Category Archives: Arcturians

August Accelerations:
 Its Time to Choose Your Timeline.

A Message from The Arcturian Collective

via channel Marie Mohler
Received August 15, 2019

Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, bringing through a Message of Crystalline Light and Frequencies of Clarity, Empowerment, Strength, and Abundance from our Hearts to yours, through the portals of your Central Suns and the Wisdom they wish to share with you in increasingly accessible ways.  

Dear ones, can you feel the Acceleration of August?  Can you sense the profound changes unfolding as the Earth quickens her pace to rise into Higher Alignment with the Center of your Galaxy and the Center of the Divine Matrix of Light within the All That Is? We would guess that each one of you listening to this message today and any day going forward that you can relate to the Essence of Change . . . and that you can relate to an inner sense that what is changing now is Forever, Eternal, and for the Highest Good of All in all directions of time.  Because there is a releasing of that which was not for the Highest Good of All in all directions of time in this past world age and its cycles.  

The word Change in the way we offer it today is a dynamic, fluid, timeless, expansive, loving, and guiding process . . . whereby every single particle within you and within all things . . . is moving at a quantum speed of light to always be in harmony with the Light.  For Light by its nature summons to itself that which is like itself.  And so, the Change that each one of you may be feeling on your world at this time . . . is really . . . the Light’s summoning to itself that which is like itself.  And each and every one of you is that Light . . . that is the Essence of the Living Light in the entire Creation.  In the All That Is.   And therefore, what is being summoned forth is your Lightness Within Your Beingness as well as anything that is out of resonance with the Light.  

That is why dear ones debris from every nook and every cranny within each of you personally and within the greater collective is being summoned to Source Light . . . and thus out into the Light . . . of humanity’s consciousness . . . so that it can be seen . . . and to ultimately be collectively alchemized into luminous and eternal light again.

In this way, the Essence of Divine Change of which we speak today is calling movement.  Its calling out e-motion . . . which many of you know as Energy in Motion.  It is summoning healing.  Integration.  Awakening.  It is calling back to the Hearts of All Within Humanity as a Collective Invitation . . . through the thick fog and atmosphere of the Earth’s 3D Vibrations . . . and showing the way forward into the clarity, empowerment, strength, and abundance that the New 5D Light Rings and Brings to this New Earth to reset its codes in the Light.  In the Truth.  In the Grace of Who You All Truly Are.

So where in your life are you seeing and feeling this movement?  Where in your life do you feel uprooted?  Upended?  Upside down even?  How did things spiral so out of control on your world today?  How did you get where you specifically are today?  Do you like where you are?  And more importantly, do you like how you feel?  

Because what you feel is now your quantum positioning and experience in time and space.  How you feel is determining the timeline that you are experiencing.  For what and how you feel emits your vibration.  It is your frequency.  And that is what you broadcast through a telepathic, interconnected, and highly sentient universe . . . about who you are, what you are, how you are, and where you are.  This is your unique soul signature and cosmic coordinate throughout all time and space.  

And so, while many of you may presently feel upside down, uprooted, or upended in the present moment, or you may have felt that in the recent weeks, or you may still in the coming weeks and months, know this.  That you have a Divine Inner Compass within you that can reset and reorient you to your new timeline any time you wish to take the time to go within and consciously breathe that new coordinate into form . . . by consciously intending, affirming, and knowing your vibrational destination.  

By default, fear, uncertainty, and upheaval might be the vibrational emission and destination of many who are unawakened to the Truth of the Divine Light and the Truth of Who They Truly Are as a Divine Spark of the Godheart.  It is easy to feel those e-motions on your world . . . for that is in many ways the offering and invitation that your present outer world on a global scale is vibrating. It is a powerful attractor and summoner of human experience.  It is pulsing a frequency that is in resonance with the 26,000+ year cycle you have just emerged from.  So is it any wonder that some of you find a resonance with that vibration?  It is familiar.  It is like an old shoe that fits so well because it was so loyal to you and so deeply worn.  The pathways when you journey with it are well-worn.  They are all places you have known.  They are vibrations you have experienced before.  And therefore, they are invited to vibrate in resonance with the old codes that are failing, crumbling, and crying out themselves for help.  Because the old matrix itself is failing, falling away, and dying to itself.  

When change of this scale and this magnitude unfolds in times of deep celestial and cosmological transitions, a call to turn back and align with the old ~ is strong.  Is loud.  Is in many ways a path of comfort.  Only we would ask ~ is it . . . comfortable?  Really?  If you were to go back, and try to squeeze back into your old self . . . 2 months ago . . . 2 years ago . . . 20 years ago . . . can you?  Squeeze back into it?  It feels familiar because you know it so well.  You already know it because you have lived it.  And yet, you’ve grown.  In some way, shape, or form, you have physically changed over the weeks, months, and years . . . but you have also spiritually changed.  

So even if you don’t know where you are going yet, you don’t really fit in a world that is behind you.  A world that you have already journeyed.  A consciousness that is already expired, or outdated at best.  

So the squeeze of change on this scale . . . the biggest squeeze in many of your lives right now . . . is the sense that you can’t return to what you’ve known before . . . because you have outgrown that experience and it simply doesn’t fit . . . no matter how much you might try to squeeze yourself “back into it” as if it were a garment or a costume 3, 5, 10 sizes too small.  And we would agree . . . that that approach to this level of change simply will not work.  The old energies simply cannot expand to accommodate this level of change.  That is why they are already obsolete.  They are already dematerializing at their core, even if their structure still appears to be intact.  It is the fading of a great optical illusion ~ that those energies do appear true even if they have no vibrational core to hold them up much longer.

And yet . . . and yet . . . where you are going has not fully materialized yet.  Has it?  The new is not fully born.  It is not fully manifested.  It is not yet clear and easy to see.  For it is emerging in you.  And through you.  And your vibrational choices now.  And your vibrational emissions now.  You are creating your world in every moment now with your vibration.  With your thoughts, your emotions, that generate your feelings.  Those feelings render the cosmic coordinates that determine where you are now . . . and what you are experiencing in your daily lives.  That is different than the old way of pulling out a map.  Or pulling up a list of jobs that you can apply to.  Or getting out your datebook or your calendar and scheduling appointments.  It is more.  It is so much more than that.  

Do you know the old adage, wherever you go, there you are?  To which we think it means . . . you bring yourself with you wherever you go.  So you can change your environment, but you always bring you and your vibration, your consciousness, and patterning with you.  

In this way, the changes on your world are reflecting that sentiment but on a much more galactic scale, increasingly so, every day.

So let’s go back to the question we asked earlier.  Where in your life do you see and feel this movement?  This sense of deep and profound change?  Where in your life do you feel upside down?  Or inside out?  Or in some version of upheaval at the moment?  Do you even relate to those words or that kind of experience?  If so, how so?  If not, how not?  

The bigger question we are asking is ~ how do you feel right now in this moment?  And right now in your life?  And right now in your job?  Or in school?  Or in your marriage?  How are things working for you?  How are things not aligned and not working for you very well?  If you had to pick 1 or 2 words to describe the overall energetic picture of you right now . . . if a vibration scanner existed on your world that could generate these words to you by reading your vibration in its complexity and totality for the MOST DOMINANT VIBRATION of you at this time . . . what would those couple of words be?

Whatever those words are, they are the beginnings of your New Earth Cosmic Coordinates.  They are the beginnings of your New Earth Cosmic Coordinations and Creations.  They are the beginnings of where people will know how to find you and to connect with you . . . based on the vibrational emissions you ARE at that time.  In this now moment.  Its as if you are your very own radio station . . . and people can find you by dialing in to the frequency coordinates you are offering.  

Do the words themselves matter that you chose?  Or is it the vibration of those words?  The literal essence of vibration and frequency that those words collectively and cosmically express?  We would say ~ the latter.  So by saying words that people wish to hear ~ does it put you on the timeline that you wish to be on?  That you might claim even to yourself that you desire and that you most wish to reside in and to be?  No.  

The universe is activating on a whole new level now a requirement to be impeccable with your word.  But even more than that, the universe is activating on a whole new level now a requirement to be impeccable with your vibration.  For it is vibration, frequency, and/or your unique energetic signature and matrix that is recognizable to all sentient life in the cosmos as a distinct code.  It is your code.  It is an increasingly transparent code.  And it is a transmitter then of that frequency that you are emitting.  

That is your cosmic coordinate.  Your frequency.  Your energy.  Your vibration.  That is your location emission in the greater cosmic map of your life.  That is how people are awakening to remember each other . . . in this whole new language with themselves and with others.  

So part of the aspect or experience of change that your world is undergoing at this time and in these times . . . is an awakening to the truth of yourselves as vibrational beings.  It is an awakening to the activation of yourselves as powerful creators of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.  For some it is a pleasant awakening, for others, it is a rude awakening.  And there may be a myriad of ways that each of you experiences this expansionary sense of what “awakening” means to you.  But regardless of how you experience it, awakening at this new level is happening.  And it is determining your life experiences on a scale that is more profound, more clear, more direct, and more impactful than ever before.

And that is because you are in a New Landscape on this Emerging New Earth.  What is that landscape?  It is a VIBRATIONAL LANDSCAPE.  You are what your vibration is.  You live where your vibration lives.  You communicate from your vibration’s location on the vibrational scales of frequency . . . that speak their truth ranges of density to light.  Darkness to light.  Fragmentation to wholeness.  Fear to Love.  Muted to loud.  There are vibrational expressions within each of those continuums, and each and all will find themselves there on those timelines . . . on those vibrational scales . . . with increasing frequency.  

Thus the frequency of your pitch, tone, and self expression is going to manifest more of the experiences within and around you with increasing frequency.

Your Unique Frequency determines the frequency with which you will experience that Vibration or Frequency. 

So where do you wish to be in your frequency as the Earth and the Collective rides out these shifts?   

What is your vibration gauge saying about how you feel in these changes?  

Where are you being triggered by your own debris or that of others right now at this time?

How can you meet those triggers with a vibrational willingness to listen deeper for their messages to you?  So that you can receive those messages . . . begin to convert them to soul wisdom and self knowingness . . . and then release the triggers themselves?  Who were simply acting as the messengers of your Greater Light and your desire now for a greater integration in your life?  

Triggers don’t tell us who we are. 

Triggers tell us who we are not.  

If we don’t take the time to hear what the triggers are actually saying, then we will place ourselves on a vibrational map that is a vibrational expression of who we really are not.  

If we do take the time to hear what the triggers are actually saying, then we will place ourselves on a vibrational map that is in greater alignment with the vibrational expression of who we truly are . . . as an expression of Living Light and the Talents we divinely and innately possess as Divine Sparks of the Godheart.

These times invite us to either pine away for a world that was never what we truly thought it was . . . since at its core . . . it was a holistic illusion on a grand scale . . . or . . . to reset, regroup, rebalance, and recalibrate our vibrational fields of energy and awareness . . . and set sail if you will for the Higher Light, the Greater Unity, the Infinite Joy and Abundance, that is truly meant for us.  That is truly meant for all of us.  

And yet, Admission to this New Light is truly by Vibration.   

Admission to the Timeline you are experiencing presently is by Vibration.

Wherever you go, there you are.

Admission to the Timeline you wish to experience is also by Vibration.

So wherever you consciously vibrate within, is where you will vibrationally experience yourself to be, with increasing frequency, in the New Earth Energies.  

So when they say, Be The Change You Wish To See . . . 

It means be the vibration you wish to experience.

This is similar to . . . Be the Timeline You Wish to See . . . 

Which means be the vibration that you want to template all of your experiences . . . that collectively add up to your daily life experiences, life unfoldments, and life outcomes.

Now is a time to CHOOSE YOUR TIMELINE.

From the continuum of vibrational experiences offered in great abundance and with a broad depth and scope, where do you wish to be vibrationally as a Soul Code . . . and as a daily energy and lived experience now? 

If you don’t like the old codes and the old matrix, get off the old code train.  Vibrate something new.  Choose a frequency that you CAN align with or that IS inherently in your core already aligned!  And step in a new starship that can take you anywhere you wish to go!  Physically, nonphysically, experientially, or consciously in the astral planes.

Change is here.  Change is upon you.  Change is within you.  Change is within planet Earth now.  All is quantumly shifting now to get up to speed with the Light Codes of the Greater Galaxy and Infinite Expanse of the All That Is.

If this transmission today doesn’t resonate with you right now, that’s okay.  Be an observer.  Look around you.  Witness your own experiences over the next few weeks and months.  Notice if anything atmospherically or vibrationally has moved you into a new location . . . simply by your being here on this planet at this time.  That can mean . . . has your bank account shifted, have your paycheck shifted, have any of your relationships shifted, have your beliefs shifted, have your emotional responses to personal or global events shifted, . . . is there order in your life’s experiences, or is there an emerging presence of disorder? Just observe from a place of awareness and see if any of these insights today are relevant for you at some point.  You don’t have to take our word for it.  You can do your own self study and you can see for yourself if things around you are moving and creating change at a deep evolutionary level that cannot be explained at some point by mere chance and circumstance.

We invite all of you to become those witness observers of your own lives. That is how you become a Conscious Change Agent.  And a Conscious Change Maker.  And a Conscious Change Embracer.  

Because you begin over time to learn ~ that you are the conductor of your own ship.  You are the driver of that journey.  You are the map maker of your life.  And thus you choose the coordinates where you wish to vibrationally be at any given point in time.  If you arrive in a timeline you consciously chose, or that showed up through your more dominant default vibrations, that you don’t like, or don’t desire, simply go into your inner control panel and steering wheel . . . which of course is the metaphor for your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs . . . that create your vibrational footprint and map inside you . . . and select the next best vibrational feeling, thought, or belief that will move you in the direction you wish to go.  From the contrast of what you do not want and from the desire and intention of what you do want.

This time and timeline on your world today is a Global Reset time and timeline.

All of you signed up to be aboard the mother ship for this journey, who is your heavenly host.  Her name is Mother Earth.  She is Mama Gaia.  

Each one of you is invited now to get your Inner Light Codes up to speed with where the Earth Mother is going . . . and that is . . . into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Unity, Light, Love, Compassion, Cooperation, and Manifesting for the Greatest and Highest Good of the Entire Collective in all directions of time.  

To get up to speed, to begin that process within yourselves, is to become keenly aware of your Vibrational Fields as your Steering Wheels and Cosmic Maps . . . to navigate this new changing landscape . . . and vibration-scape really . . . to be who and what you most desire to vibrate, to reset, to energetically embrace yourselves to be.

Offerings and options to go into vibrations of fear will be on your world in great abundance in these coming weeks and months.  

Offerings and options to rise into vibrations of faith and love and trusting in the perfection of your soul light and your soul skills to vibrate yourselves out of that fear timeline and into a new, holistic, happy, light-filled timeline will be on your world in great abundance every day in every moment going forward as well.

It is your Time to Choose the Vibration You Wish to Be . . . to Choose the Change in your own Life’s Experiences you wish to See and to Be . . . and to Choose the Level of Light and Consciousness you wish to experience . . .  as the old world continues to fail, crumble, and fall away as even an option anymore of a timeline.

You are the Change, dear ones.  You are the Light.  You are the Vibrational Awareness that is Expanding Now to Create and Build a New Earth . . . templated and cosmically coordinated to be . . . A Gift and Blessing of Planetary Light once more . . . to seed the entire galaxy with Renewed Faith and Light and Love . . . that the Light Always Reigns even in the Greatest Darkness.  The Light Always Returns and the Light Always Reigns from the Inside Out.  Because the Light Created All Things.  And the Light Restores All Things.  And the Light IS All Things.

Remember this as increasing change, exposure, and upside down-ness comes to your world and the world stage.

Remember this as you become the witness observer to it all . . . and you feel the choice of the Vibrational Timeline you most wish to participate in.  

Choose well vibrations that align with where you most wish to go and to be.  

And be that vibration you have consciously chosen for as long as it serves you and the greater collective to embrace it.  

If you outgrow that vibration, there is another ticket to a new timeline waiting within you . . . to be selected, chosen, appreciated, and empowered to move you into a new feeling, thought, or belief . . . and into a new timeline of experience . . . through that conscious choosing and that conscious creation inside you.

You are this Living Light.  All is Returning to the Living Light.

Listen for vibrations beyond the words.  Listen carefully.  Listen consciously.

Vibrations never lie.  Only words, distortions, and people do.  

Vibrations tell the Truth 100% of the Time.

Welcome to a New Earth Experience and Star Ship . . . increasingly becoming the Frequency of Vibrational Integrity and Timeless Truth in your lived experiences with increasing Frequency in all ways now. 

You are loved dear ones.
You ARE Love.
All Our Love.

Take Yourselves to the Next Level ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a certain appreciation for those of you who have decided to choose to experience more challenges for yourselves in this lifetime. As you look around on your planet, you can undoubtedly see those who chose an easier path with much fewer challenges, and you can see those who have chosen a very difficult path with many challenges. Of course, you have to have those two ends of the spectrum in a system of duality. These are choices. Some would look around and say, ‘That person has more karma than the other,’ but everything is a choice.

And those of you who have chosen more challenges and more difficult ones are doing the heavy lifting for the rest of humanity. You are breaking new ground with the level of desire that you access, and with all of the energy that you summon, you are bound to have a moment when you let it all in. You get to have the more interesting and fun ride. Even though the very comfortable life looks more appealing to you, it is the one that you chose that has the most opportunities for growth.

You can feel how much energy there is waiting for you to download when you are quiet, grounded in your physical body, and reaching out to feel for all of that energy. Many times, it is right there in your field, just waiting for a crack so that it can come in and heal you and give you the abundance and the abilities that you desire. Of course, once you allow one of these gigantic downloads in, it doesn’t mean that you stop presenting yourselves with challenges. You are the ones who recognize how important it is to have challenges to get you to amplify that desire, summon more energy, and then let it in.

When you are aware that you are doing this, you know which steps to take. When you are not aware that you are doing this, that is when life just feels hard and you want to give up. You might even feel suicidal. You certainly don’t think that you are doing it on purpose in those moments. But there are these moments you have chosen for yourselves where you are supposed to feel beaten down, depressed, and like there is no hope for you or for all of humanity. That is when the juices start flowing. That is when your higher self starts really summoning inward to feel for that opening, to let in that enormous amount of energy.

And all you keep doing as you move forward in your lives is summon more and more and more. Let yourselves feel it. Let it in. It has nothing to do with earning it or being good enough in Source’s eyes. All you have to do is feel that you are good enough in your eyes to receive all that you have summoned. And that means giving up on all of that shame, all of that guilt, and all of that judgment that you carry. We know that this is a tall order, but we also know that you’re tired to carrying it around and you’re ready to take yourselves to that next level.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You have evolved to the point where you are becoming immortal.

Leading Society into 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a very good picture of what it looks like for a human being to try to fit in to society, and we also have a very picture of what it looks like when someone is making a statement that is counter to societal norms. We also notice when one of you is willing to just be yourself and when being yourself is not an act of resistance to the societal norms that you’ve been made aware of. You find yourself in a sweet spot. The sweet spot is a place where you give yourself permission to be who you want to be and you don’t really care what anyone thinks. You are neither a conformist nor a rebel. You are just you.

And most people get there at some point in their lives, one way or another. There is a shedding of the skin of who you thought you were supposed to be or who your parents wanted you to be. There are even many adults who are single who are running around trying to be what their preferred gender wants them to be. Or at least they’re doing what they think the gender they prefer wants them to do, looking like they think they need to look in order to attract someone.

Now, there also comes a time in a person’s life when it’s time to examine whether you are operating as the part of yourself that lives in fear, or whether you are operating as that part of yourself that seeks out joy. You also have a survival instinct, in addition to this desire to fit in or stand out as someone who is purposefully not fitting in. The survival instinct means that you have to compete with others. It means you have to have more than enough, just in case. It’s the part of you that never really feels relaxed because something bad could happen. You could get a disease, or the economy could tank. Any number of things could happen that would potentially put your survival at risk.

We are speaking to those of you who recognized that survival instinct a long time ago and have shed that skin as well so that you could simply pursue your joy. You are meant to live in bliss and to be eager and enthusiastic when you wake up in the morning, but you still see people around you who are living in fear, and it’s very hard for you. It’s even harder to convince them that they no longer need to be afraid. And so, what can you do? You can live your life fully, shine your light brightly, and invite anyone and everyone who wants to come along with you on the joy parade to march.

You can be an example to others of how to live proudly as you are and to not fear your mortal nature. You have evolved to the put where you needn’t worry so much about survival. You have evolved to the point where you are becoming immortal, and when you can demonstrate to others how good it feels to not be afraid of dying and to not be afraid of what others think, you can lead society into a new age, into an entirely new dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase my NEW book on amazon, or the ebook from me – Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Volume 2 here

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even a person who has one relationship after another or one marriage after another can be seen as a failure in relationships by one person but another may look at that same person and think about how exciting that lifestyle must be.therefore we suggest that you broaden your definitions…See it as an accomplishment if all you are feeling right now is calm and peaceful, and see any amount of money that is flowing into your life right now as the definition of abundance.-Achieving Goals ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton-

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have noticed the tendency on the part of humanity to set your sights on a particular goal that you have for yourselves and then to work very hard to achieve that goal. And all of this assumes that you will be happier, more fulfilled, more abundant, or something like that, after you have achieved your goal. The assumption is, of course, not always accurate. Sometimes you will achieve a goal and you will have more abundance, and then it will be time to set another goal, because you will want that feeling again.
You will want the feeling of satisfaction. You will want the feeling of accomplishment. You will create your sense of self-worth based upon whether you are able to achieve the next level of success by your own definition. Less of you than we would like to see are living your lives according to the joy that you feel in the moment. Very few are starting from a place of joy, or satisfaction. Instead, you are seeking it, as though it is contained in something outside of you.
You will always be the experiencer of that joy, that fulfillment, and even that abundance. You can have a billion dollars and look at someone who has twenty-five billion and feel poor by comparison, or a child can have one dollar and think that he or she is rich. It is truly all relative and all created by definition. Reality is what you make of it. Reality is how you choose to experience it in the moment, and so, if you are looking to the achievement to give you what you want, we recommend getting what you want first, and then deciding what it is you want to do from that place.
Get into that state of happiness, love, freedom, or abundance, and then see what you feel inspired to do, and we guarantee you that it will be more satisfying because you are doing it from a place of not needing to do it. We want to see more of you seeking out those vibrations by going within you and letting go of your attachments to someone else’s definition of success or abundance.
Even a person who has one relationship after another, or one marriage after another, can be seen as a failure in relationships by one person, but another may look at that same person and think about how exciting that lifestyle must be. Therefore, we suggest that you broaden your definitions and you allow for any little accomplishment to be something to celebrate. If you are living, right now, in a pain-free body, celebrate that. See it as an accomplishment if all you are feeling right now is calm and peaceful, and see any amount of money that is flowing into your life right now as the definition of abundance. And you will live more joyously from moment to moment.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

And you sometimes feel stuck in the middle, trying so hard to be of your higher self and to hold that consciousness, but then the ego still wants to survive and wants to be better than others. The ego still wants to feel separation, and it’s very tempting to go down that road of measuring yourself against others to determine your self worth.

5th Dimensional Knowing vs. 3rd Dimensional Beliefs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to appreciate the different challenges that you face there on Earth as beings who have allowed yourselves to be under a certain spell. Now, we see the bigger picture, and we recognize that the spell you have been under was created by you, specifically, to give you certain experiences that you could only have while holding this very limited view of self and reality. What we are now noticing is how many of you feel trapped in a loop, a loop that brings you back around to the same limiting thoughts and beliefs, and even actions.

As awake as you are, you find it difficult, if not impossible to free yourselves from the limitation that you once constructed to give yourselves a third-dimensional experience of reality. Now that you are fourth-dimensional, it is of course time to let go of these limitations and be the version of yourself that understands who you really are as Source Energy Beings.

However, these limiting thoughts and beliefs keep coming up, and they are creating an atmosphere for you that is very uncomfortable, especially when you now know better. It is as if you are in a battle of wills between your fifth-dimensional knowing and your third dimensional beliefs.

And you sometimes feel stuck in the middle, trying so hard to be of your higher self and to hold that consciousness, but then the ego still wants to survive and wants to be better than others. The ego still wants to feel separation, and it’s very tempting to go down that road of measuring yourself against others to determine your self worth. And then the fifth-dimensional part of you gets active and realizes that there is no separation and there is no need to survive, or measure yourself. That part of you knows about ascension and your infinite and eternal nature.

You don’t have to spend any of your time and effort trying to destroy thoughts and beliefs. You just need to be aware of when they come up so that you can lovingly let them go and return to the knowing of your fifth-dimensional higher self. Keep making that shift internally until it become second nature, and you will no longer be in a battle. It will be more like a group hug.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Purchase my NEW book on amazon, or the ebook from me – Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Volume 2 here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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Ascension symptoms are nothing to worry about.

Physical Upgrades & Ascension Symptoms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Physical Upgrades & Ascension Symptoms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are particularly interested in keeping tabs on how you all are doing in regards to the upgrades that have been ongoing to your physical bodies. The reason why we are so interested in this topic is because of the way that many of you who are awake have come to realize that these ascension symptoms are normal and natural, and we like to see how much you have influenced the collective consciousness of humanity. We would like nothing more than to see an individual, who we would define as unawakened, have one of these symptoms in their physical body and come to the realization that it was a normal and natural occurrence.

We would love to see more of you letting go of your worries and your fears in regards to your physical vehicles. We would love to see you all just listening to your bodies, rather than medicating them so much and having so many unnecessary surgeries. We want you to realize that your bodies are dynamic machines, and sometimes those machines need upgrades. We also want you to recognize that your upgrades are a positive sign. They mean that you are closer to having your fifth dimensional light body.

You are of course, well on your way, but how you are going to get there, and when, is still yet to be determined. We just want to see you making that journey with joy and love in your hearts, rather than fear and worry. In a typical third-dimensional lifetime, you would come to expect a gradual decline in your faculties and a deterioration of your physical body, leading to either a sudden death or an illness that would lead to death.

Now is the time to let go of that ancient programming that has nothing to do with who you are today as ascending beings of light and love. You are infinite and you are eternal, and you are taking your bodies with you to the fifth dimension. You will have a physical body. It just won’t be as dense as the one you have now, and that is why these upgrades are necessary, and that is why we would love to see less freaking out at every little issue with your physical bodies.

What we are suggesting instead is that you slow down, rest, relax, meditate, hydrate, and give yourselves love and compassion, especially the part of you that is having the hardest time during the very important upgrade. These upgrades will continue, of course, and we hope that you all continue to stay aligned with your knowing that ascension symptoms are nothing to worry about so that you can be the influencers to the rest of the human collective that you were born to be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

In the long run, you will say yes to all of the different energies from the different star systems, and you will be able to assimilate all energies and become your full galactic self.

The Orion Star System ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been increasing the amount of energy that we have been sending to support you, and we are very pleased to see how many of you have opened yourselves up to it. We know that you tend to open yourselves up to receive more when you have a reason to, such as the Lion’s Gate Portal, and so we take advantage of that, and we sneak some more energy in. We also notice how well you are able to assimilate the energies coming from our star system, and we are also monitoring how well you are assimilating the energies from other star systems.

The Orion System, for example, is very tricky because of the lack of trust that you all have of Orion energies. Most of you are not conscious of this lack of trust, but your subconscious knows what you experienced in that star system and how much trauma you carried forth from those Orion incarnations. We also notice that there are times when you will be receiving and assimilating more Pleiadian energy because you realize how healing it is. In the long run, you will say yes to all of the different energies from the different star systems, and you will be able to assimilate all energies and become your full galactic self.

You often find that the best feeling energies are coming to you from our star system, and that is because of the very pleasant memories that you have of incarnating here. We have always been a peaceful people. We have always sought spiritual enlightenment, and that is also a big part of what you are doing there on Earth now, as you consciously ascend to the fifth dimension.

We do want you to open yourselves up to the star systems that have been home to more of your traumatic experiences, and we invite you to do so consciously. At times, it will seem like you are having a bad dream, or a nightmare, when you become aware of certain experiences you have had in other parts of the galaxy. But you will also realize how beneficial that is and how much the clearing is necessary and a part of your evolution and awakening. And by allowing more of the Orion energies in, you also grant yourselves more access to the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Arcturian energies.

You can and you will recall what you need to recall from those off-world incarnations, just as you will recall all of your e.t. experiences that you’ve had on your Mother Earth in this and every other lifetime. It is quite a journey that you have put yourselves on, but always rest assured that you have the help of us, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many other beings of light and love who only want to help. You are strong and you are capable of handling it all. This we have seen time and time again from humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

”Talk to each other about what you want to create, because you most certainly can, and you most certainly will.”-The Lion’s Gate Portal Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

The Lion’s Gate Portal Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to see all of you aligning your chakras and opening up to receive the energetic transmissions coming at this time of the Lion’s Gate Portal. You all are such wonderful vessels for these energies, and it is as if you have been practicing for these bigger moments in the calendar year, when all of you are aware of the alignment of energies. You have done so beautifully well with all of the energies leading up to this most intense period of the Lion’s Gate.

You have demonstrated your readiness to handle more. Now, the exciting part comes because you get to do whatever you want to do with the energies you’ve opened yourselves up to. You get to create what you want to create. So if you’re asking others to tell you what the Lion’s Gate energies are all about, you are not taking enough initiative. You need to empower yourselves and recognize that when an opportunity like this comes along, it is an opportunity for all of you to create what you want to experience, what you want for your fellow humans and for the entire planet.

This is a time when you can do more than your share of the receiving, because certainly it is a small segment of the population that is even aware of these energies and the alignments that are upon you. We recommend keeping yourselves fully hydrated and grounded, making sure that you are getting enough rest and relaxation, and make sure that you are anchoring these energies as well. Don’t just run them through your physical bodies. Run them down into your Mother Earth, where she can spread them out and make them available to those who are not as open and aware of what is going on at this time.

You may have already felt the intensity of the energies. You may still be reeling from the last dose that you received, and so, take that into consideration. More is not always better. Sometimes you need to let what you have already received sink in a bit more. The energies will, of course, continue to come in, and the next round will be a bit weaker but still very potent. So we advise that you pace yourselves and that you make the most of this beautiful experience. It is a wonderful time for co-creation as well. Talk to each other about what you want to create, because you most certainly can, and you most certainly will.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You have been ninth dimensional before, and you will be ninth dimensional again. You have been Arcturian before, and you will visit our star system again. If that weren’t true, then you wouldn’t resonate with us in the way that you do.

Your Universal Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within you the knowing that you have a past in this galaxy that extends beyond your solar system, and at the same time, we are giving you that knowing that you have a future in the higher dimensional realms. You have been ninth dimensional before, and you will be ninth dimensional again. You have been Arcturian before, and you will visit our star system again. If that weren’t true, then you wouldn’t resonate with us in the way that you do.

The truth of your existence is that you’re expanding out in all directions at once, and that includes all points in time, or to put it another way, all points in space/time. You are becoming one with the entire universe, step-by-step, moment-by-moment. And now is the time you are becoming one with your higher selves. That is very exciting.

For a while, it’s also exciting and interesting to pretend that we are all separate. Why is that exciting and interesting? Well, you get to know us and other beings, and as you do, you get to know yourselves. You get to know more of what makes you up, and it’s a fun way that Source devised to get to know Source. We are all just playing our roles in this magical tour of the universe. The universe is not even our whole selves. We are all more than this universe. Certainly, we are more than this galaxy, each individual star system and the planets and moons on which beings dwell.

Therefore, we invite you to feel how significant you are as you look up at the stars. We invite you to feel how big and powerful you are when you extend your consciousness out to include all other beings. We are all doing this together, and it can be a lot more fun if you allow it to be. It is similar to the concept that you have of meeting a soulmate. When you are desperate to meet your soulmate and feel that time is running out on you, it’s not that fun. So when you are looking to connect with beings like us, or fifth dimensional Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, or whomever, you want to do so because it’s fun. You want to do so because you want to know more of yourself.

And you have many different facets, many aspects. Again, you are really spread out across this entire universe, and through beings like us, you are connecting the dots. You are becoming whole again, and we are just playing our part. We are one collective. There are many more that you haven’t even heard of yet. So let’s make this a fun and enjoyable ride to meeting more of who we are, and let’s do it together, consciously.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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When you are in a state of joy, passion, excitement, and enthusiasm for life, you can feel buoyed by the energy of Source. You can feel yourself aligning with that Infinite Love and Light.

Bridging the Gap Between You & Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are tremendously encouraged by the way that we see all of you changing your interactions with Source and with yourselves. We see more and more of you bridging the self-imposed, imaginary gap created between self and Source, and we see it happening in every moment of every day. You all are becoming more comfortable with yourselves as Beings of Source, beings of unconditional love. And when you get into that state of allowing more of Source to flow through you, it is hard for you to deny what is actually happening.

Getting into that flow means that you are following your bliss, you are being in a state of joy, you are allowing yourselves to relax and let go. When you can just be and be present with whatever it is you are doing or not doing, that’s when you are open. That’s when Source flows through you, and that’s when your concept of self evolves. When you know that something else is upon you, then you can no longer operate under the assumption that you are separate, that you are alone, that nothing else exists but your skin and bones.

There has been an evolution of consciousness upon Earth that has allowed for all of you to feel more of the Source Energy that you truly are to flow through you, and this is a trend that is going to continue. You are not going to see people backsliding into a belief that they are small, insignificant specks of dust in a gigantic universe. Once you get a taste of that flow of Source, you want more and more of it, and we want to encourage you to continue to close that gap. And the way that we know you do this is by following your bliss. When you are in a state of joy, passion, excitement, and enthusiasm for life, you can feel buoyed by the energy of Source. You can feel yourself aligning with that Infinite Love and Light.

You can know yourselves as eternal beings by recognizing that all is now. And if you exist in this now, then you exist in all of them. Again, coming to this realization is so significant that you can never go back. You can never un-expand your consciousness. You are all moving forward at the perfect pace. And life is going to inspire you more and more as you move forward to be who you really are, to not hold any of it back and to merge the Energy of Source with the human consciousness, perfectly and deliberately, creating the new version of you, the one you came to this lifetime to experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

The Power of Being in the Flow ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You are, in many ways, freeing yourselves from the bondage of being trapped by those unwanted, low-vibrational emotions.

And we see more and more of you soaring free without the baggage that you’ve been carrying. What you are also there to do is to recognize that you are never more powerful than when you are feeling something, no matter what it is. When you are letting the energy of emotion flow through you, that is when you are your most powerful. That’s when you are in the flow, and that’s what you are there to recognize at this time. It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

When someone is talking to the public because they are a public figure, don’t hang on every word that they are saying. Instead, notice what vibration the individual is holding and whether he or she is in the flow or offering resistance. You want to support those who are in the flow. You want to support expansion, no matter where you are on your journey. Whether you have a lot of emotions left to process or not, you are there to create the reality that is your ideal version of life on Earth.

And you can only do that through feeling. There’s not enough time or energy to do it through action. It really is about letting yourself be in the flow of that creation, that version of reality that you want to experience. Anytime you are tensing up and in resistance, you are not allowing the flow of energy to empower you. And so, if you want to be of service to yourself and others, remember this transmission. Remember the power of being in the flow of what you feel and how necessary it is at times to let go of whatever it is you are resisting, so that you can just be in the moment with whatever it is you feel. You can feel more powerful than you have allowed yourselves to, up until now, and you can let your emotions guide you on that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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we know that you all want to be of service. And just by taking on more of the high frequency energies that are coming in, you are doing your part.

How the Energies Are Affecting You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in the way that humanity has been responding to the recent energies that are upon you. We see more and more of you who are awake opening up to receive these energies, and we are very encouraged by that. We know that many of you already realize the significance of your opening up to receive the higher frequency energies, but what you may not realize is that in so doing you are shining your light more brightly. And when you shine your light more brightly, you help to awaken in others what has been lying dormant within them. You become the ones who are giving the activations to the rest of humanity.

It is easier for us, and others like us, to reach those of you who are awake than it is for us to reach those who are asleep. And it is easier for you to reach your fellow humans than it is for any other beings to reach them. Occasionally, we will see animals being able to reach the humans that are hard for us to get on the same wavelength with. Therefore, we want to congratulate you on doing so much for humanity, and we want to encourage you to open up even more to let these energies in. You are needed. You are effective. You are having a bigger impact than you realize.

It is often challenging for us to convince one of you that you’re having an impact on the rest of humanity because that impact is hard to see. It’s hard to quantify. And it is also difficult for many of you to see how humanity is doing better and better all the time, but it is. You are, as a collective, continuing to spiral upwards, and we and the other higher frequency beings who are helping you, will continue to do so. We will continue to acknowledge the impact that you are all having, even if you will not. We are happy to be your cheerleaders, and we are happy to validate you when you cannot do that for yourselves.

And of course, we will continue to monitor how the energies you are being sent are affecting you. We will continue to push the envelope to see how much more you can handle, because we enjoy seeing your light shining brighter and brighter, and also because we know that you all want to be of service. And just by taking on more of the high frequency energies that are coming in, you are doing your part.

You are all doing so very well, and we want to celebrate you. But we also want you to know that more is coming and that we see you taking care of yourselves, readying yourselves for the next wave of energies. And even if your fellow humans are not acknowledging you there for what you’re doing, we most certainly are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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it is so important for you to be connected to your Mother Earth.

Enormous Downloads from Arcturus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been distributing energies into the grid systems that you have there on your Mother Earth. We have been contributing to the grids directly because the energies that we have been offering have been too much for any of you there on the planet to handle, individually. Earth herself is another story. She is capable of handling what we have to offer and much, much more.

And lately, a lot of Mother Earth’s requests have been granted by ourselves and many of the other collectives and councils throughout the galaxy who are seeking to help the furthering of the expansion of the human collective consciousness. This is one of the many reasons why it is so important for you to be connected to your Mother Earth.

She is able to bring those energies to you in a way that you will be able to handle the energies individually, and she’s also distributing these energetic gifts to the trees and other plants and animals on her. So when you connect with one of your furry friends or one of your leafy friends, you are getting what it is that we are offering.

Now, why are we sending you these huge packets that are too big for you to download directly? These energies are about taking all of the history that you have there on Earth and processing it in such a way that the entire human collective consciousness benefits. We are talking about utilizing all of the energy that has been generated by your emotions throughout the entire history of human life on Earth.

Now, what our downloads do to assist in this process is that we have the ability to balance the emotional energies that have been experienced by all of you throughout your storied history. We offer the other end of the spectrum, and no matter what the emotion is, the other end of the spectrum is peace.

Peace is something that Arcturians have experienced throughout our entire existence, and so, we have less of that emotional energy that you all generate so easily. But we have plenty of peace, and even gigantic downloads of something as seemingly harmless as the energy of peace can be too much for an individual in a physical body to take. Therefore, we are working with your Earth, and if you tune in, you can feel both the peacefulness of Earth and also the energy that is being processed by the human collective consciousness that will catapult you into the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Let yourself have a personalized experience of this beautiful universe of ours, and never think that your experience has to be repeatable to be true. That is the way to live a fifth dimensional life.

Let Your World be Rocked ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to recognize the tendency within humanity to come to conclusions rather quickly. We see you all making assumptions based on very little bits and pieces of information, and the assumptions that you make fit in very nicely with your judgments. It is easier for you to believe in something when it’s a confirmation of what you already believe. It is much harder for you to accept information when it runs contrary to a long held belief system, and that is unfortunate because you are going to have experiences in the coming years that are going to rock your worlds.

It’s going to be necessary for you to let go of that tendency to jump to the conclusion that supports pre-existing beliefs. You are going to want to open yourselves up to completely new ideas, ways of experiencing and knowing reality. That is one of the reasons you have created a world for yourselves right now where there is so much contradiction, where you will always have opposing belief systems co-existing. It’s necessary. It’s good for you because you don’t want to get complacent. You don’t want to ever think that you have it all figured out. You want to remain open, but with a healthy amount of skepticism as well. And we say that because we don’t want you to believe anything and everything that comes into your awareness.

We still want you to run everything through your hearts, see if it resonates, feel into it, and then still don’t come to a conclusion right away. Part of the problem there on Earth is that you were taught in school that these are the facts, these are the truths by which you all need to live. And then once you were done with school, you started to learn that most of what you were taught was false, or unnecessary, or just one perspective on something. We are talking mostly about your history, but other subjects as well.

There is room for creation. There is room for spontaneity. You don’t have to follow all the rules, and you don’t have to adhere to facts that you hold onto tightly, like a treasured toy that you never let out of your sight as a child. You are creator beings, and you are also explorers. You are there to create, but you are also there to expand. And so, we suggest that you hold back from jumping to conclusions and just let in more of your own energy and information. Let yourself have a personalized experience of this beautiful universe of ours, and never think that your experience has to be repeatable to be true. That is the way to live a fifth dimensional life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You are becoming aware of the truth that you are energetic beings, surrounded by energy, and that you co-create your world and experiences with vibration.

Passing the Point of No Return ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very familiar with the ways in which most humans decide upon the important aspects of your lives. We have witnessed you shift in recent decades to becoming more intuitive about your decisions. We notice that you rely less upon the opinions and guidance of those outside of you, and we are quite certain that this is a shift for the better for humanity. It also shows that you are stepping into your own. You are opening your third eye. You are more in touch with your feelings, and you are recognizing yourselves as sovereign beings who thrive in an environment where you are allowed to create your reality.

You have, of course, always been allowed in the bigger sense to create your reality. But what we are referring to here is what we are seeing, and we are seeing more and more individuals waking up to the truth that you do in fact create your reality. And when you know that, you know that it is not your job or responsibility to simply follow in the footsteps of those who came before you. There is more of a knowing that you are not just supposed to live out a preordained set of circumstances for your lives. You are becoming aware of the truth that you are energetic beings, surrounded by energy, and that you co-create your world and experiences with vibration.

This is huge for humanity. The number of you who are awake now to all of that, and also to the knowing that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love, means that you are crossing the threshold. You are entering into a critical mass point, and you have already passed the point of no return. You cannot go back now. You cannot descend again to the third dimension, not once you awaken. Once you awaken, even if you have your doubts at times, you have hit that tipping point in your own consciousness, and there is no going back. And there is no going back now for humanity.

You are empowering each other now with your independence, with your willingness to go against the grain and make choices that others in your families would never make. This is the time to be bold, creative, and of course to listen to that intuition that is guiding you to live the life you were born to create and live out. This is what we are excited about right now. We are excited to see how many of you are doing exactly what we are talking about, and we want you to know that the number of humans who are feeling that sovereignty and independence has never been greater on planet Earth, and that certainly is very exciting.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You have the power to make yourself your savior. You have the power to manifest the reality you want to experience…Do what brings you joy. Activate joy within you, and the universe will respond, because that’s how the universe works.

Embrace Your Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been placing a great deal of emphasis in our transmissions on the empowerment of humanity. We want very much for you to experience yourselves as powerful beings, both as individuals and as a collective. We want you to experience yourselves in that way because you are powerful beings who create your reality, and we also give you this in response to what we see. We see many awakened individuals giving their power away.

One of the ways that you do this is by assuming that you are living out a predetermined set of circumstances. You give your power away to the you that was present in the seventh dimension when you were deciding on which set of circumstances to be born into in this life. Another way that you give that power away is to people who make predictions.

When a person, or an entity, makes a prediction, and you then believe that the prediction is set in stone, you are also no longer embracing yourselves as the creators of your reality. Another way you are giving your power away is to believe that someone in politics, someone in a cabal, or extra-terrestrial beings have the ability to either control and manipulate you without your consent or be your savior.

We seek to empower you because we want you to realize that you are Source Energy Beings creating all of this, even those malevolent beings that ARE trying to control and manipulate you. But it could only happen by agreement, and you have the power to not agree to be controlled or manipulated. You also have the power to choose what timeline you’re on. You have the power to make yourself your savior. You have the power to manifest the reality you want to experience. You have the power to accelerate your shift, and all of that must mean that looking outside of yourselves is not acknowledging the powerful being that you are.

This is why we also emphasize going within. We want you to experience that power viscerally. We want you to know it as a feeling, as something you vibrate. We want you to know it as something you are. You are the power that you seek. You are the manifestation that you wish to be living, but unless we and others like us can convince you to access all of that within you, then you will continue to look outside of you for the next set of circumstances that’s going to control whether you get what you want or not. And that goes for you personally and you collectively.

What do you want for all of humanity, including yourself? Put your focus on that creation, vibrate in harmony with it, and then let it go. Let the universe do the heavy lifting while you sit back, relax, meditate, and live a life of joy, whatever that looks like to you. There is plenty of joy to felt, to be shared, to be experienced. You don’t have to wait until you are fully fifth dimensional to start living in joy, and that is something else that we want for all of you. Do what brings you joy. Activate joy within you, and the universe will respond, because that’s how the universe works.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You can learn to feel empowered.

True Spiritual Mastery ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to be everywhere, all at once, and also to be nowhere in the sense that we are non-physical. We are non-local and non-dualistic. You are living in a dualistic, polarized dimension where you often feel restricted, confined to a physical body. You even need permission to travel to another country, and are usually only allowed to stay for a certain amount of time before you are legally obligated to leave. You are having a very different experience from the one that we are having.

But you also have the ability to feel so much more relief than we will ever know again. The way that your reality is set up gives you the opportunity to experience getting hungry and then eating. You get to feel tired and then have a restful night’s sleep. You get to feel cold and then warm up. You get to know chaos and then peace. If you can embrace the experiences that are the opposite of what you want because they are giving you the opportunity to then experience what you want, you can move through those experiences much more quickly. When you don’t get what you want right away and shake your fists at the heavens and scream, ‘Why me?!’ you delay the process a bit more.

You are not, in that moment, allowing what you want to experience to flow to you naturally, but it’s all right. Even that experience has its positive aspects. Your desire is heightened in that moment of screaming. Your appreciation for getting what you want has the tendency to be increased because you went to that pit of despair.

Oftentimes you hear stories of monks or wise elders, and in those stories, the individual doesn’t react to a great deal of emotion to either good news or bad news, and the point of the story is to show that you don’t have to. The wise one in the story is meant to be an example of someone who is more evolved. However, from where we sit, we find it more impressive to see you having a true and real emotional reaction to something and then to clear that emotion by processing it and to even bring yourself to a place of calm and peace while nothing about the circumstance has changed. That is true mastery.

Those are the stories you need to be telling because you have a lot of emotions inside of you, and the purpose of life is not to transcend your feelings. It is to have your feelings and to recognize that whatever is causing you to have those feelings can also be embraced. You can learn to feel empowered. You can know that nothing outside of you is stronger or more powerful than you are, because you take the emotional hit, bring yourself to that place of calm and peace inside of you, and you get on with your life.

You get on with the process of creating what you do want to experience. When we see one of you doing that, we know we are observing a true master.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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We are not saying that you have no reasons to be angry. You do. But it is more important for you to process and feel that anger than it is for you to go looking for more reasons to feel it.

Tune Yourselves to Higher Frequencies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are sending you transmissions in every moment of every day. They are energetic transmissions, and so is this. This is an energetic transmission that this channel has been able to pick up and run through his physical body, and now here he is making sense of what we are sending and what he is receiving. You can do this as well. At any time, you can pick up on our transmission. There are many, many other beings and collectives who want very much for you to pick up on their transmissions. You all have to decide which of us you want to tune yourselves to.

And of course, some are not choosing to tune in at all. When someone is not choosing to tune themselves to a higher frequency, they are unknowingly tuning themselves to a medium or low frequency, and they are then getting what they are getting as a result. Most people are walking around, receiving all sorts of information, and because that information is a vibrational match to how they’ve been feeling, it seems real to them. It resonates. If you’re angry, and there’s a talk radio show host who spends a couple of hours a night screaming into a microphone about how this group or that group is harming America, or whatever country that person is living in, and the angry person who is listening to this show feels as if the host is speaking for them, then the entire broadcast is going to resonate. It’s going to hit home.

This is why you needn’t go looking outside of yourselves for information. Whatever you are vibrating will bring you information, thoughts, experiences, people, and so on, to reflect to you that vibration. This is how the universe works. This is why it’s more important for you to simply sit, go within, breathe, and raise your vibration than it is for you to gather pieces of information that will then inform you about what you should be doing. Instead, we recommend just sitting, opening yourselves up, raising that vibration within you, and then waiting for the inspired thought to come.

We suggest that you tune yourselves to the higher frequency beings and collectives so that you can receive directly what it is that is most appropriate for you to receive. Perhaps it is just a message that says, ‘slow down, or ‘relax,’ or ‘pay attention.’ There are so many small messages that carry so much weight, but you have to tune yourselves to these higher frequencies first, or you’re just going to get the angry talk show host who riles you up. We are not saying that you have no reasons to be angry. You do. But it is more important for you to process and feel that anger than it is for you to go looking for more reasons to feel it.

We want you to feel the love that you are. We want you to feel joy, and then we want you to create more reasons to feel love and joy. Again, that is how this universe works.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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The Bigger Picture of E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have evaluated several of the instances there on Earth where there has been open, physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings, and one of the conclusions that we’ve come to is that things have not ended well for humanity in the majority of those instances. We are referring to the time that humanity was assisted by the Lyrans, the time when humanity was deceived by beings known as the anunnaki, and we are talking about the instance in Egypt where several different extra-terrestrial races came to both assist humanity and also to take advantage of humanity’s view of extra-terrestrials.

So oftentimes e.t.s have been seen as angels or gods, and they have taken advantage of that belief that the humans held about them. When you have had full, open, physical contact with e.t. beings, more often than not, they have taken advantage of the fact that humanity assumed they were something other than what they were. And now, you live in a time where you are better served at questioning everything that comes to you in terms of information, stories, even firsthand accounts. You live in a time where it is very easy to put information out there that seems true, that sounds true, and even has some truth sprinkled into it, but that ultimately contains more of a desire to deceive than a desire to inform.

Those of you who are seeking that open, full, physical contact with e.t.s must take into consideration what humanity has already experienced. Even though you are going to connect with benevolent e.t. beings who will have your best interests at heart when they do land their ships in an open way, you will still be dealing with the trauma of Lemuria, Atlantis, and the feelings of abandonment you experienced in Egypt, India, Scandinavia, and in countless other times in your history.

And so, this is another factor to take into consideration when you are so certain that you want that full, open contact with physical e.t.s right away. Some of you think that the sooner this happens, the better. However, you are still working through your trauma of e.t.s as a collective. All of you were present during at least one of these instances that turned out to be quite traumatic for those of you who took part in those contact experiences. You are ready for that experience. Those of you who are receiving this message have done your work. You’ve cleared trauma. You feel ready for e.t. contact because you are, but you are a small segment of the human population.

The work is being done to ready your fellow humans, and you are doing a huge part of that work. Continue doing what you’re doing, and be open to having your own personal experiences with benevolent e.t.s. And just know that the rest of humanity is moving at a pace that is pleasing to those like us who can see the bigger picture here.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Downloading Your Galactic History ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extending out an invitation to all of you there on Earth who want to have a deeper experience of yourselves as galactic beings. We are ready to transmit more information that you can receive as a download, and that download will include more of the history of this galaxy of ours. In your unique download, you will receive images and knowings of your place in galactic history. If you want to know what part you’ve played in bringing peace during the Orion Wars, then this is the download for you. If you want to know what healing modalities you created as a Pleiadian, then this is the download for you.

All you need to do is agree to receive the download, and then be patient. It might not come right away, and it certainly might not come in the way that you expect it to. But a good time to ask for this download to come is right before you are falling asleep. Now, at times, you will receive a download in your energy field, but you won’t get the details grounded into your consciousness right away. We are telling you this because we want you to know that it might take a while before you are able to translate the download into something that makes sense to you.

Some of the images you see, or the feelings that you feel, might be too intense for you given where you are at this time in your life, but you can still say ‘yes’ to receiving the download. We want you to understand where you come from and the history of this galaxy because of the truth that you will be experiencing open contact with extra-terrestrials in this lifetime. That is to say, most of you who are receiving this transmission fall into that category. There will be some who will have a death experience, but we know that those of you who are awake will want to come right back and experience the shift as an infant or a toddler.

So it does hold true for all of you that there will come a time in your lives on Earth where you will experience this full, open contact, and it will behoove you to have already experienced some of your personal history and some of the collective history of what has happened prior to your series of Earthly incarnations, which of course you are now in. There are many stories out there of course about the history of this galaxy, but no one else’s account will ever compare to your experience of your own memories. And that’s what this download we are offering is really all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Going Beyond the Mind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are activating within you a new construct, a new belief system, that will allow you to go beyond the preordained confines of your physical minds. We have been negotiating with your higher selves for permission to give you this activation, and your higher selves have determined that the timing is absolutely right and appropriate for such an activation.

Now, this activation will not prevent you from still operating under the limitations you have always experienced that came with the territory of being physical and having a mind, but you will have the free will to move past the limitations and to move into a time where your minds are simply focusing devices, but not processing centers. What you want to process information with is your heart, however, up until this coming activation, doing so was really just a nice motto for a bumper sticker.

Soon you will actually be able to process information using the inherent wisdom in your heart. Now, all of your cells have this potential, but the overemphasis on action, on ego, and on thought has resulted in all of you utilizing your brain cells and your brain cells only for processing information and coming to conclusions. One of the reasons we have been given permission to give you this activation is because of the way that so many individuals have been targeting your minds. There has been a movement to take humanity away from your feeling senses, your intuition, and this movement has had damaging effects on the human collective consciousness. It’s time to give you the right and the freedom to move beyond that very limiting approach to seeing your world and developing your worldview.

This heart-centered, heart-based operating system is one whose time has come, and the activation of the heartmind will be felt. It will be noticeable. There will be many who will comment on how it has changed everything for them, and we look forward to seeing the tangible results on your Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Always know that high-energy frequencies of Light are the reality and that heavy, low-resonating energy cannot enter into the higher because there is no alignment. Let this realization be your “sword and shield” in every situation-The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele-

JULY 14, 2019

Dear readers, know that the strife and conflicts taking place at this time on Earth indicate the shifts of consciousness that are happening. The status quo is being questioned and no longer blindly accepted by an ever increasing number of people.

The innately self-serving goals of many three-dimensional standards are beginning to be recognized for what they are and, as more and more awaken, will be eliminated or transmuted to higher forms. Know that all is proceeding according to plan.

Some refuse to let go of three-dimensional concepts now being recognized by many others as false. They continue to identify with what is familiar in the belief that their belief system is their identity, showing others who they are. These dear ones believe that they would no longer be the person they believe themselves to be if they were to change.

This type of thinking represents separation and demonstrates the common human need to create an ideal persona based in the individual’s concepts of what constitutes a good, bad, perfect, ideal human–illusion at its finest. (1)

Many continue to believe and promote that change and new ways of thinking will never be as wonderful as in the past. These dear ones live in the past, nostalgic for what they falsely believe were “the good old days,” not realizing that the past only seemed better because the same issues being exposed today were very much alive at that time as well, but were hidden.

Never forget that those who remain fully three-dimensional are also Divine Beings. Your job is to live from your highest enlightened realizations in the ordinary moments of each day. Many of those choosing to remain rigidly attached to illusion will at some point leave the planet as they will not be able to align with the higher-dimensional frequencies.

Do not overly concern yourselves with those choosing not to awaken at this time even if the person is a loved family member or friend. Remember, every person has a Higher Self, Guides, and a spiritual contract and this lifetime may not be their chosen time to awaken. After enough lifetimes lived in the illusions of duality and separation, every soul grows tired of the nonsense and begins to seek for more.

Evolution can be postponed, but not avoided forever because the reality of every soul is Oneness with Source.

Every one of you has experienced lifetimes mired in the sticky energy of duality and separation. It is important and necessary to have hundreds of different three-dimensional experiences before a person is prepared to let go and seek the deeper realities. That is how the ascension journey works.

Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is energy . Everything is in vibration. The faster the vibration, the higher the frequency, the highest being pure Light. Highly-resonating frequencies cannot be seen with human eyes because the two frequencies (three-dimensional versus fifth and higher) do not align. This is why most people are unable to see their Guides and beings from the higher dimensions. However this is rapidly changing as the ascension process brings change to the personal resonance of every individual.

There are some who have brought psychic abilities with them into this lifetime, they see “ghosts” and get information usually from the fourth dimension. Contrary to what many believe, psychic is not the same as spiritual. Psychic information flows through the consciousness of the individual giving the information and will reflect their level of awareness. Keep this in mind when getting a reading or body work from another. Seek out those who work from a high level of spiritual awareness and always trust your intuition.

Earth is a spiritual universe filled with Divine Beings and governed by love, but what most see and experience are the false mental interpretations of this spiritual reality. This is why it is so important to practice non-judgement regarding appearances at all times. Example–Rather than being shocked, repulsed, or pitying of someone with a severely deformed body, say to yourself; “Oh, God disguised as a deformed body.” This is unconditional love.

We are not speaking of deformed fetuses. The soul does NOT enter a fetus at the time of conception as many believe. In preparation, the soul may come or go into the developing fetus during pregnancy, but many do not fully enter until birth.

Unconditional love is a state of consciousness that is able to acknowledge the realities that lie hidden behind all appearances. It is a conscious realization of Divine Oneness regardless of circumstances. It does not mean ignoring whatever human footsteps may be necessary but does mean that these human footsteps are taken with a consciousness of Oneness.

Many of the negative situations you observe in others lives are actually facets of that person’s spiritual journey, experiences chosen by them (not consciously) as being necessary for their evolution. Even what is termed “karma” is an energetic reflection of energy given out, a learning experience and never punishment. God does not punish. God could not punish ITself. Never forget that. All painful experiences are creations of the one experiencing and no one else.

Consciousness is omnipresent energy. Energy is not good or bad; it just is. Everyone feels energy although most do not understand what they are feeling. When you enter a place of heavy dense energy, you feel it and want to leave. These frequencies are commonly felt in bars, antique stores, and businesses that thrive on lower human instincts.

When you enter a place where the energy is light and refined, you feel that as well. It resonates with you and you want to stay– commonly experienced in places of natural beauty or places of prayer and meditation.

The state of consciousness of the individual determines the energy they align with. Those living fully in duality and separation and who get all their pain and pleasure from this level often enjoy being in heavy dark energy and frequent places of that density. Some go on to create their own situations of dark energy–satanic rituals, serial killers, and those who thrive on the pain and suffering of others.

They feed from these energies because they are unable to access the inexhaustible source of energy within themselves. They have blocked their flow and need to find it elsewhere, outside of themselves.

Always know that high-energy frequencies of Light are the reality and that heavy, low-resonating energy cannot enter into the higher because there is no alignment. Let this realization be your “sword and shield” in every situation.

There exist many metaphysical protocols for “protection,” and most of you learned and have practiced them along the way of your spiritual journey but you are now shifting into a higher state of consciousness where your Light is the only protection you need.

You no longer require rites and rituals meant to protect, lift you into the Light, or bring you closer to God. These practices are based in beliefs of separation and you now know that you never have been or never could be separate from God. These practices serve newly-awakening students of truth and were important facets of your journey at one time, but at some point become obsolete.

This is the shift from metaphysics into mysticism that you have been preparing for over lifetimes. Metaphysics is changing a bad picture into a good picture through the use of energy tools, mantras, etc. Mysticism is the realization that nothing needs to be changed, healed or corrected.

Let go of assigning power to anything that does not reflect truth, always remembering that God alone is power. You who read and resonate with these messages have been preparing though many lifetimes for a higher way of living and are ready.

There is nothing but God, Divine consciousness, regardless of how the outer scene may appear. As you begin to acknowledge and live this truth, it becomes your state of consciousness and your lives will begin to reflect it because you will be creating from reality rather than from concepts of duality and separation.

We cannot emphasize enough that at some point you must cease being the student and become the master. False ego based “humility” will say, “Oh I am not worthy.” This type of thinking is impersonal and reflective of the un-awakened three-dimensional collective belief system.

Intellectual levels of spiritual study reach a place of completion where one begins to be taught from within rather than from some guru, book, class, or practice. There comes a point at which every individual must let go of the tools that served them along the way and begin living and being truth.

It is every person’s free will choice to stay in the illusions of separation, continuing to seek and search for some concept of God to save them.

However, you have graduated and are ready to experience the infinity of Consciousness not available to the human mind should you choose.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/14/19