This “hiding spot” is located in Alaska not to far away from Siberia. It is said that they will be able to remove these Greys by tonight, January 26, 2017.
Liberation has begun to the fullest.



Dear President-elect Trump,

It’s Foster Gamble here, co-creator of THRIVE and Thrive Movement.

I am writing to congratulate you and to share a profound opportunity to use your extraordinary courage and independence on behalf of a whole new kind of leadership.

I was invited to run for President on the Libertarian ticket and also for Vice President with Jill Stein for the Green Party. I appreciated the invitations, but respectfully declined. I see my role personally as more impactful from outside of a system I don’t believe in. Instead I have spent my time and resources identifying and vetting new energy and healing technologies that obsolete the destructive and dirty technologies of coal, fracking, nuclear and the like in favor of hyper-efficient and “over unity” energy technologies. I am confident that a combination of the New Energy technologies, along with the guiding principle of non-violation that we at Thrive are committed to, can yield consistent win-win global, national and local solutions.

You are now in the ultimate position from inside the system. You have used your own resources and resisted the bribes from corporations, bankers, lobbyists and wealthy individuals who would want to buy your obligation and compromise your values. Now you are poised with an unprecedented and hard-won opportunity to make a historic difference, not just for America, but for all of humanity — at a moment when we are at a fork in the road between potential paradise and looming oblivion.

Clearly, most would characterize you as an “Alpha.” You are strong, talented and athletic. You are drawn to lead. You’re capable of creating wealth. You attract beautiful and capable women, and you have clearly enjoyed the influence that can come with that. But there is a personal transformation that awaits you to become what researchers are now calling a “Gamma.” A Gamma has those same potentialities, but has transcended the need to dominate by force, to brag, to sacrifice integrity for profit, and the need to react in petty and volatile ways to affronts. A Gamma is dedicated to win-win, to peaceful resolution, and to the empowerment of all those around him.

Right now, as the magnitude of your opportunity and responsibility is settling freshly on your shoulders, is the perfect moment to integrate and continue the style of your acceptance speech into your relationships and decisions every day. You have the talent and the charisma to leave the volatile, vindictive, macho persona — which could be cataclysmic on the global scale — completely behind you… and begin to operate consistently from a profound and respectful confidence that your leadership can not only help people make America great, but that, together, we can inspire the whole world.

Now is also the critical moment for choosing Gamma men and women for your team.

You already have some good ethical people to assist you and you can easily attract more if you have moral principles on which to base your choices:

Your economic advisor, Judy Shelton, understands the value of sound money. She and others, like Ron Paul, can guide you on the return to asset-backed currency.

David Stockman could bring some integrity to the Office of Management and Budget. Trey Gowdy has shown himself to be brave and relentless in taking on legal and financial corruption.

I am glad you have people like Roger Stone, Laura Ingraham and Alex Jones informing you about the globalist agendas going on behind the scenes. If you don’t know of them already, I hope you will have your team check out the principled guidance of folks like Stefan MolyneuxLarken RoseMary RuwartLew RockwellDoug CaseyHans HoppeJames CorbettMark CorskeWendy McElroy and Michael Huemer. If we at the Thrive Movement can be of assistance in elucidating that, both here and abroad, don’t hesitate to ask. We need a deep understanding of the true nature of our predicament if we are going to have solutions commensurate to the problems. Our film, THRIVE, already has over 68 million views in 27 languages, spawning over 1,000 solutions groups all over the world.

I personally have contacts among the Dragon Families of the far-east who are offering to distribute vast troves of stored, off-market gold to reboot the global economy, erase national debts and empower the world’s best humanitarian projects — as long as it is not stolen by the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking cabal. (I understand this is risky. It is what JFK was working on with Indonesian President Soekarno and their signed Green Hilton Agreement, just weeks before he was assassinated. But it is also the quickest route to global prosperity and cooperation of which I am aware.)

This is quite a preferable option to the imminent collapse of the dollar and isolation of the western economies. You must be aware that while Bush and Obama have been invading one country after another (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc.) and resisting the move to asset-backed currencies and a Global Currency Reset, Putin and Xi Jinping have been creating win/win trade deals with many countries, both large and small. History has shown that to be the true path to peace. Now is your chance to make Gamma deals on a global scale that can create prosperity and security for generations to come.

The backlash you will be getting for promoting the dangerous and polluting nuclear, fracking, coal and the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines, can ALL go away if you help us set up safeguards for releasing the multiple “free energy” devices (as described in THRIVE) into the world without corporate or government suppression. I was invited to the Obama White House and to Bechtel to brief them on this field, which I have been in for nearly 20 years. I declined — because I understand the agendas of their controllers. With your help, we could liberate these economic and ecologic game-changers.

If this makes any sense I invite you to contact me for further and deeper discussion of what is really going on and the moral philosophy, strategies, and tactics to truly liberate the people of America and the world. Here’s a video clip describing our inclusive strategy for peaceful transition from where we are now to a truly free, prosperous and thriving world.

I wish you, your family, your team and every affected individual deep clarity, strength, patience and fulfillment in rising above elitist “divide and conquer” strategies to create a condition and a moral pathway whereby everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Very sincerely,

Foster Gamble
President, Thrive Movement, Int’l.


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Feeling Good is Feeling God.