What’s Your Central Sun?

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Dear Ones,

Many of you are concerned that you are not ready for the final push, the birth of new you. Such concerns indicate your disbelief in your worth.

You most likely relish the thought of a new earth that someone will create and promote. But that someone is certainly not you, for you are just you – an ordinary earthling. A belief many of you hold despite eons of practice for this moment. You believe you cannot be an earth savior or angel because you are so average, so ordinary.

You likely relish those fairy tale and comic book characters who transform from ordinary to extraordinary with little or unexpected effort. You are those characters – the Clark Kent transforming into Superman. Do you not realize that your fairy tale and comic book characters are triggers to remind you of your greatness and skill level?

That last thought does not mean you will jump into a telephone booth – even if you could find one – and shift into a superhuman. Instead, each of you has a specific expert skill, not within the range of possibilities for others. A skill that is your secret gift to the world.

Your gift might be something you pined for or have utilized for decades. All that matters is that you use that skill however it is most comfortable for you. Perhaps you are a physical healer or a loving being comforting everyone just by being in their presence. Maybe it is the creation of something that future generations will utilize. Or beautiful artwork or music to provide comfort to those who connect with your artistic creations. It does not matter what your unique gift is, for each gift is necessary to help the earth and its beings shift from outer-directedness to inner peace and joy.

All you have to do to access your skills is follow your interests.

You are not a forerunner merely to take up a forerunner group slot. You are a forerunner because you are powerful and tenacious, as displayed by your ongoing need to shift the earth and yourself despite all odds.

You are exceptional with many skills. At the same time, you have a unique skill you honed for eons for this time.

No one reading this message can claim – even though you may want to so you can pander to your former worthlessness training – they are not skilled, exceptional, or ready. This time is what you hoped for, prepared for, prayed for, and diligently dedicated yourself to for eons.

Allow that sparkling, special new you to display who and what you are. This is not a time to be shy or nervous. This time, this place is your message to shine as brightly as you wanted for eons. Even though you are not better than others, you are different – just as Johann Sebastian Bach was different than Steve Jobs. Both created something that changed the earth in unexpected ways. They were the forerunners preparing the path for you.

It is time for you to claim your skills, your inner power, and your rightness to be of the earth now. Shrinking violets are no longer needed. Claim yourself so that those following can do the same, just as Steve Jobs, along with other tinkerers, created new skills and languages to help you communicate with one another in ways never before known. Stop pretending you are not equally skilled. And stop allowing others to force you to conform to what was.

What was is no longer – just as outer-directed you are no longer.

Shine, sparkle, and do so by claiming yourself fully without concerns about conceit, overshadowing others, stepping outside expectation boxes, or any concerns about staying behind the wall of 3D safety.

Your time is now. Claim yourself in all your seeming eccentric glory.

Your skills do not have to be otherworldly – they merely have to create a warmth and rightness within you. Perhaps you are a kind neighbor or the creator of something that will change the world. It does not matter. All that matters is that you feel right within yourself, knowing that this is your dream. That is your key place.

Even though there are other interests and activities you will likely participate in, your key place is your center, your personal sun, which will radiate out to any activities in which you participate.

Find and claim your personal sun.

No one other than you knows your personal sun. You will find yourself drawn to a particular activity – perhaps something you always found intriguing. Allow yourself to activate your central sun with a knowingness of rightness within you. Your personal sun will then radiate out to the appropriate stars of activity.

If you do not understand what we, of the Universes, are speaking of, ask yourself what brings you joy in your day-to-day life? What sparks your interest? Or what do you wish you had time to do? Perhaps you need to ask yourself why something has been or has become vital to you. Then, follow that question with how that information relates to your current life or how you wish it would. Most likely, the answer is part, if not all, of your central sun. Allow yourself to embed yourself in that activity or thought process, for you will feel somewhat empty until you do. Then follow that piece of knowledge with related activities.

Your central sun was honed through eons of practice to be the starting point of your new life in this new world. The aforementioned personal questions will lead you to your new world, as well as expose to you and others your superpowers of innovation and creation. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.

by John Smallman


Your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

All are one, and you all know that.  Yet, because of “the rules of the game”– being a human in form – you have allowed yourselves to forget this eternal and unchanging Truth. The awakening process, in which the human collective recently collectively agreed to participate, is now moving forward very rapidly.  You are seeing wonderful signs of this in many locations and circumstances – and yet you doubt! Let go of those doubts, for, like the illusion/dream, they are unreal.  To have doubts and dwell on them is a choice many of you keep making – choose not to do so any longer, and when any do arise into your conscious awareness dismiss them immediately, do not dwell on them.

Yes, many on Earth are experiencing major suffering, and “by being in the world, but not of it” you can be fully aware of this without entering into that experience.

Every time this awareness comes to mind due to yet another disturbing news item, or because someone you know and love, or even you yourself are suffering, remind yourselves that there is only Love.

Then send Love/Healing to whichever suffering one(s) you have become aware of, but without being drawn into that suffering and thus allowing your energy to be drained by any sense of guilt or shame you may feel in the awareness of knowing that all are one, and perhaps then feeling or believing that maybe you too are in some way responsible.

You need all your energy – and you have a limitless abundance of it in every moment – to be able to send the fullness of Love/Healing to those in need.

You have all experienced the powerful and uplifting energy of love and acceptance when in the presence of a very loving person.  Well, you all have that power, and when you choose to be at peace within yourselves, no matter what is happening around you, then it is fully available for you to direct to wherever you are intuitively guided to direct it.

You are, as we have discussed before, presently on Earth, precisely where you are now, because you made the wise, generous, and most beautiful decision before incarnating to assist as fully as you possibly could in humanity’s awakening process.  You are doing that now, so do not allow any ego-driven doubts of incompetence, guilt, shame, or unworthiness that may arise to distract you from your divine and holy purpose – Being You Now!

You are Love, you know this at the depths of your being, and yet your egos keep whittling away at your totally legitimate right to believe in and trust yourselves, your intuition, your inner knowing.  Their one aim is to distract you from your real purpose, which you so frequently doubt, by filling your minds with a flood of thoughts that serve absolutely no useful purpose.

You are here to Be, and to demonstrate the Love that you Are.  That is what being yourselves truly means.  Do not allow yourselves to get drawn either into thoughts or discussions about the immense harm that so many are causing, or about what others are able to do so much more lovingly and effectively than you.

You ARE where you are meant to be.  You CHOSE to be right where you are now because it is the most effective place for you to be right now, in this moment.  In another moment you may well be somewhere else, but right now you are here, you are meant to be here, so BE here.

In this present moment you are always exactly where you are meant to be, and this is true in every moment.  Yes, you may at times wish you were somewhere else, especially if you are undergoing any kind of suffering – physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – but understand that any personal suffering is a wake-up call to assist you in learning the lessons that you chose to place on your human life path, and to which, whatever the reason may be, you are not paying close enough attention.

Your ego-driven ‘roof-brain-chatter’ will attempt to distract you with thoughts such as “I don’t need this; this is not fair; I am really doing my best so why is this happening?”

Remind yourselves frequently that you are where you are by your own free will choice.  Obviously this often appears not to be the case, and your egos love to try, sometimes quite successfully, to convince you that something ‘has gone wrong.’

You may even succeed in convincing yourselves that this is true!  Dissatisfaction with the way your lives appear to be unfolding often occurs, especially when it involves intense suffering of any kind.  Remember, you are where you have chosen to be, so what are you doing or failing to do in this now moment may well be an experience to help you grow in wisdom and self-acceptance.

What you experience that upsets or disturbs is nearly always due to your own perception or judgment of an issue, not the issue itself.  It all comes back to trusting your intuition, your inner guidance, and then dealing with whatever arises with Love, instead of with fear-driven anger which is often a default mode for those in form and playing ‘the game.’

Whatever you are aware of experiencing as a human in form – peace, love happiness, pain suffering, or resentment – do take a time-out to remind yourselves that your true nature is Love, that you are always inseparably at One with Source, and you are in the situation that is delivering these experiences in order, by your loving presence, to assist others who are also undergoing various assorted difficulties.

This is not a case of attempting to be ‘spiritually significant’ in the eyes of others, because if you do come from your hearts, offering only love, you will be doing enormously successful spiritual work – and it’s hardly work!  Just being what you are – Love – is your purpose, as your presence gently nudges others towards their own awakening.

All are awakening now!  However, because the illusion is massively invested in time, the idea of all being on a path to awaken together is extremely hard for you to get a handle on.

Remind yourselves that the material world, form and substance, are unreal.  Only Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is Real.

You know this deep within yourselves, and as you choose to become increasingly aware of this, the worldly problems that all encounter will be less and less unsettling for you.

Trust in God, in Love, and in yourselves, because doing so is surrendering to the divine Will and thus allowing Love to empower and guide you in every moment of your human existence.

Yes, problems or issues will still arise, but you will find yourselves able to deal with them by addressing them lovingly, and then any egoic need to be in control will fall away, and you will find yourselves basically at peace and very much better able to assist others.

Then you will become increasingly aware of the peace and contentment that others find in your presence.

With so very much love, Saul.

If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment.

photo of woman sitting on rock
Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.com

January 23, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Wholeness is an Inside Job

Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves. While your society has taught you that it’s noble, in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth, and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others. Over time, they will find those efforts will never feel like enough, and will become less and less satisfying.

Externals, no matter how well intended they may be, will never make you whole. Your wholeness can only come from within, by embracing and honouring who you really are and your sacred connection to Source.

If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment. Disempowered helping frequently masks low self esteem and is out of balance. True service empowers everyone.

Message 63 from Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul

States of bliss never before experienced.

I am writting this spontaneously after our first global meditation today, 2 more in the next hours as we do since 6 years every Sunday and i wish i was able to let you feel what i am feeling right now. I know it is a personal thing and yet maybe by feeling between the words you can catch infinite amounts of bliss and love emanating from The Source of All Creation through me in this now moment. I am in total awe of what is taking place within me, i never felt so much love as i do right now. I feel like hugging every one, and there is this song that came into my lips :

Glory Glory Hallelujah.

No more words, just feel 🙂

SUNday Unity meditation

It is the 6th year and we are thousands of Lightworkers worldwide going within every Sunday at 5/8/11 am Pacific Time or 3/6/9 PM Greece being the open door for Divine Love to flow through as The Presence breathing in and out consciously for The Highest Good for all, preferably out in nature with your telephones off / Air mode for the duration of the meditation , 30 minutes each. Namaste.

you get to decide what grows in the garden of your life

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/22/22 • Blossoms or Thorns?

close up photo of red rose
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

When you walk past a rose bush, do you admire the rose or complain about the thorns? Typically you’d only notice the thorns if you ran right into them. Most of you would simply be drawn to the beauty of the rose. If you were a gardener pruning the branches, you’d be aware of the thorns, but you wouldn’t curse them for being there. You would instead, cut away the dead wood, trim off the expired flowers, and simply be careful not to catch yourself on a thorn. The beauty of the blossoms would make this extra effort worth your time and energy.

If however, you were pruning weeds in your yard, you might not feel so inclined to dance around a thorny plant. You might instead pull the weed out of your garden and toss it in the compost pile. In the case of the weed that has a purpose in nature, but not so much in your garden, you’d give it a new purpose as fertilizer for the plants you prefer.

So too, people are going to offer you behaviors that – filtered through your conditioning and perspectives – feel like thorns, branches, blossoms, or weeds. Some words and behaviors feel prickly and hurt when you find them jabbing at you because there is something needing attention in you. Some words and behaviors feel supportive, like sturdy branches, because they validate or encourage you. Some words and behaviors are like the dead wood that has no more usefulness in your life and some are like the blossoms that inspire and uplift you. Still others, like the weeds that have their place in the world, may have no place in the garden of your life except to catalyze your growth.

When someone offers you thorns, you have many choices that can help you feel better than the choice to obsess over the experience of being “pricked by the thorn.”

You can look for the blossom. Perhaps these souls are just trying to love themselves. Perhaps they have better qualities that you can admire and focus upon. Perhaps they were just having a bad day. Perhaps you can imagine who they could blossom into. In any case, focusing on the bloom will make you feel oh-so-much better than focusing on the thorns. In fact, some thorny people have so much beauty in them that you choose to dance around the thorns because you feel so inspired by their blossoms. Many of you are in challenging relationships with people you dearly love and would never want to leave, because you chose to learn the power of focusing on the beauty in them and in you, rather than being tugged into focusing on their thorns.

Others have so many thorns and so little bloom that you don’t feel inclined to wait around for the blossom. You can decide simply to leave them to their own growth. Some souls, like the weeds in your garden, don’t have a place in your life at all except to feed the fuel of your future growth. In any case, all have value to you because they are helping you learn more about who you are and what you want in your life.

You are not only allowed but encouraged by the heavens to be honest about who and/or what behaviors you include in your vibrational mix. You can’t always leave a situation or a person but you can remove your focus from that which is unwanted and focus more on that which you desire to see.

You already know that it isn’t your job to make anyone else change so you can feel more comfortable. It is only your task, like the rose, to grow your own blossoms, and like the gardener to decide what belongs in your life.

Would you criticize any part of a rose bush? If not, why criticize another human being, or yourself for that matter? If you were pricked by a rose you wouldn’t go around campaigning and complaining – “Can you imagine that bush! It pricked me! How dare it! It has no right! What a $#!$. I’m going to tell it just how I feel!” You wouldn’t cry and say to yourself, “What did I do to deserve that?” You wouldn’t waste more than a few seconds reacting. You’d more likely say, “Oooh, Ow,” and pull your finger away. You’d focus on the rose, trim the thorns, or walk away.”

Next time someone offers you a thorn – a criticism, judgment, unkindness, etc – say to yourself, “Ooh! Ow!” and pull your focus away. Try instead to put your focus on all the beauty that blossoms inside of them, or shift your focus on something else entirely more pleasing. Don’t waste your time in the analysis of why they acted the way they did. As Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek.” Turn your focus away from thorny behaviors and towards the good in them or in some other aspect of your life. You are in charge of what you tune into, no matter what life offers. And, as we’ve said many times, you will always get more of what you tune into, so choose your tuning wisely.

Right now upon your earth, there are a lot of thorny people with a lot of thorny behaviors. Before judging or labeling them bad and wrong, think about them as little rose bushes. They’re attempting to grow. They’re attempting to protect themselves. They’re attempting to find and express their own truth. Perhaps they’re afraid. Perhaps they’re upset and feel like nobody listens. Perhaps they feel abandoned and don’t realize they’re abandoning their own loving nature by offering their thorns to you and life around them. Perhaps these are just boundaries that don’t yet feel comfortable to them. Perhaps you’re the thorny one?

Everyone on your earth is growing – hopefully past the thorns, towards the light, and into the blossom. Everyone is growing into the fullest, most beautiful expression of themselves, whether fast or slow and whether you can see that blossom yet or not.

So like the gardener who navigates the thorns, trims away the dead wood, composts the weeds, and nurtures the blossoming of his or plants, realize you get to decide what grows in the garden of your life, and you get to decide if you are willing to focus more upon the roses or the thorns that life offers.Your freedom and your happiness reside in knowing you alone have this choice.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

ImaginE the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced! The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy.

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today we answer a question from a Light Bearer, who asks:

If you could name one thing that Lightworkers could do daily that would take no more than 15 minutes a day, that would have the greatest impact on the Ascension of the planet and humanity, what would that be?

THE COLLECTIVE: We would say that in many respects, those on the Ascension path are already doing the most important thing, which is to be on the Earth at this time, while earnestly seeking their own highest path.

So long as that point of focus and heart-based desire is based in Love, all is well—all rivers shall flow to the sea of Light that is Divine Love in its many forms.

You ask for an action that would impact humanity and Earth Herself, in these very tenuous times in which so many feel the stresses of the world.

You see much occurring now which, however it may appear, are the birthing pains of the Divine Chaos that nearly always accompanies great creation.

And so we shall point out some things which you already know deep down.

For one, you know in your heart-mind that none of you are operating in a void, in which your own actions remain separate from that of the Divine Beings and nonterrestrial beings assisting humanity.

Your actions, your frequency, your heart-mind focus are always supported and enlightened by your connection to your soul family and to your own soul.

From there, the network widens to include whole communities of Light Bringers whose Earth missions are similar to your own.

It extends as well to those in Inner Earth who are working alongside you in the etheric, and in the thought planes, where you connect with them often without consciously realizing it.

As you know, many of you are at work on the ships in your sleep state, assisting galactic and intergalactic councils in their work to establish Peace permanently on your planet, and to safeguard it wherever possible in the galaxy as a whole, and to encourage Earth’s and humanity’s Ascension.

You are at a crucial tipping point on Earth’s timeline, so much help has been called in (and you answered, or you would not be here now).

Many of you work within the Earth, awakening grid lines, pre-ancient technologies in the pyramids and other sacred sites around and within the planet.

You visit these places etherically, calling into action aspects long hidden of Lady Gaia’s own deep inner wisdom, and awakening those wise pre-ancient beings whose sleeping presence has guarded these sites for thousands of years.

Nearly all have awakened now, and are assisting your efforts.

You are receiving great support for this work from so many beautiful beings, around the Earth and on Her.

And so now we would say—join the awake state to the etheric!

Realize the importance of your presence on the planet and the constant interconnection of your work with even the highest of the Angelic presences.

Give Thanks for all you are able to do with your own rising vibration, as you reach beyond survival-based living, and claim independence and full sovereign control of your destiny.

Let your Earth self know how important they are.

Alert your soul, higher self, and soul family that you are ready to move into the full aspect of your Earth mission, in ways that your waking self will become increasingly aware of, and benefit from.

The other half of this beautiful realization of your own god/goddess presence, is to intentionally call in the support and active intervention of those in the higher realms, and those galactic family and friends on the ships around Earth, upon Her surface, and in Inner Earth.

Tell them that you require and call forth their assistance—that all of humanity calls out to them now on a higher level, requesting all forms of benevolent intervention.

Interventions that respect human free will, yet drastically speed along NESARA’s full enactment.

Thank them for all they are doing now, and offer your increased level of assistance.

Say you are ready to stand as a Light Warrior who protects and guards the principles of a free and independent race of beings who must now be sovereign.

Then open to receive!

Image the Earth in the Transmuting Violet Flame of Saint Germain, as. you stand or sit up straight with hands open and facing upward, or hands over heart, as a sign that you are fully dedicated to this mission.

And so, your affirmation or proclamation, to be spoken aloud each morning, might sound something like this (knowing as you do so that etherically, all of us and millions of other Light Bearers join with you):

“We call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All That Is, the Creator Source Energy from which we came!

“We ask to be fully engaged in the Ascension of our own spirits and consciousness, and to move along the Ascension path in Joy and Grace.

“We call forth healing for all aspects of our mind, body, and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions on this or any planet we have ever lived on.

“We ask to be engaged fully as Light Bearers, and call forth complete Divine Guidance, Direction, and Assistance in our Earth missions we drew up before birth.

“We call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure Love—the Divine Feminine in all Her Creational power, and the Divine Masculine and all His Divine Protection.

“We call forth the assistance of all Beings in the higher realms serving within the Office of the Christ [the crystalline energy consciousness] to assist Earth at this time!

“We petition you now: Move swiftly with the Legions of Light to release and dissolve for all time-space all impediments to the full enactment of NESARA law.

“We petition you now: Move swiftly with your Legions of Light to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness, all toxicity, all war and warlike action to which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body, or spirit.

“We call forth and require Divine Healing for all, Divine Protection for all, Divine Guidance and Encouragement for all upon the Earth at this time.

“We blaze the Violet Flame of Saint Germain, to envelop the entire Earth and all Her people, and all Earth systems, experiences, and conditions!

“We petition you now, Angelic Legions and the Galactic forces, including all members of the Ashtar Command: Assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment.

“And we call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth Beings who represent in higher levels the souls of all trees and plants, all rock and soil, all animals, air, water, and ethers—

“Hear us now!

“Join with the Ascended Masters and the power of all our souls, and break forth, through the false shields that have for too long blocked your empowered interventions, and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet!

“Pave the way for NESARA’s enactment, including complete disclosure of the nonterrestrial and extradimensional beings who live on and around Her in this Universe!

“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures around the planet, and those carrying out their orders.

“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment, including announcement of the tribunals and trials that these ones and their false overlords will now face.

“Pave the way for NESARA’s immediate enactment by steadying the heart-mind of every child, woman, and man on the Earth so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of all life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and Her beings.

“And pave the way for our ability to rejoice, to give Thanks, to know that this is so, now and ever more.

“That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent humanity, living in free and independent states, nations, and villages.

“Hear us now, and answer in the fullest possible measures!

We call upon you, knowing the Time is Now for these unprecedented, benevolent interventions to be accomplished!

“We welcome you, friends and beloved family members, and we give Thanks, we give Thanks, we Give Thanks!

“And so it is. Namaste!”

As you speak all of this, actively visualize, with Joy equal to the strength of your declaration, that every needed form of intervention is happening now.

If our phrasing here is not comfortable for you, find your own words—and speak them daily!

Visualize the ships landing.

Visualize Captain Ashtar on the screen of your computer and smartphone, announcing NESARA’s full enactment.

Visualize the old warlords and false authorities being led away onto the ships (as many are currently doing, in any event).

Image watching the intergalactic trials and tribunals that will determine what becomes of them.

And image the celebrations, as NESARA is fully announced!

The music, the dancing, the laughter, the tears of Joy . . .

The eradication of all war, all debt, all social and political oppression — all of it, in living color, as they say.

Then carry the power of that resolute inner Knowing with you throughout the rest of your day.

Carry the Joy of knowing, “This is real, now!” as you carry the energy of that reality with you even into your sleep state.

This will empower every cell of your body, every energetic molecule of your heart-mind and spirit, to help mold these events and carry them into physical reality.

None of this need take longer than 15 minutes, if it takes even that long—and the result?

You will be liberating your planet, dear ones.

Yes, you are that powerful, and you are that crucial to Earth’s journey now.

From there, Ascension unfolds to new heights every moment.

Not because you require to be rescued, or because Earth is a hopeless case otherwise.

But because from Joy you were birthed, and now to Joy you return.

It is a condition of the high heart that reveals to you the heights of your own spirit.

And you are just the Light Bearers to make that happen.

We send much Love, dear ones—now is the time!

Take up the sacred crystal of co-Creation in your heart of hearts, and lead us all forward!


You are guarded and guided on every side, for we are with you, always.

Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-light-bringers-january-21-2022.

Thank you.

You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation.

photo of person near swimming pool
Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com

January 20, 2022, trinityesoterics.com

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Conscious Co-Creation

You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation. The question is, what kind of manifesting would you like to do?

When you try to manifest something right down to its tiniest detail, you are creating within the realm of what you think is possible. Being too detailed about what you would like to create can be quite limiting. The vast majority of the time what you think is possible vs what is actually possible is quite different, with what is actually possible being a far greater match for you.

More often than not, humans will sell themselves short when they are too detailed with their manifestations. It is, in effect, attempting to micromanage the universe, which is control, not flow.

When you are going it alone with your creation, meaning you are going to be in charge of every detail, that is what we would call 3D manifestation, or singular creation. You are doing it all on your own, and only playing within the pool of what you think is possible. It is like fishing within a small barrel even though you are on the shore of the ocean.

When you choose to co-create, you start playing within the realm of potentiality, and you open yourself up to so much more. To co-create, you work with much wider parameters. You have a broad intention but leave lots of room for the universe to fill in the details. This allows your guides to take you so much further down the road into the discovery of your highest outcomes in ways that can only amaze and delight you.

You experience so much more magic in conscious co-creation, because it works with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust…a higher vibrational navigation system.

You are ready to up-level your manifestations, Dear Ones. Choose a core desire.

Possibly, to be:

  • Of your highest service,
  • In soul partnership,
  • In your most joyful employment,
  • Relocating to a place that will beautifully support the next phase of your incarnation…

allowing your guides, helpers, and your highest self to lead the unfoldment and fill in the blanks. This is how you can take giant leaps in your life expression in ways you never imagined, but that your soul always knew was your true calling.


Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

January 20, 2022

(John Smallman)

You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness.

Your awakening is inevitable, you know this, and your earthly presence in this now moment with such powerful loving intent is bringing it to fruition. CONGRATULATE YOURSELVES! And keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

As you all know, when you choose to go deep within yourselves – to that holy inner sanctuary, always present within each and every one of you without exception – you often meet your egos encouraging you to doubt or dismiss this holy Truth as they attempt to strengthen your self-doubts and feelings or beliefs that you are guilty sinners, unworthy of Mother/Father/God’s infinite love for you. Even if at an intellectual level you do not believe this, at the heart level many have great difficulty in accepting themselves as the perfect divine children of our infinitely wise, compassionate, and loving Source who truly knows each one of Us as an absolutely perfect and inseparable part or aspect of the Totality that is All, that is ITSELF, and that therefore must also be you!

Many of you have heard the phrase: “the chosen ones of God.” This has very frequently been massively misunderstood to mean that God chooses to love and accept those whom various religious organizations judge to be good, and rejects those who are judged unworthy or sinners by those same organizations. NOTHING could be further from the Truth! There is only Love. Love is All, is Mother/Father/God, is Source, and therefore All sentient life – whether in form in the physical realms, or beyond the physical realms – is eternally, and without ever, even for the briefest moment, separated from that state. This means that none are rejected. Rejection is impossible because Love is utter and complete acceptance of All that It knows and creates. There is nothing that was not created, there is only and solely what Source creates, and what Source’s creations themselves create, which are always very expressive extensions or expansions of Love.

All sentient life in form is Love expressing Itself individually in an unreal or illusory state, a dream; and all sentient life in form is presently, right now, in the process of awakening from that unreal state. It was entered into as a momentary experiment to discover if separation was possible and, for those who chose to participate, it has seemed to be a very real state in which life, inevitably followed by death, was filled with pain, suffering, and constant threats to its existence. Unreality seems to have been in existence for countless, indeed for infinitely long and possibly endless eons. The collective has now and finally, seemingly after untold eons – which in Reality has been but the briefest of instants that you can imagine – come to the realization that the dream/illusion serves no good purpose and has chosen to let it go, thus choosing collectively to awaken.

Your awakening back into Reality is an ongoing process within the game of unreality that has, of course, been completed. The collective has chosen to awaken, and now each individual also has to make the free will choice to do so. The vast majority are doing so, now. Nevertheless, there are a few, a very small minority, who are – because of the invalid beliefs to which they are clinging – at present refusing to awaken. Those choices will be honored. Love never forces or coerces, It loves, which is All that It can do and be, having no other Will or desire. Therefore It will wait patiently for as long as it takes – remember there is NO time – for those few unwilling ones to also come to the realization that the game serves no purpose for them, and then also choose to awaken.

There is no judgment, there is no rejection, there is no damnation. There is Love. To awaken into that state in which you are eternally present, and which many still remain presently unaware of – Reality – is a miracle of wonder and magnificence beyond your wildest dreams. Infinite Joy and Peace most lovingly await your awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

All constructs that do not serve Highest Good For All will be destroyed by themselves by their own weight through the karmic law of Attraction.

All constructs that do not serve Highest Good For All will be destroyed by themselves by their own weight through the karmic law of Attraction. From a place of Divine Neutrality Within There is NO MORE need to focus on what no longer works, vibration rises when focus is centered on creating the New according to Inner Guidance. It is of the most important action to learn to listen Our Higher Self on a moment to moment basis , to be present, to have constant coherence between heart and mind. Daily Meditation first thing in the day before anything else for at least 15-20′ is the fastest way to get there. Also short or longer naps as many as needed also help. Our bodies are changing. Love your body. Love Yourself. Entertain Yourself. Write a journal of Gratitude daily. Practice Seeing all others around you with the attributes you want. With long enough practice you will attract your tribe. Be the open door for Divine Love to flow through you to all and where you feel is needed.It is a moment to moment thing😊💚💫💦💨💖

Nikos Akrivos


Victory of Light is A Fact.

In higher dimensions understanding God/Humanity have won and we can now proceed without obstructions in creating the new. Everything i share just confirms what I KNOW to be true in my heart. It may take a while till all perceive it as such. There are lessons along the way as we learn to Ascend from Human to Galactic Society and every soul is pushing for the discovery of that path for everyone. Our best bet is to focus on vibrating high at all times. In other terms to Feel Good more often than not and basically get to that state 24/24 which i call Feel More Than Fine. EveryONE has their own path and speed and i respect that and the choices one makes at any moment shows up in the reality one chooses to focus upon. Love Yoursef so much so you may discover your path. The only way is within. And God along all Angels are always present, ask and take time to listen voice within and you ll receive your answer. If not today, tomorrow after a good night sleep. Or at least have that inner joy constantly on check. For a while till you get you want there will be just that. Inner Joy. It may take years till you get what you really want or less depending where you stand in your allowing of what you desire . Let Joy within be enough for a while. It is the best and most accurate system we each have. And from that space you know. Victory of Light is A Fact.New Earth is already here.Our new lives on a loving and forgiving planet that works for all too.💫💚🙏

Nikos Akrivos


here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix.

here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix…especially when truth comes out for all to see about the 8 million children kidnapped annualy and adrenochrome etc. please keep this in your heart and minds, we are moving into New Earth and on New Earth there is no vibration close to hate or revenge of any kind :

Archangel Michael: Now there will be indictments and there will be justice, fairness, but the key to creating Nova Earth is not about punishment and retribution.

Steve: Right. But it is about protection, is it not? The public need to be protected against mass murderers and Dick Cheney and the people at the CIA are mass murderers. They kill kids in schools. They kill in open business areas. They explode bombs. They down airliners. We need to be protected from them, don’t we?

AAM: Be very discerning in your judgments and in your condemnations of others. If you continue – and I don’t mean you; I mean the collective – if the pattern of imprisonment continues, of shackling, rather than re-education or redirection, then that is the paradigm that will continue upon this planet. …

Steve: Why are we not putting a stop to that?

AAM: What makes you think we are not? (AAM, March 28, 2019.)

Also Matthew Ward:

Love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.( Matthew’s Message, Sept. 9, 2011, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/september-9-2011/.)

Source : https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/01/20/a-note-on-today-and-lightwork/

Victory of light is a fact.

In higher dimensions understanding God/Humanity have won and we can now proceed without obstructions in creating the new. Everything i share just confirms what I KNOW to be true in my heart. It may take a while till all perceive it as such. There are lessons along the way as we learn to Ascend from Human to Galactic Society and every soul is pushing for the discovery of that path for everyone. Our best bet is to focus on vibrating high at all times. In other terms to Feel Good more often than not and basically get to that state 24/24 which i call Feel More Than Fine. EveryONE has their own path and speed and i respect that and the choices one makes at any moment shows up in the reality one chooses to focus upon. Love Yoursef so much so you may discover your path. The only way is within. And God along all Angels are always present, ask and take time to listen voice within and you ll receive your answer. If not today, tomorrow after a good night sleep. Or at least have that inner joy constantly on check. For a while till you get you want there will be just that. Inner Joy. It may take years till you get what you really want or less depending where you stand in your allowing of what you desire . Let Joy within be enough for a while. It is the best and most accurate system we each have. And from that space you know. Victory of Light is A Fact.New Earth is already here.Our new lives on a loving and forgiving planet that works for all too.💫💚🙏


We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations.

January 19, 2022,

We are here to honor and celebrate who you are as a multidimensional being of energy. Most earthwalkers are unconscious to their own personal energy, energy signature, or the energy surrounding them. Therefore they are unconscious of the interchange of energy that is continuously taking place between themselves and others and between themselves and their surroundings.

We want you to begin to understand that you, everyone and everything has an energy matrix, from the smallest atom to the galaxy; each connected, nested and woven together in one cosmic whole. These grids or holograms are interactive with your personal energy girds or holograms.

As you move about in your life you move through many grids and matrices. We realize that you usually do not consciously check out or sense or even read the energy flow. But that is an important skill to develop.

Once you begin to sense or feel or see the subtle vibrations, even the thought forms and emotions that create the environment you step into, you will begin to understand how these vibrations are affecting your own personal energy field as well as the effects on your physical body and the exchange of information that is taking place.

You move through these fields of energy all the time and most of the time you are totally unconscious of how they interact with your field or your personal matrix. Realize it is the matrix that holds the pattern, much like the matrix of stone holds the crystal.

Your personal matrix holds your contact with this dimension; it is the framework, the grid of energy vibrating with the memories, the experiences, and the family patterns. Your personal matrix is created from your thought forms, habits, emotions and programmed beliefs. Your energy signature or matrix will always be affected by the energy surrounding you.

Remember that emotional vibrations or frequencies are contagious. If you step into a space or matrix where there is an emotion of fear, it will certainly trigger your own personal stored fear energy. A hospital or dentist office is an example of a space where you might experience your own personal fear being triggered. Become aware of the vibration offered by the spaces or matrices you move into.

woman sitting and smiling
Photo by Guilherme Almeida on Pexels.com

As each human begins to awaken, to become conscious and responsible, they become more aware of their personal energy field. As each human strives to enrich their awareness, to grow, to expand, their personal matrix becomes more extended, brighter as it were.

It is valuable and important to become aware of your own matrix and as we said earlier to become aware of the grids or energy fields that surround you each moment. This is a major working. This is a level of awareness that allows your conscious self a bigger playground. Allow yourself to see or sense and become sensitive to the matrices that surround you at all times.

Begin to notice the energy matrix or energy vibration that is being offered by your planet, the stars, the galaxy and the cosmic collective. Make it your intention to learn how to read, feel or hear this energy that is enveloping you. Where do you sense your connections with the global matrix. Does that feel too big, too impossible to even imagine? Where do you sense your connection with the galactic matrix? Allow yourself to investigate your own personal matrix, grid or energy field.

Become sensitive to how far this matrix extends. You will realize how interconnected you are to your planet, your community, your circle of friends and acquaintances, your spirit family and your physical family. Notice the family matrix you experience. Does this matrix trigger any limiting emotions or thoughts or does it feel expansive and accepting?

a photo of a singing bowl
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com

We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations.

As you move about in your life be aware of each subtle shift of the flavor, the sensations, the emotional and mental offerings of the matrix of each experience. There will be a matrix at each store or activity that you will temporarily connect with, a group of people will share a common matrix created by all the combined energy fields of everyone. There will be a skill that you will develop which will allow you to read the information given by others sharing the same space together.

Far more data is exchanged between one being and another, between you and the matrix you step into. This exchange takes place during one in-breath and one out-breath. Remember throughout your day, simply say “All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed.” This is a gentle yet powerful way to keep your energy field clear of the influence of others.

We invite you to consider the past week and reflect on activities, all the exchanges that took place in the stores or on the street. Gently reflect back to all the people you passed by or sat next to, realize that energy was exchanged especially the ones who made eye contact or spoke to you. Now realize that they were also affected by your matrix, your energy field, your grid.

You have the opportunity to offer a higher vibration, a more conscious vibration with each exchange and with everyone that you encounter. You have the opportunity to trigger the awakening in another by your conscious exchange without a word being spoken.

You have the opportunity to uplift and activate a sense of well-being, a sense of wholeness in the other. You have the opportunity to express acceptance and respect for the other. You can quietly in your mind simply say “I see you.” The energy of that expression will uplift the other. Remember who you are as a magnificent being and use your awareness to transform and offer expansion to all those that you meet.

When you declare “I am aware that I am aware.” When you bring your full consciousness of your matrix, your full awareness into your field, others respond from their highest understanding as well. You trigger their awareness of who they are.

When you set your intention to sense these grids and all these other matrices observe how you are responding and how others are responding to you. You begin to consciously ride these flows of energy, move through these fields of energy with delight and joy. This is the place of transformation, of miracles as you call them, of total synchronicity. Practice this. Be at peace, Beloved, the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself.

If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, “Well, Abraham you teach selfishness.” And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don’t have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 4/21/01

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Global Martial Law Imminent!

  • The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots on food shortages, gas shortages, Vaccine Mandates, forced vaccines/lockdowns as citizens of the world rise against the Deep State Plandemic.
  • The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries.
  • The Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the pandemic and Bank companies and pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested = Zero Hour, the Fall of the Cabal in all countries.
  • Trust the Plan: The Military is the only way.
  • https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/01/19/special-restored-republic-via-a-gcr-report-as-of-january-19-2022/

White Hats vs. Deep State: inside the War a very important battle was raging for the next Internet.

The Deep State wanted a new Internet that would be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World Internet. These passports would only be for those who abided by the world infection laws (growing currently) and co-operated with online banking (new rules/ standards/ regulations). The Deep State has a plan to control the world through their Internet, banking and social networks. They called this The Great Reset – restarting the Internet.

The White Hat’s New Internet was ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee and has the most advanced security and unbreakable and encrypted system ever created to serve mankind. Features behind the New Internet included A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks and world money laundering. Incubated in the many features was the saving of the world through an earth given foundation, (A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty. Among the features was ending all wars and giving generational healing through high technology that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing (the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind).


Feeling Good is Feeling God.