Jenny Schiltz ~ Message from Merlin on the Changes taking Place

September 20, 2021,

I was with Merlin today as he was walking in fields, harvesting wild plants. I was talking to him about what was going on in our world. He gave me a message that I felt was important to share. He said to me:

”You are familiar with Avalon, how, due to the lowering frequency of the world and the encroachment of belief systems; magic and particularly female empowered worship were seen as evil. This created a need for a veil, a separation of worlds.

Throughout history, there have been groups that have pulled away from the lowered vibration, and for their safety went vibrationally beyond their current reality. You may see this as a seamless process. I can assure you that it was not. It took considerable time. Many could not believe what was happening, they thought that reason would return, and therefore stood in resistance and were washed away by the changing tides.

Now that the Earth is raising her vibration, the veil that was put in place is lifting. We are on a new cycle, a new wheel, a return to a reality filled with more wonder and magic. The change is in front of every person. The opportunity to reclaim within themselves all that was lost behind the veil is present. Yet, here again, many are still holding on to what was, while etherically dreaming of a future. I ask you, who will physically create the new?

Each person must ask themselves if they want to expend their energy watching the collapse of the old or in building the new.”

I questioned this and was told ~

“Your world is changing drastically. Your medical system, for example, can no longer adequately support the needs of the ascending human. You can either watch the collapse or you can create structures for the people to move into when the time comes. Change is coming.  There will be chaos, but much can be mitigated by the creation of new structures or systems for them to access.

If one system fails and there is nothing to take its place, chaos will reign longer. In that space, it’ll be harder to create the new as it would be created in reaction instead of passion.

Many of you have ideas, passions, and visions. Yet so much of your energy is taken by focusing on the collapse. We urge you now, build the new. Follow your dreams, follow your passion, follow the urgings, and create!

Being present and not in resistance allows for the flow of information and ideas to come through, now is the time to plan, to organize, to visualize your garden for the spring. Why lament over the dying crops when there is a whole new garden to plan?

I thanked Merlin for the message and went about my way.

Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world.


You all win when you work to bring out the best in yourselves and each other.

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September 22, 2021,

During times of intensity, it is a common human experience to get triggered. This, in itself, is not a bad thing. It allows you to become aware of an area that is looking for your attention and loving care.

People become easily triggered when they are in energetic overwhelm. Practicing good, tender self care, especially during times of energetic intensity, can help you stay in in a more balanced space. Continuing to meet your needs with loving self-responsibility allows any aspects of you that are seeking your love and attention to be met and for healing to occur.

The best way to diminish being triggered is to continue to prioritize your own evolutionary journey.

But even the most self-responsible souls may on occasion get triggered. This does not mean that you are not spiritual, that you are bad, or broken, or that your healing journey has been fruitless. It simply means you lost your balance.

If you find yourself getting triggered, we highly advise that you remove yourself from the situation if possible, and get into your own energy. Breathe. Ground. Imagine a beam of light that comes down from the heavens above, right over you, and deep into the earth. The above will help you gain balance.

Next, do nothing! It is rare that any action you take while triggered will give you good results. Honour your feelings, connect with any aspects of you that are in need of your love, but take no outward action. You are in a very activated 3D state which will not lead you to solutions that are in line with who you really are.

Wait until you are in a better balanced place before you do anything. People who are triggered and take action are usually looking for some semblance of control, and controlling energies will not ever lead you to empowered solutions.

If you have not waited and have taken action you now regret, learn from the experience. Understand that your triggers are always about you. Assume responsibility and do what you can to make it right. Apologize if you need to. Practice self forgiveness and make a plan on what you can do differently should you get triggered again.

Most of all, practice grace. Grace for yourselves, and grace for others if they have been triggered. You are in unprecedented times and such times can get messy. You are all doing the best you can. The combination of self responsibility along with encouraging each other forward with compassion and understanding will get you much further than the old ways of blaming and shaming ever could.

You all win when you work to bring out the best in yourselves and each other.