by Patricia Cota-Robles
January 4, 2021
Precious Heart, we at Era of Peace wish you a Love-filled, Peaceful, Healthy and Abundant 2021. The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are rejoicing and expressing Infinite Gratitude over the Life-transforming events that were God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Celestial Realms during the last few months of 2020. During that time, Humanity and Mother Earth received profound Blessings as we passed through several Light-filled Celestial events. These opportunities included Mother Earth’s Planetary Reboot, passing through the Gateways of 11:11 and 12:12, a greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipse, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an exceptionally powerful December Solstice and the Birth of 2021. During the December 21st Solstice and the simultaneous Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, every person’s I AM Presence was able to elevate our Holy Breath to new levels. The Beings of Light said this may be difficult for us to fully comprehend, but what it means is that we are now Breathing higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. This increased influx of Humanity’s Prana and Life Force empowered the masses of Humanity in ways that cleared the sacred space for an Activity of Light during the December Solstice and the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that had been unfolding for millennia. During that Cosmic Moment the Mighty Elohim, who are the Builders of Form, were able to activate Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System which is literally her Acupuncture Meridian System into the full embrace of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Crystal Grid System for the New Earth.
Once this was accomplished, brand new 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals which are encoded with the full Divine Potential of the New Earth were placed throughout Mother Earth’s new Crystal Grid System. The Beings of Light want us to know that these Record Keeper Crystals function within the Meridians of Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System the same way Humanity’s newly activated Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystal Solar Strands of DNA now function within our own Earthly Bodies.
With the awesome victory of this miraculous event, the time has arrived for Humanity en masse to move beyond the consciousness of separation and duality. It is time for us to join together as One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Unified Consciousness of pure Divine Love. We must acknowledge the Divinity within every Heart Flame and celebrate our diversities, thus moving past the illusion of things that separate us. The first step in this Healing process involves Humanity Cocreating the Template for Unity Consciousness. This is a critical facet of the Divine Plan for 2021. Today, you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity will begin this Healing by invoking the Light of God and Cocreating a Template for Unity Consciousness in the Realms of Cause. Together, we will bathe Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth in the Healing Unguent of Unity Consciousness from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. Please affirm: “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.” Now, every person’s I AM Presence is preparing his or her Heart and Mind to receive this influx of Light as we join together in One-pointed Consciousness. I will lead this guided visualization in the first person, so that we will all experience this Activity of Light individually, but KNOW that the invocation we make this sacred day for ourselves, we make for ALL Humanity and every particle and wave of Life evolving on Mother Earth. We now begin by Breathing our Holy Breath with the NEW and infinitely powerful frequencies of Prana and Life Force in and out deeply and rhythmically.
I AM going within to the deepest recesses of my Heart, the secret place of the Most High Living God. There I kneel before the altar of Love and surrender my lower human consciousness to the perfection of my I AM Presence, my true God Reality. (pause)
My I AM Presence takes full command of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. The Light of God fills my Being, and I Ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth. Within this octave of Light, Unity Consciousness flows into my Heart Flame and floods the Earth to Bless all Life. As Humanity and Mother Earth are Consecrated with the Light of Unity Consciousness, specific genetic codings are activated within every person’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA and Mother Earth’s new 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals. These codings contain the Immaculate Concept of each person’s and Mother Earth’s full Divine Potential. This Activity of Light is now empowering Mother Earth and every Beloved Son and Daughter of God evolving on this Planet to fulfill our Divine Purpose and reason for Being. Through this activation the mind and emotions of every person are purified and realigned with the Harmony of their True Being. This purification paves the way for the conscious mind and the super-conscious mind within each person to merge and become One. In this state of at-one-ment, every person’s I AM Presence takes full control. The life, body, mind and soul of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth is quickened and lifted into a state of Enlightenment that clears the way for Unity Consciousness and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for 2021. Unity Consciousness contains a clarity and frequency of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love that transcends ALL obstacles. Held in the embrace of this Divine Intelligence, I fully comprehend the Truth that I AM One with all Life and that ALL Life is Divine. This awareness allows the masses of Humanity to revel in our diversities and to revere and respect our differences in new and wondrous ways. Unity Consciousness contains within its essence the Divine Potential for me to rise above all human conditions and all self-inflicted pain and suffering, for when I AM Unified in Consciousness with the rest of Humanity we become a Force of Unlimited and Unspeakable Power.
With Unity Consciousness, I recognize and honor the Divinity within every Human Being, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. I peer into the Heart of every man, woman and child and I see a radiant Being of Light abiding within every Heart Flame. As I acknowledge each person’s Divinity, the I AM Presence within their Heart begins to expand and expand.
As the I AM Presence of each person increases in power and dominion, the obsolete beliefs, behavior patterns and illusions associated with fear and separation or lack and limitation begin dropping away. Regardless of the depths of negativity the person has fallen to, his or her I AM Presence now takes control and places their feet firmly on the Path of Light.
I now Breathe my Holy Breath in deeply and assimilate the Light of Unity Consciousness into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. For a sublime moment, I revel in the wonder of this magnificent Light. Through my I AM Presence I now Consecrate my Life Force to be the Open Door for Unity Consciousness until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are manifest in all of their Glory. Through Unity Consciousness ALL Life belonging to or serving the New Earth at this time is NOW experiencing the Divine Qualities of God’s Comprehensive and Transfiguring Love, Oneness, Enlightenment, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Abundance, Joy and Reverence for ALL Life.
From this moment forth, I will focus on the Divinity within every Heart Flame and KNOW that Unity Consciousness is now expanding through every person’s I AM Presence with every Holy Breath we take. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, every day continually focus on the Divinity within every Son and Daughter of God, the entire Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. Visualize Unity Consciousness expanding through every person’s I AM Presence with every Breath they Take.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles
Daily Archives: January 4, 2021
Create space and time regularly to be creative.
January 3, 2020,
My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, you are to be congratulated on coming through 2020 so magnificently. It was a brutal year, one that tore so many of you from your sleep. You awoke! You used the opportunity to look with fresh eyes at everything you thought you knew about life, and refocus your own lives and values.
There are a two themes that I would like to reflect upon in advance of the coming year of your now time, in the hope that they assist you.
Creativity and Joy
Stay in the present moment! How often have you heard this said? In the coming year, your creativity will become extremely important for several reasons. First, any creative activity where you are engrossed brings you directly into the present moment. You are no longer missing the past or worrying about the future. You are in your expanded, higher-dimensional self.
Your creativity offers you a direct bridge to your higher consciousness, allowing you to effortlessly incorporate these higher vibrations into your mind, body and psyche.
Your creativity also allows you to access your higher wisdom, opening new insights, new visions, new inventions and evolutions that are beyond the grasp of the rational mind.
Creativity is the doorway to your Ascended Self.
Your Ascended Self is always in the present, always in joy, always in acceptance of what is. These are qualities that will help you navigate 2021 with much greater ease and grace.
Institutional Evolution
For many, it appears that the institutions of society are continuing to function as they always did. This is an illusion. They are held together by the cobwebs of outdated paradigms, and they are crumbling.
In the coming year you are to witness unprecedented change in your institutions. They all need to change, to crumble and to be re-imagined (remember your creativity!). The old 3D methods, patterns and programming are outdated: they will and must be redesigned in alignment with your rapidly emerging 5D consciousness.
For many, the shock of so much change when they had hoped to return to ‘normal’ this year will seem overwhelming. The key to gracefully transitioning is returning to the present moment of acceptance of what is. Resistance will only make this process harder for you because it will put you in opposition to What Is; the process itself will not stop. It cannot stop.
Returning to your creativity will allow you to expand into your higher consciousness and download insights that are invaluable to you for your personal journey and for your sacred mission on this planet.
Beloved brothers and sisters, you are moving, evolving and transforming at unimaginable speed. You are radiant beyond belief, but we understand that the lived experience of that soul expression is not always clear or easily accessed in the physical form.
You are on an accelerated ascension timeline. You are changing quickly, and this year will see no let-up in the pace of change.
So our advice is this: return to the basics. Follow your joy. It will provide you with release and rest when you feel battered by the external pace of change. Create space and time regularly to be creative. It is your direct pathway to your Ascended Self, anchoring in new ideas, new innovations, new You.
As ever, you are loved in every Now moment and we are always here for you. Just call upon us.
Archangel Michael’s Gift: New Age Creed-Ronna Vezane-
1. Love your Father/Mother God with all your Being. Love yourself unconditionally as a Divine Spark of the Creator. Love everyone else as you love yourself.
2. Know that you are a caretaker of the Earth and all life forms that reside upon her — the nature, animal, elemental and human kingdoms. Protect, preserve and honor all expressions of life.
3. Live your life with joy, and with the spontaneity and delight of a child. Endeavor to leave a legacy of love and hope. Enjoy the journey of life, and strive to fulfill your earthly mission to the best of your ability.
4. Maintain a constant attitude of gratitude, and live each day as though Spirit were perched on your shoulder as an observer. Practice nonjudgment and look for the good in everyone.
5. Your goal is to return to balance in body, mind, and Spirit. Polarity and duality will no longer affect you when you walk the middle path.
6. Seek and claim your highest truth, and then live your truth with integrity. Allow others the same right.
7. Learn and use the Universal Laws of Manifestation — the God-given tools that will assist you to create your version of paradise on Earth.
8. Share the wisdom you have integrated with others — first by example, then through your actions, and finally through words.
9. Claim your Divine Birthright: the love, joy, peace, health and abundance that are yours as a gift from our Father/Mother God.
10. Each day, call on your Mighty I AM Presence to OverLight, guide and direct you, then listen to ITS inner nudgings. Call upon the Mighty Angel of Forgiveness, and the Violet Flame at the end of each day to balance, harmonize and transmute any discordant energy you have projected that day, thereby rendering it harmless, which moves you beyond the laws of cause and effect and into a STATE OF GRACE.
Copyright: 2000 / 2021 – RONNA VEZANE
You are beginning to align with your heart instead of your intellectual anger as you observe those who oppose you in thought or action.
Dear Ones,
You are beginning to align with your heart instead of your intellectual anger as you observe those who oppose you in thought or action.
Despite your need to display your outer-self love resulting from your heart opening, you must honor yourself first. For perhaps you think heart-opening means once again that others are more important than you.
Without self-love, loving others more than yourself is merely another 3D caretaking mode with a different title. Because you were inundated with that philosophy in 3D, it is easy for you to again accept that displaying love means loving others is more important than loving yourself. Such is not true and never has been. Even so, that is a lesson some of you continue to have difficulties understanding.
Your inner-voice is your new command center. You no longer need to depend on the approval of friends, neighbors, relatives, or co-workers. For doing so is merely a replication of your 3D life.
The only approval you need now and forever is the sense of rightness you feel when your actions are from your heart, your new internal voice.
Your being is filled with personal wisdom.
But just as was true months ago, this distinction may be a bit difficult to discern as you begin to display your new heart-opening. Even though your heart-opening will be a natural progression deepening throughout this earth life, your beyond 3D need to love yourself as much as others will redirect your actions.
You are combining self-love with heart-opening – a new and somewhat difficult combination for some of you. So it is you will jump between caretaking and self-love for a bit until you find your balance. Your heartstrings will likely be pulled by those who want you to care for them despite you needing to negate yourself to do so.
Not everyone in your sphere of knowingness has completed the transition phases you have. Those beings who have not might be in narcissistic or other self-need modes that care little for your needs or dispair. Those beings might push you to the limit to determine how strong you are in your new being. A bit like a three-year-old sneaking a cookie before dinner. Such action is cute in a three-year-old but can be devastating to you in your new, somewhat fragile open heart state.
Those who have not yet transitioned to this point will test you in every way possible, for they need your energy to continue their self-centered actions. Some might even label such actions as emotional vampirism.
You will know if opening your heart to someone is appropriate for you or merely meeting their needs by the contentment and joy you feel during and after the interaction.
You are opening your being in ways you never have before while of the earth. Doing so might attract those humans who feed off others without giving anything in return. Your need for the first few weeks of this new year is to discern which, if any of those beings, will bring joy to your being if you open your heart to them.
Many of you question the difference between 3D caretaking and this new declaration of your open heart.
You will likely be a bit more vulnerable because your internal being is opening as never before. At the same time, those who crave the need for a caretaker will be attracted to you in ways you will likely not understand. Allow yourself time to ponder their needs versus your needs. Then allow yourself to say, “No” or “Let me think about that.” or to disconnect from those beings completely.
Such will be difficult if they are family members, employers, or close friends. But remember you are on a new path with new skills, in a new earth. And everyone is evolving at a different pace in different ways.
By not allowing someone – no matter their relationship to you – to take advantage of your new heart-opening, you might be encouraging them to evolve more rapidly. Their sequence of evolution is no longer your priority or even of interest. For those who wish you to do their inner work for them are merely parasites who will never evolve if they have your ongoing support despite your needs.
You are no longer a savior of others. You forerunners completed your major earth shifting role. Your role now is similar to completing your course requirements and allowing yourself to address those fun courses that do not necessarily apply to your college major. Now, your key dynamic is self-evolution. The second and third waves following you are more likely to be transition models for those who want you to care for them without concerns about your needs or interests.
Allow yourself to evolve without feeling guilty that others are not or that others want you to do it for them. No one can transition on the backs of or through the caretaking of others. Ignoring your inner voice because you feel sorry for them or they touch your heartstrings despite your inner-voice shouting, “No!” is to delay your progress and theirs. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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