Q&A with ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell along Shoshana)

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna here.  And we believe that we are ready to move on with your questions, and we hope that we would have the answers.

Please, though, when you ask your questions, make them as specific and concise as you possibly can.  Because the more specific and concise you make the questions, the more specific and concise the answers can be as well.  So that is just a hint for you as you are asking your questions.  Do you have questions for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?

Guest:   I have one.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Archangel Michael was just talking about cords and how he cuts them, and they are cut forever.  I’m just wondering how cords get attached to us.

OWS:   They get attached to you from your programming from your sojourn that you have been on for so long a period of time.  Speaking only of right now, though, of these lifetimes here on the Earth.  We will not go into those times previous to your incarnations here upon the Earth, but to those incarnations, those many life times that you have had here.  And that has created all of the programming, all of these psychic ties as Archangel Michael has utilized that term that are continuing to hold you back, hold you back with all of your various attachments that are there.  But if you utilize his Flaming Blue Sword of Truth to sever those ties, then it is done forever if you believe it.  And that is the crux of the situation, here, if you believe it.  If you do not believe it, then it is not so.

As The James said earlier in your discussion, Yeshua changed the water into wine in the pouring.  He knew it was going to change into wine as he poured it.  He did not question it.  Just as he did not question the healing aspects of his power that he could utilize.  He knew that one would be healed if they were ready to be healed.  If they believed enough.  “It is your faith that has set you free,” he said.  You see?  It is your faith that has healed you.  And that is what is necessary:  the belief.

Your discussion was all about belief:  ‘believing is seeing.’  And that is where so many of you fall short yet, even though you may know the concept, you may understand the concept.

But when you think of believing is seeing, what is the immediate thing that comes to your mind?  It has always been ‘seeing is believing.’  That has been pounded, and pounded, and pounded into your psyche, into your mental status for so long:  ‘you must see it to believe it,’ and it is the exact opposite.  You must believe it, and then you will see it.  Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then is this sufficient for your answer, Dear One?

Guest:   Yes, Sir.  Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there other questions, here?

Guest:   Hello, I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   So I have, it’s actually a funny question, because I have heard these rumors about certain animals being used by the deep state as androids.  I heard rumors about certain pigeons being like androids, like being artificial robots.  And so I have experienced in my daily life that I have seen that with certain pigeons I can sense there are, but certain other pigeons, they seem to be really different.  So is there any truth to this rumor, or is this just my imagination?

OWS:   What we would say is your imagination can certainly run away with one at times.  And that is wonderful, though, to allow your imagination to run away.  But to keep it of the Light, here.

You see, that is what your buffer period is here for in your third-dimensional illusion, to allow for the imagination to be utilized.  But if it were utilized freely and fully where immediate manifestation would occur, then this is the result that can happen from this.  You can imagine something that is of darkness, or something that is scary or fearful, and that would manifest.  And that is why there is a buffer zone, here.

But, as you move up into the higher vibrations and frequencies of the higher dimensions, you no longer will have that longer buffer zone.  It will become shorter, and shorter, and shorter the more you are able to utilize the creation from imagination, here, you see?

So think of it as a gift, here, that you have.  Let your imagination run wild, if you will.  But work on controlling the imagination so that you imagine only those things of the Light, only those things that bring joy and happiness to you, rather than succumb to various fearful programming that has been in the past.

And do not allow anyone, and I say now, anyone, to sway you in any one way or the other, that anyone has the entire truth.  The 100% truth.  There is no such thing.  Even coming through this channel now, as I speak, or as we speak now as the One Who Serves, and Shoshanna as well, we do not have 100% truth.  We can only bring the truth to you that you would understand in the moment.  But in that next moment, that truth may no longer apply, you see?  So that is how we need to answer that question.  Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?

Shoshanna:   We do not.  We agree with you.

OWS:   Very good.  We’re rolling here, I guess, here!  Very good.  Are there other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question.  I sent in some questions by e-mail.  But we just heard Michael say on three different occasions, ”if you call to me.”  My question is, how do we know that a Master has heard our calls?  How does the Mater know that we are calling them, if we are just meditating, not saying anything.  How do we know we are calling them, and how do we know that they’ve heard our calls?

OWS:   That is a question that many, many have.  Because they call upon one of us and they do not hear a direct answer right away in the way that they are expecting.  You see, answers come in many different respects.  They can be where you are led to someone that has an answer for you, or you are led to a certain book, or to watch a movie, or whatever it might be that will bring the answer to you.

But you see, when you ask, you must believe that the answer will come.  If you ask, and then right away then feel like, ‘well, I don’t know if I’m going to get the answer, here,’ or ‘I doubt that it will come,’ or ‘I’m not worthy enough to receive the answer.’  If you begin to think in that way, that is the old programming setting in, and that will block it, certainly.

But, just as this one we speak through here, James:  in the very beginning of these types of connections, he doubted a lot whether it was real, whether it was his imagination, whether it was just thoughts within him that were talking to him.  Think what that is like for those who begin this process, you see?  But over a period of time, little by little, he began to let go and allow for the process (and this is a process) to come through.

Whether it is channeling in this respect, or if it is simply just asking a question within yourself of your Higher Self, or of one of your Guides, or Archangel Michael, or Sananda, or whoever it might be.  If you ask, you must then believe that you will receive.  You see, that is the axiom.  That is what has been given to you by the Yeshua:  “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”  If you do all of that, then manifestation becomes more prominent and permanent in the aspect of creation.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  May we share, Dear Brother?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We must tell you, Dear Brother, that it is our very mission to hear you.  It is our very mission to answer you.  This is our life to hear you and to answer you.  The only thing that is holding humanity back from receiving answers is the doubt that they carry, you see.  So it is simple:  you must ask, you must allow the answer, and then you must allow the transformation to take place.   Namaste.

OWS:   And that, by the way, is also the secret of manifestation, what Shoshanna has just given.

Guest:   Yes.   One Who Serves, I believe that they hear me.  I just don’t know how they hear it.  Do they actually hear us, or is it by vibrations, or frequencies?  That’s my question.

OWS:   Vibration.  We hear, or we know you as vibration.  That is how.

Guest:   Do you recognize each person differently?

OWS:   Yes, by their vibration.

Guest:   Okay, that’s what I wanted to know.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes, Dear One.  Hello One Who Serves, hello beautiful Shoshanna, hello Archangel Michael, so glad to hear from you.   Okay, so I’m watching a video about the many, many underground bases that are apparently being taken back by the Forces of the Light.  I’m curious about two things.  One is that there are tons of them, and some of them are under Mount Shasta and Sedona, and I’m trying to figure out how they can have such a base under such a high vibrational area.  That was one question.

My other question is, did they really rescue over 30,000 children, where are those children, and will this ever come to light in our human knowing?

OWS:   First of all, you used the term ‘apparently.’  There is no ‘apparently,’ it is real.  These bases are being cleared out, as they need to be.  And the vibration in Mount Shasta is, you are correct, not akin to having one of these bases directly there.  But there is one that was close, there.  We say was now, because it is no longer being occupied, here.  Many of these bases have been cleared out, are no longer occupied, and some are even destroyed.  The process is continuing, and the children are being released.  It is all, mostly all rather, happening behind the scenes as of yet, because collective man, the population in general, is not prepared for hearing about pedophilia and torture, and all of these things that have been going on by those shadowy beings that Archangel Michael spoke of, here.  It is still somewhat happening, but has been greatly curtailed in the moments, or in the times that have recently passed, and are continuing now.  This is all part of the storm that is raging.  Shoshana, do you have anything to add?

Shoshanna:   We can add our understanding, if we may, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We would add our understanding to that which you asked about the children.  These beings will come forward as they heal, you see.  They will tell their story.  You will glimpse their story through many channels such as your social media and your media prints as they heal.  This will all come forward in time when it is time.

Know this, Dear Sister, that humanity’s consciousness is raising daily, vibration by vibration, and all will be revealed when the moment is right.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  The moment and when the frequency, the vibration has reached the crescendo, that Archangel Michael and Sananda previous to that spoke of, here.  Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   I would like to ask a continuation to that question, please?

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Where are these children going now?  They must have to have a place to go.  There are so many of them.  I heard that there are a lot of them in hospitals and filling up the hospitals to see if they are okay, or take care of them, or what?

OWS:   We will just say, here, that they are being cared for in the manner that they need to in the moment.  It is not something for the population at this point to become concerned with, because they are being cared for.  That can be here on the surface of the planet, below the surface, or above the surface.

Guest:   Thank you.  That’s all I wanted to know.  Thank you, and I appreciate you so much.

OWS:   Do you have anything to add to that, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not.

OWS:   Very good.  Then, there was another question?

Guest:   Yes.  Greetings Shoshanna and One Who Serves.  Is it more comfortable to be in or reside in a fifth-dimensional crystalline body versus a heavier third/fourth-dimensional body.  I know it’s kind of a dumb question, but I’m going to ask it anyway.

Shoshanna:   We would like to share.

OWS:   Yes.  Please do, yes.

Shoshanna:   We would like to share by requesting that you answer our question, Dear Brother.  Would you answer us?

Gues:   Yes, for sure.

Shoshanna:   our Dear Brother, why do you ask?

Guest:   Oh, I already know, but I was thinking that I have been complaining to myself the last couple weeks.  Like, I’m getting older, and I’m consciously working on reversing my age.  But it’s still like, you know, you get tired of all the stuff you have to go through in this physical body.  I know it’s gonna be better, but can you give me just a little bit of a comparison between the fifth and the third and four-dimensional bodies?

Shoshanna:   We would contribute our perspective, if we may.

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We find that you have a sense of this, as you have indicated.

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   We will tell you that the third-dimensional existence is difficult.  It is close to as difficult as it gets!

Guest:  (Laughs)

Shoshanna:   So you are right on track, is anything above the third dimensional material vibration that you hold as this illusion will be better.   Namaste.

Guest:   I knew it.  Thank you.  Cheers.

OWS:   We would say it is a difference between night and day, as your saying goes.

Guest:   (Laughs)  Oh, I’m looking so forward to it.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Cheers.

Shoshanna:   As most are.

OWS:   This is what you are all preparing for, people.  This is what this is all about.  This is the ascension process.  To be able to come to that point within yourself to experience those higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions.  And when you have arrived there, you will know it.

Guest:   Yay!  Thank you.

OWS:   Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   In regard to the George Floyd murder, I got the download that the police officer that held his knee on George Floyd’s neck, although that was horrific for some people, that there was some mind control going on there, and that that whole thing was mind-controlled in that regard to stage an event.  So therefore, if he was mind-controlled, then it wasn’t him doing it.  And so therefore, forgiveness is the most powerful thing that we can do for him.

Shoshanna:   We can share.

OWS:   Yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   Dear Brother, may we share?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   We will give our perspective on this, as this dimension is very mind-controlled.  The being that was participating, and the other beings that were participating in this horrific event were all deeply programmed.  They were deeply programmed to feel hatred.  And in the moment, the passion of crime overcomes a being to the extent that they cannot clearly understand who they even are in this situation, you see.

So you are correct.  And always the highest vibration that you can hold for this event is forgiveness.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  And always remember that everything is not always as it appears to be.  In fact, it is usually the opposite of that.  So those things which are portrayed by your media are meant for a certain project or a certain program that they are following.  A plan that they have.

Shoshanna:   An agenda.

OWS:   An agenda.  Yes.  Better word, here.  Agenda that they have.  And that agenda included bringing this situation about.  And those, as Shoshanna has given, that were involved in this situation were in a controlled type of situation:  both that they came in with this contract, we will say, and they lived through that contract in a karmic sense.  So they were part of that.

But they were utilized in this respect by the forces of darkness, the cabal, whatever you with to call them.  This was a trigger that has brought about, now, the various chaos that is happening across the planet in so many ways to bring further about separation.

It is all about separation.  Your virus fear was about separation.  The chaos that is happening here in this country and in other countries is about separation, you see?

And it is important for those of you, the Warriors of Light, to assist in bringing back togetherness as much as you can, wherever you can.  It is separateness that brings a country, a world, down.  It is togetherness that brings it all together.  You see?

Guest:   I understand.  Let me just say one thing:  I believe that everything is from one Source.  So these programmed people have the Light within them, the Christ Light, and so that’s what I’m forgiving.  And it is not I forgive mentally, it’s like a knowing.

OWS:   Yes.  Yes, it is a deeper inner knowing for yourself and all those who would utilize the love expression to bring about forgiveness and to bring the Light into any situation of darkness.

Shoshanna:   May we add a perspective, here?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   We will add this:  that when the meditation takes place and you are asked to breathe in the light, and exhale the darkness, that is because all beings carry darkness, and all beings carry light.  To the extent that the conscious being can transform more into the Light is the upliftment of all of humanity, you see.  It creates the collective Light.  So you are correct.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there other further questions, here?

Guest:   One Who Serves, question, here.  Now, this has to do with insects and anything that is not friendly to humanity.  Insects that bite, or spiders that bite, poisonous things.  Now, was that all part of the programming from the dark brining in that?  That wasn’t supposed to be part of our Light, our being on Earth as creator beings from the beginning of time.

But now, with all of these insects, I’ve experienced a tremendous last two weeks of being completely smothered in bites through my body, where it was just horrendous and, during my service, just completely being attacked constantly.  They would crawl up from my shoes.  And I had layers of clothing on.  And they got under.  And they would just completely attack me.

So this was going on.  So I was wondering, this has got to be nano.  What do you say to that?  Like these are programmed.  How to you feel?

OWS:   We would say, here, that you are somewhat correct in your assertation about this, that they are attracted to you because of your light.  They are attracted.  Just as moths and things of this nature are attracted to the light, these are also attracted to your light.

But there is that sense of dark beings that are also a part of this in bringing about the manifestation of, we will say, these creatures, these insects, as you are saying, to attack you in a sense, here.  And this is what you are drawing to yourself.

You must use protection to ward this off, here, as we find it.  It is not something to be fearful of.  And this goes out to everyone here that is listening, or will read these words after, it is not to be fearful of this.  It is to utilize the protection that you know to use.  You must do this.  And it will assist greatly in holding off this type of attacking that is occurring, here.  Not only to you, but to others as well.

As you, though, move up in those higher vibrations more and more frequently, then this will diminish as well, as you continue to remain in those higher vibrations as much as you possibly can, whenever and wherever you can.

Guest:   There is another part to this…

OWS:   Hold please, we ask Shoshanna, here, to inject her perspective.

Shoshanna:   Do you wish for us to share our perspective, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   We are not certain that you wish for us to share, and we will not share if you do not…

Guest:  Oh no, please do.

Shoshanna:   Do you wish for us to share?

Guest:   Yes, Dear, yes.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, the physical body is vulnerable and many are more vulnerable than others.  As One Who Serves has given you, you have a very bright light, and within your light is an attraction, you see.  We will recommend that you use high vibratory essential oils blends.  This will repel all that wish to find your light, as the high vibratory essential oil blends will repel them and mix with your light to create a barrier to this.  These are readily available, you see.  You must research this.   Namaste.

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you, Shoshanna.

One more part to this.  I did already start asking about the essential oils, doing it the natural way.  But one thing that happened, Shoshanna and One Who Serves, I was asking for protection, I was asking for the shield of Archangel Michael because they were relentless.  I just put my feet on the ground, and they were already up my legs, so they were fast, and biting me all the way up.

Well, what happened, was just two night ago, I laid down for a short nap.  My grandson was going to sleep in my bed that night, so I honored it and just laid with him there until he was pretty much out.  While I was laying there, I fell asleep.  I had asked for all the protection that I could get.

And while I was coming out of the sleep, I guess it was waking me up, I felt work being done on me.  It was like as if you were in a machine, like an MRI machine.  So I felt it starting at my feet.  It was vibrating up through my body.  As it was doing that, it was pushing the bed below me.  So that’s how strong this vibrational healing was being done on me.  And it was rolling up through my body, and I could feel it ‘dt, dt, dt, dt, dt’ just pulsating all the way up through my head.  It did it like four times.  So it scanned me, like it was scanning me, and doing a healing.  So that’s what I wanted to add.

That was like incredibly powerful.  And my grandson was awakened by it, because he was right next to me.  To right away I realized, oh my goodness, they’re doing work on me, please protect my grandson as he is right on me, here.’  And he was protected.

But One Who Serves, is that what was occurring?  They were removing the poison?  I really feel like I had a lot of poison in me.

Shoshanna:   She is asking you.

OWS:   Yes.  So you are asking if they were working on you, is this correct?

Guest:   Yes.  And feeling while I was waking up, some kind of medical service was being done on me.

OWS:   Yes.  This is an example of what we had spoken of earlier, ‘ask, and ye shall receive.’  There is a perfect example of this.  You asked for assistance.  You asked for help, and it was there for you.  It was there for you because you believed it would be.

Guest:   Very good.  Thank you.

OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Are there any further questions, here, before we release channel?  And we know there are one or two of your e-mail questions which we can be able to take care of quickly.  Is there anything further, though, from those of you on the call?  No?  Then we will take those e-mail questions.

Guest:   Yes, thank you.   The first one is someone e-mailed in that they believe there are spiritual philosophies:  one that anything is possible to create, and the second that someone is controlling us.  And they are asking if you would address each of those understandings.

OWS:   You cannot address each of them separately, because they are one in the same.  You are in control.  That is what you must come to understand.  You are in control.  You are the God Source within you.  You are that creative source.  So at all times, you have the control.

Now, the idea of something outside of yourself controlling you came from your various religions, and all of this.  And also, karma in terms of ‘what you sew, so shall ye reap.’  You see, the cause and effect of things.  This is real.  And also your contracts with which you came in.  But it is all a part of your own creation.  You created the karma, so therefore you have the effect of that cause, you see.

But you come to the understanding that you are fully in control.  You are in control of your own destiny.  There is not something outside of yourself controlling your destiny.  Even though it appears that way at times when someone has a car accident, or something of this nature.  No.  That is not something outside that is creating that.  It is them that has created that in various ways.  Their thought process, their attraction process has brought this about, you see?  So that is what you must come to understand that you are in complete control at all times if you believe it.  And there again is the ‘believing is seeing.’  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can add to this.  One being can create whatever they can create through their imagination to the extent that they can imagine it, they can create it. But the caveat is to the degree that they can create it depends on what dimension they reside in.  So the third-dimension is full of limitations, people!  So to create outside the third-dimension, one must reside outside the third-dimension through the creation and imagination.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And was there one more question?

Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The other question is, is it possible to have multiple Higher Selves?

OWS:   Oh, my goodness.  It is not only possible, it is actual.  There are so many levels of yourselves.  So many aspects of yourselves.  Your Higher Self has a Higher Self.  And that Higher Self has a Higher Self.  And so on, and so on.  But you cannot come to understand this at a three-dimensional consciousness level because it becomes too, as your saying goes, too mind-boggling for you to grasp, here.  But yes, the direct answer to this is certainly there are multiple Higher Selves, multiple aspects, multiple personalities that are a part of you, a part of your entire soul expression, here, you see?

Shoshana?  As a Higher Self, we know you can come up with a wonderful perspective, here.

Shoshanna:   We can share.  We will share our perspective.  As Shoshanna, we get much information from the one that guides us.  And that get their information from the one that guides them, and forward and forward, and on and on, to the extent that the information we receive is helpful and will do the job that it is intended to do based on the individual need, you see.  So we can give information based on the understanding and ability to understand by the being that receives it.  And we can understand more, so we receive more.  So it’s about expansion.  The more a being expands, the more they can understand.   Namaste.

OWS:   Very good.  And we need to release channel here now.  Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have a word?

Shoshanna:   We do not have a message.

OWS:   Very good.  Then we will simply release channel.  We have no final message here as well.

Shoshanna:   Well, we can say one thing.

OWS:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   Love each other.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Certainly.  Love each other.  Help each other through these times, here, whenever you have the opportunity to spread the Light, share the Light, be the Light.  Be the shining example of what you speak about.

Shoshanna:   What you wish to have for yourself.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.   Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell



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“Believing is seeing!”

the Workers and the Warriors of Light…are enabling this entire process, and this entire plan, to continue to move toward fruition.-AA Michael-

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Archangel Michael.   It has been some time since I have spoken with this group and have been able to speak through this channel.

But it is time now, moment now, to express those things which are happening across the planet.  But more than what is happening across the planet, that you find solace within yourself, comfort within yourself, that calm that has been spoken of within yourself, within the storm that yet still rages around.

But that storm is abiding.  That storm is diminishing.  And it is diminishing because those of you, the Lightworkers and, even more importantly, the Warriors of you, are helping to diminish that storm, helping to bring the light across the planet, and to have the Light seep in to all of the dark corners that yet still remain on the planet.  And yes, there are some.  But they are becoming less and less.  And those that occupy those dark corners, those shadowy beings are running as far away from the light as they can.  Because they cannot withstand the light.  They cannot withstand the higher vibrations that you are creating.  We are not creating it, you are.

The Cosmic Source is assisting, of course, with bringing these energies to the planet to help to raise the vibrations.  But it is those of you, the Workers and the Warriors of Light, that are enabling this entire process, and this entire plan, to continue to move toward fruition, to move toward the crescendo that yet approaches now.

And I say yet approaches, because it is approaching.  You are coming closer and closer to that crescendo, to that ending point.  That zero point that has been spoken of.  That zero point when the Solar Flash can actually occur.  But again, not at the third-dimensional illusion.  It is not going to happen within the illusion.  It is going to happen when those of you have raised the vibrations enough across the planet as a collective to allow for the frequencies, the higher frequencies, to come in.  So that more and more are ready for this.  More than just the Lightworkers and the Warriors.  Many more, who are now turning on their lights, igniting the flames within them consciously or even unconsciously, are doing so.

And that is what we see from our vantage point.  We see light returning to the planet, whereas many across the planet still see the darkness.  They feel the fear that has been spread across the planet.  But because of you, that fear is also diminishing.  Because you refuse to allow that fear to take over.  You refuse to allow the darkness back in, to allow the shadowy beings to gain control again.

And I tell you now, as Archangel Michael, they shall not take control again.  They have lost the control.  You may look around, just as all of your brothers and sisters look around, and see the destruction.  See the storm that still rages within their minds, within their belief system.  But I tell you that that storm is diminishing greatly now.

The Light has returned to the planet. And you ARE the Light.  All of you are the Light.  All of you that hear these words now and resonate to their words at a feeling level.  Not so much at just hearing them, but feeling these words, feeling the connection, feeling the love that is behind these words for all of you.  And then all that will resonate to these words as they read them or hear them later.

Because it is all a part of creation.  Creating that which you came here to create, to bring about the New Golden Age of Gaia.  You are that New Golden Age of Gaia.  You bring the belief system.  You bring the creative power to create whatever it is that you want to create.  It is not up to anyone else controlling you.  It is up to you controlling yourself, controlling the beliefs within you, controlling the programming within you.  Transforming—not so much overcoming, but transforming that programming into the creative light that it can and will be, and is becoming.

For if you are in the moment, as has been spoken of many, many times in many different ways, in that moment, in those higher frequencies in that moment, there can be no fear, there can be no shadowy beings.  There can only be love.  Only higher consciousness.  That is up to each and every one of you to create within yourselves, each and every moment of your lives moving forward now.  Not looking backward, but looking forward.  Being in the moment.  And letting that being in the moment create the next moment, and the next one, and the next one.

And in those moments you have created your future!  That is the power that you have within you!  That is what you need to come to understand!  Again:  that you are the power, and you are the ones you have been waiting for.

You are not waiting for Archangel Michael.  You are not waiting for the many Archangels to come.  You are not waiting for the Ascended Masters to rise again within the public.  You are not waiting for the Galactics to show themselves.  For you are those Galactics.  You are those Ascended Masters becoming once again.  You are the archangels remembering who they are, and the aspects that each one of you are.  In connection to all that has been said previously.

We are here in the millions and millions to assist you.  But that is all we can do is assist and guide, and to be the light shining forward in front of you.  But you must carry that light.  Carry that light to your brothers and sisters anywhere and any opportunity that you have.  Show them that there is no reason to fear, whether it is a virus or it is destruction in chaos across the planet, whatever it is.  There is no reason to fear.  Because fear begets more fear.  But Light and love beget more Light and love.

So create now the life in front of you.  The New Golden Age that you have all been preparing for and waiting for so long to manifest here on the planet.  Heaven on Earth, you call it.  Well, it is time now to manifest that heaven right here on the Earth and in the Earth.

I am Archangel Michael, and I leave you now in all of my peace and love.  And that my Flaming Blue Sword of Truth is there always for you to call upon to sever any remaining psychic ties, any remaining programming that still continues to hold you back.

But know that it only takes one time to call upon me and it is done.  But that is a belief for a program that many of you have running, that you must call upon me again and again and again to continue to sever those ties.  But it is not necessary.  One time and it is done.

And then it is up to your belief system to take over, and to know that all that you have been preparing for, all that you have been planning for, is in the process now of reaching that crescendo.  That finish line that Sananda has spoken of so many times.  The finish line, though, is within you.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.

Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your divine nature, so make a point of being mindful of this as it strengthens your intent to be only loving.-Saul via John Smallman, June 10th, 2020-

Humanity’s awakening process is moving along very nicely indeed, as increasing numbers of people become aware of how, and for how long, those in governmental positions of authority have been willfully misleading the electorate that they have been elected to serve. This increasing awareness is a necessary part of your awakening process, because it leads you to realize that it is in yourselves that you must trust, allowing your intuitive knowingto guide you powerfully and lovingly along your chosen life paths. That guidance is always with you, you just have to learn to trust it by practicing using it, first in situations that are non-threatening, and then, as your trust strengthens, in situations that are more demanding.

You were created as sovereign beings with free will, but over the eons many have been trained and encouraged to give their power away to others – parents, teachers, the military, the police, multi-national organizations, religious leaders, and governments – supposedly for their own good. And as your history clearly shows, those to whom power is given nearly always abuse it, and then conflicts erupt, either small and local, or on a massive scale, setting good people at war with one another to satisfy hidden agendas which are then presented to you as necessary and in your own and everyone else’s best interests.

With the present ongoing global lock-down and governmentally imposed limitations on your personal freedom it is becoming very apparent that the present systems of government, seemingly different in different countries and nations, are most definitely not in humanity’s best interests and need to be drastically changed so that everyone – every individual – is heard, honored, and respected. The idea of democracy and of establishing democratic societies has existed for a long time, and has occasionally seemingly been put into practice, however, almost without fail, those who are elected to or take upon themselves positions of power and authority become consumed by their own egotistical desire for ever more of it. Sometimes this leads to a particular person being criminally indicted by others in the group, who then choose a replacement, and on other occasions it leads to conflict, suffering for many, and revolution, whereupon the whole process starts over again. That is human history.

Your ongoing human awakening is the process by which this long term systemic societal, cultural, and governmental incompetence and/or corruption will be brought to a conclusion, to be replaced by loving and harmonious worldwide cooperation on a scale that has never before happened on Planet Earth. Humanity’s future is bright now because there are enormous possibilities arising that will be seen and most creatively used to bring about the essential changes for which all are hoping, but which, at present, only a few can conceive of.

Every human on Earth at this moment is in the process of evolving spiritually – whether they are aware of this or not – and they chose to be here in this moment to assist and take part in the awakening. For the vast majority all that they need to do is to set the intention, at least once daily, to be only loving no matter what may arise to confront them in their daily lives. To be loving is your divine assignment, while at the same time living lives of honesty and integrity in which you most consciously and mindfully love, honor, and respect everyone with whom you interact in any manner at all. As ever larger numbers of people do this the energy field of Love, in which all of God’s divine creation is eternally enfolded, becomes more intensely felt, moving you gently and very positively into a strong desire to allow Love to embrace you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. This is what It has always wanted to do – and of course, this is what everyone is seeking when they search for love outside themselves – and it is your allowance that permits It to do so. However, very many of you have been brought up to believe that you are not worthy of God’s Love, and so, because of this invalid belief, you have drawn an apparently impenetrable and invisible cloak or veil between yourselves and Love. It is this that provides the unreal, but seemingly intensely real experience of separation.

You CANNOT be unworthy because you are divine creations, Beings like unto God, and therefore you are absolutely perfect. But, while you believe in your unworthiness you are seeing yourselves only as your human forms. You are not your human forms, they are just vehicles that make it possible for you to experience a life limited by form, and those forms are fearfulbecause their life span is very short, and therefore apparently terminal for you. This severely time limited life of form is not an inspiring concept, and so distraction is urgently sought in many ways, one of which is the recently developed addiction to social media.

Now, as the global lock-down continues to restrict your freedom, there is a marvelous opportunity for you to make a personal retreat by going within for an hour or two daily to rest in mindful awareness. As you do so, set the intent for people everywhere to open their hearts to one another in mutual support. This is most effective as the energy field enveloping each one of you is the divine field of Love that is Mother/Father/God, Source, All That Is, and by setting that intent you make it happen. With this opening Love is not only given permission but is most warmly invited to fill the hearts of all on Earth.

Love filled hearts dissolve fear, most positively encourage loving social interaction, and mightily strengthen the collective intent to awaken. You are all presently incarnate to awaken from the dream, the illusion, and to establish Heaven on Earth. That is what you are actually doing in this now moment, and as the intent to do so intensifies more and more of you will begin to feel the Love in which you are always enfolded. Remember, separation is unreal and utterly impossible! You just feel separated because of the cloak or veil that is an aspect of the unreal state you collectively built and chose to experience. When you awaken, as you will, the cloak or veil of separation will dissolve.

Use this special time wisely and lovingly to address and release any deep seated resentments, hatreds, blaming, and the resulting judgments that then flow into your minds. They are just thoughts from which you need to disengage, because they interfere with your intentions to be only loving whatever arises.

Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your divine nature, so make a point of being mindful of this as it strengthens your intent to be only loving. Doing that is to do the divine Will, which is also your will, because there is only One Will. This is the reason each one of you incarnated at this moment in the awakening process, and your presence in form is an absolutely essential presence in this now moment.

With so very much love, Saul.

The observer has the power to affect the observation.

The observer has the power to affect the observation.Many years ago, a group of scientists have proven in a laboratory that this is indeed true.(1)(check ps below this post)What does this mean in practical terms?That each one of us has the power to affect life around us and so each one of us has a different way of seeing and perceiving life.This is the reason that what is true for one person, it is not true for another.Television or/and ’Whistleblowers’ come out and explain things making documentaries and expressing opinions of how they perceive reality and if many agree then this must be true.It is their truth from from what they have experienced and been focusing on and ultimately the only way to agree or not with what they share is about using our internal GPS called Heart to discern:What is true for me?Today for any opinion and view expressed out there is a corresponding link that ‘proves’ its existence.Does this mean that is is really true???What if i tell you that something becomes true because someone has focused enough so it becomes true?What if i tell you that there is no need to fight about being right at any cost?What if i tell you to focus on the good things in life and they will magnify in YOUR now?What if i tell you that when you see some negative news you don’t like to simply send your love and visualize the exactly opposite,creating the new and that when you do that you serve much more and that you are that powerful?And i want to give you a totally different example here:You walk down the street and you notice somebody walking your way who clearly looks unhappy.What do you do?do you ignore them and do nothing?do you send them love silently?do you smile at them?do you say hello at them anyways, knowing fully that 90% chances they will not reply to you?do you visualise them getting happier?what do you do if you are a woman and you see a man passing by?what do you do if you are white and you see a man of color passing by?what do you if you are a man of color and you see a white man passing by?what do you do if you are man and you see a woman passing by?do you judge by outside appearance how they look or do you genuinely send them love anyways?and based on the fact that you know that you can affect positively and each and everyone around you through your light coming out from your eyes and soul what do you do?there is no need to answer to any of these questions in the here and now, my point is that you have the power to bring positive change in your surroundings by just intending to do that and practicing that.If you don’t like where you live, you have the power to change it with your thoughts and intentions.And so it is not where you live actually or the people, it is how you choose to use your Light&Love and where you choose to place your focus first in yourself and then on each and everyone around you.Everybody is Divine, this is the true nature of each and everyone, even if they don’t know it.And when you choose to see them as such, they become so in your reality and so miracles come to you out of the blue.(1)(letting light with laser focus go through one small hole, each one of them has experienced different results as to the position of dispersed photons coming out of the hole and hitting the wall, you can watch this in the ‘’What the bleep do we know’’ documentary).

Watch the documentary here :


The Pleiadian-Arcturian-Sirian Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to monitor the human collective consciousness for new ways of reaching you energetically to support you and to give you what you have been asking for there on Earth. We know that 2020 has been a very challenging year for a variety of reasons, and we in the higher realms always look for those openings, those cracks that appear during times of crisis that the human collective finds yourselves in.

You are there to be the receptors, to be the ones who anchor in the high frequency energies that we all provide from the higher realms, and yet we still have to remind you time and time again that this lifetime, and this time in particular in this lifetime, is all about receiving. It’s not about doing, achieving, or even having, especially not having through hard work. You are there to become. You are there to blossom, to grow with ease, and you are there to do it in joy, while helping others.

That is why the energies coming in to support you at this time are once again being amplified by those of us in the higher realms who are looking out for humanity. We have formed many alliances in our desire to help all of you. The Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Alliance is perhaps the most powerful one in the galaxy, as we all have slightly different ways of helping you and slightly different ways of administering the help. Right now, as you are getting closer and closer to the June Solstice moment, you all can expect major spikes in the waves of energy that come in from our star systems, and from the nonphysical dimension in which we exist with our not so little alliance.

Alliances are of course natural in the ninth dimension. There is no competition. There is no need for us to feel like we are getting the credit that we deserve. We all just want to help, and that is what brings us together. What brings us together is that vibration that we all share, and what will bring humanity together is your vibration of wanting to help, wanting to be of service, wanting to heal wherever the healing is needed.

You will find yourselves gathering together, whether in person or online, to be the solution, to anchor in the powerful energies that we are all sending, and to discuss how you can collectively hold space, heal, and offer the love and compassion that is needed at this time. You all know intuitively what is needed, and you are getting better all the time at listening to that intuition that works so well when you allow it to. Continue to open yourselves up and expect the energies that are coming in to be the most powerful you have ever experienced there on planet Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We together as One Universal Consciousness will bring a new world with new Nesara Gesara Republic and life here on Mother Earth will never be same, it’s going to be amazing, everyone will be happy, prosperous and everyone will have a peaceful and harmonious life. There will be no more fear, suffering, and no more hunger, only joy and happiness.-Prime Creator through Erena Velazquez-

June 10, 2020


I am Prime Creator, you call me God or Father, you give me different names. I am here to deliver a message to all of you. As I spoke to you last time, a lot of things have changed in this world, where you are now.

First of all, you had experienced two in a half months lockout at your home. You lost your income, your freedom and you have been told and forced to stay at your place. Today, I would like to talk about it, what’s going on right now here on Mother Earth, as I mentioned before, she is in 5th dimension and she left behind only her shadow, this is what you see right now in this 3D reality.

I want to bring to your attention that a lot of events are happening in the world and in your neighborhood at this moment. Please, understand and be careful on how you express yourself about the way you feel and stand up for your violated rights. I ask for you to do this in a peaceful way, I know many of you are doing this without violence. While the Dark Ones as usual trying to attack you and your neighbors by creating riots and destroying other people’s property, so please be aware of that and stay away from the ones, who are trying create more problems in this world right now.

What is starting to happen now is the timelines are separating, what does that mean, it means the 3D timeline is separating from 5D timeline, so the people on Earth who are not awake, they are going to be left behind and the ones who are awake they are in transition to 5D and they will be moving forward. I would like to let you know that my original plan was to bring to Ascension all of the Humanity at the same time. Me and the rest of my crew, The Galactic Federation, Counselors and etc., we came to understanding that this is not possible now to ascend all of the beings on the planet Earth at the same time. Many of you are still asleep or half asleep and some of you are awake, it would be unfair to the ones, who are awake to keep them here on this planet in 3D reality by waiting for the other ones to catch up. We send a lot of energies to Earth to speed up this Ascension Process, but unfortunately even that didn’t help to wake up certain ones, their preferences on a subconscious level is to stay asleep, because of your free will, we can’t force on you the Ascension Process. We need to give you a chance to come and ascend in your own time, when you are ready to ascend.

In the meantime, I want to tell you that I put together a plan, which consists of 5 stages of ascending. The first stage as you know are light workers, light warriors, starseeds and etc., who are the first ones in line for Ascension. They are the ones who are doing most of the work at this moment, they are trying to help and bring this world to Ascension to fifth dimension. You would like to know what are they doing, they are preparing the foundation on this planet by doing spiritual cleansing by removing all of the negative energies and negative entities, what are here right now on Mother Gaia. A lot of work has been done, but the Negative Ones still sneak themselves in and are trying to disturb our work.

As I mentioned, there will be 5 stages of Ascension. The first one you know now who it will be, then there will be second, third, fourth and fifth stage, so each of you will have fives chances to ascend, if you are ready to ascend, if not, then you are going to go and repeat your life either on the same or on a different planet, but it’s going to be 3D density planet. We can’t and we are not suppose to enforce on you against your free will this process, unless you did the work by raising your vibration with meditation and are ready to go through with this process by advancing forward to Ascension.

I am Prime Creator and I would like to express my gratitude to all of the light warriors, who are working so hard and preparing the foundation for us to step in. Many of them are doing all this work and are not even aware that they are the only ones doing the work at this present moment on Gaia. These light workers are removing and cleaning all of the energies that carry negativity, which are preventing you and the rest humanity from reaching Ascension. They are like little bees, who are flying from flower to flower and bringing their light and cleansing all of the impurities in their way, so please be patient and understand.

I know you heard many times and are tired of hearing about the process that we are moving to Ascension and that we are going to have soon the Nesara Gesara Republic without seeing results. Please, look at the whole picture now and see that to make changes here is so difficult and you would say, why is it so difficult, because everything in this 3D density is hard and has a lot of resistance to bringing the light to this 3D reality, so please acknowledge and help each other. When you see someone in your surroundings, who is trying to reach out for the light, help them, just give them the light and unify with them by being on the same path, on the path to freedom, joy, happiness and prosperity, which have been promised to you a long time ago, believe me, it’s coming, it has been coming for a while now.

The year 2020, it showing to you how much things are changing around you and around the world. In these couple months, just look how many events took place. I understand your frustration, especially in the United States, where the Dark Forces started riots by violating the first law and the most important law in the Universe by taking away somebody’s life, which is not acceptable and will never be acceptable by the Universal Law. We are not pleased that this happened and we are staying together with the family, who lost their loved one and we are expressing our sadness that the Dark Side once again attacked Humanity. Please be careful and understand that they are trying to manipulate the situation in America and continue this reality by creating chaos around you.

The best way for you is just be aware and stay in the now and connect to me through your meditation, you will be safe under my divine grace. I am Prime Creator, I have been protecting you and everyone here on Earth and in the Galaxy for a long time, my job is to preserve your life, and to bring you joy, harmony and peace, which has been taken away from you many years ago by Negative Civilizations, the Reptilians, Dracos and etc., who enslaved you. Now, it’s time for you to regain your memories of who you are and take your freedom back one step at a time, even if at first it may seem that things are moving very slowly, but it’s moving forward. The Galactic Federation has been doing a lot of work secretly and out of sight for now, until the right moment arrives and then everything will be revealed to you. They are going to pick up and continue the work what is assigned for them to do from you, the ground crew, when you will finish cleaning up the negative entities from this reality.

I am always here and available to you, if you want to talk or reach out to me, just go to meditation state and ask for my presence, and I will be there, I am always there, because you and I are One Universal Consciousness. You, me and the rest the world are one and we are never apart from each other, we are always together. The only time you got separated from me is by this 3D reality, you think your not connected to me, it feels like it in this low density dimension, but you still are, just trust yourself and don’t be afraid to go ahead with everything you have to do to continue with your spiritual journey here on Terra Christa. Just stay connected to the center of your being, to your soul with meditation, and your soul will guide you on what to do and where to go.

I am very sad that you and the rest of the humanity need to go through all of this suffering and pain. I gave you free will and it was used against you by the Negative Groups, who used it to torture you, enslaved you, abuse you and to kill you, especially the young children. More than 8 million children disappear every year in the world. They have been kidnapped, tortured, killed and used as a sacrifice by the Satanic Pedophilia Groups. The end is coming for them, and I am happy that it’s going to be the end for them. It has been mentioned in other messages that a lot of children had been rescued and help was given to them, so they can recover and go back to a normal life, even if at this moment nothing feels normal for them, but with love and patience, we will heal and bring them back their life they lost and give them back all they missed in their life.

I am Prime Creator, I love all of you and I am always supporting you and carrying you on my shoulders. You would ask me how I am carrying you on my shoulders, it is very simple, when your going through hard times, you never see me in front of you or behind you or next to you, but I am always there with you. A lot of times, I help you get through the tough times in your life and help you to move to the next moment in your life, even if you don’t see me. We are always together and nothing will ever separate you from my love that I have for you, we will continue marching together as One Consciousness of Love to your new life and reality. Your going to leave behind this third dimension and your not going to need to look back ever again and remember all this pain and difficult times you went through.

I would like to ask you please, stay and do your work here as expected, because right now a lot is at stake, the whole Galaxy is watching and waiting to see, if Ascension on Earth is going to happen. It’s very important that Ascension Process to fifth dimension is going to be completed on this planet or otherwise the Galaxy is in danger, if something happens to Earth, and the planet is not going to be able to go through the Ascension Process, it’s going to effect the rest of the Galaxy in a very negative way.

I am grateful to be here today to deliver my message to you and I have faith in you, that all of you are going to help me and help yourself to move to a new stage in your life. We together as One Universal Consciousness will bring a new world with new Nesara Gesara Republic and life here on Mother Earth will never be same, it’s going to be amazing, everyone will be happy, prosperous and everyone will have a peaceful and harmonious life. There will be no more fear, suffering, and no more hunger, only joy and happiness.

I am your Prime Creator and I was happy to be here today to assist and guide you to your new life and a New Age on this planet. Thank you, I send to all of you all my love.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Archangel Michael:the Mother’s Plan of Rebirth through Linda Dillon

by Linda Dillon, June 6, 2020


You have lived in a construct where birth and death are linear, but that does not mean that you cannot literally, physically, situationally be reborn… that we cannot ignite the physical, mental, emotional changes you are seeking…


Let’s begin by taking a really nice deep breath of blue… the blue of truth, the blue of peace, the blue of the Mother, the blue of Archangel Michael, the blue of the oceans, the blue of the sky, the blue diamond, the blue sapphire, the blue tanzanite. Breathe blue… from blue topaz to forget-me-nots, to brilliant Siberian iris. Breathe blue and anchor into your heart…


As we look at the themes for the past couple of weeks and what’s happening… I noticed this morning on June 6th — 6-6. So, we’ve got storms, we’ve got flooding, locust, global protests, and in case you forgot, a global pandemic. These are all impossible to ignore. And yes, I’ve heard from several of you about how we can’t ignore the issues facing us front and center of racism and Black Lives Matter.

But… I also want to step back and look at everything that’s happening right now from a perspective of unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan of rebirth, and of us stepping forward as Nova Gaians. So, I’m asking you to step back and adopt the broader perspective because that’s my job. So, let’s get started…

The biggest issue, the good news issue, the biggest theme I’ve seen or identified this week came through Archangel Michael and that was about the total expansion, a fundamental redefinition… at least for me… of what the rebirth project of the Mother really means. And I think we’re going to hear from Archangel Michael in a few minutes, so we’ll just put that aside… but think about it… the total expansion of what rebirth means.

Now, I know that we’ve all gotten into the habit… and I might say a really bad habit… of living in news cycles or sound clips. And certainly, what’s been happening here in the United States and actually all over the world, in terms of peaceful protests for racial equality, can’t be understated, underestimated. However, we can’t simply ignore the bigger picture because it really helps us understand what’s going on front and center.

So, let’s just breathe blue and step back a little bit… let’s put it in context. The Mother’s pause is and has been about time-out, for all of us to think about what’s really important… What do we really value? What are the fundamental qualities that we want to build into Nova Earth? And in concert with the pause, we’ve also had the Mother’s clarion call to action. So, how does this balance out? What does it all mean?

In the pause we’ve been given a chance to think about what we want to create, what we want to… ‘we birth’ … in terms of building Nova Earth… a world based on fairness and equality, justice and kindness, compassion… you know the list, you know the Blessings and Virtues.

Apparently, and sadly, it hasn’t been enough for this country, the United States, to have been engaged in one of the longest wars in modern history… think about it! We’ve been at war since October 2001. There has been blood and carnage massively spilt and unimaginable atrocities in the Middle East. Children starving in Yemen… that hasn’t been enough to create a public cry for change. Children gunned down at school… but that hasn’t been enough. The forced evacuation of close to 700,000 Rohingya from Myanmar hasn’t been enough to garner attention and turn it into action. Even the #MeToo movement, while it’s created some change, hasn’t been systemic enough to create equality… in some ways, sexism and even misogyny… it doesn’t seem to matter.

What Covid-19 has been teaching us in a very up close and personal way is how energy moves. The Mother hasn’t just been giving us a time-out, She’s been giving us a really very practical example of how energy moves in unseen ways… fear and anger, bigotry and racism, kindness and unity, connectedness and balance, and love… they all move in exactly the same way. Person to person, group to group, this is fundamental to our understanding of how we build Nova Earth from the grassroots, how we build from the ground up. The Mother has always said, the entire Council has always said that it will not come from the top down, Nova Earth will be built from the grassroots up.

We have witnessed for over the past week how the murder of George Floyd, in a terrible and inhumane way, has literally been the straw that broke the camel’s back. Because, let’s face it, police killings of people of color, particularly men of color, is nothing new. In my own twisted way, it was shocking but somehow really right, when I learned this morning that the Police Commissioner in Chicago, who had joined the peaceful protest march, was beaten by the local police to the point where he had to go to the hospital.

The good news is there’s no more hiding the dirty little secrets any longer. Yes, everything really is at the surface and there’s no ignoring it. What we’re seeing as people move and start answering… consciously or unconsciously, it doesn’t matter… they are answering the Mother’s clarion call to action, and they are saying our current world is not acceptable. This is not acceptable in any reality and certainly not in the world that we’re creating. Today in Washington alone we’re anticipating that there will be at least half a million peaceful protesters gathering… and that’s not even counting what’s happening in every other major city and even small towns like here in Port St. Lucie and across the globe… in places like Paris and London, New Zealand… who would have thought New Zealand?

This is so encouraging, and unfortunately necessary because far too many people in positions of authority… false use of control… haven’t heard or paid close enough attention to the atrocities of killing people of color. They haven’t paid enough attention to make and then implement systemic change.

So, we’ll do it! This is how we do it from the ground up. This is how grassroots change happens, how it works. This is how we build Nova Earth… by taking personal action and personal responsibility and coming together in unity consciousness… unity consciousness… heart speaking and heart listening.

Now, I don’t want to, I can’t, just look at what’s wrong because there are so many encouraging signs by those who are people… quote/unquote… “people in authority” that are taking action. We’re seeing police forces and police chiefs, like Chris Swanson in Flint, Michigan, and Art Acevedo in Houston, chiefs in Denver, Camden, New Jersey, Norfork, Santa Cruz, all stepping forward and acknowledging and stating that this abuse of killing, killing of people of color has to stop. I want to take my hat off to the DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser, who painted in those huge yellow letters “Black Lives Matter” on the street across, bordering Lafayette Park, the street where peaceful protesters were gassed, broken up, batoned, and their constitutional civil rights disregarded.

Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed over the years, I always endeavor to try and stay pretty neutral regarding politics. But… and yeah, this is the big but… we have to pay attention to what people do and not just the rhetoric but what they’re really saying. When I hear things like dominate, instead of cooperate, it turns my stomach and it wrenches my heart. It’s not enough to blame secret cabals or an alliance pulling strings behind the scene. Each of us has to be responsible for what we say and do, and how we behave as human beings to our fellow human beings, to our fellow Gaians.

You know, as Representative John Lewis, who is a hero in this country, says we have to be inclusive… in his interview, I think this morning or late last night… we have to be inclusive. He says, “We all live in the same house, the house of the world.” Representative Lewis, who has been there, done that, with Martin Luther King in the 60s, encourages us to lay down the burden of division and adopt the discipline, the discipline of peace and non-violence. And that’s not easy. And yes, I know as I sit here as a middle-aged white woman, I speak from a protected position. But each of us knows, as wayshowers, as bringers of the change, how it’s not easy to speak up. Because we’re not just talking about gatherings and peaceful protests… that’s just the tip of the iceberg… we’re talking about systemic change on a massive, massive scale… social, economic, cultural, and global. That’s what’s called for and that requires patience, and impatience, stamina, resolve, prudence, fortitude… all the tough and boring Divine Qualities.

You know, on a personal note, I have a… I guess you would say through marriage… I have a mixed racial family, both my sisters are married to men of color, my brother is married to a Chinese lady, I got lucky and got the Latino. For years I’ve wanted my one brother-in-law to come visit… and he hasn’t… we’re talking close to twenty years now. And the reason he hasn’t, because he doesn’t live in the US, is that he, as a black man, was fearful that if he came here that he would be shot, that if there was some incident with the police he would be shot dead. For years I tried to reassure him, and there were moments when I thought he was being overly dramatic, like he didn’t understand… I lived in the dome… neighbors on both sides of me are black. Now I get it! That this fear was completely founded and that that’s also how we’re being viewed by the world. It’s not only unacceptable, it’s tragic. So, I get it… I get it on a very personal level… when family can’t get together because they’re afraid of being shot.

This change, this rebirth that the Mother is giving us, is what we came here for. Not for unseen forces above and below, our star brothers and sisters, the angels, and archangels… they’re helping us, yes, but this is what we came for. We came to fix things as Nova Gaians standing up and saying, “This ain’t good enough… not for any of us. This doesn’t reflect who we really are!”

And as I said during our self care gathering on Tuesday, this can’t be about us and them, the good guys and the bad guys. That would just continue the problem of separation and duality, blame, shame, guilt. That’s the old paradigm, and some beings would love to continue it, but we’re not. It has to be ‘we’ … we together, learning, changing, shifting, powered by heart, and fueled by love. We can do this; I know we can do this! And isn’t this just the perfect segue for me to step aside for Michael and the whole gang. It’s not very often that one of the archangels steps forward on behalf of the entire Council of Love. And normally when that happens, obviously it’s the Mother, or usually Archangel Gabrielle. But today it’s Archangel Michael…


Greetings, I AM Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, bringer of news… and let me say, bringer of good news. Your world, this beautiful planet, this Archangel Gianna, this world has not gone dark, it is being illuminated, it is being transformed, it is awakening into the dimensional reality of Christ Consciousness, into the dimensional reality of love, into the dimensional reality of grace, of ideation.

And June, June is the month of rebirth; 2020 is the year of rebirth; 2020 to 2030 is the decade of reconstruction. Our beloved Mother does not simply speak metaphorically. And I wish… before I talk about rebirth… I wish to talk to you about the anchoring, the embodiment, the integration of peace because it is only from peace that the new emerges, that the Gaia spring comes and blossoms.

Years ago, I have waged, and you have joined me, in a battle for peace, and I have asked you, and you have worked to bring peace about. It does not require storm troops or political decrees. It requires you with us, with all of us, not only the Council of Love but all universes, all realities, all dimensions, your star family, and far, far beyond. It is not merely the anchoring of Divine Authority, it is the acting from the bedrock of your divine authority, not to override the free will of others but to make the peace, the love, the kindness, the humility, the compassion so powerful, so contagious that everybody wishes to join.

Beings all over this planet have moved from spiritual, mental, physical exhaustion to a place of demanding, not through the raising of arms, or the manipulation of control but from the essence of their hearts, they are demanding peace, fairness. This cannot be simply esoteric. We know about etheric spiritual, but my beloved friends, we also know your greatest challenge in the ascension of this planet and the humanity that has lagged behind, is the anchoring in form, on planet, of your ascended self, of the wide-awake, loving, heart-listening, heart-speaking, heart-living individual connected… not to this group, or that group, him, or her, but to all beings.

You have had many examples, of late, of unity consciousness… it is spreading like wildfire. It is the good news, and we are with you, and we defend you, and we protect you, and we honor you, and we admire you, for you are dear.

Now, let me speak, let me broaden the understanding of rebirth because again, in the human translation of this word, there has been the introduction… subtly, but we want to eliminate it, yes, Sanat Kumara and the Law of Elimination is right with you… we want to eliminate the limitation. You have lived in a construct where birth and death are linear; that you believe you are born, that you live for umpteen years or umpteen decades, and then you die… and it is a continuum. And you aren’t familiar with the idea, the concept, and the reality of being able to be reborn while you are in that continuum… that you can be reborn, reconstituted, reconstructed, recalibrated while what you are thinking of that you are alive.

First of all, that is an incorrect assumption and it is a minimizing of what the Mother is truly, truly offering you. So many, not just in this circle but across the planet, have said, “I want to go on… but I am tired, my back hurts, I have diabetes, I have heart issues, I have no money, I have chosen to be born into a situation of poverty and inequality so that I can teach and change the world.” All of this is just and right and based on free-will determination. But my beloveds, that does not mean for one moment, when the Mother says, “You can be reborn” that you cannot literally, physically, situationally, be reborn, that your DNA markers that SK has talked about for years, that the fire of the Violet Flame and yes, my Blue Flame, that we cannot ignite the physical, mental, emotional changes you are seeking.

Do not think… and you are being given the perfect example in the global protests… do not think that you cannot redefine who and what you are. Many of you have been feeling exhausted… ‘I need to go to bed and sleep for twelve days.’ Do so because that is when it is taking place. Do not fight the exhaustion… lie down, recalibrate, and live – not to fight another day but to peace another day. Peace has been used as a quality or political situation… think of it as an action.

Peace today! Peace within and around. Share your peace, make it go viral. Back it up with love and then throw in Gabrielle’s Joy at the excitement of what you are creating and that we are creating with you. Your brothers and sisters of the stars know what rebirth is… their physical bodies do not last thousands of years… when they get bored, they trade them in. You can do the same… and it is time. And, if you aren’t sure how, then turn to any of us because we are waiting, and we are available. We will ‘peace’ with you, my beloveds.

So, go with the peace of my being. Go with the peace of this Council. Go with our love. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at https://counciloflove.com/copyright-notice/]

Nova Gaia

Nova Gaia 6/8/2020 Dear children, I am Nova Gaia. I embrace you with the fiery light of peace, of joy. My waters are cool and deep, crystal clear, ready for many adventures. My mountains are high with clear views at the summits. From my summits I look across the great divide of time-space and I see you. I see a fading version of me. I see that you are in the process of transmuting on my behalf and I am grateful. (I am seeing a great chasm between a fading earth and a sparkling green and blue Nova Gaia. I am seeing how space-time can bend, like a ribbon, shortening the distance between). Yes, dear. You are shortening this distance, like a bending ribbon, every time you communicate with the higher realms, every time you choose love over not-love. When you do so you are becoming the rainbow bridge for the others to follow. The rainbow bridge is both literal and figurative. It is energetics at its core, as are all things. If it comforts you, know that you are creating the appropriate energetics for this merging from desires unfulfilled to fulfilled. I am Nova Gaia. I am many yet I am one. I see you have questions. Many are wondering if they will exist in many forms across all of my realities. If that is your desire, children. For you are, and will always remain, multi-dimensional. You may be hard at work on a galactic council in the 8th and 9th dimensional realities and yet blissfully in 5D with your twin on ground. You will have access to all of these other parts and pieces of you. That will be the game changer. For the veil between dimensional realities will be lifted and the flow between will be more effortless. The Christ Consciousness is fully rooted here in my form. The Christ dances freely with the Sophia. Energies between the divine masculine and feminine are balanced. Whole. Complete. Those who wish to experience this completeness will be here for they will vibrate at this frequency. Yet, there are still many who are not ready for this experience of wholeness as they are still playing out in the lower realms of isolation and division. They will be allowed to vibrate at that reality as well but in another realm, another place, far from me. For I have ascended. You, dear children reading these words, have likely ascended many times, but this was a unique opportunity to ascend within the physical form, with me. This is a team effort, to be certain. Allow me to help you. Allow me to assist. Ground into this form of me. Wrap around my crystal heart that beats to the rhythm of the higher realms and ways of light, steady, strong. Steady and strong too shall your hearts beat as they become whole in this knowing of surrender to the light and the safety, comfort and supreme joy that this brings to a heart at peace. I am Nova Gaia. You will never be at a lack of things to do, or places to explore. All is whole and complete upon me. For I am risen, as are you rising, so shall we rise as one body, each helping the other bit by bit. My ley lines are my arteries of light and love. Send light and love to me and in turn you shall feel my gift flow back to you many fold. For you are not alone. I am overcome with joy feeling the support of all of the light workers and light lifters who have volunteered to come here to nourish, to support and to ascend with me. Thank you. (I am seeing a massive perfect crystal heart of all colors deep within Gaia, surrounded by a still dark void. I am seeing within her crystal heart there are stunning gems too numerous to count of all shapes and sizes. I see a crystal door appear on the front of her heart and some of these gems start to float out). Dear children, I share my heart with yours. I wish for you to take one of these gems freely offered to you and tuck it into your heart space, so that you feel me near in these upcoming days. In this way you will already have a piece of vibrating, shining Nova Gaia within you and you will hear my love song for you when the time comes and you will vibrate within it. Please, please select a gem, any you like and tuck it within your heart. There! We are even more connected now. I am yours and you are mine in mutual love and understanding, in appreciation and support. Nova Gaia, my body, will divinely support you in your need for further adventures of joy. The days of darkness are well over. No darkness may linger upon me. I see the darkness clearing quickly on your realm, your version of me. That is good. It is time. (I am seeing more gems floating out in a line now, floating between the chasm of Nova Gaia and current Gaia that we are on. I am seeing them multiply into a vast roadway of rainbow light, sparkling like the sun. I am seeing the archangels approach this roadway, standing in massive lines on either side. I am hearing cheering and cries of “Welcome home, to the light workers who are arriving, have arrived and will arrive! Victory to the light! Victory to love! Victory to the new beginnings of the beginning! For the old ways are past, the new ways are to come. Come across the bridge! Come into the light of the new day!” I am seeing crowns of many intricate shapes and colors filled with these beautiful gems from Gaia’s crystal heart. I am seeing Mother and Father God standing at the entrance portal to Nova Gaia, preparing to hand out the crowns to those who walk across. It is very emotional and all are brimming up with tears of joy). I am Nova Gaia. I surround you in my rainbow light. Warriors of the way, Feel my strength. Feel my faith in you! Master Yeshua states that mountains may be moved with faith. I have tremendous faith that you are able to complete this mission. It is time to rise. I anoint you with the oils of my plants and seeds. I wash you with my cool blue waters. I dry your faces with the softest of mosses. Refreshed now, arise and greet this moment in your experience as one who is fully awakened with eyes to see, with ears to hear, and with hearts open in understanding and tremendous wisdom. Glean from your experiences. Command the wisdom of your past to surround your space. All of my planetary memories of all who have lived upon me are within my crystal heart, a storage bank of wisdom. It is made freely available to those with the wisdom to seek it whose hands are pure and clean. I am Nova Gaia. Feel my cool sea breezes and be soothed. We are all welcoming you homeward now. Feel me. We are one. ~ galaxygirl

the United States, it is close to NESARA compliancy. Politics is being fought at the state level versus the feds and these states will fall and become compliant.

Ivo of Vega – Where is Your Perspective?

by Sharon Stewart


Ivo: You have a choice as to how you see current events on your planet. Great progress has been made for 3 of the world’s largest economies (countries): the United States, Russia and China.

Russia’s ascension began years ago, of course when Eastern Germany was freed, the iron curtain countries became independent and the USSR was downsized to what is now Russia. They have gone through much transition.

With China it is a question of Hong Kong and Tibet being freed. They are in the hands of the Communist Illuminati at the moment.

As for the United States, it is close to NESARA compliancy. Politics is being fought at the state level versus the feds and these states will fall and become compliant.

For the individual, you live in your particular country for a reason. You have always brought light to this country, you have been a part of its collective karma for your lifetime.Now you have the choice, as you always did, of how you wish to see what is going on. Many of you are more activated in your higher chakras, so you have more information available to you to guide you to view your country’s progress at whichever level you wish to.

Level 1 – the physical level – this is a level which is devoid of emotion and intellect, yet there are some who continue to view life at this level, considering only the physical circumstances that might befall them. For example, the person who fears only the loss of property, but does not consider the loss of family or friends in any transaction.

Me: This sounds kind of weird but it also sounds like some people I know. I know even my father was more concerned about the car after the accident I got into instead of me and how I was faring.

Ivo: And this is my point, my love. When one represses the emotions and the intellect is strictly controlled through mind control, this is how a human will respond at the lowest level: materially.

Me: Interesting.

Ivo: Level 2: Emotionally. This of course relates to the second chakra. While emotionally considering the circumstances one sees, the respond might be of how this would affect the country as a whole emotionally, or how one’s emotions are being torn apart by viewing what they are viewing.

Level 3 – Intellectually. This relates to seeing circumstances with a purely thought out perspective, not considering the emotional consequences or perhaps even the physical consequences of current events in your country. This comes across as rather “dry” and unemotional. And you will notice that many statements given by your leaders express the intellectual response. This is indicative of how your world runs: intellectually.

Me: Yes, I can relate to that too. Thought out with perspective on what it to come, also from an intellectual standpoint.
So then, Ivo, what happens when the heart is opened to consider current circumstances?

Ivo: Ah, yes. This changes everything because the heart is the seat of the higher perspective. When higher perspective is considered rather than lower physical, emotional and intellectual perspectives, this indicates involvement of the soul in earthly matters, which is the goal of ascension. You are in the fourth dimension and for many they are working on issues of the heart in an attempt to keep it open in order to always achieve the soul-based energies and to stay out of the lower domain of the intellect, emotion and the material/physical perspective.

When the heart is opened, the soul is connected.

When one has a heart-based perspective, on seeing the protesters, looting, and response by your leaders, the heart will see the love that lies behind all the behaviours and their responses. The heart of those rioters who embraced the policemen as they kneeled before them, and asked them to, “Walk with us,” “Join us!” This is heart. This is soul. The souls of the policemen and the souls of the protesters connecting. This has seldom happened before. But you are in a higher dimension now.
When the protesters protected the lone policeman from other protesters. When the protesters pointed out the Antifa people, when the bricks were photographed and spread across social media – this is heart. This is the heart that tells you not to fall for these tricks. It is not the mind. Your lower minds are very controlled – your heart and higher minds are not. They see clearly. The third eye sees clearly.

Level 5 – the throat chakra. This is the chakra of expression and there are many on your social media whose aim it is simply to spread the truth. This is the function of the throat chakra, which is your soul spreading the truth. Not all are spreading truth, and these are not throat chakra activated people. Their intent lies in the lower chakras which are imbalanced at best.

The soul of the people is being shown now. Yes, they are rioting. They are buying guns to protect their homes and their families. This is fear.
You have a choice now to fear or not to fear.

As I have pointed out to Sharon so many times before (Me : LOL), how you choose to react indicates what you will experience. How many people have experienced getting out of bed to a problem, then decided it was going to be a bad day. And the situations worsened as the day wore on. You are creating this. Because you fear having a bad day, you create it.

When you get out of bed to see that the dog has eaten your slipper overnight and you say, “It is going to be a bad day!” You set yourself up for that. Instead of saying, “I have enough money to buy new slippers,” or, “I’m glad the dog enjoyed himself overnight, I slept very well too,” or, “I love my dog. Sometimes he does things I don’t like, but I love him and could never think of living without him, so what’s one slipper?” You look at what you call the bad and you focus on creating more.
The same is happening now. Collectively many are focusing on the bad, and yes, the media complies by putting it on the TV (fear porn), and so you create more problems than need be. The Cabal knows it has your attention with the Antifa fighters, so it will put more out there. This is backfiring because of the citizen reporters who are showing this is being done and alerting others.

The ones in the know must alert those who are ignorant.

However, everyone is functioning at their own predominant chakra level, some with the wisdom of soul and others without.

You are a collective. You have the capability of calming others within the collective by infusing calming energies into your collective unconscious. There are calls for meditations to do exactly that, and at prime times within the lunar and galactic cycles to increase effectiveness.

How do you wish to see your life?

At the physical level where you worry about the destruction of your house?

At the emotional level where you fear that your life will be irrevocably changed and you will suffer pain?

At the intellectual level where you stand back to draw conclusions that are devoid of the whole picture?

At the heart level where you see the love being exchanged between parties that otherwise would have been warring?

At the throat level where you express the truth and reveal the deceptions? You spread the word as an act of love for the people of your country and your world.

At the third eye level where you see all clearly from a soul perspective? And in so doing, you do not fear and thus do not need to attract any adversity to yourself or your family. You hold higher light within the collective to support those who are still learning.

At the crown level where you see the ramifications of this war on the rest of the universe and of consciousness. Where you see the wholeness of the One being returned to your planet, because you see people uniting, overlooking petty problems in order to unify your country and to restore peace. You see the rest of the universe working with you to restore the Oneness of Eden to earth again.

At this perspective you are untouchable. But you came to earth, so you came to give back, to hold the consciousness together in anticipation of the day that you can let it go again, and it will not break into pieces.

You came to be the glue, you came to be the one who holds the higher vibration to help those who do not.

This is a fourth dimensional perspective on the war going on on your planet now.

There are many metaphysical ramifications for the soul, the monad and the whole of consciousness. There are no enemies. The only reality is love. Anything that is not of love was never real, thus it should never be feared.

It is all for the learning. All for the teaching. All for the loving.

Me: Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: My love, you are my only partner for eternity. We are One.

#FeelMoreThanFine Update June 2020.

Our Universe is composed from 352 Levels and each Level has its own dimensions.We speak of these past years of the evolution of our planet and humanity and all life forms living on the surface from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension.The 4th dimension is the dimension we are right now,(while 3d exists simultaneously), it plays between what we dream when we go to sleep, what we choose to visualise or feel and what we choose to believe and it also called astral dreaming:the dream becomes reality and the reality becomes a dream and in so many ways this reality that we realise through our 5 senses is not what truly there is.Let me explain in the best of my abilities in the here and now:Without labelling anything as bad or good, some beings who were more evolved than humanity or if we dig deeper that purposely manipulated human DNA to enslave humanity through the course of thousands of years which also guaranteed that the experience of separation from Source and from one another can be successful(something WE as Souls agreed upon before choosing to live in our bodies and this for the course of hundreds of lifetimes) are the cause and reason of the 3rd dimensional matrix that we all have and are experiencing in this now moment while the Freedom codes of Love and Light coming from the Central Galactic Sun/Supreme Creator are activating our DNA to come back to its original perfected state.It is of course for that reason ,that if one wants to take full control of their life as creator to allow these codes to flow within with ease ,one must do their best daily to intergrate daily habits of going within of meditation ,of connecting with nature of eating high vibrational foods and of drinking plenty of water.With the past full moon and one eclipse in June and 2 more coming on Solstice and July 4th, there is an avalanche of energies pummelling the planet that one must do the best they can to receive these energies without resistance.Cause resistance can only make one’s life difficult and one may get very angry.Those who have manipulated our DNA know this and would love to have as many as possible to delay our process as a collective.And so when we take responsibility of our self, loving ourself and doing the Good work for our Highest Good and The Highest Good For All we are rising instantly into the 5th dimension where we become untouchable.To remain in this dimension one must remain at all times in a unconditional love and peace and full forgiveness to self and all others.This 5th dimension is already here right now achievable by simply intending and saying :IAM a 5th Dimensional Being.IAM The Love,IAM The Light,IAM The Truth.The 5th dimension is a state of bliss and true joy emanating from within continually.And from here one can choose to visit any other dimensions in all 352 levels any time and feel into them.This is why you have certainly heard that there is no time, there is only NOW.Where we choose to focus our attention, this is what becomes our Truth.And everyone is different from another as vibration.Yes we can vibrate in same frequency for a while but not for ever.This is why we come together as friends or as a collective.We attract each other because we vibrate on same frequency.This is what defines liking or not liking something or someone.Vibration.The possibilities of creation are infinite.IN 5D there is no lack of anything.There is only abundance of everything at all times.How long can one remain in this state defines one’s quality of a Fulfilling Lighthearted Life.
ps.if you wish to know more about the 352 levels please go here

Nikos Akrivos

You Are a Multi-Dimensional Being by the Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

352 Levels of the Creator’s Universe, all of awakening, active and developing frequencies of the Creator. Each level expresses a unique vibration and embodiment of the Creator while encapsulating all that is the Creator at the same time. Every level is whole and complete and yet the Universe of the Creator is only whole and complete with the 352 levels. Each level may hold hundreds and even millions of layers, levels, and dimensions, creating a vast and expansive space for all aspects of the Creator to explore and evolve.

You are a magnificent and key part of the Universe of the Creator, as is every expression of the Creator. You have the opportunity to exist within many or all of the 352 levels and dimensions of the Creator’s universe, you also embody all 352 levels as well. This means you are a Multi-Dimensional being. You have access to experiencing all dimensions and all dimensions reside within you, being expressed through you.

Imagine the wealth of knowledge and wisdom held within the 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe. Take a moment to contemplate this. Then acknowledge that the same volume of wisdom and knowledge exists within you, as you and can be expressed through you. What awakens or is revealed within you from this understanding?

You are more than you could possibly imagine yourself to be. You are more than the personality, body, and reality you recognise yourself as on the Earth. There is so much going on for you as if behind the scenes. The expression of yourself you experience on the Earth is such a small percentage of who you really are, and yet it is integral aspect of living on the Earth. There is a need to value your earthly self as a powerful and profound anchor of the Creator into the physical reality.

Multi-Dimensional Ascension

Currently, on the Earth, a Multi-Dimensional Shift is taking place. Each person is being united with and reminded of their Multi-Dimensional Self as well as realising major shifts are happening across the entire Universe of the Creator. A treasure chest is being revealed to you as your Multi – Dimensional Self realigns with your being. Everything within the Universe of the Creator is available for you to access. You have everything you need there is simply a need for you to access the energy and bring it into manifestation. Your purpose and mission at this time of ascension is to make everything larger, your expression, experience, embodiment, manifestations, and connection. It is time to think, feel, act, and create from a space of expansion, infinity, and endless possibilities. Recognising yourself in this way allows you to further access the energy of your Multi-Dimensional Self. It can be difficult to access the space of expansion, infinity, and endless possibilities within your being when you live in a physical reality seemingly so rigid, solid, and challenging. It is within the love and peace of the Creator found within your being you can access your Multi-Dimensional Self, awakening the natural existence within you of expansion, infinity, and endless possibilities. The more you recognise the presence of the Creator within you, the more you will realise the presence of your Multi-Dimensional Self and the 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe.

Dimension Connection

It is unlikely to connect with, understand and experience all 352 dimensions and levels of the Creator’s Universe at the same time, unless you experience an overall energy or summary. Your soul and being will attract and engage with the dimensions which most support your current ascension and experiences on the Earth. Each dimension has a specific purpose and will promote an awakening within your being, creating a manifestation in your life. This often occurs without you realising, your soul coordinates the download of energies from specific dimensions to ensure you receive all you need and require.

To further develop your awareness of the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe and your Multi-Dimensional Self, you can ask to become aware of the dimensions anchoring, activating and awakening within your being to support your existence on the Earth.

‘Celestial White Beings, please support me in recognising and becoming aware of the dimensions and levels anchoring, activating, and awakening within my being. Allow me to become aware of each dimension as an individual, recognising its energy, influence, and the wisdom it has to share with me, as well as how the dimension will assist me in my life. I am ready to receive, understand, and embody all that is needed. Thank you.’

Take time to exist in meditation, breathing deeply, be aware of your senses, and the energies moving through your being. Do not try to make anything happen, simply be open to receive all that is necessary and appropriate. You may recognise a dimension as a number, colour, sensation, symbol or in another way. You may recognise the dimensions following to you as multiple strands of light or as one by one. The key to this practice is to understand the way the dimensions communicate with you and through you. Once you realise how they communicate with you it is far easier to recognise their presence and any message or inspiration they wish to share. Even understand the reason and purpose of anchoring into your being. Examples of purposes, to bring more confidence, to develop your teaching ability, to assist a change of career, to develop a new relationship, to deepen your meditation, or to bring forth healing.

When you access even a glimpse of the dimensions working within and through your being, you experience a deeper connection with your Multi-Dimensional Self, the aspect of yourself that exists on all 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe.

In a time when numerous shifts are taking place within and around you, understanding the dimensions anchoring into your being may offer some clarity and guidance as to your pathway forth, the support you are receiving and what to bring into manifestation.

With the deepest support and love,

The Celestial White Beings

More Celestial White Beings

Know that you will not be alone for long. For all are tuning into those frequencies that blend in perfect harmony

Dear Ones,

You know what you want and need to do. Yet, there’s some hesitation for you feel as if you have isolated yourself by doing so. All that once provided you with comfort seems to be fading away – only to be replaced with emptiness.

So it is you pulled away from your 3D knowingness to a sense of not quite understanding who you are. Similar to moving to a new community. Even though you were uncomfortable enough to leave your former community, you retain some fond memories of what was. Wondering if all that was uncomfortable would have been worth the pain of remaining in that community – for you knew how and when to act.

You have practiced your 3D game plan for decades. Even though that game plan was not necessarily you, it was comfortable and expected. Others reacted similarly. So it was that everyone had a common script using the lines directed by society instead of from within.

Now that you and so many others are beginning to go off-script, you are no longer confident that your actions and reactions are right or “normal.” What if by claiming yourself, you lose your life of knowing how to act and react, your friends and family, your job? Fear factors that rise quickly in waves and then disappear.

You know what you need to do, but it feels so lonely at times despite that knowingness. So it is you question yourself and your actions.

Would it not be easier to return to the social script? Yet, when you attempt to do so, you feel even lonelier. For there is no longer the connection, you once felt so strongly.

Who are you? Are you isolating yourself for no reason? Where are your rewards in this challenging time? Where is your outer sense of rightness?

You have added dimensions and frequencies that have little to do with who you were in 3D. You are a new being attempting to fit into the old – which is not possible. For you have evolved far beyond that. You are a new being. Of course, we have stated the same over and over for months, but you never fully understand what that would mean.

You believed you would continue your life with a few shifts here and there. Perhaps finding a new group of friends or a new job. What you are discovering is that nothing that was seems right or comfortable. So you attempt to return to 3D normal and are bored or confused by your lack of interest. Yet, there is nothing to replace your 3D life. You are in an emotional limbo finding all that was once interesting, boring.

So it is you are more frightened than you have been for some time. Not because you are doing anything wrong, but because none of your former actions feel right. Your overriding concern is, “Who am I?” For you want to have a visible circle of friends, a great job, a loving family – all of which now seems outside your possibilities.

You are different in all aspects of your social, emotional, and physical being – something you did not understand a few months ago. As if new you were a fun fairy tale you could read about, but that would not touch you in any special way. Your life would go on with a few perks here and there.

Such is not the case. You are a new being with new needs and interests.

Even though many of those you hold in your heart are changing also, they are on a different path than you. So their changes will not necessarily correspond to yours. Nor would you want them to. For you will discover that anyone who wants to join you on your path will be irritating. But then, you want others to be on a similar path.

Which is little different than watching two toddlers go about their day. Both content to do what they want to do. If the two toddlers were placed together, they might be interested in the same toy or activity – or not. No one finds that strange, for they are unique individuals exploring what they wish to explore. Yet, as you aged in 3D, that uniqueness became an obstacle, a negative.

So it is you are now returning to your toddler interests. Finding this but not that interesting. And your friends and relatives are doing the same.

This is no longer a one-stop shopping earth. New venues are popping up that hold someone’s interest for a minute until they do not. Just as is required for new earth with a new direction and new humans. Allow that to be. Then, allow yourself to know that this is a time of unique, individual exploration.

This is not crowd-think or action time and will likely never be again of the earth. Each of you wishes to explore that which you prepared for throughout the eons. You have already fully explored group think and action.

It is time to shift to unique thought and action. An activity that will blend more harmoniously than group-think ever did. Just as is true for a choir of different voices. Allow yourself to follow your heart, and you will find your unique place. The place that gives you joy.

Know that you will not be alone for long. For all are tuning into those frequencies that blend in perfect harmony. Your choir is forming. Just not as rapidly as you would like. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

how can this planet become overpopulated when you are beginning to move toward the stars, here?

SAINT GERMAIN  (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain.   I come at this time, in these opportune moments.  These moments that appear to you, to many of you, to be those that are continuing on from the dark forces.

But if you would be but logical for a moment.  Think in terms of all that the dark forces have attempted to do over the many thousands of years, and what is occurring now.  It is the same.  The ‘same old, same old,’ again and again.  As you have heard before, they continue to follow the same playbook.  Same plan.

But because they continue to follow that same plan, those of the Forces of Light know that plan, and they do everything now, and are doing everything now, to counteract all of their moves.

And if you would think about it again logically for a moment, how could a few, relatively-speaking, across the planet be able to manipulate and control an entire planet of people, an entire collective consciousness?  The answer is, they cannot.  They may appear to be doing so.  Because again, they are following the same plan.  And those of the population continue to follow along with that plan.  But many more and more across the planet are awakening to that plan, to their subterfuge, to their levels of control.

And people everywhere are saying “No more!  We will not be controlled!  We will not go gently into the night!  We will not quit without a fight!”  Yes, that is a quote.  But it is an apropos quote.  Because that is where all of you are now.  All of you that are the Light-workers and -Warriors.  You are all saying, “enough!  We are taking control now.”  Not of each other, but of ourselves.  No one can control us unless we allow them to do so.

But the relatively small group of beings across the planet have lost their way, have succumbed to the dark side within themselves, as they continue to attempt to control the mass population.  That mass population has all of the forces of Light behind them:  those here on the planet, which you know of as the Alliance, and those that are above the planet, those of the Galactics, that are also part of the Alliance, or that make up the entire alliance of the Forces of Light.  And all are moving against the small force of darkness.  Not only does the Force of Light have the Alliance, those above the Earth and those below the Earth as the Agarthans, but Universal God Source, the Prime Creator, has also said “enough is enough!” and is also behind the movement of the Light Forces.  So how can a relatively small few have any chance of overcoming the Forces of Light when there is so much going against them?

I said a few weeks ago on one of your calls that a great announcement was coming.  I also said there would be several small announcements as well preceding the larger announcement.  They have been coming, and are going to continue to come.  And at one point, you can expect a rather large announcement to come forward.  Of course, I cannot give you that announcement now, because everything is so much in flux.  So much is dependent on the collective consciousness of man as to how and when these announcements and this announcement will occur.  But know that it shall.

And know that everything, even though it appears that your world is in turmoil, even though it appears to be so, know that appearances are often deceiving.  Because as you look out and see the devastation, or you look out and see the despair, know that there is also a silver lining.  Wherever you see ugliness, there is beauty right behind it.

But if you focus on that beauty, not the ugliness, then you raise your vibration in that moment.  And as you raise your vibration in that moment, it raises the vibrations of those around you.  And as their vibrations raise, it raises those around them as well.  And so on, and so on.  This is now the vibration of the entire planet is raising now.

Do not let the fear, do not let those that would tend to bring out that fear, do not let them gain control back.  Even though they attempt to do so.  They are making their last gasp.  Taking their last breath.  Whether it is a breath toward the Light, or a breath toward the darkness, it is up to them.  But it is the breath of life, regardless.

All of you, all of you that are here, either having begun your missions, or yet still to come on to those missions, many of you do not even know what those missions may be yet at this point.  But if you follow the inner guidance, follow your Higher Self, follow the guidance of those Guides that work with you, let them bring you into those higher vibrations with them.  Let them guide you—not control you, but guide you.  If you do that, if you allow for that, then you will be, and continue to be, in the exact moment, in the exact place in those moments, where you need to be.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love.  And with the Violet Flame that has been brought back to this planet, to the Earth, to the collective consciousness of man, to assist you in purging out the old:  the old ways, the old memories, the old programming that is no longer needed.

It is not about going along with the control.  It is about reaching out and reaching for the Light within you.  Not allowing the control to come over you.  Not allow the dark forces within you, within each of you, to take over.  Trust yourselves.  Trust in The Plan.  Because it is all working out exactly as it needs to in every given moment.

Peace and love be with all of you.

ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum;  om, mani, padme, hum;  hum, hum.   Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna, we believe, is standing by here.  And we are ready to go with your questions if you have them.  We will just turn that over to you.  You can now unmute your phones, and we are ready for your questions, here.

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Hi.  Greetings, Shoshanna and One Who Serves.  In your estimation, do you foresee the Chinese people ever becoming free?

OWS:   It is not so much the freedom of those that you are speaking of, but it is the freedom of all of the entire planet.  It is not about one particular section or one particular segment of the population, but it is about all.  Do not focus on only one area:  focus on the whole.  Focus on all being free.  And if you do that, then you are creating reality.  You are creating across the planet.  You are creating the all within the one, and the one within the all.  And as the Q saying goes, “where we go one, we go all.”  You see?

Guest:   Yes.  Thank you very much.

OWS:   Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?

Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnel):

We can add to this, if we may share, Dear Brother?

Guest:   Yes, please do.

Shoshanna:   Dear Brother.  You have asked a question that is memorialized in time forever more, as what is freedom?  What is the true meaning and definition of freedom?  You see, we find as we scan the world and we see many who are free, many who are not free, many who choose their lives, many who do not choose their lives.  This is surrounding your entire planet.

Freedom is a choice, you see.  It does not matter where you find yourself.  It matters how you see yourself.  How you see your environment.  There are people that have been given so-called freedom, that are chained in their darkness.  They are chained by their emotions.  They are chained by their pain.  Is that freedom?  You are asking a question that is beyond philosophy, as freedom lies within the depths of the minds and hearts of each individual.    Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Wonderful perspective.

Guest:   Yes.

OWS:   Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   So okay, it is about one of my visual abilities.  Over time, I see visual reality evolve, and there seems to be it is related to the element of space.  So I am going to give a practical example.  It is like everything is becoming bigger.  The sky is bigger.  Like three years ago, people and buildings look way smaller than they look now.  I would say that now the buildings and the people look about 2,000 times bigger than before in terms of space.  I know it sounds very unbelievable, but this is how I experience my visual ability and how it evolves every day.  It is every day.  This visual reality keeps changing and evolving, and things become bigger and wider, and I have more volume to them.  And this has started since I have been doing meditation and stuff.  I would like to know the meaning of that, please.

OWS:   What we will tell you is welcome to the New Age!  Welcome to those shifts and changes that have been spoken of.  Welcome to the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions, as you are able to begin to receive or get those glimpses that we have been speaking of for some time.  And as you are raising your vibrations, those glimpses will become more and more until they begin to merge with your reality here in terms of the two coming together.  That of the lower vibrational reality, or what you believe is the reality here, and merging in with those higher dimensional frequencies as well.  And seeing what would normally not be seen by those in the lower vibrations within this 3-D illusion, here.  Okay?  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We wish to share our perspective.  May we share, Dear Brother?

Guest:   Yes, please, Sister.

Shoshanna:   Please do not seek meaning, but to seek to embrace the experience.   Namaste.

OWS:   Wonderful.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Great to be it.  Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   So, I am very empathic, and it felt for a burden for most of my life.  But now I’m starting to feel like it is more of a superpower.  Do you have any advice as to how to develop that?

OWS:   We would say it is the beginnings of a superpower, if you wish to look at it in this way.  Or we would call it ‘gifts of Spirit.’  All of you are coming into this more and more, and you just simply need to allow it.  And as you allow it, it will become even more prominent for you.

You will find that your ability to be empathic will then lead to other areas, or what you would call other superpowers potentially here, and it will all continue on, one after the other, after the other, after the other.  In other words, as you focus on it and become a believer of it, then your belief shall become more and more of a reality, you see?

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   And Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share.  Dear One, may we ask a question of you?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   We wish to ask what you wish to do with your gift of empathy?

Guest:   Turn it around and use it to understand other people better, instead of just taking on their feelings.

Shoshanna:   And Dear Sister, what stops you from doing that?

Guest:   I get wrapped up in the feelings of other people around me.  Sometimes it happens to fast I don’t know that they are not my feelings.  Do you know what I mean?  If I am around people who are upset, and I start feeling upset, it takes me a minute to realize that I’m not upset, I’m just soaking in other people’s upset.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, this is a common reaction to the gift of empathy.  This is common.  What will cause you to hone this gift, create it to be more powerful, is to notice your emotional state and neutralize it.  We are saying that this may never quite be what you want it to be in terms of not having that emotion.  It is a simple choice in the moment to observe yourself and neutralize it, and within seconds the power of assisting others will be there for you, you see.

What is missing here is you thinking that you have to overcome this situation.  You do not.  You simply need to be aware of it and neutralize it in the moment.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   And we would say remember that you have many protective tools to use, here, to create a barrier to hold off those other feelings so that it does not interfere with your own purpose in that moment, here, we would say.  Such as you have the Violet Flame which you can use as a barrier.  You have your Merkaba Light Vehicle, your Light Body, that you can use as a barrier.  You have crystals, various crystals, that can be used to create an unseen barrier, but it is there, it is real, it can be used.  And all of this can help to propel negativity away from you if you use it in this way, you see?

Guest:   Okay.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there other questions, here? Anything further?

Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves.  Yes.  Hello One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  So I have been seeing, I mentioned before, these black particles in the air.  I feel like I can see particles in the air.  I am curious as to what the black ones are.  That’s one thing.  And I am also curious about this flash of light that I keep seeing in the right side of my eye.  I kind of have this feeling that it might be perhaps some family member or someone coming to visit me.  I am curious if you can say anything about that.

OWS:   All we can tell you about this is these are those glimpses we have spoken of many, many times, here.  This is happening to more and more of you more frequently, and it will continue to increase as you allow it to be.  If you are wanting to have these glimpses into other dimensions, into other realities, even just potentially parallel realities, and things of this nature, then you must allow it to continue to develop, here.

And again, believing is seeing.  So the more that you believe it, the more you will see it.  The more you see it, it will create more of a belief for you, and then lead to more seeing, etc., etc.  And eventually you will come to the point where you have moved completely from the third-dimensional illusion into your new reality in the fifth and higher dimensions.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We will offer our perspective.  May we offer our perspective to you, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we will offer our perspective that what you are experiencing would be more fully experienced if you embrace the experience rather than look for the meaning in the experience.  It does not matter.  What matters is that you experience what you experience, and allow it to unfold as you experience it, and the meaning will reveal itself as it unfolds.

It does not reveal itself through analytical thinking or assigning meaning, you see.  It is designed for you to traverse the experience, embrace it, feel it, and that which you are feeling and embracing will reveal itself in that way.   Namaste.

Guest:   Thank you.

OWS:   Very good.  Are there any further questions, here?  Then we believe there are two e-mail questions, is that correct?

Guest:   Yes, thank you.  The first question is about Bill Gates, asking what his agenda really is.  And the second part is, why was overpopulation allowed to occur on the planet?

OWS:   First of all, there no overpopulation.  That is a cabal dark forces plan that there would be overpopulation and that they could continue to maintain control.  It would be much easier for them to maintain control if the population is lessened to a great degree.  That’s what that plan was, and still is in many respects for them.  But there is no overpopulation, because if you think about this for a moment, how can this planet become overpopulated when you are beginning to move toward the stars, here?  And there will be planet, after planet, after planet that is available for the population to migrate to, we will say, as it needs to.  So there can never, ever be an overpopulation, here.  That is No. 1.

No. 2, we are always not ready to speak about an individual, here, as you have asked about this one.  But we can say about the plan, here.  That plan is, again, about to depopulate the planet, here.  Again, to be able for a small group of people to have control over the masses.  And again, if they are able to depopulate the planet, then they are more easily able to be in control.

They are attempting to do this through many different processes.  One is this virus, here.  It was attempted to be a depopulation process, here, and it was going to lead to this vaccination and the ID of the vaccination, which many are even calling this the ‘mark of the beast.’  We are not going to comment on that at this point, but know that it is all part of this plan by those of the dark forces to seize control, or rather to maintain control here on the planet, and the various ways that they are attempting to do so.

We would say, since this has been brought up, in no way, shape, or form would any of you need to ascertain the possibility of doing any of these vaccines until they are brought into a safe zone, here, we will say.  Do not fall into the trap that those of the dark forces are attempting to use here to take control, maintain control, and to continue their control of the planet population.  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We can share on this.  It is rather easy to understand that if an individual has an agenda, that agenda cannot be brought forth without agreement, you see.  So it does not matter who the individual is, or what is happening, if enough people do not agree, it cannot happen.  What is lost here is the idea that we have any power to circumvent any situation, when that is the opposite of the truth.  You see, if you do not agree, then do not agree and do not partake, and do not support the agenda of someone that you do not wish to support.  If enough people are courageous enough to be conscious of that, it cannot come to fruition.   Namaste.

OWS:   We would also add that know that there were more than a half a million people that rose up against this idea of the vaccine and ID, and all of these types of things.  Many signed petitions against this.  So the population is awakening.  Even though a half a million does not seem like many to the entire population of the planet, but it is a percentage here that is important.  And those of the dark forces are realizing that the population is awakening.  And again, they are doing everything they can to hold that off, but they cannot.

Shoshanna:   We will add to this.  For each one that speaks, there are 99 others that do not speak.  So when you see a representation of one, you can convert it to 100.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Would there be other questions, here?

Guest:   Yes.  The second question is, when will we be seeing NESARA/GESARA, and things like the med-beds come to fruition?

OWS:   Again, that is a sense of timing.  For a moment, we will say ‘very soon.’  It cannot be given here, is what we are attempting to say, here.  We cannot give a time frame for this, because it is not known at this point, because the collective consciousness shifts and changes the time frame every moment.  And in the next moment it shifts a gain, and in the next moment it shifts a gain.   So it cannot be given as to directly when this will be.  But know that it is coinciding, or will coincide, with The Event, with the Solar Flash.  All of this is a process together, not exclusive from the other.  Okay?  Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We will share our perspective, here, and that is that each being must be in gratitude; have an abundant consciousness to attract what they wish to attract.  There cannot be this concept or this idea of abundance for all until the consciousness is abundant, you see.  That’s what it is, you see.   Namaste.

OWS:   Yes.  Very good.  Then we are one with the questions here at this time.  Shoshanna, do you have parting message, here?

Shoshanna:   Not at this time.

OWS:   Very good.

Then we will just say to simply ‘keep on, keeping on.’   Do everything that you can to continue to find the calmness within yourself about all of this.

We have said many times, “buckle your seatbelts, because the going could get quite rocky.”  Well, you are seeing that rockiness now.  You are seeing the being in the storm now.

As we have said many, many times, while you are in this storm, it behooves you to be in the eye of the storm.  Be in the calmness within that storm.  And if you are able to do that, and many of you from your discussion earlier, we are finding you are doing that.  You are seeing the beauty around you rather than the ugliness.

You are attempting to find the positives that are there instead of the negatives.  You are attempting to always bring the Light, instead of focusing on the darkness.  And if you continue to do that, you are going to be just fine.

Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell



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“Believing is seeing!”

the task at hand, for those of you who feel the urge, is to begin the conversation with your Higher Self now. It may be through art, through music, through automatic writing; it could be through sport, dance or even while you sleep. Set the intention to develop a relationship with your Higher Self, and it will evolve rapidly.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: ‘New’ Abilities Quickly Coming Online

June 6, 2020, jennifercrokaert.blogspot.com


Welcome, we are honoured to have the opportunity to talk with you all once more.

As you are all aware, there is immense clearing going on at the physical and energetic level. You may see chaos outside, but those of you with the eyes to see, know that this is the exposure of the poison that has beset your societies over millennia. It is now coming to the surface to be seen and healed. This you know, if you are reading this channel.

Along with external clearing, there is enormous internal clearing. You are clearing the karmic residues of the past, for yourself and for others. The results of this will be quite startling for some of you as ‘new’ abilities quickly come on line.

You may find your ability to hear, see, sense or know information is greatly attuned. You may see beings and energies that you have not seen before. You may hear voices clearly, lovingly guiding you. You may know information before it becomes available to you through normal channels.

This is because, until now, you have been wrapped in webs of dark light. Dark light is the distortion of pure love light. It lowers vibrations and acts as a conduit for negative programming that pushes you further from your divine right, your divine knowing, your divine Self.

This has been so insidious that you have not noticed it, you have thought that you were the worried, fearful, stressed, failing person your ego whispered to you: especially in your highest and lowest moments.

None of this was ever true; you are soon to know the full glory of your divine Self.

Your higher abilities are now coming on line for you. The dark web enveloping you and your planet is no longer. The energetic core used to feed the dark programming directly into your subconscious is no longer.

You are free.

It will take a while for the meaning of this to completely sink in. We would invite you to connect with your higher Self for greater clarification, as this is now more possible than ever before.

The conscious communion of you and your Higher Self is already taking place, and while there will come a moment when that is finalised and completed, in a blinding flash of illumination, you already have direct access.

The task at hand, for those of you who feel the urge, is to begin the conversation with your Higher Self now. It may be through art, through music, through automatic writing; it could be through sport, dance or even while you sleep. Set the intention to develop a relationship with your Higher Self, and it will evolve rapidly.

If you are unsure of the meaning of any communication, ask for confirmation. Signs, symbols and synchronicities are the language of the Self.

You are no longer in the spiral downwards, in the descent. You are in the Grand Return. You are rising up now, expanding into the fulness of who you truly are.

This is necessary, because the enhanced wisdom of your Higher Selves will be required to find inspired, compassionate and wise ways of healing the wounds of the past while creating a brand-new future. Your future is Heaven is on Earth, where Gaia is restored to her original glory and each one of you are restored to your original glory.

That future is not ‘at hand’, that future is here now. This is the Now of Ascension.

Universal Basic Income, ie for Everyone.

This article continues a series that will attempt to briefly explain the different aspects of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) proposal. To see the full series of articles published on this same subject, click here.

As the name suggests, the Universal Basic Income proposal is for everyone. Some, to be even clearer, add “unconditional”, ie it does not require any special conditions. Faced with this, some wonder why for everyone if some do not need it? The answer has at least two aspects: one, conceptual, the other practical.

Universal Basic Income is for everyone because it is a new right which, as such, should apply to everyone in the same way. It is neither a gift nor “small pay” as some say, those who try to degrade it, but it is something comparable to a Human Right. Therefore, every human being has a right to it. It is clear that until it reaches all human beings it will take time, and that it will have to start with smaller groups (e.g. countries or regions ), but the objective is certainly global.

It is also evident that Universal Basic Income is a highly “redistributive” mechanism, that is, it redistributes wealth more equitably among all, to compensate for the injustices inherent in a system such as capitalism. As such, it obtains resources from those who own them, to distribute them to those who need them most, just as progressive taxes generally do. But it does not do so in a discriminatory way, by setting conditions which must be fulfilled but rather in a much more transparent (and we can see here the second aspect of the answer, the practical side) and simple: to each person a minimum of economic resources are attributed; from there, those who have more resources than necessary will have to return these resources in the form of a tax, while those who have less (and require more) will be able to use them for their necessities, without having to return anything.

Imagine that we are in a group of 10 people who have to cross a desert, and that to do this, each will need a liter of water. We start from a situation in which some have several liters and others have nothing. What we do is a common reserve of 10 liters, from which we provide everyone with the liter they need. To contribute to this common fund, those who had the most water contributed the most. It is a simple, united, fair and reassuring mechanism, since we will be able to cross the desert without any fear, knowing that everyone has the minimum necessary. The time for the UBI has come.

Translation from spanish by Lulith V.


Choose a single word or concept that suits what you desire, and name that desire for yourself. Feel what you desire! Let it really permeate you, because this is the language of the soul – simple and direct.-Mary via Pamela Kribbe-

In This Time Things Are Different.

Pamela Kribbe channels Mary

Dear friends, I am Mary.

While on Earth, I was the mother of Jeshua, whom you all know. He was the bearer of the Christ Energy: the innovative energy that touched the hearts of people and called them to awaken. I was close to him as his mother, but as a soul, I was, by my relationship with him, also confronted with my pain and my fears at the deepest level. I had to let go of so much in order to see him as an independent soul with his own path, and to slowly release my protective wings from around him.

It has taught me a lot about being a mother and human being, about holding on and letting go. In that life, more than two thousand years ago, I learned, in the course of time, to let go. That was the greatest sacrifice I had to bring to my life: to let go of my son, to surrender my protective instinct, and to hear the cry of my own soul that also sought liberation and enlightenment

Planting the seeds of the Christ Energy was a combined effort, not confined to one single human being. It was the birth of something new and it was borne by many. Jeshua was the most visible personification of it, but there were many around him who helped him bear it.

When you experience a kinship with the Christ energy, or with the well-known people of that time, it often arises from the fact that you have been, and still are, deeply connected with this energy of renewal – a breakthrough at the heart level – that took place in the collective consciousness at that time. But it was still very new then, like a trickle of water that seeped into the collective consciousness, where it also encountered a lot of resistance and misunderstanding.

During this time, things are different. There is now a much broader and deeper capacity present in human consciousness to absorb the Christ energy and the possibility of letting it flourish.

You are part of the birth of the Christ Energy on Earth – an energy of the heart, of connection, of humanness and compassion – and it is something we do together, something that unites us.

You are not alone. Your soul has chosen to be here on Earth during this time in order to contribute, to help with the change of consciousness, and to seek a connection with other kindred spirits, and with the world around you – and that is something that is now possible.

In the past – and this was the case for many centuries – if you wanted to lead a spiritual life, you usually had to isolate yourself and lead a religious life of seclusion, cloistering as it is called. Feel the energy in this chapel, at this place; for here were said a great many prayers.

There was a dedication to the spiritual that was experienced deeply in the inner life of the women who came here to pray. Feel the power of this inner devotion, which was so strong that it is still tangible in this place as an energetic channel that connects Heaven and Earth.

You are part of this history, because many of you were devoted to the spiritual during previous lives. You were attracted to the seclusion, because your desires, intentions, and vibrations did not correspond to that of society, with that of everyday life.

It seemed that you had to isolate yourself and to not participate in worldly life if you wanted to devote yourself to the path of inner growth and awareness. It has brought you devotion and understanding, a deepening of your inner life, but it has also brought you loneliness and a sense of alienation when it comes to life here on Earth, life among people.

Many of you are experiencing a distancing from human society, a sense of not being at home in it, and that does cause problems for you. But you are here on Earth not just for yourself, not just to connect with your own soul and to experience your divinity.

It is also the purpose of this life – in this time that is different – to share with others the divine in yourself, your highest inspiration; to bring out what you have to give in the way of your inner riches and wisdom so that the stream of the living water of inspiration in you bears fruit.

It is the intention during this era that it is a time of connection between the spiritual and the earthly. And also a connection between people worldwide, between different cultures and nations, so that the differences are transcended and what human beings have in common, the similarities, are rediscovered.

Your soul calls you to take part in life from the accumulated knowledge and wealth in your heart that is already so great. You are not new here on Earth; you are old at the level of your soul.

Many ancient religions carry a burdensome energy with them, an energy of commandments, duties, and rules. That was never the original energy of the first messengers, such as Jeshua and Buddha.

The great Prophets and Seers had a direct connection with their souls, with the Source, and that always brought them into a state of tremendous joy, of gladness, of ecstasy, because the soul is the source of light and joy, and also feels unburdened.

You know this from having had moments of ecstasy in your life when you felt lifted from the heaviness of life here. But sadly, the ancient religions have smothered much of that joy through the idea that humankind is essentially bad, sinful, gone astray, and can only gain access to the divine through being disciplined, following rules, and restraining their spontaneity.

This attitude has been a mistake that still affects and influences you, causing the spiritual to become too mixed with the heavy energies of fear and of a judgmental God.

True spirituality and surrender to the soul are not at all burdensome. A deep surrender to the soul brings joy, inspiration, a gentle sense of letting go and also of security; the feeling of being able to trust in life, in a divine hand that is merciful, full of compassion. A hand that does not punish you for mistakes, but one who picks you up and encourages you – a loving God and Goddess all in one.

That is the true source from which you originate, from which your soul was born full of joy. Your soul is meant to emanate, to uniquely express itself and to have experiences.

So connecting with your soul gives you a sense of vibrancy and joy. Remember that and look back at your own life to moments which have been of joy and of living from your soul; of simply surrendering and knowing that something is good, even if you could not give reasons for feeling that way. You felt this deep inside yourself in your gut, in your body: “This is what I want and who I am.”

The language of the soul is not difficult or complex in itself; it speaks directly to you. It is a sense of direct knowing that corresponds to your deepest desires. And it is precisely this deeply felt inner connection with the soul that also gives you courage and perseverance.

For if the soul touches and calls you, and gives you a desire in your heart to do certain things or to do more, then it often also asks for the courage and perseverance needed to listen to your heart when choosing what may be contrary to what other people expect, and when making choices that go against the views of society.

Soul choices are often contrary to the long established energies of how things “should be”: the rules, commandments, and dogmas. So the soul, besides being joyful and light, is always revolutionary; it upsets things and can therefore also bring you into contact with pain and fear within yourself.

Then it is important to make yourself great and to stand up and say: “This is what I feel, this is what I experience as being right for me at my deepest level”. However, accepting your own greatness at the same time activates the most fearful parts in yourself, the parts that say: “You cannot do this. Keep small. Do not cause conflict or disharmony, or you will be punished or rejected”. This whole complex of negative emotions also gets activated when you begin to listen to the voice of your heart and your soul.

Therefore, choosing your soul path is not always easy. Actually, it is never easy, because you live not only within yourself, but also in the world around you, a world of duality. It is a world of the old – with all its old fears, rules, and commandments – as well as of the new that wants to be born: the Song of your Soul, a unique melody that is not understood by everyone and is not perceived by everyone as harmonious.

Realize that anyone who has ever chosen to go the way of the soul had to endure a certain loneliness or ordeal in order to truly believe in and align with themselves, to be faithful to that voice in their heart. Which is why I stated previously that it is not only about the inner experiencing of the connection with your Source and your soul, it is also about bringing that inner experience out into the open and making your unique inspiration visible: your greater self that is not determined by surrounding influences. It is really about being a creator of something new.

Your biggest enemy in doing this, your greatest counterforce, is fear.

Fear of failing, of being rejected, of being different. A fear that nags at you, which influences your thoughts, makes you worry, creates in you a distrust of life, and makes you expect that things will go wrong.

You know all too well that whole litany of fear-based thinking – it is the past speaking. To overcome this, you have to first recognize it and really perceive what is happening in yourself when you are in the grip of that kind of thinking: the fearful, hectic thinking that has become as a second nature for many of you.

Realize how often you are seized by repetitive thoughts in your head.

Feel the nature of that worrying, that anxious thinking: the anticipation of what can go wrong, the mistrust. Instead of listening to the content of those voices, feel the vibration of it, its energy, which is like a disturbing, buzzing noise.

You often are not aware that there is something beyond that type of thinking, something that is much more truthful, much more reliable, much more anchored in life, and what I mean here is what is in your heart. And with it your intuition, which does not think much, but feels more; a feeling that is not excitable and emotional; a feeling that is pure and without the intervention of thoughts.

I ask you to now take a moment to practice letting go of the way your mind goes about dealing with certain problems and simply allow your life to be what it naturally is.

The mind may be there as background noise, but simply move your awareness, your attention, down to your abdomen and become aware of your legs and how your feet rest on the Earth. Feel how big the Earth is! Not only physically, in terms of surface area; feel her spirit, her soul. Feel what enlivens the life of nature around you.

Your body is also borne and enlivened by the Earth, from your birth to your death.

There is wisdom and intelligence living in the Earth and in your body, but it is not mental, not of the mind. Just allow that energy to be there. Become aware of your body as an intelligent force field. Your body wants to be a support for you and help you to receive and transmit your soul energy.

Now get in touch with your heart.

Feel within to its enormous silence: the silence of your heart that is so much older than this single life. Your heart is as big as the universe itself; it is connected with everything that exists. Can you imagine how big your heart is? You are God within yourselves, you are not outside It. You take part in God, just as does the smallest cell in your body take part in you. Feel respect for yourself, for your own soul: the spark of Eternity within you. That spark is who you are, who wants to be here, here and now on Earth. It is what wants to connect with your body and with the Earth.

Your soul, that spark, has joined with the Earth and wants to experience joy, but not in an impulsive or frivolous way. She wants to radiate the deep joy of your light, to share your love and connect with others, and to heal old pains both in yourself and in others.

Feel that urge in your soul. Feel the desire and joy it gives to you that you no longer need to hide yourself, that you may let the light shine out from your eyes and that you can do what befits you, whatever that is; for every soul is attracted by a different occupation or activity. But you can be sure that if you follow the voice of your soul, then there is a path for you, a place on Earth in this world.

At this time, your light is more than ever welcome; you no longer have to hide it.

Feel that silence in your heart, that spaciousness. Your heart has seen so much, heard and experienced so much. Feel the depth in your heart and know that she is wiser and more all-inclusive than the fearful thought processes that often determine your daily life.

Feel that there are forces in yourself that transcend this fear and connect you with a greater wisdom that cannot be contained by the mind. The mind, however, can help you transform your soul desires into action in the material world. To that purpose, the mind is capable of helping you. But the source of your choices lies deeper than the mind, it lies within.

Now connect again with your abdomen, with the Earth energy within you, and with your heart, with your Cosmic source – feel them join together.

When people come together with the intent to hear the cry of their souls, that intention alone creates a certain opening. The soul wants to become earthly flesh and blood, to manifest itself here on Earth, so a common field of intention can accomplish a lot. Then feel, in this moment, this joint intention of what is important to you right now in your life.

Do not feel it from your head, but from your heart and in your abdomen. Simply ask yourself: “What do I desire? What do I really want to do?”

And what is the first thing that comes to mind?

It does not have to be anything outside you, such as a certain job, or a relationship, or a problem to be solved. You can also simply desire a feeling of how things are when they become reconciled and harmonious; for example, of peace, confidence, or lightheartedness. Choose a single word or concept that suits what you desire, and name that desire for yourself. Feel what you desire! Let it really permeate you, because this is the language of the soul – simple and direct.

Through your deepest desire, the soul speaks to you. Not through commandments: “Do this or do that; you must do it this way or that way”.

That strict voice that you sometimes associate with spirituality and religion is not the voice or the language of the soul. The language of the soul is rather like the spontaneity of a child: “I wish I could do this? I wonder if that is possible?” Wishing, wondering, imagining – as you did as a child and can still do – come closer to the language of the soul than the rules and laws of spirituality.

Finally, let the face of a child appear to you; It may be yours when you were a child, or whatever face appears.

It is the open face of a child who dares to imagine without boundaries, who dares to wish with the confidence that life will bring what it desires. Be open to the good forces in life: the protective and supportive hand of God, of the Mother and the Father.

Embrace the child within yourself. It is a direct connection to your soul. Know that you are not alone; you are connected to the whole. You are always surrounded by energies of joy, inspiration, and friendship.

Thank you so much for your presence here and for the love in your heart.