The Magic of Merlin by Lord Merlin

Channeled through Natalie Glasson –  Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and Love I, Lord Merlin, extend to all beings of light aware and awake to connect with my energy and listen to my words. It is a gracious time upon the planet Earth now, as well as the Universe of the Creator. A time of deep blossoming and powerful transitions from duality to integration. A time when love becomes the foundation rather than the goal. For me, Lord Merlin, when love becomes the foundation of all that you are, this is when you recognise the magic within you and that of the Creator. Take a moment to contemplate, is love your goal or your foundation? If love is your goal, then you are continuing to focus upon the embodiment and expression of love. If love is your foundation then you have progressed beyond the conscious awareness of embodiment and expression of love, instead you recognise yourself as love in action within every moment of your reality. Remember that no one can be love in action all the time, there may be times when you feel the opposite of love, notice this as a healing and release process only and not a reflection on how well you are doing in your spiritual evolution.

Merlin’s School

Upon the inner planes, I, Lord Merlin, hold an ashram which is akin to a school of divine magic. My purpose is to guide and enrol souls who feel drawn to me into the divine magic of the Creator, within and around them. To do so is to open their awareness into the divine flow of the Creator, experiencing and integrating this flow into all they create. To be as one with the divine flow of the Creator is a magical and empowering experience which requires the process of mastery to allow for full involvement. Within my ashram we engage with the divine flow of the Creator, contemplate duality and aid transitions connected to and associated with duality. Deep blossoming of the truth of the Creator are encouraged as well as deep blossoming and the release of false ideas and energies. A focus on love as a foundation is at the core of my teachings, encouraging you to live and create from this deep-seated space of love. Thus, with my support you recognise the divine magic of the Creator emerging from within and pouring into all that you are and create.

My school appears to be within a magical woodland upon the inner planes, the elementals are always present. As are beings that you deem purely magical or fictional. To walk through my ashram is to feel as if you have been transported to another world, akin to a portal where every sight is magical and awe-inspiring. This is of course exactly what happens in my ashram. You will feel a surge as you enter into my ashram on the inner planes, this surge is an awakening of your divine innocence which allows memories of the Creator to flood forth into your awareness.

Lord Merlin’s Six Week Program

Due to the blossoming transition, of which I have spoken, occurring for souls upon the Earth, I wish to open my ashram and school to all souls upon the Earth for a six week transition and ascension awakening program. To enrol in my program of spiritual advancement I share with you an invocation:

‘Lord Merlin, I invite you forth to share in my presence as I share in your presence. It is my wish from my conscious mind to enrol myself in your six week transition and awakening program. If it is my soul’s sacred wish as well, please may my soul give its consent now. I understand that by enrolling in Lord Merlin’s six week program that I am giving my consent for Lord Merlin to work with me at an energetic level for six weeks and for me to visit his ashram during my sleep state for tuition, guidance and support. In enrolling in Lord Merlin’s six week program I wish to engage with the divine flow of the Creator, contemplate duality and aid transitions connected to and associated with duality thus experiencing integration and oneness with the Creator. I wish to experience a deep blossoming of the truth of the Creator as well as deep blossoming and the release of any false ideas and energies. A focus on love as a foundation so I may live and create from this deep-seated space of love. Thus, my goal is to recognise the divine magic of the Creator emerging from within and pouring into all that I am and create.

I understand that Lord Merlin will assist me sometimes with my conscious awareness such as during meditation and other times without my awareness, whichever is most appropriate and valuable for me. I realise that my role is to call upon Lord Merlin as much as I feel guided in the coming weeks, to meditate calling forth Lord Merlin and to hold in my focus the key transitions Lord Merlin wishes to assist me with.

I express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the love and support shared with me during this time. Thank you.’

What to Expect

During the six week period from when you first affirm the invocation shared, you may not experience anything different within your reality, being and spiritual evolution, instead transitions will take place within your higher self. Alternatively, you may experience my guidance strongly encouraging you to make changes within your life or being to aid ascension or assist in the transformation of Mother Earth. The more you read the invocation shared and focus on the purpose of the invocation, the easier it will be to recognise transitions within your being. The outcome of my six weeks with you will be precisely what you need to further your spiritual evolution. This may not be the same as what you desire and you may not be able to recognise the transitions taking place, however, everything your soul wishes to manifest, and embodiment will come about.

The Purpose of the Six Week Program

  • I, Lord Merlin, work personally with you to aid your ascension, this can take place within your reality and within my ashram on the inner planes during your sleep state.
  • Connect with and experience the divine flow of the Creator.
  • Contemplate duality and aid transitions connected to and associated with duality thus experiencing integration and oneness with the Creator.
  • Experience a deep blossoming of the truth of the Creator from within your being as well as deep blossoming and the release of false ideas and energies currently hindering you.
  • A focus on love as a foundation rather than a goal, therefore being able to live and create from this deep-seated space of love.
  • The ultimate goal, I, Lord Merlin, wish to support you in embodying is the recognition of the divine magic of the Creator emerging from within and pouring into all that you are and create.

Meditation for Use During the Six Week Program

First focus upon breathing deeply, then allow yourself to repeat the following words: ‘Lord Merlin, I invite you forth to share in my presence as I share in your presence. Please allow me to remain physically present upon the Earth as you transport my awareness to your ashram on the inner planes. Let us enter together into your Chamber of Divine Magic. As we sit together support me in seeing, sensing or acknowledging the divine magic of the Creator within and around me. Please intensify my abilities to recognise the divine magic of the Creator, enhancing my inner trust and inner connection with the truth of the Creator. With each breath I inhale I am connecting on a deeper level with you Lord Merlin, divine magic and the Creator. Thank you.’

I am here to support you in the coming weeks if you wish to invite me forth,

Lord Merlin

even a person who has one relationship after another or one marriage after another can be seen as a failure in relationships by one person but another may look at that same person and think about how exciting that lifestyle must be.therefore we suggest that you broaden your definitions…See it as an accomplishment if all you are feeling right now is calm and peaceful, and see any amount of money that is flowing into your life right now as the definition of abundance.-Achieving Goals ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton-

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have noticed the tendency on the part of humanity to set your sights on a particular goal that you have for yourselves and then to work very hard to achieve that goal. And all of this assumes that you will be happier, more fulfilled, more abundant, or something like that, after you have achieved your goal. The assumption is, of course, not always accurate. Sometimes you will achieve a goal and you will have more abundance, and then it will be time to set another goal, because you will want that feeling again.
You will want the feeling of satisfaction. You will want the feeling of accomplishment. You will create your sense of self-worth based upon whether you are able to achieve the next level of success by your own definition. Less of you than we would like to see are living your lives according to the joy that you feel in the moment. Very few are starting from a place of joy, or satisfaction. Instead, you are seeking it, as though it is contained in something outside of you.
You will always be the experiencer of that joy, that fulfillment, and even that abundance. You can have a billion dollars and look at someone who has twenty-five billion and feel poor by comparison, or a child can have one dollar and think that he or she is rich. It is truly all relative and all created by definition. Reality is what you make of it. Reality is how you choose to experience it in the moment, and so, if you are looking to the achievement to give you what you want, we recommend getting what you want first, and then deciding what it is you want to do from that place.
Get into that state of happiness, love, freedom, or abundance, and then see what you feel inspired to do, and we guarantee you that it will be more satisfying because you are doing it from a place of not needing to do it. We want to see more of you seeking out those vibrations by going within you and letting go of your attachments to someone else’s definition of success or abundance.
Even a person who has one relationship after another, or one marriage after another, can be seen as a failure in relationships by one person, but another may look at that same person and think about how exciting that lifestyle must be. Therefore, we suggest that you broaden your definitions and you allow for any little accomplishment to be something to celebrate. If you are living, right now, in a pain-free body, celebrate that. See it as an accomplishment if all you are feeling right now is calm and peaceful, and see any amount of money that is flowing into your life right now as the definition of abundance. And you will live more joyously from moment to moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

And you sometimes feel stuck in the middle, trying so hard to be of your higher self and to hold that consciousness, but then the ego still wants to survive and wants to be better than others. The ego still wants to feel separation, and it’s very tempting to go down that road of measuring yourself against others to determine your self worth.

5th Dimensional Knowing vs. 3rd Dimensional Beliefs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to appreciate the different challenges that you face there on Earth as beings who have allowed yourselves to be under a certain spell. Now, we see the bigger picture, and we recognize that the spell you have been under was created by you, specifically, to give you certain experiences that you could only have while holding this very limited view of self and reality. What we are now noticing is how many of you feel trapped in a loop, a loop that brings you back around to the same limiting thoughts and beliefs, and even actions.

As awake as you are, you find it difficult, if not impossible to free yourselves from the limitation that you once constructed to give yourselves a third-dimensional experience of reality. Now that you are fourth-dimensional, it is of course time to let go of these limitations and be the version of yourself that understands who you really are as Source Energy Beings.

However, these limiting thoughts and beliefs keep coming up, and they are creating an atmosphere for you that is very uncomfortable, especially when you now know better. It is as if you are in a battle of wills between your fifth-dimensional knowing and your third dimensional beliefs.

And you sometimes feel stuck in the middle, trying so hard to be of your higher self and to hold that consciousness, but then the ego still wants to survive and wants to be better than others. The ego still wants to feel separation, and it’s very tempting to go down that road of measuring yourself against others to determine your self worth. And then the fifth-dimensional part of you gets active and realizes that there is no separation and there is no need to survive, or measure yourself. That part of you knows about ascension and your infinite and eternal nature.

You don’t have to spend any of your time and effort trying to destroy thoughts and beliefs. You just need to be aware of when they come up so that you can lovingly let them go and return to the knowing of your fifth-dimensional higher self. Keep making that shift internally until it become second nature, and you will no longer be in a battle. It will be more like a group hug.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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”May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.”…Instead of trying to figure out how the darkness will collapse, I invite you to focus your efforts on anchoring the outcome you desire, and allowing the play of reality that your energy and intentions are influencing to bring about resolution in whatever way serves the expansion of the whole.

Addressing Atrocity

by Matt Kahn, Aug. 14, 2019

Whether the topic is mass shootings, immigrant children being held at borders, political turmoil, the mistreatment of animals or any other subject that draws anger, fear, and concern to the forefront of your experience, it is an important first step to be aware of how others are affected by the injustices and inhumane patterns lingering throughout the collective. The question is, once you’ve uncovered each and every conspiracy and processed the feelings that result from such gruesome and unfathomable realities, what do you do now?

Everyone has a key role to play in the awakening of humanity. Some may play more vital roles in the physical realm, while others may be called to anchor on an energetic realm, and yet, it all works together as a symphony of truth to awaken all beings through a harmony of change.

It is very common for there to be two types of imbalances occurring when attempting to be ‘bringers of change’ for the benefit of all.

One type of imbalance exposes you to atrocities that often consume your full attention, causing you to live in a constant state of negativity toward the things you are determined to stop. In this imbalance, you feel your role is to make sure everyone in your sphere of influence knows each and every grim detail, which on an energetic level, is like replaying horror films throughout the cells of your body.

Whistle blowers are essential at a certain level, but ultimately this approach overlooks our vibrational contribution, while maintaining a subconscious energetic standpoint of “I will suffer relentlessly until those who suffer have been freed.” If that subconscious belief actually added to the freedom and resolve of anyone’s pain, suffering, and torment, it would be a true act of selfless nobility instead of the martyrdom and righteousness it often perpetuates.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who attempt to anchor high-vibrational energy, while turning away and denying anything that causes pain, grief, shame, guilt, confusion, or disgust. This is equally an imbalanced approach as one tries to bring the light of goodness, while turning away from darkness.

Since goodness is the essence of Divine Truth, its natural tendency, outside of the play of conditioning, is to face and welcome each aspect home into the heart of love — no matter how darkened or conscious it has come to be. This essentially means that one is unable to truly anchor the power of love whenever treating darkness in an unloving or dismissive way.

Instead of trying to “let things go” or turn away from the things that horrify your innocence, perhaps it’s time to face the very monsters that your loving presence came to rescue and return to the light. This occurs by allowing your heart to be open and affirming the Divinity that is nearly impossible to see or sense in some conditioned patterns or character.

Loving what arises doesn’t mean liking what you see, or trying to make it less insufferable by discounting it as illusions of form.

Instead, the consciousness within our being becomes so aware of atrocities and injustices that it turns toward the resolution of justice in the most balanced, productive, inspired, and heart-centered way. It is important to be aware of the horrors of humanity, so you are aware of the things you are transforming for all; but the question is, once you are aware of certain disturbing realities, where do you go from there?

Once you know the problem at hand, now it’s time to offer time and attention to implementing solutions. If you are so disturbed by the things you see, maybe your contribution is in loving your own heart, so on a vibrational level, your greater awareness of your inner child allows the collective to wake up and support the safety and ethical treatment of children, men, women, animals, and Earth in all areas of experience.

If aware of the things you naturally oppose, perhaps it is time to allow each moment of disgust to remind you of the perfect moment in time to anchor blessings to contribute toward the global tipping point, where the vibration of humanity will not allow such violence and abuse to exist.

As always, blessings are affirmative statements that anchor the command of a positive outcome throughout the multi-dimensional field of reality. Here is an example to help uplift your efforts into greater inspired action:

“May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.”

Whether loving your own heart, sending blessings out to humanity, or tracking the every move of devious agendas, it is common for each aspect to feel defeated in believing “it’s never enough”. This is why some misunderstand “loving what arises” as a bypass mechanism or a way to turn away from the things that are difficult to process.

I offer these words to make my intentions and offerings abundantly clear: I am aware of the disturbing activities that occur on this planet. I do not turn away from anything, since that would be abandoning those souls who need the most help and resources, nor do I require myself to consume information at a non-stop level, as if that is an example of facing it all or avoiding denial. Simply put, there is nothing to avoid when there is everything to bless.

If a bill needs to be passed to affect change, then sign or start a petition. If you know the specific names of those who endanger and hurt others, no matter how public a persona they maintain, file a police report. And if that doesn’t get you anywhere, I invite you to join along with millions of heart-centered beings who recognize the positive change we can bring to life when the vibration of love is intentionally focused on resolving negativity by anchoring a more positive outcome.

Instead of trying to figure out how the darkness will collapse, I invite you to focus your efforts on anchoring the outcome you desire, and allowing the play of reality that your energy and intentions are influencing to bring about resolution in whatever way serves the expansion of the whole. Otherwise, you are determined to abolish suffering by spending time discussing the things you oppose with others.

Initially, discussions are required to become aware of things that have yet to be acknowledged. Once aware of the things that occur, now we transition into bringing light to the planet on a daily basis to resolve the very things orbiting our awareness. How many times each day are you willing to stop and declare, whether silently or out loud:

“May all men, women, children, animals, and all elements of Earth be rescued, resolved, replenished, rehabilitated, reborn, and respected as the Divine I AM now.”

When life gets disturbing, it is time for the angels in human form that are ready, willing, and able to anchor positive change for the liberation of all to raise their game. In every breath, I live for the well-being of every heart. How about you?

Infinite blessings of love for all, now and forever, Amen. And so it is.

Matt Kahn

The New is Beginning

The new is beginning. Allow us to use yet another metaphor. We will use as our illustration the building of a structure. There are certain steps that always are, in fact must be, taken if success is to be expected. You do not rush into a vacant piece of land and begin throwing materials together if you want something strong and lasting to be the result.

Detailed plans are first drawn up. Qualified people design a structure that will serve the purposes for which it is being constructed. Necessary materials are purchased and scheduled. Correct procedures are followed in order to eliminate conflicts and the need that something be undone and then rebuilt. Solid foundations are laid.

Then, and only then, something begins to arise that can be seen when one looks at the site of the new structure.

However, there is one very important step that must be accomplished before any of those things can happen. When a site is occupied by a prior structure, that structure must be removed. Most often, It must be razed to the ground.

That is the point at which you find yourselves today. The machines are running and the tear-down has begun. In your vernacular, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

We have repeatedly told you that you might be well served to be patient and allow the necessary preparations to be made. Reconstruction is a complicated process. We said that there was much that you would actually not want to see as the exposure occurred. The response we always heard was “Bring it on! We’re ready.” And yet even now we tell you that you are not.

Some of you will be able to tolerate more of the vileness that will be exposed than others. And much, though not all, will be exposed. Even so, we say be prepared to turn away if you must in order to maintain your equanimity. Yes, these things must be brought forward in order for humanity to cleanse itself – in order for humanity to forgive itself. Without forgiveness, the way forward will not open. But it is not necessary for any one of you to view all of it. It IS necessary for each of you to remain steadfast in your light.

You may cry. You may be in shock. You may get angry. You may rage. Still, you must continue to hold your light high and participate in the building of the new.

Now, it is an old story. And we tell it over and again. But you knew this would happen in your lifetimes. Some of you will choose to come back when the turmoil is over. As always, some will rush into the fray to save what can be saved. Some will rage. Some will be unable to take it in. But it must be gone through and a way must be found for humanity to forgive itself for what it has done to itself.

Now the bad boys have had their thumbs on the dike for a long time. But the dike has now been breached and nothing can or will be done that will stop the flood that is beginning.

What can you do? What must you do? You need to make the base of your convictions rock solid. You need to fortify your intention to carry yourself and others through to the new world that you have yearned for.

It is on your horizon. That new world is actually beginning to rise. You will not allow a vacuum. The new is standing in the wings awaiting its cue. To save time and effort, much can be re-purposed to serve all and not the few.

It is time now for you to begin to understand who you truly are and why you are here at this precise time. We have told you, yes. But it was treated like a fairy tale. Time to reassess. Time to know.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

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Ascension symptoms are nothing to worry about.

Physical Upgrades & Ascension Symptoms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Physical Upgrades & Ascension Symptoms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are particularly interested in keeping tabs on how you all are doing in regards to the upgrades that have been ongoing to your physical bodies. The reason why we are so interested in this topic is because of the way that many of you who are awake have come to realize that these ascension symptoms are normal and natural, and we like to see how much you have influenced the collective consciousness of humanity. We would like nothing more than to see an individual, who we would define as unawakened, have one of these symptoms in their physical body and come to the realization that it was a normal and natural occurrence.

We would love to see more of you letting go of your worries and your fears in regards to your physical vehicles. We would love to see you all just listening to your bodies, rather than medicating them so much and having so many unnecessary surgeries. We want you to realize that your bodies are dynamic machines, and sometimes those machines need upgrades. We also want you to recognize that your upgrades are a positive sign. They mean that you are closer to having your fifth dimensional light body.

You are of course, well on your way, but how you are going to get there, and when, is still yet to be determined. We just want to see you making that journey with joy and love in your hearts, rather than fear and worry. In a typical third-dimensional lifetime, you would come to expect a gradual decline in your faculties and a deterioration of your physical body, leading to either a sudden death or an illness that would lead to death.

Now is the time to let go of that ancient programming that has nothing to do with who you are today as ascending beings of light and love. You are infinite and you are eternal, and you are taking your bodies with you to the fifth dimension. You will have a physical body. It just won’t be as dense as the one you have now, and that is why these upgrades are necessary, and that is why we would love to see less freaking out at every little issue with your physical bodies.

What we are suggesting instead is that you slow down, rest, relax, meditate, hydrate, and give yourselves love and compassion, especially the part of you that is having the hardest time during the very important upgrade. These upgrades will continue, of course, and we hope that you all continue to stay aligned with your knowing that ascension symptoms are nothing to worry about so that you can be the influencers to the rest of the human collective that you were born to be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Divine authority means choosing – yes, with … your divine authority of free will – to direct how, where, when, [and] if you choose to proceed.” -Divine Mother-

Divine Mother: There has been a huge reticence individually and collectively on the part of human beings to assume that divine authority.  And of course, the first step to that is the individual assumption.

Now part of that reticence has been the very well-established abuse of authority upon your planet so that many who are of the love hesitate to step forth thinking that authority has so often meant that you are trying to coerce or tell somebody else what to do, and that you don’t want to put yourself in that role or in that position of potential conflict. But that is not what we are talking about.

You are of us, and you are fully and completely autonomous. (1) And in this I mean that that is the gift and the trust of free will. Because free will has been so aberrant in so many ways, those of you who wish to align with love, with divinity, often will hesitate, be reticent, to assume your authority. But if you do not assume it, then who does?

Now let me be a very practical Mother, which is not what I am known for. (Chuckles) You have assumed form, and let me say to you I have allowed you to assume form. I have chosen and created and birthed you into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done this, with that spark of divinity so that you would be divine in form. (2)

And what that means in very practical terms is the assumption of your divine authority to be in charge of your life, of your thoughts, of your feelings, of your actions, of your behaviors, of your steps, of your environments, all the way out to the edges of the universe, throughout all times and dimensions. …

If you do not take authority over your existence – think in practical terms, this life – then what happens? You are adrift. You are in fact that row boat in the middle of the ocean being twisted and turned every which way. Divine authority means choosing, yes with your free will and your divine authority of free will, to direct how, where, when, if you choose to proceed.

You have the most magnificent internal wisdom and knowing. That pain barometer of separation tells you when you are not in alignment with your divine self and hence with us. There are times, and we mean moments, when the action is what you would think of as doing nothing. But of course doing nothing is always doing something because you are either disengaged or being the observer or participant observer. So, there is no such thing. It is an illusion for you to even conceive or believe or think that you are not in your divine authority every moment of your existence.

Now, if you choose to ignore it, and that is what the reticence is, then you are not fulfilling your joy, your purpose or what gives you the greatest glee. And yes, there are moments when those decisions can be challenging and difficult. But, that shows you your strength, your courage, your valor, your persistence in working your way back to us. So much of that reticence has been, “Well, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes,” while allowing yourself to be trampled. That is not the plan.

The plan is harmonious, like a dance. Will there be missteps at times? Yes. That is when you bow to each other and chuckle. You do not go to war.

So, there is this reticence, particularly upon the light worker community, because authority has been defined as dictatorial, as controlling. But, what you are truly doing is anchoring and re-anchoring, through this assumption of divine authority, the truth of what leadership, stewardship and creation and co-creation and partnership and community and unity and truth is all about. And, if you do not do it, my beloveds, who does?

Because, as the old is fading away – and trust me, it will fade away, that is a given – then there will be a vacuum if you have not stepped forward and said, “You know, there is an alternate way to be human, to live upon this planet in ways that are kind and considerate and sharing and decent and honest and filled with laughter and sweetness.”

This is a planet of such diversity and beauty and she will be pure again. That is already underway. I am not suggesting that you engage in bully fights. That is futile. It is an exercise in futility. What I am suggesting as your creator self, in the assumption of individual and collective authority, is that you forge a different pathway and you open that pathway for all to come with you. And we are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. (“Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,”  February 28, 2017, at


Youngest award winning chef and youth empowerment speaker Omari Mcqueen of The United Kingdom began his journey of becoming a chef when he first started cooking at the age of seven years old, when his mother fell ill from hemiplegic migraines which is a rare and serious type of migraine headache that symptoms mimic those of a stroke and causes paralysis on one side of the body.

Read More here

Find Your Safe Place Within

Dear Ones,

We wish to address the pain you feel when you learn of the inhumane actions of those wishing to hold onto their outer-directed power. Even though you know those in pain volunteered, such does not make those actions any less painful for you.

The earth bullies are exposing themselves in ways you ignored lifetime after lifetime. For you also experienced pain, as well as the “joy” of bullying or harming others preparing for this lifetime. But in previous lives, you were more focused on your role in preparation for this life than you were about the treatment of others or yourself.

Such a thought seems inconceivable to most of you for you believed you did what you could to protect others, and that you never tortured or harmed others. We beg to differ. You have willingly played both roles adding karmic debt earth life after earth life. But now, you are alarmed by the pain you see exposed in your media and via the words of others. For even though you willingly harmed others in previous lives, you did so in preparation for this life. In essence, forgiving yourself in small doses for the “greater good.” This life is different.

So it is that the pain of others is affecting you differently than was true in other lifetimes. For this is a lifetime of love and healing. Even though you wish to help everyone now, you realize others must work through their issues. For if they do not, they will remain on the karmic wheel of, “if I do this to you in this life, you will retaliate in the next.”

You are confused. You are searching for the joy that seems wonderfully possible until you see a media report about the latest inhumane action or retaliation.

A logical response would be to ignore information not filled with joy. But given the number of media sources and your interactions, such is nearly impossible. So it is time for you to create an inner area to protect yourself from this 3D barrage of pain and fear. Such is so for many reasons, not the least of which is the intensifying of 3D negativity for the next few months.

Like a candle burning until it finally extinguishes itself, the pain of inhumanity is shining brightly for the next couple of months, eating up the last of the pain as the candle burns out.

So it is you will be confused the next couple months knowing you wish to share your loving joy, only to discover others in extreme pain because the bullies, the perpetrators are out in full force.

What is your role? Despite the seeming discomfort in doing so, your role is to shine your light brightly, allowing others to know there is an option for pain.

You are perhaps wondering why your light will not burn out as we predicted for the bullies. Your light is more like an electric current that never burns out and can be easily switched off and on. We are requesting you allow your light to be left on despite the experiences of others.

If you need more time in nature or within yourself to do so, please know how important such is now.

Many of you have wholly or somewhat separated yourself from social interactions. But doing so has created a quandary for you wonder if you will ever feel like rejoining society. Even though during the next couple of months, you will find more joy in your seeming isolation than as part of society. You will rejoin society with joy once this phase is complete.

Perhaps you interact daily with co-workers or family members who are in fear or are bullies. There is no easy answer for those of you exposed to that pain every day, other than creating a place within to retreat to when you are feeling uncomfortable. For the divide becoming more apparent between those who believe they are the 3D chosen ones to those who suffer might encourage you to join the fray. But you will lose yourself if you do so.

Just as you experienced your dark night of the soul, so now are millions of others. The difference is your dark night was most likely related to a smaller grouping such as your earth family, a job, or relationship. Those now experiencing their dark night of the soul are doing so on a much larger stage – as a group rather than individually.

Such is so because their phase needs to be completed more rapidly than was true for you. You had years, perhaps decades to push through your pain. This transition has been expedited by you en masse so you could experience joy in this lifetime. So it is those now following are more likely to experience their dark night of the soul en masse rather than individually. And your media is part of this mass dark night of the soul.

Individually processing the pain would require an individual to note the pain, express that pain, and finally clear it as was true for you. Such does not mean that the perpetrator would be exposed as will be happening in this transition round. So it is you will learn secrets you might not wish to know as others clear their palates of pain so that they too can use their bright colors of joy.

You have little to do with this phase of en masse clearing/healing other than shining your light brightly. Your role is to discover that place within you that shines despite the pain of others.

Allow others the freedom to express their pain – both those being bullied or physically harmed and those harming others. For this is a huge dark night of the soul.

The end result will amaze you and those involved. For many, if not most, of the bullies will decide to change direction from fear to love, as will be true for those being harmed. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Consciousness is Shifting for All Beings .

Quan Yin via Laura Lee Lizak

This message is a global service ignition by Quan Yin.

She suggests sitting in consciousness while you read and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system for the Earth:

“Levels of Consciousness are shifting for all beings right now. There are channels of energy that are moving thru everyone’s bodies. There are channels that are sharing themselves into and thru this message. There are people who want to share these powers in connection to Source. There are many beings that are sharing these energies. Let us transform each other in this power structure. Let us share this transformation together. Let us manage these powers, in connection to Source, and celebrate this transformation in every experience. Let that be what is occurring here.

Let it be simple now. Let your body transform the Earth. Let your transformation easily occur. Let everyone have this transformation completely occurring. Let you be that transformation. Let everyone’s hearts be transformed completely into Source connection. Let that be what is happening in everyone’s bodies.

You are that transformation. You are the enlightened support structure that is enlightening the Earth. You are the management of this power. You are the transformation occurring in everyone’s bodies. That is what is occurring right now. Let that be what is occurring in every heart on this Earth. Share this transformation. Share the powers. Let the support come thru to you. Let your way of being shift. Say yes to all of this; to the many levels of consciousness shifting you. Saying yes to all of this is saying yes to the management of the power.

There is delight in this structure. Say yes to this transformation completely occurring all of the time. Do that today. And notice the shift in your body. Notice the beingness that you are, giving itself into this Earth experience. Notice the shift. That is consciousness. That is enlightened support. That is the beingness that everyone is creating in themselves at this time. Say yes to that.

It is NOW that we create this shift. You are the magnificent support that is occurring in the Earth experience. Notice the shift. Do you see yourself in this power? Thank you! Let it all fill you up…let is share itself thru you. Thank the Gods for this transformation. And let it all continuously occur, in all being’s bodies. Thank you. Give it to yourself. Let it all channel thru you. And allow it to continuously occur. Amma. Good job, dear ones! Thank you for all of this power. And let it all share itself in your body. YES YES YES to all this power…Amma!

And tell everyone this power is occurring in their bodies; that they are magnificent in their powers, that they channel energy continuously, and that every person on this planet in continuously accelerating. Amma. Good job! It is occurring! It is accelerating! It is transformational experience. Amma. Let that be what is happening for everyone at this time. Thank you. You are changing the planet here. It is more powerful than ever to be aware and conscious at this time.

YES to all the transformation! YES to the transformation continuously occurring! YES to each person transforming each other! YES to being this immensely powerful continuously! YES to leveling out consciousness into all beings! YES to all beings sharing this transformation! Yes, indeed. It is all occurring at this time. Thank you for this power, and this support. and thank you for sharing each other’s powers to enlighten all beings. It is time dear ones. It is THE time. Thank you for all the support you created in this planetary experience of enlightening each other. Thank you for witnessing this transformation, and thank you for sharing your Source. Amma. God conscious support is everywhere, and your support is in God Consciousness. Amma.”

Quan Yin channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak
Global Enlightenment Teleconferences
Private Sessions with Quan Yin
Vortex Enlightenment Retreats in Sedona AZ USA

Dearest Souls … we have asked you to repeat over and over … I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE . I AM. Many of you are doing so and finding much strength from it.-The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom GOodchild-

Blossom: Please note: This starts off on a bit of a downward slide … yet, very quickly changes energy that could well knock you off your feet!!

Hello again to you my friends in High Places!

And we welcome you, Dearest Blossom, and Each Soul who is caught up in this net of confusion regarding Energies that are disrupting your everyday living.

Wait … is that you? … an odd way to start.

And yet, is this not so, that so many are disregarding their KNOWING OF TRUTH as they fall into dismay and despair with all that is being presented to you on your news?

Perhaps so. I do not wish to appear selfish, yet, for me in my little bubble of Light, I am in a fine space and not feeling that way at all. Hence why I questioned when you first came through with ‘caught up in this net’.

We are very much aware, Dearest Blossom, of the Blooming of your petals at this stage and all the Light that shines out from them.

Yes. I have to say, I feel in a very Blessed state these days … even though I am still hardly sleeping!

Yet, this is not the case for many. In other lands much turmoil and confusion IS taking place. Much is being discovered underneath the ‘so-called treasures’ that are not of brightened jewels.

Not really sure what you mean.

In that … there are those that are presenting as ‘solid Light’ and, yet, when put under a microscope … this would not be their True representation.

Therefore, many are despondent in knowing what is actually taking place in reality. For those behind the scenes are now walking out into the limelight and being exposed for that which they Truly are.

I am aware of the leader of a global ring regarding abusing children being arrested.* Yet, I know no more of any other at this point.

This is soon to be more widespread. Yet, the very Energy of these exposures is already ‘out in the open’.

Many names, places and situations are soon to be revealed and behaviours of the foulest conception will be exposed.

You do not really speak this way … so I did a check in with White Cloud and he confirmed for me it is you THE FOL. As you were then!

Blossom, we are here with you in the HIGHEST LOVE … yet, we are addressing situations that are not! Therefore, the Energy you are feeling is due to that fact.

We have said how one can and will so easily get caught up in all that they hear. Many who are still unaware /asleep to such matters of ‘disguise’ are FEELING upset and would we say ‘churned up’ within their Being. They wonder how much more of these major ‘upsets’ are to take place … before it is too late?

Too late for what?

For their hearts to fall into a cavity. These are the souls that have not once considered their souls to be anything other than a life that is here upon your Planet to exist and get by the best they can. They have not chosen to look into deeper matters of the heart and soul. Therefore, they are falling into a darkness as they experience more and more of that which is not of the LIGHT.


Oh, thank goodness for that … I felt the energy ‘shift’ right there … Continue!

Dearest Souls … we have asked you to repeat over and over …




Many of you are doing so and finding much strength from it.

Yes, folk are writing in to say what a difference it is making. I am adding the smile and deep breathing as I say it and that takes it to another level, also.

You see Dearest Souls? Do you see? The efforts that are performed in this, simplistic of fashion, is LIFE CHANGING.


IT IS TRANSFORMING … and so many of you are able to FEEL IT NOW.

Segueing nicely into … some have written in asking HOW to FEEL it, rather than just say it? Where do they go in their BEING to make it of the STRONGEST POWERFUL INTENTION that they can?

This is a very worthy /worthwhile question. For like with ALL THAT ONE DESIRES … to simply address/say/speak/think ‘something’ has little effect … compared to the enormity of FEELING that very same ‘something.’

One cannot manifest their heart’s desires unless they are FELT … for the VIBRATION OF THE FEELING is what attracts it to itself … if you are understanding this.

Very much so. So, how would YOU best explain to those who are unsure HOW TO FEEL THIS INTENTION?

Take your thought to your heart area.

Think about where your heart resides … Breathe into that thought and that space that you are thinking about and keep your focus there … Breathe again and yes … smile! FEEL the shift in yourself … in your Energy as you smile.

Then, if for some, you are not able to visualize a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT arising from that place within your heart … then imagine you are looking at yourself in a mirror. Then watch as your entire BEING transforms from its physical form … into a BEING OF LIGHT …


Breathe into this LIGHT as you say with the HIGHEST DEEPEST MEANINGFUL INTENT …






























































I think we could safely say you answered the question! In Gratitude … heaps of it … In Loving service … I AM!

*I am aware that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead this morning (after I had done this channel.)

** The Federation Of Light and White Cloud have often spoken of ‘envelopes’ we have inside our heads and when the time comes they will be activated. As if the envelopes are opened and inside are our instructions as to what it is we are to do. Different for Each One possibly. All very exciting!

For those that do not get my newsletter, please find news of my next event in HAWAII! YAY!

Obama is innocent of all charges against him.-AA Michael-

Readers frequently ask me if the Company of Heaven has abandoned President Obama and the CoH consistently reply that they have not, that he’s innocent of all charges against him, and that nothing will happen to him during the phase of Ascension called Accountability. Here is Archangel Michael offering reassurance.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2019. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

Steve: was President Obama and his family threatened if they did not cooperate with the Deep State?

Archangel Michael: They have been threatened many times and in many ways. But do not forget that they were also deeply protected, Sweet One.

Steve: But did they know they were deeply protected?

AAM: Yes. (1)

Steve: Is it the case that the same cabal that neutralized Pres. Obama in his presidency is now saying that he is responsible for everything that was done?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: People are asking how the Company of Heaven looks upon Pres. Obama now because there are so many charges of corruption and criminal behaviour being made against him. Would you care to make a statement about this?

AAM: There is a … we would almost say a human conspiracy to denigrate this one and it is born of arrogance, of hatred, of greed, yes, even of racism, to be dismissive and to create a great deal of distraction and to create a literal curtain of lies and untruth about this one.

It does not matter for this one is strong and he does not need to prove himself one way or the other but the effort to dismiss this one and the promise that he has brought forward is very sad.

Steve: Will he end up in jail?

AAM: No.

Steve: Are there sealed indictments against him?

AAM: No.


(1) Compare with:

“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (Hatonn to Steve Beckow through Suzy Ward, Oct. 15, 2010.)

Golden Age of Gaia.

QCTV: Energy Shifts, Diamond Heart Activation & Disclosure -Sandra Walter-

Blessings Beloveds ~

Here is the video replay of Tuesday’s Quantum Conversation TV episode. An informative and expansive connection, with a guided activation for the Diamond Christed Star of the Heart.

Notable sections:

Beginning: Discussing the recent timeline shifts and guidance from the Higher Realms

32:11 – Guided Diamond Heart Activation – use this often for expansion of the New Lightbody

51:51 – Disclosure, contact and experiencing the Christed state

If this content assists your journey, please click through and subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you!

Gratitude to all who participated in the powerful Global Lion’s Gate Unity Meditation. See you in the field on SUNday for our Unity Meditations. 

In Love, Light and Service,

In the long run, you will say yes to all of the different energies from the different star systems, and you will be able to assimilate all energies and become your full galactic self.

The Orion Star System ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been increasing the amount of energy that we have been sending to support you, and we are very pleased to see how many of you have opened yourselves up to it. We know that you tend to open yourselves up to receive more when you have a reason to, such as the Lion’s Gate Portal, and so we take advantage of that, and we sneak some more energy in. We also notice how well you are able to assimilate the energies coming from our star system, and we are also monitoring how well you are assimilating the energies from other star systems.

The Orion System, for example, is very tricky because of the lack of trust that you all have of Orion energies. Most of you are not conscious of this lack of trust, but your subconscious knows what you experienced in that star system and how much trauma you carried forth from those Orion incarnations. We also notice that there are times when you will be receiving and assimilating more Pleiadian energy because you realize how healing it is. In the long run, you will say yes to all of the different energies from the different star systems, and you will be able to assimilate all energies and become your full galactic self.

You often find that the best feeling energies are coming to you from our star system, and that is because of the very pleasant memories that you have of incarnating here. We have always been a peaceful people. We have always sought spiritual enlightenment, and that is also a big part of what you are doing there on Earth now, as you consciously ascend to the fifth dimension.

We do want you to open yourselves up to the star systems that have been home to more of your traumatic experiences, and we invite you to do so consciously. At times, it will seem like you are having a bad dream, or a nightmare, when you become aware of certain experiences you have had in other parts of the galaxy. But you will also realize how beneficial that is and how much the clearing is necessary and a part of your evolution and awakening. And by allowing more of the Orion energies in, you also grant yourselves more access to the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian energies.

You can and you will recall what you need to recall from those off-world incarnations, just as you will recall all of your e.t. experiences that you’ve had on your Mother Earth in this and every other lifetime. It is quite a journey that you have put yourselves on, but always rest assured that you have the help of us, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many other beings of light and love who only want to help. You are strong and you are capable of handling it all. This we have seen time and time again from humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Imagine you are a wave upon the ocean. At the surface you contend with all the waves around you, whether cooperative or destructive. If you were to sink a little deeper into the ocean you would feel the deeper currents of the other waves, some weaker, some stronger. If you were to go even deeper, you would only feel the deep peace of the ocean itself.-A Message from The Angels via Ann Albers, August 10th, 2019-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you are feeling the world’s unrest. It manifests in anxiety, crankiness, intolerance, impatience, fear, or a multitude of other feelings that can be summed up in one word – unsettled. You feel unsettled because you are sensitive and your world is unsettled.

It is a time when all of you are starting to feel, at deeper levels, that indeed you are all One. Within each and every one of you, the energies that comprise your world exist – not in your physical body, but in the part of your eternal spirit that reaches into infinity. You can either contribute your Peace and Love into the mass consciousness, or you can be drawn into its chaos.

Imagine you are a wave upon the ocean. At the surface you contend with all the waves around you, whether cooperative or destructive. If you were to sink a little deeper into the ocean you would feel the deeper currents of the other waves, some weaker, some stronger. If you were to go even deeper, you would only feel the deep peace of the ocean itself. The nearer you are to the surface, the more unsettled and affected by the other waves you would be.

Likewise when you look at the surface of your world, you see and feel chaos. There is an intense clashing now between what you call the forces of light and darkness, or as we’d rather say, those in truth, and those in illusion. There are multitudes of angry souls, and as well, multitudes working to be the love and the peace in the world. On your earth, when opposing forces such as hot and cold fronts collide, storms transpire. Likewise, there are many storms upon your earth right now – shootings, political unrest, etc. You feel these storms in your bodies and minds.

However, there is good news. Just as the peaceful depth of the ocean is always there, whether or not it is a sunny day or whether there is a hurricane going on at the surface, so too, the Peace and the Presence of the Divine exists within your depth, waiting for you to sink into it, to relax in its embrace, and to come to the surface more refreshed and more able to withstand the storms of life. The more you take time to connect with Love, in any form, the more you become a contribution to the world and the more you tip the balance in the mass consciousness towards the light.

Take time in silence. Feel the love in your hearts. Breathe deeply and ask the Divine and your angels to rise up within you and fill you with this love. In this space, you become a spring, a fountain of love that pours forth into and blesses your world. In connection with the energy of Love, dear ones, you become the lights of the world. Then and only then will the storms of life pass you by, while you, like the center of the hurricanes, remain in peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Feeling Good is Feeling God.