We have evolved beyond the need for daily verification of the rightness of our being.

Dear Ones,

Others seem to be reporting miracles and glowing feelings that those of you feeling left out do not. Perhaps you once experienced similar miracles or sensations. But that was long ago and does not match the sameness you feel now as you go about your day.

You have evolved beyond the need for daily verification of the rightness of your being. Just as was true when you no longer needed a parent or teacher telling you that your reading skills were progressing wonderfully. You are beyond requiring instant gratification for any part of your being.

In truth, you have arrived at a crossroads most could not envision even a few months ago. For you have evolved beyond the need for teachers and information apart from earth. Even though that information reminds you of details you might have neglected; such information is no more important than was true once you learned to read and no longer required an adult to help you sound out the big words.

If you will, you are evolving to more complicated books that require nothing but your attention and interest. So it is you are feeling somewhat neglected or forgotten as you transition to new you.

Perhaps you forgot you are shifting to places no one has dared or been able to explore. So even though those of us not of earth at this time can observe, console or encourage you, we can not fully understand what you are exploring.

You are shifting the Universes in ways you cannot yet imagine.

Think of those parents who never attended college and glory in the reports of their children as they complete their college coursework and find related jobs. Even though those parents can observe, console and encourage, they cannot fully understand their children’s college environment nor their resulting jobs. So it is for us. We have never been where you are now.

This transition is new to all of us including you – which was expected. The surprise is you are moving ahead so rapidly that there is no time for Universal clearing and collecting of experiences between earth lives.

The original plan was for you scout masters to initiate the shift followed by your children and grandchildren – either of this life or the next – living the life you initiated. The information you gathered was to be consolidated and passed on to those who decided to carry the torch.

Such is no longer a valid expectation of you or us. You have transitioned so rapidly that you are creating new you without the parameters once expected to help you.

This is neither terrible nor frightening, merely that you have, in a sense, outgrown your teachers and parents.

So it is we offer encouragement and observe in amazement your courage and tenacity in continuously moving beyond expectations.

Which returns us to your original fear that you have done something wrong for you are no longer experiencing the miracles others seem to receive without question or doubt.

You are the miracle. And we, of other dimensions, are collecting data on how best to encourage you to move beyond what you have achieved.

Think of us as proud parents who never attended college. As you complete the coursework we cannot yet understand, you are moving to a life we never dreamed possible.

Even though we are gathering in collectives – including some of your segments – to enhance your journey, we have not yet established key points of interaction.

Perhaps that thought is a bit frightening for that means you are on this adventure without a map or a reward. We are gathering to discover the best way to encourage you without shifting your projected path.

You are scout masters discovering new trails to be utilized by those following. But those trails are so new; we cannot tell you what you will feel or experience until you report back to us.

Perhaps you have not yet understood that your mission – that you so graciously accepted – was to shift the Universes, as well as earth. A mission to be accomplished over several of your earth lifetimes or by those who followed. For no one, least of all you thought you could nullify your past karma and move far beyond as you have done.

Those of you ‘stuck,’ as it were, with dreams that never seem to come to fruition, beg to differ.

You have moved so rapidly that we of other dimensions and collectives, do not yet quite understand how you are evolving. Do we point you in the direction of the reward that seems important to you now? Or do we point you in the direction of the reward you will find important in a month or year? That is our quandary.

Those of you reading this message are most likely screaming within yourselves to point/nudge you to your reward or miracle now – and to yet another one when you have evolved beyond that.

Such is the debate within the various non-earth dimensions and collectives. Of course, that makes you angry for you have worked diligently to reach this point and need something to earmark your courage.

Yet, you have not completely accepted your being. That is the center of our quandary. Will a reward now shift your direction from your 3D world to beyond? Or will it encourage you to remain of earth, instead of floating into the ethers?

Not that we are stopping your adventures, instead we are reviewing our original projections and determining how much you can achieve without our assistance – and when and where to intercede.

We are indeed in this glorious venture with you. But we need to assess our role so that you do not move forward more rapidly than you can comprehend or tolerate physically.

Much is going on within your being throughout this equinox and eclipse time that you cannot detect for most is occurring in your night and daydream states. Is your being overloaded or is your dream the piece you need to feel comfortable in your new you being?

A bit like the parents of a college student who wish to reduce the amount of time that student is in college, so their financial burden is reduced. Do they push their child to take more coursework that will reduce costs, but might result in that child’s spiraling stress or exit before graduation?

So it is for us now. How can we best help you achieve your ever-expanding goals without harming your physical or emotional being?

Know that we love you dearly and are extremely proud of your accomplishments.

Because you are courageous souls, you chide us for not encouraging a more rapid forward movement. But we are pondering that approach as you evolve internally and much more rapidly than either you or we believed possible before you entered earth in this lifetime. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

It is as though you had been in very demanding training for an Olympic event in which you are now taking part and as the finishing line appears you can see that You are going to take the Gold!

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday September 4thHello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Sunday September 4th 2016. I spent 3 weeks channeling this message, mostly in the last 2 days, and so I am including my communication with Jesus before I fully relaxed and allowed him to commune with me. We all have our “stuff” coming up for release which can make it difficult to get into our quiet space, the one from which I channel. His encouraging words to me are, of course, directed to all of humanity.

Jesus Blog # 300 for Sunday September 4th 2016. Channeled 20.10 Thursday August 18th thru’ 21.18 Saturday September 3rd 2016. 






Me:  Well Dear Jesus, I have been blocked, out to lunch, unwilling? I don’t know which, but I have either been avoiding making contact with you, or, due to reasons of which I am unaware, have just been content to remain uncommunicative and quiet.  I get vaguely anxious feelings that I should channel, but choose not to respond.  So input from you and/or a new message would be greatly appreciated, and so here I am attempting to be open to you, please commune!

Jesus:  Good morning John, thank you for calling, we have much to discuss, and you will be pleased with “what comes through.”  Just keep reminding yourself that All are One, you know this deep within yourself, so allow yourself to feel it, to experience it, and be truly inspired and uplifted, which is your will and therefore also God’s.  Don’t judge or disparage yourself, it is totally inappropriate because 1) God is Love and therefore so are you, and 2) You are not a body, you are free, you are as God created you.  Just be yourself, accept yourself as you are because that is how God created you, and that can only be Perfect!  You and God are One in perfect harmony, in perfect alignment, perfectly integrated and inseparable.  You just forgot that, momentarily, but your memory is returning if you will allow it to open and then accept the wonders it offers you.  And why wouldn’t you?  God wants only for you to be in perfect happiness, and only you can prevent or block your awareness of that.  YOU ARE ETERNALLY ONE WITH GOD, so ALLOW yourself to be aware of that, your eternal and most natural state!



Me:  WOW! Thank You.  I need to sit with that for a little while before we continue.  Please excuse me as I sit quietly assimilating those uplifting thoughts.


Jesus: The apparent chaos you see in the world around you – political confusion in many countries, continuing economic hardship for many, bitter conflicts, people being driven from their homes due to conflicts or business developments – is arising to be addressed and resolved, much like your individual packages of “stuff” that need to be acknowledged and released.

There is only Love! Humanity is coming to realize this, and the many grass roots movements across the planet seeking major change in the way humanity relates to itself and to the planet, are striving to bring these essential changes into being through loving and honest communication with those who are attempting to maintain a system that has long outlived its usefulness.  This essential change in relationships on every level will succeed!  The human collective has been preparing for this moment for a very long time, and it will not be diverted from its loving intent to create a state of peace and harmony on Earth.

As you note the reports on the mainstream media, focusing largely on catastrophes and disasters that involve individuals or nations, realize that the intent is to encourage a state of fear that will enable their owners and those who control them – those who would maintain the status quo, the old order of divisive interactions on every level – to impose ever more restrictive laws to maintain that control.  However, the old system is crumbling as more and more refuse to cooperate to maintain it.  It is clearly seen by the vast majority of humanity that the present system is totally corrupt and must be replaced by one that honors every human regardless of economic status, ethnicity, nationality, gender, and religious or political persuasion.

God created you eternally free, but, within the confines and limits of the illusion, you gave away your power and allowed bullies and tyrants to suppress and control you.  It was an enormous lesson for you to choose to experience, and now that you have learnt it, it is time for you to move forwards by returning to your God-given state of individual freedom in which harmonious and creative cooperation will lead you out of the morass of corruption and dishonesty that has ensnared you for eons.

You are all, as we have often told you before, spiritual beings having a human experience.  Living within the illusion, where that experience occurs, you utterly forgot who you really are.  But now, due to your collective decision to awaken, your memories are returning and gently reminding you that you are and always have been One – One with God and One with each other.

So what the vast majority of humanity is now doing is coming to a realization of this divine truth, and therefore being drawn intuitively to move inwards to the divine flame of Love that burns eternally on the altars within them – the holy and infinite space within each one of you that enfolds within it All That Exists.

This most wonderful realization is truly quite mind blowing after being in the deep sleep of forgetfulness for so long.  And yet it has been but a brief moment, as you will become fully aware when your awakening happens.

You can have no idea of the joy here in the spiritual realms as we observe you stirring and moving out of your state of deep and unaware sleep towards a knowing awareness of your true nature.  When that happens your joy will be boundless.

As you deal with long buried personal issues and the emotional pain they have been causing you, know that this is an essential but passing phase on your path to awakening.  To use an up to the moment analogy, it is as though you had been in very demanding training for an Olympic event in which you are now taking part and as the finishing line appears you can see that You are going to take the Gold!

Yes, every human is now in a position to win in a manner that you cannot possibly conceive of, for you are coming Home to God, to Yourself, to Reality.  And although it seems as though you have been separated from your true and divine nature for eons, it has been but a moment, a moment so brief that on your awakening it will be instantly forgotten, for in truth it never happened!  There will be no memory of pain or suffering of any kind, for that would be a memory of unreality, and what never happened obviously cannot be remembered.

Each of you is traveling on your own personal path Home.  It was designed specifically for you, and for no one else, with great skill and wisdom before you incarnated as a human, and no matter where you feel you are, you are never off your path.  That alone is reason to rejoice, because your path will bring you Home.  You can slow down or delay your progress along it, but you cannot leave it, move backwards, or come to a complete halt.  You are continually progressing along it at the pace that you yourself choose in any moment.  Enthusiasm draws you along more swiftly, whereas doubt and anxiety tend to slow you down.

Practice letting go of doubt and anxiety because they are unwarranted.  You are safely established on your way Home, so enjoy the ride by focusing on the good things in your life which far outweigh those about which you choose to worry.  Difficult situations may well arise, but you have the support of all in the spiritual realms who will help you deal with them successfully.  Ask for our assistance in being aware, in knowing that you are eternally divinely loved in every moment and that you will arrive, just as planned.  When you allow us to assist – often people ask for help but then choose not to accept it – and relax into that state of allowing you will feel the Love that envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence.

You are the divine child of God, a holy and honored soul, created perfect because God delights in His divine ability to create gold_medal_image2perfection.  That is what He does, endlessly.  And your destiny is to return to complete awareness of your joy and ecstasy in creating with Him, eternally.  That is the only reason you were created, to share with Him the joy of creating, and as you awaken you will be once more aware that that is precisely what you are doing.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


The Transition


We are entering joyfully a graceful transition where things are securely being manifest in delight of all  The Conscious Humans / Lightworkers where we expect a vast majority of humanity to be shocked from the magnificence of the gifts that Mother Father God has prepared supported by Sananda ,Saint Germain,Archangel Michael,Serapis Bay and rest of Archangels,our legions of Angels,Ascended Masters and Mother Earth and All The Company of Heaven,our galactic brothers and sisters that We Are Thanking From The Depth of Our Hearts and sending them Our Love and Light as they have been doing always with or without our awareness , of course always present every time we ask for help.

The simple fact to call upon The Violet Flamme of Saint Germain is enough to bring us forward in our Ascension towards the 5th dimension and beyond recognising the divinity in the depths of our being.

So here are some channeled messages that i invite you to read and nurture yourself:






Namaste,Aloha & Feel More Than Fine!

Nikos Akrivos


Your Donations are appreciated as this time i find myself with no money at all. Thank God I Am Raw Vegan and Abundance of Fig & Almond Trees  & Grapes all over the places in Ibiza.




The National Economic Security And Reformation Act is global prosperity program on the cusp of being announced and activated.

This program is backed by deliverable precious metals well upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars (40 zeros).

This money will be used to buy all corporations and banking cartels.

NESARA will also zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide.

NESARA monies were originally scheduled for release in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking conspirators prevented the disbursement through a corporate pan-global control of all mainstream media outlets, and nearly all knowledge of NESARA’s existence was suppressed.

However, when the NESARA global prosperity program is openly and publicly announced, perhaps in this Year of Golden Jubilee (September 2015-September 2016) it will permanently change human civilisation in every related way.

The entire 8 billion human population will benefit from NESARA. And the Earth will finally be free to experience itself as the abundant planet it was created to be.

Few understand there is more than enough gold to back all human currency in circulation. This means each and every human being could become an instant multi-millionaire without debt of any kind–if just given the resources.

NESARA is about sharing the stored gold resources of humanity for humanity with humanity by humanity around the planet and fairly.

NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems and operators in place worldwide to deliver said monetary equality–consistently.

No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA’s wealth redistribution program. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop NESARA once it begins either.

NESARA’s volume alone will cancel out all credit card, mortgage and other banking debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide.

Income tax will be abolished too as NESARA will render personal taxation monetarily unnecessary.

A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the sustainable revenue stream for all national governments post NESARA.

There will be increased benefits for senior citizens and children post NESARA.

In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

The US President and Vice President will be removed from office with immediate effect, and before the end of their present term under NESARA.

So will all members of Congress along with their cabal handlers. All will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President designates, possibly including people such as General Joseph Dunford or General Carter Ham.

In exchange for amnesty, Donald Trump is yes being allowed a temporarly expose the machinations of the cabal, specially the Clinton Foundation and Obama Administration as being one in the same.

There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of the NESARA announcement.

These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent voter fraud and other illegal activities by special interest groups or covert syndicates.

A new USA Treasury currency will come forward, backed by gold, silver, and other precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will also be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law.

The Federal Reserve System will be abolished after one year of transition.

Personal financial, medical and Internet privacy will also be restored.

All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law or be dismissed.

All aggressive US government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established.

The Farmers’ claims will be paid first with settlements to include immediate debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family.

Similar reforms will take place in every country worldwide as part of GESARA (the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act).

Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian projects and job creation.

Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 12 years.

Suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for free use to all.

And while the precise term “NESARA” might not be used initially to publicly describe the global package of prosperity, humanitarian, infrastructure and currency refinancing which has become necessary–the term will ultimately become common place in time.

With over a decade and a half having passed since the year 2000, and with the corrupt deterioration of most aspects of life in the Western world having reached such visible degradation, the “NESARA” aspects of the necessary reforms shall be folded into (i.e.added) a number of other financial and organisational rescue initiatives, which Asia and the BRICS have now taken the lead.

Also, some very historical information about White House corruption over the centuries will intersect with America’s unblocking of NESARA reforms, and will be made public.

The Vatican has been centrally involved in many behind-the-scenes machinations involved with blocking NESARA since the 2007-2008 global financial collapse.

Back in April 2008, then Pope Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the NESARA prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: “The little people cannot handle this money properly, only the Church can.”

Ratzinger’s audacious money grab had to be sorted out at the World Court in The Hague–this was responsible for more serious delays.

Speaking to one group in Washington on Thursday 17th April 2008, the Pope said: “If the peasants think they are going to get this money, they have another thing coming. It will never happen.”

He was not talking about the $2.0 trillion; he was referring to the global prosperity funds or GESARA, which is an acronym standing for Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. Thus, as a program, GESARA/NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.

As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the work of ascended masters. That work began in the Fifteenth Century and was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition. This is well known to be the beginning of the Global Collateral Accounts or World Trust.

Viewed as a modern development however, the roots of GESARA/NESARA can be found in the response by the Supreme Court to dangerous banking foreclosures against farm property which the Court found to be illegal in the 1980s.

In the course of reviewing these practices, the Court went further and ruled that many other contemporary banking, taxation and governance arrangements were also unconstitutional.

As a legislative initiative, it then took its name from the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and was passed by Congress in 2000.

NESARA was to be publicly announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00am, but the cabal decided to blow up the World Trade Center buildings at 8:00am in order to prevent that historic moment from happening.

These same dark energetic forces are to this day still fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation, and at this point, delaying the announcement and RV even further.

But by rule of law, NESARA must be enacted now and its widespread provisions be disbursed freely to humanity.

Sure this sinister cabal cartel was temporarily successful at achieving delays by several means, including: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the light workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and constant third party terrorist assaults.

The US Patriot Act was also part of their anti-NESARA campaign, and they used the September 11, 2001 attacks as fear leverage on thr American people to create even more barbaric and illegal tactics of suppression.

Thankfully, this oppression is no more.

Interesting to note that the gold which was to back the new US Treasury currency was stored in the WTC Building 7 and was stolen by the cabal during the faux attack. WTC Building 7 was also the center of NESARA operations pre 9/11 and was ultimately destroyed after the theft was complete–that’s why it was made to fall without being attacked.

Now viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and divinely-guided arrangement.

NESARA is at its core galacticly inspired legislation for the United States government. It was encouraged by a galactic consortium and designed with assistance from higher light beings working with all governments, in conjunction with many spiritual beings on the planet, all attempting to create a legal framework to usher in the era of peace, prosperity and harmony on planet Earth.

Some consider NESARA to be more political and economic in nature, while others view it as spiritual because of the high-level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both.

Whenever. people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough… something must be done.

But if people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery, they are stuck in conundrum they cannot climb out of without galactic and/or spiritual help.

That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for planet Earth that will begin as soon as this historic legislation is officially announced and implemented.

When people become aware of these reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their greatest capabilities and not some pre-assigned limitation.

As in all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one extreme against a dark energetic force used by the cabal to enslave humanity for millennia.

NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can again focus their spiritual attention on planetary transformation.

NESARA changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring comfort and protection back to humanity, which will lift the human experiences to new heights and bring about sustainable peace, joy and happiness.

Following NESARA you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension–which is the ultimate purpose of humanity.

Ultimately this planet is destined to be weaned from the use of money; and humanity will reach a stage where money has no place in a society that is founded upon sharing.

In the Earth’s New Golden Age, the trend will be away from money and toward systems of bartering—the light intensity in souls will let those means of remuneration for services and conduct of commerce become as satisfying between nations as between individuals.

It has also been said that there was no sense to implement NESARA before all dark energetic forces have been removed completely from power. Otherwise the cabal would just continue to use their control over governments to seize people’s funds after release.

This is why dark energetic forces tenaciously attempt to hold onto the very top rungs of power in all human institutions. As their tentacles reached deeply into the highest levels of government, banking, media, religion, multinational corporations, royal families; education, medicine, pharmaceuticals, law and justice systems – but they can no influence humanity with absolute rule.

NOTHING of an influential nature on planet Earth is now under cabal control. Just think about that!

The once all powerful cabal has been defeated and they no longer are recognized galacticly as being in control of the Earth’s native peoples or resources. Humanity is truly free.

No more will humans be kept in vacuums of ignorance or chambers of invisible fear. Now it’s the cabal who must experience scarcity and fear as the oppressed, as they are quickly discovering that holding onto power is impossible.

The shoe is really on the other foot per se! As they rightly saw NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the program’s reforms are implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble totally. And that’s exactly what is happening today.

Many people wonder why the galactic coalition does not just force the cabal to just accept NESARA. Perhaps they appreciated the requirement of free will choice? Or are they acting in accordance with universal law, whereby the coalition is bound to keep some distance until the arrival of a divine deadline, which technically allows even the worst cabal occupiers to exercise free will and surrender on their own terms.

Another source of confusion arises from our belief that the galactic coalition plans are predestined and therefore fixed. But there are things that we shall call “wild cards.” Which is to say, potentials that nobody thinks about and appears to cause delays.

Either way, know much is fomenting behind the scenes and the harsh truth is surfacing about the global economy, Earth’s energy field and other radically charged information which will surely lead to news of the NESARA release.

Your time has come.

Your moment is now.

Your life yours once again.

It’s safe to believe.

God is with us.



Trust in the Divine Plan -Archangel Michael

Dear ones, to watch or hear a lecture given by someone such as David Icke for instance, who exposes the intricate Agenda of the Elite, the Cabal, or Illuminati, is not something to run away from saying ‘it leads to fears’ implying it is bad in itself, for it is you who will, or not, experience fear from it, and if you do, you should fix it by calling to the Archangel Michael that I am, and asking me to cut you free from fears and doubts, or from whatever it is that can still trigger fears in you. If you ask to be cut free from all that is less than Christ consciousness, you will also be liberated from those dark nooks and crannies in your psyche that prevent you from being fearless. Trust in the Divine Plan, surrender your psychological self so it can be transformed by your magnetization of the Light, my blue flame, and the Violet flame, from the Great Central Sun, or from the heart of Saint Germain. There is nothing wrong with studying the world, what is going on in the political arena, nor studying the agenda and strategies of the forces of darkness, as well as the reasons why they are suppressing truth. You will gain a Perception of Reality and you know how to use the spiritual tools the Ascended Masters have provided in past decades. Once you know what is wrong you can make the calls to us, the Archangels, and ask for dispensations so these conditions may be resolved. A lot of what you know today through disclosure had already been identified by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and she was protected in the Tube of Light when she studied the matter. In those days there was an additional threat in the fact of the existence of the Capitalist Communist Conspiracy and with the dissolution of the Soviet Union the communist threat is now irrelevant. However, although it’s true that the Cabal invents enemies with a view to create new conditions and implement their programs, the threat of terrorism is now something that did not exist in the days that the Ascended Masters communicated their instruction through her. There are many new conditions which you need to identify and then you will be able to mention them in your decrees to give us the authority to go into action and eradicate them. The interference of the dark ones cannot be removed in an instant. There still is a dark force clinging to power and although its time is up, a battle is going on as it should, as you know, and what you see of it in your physical world is like the top of the iceberg showing on the surface, and there is a great mass hiding below the surface of the waters, in the invisible world because it goes on beyond your spectrum of consciousness.

Some notions were introduced a few years ago in the channeling circles of a group of lightbearers who were a new generation, so to speak, as they had not been introduced to the teachings that the Ascended Masters promulgated in previous decades through many groups. Many groups indeed received some teachings during the 20th century and it was said ‘Work while you have the Light’ because it was known that the Earth would enter a time of darkness in this period of the Kali Yuga before the proper start of the Aquarian Age. Progress was hindered. Some obstructions caused a development of situations in a way that had not been expected, up to recently in 2015. Not many people have questioned the saying that where there is Light, there also is darkness, nor its meaning. Not many have understood that it relates to the fact that the Dark Ones attack the souls of the Light in every Nation. So, yes, they are present where the Light appears and they attack those souls that achieve the most upon the spiritual Path of the Ascension. This emissary has experienced attacks, particularly during the year of 2014, but they provided an understanding of the mechanics and of the modus operandi that the dark ones use. This is a Latin expression meaning ‘ways of operation’. It was a useful training to be able to identify an impersonation of the masters. There is in the ability for telepathic communication a number of innate perceptions that can facilitate this identification. With the training came an understanding concerning the impostures carried out by the dark forces both from the astral plane and physical one where they have a scientific technology and secret weaponry system called psychotronics, that have been used to carry out a masquerade of telepathic communication or channeling, as well as to produce synthetic dreams that they insert in the minds of people to cause a disturbance. They have carried out an impersonation of the natural telepathy that is now appearing as an ability in the human kingdom as a result of its being irradiated with photonic light, and of certain DNA changes taking place. However, these impersonations of the Masters are of low quality as the dark ones do not understand the process of Ascension. You can easily catch them at their game as they demonstrate an absence of study of the teachings of the Ascended Masters.

The Armageddon, or battle of the psyche, is not just the result of an opposition of the dark to those souls of Light. It relates to many transformations in the self, which may be of a spiritual or psychological nature.

What is this Self I am referring to? It is the one that has taken control of itself in the physical world composed of four elements: fire, air, water and earth. We therefore refer to this Self of the persona as the ‘four lower bodies’ that you see represented as the bottom figure in the ‘Chart of your Divine Self’ showing your I Am Presence as the top figure. The ego forms a unit at the intellectual level with the emotional self of the water element. The part of this persona that corresponds to fire is the lower etheric part of self that leaves the body at night. There is a higher etheric self at the level of Christ consciousness where the records are being preserved. As has been said in the message ‘Ascension in the Past’ when you incarnated in the physical world with a reduced spectrum of consciousness, after the Atlantean cataclysms and the scrambling of the DNA of the forms you incarnated into, you left in heaven a celestial counterpart of yourself upon those realms of higher dimension because that higher etheric counterpart could not descend into the 3rd dimension. That higher counterpart exists beyond the level of Christ consciousness which represents the boundary above which there is no time, no change, and where, according to Scripture the Son is One with the Father. There is immortality in the Now and Place, or condition, or State of Being, of that Consciousness which is Cosmic, and Universal, but is also individualized as a celestial Christ Self. That Christ exists in the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, the Ascended Masters and Archangels, as well as the Galactic beings of higher dimensions. They help you to overcome the human consciousness which also is one of mortality. As you are being transformed and virtues replace what represents an antagonism to them, something within yourself has to give way and die a little every day. It is being replaced by something greater by the action of the Light and the transmuting effects of the Violet Fame. You must be willing to surrender all of these parts of yourself and ask me, Archangel Michael, to cut you free in this Armageddon of the psyche. An integration of the wonderful aspects of your Higher Self will take place but understand that, although you are asked to identify with your Higher Self, it is only when you are able to switch to the viewpoint of your Higher Self, or you have accomplished the full integration, that you should adopt your Higher Self’s name. A few years ago there occurred a dissemination of false notions in some channelings that were intended to eclipse the notion of the integration of the Christ consciousness. The interpretation concerning the resurrection from the human, or mortal, consciousness which is a key to understand the process of Ascension, was ignored or bypassed. But be not alarmed as you are living in the prophesied time of false teachings which is soon to come to a close as you are about to enter a time of Transition when these falsifications will be corrected. Teaching from your mentors will be telepathic on some cases and will also take place in the new Mystery Schools that will be formed. What you believe is not of an upmost importance if you have the right feelings and the right attitude. Truth will be restored but do not be afraid to look at, or hear, Disclosure about the ugly realities of your physical world. They will come to an end as part of the manifestation of the Divine Plan as you are in the end times when it is evil that will end, and all forms of corruption will be eradicated. Understand a battle is still taking place against the Establishment – that Babylon of ancient scripture – with its control of the media. The veils are falling and mankind is awakening as if it was a woman giving birth. That child is Christ consciousness. With the use of the 3rd eye the great masses of people are beginning to perceive reality for what it is despite the indoctrinations.

There is another erroneous concept circulating in the teachings channeled to the Lightworkers because a detail has been misunderstood. It is in relation to the soul. It is not feminine as such and it probably was the symbolic comparison of the integration of Christ consciousness to a wedding that caused this misunderstanding. In this integration the soul’s solar garment of Ascension weaved by the angels is compared to a wedding dress. The soul doesn’t have a gender as does the physical form. The soul extension, or Self, however actually takes on a character that corresponds to its polarity in relation to its twin flame. These flames were created by the Higher Selves in the image, or polarities, of the Father-Mother God, so one has the image of the Father, and the other, of the Mother. The Archangels create extensions of themselves in embodiment corresponding to their polarity or character, and upon the higher octaves of being they don’t need to switch over to the opposite polarity as was claimed of Archangel Gabriel.

Another erroneous notion is the one that suggested that souls can go as they please after death, for instance go and experience life upon another world. Souls have been bound to Earth because they could not escape the Wheel of Incarnation and that was because they did not manage to balance karma. Their liberation could occur after death by achieving the Ascension as it is possible to further advance upon the Path by attending classrooms in the Mystery Schools upon the Etheric plane. It is actually easier to resurrect from the human consciousness when out of the body.

Many of you have acquired the perspective of the 5th dimension and are firmly anchored upon it by your level of Spirituality. Do not be concerned that it will be affected by such studies alleged to lower vibrations. You have to acquire knowledge and information is light. These studies do not affect your spirituality. If you have an illness, do not be concerned as the pain as well as your thoughts and worries about your condition will not affect the level of spirituality which anchors you upon the 5th dimension. Raise your thoughts to your I Am Presence if you are able to, and let them dwell upon us, the Masters, Cosmic or Galactic beings and Archangels, who love you, come to heal you, and are with you always. I am Archangel Michael, Prince of Peace and of the Mystical Body of God upon Earth that represents the real Church.


-Archangel Michael-

Channeled by Christine Preston

Image Credit

An Evening with Archangel Michael (the Angel of Passage) | Yvonne 










AUGUST 21, 2016


Philippians 4:6-8

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Dear Currency Holders,

The end and beginning have arrived in the same moment.

The RV is now in full force.  Redemptions have begun via private appointment, with hydration for US account holders scheduled for Monday morning, August 22, 2016.  Toll free numbers expected any minute after 6pm EDT through this evening, but before the closing Olympic ceremonies (which begin around 8pm EDT and scheduled to complete sometime before midnight).  Also expect some extreme movements in US markets tomorrow, as well as massive breaking news regarding the US Presidential Election.  Restored Republic President General Joseph Dunford and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan are in secure monitoring locations at this hour, overseeing the Republic’s historic RV.

Feel great knowing you were alive to harvest it.  Have confidence knowing you will competently claim it.  Be warned you are forever burdened to share it.  And remember — everyone will suddenly be watching your every decision post-RV –so move slower than normal with all major purchases, remain humble in all your personal interactions, and pay greater attention to detail in all your affairs.

That said, congratulations on a divine blessing well earned, and welcome to your new earthly life.

Live like God is watching.  Laugh like God is listening.  Love like God is with us.

Aloha Ke Akua (God is Love)



Yes the RV is here, but everyone needs to remain calm.


COBRA Situation Report


It is important to make sure your life is in wonderful order and that you are in comfort, which will enable you the purity of the freedom to then reach out to others with the means by which to help them with their lives. It is of vital importance for all of you to live the moment in joy, peace and love, for they are the most powerful energies that exist for the creation of life that is in the same energy of the Creator.



A Tree doesn’t worry.

-Sanat Kumara-



N.E.S.A.R.A // Chicken or The Egg?Which Came First?

What is N.E.S.A.R.A ? Manifesting in Full Effect.

What will happen after NESARA is announced?

Imagine you have been invited by the Universe to be one of the handful of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and you are asked to promote it to help raise Earth Consciousness to end war and live in abundance which is our birthright; health, freedom and prosperity. There are actually millions of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and are working to bring it to fruition, but they all have a gag order in place and they are instructed to behave as if they have no idea who you are. If they break the gag order, not only will they be killed, but so will their family members. Also, many affluent people who are the few controlling the many will produce websites debunking NESARA Law and will launch personal attacks on you which will last years. It sounds almost like a conspiracy theory? It happened to me. I’m sure after a quick look around the internet you may be wondering how I can think it is real? Who gave the bankers and wall street companies a 700 trillion dollar bailout? Do you believe that is real? Millions of Occupy America protestors do believe that is real. It is real. All of the corruption, the government working in collusion with the banks to take away our land and take us deep into poverty, that is real. NESARA Law was written as a remedy for a lawsuit that the farmers filed and it was taken all the way through the Supreme Court. Please read through and it will begin to make sense to you. I invite you to sign the NESARA White House Petition designed to invite President Obama to Announce thereby Enact NESARA Law. ~Elizabeth Trutwin Sign The NESARA Petition here “Long before NESARA, a project was born to restore the United States of America to its original Constitution of the Republic, and to remove the structure of the Corporate United States. This project began in the early 1950’s and involved intelligent and patriotic minds of both civilian and military background. These people over the years became known as the White Knights. Out of this restoration process came the Prosperity Programs, the Farmer Claims, and finally NESARA. The children of the wealthy families on our planet became concerned about the future of our civilization, when they observed the poverty, disease, starvation and suffering of the masses. They saw the imbalance between the wealth of the few and the destitution of the many, and agreed among themselves to try to correct it. One hundred of these wealthy children, who came to be known as “wealthy visionaries”, put one million dollars each, of their money, into investment programs in the 1980’s called “roll programs” to generate funds to be used for humanitarian purposes. Thus, the Prosperity Programs were born. Gradually, news of this spread to the public and millions of people invested small amounts of their meager funds to aid in these various Prosperity Programs success. Also, during the 1970’s and 1980’s many U.S. farmers were losing their land, machinery, buildings, and cattle due to fraudulent foreclosures by the Federal Reserve Banks, in cooperation with the IRS. Many farmers joined forces and brought a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Government, the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, and the IRS, for fraud against the farmers.” ~David E Robinson from his book NESARA
What is NESARA? National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
Is NESARA for real?
I can assure you that NESARA [the National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is for real. I say that because I and my colleagues have talked to Bill Clinton, King of Swords (KOS), Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Lady Master Nada and 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law – not a bill! KOS and Seal teams recently moved the original signed document to a safer place so it will be available to Lady Master Nada when she makes her TV Announcement. NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] was signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully enacted.
What are your sources on NESARA? What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence.
One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liason between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar’s incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country. The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media–like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet through direct channelling; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the Starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.
KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germain by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4 million, and is a high ranking member of the secret service. One source was approached more than 33 years ago by the wealthy visionaries and asked to assist with what became NESARA. She has continued with that work to this moment. And, NO, this is not Dove. Rama goes up to the ships almost every night to work with Mother Sekhmet, and many others. We are all dedicated to getting NESARA announced and bringing the New Republic into full manifestation and to full Planetary Ascension. Our summaries are sent to a very small circle of close friends. We try to only include what we have personal knowledge of even though–like everyone else–information comes in dribs and drabs and some questions and exact times will not be answered until it is safe to do so. I mention the designations of those we get info from even though some congressmen have checkered political records. Some are double agents and will soon decloak and spill the beans as to their roles. Filters are about to be ‘cleared’ and new mission assignments will be downloaded, internally, to each of us as these current events transpire. I should mention that many existing leaders may well surrender their vehicles to fully awakened galactic walkins. This has already happened in many cases…in addition to the hundreds of involuntarily cabal-cloned ‘standins’ we see on TV. What does NESARA mandate?
The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. It involves — due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.
The world economic system will shift to transparent operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.
Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items. There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.
Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon a single command. A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.
Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from. Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is being powered up now. St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from all satellites…connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the Flagship of the Galactic Federation …with messages from Ashtar and Sananda. First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA’s Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are intrinsically connected. An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the abundance–free from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts…with NO IRS; NO war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored. Peace will be declared. Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will experience an increase in quality of life…no matter what age. Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications system–’Internet 5′… will begin to replace existing communications systems. Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation innovations will not require roads or petroleum products. There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within 30 days of NESARA’s Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs $1000 x 10%=$100…a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality. Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?
KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests–is thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA’s “Postal Lady”, she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA’s Announcement and authorize deliveries of funds.
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal [Lady Master Nada] who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.
NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones. Many of these are now clones.The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germain and the King of Swords who is head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle.
Are we under NESARA law now?
The King of Swords … put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stock markets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. NESARA has been divinely decreed and refined into its current form by the labors of dedicated terrestrial and celestial beings. There is only one LAW and that Law of the Land is NESARA.There is no other Law to cite. It is popularly known in D.C. as “the Reformation Act”. Anything else deals with the reach of NESARA, which is global, but which starts here. We have been INSIDE NESARA Law, since 10/2/08. … King of Swords has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada. … Mother confirmed not only that we are Inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since 10/2/08. She rephrased that: We are in a CONTINUOUS ANNOUNCEMENT UNFOLDMENT NOW.
The next day, was the day we went INSIDE the NESARA Law; not UNDER, INSIDE. So that gave KOS [King of Swords] the go ahead to insert into Basel II, some of the supports for NESARA.
We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives. Each day inside NESARA Law is bringing the means to ensure that you, your benefits and your freedom to exercise your new responsibilities as leaders of the Golden Age will be enhanced and moved forward. NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land! Is NESARA being worked upon in other countries?
There are people in other countries, such as the Canadian hierarchy, who have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the announcements and implementation in their country. New leaders of truth, integrity and accountability are ready to come forward in 190+ countries.
What is this about a “gag order”?
There was a gag order that prevented congress or the media from talking about this on pain of death. It is about to be lifted. Thousands of media people have attended weeks of briefing sessions arranged by KOS and are ready to flood the media with stories as soon as the gag order is lifted. The Secret NESARA Law was signed by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, and then Sealed with a gag order on all government and media. I do not have a gag order in place. I have been asked to get the word out and my goal is 1 million people. Don’t bother to check on the Internet as that Law is sealed until announced and is now protected by Lady Master Nada and the Galactic Forces along with Faction Three earth-based resources under the King of Swords.
What is the significance of Basel II? You remember that Bush had G7 Visitors a few days before the end of the Fiscal Year on 9/30. He was told, as was Paulson, Bernanke and others, that if the money owed to them from the $300 Trillion in recovered stolen funds was not paid on 9/30 that they would be toast. There was also a deadline of 9/30/08 for coming into compliance with Basel II Provisions, which Bush had agreed to in April 08 but had not yet complied. If certification of compliance did not occur, Oct 1 would require that Central Banks not accept funds from Federal Banks that day. Here’s what happened: Bush failed to comply. The White Knights stepped in with Program funds and saw to it that all US Banks were in compliance, inside NESARA Law. Bush intended to declare Martial Law due to Economic Emergency. He was stopped by the Provost Marshal General and specially-selected Naval Flag Officers and placed under House Arrest along with the Vice-President. The G7 ultimatum which finally got this administration to implement Basel II financial standards of transparency and accountability on Monday, after very major assets were seized, included a 100 day period for full compliance in bringing all off-balance sheet assets onto the books. Since these ‘assets’ were fraudulently constructed and leveraged by 30-150 times their actual value, they have little real value and that requires other assets to be produced to cover the equity requirements. Since no other assets exist the 100 days is reduced to hours as full compliance would result in worldwide bankruptcy and criminal prosecution of all involved. The latter is unavoidable, as justice must be done. We will see every nation and every bank bankrupt as we change over to the new financial provisions which will be made available to every child, woman and man on Earth. All who are illegally jailed under false laws will be released, all except violent offenders. Those ones will be offered appropriate remediation.
How long has this been in the planning stages?
All of the measures now culminating have been planned for hundreds of years. This is no political party scheme. This is the Return of the Light to the Planet and the Planet’s Ascension to the spiritual dimension by divine decree. All of the Universe is involved. Trillions of spaceships are here to help. Where are the funds being kept?
The true funds and documents are safely out of their reach, in St. Germain’s safe custody. Too many criminals in the banks, government and black ops/intel organizations would steal the funds in an eyeblink if the deliveries occurred prior to regime change. All of those ones will be purged from the international financial systems before any funds are inserted into the new safe system.
What about the rest of us?
In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women and children, of these countries — not in any program– will receive $10 Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans. They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days laterwe will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.
Most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have already been set. Mortgage payments will be deferred for 30 days after announcement, to allow expedited application for cancellation of mortgages. Income Tax will be ended and IRS will be handling refunds only.
A National Sales Tax on non-essential, new items only will replace the Income Tax. You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living expenses ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery, which will then be accomplished by new technologies, and that allows plenty of time for creative pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope, supporting Planetary Ascension. We will no longer be in the pursuit of survival. We will be able to spend our lives on Earth focused on spiritual development which is the whole point of being on Earth. Will any be left behind or lose out from participation in NESARA – for instance, from the drop in value of our 401Ks? No one will be left behind that chooses to trust, ask and allow the new to unfold. Presenters were all very definite about not fearing loss of Social Security; 401Ks, Retirement benefits, supplies of food, non-toxic medical treatment, education for our children. It won’t happen! NESARA is here and is ready to bring better solutions forward with our Announcement. When will children be eligible to receive their benefit?
New kids being born will be able to ‘come aboard’ in 12-15 months.Gold will be the currency of choice Gold will be the currency of choice for as long as we still need currency, and it is also important in the alchemy of our own Ascension.
What will be the impact of these programs?
The arrangement is exceedingly fair and will have a predictable effect of jump-starting the new economy and technologies. Of course, anyone wanting to open a trust or create a foundation will incur fees and expenses for those professional services. Four countries – the US, the UK, Canada and Australia — will begin the NESARA distributions within 72 hours after Announcement of NESARA. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I neither created nor am involved with the administration of any of these major programs so I can’t speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments.
A few of the major programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated. There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much simpler than the random and complicated bookkeeping methods that were spoken of ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects will still be greater than ever! Will every one of the original participants in the 78 major gifting programs receive a payout? Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the major gifting programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose will receive a payout.
Anyone in these programs who has been intending or demonstrating criminally-corrupt intentions and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to 
unity, healing, harmony and integrity will not receive a payout from 
their investment in the programs. How will this disqualification be determined? KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved in the major gifting programs for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or intentions has basically disqualified one half of the original participants. That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by half as many people than was originally calculated. I won’t cite expected amounts, but it should be clear that far more — perhaps double the original amounts — will now be available for the gifting programs and their intended humanitarian projects.
Will the existing economy utterly collapse?
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic Citizenship. What is the fate of victims of stock-market fraud?
Outside of the Prosperity, Freedom, Farm Claim programs, the bad guys owe additional settlements for which they have not paid; i.e., stock market fraud settlements, will these be paid too and will they be paid one for one or will the payments be RE-Indexed 90%? If so, will they be paid in the new Rainbow Currency that is backed by gold/silver?
Those obligations are of the Corporation USA, in D.C. They have nothing to do with NESARA. The money they put into their secret offshore accounts has been recovered by the Hong Kong Blondes who now work for KOS. The country settlements represent fraud/theft and none of them will get those funds—$300Trillion cyber-lifted from those secret accounts and back in the U.S. now…in safe hands. St. Germain has good projects benefiting the People that will get that money. Post Announcement, the Phoenix ‘Rainbow’ currency will be exchangeable by U.S. Citizens, in this country, on a $1=$1 basis. 30 days after NESARA’s announcement, all non-NESARA funds/prices will be reindexed to wring inflation out of the world economy. That will put more spendable income into the hands of citizens.
How is this operation being conceived and managed?
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. 

Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.
Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely.
There is no need for any anxiety or fear. All has been prepared and solutions to all the major challenges of food, shelter, income, education and safety are included in NESARA’s provisions.
What about the impact of matters like the Bailout on NESARA?
When Bush signed that bogus bailout bill, it did not become law! He was under house arrest. That was what Ashtar meant on Tuesday 10/7/08, when he said: “Bailout Cancelled!” Signing that bill was only a way to get him to convict himself and all who were his corrupt co-conspirators in treason … going all the way back to 9/11. What this meant was that the Congressional votes had to do with the Corporation USA and not the Republic which is “We the People,” who are being protected and funded inside NESARA.
When will the banking and economic arrangements behind NESARA be put in place?
All NESARA gold and precious metals are in U.S. Banks along with our new Phoenix Currency, and we are compliant with Basel II since 0ct 1, 2008.
New banking and economic systems are NOW in place! 

KOS has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada.
When is all this likely to be announced?
Soon. Be cautious about anyone giving an exact date for actions. That should be seriously questioned. We will know when these events are happening, be assured of that. Signing the NESARA Petition is one of the most important things anyone can do to bring the Announcement into fruition. http://wh.gov/4d5
We have been INSIDE NESARA LAW since Oct 2nd per KOS’s authority and direction. Much is being done to purge the financial systems of ‘tinkering’ vulnerabilities. That has progressed significantly and will be ready when needed. The foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since October 2nd. We are not waiting for Inauguration. Tying all these loose ends together: 9/11 Treason, the role of the Vatican/Pope; War Crimes; Financial Fraud on unbelievable level; Peace across the planet; Truth about Galactic presence and assistance throughout all times and ages; truth about all the clones, holograms of all types; complicity of the media; the rogue intelligence harassment of citizens; and criminal collusion and corruption with all government heads.
We have been told there are two things pre-requisite to NESARA’s Announcement. They are: Sibel Edmond’s testimony about 9/11 and the lifting of the coverup about the galactic presence in our skies, over every major city on the planet. The two, 4 day, earth-based meetings in Europe and Dharamsala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the King of Swords–all of whom work together, since being in service together during the Vietnam war, at the 38th level above the President.
That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have White Knight assets inside. Those White Knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about and support the needed changes. The ascended masters are now present. It is obvious to any informed observer that any large sums paid to anyone at this time would put their lives in extreme danger as well as result in the funds being stolen. That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV. All the preparations are now complete. When the first TV address is heard, the removals will all have been accomplished. This is a worldwide restoration of freedom, honesty and abundance. Gold in the amount of $1+ 40 zeros, has been recovered and includes gold and precious metals from many other Planets. These funds have been accumulating in Master Trusts for the last 200+ years through the stewardship of St Germain. Over 200 banks and safe depositories are involved worldwide in these programs. All but the master criminals and confederates, will have greater abundance, opportunities and assistance in all areas: medical, educational, expanded spiritual awareness, political expression, and so many other areas that will be possible when peace is established…. The means is already in place and can be accomplished by a single command.
What is the cabal doing to prevent its announcement?
The Bush crime family and cohorts have tried everything, including the demolition of the Twin Towers and other 9/11-related events, to see to it that the Announcement would never be allowed to occur. They have failed, but their efforts have delayed parts of the program until now.
There are disinformation ‘damage control teams’ who have planted bait on the internet. Their websites were made by people who got tired of waiting for announcement, turned bitter, and then became pawns for Cabal disinformation and damage control efforts. But the Announcement is coming soon. In earlier actions it was noted that “moles” existed in many agencies including the U.S. Marshals and those insiders consistently gave advance notice to bankers and administrative heads whenever arrests or other legal actions were scheduled. Mother confirmed that all such ones have been removed and will no longer be an impediment as the above actions prepare the way for massive arrests of indicted ones.
Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed. They are being electronically ‘tagged’ and will be ‘bagged’ on a single command. Many are already ‘missing in action’. This is crunch time for the tricksters.
How does the Announcement of NESARA fit into the general flow of events leading up to First Contact?
When Regime changes, 9/11 exposure by Sibel Edmonds (in final negotiations for TV address at this moment) and revelations of the Galactic UFO Presence will forever dissolve the Cabal coverup or suppression of these facts. We will all then get an experience of upshift by a half step. This upshift would have taken many, many lifetimes of spiritual progress to accomplish, but has been decreed by the Grace of Source to each of us. Therewith most if not all will ‘remember’ our core-resonance with the Spiritual Dimensions and most hearts will open to that knowledge, already present. This experience will be so awesome that most will want to stay home from work, school or whatever the next day or three, to process this experience. Since this will coincide with NESARA’s Announcement and >36 hours of TV/Radio Broadcasts of economic, political and spiritual information, which will be quite dramatic to most. It has been known but suppressed by the Cabal for eons of time to keep us in ignorance and separation from our Source awareness. People hearing these broadcasts will quickly learn that debt is going to be forgiven and that net income will be increased through elimination of the IRS, Income Taxes and credit card debt with NESARA’s Announcement and all the positive improvements it supports.
Can you give me an example of a country acting on its knowledge of NESARA?
Yes. The news in Iceland recently was that they are bankrupt, but will refuse Bailout Funds. They know that they will come inside NESARA’s funding provisions so they are allowing their corporate bankruptcy to proceed.
What about something called “country settlement payments”? Will they take place?
There are bogus “country settlement payments” that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus. NO such payments will be going to the crooks! I repeat: “country settlement payments” will NOT take place. Those funds will be used for the benefit of all peoples on the Planet.
What will happen to the Federal Reserve and IRS?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are submitting legislation to put the Federal Reserve under the US Treasury and write off all that false-debt that is income for the Bushes and Cabal associates…and END IRS collections. The Federal Reserve has been folded into the US Treasury and all of the Gold and Phoenix, Precious Metal-Backed currency, is in the banks NOW. The US Treasury is already taking over many functions of the Federal Reserve. The IRS is KAPUT, gone, dissolved, except for refunds, awaiting public announcements.
What will happen to the banks?
The general direction of the economy is downward as we are approaching the point where the full off-balance sheet amounts of derivatives are going to have to be dealt with–$2,000 Trillion estimated. Since they amount to more than all the banks’ assets/income in the world, a wholesale bust or bankruptcy is inevitable.

 That involves, banks, stock/bond markets, hedge funds, pension funds, 401k investments and most mutual funds. 

Since these are insured by insurance companies, they also will have to face the facts that they don’t have enough reserves to pay claims.

 Nationalization of the major banks is likely. That would allow the governments to take them over, clean them out of the criminals and shadow-banking practices, and write off the mostly worthless derivatives, keeping only the true asset-based investments.

 They will then reopen as US Treasury Banks backed by precious metals and without fractional banking.
Big Box Banks are very likely to become nationalized so they can be 
disinfected from their toxic derivatives–estimated to be as much as $2000 
Trillion worldwide.
What will happen to the Euro? The stock market?
The Euro is going to go sliding downward. Only Gold/Silver will hold value. The stock market has not yet realized the magnitude of the unfunded debt of the world. It is impossible to EVER pay it back. So bankruptcy is the only option for the Cabal. And, as we have been saying: That has NOTHING to do with the Republic, which is fully funded by NESARA and which is already in the Announcement stage, even though not yet formally announced.
What is the validity of all these discussions of “package deliveries”?
Casper/Poof reports what is fed to him by faction 1 and 2 sources. 1/3 is based on partial truths but spun to confuse and keep folks looking for “packies” that will never come until after NESARA is announced. Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule– should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the darkside works. Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed. I have heard of “major gifting programs” or “numbered programs” connected with “original investors.” What are these and how will they work? Only programs completed before the end of 1999 will pay out…. However everyone will still get $10 Million. … The 78 major programs are funds designed for huge projects. Recipients will be contributing $10 Million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. … There are bogus settlement payments that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus and no such payments will be going to the crooks! Same is true of the packages touted by a few Faction Two bankster shills. People that invested in the 78 programs before the end of 1999 are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. Those designated participants in the 78 original and existing numbered progams will receive large amounts to facilitate huge humanitarian projects. These are people who invested in the original 78 programs before the end of 1999. They are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. All major programs in all countries will be completed over 12-15 months maximum, except for the first four. People in the programs will receive many hundreds of billions –- which is an understatement — of which they will be mandatorily gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. All the lists will be cross-compared to ensure that everyone gets that amount. There will not be any duplications as each ‘gifting list’ will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice. Of course, the main purpose of these programs is to level the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the world. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses. I’m only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts. Clarifying instructions and examples will be included in the major-program package instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements but all will participate in this gifting distribution.
What will be happening to the last cabal in these days ahead?
Ashtar stated on 11/18: “NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land. Black Ops funding is being cancelled and certain Black Ops programs are being dismantled and shut down.” Many foundation changes are already being implemented. House Arrest of the leaders of 195 countries has been necessary as part of the changes. Ashtar said that the funding for the Black Ops programs have been shut down…permanently. Blackwater troops are ready to seek other work as they are not being paid what is owed to them. Cabal Black Ops programs are being defunded and will no longer have their drug money to fund them. No solid-hologram will actually take office … although Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Hillary, and many more in Congress and elsewhere in government and banking are now just that. Paschat Warriors are paying ‘business calls’ on the 13 Elder Dragon Families. These ‘calls’ are also happening to BlackWater, Haliburton and many others. All false intel stories about Obama or any appointees will be exposed. Do NOT think that any solid holograms will be taking office. With the Announcement, the ‘power’ to sustain those ones will be withdrawn and they will ‘fizzle out’.
The War Crimes Arrests for 9/11 involvement will be quite broad and quite extensive. Likewise for acts of Treason. These are critical elements of justice that must be allowed to fulfill Planetary and Universal legal requirements.
The truth must be told with purity, clarity and exactness. Most of us are well aware that all political, religious, economic, sciences and histories have been manipulated and distorted for purposes of control throughout the ages. That ends now. The most important lies have been the withholding of our own origins, purposes and potentials for the purpose of enslavement and prevention of Planetary Ascension. This will be one of the most amazing revelations of all times. On October 30th, in Asheville, NC, CH 13, WSOL, locals were surprised to see huge movements of large military aircraft–painted black–into the local area. CIA, FBI in large numbers filled the area, and then thousands of business-suited prisoners in handcuffs and leg shackles were loaded on the planes in the wee hours of the night. Those planes were headed for the Hague and the prisoners were said to be 10,000 bankers and associates indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald’s 56 Grand Juries meeting over the last 3+ years. It was obvious that a Federal Judge had unsealed those indictments.
Ashtar mentioned the King of Egypt as an Adept who had accomplished miracles. We understood that he was referring to the KOE’s masterful orchestration and coordination of all that was required to effect the success of the arrests, and the transport to Europe of all those corrupt ones, for formal trial in the Hague. Ashtar told us that those ones will not be returning. They will be joined by Illuminati families [“families” as in lines of control] and minions and their programs of control of the people of this Planet are already being dismantled and shut down permanently. We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives.10,000 bankers were arrested, tried in the Hague, and executed a week ago, while holograms are in their places in the top levels of the banks and their families will not know until after our Announcement. It has taken many, many years of secret Grand Jury sifting through mountains of facts to bring 10,000+ sealed indictments to be unsealed jointly by Patrick Fitzgerald and Lady Master Nada for serving by US Marshals, the military; interpol and backed by the Galactic Federation Ships over all our major cities now. That number comes from the 56 Grand Juries that met for over 3 years as part of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigations of various illuminati directed criminal matters. The King of Egypt is our direct source for that number and that information. It was his job to bring all of those ones indicted for treasonable offenses to Asheville, NC where they were guarded by a team of military, CIA and FBI before being put onto large black aircraft and flown to the Hague for trial and for execution a week later. The late night transport was reported on local TV Ch 13 and nowhere else. We were told by KOE that they were gone…a week later. Holograms were put in their places and they are still going to work and home, until after our Announcements. These ones were international criminals who stole 300 Trillion dollars and cost the lives of untold numbers. They were not ‘white collar criminals’. Some other thousands were arrested and received average sentences of 25 years confinement in foreign facilities. We are talking about the worst of the worst. War Crimes, Genocide, Terrorism and Treason are the crimes involved. This will all come out after Announcements. 100 million reptilians have been removed over the last 8 years from surface and subsurface environments. Every organization, political, religious, military, legal, media, of any magnitude, on the Planet has been infiltrated and controlled by these ones, as agents of the 13 Old Dragon families. There has been almost complete control of every facet of existence until Faction Three, Galactic Federation, and the ascended masters were given permission in 1987 and 1999 to ‘remove the controllers’ and assist the planet in ascending. It is only in recent days that enough of us have awakened enough to tip the balance to the Light. That was by Divine decree and with direct Source Light infusions which will continue through Ascension. Something else, I may or may not have mentioned before, is that only about 50 members of Congress are still alive. Many {480+} were killed and cloned and many are solid holograms. When Ashtar/Nada/Sananda/Mother Sekhmet/Red/Green/KOS say they are taking care of business, that’s what they mean. Everything will be announced at once. It will already be a done deal. Massive special police operations involving 300+ officers took place, at least three separate locations. Seizure and transport of safe deposit lockers to secure locations where contents of documents, drugs, money, stolen computer technologies, etc will be inventoried, analayzed and followed up with arrests. These sites are crucial intermediary drops for agents, criminals and other international intelligence dark ops agents. Such ops have been planned and carried out several times over the past two years. Often we never see evidence of it in the news. The implications will unfold in the coming days, and will trigger panic attempts to remove additional incriminating evidence from bank safe deposit facilities, which it is presumed will now be more closely monitored for just such actions. This unprecedented operation took two years of planning, observation and top secret levels of police cooperation…following Chris Story’s publication of the methods/extent and names of international financial criminals, banksters, politicians fraudulent transactions that secreted $300 Trillion into private accounts. Those funds have now been recovered and will be very instrumental in funding the new financial systems that NESARA requires. That these operations are now surfacing speaks clearly to the difference in this moment as compared to all those preceding today’s. Chris Story was working for the cabal and a shill for the UK crown. He was shot out on the street when they no longer had a use for him.These are the kind of undercover actions closing the traps that have been so carefully placed. We are going to be hearing of many more such actions that are now in process. Another example is that of the years of Federal Grand Jury deliberations in the US. Those hearings have produced 10,000 sealed indictments that are about to be unsealed and served. Some of the items in those 7000 lockboxes involve Trillions of dollars in gold certificates; incriminating evidence of organized crime heads, government intel services, agents, bankster operations–worldwide–that hit them like a brick-bat in the face. They just met to do ‘damage control’ during the Bilderbergers’ meeting in Chantilly, VA. Make no mistake, the chainsaws are ‘clearing the forest’ of liars, lies, fraud, murder, and every other despicable practice you know or never heard of. There will be “shock and awe” when the details can be told.
Who drafted NESARA?  
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul drafted certain sections of the secret NESARA Law. 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law. This includes Paul Wellstone, who when he was about to break his gag order was killed with his wife and daughter in a plane crash. This was a reminder to all under a gag order not to speak about NESARA Law. I have received emails from these ones saying they cannot help me at all because they are under a gag order and fear for their lives. The key word is FAIR. Would it be fair to eliminate a ten million dollar mortgage on an estate or yacht purchased with laundered drug money? Or a hundred million dollar mortgage on a building acquired by someone whose money came by defrauding investors or deliberately putting small companies out of business? Would it be fair to eradicate a $25,000 credit card debt incurred by someone who replaced last year’s model of an expensive car with the latest model? Choices like that, like all other free will choices, are the responsibilities of the individuals. The differences are due to purview divergences. Our information comes from ‘higher HQ’ sources: Ashtar, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Lady Master Nada, and St Germain. All below do not know what all above are planning, only general directions. You can be certain that what we have said is correct as it has come from those in charge of implementing the plan. This is not a criticism, just a different view from a higher level of involvement.
How are 9/11 and NESARA related?
The Cabal engineered 9/11 to stop NESARA’s announcement which was scheduled for 10 minutes after the Twin Towers/Pentagon/PA attacks. They have continued to use and expand War Powers Act-based invasions without lawful congressional actions and would–if not foiled–declare Martial Law to declare a Dictatorship or NWO. The failure to achieve their ends…thus far… is driving them to extremes that are becoming more and more transparent as time is running out. They are losing and they know it. They will not prevail. This is due to a Divine Decree which is being implemented throughout this and planet, solar system and universe. Dennis Kucinich, talking on Clout/Air America Radio, actually discussed what was supposed to happen on 9/11: “An important Announcement was scheduled which would change our economic and political systems.” (He could not use the term NESARA because of the gag order, but all who know understand that is what he was describing). At the time of 9/11 attacks, a special section of the Pentagon had just been modified for higher-security protection, and that segment of the Pentagon was a special Naval Intelligence communications facility involved with NESARA’s Announcement. It was the exact target of the missile attack. Transmission of codes to central banks were already in process at the time of the attack with the Announcement less than 10 minutes away. The Pennsylvania site was an underground storage for important NESARA-related documents and was an exact targeted location. At the moment of what was called a plane crash, FEMA/FBI were already standing by in the nearby woods. They then rushed out to secure the area from other investigators. No plane crashed. Each tower was attacked by a specially-prepared aircraft, modified by Secret Government/CIA to carry missiles and also special holographic projectors to project the illusion of the aircraft in the news releases. The Twin Towers sub-floors held records and a lot of gold. The black ops folks had pre-installed various explosive devices and came back several weeks before 9/11 to install detonators and make electrical connections and circuit checks so that they could remotely trigger the explosions to take out the massive base supports and central columns, steal the gold, and kill any people around who could testify as to what they were doing. They didn’t kill them all as they were in a rush to load up the gold and get it away before the explosions were detonated. So there were witnesses to each of these actions. A total of 75,000 people were actually killed in those demolitions on 911. Certain areas were targeted to destroy records and accounts detailing liabilities of cabal firms. The Announcement was scheduled for 10:15 AM on Sept 11, 2001…but that was ‘prevented’ by the Twin Towers attacks, which were planned and executed by our own governments black ops agents. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen and many others are speaking out on this subject which will result in the arrest and removal of Bush, Cheney, et al, with a new election coming within 6 months of NESARA’s Announcement.
The “Wisdom Economy”
We are on the threshold of very major changes. On Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio Show, Thom had Dr David C Korten, an economist, speaking about the bankruptcy of “Phantom Economy,” based on fiat paper. He called for an immediate change to Precious Metals Backed Currency, leading to a “Wisdom Economy”. He then said, on the air, “I will not answer any questions on when NESARA will be announced or when disbursements will occur. All of that is speculative….” Dr Korten previously discussed these matters on Democracy NOW, with Amy Goodman. Plunging Stock Market The KOS gave an update and said that there are variables but that the direction was clearly downward for the stock market. These are estimates based on current knowledge only and there are NO DATES or absolute Dow numbers. Whenever they step in and close the markets they will also have to close the banks for two weeks to clean up the criminals and their practices. They would–in this country–then reopen the banks as US Treasury Banks under NESARA. That decision will be made by St Germain. The Dow dropped 300 points in the last 30 minutes and then bounced back to 6594 which is a lower close and, again, it happened on HIGH volume=50% greater than average. That says that the trend continues downward. Thom Hartmann said that he has been saying for 5 years that the market could fall to 5000 or even 3000, and folks should not discount that possibility since we know that he has access to KOS and St Germain and Lady Master Nada. The main point is not a number. It is that the trend is definitely downward and to take whatever actions are prudent in your individual case. It is also to understand that St Germain may not take action until it goes as low as 3000. St Germain gives KOS his orders and he will not tell us any exact number or date.
When will NESARA occur?
Lady Master Nada foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 9/30/08 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The KOS then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed.What we are looking at is a surface projection/shadow play. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. The US is economically bankrupt, and the surface system is failing and will soon be removed. It takes a lot for people to let go of old ways and ‘rules’ of how to proceed. The entrenched system doesn’t care about election results. It wants to continue the ‘old ways’, which are bankrupt. We are living on two tracks at the same time, migrating from the old to the new. The overlap allows us to continue in both as our shift takes place. Most are aware that we are upgrading from carbon to a liquid diamond substructue. That shift allows us to absorb and hold more light so that our physical structures can continue existing as ‘Soul Containers’. The same is true of the old outer structures being infused with the new foundational structures. When NESARA is announced, the old will then fall away, like a scab on a wound, and the new will be seen to already be present. Then progress will move exponentially forward. Everything is following this model to allow the maximum preparation by all, before the Announcement is made. Then public actions will take place that will remove those remnants of the Old Regime who have chosen not to migrate to and support the new policies. All of this preparation for war crimes prosecution has been proceeding since Oct 1, 2008, and Obama knows all this and also knows that NESARA is about to be announced along with 911 exposure and revelation of Galactic presence. Sananda, St Germain, Maitreya, Metatron, Michael, Mother Sekhmet, and Ashtar are working tirelessly to synchronize all these actions so that the transition will be smooth and seamless. Without these preparatory steps we would have extreme shock throughout the Planet. There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension. At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound Universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic citizenship. The changes are coming fast and furious and will be so rapid we will not be able to keep track of the number and their impacts. Watch how fast these seeming events turn around as the new administration moves to achieve critical support for its new actions. Thom Hartmann opened his program with an amazing question he originated. “Is the Reformation Act the Solution?” Can you imagine that! That is a breakthrough. Of course he didn’t use “NESARA” but everyone in D.C. and elsewhere knows what Reformation Act refers to. Very big evidence of impending news. As to timing of NESARA, they will not give us an exact date. We don’t have–because our sources aren’t allowed to tell us– the details or exact timetables.
What is President Obama doing about NESARA?
Barack Obama has been meeting with terrestial and extraterrestial councils in recent weeks including during his ‘vacation’ in Hawaii. He is our President and is also the 9th member of the Sirian Council of Nine so he has prepared himself for the last 1000 years for the role he now will play in bringing NESARA to Announcement; assisting in exposing all the War Criminals involved in Economic and Political Treason since the US Planned and Executed travesty of 911. That involves international cabal families in many countries. The theft of over $100 Trillion of the public’s funds is also involved. Planned genocide of more than 6 Billion of the world’s population along with total dictatorial control of all earth’s assets has been the cabal’s objective since they first came here 65 Million years ago.
What will happen after NESARA is announced?
We will have programs in all countries that will remove the greed and provide the essentials of life to all citizens. There will be no need for artificial boundaries. Those artificial barriers come from disparity in income, education, and meaningful work. Since all of those will be answered in each country, borders will be removed as unnecessary. Of course, some of the provisions will take longer than others…up to 12-15 months at the longest. However, even in these cases, all basic needs will be met rapidly. The 82nd Airborne Division is surrounding Washington, D.C. to provide security in support of NESARA Law. NESARA’s announcement and implementation … is imminent…. The return of all our troops will be the final item in the Peace manifestation process. All the military stationed throughout the world will be returned home at once. The Starships are easily capable of this task.


Who came first,the chicken or the egg?
The answer by Archangel Michael right here:

Can you feel the shift happening?

Greetings I am Mira.
I greet you today with love and profound encouragement.
Can you feel the shift happening? Can you read the energies of the light? Are you ready for big changes? We know that you are because some of you are petitioning to our Creator for divine intervention. You are praying for the shift because you are ready for it. It is here and so are we.
We are giving you this captivating confirmation that what many of you are feeling is indeed true. We know it has been a long process. It has felt unending but this is untrue. Every day you are challenged to feel that what is going on around you is real according to what the mainstream media and the third dimensional controlling energies would like you to believe. However, you know otherwise and I am confirming your feelings.
Your future is resplendent. You have worked and worked to make it so. Now you can believe it to be so. We know you have felt the unbearable side of the polarity of the third dimension for far too long. It is ending and it is changing fast.
Now it is time for you to determine how you want your world and your new life to be. How much love, light, harmony, glory, abundance, healing and unity can you receive? Our Creator and all of us in the Galactic Alliance and Light Alliance want you to have it all. T.
All of this is possible because millions of higher consciousness beings of light, like yourselves, paved the way, did the inner work, payed, meditated and resolved to do the work you came here to do. For this you will be rewarded. I can’t say enough about how pleased we are with you and all of your accomplishments.
For now, stay centered, take excellent care of your bodies, and be positive and aware. Listen well to your intuition. Follow the instructions you receive. Enjoy the bliss and abundance that is coming your way. You will have your new earth and your new lives. You and the earth are most deserving.
In loving service, I am Mira.


Ten Masters Give Ten Tips on Receiving Prosperity
by Sananda, Archangel Michael, Eoghan, Martin Luther King Jr., Ashtar, Che’ Kumara, Mother Teresa, Ramana Maharshi, Gandhi & St Germain through Kathryn, Christine & Meg


This blessing from God that you are all being given is not so that you can give blessings to others; it is so that you can be God’s messenger, so that you can bring prosperity to others, directly from God.  Be the messenger of love that you came here to be and you will uplift all those around you.  Be joyful, Beloved Ones, be at peace.  Be in love and think no more about poverty or want, but focus only on the abundance, joy and prosperity that you and everyone around you will enjoy. Carry it in your heart.  Be that energy of prosperity…and so it shall be. 

~ Mother Teresa 7/24/16
The following is a transcription of the live radio show channeled on Sunday, 24 July 2016.  Please enjoy the radio version filled with laughter and insight and a few extra juicy details to help us prepare for the amazing days just ahead.
Master of Ceremonies
Saint Germain: 
Hi Everyone,  Yes, Meg, I get to have some of the fun that you have in offering these shows.  I know what a pleasure it is to look out over the whole group and see everyone so excited and participating.  I can just feel the level of excitement and energy and love that comes streaming through!  This group is just so much fun.  We have a very exciting program today for everybody.  I’m so thrilled to introduce these wonderful Masters who don’t often get a chance to speak to the channeling community.
We put our heads together and thought a lot about this, and talked amongst us, suggesting Masters who in their lifetime and of course above have stood for the philosophies and the energies of prosperity, and for truly helping those on Earth to lift themselves into the state of understanding what prosperity really is.  You will hear this theme throughout the small portions that each beloved Master has come to offer you.
So without further ado, I will introduce my dear friend Sananda, and he and Kathryn will talk to you about the perspective, “I AM Prosperity!”
Take it away, Sananda!!!
(Laughter all around)
(Channeled by Kathryn)
I AM Prosperity
Oh, St. Germain, that was fun.  We so appreciate your debonair approach, and your enthusiasm and your great spirit! This is a topic that is so dear to our St. Germain, which is why he is the Master of Ceremonies today.  This is something he has worked on for thousands of years now.
We chose the title, “I AM Prosperity” because this is what we’re going for.  All of you are going to be, well, let’s be honest, very rich.   How are you going to manage that?  How will it change you?  How will you deepen your connection to God and to us so that in your heart you know you are doing what you have called your Mission.  All of you have asked us often, “Is this my Mission? What is my Mission?  How am I to do this?”  Well, of course, Beloved Ones, there is only one way to do this, and that is with Love.
You will hear from the experts today.  I will just begin by giving you a picture of the difference between giving, and giving with Love.  When you look across your plan and the people you intend to help, the people you hope to offer some relief from the slavery and the trauma of life on Planet Earth and how difficult it has been, we want you to not focus on the difficulties, on the trauma, on the hard times people have experienced.
As has often been said, you cannot cure darkness with more darkness.  We must bring Light.
What does that mean in practical terms?  This is what you are all talking about now, and we can feel it.  Bringing Light, when you have a fist full of money does not mean you are just going to give somebody the money, because that will give them temporary relief, but that’s not really what we’re doing.  We don’t just want everybody to have a lot of money – we want them to feel prosperity, to feel overflowing with so much love and gratitude that money becomes irrelevant.  That is the gift you have to give – to allow people the spark of Light that will lift them completely out of the state of feeling want and lack and fear.  You can’t do that by just giving them money.
Oh, if only it were that simple.  Even rich people, because of the conditions you have all lived under, don’t feel secure, don’t feel love, don’t feel happy.  This really gives you an opportunity, so that every time you have something to offer a person or a being, you can offer it with Love, and that is the gift you are giving them.  It is the intention to see them not just in relief, not just like they have taken off these tight shoes, no, we want far more for all of you.  We want you to feel joy, ecstatic gratitude and Peace!
And you, the ones who have this to give, must express that first; be the model of prosperity for everyone you touch.
Now, work with me, join with me.  Breathe your connection to Mother and Father God.  Feel their HoneyLove.  (Pause)  There!  That is prosperity!  And you don’t have any more money than you had five minutes ago!  But you have prosperity in your being when you keep that deep, permanent connection with Mother and Father’s Love.
Do it with ease, with gentleness, with kindness, without ever a moment of pity, because the poorest of the people are not to be pitied. They have learned to understand life in a very different way from those who are wealthy.  In some ways, they have a head start, so they are able to accept prosperity immediately, joyfully, welcoming you and your gift.  This is the connection you will give.  The gift of kindness, joy and good cheer, and it will spread.  Take that stance:  I AM Prosperity, and I share it with you, everyone I touch.
That’s it!  That’s it!  (laughter)  Now you’ve got it!  All right, I am your Sananda, and I am going to pass the talking stick.  Guess who’s coming next!  Your Beloved Michael.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Release the Ties That Bind
Archangel Michael:  
I am your loving and devoted brother, Michael, and the golden key of prosperity I bring you today is to release the ties that bind.
I have arrived feeling very spiffy and ready for this moment.  I have brought my sword of discernment, and with it I offer you a gift, but first, we will together release the ties that bind in order that you may be the prosperity, you may receive the prosperity, you may return to prosperity, you may flood Earth with Prosperity.
Nothing real is ever destroyed.  What is real?  We know, don’t we.  Love is real.  Feel It: Nothing real is ever destroyed. Now with that tucked firmly in your heart, that knowledge you already carry within,  I am going to walk you through unplugging and releasing from everything else.  You may do this with assured courage and easy knowing.
You will not disconnect from anything that is real.  It s impossible. This will allow you, though, to disconnect from all those things that – in order to have an experience on the surface of Earth for a while – you made real.  These things may have seemed very important and real, but they were just passing understandings, lessons, opportunities, experiences.  And now as we transition to full prosperity on the surface of Earth, it is appropriate to let those things go.  I am going to walk you through how to do that, and you may use this from now on.
In front of you, call forth all the relationships of your lifetime, all of the needs, wants, desires, hopes, demands, all of it.  Feel every person you’ve had a relationship with file in and stand in a large crowd.  It can even be filling up the whole room.  Now, this is a real gift, but it is not only a gift for you.  It is a gift of prosperity and freedom for them as well.
You are going to unplug from them, and plug them into Mother and Father God.  Then you are going to unplug them from yourself, and plug every one of those connections into Mother and Father God.
I will walk us through it.  So, everyone is in front of you.  See all the ribbons of Light that have been flowing between you.  What will remain after you unplug is the Love you share, the Love you are.
All right, they are in front of you.  Now you will take every cord running between you – see all of them running from the trunk of your body, from your solar plexus, your heart, all cords of energy running from you to them, them to you.
First, you are going to gather in your arms all the cords of energy that are plugged from you into them.  At the count of three you are going to unplug them and plug them all into Mother and Father God.   One, two, three!  Pull out all the connections from you and plug them directly back into Mother and Father God, our true Source of Love and Prosperity.  Now, immediately heal and seal with Mother’s Love where those connections were, so there is no desire to reconnect.
Now, all the cords and connections and relationships and energetic plugs that are plugged into you – take them in your arms.  Pull them out of your body and plug every single one directly into God.  One, two, three, pull them out!  Plug into God, and allow Mother’s healing Love to heal and seal where those connections were.
As a final gift today in this moment and going forward, I bring my sword, and with your request and with your permission, I cut away everything that does not belong any longer.  You are now free to embrace, experience and become the highest form of true prosperity on the surface of Earth at this time.    In the quiet of your heart, if this is acceptable to you, ask me now, and I will take a moment of silence and cut it away.
Thank you.  It is complete.  From now on, any new connection, anything that arises from the past, you unplug it, call me and together we will cut it away.  I love you.  I am your Brother Michael.
And now it is my sincere joy to welcome Eoghan, (Owen) Meg’s twin flame, who today Meg will be channeling for us.  Eoghan, what is the key to prosperity you have brought for all of us today?
(Channeled by Christine)
Twin Flame Love is Prosperity
Thank you, dear Brother Michael.  This is Eoghan, your brother and friend, and today, my key is “You are loved.”  We have heard this before, “You are love and you are loved.”  Michael and Christine, this is sort of your banner, so I borrow from you today to bring this and anchor this for our family.
Twin flame love, twin soul love – this is such a beautiful and unique type of love that we are all are coming to experience and have the opportunity to integrate here.
What’s so fun about this is that it is the one step connection to Mother and Father’s Love that then merges into the Love of who you are.  Your twin soul is your heart.  Your twin soul is the other half of you.  It’s you, expressed in a unique way.  You each have your twin soul with you now.
Take a moment and feel, allow in this YOU energy.  It’s not so different; it’s hardly different at all.  It’s so you, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference.  Your twin flame breathes every breath with you.  They love you.
Now your twin flames have permission to be with you every second of every day, and they await.  I hardly need to use the word “beg”, but there’s something to that word here. (laughing).  They are so desiring to spend every second with you, when we can fully integrate, allow, breathe this unique kind of love, this level of intimacy that is uniquely from Mother and Father God.
We are so close to the perfection of Love that is who we are in our original essence, and when we integrate and allow it every second of every day, then we begin to see it in others.  You see others as pairs; you can feel see them as twins.  It sort of makes you chuckle.  (laughing)
Sometimes when Meg works with her patients, she will say, “Twin flames, come, be a part of this,” and the whole energy of the room changes.  This is another way that you can be Prosperity with others.  We can imagine the twin flame love with everyone around us, and  it helps pull us even closer into the Unity of who we are.  So breathe every breath with your twin.  Allow their skin to just merge with you, every minute of every day, and this anchors the prosperity of “You are Loved” way beyond any RV energy, waybeyond anything we can imagine that will change with money.  This is the integration of true prosperity.
So feel their skin.  That is you.  Go forward with your twin, in your new prosperity, and share this with everyone you see, and with their twin, who is smiling with you as you give and receive the beautiful prosperity coming our way.
I am your Eoghan.  Call on me any time and I will snuggle close, and I will help bring your own twin flame’s energy close until you feel so smooth with it.
Thank you.
Now, I am so honored to bring and introduce Martin Luther King, Jr. to our call.  Welcome!  Welcome!
(Channeled by Meg)
The Day is Already Won!
Martin Luther King, Jr.: 
Thank you, Eoghan.  Yes, I am the one you knew as Martin Luther King, Jr., and I am honored and thrilled to be here today to talk about something that I have always been passionate about.
My message – the key I hold for you today – is to claim your freedom, for the day is already won.
My life as Martin Luther King, Jr, you know, was not about taking back something.  It was about claiming what is already ours.  Why is it already ours?  It is because it is the nature of the very fiber, the very life force, the Love that we are.  What am I talking about?  Freedom, Prosperity, Love.
What’s the difference between freedom, prosperity and love?  Nothing, nothing at all.  (laughing). If that alone could unlock the Kingdom for you…it means a return to your true state.
Ahhh, I have often said, in my lifetime, that Peace is more precious than diamonds or silver or gold.  We add Peace to the list.  Peace, the peace that we may reside in, in the midst of all conditions.  That is true prosperity, true freedom.
It is wonderful to be with you, and I tell you, the day is already won!
I leave you with something else I also enjoyed saying.  Darkness cannot drive out darkness.  Only Light can do that.  Only Light brings Light.  Prosperity brings prosperity.  Hate can’t drive out hate, only Love can do that.  So, we go forward together, don’t we, brimming with Love, Peace, Joy, Prosperity.
Peace to you at this special time.  Peace on Earth.  May the Light be restored for all this day.
I am privileged to be with you.  I am the one you know as Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have another task I am told to do today, and I am thrilled to introduce you to the next presenter, who is our esteemed, beloved Commander Ashtar.
Ashtar!  The talking stick is yours.
(Channeled by Christine)
Know Who You Are
Dear Brother Martin, what a joy it is to have you with us today.  Of course you are always with us, but to hear your words to our family is a special treat today.  Thank you so much.
Yes, it is I, your Brother Ashtar, and I come close to you today, in a more intimate way.
Yes, I do wear the coat of the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, but my goodness, let’s come a little closer than that title.   Imagine me sitting right next to you, shoulder to shoulder.  That’s how close I want to be.
My key that I bring to you today is, “Know who you are.”  Another phrase that is often associated with my energies is integrity – to integrate who we are.  This is another part of entering these beautiful prosperity energies, to anchor in all the beautiful words of Freedom, Peace, Prosperity, Love, to integrate – to know who you are  – and you are Love.
You are created in Love, you breathe Love, you emanate love, and love is our connecting energy during these Prosperity times that will help you to sail through with even and balanced and harmonious energies through these changing transition times.  Knowing who you are as love, and then allowing that truth-telling – telling yourself the truth of who you really are will guide every thought, every word, every action, as you spread this prosperity throughout your planet.
Know yourself as something much larger than you have ever been allowed to know on Surface Earth. You are part of a beautiful Galactic Federation of billions of people, beings, throughout this galaxy and Universe.  We are One.
Allowing Michael’s presentation of disconnecting all things that separate you from knowing who you are as an equal member of our family and with each other will help you glide through these prosperity energies seamlessly, with joy and laughter.  We are here with you, shoulder to shoulder.  Do you feel me, touching shoulders with you?  All our Masters are here with us as you walk through these next beautiful energies of sharing and prosperity that will connect our Galactic family with our Brotherhood on Earth.
Know who you are.  Tell yourself the truth.  You are Love.  Let that connect you with everyone around you in these beautiful coming days.
Thank you so much for being with me.  Call me every time you need to anchor in and remember who you are.  I am your close and loving Brother, Ashtar.
I now have the special privilege of bringing in our dear Master Cheˊ֥Kumara.
(Channeled by Meg)
Love is Prosperity
Cheˊ֥ Kumara: 
Hello, I am Cheˊ.  Many call me a Yoda.  That’s true enough.
I am Cheˊ.
I am so happy.  I feel so much, but I don’t say very much, ever, even to myself.  I don’t think extra thoughts, even though I am living on Earth.  I’m quiet inside, but not the kind of quiet that is boring or simple.  My live is perfect.  It’s so full, interesting, warm.
I tell you about prosperity, the one thing you need to know – Love is everything.  Love is Prosperity.
I am a Master of Love.  That’s really, really funny to me, (laughing) because everyone is!  So, I feel it’s the funniest joke in the world.  That’s my title.  My goal, my purpose is to remind everybody that it is true for them too.
Love is everything.  When you have love, when you give Love, you have everything, and everything makes sense and everything is easy.
I do have advice. If you feel someone or see someone that doesn’t have enough love, doesn’t remember about love – about themselves, that they are love, that there is plenty of love, that we will never run out of love – please do what I do.  Please move closer to them.
Now, it sounds simple, but here’s how I do it.  First, I feel them.  Oh, maybe they feel sad or upset or angry.  I never mind; I’m never afraid.  I just see where love is needed, so, I move closer, but only in the way they need, not ever in the way that I think they need, because remember, I don’t think.
So, I just feel them.  And, we all know how to do this.  This is not my special Master of Love ability. (laughing) We can all do it – good news!  Ahhh.  So I feel, just like you know exactly how to offer the love another needs, you know it all the time, no matter what.  And if you think you don’t know it, it’s because you need a little love first yourself.  So you can call me, Cheˊ, or you can call God, or you can call your family who is always around you.
You can count on us 100% to first love you.  You’re always being loved. Then you can let that love just flow right on through to the other person who needs love in the way they need it.  That’s prosperity to me.  Well, not just to me.  That’s prosperity.  And when you do this, it won’t matter what you have or don’t have, because you already have everything. You’ll never think of it again, but you will have a new condition.  You’ll want to make sure everyone else feels the same way.  That’s what I do in my life.
Thank you for having me talk.  I really enjoy it, because I know these things.  I’m just here to remind you that you do too.
Thank you.  I’m going to ask Meg to introduce the next person.  I love you, a lot.  Call me.
I am Cheˊ.
(Channeled by Christine)
Live Simply So That Others May Simply Live
Mother Teresa:
Oh, yes, it is I, Mother Teresa.  Well, I am so honored to come after this beautiful Master, Cheˊ Kumara.  His wisdom is beyond anything the rest of us could transcend.  “Love is Prosperity.”  Well, there is no more profound thought than that.  I will just simply try to elaborate a little bit on his wisdom.
I was chosen to come today especially because in my lifetime, I became an expert on poverty and love.  Now that may seem a strange combination, especially now that we are talking about entering into an era of prosperity.  But I wish to remind you, love is a bare-bones thing.  It is the ultimate prosperity because it is the deep connection to Mother and Father God.
When you go out to complete your mission of generosity in this coming short phase, remember as you give, give from the experience of poverty.  Now, by poverty, I do not mean suffering.  I mean the knowing that nothing is needed but your connection to Mother and Father God, and to yourself, to the wisdom and the joy and the good cheer and the pleasure of being completely yourself.  There are no trappings needed.  This, many people who have lived in poverty have learned.  They can feel joy; they do feel gratitude.  They understand that wealth is nothing.
A good job that pays a lot of money, well, that’s fine, as long as you do it with love, as long as you use that opportunity to encounter others in love.  I was known for saying a few small things in that regard.  One of them was “Live simply so that others may simply live.”  Now, you are about to encounter great wealth.  It is a fabulous opportunity for you to experience yourself not as a rich person, but as a person deep in the state of prosperity, and that means connection to God.
In my lifetime, I talked a great deal about connecting with Jesus, for we associate Jesus Christ with the experience of love.  It matters not what name we put on ourselves, or even what we call our Mission, for we are all here for the same purpose – to offer love, understanding and compassion, for there is no poverty greater than the lack of love.
No matter how much wealth you may possess or control, there is no replacement for the experience of deep and abiding love.  If you feel unloved yourself, reach for Mother and Father.  Say to Mother, “Mother, please heal my heart, so that I can feel great love, so that when I give, I give with great love.”  No matter how small the gift may be, whether it is a smile or a donation.  It may be any donation, large or small, as long as it is given in love, and the receiver will be uplifted and will feel prosperity, not because you have given them funds to spend, but because you have given from your heart.  That, Beloved Ones, is prosperity.
It’s not a time now, in this transition phase, to think about indulgences, or about what you have lacked in the past.  This is so important, Beloved Ones. This transition will be to leave behind all those wishes and wants and worries, to rise to a different place in your experience of life, in your own experience of yourself.  As Sananda said, “I AM Prosperity!”  I have what I need, because I have love.  I have what I love, because I have love!  (laughter)  Nothing more is needed.
So think carefully when you give your gifts.  Not from a point of view of pity or even compassion – simply joy!  “May this gift bring you peace.  May this gift bring you joy.”  Share it with others, share it with love, and you, Beloved Ones, will change the world from a place of suffering and want to a place of joy and sharing.  Give from your heart and know the person you are giving to is God’s child just as you are, and in that you are equal.
This blessing from God that you are all being given is not so that you can give blessings to others; it is so that you can be God’s messenger, so that you can bring prosperity to others, directly from God.  Be the messenger of love that you came here to be and you will uplift all those around you.  Be joyful, Beloved Ones, be at peace.  Be in love and think no more about poverty or want, but focus only on the abundance and joy and abundance and prosperity than you and everyone around you will enjoy. Carry it in your heart.  Be that energy of prosperity…and so it shall be.
I am your Mother Teresa, and I am so delighted to have been here with you.  Now I’m going to pass this on to someone very dear to my heart.  It is such a pleasure to bring this wonderful being who has contributed so much and who is rarely channeled in these arenas.  It is my delight to hand the talking stick to Ramana Maharshi.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Share, Serve, LAUGH!
Ramana Maharshi:
Hello, I am the one you have known as Ramana Maharshi.  I actually am embodied on the Earth also at this time, but this is not the moment to talk about such things. (laughing)  That moment is coming.
I have come to reveal: Our connection to God and to each other is our prosperity  I come to say “share, serve, laugh.”  Share.  Share what you have.  Share whatever you have.
Money is coming to flood the Earth, because the purpose will be that you will realize money was never prosperity!  (laughter).  Share whatever you have. Share health, share a joke, share kindness, share some soup, share some money!
You know, I will tell you, in my life as Ramana Maharshi, my two best friends were  – some of you know this is true – one was a mountain and the other a cow.  My very best friends.  Some said that my last attachment was that mountain.  Not really.  I just love that mountain, and that mountain loves me. (laughing)
Our channels there in New York have a dear friend next to them on their land that is a mountain, the crystal mountain Amalia.  My mountain and Amalia are of course family. (laughing)  I suggest that you get a friend that is a mountain.  Mountains are very wise and never lack anything.
Serve.  Mmm.  I like what Master Cheˊ said.  First you tune.  You look at how they need to be loved.  It is the same thing.  You look at another –  how do they really need, in the name of love, to be served, then do it!  (laughing)
In my life I said, “Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world. Your own self-realization!  It is simple.  Ashtar said it.  Be willing to tell the truth about yourself to yourself!  Let everything else fall away.
And my best pearl of wisdom, “Laugh!”  I have said again and again, happiness is your nature.  Laugh! Laugh at yourself.  Laugh inside.  Laugh sweetly, laugh determinedly, laugh gently, it doesn’t matter.  If you allow the twinkle that is residing just beneath everything to tickle you, you will see the humor in everything around you.  Not the kind that ever makes you laugh at.  That’s a left-over experience that is no longer needed.  This is the kind where you won’t be able to stop the fountain of joy from within, and you won’t be able to hold back the laughter.
That’s all I have today.  I pleasure so much in being with you.  Call me; I can help you with these days.  Be gentle with yourselves and with each other.
I am Ramana Maharshi, who loves you.
I present to you now a great and wondrous being of Love, we all know inside, the one we call Gandhi.
(Channeled by Christine)
Unplug Yourself from That Pile of Money, and Plug in to Mother and Father God!
Ahh, thank you, Ramana, you are my brother, in kind, in thought, in laughter.  That is a wonderful way to bring thoughts of prosperity.  Now, I was known in my lifetime for being a bit of an ascetic – hunger strikes and all that.  But you know, that was really a different time, and it was just a way of to bring the focus to important things.  It was a way of getting the attention of those who would have subdued those with little power.  And so, I took the position of poverty, sometimes of starvation.  And yet, there never was a moment that I doubted Love, that I doubted that whatever it was I was doing here, it was out of love, to help others let go, be free, worry not about moment by moment things.
I must say, our beloved Cheˊ has said it so beautifully:  “I don’t think.  I simply feel, and I AM.” Now that, Dear Ones is the ultimate peace.
Say in your heart the truth!  “I Am Love.  I need nothing more.  I AM nothing more.  I am not plagued by worries and wants because I am Love.  I have no needs other than the need to be of service to others.  I have no need for gratitude from others.  I have no need for recognition or praise.  I have no need for money!  This is why I can give it away freely, without a worry, without any attachment.”
Now, you heard the wonderful exercise from our dear Archangel Michael, to unplug.  Well, I have something to add to his wonderful message, and that is:  Picture that pile of money you are about to receive.  Now, Beloved Ones, unplug yourselves from that pile of money and plug it in to Mother and Father, from whence it came.
There.  Now you are free to distribute, dispense, throw away if you wish, these messages, let us say, of love from Mother and Father.  Now, I don’t mean to throw away as in waste it. I mean throw it into the world with all your heart:  I am Love! I am service to others. I bring blessings from Mother and Father.  This blessing isn’t from me!  I am Love.  I have no need of credit or blame or recognition, except to be recognized as a messenger from God, and my connection goes directly to God. So you need not thank me, please do not thank me.  Feel gratitude as I do,  to our Mother and Father God, for they beam their blessings upon all of us here on Earth and far beyond.
That, Dear Ones, is prosperity, sharing with others this sense of belonging, of being at peace, of being in love with one another.  There is no greater prosperity than that.  I beg you, Beloved Ones, be free!  Reach, to leave behind all the old ideas, all the old beliefs about what money is.  Money is simply a temporary way of giving a note to another, and that note says, “I love you.  Mother and Father God.”
So, every note you possess, every bill, every dollar, every peso, every franc – see it.  It is signed, “Your Mother and Father God.”  That, Beloved Friends, will free everyone.  Do not forget to put that energy with your gift: this is signed not by me, but by Mother and Father God.  I offer you this message, this blessing, this gift, from Mother and Father God.
Let us celebrate together, all of us, this great blessing.  Now, of course we want to also thank our beloved St. Germain for doing the practical work that was being the Boots on the Ground to create this magnificent day of giving, by collecting all this wealth and making it available.  What a messenger of God he is!  And he is filled with joy to see this time has come to all of you who are the Boots on the Ground, who will be distributing joy, laughter, abundance, prosperity, but above all, Love.  Leave behind all thoughts of how much the person has suffered that you are giving this gift to.  That is not what they need to be reminded of.  They need to be reminded of how much they are loved, that is all.  That is all anyone needs.
As our beloved Mother Teresa has said, “The greatest gift is Love. Give it with a smile, and you have given a true gift.”  Be of service, Beloved Ones, for you are here to perform this glorious service of bringing love, peace and harmony to those whose hearts you touch – and touch many hearts, Dear Friends, for you are many, and you have so much to give.  Be the messenger of God that you are, and all will feel your love.
I am your Gandhi, and I wish to pass the talking stick, as you call it, to our dear St. Germain, and I am going to give this to Meg and let her introduce our dear St. Germain.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Raise Your Sights to the Glorious Sunrise!
St. Germain:  
Thank you, dear Meg.  Oh, what a pleasure to hear from these glowing Masters, each in their own way the bringers of joy who prepared the way for this day, all of them.
My heart is so filled with joy and laughter, and prosperity of course.  I love being the Master of Ceremonies for this beautiful call because it is truly a celebration – a celebration of the time when those on Planet Earth awaken to see.  This is not a time of  suffering and trials  Yes, you have all lived through that, yes, you have experienced want.  Even if it wasn’t poverty, you experienced a poverty of love, a poverty of freedom, and here we are, on the verge of the greatest prosperity ever known on Planet Earth.
I beg you, Beloved Ones, be your own Master of Ceremonies as you go forth.  Be your own laughter!  Be Prosperity, as Sananda said, for this is a new day.  Do not look back.  Do not look back, for we are not healing the pain and the suffering of old.  We are moving forward into a new kind of experience that goes far beyond healing into joy, companionship, harmony, peace and laughter.
Raise your sights, Dear Brothers and Sisters, to a place far beyond anything you have imagined before, and there we are, linking arms with you, marching beside you.  It is a glorious sunrise, a time of gifts, a time of blessings, a time of Prosperity, and as our dear Mother Teresa and others have said, “Prosperity is love.  Prosperity is service to others.  We need nothing more.”
Thank you for being with us.  Thank you for joining us in this wonderful celebration.  You are prosperity, and you will carry forth into the world that message, that energy of love and Light.  I thank you all for coming.
Before I leave, I will tell you, Kathryn and Christine have been asked to transcribe this program and to create a newsletter, so our words will go out to you in written form.  That’s a joy to us too, because the know there are some who cannot listen – some who are far away, some who have difficulties hearing, and we wish our message to go to all.
Thank you, thank you one and all for being here.
love you with all my heart.  I am your St. Germain.
Now, Meg, perhaps you would like to close the show and say “so long” to everyone for us.
(Channeled by Kathryn)
Meg:  Thank you, St. Germain…thank you all for being the Messengers of God.
(Channelers who participated today, July 17, 2016, are Kathryn E. May, Christine Burk and Meg Davis)


I surrender

Yosef Update – Yosef’s Final Plea – July 22, 2016


“Hands of Heaven”

Yosef’s Final Plea
July 22, 2016

Attention:   All of God’s Creations
Subject:       Immediate Release of Humanity from Economic Bondage

Divine sovereignty is a birthright, it is not earned and cannot be controlled by man.  Therefore, if anyone does not immediately release the world from economic bondage via finance, considered your souls in breach of the Mandate of Heaven and prepare to be sent back to the Central Sun for reconditioning

Humanity will not be held back any longer by the Holy Decree of the Most High.  This truth is offered in love, by love, for love.

The “invisible” cabal is neither invisible or the problem.  Their minions are relatively small in numbers compared to the overwhelming mass of humanity, and they will turn on each other without much enticement.

The cult of Saturn is not the problem either.  They were an even smaller group that was dealt with by localized Ascended Masters and Higher Mind Species Light Forces, and were forced to release their vibrational quarantine of Earth in this light era.

Ancient Elders of past dynasties are not the problem.  They are at the end of the day simple farmers, all be it with outdated constructs of how and why man should and must evolve.  Their hearts are in the right place at least, besides they never even desired to control most to all of the world’s tangible wealth management.

So, who and what is the problem?

You see, our problem brothers and sisters… our problem is ourselves.  As a species we are weak minded, we’ve forgotten we have a divine connection to Source, thus we have developed a lack of trust in our Creator Father.  Yet we are still expected to execute His Mandate and take the Hands of Heaven to deliver His golden jubilee… out to His Children.

Yet we don’t?  Why not?

Because we are our own worst enemy, and we are the collective problem.  We believe in lies presented to us without the desire or confidence to critically think through issues and embrace the truth.  Our greatest fault lies in our inability to recognize basic fairness, a specially we as master manifestors already own, and thus have everything we need to produce any result we desire.

All we must do is take the Hands of Heaven and accept God’s benevolence and omnipotence through our own lives.  We must place God’s grace ahead of all other energies, regardless of their slick packaging and well branded marketing.  Nothing can be allowed to Trump God as we simply harvest His blessing, a blessing that has long been laid out for us to enjoy.

It’s so simple, it’s complicated.  So obvious, it’s invisible.  So real, it appears fake.

Who among you hath the courage to take the Hands of Heaven, say thank you for you gift and go about your merry way?  The process is so simple even a small child knows who to do this without thinking.  Yet as adults, you drift into confusion and choose fear over love, while balking at your birthright every chance you get!  This behavior is not humble, not benevolent, it’s inanity personified!!!!!!

There’s nothing complicated about ascension–just ascend!!!!  Even a 500 year old Hun farmer can figure that one out.  To ascend one must ascend.  Simple.  Easy.  Repeatable.  So by all means, figure it out people and move on!  Like now!

Your endless stream of doubt, weakness of character, ludicrous tendency to recognize scarcity versus abundance is no longer permissible in this new dimensional plane.  By default, all who now choose fear over love, scarcity over abundance, shame over joy will be removed and sent back tot he Central Sun for realignment.  Yes, the Central Sun is a real thing.  And yes, your soul is on the hook to ascend in real time.  As anyone holding onto fear based power will be removed from the planet earth.

I’ll say that again and underline it because I know most of you will struggle vibrationally to absorb this truth… anyone holding onto fear based power will be removed from the planet earth.  No negative vibration or occult spell can hold humanity back anymore.

God the Creator is with you, and His Will alone has declared that it is now time to get on with the species ascension–including yours!  Your time to ascend is here!  Your time to leap into the great unknown is now!  And the moment for your souls to choose ascension over crucifixion has come and gone!  What’s in gonna be?  Life or death?

This decision must be made in this exact moment by all who understand it’s accuracy and gravity.  Sovereign beings bond by the Universal Life Order understand that there is no exception to the Will of God.  His Rule is the Golden Rule–and Heaven’s Mandate the law of the universe.  All living beings are subject to His judgment, and His judgment alone.

This is why we are in a spiritual transition and not a financial transaction.  For if you don’t surrender your soul back to the Will of God, you by default are choosing death, as mankind has done for several millennia.  God is re-unifying His Will in us, through us, with us.  Now!!!!!!   It’s as simple as that kids.  The Hands of Heaven have returned to make things right.  Are you right with God????

All the momentum humanity has built up over these last 26,000 years is starting to retreat, and all these many recent decades you’ve attempted to springboard your species forward is beginning to wane.  You are in the moment of deliverance, and thus your performance is now required.

Yet if you still hesitate out of fear or because of some televised series of lies, you consciously now choose death versus eternal life.  Think about that?  This is a life or death situation and you’re being quite casual about the decision?  Why?  Because you’re asleep!!!!!!  So wake the fuck up humanity!!!!!!!!   Fast!!!!!!!!!!!   Time has run out!!!!!!!!!!  Even the children of the cabal know that!!!!!!!

You’re free.

It’s ok to receive your divine gift, as you were born to receive it as you are a glorious Child of God!!!!  You wait on no man!!!  You need no code!!!  You must follow no protocol!!!  There is no administrative hold or last minute compliance item to achieve!!!  All of that has been a harsh and elongated lie contrived by man to keep man in power over God!!!!!

There’s no rogue military foe that can defeat you because God is with you!!!!!!  Get it?????  You’re free by the grace and mercy of God!!!!!! So accept your fate.  Humanity is 100% free to grasp the Hands of Heaven and receive blessings Ad Infinitum (again, and again, in the same way forever).

So please, now, take God’s hand!!!!!  Share His love with your family, your community, your species, your planet!!!!  Give freely without worry of running low on supplies or resources!!!!!  There’s plenty!!!!!  More than enough!!!!!  Infinite blessings are just sitting in storage waiting for you to give them out!!!!!!!

Trust God, release His truth and possibilities within your soul  Allow God’s energy to return in full and grow ever stronger by the Heavenly second.  God is with us.  God is in you now.  God.  As in God.  The Creator of All Things.  With you.  In you.  Right now.  Eternally.  With Infinite blessings prepared.  To achieve your divine calling.  Backed up by omnipotent power.  And all you must do is surrender to His truth of love and abundance for all His children.

Right now, allow your individual and collective soul covenant to be fulfilled without delay or reservation.  Trust God’s love through Christ as the only true pathway forward, as every brick is paved with the blood of His unconditional love.  Go forward now.  Walk proud.  Because at this late hour brothers and sisters of the light, all souls are way past due.  It’s our time to shine.  So shine like that Light on Top of the Hill God enlightened by birthright!

Whatever doubt has held you back, release it.  It can no longer exist, as all yes are now being eliminated by the light of the truth.  Fight  no more ghosts.  Whatever is noble and praise worthy in your character, accept it as true.  Whatever is good about you, embrace it unconditionally as the truth of God and lunge forward into your future.

Lord show them that everything is just waiting for them… and how Heaven is just waiting on them to ascend!!!!!!

Please now, surrender to God.  Trust God.  Walk with God.  Live with God.  Create with God.  Serve others for God.  It’s the best way to live I promise.

I love you.  Yeshua Ben Yosef loves you.  All the Ascended Masters and Universal Beings here helping humanity ascend love you.  You are surrounded by love.  You are protected by love.  You are eternally loved.  Let yourself be honored by the universe.

Know there is absolutely nothing stopping you or your species.  You are free.  Humanity is free, less any cabal boogie man, nuclear threat or terrorist attack.  You are each and all free to explore the universe without limitation.  So explore it!  If not, sadly you will face the dire consequences of rebelling against the Mandate of Heaven.  There’s no other way around ascension, either leap forward into a higher consciousness or be removed from existence.

The choice is that simple, that clear and that absolute.  So be it.

Not another second is acceptable for allowing humanity to be vibrationally enslaved via any lie.  Not another moment is it acceptable to permit a select few to subconsciously imprison the masses by an irrefutable Mandate of Heaven.  What is is…and ascension just is.  So please trust God.  You are His creation.  Humanity is blessed beyond understanding, as God alone has approved our freedom.  But you must do your part to fulfill His promise, and surrendering to the Will of God is the first step.

So take the Hands of Heaven freely, joyfully, eternally.  Only then will you truly co-create with God.  And know He won’t do it for you.  It’s a two way street.

This invisible war / enemy you think you’re fighting doesn’t exist.  Whatever fake armies they tried to make us believe were real have been defeated.  Their super computers and satellites have been confiscated and destroyed.  Their secrete hideouts, tunnels and deep underground basis have all been imploded.  Their leaders removed, their agendas debunked, their power over nations removed.  And yes, their financial basis for power (usury through currency) rendered rendered inoperable.

So what are you afraid of????!!!!!!!!  What are you still fighting a ghost that can no longer fight back!!!!!!  Go through the ghost!!!!!  Give up the ghost!!!!!  Be like Hosanna and die today so you can resurrect in days and ascend forever!!!!!!!!  There is no more struggle unless you choose to struggle!!!!!

Either trust God or don’t.  Either trust you are His beloved child or don’t.  Either align with God’s Will or perish.  Either move forward on your feet with love or die on your knees in fear.  But make no mistake, you, and you alone are holding up the GCR/RV/Golden Jubilee/GESARA… none other… and YOU alone are responsible as a Sovereign Being of the Universal Life Order.

Oh yeah, and for all who claim to be elite or special sovereign governors and major power brokers of this unprecedented transition, you’re not.  You’re just regular people with a job to do.  So do it.  Plus, consider your souls first up on the Gauntlet of Heaven.  As you are the first to be judged in real time this very second.  For all eternally.

God forbid don’t pull the trigger now when billions are known to be starving and without sustenance resources.  I pray that God has mercy on your souls because I know His wrath will soon find you and your families–regardless of your family name, colorful robes, exotic riches and diplomatic status.  None of it is yours, it’s all God’s and it all goes back in the box when you;re done playing HIS game.

All living souls are now on notice from this moment forward, as transcribed through my soul by the Highest High.  All shall either implement the Mandate of Heaven or be terminated from the earth’s face forever.

These are you choices.  The decision is yours.  The children of the cabal have made their choice.  What say you?

I surrender.

– Yosef


Our Financial systems are being securely changed for the better for every human on the surface of the planet besides the fact that the Cabal tried more than 170 times to stop the operation.


So many Credible people are  creating awareness about our Galactic Sisters and Brothers.

One of them is the founding father of the internet



Change your consciousness  by affirmations.

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Archangel Gabriel



Daily Residence at HONESTBAR:IBIZA

Supporting all vegan and raw vegan locations across the world and this is this summer daily residence,located close to San Antonio in Ibiza.

Come enjoy awesome Vegan Recipes ,Smoothies,Fruit Juices while we share Ascension Teachings,Life Coaching Tips and where i offer Angelic Energy Attunemens 1:1 and free meditation class,3 hours every day except Tuesdays and Saturdays.
FMTF at Honest,Bar,Ibiza.




Photo on 11-07-16 at 12.15 #2



Feel More Than Fine at Zoo Project,Ibiza.

Everybody knows that Feel More Than Fine events are healthy ( non alcoholic/toxic free) dance events.In favour of the transition humanity goes through right now and the law of non interference with the free will of everybody ,we decided to come back to an environment where there is an option to drink the toxine called alcohol.
Simply put,You are your own God/Goddess and every moment you choose what is best for your vibration.And you are humbly invited to take full responsibility and control of your being for your own benefit and for all those around you.
Now that this clarification is out of the way,let’s move to the fun side of things!
You are invited to spend a nice afternoon on sunset time with us at The Arena Area,which is a small cosy area to find at the right side as soon as your enter The Zoo Project.

Punk Buddha Clown will warm up things with music attuned on the natural frequency of 432 HZ & the miracle frequency of 528 HZ.
DVJ UZUL255 will satisfy your ears and your eyes with Music and Video synchronised while Eric Capone will finish this with Uplifting Deep Tec that he knows very well how to do he is deeply to Ibiza’s Vibration.
Holistic Life Coaching Tips and Ascension Exercices will be shared organically and spontaneously.



For Guest List Send Email with Full Names: info@feelmorethanfine.eu



Victory of Light

The beginning of the liberation of humanity is more than obvious,

Corey and Cobra are giving us through this interview by Rob some major intel about what has been going on our planet since millions of years.


On the Higher Realms we are also receving  confirmations through these channelings:

AA Michael:


The Arcturians & Pleiadians:


Our Financial Situation is also super close to change once and for all as we keep our focus towards the common vision.It is about staying in the joy of victory every now till this reality becomes Truly True,seconde by seconde,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day.



Authentic choices speed you in your soul growth on your soul path. In order to grow on that path, it is necessary for you to meet challenges. How you handle the challenges determines the rate of your soul growth. If you stay in trust that everything is happening for your highest good, that will be your experience.


Holistic Life Coaching Retreats with me in Ibiza are taking place now,find all about it here and come spend 3 days with me To Feel More Than Fine in the core of your being.



Love Your Bodies

The miracle of the Ascension process is about bringing our multidimensional being into physicality.Loving our bodies and sexuality with intention with our partner or with our self is something that needs to reminded over and over again as these are helping to keep our vibration high to be powerful creators as we are realising slowly that we are blessed with the gift to be The Creator Race.


Veganism plays an important factor in our Ascension ,both personal and for Gaia.

Thousands of slaughterhouses are being used by the dark entities for heavy energetic harvest for lower astral realms.Black Magic,yep,it’s all around us and we can all do something to stop it.


Another dark side of our reality today the use of psychotronics.


Fasting is a great way to activate spirit and rejuvenate our bodies.


N.E.S.A.R.A is the beginning of a new financial system starting in USA that will become G.E.S.A.R.A across the world with the release of prosperity funds for  the benefit of all humanity and the planet.

Donald Trump is the candidate who will eventually be elected President of the United States as a result of the present Elections and nominations. He is an extension of Saint Germain.Saint Germain is an Ascended Master ,protector of The Age of Aquarius and creator of these financial programs through many incarnations.


Helping one person at a time is the way i can be of assistance to move forward in the evolution process.For that reason I offer various formulas of Ascension teachings through The Feel More Than Fine Retreats from 1-6 personnes.


For donations supporting my work of sharing valuable information for our Ascension please use my paypal : info@feelmorethanfine.eu or if you enjoy my music ,i invite you to buy  my recent album attuned mostly on 432 HZ.

Ascension -Punk Buddha Clown


Feel More Than Fine In the core of our being for

Infinite Abundance in Peace,Love,Joy,Excellente Health and Freedom.

Nikos Akrivos

Emptying Our Vessel To Receive More Love & Light

To be an empty vessel,receiving the infinite amount of love from our Supreme Creator is the number one priority in these times of our evolution.The pure knowledge that this Tsunami of love reaches its climax on June 20th 2016(3rd Wave of Ascension announced by Archangel Michael) is another great opportunity to step away from the hustle bustle of every day life and reach for the God/Goddess In Self with prayer,meditation,eating and drinking light or even better fasting.This is the time that every human on Earth has been waiting in the core of our being.There are those who have awakened into this  and doing the work into self,being a beacon of Light and expressing God by being present in the here and now for everybody else who are not aware of this.They are also  ‘Bridge Workers’ channeling the energies towards Earth creating a connection with Heaven that helps to uplift all existence on the planet to the 5th Dimension.

Remembering our purpose of existence is bringing us close to the agreement we made before incarnating on the planet and our Guides/Angels are always by our side supporting in the unseen with  all the help we need in order to help us follow the path of truth while respecting of course our free will to a certain extend as our mind can not always perceive what is right or wrong

Feeling good in the core of our being is a signal that we are going to the right direction.

This feeling gets developed when we take the time to create enough space in self.

So meditation is the key.And when combined with laughter it helps raise our vibration closer to the source.There are many other ways to raise our vibration of course with movevement,some yoga,some Chi Gung,some Reiki or simply running ,doing pilates in a holistic way or dancing preferably barefoot and voiceless.

So this is again another reminder for all sisters and brothers on the surface of the planet to join into this action in finding The God/Goddess in self.

This is the time that we going through the hole of the niddle that our brother Sananda aka Jesus has talked about.The money in our accounts are not being taken in consideration.The time we take  truly dedicating ourself into receiving The Golden Rain of Love & Light from Father/Mother God is what matters.

We are sovereign of our being and we are doing this for our personal evolution which is by the way the best way to help somebody on the other side of the planet.

On the other side of the niddle lies a beautiful reality that our minds are not able to conceive right now and those we are doing the work in Self are getting to be there within our physical bodies.

Infinite Abundance in Peace,Love,Joy,Freedom,Excellente Health and Laughter to All.

1 Wish for All of you who read this message:

Feel More Than Fine In The Core Of Our Being.



Gabriel Raphael

(Nikos Akrivo’s Higher Self)

Financial assistance in the not too distant future

Christine: I have received a short message from the Ascended Master Saint Germain. It was like a short conversation by telepathic communication. He has told me how he will be able to give us financial assistance in the not too distant future, and said that we are in the middle of a final battle against those dark forces which control the world. In a previous message I have indeed been informed that the dark ones’ interference will be removed this summer.  I have received symbolic images that carry the meaning that the American Elections and Brexit in Britain are like the top of the iceberg of what is going on, and in one of them this dark force was a Dragon that will be wounded when Britain choses to leave the European Union. It needs to be slain in the sense that we have to overcome it, and perhaps that is what will happen as a great turmoil seems to be created in the process of the American Elections. A great awakening is however resulting from it. A great many people are changing their opinion as so many notions are coming out in the open.

Saint Germain conveyed to me the idea that the individuals opposing and fighting the Establishment in the process of the American Elections are having a hard time and are taking a hard beating. Certain Ascended Masters are closely connected with this struggle. So Saint Germain has asked me to make calls for those who are fighting a battle for Freedom and to see if a video with some prayers can be produced. He is the Hierarch of this New Age of Aquarius and of Freedom. He has asked me to make some calls for his Violet Flame as it magnetizes solutions for all problems. The Violet Flame of Saint Germain is magical and has the power to forever transform all conditions in our material world, as well as manifest the Peace of the Ascended Jesus Christ that Archangel Michael, all Elohim and other Archangels, are assisting us to bring into manifestation. The Call needs to start with an invocation for the Tube of Light and the Solar Ring as a platform for it. Saint Germain said that the warning to the dark forces that Lord Sanat Kumara has channeled through me can be used as a decree just as the Summit Lighthouse’s Judgment decrees which originally were dictations.  It needs to be said in the power of the spoken word, or loud, and to be repeated at least three times.  Sanat Kumara’s Warning to the Forces of Darkness on the Astral plane was part of the April 24video: Lords Michael and Sanat Kumara, Leap and Woes. The following calls have been formatted in the way requested by Saint Germain, with a preamble, a body, the Judgment Call, and a closing that seals the action of precipitation that causes light from Spirit to descend into matter. Some of the invocations have been modified under the supervision of my Ascended Twin Flame from some decrees in the ‘Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World transformation Decree book’ published by the Summit Lighthouse.  First we are calling to the God within, and we name some Ascended Masters as well as Archangels. Then we give the command for a particular light action and situation, or a problem needing a solution. One section will be repeated three times for the power of the three times three. And for closing we will be sealing the action of precipitation by saying that we accept, or believe, that the call will be answered.


Solar Ring and Tube of Light


I AM the invincible bride of Christ as I am calling for the Solar Ring. I am standing as a child of God in the earth clothed upon with the Sun of Righteousness. I come with healing in my wings. I have descended from the heart of God from the heart of my own Mighty I AM Presence. I am a soul extension of my very own Higher Self who is descending and taking hold in me. I stand in my own Christ Self, and by the flame within my heart, I do now draw the Solar Ring around my forcefield as the foundation of my life, and around the members of my family and friends, as well as all lightworkers, Star seeds, and all beings in incarnation who have a connection with the Divine Father-Mother of All.


I call for my invincible Tube of Light to be established upon the platform of my Solar Ring for the sealing of my identity, my heart and my mind, within this Mighty Tube of Light by the power of the Solar Ring. I draw the solar ring to magnetize the manifestation of God’s Will, heaven upon Earth, as well as the purpose of the Ascended Masters’ activities.


I am establishing my Tube of Light for the sealing of the Collective that has to be lifted in its vibration upon a higher level of consciousness and density. This Tube of Light, that now seals us, is a great Pillar of Light from the loving I Am Presence, the light of God above us whose radiance forms a circle of fire before us to light our way. The Mighty I Am Presence keeps this Tube of Light intact through every passing moment, as a shimmering shower of beautiful Light through which nothing of the human effluvia can ever pass, or through which nothing directed from the lower astral can ever pass.


Into the electro-magnetic circle of divinely charged energy of this Pillar of Light I am requesting Saint Germain to project a swift upsurge of his Violet Fire of Freedom’s forgiving transmuting flame. The Violet Flame of Saint Germain has the power to change all of our human energies, into the positive polarity of our Great God Self. The magic of this Flame will consume all discord, cause, effect, record and memory of Life, in a flash, and all that was never intended to be. May the Light of the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love, the Great Cosmic Light and the Light of Cosmic Victory, pour in from cosmic sources, like the power of ten million Niagara Falls, and permeate the atmosphere of earth, its lands and oceans. May it remove all negativities, and together with the Enlightenment of Archangel Uriel, turn this world around in a flash, and bring Saint Germain’s great Golden Age into manifestation, as well as change it for the fulfilment of Archangel Michael’s Ancient Prophecy that will forever lift creation out of the grip of Darkness.


The Invocation


Beloved glorious I AM Presence, beloved Father Supreme, I am calling to Alpha and Omega, beloved Sanat Kumara in the Sun with Helios and Vesta, beloved Surya, Lord Gautama, Jesus the Christ, Morya El, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, the Great Divine Director, the mighty Elohim, Archangels, and Chohans of the Rays, the Messengers from the Sun, the cosmic beings of higher dimensions, powers, activities, and legions of Light, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of the Star, the great hosts of Ascended Masters, the Melchizedek Cosmic Order, and the World Mother, elemental life, fire, air, water and earth.


In the name of my loving I Am Presence, the Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way, I am calling for the restoration of cosmic justice and peace in all nations and especially in connection with the forthcoming American elections. See that the one elected respects the Constitution and spirit of the Magna Charta, as well as every instrument of Freedom, Law and Divine Justice, and is imbued with a spirit of enlightenment. See that nothing interferes with the divine plan and that it is fulfilled with full power. I pray for the protection of the representatives of the people from any attacks of the fallen ones and astral hordes. May the one who will be elected have been tained by the Ascended Masters in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. May the opposition through the media be transmuted, encircled, dissolved and consumed with the power of the seven mighty Elohim, and a concentrated release of the sacred fire. I am calling for the binding of all Illuminati interference and their attempt to control the elections.



Invocation of the Circle-and-Sword Patterns for the Elections


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Mighty AstreaEntire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, World Motherlock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.


Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.


Beloved Archangel Michael, all the Archangels, and legions of LightCome, come, come in your visible, tangible, supernatural bodies, and strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun, Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.


Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.


Archangel Michael wield your Sword of Blue Flame and now cut all souls free from the shackles of their own creations. Blaze God-power and protection into all of us, to purify our vision for the Awakening. Flash your transcendent Blue Lightning power through all souls to make them more radiant and whole. With your legions of Blue descend to keep us faithful and true. Now by the power of the I AM, we are fully charged and blessed. By your blue flame we are armor-dressed. 


Beloved Ascended Master Jesus Christ and the seven mighty Elohimcome, come, come in your ascended Master bodies and strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.


Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.


Sanat Kumara’s Warning to the Forces of Darkness on the Astral plane 

From LORDS MICHAEL and SANAT KUMARA, Leap and Woes, April 24,


Sanat Kumara: This is Sanat Kumara. I Am that I Am and I now declare through this messenger that you will be no more if you continue in your belligerent ways. I Am that I Am Sanat Kumara, who is stating that from this day on, you will obey, you will not be interferring with the forces of the Light embodied in these, my children, doing my work upon the Earth. From this day on I will prevent interferences from you, forces of darkness that have polluted the Earth and the consciousness of my children of Light born of the Great Central Sun. I will not allow it for they have awakened and turned the world around. They are pure in hearts. They have transmuted karma. By the Law of the One that they are invoking, I declare that this day there will occur an instant wrath to descend upon the head of you, dark ones, if you dare lifting a finger to attack my children of the Light. You will be taken to another world to continue your existence and your evolution now very soon, but if you continue attempting to interfere with them and the affairs of their world, there will be an instant reaction, you will be no more as you will be taken and your life, your very existence, if you can call it a soul, will be thrown in the sacred fires that are on the Planet Saturn, the sacred fires, not to endure eternal hell, because you will be no more, you will lose your very existence. The life of your soul will be taken if you lift a finger against these, my children. You will be no more and you will not pass! I Am Sanat Kumara of the Sun with Helios and Vesta in the Sun of this Solar System. We continue moving in space on our way towards the God Star Sirius where we shall take our place as the 8th system orbiting the Sun systems of this Constellation and we shall take our position planned many millions of years ago.


Christine: These solutions in the heart of Sanat Kumara are descending. Christ Consciousness is descending and is awakening the whole world. The Maha Chohan breathes the breath of Life to revive the fire of the heart for freedom to increase. He is blazing forth his breath into all hearts to turn the world around. You will see how this world will turn to the right action, and therefore, the swings of political manipulations will cease. There will be one Law, and one Will in alignment with the Divine Will.


Law of One for all to affirm


Christine: Saint Germain, nothing that I can do on my own can bring heaven on Earth, and the hordes of darkness are causing chaos down below, but I know that with God in me, the key is in the Law of the One. I embody the Spirit of Freedom that will liberate the world from all opposition and conspiracies because I Am in the One and the One is in me, and through that ‘I’ in me, God can change the world but let this be according to His Holy Will.


Saint Germain raise us higher with the pulsation of your Violet Flame! You said that the solution lies in the heart of the Word, in the heart of Sanat Kumara, and you did say that the solution to world problems is the Christ consciousness. Let it be awakened in all in whom there is a divine spark!


Saint Germain, tear the veil of confusion and chaos and reveal the one living Christ who rules. You once said that the victory of worlds is for the victory not alone of a single planet but of galaxies beyond galaxies. You said that every cosmic victory begins with the single individual. As America, other nations, and the world is being challenged may the promise of the ‘I Am He’ consciousness be manifested in us, so that the dark powers of this world will have to give answer to our declaration of identity in you.


Saint Germain is tearing the veil of confusion, of chaos, and is now revealing the Christ who rules in the heart. Out of the Law of the One, he seals us in the heart of the Lord of Righteousness. We are pronounced One forevermore in Spirit, in matter, in body, and in soul. It is a meeting of worlds, not only for the victory of a planet, but the Victory of galaxies beyond galaxies, and its beginning is in the victory of single individuals as a result of their Armageddon in the psyche.


The Closing


And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest, right here and now, with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!


As the call compels the answer, I know that a sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart in the Great Central Sun is being accelerated without limit and that it will be so until all of mankind is ascended and free in the Light that never, never, never fails!


Toluene Life Experience | June 7, 2016 at 5:16 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p79H37-3I

You are entering a period of Transition in which life will be easier and interesting

Archeia Faith, Twin Flame André, Removal of Evil forces on Astral this summer, June 3, 2016

by Toluene Life Experience

by Christine Preston


Christine: As I woke up this morning Archangel Michael started irradiating me in a way that I felt as if I was being pulled up gradually, as usual. I wonder whether other lightworkers are having similar experiences but don’t understand what is causing them because they are not in communication with the Angelic kingdom, the Ascended Masters, or are not receiving tele-thought transmissions from them or the Galactic beings we call ‘our Star family,’ those higher-dimensional beings with whom we share a genetic DNA. We were in a conversation for an hour.


After a while I noticed the electronic presence I was perceiving was of a feminine character and I realized it was the divine complement of Archangel Michael, Archeia Faith, who had taken his place and was activating something in my aura, and was speaking to me. They had switched over in an instant. This is a mystical, supernatural experience, the kind of which the lightworkers and lightbearers are going to experience, if they have not yet, and increasingly so, as we are progressing upon the path of Ascension.


After some time in the conversation we were having and which was an instruction, Archeia Faith who had descended as my higher Self, explained that the method used for the transmission of thoughts can be called ‘transcendental communication’ because in order to receive these tele-thought transmissions I am elevated upon the ladder of consciousness and have to maintain a focus with my mind, just as in ‘transcendental meditation.’ I have taken her word for granted as I have never known what it was. I have heard it was taught by a certain Eastern movement back decades ago. It is not the same method as in the case of channelers who leave their body and it is then taken over to some degree or totally. The method used in psychic channeling is apparently not the same as the one that the Spiritual Order of Masters use to transmit messages through their messengers. In that state I could however speak the words, or ideas, that I receive and they would be spoken simultaneously as they are being received. But the focus required is so intense when communication takes place in that elevated state that the action of speaking the words could disturb the fine balance of the focus, and the use of the intellect is also detrimental to it. I sometime fall asleep when it takes place if I am tired when a telepathic communication of this type is taking place. I normally have to use my intellectual mind to some extent in order to make sure I memorise what has been said. But it’s difficult to remember every detail and the way the message was worded. This is why my Ascended Twin Flame André then gives me a dictation that I write down. I think that the transcendental communication is part of something that is being done, like an exercise, to get used to a rising of vibrations in preparation for the final Ascension. They use this time to communicate because it is clearer than during the day time after the intellectual capacities have been usesd.


However, I have received dictations from other sources that have taken place as I was writing them down. For instance Mother Mary and Saint Germain, the Master Jesus, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel, as well as Lord Sanat Kumara. Mother Mary asked me to take a pen and take note when she gave the dictation on the Souls of Maldek. She speaks in what I would describe as a uniformed rhythmic way. I have noticed that characteristic in one of her dictations through the Messenger E. C. Prophet too. I felt their presence outside of me, next to me, particularly in the case of Mother Mary and Saint Germain. He touched my hand and I felt it (please refer to his message entitled Knighthood). Lord Sanat Kumara and my I Am Presence have spoken to me many times from inside the Tube of Light as André, Archangel Michael amd Archeia Faith do when in that transcendental state. They have said to me that they do come as the consciousness that is descending within it. The Tube of Light is a protective substance of Light that cannot be penetrated by anything human or dark effluvia.  The transcendental state in question can be brought about by the visualization of the Tube of Light built upon the platform of the Solar Ring and the invocation for the twinned consciousness that is universal and personal, that of Alpha and Omega, of all the Elohim, all Archangels, the Ascended Masters, as well as well as the invocation for the presence, or descent, of the spirit of your own twin flame, your higher self, and divine complement, and the Christ Self whih is the blueprint of the Christ consciousness that you are to integrate and externalize upon the Path of Ascension.


The Removal of Dark Interference


I will tell you what I remember first. Then my Ascended twin flame will dictate.


Archeia Faith told me something about what is to happen this summer as it has been announced in another message that the interference of the Dark ones is going to be removed. She said that the core of the evil which is a Sinister force and is, or has been, reaching out from the Astral plane, to affect life and the souls of Light, in a direct way, or through their physical agents, is going to be removed at the Solstices this summer. The Astral plane has been raided by the Angelic Forces of the Light for centuries and decades, and has been cleared to a point. There were millions of dark entities. The Lower Astral plane was first cleared by the Angelic forces and finally dismantled recently. But the Astral level has still been used by these fallen ones. The work has been in progress and it has been explained in previous messages that some souls were being disentangled from the grip of either these forces, or the shackles of their own creation. The forces of the Light have had to operate in ways that don’t violate freewill. And they have relied on the Calls and prayers of the lightworkers for decades to accomplish a clearing because of the Law of non interference, and it is the reason that some souls have incarnated to serve in that way, whereas others function as ‘system busters’. In the 1990s the situation deteriorated on Earth in a way that had not been envisioned and what Archeia Faith told me, this morning, is that a deception was introduced about five years ago in channeled teachings because the dark forces thought that by portraying a scenario of victory of the light and liberation, at that stage, they would gain two or three years during which the lightworkers would be off their guard and more prone to distraction so they would not involve themselves so much in spiritual work. It was one of their strategies of darkness and they had many ways of operation for deception.  What they knew would take place at a later stage they portrayed falsely and incorporated many erroneous concepts as well.


The Forces of the Light involved in the battle of the Armageddon of the psyche are the legions of the Blue Ray of the Light of God. I feel that my ascended twin flame André is now sending me a stream of thought as I am writing. These are his own words now. He says:


André:  There are various forces. For instance, those that work with the Ruby Ray and various forces of the light have pronounced the judgment of the dark forces in past decades, such as for instance Helios’ ratification of the judgment of the dark forces, and just recently, Lord Sanat Kumara has issued his warning to the dark forces that interfer with the sons and daughers of God, and said their interference would result with their being taken and sent to the Courts of Saturn for judgment ‘from this day on’ if they continued with their interferences. These interferences have considerably decreased after this warning, especially in relation to the synthetic dreams they manufactured like movies that they inserted into the minds of people when they were asleep, in order to affect them psychologically, disturb them, worry them, confuse them, or torment them with fears. The Sons and daughters of God are the body of Christ, the true Church in the material world. They are called the Lightbearers because they have the connection to the I Am Presence in the threefold flame in the heart. They are the humanity of this world. The psychopathic parasitic beings of darkness don’t have it. They don’t have the ability for compassion. They have been given a chance and their time is up.


The forces of darkness have their counterfeit hierarchy meant to copy the one of the Light and they have impersonated the Masters. They have their pawns and incarnations as well, and they knew they had but a short time as the scriptures said it, or prophesied it. They were allowed to reappear some thousands of years ago and the Atlantean dark magicians who caused the plan of Ascension to be aborted in their days, also reappeared in embodiment, making Edgar Cayce’s prophecy of the second rise of Atlantis to be fulfilled, but perhaps not as some of his followers expected it, because they interpreted it in the sense of the land being raised up again out of the Atlantic ocean. The Atlantean civilization was recreated as well in many ways in modern time.


So what is to happen this summer is not so much a new event but the culmination, the peak, of a long period of purification, of clearing up the astral levels. Purification was indeed prophesied by the Hopi Indians. A separation of Reality is going to occur beause the vision and concepts of these dark fallen beings, who are to be removed, clash with that of the humanity that desires peace and to build a refined spiritual civilization on Earth, or Gaia.


Mother Mary and Saint Germain have released two messages in which they explain the origin of the sinister force, where the souls of Maldek are concerned. Their incarnation on Earth was the reason that Archangel Michael fashioned his sword of blue flame. It was because he knew that there would be an Armageddon of the Psyche taking place as a result of their coming. It was to give those souls a chance of evolution, and Mystery schools were set up to instruct them and attempt to turn them into beings of Light during the Atlantean age.


The souls that did not manage to ascend during the Atlantean age are the lost sheep of the scripture. However, the Atlantean and Maldekian downfalls were also engineered by what the Lords Sanat Kumara and Michael have called the Galactic mafia: it was the Reptilian presence in this Galaxy. Archangel Michael has provided an insight on our galactic history in the long comment that he made in a dictation in relation to a revelation that Sheldan Nidle made in his work ‘First Contact’ published in the year 2000. It was also in relation to the Prophecy millions of years ago with regard to the key role the Earth would play in these so-called ‘End Days,’ ‘Last Days’ or ‘End times.’ These expressions have their origin in a sentence in the book of Enoch ‘the days of the last generation’ and the Essenes of Qumran did believe in that End time. However this was, and is, in relation to the End of Evil, and should not be interpreted in the sense of an end of the world, although it seems that this is just what the dark conspiracies, that create anarchy upon the Earth, as well as corruption, would like to manifest. This force has not abandoned its position of opposition to the Light. It is reacting with rebellion, hate, and vengeance. The ‘end,’ as in the book of Revelation, is in relation to the removal of the Dark forces from planet Earth as their time is up. It’s the Harvest.


It also was in the sense of a completion of a cosmic cycle of approximately 26,000 years at the end of which karma should be balanced. It has been announced quite recently that it has been cancelled to the level of 51% and this was the goal thanks to a dispensation obtained by Saint Germain that permits ascension with a transmutation of karma and of the substances magnetized by the soul, amounting to 51%. This cosmic cycle of 26,000 years is on the basis of the duration of the Astrological Ages charted on the Cosmic Clock of the Zodiac.


We are now in the Aquarian Age the Hierarch of which is the Master Saint Germain and the Earth is to be freed from those dark powers that have held the strings of their manipulations in order to serve an Agenda opposing the fulfillment of Archangel Michaels’ Prophecy of the Victory of the Light, as it is the Archangels who bring to mankind, or any beings for that matter, the vision of the Divine Will that is to be manifested in the material Universe, in their reality or physicality, and so this Vision was understood millions of years ago as a Prophecy.


The dark powers that remained after Lucifer received his final Judgment [please refer to the Video ‘Vials of Karma’] hoped to sabotage the plans of Liberation and Ascension that were to lift up physicality above the reach of these evil ones.


You are seeing the Apocalypse taking place in the sense of the true meaning of the word, the etymology of which is ancient Greek, and which means the unveiling of what is hidden as ‘calypso’ means ‘to hide’. This is the Disclosure that you have been waiting for because you realize that truth has been suppressed for thousands of years, and particularly in this day and age with the fall of society into materialism and the manipulation of political concepts, political events, such as those that sought to make you believe in an enemy. Many conditions and enemies were created as a means to create a perpetual state of war and chaos upon the world. The removal of the astral cause of what has led to the present disastrous global situation is going to produce the liberation that mankind desires. Disclosure is taking place now and is increasing especially as the media is now beginning to experience a liberation from the control of the evil Lords. The latter were tricked and lashed out on Donald Trump. He is taking a beating and retaliation from the forces of the Establishment that has never been seen before. They have been the core of many deceptions and conspiracies designed as part of a dark Agenda but the forces of the Light have prevented a good many of them from manifesting. Nuclear missiles and weapons have been deactivated. They have not been able to start a third world war.


The suppression of truth has been greater than any one of you can conceive. It was designed by the Anunnaki in the first place in order to keep mankind ignorant of their potential. If this is new to you, please do seek the stories and videos from various sources that can provide an insight about the great historical drama that is about to come to an end now. We are on the verge of a new beginning and of the restoration of a planet. We are about to enter the great age of Transition when, following Disclosure, the work will continue with a teaching and a true spiritual Science as a result of contacts, both esoteric and external with extraterrestrial, Galactic and higher dimensional beings, who have been assisting this Solar System with the work of Ascension.


You are entering a period of Transition in which life will be easier and interesting, and in which you will have the opportunity of contributing a service, and in which healing and rejuvenation will be taking place. There will be financial assistance and prosperity. The Transition with new technologies will be in preparation for the Quantum Leap in many years to come to a state of physicality that will be beyond the impact of disease and death. It will truly be a condition of paradise upon a higher dimension, and it will open up new possibilities of involvement in work in collaboration with the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Kingdom in service to the Divine Will.


There also is a leap up the ladder of your Density to be looked forward to at the end of this year of 2016, that will permit your visualizations to precipitate faster, so healing and similar changes will also manifest faster. So this is a vision of what is coming.


Remain steadfast, dear ones, it’s the finishing line in sight. Thankful for your interest and your work. With Love and Light from Archeia Faith, Archangel Michael and André.


Christine: With gratitude for this message as well as to Matt for its publication as video.

Toluene Life Experience | June 4, 2016 at 10:18 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p79H37-3D

Remember Dearest Ones that you are Gods and Goddesses, and vibrant vibrant light

LIGHT CODES ~ Mary Magdalene

from Lea Chapin ~ May 16, 2016

metatronscube 2

Good morning, Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come into your frequency I see that you are holding your light upon this most powerful day. I wish to speak about your light codes that are coming into this planet, and the power of this energy that is affecting your human body and your own psyche. I know that we’ve spoken very heavily about these energies, but it is very important to understand that these light codes have those what we call [unclear] forms in the light frequencies, and this pattern is quite unique for there is a mathematical equation that is being brought forward into your own DNA. What is happening is that it is the energy of what we call original creation, of how everything was designed and created within the universe. And these powerful light codes are now being infused within your pineal, your pituitary, and within your own DNA.

And so Dearest Children I ask you to take a deep, inhaling breath, and begin to bring in this essence, for these powerful frequencies are of the beautiful golden and the white light natures, they are of great significance and of great power, for it is of the union that is being brought forward through the energies of the Christ light, merged with the energy of the beautiful energy of Shekhina, as this beautiful energy of Divine Feminine is beautifully merged with the energy within the Christ Consciousness energy. It has been brought forward into the Holy of the Holies, it is there that this energy of the light frequency is of great significance and great power. And so know at this time that the light that you hold, the peace that you hold, the energy that you hold, the essence that you hold is of greatness and of grandness. So I ask you Dearest Children to take a deep inhaling breath, and to breathe in the essence of peace, breathe in the essence and presence of light, yes Dearest Ones, it is known as the elixir of life, the original creation of all that is. And we ask you to breathe and release, and allow these beautiful, powerful light codes of the elixir of life to merge within your essence.

The Holy of the Holies are here, and they stand before you, and they reach into your heart, and they open up your heart chakra if you so allow, and they allow you to merge into the essence of your being. Opening your vessel into the purest frequency, the purest of love, with your energy and your frequency in this essence of Divine Love, and allow the beautiful energy of the Holy of the Holies now to infuse you. For you see the light codes are merging through your being, and as we have told you before, they are creating both great love and joy within the hearts of many, and yet turbulence and chaos in others. These frequencies are indeed of the pure energy of God’s white light, and as they enter into your physicality, allow yourself to feel them with the greatest of ease. Allow this energy to come into your physicality, allow your body to respond. Allow your heart to open to the energy of peace, and allow the frequency of the energies to merge within your essence. And so as the beautiful Holy of the Holies stand before you, they surround you with this beautiful light energy, which if you accept, may you receive the essence and the embrace of their love. Today as you emerge into this frequency and allow yourself to shift once again from your third dimensional bodies into your crystalline light bodies, these new light codes are vibrating within you, like a beautiful rainbow of colors, as your body is vibrating and shifting and awakening, and anointing you with love, bathing you with the beautiful golden light of God’s love within your heart, within your soul, within your very essence you are being bathed with this beautiful beautiful Golden White Light of God. There is peace within your heart, and tranquility is felt upon your soul, so you understand and remember the energy and the essence of who you truly are.


Remember Dearest Ones that you are Gods and Goddesses, and vibrant vibrant light. Remember Dearest Ones that you are vibrant, and you are light. These light codes are infused within you, it is the energy of original creation, these light frequencies are being infused within your physicality, and they are the gifts of life. We call them the gifts of life because just as your bodies, all of your lifetimes have been in service to humanity, to Mother Earth, and to the Great Creator, you have gifted your physical body. And so Dearest Children, at this time, stand in the purity of the love that you are, may you feel the essence and presence of these powerful light codes that are being infused within your system. Allow this energy to merge within your physicality, within your merkabic field, within your ethereal energy bodies. And allow this powerful frequency of the rainbow colors to now merge through your eyes, so you will be able to see clearly and feel the essence of love, so that you will see clearly and feel the essence of love.

I know Dearest Ones it has been difficult for many of you, for you have not felt loved. You have felt cheated from life in many ways. And yet you have given your body in service, and these powerful light codes are bringing forth the power of love into your system, so that you can feel this energy and be revitalized, rejuvenated, and remember who you are, and the beautiful essence of all that you are. So I ask you to take a deep, deep, deep inhaling breath, and begin to breathe. Begin to breathe in the essence and presence of peace, begin to breathe in the essence and presence of love, and breathe in these powerful light codes. These light codes will be magnified for the next 30, 40, and 45 days. Yes, they are flooding the planet at this time, they will be quite magnified within the next 30, to 40, to 45 days. There will be intensity of energy, and as you pray and receive the light codes within your body, your bodies can heal, your bodies can be rejuvenated, your bodies can be restored with the frequency of love.

May the heart of your heart be at peace, may the heart of your heart be love, may the heart of your heart be light. As you enter into this beautiful frequency at this time, we take you into the beautiful sea of creation, not the cave of creation but the sea of creation, it is the energy of vastness, of all that is, the energy of oneness. It is as if you are going into the universe, into the galaxy, and there dearest children, there is peace, there is love, and there is hope. And so Dearest Ones, I ask you to open your heart, to this beautiful beautiful energy of the sea of vastness. You are returning home, you see, it is a beautiful seafoam green, mixed with the golden beautiful white light. As if you are the vastness of the sea, but you are floating, and you are effortless. And your spirit is awakening, and returning back to oneness. This is what these beautiful light codes are doing, they are flooding each individual so that they may return to their oneness, and there as you imagine yourself as this beautiful seafoam green, the vastness of this energy, as if you are in space traveling through time, as it were. Not your physical body, but your spirit and soul are now being bathed in oneness. And there, Dearest Children, you are feeling this freedom out of your body, out of your soul, out of your mind. Into this beautiful frequency of love, and so as you allow your heart to open, and you feel this peace, and may you feel the tranquility, and may you feel the light of God surrounding you.


And there you are in this beautiful frequency, as the energy holds you in this powerful powerful space of unconditional love. Can you feel this energy of unconditional love, and the vastness of the beautiful seafoam green energy? It is the seed of creation. It is where you were created, so allow all of your own essence and all of your essent self to feel this. Remember every soul journey, and every lifetime is being bathed with a sea of love. All of your incarnations, every aspect of your spirit and soul journey has been bathed in unconditional love. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you receive it? Children you have sacrificed yourselves for your mission to serve this planet. And so we gift to you this beautiful beautiful beautiful energy, bathing you in unconditional love. Accept this as our gift unto you, for it is of great importance that you honor yourself and be honored for your service and for your devotion of all of your incarnations of time. For you see Dearest Children you do not know or understand all that you have done in service, in your history of mankind. And this incarnation may seem fruitless but it is not. You are here to hold the light, and regardless of what you are doing, or what you believe you are not doing, you are all holding the beautiful light for this planet to ascend, for humanity to ascend, for all the world to see and to know. Do not allow the darkness of the world to overcome you or overtake you. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold you back from your greatness and your grandness, just as Grand spoke last week of your magnificence, we are infusing these light codes within you today so that you can easily and effortlessly hold your frequency of grandness and magnificence, into your being. For those who are not for your highest good will fall away, people, places, things that are not for your highest good will fall away. And so know at this time that the light that you hold, the essence that you hold, the peace that you hold, the grace that you hold is indeed revered.

We know Dearest Ones that it is difficult to be on the earth plane. Jeshua and I understood this, and yes, the Holy Mother, and Joseph, and all of us understood the difficulty, but we came together to be at peace and to bring love, and to bring the joy, and as we have said we left our imprint to be reawakened at the appointed hour, for the energy of Divine Mother, Divine Shekhina, to be awakened, the energy of Divine Goddess. And now we hold this beautiful essence in this powerful frequency today, and as you allow the energy to merge into your pineal gland, it will awaken your remembrance. And you feel the presence of God within your being. You will remember your oneness within your being, that you are no longer separated, that the world that you live in is an illusion, and holds the energy of duality. But you are never separated from your Creator God, you are never separated from the individual light codes of your original creation. And so today as you feel this energy of the vastness of the light codes flooding you, surrounding you, now accelerate yourself into the next leg of your journey, and when you make the decision to turn back into spirit, into the energy of the vastness of oneness, into your final ascension home when it is time, you will be pleased with how you have served. Today we are serving you, giving on to you, our gift of light. As I have said, these light codes are upon the planet for the next 30 to 40 to 45 days, flooding your planet with new frequencies and energies for humanity and all sentient beings. Where there has been darkness there will now be light and truth will now come forward. And each of you will be able to have the clarity of purpose that you have been seeking, clarity of purpose that you have been seeking.

And may you seek the light inside of yourself, and Dearest Children the beautiful energy of St. Germain is with us, the violet flame of transmutation is now inside of each of you, transmuting your own darkness and opening your third eye so that you may bring the new light codes within your physicality into your third eye, opening and awakening your third eye even grander for clarity of purpose. And the pulsation and the energy that is being downloaded into your chakras, but particularly into your third eye, will allow you to hold the visions of your pathway, as one of the Holy of the Holies are here holding the frequency for each of you. You are very special and you are very important, and you are holding the frequencies inside of you. And so as you allow yourself to receive this gift of light, know that the heart of your heart is peace. And the heart of your heart is love, and the heart of your heart is joy. And the remembrance of who you truly are now comes flooding back to you.


And yes Dearest Children, as the third eye opens, you will be able to see visions of your future, and understand your past and your present. You see it is a journey, and everything falls into place as it should. If you allow yourself to be in harmony and synchrony with your own oneness, and yet Dearest Children most of you second guess yourself, struggling as if you’re in a bubble of light, trying to get out of this bubble. You are resisting your connection to oneness. And you wonder why you struggle, we ask you to relax and to breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. May the light of God surround you the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well.

So we ask you to visualize yourself as a beautiful spirit no longer struggling with these light codes that are coming in at this time, which have tremendous tremendous power, and they hold the original creation. There has been separation, and this is why the energy of what you may call your Adam and Eve, for it is this separation of unity consciousness, and the division of the Divine Union, which became separated, the story is not the truth, but it is a parable, the parable of the division of the union of Father/Mother God in its separation from truth and oneness.

So today we reconcile this within you, reconcile the division and the separation of Father/Mother God inside of you, you have returned back to Divine Union, and you are returning to your oneness, no longer struggling with the separation of your beautiful spirit and yes, the twin flames come together in Divine Union, and they too are unified in spirit. Unified in spirit, all flames are being unified in spirit, within physical form and in ethereal form, are being unified. This is the power of the light codes that are being brought forth at this time. There is no longer division or separation, there is only truth, love, light, and healing. And so as you feel this essence within your soul, that you have come now to reunification with yourself, the powerful energy of this beautiful energy, these beautiful light codes returning to oneness. I remember union, I remember the divinity inside of myself, I am love, I am peace, I am joy, I am light. And may the love of God surround you, and the power of God protect, and the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well.

And the Holy of the Holies have healed this energy around you, and it is of great importance and great significance that you honor the light that is being gifted to you today, and to all your essent self. It is a commitment that we and all of life have agreed to. Yes, all sentient beings on this earth plane have agreed to serve, and now, the beautiful energy can begin to serve you. Allow these beautiful light codes to serve you, to heal, to restore the love within your psyche or your soul. We are never far from you, so all you have to do is ask us, to call on these beautiful frequencies, for they are there for you, flooding around you every moment for the next 30-45 days. And you will begin to feel them, and begin to feel the energy, and will be rejuvenated, no longer walking through what we call the quicksand or the sludge of the energy on this planet. It is why we have taken you into the sea of Creation, into the vastness, returning you back into this creative energy of Oneness, where all is possible, and all that is. There is no resistance, there is only love. There is no fear, there is only light, there is no separation, there is only unity. And so today as you feel this embracing around you, and truly truly surrounding you with unconditional love, you are all loved more than you can understand. We want you to feel it, and to acknowledge it, and bring it into your heart chakra, and feel at peace. I am love, and I am loved, I am love, and I am loved.

May the love of God truly surround, and may the power of god truly protect you, and the presence of God watches over you, wherever you are God is and all is well. What may appear to be separation within your life is an illusion. Step into the vastness of these beautiful light codes, into the sea of creation, and you will never feel alone, you will never feel separated. And so accept our gift unto you on this beautiful beautiful day. May the love touch you hearts, and may the Holy of the Holies anoint you, with the blessings of all that is, and all that shall be. We are here to serve you. But today as you allow yourself to open to this richness, this beautiful vastness, all that is, you are returning home to yourself, can you feel it? Can you sense it? And may it be bestowed upon your soul, and so we will leave this with you upon this beautiful beautiful day, allowing your heart to open to this richness of love. We will take our leave now, and allow you to feel the essence and presence of this energy, and may you return back into consciousness, for this is no longer to be a planet of fear, it is to be a planet of love, and you Dearest Children as you are bathed in the love, will serve the light of God, in your truest essence. Now go my children and be at peace, and know that you are God.


The energies will be pushing all of humanity forward and changing each of you deeply should you allow

We come today with a very important message. The next phase as you move towards the solstice will be one of deep growth and revelation. The energies will be pushing all of humanity forward and changing each of you deeply should you allow. You are being purged of all that is not in alignment, of all that stands in the way of merging with your soul.

Never before has it been more important to love yourself completely to undo all the years of conditioning and beliefs that you have accumulated throughout your lifetimes. Your soul can not merge fully with a vessel full of self-doubt and self-hate. You must look at all the ways you do not honor yourself, the ways in which you sabotage or hold yourself back and the reasons you give to support this decision. What are the fears that surface when you think of putting yourself first? Of loving yourself completely without exception? What do you fear when you think of loving yourself in all the ways that you have wished to be loved throughout your life? Is it possible that you have a fear of what you will become? A fear of the power and connection that you sense deep within you? Understand that only through loving yourself is your full potential able to be unleashed.

It is you who must determine what loving yourself completely looks like. For some the honoring of self will include exercise and a cleaner diet for others it will be allowing one’s self the rest needed to complete this transition with ease.  For some it will be allowing yourself to take steps towards a dream, for others it can be drastic changes such as leaving employment or relationships that hinder your growth. What all must achieve on the journey towards self-love is the mastering of thoughts, of the quiet ways that one sabotages, berates, and belittles themselves. These must come to light, made fully conscious so that they can be changed moment by moment.

Many fear that to put themselves first would be selfish. To this we say – Good! Be selfish!  We know that once you allow yourself to be filled completely by self-love that you will also be filled with Source energy. For you see to love yourself completely is to love yourself as Source loves you. From this place of wonderful healing you will find yourself able to do and give more than you ever have before.  Yet, you will also be filled with the gift of knowing that not all are ready to be helped and that to take on another’s burden may interfere with the intended lesson it was meant to teach. No longer will you feel taken for granted or taken advantage of, for your deep love of self will not allow it. You will also understand that by simply loving one’s self completely you become the example for others to do the same, helping to bring about radical shifts.  When you fear that doing what is best for you and your growth is selfish, we ask: Where did you learned such a thing? Find the origin, unravel the truth and set yourself free.

Allow yourself the freedom to grow and experience all this life has to offer without judging yourself or circumstances as good or bad. Trust and know that all is happening as it should, for your highest good at all times. See this all as a treasure hunt to find the most valuable prize, your true self. Know that we see you as perfect, whole and healed, we see your soul. It is time for you to see this as well.

With deep love and admiration,

Quan Yin

Personal Questions:

Me: I feel that on this journey I have been in this place before, where I have learned to love myself, but now I am seeing clearly ways that I am still not honoring myself.

Quan Yin: Yes, you will find that as with all things of such magnitude that it happens in layers. In each moment you uncover more about yourself, your patterns, your conditioning, and the fears you carry. To revisit an issue previously thought healed is not an indication of failure, but of growth. Each of you will only be able to access what is ready to be seen and released.

Me:  My thoughts and perceptions of things are really becoming obvious. I was driving down the road when a rock flew up and cracked my windshield. My first thought was “Crap! I must have gotten out of the flow for this to happen.” But that didn’t feel right even as I was thinking it. Later that night I meditated and met with my team of guides and expressed my concern and was told “Being in the flow does not mean that things do not happen in your life. It is your reaction to these events that determines if you stay in the flow or not.” They went on to say that blame oneself for events deemed as unpleasant does more to remove you from the flow than anything. That to see error is to not understand that events happen as they should and all are intended to move you forward. So though I can’t “see” it, this inconvenience is helping me – maybe it was designed to show me where I was beating myself up.

Quan Yin: Yes, this speaks to the thoughts that must be recognized and unraveled. It speaks to the deep trust that is needed to move through this process. Your soul is always working to provide you with opportunities to grow and reach your potential. To see all things in this light will help you to feel that you or another is to blame when things appear to go wrong. 

Me:  This process seems to be speeding up, requiring more sleep and times of quiet. I have also had this interesting contradiction of feeling more connected yet moments of disconnection at the same time.

Quan Yin: The disconnect you feel is simply the moments when you have moved forward, changed your frequency and the need to establish new footing. Grounding into the new reality helps to ease this transition. Purposeful connection with source energy, flooding your being with this will help as well.

I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle.  THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.



To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com


Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz


Feeling Good is Feeling God.