Creating Abundance in Ascension times.

Inner-standing that we are here in a co-creation process with all Light Beings across the multiverse makes Abundance creation a very easy process.

When we ask something it is given. And the time it takes to show up in our experience is only a question of aligning with Source that we really are and be in Joy and appreciation all along the way, all along the journey.

And in the accelerating times of Ascension there are 2 powerful streams where we can choose from. One is the stream of not believing the self as one with Source and the other is the stream of knowing the self as Source.


And when i know i am source, i also know that everything source has, is also mine. So the practice is to first align for about 15-20′ in meditation on a daily basis while asking entire company of Heaven to assist in our magic creation and the trust and have faith that it is already given.

The Golden White Unicorns and Saint Germain are 2 of the many Light beings that can bring incredible magic in our intentions and abundance creation.

So i am inviting you to work with them directly, ask for their support and feel in the depths of your being how the connections are being established more and more. And then witness the miracle unfolding, moment by moment.

Make sure to send the intention for abundance for all humanity and practice this creation exercise every time you feel in lack and limitation in your money supply. It works!!! and it also works with anything else you need support.

Trust, Believe and Be in Joy and Appreciation 24/7.

Feel More Than Fine


RV – The New Earth: A Revolution in Currency

In this new era, we’re not just talking about a change in the numerical values we see in our bank accounts or a handful of new regulations. No, this is a complete paradigm shift. It’s a new way of conceptualizing value, transaction, and wealth. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), International Organization for Standardization 20022 (ISO 20022), the Basel III international regulation, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR – these aren’t just acronyms or technical jargon. They are symbols of the winds of change, indicators of the significant transformation we are collectively experiencing. The impact of these initiatives is not localized; they’re reshaping the entire financial landscape, changing the way we conduct business, trade, invest, and even perceive value. And more than ever, they’re linking us together, fostering a sense of unity consciousness that transcends borders and cultures.