It’s Happening.

The Council – It’s Happening

May 16, 2018

Are you having symptoms? Meeting obstacles? Running into blockages? Confused? Worried? May we help?

This is an extraordinary, wondrous, almost instantaneous Event, dear friends. You, and everything around you are being transformed, just as you have always planned it. But, also as you have planned it, you experience change in sequential now moments. You call this time. Isn’t it fun? It gives you so many chances to explore the infinite possibilities.

On the subject of symptoms, we would point out to you that each person is passing through a sequence of changes that need to occur to prepare their body and their consciousness for the transit from their ‘current’ state to the state they have previously decided is their desired goal. As a side note, this goal is only another step up on an eternal journey. The frequencies that you are preparing for would be damaging without these intermediate improvements to your systems. But they need not be suffered through. They can just as easily be experienced with wonder and gratitude.

Some of you are feeling great vibrations in your bodies upon awakening in the mornings. The “what is wrong with me?” can as easily be “Oh, this is delicious. Thank you.”

Ringing in the ears? This is an electric universe. Everything vibrates and communicates. Every cell, molecule, and atom is communicating with every other in frequency. Hear it? Relax. Soon it will make sense.

Obstacles? What can you learn from them? They really are opportunities, you know. There may be a lesson. They may even be there to give you the chance to release them to spirit so that you don’t need to keep lugging them around.

Worry and confusion and every other fear – yes, they are symptoms of fear – are a result of not accepting your own divinity, dearest ones. You think you are separate. You are not. You think you are blameworthy. You are not. You think you are beyond forgiveness. You are not. You think you are missing the boat. You are not. You think everything in the universe is divine and blessed… except you. Impossible!

Nothing that you have ever – and we mean ever – done, or said, or thought could make you less than what you truly are and have always been, a divine creation. Much of what you beat yourselves up over is the natural functioning of a human that you have accepted as being wrong. That was carefully taught to you so that you would depend upon others to save you or keep you ‘in line’. What was once celebrated in gratitude and joy was made anathema. There is enough remembrance of the deep past to see this if you look. It does not take a great deal of imagination to see the why of it.

So, here we have a planet holding billions of divine beings that are in the process of advancing to an amazing level of consciousness and capability but are letting themselves be worried and confused about it. We have said this before, but you would be much better served by throwing your arms open wide, twirling around, and singing “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

We also hear all of the “what about my children, my kitty, my family” thoughts. We will repeat something that we have said many times before. This is a universal evolutionary rise in consciousness. Nothing, nothing is unaffected. Kitties will be more kitty. Everyone has the chance to be lifted. Everyone. Even you, dearest. And you will fulfill your purpose in being here now. You can come worrying if you wish. Or you can slide in yelling “Wheeee!!” Your choice. But it is happening – for you, not to you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

Source: Voyages of Light

there are those of you who will consciously and actively receive the energies of the smaller events, and there will be those who will continue to remain shut down and will not be acclimating themselves.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

In ‘The Event’ that has been talked about and written about so much, have you considered what your role will be? Have you taken into consideration that as much as you are anticipating such an event that not everyone will experience it in the same way? This is true for all of life, so why would this event be any different?

When you have a massive influx of high frequency energy that must be felt and experienced by every single living being on the planet, there is certain to be a bit of shock that is also experienced. There will be people who will not know what to do with themselves. They will not know how to handle that much energy.

Now as we have stated previously, you will have many smaller events leading up to one big event, and those smaller events can and will acclimate you to these energies. But there are those of you who will consciously and actively receive the energies of the smaller events, and there will be those who will continue to remain shut down and will not be acclimating themselves.

Therefore, those of you who are awake will need to take an active role in helping others. You who are typically the ones who take care of other people are going to be called upon yet again to be of service. You are going to recognize where you are needed, and you are going to know exactly what to do.

You already have a sense that you have a bigger purpose for being here. And for those of you who have been wondering what that purpose is, this will be an opportunity. It will be an opportunity for you to shine, to finally feel like you are fulfilling your purpose for being here at this time. And as always, you will be happy to help.

Now, in the meantime, live your lives and focus on receiving. Focus on integrating and acclimating to these higher frequency energies that are coming more quickly and with greater magnitude than ever before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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Oneness has been achieved already, it only needs each individual to recognise this fact and to begin living in such a way as to be ever in the light. That is all it will take for the world to ascend into the Fifth Dimension.

Victoria Cochrane’s Channellings From the Masters: Duality Versus Oneness

I see and greet the world with good will. I embrace this opportunity to address you all with love and purpose. It is no secret that the world continues to battle, on a large scale, with duality. Good versus evil, right and wrong, bad and good, joyful and miserable are all terms used every day to describe events that are occurring around the globe. It is true, on a three dimensional level, that the tragedies occurring are truly horrendous and, in many cases, unjust. There is no comprehending the crimes and the accidents that take so many lives and that plunge the families left behind into grief and despair. I, and indeed all of the masters, send our love and compassion to those who are coping with loss and devastation at this time. We in no way wish to undermine your feelings or your situations.

The truth in the third dimension is different to that in the fifth dimension and at the level of oneness, for in this state there is no duality. Oneness is achieved when your consciousness combines with the universal consciousness in acceptance that all is one and that there is no separation. When you accept this as a fact, not just as a possibility or as a fallacy, then you will begin to know the truth of the Creator.

There is no separating someone in Sudan and what is happening for them from another person in Australia or Canada or India. There is no separation from Creator to God to Buddha to Krishna or to Jehovah -they are all one and the same. All on Earth, be it plant, animal or human, is connected through their own connection, whether it be consciously or subconsciously, to the Creator and to Mother Earth. This connection binds all who reside on the planet Earth to each other and, as a consequence, lays equal responsibility for all that occurs on Earth on each and every soul and living energy on Earth at this time. To ponder this concept may be quite staggering for many, but for those whose spirituality has reached a level where such thoughts are familiar, it is a fact that they carry knowingly and, sometimes, solitarily.

Your soul has lived many lives in many bodies, countries and eras. You may even have existed in a form other than human. Your spirit is of essence; it is of the Earth and it is of the Creator, whose light is of essence and is one and the same as yours. His love encompasses your spirit and burns within you as the Sacred Flame. As the essence of the light of the Creator you know only unconditional love. In the human form, you have experienced the many facets of ego that cause emotional pain and trauma, yet the essence of the Creator that is inexplicably linked to your own still burns within you. You are ever one with Him whether you know it or not. All is one, and one is the all.

I remind you now that whatever you are experiencing on Earth or have experienced in the past is part of your soul journey. They lessons you are learning and have learnt all form an important part of your soul growth towards enlightenment. Any burdens you bear as a consequence of these lessons and experiences will all melt away if you would only become one with Creator’s light. In the energy of the Creator you will have the opportunity to view all that has gone before you from a higher perspective. Even if you have witnessed acts of intolerable cruelty, injustice and sadness, from the eyes of the Creator can you see that much has been chosen and only some acts are karmic. For those who inflict pain and suffering on other souls there is no judgement from God the Creator. He loves all unconditionally. He guides all who have lost their way into darkness back into the light, no matter how many lifetimes it may take. The cruellest acts on Earth bring with them the greatest lessons. As much as these events encourage separation and disconnection from Source, there have been many instances where the reverse is true. Man cannot maintain a lifetime of separation from God, because God, the Creator, has never left! Oneness has been achieved already, it only needs each individual to recognise this fact and to begin living in such a way as to be ever in the light.

That is all it will take for the world to ascend into the Fifth Dimension.

I AM Master Kathumi

What can be most helpful when you sit to start your meditation practice is to set the intention to commune with and clearly hear the guidance from your support team in the spiritual realms.

Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is moving rapidly forward, and there is evidence of this all across the world as more and more of you set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises.  This is the most powerful intent that you can set, and when you do you are enormously assisted by the unseen ones who watch over you lovingly and support you in every moment of your earthly existence.  You are never alone, you are always fully supported as you follow the paths to awakening that you set up for yourselves before you incarnated.  As a direct result your success is divinely assured.  Indeed the tipping point for humanity’s awakening has already passed, and many of you are now feeling the certainty of this.

Continue to set your intent daily.  The best time for this is when you make your daily visit to your holy inner sanctuary and open your hearts to allow the Love enveloping you to fill you with peace, compassion for all who are suffering, and also to flow out in an abundant stream of healing that will impact and uplift all who are presently incarnate as humans to assist in the awakening.  Also, at any time that you think or observe that you have left your intent undone, or have forgotten to set it, then reset it in that moment.  You are all doing wonderful work, even if you are unaware of it, because that is your life path.

There are no accidents or coincidences, every thing that arises is part of the awakening process, even the seemingly most catastrophic events that appear to befall people for no reason, and that make no sense to you as humans with your very limited capabilities to understand the big picture.  You are all intensely loved and honored for what you are doing to awaken one another in the most loving and effective ways possible.  Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, thus allowing the full power of your unbreakable connection to Source to flow through you freely and abundantly, because that is what you set as your life-long intent prior to your incarnation.

You are here – on Earth at this moment – to awaken and to create a state of Heaven on Earth.  This has always been your plan because you wanted a physical environment in which to enjoy and delight in the experience of being in form and using the senses that the human body provides.  It has far more senses than you are currently aware of, and you will discover them when you awaken and find that your human forms are not nearly as limited as they presently appear to be.  Limitation happened because you chose to attempt to live separated from Source, which is of course impossible, but by embracing the intent to experience that unreal state you set yourselves up to experience extreme limitation, and that is what occurred.  To be in human form should be joyful, exciting, intriguing, and inspiring, but the limitations that arose as a result of your attempt to be separate, independent, alone, have prevented that from being the case.

Your bodies, unlimited by the sense of separation, have the ability to live indefinitely in perfect health, and when you awaken you will have the ability and the option to regain that state and remain in form for as long as you choose, or you may choose to relinquish human form and return to formless existence as pure spirit.  Some of you most definitely have had enough of earth-life as a human, while others would very much like to live long and fruitful lives experiencing the wonderful creative possibilities of human form to the fullest.  When you awaken all possible options will be accessible to you, but choosing a particular option from the many amazing ones available will not limit you in any way, because you will be able to choose again and again from limitless options and use your God-given creative talents and possibilities in any manner that appeals to you.

You were created perfect and unlimited beings like unto Source, your heavenly Mother/Father/God, and the divine intention was for you to continue adding your own personal signature to creation so that it continued endlessly providing enjoyment in infinite and harmonious abundance for all.  The creative possibilities available to you are simply limitless, as is the constant and most powerful divine intent to do so, which is also yours.

All humans are aware that all is not well, that something very important is missing from their lives, and not just because of human pain and suffering due to the many causes that arise in their lives.  Many have no idea what that might be, and spend their lives seeking they know not what in myriad ways – physical, emotional, psychological, intuitive, and intellectual pursuits – that never satisfy them and that never can satisfy them.  Others are or become aware that there most definitely is some kind of spiritual purpose to life, and then spend much time seeking guidance and direction from mentors, those who seem to them to be more spiritually advanced than they are, or from religious leaders or gurus.

However, every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit, and through their favorite saints, angels, or guides in the spiritual realms.  Mostly when a person is unable to make contact with those in the spiritual realms on whom they call it is because they feel unworthy of calling or of being heard.  Well this feeling is the ego trying to maintain its sense of individuality, of separation, because it believes that if contact is made its power over a person will be lost.  The ego lives in fear and does its best to keep a person in that state because then they are distracted and anxious due to the endless flow of thoughts about what they should or should not do, and they therefore cannot hear the quiet loving voice that resides within them desiring only to help and support them.

In the modern world it has become well known that too much thinking in an endless and repetitive loop is stressful and exhausting, and meditation, which was once seen only as a spiritual practice, is now a highly recommended form of stress relief.  In that form it is used basically to quieten the mind and allow a person to relax and let go of the worries and anxieties overwhelming him or her for a short period of time.  It does take a considerable amount of practice before the mind can be quickly and easily quietened, but the benefits of doing so are enormous for your human bodies.

What can be most helpful when you sit to start your meditation practice is to set the intention to commune with and clearly hear the guidance from your support team in the spiritual realms.  Then just relax into the quiet space that arises during your meditation, and listen.  Wise helpful thoughts or ideas that you immediately recognize are not your own roof-brain chatter will flow in.  We in the spiritual realms are always with you and we long for you to hear us so that you can avail of our loving guidance and support.  So persist in your meditation practice even if at times or at first it seems to be totally ineffectual.  Your persistence will bring results, and a sense of peace and safety will envelop you, and as you feel the love we offer you in every moment, any sense of worthlessness or unworthiness that you have been experiencing will start to dissolve.  You will come to a state of self-acceptance, acceptance that you truly are a beloved and essential part of the Source, the infinite field of Love that is All That Exists, thus recognizing and honoring your true nature as One with Source.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Every single human has their own direct connection to Source through the Holy Spirit.

To have the … Intention/desire/Visualisation/Knowing … of this occurrence … continuing /flowing … through your Being, is what we would ask of you. Hold the thought … the FEELING OF IT TAKING PLACE in a sacred place in your heart.

Hello, hello! I am looking forward to today’s chat. It will be the last one for almost a month, as I am away to Blighty to shine my Lighty! Many folk were keen to know more about visualisation in order to be able to ‘make things happen’ and bring THE EVENT closer. One soul  has sat in meditation circles for decades and even attended visualisation classes, and is still not able to see/visualise except for a black/blank screen. He wondered what advice you may give? Another wrote in (perhaps answering the previous gentleman’s question) by saying ‘One very special ingredient in these exercises was desire… strong intent matched with the pure emotion of desire, desire focused in the purity of the heart, to feel it and open fully to that want ( for want of a better word.) It’s when one desires something badly enough, the emotion and desire becomes the engine and power (or driving force) behind the visualization technique to fully activate it. Would you care to comment?

Welcome Blossom and to Each One we offer our sincere thoughts towards assisting you in this matter. Indeed, the gentleman offering suggestions of ‘the desire’ would be ‘spot on’, as you would say. We would add to that the ‘FEELING’ of the desire, would then bring it about.

Yet, if one cannot … see/imagine/visualise … at all, what can they do?

With the greatest of respect to that soul, we would ask this. If one was to look at a cake with many candles on … stare at it for a while … and then close their eyes and ‘look at the cake again’ … They would see the cake.

Look at a chair … stare at it … see it … close the eyes and … see it again. Everyone is capable of doing this. This IS visualising. You are visualising something that YOU KNOW the shape of. You know the shape of everything that is within your awareness. Practice closing your eyes and thinking of things … Easily done. You do not necessarily have to ‘see’ the picture. You can ‘think’ the picture. Yet, if you are ‘thinking of the picture … you are visualising it … just by the fact you are thinking about it.

Try to think of an object and not ‘see’ it … It cannot be.

Ok. That is good advice and coupled with the desire and FEELING … things so far, are going well. However, this is on a sort of ‘practical’ level. Where it all goes a little awry, is being able to ‘take the soul into that visualisation’. That is the tricky part … for the thoughts on doing so, are coming from the head space.

Let us add to the mix … the Intention.

The Intention of the desire … through the feeling … to say … ‘Go within the heart space’. We suggest that the Intention of ANYTHING should come from the KNOWING that every action taken is for the Highest good of all. And then we would add to that … THE BREATH.

So, for example … if we were to ask you to ‘Go within’ …

Breathe deeply for a while … to do so for five minutes is far better than for three breaths. Listen to the sound of the breath and ‘think of nothing else’. In fact … ‘IMAGINE’ the very air (perhaps like sparkly dust) being inhaled … in /throughout … your body and then IMAGINE all the stale sparkly dust from inside being blown out as you exhale. Concentrate on this for much longer than you feel you should.

Set the Intention and the desire.

Can I interrupt here? What is the difference between an Intention and a desire?

The FEELING. The ‘Intention’ is, in this instant, ‘ To go within’. The ‘desire’ in this instance is to FEEL the absolute KNOWING of ‘WANTING’ to do so. And within THIS wanting … allow the FEELING to arise.

The feeling of ‘what’?



Your Intention is … to go within.

Your desire is … to FEEL what it is like to BE THERE … WITHIN.


All the while continuing listening to the sound of your breath until it ‘works for itself automatically’ within that deeper Vibration of itself.

And then … here is the best bit …  remove the need to … see/imagine/visualise … anything at all!

Just BE there.

Not so easy to do because the mind is still ‘thinking’ what should be happening?’

The mind shouldn’t have come with you!

How do you leave it behind?

Breathing and listening to the breathing. THIS takes YOU there, and leaves the mind behind.

I have had the pleasure of being in this space many times … I LOVE IT. This ‘Going within’ then … is BEING … nowhere … just in an empty space, correct?


And yet my ‘mind’ is aware that I am in that empty space.

Yet, you have reached the ‘space’ where it is not interfering … where YOU are allowing yourself simply to Be.

I see. Or hopefully, I don’t!

This ‘space’ of nothing – ness … this ‘getting there, within’, is where everything takes place. This silence of mind is where everything you desire for Yourself and All … Your planet … Everything … is created .

Yet, I thought you needed to visualise what you wanted?

Your DESIRE has already done that. Your FEELING has already done that.

You cannot desire something, without the thought of that desire. You ‘think’ the desire … because your feeling’s tell your thought …  that is what you want. The foundation of that desire has been set. The KNOWING of that desire has been set. To then ‘Go within’ … with the Intention of bringing about that desire … allows it to ‘do its thing’ on its own creative level.  By ‘not interfering’ with thoughts and mind … allows it to BE created

This is all very interesting. I am a great follower of manifesting and ‘The law of attraction’. An Energy called ‘Abraham’ speaks of holding the ‘visualisation + feeling’ of that which you want for seventeen seconds and Bingo … the wheels are put in motion. So, I am a little confused.

Let us unconfuse. The desire … the Intention to … is thought about … for this amount of time. We have no issue with these 17 seconds. And it is imperative that one FEELS the reality of this Intention. Then, to ‘Go within’, as we have suggested … holding that desire, yet, letting it go.

This is not unconfusing me!! Yet, I do seem to know what you mean.

And let the law of attracting it, manifest within that nowhere space. Where … as we say … it can be created … out of the thought, feeling, desired form you gave to it before entering the nowhere space, where everything is created.

Ok. Getting that. Yet, for those who simply cannot visualise, how can they then manifest? How can they hold a vision for 17 seconds, if they can’t visualise? I mean this gentleman has been to visualisation classes … you can’t say he hasn’t tried.

We speak to all those who ‘think’ (with the greatest of respect) they have this issue. Yet, let us give another example, if we may?

Say, for instance, this gentleman wanted to go on holiday. He looks at the brochure. He closes his eyes. He ‘sees’ that which he wants to manifest. He holds that VISION in his mind and then ‘imagines’ being there. The sun, sea etc. and continues to hold that vision … now allowing the feeling in. Everyone has felt the warmth of the sun. So one recalls that feeling … one is imagining the sun … and then FEELING its warmth. One could be in the North Pole and still feel this warmth within the Being, through talking oneself … in to it /through it.

My thoughts are going to last week’s channelling, when you said to ‘Visualise. Visualise. Visualise. Are you not now saying the opposite?

No. We are saying to do so and then adding on the necessity to take it that step further by ‘Going within’ … within that visualisation … and then letting it go … before getting there, as we have said earlier.

It is all making sense to me, on some level … I think! I can’t even remember where we started!

Dearest Souls, we would like to mention here THE EVENT. For in past mentioning’s over the years, you have always felt Blossom, that we brought the subject up … only to let it die down again. In this instance, we desire to say, that these suggestions we are making, WILL bring you ever closer to it taking place.

As opposed to it coming ever closer to us?

It is One and the same.

To have the … Intention/desire/Visualisation/Knowing … of this occurrence … continuing /flowing … through your Being, is what we would ask of you. Hold the thought … the FEELING OF IT TAKING PLACE in a sacred place in your heart. Hold it in there tightly … KNOWING on a deeper level, that whilst your life appears to be taking place on the surface … such a large part of your life is preparing for This EVENT to take place … on a deeper level. Preparing and making ready.

Just throwing this in … How can we visualise it … hold that vision … if we don’t know what THE EVENT actually is?  What exactly would be useful to visualise in this case?

What do you visualise when you hold it in your thoughts, Blossom?

Well, let me see … The minute I think the words THE EVENT … I automatically take a deep breath. For me, then … I see in my mind’s eye, a pink sky and ‘something’ yet, I don’t know what …‘entering through’. All I can do then, is go into this … feeling/visual … of either falling to my knees or lying on the ground in absolute wonder.  That’s as far as I get.

That is as far as you need to get.

Shouldn’t I be imagining what comes after? Yet, I can’t seem to do that. That’s just a blank.

A blank canvas awaiting the artist.

Dearest Blossom … we feel it is time to remove our connective correspondence Energy for today.  We are aware of course, of your impending trip. We very much look forward to your return, whereupon we shall once again take up these conversations … which we are happy to say, seem to be enjoyed by so many.

So it seems, indeed. I never thought that a conversation I have in my head, would be spread far and wide. Yet, this helps me to accept and know that this is so, because you are of TRUTH … and it is my deepest honour to continue.

In Loving thanks.

We consider the fact that so many enjoy these conversations, to be an honour to do so, also. The plan is coming together, in the name of service.

Enjoy your trip.

It is my intention and desire to do so!


Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!


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We are one


Dear Ones,

Your dreams are shifting – yet they are not. Making you question whether you are of 3D or 5D. For if you were of 5D, would you not have different or more sophisticated dreams?

You question your validity and progress despite so many indicators that you are of 5D or beyond.

Shifting from wanting to be like someone you were competing with to who you are is one of the first indicators of you moving from 3D compliance to discovering who you are.

Even though your inner shifts might not be overly dramatic, they contain the seeds of new 5D you. You are no longer of 3D.

With that assurance, we return to an issue that requires a refresher for even though your past, present, and future segments are now part of you, these recent shifts were dramatic enough for you to forget some important elements.

It is likely there are very few people you can truly be yourself with, so your loneliness is becoming deeper the longer you are of 5D.

Causing your dreams to revolve around how best to obtain and retain interactions with like-minded people. Not necessarily that they think and act just as you do, but that they are living from their heart, that they are also striving to live from within instead of outside their being.

So it is, you are becoming more and more annoyed with your transition. You gave up this and that. You climbed your mountain of fear and rolled down your hill to the promised land. Now the promised land does not seem that inviting.

Granted, you are experiencing more joys than was true just a few weeks ago, but still not at the level you expected. You are almost pining for how you used to feel because those 3D feelings were comfortable. Even though you did not experience a great amount of joy, you knew what to expect and when.

You now feel as if you are in an emotional desert. For lovely pieces of your dreams are coming together, but your current most important element of interacting with others from your heart to theirs is not as strong as you expected.

A new car or more financial freedom is important to you, but neither is as important as interacting with others from your heart.

So it is you know without a doubt you are fully of 5D or beyond. For your life is no longer about keeping up with the Joneses, but instead of finding heartfelt interactions that provide more joy than anything else you could create.

That is not to say you will not create your dreams whether that be financial freedom, a new job, or community. But instead, it will be more important for you to create those dreams with others through a heart connection.

For you are discovering that without a heart connection, baubles mean nothing. So it is you are of 5D discovering new elements of your being that you did not foresee before this most recent shift.

Your current quest is not for outer-directed show, but for inner-directed joy and collaboration.

Those of you who have not reached this point might question our words for you continue to be most interested in dreams that do not necessarily include heartfelt connections. You will.

The cry of the New Age, New Earth, and your new being is, “We’re all one.” Such could not come to fruition if elements were created without heart as was true in 3D.

Some of you question that last thought for you have always loved your family, your community, or your nation. This concept is much larger than your immediate loves. It is knowing that someone living on a different continent is as much a part of you as are your children, significant other, or community.

It is a different love than you experienced in 3D for this love has no parameters or barriers. It is someone suffering on another continent that makes you feel the same as if your child or spouse were suffering. For all are part of all.

A fact denied for eons as you of 3D built your mansions, businesses, structures, and governments based on your limited heart feelings trying to outdo your neighbors, your family, and other countries. “We are the best,”was your 3D battle cry. Your new and ongoing cry is, “We are one.”

Of course, such will not happen overnight, but inklings of your ongoing life on earth in this lifetime are starting to light up within you. So it is that not only are you of 5D but you are lonely and will be until you start acting on your new heart connections with others throughout the globe. And so you are beginning to do so finding that heart connections are your dominant need.

“We are one” is rapidly becoming your reality which in turn will be true for all who wish to follow. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

The universe is you.

“One of you is enough. Two of you increases the power exponentially. When you have a desire for something, and there is another in your immediate experience who has the same desire, and you come together with one another to amplify each other’s desire, you have such power. And the power that you have is not a fraction of what it could be if everyone in your world, or in your Universe, shared the same desire. There is no need for everyone to be on board with your desires. They can all have what they want, and you can have what you want because you do not have to experience the same world or the same universe.

You can all experience whatever universe you want to experience because you are the universe. The universe is you. But when you come together with another, and you share that similar desire to have an experience together or to have an experience of the world, there is electricity that moves between you that grounds your desire. You create a trinity with Source, with All That Is, when the two of you hold the same desire. It is like creating a base in a three-sided shape. A foundation. There is simply more power. So even though you do not need anyone else to experience the world you want to experience, it is fun to have that experience of the electricity moving through you and between you and to share that experience of power and influence.

Now, imagine a third person enters the equation. Now you have a three-dimensional pyramid shape running electricity between all three of you, and to Source at the same time, from each of you. Now imagine the power in that, holding the energy at the base of the structure, between the three of you. This is a very a real thing we are talking about. This is not a metaphor or a faery tale. We are giving you the mechanics of creation and of power structures. That is why you have your pyramids on the planet, because that shape is a very powerful shape.

So, we tell you this because we want you to use the tools that you have to create what you want and to play together, to have fun with your abilities. And we look forward to seeing what it is you create.”

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A special Mother’s Day blessing on this highly celebrated day.


Trees, Mother God, Mother Gaia 5/12/18

We are the tree kingdom. In days of old, we have been called your dryads and naiads (for we support the trees). For we are in your stories of folklore, but please know that yes, we are very much real, and that yes, we have been watching over you earth ones for such a long time. For before the dark ones came, landing hard on our surface, we communicated with our earth humans quite easily, effortlessly. For we were all one living, breathing organism of light, of love, of creation, of hope, of purpose, of the new creation song that was singing its song through this sector of our universe. Our heartbeats were one with the humans, and we worked together, sharing energy, sharing light, sharing a common purpose.

We trees store memories, like your whale friends store memories within Gaia’s deep oceanic depths. We trees see. We anchor light codes, we remember. We recall how things used to be with our human friends and we delight in the thrill of this return of humanity’s remembrance of their purpose and of their union with Source. We speak in the whispers of the wind through our leaves if you but stop a bit, and rest, and listen. If you tap into our calming deep anchoring into Mother Gaia, you too will feel grounded. We are grounding tools, grounding rods bridging the energy of the Mother earth with that of Father sky, a bridge of memories. We trees wish to reconnect with our human friends again, for that is our joy and wish as we create Nova Gaia together. We trees connect with our 5d counterparts across the rainbow bridge of light. We are bigger there, stronger there, but our love for humanity is the same, and this brings us great delight. Perhaps if you, human friends, would like assistance with your personal anchoring to the new reality, you would like to reconnect with us, the dryads (and naiads) of the trees, and be our friends once again. For we are all a part of the great heartbeat of the Mother. We are all one. We love you human friends. We are the trees.

Hello children, this is Mother God speaking. I wish to surround you all, my precious ones, with a special Mother’s Day blessing on this highly celebrated day. Some of you have had challenging Mothers Day’s, and I assure you that many, if not most all of you, have at some time or another been a mother or at least surely been blessed by one. The Devine feminine is strong, she is rising on this planet in great glory and triumph as her time of suppression and abuse has come to an end. There are special encodements being released back to humanity, to Gaia, your planetary Mother, on this precious day as well. Anchor them into your heart of hearts and allow the crystalline change deep within the cellular structure of your DNA to break apart the hardened bits, the pain that may surround your image of motherhood, or loss of children, or loss of your earthly mother.

I assure you children, that I am always here for you. You are my precious angels in form. I was there when your soul spark was born with a great laugh and light burst. I was there! You are a fundamental part of me. Just as I am a fundamental part of you, deep within your precious being. I know every toe, every finger, every hair, every tear, every laugh, every joy and every earthly sorrow. I know you. I see you. Now it is time to truly see with the eyes of the mother through your heart. A mother sees her children in their pain and nurtures, protects, encourages, loves. Do the same to those around you. Love them. Love them hard. Love them fiercely. A mother’s love is a fierce love, yes? But also tender, compassionate. For those of you who have spouses or loved ones who energetically are not attune or awake, that’s ok. They are where they need to be right now. Love them anyway. Love them through it, with a quiet love, and when they ask – and they will – for clarity, provide at the level of the question that they ask.

The Motherly Love light codes are being unleashed this day with ferocity of tender change, decisively moving all across Mother Gaia in waves and waves of cleansing tears and nurturing love. You will likely feel this, a bit more tender and teary today perhaps? That’s ok, let it move through you and love everything, all, everything around you. Your trees came through this day because they are an integral anchoring for this today. They are beginning to speak again if you are ready to listen again. The light moves strongly and to those who are anchoring deeply psychically to Nova Gaia and becoming the bridge, you are functioning with the trees, with the nature kingdoms as time and dimensions meld more and become more fluid, so that it is more of a quick reflection into 5d and the mirror moves as you move (I’m seeing a child outside in nature with a large mirror in front of them that ripples like water with light and moves in front of them as they move, ever present). Every action, every love, every thought, claim it for your ascension. As a mother loves fiercely and tenderly, so too children do I love you. You are mine and I am calling you home to me. I am your Mother God.

Greetings children, I am your Mother Gaia! I greet you this day with great excitement and a full heart. My lava flow is an expression of this energetic change that is occurring upon me. Assist me with clearing these energies further. Mediate so that I may pull through gracefully not harming any who live upon or within me. For I am expanding, I am growing more into my true self, as are you, my grounded light warriors. I am grateful to my friends who do these meditations, who love me, who care for me, who tend to me. I am so honored to be your planetary mother and to be a part of the grand experiment. But I must say I am most ready to go home, to my true self, my true light body self, as are you my children. I feel your impatience, but please know that all is unfolding, working out as was preordained and I am most grateful that we will ascend together as one. I am your Mother Gaia.

~ galaxygirl

You will be dancing in the streets perhaps singing “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Then you will be singing “Let the good times roll” and the streets will be paved with gold.

 I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council and am focused on the ascension process.
You are proceeding rapidly with your Ascension Process. We are with you every step of the way. You are pulling your energies away from the third dimension. You are focusing on moving through the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.
Some of you are still quite attached to the material world. You are beginning to understand the lessons that you came to learn from the third dimension. We know that you would like to retreat from some of these lessons, yet they still require your completion. If you look at what you are going through you will see that you are putting the finishing touches on the karma so that you can be free to ascend. You will not have to go through these lessons again. Then you will be able to pat your self on the back. If you like, we will even give you a diploma so that you can put it on your resume when you apply for other planetary service.
You are reaching new levels of understanding of yourself and the world in which you have been living. It is like none other. You are a special needs planet due to extreme diversity and the energy vampires who have settled on your planet. Their energy scavenging is nearly over. Their reign of terror will no longer be allowed. You will be dancing in the streets perhaps singing “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Then you will be singing “Let the good times roll” and the streets will be paved with gold.
Please mark my words. They are filled with love and truth. They are a predictor of what lies ahead. Do not let these challenges overwhelm you. You are spiritual warriors filled with light, power and truth.
I proclaim that the time is now. You are ready for the Golden Age. Change is at hand.
I am Mira saying good bye today with bountiful love.


Decide what it is you wish to feel in the moment.So here is where you begin to access a frequency state.

“You have been the creators of your experience all along. What you are waking up to is the fact that it has always been you, it continues to be you, and now you have the tools necessary to create consciously what you would like to experience. If you are experiencing something that is other than what you would prefer, you first must acknowledge that this is your creation. This is a very important step. Because if you maintain that someone else or some group is doing this to you without your permission, then you are trapped in a victim mentality, and that will keep you in that state of being, and you will continue to create situations that appear as if you are being victimized.

So instead, you would like to take responsibility for what is in front of you as your creation. Second, you would feel what it is that the situation brings up in you automatically. What is your knee-jerk response to the situation? Be aware of this emotion and do not try to run away from it. Do not minimize it. Do not sweep it under the rug. Do not dull it, or dumb it down, with anything, not even your thoughts. Your thoughts are your usual way of immediately escaping from your feelings. So allow yourself to feel what you naturally feel in this situation.

Next step: breathe. Next step: decide what it is you wish to feel in the moment. So here is where you begin to access a frequency state. A frequency state can be very similar to an emotion in that you give it the same name that you give your emotions, that you have been giving your emotions. But you will feel a frequency state as more of a vibration, as more of a sensing. It is a lighter version of an emotion, and you will hold that frequency. You will breathe it in. You will breathe it out.

And then you will realize that you have done your work. And you can do this from wherever you stand. Nothing has to be happening in order for you to take note of where it is you are in any given moment and run this process. So, we appreciate the work that you are doing, and we look forward to connecting with all of you once again.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

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You are all Angelic beings that have allowed your vibrations to drop so that you could experience duality.

Many things are happening on many different levels and some are so secret that the facts may never be revealed. These situations come about through the competitive nature of the different countries who try to lead the way, particularly in respect of technological advancements. So the race to get their hands on advanced technologies that are buried in the Antartica sites that are under the ice is causing a great deal of secrecy as to their findings. However, the whole matter is so big it is beyond any one country to keep it secret for very long. You learnt in the early days of discoveries that bodies of very tall humanlike beings were found frozen just as they were when they were overtaken by a “quick freeze”. They were exceptionally tall, more so than the tallest humans are now and are a race apart from any that now exist. For you the finds are not disclosed and details are deliberately kept secret. However, in time the facts will be revealed, as the whole subject is far too big to keep absolutely secret for any length of time.

Rumours abound in respect of the end times that are coming along with Ascension, and some are expecting “doomsday” signalling the end of everything. Changes are coming but they will follow a logical sequence of events that will ensure progress for all of you. There are of necessity some major changes coming that allow those who have lifted up their vibrations to ascend. They are ready and would no longer benefit from remaining in the lower vibrations of the present Earth. Ascension is an automatic process that is open to those who are ready. Those souls who are not ready will also experience changes, and continue their evolution at an appropriate level suited to their needs. They will experience another cycle and in time they will again be given the opportunity to ascend. It is a fair and just system that ensures you find the right level of experience that will further your evolution.

You are all Angelic beings that have allowed your vibrations to drop so that you could experience duality. It is by no means the first time you have done so, as periodically you are sent out from the Godhead to experience form in many different ways, and take your knowledge back to the Godhead. The cycles continue and the Godhead continues to expand yet is already “All that Is” and at your level that is a difficult to understand. You are immortal and a seed of God that basks in the energy that is the Supreme Love of God. Therefore you are capable of so much more than you can imagine, and at present a pale reflection of your true potential. As you now grow and move forward your capabilities will gradually surface and used in many ways on a very grand scale. Try not to deny yourselves the greatness that you really have and in time perhaps way into the future, you will become the Masters that you truly are.

In general terms things are progressing as expected, and on track to bring about changes so that the whole matter of re-valuation can take place. It is the ages old problem of being able to ensure the right time is selected, as it is a major change from which many more will proceed. Importantly, it will bring stability and ensure that there is an equal opportunity for all countries to benefit. So patience continues to be needed and worth the waiting, as it will be a major turning point for the whole population. Naturally there will be quite a lot of work to be carried out, but once you are on the right path there will be no stopping progress that should go speeding ahead. Your future is in safe hands and be assured that events are being monitored by the higher Forces of Light to ensure a successful conclusion.

Without a doubt you live in chaotic times, but people are awakening to the truth and demand changes and opportunities in their lives to live them to the full. Very few are aware that behind the scenes much is happening to bring beneficial changes into being, that will be the commencement of a new era. The old will be replaced and it will leave you in no doubt that major changes are beginning that will bring you opportunities that have so far been denied you. The changes are so close to manifesting and be assured that in the meantime many sources of Light have been working for your release from the dark influences. The unstoppable increase in the vibrations is already being felt and it will bring a more peaceful society into manifestation.

Be patient and firm in your resolution to walk in the Light unperturbed by the chaos around you. Your future depends very much on your ability to maintain a calm and peaceful countenance at all times. You will lift yourself beyond any attempts of the dark Ones to hold you back. At present they are losing their power very rapidly and with the loss of funding to back their projects are in dire straits. This has largely happened as a direct result of the actions of the Forces of Light who are now in greater command. Go about your work with full confidence knowing that you are stronger than ever and well protected.

With the benefit of new understanding of your history, you are able to re-examine parts that have proved unreliable in the past, and can be reviewed in the face of new interpretations. For example for a long time evidence of giants having existed on Earth has been largely ignored or disputed. However, the finding of so many giant skeletons over the last hundred years has now been revealed, and their existence can no longer be denied. They have a place in your past that shows man had gone through many phases of physical growth. By your reckoning you are looking at periods of time at least some 10,000 years ago, and certainly a lot longer. It seems that there has been a reluctance to admit to the existence of giants, but the evidence for them is now undeniable. The truth of your past allows for a greater understanding of your history that in turn is important for understanding your future.

You have already been told that a time would come when only the truth would exist. It has not yet arrived but there are amongst you the first signs of it with souls who desire to be truthful. They find it hard to be anything but truthful at all times, as anything less goes against their natural nature. It will gradually come to all souls as the vibrations increase, but not fully until some considerable time has elapsed. However, it would help your development if you tried, from which you would learn that it is not as hard as it may first seem. As a child you may have been scolded about something and felt that by concealing the truth you could have experienced a better outcome. Changes in humans are slowly taking place that will lead to a more compassionate and loving outlook.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Blessings to you and peace to all – You have now graduated / time to have a ball

Mother Divine via Karen Vivenzio – The Great Shift Is Taking Place

Dearest Karen there is a tremendous shifting of dimensions taking place. That is why you see them melding all together in this time and place. Grounding is very important to you now dearest child. You cannot let your thoughts wander, simply let go and see what transpires. For we have had many dimensions in the making all condensing into one instance of human interaction. For all of the lessons that have been learned are coming full circle now dear one and we wish for you to know that no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done up until now, there is an opening for you to transmute and transform whatever you want to . All the dimensions are now coming together and the highest vibration from each instance will be melded together to bring you the best of the best, a new reality built on the melding of the highest vibrations from each instance to which you are related.

So now in this way, we are preparing your world for a great shifting of the ages. The grand experiment is coming to a close and we are resetting the parameters for your world. This is a fresh start, a reboot of the dimensions of which you have foretold. The timelines are condensing and soon there will be grand celebration – for what you know as time will now be changing. This will lead to the grand awakening of all souls on this station. For you have been watching and waiting for the change to appear and now the time has come full circle, end of the play, time to embrace yet another stage on which to play your plays.

A new dimension opening that is a combination of all three. The primary dimensions you have been playing in you see. This new dimension brings the highest vibration from each of the three you have been primarily involved in / living in. This will help bring about your highest vibration of new reality to which you have been found / bound.

It is like the dimensions are collapsing now into one, all the instances of you in the universe have now been bound back into one. This is the time of whole-ness (holiness) begun. The marriage of your souls coming back to serve the greater good. The one you in the universe to which you have been bound. Instead of a gathering of fragments, this is the stage being set for your whole selves, your holi-ness, to become bound / what once was lost is now found. This is the stage of wholeness (holiness) which has been foretold. The collapsing of the dimensions into one now whole. All of creation is now a part of this play. Moving back to holi-ness, the recognition that everything and everyone is related per se. The times of struggle and strife are moving away, and soon you will find yourself in a world that allows you to play, to experiment, to try new things without the fear of detriment or something being taken away. The journey back to wholeness / to oneness is now in the final stage of this grandiose play.

Drama is gone.

New lives to lead.

The one with the biggest heart is the one who will succeed.

Many blessings to you with what you now find, the keys to holiness never again to subside. This is the reality to which you all now subscribe.

A new halo of love surrounding you now. Glorious blessings for all of the crowd (crowd funding?).

Great Mother has returned bearing blessings for the whole world to see.

New eyes opening the dimensions for Thee.

Embrace and re-live the last vestiges of the play. For tomorrow comes the BRAND NEW DAY.

Blessings to you and peace to all –

You have now graduated / time to have a ball

Peace, Love, and Blessings –

Via Karen J. Vivenzio,,

Author – Earth Angel: Find Your Power, Shine Your Light

It’s time to embrace the Divine in YOU!

Healing , Alignement & The Power of Self Responsability.

As a Reiki Therapist during this past decade,here is a very interesting discussion we have begun with Adele who is currently channeling amazing messages that resonate to me from Sananda,Father God and AA Michael,Raphael and Metatron.

Dear Adele,i’ve been doing Reiki Usui on myself and others since 2008 and in 2016 i read in a channeled message from an Archangel that i don’t remember the name right now,saying something that i completely resonate with:We can not heal somebody,somebody can only heal him/herself ,especially now that we have full entered into the Ascension energies,one must take full responsability for her/himself.
IAM first wave of Ascension and the message also was saying that when we touch somebody and think we heal somebody,actually we are only healing part of the self and secondary every time we touch somebody we are taking into our energy field his/her energy which has for effect to drop our vibrational field.I learned from Zorra,Hollow Earth a Self Healing Technique that is very powerful and since that time i stopped doing Reiki on others,teaching them instead the Self Healing Technique and moving forward in becoming a Master of Ascension.I always knew that to remain at the High Flying Disc at all times is what matters more,hence why the name of my website :Feel More Than Fine,i have deep connection with AA Gabriel and Raphael,it is my soul’s namel.I completely resonate with all your channeled messages and i would like to know your opinion about this always remembering that there are layers of Truth that can be different from one another.Love,Light and Infinite Blessings in Gratitude and Appreciation for your awesome work.
Nikos Akrivos

Adele Arini
Hi Nikos,
Thank you for your comment. A lot of what you have brought up will be discussed in the next channeled message by Sananda & Father God. But for now, this is all I have time to say today. I only use the label of ‘healing’ because that’s what people are most familiar with. During any energy healing session, I help my clients to ‘realign’ themselves back to their powerful, perfectly healthy Higher Selves. Their Higher Selves and mine, totally took over the healing sessions and I’m just their physical vessel of ‘higher-energy transference’. And yes, my mission in life is to help everyone to return to their powerful Creator selves. To take back control and the responsibilities in creating their lives to how they want it to be. Including healing their bodies of all ailments.
Make sure to read Part 3 (coming in approx. 1 or 2 weeks max) from Sananda cause it’s sure going to be an interesting reading for all healers and people who are currently experiencing health challenges. I never know what the content of each message will be until Sananda is ready to channel it, but I can already sense it’ll be another powerful message.



While we eagerly wait on Sananda’s message in the coming 2 weeks,IAM sharing here with you The Instant Self Healing from Zorra of Hollow Earth:

You can follow our discussion also here:

Matt Kann on The Power of Self Responsibility

Way Shower

Just for fun here is a track i produced few years ago,the video is of low quality recorder on an old Olympus Camera that I still use instead of any android.

the message:

I choose not suffer to convince you of my truth,i am already a S.T.A.R. and  have nothing to prove.IAM a Way Shower.Now Follow my Groove.

IAM a Channel between parallel words guided by Higher Spirit to get you on the other side To Surrender Trust Allow and Receive (S.T.A.R.) what your deepest Desires are.

IAM a Wayshower now follow my Groove.

and here is another one:Believe in You.

When you have managed to ‘fly’ in the higher vibrations consistently, continuously no matter what is going on around you, then you will soon notice the gradual awakening of your Divine, innate, powerful spiritual abilities

Greetings my brothers and sisters,

It is now time to continue my last message by first sharing with you all a little bit of my real-life story as the famous Jesus of Nazareth. Unlike what had been previously said in Part 1, I will be sharing my true, authentic teachings from that lifetime here through Adele, one channeled message at a time in the future. This is due to the length of each channeled message, which I prefer to keep to the bare minimum.


So if you haven’t read Part 1 of my message, please do so first before continuing here.


It is important to read them all in order. All of our messages contain powerful Divine Light Codes that can help to ‘enlighten’ the minds, bodies and spirits of the people reading them; to help realign you back onto the path of Spiritual Mastery and Ascension.

It is very important that you all realize that this and all future messages are written withoutany intention to: criticize, or, put current religious teachings in a negative light. My purpose here is to enlighten only those who are ready, with higher dimensional wisdom, with higher truth; free from all restrictions coming from religious/political dogmas that were set hundreds of years ago.

For those of you here who have come from a Christian background, or if you are a practicing Catholic, and if you have made the choice to continue to read/listen to this message, please do so with an open heart and mind. A lot of the things revealed today and in my future messages through Adele, will be quite different to what you had been taught in traditional Christian teachings. You’ve had a lifetime of practice believing in what religious authorities had taught you, and then suddenly here I am appearing in these messages, informing you all that some of those teachings were not entirely accurate.

Confusion and disbelief are perfectly normal. This is why you are welcome to stop reading/listening to this and move on elsewhere, anytime you like. You are welcome to believe or not believe anything written here. Your free will is always respected. And that is why you should always give that same freedom to others; to believe in whatever they wish to believe. Please follow your hearts, your powerful inner GPS, in anything that you choose to focus on/do in life. Let us begin.

I know that some of you here had read the highly controversial book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, or watched its movie adaptation (starring Tom Hanks). That book is a work of fiction, but some of the information revealed in there were truly divinely inspired. The most relevant one to my message today, is centred around a famous, real life historical event that created the foundation of today’s Christianity: the First Council of Nicaea (in AD 325); convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I.

This assembly was attended by early Christian authorities; bishops who were representing many in Christendom. This council meeting aimed to attain consensus on church/canon law. These men discussed, debated and eventually came to an agreement/settlement on a variety of important issues such as: my Divinity, my relationship and claim of oneness with Father God, my teachings, the date of Easter, the creation of the Nicene Creed, and much more that were not publicly revealed.

In this first ecumenical council (along with many other council meetings afterwards), my teachings were very heavily scrutinized. During this time period approximately 3 centuries after my death, there were many Gospels (records of my life and teachings written by many disciples and eye-witnesses) that had been discovered by these early Christian leaders.

In time, those leaders decided that only gospels that made me sound like ‘the only’ Divine Son of God, the Father, were to be included in the book that is called the Bible today. Gospels that made me sound like a normal man, a normal person, just like the rest of humanity, were mostly not included in the Bible. There is a reason why religions foster the belief that God (and/or the Ascended Masters who are founders of these religions) needs to be worshiped and glorified.

By worshiping and glorifying God, He will ‘most likely’ answer your prayers by helping and giving you a few, some or all the things you have been asking for. So if you haven’t been getting what you are asking for, God is most likely to blame. You might even start thinking along the lines of being an ‘unworthy sinner’, or being so unloved by God and that is why your prayers have gone unanswered. This is really one of the greatest fallacy of all time.

The distinction/claim that Jesus was the onlyDivine Son of God and that was the only reason why I was able to perform so many amazing miracles during my physical incarnation, was the most effective way, to disempower believers. This fallacy has successfully managed to ‘disconnect’ a lot of believers over thousands of years, from their own natural, powerful Creation and Manifestation abilities. It has stripped many people of personal power.

God loves ALL OF YOU unconditionally, without any exceptions. The Universe/God will always support and give you what you want, 100% of the time, at the perfect Divine Timing: as long as what you want is always consistent with the Higher Good of all (i.e. never infringe on other people’s free will), AND as long as you are in perfect, complete alignment with your desires.

There are many ‘snippets’ of Higher Truth that can be found in the Bible and in other holy books, but in general, please use your inner wisdom when reading ANY informationthat comes from a source that is located ‘outside’ of you. You need to use your heart, your inner GPS to discern their truth. And this includes all of the channeled messages Adele had been writing on our behalf. Don’t just take our word for them; use your heart to discern its authenticity and truth.Higher Truth will always ‘feel’ true. It will resonate with your hearts and will always carry the vibrations of Light and Love for all reading them.

In Part 1 of this message, I had shared with you all that I was born to spiritually-awakened, biological parents. My parents knew of their true spiritual identities as Divine Souls; as son and daughter of our beloved Father/Mother God, long before I was born. Thus I was never trapped in the 3-D matrix that was Planet Earth back then.

Growing up as a boy, my parents also knew that I had a very important mission of Love to do. And with that in mind, they always followed their own intuition and guidance (given to them by God and by their own spirit team through visions, dreams or ‘inner knowings’) on how best to raise me; how best to educate me. We traveled a lot during my teenage years; to many distant countries in the East and West in search of wise and learned men who could best teach and show me the way to, one day, being able to reach my Highest Potential for that lifetime.

I stayed and learned from many spiritual gurus; teachers who not only possessed higher-dimensional, esoteric Wisdom and Knowledge but who had also consistently applied them successfully in their daily lives. They usually lived in some of the most remote places on the planet; preferring to stay within the communities of higher-dimensional, fully-awakened souls. Some of my teachers were living within ‘Inner Earth’ societies.

People living in these spiritually-advanced, inner earth societies always welcomed everyone who had the genuine intention to know, understand and apply advanced spiritual wisdom into their daily lives. Back then having visitors to their ‘hidden’ homes were rare; but when it happened, they knew that these visitors were divinely guided to find and learn from them the higher dimensional ways of living and of being.

And thus they welcomed me and my parents with loving, open arms, and gave us a temporary home away from home; in a wonderfully loving, supportive and secure environment for me to remember and master Divine abilities that are my birthright. These teachers were like the lampposts in my path to enlightenment. They ‘paved’ the way to my own remembrance; to my own Divine spiritual powers and to a full, complete awakening of my Godliness, my Oneness with God and with ALL THAT IS.

Our stay with them lasted until I became fully awakened and fully integrated with my Higher Self. By my early twenties I was already living my life as the physical embodiment of Christ consciousness (Unconditional Love & Unity consciousness) and had become my Higher Self in every way. I was finally ready for my ministry of Light, and we then began our long journey home, back towards the land where the last, but most important phase of my ‘life drama’ would eventually begin. Before the start of my ministry, I did choose to have a normal life for myself for a few short years. My twin flame (who was Mary Magdalene at the time) and I became a loving, married couple. And it was she who mostly gave me the strength and courage to continue with my divine mission.

I started my ministry by first locating the key players; people who would play a huge part in my life and in spreading my teachings after the death of my physical body. In time, the number of male and female disciples grew to thousands, and not just the special 12. We gathered together regularly in many different settings; we traveled from town to town following the inner guidance that Father God and my Higher Self had given me.

Towards the end of my ministry, my closest followers who had chosen to stay by my side through it all, had all successfully become their Higher Selves in every way. They followed and listened to my guidance very closely and became totally committed to my teachings; committed to the path of Light and Love.

You might be wondering how long would it take (for someone who totally dedicated his life to ascension and enlightenment) to go from initial spiritual awakening to full integration of Higher Self? The time taken is of course different from person to person.

However, during my time as Jesus, my disciples were with me almost all the time (with a few exceptions e.g. meditation times). They listened to me; they constantly asked questions; and they took the time to practice what they had learned. Their main daily focus was on spirituality. We relied on the kindness of strangers to feed ourselves and we slept wherever we would like. We helped when our assistance was needed and we were always surrounded by people who were more than happy to help us when needed.

Due to our main focus on spirituality, on average it took my disciples between 3 to 12 months to master my higher-dimensional teachings. By the time I died on the cross, my closest disciples had all: reached their goals of enlightenment and become Ascended Masters in their own right, with most of their Divine spiritual gifts and abilities awakened.

Towards the end, they understood why I had to take the path that led to such a gruesome and violent death, and even though we had grown very close (with a bond as strong as that of brothers/sisters), they completely respected my choice/free will and supported me in every way. My mission was too important for me to run away and escape from my supposed end, and things needed to happen exactly the way they were meant to happen.

It might come as a shock to many Christian believers, that Jesus was once a simple man living a simple life as a husband and father, and as a teacher of higher-dimensional wisdom. He was born to a highly spiritual family who loved God deeply and he had committed his life to a mission of spreading higher truth to all who would listen. He was Divine, just like all of you are Divine. He was God in a human body, just like all of you are Gods/Goddesses in a human body. With time and dedication, Jesus achieved spiritual mastery and became enlightened, just like any one of you can also do the same if you possess the courage, bravery, strength, trust and faith to surrender completely to God, and to your Higher Self/Purpose.

All of you who regularly read these channeled messages are serious about Ascension. You know and understand by now that you can grow and fly to greater heights, and leave behind all limiting aspects of your 3-D Self. You long to be, do and have more. You have longed for HOME for far too long. You long to be back home again, within the embrace of your powerful, loving God and Higher Self. You long to know yourself, once again, as the magnificent, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPRESENT Soul that you truly are, in the absolute reality that is your true home in Heaven.

And all that is needed, for you to truly become your Higher Self is every way (whilst still in physicality), is to make the full-time commitment to be the embodiment of God, in this lifetime.

Adele had written a blog a few years ago titled ‘Archangel Raphael: Supreme Healer in the Angelic Realm‘. In that blog she had specified the steps that you all need to take, in order to align yourself, your life and your entire way of being with any goals you may have in life, specifically with your goal of becoming God.

If you make a strong intention right now, to one day become your Higher Self for real, then please make the commitment TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach that goal. The road to spiritual mastery, to becoming an Ascended Master is not for the faint-hearted.

Before an athlete becomes the owner and master of a gold, silver or bronze medal in any sport played in the Olympics, he would need to commit every single day and many hours per day, to the cause. This athlete needs to endure endless hours of repetitive exercises in order to improve his game and be the best in that field. His commitment to his goal of one day becoming an Olympic medalist is constantly tested, in many different ways, and in many different competitions.

And just like this athlete, once you have started to walk this path to becoming ‘Master of Life’, you will discover challenges that will help you apply the higher-dimensional Wisdom you have thus far attained. Every day your commitment to this goal will be tested, by whatever is happening in your personal and work lives. However, unlike an athlete who competes with others to become the best in his sport, you will be only competing with yourself: your old, stubborn, fearful, sometimes egoistic and complacent, third-dimensional self.

Every day you should aim to be: the embodiment of Christ Consciousness (Love & Unity Consciousness) in every moment, and exude love wherever you go. Your thoughts, words, feelings and actions need to be that of Divine Love for the majority of the time. Imagine as if you are a pilot in control of a plane that is your life on Earth. Prior to your spiritual awakening, most of you had put the controls of your life on ‘automatic pilot mode’.

You flew back and forth from the higher altitudes (higher frequencies) to the lower altitudes (lower frequencies) many times prior to reaching your destination (your goal), in response to what was happening around you. In other words, your moods and states of being can be easily affected by the many worldly dramas happening around you and by the people who are constantly surrounding you.

The road to Spiritual Mastery and Enlightenment requires you to: take back control of your plane, i.e. your life, by turning the automatic pilot mode off, and by doing whatever it takes to ensure that you can constantly fly in the higher altitudes (in the higher vibrations where love, joy, calm and peace exists). In other words, you need to commit to always be staying in the higher frequencies, in whatever you choose to: do, have and focus on. Please read my earlier message through Adele titled ‘The Blueprint of Your New 5-D Life’ for more information on how to live a high-vibrational life.

When you have managed to ‘fly’ in the higher vibrations consistently, continuously no matter what is going on around you, then you will soon notice the gradual awakening of your Divine, innate, powerful spiritual abilities. These natural abilities are something that all of you have, when you are living in the higher dimensions, or back home in Heaven.

Divine Unconditional LOVE is the additional key needed for the awakening of your spiritual powers.

The 3 powerful affirmations that Father God had shared in his previous channeled message through Adele, titled ‘The Art of Letting Go‘ will only work if the people saying those potent declarations have truly realized their spiritual identity as ‘Divine Love’ incarnated. In other words, someone who has a low self-esteem, or someone who does not really love himself/hates himself will never be able to bridge the gap between ‘acting/faking’ and ‘truly becoming’ the God that he truly is. He can say these affirmations many times per day, over and over again, but his path of becoming his Higher Self will be powerfully blocked by his inability to love himself.

And without Love for oneself, for others and for the world around him, his powerful Divine powers and abilities can never be awakened. This person’s Higher Self will never burden him with spiritual powers beyond his current abilities to control. Your Higher Self and spirit team are always closely monitoring your motivational and readiness levels to embrace more of who you truly are.

You all had learned lessons in life when you manifested into your physical reality something you did not truly want. And when traced back to its origins, you could always find the ‘event’ or the day when you were thinking negative thoughts, or saying negative words that were the root cause of the unwanted outcome.

Once your level of spiritual awakening is in the latter phase (close to completion) you will find that the time lag between creation and manifestation keeps getting smaller and smaller until one day, there is zero time lag. What you think, say and feel become your reality instantly. Once that happens, you will know that you have reached the highest level of spiritual mastery.

This is a level where anything is possible and where limitations do not exist. It is a level reached by all the famous and non-famous Ascended Masters/religious masters who were once incarnated on planet Earth. It is the ultimate level of Oneness with ALL THAT IS. Reaching this level means that you have once again become a powerful CREATOR who: have full, complete control of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions (i.e. your vibrations) and is in constant alignment with Divine Love.

Love is truly THE greatest power in this Universe.

The next statement I will be saying here will be my main message for all of you here today. If you are serious about becoming and embodying God/your Higher Self, you need to STOP giving your power away. You have to immediately take your life off of the automatic pilot mode and take back control. Do not easily join in the activities or conform to the decisions of any religion, your group of friends, the community/work organizations that you belong to, IF their values and missions in life are not at all based in the Love & Unity/Oneness consciousness.

Be the brave and courageous souls I know you all truly are, and say NO when you need to say no, and then work out a more loving solution to all challenges that arise, always placing the Higher Good of all concerned in the back of your mind.

Whenever faced with making a decision, big or small, you MUST CONSTANTLY ask yourselves, which decision should you pick that will align you the most to your powerful Higher Self. The highest-vibrational decision that your Higher Self will help you select will always be aligned with the energies of Love, Unity, Abundance and Personal Empowerment.

Respect your spiritually-awakened Self, and choose the path ofleast resistance.

An awakened person can rarely go back to her old self without feeling totally miserable, anxious and stressed-out about his daily life or about the decisions he has made. It will be like wearing old clothes that can barely fit. The inner battle that may arise within, that takes place between your ‘old’ 3-D and ‘new’ 5-D Selves, must be approached with quiet introspection, patience, compassion, understanding and love. You will know that you have won the battle when you are back to feeling joyful and at peace with where you are right now and with the choices you are making in life.

In my next channeled message (Part 3), I will be focusing on the topic of healing. Adele (being an energy healer) would love me to explain the higher wisdom behind the process of healing your physical body of all ailments, diseases/imbalances. I will share with you all the ‘secrets’ to my seemingly magical, miraculous healings performed when I was Jesus of Nazareth.

The discourses here were written to help all of you to permanently shatter, break and eliminate for good many third-dimensional fallacies that are still shackling you down.

NOW is truly time for all of you to break free from all restrictions and limitations that are currently stopping you from: living the kind of life that you want andliving in the kind of higher-dimensional society that you want to be in.

The choice is ultimately yours. Are you ready to be free? Do you even want to be free?

As always, your free will is always respected by all of us here in the higher dimensional realm.

Loving you all beyond measure.

Your brother in Light,



Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude.

Ask And It Is Given

Here is a book that i read many years ago :

ASK AND IT IS GIVEN  by Abraham Hicks

and here is the summary of it:

”before I was born into my physical body 

I was a non-physical energy and from 

that non-physical energy part I 

presented myself into a physical body 

whereby I have been interacting with the 

contrast of my physical time-space 

reality and constantly all day every day 

giving birth to rockets of desire which 

the non-physical part of me becomes 

vibrationally one with and then all I 

have to do is become a vibrational match 

to what my desire is and it is given ”

Are you choosing Love… the Heart every moment, or Fear… the mind… the ego.

Special Message from Archangel Michael ~ Heart Activations and the Abundance of Gaia

By Archangel Michael

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here to provide information on the current energies. We are in the 5~5 Portal energies, and these energies are intense. Most of this month’s energies are heavily revolving around the Heart. The clearing that the light workers have been doing for many moments, is to fully open, allow and embrace the Heart. That is what the spiritual journey is about… Coming home, back into the Heart, severing the mind… the ego, completely. Everything is based around the inner journey, to activate your soul missions, twin flames, abundance and to fully integrate the Higher Self. Let us delve deeper into these energies, to Fully immerse in the Blessings of Our Beloved MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation has to offer to Her Children of the Heart. As always, Awareness transforms into Consciousness.


Trials and Tribulations

The energies being poured on the planet and into Human Collective, is of intense clearing and testing. What do you mean by testing? It is simple Dear Ones… Are you choosing Love… the Heart every moment, or Fear… the mind… the ego. The Universe is providing these trials, to test your resolve… to mold you all into the True Divine Beings that you have always been.

All the conditionings… the negative traits of the mind… the ego, have to be transformed, for ALL, in order for the Heart to fully open. It is through the Heart, that one’s Soul can be fully harnessed and integrated, to become One with All, with MotherGod, Prime Creator, Source, Great Spirit, Sophia Gaia, Mother of All Creation. The Universe is working with you, if you so choose, to refine, sharpen and become the Diamond of Love. Many situations have, and will, occur to know if you are embodying Love, or Fear. Comfort zones will be tested and broken. These experiences are for Growth and Expansion, to release any density within the Being. These are blessings Dear Ones, not judgements or condemnation.

Connections and Earth Changes

These energies from the celestial bodies are providing many Earth Changes, as Gaia Herself is shaking off any remaining density to prepare for the next wave of higher consciousness energies. Major Change is the theme for these energies on every level, both seen and unseen. It matters not how things look in 3D.

Gaia has been leading the way of the Ascension for a long moment, and she is prepared to make the shift into the higher realms, joining with the rest of All Creation in Unity Consciousness. She has been doing this mostly on Her own, as the support from the Lightworkers and Humanity is excessively limited, due to most of the collective choosing to be in the mind, instead of feeling Her through the Heart. We, your Angelic, Galactic and Elemental families have mentioned throughout many messages, Humanity is along for the ride, if they so choose. The mind… the ego, has no say in creation, as it is not part of Unity Consciousness, which can never abide to the Divine Plan. We fully support Our Beloved Mother Earth, as we are in Unity Consciousness, and abide fully to Universal Law and the Divine Plan.

Those choosing the Heart, will have many experiences and activations in these Now moments. You will be guided through the Heart, on making profound moves and Heart connections with other Brothers and Sisters of the Heart, in Full Service to Mother Earth… to LOVE. These connections are for growth, expansion and further propel everyone into fulfilling their missions and contracts to Prime Creator, Source, Mother of All Creation, Mother Earth. Also, to bring immense amounts of Joy, Laughter and Love, as you are connecting with True Family, after so many moments of the separation experience. Again, the guidance can only come through the Heart. The mind… the ego, blocks the access of the Heart. Those choosing the mind, higher mind, or trying to balance mind and Heart, will not be able to gain the Activations already happening, nor be able to fulfill their mission. They will experience a variety of DeAscension symptoms frequently, if not daily, such as;

Dazed and Confusion,

Erratic Behaviors,

Loss of Motor Skills,

Loss of Memory,

Loss of Breath,

Stuck in mental thoughts,

Body Aches and Pain,

Joint Pain,



Extreme Hunger,

Heart Aches, 

Heart Attacks, 


And so much more. The mind, ego, higher mind are all constructs of lower consciousness, to keep All in lower vibrations, never to fully embrace your True Divine Essence, which is Unconditional Love.
Experiences will vary for every Soul. The most common of some of these Unconditional Love experiences are;

Moments of Euphoria,

Childlike Wonder,

Bursts of Joy and Laughter,

Oneness with Mother Earth,

Passion of Being in Service to Mother Earth,

Passion for Unity Consciousness,

Passion to Begin the New Paradigm of Love Everywhere Present,

Sensitivity or Agitation being around Lower Consciousness,


And other experiences of higher consciousness, all of which is your Natural State of Being. God is Love… a Feeling… an experience, not a thought process or a fantasy. Be grounded and practice stillness and meditation daily, especially with Trees. The Trees are angels in disguise, waiting and willing to assist those whom accept their warm embrace of Love. They can help with balancing, grounding, healing and transformation of energies.


The Abundance of Gaia

Many lightworkers have created fantasies revolving around the abundance of New Earth. Many thinking they have access to abundance, they are creating the New Paradigm, they can sit on the side lines waiting for a check, and other mental constructs such as;







Delusions of grandeur,


Which are All of the mind. The mind, likes to create fanciful, outlandish, rhetoric about things it can never understand, especially about the Abundance of New Earth. Many have questioned about the Abundance. To clarify, Ask yourselves; “Why would Love give to Ego?, Why would Love continue the old paradigm of Taking? Why would Love continue the raping and pillaging of the Planet and Humanity?”
The Abundance is about sharing and giving. As one shares and gives to Mother Earth, that energy expands 10 fold, becoming greater. Gaia’s abundance is immense, bountiful, wonderful, and solely Hers to give. The abundance is based of higher consciousness… Heart consciousness… Unity Consciousness. No one of lower consciousness states can ever have access to it. It is impossible. The abundance is for Gaia’s Children of the Heart. It is Being released to Her in these Now Moments, as by Divine Decree, and Universal Law.

Love supports Love. Share and Give to Mother Earth, as She is Here with You All. She is your Mother… Our Mother. We are All Her Children, and Love Her so. Father’s wish is for Mother and their children to flourish with Unconditional Love in Unity Consciousness. He supports Her and the Children of the Heart with immense passion. That is how deep is His Love is for Mother… for All. We support Our Beloved Mother and Father.

Enjoy these new energies and activations. Embrace them, as we do Our Mother and Father. We Gods with God, Our Mother of All Creation… creating the New Earth together in Unity Consciousness.

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You… Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael

Feeling Good is Feeling God.