Now you have the opportunity to decide what you want for your future

19th February 2021. Mike Quinsey.

You seem to be at a midway point with no idea where you go from here, yet with the numbers of people catching the virus noticeably becoming less, it would seem that the time has arrived for a final program to be introduced. One that will quickly restore life to as normal as possible, so that the effects of lockdowns can be dealt with in such a way as to restore freedom to lead a normal life. Habits have changed due to the length of time people had to accommodate a new way of life, and most likely some changes will become permanent. It was always going to cause people to look at ways of improving their experience, and give them a realistic opportunity to accept that there would be inevitable changes. 

On a wider scale humanity has taken a new approach to uplift their expectations, knowing that if progress was to be made it had to be looked at as a major change as to how you viewed the coming years. Using the technologies for advancement to a more acceptable way of living that removes the drudgery and boredom of daily life already exists. Now you have the opportunity to decide what you want for your future and when it is seen that you seriously desire to better yourselves and create more time for personal development it must be provided. Automation has gone some way to helping in that respect, but there must be more opportunities to follow your desires.

You live in the most exciting times even if it is not yet apparent to you, and as soon as it is safe to land upon Earth, your friends from Space will feel free to visit you and help with your Ascension. The vibrations are continuing to rise and will do so until the end of this period and you will benefit by moving into levels that are too high for those of a negative persuasion to follow and exist. So slowly but surely the dark Ones will lose their ability to interfere with your progress. They will have served their purpose as a balance between the positive and negative energies. In the meantime they continue to try to hold you back and use everything they can to do so. However, they have already been weakened by losing some of their key personnel, but it only requires a small number to make a nuisance of themselves as you have found out. However the Forces of Light are superior but unlike the dark Ones operate to the rules and because of their sheer numbers are winning the battle. You are not normally aware of their actions as it is not wise to advertise your intentions beforehand.

Your future is very exciting and there is much to lift you up to new levels that you are currently heading for but changes will come very quickly, as you have missed so much having been held back by the actions of the Illuminati. They have not only prevented you from having free energy, but stopped many inventions that would have improved your quality of life. The main one is free energy that is all around you in an endless supply and already used by them. However, you will soon have it and with it will come immense changes in your way of life. There is so much that has been kept back from you, but you will learn of them in due course and it will change your lives forever. You are beginning to realise that previously you simply did not have adequate time for yourselves, and the Covid 19 problem has made that quite clear. Fortunately you are already in a higher vibration as you must of necessity move with the times. The ideas are there with the “know how” but up to now you have been deliberately held back, but that is to change. The help is there and as the effects of Covid 19 slowly disappear you will find yourselves in a better position than previously and able to develop your ideas.

You have had glimpses of the future and you are for example already making a major change by going over to electric cars that at a stroke help lessen the pollution caused by petrol driven cars. They are a major source of pollution and ill health and you are noticing already the benefits of less of them on your roads. The change to electric cars has arrived although it will clearly be some time before you feel the full benefit. It is a step in the right direction and along with free energy that is in a limitless supply all around you would completely overcome the heavy pollution of your atmosphere, and the resultant effect on people’s health. A bonus would be clean air and more healthy people without the problems caused inhaling fumes from petrol driven vehicles. But you are already aware of it and the problem has been considered almost too big to handle. However, you have started to deal with it and must progress even so big companies at risk of changes will try to delay progress. Mother Earth has commenced her cleaning and changes are already very apparent and will continue all in aid of the coming “New Earth”

Those of you on the Path of Light are being given what is virtually a one-off opportunity to go all the way to Ascension. Take it with both hands because as we have often informed you, such a big opportunity will not come around again for a long time. There is so much going on around you but do not be distracted, as your path will lift you up out of the lower vibrations. Do not worry about the fate of family and friends as all souls will find themselves exactly in the right level that will carry them forward. Be assured that you are being helped on your way, and your Guides will always give a helping hand when it is needed. They guide you along your chosen path but will not interfere with your choice should you deviate from it. For some of you there are “out of the body” meetings usually while your body rests and it is possible that they will be remembered upon awakening. In actual fact most souls go out of the body while asleep and might meet up with their Guides, family or friends. You may have a feeling that something has happened like that but be unable to bring back the memories with you.

Keep your eyes on your goal and with determination you will certainly reach it. You should already know if you are ready to ascend and if you can absolutely say that you are not distracted by any outer happenings, you are certainly well on your way to completion, and you will know it yourself. If you are such a soul we say “well done” and rewards are due to you for such an achievement. In other words you create your own pathway through your actions and deeds, and all of the time you are positive in all you do you attract good karma to yourself. Conversely, if you are negative you attract similar situations. It is a process of living and learning by your actions and deeds so do your best at all times and treat all others as you would be treated yourself.  

This message comes through my Higher Self, my Godself that all of you also have as Beings of Light.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.Love,Nancy

You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.


I further integrate my I AM Presence into my Earthly Bodies by doing the Golden Holy Breath exercise.
During this breathing exercise, I slowly breathe in as much air as my lungs will hold. As I inbreathe, I feel the air press down through the trunk of my body into my lungs, my arms and hands, my legs and feet, and up through the top of my head.
I hold the breath as long as I comfortably can and while the breath is in my body I visualize the added Lifeforce, the prana, within the air. It is
pulsating with the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace. As I hold the Golden Breath in my body, it is energizing, healing, transforming, rejuvenating
and transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
Now I exhale slowly and deliberately. I feel the breath leaving the tips of my ears and the inside of my scalp first. Then I draw it up from my toes
and through the calves of my legs, through the trunk of my body and back into my lungs and then gently, but steadily, I exhale it outward until
there is not a remaining ounce of air within my body.
I rest for a moment and breathe normally.
Now I repeat the Golden Holy Breath three more time.

IAM cocreating the earth

Currently the Creator is bringing forth Ascension Gift 7, this is a surge of energy directly from the Creator.

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Greetings dear loving hearts, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence today and I bring forth a heart, a soul, a soul group full of love. In fact, I bring forth the vibrations of Creator love to embrace, support, and to lift you up into your true self. I wish to encourage you to gaze within your being acknowledging the truth that is present.

As the world around you alters and shifts due to so many transformations taking place within your being, within others around you and across the world. It can be confusing and difficult to understand the truth of the Creator, it can be challenging to recognise what is true and what is false.

Currently the Creator is bringing forth Ascension Gift 7, this is a surge of energy directly from the Creator. Within this surge of energy is the vibration and frequency of power, pure power born from the essence of the Creator. This power holds two purposes. It is to release the fear of power that can be held within many and promote the truth of the Creator.

When we speak of the truth of the Creator we are not speaking of information or even visions, circumstances, scenarios, or experiences. We are speaking of the vibration, the frequency of truth, you might liken this to a note of music or sound that represents truth. It is important to be aware that the sound or vibration of truth can be interpreted in many ways. It is and can be expressed through your being. It is your purpose to express the vibration and frequency of the truth of the Creator through your being, through your thoughts, emotions, actions, reactions and creations.

We recognise that each person expresses the truth and the power of the Creator in different and diverse ways. For human beings, the personality and the ego are present, this creates a fusion with the vibration of truth. I wish to encourage you to acknowledge your personality and your ego. There may be things that you need to let go of or transform; however, you are born on the Earth to express the vibration of truth with the presence of your ego, personality, and your physical body. There is a need to create a fusion that is harmonious and is a true expression of the Creator through your being. The more you can recognise truth as a vibration that pulsates throughout your being the more you will find your mind, your emotions, your actions and reactions are inspired by the truth of the Creator, recognising the same within others.

I, Master Kuthumi invite you in your own time to place your attention deep within your being, to ask, to discover and connect with the vibration of truth, the truth of the Creator that flows through your being.

I, Master Kuthumi invite you to express this truth of the Creator through your voice, through sound, through singing or humming. As you feel the vibration being expressed through your body and through your sound you will allow it to activate throughout your being, on all levels of your being, both physical and energetic. The more you practice this, the more you will become accustomed to the vibration of truth that flows through your being from the Creator. Thus, you will be able to recognise it in new and diverse ways. Expressing the truth through your sound is the beginning of you becoming familiar with the presence of your truth.

The Creator is expressing a surge of power, the vibration of power. Power is often something that many fears. They fear power, the control of others, they fear themselves in a role of power or maybe they place too much importance upon power. The vibration of power upon the Earth is somewhat unbalanced. With the power surge from the Creator that is now beginning to anchor a new balance will dawn, allowing all to rediscover what the power of the Creator truly is. You may have already within your mind understand what power is and what power is not. You may understand how you accept power and how you reject power. You may also understand how others have power over you and how you give your power to others. These are all insights into the vibration of power. However, in this moment, I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to connect with the simple vibration and frequency of power that the Creator is emanating. It is our wish that you gain a new understanding of power, a new expression, a new experience of power as the vibration of power anchors not only into your being but into the Earth and all of humanity. You may find yourself becoming a magnet to observing power. You may discover yourself observing power struggles or power battles. You may observe areas where there is a lack of power and areas where there is too much power. As you begin to observe the presence of power within your being, your reality, and the world around you, so you begin to unravel your beliefs about power. You allow yourself to come to a new understanding of the frequency of the Creator’s power, understanding what it is, how it moves through you and how you can express it.

This contemplation and understanding of power are immensely important now, it will allow for old beliefs to be discarded. As fear and pain dissolve, it may create chaos within your being or within your outer reality. Realise this is simply power trying to find a balance, as well as a deep cleansing and purification of power within your being and your reality. The vibration of power that comes forth from the Creator is an amplifier, it is an energiser, it emphasises all that is, all that is in being/ manifestation, therefore power does not always manifest truth. It is designed to manifest truth; however, it is an amplifier of all things which are in being, in manifestation. It is important to acknowledge that as this surge of power vibration begins to flow into the Earth, into all beings and humanity it will create upheaval of some sort, maybe small, maybe large, as everything is amplified and magnified. There is a purpose to this, it is to bring balance to the vibration of power, to allow you to act powerfully from your truth in your reality.

There is another purpose, it is to purpose is to allow you and all beings to really see, sense, and acknowledge what you are creating. Everything that is in being will be manifested, everything that is in manifestation and that is about to be created will be emphasised, amplified, energised. It will be as if your life is up on a television screen before you. You will be able to see things that you have created. You will be able to recognise things that you do not wish to experience. You will be able to recognise experiences that allow you to grow and lead you to a place of peace and joy and truth and connection with the Creator. You will be able to recognise what you are creating and if this is from a place of power and truth. It is also important to remember that power is a vibration of action, so everything that is in your thought forms, in creation will be put into action. You may feel as if you are juggling a million balls at the same time, as everything you are aware that you wanted to manifest and everything that you are unaware that you have been manifesting comes into reality. It is for you to balance and juggle these. To achieve this there is a need to examine each of those juggling balls, casting away those that distract you and do not support you. Hold sacred with tenderness, love, and harmony the juggling balls that support you. These are the experiences, and creations that really support and align with your truth, the expression of the truth of the Creator that flows through your being and is aligned with your expression of power. Everything will move into alignment with power and truth as these are expressed through your being, supporting you in further gaining a greater connection and remembrance; an embodiment with all that is the Creator.

I, Master Kuthumi encourage you to contemplate this and to be aware of its presence in your reality.

My love, my healing my truth is with you always,

I thank you,

Master Kuthumi

More  Master Kuthumi

If you are feeling lost, it is a sign that you are a lightworker who has disconnected from the 3D world and is transitioning into 5D consciousness.

February 18, 2021,

My beloved brothers and sisters, if you are feeling lost in these times, it is a sign that you have awakened, that your journey between 3D and 5D is truly advancing at speed.

If you are feeling lost, it is a sign that you are a lightworker who has disconnected from the 3D world and is transitioning into 5D consciousness.

You have to unplug from the beliefs and the ‘stickiness’ of the 3D reality in order to move into 5D consciousness. This is not for the faint-hearted! The transition requires that you let go of your routines, your belief in the 9-5 grind, your focus on money-means-success and a million other mini operating programmes that have been imposed upon you.

I’m not saying you are leaving behind your loved ones, your home, your work (unless you choose to) – you are letting go of a mental structure, a construct of thought processes that bind you into the 3D reality.

When you let go of this mental structure, this matrix, you may feel as though you are tumbling, as though you are being washed on a fast spin in one of your washing machines. It is as though all shreds of that former matrix are being washed out of you: because they are. You are being shaken free of the old, limiting consciousness, so that you may evolve into 5D consciousness. This is what it takes to ascend.

Ascension is not a linear progression from 3D and 5D consciousness: it is a quantum leap. It is linear in so far as, when you evolve to a certain spiritual vibration within the 3D, you are ready to move, but that movement is not a step up – it is a completely different consciousness. It operates under completely different principles from your current structure; that is why you are feeling lost – you are letting go of the 3D so that new foundations may evolve, new mental and spiritual synapses.

You cannot create a 5D consciousness on a 3D foundation. The two consciousnesses are incompatible.

While 5D consciousness is here in your domain, it is not yet sufficiently grounded in the majority – or even the minority – of the population to be sufficiently seen, lived and experienced by most lightworkers. This is a work in progress, this is your work, you soul mission. This is the ascension journey.

So, beloved sisters and brothers, if you feel that you are swimming in the dark, that you have no landmarks to guide you, no idea about your future direction, no sense of what you wish to do to serve humanity, no clue about how to make your day-to-day life as meaningful as the depth of your yearning… congratulate yourself! You are mastering transition.

You’ve got this. Keep going. You are doing far better than you and we had ever hoped and, although you may struggle to believe it, optimal timelines are in place.

Remember, we are with you, we love you all and we are assisting you all in every now moment


Med Beds – Quantum Healing Technologies – A transcription by Losha

A Message from the Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings 

Greetings, dear Earth Star angel, I am KaiMeara. In today’s transmission we wish to tell you about one of the first technologies that will be released to the world’s population with the announcement of NESARA and GESARA. If you are not sure of these terms we recommend you watch our video on this first. 

Along with new, free energy systems supplied by the Tesla coils, and new anti-gravity and replicator devices, you will also be receiving brand new Holographic Medical Beds, or Med Beds. These new Med Beds will come with some very unique features including diagnostic support, surgical repair, and cellular and DNA reconstruction and rejuvenation. In short, they will become an integral part of your health care and health maintenance, changing everything within your health care industry as you know it. 

These med beds, when used in conjunction with trained medical supervision and automated medical stations will provide you with a variety of options and methods to return your physical vessel to optimal health. 

These beds represent a quantum leap in the business of health care all over your beautiful world…because there are currently enough of these beds to begin roll-out in every country that wants them. Just imagine, a health care package with no chemotherapy, no toxic chemicals, organ removal, or having to live long-term with scars, disease, and disfunction. If you are thinking this all sounds too good to be true, or like something out of a sci-fi movie, we understand your reservations. However, we would ask you to remember that “hiding in plain sight” is one of the Deep State and Secret Space Program’s favorite tactics. 
For a very long time, the Deep State has been showing you technology beyond your wildest dreams, like in the Avengers and the Kings Men movies. Just because you think you are watching fantasy is on you, as far as the dark ones are concerned. As far as they know, they have been showing you the truth, you just haven’t been asking the right questions, or demanding the right answers. It’s a nasty trick that’s been perpetrated on you, and it’s one of the dynamics that is about to change in a dramatic way with the announcement of NESARA and GESARA…as these new technologies will be released as part of that exciting and life-enhancing package. 

Now, on to the details of these Quantum Therapy Med Beds, which come in three different varieties, holding three different functions and varieties that are currently available for roll-out. Number one, the Holographic Med Bed, is a diagnostic and treatment Bed. 
Number two, the Regeneration Bed, works in concert with your DNA and stem cells to regenerate old tissue or missing organs. 
Bed number three is a Regression and Rejuvenation Bed. These help to rejuvenate your cells offering age-regression therapy as well as therapy that helps you to suppress unwanted memory. 

As you may have already guessed, these technologies did not originate on Earth, having been given to your Secret Space agencies, for the benefit of humanity. It was an unfortunate choice that those in charge of making moral decisions, decided to keep this technology to themselves. We are pleased to confirm that this error is now being rectified and the right people are now working behind the scenes to ensure the roll-out of these technologies to the public at large. 

All three beds work on a quantum level using vibration and frequencies, 3-D scanners and refracting lenses, as well as surgically precise lasers for both opening and closing wounds. 

They also have a multitude of diagnostic and monitoring technologies that keep the practitioner fully informed throughout both diagnostic, and repair sessions. 

Utilizing tachyon particle and plasma energy this machine works with the human vessel for maximum repair with minimal invasion. All three Med Beds work with similar technologies, they have just been adapted for three different uses and treatments. 

Bed number one…the Holographic Med Bed. These Beds can perform live scans of the body for diagnosis as well as treat any illnesses with much greater accuracy in far less time and with far less invasion to the human vessel. 

These Med Beds will scan every part of your body for diagnosis and interpretation, including your skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, neurological and hormonal efficiency. It can also perform a blood analysis and a DNA analysis, which looks for and is able to correct, any hereditary markers for certain illnesses providing a quick and painless analysis of the entire physical system. Any surgery needed will be done immediately, including appendix, heart surgery, and C-sections. 

Holographic Med Beds come equipped with such features as: air-tight see through operating shield to reduce germs and claustrophobia; comfortable limb rests, liquid spray anesthetic, laser scalpels, laser mirrors; vital signs sensory and display; diagnostic and analysis identification; and computer-controlled surgical arms. 

These Med Beds are built with a very advanced, but strictly limited, artificial intelligence that needs human connection to work, as a precautionary measure that ensures cooperative coexistence. 

The computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine, however, instead of magnetics and radiation, these Med Beds use plasmatic energy to work with you on a subatomic and vibrational level. Since this is a vibrational universe and you are a vibrational being, this is a very homeopathic approach to healing which offers multiple benefits with little to no side effects…other than shock, amazement and delight! 

No more long waiting times, no more endless testing, or trying medicines that don’t work. Say goodbye to chemotherapy and say goodbye to people dying from stroke and heart disease. 

Med Bed number two…the Regeneration Bed...these Beds will prove especially useful for anyone in need of an organ transplant, organ replacement, missing or severed limbs, and skin graft for third degree burns. 

Using similar technology to the first Beds we mentioned, these Beds focus on working directly with your DNA templates using a harmonic resonance field, that is still present within your body’s cellular memory. As many of you know, your body holds a cellular memory as is evidenced by your “phantom limb” syndrome. 

These beds will be able to change the lives of many, many people and the applications are endless…and this is just to get you started off with…your entire health care system is about to change and become a health support and rejuvenation system. Are you excited, dear one? The final Med Bed is for age and memory regression. This Bed will help people who suffer from traumatic memories, PTSD and help them to release their mind from the horrific montage of images and their heart from the depths of despair. 

This Bed will also help to return you to a more youthful appearance and feel tightening skin and muscle tone and improving all of your senses, especially in the area of sight, sound and taste. Working with your own DNA templates and multiple refractory lenses, as well as your body’s natural internal clock, we are able to perform these procedures pain-free, with the biggest adjustments coming from your mind and heart, because you now feel so fabulous! 

Again, these Beds use plasmatic energy not radioactive materials, focusing instead on recalibration and regeneration whenever possible. This enables you, the user, to return to optimal health in very little time. Just think what this kind of technology will mean for you, for your family, your friends… all of the children just rescued from the tunnels... and for every person suffering needlessly from fixable medical conditions. 

So, get ready dear ones because you are all about to take this magnificent quantum leap together…all countries who have signed on with the GESARA agreement…which is up to 205 countries, will benefit from this opportunity. 

If this news excites you, please share it with other like-minded people…for the more you have to focus on that is good, the quicker we can bring it forward into your reality. 

We thank you for taking the time to listen to this message. 

In Love and Light, I am KaiMeara, speaking to you on behalf of the Intergalactic Alliance of Light Beings. Until next time, Namaste.