Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

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A Simple Guidance Map made for you.

Our intention is to assist each and everyone on their soul’s journey, to become aware of how good it feels to be aligned with Source and since Source is you, to be aligned with you really are. To feel good is to feel God. And the better one feels the more aligned with Source is. Does it get any better? yes it does and we are at the very beginning of global awareness of what this truly means for each and every incarnated soul on the planet in the present moment. It never ends and it gets better and better. And the purpose in all that is to learn to be satisfied with the journey itself instead of just the Final Creation/Manifestation. First comes the joy then comes the manifestation. And everything we desire, we think that in getting them will make us happy and when we are first happy in the now this is how all desires manifest in our lives.

We came in our physical bodies for the purpose of Joy and Expansion. And when we appreciate each and every moment, however this seems or looks, in contrast – as contrast shows what we don’t want in order to create what we want- and in full manifestation -knowing fully that I AM the creator of MY OWN reality-. It is a step by step believing and trusting process enjoying the gift of Life every moment that we also call The Feel More Than Fine Lifestyle.

And you are the High Vibe Tribe!

We hope this simple map we are offering serves you and that every time you read our content you feel more than fine, knowing fully that this was, is and will be always a work from within out first.

Everything we are sharing on this website is given freely to serve the whole and your contributions however small or big, help to continue our service here. Without you, without an exchange of energy this website has no meaning of continuing to exist.

Do YOU want this website to continue? Do You want to meet physically one day all the High Vibe Tribe in one place?

If yes, then please consider making a donation today.

We accept donations through paypal :

and through asset backed digital currencies: XLM or XRP on this wallet :


We invite you to give out of the generosity of your hearts saying the words:

All the money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied.

Thank You

Feel More Than Fine


1:1 classes on zoom : How to sustain 5th Dimensional Frequencies.

The 5th dimension is a place we find within when we feel good.
To feel good is to be aligned with Source which is no other than you.
The 5th dimension is The Kingdom of Heaven right here right now every tine you align with who you really are.
The question is how to sustain that all day & night long.
I am doing 1:1 zoom classes for those of you that want to learn how to do that in fun playful ways.

Send me email :

Price is on donation basis: give what you can.

You will also receive powerful information on how to make 10x more in return of what you are donating.


Are you in pain right now? Here is something for you.

If you are in pain right now that you can’t really explain, here is something that may assist you in this now that i just shared with a brother :

Divine has many ways to bring the best in our lives and well if there are little or bigger pains along the way is only working for the best seen in the longer perspective…i come to realize this many times, since i have been in intense pains due to Ascension process for many years…nobody to understand me around for many years, just me and my Higher Self / Light Beings communicating with me and letting me know: ALL IS WELL.

And right now i totally get what this means for the next waves of Awakening process…only difference for the next waves is that the process is much much faster and more intense now (solar flares=incoming light accelerated intensified) but this time for all of you that go through this there is somebody around fully equipped to inner stand what you go through :

I AM one of those that gets this. fully. truly.

And just like i did it i consider each and every ONE amongst you equally capable of doing it in your own way, within your own guidance from within.

Truly. all is well.

Truly. this too will pass.

Truly. you are doing awesome.


PS.If you ever need a 1:1 guidance you know where to find me.

It’s the reason we do retreats and bring more conscious awareness to what is taking place within. To prepare you for what is coming. Better prepared, less pain, less struggle, more joy.

In this now moment I offer 1:1 retreats online and also offer the possibility for you to come over to Greece and stay around for 3-7 days including accomodation and Vegan Organic Meals twice a day.

You get an impression of what this is all about by checking out the pictures i share , pics speak for themselves.

For extra information feel free to send email , being clear about the reasons and intentions you contact me🙏



Cheer UP!!! (and message from Ashtar through Sharon)

Ashtar comes with a powerful message and before sharing this with you, i will share part of my experience and why i feel it is the best way to move forward with ease and grace, especially for the already awakened ones that are doing the big part of the work as boots on the ground, always of course supported by Mother Father God and entire company of heaven.

You know who you are and more and more are joining!!!

At the same time this is an active discussion i am engaging with with the Light Beings seen from my perspective.

So, back in 2012 we were told that Ascension was going to happen and it it did not happen because our souls collective chose that all humanity will ascend and not just a few, which i find beautiful and at the same time, made me kind of angry when i became aware of it. Since i already do the work on myself , assisting others 1:1 and doing large healing events…now instead of ascending we will stay around for as long as it takes to allow others to become aware of the power of alignement with source -which btw it takes only 15-20′ daily inner work, going within and feeling and becoming addicted to the only form of addiction i say yes!!! =alignement to Source-

And so being here, the observer of all that is taking place now , having done the work of shifting the whole planet to the higher dimensions and having lived in communities without use of money and having experienced the plus and minus back in 2012 and 2013, my take on this is that for as long as it takes for humanity to wake up collectively i will live my life abundantly and enjoy my multidimensional life and be a way shower through my own example of living a prosperous life on all fronts while using money in whatever form it comes, digital or other and i will enjoy this experience because i came here for the purpose of joy. Yes, i have been busy and still i am creating autonomous/ eco-sustainable/ high tech and galactic and vegan conscious communities and events and i am planning to stay around for very long time within my physical body to get this done…as it has already begun…there is 20 billion $ city build by Elon Musk in Africa and 500 billion city being build in Arabia Saudi…there is already The Venus Project existing for many years… and of course all the Light cities already existing in the Higher Dimensions…All will connect at some point!!!! There is a new financial system (QFS) being put in place to serve all, it will take time to reach all as each and everyone must do the work to go within while also being supported along the way to do so…the journey has always been from within out and our free will planet did not make that easy at all. The Galactics know all this of course! So are we going to be patient or see the things all around us and be eager and excited??? To me the sense of patience, or when in channeled messages it says: it is not finished yet…my answer: well, it never gets done, it always unfolds, that’s Ascension and one can choose to struggle being patient-which in my sense carries a low vibe as a word, while for others is a quality…i like to say : no i am not patient, i appreciate what is and i am eager for what is coming and i enjoy the journey all along , i vibrate high and i create reality that is beyond the wildest imagination as i allow all 12 aspects of Deity to flow through me with ease and grace at all times:


And when more Light and Love comes from Source and i feel any kind of resistance, i go within and allow the divine energies to make me more of what IAM. One with God and One with All Creation.

There is only joy and love here and ALL IS WELL AT ALL TIMES.

AND i am expanding this love to Source from within my being and to all Light Beings and particularly Ashtar Command in gratitude and appreciation at all times. Namaste, I Love You, We are ONE.


Here is the channeled message.

September 2, 2022
Ashtar Sheran
The Next Steps

Me: I’m always being led to things I need to see, all the time. In the creation of my life, I co-create with my guides in order to bring information to you. I describe my process and my own education and I came across a HUGE puzzle piece this morning. I personally believe we all work together in this process, no one works alone.
David R. posted a video with a guest who knows and lives Constitutional Law – the laws that the Founding Fathers of America along with St Germain’s help instituted upon the inception of the United States of America. What this guest named Paul and this guy is a dynamo, made clear is that Constitutional Law aligns with Universal Law. Right now Corporate Law or Maritime Law is being practiced and that has nothing to do with your rights, particularly your God given rights to freedom and self-determination.
I know I’m going to get a lot of flack for this video because there are people either opposing this message or people not ready to hear it. I feel sorry for you. Channeling Ashtar Sheran is only as controversial as mentioning Mr. T. these days and I’ll be doing both. All I can say is: “Congratulations!You guys have another 26,000 years to change your mind so don’t let this message panic you.” As for the ones who are ready to hear it, these are the next steps: Re-instituting Constitutional Law and it’s not anything near what you’d think it is.
Ashtar: Yes, Sharon. Hello everyone. Yes, It’s not what you think it is. How can you understand Constitutional Law or the Law of Freedoms, Universal Laws when you’ve never experienced it or have used it without realizing you were?
The system that you work within, we have pointed out to you, is a financial system and the entire point of it is monetary gain. If you’re not rich, then assume you’re one of the ones doing the giving, not the taking. The system is based upon exploitation of the people of earth, particularly children.
Now, what is happening on this earth right now but particularly in America is the re-introduction of Constitutional Law which is based upon Universal Law. The gentleman in the video defines it very clearly and I do recommend you listen to what he has to say.
You have been incorporated from the very day you were born, you became an asset in the system. You have been bought and sold, traded for the very potential you have to make someone else rich. Yes, and it was pointed out that on government documents your name is always printed in capitals because this is part of the incorporation, the embodiment of you into the system. How do you make others rich, you ask? By the taxes you pay, by the amount you earn, the amount you purchase and the amount you pay out in taxes particularly. Your bank accounts earn profits which you see nothing of, instead you are made to pay for use of the ATMs which cover banking salaries and so forth. The unseen monies are then paid off to your owners. Yes, your owners.
Me: Creepy!
Ashtar: Indeed, Sharon but none of you were any the wiser. The person who owns two cars is then double of value of the person who has one car. The more they drive and the bigger the car’s engine, the more the American dollar will be buoyed. The economy car, such as yours Sharon, is not that valuable hence your net worth is less to the powers that be.
Records of your expenditures, your purchases, are collected and are available to anyone who wishes to purchase you or others from your country.
Me: Super creepy!
Ashtar: So Constitutional Law, which aligns with Universal Law, dispenses with all of this. These laws recognize you as being a sovereign person and in charge of your own identity and your own life, your own possessions and so forth. It sees you as being self responsible and responsible to others.
Me: Yes, I keep saying there’s freedom in responsibility but few believe me. They mistake freedom for escapism.
So, Ashtar, will we see many of the money making institutions being dispensed with? Such as taxation organizations?
Ashtar: Yes, they will be. Upon re-institution of the Constitution Mr T will be the next Constitutional president after a hiatus of 200 plus years. He will be in charge of dismantling the Corporate American system. There will still be a financial system in place but this system will be more benevolent to Americans and will continue until such time they are ready to disband it and work on other terms.
The work isn’t over yet, my dears. Not at all.
And yes, Mr T is a Jesuit. He is part of the system that wanted to allow for free people in North America and he has been working as many of his ancestors have for years in order to free the people of America and ultimately the world again. The Jesuits recognize universal law. They are an old religious order that worked with universal law and had knowledge of alchemy. The Jesuits were suppressed in Europe and fled to America in order to start their own colony, a colony of free men. Of course they were infiltrated a hundred years later and the rest is history.
Me: I’m just wondering, Ashtar, why they would do this instead of trying to take us over themselves and exploit us themselves? Is this part of a retaliation strategy against the Rothschilds or just a “look and see what we can do” kind of thing?
Ashtar: They are people of a higher order, Sharon. They are the families of Light that I have spoken of. To see their brethren restricted and exploited as they have has hurt them. Those who practice Law of One as the Jesuits do understand that to free yourself all must be free as well. In the beginning, of course, they will still profit from the system at hand. The entire system will not be dissolved immediately. People will still go to work and moguls will continue to profit, however there will be less suffering on the part of the people.
Me: Aha. Thank you for that, Ashtar. LOL I feel sorry for them having to fight for 200 years to practice Law of One openly on this planet. Nothing is lonelier than those who understand it, even rudimentally, who are aggressively confronted by dualistic thinkers.
As for the moguls still making money off of your sweat, folks, that system isn’t going to disappear until we learn to live without money. Money is an institutionalized tool that holds a lower frequency. People in the galaxy don’t use it because they’re of higher frequency than financial systems are. However the Jesuits are obviously not beyond profiting. They’re not martyrs; they’re still human. So it seems like they still want to make money and get rich but in a system that’s improved from the system we have now, correct?
Ashtar: Yes, that’s correct. Rome wasn’t built in a day, it’s said. And of course, as the people grow, life on earth will take on an ever-increasing freedom. As you come to understand more of what God’s freedom is, the more you will embody it.
Me: It seems counter-intuitive to have a financial system where people go to work with governments that honour the Law of One, but you can’t change everything in a flash. It will continue to change as people evolve and become more like their galactic brethren.
Ashtar: You’ve been talking to Ivo who tells you what life is like on your home planet so you don’t understand Law of One living as being possible with the dualistic system you’re in now, the money earning system but then earth has to transition, Sharon. What happens on Elteron is not possible yet for most people on earth. You have to change and evolve to that point. Remember the people of Elteron are millions of years ahead of earth’s consciousness now. As for you, you’re making that shift and you remember life there as one of never having to carry a wallet. You know how to live that way already. Those who do tend to find living on earth very limiting, in fact.
Me: Yes, true.
Ashtar: Now you are being led to this point in time, the point in time where the corporate bandits are being overthrown. You are only beginning to understand what true freedom is and it will take time before you fully understand again what it’s like to be a sovereign individual in a collective system, the same freedom we in the universe experience under the Law of One.
You will be taught. We will be here to help you but you will take your collective power back and begin to stand in your own rights. This shift is already starting and there is no stopping it now.
In future you will be driving your own system with little need to be governed by anyone. It will be the people’s system, not one of ownership.


Manifesto for smooth wealth transfer for the highest good for all.

The better i feel and the more fun i am having the more i am closer to all kind of manifestations in all areas of life i am focusing on along all lessons that my soul wants to direct me.

I AM NEW ME on steroids! There is nothing and i mean nothing that can affect my inner chat of creation and i witness all kind of manifestations as a responsible creator to create the new being focused at all times on how i feel, no matter what news are being broadcasted.

I am here to create financial abundance for myself and all humanity because i am having fun with it and the longer that something takes to manifest the more fun i have, blazing the violet flame to transmute all unwanted realities towards ones that are wanted. I focus on visualizing the new. I see all currencies delivering to their promise as i know the white hats want me to take control of my sovereignity and create. I speak only of what i want and ignore anything else including all chats discussions as i know all are the perceptors of their own reality and as such the experience is different for each and everyONE.

ONE person connected to source is more powerful than millions who are not, it is the meaning of WWG1WGA, my perspective, my perception my creation and all prosperity funds and asset backed currencies of the Quantum Financial System deliver to their promise on the dates that they will say they will do so, even if this did not happen in the past, i transmute all past experiences into the violet flame and create the new in high vibes where my imagination is REALITY and I KNOW IT.


The better i feel, the more i am aligned to my truth , the more i am aligned to infinite abundance and money comes to me in powerful ways as i speak these words.

And so it is.

Bip me up Scotty??? or are we here to ascend and remain on an ascending planet???

Are we here to be bipped up like in Star Trek or are we here to stay ? Personally i am here to stay and ascend within my physical body for the next 1000 years +. I know that in Hollow Earth our neighbours live for thousands of years. I refuse to go through the incarnation cycle again. I AM here to stay and observe and oversee the renewal and restoration of our beautiful planet towards New Earth.

So now i invite you to read these 2 posts and choose for yourselves what resonates more.

Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.

rainbow hands lifted in search for freedom
Photo by Dusty on

This is such an amazing time to be alive, witnessing the unfolding, even if most often than not it appears that nothing is really moving forward out there. To be aware that the shift is internal and to remain in this open space of appreciation without seeing any outside changes is the key. To not give in negative thinking rather remain in the present moment, aware of the smallest to the biggest detail, depending where focus is placed. I look at a flower and focus all my intention on it, feeling the life in it. Then looking at the clouds, fully immersed. And as i do that an even greater feeling of joy invades my being. So simple and at the same time so effective. So Present. Feeling empowerment through being present. Magical and at the same time so new that the mind might want to go back to older ways of doing things. Yet even when i try to do so i feel immediately a big difference between being in the now and thinking of past or future. The key here for me is to feel into future creations and allow them to be attracted to me through enjoying their specific frequency in the now. Like feeling satisfaction, elation, bliss etc not because a condition is fulfilled rather being in that space unconditionally, relaxed, at ease.
That is what i call Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.
In appreciation of All That Is.
I AM The Flow, I AM.
I AM the witness of my created Reality I AM.
I celebrate!

Nikos Akrivos