Your authenticity is your greatest gift both to yourself and the world, for it is embracing your truest essence and offering your unique energetic contributions that add to the mosaic of the whole…It is time to embrace the glorious, ever-shifting and evolving essence that only you can provide. Not only is it more than enough, it is your purpose.

happy african woman in traditional outfit near djembe
Photo by Ayodeji Fatunla on

November 4, 2021,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Authentic Purpose

Your authenticity is your greatest gift both to yourself and the world, for it is embracing your truest essence and offering your unique energetic contributions that add to the mosaic of the whole. From this perspective, can you see that your beingness is an essential aspect of your service? In fact, we would go so far as to say it is the foundation that is necessary for all other things to be built upon.

We realize that because you have been so conditioned to think busyness is good, and stillness is laziness or somehow wasted time, it can be difficult to embrace the power of your beingness. We would like you to understand your beingness as the perpetual path of alignment. It doesn’t mean that you never move into action, it simply means you take inspired action, and your choices are true energetic matches to both who you are and to the energetics of any given time. It is the way of heart-centred, soul led efficiency.

As making the grand shift from 3D doing to 5D being is essential to step up fully into the new, we highly advise that you explore and release any old conditioning that has led you to believe that your beingness is somehow less than enough. It is time to embrace the glorious, ever-shifting and evolving essence that only you can provide. Not only is it more than enough, it is your purpose.

Your reality is about to change with a wisp of the hand. Little did you know how quickly your planet can shift. When this occurs it will be nothing less than a miracle from God.-

Here’s the latest from Apollo:

Your reality is about to change with a wisp of the hand. Little did you know how quickly your planet can shift. When this occurs it will be nothing less than a miracle from God. Miracles are what you need to plunge into higher consciousness. This event is what is called the great awakening. Since our last discussion, many more souls on the planet have awakened. They are also taking action to call into account their refusal to do what they are told to do. We in the Galactic Federation celebrate your empowered choices to become a free planet. We support these choices in every way possible and are assisting you to bring forth your freedom. You haven’t seen anything yet as this heart driven power amongst the people rises. Before you know it you’ll be living in the Golden Age connected completely with God. Every day will be a miracle. You and the earth will heal, and you will live in beauty, harmony, joy and peace.

We understand these are trying times and that many of you have had enough! Please take our word for it that this part of the Ascension process is nearly complete. -Mira from Pleiadian high council-

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner – November 2, 2021

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you today about the journey of all journeys we are experiencing with you for the earth’s ascension.

It is our greatest calling to support you and assist you as much as possible. We understand these are trying times and that many of you have had enough! Please take our word for it that this part of the Ascension process is nearly complete.

Right now humanity is doing what it takes to finish this final phase of the shift. Humanity has to take its power back and slam down the forces of evil. There is simply no room for that kind of energy on the earth any longer. Yes, it will take some time for the cleanup and for the revision of the old systems. Basically, the foundation for the new has already been laid.

In extreme desperation, the dark minions are throwing out fearful, disempowering potentialities. Trust the light and know that whatever their intentions are, they will not prevail. We are with you, and we are overseeing this project to its grand finale.

Please rise above whatever threats and crazy, insane things the minions are doing. There are some countries where they have progressed in their totalitarian ways. Take heart, though; this is not for long. It is intended to show the world what has happened in the past. The intention is to never let this happen again in any future. (1)

The evil ones are stretched to their limits. They underestimated the power of the light and of the special light beings like you who are here on the earth right now. They are being destroyed in whatever the most appropriate consequences are for their behaviors. Some of these beings will be dis-created and may not ever be allowed to incarnate again. (2)

As this great awakening continues, most of humanity will discover the truth. They will be shocked and devastated to learn the evil with which they have been living on the earth. The organizations and businesses will go away if they have been part of the evil. There is no room for them.

The earth is taking back her power. She too is tired of the way she has been treated, just like you. She’s going to be showing her true power. She thanks you for your patience and concurs that she has had enough.

Where the earth needs to be relentless, she will be relentless. Where the earth needs to be gentle, she will be gentle. She loves her children. So far she has been an unappreciated, disrespected mother with too many spoiled children. She has given everything to life on the planet, even the paper that money is printed on.

We are all sending you love and gratitude for your presence on the earth this time.

I am Mira.