The Means to Fulfill Your Desires-AA Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel-

January 24, 2021,

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Dear One,

All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

It begins with letting go. When you know in your heart that all your needs will be abundantly met, you can release the part of you that wants acquisition. You will now be free to discover the true desires in your heart. True desires have qualities that are fulfilled when the desires have been manifested. If the desire is for money, there is a quality that your heart seeks to have fulfilled — a sense of safety, an abundant lifestyle, or perhaps, simply freedom from worry.

Becoming aware of these qualities allows you to take action to gain these first, which will then allow the material form to manifest in a form which is in your highest good. The first step after discovering the qualities you seek, is always to ask for what you want, making sure you clearly state the qualities you are seeking to have. The Angelic Dimensions stand ready to assist you in the process of gaining all you desire in your life. Clarity is key.


It is truly God’s Plan to have all beings live in a state of abundant joy and freedom from fears: people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families. These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God’s world. Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.

It is also vital to be in the company of like-minded souls who believe that miracles are not only possible, they are also willing to have them manifest in their own lives. It is clear that in some situations in the world, only a miracle of divine proportions can create a solution. With enough people believing miracles are possible, there is no doubt that creative solutions, which are beyond the mind’s ability to understand at this time, will occur.

Begin now to allow miracles to manifest in your world. Be the first one to ask for Divine Intervention, and to share your belief with others, so that all may live in a new level of conscious awareness and abundant joy.

Those desires in your heart are there to remind you that miracles happen, and God provides you the ways to have all the good you desire in your life. Know that you are blessed and profoundly loved.

Call on the Divine Presence and the Angels, then allow the desires of your heart to be fulfilled. Remember,

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Futuristic sleeping pods for homeless people installed in German city.

Windproof and waterproof sleep pods have been installed in the streets of a German city in order to house the homeless. 

The wood and steel cabins, which can fit up to two people, protect against the cold, wind, and humidity. They also guarantee fresh air circulation. 

The pods were introduced to the city of Ulm, 75 miles west of Munich, on 8 January in parks and at other places where homeless people sleep, a city spokesman said.  

To ensure privacy, there are no cameras in the pods, but the opening of the doors triggers a motion sensor which alerts social workers who check the pod following its use to ensure that it can be cleaned, and also to provide assistance to anyone using the unique form of accommodation.

The capsules are also equipped with solar panels, and are connected to a radio network, allowing occupants to communicate without dependency of mobile networks. 

The creators of the “Ulmer Nest” have stated that it is made with those who cannot access usual homeless shelters in mind, either due to psychological factors or because they have a pet, for example. 

They also note that there was a delay in installation due to the pandemic, but that they were able to install the pods in time for “the coldest nights”. 

Evaluations are currently taking place to understand if the Ulmer Nest is suitable to protect against frostbite. If it is, it could be adapted for a nationwide rollout. 

The team behind the pod states that this is not an alternative to a stay in a more traditional hostel or housing facility, but an alternative to sleeping in the outdoors. They describe it as an “emergency last resort” option. 

So many beings and collectives from all across the universe holding space for you right now.Just let go, and let yourselves be sucked up into it. We promise you that if you do, you will have quite an amazing ride.

The 9D Arcturian Council: Get Ready for an Amazing Ride

by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been approaching humanity from the perspective that you are already fifth dimensional.

We have been seeing you as such, feeling you in your light bodies, and we have been holding that knowing that you are already there in that higher-vibrational state.

You could say that is daydreaming, wishful thinking, or fantasizing, but we know that it is a true reality, and we feel into that reality so that when you feel us coming through this channel, and in all the other ways that you can feel us, you are activated.

We hold that space for you so that you can vibrate on up into it.

We love you into the higher-dimensional planes of existence.

Now, here is our request. Do the same for yourselves; do the same for each other.

See the light and love that is within you, waiting to come out and emerge as your true self.

See that in others as well, rather than what they are showing you.

Most people are showing you their trauma because that’s all they know, and that’s all anyone has ever shown them.

But the healing from the trauma already exists, and you are moving into it.

It is easier to do so when you know it exists and you know that is what’s happening.

That’s why we are so valuable to you as your friends, as your teachers, as the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourselves.

We know where you are going because we have been there ourselves. We have evolved, expanded, and ascended into the non-physical state we are in now.

We remember ourselves as fifth-dimensional beings, and that also helps us to help you to find that vibration inside of you.

We know that we keep saying this, but we will say it again for emphasis.

Stop looking for something or someone outside of you to bring you into the fifth-dimensional frequency range.

Start looking within yourselves for that feeling of liberation, that feeling of excitement, that feeling of joy that is your fifth-dimensional higher self.

It’s all inside of you, and you don’t have to wait, but you can continue to receive the encouragement and the invitations from collectives like ourselves and other high-frequency beings who see you for who you really are.

We are all in this together, and you, dear Earthlings, dear humans, are key components in this universal shift in consciousness.

And that is one of many reasons why you have so many beings and collectives from all across the universe holding space for you right now.

Just let go, and let yourselves be sucked up into it. We promise you that if you do, you will have quite an amazing ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Patricia Cota-Robles

January 23, 2021
  These are interesting but often challenging times that have caused a lot of confusion and fear among people. When we witness the turmoil that has been unfolding in the United States of America and many other places around the World, we logically wonder “How could this be happening when there are so many people invoking the Light and focusing on Cocreating the New Earth?” Today, the Company of Heaven is giving us a perspective that will help us to comprehend what is actually occurring amidst the chaos.   First and foremost, the Beings of Light want us to KNOW that every single request for Divine Intervention is heard and immediately responded to in alignment with the highest good for all concerned by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. The reason that profound Truth is not as obvious as we would like it to be in the outer world is because there is a process involving Universal Law that must be honored before the physical manifestation of our Light-filled and Heart-based requests will occur.   This Universal Law commands that in order to clear the way for our invocations, everything that conflicts with the Light and the patterns of perfection we are invoking must be pushed to the surface and Transmuted back into Light. The process of pushing the negativity to the surface begins immediately. The confusion lies in the fact that it often takes a while before the evidence of the changes we are invoking is visibly manifest in the physical plane. This does not mean, however, that simultaneously our request for Divine Intervention is not happening. In fact, the surfacing negativity is often used as the vehicle for the Divine Intervention we are invoking.   Due to the need of the hour and the fact that the I AM Presence of every person has now fully integrated into our Earthly Bodies, the Company of Heaven is revealing very specific information designed to give us greater clarity about the purging process we are experiencing. This information may be difficult for some of us to hear, however, the Beings of Light are asking us to be objective observers, to invoke our I AM Presence, and to expand the Flame of Illumined Truth within our Heart Flame as we read the following words.   We are asked to begin this sharing by remembering this Divine Fiat from our Father-Mother God: “KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE.” Notice that statement is not “The Truth will set you FREE.” It is “KNOW the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE.”   Our I AM Presence and the Flame of Illumined Truth will help each and every one of us to release and Transcend the corrosive residue of our human ego which, at this time, is using the fear-based illusions and often hate-filled deceptions of “us versus them” to adversely control and manipulate us either deliberately or inadvertently.   Since our fall from Grace, our fear-based and fragmented human ego has manipulated and controlled us so effectively that we developed the destructive habit of using pain as our motivator. As long as we are comfortable we will stagnate forever. It is usually when we are experiencing a great deal of pain that we finally say this is not okay. Only then do we decide we need to do something drastic to make some major changes in our life. Unfortunately, without the Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence we usually decide what changes to make from the lower consciousness of our pain and suffering which is always distorted by a belief in separation and duality.   With the Birth of 2021, the Company of Heaven revealed that the focus for this incredibly important year will be the completion of the self-destructive illusions of separation and duality, thus clearing the way for the tangible manifestation of Unity Consciousness. This level of Enlightened Consciousness reflects the Heart-based patterns of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. What this means of course is that everything conflicting with Unity Consciousness must be pushed to the surface and Transmuted back into Light.   We have seen the acceleration of this painful purging process for several years, but on January 6th this incredibly challenging expression of Humanity’s fallen consciousness was thrust to the forefront of Global attention in the most abhorrent way by events in the United States of America. On that day thousands of our sisters and brothers, incited by the gross deceptions of some of our leaders and motivated by hate and anger, stormed the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. with the intent of overthrowing the Government and assassinating the Vice President and members of Congress.   The Company of Heaven has revealed that the participants of this catastrophic Insurrection were either consciously or unconsciously manipulated by etheric records and memories from their past illusions, false beliefs, mind control, fear, anger, various delusions that their violence would somehow help, and very destructive outer-world influence from the forces of imbalance.   For some people the intent of this horrific act of violence was to create a civil war that would claim the USA for the white supremacists. For others the lies they were told about unsubstantiated voter fraud was the motivation for their actions. For many more the illusion and manipulation occurred when they allowed conspiracy theorists to program their minds with a cult like consciousness. These theorists filled their thoughts with bizarre and erroneous beliefs that indicated Donald Trump was somehow our savior and would rid the United States of America from all evil. This belief was perpetuated in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.     What the Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth are revealing to us now is a positive result of the horrific events that occurred at our Nations Capitol on January 6th. On that day, as billions of people around the World focused on the “Spiritual Celebration of Epiphany” which metaphorically represents Humanity’s Awakening and Enlightenment, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth was able to accomplish a Healing that FREED us from a critical aspect of our human ego’s oppressive manipulation and control which has been affecting us adversely for lifetimes.   During the terrifying Insurrection that occurred in the USA, the shock and horror of what was happening in America caused Humanity en masse to spontaneously create the vulnerable Heart-space that allowed the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to remove the “Veil of Illusion” that has allowed the oppressive mind control and mass hypnosis by our wayward human ego to control and enslave us for lifetimes.   Aeons ago the “Veil of Illusion” placed over our conscious mind by our human ego blocked the Truth of our I AM Presence. This veil perpetuated our ego’s ability to trick and deceive us into doing its bidding. Now, that veil no longer exists and millions of people in the USA and around the World are in the process of Awakening to the profound Truth of their I AM Presence.
  The Company of Heaven said it will take a while for the shock of this Truth to register in the conscious mind of all of the people who were deceived by the hypnotic mind control of their fallen human ego and the forces of imbalance. They said there will be denial, resistance, anger, confusion, disappointment, embarrassment, humiliation and feelings of failure. The Company of Heaven has made it quite clear, however, that all of those feelings are counterproductive and irrelevant.   What matters now is that we KNOW and ACCEPT that we are FREE from the entrapment and mind control of the “Veil of Illusion”. This means that we can now move forward in the Light unimpeded by the destructive influence of that residue from our fallen human ego.   Precious Hearts, during this specific Healing and Awakening process, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are asking all of us who KNOW the TRUTH of this Celestial Sharing to join forces with them and to hold our sisters and brothers who are struggling with this information in our arms of Light as we flood them with Compassion, Divine Love, Healing, Patience and Understanding.   This Healing is a critical facet in paving the way for the Divine Plan in 2021 and the manifestation of Unity Consciousness. Remember, We are One and the Light of God is ALWAYS VICTORIOUS!  
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles

In 5D, when your honor your heart you’ll be aware that this is the most unselfish thing you can do. In a happy, positive, peaceful, and loving state within, you are a vibrational contribution to the entirety of the human race.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/23/2021 • Avoiding the agony of over-analysis

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

No matter what is going on in your world, the 5D laws of vibration are, and always will be in effect. You have worked hard this past year to being to take charge of your minds, to focus on things that make you feel better, and to adopt a positive and uplifting outlook when you can.

Now it seems the world is tugging and pulling at you now in so many different directions. So many have strong opinions. So many think they know what is best for all. So many want you to agree with their perspectives. Should you take a vaccine or not? Should you live in fear of a political party or not? Should you take up arms or not? Should you pull your money out of the markets or pool it and put it in?

Dear ones, step back a bit from the agony of over-analysis. Step back and drop into your hearts, here and now, in this moment. What do you long to do right now? Do it as soon as is practical. Do you want to nap, garden, call a friend, take a walk, cook your dinner, get a project done? Your desires don’t have to seem “big” in any way. Your guidance is often simple, peaceful, practical, and loving.

You may not think such guidance can solve the world’s challenges, but if everyone lived according to their own hearts, they’d be happy, peaceful, healthy, and as a result, kind, loving, accepting, and allowing of others as well.

In 3D, when you honor yourself some will say you’re self-loving. Others will criticize and call you selfish because you’re not serving their needs. It is OK. Everyone is entitled to their own perspectives.

In 5D, when your honor your heart you’ll be aware that this is the most unselfish thing you can do. In a happy, positive, peaceful, and loving state within, you are a vibrational contribution to the entirety of the human race.

So no matter what the world is doing, stop. Breathe deeply. Instead of over-analyzing how you should react, ask yourself a simple question, “What does my heart want to do in the here and now?” Trust this guidance. Honor it as soon as is practical. Allow yourself to embrace the universal 5D truth that a Loving Source is with you and in you at all times, attempting to guide you gently, kindly, and peacefully towards your desires in life, in harmony and in a loving dance with others who wish to be at peace.

Aligned with love you can be in the world but not of it. Listening to your heart you can dance around the chaos and be a contribution. Embracing a kind reality in your personal life, you be the change you wish to see. You can ripple kindness outward to the hurting hearts, and you can allow yourself a wonderful experience of life no matter what everyone else is doing.

This embracing of the heart, dear ones, is the farthest thing from being selfish. In honoring the true Self within, the One that guides you all, you honor that very light, love, and Self within all beings.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Continue to hold the space of peace and calm and you will be a stabilizing force on your planet as others try to work through their disappointment and adjust to their new reality.-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Holding the Space of Peace and Calm

January 22, 2021,

Dear Ones, having your belief systems challenged and needing to reevaluate what is your truth is a natural part of your evolutionary process. This can be a difficult time for people, as their old systems crumble and new, more energetically supportive beliefs are yet to be discovered and fully assimilated. Discernment is an essential part of the enlightenment process but it cannot be properly used until a person is clear about their own truth. This must come from within, and is often facilitated by the experience of disillusionment.

Be gentle with those who are in the throes of this right now on your planet, as this stage can be very painful to navigate until they can settle into a new alignment that allows a much firmer foundation for them to build upon. You have all been there at one stage or another of your journey. It is a rite of passage and an opportunity for redirection. Understand they will need time to mourn the old until they can accept and settle more comfortably into the new. Continue to hold the space of peace and calm and you will be a stabilizing force on your planet as others try to work through their disappointment and adjust to their new reality.

Republic gets Restored.

Why Trump fenced off DC and why he moved out and is never going back to the White House.And why there will be a NEW capital elsewhere.
Occupying a foreign land.The act of 1871 was a seditious act by the (corporate) US government. The (fiction-at-law, straw man/straw women, corporate representative, persons) secretly re-wrote the united States (common law) constitution from “We the people” (by changing the capitalization on the document to all caps) which changed its legal binding meaning, which transferred the power from “We the people” to the CORPORATION of America, which was centered in Washington DC.
 Washington DC is a FOREIGN ENTITY (a fiction-at-law only “living” on paper agreements) but physically appearing on American soil of sovereign states. The United States of America, Incorporated was established through a loan from the Vatican when DC was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizen’s rights got taken from them. Nobody realized this.You can see the presence of the fictitious Corporate entity in each city.  Look at the signs that say Now Entering Corporate Limits (with your city’s name.) This is part of the trickery. Nobody taught you this in public school because the public school system is an indoctrination school of what the Corporation leaders want you to believe and accept.  Public schools are NOT institutions of free-thinking.  They do not encourage you to feel comfortable as an individual.  They teach collectivism!  One size fits all because it costs less to the Corporate Machine to run their game.When the secret US Corporation PTB (Powers That Be) did the Vatican Loan brokering deal (via Bank of London) to get the loan, the surety for the loan was human labor.  YOU, the human being, have secretly been enslaved (used) as the surety (collateral) for the loan.  The Corporate PTB players transferred all of the property in DC Columbia to the ownership and control to the Corporate entity of DC.Regarding President Trump  (the master chess player strategic moves to restore the Republic), in 2018 he signed an Executive Order on election fraud, outlining how corporate assets would be seized.Wednesday, 20 January 2021, you saw the first seizure being made with the fenced containment area around the Capitol. The military has SEIZED CONTROL OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY, DC. That EO was primarily directed at Washington DC!President Trump must move from the White House (also called Castle Lock) because he can’t rule a sovereign nation from a foreign land. Once Trump exited the White House, the castle was locked because it’s not possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country. The foreign country must be locked out. That means Joseph Biden was locked out. We are literally watching the reclamation of the real country.There is a difference between the term “legal” and “lawful.” Legal is corporate. Lawful is common law. Sovereigns are ruled by common law not Corporate law.  The Corporation has made laws to legally rule over us.  According to the Corporate game, if you break one of the Corporate Laws, you have to pay a fine or go to jail to the Corporation.Courts are banks.  People become prisoners as established by the Corporate Courts. When a human being goes to prison, they act as collateral (the surety) associated with the bond connected to the Corporate Person (straw man or straw woman) who allegedly committed crimes against the Corporation.  The Corporate Person is NOT the same thing as a human being!  But you’ve been deceived into believing you MUST pay money for the privilege of “being” on free land. That driver’s license fee you pay to the Corporate state?  That traffic ticket you pay?  That dog license fee you pay?  Those are all for the “privilege” of getting Corporate “benefits” as a Corporate Citizen.  Sick, right?  Don’t believe this is all true? This is part of the education being shared now as the Republic gets restored!

there is nothing that can stop your visions from becoming a reality now.

KaRa of the Pleiades: Operation of Compression Breakthrough

by James McConnell

I am KaRa. I appreciate these times that I can come and be with you, and be able to open up and share. Share what we know. Share what we see with our eyes from our ships as we look down, and what was said within the meditation:  we see the beauty everywhere.

Just think about the beauty of this planet:  the rushing waters, the oceans, the waterfalls, the fields and streams, the great meadows, the majestic mountains, and the peaceful valleys everywhere across the planet.  So much of this planet that you have not even yet seen, for many of you have found yourselves within the environments of where you grew up, where you were born.

Some of you have ventured out.  Some of you have seen parts of the world, yes.  But there is so much yet to see and appreciate.  But beyond this planet there are worlds, vistas that you haven’t even begun to dream of yet that are there, and that you will be able to visit when you are ready.

All that is happening here on this planet has reached its full crescendo.  And it is coming close now.  So that when you have reached that crescendo, that end (although there is never an end, for the end will only lead to a new beginning), and that new beginning has already begun.

It has begun within your minds, within your hearts, within your imagination, your visions of what can be and what will be.  For there is nothing that can stop your visions from becoming a reality now.   Nothing—nothing that the dark forces can put out in front of you, nothing, nothing that they can do that will keep you from your destiny, you, being the ‘collective you,’ from the destiny of this planet.

For once Prime Creator said, “Enough is enough!” everything was put into motion at that point.  And the call went out to so many of us, so many of the civilizations that are beyond this human civilization here on this planet, to come to the aid of Gaia and the people here.

And come in the millions, we have!  All in readiness.  Readiness at a moment’s notice!  Just as your emergency broadcast system is there at a moment’s notice to reach out to the people.  But not only of this country, but of the entire planet, to reach out.

We also are in readiness in the same way for the signal to be given, for us then to move into the next part of our operation.  We have stages within our operations, just as you do on the planet.  To look at it, it’s Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, et cetera.  And also, yes, Plan A, B, C.  that is the way you look at it here on this planet.  We have similar progression as well.

And we are moving now into another stage.  It is imminent at this point.  I cannot tell you exactly what that stage is, although there will be information coming out from various of our sources that will tell of this from our point of view.

And I use this term ‘our point of view’ because I want all of you, we want all of you to begin to think and to look at the Earth and the progression of the Earth, and all of the people here on the planet in the same way that we look at you.

Again, we see the beauty.  We want you to look out and see the beauty everywhere.  For it is a beautiful planet with wonderful resources, enough resources to share with everyone on the planet, where no one should be able to go hungry or thirsty, or without love and caring—not a single one!  That is the new vision of this planet, and for this planet, as you continue to move into the higher vibrations.

Yes, there is tremendous upheaval at this time, here in this country, your United States of America, as well as other countries throughout the planet–great upheaval.  But as you know and have heard many times from many different sources:  first, the old paradigm must come tumbling down, must come crashing down at times.

And you are at that point now, for a great part of the old paradigm is about to fall.  Exactly how that is to be remains for you to see yet.

But know that all is in readiness both here by the Forces of Light on this planet, as well as the Forces of Light above and below the planet.  All is in readiness to begin the Operation of Compression Breakthrough.  And it is an operation.

So as always, and as many different sources continue to guide you, trust in the plan.  For it is the Creator’s plan.  And being the Creator’s plan, nothing, no thing and no one, can interfere with the plan.

Oh yes, they can do things to postpone it, to alter it.  And they have done that.  But we can only do it for so long.  Because they continue to delve back into the same playbook.  But that playbook is at a lower vibration.  A lower vibration of the third-dimensional consciousness and the illusion.

That playbook will not work at the higher vibrations.  And that is about to be shown that it cannot work at the higher vibrations.  So they do everything they can now to reach into the deepest part of that playbook, pull out all stops, as your saying goes.  But all of this will end in their defeat and their demise.

They have all been given.  When I say ‘all,’ I speak now of the dark forces here on this planet, the cabal, the Illuminati, the deep state.  All have been given opportunity to be able to turn to the Light.

But so many have turned away from the Light.  They do not understand what they do.  Just as those that put to death the one known as Yeshua, and he, even on the cross, spoke out to his Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  So to all of you now:  would you also be able to do the same and say to the Father, to the Prime Creator, to the Cosmic Source of this universe, “forgive them, for they know not what they do”?

All of you now:  go in peace and love, and sharing of the Christ Consciousness to all that you come in contact with in every given moment.  For in every given moment, you can, if you look for it, find those moments of joy, even within, all of the seeming, and I use that term purposefully, ‘seeming,’ consternation and negative vibrations that surround you at this time.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.  I am KaRa.  I am here in the ships watching over all of you.  Just as there are many of your guides of those that watch over.  And continue to move you in the direction that y0u came to move into.

Peace and love be with all of you.

Focus on the light, focus on your essence.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Focus on the Light

January 21, 2021,

Dear hearts, focus on the light.

Your light is your gift to the Divine. Your light is your gift from the Divine.

Regardless of what is happening around you, know that you have won. You have reclaimed your light. It is yours regardless of anything you or any one else may do or say.

For millennia you had forgotten that you were of the light, that you were the light. You know now that you are the light.

It is not a wager, a bet, a debate or even a negotiation. You and the light are one. Nothing can change that or stop it.

The light has a trajectory and that trajectory is expansion and self-knowing. You are always within the light and you are always the expression of that expansion.

Don’t look to the horizon to know where you are: look to the light within. It is the truest compass; it will guide you in times of light and in times of darkness. The light is always true to you.

Focus on the light, focus on your essence. You are of the light. You are the light.

The Light will always return to the Light.

Mbarara Children’s Orphanage Centre in Uganda requests our support.

I received this message today from Keneth:

Hello brother,Greetings from Mbarara children’s orphanage centre,Due to internet and social media shutdown in Uganda 🇺🇬 since 12th this month we have no communication with friends who donate to us and we are totally struggling to feed our kids,We request you kindly to stand with us and to share our message to many whom we are failing to contact,God bless you.

If you wish to support the centre,please send your donations through worldremit here:

Mbarara Orphanage through World Remit :

Uganda,City :Mbarara.

Name :Beinomugisha Keneth,Airtel and Warid Pesa Mobile Money Account.

Tel.+256756334741 Mobile Number and Mobile Account Number

Thank You.

For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD.-AA Michael-


“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you Blessings of LOVE and LIGHT, in this NOW Moment, and we invite you to open your Heart to our message for you…
The world is undergoing a Massive Change.
The separation between the “Matrix” (lower vibrational third-dimensional world) and the NEW Divine Earth of the HIGHER Dimension has BEgun.
It is NOW up to each individual in which world you wish to reside.
You have Free Will to choose.
How do you Consciously move towards the world of your choice?
Your Focus and Attention is Reinforcing your Reality.
Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words, and Actions are Reinforcing your Reality.
You can choose, which pieces you wish to allow into your Reality and which pieces you wish to leave out.
Perhaps, you might be experiencing a reality that is less enjoyable.
NOW, you can BEgin to choose what you Think, Feel, Read, Watch, and Talk about with others.
Each time you make a choice, you are either moving closer to your desired Reality or further away.
When you BEgin to choose one direction consistently, you will create a Powerful Momentum.
“What about world events?” you might ask.
We would like you to try an experiment to leave the “Matrix”:
For a moment we invite you to imagine a Bubble of LIGHT around you and your immediate world.
What if, you BEgin to focus only on your Bubble of LIGHT and stop reinforcing what is not in your immediate world and not in your control such as world events.
What if you would stop watching the news and social media posts that are designed to keep you in fear and stress?
What if instead, you would Meditate more to turn the power over to GOD? GOD has All the Power, not humans and circumstances…
As long as you are giving all the power to humans and circumstance in your world, you will be disappointed.
But, if instead, you are giving All the power to the Almighty GOD, you are employing Powerful Forces to assist you BEyond BElief…
That takes consistency and after a while, your connection to GOD will BEcome unshakable and your world, humans and circumstances will follow the command of GOD, who is Divine LOVE only.
What if you would do this for just one day?
Would you feel a little bit better?
Would you be a little less anxious and stressed?
Your vibrational Frequencies would BEgin to Raise.
Your Energies would BEgin to BEcome more Positive.
NEW Solutions and Ideas would BE able to enter your world because you would BEgin to BEcome a vibrational match to them.
Before your experiment, you would be a vibrational match to the problems you are interacting with and more problems would be able to enter your reality…
But NOW, you would BE a vibrational match to the solutions, ideas, and the Almighty power of the Loving GOD, to bring you All the Blessings you are asking for.
You can continue this experiment for as long as you wish.
For many it has BEcome a way of life and what a life they have created, together with all Loving GOD…
KNOW That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome, Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are Loved BEyond measure. Always.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you this TRUTH.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through Asara Adams
Artist: unknown

We were chosen to go through the darkness first so that we could assist in this exact moment in time.

Jan 21 Written By Ashley Ulizzi

True Lightworkers, over the next coming days, weeks, and months, this is a reminder for those of us who have already walked through the dark, to continue to hold the light. 

Remember, we were chosen to go through the darkness first so that we could assist in this exact moment in time. We feel it. We were the pioneers that digested the deepest darkness long ago to co-create a brighter world and create more room for the light to illuminate the earth and bring sovereignty to humanity. 

Were here in THIS moment in time to radiate peace, anchor in calm, and let everyone know it’s going to be ok.  In fact, it’s going to be amazing. 

Over the coming days, weeks, and months, many people will seem like they have lost their minds. As trauma, attachment, and childhood pain is brought to the surface to be transmuted through the experience of current events – it can feel heavy and confusing. Most people have never been able to acknowledge or accept the darkness or truth within themselves, let alone the weight of what has been going on in the world for centuries. The world has been filled with a deeply ingrained dominance of cognitive dissonance, fear, and stagnation. That is about to change as the light is shined on truth for all to see.

This is a collective clearing that has been happening for some time, it’s come to its final push. This is a purge of ALL negative energies within ourselves and around, this is a time for massive self-care. 

Just as lightworkers collapsed their own inner ego and illusion to co-create the new world long ago, the majority of people on earth are now unexpectedly, too. They are not all prepared, and it’s our job to hold space for them and hold the 5D vibration of love.

There are so many people who genuinely have not known the truth of the world they have been living in. Many people have been living the 3D illusion to no fault of their own.  Many of the pioneers who knew this, have been mocked, made fun of, alienated, and labeled, but that dissolves now.  We must continue to hold the vibration of love and never that of “I told you so”.

Most importantly, we are here to be an example of what is coming. This is not the end of the world, this is the end of the illusion and the dawn of the golden age. 

I invite everyone to zoom out from all of the current events and distractions that appear to be real and prepare yourself.

Allow the light to pour on you. This is an exciting time to be alive. 

Ashley Ulizzi

JFK: Your Light is Needed, Right Now!

January 20, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my dear Patriots! Please do not go over the “rails” after witnessing today’s “faux affair”…there is still much more to happen, and as you are finding out the hard way, it is not always as soon as you would like it to be. Well, let me help to take your mind off of those dour thoughts, my beautiful ones!

I would like to talk a little bit about “time lines”…yes, time lines! Some of you may not be very aware of how many different, and yet similar, time lines are occurring in each moment…however, this becomes important with regard to what is happening right now in the U.S…and the world.

At first, it is difficult to determine when a time line is shifting…but, as you become more aware of how your environment “feels” around you, it becomes more apparent. My muse taking this message is just now learning about this, too!

Let us take a rather clear example, such as when you are doing something that you are passionate about…something creative, or all-consuming. You are familiar with the saying that you “lost all track of time”, are you not? This is one basic way to understand that time lines are shifting.

So, let us take the current geo-political scene, right now…that is not a situation where someone is doing something they are passionate about, however, some of the tasks being performed by the Alliance right now, are most definitely time-consuming!

So, every time there has been a “pivotal” moment in our current environment, there is also an imperceptible “shift” in the Universal time line. Now, that may sound too grandiose to imply that when one of the Alliance’s tasks is being achieved, it can cause a shift in the time line of the whole Universe…however, it is quite true, I promise you!

As a point in fact, that is where the concept of “All are One” comes from, too…everything each one of you beautiful Patriots does affects the “whole”…the Universe…and you thought you were rather insignificant, didn’t you? Well, as you can see, that is farthest from the Truth!

So, we have these imperceptible time lines shifting all the time, involving each one of us…what does it mean then? How do we use it to help us in this moment of extreme angst and depression?

I would offer you this…that when you are feeling such angst and such depression, that you find something to do about which you are passionate…something just for yourself. Thus, when you do that passionate something, it will cause a wonderful feeling of energy all around you (and through you!), and that energy, based upon the “All are One” principal, will then be extended outward, to envelope the person next to you, then your neighbor next door, then in the nearest city, then in the state, and then, all the way around the world!

Now, I know this is difficult to comprehend for some, however, I say what is wrong with just doing something you are passionate about anyway, no matter what the energy does afterward, am I correct, dear one? You can just leave it to the Universe to send the beautiful energy wherever it needs to go!

As for how all this matters in today’s geo-political scene, well, it matters, because YOU matter. You matter to the Universe, and to our President Trump, and to our Alliance, and to all of our international brothers and sisters, and to all of our Patriots, who are trying just as hard as you are, to help bring about a positive outcome to our current situation.

However, I tell you this…as simple as my statement is that you focus on doing things that you truly enjoy, right now…that is also how *important* that very action is, because it actually helps all others here on Earth, besides yourself! Now, that is a lot of bang for your buck, is it not? (smile)

I know this message has not been what you might have expected from me at this critical time in our history, however, if you have been reading my other messages through this one recently, it has become my “calling card” to try and help you to understand that we truly are…ALL of us…in this “together”…whether we like it or not…so, why don’t we try to make the best of it, and go ahead and help ourselves by doing what makes us joyful, while also knowing that our joyful actions are spreading Love throughout the entire Universe! There are no insignificant souls here! Every one of you are so very critical to the shifting of the time lines right now, so we can continue our path towards Freedom, Sovereignty, and Unity…our united states of America! (the “capital” letters on united states was used by the cabal). We are no longer under their regime…it will just be a few more “moments in time” until it is seen by all!

Please continue to have faith in each other, Patriots…and to have faith in your “true” leaders. I know without a doubt that you are ready to climb back into the boat, dry yourself off, and continue to trust in our worthy goals of Life, Liberty, and Justice for All.

I am with you always…

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Peaceful revolution must be followed by unconditional forgiveness!-Babaji-

Message from Babaji: Victory of Light and Triumph of Love

By John Kassl

Beloved humans,

What is announced to you today, here and now, is the unshakeable truth – it is the course all developments on earth are taking from now on.

Humanity is climbing up the stairs of light, and more and more people are getting closer and closer to the truth of love.

How can you tell that the light is victorious?

• By the fact that now everything is brought to light! That’s how you can tell.

• By the fact that nothing can be hidden any longer, not even with greatest effort. That’s how you can tell.

• By the fact that the forces that have proliferated on earth to the damage of many and the advantage of few, are discordant and fighting each other. That’s how you can tell.

• And by the fact that more and more people feel the pressure, pressure that raises questions that normally would never be asked. That’s how you can tell that fundamental changes are happening and an awakening on earth unlike any before is now in process.

What you are currently experiencing, beloved human, is the victory of light! Each day new truths are revealed to you. The denial of facts is getting harder and harder, because you are made aware of them daily.

This procedure – this process – is speeding up day by day. Similar to an exponential function, this growth in awareness has become unstoppable.


If you ask why so many people are still unaware and asleep, I respond to you: It is the fear that paralyzes them. Someone who is fearful can neither think clearly nor get a sense of their own emotions. A fearful person is a pliable mass. That is the cause for the many current crises arising on earth. Fear is the means intended to keep up old structures.

That is why along with the victory of light the biggest fears surface, too. This co-existence of light and fear will end as soon as humans rid themselves of their fears by realizing that fears are owed to the illusion that someone has power over them. This redemption of fear is in process now, too, because the victory of light means: complete absence of fear!

Very soon, you need to contemplate the triumph of love – this is the practice that will take you to mastery.

What is all this about?

All that presents itself now carries the danger of causing people to drift into payback or feelings of revenge. The extent of exploitation and injustice is so large that many people will demand revenge and payback. Many are calling for it already.


This is a development that needs to be prevented. That is why I instruct you to practice forgiveness every single day.

Never may you drift into hatred, revenge or payback if love is supposed to triumph in the end!

What matters now and during the upcoming challenges, is: How do you react to the disclosures and how do you wish to deal with those responsible for them?

I’m telling you: Peaceful revolution must be followed by unconditional forgiveness! Only then the shift is complete, and only then you have reached perfection.

The world merges with the Divine Light of Love – and as soon as you have forgiven every being, by the power of your light and love, you will go along with this development.

The victory of light will reveal itself to you these days. For the triumph of love, you still need a little imagination. Nurture this vision within until you have forgiven everybody everything, and until you can love yourself unconditionally.

This is the path to walk on for anyone who wishes to fulfill their missions on earth and to return home to God.

The light is victorious! Now it is up to you to take care of the triumph of love! With complete love I am with you, always.


Step into your sovereignty and claim your power-Peggy Black and the ‘team’-

We are here, offering you our guidance and inspiration during these times of intense turmoil and transformation. Remember it is out of chaos that change is possible. Remember that you are certainly change agents. You as a divine conscious being are here at this time and in this dimension to call forth, envision and anchor the coming new age and move to a higher dimension as a collective. Step into your sovereignty and claim your power.

We know the tremendous upheaval exhibited within a divided country is disturbing and shocking to many. Yet we will remind you that the anger and sense of invalidation you are witnessing is only one aspect of what has been repressed and hidden within the psyche of those who do not feel heard. This anger is easily stirred up and manipulated and takes on an energy that engulfs the many.

It is the reaction and the dark aspect of the collective consciousness that is coming forth in order to be seen, acknowledged and understood. Once these actions are witnessed there is an opportunity to heal and transform from within the culture.

Humanity is fatigued. This past year has been difficult for your entire planet. The virus that has been responsible for the shutdown of all normal activities and the enormous loss of lives has truly stretched individuals to their collective edge.

We are here to offer you a different perspective. Realize that each and every person is undergoing a personal form of initiation and awakening to the next level. The intense amount of light energy and frequencies are causing the dense energies of the collective wounds to rise.

Your world is deeply divided as a whole. You are witnessing the gradual acceleration through disruptions, corruptions, imbalances and crises. Many find themselves caught in the throes of separation, defense, fear and shame. The collective and accumulated pain is rising to the surface.

The vast majority of the population is still stuck in some level of inner conflict and duality. So rather than address what is out of balance and looking for a more nurturing solution and compassionate understanding there is the pattern of blame which illustrates the old paradigm of duality. As this planet and all of humanity move to a higher dimension it is crucial that energies of fear, shame, anger, racism and judgment must be released and healed.

This planet will continue to exhibit situations that mirror or match what is held within the collective consciousness of humanity. Change will occur when each individual can observe the disharmony and dysfunction happening and ask what within myself has contributed to these events, no matter how shocking or unbelievable. Be conscious of fear based thoughts and release them as soon as they sneak into your awareness. Be truthful and look within as honestly as possible.

You are being supported from the highest realms of light to transform any and all negative and misqualified energies that you experience. Learn to nurture yourself. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Be gentle with yourself and with others as you untangle the knots of illusion and free yourselves from the limitations of the lower dimensional matrices.

The energy is really powerful right now offering new beginnings. Your DNA is being activated. You are experiencing a new earth activation process where there is a leveling up for all humans. You are receiving light codes and downloads of a powerful transformation of cosmic activation.

This cosmic energy is moving humanity into a higher octave. Humanity is going through a collective initiation. This energy is activating and pushing the many uncomfortable situations happening at this time around your world.

Many realize and know deep within that this world and humanity will never be the same. Such is the magnitude of what is happening. People simply need to move forward with this shift without resistance. How much suffering must humanity have in order to move forward and evolve? Remember it is entirely up to each of you.

This is the awakening you have been waiting for and calling forth. This is only the beginning. This process of evolution will take years, so step up and step into your divine knowing of what part you play in this process. This is an exciting time and we celebrate with you. You cannot awaken and hold on to old attitudes and ways of being that do not support life sustaining actions and realities.

The highest qualities in humans come out through disaster and hard times. People help each other and show caring and compassion. People begin to honor their connections with each other and with nature. Many individuals are connecting with the nature beings and the elementals. They are beginning to realize that these elementals have been doing their best to transform humanity’s pain. It is most important that humanity begins to live on Earth in harmonious ways with other life forms, nature beings and the elementals.

There are studies being done that recognize that there is a consciousness field. Your thoughts are intertwined with the world around you. Begin to consider that consciousness is something that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical skull. You have seen the results where large groups of people meditating have lowered the rates of crime, suicide and violence.

When we say to you that you are powerful beyond measure this is what we are addressing. Your consciousness coupled with your prayers and intentions can and will assist in this shift that is taking place. Your thoughts are powerful. Your mind has tremendous influence over your life and your body as well as the world and nature around you.

You are the new visionaries, the bridge builders and the way showers. When you find, own and live from this new awareness and this new balance you are the divine super hero you came here to be. Be patient and loving to others who are just waking up to who they are or can be. You have been on this path a long time and have done your work. Anchor what you know in your heart so that others may follow your light.

You are never alone in your task; we are here as well as the other divine beings awaiting your call and request for assistance. Be in peace and know that you are loved. the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Staying grounded in your presence and knowingness is exactly how you create stabilization points for yourselves and for others. You are doing a magnificent job!

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Disillusionment to Transformation

January 18, 2021,

There are so many of you who are well along your embodiment process who are anchoring higher vibrational energies on your planet. While you may find yourself in a place where it doesn’t seem like there is much light, it does not mean for a second that the light doesn’t exist or that there aren’t enough of you to collectively create a shift.

You might think of it as you are scattered around the world creating a new foundation that is sustainable in the new energies and ready to be built upon. You are the construction workers who have tirelessly, with your faith, trust, and diligence, been in service preparing for the times you are in right now. You have been serving both your earth and humanity.

While it may seem chaotic right now, that firmer foundation is what will stabilize those who are no longer sustained by the old energies and are seeking support to shift into the new. Your efforts are what will make the awakening process much faster and easier for those who become ready to begin their own enlightenment process. Much more rapid shifts will be possible due to the groundwork you have done.

We point out that the vast majority of you had to go through your own dark nights of the soul in order to evolve. You understand that process, that when it becomes too painful to stay the same, people embrace change. This is where so many are at this time. It can be painful, and confusing, and disorienting. Letting go of the old is necessary in order to embrace the new, and for many it involves discovering how the old simply does not serve them any longer despite how committed they may have been to it.

Disillusionment can be a bitter pill to swallow and it can take some time to come to a level of acceptance with it. This can be a very painful process as it is normal for humans to want to cling to the old and familiar. You have all gone through periods of deconstruction in order to begin new construction, and even though it always ends up being a great improvement, it can be incredibly scary to be in the throes of transformation. Be kind and compassionate as you may have been in similar places yourselves not that long ago.

So trust the process and lead with your wise and loving hearts. These are the exact times you hoped you would have an opportunity to experience. Staying grounded in your presence and knowingness is exactly how you create stabilization points for yourselves and for others. You are doing a magnificent job!

From the Belly of the Transformation-Who Needs Light-

Photo: Churning in the Chukchi Sea – NASA
18 January 2021
​From the Belly of the Transition

This message is over-Lighted by Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven.

A warm and weary hello from the spiritual frontlines. We are here. We have always been here and will remain, choosing and shining our way alongside you. Like you, we are learning. To free ourselves is to free Earth.
We come forward at this important hour with support.
From our last public message, over two years ago, we have spent every hour of the day and night excavating our inner landscape to discover everywhere within that needs healing, transformation, transmutation, love. Sincere pursuit of this kind produces miracles. We travel across the Inner Plains – from our aware selves on Earth – whispering in soldiers’ ears, clearing the tunnels, holding rescued children, urging the hardened to soften, bolstering the Transmuters.
You are a global Transmuter. When you stand in line for groceries choosing humor and kindness instead of anger and impatience as your action and your emanation, you do not only create the beautiful world. With your power of choice, you activate the real purpose of your Free Will. You transform the world of pain, torture and suffering into the restored world of goodness. You turn human dross and miscreation into Light and potential, for you and for all. Truly.
With every such choice, you join a team of Transmuters who are consciously doing this across the planet with the purpose of restoring God’s Light on Earth, so that everyone may free themselves. With every such choice, you help to hold the bandwidth of Light steady and wide, so that the events of Earth may unfold, offering real freedom to every kingdom, every soul.
So you see, every choice profoundly matters. Whatever does or does not happen in the coming days, we all have a role. No event is happening to you; you are happening to the events. What will your mighty influence, born of seemingly mundane decisions, be? 
We give our voices to the clarion call: every choice matters. You are a living being and emanation. Even the way you eat dinner or are quiet changes everything. Give your awareness to your choices. Tier 4B, by now, you surely know this, so as our hour quietly comes, help those around you to realize the power they have to heal and to contribute, all by the power of their choice.
This story ends in everlasting glory.
To those on the spiritual frontlines, we are with you. To the joyful ones who stand as beacons, we are thankful to you. We have seen you there shining in the long night, transducing the incoming Light so that all may be nourished and feel hope. To the many who are beyond exhausted, well, we are too. Let’s rest together in the midst of this very moment.
In the coming months, we return as public messengers. We have a story to tell, and boy-oh-boy are we going to tell it. We are preparing our brand-new website for a spring launch:
WhoNeedsLight presents: The AlreadyHome Project – For the Benevolent Transition of Earth and Highest Good of All
We are a family. We are undeniably a family. We are the human family of Earth. It is time to restore ourselves and thereby our world. We each participate in the creation of what is. With everything you think, feel, say, do, believe, intend and dream, choose Love. It utterly matters.
We come forward to give support at this important hour. To the messengers who have been public this whole time, we want you to know it has meant everything to us. To the quiet ones who are immovable in their steady service, we are united with you. We too come in the name of God for the Highest Good of All.
In the midst of all events, circumstances, experiences, choose Love.
We love you, Christine & Kathryn
The Can-Do GalsWhoNeedsLightWe are already Home
(Message by Christine, Kathryn & Archangel Michael ~ January 2021, WhoNeedsLight)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From the core of my being, I respectfully request and demand the mighty loving presence and assistance of you, Father Mother God, along with every soul on Earth and above, who would see Earth transformed from suffering into everlasting peace, Light. Shower America and all of Earth with your most powerful rays of Light, so that no heart-crevice, no mind-stone, nor any remaining dark corner is left untouched by love.
Ignite! Ignite! Ignite! By my choice I awaken. Blaze! Blaze! Blaze! I join my tender heart with the heart of Humanity, claiming the liberation of Earth. Arise! Triumph! Be! I demand of myself: always Love, dissolving my old corrupt ways, leaving only ease and unity.
Shower every family with peace and compassion, until each wounded heart swoons with relief. Remind every living being that they are an inseparable member of Earth’s Family, of God’s Family.
Angels, go to every one. Shake them awake. Remind them of their inevitable choice. Wash, cleanse, Violet Fire the mind’s distortion of Free Will, until shining eyes can once again make clear choice.
Send transforming waves to every soul – aware or not – who is striving to be kind or has forgotten how. Send soothing waves to all who are yet caught in anguish, agony, cruelty and despair. Send victorious waves to all leaders, uncovering their ancient knowing that the race is already won, already One.
Let The Plan for Earth be made real now, with grace and mercy for every human, no matter their point of awakening. Let the Kingdoms recognized that Humanity is fulfilling their promise, to return Earth to balance.
May God’s joy warm the wounded and weary. May Mother’s love enfold the tortured. May Father’s strength reach those who torture.
Christ deliver the Promise and Decree of Liberation and Rebirth. Christ in me, reign over my brittle will.
God is with me. God is with us.
Let it be done. Let it be so.
Amein. Amein.
(Decree by Julia, Christine & Archangel Michael ~ January 2021, WhoNeedsLight)