Category Archives: Daniel Scranton

Mastery over the physical reality doesn’t come because you have figured out how to instantly manifest what you desire. Mastery comes when you are so certain that what you desire is on its way to you that you bask in the present moment and in the energy that you do have access to.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to process the numerous requests that have come in recently, and we need to process them because we need to understand what it is that humanity truly needs. What you ask for and what you need are not always one and the same.

You look for the fastest way, oftentimes, rather than allowing for something to come in the appropriate timing. Or you just want to get your hands on a whole lot of money all at once, rather than having the experience of taking in what you need, spending it, and then receiving more.

So what we seek to impart to you is the wisdom that will help you to navigate through the challenges that you face, and at the end of that experience of facing the challenge, we want you to experience the growth as well. So what we give you may not always be exactly what you are asking for, but we will always support you in getting to where you ultimately want to go.

This is our way of saying, ‘Be patient.’ Be patient with yourselves, be patient with us, be patient with the universe, and especially the physical realm. If you want to change your experience of reality, you can do that much more quickly than you can change reality. If you want to receive something that you’ve been asking for, you will be able to access it energetically before you will be able to access it physically.

When you can be at peace with the process and the unfolding, that means you have mastered the physical reality. Mastery over the physical reality doesn’t come because you have figured out how to instantly manifest what you desire. Mastery comes when you are so certain that what you desire is on its way to you that you bask in the present moment and in the energy that you do have access to.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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make sure you are willing to give yourselves everything that you have ever asked someone else to give you, and come to your interactions with one another with the intention to give more

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have seen enough of the interactions between humans to know what the motivating factor is for most of your connections. You often want to feel appreciated, loved, and even adored by those that you come in contact with, and yet, you are coming in contact with someone else who wants to be appreciated, loved, and possibly even adored. There is a better way to go about interacting with each other.

You want to fill yourselves up with the love that you truly are before you get together with anyone, and even before you have an encounter with a stranger. You want to feel that love flowing through you as much as possible, and you want that love to be coming from within you.

Whether you realize it or not the love that you seek from others, and even the appreciation, and certainly the adoration, is conditional. You want to be able to walk up to the crankiest of people and have that cranky person validate you. You want to be the only one that he or she finds acceptable.

There is a problem, of course, with this approach. You don’t often get what you want from others. So what we recommend is that you write down all of the things that you want to receive from others, and be perfectly honest with yourselves when you make that list. And then ask yourselves how you can find everything that’s on your list within you.

Wherever you need to go with that consciousness of yours, whatever chakras you need to explore, make sure you are willing to give yourselves everything that you have ever asked someone else to give you, and come to your interactions with one another with the intention to give more. Give more praise. Give more appreciation. Be willing to give to the other person not because he or she has met certain conditions, do so because you want to feel it flowing through you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You live in a reality where the polarity is greater and where the emotions run hotter.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the best possible cheerleaders for all of you. We know that at times what you need more than anything is encouragement. You need to know that there is more for you, and you need support in getting to where you are going. Now, the reason we say we are perfect for this role is that we have ascended. We ascended to the fifth dimension, and then the sixth, and then the seventh, and so on, and we know how challenging this experience can be.

We are very pleased to be a part of your ascension experience as we cheer you on from the non-physical. We can remember what it was like to be in that fourth dimension, so eager to move into the fifth, and there were beings who helped us at that time. We also recognize that there are parts of your experience that we did not have to face in ours.

You live in a reality where the polarity is greater and where the emotions run hotter. We also recognize that you have more strength than we did, and we are so impressed by what you have endured there on Earth that it brings us tremendous joy to be able to support you and encourage you in the ways that we can. We are always looking for new ways to do so.

In this transmission, we just want to assure you that it will all be worth it, and as much as you want to get to the fifth dimension, and to have all of those experiences that you want to have as quickly as possible, the journey itself is the true experience. It is what you signed up for. It is what you knew you were ready for, and it is the most delicious experience that you can have in a physical body.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

In fact, if you’re being mistreated by others, you need to give yourselves more love and more compassion.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a perspective that we would like to share with you on what we see as the continuation of some programming you picked up when you were very young on this planet in this lifetime. We see you looking for reasons to love yourselves. We see you attempting to earn your own love through something that you would accomplish or become, even from the way that you look.

We are noticing that this conditional love got started in childhood for most of you when you learned very quickly what would please your parents, and your teachers, and even your friends. You also learned what would get you in trouble or not please the other people in your life. And most of you could feel the withholding of love during those times when you disappointed someone important in your life.

Now, as adults, most of you continue to run that programming. Most humans have not found a way to love themselves unconditionally. Instead, you work very hard to try to earn your own love, and then you get into a romantic relationship, and you expect the other person to love you unconditionally, even though you have not found the ability to do that for yourself.

So you go from relationship to relationship, looking for someone to give you the love that you never really got from another human and haven’t been able to supply to yourself. So we are here to tell you how important it is to let yourself off the hook, to not let your self-love be performance based, and we want you to show yourselves even more love when you have met with a defeat of some kind, or when someone else has proven once again that they are not loving you unconditionally.

That is when you need your own love to come forth from within you. You need to access it, you need to feel, and you need to give it to yourselves freely, without hesitation, without condition, and no matter what anyone else says or does to you. In fact, if you’re being mistreated by others, you need to give yourselves more love and more compassion. It makes perfect sense, if you think about it. Who better to love you than the one who knows your entire story?

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

In order to receive our up-leveling, all you need to do is state your intention to receive it as you are drifting off to sleep.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are putting forth an invitation to anyone and everyone who wants to experience the up-leveling of your vibration. We are offering this service because we know that there is nothing better for you than to put out a higher frequency of vibration, and we love so much to give to all of you in whatever way that we can. In order to receive our up-leveling, all you need to do is state your intention to receive it as you are drifting off to sleep.

The delivery system will be through a meeting that will take place in the astral realm. That is where you are able to meet ninth dimensional beings at this time. And so we are happy to meet up with you and to provide you with this service. Now, you are going to experience some changes once you receive this vibrational upgrade. You are going to heal more quickly. You will receive more inspired ideas. You will feel more joy, and love will flow easily to you and through you.

We have seen the results of these vibrational upgrades in those who have accepted them from us in the past, and we are very pleased with how you all shift your vibrations so easily when you are open to receive. We also want you to recognize that we are really just the facilitators here. You are the ones who will accept our invitation, and you are the ones who will meet us in the astral plane so that you can receive what was always yours for the taking.

A higher vibration is your birthright, and as many factors as there are on your world that keep your vibrations in the lower frequency range, there are as many of us in the higher realms looking to support you in holding a higher vibration. We always have and we always will.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are entering into a time where there is so much more awareness

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that the situation there on planet Earth has gotten remarkably better than it was just a few months ago. We are seeing that the energies you have been receiving are being put to good use, and we have noticed that there are far fewer incidents of individuals falling into a pit of despair.

Now, many of you who are receiving this message have already experienced your dark night, or nights, of the soul, and you have emerged from those experiences shiny and new. What we have been noticing is that the average person on planet Earth is benefiting from the energies, even if that person is still asleep.

So you are receiving the support that you have been given and putting it to good use. You, who are the ground crew for beings like us, are getting far more clever in the ways that you are able to help your fellow humans. You are recognizing that there are more ways to be of service than to take physical action. And so it is the combination of the work that you have been doing and the energies that we have been sending that is responsible for the lessening of the need for individuals to go down into a dark, dark place.

We also can sense that the work that the Earth has been doing on all of you is having a profound effect. You are recognizing the Earth as a co-creator more and more, and the young ones that are coming in are less likely to feel detached from the Earth, even with all of the electronic devices.

So the situation there is good and getting better all the time. Now, what you can expect as a result of these areas of improvement is more contact, more contact with non-physical beings, with physical extra-terrestrials, and more contact with those inner Earth beings that we mentioned recently.

You are entering into a time where there is so much more awareness, and where there will be so many more awakened souls with you to lighten the load on the ground crew, and when you recognize that and can really feel it in your bones, you will take more time to enjoy the rest of this journey to the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


You are far more powerful than you know

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been impressed by the joining together that we have witnessed of factions of humans that we never thought we would see banding together. This is happening in the secret, but very real, arena of the alliance. There is an alliance that has been in place for quite some time, and this alliance is comprised of many different humans who hold different positions of power and who want to see a better tomorrow for the planet.

Now, whenever you have humans representing different groups, different countries, and different interests, you often see that there are people who will backstab and go back on their word. We are not seeing that. Instead, we are seeing that those who are members of this alliance are coming together, even more powerfully than they were to initiate the alliance in the first place.

Now, for those of you who have no idea what we are talking about, suffice it to say that there are negatively oriented extra-terrestrials out there and negatively oriented humans as well who want to dominate and destroy. And whenever you have one side of the spectrum in a system of duality, you must have the other. So the people who comprise the alliance are doing so out of a need. There is a need to have a force that counterbalances the negative side of things.

But neither side is as powerful as all of you are. There are billions of you living on planet Earth, and every time you come together, every time you team up with other humans who have a similar agenda, you create such a powerful force. You are far more powerful than you know, and those of you who want to be of service and to help humanity need to find each other and create your own alliances because there is power in numbers, and you do want to create peace and harmony on Earth and in the galaxy.

And the way to do that is not to create these alliances to push against the negatively oriented beings that are most certainly out there. But instead, you want to come together because you have a common goal of spreading more love and light to all beings in this galaxy and beyond.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

we just want you to know how much support there is for you when you are aligning yourselves with all that is of a high frequency, and ignoring that which is not.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing the ways in which you tend to protect yourselves from that which is unwanted in your experience. We have noticed that you go through many different actions and speak different words in order to prevent yourselves from experiencing what is not wanted. You will often even pay large sums of money to insure yourselves against some unwanted probability.

Now, if you were to put as much of your time, words, actions, and focus on bringing about the experiences that you do want to have, you would find that your minds would be far less occupied with the unwanted experiences. You want to give yourselves more to focus on that is positive, and you want to release the idea that you need protecting.

Of course, there are beings out there in the universe who harm others and seek to control, manipulate, and even steal from, murder, and do all kinds of nasty things to whomever they can. And we recognize how hard it is to ignore their presence, but we are saying to you that if you are more focused on raising your vibration and putting your attention on what you want to experience, you will not be dipping your vibration low enough so that you are an easy target and a vibrational match to the beings who would do you harm if they had the opportunity.

It is time to stop focusing on what you need protecting from, and it is time for you to start experiencing yourselves as the powerful creator beings that you are and that you continue to blossom into. We know that this must be hard to hear coming from beings like us in the ninth dimension where there are no bad guys. There is no body, or home, or money to protect from any bad guys who would exist. And so we want you to know that we have compassion for you in your fear about manifesting something unwanted in your lives.

But it is also hard for us to watch you not step into that power that you have out of fear. And so we just want you to know how much support there is for you when you are aligning yourselves with all that is of a high frequency, and ignoring that which is not.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Let the Frequency Guide You to It ∞The Creators

“So, many of you have taken your lives to places that you did not think they could go, and you are thankful for how far you have come in this lifetime. And that is a wonderful thing. It is wonderful to acknowledge that you are doing very well and to give thanks. There is so much more. More than we can tell you about, more than you could comprehend from where you stand.

So, we want you to feel satisfied. We want you to enjoy the lives that you have created. And we want you to get ready for so much more. So when you are considering your life and when you are asking yourself, ‘What is it that I want?’ we don’t want you to even think in terms of what it is you are used to. We don’t want you to look at the current reality in order to find aspects of it that you would like more of, or that you would like some of. For that is not where you are headed.

Therefore, instead of thinking about the life that you want for yourselves, and who you want to be with, and so on, give yourselves the opportunity to explore what it would be like to feel something that you have never felt before, to elevate your frequency beyond what the third dimension could allow you. We want you to get ready to feel, rather than to look at the environment around you and have a feeling response to it.

There is so much about the world you have experienced that is lovely. And we want you to know you have the totality of that experience now within you, within your consciousness, because you are all connected. And now, as a collective, you are moving. And where you are moving is not so much a place, with different rules and a different structure — it is a frequency. So when you are pondering your life and where it is going, we ask you to tune yourselves to a frequency that you cannot possibly imagine.

So how do you do this? You let go. You let go of preconceived notions. You let go of the idea of limitations, and you allow that frequency to envelop you, to take over that which you have been trying to manipulate and control. You will find that the ride is so much better when you release your hold on where you have been.”

There will be a great deal of struggle ahead for those who have chosen to remain asleep in this lifetime, and we want to be very clear about this

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to be amazed and surprised by how resilient you all are in the face of the many challenges that you have taken on for this lifetime. This lifetime has not been a walk in the park for those of you who have decided that you would awaken well before the time of the shift, and we want to acknowledge you for that decision. It is only through the facing of your challenges that you will be able to integrate all aspects of self before being able to help others who are struggling.

There will be a great deal of struggle ahead for those who have chosen to remain asleep in this lifetime, and we want to be very clear about this. If you are awake, it does not mean that you are somehow more evolved than anyone else is on the level of your consciousness. It just means that you chose to play that role in this lifetime and be of service, rather than choosing to stay asleep and be the ones who will receive your assistant in the moments when the massive energies hit and the shift becomes real.

Your experiences build compassion within you, but they also build a type of knowledge that can only be gained through experience. You can talk about spiritual concepts and ideologies until you are blue in the face, but you only really gain the wisdom that you need in order to be of service through the experiences of those challenges. You can only become who you are destined to become in this lifetime by allowing yourself to face challenges that in other lifetimes you would have chosen to ignore.

This astonishing resilience that you have all shown as the awakened ones on planet Earth will of course also help you to have an easier time when the shift is upon you. It will not be the experience of being hit by a ton of bricks. It will be more of a gentle and wonderful experience of allowing the higher frequency energies in.

What you are also doing at this time is practicing that experience, and we are so appreciative for those of you who have opened yourselves up to receive, because it is through your willingness to feel and through your willingness to ground higher frequency energies that we can be more of service to you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We are here to help bring in a sort of protective shield that will still allow all of your electronics to function.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to examine the different fields of energy that exist on your energy, and we have been examining these fields for the potential that they have to hold more high frequency energy within them. We know that you are affected by the various fields of energy that you have there on Earth, and we are looking to take advantage of that. As you know, there are lots of energies and frequencies bouncing around on Earth that are disruptive to your fields.

They can give you the feeling of being tired, or they can even affect your bodies enough to make you sick. But there is hope, and we are here to provide you with that hope. We are here to help bring in a sort of protective shield that will still allow all of your electronics to function. You won’t have to worry about your Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signals getting scrambled, but you also won’t have to worry about your fields getting scrambled anymore.

Once we have completed our examination, we will make recommendations to ground crew members who can implement the necessary changes to the fields that are most conducive to providing you with high frequency energies that you can easily tune into, feel, and benefit from. And the best way to prevent lower frequency energies from affecting you is by holding higher frequency energies in your fields.

Some of you have been asking for this type of technology for a long time. Some of you have found crystals and other devices to help, and they do have a certain amount of effectiveness, but you are being bombarded constantly with energies that do not serve you, and this is making it harder for you to be the best versions of yourselves that you can be. You’re more likely to get irritated, you’re more likely to get triggered by something or someone when these energies are disrupting your fields.

And again, we have heard the asking that you’ve been doing, and we have been working on a solution. We feel that this solution will be implemented by the end of your calendar year and that you will feel much better in your bodies by 2019.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

we are very excited for all of you who would like to come to Arcturus and visit our little corner of the galaxy.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have accepted invitations from all of you who have reached out to us for more contact, and as non-physical beings, we just want you to realized that you really need to feel for us in order to make that contact. We are always available to you. We are never too busy dealing with something in the Andromedan system or with some Pleiadian crisis. We are able to focus in multiple places at once. You are never taking up our valuable time, as we have no clocks and no calendars to abide by in the ninth dimension.

We love you because we are love, and because you are lovable, even in your folly. So never hesitate to reach out to us, and always expect us to answer. And again, and this is very important, make sure you are feeling for our presence. Feel for our essence, our vibration. We may not be able to hold you in our non-existent arms in your time of need, but we can wrap you in our energy, and we are told that it feels quite nice.

Now, we also want to encourage you to feel for the other helpers that you have around you. We want you to realize that you are never alone, and we also want you to recognize how much there is for you still to receive. We are always going to be answering the call of humanity, even after you shift.

And we are looking forward to the time when more of you have that sensitivity to receive us more fully, to communicate with us in ways that are more satisfying to you, and we are very excited for all of you who would like to come to Arcturus and visit our little corner of the galaxy. It will be easier for you to feel us and our presence when you do. Our doors are always open.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

you want to focus on being grounded

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing how you are all doing with the equinox energies, and we are pleased to report that we see the vast majority of those of you who are awakened receiving the energies and integrating them for your highest good. Now, just because something is for your highest good doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to reap the benefits right away. The influx of love and higher frequency vibrations can also stir a lot of things up within you that you’ve been holding onto.

We are talking about very core issues coming up to be purged. So even though the energies are very high frequency and very loving, you can feel their impact as having created some unpleasantness in your experience. What this means for all of you is that you have to stay grounded in spite of what you’ve been feeling, physically and emotionally. If you stay grounded, you will stay out of your heads, because let’s face it, your heads are where a lot of these issues are maintained and perpetuated.

You bring a lot more mental energy to something when you focus upon it, and that mental energy can snowball. So instead, you want to focus on being grounded, you want to focus on being in your bodies, and you want to focus on the love that you can feel coming to you from the higher realms and from other parts of your galaxy. There is so much love for humanity, and as we said, you are doing a beautiful job of receiving it, but don’t expect the results to be what you want them to be right away.

Give the energies time to do what they do. Give yourselves time to purge and release, to let go of what is no longer serving you. And as you practice steadying your consciousness in your hearts, you are going to find that this time is the best time that humanity has ever had on planet Earth, and we promise you it will only get better.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We are looking for the most leading edge co-creations that you can come up with.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extending an invitation to all of humanity, and that invitation is to join us in a co-creative endeavor. We want to experience more of life on planet Earth, and the way that we can have the experiences we want to have is by co-creating with you. Now, we are interested in co-creating with humanity because we see how much potential there is for better living on planet Earth.

And so we can both co-create those experiences with you and enjoy them, as bits of our consciousness will be included in the energies that we sent you. Believe us when we say that you are being sent energies all the time and that there are many beings in the higher realms that want to co-create with you, but we are the ones addressing you now, and we are looking for major projects. We are looking for the most leading edge co-creations that you can come up with.

For example, those of you who want to create a space where beings from other parts of the galaxy can come together with humans and exchange ideas, information, and even resources, a structure that could accommodate beings from other worlds, one that could account for the differences between humans and these extra-terrestrial beings, this is the kind of project we are talking about. We are asking you to think globally and think galactically because that is the type of project that excites us.

Now, we will send you energies that you can utilize for any project at all. We are just indicating to you which ones we would be most excited about participating in and experiencing. Let your imaginations run wild.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The more of you who are out there shining your light and living your truth, the more of the human collective consciousness is going to get what you know.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are surprised and excited to see how many people are waking up every single day. We have noticed this trend occurring as you get closer and closer to the equinox, but we also notice that there is a portion of the population who are struggling. They are struggling to find something to believe in, and they have not been able to make a leap of faith to the truth that we are all one and we are all Source. They certainly are far from believing that they create their reality.

We have been looking for ways to reach this particular group of individuals on your world, and we know that at times you will attempt to share something with one of them to bring them into the light, to help them awaken. But you are going to have a hard time convincing someone of something when they don’t really know what they believe in. So it is much more effective if you just hold space for those individuals. Send them love. Have compassion for them, and live your life without apologies.

Live your truth in every waking moment of every day, no matter what anyone else feels or thinks about your truth. The more of you who are out there shining your light and living your truth, the more of the human collective consciousness is going to get what you know. You can reach more people by tapping in to the collective consciousness then you can by trying to convince someone who doesn’t want to be convinced.

But know that those who are looking for something to believe in are always served by having those like you around. Your presence, and the knowing that you hold within you is enough to bring one or more people to the light.

Daniel Scranton – channel, sound healer, spiritual teacher, channels higher dimensional beings on ascension, the shift to the fifth dimension 5D, and our spiritual evolution as humans. Daniel channels overtones and light languages as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Receive your new gifts graciously, and practice, practice, practice, and you will have a lot more fun there on Earth with your new toys.

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun the process of giving you the various upgrades that you’ve been asking for. We are working, of course, in concert with your guides to provide you with the unique upgrades that each of you has been asking for individually. Now, these upgrades are different than the universal ones that you sometimes receive. Those upgrades are given because of where you are on your evolutionary journey, and they are given to everyone.

The upgrades that we are referring to are the ones that you have personally requested, whether the request was for clairvoyance, the ability to channel, or to be able to heal others. We have been working with your guides and your higher selves because so many of you have been reaching out to us, specifically, and we have been able to convince your guides and higher selves at times that you are ready for some true growth and some new abilities that will help sustain you during the rest of the time that you have in the fourth dimension.

We are happy and eager to provide you with these upgrades while you are asleep, and it is important for all of you to know that once you have an upgrade, you will still need to learn how to use it. So just because you receive a clairvoyance upgrade, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to start accessing that gift without any focus on your part. Most of you will still need to sit and open your third eyes to see what you are receiving.

You will still need to master the use of the gifts you are given, and mostly you will need to trust that what you are receiving is in fact real and not just your imagination, your mind, or your ego. Receive your new gifts graciously, and practice, practice, practice, and you will have a lot more fun there on Earth with your new toys.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Celebrate You!

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the perspective on your progress that we would love for you to share with us. We would love for all of you to be able to see how far along you are as individuals and as a collective. And yet, sometimes it is hard for you to acknowledge yourselves. We feel that the critical mind will often get in the way of your ability to celebrate how far you’ve come as individuals, because you tend to focus on what you do not have and what you have not become.

It is nice to have goals. It is nice to have accomplishments that you are reaching for, and they certainly do keep you going. They certainly do keep the energy flowing to you and through you. And so it is a very good thing that you are focused on what it is you want to have in terms of skills, gifts, and abilities. And it is also wonderful that you want to be of service and achieve inner peace, and to create the reality that you want to create.

But stopping and celebrating how far you’ve come, recognizing the significance of the fact that you are awakened beings on a planet that is ascending, this is something that we would like to see more of amongst the humans that we are connecting with. We will acknowledge that there will always be more that you are expanding into, but we will not agree with you when you say that you are blocked for some reason.

We will not agree with you when you assume that you must be doing something wrong to not be further along by now, to not have solved all of your problems and all of the world’s problems. If there is something in front of you that is yet to be achieved, it is there for the purpose of keeping you focused and drawing more of that high frequency love and light through you.

You do need to find time in your day to sit, relax, and look how far you’ve come. Appreciate the person that you are right now, and see the truth about yourselves. You are all doing wonderfully well, and the truth is you take most of your gifts for granted, rather than celebrating that which you have already become, and so we are initiating the celebration for you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are here to create a future of peace, love, and harmony where everyone knows their power as creator beings.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been delivering packets of information into your energy fields, and we have been doing so at your request. We are answering all of your requests, but you must be in a state of relaxation to be able to fully benefit from what you are receiving. There is a great deal of uncertainty amongst the human collective because of how much information there is out there and how much of it contradicts other pieces of information that you receive from other sources.

And so, what we can feel from humanity is a desire to be on the same page. Therefore, the information that we provide to you is information that empowers you. You don’t need to wonder whether this prediction is the right one or whether that prediction is more right. You don’t have to worry about predictions at all. The information that we are depositing into your fields is about your histories here on Earth and in other parts of the galaxy.

A lot of the predictions that you are hearing now are about what has already happened. People are receiving information that they believe is about the future, when it’s actually about the past. So we are very clear in what we have given you about your collective past so that when you see a prediction for humanity’s future, you will recognize it as something that has already happened.

You don’t need to relive Atlantis or Lemuria. You don’t need to relive the Orion Wars. You don’t need to relive the destruction of entire planets.

All of the cataclysms from your past can be left in the past, and you all are here now to create a better future. You’re here to create the future of your design, a future that is inclusive of everyone that doesn’t need to deny the past in order to move forward from it. You are here to create a future of peace, love, and harmony where everyone knows their power as creator beings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Water ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have discovered the best way to get though to those of you who are asking for energy and information from us. We have been sending it to you through the energy that you receive when you are bathing. Whether you are taking a shower or a bath, you tend to relax in those moments, and the water is an excellent conductor of energy.

It is marvelous to witness how easily and beautifully you receive when in that state. And we are, of course, non-physical beings, and therefore you don’t have to worry about your privacy. We see you as energy. We don’t perceive your physical bodies, unless we are looking through the eyes of a human, and we only do that on rare occasions.

Now we want to speak a little bit more on the issue of water and hydration because it is a significant one. When you are immersed in water, when your body is surrounded by it, you are able to connect so much more to the feeling of being loved, because the water’s consciousness is recognizable to you. You are able to detect the love that you are receiving from that life-giving substance.

And so water and air contain consciousness and energy, but it’s more concentrated in the water, as the water is denser than the air. When you drink water, you also take in that love and that consciousness. You take in that beautiful energy that many of you recognize that you can infuse with an intention or a vibration, or both. And the more hydrated you are, the better conduits you are for high frequency energy.

So use this valuable substance for your benefit, and reconnect with the womb of creation that water most certainly is for all of humanity. And you will feel the effects of that simple act of getting in water and drinking more water immediately.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Slow down, and enjoy the ride.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing that the majority of those of you who are awakened have made plans for yourselves in this lifetime that have not come to fruition, and we have also noticed that the majority of you feel bad about not having accomplished the goal that you set out to accomplish. For some of you, it is several goals. You have incarnated in this lifetime to do so much more than accomplish things in the physical realm.

It is easy for you to measure accomplishments that are physical in nature. You can easily point to how many books you have written, how much money you have made, how many followers you have, and so on. But it is much more challenging to quantify the enormity of the shift in consciousness that you are not only experiencing, but are also consciously participating in.

And that’s where it gets tricky for most of you, because you want to participate in a bigger way. You want to do more. You want to feel more of an impact on the collective, and you are getting impatient as well. You are feeling impatient with yourselves because of the lack of third dimensional accomplishments, and you are getting impatient with the rest of the collective.

You want this shift to complete itself, the sooner the better. What you are missing out on, what is available to you, but you are not quite grasping yet, is the opportunity for all of you to feel the shift incrementally. You need to register what is happening on your own personal Richter Scales. You need to feel for the energies that are coming to you and play with them like you would play with new toys, new technology, and look less for outside confirmation of what we are saying right now.

Look less frequently at what governments are doing, banks and corporations, and others who hold positions of power, and instead look within. Feel for the changes that are afoot. You are the ones who came to experience this shift consciously. Slow down, and enjoy the ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Sensitivity of the Awakened ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It takes a certain amount of sensitivity to awaken. You cannot just awaken in your mind. You must also awaken with your senses, your feelings, and sensitivity is a big part of the awakening process. If you do not know how you feel, how would you know when something is resonating with you? How would you be able to access the emotion of love? Your sensitivity is a strength, and it comes with a side effect. That side effect is that you also can feel more pain.

We are living in a dualistic universe where there are certain polarities, and you are beings that have been operating within a great deal of polarity. What that means is that you can go very far in either direction on a spectrum. The more pain you can feel, the more love. The more love you can feel, the more fear. And so, if you are afraid of feeling anything, then you are dumbing down your sensitivity to feel everything, and that simply is not going to work for those of you who are awakened.

That’s why you chose to be the sensitive ones before you incarnated. You chose to have deep feelings and big feelings, and some of you chose to ignore them for most of your lives, others chose to drown to alcohol, or numb them with drugs, but eventually, you came to this place where you are now. You are at a place where you can not only feel your emotions, but you also understand the strength and the power that you have access to because of them.

By accessing your emotions, you become better at offering vibrations, and when you become better at offering vibrations, you become better creators. And when you can sit with all feelings inside of you, and be at peace, at one with everything and everyone, then you will know that you have in fact become your higher self. And you will know in those moments that you have set foot in the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

When you are feeling better, vibrationally, you are going to gravitate towards that which feels better physically.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to examine the effects of your pollution on your consciousness and your ability to raise your vibration, and our preliminary findings suggest that it does affect you more than you often think it does. You have a capacity to heal your bodies that goes underutilized by most of you. Most of you accept that your air, food, and water are polluted, and then when you get sick, you go to the doctor, and the doctor usually prescribes you more toxins.

The consciousness of the human being can of course rise above pollutants and toxins, but you make it much easier on yourselves to evolve and expand when you put yourselves in a place where the air is cleaner, the food is organic, and the water comes from a spring. Now, we understand that after hearing this, or reading this message, you are not all just going to pack up and move to another part of the world where there is less of this pollution.

But here is what you can do. You can pay more attention to what you put in your bodies. You can get away from the cities as often as you can, and do some conscious, deep breathing in the forest, or in the mountains, or by the beach. You can take the approach to your health and well-being that is more natural. You can see yourselves as being capable of healing from anything if you simply remove that which is toxic to you, and we include your toxic thoughts and emotions in that.

When you are feeling better, vibrationally, you are going to gravitate towards that which feels better physically. You are going to gravitate towards the foods, and the activities, and the places that best serve you and the expansion of your consciousness. Again, you can evolve and expand even under the conditions of a highly polluted city, with chemical-laden food and water, but why not make it easier on yourselves?

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”