Enlightment is to be not be triggered by anyone or anything out there while being in the world but not of it.Not so long ago, monks had to isolate themselves in temples for long periods of time and in some cases for their whole life in order to reach a higher state of consciousness and sustain it.Today, the ever increasing energies of Love and Light coming from The Sun of all Suns/Source of All Creation/Mother Father God and Prime Creator have already brought Earth into the 5th, 6th and 7th Dimension and therefor her name : New Earth Pacha Mama Terra Christa.This allows each and everyONE to feel in the present moment their oneness with GOD within and with all Life becoming more aware that what ones thinks and feels, one vibrates one creates.Whatever one experiences in their life one attracts to the self.It behooves most people to believe it is so because how can this be that one attracts bad experiences to the self? Most people would rather see God as out there, being responsible for that happens in their life, rather taking the responsibility to acknowledge that they create their own experiences by the way the feel, think and more often reacting than truly acting from a place of alignment with their Soul/Higher Self.And in doing so, creating their own matrix of reality with like minded souls as like attracts like.Is there a way to get out of this constructed matrix?yes , there is and the answer lies within.With enough daily practice long enough to be able to listen the voice within for at least 15-20 minutes one can begin to create a better reality for the self and cross the bridge to the New Earth.There are those who have already crossed the bridge and have created the space for all to be able to do so.And then comes Free Will.God loves so much each and everyone that all have free will to do so or not in their lives.Everybody is loved and everybody chooses for their experiences in life that they feel, serves them best.When one has reached a state where is no longer triggered by anyone by anything, not even social media comments or any news out there, one knows clearly that He/She is already on New Earth manifesting with ease and grace and flow anything they want to be ,do or have for the highest good =the highest good for all.
Good day to you beautiful beings of love
and light. We are very pleased to be with you today. You are a joy to
be with as you lift yourselves to higher and higher states of
consciousness. Higher and higher feelings of excitement and passion.
You are becoming unconditionally loving,
unconditionally compassionate and it is beautiful to see. And you are
thinking less. Thinking is the great controller of Humanity.
Mind energy, or thinking, connects us
inevitably to the third dimensional paradigm of fear. Heart energy, not
thinking but feeling, connects us to the fifth dimension of love.
Thinking with words is what gives us the
miracle of Human life and understanding. Words are magical. We are
unconsciously programmed by them.
They can be black magic or white magic
depending on whether they come from the head or the heart. So many words
have hidden connotations.
So “government” has the governing of man
as it’s hidden meaning. “Manipulation” is, of course, about the
controlling of man’s thoughts.
So many words have hidden deep meanings within them that we are unconsciously programmed by.
We are fooled by words with their hidden
meaning. And, we are so conditioned by them that we do not think of
their effect upon us and others.
So, we have been used to using these
magical words indiscriminately. So, many of us have the habit of
swearing. The swear words themselves may not be inherently bad.
It is the feeling with which we use
them, the meaning with which we express them and the intention we have
in using them against ourselves or others, that gives them their power.
Of course, whatever we claim about
others, we are claiming for ourselves. So, when we are denigrating our
brethren, we are truly belittling ourselves.
Dear Lightworkers, Starseeds, watch your
every word. For every single word you say is creative. How else do we
form the life that we live but by our words. To live a full and happy
life we need a plan. That plan is delineated, is formed, by our words.
And, our words keep us in thought. In
the third dimensional reality our thoughts are primarily in the past or
the future. And so we miss the only time there is, that is we are not in
the now moment.
As we ascend in frequency, as we move to
the love vibration, we leave our thoughts behind. We ask our Spirit to
take the thoughts in our head and put them in our heart.
Forgiveness then steps in and we leave all our resentments, perceived hurts, blame and shame behind.
Then, we no longer think. Our minds and
hearts are melded and we feel great peace, great joy, great gratitude,
great love, for these are the feelings of our higher Selves, that have
been hidden under the mire of the earthly challenges of thought and
As we ascend, we are being lifted above
thinking to the upper room of self actualization. And, as we leave
thinking behind, we are directed by our higher selves. Our compass, our
leading edge, becomes our highest excitement, our passion, our joy.
Our creativity is given free reign as we
no longer worry about the past and the future. As we move deeper and
deeper into our hearts beingness, we drop third dimensional thoughts and
Then the peace, that in the lower
frequency passes all understanding, floods in. This is the meaning of
just be, just breathe. This is the meaning of you need do nothing.
Hitherto, in the third dimensional
paradigm, we have been Human Doings. We have been busy worrying,
thinking, planning every moment in an attempt to make our lives happy.
The more we thought about our lives, our
pains, our challenges, the more we became enmeshed in depression and
sadness. Life became such a trial as we tried harder and harder to
control every waking moment.
Let go and let God, is a familiar, often
used phrase. And it is important to let go and let God. To let the God
within us rule our minds and our lives. To command our Spirit to
increase our force energy within our body temples. To ask that more
divine essence flow in us and through us.
Ask and ye shall be given. As our mind
is cleared of thinking, we can do what we enjoy, what gives us joy. What
feeds our passion. And living in that vibration, in that happy
frequency, amazing synchronicities happen.
It is an amazing joy to just be, just
breathe. To do what we enjoy, to be all that we are meant to be in
joyous communion and camaraderie with our brethren.
For, as we clear ourselves of our
thinking, we can commune more deeply with our brethren. We can stand
united in unconditional love together.
Having cleared our minds of thinking
with criticisms and judgement about the behavior of those around us, we
can peacefully love them exactly as they are – knowing they are on the
same journey as we are.
They, too, are overcoming the planet
earth training simulator negative programming that all Human beings
experience. They too are leaving their negative thinking behind and
moving into the feelings and ideas that come from their heart and Soul.
Oh, how glorious to be one together in
the joy vibration. And Dear Ones, Dear Lightworkers, Starseeds, this is
where we are all heading. Into that glorious nirvana of love and light.
Your wayshower, or as a wise man once said, “your rudder indicator” is your passion, your highest joy, your excitement.
Leave thinking behind and be in your
passion. Do what you enjoy, that will be your purpose in life. You are
searching for your purpose. Your purpose is your passion. What you are
good at, what you can lose yourself in the joy of doing and being, is
what your Soul wishes you to do.
So just be, just breathe. Leave negative
thinking and worrying behind. Choose your words with care, for every
word you say is creative. Words reflect the feelings and intentions that
will outpicture in your life, that will create the life you really want
to live.
The universe rearranges itself to
accommodate your reality. Your reality is created by the thoughts you
think and the consequent words you speak.
Life is so complicated and yet so
simple. We are in glorious times indeed as we come to understand our
Soul nature, as more and more of our Divine essence is incorporated into
our body temples and we express more of our multi dimensional Selves.
Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We are Blessed Beings Indeed