Have you noticed the pull of the Eclipse Gateway?

sun eclipse
Photo by Adam Krypel on Pexels.com

Blessings Beloveds ~

Have you noticed the pull of the Eclipse Gateway?

We are moving into a unique bandwidth of frequencies which peak May 13-19. The partial Solar eclipse is this Saturday, April 30. This passage is aimed at rapid expansion into a new experience in form. For many, a door will close on the old way of creating.Guidance, preparation and observations on this realm shift are available in last week’s YouTube Live.Becoming the Presence changes everything.When we hold the vibration of Source in the Heart and crystalline structures, we serve as conduits. This accelerates what Gaia is able to receive and transmit. The more conduits capable of holding a much higher vibration, the greater the acceleration.These frequencies read our Divine DNA like a quantum archive. The light seeks a resonance match; a pure conduit to amplify the New.Cosmic wisdom knows what your highest trajectory is, and how you get there. Revelation requires surrender, conscious alignment, contemplation, meditation, and release of old patterns.For many, the dismantling intensifies to accommodate the much higher frequency plasma of these Gateways. Weep, move, and release to make room for more light!These frequencies clear old mental and emotional constructs. Focus on balance and stability within, to assist with balance and stability without.Unplug from narratives which dim your light. They interfere with heart coherence, which affects your DNA’s ability to do something new, which affects your reality.This is a perfect moment to cleanse, clear, detoxify and be in prime condition to receive and facilitate these waves of cosmic plasma.Everyone allowing this new level of Heart expansion is experiencing deep releases. This is paired with heightened Compassion, Gratitude, Self-Revelation and I AM Presence Perspective. Brand new frequencies since March 13.Crystalline plasma is purging physical and non-physical layers of Self. Brains are in transformation; the mind often feels blank. Use the tips in the YouTube live to maintain vibrational hygiene and balance.

Global Connections:

Partial Solar eclipse: Saturday April 30 at 1:41pm PDT.

Next Stargate influx: May 13-19.

Crystalline Convergence: May 14-15 in Sedona.

Total Lunar Eclipse: SUNday May 15 at 11:28pm PDT.

Sending everyone Infinite Kryst LoveLight for true transformation with ease and grace!See you in the field for our SUNday Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PDT.In Love, Light and Service,

Sandra Walter

article link: https://sandrawalter.com/the-pull-of-the-eclipse-gateway/

Yes indeed the energy flows are so strong…the Phoenix Adventure!

snow light city dawn
Photo by Евгений shvedov_xubun on Pexels.com

by Celia Fenn

With the Solar Eclipse coming up on Saturday 30th the Taurus energies are intensifying.

Many people reporting difficulties in sleeping and symptoms like heart palpitations and anxiety.

Yes indeed the energy flows are so strong. Although the Solar flares have slowed, a little, we are still receiving strong interstellar downloads.

Not only is there a planetary alignment in Taurus, but our Earth is in the part of the Galaxy where we transit Aldebaran, Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades.

All these Stellar bodies have close connections with the Earth and our evolution, with traditions of Galactic Wisdom teaching, and are now transmitting Star Codes to us!

We are being prepared for the big “leap” we will be making at the Phoenix Lunar Eclipse on May 16, 2022.

But the Taurus Solar Eclipse now is opening the doorway for this Lunar Eclipse that is coming!

So please try to remember that the symptoms are caused by an excess of light code/plasma energy in your system, which impacts on your nervous system and your muscular system.

The best way to cope with these powerful flows is to open the heart and balance the system and the chakras so that energy flows freely and is grounded as it needs to.

Drink lots of water, as old toxic energies are being released and need to flushed out of the body and system.

Oh yes, it is quite a ride…..

That is why I call it the Phoenix Adventure!

All aboard for the next exciting phase of the Soul Jouney on Planet Earth!

Express train……..