Truly There is So MuchJesus via John Smallman 4/20/2019
Truly there is SO MUCH for which you should be filled with gratitude!
April 20, 2019
Jesus Audio Blog for Easter
Easter is a time of celebration because it honors my resurrection, the main feast in the Christian year, the feast that reminds you all that you are the divine children of God, forever enfolded in His most loving embrace, and that you are eternal beings blessed with life everlasting. Life should and can be joy-filled, and when you awaken it will be!
As humans, very, very few of you truly acknowledge or pay attention to this feast day, other than to have a celebratory meal and enjoy eating chocolate eggs. There is nothing wrong with that, but, as your awakening draws ever closer, it behoves you to pay attention to your spiritual lives and to the holy days that occur throughout the year. The Christian calendar of holy days was established to remind people of their spiritual heritage, and to bring to their attention the major days on which remembrance of that meaning is honored through devotion to those who are named as saints. But of course you are all saints, because every child of God was created perfect and is therefore a saint, you have just forgotten who you truly are.
All creeds and religions have their holy days, because, for those who believe that there is far more to life than the materialist world acknowledges, it helps to bring into focus the event or occurrence that the holy day asks you to celebrate, as you call to mind the one for whom the day is named. After all celebration is a very important part of your lives, and you have many personal events that most people will at some stage experience – graduating from high school, coming of age, getting married, and, of course, birthdays – and then honor with an appropriate celebration.
To celebrate lifts your spirits, because it temporarily takes your minds off the daily struggles that most of you undergo to provide for yourselves and your families. Therefore, when you do celebrate, it is important to set a very powerful intent to honor your spiritual heritage, your true nature, and give thanks to God for all the blessings that He has bestowed upon you.
To become aware of those blessings it is essential that you spend some time each day in prayer, not begging or beseeching God for favors, but sitting or, if you prefer, kneeling, or even prostrating yourselves – whatever feels most appropriate and comfortable to you (let what others do be of no concern) – and offering gratitude to God for the gift of life He has given you. Then make a positive effort to see and appreciate the joys that being alive allows and encourages you to experience.
Life as a human, when you cease to focus your attention solely on your worldly concerns or on the pain and suffering that so many are undergoing, is constantly offering you some wonderful experiences – beautiful sunsets, the gorgeous smell of fresh fruit, the glorious colors of flowers, trees swaying in the breeze, and hillsides covered in gorse or heather, the excited smiles of small children, and the loving affection of your partners, and also your pet dogs and cats. Truly there is SO MUCH for which you should be filled with gratitude! And so many of you miss these joys because you are remembering and perhaps regretting the past, or worried about what the future holds for you, instead of LIVING, right NOW, in the present moment when life actually happens!
To spend time daily in prayer, meditation, contemplation, or just quietly and effortlessly relaxing, is the most effective way to be aware of and experience the present moment when your life is actually happening. Accidents, when people hurt themselves, or someone they love is hurt, do bring their attention to the now moment – temporarily – but then judgment, blame, and the need to deal with the situation tends to bring the focus of attention back to what has happened – the past – or to concerns about what needs to be done to deal with it – the future – and awareness of being alive is once again forgotten.
Nearly everyone has had the experience of being distracted during moments of joy by a call for attention – the phone, social media, remembrance of something that should have been done yesterday – and then later being upset that they did not fully engage with that never to repeated moment. NOW is when life occurs, and by making the time available daily to be present in the now moment is extremely good for your health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
All of us in the non-physical realms do our utmost to assist you in feeling the Love, which of course envelops you constantly, when you take time out to be at peace. However, many of you tend to get caught up in negative judgmental thoughts about yourselves and your ineffectiveness in establishing quiet times because you keep engaging with the almost constant flow of thoughts through your minds. Initially they will be flowing constantly, and because you have spent years attending to them instantly, thinking that they are who you are, it is difficult for you not to engage with them. Then you remember that you were trying and meaning to be quiet and at peace, and you perhaps berate yourselves for allowing yourselves to be distracted, and tell yourselves that you are no good at it, or that it is just a waste of time.
None of these negative self assessments are in any way valid! When you become aware that you have become lost in your thoughts instead of being at peace in the now moment, thank yourselves for that awareness, and forgive yourselves for being distracted. Doing that will slow or reduce the flow of thoughts because you have removed the need to judge them with further thoughts. As you continue to make time available daily to be quite and to be at peace, and as you continue to thank yourselves when you become aware that your mind has been wandering, and you forgive yourselves for allowing it to happen, you will find that you have increasingly long moments when you are not attending to or engaging with your thought flow. This will bring you a sense of accomplishment, along with the stillness and peace that you have been seeking and are now experiencing, and you will find yourselves making sure not to miss making quiet time daily an essential part of your lives. In fact you may well find that it becomes the most important part of your day, as you find that your daily life is now running far more smoothly and easily, no matter what may arise for you to deal with.
And as you spend your quiet time peacefully disengaged or partially disengaged from your chattering mind, CELEBRATE, because you are at peace, which was your intent when choosing to set time aside daily to be quiet. Of course you will have to return to the world after spending time quietly alone, but now you will find that it is much easier and far less stressful to deal with the issues demanding your focus and attention. You will also find yourselves noticing little things that bring you momentary joy throughout your day, things that previously you were too preoccupied to see. And this will further add to your peace and sense of well being, further encouraging you to CELEBRATE LIFE for its own sake.
To reiterate, life is to be lived for its own sake, and to be alive is the perfect reason to offer thanks to God in gratitude for this most wonderful gift. The perfect time and place to do this is when you enter your quiet time and go within to that holy inner sanctuary where Love resides permanently within you. And as your awareness of the fact that you are infinitely and eternally loved grows ever stronger, CELEBRATE! God’s Will is that you know and experience his eternal Love for you, and knowing this, as deep within yourselves you do, then celebrate your beingness at One with Him.
I love this channeling and totally resonate with Amanda on her Vlog,beautiful channeling of Christ and Mary begins at around 46 minutes mark,it is worth to watch it all.
Jesus via John Smallman: Endless Joy is Your Destination
The crazy world you see around you is not as crazy as it may at first appear, because enormous changes, changes that were decided upon at the moment of your apparent separation from Source, are coming into effect, one after another with great rapidity.
These changes are a major aspect of humanity’s awakening process, and are indications of the enormous progress humanity has made, and is continuing to make in its spiritual evolution.
The craziness has always been present, but because of the choice to be unaware of your true nature – at One with Source – you have been mostly unaware of it. There has always been conflict, suffering, dishonesty, betrayal, and corruption in the human arena, but what is happening now is that it is no longer possible for it to remain hidden.
Modern technology has of course made it possible for all that is not in alignment with Love to increase in magnitude and greatly expand its field of influence. However, it has also made it possible for many more people everywhere to become aware of what is happening, and has been happening for eons, through modern communications systems.
It is now impossible for corrupt or deceitful practices to remain hidden or secret, and they are increasingly being uncovered and brought to the attention of all. This truly is reason to celebrate!
What is seen can be changed. And that is happening all across the world as dictators and their cronies step down or are removed from power, while in so-called democracies the people are rising up and most vociferously demanding change. And change is happening! Do not be upset or depressed by the news of intense suffering, because none of it is new, it is just much more present in your awareness.
Instead, if you can assist physically in relieving it by financial donations, or by visiting areas where assistance is desperately required and by offering your services, then do so. If not, do not judge yourselves as inadequate, thus allowing yourselves to be discouraged by your apparent inability to offer any meaningful assistance to those in desperate need.
Remember that you are all, every single human being without exception, divine beings having a physical experience in form for a reason that is spiritual. You all chose to be incarnate at this point in Earth history in order to assist in humanity’s awakening process, and every single one one of you has a task to fulfill, and which you will fulfill – in fact you are fulfilling it right now in this present moment just by being.
Let go of your doubts, of any sense of worthlessness or inadequacy, because that is just your egos denying that you have a purpose, in a despairing attempt to persuade you not to play your parts in the awakening process, by trying to convince you that either there is no awakening process, that there is only the physical world that you are experiencing as human beings, or that you do not have the necessary skills or abilities, and therefore what you can do or offer is not important or sensational enough!
Your egos have an intense need to be seen and honored, and this arises from your sense of separation and abandonment which occurs as a result of believing yourselves to be alone and insignificant in a vast unfeeling universe. A completely invalid belief that you need to release.
As divine beings you all have an effect on the whole of creation at all times by the energy you express and share. You can indeed be negative and doubtful, or angry and resentful, or bitter and hate-filled. But you incarnated to be loving, and you have limitless ability to be loving in every situation and in every moment, because that is your real and true nature.
When you set the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and reset that intent daily or even hourly, it has an enormous effect way beyond anything you can, with your limited human intellect and awareness, possibly imagine. And before you incarnated you set that intent, knowing how tremendously powerful that intent would be, and also knowing that it was a mighty task that you had set yourselves because you would, as humans, forget your purpose and your true nature, once you had incarnated.
Now, due to the amnesia that being born into human form entails, you have mostly forgotten this, and many of you are allowing your fear-driven egos to guide and direct you, instead of turning inwards to the Love that resides within you always. And of course your egos are extremely good at distracting you from your true purpose by pointing out to you your human inadequacies, and encouraging you to believe that you are small and insignificant beings in a universe that is utterly unaware of you.
If they can keep you in fear then you will accept their guidance and the misdirection that follows from it. When you are experiencing living in fear, anxiety, doubt, or uncertainty, and operating from that state, then that is a very clear indication to you that you are allowing your egos to direct and guide you, and they will always lead you astray.
The resolution is to refuse to accept your egos’ guidance, and to turn inwards to your innate knowingness, your intuition, and act with honesty and integrity, while dismissing the doubts and fears with which your egos present you. You have a saying “Feel the fear but do it anyway.” When you do that you move through the fear to a sense of peace and achievement.
Each time you have to choose between integrity and the ego – fear – the ego will try to persuade you to follow its guidance. And each time you go with integrity the ego becomes weaker, and you find it easier to overcome your fear. You have all, at times, had to deal with fear that seemed overpowering, and yet you went ahead. Even if your efforts were in the end unsuccessful, you nevertheless felt uplifted, even elated because you had defeated your fear.
Now is the time to build on the lessons you have learned while in human form, so embrace the Love within you, and intend in every moment to be channels or conduits through which that Love can flow in abundance to wherever Source deems It to be most needed, where It can have maximum effect for humanity’s awakening.
Know that you are fully supported in this intent by all in the non physical realms, and remind yourselves, whenever doubts or fears arise, that only Love is real, that It is infinitely powerful, and that It always overcomes all obstacles easily because they are unreal.
You are most definitely very firmly established on the path to awakening, because that is every human’s life purpose, and you will not depart from it. Your awakening, as you have been told by so many so frequently, is inevitable because it is divinely ordained.
God’s Will for all that He creates is eternal peace and joy, and because that Will is always achieved that is what you are to awaken to. It was achieved at the moment that separation apparently occurred, and it awaits your choice to be present and once more aware of your unchanging divine nature. The divine Will is never enforced, It just is in every moment, and when you awaken you will recognize It and be filled with endless joy.
Endless joy is your destination, your divine inheritance, it is the state into which you were created, and it is the state into which you are to awaken. Therefore, as I said at the beginning of this message: “Celebrate!” By celebrating you intensify your individual energy fields, which are all permanently connected to the infinite field of divine Love that is All That exists, and you therefore intensify and accelerate the awakening process.
Jesus via John Smallman: Life is Meant to Be Enjoyable for All, and it Can Be
As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed.
Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time.
This is a time of great changes, changes that must be put into effect swiftly and competently, so that the billions living in extreme poverty may be provided with the means to rise out of this intolerable state and live in peace, comfort, and harmony as is the right of every human being without exception.
The means are available, they have just been withheld by those who believe it is their right to control and direct the lives of others in order to maintain living standards of unconscionable luxury for themselves. This insane, self-centered, and egotistical set of behaviors and attitudes, embraced by a tiny minority, is changing and needs to change.
People are no longer willing to submit to the indignity, disrespect, and abject poverty imposed upon them by an elite that is supported by regulatory systems and enforcement agencies that have been created solely for this purpose.
Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be. For this to be so people must come to understand that everyone is connected to everyone else, that there is no separation, and that what anyone does affects everyone else. Every thought, word, and action has an effect beyond the person who has it, it is felt throughout the whole universe.
Nothing is ineffectual, even though the individual effect may not be readily apparent – an ocean is made of many, many inestimable trillions of drops of water all interacting with each other at all times to create the ocean. Nothing is lost, ever. No, not even thoughts, words, or actions that you might wish you had never conceived of or delivered.
That is why it is so important to live in awareness, that way you can intend that every one of your thoughts, words, or actions has only a loving intent, the intent to be for the highest good of all. And when that is your intent it is extremely powerful and effective, so keep on resetting it.
As you have been told so often, so often that it may even be quite irritating to hear it yet again, you are divine beings, and, therefore, you are centers of enormous power. However, most of you have been enculturated to give that power away, and have grown up believing yourselves to be not good enough and not deserving of it. You give it away to those you admire or fear – everyone does this to a greater or lesser extent, because everyone knows people who they admire or fear.
Your awakening process is a process of reclaiming your power, of honoring yourselves as the divine beings that you are, and once more trusting yourselves as the beings of honesty and integrity that you truly are. To believe that you are less than this is to believe something that is blatantly untrue, and that could never be true.
However, your egos are constantly trying to persuade you of your unworthiness, and they are continuously drawing to your attention the errors and mistakes that, as a limited human, you have most definitely made. Errors and mistakes are learning experiences to show you that you need to do something differently, they are not meant to be used as opportunities to judge, blame, and shame you.
When they are used that way, and, as you have all experienced, that occurs very frequently in human societies, they reduce your sense of self, your sense of self-worth, the value of your sense of identity and of your right to exist. Right now, as part of your awakening process, all these myriad forms in which feelings of inadequacy can occur are arising in the awareness of all of humanity to be acknowledged, recognized as utterly invalid, and then released.
Initially this awareness can be quite overwhelming because, although everyone has these feelings, they have for the most part denied or ignored them as they are too painful to deal with, and can mightily distract people from attending to the daily chores that life as a human entails.
So, if you are experiencing these unwelcome feelings and sensations, and very few of you are not, allow them into your awareness, thank them for their service to you, and then release them completely because now they no longer serve you. You know this is true, because in your awakening process you are also realizing that as divine beings, as children of God, that they are completely invalid. Everyone presently incarnate as a human is absolutely doing their best to evolve spiritually and cease being driven by their fear-driven egos.
Oftentimes this does not appear to be the case, but refrain from judging any others negatively, because there is no way that you can possibly know why they are as they are. And everyone of whom you are in any way aware is, therefore, presenting you with lessons that you have chosen to learn.
You do know that operating from fear, as directed by your egos, always leads to conflict, pain, and suffering, because this is one of the great awakening realizations that has occurred to humanity over the last five or six decades. Consequently a powerful and collective intent has been set to avoid making the kind of knee-jerk reactions that your egos so often demand of you, and which so often cause pain to yourselves or to others.
Now the collective has made the decision to resolve all the issues and problems that arise, and which appear to separate you into opposing camps, by engaging in inspiring and provocative discussions. Discussions during which all participants are heard, and where all truly understand that solutions can and will be arrived at that work for everyone, if that is their intent, and I assure you that it is. This is an enormous step forward for mankind.
Nevertheless, as you attend to the mainstream news reports, it can easily seem that things are worsening everywhere. What is actually happening is that “stuff” is arising in many places and in many areas of human endeavor, all at the same time, so that it may be released, and initially this may well appear to be unresolvable. It is presently causing much fear and confusion – which is also part of humanity’s “stuff” – as those involved learn on the job how to deal with it satisfactorily.
You can all enormously help this process along by setting the intent, at least once each day, to be personally loving in every thought, word, and action in which you engage, knowing, as you really do, that this is why you are incarnate at this moment in whatever place you happen to be.
In case you have any doubts about your abilities to do this, I would remind you that indeed you are incarnate right now to assist mightily in humanity’s massive awakening process, by availing of the enormous power within you to extend Love to everyone without judgment or exception.
Do make sure to go within, to your holy inner altar where Love resides at all times, to refresh and renew yourselves frequently for brief periods throughout the day, because the energies being released everywhere can easily exhaust you temporarily. When you go within, intending to be renewed and refreshed, that is what occurs, and as a result you become increasingly effective as you continue to assist most powerfully in the awakening process.
Know that you are all highly honored for undertaking the task of assisting in this process. You knew you were fully capable of carrying it to fruition when you made the choice to incarnate at this point in human history, but it is frequently very difficult for you to access this knowing.
That is why it is absolutely essential that you go within daily to receive spiritual fortification and loving encouragement which you can feel flowing into and through you. Congratulations on your wondrous and most effective efforts, you are achieving what you set out to do, so all honor to you.
A new dawn is about to happen in your planet and with it the most marvelous brightness of the light will be seen by your eyes. This experience is going to be monumentally enormous and overwhelming for all because you have never seen such spectacle of light, love and brightness; The new earth all dressed up with all her glory and splendor.
Dear brothers and sisters we tell you that you are ready to live such experience along with us. It is really a moment that we have waited for a long time and my heart is jumping with joy. Brothers and sisters finally the moment has arrived, finally we will all see each other again, hug each other and cry, laugh and sing with joy.
Finally my beloved Gaia has been set free and therefore my brethren your light eyes shall be opened so that you may see us next to you, next to you where we always have been, where Mother/Father have never stopped vigil over your dreams and caring for you with all their love.
The time is now, the eras clock will stop so marking the end of the 5th era of the 5th race that has been in this planet and with it the marking the beginning of the new era, the 6th, the Golden Era of light and love. The era of the Gods, the era of the Revelation, the era of the Light of Knowledge, the era of the embodied Christs that accomplished their mission and now are coming home with us.
Dear brethren I am Yeshu’a, I am here with you my heart galloping in my chest with the emotion I am feeling to be able to see you all, welcome you with open arms and honor you for your valor and courage of never giving up. You make me proud of all and each of you and I feel honored to be your brother, I know you all feel the same.
We are entering the last stage of this great ending and now is where I ask you to please keep your calm and trust in yourselves. You are ready, more than ready to face this last step. But is of the upmost importance to keep calm amid the things that may arise this last days of this era. There has been other era endings but none as this one and that is why I am communicating with all of you my beloved light workers.
You must stay in high frequencies so you can receive our instructions clearly to what we will need you to do. Everything is being overseen 100% the 24 hours of your days and we have total control of everything, the only thing we ask you is that you do not disconnect your selves as only YOU your selves could do that.
Be in peace and confident that we will help you through this. First, all of you will be coming to the light and once you are with us we will be able to talk and talk, sing, laugh and clear all your doubts so that we can plan the next step together as the great team that we are. Only that this time we will come down with you in your own vehicle/body as one, totally completely joined and in communion to help all our little ones that still are a sleep in the illusion.
I just wanted to share this moment we are living in our ship the “New Jerusalem” at this now and tell you that we are ready to act as soon as the eras clock stops in a few days.
I am Yeshu’a Ben Joseph best known as Jesus the Christ and I tell you my beloved brethren that ALL IS FINISHED, the light has arrived to this beautiful planet and Mother/Father’s blessings are pouring in over abundance unto you.
With all my love and light
I am Jesus
Message channeled by Sion – Victory to the Light!!!
The messages posted on www.sananda.websitecan freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.
Hello dear children, this is your Mother God speaking. I enwrap you in my warm embrace in this moment of peace, of connection. Feel my loving arms around you and lay your burdens, your worries, your fears aside. Let us start a new day together with lighter shoulders for you were not meant to carry the weight of the world, you were meant to simply transmute and walk with me. There is a difference. Many of you feel you are carrying the weight of the world and are feeling almost crushed by it. This isn’t necessary, children. Martyrdom is something that you are used to feeling, embodying, reliving. This is not the lifetime for that. You have been there and done that in many ways already. No, this is the lifetime to fly, to find your wings of eternal love again, the angel previously trapped inside you, and fly home to me. Fly home to me my children of love, of grace, of pure Christ consciousness. It is your destiny. In many ways reading these words and others, you are already doing it for when you think of me, you are already home, for your realize, or begin to, that home is inside you. And when you realize this you are home, for I am within you. You are a microcosm of the whole. Line up your chakras and give them a good shake, a good wake up and cleaning. Allow me to infuse you with yet more love. Become a river of love, of light. Become all that you already are. I see you as my divine children who are warriors, but yes, you will always be my precious children.
Crawl up into my lap now and let me sing you a lullaby of pure peace. Feel the inner stars of your dreams light up within you, sparkling, bright, singing yet another melody of love, of hope, of divine purpose within you. Your codes are sparkling now, coming online. Your DNA spins and twists like divine strands of diamonds. You are my greatest treasure. Together, you, with us the COH, have come so far. For you see, we have all evolved a bit in this process, and we are all learning from this vast interchange of experience, of renewal of ascension within the physical. And so children no wonder you are tired! You have every reason to be. Many of you are working nightly in your dreams after a long day of hard toil. You never stop loving, pushing, thriving, being, and this gives me great joy! You are my great joy! You are my dream realized. The nightmare is over now on the earth plane. It is time for pleasant happy dreams, memories, visions, hopes, to be created with great joy and sheer will. I believe Sananda wishes to say a few words. I do so love you, children. I am your mother God and you are my precious children, my greatest treasure. Open your hearts wide to me and let us become one in this space now, this space of meditation that you carry with you throughout your day, a day that is best renewed by chatting with me through it. I love hearing how you are doing through the day. I am always here for you children. I am you, remember? We are one, darling. Remember home is within your heart-space. It never left you. I breathe my peace upon your crown. Feel the sparkling rose petals of grace and beauty cascade around you in a vortex of light. See the butterflies from the heavens spin and fly all around you, further rencodements to unlock. I am your Mother God. Be at peace and rest in me. I am always with you.
Hello Friends! I am your Sananda! I look at you ground team with wonderment and eyes full of love. I see the universe within your eyes, I see the Creator looking back at me when I see your bright faces. We have done it friends! Mission Ascension Gaia has been a tremendous success, much more arduous than anticipated and true, we are not quite over yet, but friends we are soooooo close! And of course this brings tremendous excitement up in the skies, on the ground, in the ground. The whole universe is watching this little corner of space, where there has been so much pain and suffering, explode into light! Aha! The Christ consciousness seeds that I sowed within the hearts of humanity have grown deep roots, up into strong trees whose branches reach up to the heavens with strong purpose. Your (light-worker) roots have long been interconnected with one another. It is time friends to find these connections, these roots and realize that your branches have been touching the other light-workers the whole time.
Mother has spoken. It is time for these reconnections to resurface and to be made plain to you. You all see new manifestations of interconnection within the light-worker realm. New groups, teams, relationships blossom on the branches of the Christed consciousness. Roots reach deeply into the heart of Gaia’s planetary core. They have traveled such that Gaia herself is morphing into crystalline, in fact she is really just waiting for you and for humanity to catch up so that the least amount of damage is done. She is such a caring mother, always looking out for her children. It is time that her children look out for her. It is our hopes that these new light-worker teams will roll up their sleeves a bit more and tangibly assist her with cleaning her up. Picking up trash, forming associations to change environmental laws – there are many things that need to be done. But know that we will help you, however it must be instigated by you, as the New Gaians that you are, for she is your current home planet. Many of you are and have been longing for home. Perhaps when the energies continue to rise a bit you will realize that you have been home the whole time. You have had many many lives in many many planetary systems. The universe is your home. Mother and Father God are your home. We the COH are your home. For we are all one. Let that sink in a bit. Perhaps the loneliness is more of your imagination run wild? It is time to understand, to feel, to breath in this connection of wholeness. You are whole. We are with you. You are home, just having a new experience in a new body, but your spirit is home, for it is still a connection to your higher self, your oversoul, your galactic and spiritual family. Rest in this and be at peace. These times of meditation and quiet are so tremendously important. In the breath we find this connection, we feel this closeness. In the breath you connect with the divine within you, to all of us, to your deepest self. Find comfort in this friends, knowing that you are so tremendously supported, loved, valued for your contribution to this tremendous project and treasured for the beings that you are.
I am your Sananda. I see Gaia glowing brighter hourly. You will see some shakeups, which is good. As change swirls all around you know that we are in the calm of the storm in your innermost heart space, with you, walking with you, holding the light and the line with you, being fortified with this promise that the great change is here, is coming, is all around you.
I am your Sananda. Yes, the great flash is coming, the great love wave in many ways is already here. See, we are together! The increasing energies will only bring more union and reunion. Seek out the other light workers. Form alliances against the dark and fortify your lives with further connection of friendship with others of the light. It is time to stand strong together and find joy in each other’s light. But never forget to cultivate your own inner light with daily prayer and meditation, daily self care and love yourselves as we do so love you. I am your Sananda. If you’re wanting a news report I would say “The Light has Won on planet Gaia; ground team of the ages partners with previously unseen COH who is now made fully visible with divine friendships. New alliances form, further fortifying the light. The dark flees, the light surrounds.” I am always with you. Call upon me anytime. I am your friend, Sananda.
We are ALL. That is: all sentient life is one Consciousness that is infinitely aware and all-knowing in every moment. However, since the apparent separation occurred, those in human form have lost this awareness of the one Consciousness which is who they truly are in every moment of their existence. This is what separation is about – loss of knowingwho you are. Every sentient being is permanently and inseparably connected to and one with Source, and no other state is remotely possible!
All can access this knowing by allowing it into their awareness. Nothing else is required. However, part of experiencing the unreal state of separation involves focusing solelyon your human form which carries a label,the name given to you by your parents when you were born, and believingthis to be your true identity. This is notwho you are! But, because you have been addressed by this label or name for as long as you can remember, it appearsto be your true identity, and when people use it to address you, you have been conditioned to respond to it automatically.
By going within to meditate, relax, contemplate, or reflect – and, as you well know if you have been following these messages regularly, I keep on reminding you that you do needto do this daily – you quieten the endless flow of thoughts through your mind sufficiently to enable you to become awareof the space between thoughts, and therefore, aware that you are not your thoughts but that you are the awareness that is awareof those thoughts, and of your body, and of all the physical sensory perceptions with which your body provides you.
When that awareness arises into your consciousness, as the distractions of the input with which your bodies constantly supply youare quietened, or even completely silenced, the vastnessof who you truly are becomes strikingly apparent. When that first occurs it can be stunning! Or it may come about gently over a period of time, as you learn ever more effectively to release or not cling to the identity that your name – attached as a label to your human form – provides, in the misleading belief that it is the totality of who you are. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Who you are contains allthat exists, from the smallest particles to the multiverse. That obviously sounds impossible, but that is only because your perception of who you are is enormously limited. There is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God, and You are that! Source is creating from Itself, with Itself, like unto Itself, eternally. Creation is ongoing, unceasing, and, therefore, so are you. There is no separation,there is onlythe One. You all get intimations of this from time to time when you sense or intuit something that there is no way you could have known from the information available to you through your physical human form. That is Oneness at work, as It always is, with you having temporary awareness of It. You truly are far, far greater than anything of which you, as a human, severely limited by your human form, could possible conceive.
Your awakening, the collectiveawakening of humanity, is nothing but your return to full awareness of who you are, and, as such, it will be a mind-blowing experience that will dissolve all your doubts, fears, and suffering in an instant. Over the eons a few have enjoyed this experience and have reported on it to those who would listen, consequently there is a large amount of significantly pertinent information available to those who wish to know more, especially since modern communications technology has made so much information on myriad subjects easily accessible to all who choose to seek it out.
But of course reading about the experiences of others, while helpful and interesting, is rather like having the flavor of ice-cream described, because it is basically meaningless until you taste it for yourselves. You have to experience awakening for yourselves, individually. And that is a paradox because, as One, you are All. Nevertheless, the awakening will be experienced by each individual with each also being aware of and knowing the experience of All. Thus all will be in joy because all will knowthat all are awake.
At present you can have no idea of what to expect, apart from having been told that it will absolutely blow your minds. Therefore, let go ofall expectations,because noneof them will in anyway prepare you for the wonders that are about to envelop you. Fully conscious awareness of who you truly are will bring you infinite and eternal joy. That is the divine Will for you, it always has been, and it is also your will, therefore it is inevitable.
This awakening has been divinely planned since the moment that the thought of separation occurred, placing humanity into an unreal or dream-like state that has left it confused and fear-filled ever since. What you think of or consider your history is but a selection of memories of your ongoing dreams and nightmares which have convinced you of the reality of the state of separation that you are seemingly experiencing. This conviction or belief strongly encourages you to focus on it because, through your human bodies, you doexperience physical sensations that can be pleasurable or painful, and because your human bodies are so vulnerable to illness and damage, you live with almost constant anxiety about adequately maintaining them due to their need for regular food and shelter. They are both a responsibility and a gift, and they demand inordinate amounts of your energy and attention to keep them operating smoothly and efficiently.
Since the industrial revolution more and more humans have been given the opportunity to live with their basic survival needs easily available, giving them the time and the opportunity to contemplate the meaning of life. Not too many initially used this opportunity to their advantage, choosing instead to spend their lives seeking pleasure and satisfaction outside themselves, from others and from material things. This was unfortunate because you already had everythingyou needed within the energy field, the life force, the field of Love that ensures your eternal existence.
However, within the last few decades, more and more people have finally chosen to engage in contemplation about the meaning of life, and have communicated on the subject with other like-minded individuals. This started your awakening process, or rather, more powerfully strengthened your collective motivation and intent to awaken. The tipping point has been reached, and there are now enough people holding that intent, and holding the intent to be loving whatever arises, to ensure that your awakening process will rapidly come to completion, just as divinely planned. So, as you have been told a number of times already: CELEBRATE!
Celebrating intensifies your energy fields by flooding them with enthusiasm for life, and when you are filled with that enthusiasm it becomes increasingly difficult to remain asleep, unconscious, lost in the unreal world of dreams. Truly, humanity isawakening.
Dear Heart, yes, it is I, your Sananda. I Am Sananda. I have come to be with you tonight for yes, it is a very special occasion; one that we have waited for a long time to come to pass. My meaning here is not just you and I dear heart, but ALL of us, as you have imagined. I was with you during your divine meditation where you called on all of us together to send our love intentions into the full moon and to declare our wish for the New Golden Age to start! These visions and intentions are very powerful and the more of you that declare them the better. I am watching over your Gaia tonight, watching all the groups of Lightworkers working together to bring in this new Golden Age. Their hearts are pure and FULL OF LOVE as they see and declare their visions for the well being of Gaia and all her peoples. My heart is full of love as I watch all of you step into your Mastery. You are Masters and have come here to perform great acts, greater than those which I performed during my lifetime as Jesus. I dare say that I have taught you all well (laughs), but I cannot take credit for all your great works, dear hearts. You are Masters unto yourselves and have worked very hard to get here tonight. You all deserve the highest accolades and praises which I now bestow upon you from all of us in the Kingdom of Heaven and beyond. All your Galactic family are watching too as you shine your Lights, clean and clear tonight, dear Angels. We are also grateful for YOU ALL, for the work you are doing, the struggles that you have sailed through to get here…now. Soak in our love and praises dear hearts for you deserve them and they will serve to lift you up! We are “almost home” as you say. Your out-pouring of love on this night is great and has ever tipped the scales in the favor of love to where there is no doubt that love has won, dear hearts!!! This one just remembered that we have said this before and is trying to remember when that was. Yes, indeed it has happened before although we won’t say where or when! You see, dear Lightworkers, you have done this many times before, on different worlds. You all work together tirelessly to bring up, raise up dark worlds back to the Light. That is your Service and you do it so very well under great odds and stresses and strains. You are all one in a billion and oh so rare as you declare your Service to the One Creator. Relax and rest tonight dear hearts. See your efforts manifest quickly for that is what you are doing tonight. You are declaring what you want your world to become. This spiritual work is vital and you are so very valued as our Lightworker ‘boots on the ground’ as we say. We are all a great team and could not do this extraordinary feat without the other. This is the JOY of ONEness that we bring. The never-ending JOY of working together on a large project where we live and breathe in service; we delight in this!! There is no greater JOY than working together like this, and we know you all understand. Once again, we ask that you all watch as your visions for this beautiful blue planet you call Gaia unfold in Divine splendor. Your visions will manifest, dear hearts!! This I can tell you now and it is why I have come to speak to you tonight. We are over-joyed as we watch from our ships. We watch and we feel your love! Be in peace and joy as you rest tonight, dear hearts. Know that you have accomplished your missions!! You have, and you have all done a fantastic job. A new day is dawning, one where you will continue to work together to bring into alignment and reality your joined visions of the future which you would like to create. You will manifest it together, dear hearts. Just like you did tonight. I am over-joyed…over the moon!! I am your Sananda. I leave you with my love and gratitude. * * * * Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin
As you are well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world both within humanity, and within the planet herself and all the life forms she so willingly supports. This is a time of great change that has been divinely planned for eons, it is indeed very stressful for all, however, it is a necessary part of humanity’s awakening process.
Taking time out at least once daily, to relax your physical bodies and then quieten your minds, is an essential requirement as you all struggle to release emotional/psychological stuff within yourselves individually, and within the human collective, that you have denied or buried in order to avoid the pain of dealing with it. It has to be seen and released. Do not engage with it or attempt to analyze its purpose or its source. Instead observe it, thank it for rising into your awareness to show you that it needs to be released. Then all the bitterness, resentment, anger, and judgment that has plagued humanity for so long – as your own egos have attempted to blame others for the pain and suffering that they have caused you – can just fall away and dissolve into the nothingness from which they arose.
All sentient life is One with Source, there is no separation! The apparent separationthat humans experience is but a trick of the ego. Your egos were originally provided to assist you in operating and directing your human bodies while you chose to experience form, physicality, the material environment, temporarily. Wise ones, who have awakened from the dream that is the material world, and who have realized that they are not their bodies, but are, in fact, spiritual beings having a temporary bodily experience, in that awakened state become aware that there is only One, Source, Mother/Father/God. In that awareness they can clearly see that It has chosen to experience Itself in myriad forms because doing so offers It experiences that are not available to It as One vast and infinite field of pure Consciousness. And so they return to full awareness that there is only One,and that each and every sentient being, including each human, is the Oneexpressing and experiencing itself in myriad different ways.
However, because in human form, in the earthly environment, physical bodies are vulnerable to many forms of pain and disease, the ego was provided to be fully aware of the physical environment in which your human forms had their existence so that you could quickly and easily move away from areas or situations that were dangerous or threatening. Over the eons, and through many human incarnations, your egos forgot that they were all part of the one, and, as seemingly separate entities, began to compete with each other for what seemed like limited resources, which led to conflict, pain, suffering, and fear. In fact fear became the major motivation driving humanity, it became a seemingly essential aspect of your nature in order to help you survive.
But fear was only intended as a momentary wake-up call, to get your immediate attention so that you would move quickly away from danger. All sentient life has a fear sensor, but only humanity makes it a long-term focus of their attention, thus draining their energy and motivation, as they consider myriad possibilities of events or circumstances that could cause them pain or suffering – myriad possibilities which, for the most part, will never arise, or are at least extremely unlikely to do so.
Fear is meant to be a momentary experience leading to instant and appropriate action, it is not meant to be a constant presence distracting you from the joy of being alive. If this is how you are experiencing it then you need to become aware of precisely what it is that is causing you to be constantly fearful, and then stand back from it, become aware and understand that it does not require immediate preventive action to ensure your physical survival, and then let it go. By doing this you teach the part of you that is in fear to realize that there is no immediate threat, thus massively reducing the sensation of fear that has effectively been immobilizing you. Focus your awareness on the fact that in this moment there is nothingto fear, accept the truth of that, and then move forward enjoying the mystery and wonder that is your life.
You know, deep within yourselves, that all is divinely taken care of because you are One with Source, that you and Source are One and that no harm can come to You. Yes, your body or the bodies of loved ones can be damaged, but You are not your bodies, you knowthat you are eternal beings fully capable of living in joy in every moment of your existence, and that anything that causes you pain or suffering as a human cannot and will not last. Just being aware of this divine truth will enormously reduce any sense of pain or suffering that you are undergoing.
Every day on waking set the intent to be only loving whatever arises, then, during the day, if you feel that you are under attack, do not engage by defending yourself, just silently send love to the one who seems to be attacking you, and move away. If you do this you will find yourself moving into a state of peace and acceptance, instead of continuing to suffer inner turmoil. Remember, that anyone who attacks is in intense pain – there is never any other reason to attack someone – and in truth, an attack is but a desperate call for Love. Therefore always respond lovingly – even if only silently and discretely – knowing that your response is alwayseffective even if you cannot see any positive results.
As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing,even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.
Truly, your awakening is to be an absolutely amazing and exhilarating event. Nothing like it has ever before occurred on Planet Earth. The vast majority of humans on Earth at present, even those who are spiritually inclined and are holding the intent to live loving and compassionate lives, have no idea that an awakening of such enormous significance is shortly to uplift them into a state of joyful astonishment. And even those who have been consciously working for it as light-workers, star-seeds, spiritual teachers, and way-showers for most of their lives, have lingering doubts and anxieties about the validity of the divine promise that humanity’s awakening is to occur “very soon.” They want it, and deep within themselves they know it will come about, and yetthey doubt. And their doubts are sometimes strengthened by their conversations with others who are also waiting expectantly.
The word “soon” has been mightily overused during the last couple of decades in order to encourage people to trust that it is about to happen, and because, there being no time as such, it has in fact already happened. Therefore, for all of you living within the limitations of physical form and linear time, and although you continue to remain unaware of it, it is a done deal that has already occurred! Nevertheless, the persistent use of that word has at times caused anger and resentment to arise.And this is, of course, because it seemsthat the awakening is no nearer than it was maybe thirty years ago, and it most certainly has not happened for humanity in form. But enormous progress has occurred during the last thirty years, purely because those of you working so diligently to bring it to fruition have neverceased to hold and maintain the intent to bring it on.
So, although the word “soon” has been much overused to motivate you and ensure that everything unfolds as divinely planned, it has been most effective,and your awakening is preciselywhat is happening now! The news of economic, political, and geophysical events unfolding, and that are disturbing and upsetting so many, is a clear sign for you all of the incredible changes that are occurring, changes that needto occur in order for you to surrender to the Will of Love, of Source, of Mother/Father/God, as you realize that your human intelligence lacks the wisdom and ability to resolve the issues that seemingly threaten to bring you to a state of self-destruction, in which you also further severely damage Planet Earth. Issues that have arisen purely because of that ineptitude, and because of humanity’s fear-driven egoic self-centeredness, and which you have been attempting to solve through the eons-old game of “blame and shame” which has always led to conflict, and neverto lasting resolution.
The light of pure unconditional Love, that so many have been demonstrating, and which the ongoing flow of the Tsunami of Love has intensified, is dispelling the darkness in many places, while brieflyintensifying it in a few areas where it is being gathered up for final dissolution. There is only Love/Light/Source/God/ Consciousness/Reality, and all that is not in alignment with this is unreal and will not last, and cannot last. Love, Reality is, to use an analogy, like the sky, permanently there always, and without interruption, and the darkness is like storm clouds that hide it briefly until the storm blows itself out. Storms are like the disagreements or conflicts between individuals, groups of people, or, on a larger scale, nations. Sometimes they are small and minor, and sometimes they are enormously powerful and destructive. But they never last, they pass. The sky, like Reality is always there, and it is against the backdrop of the sky that storms arise, intensify, and then dissipate.
The illusory game in which you are currently all engaged will dissipate when you awaken, and you will find yourselves under sunny skies, shining brilliantly upon you and your environment, and amplifying the beautiful colors of the heavenly environment into which you find that you have awoken.
You all chose to be here now to assist in this wonderful process, and you all have all the support and all the tools that you need to do so. You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms who are, in every moment, available to provide you with the guidance and energy you need in each moment as it arises. All that you have to do is to acceptwhatever arises. Because whatever arises has already arisenwhen you become aware of it, there is no point in regretting it, or attempting to undo it. You can only move forward by dealing with it, without anger or negative judgment, which only distract you from what you need to do in the moment, even sometimes persuading you notto do what needs to be done.
So, to strengthen your sense of purpose to assist in humanity’s awakening process in whatever way you have chosen to assist – you all chose,prior to incarnating, the way in which you could best assist in this most wonderful process – make sure to go within regularly to realign with your real Self. And you strengthen that sense of purpose to continue with your holy task by means of your daily, or more frequent visits to your inner sanctuary where you can relax into the Love residing there permanently, and actuallyfeelthe Love as it embraces you when you allow It to. It is the strength, the power, the infinite field of energy that flows through you in every moment, unless you block it by allowing yourselves to be distracted by fear, the weak negative energy which can only very slightly divert you from the path of Love you have chosen to follow.
And remember: Call on me! I am always available and always answer those who call on me. I love you to call on me and I love to support you because you are all my beloved sisters and brothers. Let go of any and every sense of unworthiness that might arise when you think of calling on me, because I am there for everyone of you, and I can assure you that no oneis unworthy. You are alldivine beings created in the perfect likeness of our heavenly Father, so unworthiness is utterly impossible.
Wishing you all a most glorious Christmas celebration, your loving and devoted brother, Jesus.
‘there won’t be any cataclysmic events happening.Gaia,She has no desire to create devastation-cleasning,yes;devastation no.This transformation is not about oceans overtaking land mass.There has been drift of the axis of about 3 degrees over the last 25-30 years.That shifts affects what you tend to think of as changing weather patterns.The shift goes south by southwest.It is very marginal.That shift is not an axis or a pole shift:that will not take place.There are not times of darkness.There are not times of shortages.Your electrical grids will be recharged.’This trasformation is about Unity,about building a community of Love” The Jesus Book,Messages for the 21st Century by Linda Dillon-page 277-278.
This is a text taken from The Jesus Book: Messages for the 21st Century by Linda Dillon that i am reading right now and i invite you wholeheartedly to run and buy for even smoother Ascension and pleasure and Enjoyment and Pure Bliss and in receiving confirmation again and again that You are Love,You are Loved and You are Lovable.
”The Ascension Process I did not come to walk alone. I did not come to be in the desert—only now and then—when I needed to struggle with my own demons and didn’t wish to burden you. We do this together. What do I mean by “this”? I wish to use the word “ascension” because it is a word, and an understanding, that we have talked about before. It is
the shifting of realities; it is that interdimensional shift with the presence of your physical form. It is the raising up of vibration, which you have already been doing. You have been penetrated by the increased frequencies for the last twenty-five years, but there has been an increase in intensity in the last year. It is in the holding of that vibration of love that you simply get lift-off.”
I AM SANANDA and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth at this time. This message is to be short and sweet as you say. For I AM busy celebrating with your Brethren, with your Ascended Masters, Angels, Company of Heaven, Galactic Family, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and your Inner Earth Brethren who are awake and aware. We are all celebrating the coming of the New Age, the New Golden Age which has in fact started already!
You may or may not be aware, dear Ones but this is true. There have been many events behind the scenes which have triggered your final jump into the New Golden Age and you all will receive this news through channels with which you are familiar very soon.
What does this mean, you ask? Well, it does mean that your planet and all her peoples have ascended into the next stage of your development. You have broken free from your slavery! The grand experiment that we have all been working on for ages and ages has finally and truly been successful in earnest. Peace has been claimed. Governments have acquiesced. They have finally bowed down to let their people be free and in your terms, have abided by the new GESARA laws to enable all Earth’s peoples to be FREE!!!! After much resistance for many years from many governments, this is the happiest news we have had in awhile.
Lastly, your blessing of the RV is at your doorstep once again, dear hearts. We know it has been an over and over situation for you; hearing it is coming and yet does not show up when promised. We understand and know how you feel. You have the saying “cry wolf” from an old fable. So, for your sake we will not give dates and times and promises, but just to let you know that it IS still coming and is at your door ready to knock or ring your bell.
Many other glorious events are timed in with your RV, dear hearts; including Mother’s Tsunami of Love/the Event which you are all waiting for as well. As Mother God told this One previously, she has timed her Love Wave perfectly and we would not wish to spoil this surprise.
So, there are many things to be grateful for at this time, do you see? Your official start of the New Golden Age where all man & womankind will be FREE to pursue their highest dreams, the RV so the Lightworkers of the World can start their humanitarian projects to help those in need; Mother’s Love Wave; GESARA; visits from your Galactic Family; the return of your Mentors and many other wonders that you haven’t even heard of yet!!
Be grateful and accept these upcoming blessings into your hearts, Dear Ones for they are all on their way! You will be delighted beyond your wildest imagination—and we know you have imagined a great deal!!
You are blessed. You are loved beyond measure. I AM SANANDA and I wish you all to feel these many blessings coming, to feel the Love of your Mother and Father God who have given life to us all. I am grateful for all of you who have joined us in this grand experience. Thank you for your service, support and love. We will be together soon. Namaste.
Beloved friends,It is time for all of you to remember who you are. Remember from whence you came. Remember the reason why you are here, in a time line when Earth and most of her inhabitants are ascending. The process of remembering all of this will serve to help you plot a course to your destination. Not only that, it will also help you to become that which you so deeply desired – to achieve the state of complete oneness with your Divine Christ-Self; oneness with God. Your remembrances will lead you to a place of inner knowing and understanding.However, those of you who have been following our messages here regularly belong to a group of souls who have long walked past those 3 initial stages of awakening.In fact, most of you here already knew that you had long ago, arrived at the: ‘Becoming’ phase, and then continued on to the final leg of this ascension journey towards your ultimate goal. Towards the finish line where you can be your Higher Self 24/7, no matter what is going on around you.Today I am here to announce to everyone that it is way past time for all of you to finally graduate with flying colors! Recognize dear friends, that you are in fact no longer students – diligently studying, learning and absorbing all the know-hows under the guidance and tutelage of those you had collectively labeled as Ascended Masters, such as myself.It is time for all of you to look down, behind and around you. Truly open your eyes wide to see and face the truth. Through the law of synchronicity, most of you here(who are energetically aligned with the vibrations of this particular channeled message and thus are right now: reading/listening to this) have actually crossed the Finish Linewithout even consciously knowing that it has recently occurred!Congratulations beloved Masters! You have finally reached the Mountaintop, the Summit where your dream of complete union and integration with God/Higher Self has always been located.I know that there are some of you here shaking your heads, not fully believing this. You find it very challenging to believe that you have truly completed this integration process with Higher Self. If you find yourself belonging to this group, this is my message for you:”Your belief will act as the gateway, as the key that opens the door for your life to then truly take off from this point onward. Your disbelief, on the other hand, will: delay the manifestation of your goals, make your vibrations to remain so easily influenced by the people/the world around you, and, keep you from accessing the immense powers your Soul has. Knowing this, what will you choose to do now dear friends?”For the past 2 months, ever since her last channeled message on September 7th, Adele had been steadily guided to reach this deep realization, by all of us here in the higher dimensions who love her dearly. The breakthrough she experienced and shared with all of you in her last message by Father God, was actually her reaching the Summit, the Mountaintop, i.e. the destination she had been longing to go to, in many of her past lives. She and many of you here reading this now, have succeeded!To her consternation, she has recently realized that for the past 2 months after reaching her destination, all she had been doing was admiring the views. Enjoying the permeating bliss, love, joy and peace that can only be found at the Summit. And believe me when I say that this is actually an integral process of your Ascension journey. It is important that all of you recognize and acknowledge that deep within you, there are infinite amounts of courage, strength, endurance, perseverance and endless bravery that had successfully brought you here!We have a lot of admiration and respect for you, old souls. You have done what you had originally set out to do, by never giving up.
The ‘here’ is where most of you are now standing tall today. At the Summit where you now have the freedom: to be with God; to declare your magnificence and act as a powerful Light-Being who is always ‘One with God’, and not having to feel afraid that you are going to be persecuted by the world for it – which had been the ongoing theme for many of your past-life experiences before.Back then in those lifetimes, it was often considered blasphemous and dangerous for your physical safety, to believe that, or let alone act as if, the Divine is within you. If you had deviated a little, or a lot, off of the beaten path your religions or the ruling class wanted you to stay on, you would be punished for it. Almost every time you let your Divine Light to shine, many stopped you in your tracks.However, instead of giving up, you had all continued to incarnate here on Earth again and again; equipped only with sheer will and a powerful belief that one day, everything will change. One day, Earth will once again be the paradise she was first created to be. One day, you can display your Divinity, your Mastery and shine brightly with the light of our Creator, and not get in trouble for it!Well my friends, that day has now arrived. You are finally here to see and enjoy it.So please do not feel guilty for taking this much needed time out – all is well. There is no right or wrong here. Rest, and take as little or as much time as you need, to process, integrate and even admire the completed picture of the jigsaw puzzle, or the Master Plan, your Higher Self had created for you all when you first began your physical adventures here on Planet Earth.The path to get to where Adele is today, had been a long, winding road that was often difficult, exhausting, and sometimes even impossibly challenging in every way. And we are not talking about just her current lifetime, but also all of her past lifetimes combined. In order to play the role she is now currently playing, she needed to first play thousands of different roles and accumulate many soul growth lessons coming from those lifetimes. And that is also the truth for all of you, old souls, reading this today. The who you are today, is only possible because of THE SUM OF ALL whom you had been in the past.Once you are done admiring the views; when you are ready to move forward in your ascension journey, your next step is to take the time and look around where you are. Not far behind you, there is a majestic gate that will take you to the ‘Promised Land’.
For thousands of years, humanity had been addicted to too much drama. Various 3-D themes such as: fear, suffering, anger, violence, war, diseases, scarcity/lack/poverty, racial discrimination, greed, different class systems, power over others – you had played these ‘songs of sadness’ over and over again. Q1: Are you truly ready to let all of these go? A lot of people reading this will instantly say “Of course Sananda! YES! Without a doubt! Not sure why you have to ask us this question, again and again, over several different channeled messages. I have been ready quite awhile ago. Didn’t you get the memo?”I am here to tell you dear friends, there is a big gap between ‘saying that you are ready’ and ‘truly being ready’. Letting go of your ego & fear-oriented self, can be the hardest thing you have been asked to do. However, letting go, is the ONLY way you can successfully ascend to 5-D.The famous song below is very much Divinely-inspired; the lyrics perfectly described the Ascension journey of a Soul who is ready to walk past the gates of heaven, and finally embrace Mastery over Life.
You only need to observe your actions, daily habits, patterns of behaviors, your predominant thoughts/words/vibrations, to get to the bottom of your truth. I know every single one of you here reading/listening to this channeled message. I know your True Readiness Level. Humanity’s addiction to dramas are very much evident in your daily news. Perhaps you don’t even have to turn on your TV to see proof of this everywhere. Look carefully at the state of your life/work. There maybe people around you who can not stand living in peace. They often loved to create drama and tension, to ‘spice up’ their lives, or to bring more attention to themselves. A peaceful life is perhaps equivalent to a boring life to them.Are you one of them, loved one? Do you still indulge in behaviors such as: gossiping about others, complaining about anything (e.g. lack of money, the state of your health) and forgetting how powerful you are, consuming low-vibrational foods/drinks that are not aligned with who you truly are, indulging in addictions of all kinds (that distract you from moving forward), etc.This is definitely not about us being judgmental my friends. If you wish to continue to do all or some of the above, then by all means, do not let us stop you. Your free will is always respected here. We are simply questioning your dedication and commitment levels to your Ascension goals. If you have said that you are ready, then show it to us!We are once again, simply reminding you, that you must do your best to stay in constant and complete alignment with the frequencies of your Higher Self. Simply stay vigilant of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions – i.e. your vibrations.Your Higher Self always looks at this world and humanity with loving eyes full of compassion; always radiates Love, Peace & Harmony, Joy and Abundance. So if ever your thoughts/words/feelings/actions do not represent one of these 5 Divine Frequencies of God, then you know, you must be out of alignment. As soon as you realize that this is happening, take the time to rectify this immediately. This place of constant Discernment: deciding which is the Truth or, Illusion; deciding to react or not to react; deciding to change course or not to change course – is exactly the path where a Master walks upon. A Master is never reactiveto people or worldly events – she is always in control. A Master is always able to see the bigger picture in anything and not let anything affect his equilibrium/vibrations. A Master also knows how to use her powerful tools of Creation wisely and never wastes time in a thought, a word, a feeling, or an action, that does not reflect who she truly is. A master never conforms to the opinion/decision of the world and the people around him, unless he has discerned that it is for everyone’s Higher Good to do so.A Master has access to Higher, multidimensional information coming from the Divine – she has a bird’s eye view/perspective to all things that are happening around her, and will utilize such Wisdom for the greater good of all. A Master knows, beyond any doubt, that he is fully responsible for everything that occurs in his life. A Master walks confidently upon uncharted territory (that represents her 5-D life from now on – a path she has never before walked on Earth), and never falters nor feels afraid. The Master (just like in one of the photos displayed above), will simply open a map; activate the ‘GPS’ that is within her heart, to plot a course to where she wants to go!Q2: Are you ready, loved one, to reach this level of Mastery? This is in fact the last question your Higher Self will ask you, before you can walk past the gate. You consciously choosing to walk past the gate, and enter the higher dimensions, is tantamount to you making the following declaration to the Universe, and to all of us here in the higher realms who are always listening/observing.‘I AM DEFINITELY READY, to once again be the powerful Creator that I know I am. Bring it on!’ After making such a powerful declaration, the Universe will obey and respond to your thoughts, words, feelings and actions at a much greater speed from now on. You will soon find that your thoughts and words (both positive/negative) will be manifested in your physical reality faster; often seemingly at the speed of light, through the power of synchronicity.
And then what do you think will happen next (in this meditation exercise that we would highly recommend for you to do – only if you feel as though you have reached the Mountaintop/Summit), as soon as you walk past the pearly gates? Different people will have different reactions. Those of you who are sensitive to energy, will perhaps be able to feel a sudden, explosive energetic release from within yourself. You will be ‘flying high’. Some of you may even experience the often-talked-about spiritual phenomena of your kundalini spontaneously awakening. Others may report feeling intense joy, love, bliss, and complete freedom to finally be who you are. Some of you may even cry a river; releasing all built-up tension coming from the weight of experience, you old souls have, after living on 3-D Earth for eons.You may be wondering what is next, Sananda? Where should I go, after this? That is up to you dear friends. I would highly recommend for you to walk in the direction that gives you the most amount of JOY. If the thought of doing something, or not doing something gives you joy, then follow that guidance coming from your Higher Self.After walking past the gate, trust me when I say that you will find it even easier to hear the voice of your Higher Self. Your spiritual abilities will be returned at greater speed, and your intuition gets even more powerful. It is a time of massive changes within yourself and you fully embracing your Mastery may take some getting used to. It is time to acclimatize and flex your higher dimensional muscles; to test your abilities in amazing ways!Did Harry Potter and his gang of friends become powerful wizards/witches as soon as they entered Hogwarts? No, it took them several years of study before they were able to wield stronger magic like the ones done towards the series’ end. There is however one big, major difference between you and Harry Potter.Your magical powers, i.e. your creation and manifestation abilities has now been fully activated! You do not need to attend classes, over a period of many years, to learn how to wield your Higher-Dimensional Powers! Your Soul, a.k.a your Higher Self has access to all the information you will ever need. Stop living within the powerful illusions of linear time, and instead use your power to ‘connect/link’ your future with your NOW, so that your goals are manifested faster.All you have to do, is to havea very powerful intentionto always stay deeply connected with your Higher Self, ANDbelieve that you already are your Higher Self right here, right now.And not in some distant future. In other words, immediately BE your Higher Self and act like it!Ask your Higher Self to give you reminders, or nudges, whenever your vibration drops, so that the situation can be rectified immediately. All it takes is practice. After doing this continuously for at least 30 days, you will find that staying connected/aligned with Higher Self has become super easy to do! It now comes naturally. You are constantly being made aware of everything that is going on within and without, so can you adjust your frequencies accordingly, depending on what you are facing in life.When faced with life challenges that can still trigger you, perhaps coming from remnants of old, dense 3-D energies within yourself or from the people around you/the world: it is important that the very first thing you should do is to immediately connect with the Divine Spark located within the higher heart chakra – the gateway to your Higher Self.After having reconnected with your Higher Self, and successfully put yourself out of the fear, basic survival mode, you then need to ask yourself this very important question. ‘Acting as the all-powerful Higher Self that I know I AM, what should I do in this situation that I am currently facing?‘ The moment you ask yourself this question, it is as if you are ‘unplugging’ yourself from the 3-D matrix you have spent many lifetimes in, and then ‘repluggging’ into the higher dimensional, ultimate reality where your Divine, Higher Self resides. You have freed yourself from the dense matrix of Fear, and entered the arena (i.e. tackle the problem) with a completely different approach; with new set of eyes/new perspectives.You will now be able to look at the challenge and see it for what it is, minuscule and easy to solve, in the face of your Magnificent, God Self!
You will soon come to the ultimate realization, that not only have you become Master of the Matrix (just like Neo was), but you were/are also the Architect of this Matrix. You have constant access to the higher dimensional operating manual called the ‘Matrix Architecture’ and as such, you know all the ins and outs on how to beat the system. All the keys, the tricks/techniques, the know-hows on how to manipulate and wield the matrix system to bring about your desired results are readily available for instant downloads, at your convenience! And this is when the fun truly begins dear friends!I truly hope you are getting as excited as I am over this!You have been awakened earlier than most of humanity, so that you can then act as beacons of light, way-showers or, lighthouses in an awakening planet still filled with so many dramas. It is crucial for you to do your utmost over the next 2 months, and focus completely on your ascension goals; on achieving Mastery, so that you can get ready for a very important year coming up in 2019.Light-workers and all members of our Ground Crew, the time has come for all of you to step forward, shine your Light brightly and lead! Humanity will need you. Gaia will need you. And in case you still do not know the best way of being the fifth-dimensional leader the world so desperately needs, the answer is quite simple. You lead by example! You lead by displaying your Mastery over life.A Master does not have to say a word; he/she can simply walk into a room, exuding unconditional love, joy and peace, and every single person in that room will immediately begin to feel better after sharing the same time/space with the Master, even if it is just for a short period of time. And this is how powerful you are dear friends. The Rainbow Light Body belonging to that of a Master can radiate for miles in all directions – affecting, influencing, awakening, and raising the vibrations of many souls located in his/her energetic range of influence. You will soon have this ability to awaken and remind ALL of who they are, and what they are capable of, wherever you go.An ascended planet Earth, that is completely filled with Ascended Masters as its inhabitants, will be a planet of Unity, Peace & Harmony, Joy, Love and Abundance for all. This guaranteed future is not that far away my beloveds. It is so very close that you can almost see, touch, feel or smell it. Your hard-working efforts had truly paid off, and Earth and Humanity will successfully ascend (or, has successfully ascended from our Higher perspective). And it all starts with you, our Ambassadors of Light!Declare and claim your Mastery right here, right now. And then simply aligns with your naturally loving, powerful and all-knowing, wise Self who can always be found within.
In closing, I would like to address a growing concern among my caring and loving Light-workers present here today. There are some of you here who are becoming quite concerned that your growing ‘detachment’ over seemingly tragic events such as: natural disasters, or the occasional shootings reported in the news recently happening in the US, the death of people you know, or even loved ones through these catastrophes, is not how a Master should feel/be like. Let me reassure you, my love, that you feeling this way – detached from all the dramas – does notmean that you are turning into beings who are lacking compassion. On the contrary, the entire Human race is turning into a highly emphatic and telepathic race. You will be able to feel, sense and see much more than you have been able to do thus far. And as such, all of you will be able to feel what the other person is feeling instantly, in the near future. When you are able to deeply empathize with another person in this powerful way, you will then be moved to do your utmost to help this person, in a way that serves the higher good of everyone involved in that situation.These strong feelings of detachment actually represents your awakened 5-D Self who is observing all that is going on with the world, from within you. Because of that, you have begun to be able to see everything that is happening from the ‘Ultimate Truth’, Higher-dimensional perspective and NOT the ‘Illusionary, 3-D Matrix’ perspective.This is a powerful gift that should have given you plenty of reason to celebrate!This detachment will be able to give you the breathing space, and the time gap, to be able TO CHOOSE how to react, or, IF you should react to what is currently happening. And that is the very definition of Mastery.A Master does not react the same way the entire world is still strongly conditioned to react. A Master can easily, and masterfully choose to react with love instead of fear, with compassion instead of anger, with understanding instead of giving in to thoughts of revenge; always choosing peace of mind, body and soul.A Master is fully aware that what happened had happened because all the souls involved in that situation had chosen to work together and made it happen, for reasons known only to the Master and to those in the higher realms. One of the reasons can perhaps be: to trigger massive spiritual awakenings within the people closely affected from such tragedies. A Master has successfully released all attachments to 3-D dramas, i.e. have fully detached from all 3-D illusions, especially the illusions coming from the biggest drama humanity likes to engage in: the dramas associated with death of the physical body.Death is the ultimate illusion of all. The moment someone passes away, his/her spirit moves on and starts to journey back Home, towards the waiting arms of Father/Mother God. This moment of return to the Unity consciousness; into the warm embrace of Unconditional Love, is actually a very joyous occasion for the returning, often-tired spirit.
However, when faced with grieving family members, who are feeling deeply the loss of their loved ones, simply hold the space for them to heal dear ones. This is why you are here. To give comfort when and where comfort is needed. Send your healing light and love often, so that the grieving period does not become prolonged or debilitating. Guide them (only when asked for) so that they can soon see past their grief and realize that their loved ones had never fully left them. A part of their Soul always remains with Gaia; with their loved ones even after the death of their physical vessels.You are able to be this beacon of light, comfort, love and strength, by staying detached and not overwhelmed by the same grief. In other words, your detachment acts like a shield, like a barrier, protecting you from sinking under the depths of the many powerful 3-D illusions out there – giving you the opportunity to be a powerful agent of Love & Light instead.Never fear the opinion of others, beloved Masters! It is now time for all of you to stand tall in your Mastery; fully embracing your powerful, multi-dimensional Selves and shine your Light brightly. Just like the powerful lighthouses, guiding the ships at sea (the still sleeping/newly-awakened souls) back to land (i.e. home to God and their Higher Selves), along the rocky shores (the many challenges ascension brings to this planet).Believe in the power of your Light and never again fear the dark. The dark must retreat wherever you are shining your Light so brightly. And that is the ultimate truth that many of you, old souls, have forgotten. Fear not! The Kingdom of God is NOW here on Earth, and blessed be all who are in it.Sending you all much love & joy,Your brother in Light, Sananda.Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude.
The great events that are about to happen will change humanity’s course forever taking you to the start of a new golden age where the new human beings will be able to enjoy their true essence as gods of love and peace.
Good morning my beloved Sion it’s a pleasure that we are able to connect when the new day is yet to light up in this part of the planet, you ask me what is going to happen in your immediate future?
Well, my love as we have been saying to you; great changes are approaching in your and the planet’s horizon. Right now you are in a process of monumental changes that may appear as nothing to your human eyes because it looks like all is the same as always but believe me what you and your light worker brothers and sisters are living and experimenting is marvelous, it’s the ascension process itself !
The complete and radical change of the end of an era that even though it has been hard for most of you on Earth, it was of great blessings for the universe for all the changes that have been accomplished not only in your minds but by the impact on the lives of other brothers and sisters with your love and light, which many times it has been done unconsciously, by your presence alone you have achieved transmuting that negative and unstable energy for one of great love and peace.
What happens is that as you don’t see it with your physical eyes you believe every day is the same but what you don’t see is what is truly important and thus I’ll tell you about it my dear Sion:
You and all your brothers and sisters are being transformed from the inside out with the powerful energies that Father/Mother have been sending to the planet, which without them it would be impossible for you to return home with us. These changes in your DNA, like I told you in the book that I’m still working on with your daughter Valeria, are imperceptible to you and maybe you only feel it as physical discomfort due to the changes produced by it but in reality one of the greatest miracles, as you call them, that humanity could have conceived is happening.
The transition from humans to gods in one life time and with your own living bodies in such way that you are being your own witnesses to this wonderful moment of life not only on the planet but in the whole universe. As we have told you in many messages before this process from human to god in one life time has never been done before thus we are facing of one of the greatest events we have witnessed and of which we are very proud to say that we have done it along with you, that dear Sion its called evolution and we have done it, you and us together as ONE.
Saving your own selves from self-destructing like the other civilizations that were here, which were your selves in past lives, has been a great achievement and the passing of the December 21, 2012 marker, that we had to pass, which was done successfully as WWIII did not start as many on the planet wanted to so they could have their genocide and keep their world. Contrary to those sad non news, today we can tell you that you are firmly walking home where we, all full of joy, are waiting for you with open arms for your return to live in the beautiful paradise that Gaia is.
That my dear Sion is what is happening right now in your world and because the cleanup started from the inside out of each of you and of beautiful Gaia now those changes will have to show up outside of each of you and Gaia. That is why each day that goes by we are even closer to the moment that all that was changed, cleaned and transformed inside you and all the human beings as well as your beautiful planetary Mother will have to be seen changed, cleaned and transformed in the exterior of every single one of your lives and that is why everything has been moving a lot, there are some that for whom their whole life transformed and all is changing rapidly in their now which they have noticed even though they have not been able to understand yet what is happening but their lives have turn unimaginably and all are trying to adapt to all those changes and transformations in their lives that have led them to think; something is happening!
And those same individual changes are happening to your loving Mother Gaia as she herself also is part of this change, cleanup and planetary transformation that is impacting the whole universe and that is why I want you to understand my beloved Sion that you and your brothers and sisters do not have to be afraid of the events that are forthcoming in the following weeks and months as they are part of everyone’s cleanup and are much needed to uproot all the darkness that had you trapped in the mind’s illusion.
Mother Gaia knows perfectly what is coming and she is not afraid of anything because she knows it is part of the process that she choses to live and it only flows with these changes and events that come up every day, allowing our guidance to follow her evolution process. Remember that what is inside so on the outside and what is above so below and all is one and the same. We are to the point to the start of great changes on the planet that are not other than Gaia’s internal changes and you have made it possible so prepare yourselves and your lives that change from your heart with the outmost love and joy for all that is coming, without fear, this is a marvelous and true heavenly celebration.
I love you my dear Sion
I promise you that very soon we will be together
Your beloved Sananda
Message channeled by Sion – Victory to the Light!!!
Translation to English from Spanish: Ramon
Editing of English: Per Staffan
Original English website:
The messages posted on www.sananda.websitecan freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source.
We, God, the All, Source, Reality, the One, YOU – all sentient life – areintensely and creatively fully involved in the awakening process. It is ongoing, and it has been since the moment of apparent separation, and now the next moment of awakening is approaching rapidly, as “stuff” arises for everyone to release and make room for L O V E, your true nature, to unveil Itself in your hearts and minds. Many of you are already getting a sense, a feeling of this, so open yourselves fully to It, there is nothing to fear, no one is in any way unworthy, or undeserving. The Divine Will is that you KNOW yourselves as One with Source, absolutely fearlessly because that is your Home, that is where you belong, that is the “Place” that you have never left. So, Wake Up, and ENJOY REALITY!
The Source is perfect in every way; there can be NO imperfections in Reality. You have all just spent time – which is in truth unreal – a large amount of time, pretending that you were imperfect, unworthy sinners, undeserving of God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you. It is time to stop pretending and bethe glorious Beings that God created. Stop hiding, instead, shine forth in the magnificence of your own brilliance as individuals expressing God in myriad ways. That truly is your will and God’s. There is NOTHING else, only the Divine Will, which isyour will, and that Will wills only endless joy for all of creation. Parents love their children and want the best for them, always. God infinitely more so, and God’s Will is alwaysunfolding perfectly!
It is time, in fact it is well past time, to cease negatively judging yourselves or others. Judgment focuses on errors, mistakes, beliefs, sins, offenses, all of which are unrealand which just distract you from the Love that envelops you in every moment, waiting to embrace you as soon as you release judgment and the other negative and meaningless distractions with which your human lives, your egos, keep presenting you. Resentment, bitterness, desire for justice, restitution, and punishment of those who have wronged you are major blocks to Love, which is unconditionally accepting of all.
People only attack when they are suffering, and on Earth there are countless numbers who are suffering. Suffering could be avoided and dissolved if people would open to Love, for suffering is but the absence of Love. When Love fills you, there is no suffering, only peace, joy, and compassion for those who are suffering. Compassion is Love directed to others who are suffering, and it heals and comforts them.
You who are presently incarnate on Earth chose to be here at this time because you saw the intense need for Love and compassion world-wide, and you could see very clearly how enormously helpful your presence would be, once you realized that there was far more to life than what humans generally experience; when you realized that your humanity was but a tiny aspect of who you truly are. You are here on a mission, a mission of Love. By becoming aware that Love is your nature and owning It, you start to live It and demonstrate Love in action wherever you go. That is what you incarnated to do, and if you are reading or listening to this you knowit, and are already doing it!
So, accept your destiny as much needed loving presences on Earth, healing and accepting all with whom you interact in any way at all, and rejoice in the understanding that you have found your paths Home. Love is the way Home, there is no other way, and you have chosen it by opening to the awareness that this is so.
Living lovingly is amazingly powerful and effective. You may well not be aware of the enormously important work that you are doing by just being – being Love – so I am telling you so that you do not dismissively tell yourselves that you are doing nothing, or very little. What you are doing is E N O R M O U S! No one else can do it, and it is essential. You are divine Light Workers fully engaged 24/7 in humanity’s awakening process, and you are irreplaceable!
Do not allow doubts about your worthiness, your competence, or your abilities to discourage you. Often there is no positive feedback for you as you go about your daily lives, but truly, your loving presence is having a wonderful and miraculous effect all across the world. Remember, you are scattered world-wide through many races, ethnicities, religions, and none, because you are needed precisely where you find yourselves. And yes, occasionally, you may feel the intuitive nudge to move, so honor that, but know that in every single moment you are precisely where you are supposed to be, precisely where your amazing gifts will be most effective.
Here in the spiritual realms we watch over you with unceasing Love, amazed and delighted by your strength of purpose, your resilience, and your unceasing fortitude, even in circumstances that can oftentimes seem absolutely overwhelming. When you finally realize what you have achieved – what you have in fact already achieved – your joy and amazement will bedazzle you.
Jesus here, or Sananda as some of you say, but you know me as Jesus your brother your friend your father figure and more dear friend. I am here to tell you that this story is at an end. The suffering and hatred that your world has seen, including what you witnessed them do to me – all of it is at an end. I have been standing in the background as of late, waiting for the tides to change. The element of frustration we have seen has allowed all the unclaimed vestiges of the ‘old’ ways to rise up and be claimed, reaching for healing light and love, that is what this means. All of the troubles coming out into the public eye – remnants of the old paradigm. We must sit still and sit with it and all that it means. Both sides of the story. For healing the women means healing all of the men as well, for all are connected – you know that well. There is not one thing that can happen to another and not affect the whole. There are not really two sides to the story but all one whole – both sides must be recognized and healing sent to each so that ALL can heal as ONE BODY one LIGHT full of love and shining bright.
Honor both sides. Honor the wounded within yourself and allow the light of healing to enter your souls and heal all that you have held onto from your youth. Heal all that you want to see healed in the world. Reach out to both sides with your healing light and light the flame of truth to heal all that is harming our youth. Blaze the holy fire of healing, transformation, and love back into the past then into the future dear ones. All exists within the construct of your own mind, this concept of time, but for illustration purposes we will use it tonight. For all that has already occurred is actually still happening now – for all is within the present moment, there is nothing that exists beyond this physical moment in what you call time – all is spiraling around you including what was done in ‘ancient times’. There is no such thing. It is all a construct designed to keep you in a certain experience, a reality of your own making, that you call ‘life’. It is all a lie. It is a story, a paradigm, a setting designed to help you learn certain lessons. All of it. His-story. A construct. A stage. A make believe land far away, a fictional play. You have chosen to be an actor on this stage, a participant in this grand play – it is a movie of your own making, you and the thousands of others who decided to come to earth to experience this ‘virtual reality’ each with your own lessons and feelings and symptoms of dis-ease that you wanted to perform and observe.
Earth is a soul’s teaching station – a gateway to another dimension. In and of itself, it is a place of healing and learning. That is how you must view the world. Nothing more than a way station on your way to another more spectacular world – a world filling with healing and hope. A blessed land – another stage, another play – this you can connect with each in your own way. You already know this truth. It is hidden deep inside of you. Sit with it. Resonate with your own inner spirit, your own inner guide, some may reach out to me in prayer and others simply to hold the essence of healing to rid you of your own despair.
Allow the light of the thousandth sun to rise up within you and heal you dear one. A sparkling bright white light descending from heaven, rising up within you now to heal the despair in your own soul, to take you out of the construct and constriction you see in your current world and lifting you up into the light of a brand new space, a world built on peace and healing and grace. You can have this new world right now where you sit, for the Earth will become what you make of it. You have the power to change the world, with a single thought, an invention, a creative memory of what it means to take control. Not of others, but of your own energy – only you can control the energy with which you greet the world. Set your field of expectation within you now – an expectation of love, of healing, of agreement from both sides of any divide. Allow your field of expectation to glow pure and bright, pink white light and the power of the violet transmuting flame wrapping all in it’s most transfiguring light. Hold the vision. Hold the seed of ecstacy and grace. Allow the flames of heaven to enrapture you in holiness and see the spirit of heaven shining forth in every face, every situation that you meet. Allow yourself to uncover the light that shines within all those who surround you. For heaven shines through the faces of all men, women, and children. All souls hold the beacon of light – sacred homing device, that shows them where to go and when. Connect with that holy spirit that shines bright deep within and you will have uncovered the sacred secret – all of reality comes from within.
Heal yourself dearest friends of all your ugliness, your warts, your dis-ease, allow it all to be acknowledged, embraced, and healed by Me. The light of the world has come at last. Allow yourselves to be embraced and loved. Allow your souls to rise to the forefront. For no longer should your lives be ruled by the lies of the ‘real’ world but lit from within from the heavens and the higher realms. We greet you this day in sunshine and light – sit still in the love from heaven above and allow us to bless you with the memories of great love – a world that has been healed in the name of love and the souls that have been reaching out to us to hear our voices and see our faces for we are here with you now and we share in your plights. It is time to take off the blinders and allow yourselves to shed the blinders of forget and to remember to see beyond the physical and into the ethers of de-light.
With love and blessings, we stand by your side, Your Blessed Sananda and Your Own Holy White Light
It is time to ignite the flames of the tribe
To tear down the walls of separation that divide
To open your hearts and minds
To the divinity that resides inside each and every sacred soul
The light of the world shining bright from within
Showing you the way to once again all become friends
With light, love, and laughter to behold
Step up to the plate dear friends and dare to be bold
The light of the world is yours my dear friends
It is up to you to recognize your own wisdom within
And to create the new world you want to live in
The ‘past’ has been washed away
Now is the time for new light to give way
To a new dawn, a new planet, a new way to be
All creatures in harmony, peace, and the light of sweet grace
MOTHER GOD: “I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe”Posted: 15 Sep 2018 06:56 PM PDTMother God through Dancing Dolphin”I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe.” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Mother God came to speak after Sanat Kumara gave his message. It is a thrill and honor to connect with each one of these amazing Beings of Love! Dear Children of Earth: This is Mother God and I would like to send you a message tonight also. Many of you are fearful of this hurricane called ‘Florence’ hitting the U.S. at this time. I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe. All are my loved ones, the plants and grass and trees also. The drops of rain, the grains of sand in the beach and the wind that blows. I do not ‘pit’ the forces of nature against man. This is not a battle or an attack. I want you to see this event from my side, my point of view; to contemplate this event from another perspective. Your Father and I created Gaia, all the elements of Gaia, including animals and humans. The atmosphere, oceans, forces of nature are all part of that creation. Just as we do not control each and every action that you take, so too we do not control the forces of nature. It is a natural process. The ‘red tide’ in the Gulf of Mexico and the typhoon in the Philippines are all natural disasters, naturally occurring. Your love and prayers and protection requests are heard dear ones. We respond to all requests, just maybe not in the manner that you asked for. We will not step in if it is in a person’s soul contract to pass on or experience a broken leg, for example. Do you see? You are all loved beyond measure, every single cell of your bodies, your brilliant Souls are all adored by your Father and I. Know this. You are loved. You are cherished. This is the message I would love to give my Children of Gaia at this time. I send you all my Pink Light of Unconditional love, wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket complete with fuzzy slippers for your precious feet! You are wrapped up in my love.
SANAT KUMARA, PLANETARY LOGOS: “Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” Posted: 15 Sep 2018 05:15 PM PDTSanat Kumara through Dancing Dolphin”A massive cleansing took place this week. You have a clean slate and Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanat Kumara came to speak after my Higher Self had given her message. This is the first time I have ever connected with Sanat Kumara and his presence was very powerful, calming and full of love.I am asking this One to be patient now because I do have a further message and that is that I would like to announce that I am Sanat Kumara, I am the Planetary Logos of Gaia at this time. I have seen the many notable messages given here and would like to add my own essence to the message to Lightworkers of Gaia. A cleansing has taken place, Dear Ones. A cleansing of the dark ones that have ruled Gaia for many millennia. This has been occurring for most of your lives to be sure, but the final clearing has taken place this very week. Mother God decreed that they no longer would be allowed to have a foot-hold on Gaia. Their time of power-hungry dealings and lives full of anger and woe would come to an end. She gave them many chances to comply to her wishes but they did not heed. They were indeed removed forcibly this very week. This clearing was done by a combination of many forces of Light. You, Lightworkers of Earth, together with the Galactics and their Alliance of White Hats were mainly responsible for the forceful mass exodus of the dark ones from Gaia. It was a very difficult and challenging plan to be sure. Difficult, exhausting, heart-wrenching and not pleasant. However, it was Mother’s decree so we all worked together to get it done. If you do not remember working on this massive project this week, do not be surprised. Many, many of you did indeed work on this project but it was a part of you that you are not aware of. Like this One’s H.S. shared above, there are many pieces of you (Soul Sparks she called it) but you are not aware of most of them, only yourself in this 3D body. You may be a Nurse, Teacher or college student at this moment of this 3D life; but another part of you may be a Warrior of the Light! I mentioned that this event was heart-wrenching and it was so because as Light Beings, we cannot imagine choosing ‘death’ over being reunited with our Creator. But these beings chose not to be reunited with their Creator, but chose to be taken to the Central Sun for reprocessing. Lightworkers of Earth, of Gaia, my purpose in coming here tonight to share this message with you is to put you on notice that Gaia is ready for you NOW. She is ready for her new Sovereigns to take over and bring forth the New Earth that you have all created and built. Take your plans for sharing your new found prosperity and make them a reality for all. As your Planetary Logos, it is my charge to watch over Gaia and it is my honor to do so when the Lightworkers have decreed that they will step forth and create the new Golden Age! We (all of us) who have worked to battle the dark these many millennia have worked to provide a ‘clean slate’ for you to do your new good works. We will all step into the New Earth together and use our skills and talents to the best of our ability. I look forward to working with you all. I will stand side by side with you, the Human Angels. I am Sanat Kumara and I bid you Adonai this fair evening. Thank you for listening.Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
Dancing Dolphin’s HIGHER SELF: Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:11 AM PDTDancing Dolphin’s Higher Self”Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. My Higher Self chimed in right after Sananda finished with the message below. Greetings, Lightworkers of Earth! This is Dancing Dolphin’s H.S. Here to say that I am in touch with each and every one of your H.S’s. Yes, we all know eachother in the higher realms and we wanted to let you know that we are ever so proud of you! Your strength and courage is admirable and makes us beam like proud parents, even though we aren’t your parents. Structurally in the Universe and beyond, things are much simpler and much more complicated than you imagine. This may be confusing, but just know that the spark that resides in you, your Soul Spark is both a spark from your H.S. (your Soul lineage) and also of course, the Spark of the Creator. There are many versions of “you” in the Universe, some may call them your “past lives” but you have future lives too; parallel lives, lives in other dimensions and in other places. You’ve heard this before and know that it is true…there is no time. All your “lives” your “Soul Sparks” are occurring at the same time and your H.S. monitors all these incarnations and gives guidance when possible. I didn’t intend for this to be a lesson on how things work, but I did intend to illustrate for you how connected you are! You are not alone! Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?State your intent before you sleep that you wish to connect to your Soul Sparks during your dreamtime or meditations. Once you make the connection, you will be able to speak to eachother telepathically. You may share experiences, talents, strength, lessons, etc. It is a wonderful experience! This one says her Soul Sparks feel like Sisters and Brothers and she feels their love. You are surrounded by love, not only from your H.S. and Soul Sparks, but from other higher dimensional beings as well. We are all thrilled at the lightwork you have been doing. You really have no idea yet what you have accomplished. But I can tell you this—it’s stupendous! Gorgeous! Illuminating! Incandescent! Brilliant! You have simultaneously (together with many other Beings) cleared away the darkness and created the New Earth! So, when you are weary and can’t think of what you wanted to say–please know that it’s not because you’re ‘getting older’ or ‘having a senior moment’ (our favorite saying)! It’s because many other parts of YOU are working overtime to bring this 3D journey to an end. You are working multi-dimensionally even while you are awake!! Do you ever feel really spacey? Really out there? Can’t focus? Sometimes you are bi-located when you get these feelings. One part of you is in 3D and another part is in a higher dimensional realm. Let’s be honest–other times maybe you are just exhausted because you’re been working at night also. Please give yourselves a break when you can. Napping is wonderful. Clean water and fresh fruits and vegetables are vital. Be kind and patient with yourselves. Know that you are loved, appreciated and connected to a vast Soul Family! We will all be together soon and be able to celebrate this amazing journey on Gaia from darkness to light that has been happening for millennia. Then, after much celebration and rest—on to the next! I wish you a fair evening and an even more glorious tomorrow–the start of all your tomorrow’s. Know that your H.S. Is guiding and supporting you. You are not alone and your are loved. Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
SANANDA: Ask for Help! Call on Us!Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:13 AM PDT SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin”Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!”*Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanada stepped up first to share the message below. Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. We see you suffering and would love to step in and help but we do need to be asked. That goes for me, all Ascended Masters and Mother & Father’s Angels. ASK US for help! We LOVE to help!! This One has started doing that again and she can feel our presence as her days become even a tad more joyful where before they were tiresome. By connecting with us and asking for our assistance, we can indeed pave the way for your lives to be filled with ease. You may or may not feel our presence, but that doesn’t matter. For we are always with you regardless. For example, it need not be an emergency before you ask for help. If you need assistance handling a difficult situation, to have the strength and courage to get through your day, or when you wake up exhausted after a night of dreamtime work; call on us!! Alpha and Omega be! This is my humorous way to remind you that “the end is near!” But fear not, your “new beginning” will follow! The end of the old 3D way of life and your new 5D lives and New Earth (or Nova Gaia) are waiting in the wings and ready to jump out on stage. The stage of your new lives! Hang in there a bit longer, call on us for help and imagine your bright future with all of us in the new 5D, New Earth! That’s my message for today. I am your Sananda and I send my love on bright moonbeams to all Lightworkers!