Promisory note (Canada 2.0) I Owe You Note

Would you believe it if i tell you that i will posting notes for you to print and use at your bank ?

Well, it is happening 🙂 And Queen Romana of Canada is making this happen.

This is the Promissory Note/I Owe You Note.

This is a lawful tender / legal tender in all Countries.

It is a negotiable Note.

The Banks know how this works. This is their language and creation.

Use your DL or Passport for ID

You would need to look up the Bill of Exchange laws in your own Country.

You can use this to pay Bank Bills (especially banks – mortgages, credit cards, etc.), Government Bills, etc.

Your small grocery stores may not know what to do with it…

The laws I’ve sited on this note is Canada’s Bill of Exchange laws.

Use this during this transition period.

When the Bank uses this note and negotiates it with a 3rd party (trade on it), your debts disappears 😊

Queen Romana Didulo of Canada.

@RomanaDidulo, Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, Queen of Canada/President of Canada. This is my real account. All others are fake.

Accept yourself as you and grant yourself permission to be you – pure, precious, powerful light having an experience that you yourself carve out with your unique and beautiful choices, beliefs, opinions, and perspectives

Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Take a deep breath. Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. You want to listen to your God-given inner compass and do what feels right to you. You never intended to be at odds with one another. You don’t truly want to fight over vaccines, viruses, variants, or a variety of other topics. You want to love.

There is no need to argue or defend your right to be. There’s never a need to defend or justify your choices. Simply say to yourself right here, right now, “I give myself permission to be me. I give myself permission to listen to my own inner compass. I give myself permission to choose the vibrations I wish to call into my life. I give myself permission to be the beautiful soul God made me to be. I love the light within me. I give the light within permission to guide me, guard me, and live joyously within me. I grant myself the right to be me.”

We know many of you feel your freedoms are being taken away and to a certain degree, temporarily there are many 3D restrictions. However, in the fifth-dimensional understandings of reality, you are always and eternally free.

For example, suppose you don’t want the vaccine and you are required to get one in order to keep your job. As always you have a choice. You want employment. You want to be well. You want to avoid anything you don’t resonate with. So what do you do with these seemingly conflicting desires? In 3D it might seem that you have two less-than-desirable choices. In 5D there is one important choice… Will you attune your vibration to what you want?

You can manifest a new job by focusing on what it would feel like to find one that matches your ideals and perspectives, and then eagerly anticipate the change. You can imagine how it will feel to be among a wonderful group of people, with an increased salary, in a job you love. This requires a willingness to attune to the vibration of what you want. Alternately, you can choose to have the vaccine – to see it as light going into light, intending strongly that you will take in only those frequencies that support your well-being and simply release the rest. This requires a willingness to attune to the vibration of what you want. As you see, you have put yourself in a position where you must, in either case, learn to attune yourself to the vibration of what you want.

You have put yourself in this position to grow beyond 3D limitations and into 5D freedom. Your soul wants this growth. Your soul wants you to step into this greater vibrational freedom, and when you find it, you will have everything you want… well-being, a job you love, and best of all the knowledge that you can create freely no matter what.

Dear ones you are always encouraged to express your truth with love when you desire to be heard, but there is never a need to justify or defend your point of view. You are who you are, and that is perfect, pure, profound LIGHT having an experience as a human being!

Say to yourself often, “I am who I am. I accept myself. I accept my beliefs, opinions, and perspectives at this moment. They are the filters through which I experience life. If they serve my joy I will keep them. If they don’t I will try on new ones. I am who I am and who I am is infinite light, infinite love, infinite possibility having an experience as a human being. I am free to be me!”

You would be surprised if you really paid attention to how many times a day you justify or defend your perspectives and choices… often to yourselves! Try it one day. Catch yourself explaining why it is OK to be you. Listen to your self-talk. “Uh oh, I accidentally cut that person off in traffic. If so and so hadn’t called I wouldn’t be rushing and running late.” It may be true, but you don’t have to justify yourself. Or, “I shouldn’t have spent so much on that, but I work hard! I deserve it!” Of course, you do… but you don’t have to defend your choices. You might recall a discussion with someone you found disagreeable and have entire conversations defending yourself in your own mind! We know you want to be understood, but this is actually not the best way to go about it.

If you like, you can try a very simple exercise. When you catch yourself defending a choice or action, or being defensive in conversation, stop. Tell yourself. “This is my choice and this is OK. This is my perspective and this is OK.” In conversation, you can say, “This is my belief or my choice, and I’m OK with it. I’m OK if you don’t agree. I know what’s right for me and trust you know what’s right for you.” We know it may appear that we’re oversimplifying things, but honesty is simple. Authenticity is simple. Choosing to be OK with you is much simpler than defending, justifying, and arguing with anyone, including yourself!

Dear ones, defense and justification come from insecurity, whereas true power comes from choosing to accept yourself. Accept your choices and, if you don’t like the outcome, make new ones. Accept your beliefs. If they don’t make you happy, create new ones. Accept everything within you because in this moment, you are enough. You are OK. You are right for you right here and right now because who you are right now is supporting your growth and expansion. Who you are right now is a launching pad for who you want to be in the next moment.

There is never a need to defend your choices, perspectives, beliefs, or opinions. There is never a need for anyone else to agree. If someone attacks you, have compassion for them, for only the insecure attack. If someone tries to push their opinion upon you, have compassion for they’re not comfortable with themselves enough yet to give up the need for agreement.

Your world was never intended to be a world of agreement. The body and every ecosystem on your planet work miraculously well when each cell, individual, or species simply allows themselves to be themselves. The heart cell doesn’t justify itself to the bone. The lions don’t justify themselves to the cheetah’s and the cheetahs don’t defend their right to be. The lion comes and they run. The heart cells form soft tissue, and the bones form a firm structure.Each individual in all of creation has its own design, its own inner compass, and its own right to be. So do you. So does everyone else. Accept yourself as you and grant yourself permission to be you – pure, precious, powerful light having a

Matthew’s Message through Suzy Ward, Sept. 3, 2021

September 3, 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Mainstream media are reporting dramatic happenings in your world, and while those are of monumental importance to everyone who is directly affected and to all caring persons, what is quietly going on behind the scenes has significance for the entire population.

It is not our prerogative to speak about actions that are destroying the darkness’ last toeholds—those will be made known by appropriate individuals when the time is right in their thinking. What we can tell you that is so very encouraging is what we are seeing in Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects the civilization’s collective thoughts, feelings and actions as well as the energy emitted by all other life forms on the planet.

Intensifying light was steadily uprooting activities of the Illuminati until they released the coronavirus-19. Harsh restrictions, business closures, financial hardships, and vastly inflated statistics produced the mass of fear energy that refueled the foundering dark ones, and the energy field became an entanglement of chaotic streamers with light and dark attachments vying for dominance.

Although that did not delay Earth’s ascension progress, there was no clarity in the tumultuous field as to when the streamers with light would regain strength to surge forward again and uplift the populace. In the continuum it is perfectly clear—the light won, Earth is restored to her original health and beauty, and the peaceful civilization is joyously thriving in health and prosperity. 

But when the struggle to manifest that ideal world went back into full force on the planet more than a year and a half ago, lightworkers were tossed back into the emotional trenches, so to say, and many of you started wondering if you really have been making a difference. Are Earth’s peoples awakening, are situations improving, is darkness really being vanquished?

Dear family, absolutely you have been and are making a world of difference—literally! Yes, the peoples are awakening, situations are moving toward essential change, and the darkness definitely is being vanquished! Far from being a victory for them, the “pandemic” is their undoing.

Now then, returning to the field of potential, recently streamers shimmering with light-filled attachments broke out of the entanglement and are gaining serious steam. They are zigzagging their way to unstoppable momentum as streamers with dark attachments are fast decreasing in number and strength.

As tenacious as the Illuminati are, they cannot remain hidden as the light exposing them keeps growing brighter and brighter. They—and their proliferation of lies—cannot stand without the compliance of an unquestioning, frightened populace, and for a while that’s what they had. What they have now is growing numbers of fearless, defiant people who did question and concluded no more lockdowns, no more masks, no more vaccinations, no more control over us. 

How we wish we could tell you when the truth about so-called vaccines, so-called “Delta variant”—everything related to the “pandemic”—will come forth. The Illuminati’s grasp on mainstream media and Internet censorship are cracking, but not yet enough so that facts can replace the false “official” information.

To be sure, that will come. And, to all who have been vaccinated, we say please do not feel fearful about future health issues. It is true that potential exists, but keep foremost in your thoughts that light is your immune system’s best ally, and as God told my mother, absorbing light is as simple as being kind.

The eyes of the world are on the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan; hearts around the world are with the people of that country. Indeed, the situation could have been managed much differently, with wisdom, foresight and compassion. What is occurring is a great sadness for us because the people of that country are facing dire living conditions under stern control, and for some, execution.

No, this is not a matter of completing chosen karmic lessons. For some individuals, the flexibility in soul contracts can be applied, but most are and will be enduring experiences they did not choose, and none of them will know until they are in Nirvana that this gave them a leap forward in soul evolvement.

It is true that the corrupt government had to be unseated and occupation troops withdrawn so Afghanis can set a course toward stability, cooperation and prosperity in a peaceful nation. That seems a slim hope in this moment, and it won’t come soon, but come it shall. The power of light’s vibrations eventually will heal wounds and unify the citizens in their common interest, love of family and country.

All peoples need to know that when any government sends troops into another country to “secure freedom for its citizens” or “nation-building,” always it is for self-serving purposes. Never is it without bloodshed and exploitation, and when troops are withdrawn, the country is left in shambles. Ever-rising vibrations assure that never again will this happen on Earth!

The importance of evidence coming forth about the fraudulent United States presidential election is twofold. The society needs to know that elections are manipulated by the Illuminati so they can control governments, and for two centuries, elections in that country and numerous others have been stolen by one means or another. This is why life on Earth has been in accordance with the Illuminati’s goal of world domination.

Second, and this also has worldwide impact, it will change the United States’ form of governance. Shortly after the colonies united, British royalty and others in the Rothschild faction of the Illuminati secretly organized that nascent nation into a corporation, which they own. After a republic form of government is established in accordance with the country’s constitution, the legislation originally known as NESARA, now as G/NESARA or GESARA, can be implemented. By ending impoverishment for the masses and massive fortunes for a few, it is the economic basis of world transformation.

In previous messages we have said we are not financial advisers, and that is true. However, to some extent we can answer your questions about what will happen when the global economic system based on precious metals is put into operation. We don’t know when that will take place, but we do know the transition from the current system to the new will be handled as smoothly as possible to minimize inconvenience and confusion.

Money in checking and savings accounts in banks and credit unions will be secure because they’re in “brick and mortar” institutions, so to say. Although the major banking system is in Illuminati hands, terminating myriad accounts would require more time than they have. It’s likely that those institutions will close briefly during implementation of the new system.

Arrangements will be made so workers’ earnings paid into government retirement accounts will be safeguarded and payments made to entitled recipients, and funds will be available for disability compensation and welfare provisions. A short delay in processing all of those payments is likely.

We don’t know exactly how investments and pension-funding tied to stock markets will be affected because they are continuously strategically manipulated up and down by the Illuminati. An interruption in payments is probable as the markets are taken out of their control and stabilized.

Credit cards with usurious interest rates are another tool of the Illuminati, intended to motivate spending beyond one’s means and create a population stressed by heavy debt. We don’t know if cards will continue to be a purchasing method—to be sure, charging is a convenience when used judiciously—or replaced by another form.

Cryptocurrency also was devised by the Illuminati and is under their control. With a few computer data entries, all forms of that currency can be deleted—do not depend on “guaranteed anonymity” to save those accounts. It would be sensible to consider using those funds however they will best serve you instead of depending on them to be available for a long time.

One more note about GESARA. Its purpose is to institute a fair, honorable global economic system and bring prosperity throughout your world. It is not designed to give every individual on the planet a large sum of money, as some misinformation about the legislation includes. [August 26, 2017 message has a comprehensive explanation of the legislation’s economic provisions.]

“Do organic foods and vegetarian or vegan diets help in personal ascension?” Personal ascension, the advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness, comes with absorbing light, so let us talk about how diet affects that. Foods grown without chemicals in fertilizers and insecticides are indeed more healthful, but feeling stressed by the cost of those foods negates their benefits. Stress unbalances health in mind, body and spirit—that dims light within the body and weakens immunity.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are the most nutritious because they contain the most light, and if grains are milled and legumes are treated without toxic chemicals, those also contain a lot of light. When the desired diet and the pocketbook are irreconcilable, give thanks for whatever you eat and intend that it serve your highest good.

Some people feel their bodies need meat, sea food and dairy products to maintain health and others feel their bodies are healthier without those foods, but far beyond diet is how animals are treated. Animals in the food chain have a soul level agreement with humankind to provide nourishment in return for gratitude, respect and caring treatment during their lifetimes and to die with gentleness and dignity. Not only has “factory farming” egregiously violated humans’ part of that agreement, down through the ages, other animals, domesticated and wild, have been treated brutally, too. It was peoples’ relentless inhumanity to each other and the animals that caused planet Earth to spiral from high fifth density into deep third density and be mired there for millennia.

Souls that embody as animals have a wide range of intelligence and emotions, and their families love each other just as you love yours. When they experience trauma in living and dying circumstances, that energy stays in their bodies and psyches, and when they enter Nirvana, they require and are given the same customized healing that traumatized persons need and receive.

As integral parts of Creator’s unconditional love energy, every life in your animal and plant kingdoms is a soul with varying degrees of consciousness. Species-wide, the cetaceans are the most consciously and spiritually evolved souls on Earth—they volunteered to incarnate there in large forms to anchor in ocean depths the light beamed from distant civilizations. And think about the plant kingdom. Each seed knows when to start growing and what to become—grass, tree, flower, fruit, grain or vegetable—and each adds immeasurable quality to your life and to all other souls’ there.

Perhaps especially in unsettling times such as this moment, it can be easy to forget that you affect and are affected by every other life on Earth. Living in consonance with this awareness contributes to the betterment of all lives with whom you are sharing the planet—this is personal ascension and evolution of the civilization!  

Beloved sisters and brothers, your steadfastness in your mission has been invaluable in helping Earth’s peoples “see the light” so they can manifest the world they want where life is peaceful, harmonious and loving.

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

What is most appropriate right now is to deepen your spiritual practice.

Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Donner

September 2, 2021


Greetings: I am Mira. I greet you today from the Pleiadian High Council, as well as,  the Earth Council. We watch over you with earnest regard and loving tenderness. You are our main focus.

We understand the problematic energies in which you are living. There are truly toxic’s disturbances in the force field of the earth, as well as in the earth plane. We are monitoring the situation closely because such toxins are detrimental to life on the earth.

The most toxic disturbance is from the energy of fear. Fear is causing humans to make choices that might not be for their highest good. We honor and understand how these choices have come about. We recommend humans take a pulse of their own levels of fear and see what is driving them in their choices.

These energies are forcing humans to evaluate earth and to look deeper to see what is influencing the actions being conducted globally. Some are doing this and yet others are running rampantly on the fear-based energy that lowers frequencies and affects decisions. It’s a disease in itself, a rampant virus that is overwhelming humanity.

We observe that humanity is not behaving in its normal ways. People seem to be out of sync with themselves and others. The imbalances are almost catastrophic. We encourage you to stay out of the fray and to take excellent care of yourselves to bring forth balance, reason and harmony in your life. Step away from the discordance and anchor yourselves into the light. This is your role and we will not let you forget it.

What is most appropriate right now is to deepen your spiritual practice. As ground crew you know what to do. Perform your spiritual routines or create one if you do not have one. Add more to it. Take it from nature. Fill in the blanks. Take classes or ask for help as you need it.

Wipe your sweat from the brow. You don’t have to make this so hard. Your work is pivotal. It will bring positive results and every bit of effort is magnified exponentially. Before you know it, we will be through this and you will have earned your celebration. Remember how powerful you are and what masters you are or you would not be here at this time.

We love you and we are with you. I am Mira

This is the latest from Apollo on September 2, 2021: “The days of yesteryear are no longer. You have entered into a new cycle on planet earth. You may have noticed how things feel differently every day now. You can’t expect the old flow to carry you through the higher dimensional consciousness of the fifth dimension. The old ways are no longer working. We have you in mind and we are restoring your planet so that it will work. Life has become too laborious on the earth for everything and everyone. You have to extricate yourself from the past and be open to an easier more flowing way of life. This is happening in all kingdoms. The results will be good and you will live in an astonishing New World.”

Have enough self respect to leave people who do not appreciate you…

Have enough self love to Go Where You’re Celebrated, Not Where You’re Tolerated

The Hardest Walk is Walking Alone, but it’s Also the Walk that Makes you the Strongest | Disciple John

By Disciple John

I dont know who needs to see this, but…

Sometimes, for your best self interest, its best to simply walk away…

Have enough self respect to leave people who do not appreciate you…

Have enough self love to Go Where You’re Celebrated, Not Where You’re Tolerated…

If you were aware how God sees you and loves you, and if you knew the image of God you’re made in, you could never feel bad, lonely or sad. If you’re in bad company, you see yourself through dirty lens of someone who doesn’t see you as you are.

To know yourself, you must be alone, to get to know yourself, by yourself, for yourself…

If you’re feeling bad, lonely, unappreciated, unhappy and generally low – stop wasting your time, energy, and attention with the wrong people who do not see your light, beauty and awesomeness. Great mind being in company of small minds, will get drained…~dj

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
Mahatma Gandhi

It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. ~Diane Grant

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.
~ Psalm 1:1

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
~ Proverbs 13:20

To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.
Michael Bassey

Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
George Washington

Bad company ruins good morals.
Paul the Apostle

Avoid sloth, bad company, dangerous conversations, and games; remembering that time passes and never returns, that you have a soul, and that if you lose your soul, you lose all.
Leonard of Port Maurice

There is no better game in the world when you are in good company, and no worse game when you are in bad company.
Tommy Bolt

Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood.
Saint Augustine

If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the people with whom their children associate . . . Much harm may result from bad company, and we are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better.
Elizabeth Ann Seton

An honest heart is not to be trusted with itself in bad company.
Samuel Richardson

Vulgarism in language is the distinguishing characteristic of bad company, and a bad education. A man of fashion avoids nothing with more care than that. Proverbial expressions, and trite sayings, are the flowers of the rhetoric of vulgar man.
Lord Chesterfield

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.
Will Smith

What the expression is intended to mean, I think, is that there is a better and a worse element in the character of each individual, and that when the naturally better element controls the worse then the man is said to be “master of himself”, as a term of praise. But when – as a result of bad upbringing or bad company one s better element is overpowered by the numerical superiority of one s worse impulses, then one is criticized for not being master of oneself and for lack of self control.

etc etc etc

If you feel like supporting me, PayPal

PS- One more thing I would love to get from you, is for you to say 3 kind comments to 3 different people this week, for sake of kindness alone. It may stick with them for lifetime.

Daily meditations are going to help to enlighten others. -Buddha via Erena Velazquez-

September 2, 2021

Greetings my Dear Ones,

I am Buddha, and I am happy to be back to share my wisdom with you. Since 2020, I have been diligently coming only through this Universal Channel as I am her mentor.

Each day your world is falling more and more into chaos created by the Darkness. My Dear Ones, now it’s your time to take back, what was taken from you many millenniums ago, your right to be free. A long time ago, many of you arrived on this planet to help to create a New World, instead you got stock here, because of the reincarnation machine. I was fortune to escape it, and leave this planet.

As an Ascended Master, I am going to take you to your destination Ascension. The humanity forgot the purpose of being here, each of you has a different mission to fulfill on Mother Earth. You are going to be informed about your tasks in a proper time, some of you already know.

Majority of the population is asleep, very confused and lost. Please, don’t worry about them, just focus on yourself on staying in high vibrations. The fear tactics of the corrupted souls disturbed the balance between physicality and spirituality. It’s extremely important for you to regain back the balance in order to move to a higher dimension.

The harmony gets restored during the meditations. I am a big believer in the power of contemplation, you cannot move without it forward in your spiritual growth. I did my share of self reflecting, when I had a physical body under my favorite bodhi tree. I am very humble and grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Enlightenment, Nirvana.

I have the same wish for humanity, please take my words seriously, as this is the Now Moment of your Ascension. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, you have been waiting for many millenniums. Everything is ready in your world to receive Enlightenment, don’t get distracted by negative events. The ones who are ready, they are going to ascend, and the rest will need to wait for their turn.

Your spiritual development is your responsibility, and you don’t have a lot of time left as the window is open only for a short time, your Mother Gaia picked up her speed, and she is moving each moment faster and faster. The humankind’s task is to permanently remove the Darkness from this planet.

Daily meditations are going to help to enlighten others. The awaken ones must continue to spread Light and Love, and let go completely of all the 3D attachments. Ego and mind can’t be in charge, only your soul knows, how to proceed with the final mission on Mother Earth. Leave your fears behind and trust your Divine Guidance. You are almost there. Thank you.

You are the Saver of this World

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Gene Decode on Afghanistan

“The Afghanistan Taliban was backed by the Alliance. They are NOT evil and have not killed anyone. They have placed the ISIS-K terrorist that was informed by Biden Administration to have a kill list, and set off two bombs that killed 131 people in Kubal. The truth is that the Taliban burned all the Opium fields and it the first country in the world that has NO DEEP STATE in control of their Country!!

“From the DoD: Because of the GESARA implementation on Wed 25 Aug related to the global RV release, the Rockefeller Deep State / CIA struck back with the Afghan twin suicide bombers at the Kabul Airport on Thurs. 26 Aug that killed 13 US military personnel, wounded 18, and killed 95 innocent Afghanis who were working with the USA. Unfortunately, the fake Biden admin people shared Intel with the Taliban that produced a virtual “kill list” for Deep State ISIS-K forces as reported to Gregg Jarrett by military sources.

“Trump destroyed ISIS and locked up the remaining terrorists at the Bagram Airport. Biden’s Military abandoned Bagram, allowing the Taliban to release the ISIS terrorists. ISIS then became ISIS-K and attacked Kabul Airport, killing Americans and Afghans. The Afghanistan collapse has signaled world nations to abandon the Petro Dollar and cut off a main supplier of illegal drugs, guns and child sex trafficking across the globe.

“Afghanistan is the first liberated country with NO Deep State players in the government. They declared all masks and mandates done, as soon as the good Taliban took over. They burnt all the Opium fields. The real reason the Deep State America was in Afghanistan was the opium, controlled by the CIA rats. The Intel they gave they have fled to Switzerland in a DUMB’s, near the CERN headquarters and a country in South America. I was told that the “Rods of God” might be used to destroy these DUMB’s or has been. American left 85 billion of the equipment, the Alliance plan to give the Good Taliban to fight and jail ISIS-K. The CIA is being shut-down, thank GOD!!

“The Three Gorges Dam has been totally disabled and does NOT produce electricity, even the 27 nuclear reactors that are underneath. The evil human experiments are cleaned out and the Adrenochrome processing. The 3GD may NOT be taken down, in light that the only thing left is the massive computer for the Bit Coin is there, and in Alliance hands, 52% of the Bit Coin mining.

Weather Wars, Storms: The Deep State has lost the ability of the HAARP but still can seed clouds and form severe weather. Ida was formed from the Africa continent, and was timed to be in New Orleans the same as many major storms in years past. They cannot influence as much, the Sierra Dust from the deserts does NOT allow the storms to be as large.”

Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 3, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official

Roots of Your Divinity – Archangel Metatron – Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, and love I extend to all beings present with me today, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to bring forth the vibrations and frequencies of the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you, to support you and assist you in your current stages of ascension. It may feel now that everything is moving, that there is momentum. It may feel that things are uncertain and unstable as if you cannot quite find the right footing to stabilise yourself in your reality or your ascension. It is important to recognise this moment in your ascension journey. To recognise whether it is a moment where you feel fully grounded, fully centred, stabilised, and balanced or whether you feel as if you are walking upon a pathway that is constantly moving, therefore tricky to find your footing, to discover your centre, your balance, and your stability.

Take a moment to recognise what is occurring for you in the current stage of your ascension journey. It is important to recognise that stages pass quickly even if you feel unstable at this moment. You will feel balanced, grounded, and centred once more. You may find that a part of you feels unstable and the rest of you feels grounded, centred, and balanced. Maybe in this current phase, everything feels unstable, or you are not quite sure in which direction you need to travel. You may be concerned about what you should be focusing upon, the next stage of your ascension, or how to heal an aspect of your being or reality. Maybe situations or expectations, dreams or plans have altered, leaving you feeling unsure? Maybe even untrusting and uncertain of the next stage.

It is so important to value and to give attention to each phase of your ascension process, even the phases that are more challenging and more painful. When you sit in the energy of each phase to observe and contemplate the energy being demonstrated, you begin to understand it, release it and allow yourself to gain the insights that are required.

It is often thought of that insights are needed for the next stage of your ascension, to bring forth the clarity and understanding you desire. While this is true, the most important aspect or process is grounding, and discovering your roots. When you allow yourself to discover the roots of your divinity, you allow yourself to re-centre, recalibrate, to heal and to stabilise, or to ground. In doing so, you release the energies that no longer serves you and you returned to an aspect of yourself, which is your truth. As you bring your attention back to this aspect of yourself, your truth, this is when the understanding, you might say the insights and realisations dawn. However, the plan, the understanding, the enlightenment, the insights have always been there because every step of your ascension, you could say is planned. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, even when it feels as if it is thrown into turmoil, chaos, or instability. It is all part of the journey and so the answer, the next stage of your ascension is already there, waiting for you, waiting for you to discover and to realise it. Therefore, when you root and ground yourself into your divinity this is when you discover the next stage, and the insights you require.

When you ground yourself or root yourself into your divinity, what are you achieving?

We think of roots as extending out as far, or further, than we are aware of, they create a very concrete and secure footing. A sense of being very grounded, centred, and secure. When you allow or imagine roots from your being, maybe from your root chakra, your feet, chakras, or your earth star chakra, you anchor and ground yourself further. When you then add the intention of grounding or rooting yourself into your divinity, this takes you to a new level of grounding, a new level of stability and of the awareness of truth.

You do not necessarily need to know what your divinity is to ground or root yourself into your divinity. We can recognise your divinity is your true self, your soul, your soul group, your expression of the Creator. The expression of truth, the love and peace that you embody and emanate within your divinity is also all that you have collected in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Your divinity is like a treasure chest of your spiritual and natural nature. When you root yourself into your divinity, you are rooting yourself into a level of your spiritual nature that will serve you in this moment of your ascension. Sometimes it is not necessarily a higher vibration or frequency. It is the energy that serves you in this moment of your ascension.

When you ask to ground and root yourself into your divinity you are grounding yourself, becoming centred, and balanced within your truth. You are allowing your soul and soul group to bring forth and stabilise you in the energies that serve you the most. Maybe it is deep understanding and love, or creativity, strength, confidence, and trust. It is very easy to describe divinity in emotions or feelings. Often, your Divinity is simply a vibration like a thread of light and maybe this thread of light, is a memory from the inner planes, a memory of learning or understanding, remembrance of the Creator. Thus, you ground yourself into this thread of light to serve you in bringing forth new skills and abilities.

It is very important to ground and root yourself into Mother Earth for she is a spiritual being and allows you to further move with the momentum of ascension on the Earth. It is needed to root and ground yourself into your divinity. The less you try to control what your divinity is the more it will surprise you offering insights and greater understandings, bringing forth more tools, more skills, information and enlightenment.

I, Angel Metatron, invite you to take some time to simply contemplate and ask to be grounded and rooted into your divinity especially if there is an area in your reality or within your being that feels chaotic, unstable, or unbalanced. Think of the situation, experience or part of your being and ask to be rooted and grounded into your divinity. Take some time to sit and meditate with it. Even repeating,

I am rooted and grounded in my divinity.

Allow an awakening, opening, and blossoming to take place within your being. Without expectations, allow yourself to recognise, when you feel more stable, balanced, secure in your footing, in your presence and in your actions as well.

When the road ahead is rocky, it is within your being that you turn, not to isolate or to protect yourself, to strengthen your connection with the Creator and step forth securely, even when the ground is rocky.

My presence, my love is with you always.

I am Archangel Metatron.

I thank you.

More Archangel Metatron

About Rejection – Nikos Akrivos-

Do not feel bad if someone rejects or you reject someone. Consider it a blessing for both, as both must do their inner work to get up to speed with who they really are.
Whether a friend, a family member, lover, coworker, partner, each is responsible for their own vibration. I had many partners in my life, i have rejected and been rejected. Rather than getting pissed off, herein lies the beauty of getting on the frequency of who we really are. If you really love your man or your woman, rececting or being rejected, it is our responsability to be as much as possible aligned with our truth. And sometimes our other half needs longer time to realize this truth and true love sets free.
That’s being commited to love.
And if you are alone, no need to go on tinder or fb etc. Get up to speed with the love you are and the lover will find you.


Michael’s Message
Beloved masters, never forget, your reason for Being is to become a conscious cocreator  and that our Father/Mother God is the Life-Giving Force of your existence.
You must let go of the straight line, linear time concept whereby your choices are limited and influenced by the past. A Self-master functions within the Law of the Circle, the concept of the Infinity Loop (a horizontal figure 8). The Infinity Loop that continually flows forth from you is filled with Divine potential; however, the Infinity Loops around you in your personal Creator Wheel must contain the thought forms of harmonious frequencies to support your vision. You are assured that your desires and visions will manifest in the perfect way and perfect time, if you stay centered in your Sacred Heart, and maintain clarity of thought and action. Remember, the human Spirit cannot be defeated, for it is composed of God-stuff and is therefore indestructible. 
The Spark of Divinity that has been allotted to each of you is immortal and eternal.             
The world you now live in is not a reflection of the world that was planned for you. Stored within your DNA are etheric time atoms which hold the memory Essence of all your past lives. You have separated and refracted yourself thousands of times; however, you have memory cells of your Divinity waiting to be accessed and incorporated into your Being. These memory cells are the building blocks of your Light Body.
It is a time of attuning to the consciousness of your body elemental, and you must make time for introspection in order to develop spiritual sensitivity. You must make a habit of continually monitoring and controlling your STATE OF MIND as you move deeper and deeper into the process of ascension and the expansion of your conscious awareness. Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain and conscious mind into the realm of the higher mind.            
Over time, humankind became sense-conscious instead of remaining God-conscious, thereby gradually losing the opportunity for Self-expression. The inspiration and guidance of the Higher Self and the Soul were gradually replaced by the nudgings of the ego desire body. Original thought became a thing of the past as humanity became stuck in the illusional, collective consciousness realm of thought. Your beliefs and concepts of truth became rigid, structured and often distorted. As you gradually lost the connection to your internal guidance, you began to focus on the outer world, and you became mostly a reactor rather than an initiator.Those who are functioning within the frequency environment of the discordant Third and Fourth Dimensions rely on their subconscious and conscious minds to store information and knowledge. Some are better at retaining and retrieving information than others; however, it is ineffectual or distorted in many instances. Remember, knowledge must be integrated and used in an appropriate, efficient way in order to be retained as wisdom. The chakras are subconscious mind centers. In the beginning, these centers worked in perfect harmony; however, gradually over time the spectrum of duality became stronger and more prevalent, and your vibrational patterns became more discordant. As the chakra system is balanced and harmonized, the power centers of the chakras begin to work in unison for the greatest good of the host instead of warring with each other for supremacy.             
When you exist in the first four inner-dimensional levels of the brain, you are in an Earth-bound state of consciousness. Your focus is on “self,” your personal interests and the bodily sensations of the five outer senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and feeling. 
This is the realm of the ego desire body and the personal self since the greater portion of your Soul Consciousnesshas withdrawn into your Soul Star within the Eighth Chakraapproximately six to ten inches above the crown of your head. There is a strong, narrow-minded focus on others and the world, with rigid, self-serving opinions.             In order to effect change, you must consciously choose a positive alternative to negative, habitual responses. You must diligently strive to release and clear old, impacted thought forms that are keeping you stuck in limitation. Many of you have made great progress in the process of balancing  or clearing the imperfections within your auric field. It is imperative that you clear the destructive or distorted thought patterns of the past so that you can create the new, empowering  blueprint of the future. During your nightly review of your day, envision a positive alternative to negative situations in your life, and then focus on that vision unerringly. You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head.             Gradually, as you progress into the higher, semi-balanced Third Dimension and lower, sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, awareness begins to expand to include select others – those who fit into your accepted realm of thinking and being. Your acceptance and love for others have conditions, for your personal needs and desires are still foremost. However, your love and compassion quotient begins to expand to include those who fit comfortably into your picture of reality.           
  You begin to listen to the small voice of your consciousness or your Soul Self; however, you do not always follow its guidance. Some of your deep-seated habits become burdens, and you begin the process of attempting to change or release them. Thus, the battle between the ego and the Higher Self begins. Gradually, the ego takes a secondary position as the servant of the Soul. Your personality slowly begins to change, for the ego no longer controls your emotions and your desire impulses. Your viewpoint of others gradually changes also, and you begin to see situations from a higher, broader point of view. Ascension is mind-expanding, a process of passing from one state of consciousness into another. Your awareness gradually expands to include all humanity, the Earth, the solar system and the higher universal laws. No longer is your focus on the little self. The ultimate goal is to become a Galactic Being and to eventually attain a Universal consciousness.            
When you attain and maintain some of the frequency patterns of the higher Fourth Dimension and the entry level vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, a Soul merge download of the Facet of your Higher Self that resides within your Soul Star begins. The Higher Soul Self gradually sends down the Essence (Memory Seed Atoms) of your Higher Self into your Sacred Heart Center. In turn, this action will ignite more of the Three-Fold Flame (Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Will/Power) within your Solar Power Center, which encompasses the heart, thymus and throat area. When this process is completed, you will have integrated the attributes, qualities and virtues of that portion of your Soul Self. Thereafter, the next higher level of your etheric Higher Self will descend and take up residency with your Soul Star, awaiting ITS turn to merge with you. This process will repeat itself over and over again,  as you merge with greater and greater Facets of your Divine Self.       The earlier in life you begin to listen to the nudgings of your Soul and Higher Self, the easier it is to bring the ego andthe personality self under control. Your Soul-selfwhichhasan inborn sense of right and wrong, will grow stronger and stronger if you take heed. Or it will gradually become silent if you do not. As the power of the Soul expands, sensitivity increases, and your thoughts, desires and actions become more refined and loving. The Light of the intellect and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding, for it supplies the mental nature with the fuel that enables you to comprehend and master the world of form.             Be aware that forgiveness means to release or resolve imbalanced frequency patterns you have created between yourself and others as you strive to return to center. Forgiveness means freeing yourself from negative emotions so that you may continue to receive the Adamantine Particles of Divine Light. Remember, the pure Essence of the Creator that you draw forth into your Sacred Heart must be ignited and activated via the frequencies of  unconditional love.
The 2,000-year Piscean Age was ruled by the emotional nature and the Astral planes of the Fourth Dimension. The next 2,000 years, the Age of Aquarius, will now focus on the science of spirituality and the mental nature as humanity gradually moves into and becomes acclimated to the highest levels of the Fourth Dimension, and the lower entry level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.             
With you, the Star Seed, leading the way, humanity will gradually adjust to a new, expanded Self-awareness, which will gradually become the accepted norm. An aspirant on the Path must traverse the sub-planes of the Astral Plane and gain control of the emotional / astral body – the lower nature – thereby balancing the three lower chakra centers and initiating the activation of the Sacred Fire of the Kundalini stored within the Root Chakra.          

   In the future, it will also be normal to live within the aura of a Master, a distinguished Being of Light or, on rare occasions, an archangel. You, the aspirants on the Path, are building a bridge between the material world and the world of Spirit. You must be diligent in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness to serve if you are to join the ranks of the Masters.             You are now in the process of adjusting to the higher frequencies of electromagnetic Light currents. The Soul Self encourages you to become consciously aware of the Universal Laws so that you may take full advantage of your God-given creative abilities. All Facets of manifestation begin internally, and ANY concept or abstract idea to be birthed must go through an incubation stage before it can become a reality in the world of form.         
You must reclaim the personal power you have given to others. Also, consciously releasing the energy everyone else has placed in your auric field or attached to your Solar Plexus is a primary phase of returning to balance and harmony within, which is required in order to once more become a master of Self. The path to higher consciousness will eventually result in directly experiencing your God Self / I AM Presence and the splendor and majesty of the Creator in some of ITS many forms.

You may deny the SOURCE of all but our Father/Mother God will never deny you.Remember, just because you believe something to be true does not make it so.Loneliness is an illusion. Turn inward and you will find the loving companionship you seek. It is vital that you remain in the protective custody of a golden-white sphere of God Light, where you are assured security, inspiration and guidance. You qualify your breath with the energy of your intentions. Your Sacred Breath and intentions add fuel to your visions. The human Spirit cannot be defeated, for it is composed of “God Light,” and, therefore, it is indestructible. You must build your own Light center in order to claim your Sun-Ship. 
We emphasize again, there is an urgent need for trained, dedicated WORLD SERVERS.  
Initiation is now a group event – not simply an individual attainment. As you strive for Self-mastery, you must be willing to assist those on the Path behind you in some way so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is your Soul which is seeking reunification, not the personality.            
My brave ones, be very sure that your primary focus at your present stage of life is on that which you desire to experience in the future years of dramatic expansion of consciousness and the monumental world changes which are now in progress. Be mindful and aware of every moment so that your focus becomes one-pointed and clear, for you are creating your new world of tomorrow, one thought at a time. We are ever near to guide and direct you. You are loved most profoundly.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.

You have only to look around you, and you will find Angels manifested in different forms everywhere, giving love to you.

August 29, 2021,

There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt.

If you only knew how much you are loved and cared for, you would see your life in a different light. There are Angels who have been with you since your birth, and some from before your birth who have been with you for eons of time. These Angels are here to bless you, to protect you, to care for you, and to love you as you walk your earthly journey.

You have only to turn within and you will find us. You have only to look around you, and you will find Angels manifested in different forms everywhere, giving love to you.

Open your mind and heart to receive this love and you will find miracles manifesting in your life. It is this willingness to receive that allows miracles to occur for you.

In your darkest hours we have been there. It is not that the Angels are here to take away your pain or your lessons learned through experience. The Angels are here for you to turn to in those hours of need. We are here to assist you so you will have the courage to go on, and find peace within your heart.

You are on this planet to learn and to choose between the darkness and the light. Even if you choose darkness, there are Angels who will neither forsake you nor leave you. However, if you choose darkness you will feel very alone, and life will be a continuous struggle.

If you choose Divine Light, the Angelic voices are raised in magnificent rejoicing and all manner of assistance, seen and unseen, will be there to illuminate your path. Choosing to live in the light can simply mean to turn over your burdens and struggles to a Higher Power, and to ask the Angels to assist you in finding your way to peace, happiness and prosperity. These are the qualities of God in which you are meant to live.

Choosing Light means praying for the Divine Presence to fill you to overflowing with love and peace. It means taking the time to visualize your self filled and surrounded by light, and even drinking in the Divine Light in order to nourish your heart and soul. Not only will this affect your mental and emotional state, but your physical body will also benefit.

The Angels are God’s messengers. We live in the Light. All the forces of good in the Universe are here to assist you. so you too can live in the Light and find peace and happiness within yourself. It is up to you to ask to know this as truth in your life. Open your mind and heart to receive all the love that is here for you right now. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Gift of Rejection

August 29, 2021,

We were recently asked to speak on the experience of rejection. We would like to address this topic today.

Rejection is a part of the human experience that is energetic in nature. Whether you have rejected someone or something, or been rejected yourself, it is a clear sign that something is not an energetic match for you.

If you have been rejected by a person, it was not in your highest good to stay in relationship with that individual. Chances are, if you really feel into the situation, you will admit there was something about this situation that was not appropriate for you. It was not a true energetic match but you wanted to continue on with it anyway.

There may have been ongoing problems that you weren’t willing to acknowledge with this connection. Perhaps the person wasn’t willing to grow or evolve, or perhaps staying with this person required you to deny your own growth. But rest assured, any rejection is always for your highest good.

If rejection is a continual pattern for you, it would be beneficial to explore how you reject yourself. Do you honour yourself? Are you in touch with your true feelings and needs? Do you love and honour your inner child aspects? Do you berate yourself constantly instead of encouraging yourself forward? Do you have worthiness issues where you find it difficult to receive? Do you have walls up to avoid getting hurt that are keeping everything out including the good?

As with any challenge in your life, being willing to take a higher, observational viewpoint to assess the situation is a good practice. Was it really a match? Was it a healthy connection or was the connection between both person’s unhealed aspects? Did it bring out the best in both parties? Or was it simply playing out a theme you are ready to heal once and for all?

It is empowering to identify the elements you do have the ability to shift, because all internal healing will be reflected in your external experiences. It is also a profound shift when you realize the universe is always, always seeking to serve you and your evolution, and it will do that by sifting out what is not a true match to you (with the complete agreement of your highest self) with wise and loving efficiency. Trust your ability to heal and be led, and you will find your way to your best matches and your energetic peers.

It’s time for great changes on your world, and those great changes start when you are willing to see yourselves as the ones creating, rather than seeing yourselves as the ones being oppressed.

Great Changes in the Remainder of 2021 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to be with you as always, and we are very excited about what we see you all creating as you come into this last portion of the calendar year of 2021. We see you stepping into a position of greater power within yourselves, as you have begun to recognize that you really must rely upon the power that you have within you to feel the way that you want to feel and to live the way that you want to live. Anyone who was under the assumption that outside circumstances had to determine how they lived and how they felt have had that belief turned on its head. With the circumstances of your lives right now, living through a global pandemic, you have had to make various adjustments in order to thrive.
You have had a lot of extra time on your hands, as well, to be creators, to be conscious and deliberate about the vibration that you have been sending out to the universe. And as a result, there are many wonderful creations that are out there, waiting to be harmonized with. We see the readiness within you to take command of your lives by taking command of your vibration and your creation, as a result of the offering of that vibration.
It is so wonderful to see how much beauty and wonder lie before you, and we are so happy to be able to help you get to those creations of yours. We know that this is an obvious statement for many of you, but you really do have to follow your feelings in order to sniff your way over to what you have already created. You can begin to feel for the vibrations that your creations give off, because they are literally calling you to them, and it really is a wonderful time for you to be accessing what you have created, since again, it certainly has appeared as though you’ve had limitations placed upon you. In actuality, you have been guided to turn your attention to that place within yourselves where you know who you really are, where you vibrate the fastest and the highest.
It’s time for great changes on your world, and those great changes start when you are willing to see yourselves as the ones creating, rather than seeing yourselves as the ones being oppressed. This is a monumental difference in how you see yourselves and your reality, as well as the others who play their roles in your reality. As awakened as you are, please keep in mind that everyone in your life is there to help you awaken even more to the truth of who you really are and to the application of that truth. You’re moving beyond the time of just knowing who you really are and that you create your reality, and you’re moving into the time of experiencing those truths in your lives and in the entire world that you live in.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are a unique being and no longer fit within spiritual activities designed for all.

Dear Ones,

Many of you have mistaken our words. Believing you have to be different instead of looking within to determine how and why you are different.

Acting silly because it’s fun is different than being silly because you feel you must. Again, shoulds from your society or the Universes are not your path. Shoulds are no more.

Even though you have heard that last statement over and over, most of you applied it to your social milieu. Shoulds also apply to concepts many tout as Universal truths, including meditation, foods, and other forms of connecting with the Universes.

You do not require lessons or shoulds to connect with the Universes. In truth, you never did. But because your 3D fear society was so burdensome, many attempted to lighten that burden with techniques that could connect you to your higher self or the Universes. In fact, techniques that were likely valuable when you initiated your transition.

Those techniques are no longer valid. Just as Ouija boards were once popular, but are no more for the information obtained from Ouija boards is limited and burdensome.

The veils have lifted for you.

What feels comfortable? That is your only guide.

If someone tells you that you must do this to connect to the spiritual realms or yourself, please review that information within your being. If it feels exciting to do so, that is part of your new path. But if it does not, realize that such actions might be perfect for the person suggesting them, but not you. You are a unique being and no longer fit within spiritual activities designed for all.

If a friend or significant other pushes you to try this or that, you might feel guilty for not doing so or wishing to do so. Stop the guilt.

Again, if that spiritual action is appropriate for you, you will complete that action or at least complete as much as feels right. You are no longer part of the group process that was once 3D.

Many connecting with the spiritual realms tout this or that cure – an action that might work wonderfully for them, but not necessarily for you. Listen to your heart, your inner being before taking the time and perhaps financial resources to explore those options.

There is nothing wrong with providing spiritual guidance. The difficulty is when you return to the 3D belief that someone is more wise or skilled than you. Those skills you admire might be important for your role  – or not. Or skills you can obtain without their input. Maybe those skills are unnecessary flim-flam. Or skills necessary for your next step forward. Only you know – not your friends or family.

So do not feel the need to jump from this program to that or, more importantly, feel guilty that you do not. Perhaps those techniques will hinder your personal evolution – or not. Only you know. And the part of you that knows is within.

You no longer need to ask the Universes or humans if they think you need to do something. They are not you and never will be. You are you – with the most appropriate guidance within.

Perhaps you feel a need to pray to the Universes, humans, or others to assist you in a forward movement. That is far different than waiting until they approve for you to do so – forcing you to take this step or meditate in this way – before you are allowed to actualize your dream.

You are the CEO of you. Others can provide information and input, but you and only you make the final decision regarding the correct application of any information from humans, the Universes, or others.

You are you – not to be divided, reported, or directed by anyone but you. Allow that to be. And allow yourself to extinguish any guilt others might apply to encourage you to read this or do that if you wish to be a true earth angel. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

A little story about me -Nikos Akrivos-

A little story about me: when i was a child i wanted to become a dancer but since my grand ma was raising me up in Greece and both of my parents had to be abroad to earn a living we had only the necesary to live and could not afford to pay for classes. But in my mind i never stopped seeing myself dancing. I entered medical studies at University , studied for few years only to discover through a chaneller that my Angels had a message for me: Handicaps will dance with you! I quit my studies i didnt really know how to dance professionaly now at 25 and when i took decision i immediately attracted the best dance teachers who showed me.
I danced across the planet for 10 years and became a dj , a reiki therapist, life coach and meditation teacher for another 15 and today in my workshops people are experiencing deep transformation through dancing.
To be continued…

So, the next time you are in the middle of an intense situation, and you are feeling like lashing out in anger or reacting defensively, teach yourself to “Take Three”…to take a three second break in that moment… -Buddha-

golden buddha temple
Photo by on

Message from Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

Through Losha


I am here. I have been here for a long time now. I have been studying from above just as I did when I was below, on Earth. I am pleased to be able to give my message through this one.

It has been many centuries since I was in physical form. Much that is both positive and negative in general has happened since my time. I have been observing all of the many varying “reactions” to the events that are a part of the 3rd dimensional life…and it is those reactions that I would like to address, at this time.

A reaction is a choice…many of you may not agree with that statement; however it is still the truth. Whenever an event in your life results in a specific outcome, it is at that moment that you have a choice as to how you will respond to that outcome.

You can just react right away, with anger, fear, etc, without giving it any thought…or you can pause for a moment and seek your “center” before you speak, or react…and your response will be much more neutral and with less uninhibited emotion. In most cases, when one is able to respond from their center, the situation will not be as charged with intense emotions, and will be able to be resolved in a clearer manner.

I understand that giving pause before you respond is most difficult to do…even I was challenged with that concept in the beginning. However, the rewards for seeking your center first are immense! Your days will be much more joyful and you will feel as if you are “in the moment” more…you will no longer be a slave to your emotions.

Now, of course it is easier to access your center more quickly if you are able to meditate regularly. However, formal meditation does not appeal to everyone, and I have learned that there are many ways to meditate…one can be in a meditative state while doing the gardening they are so passionate about, or when one goes for a walk in nature…this channeler likes to think of it as a form of “active” meditation…doing something that takes you to a higher, more spiritual state…and usually that happens when you are feeling passionate about whatever task thrills you the most…that is when you are in your center, your place that is your sacred space. It is from that space that you will be able to respond to situations from a more neutral perspective, and you will find yourself feeling as if you are “one” with everything!

The primary doctrine of what is called Buddhism is the concept of “non-attachment”…that is very similar to feeling neutral about things that are happening in your lives. If you are able to do that then you are “not attaching” your emotions toward that particular situation. Staying neutral also allows you to be more able to see both sides of the situation, which then allows for a more collaborative discussion instead of an argument.

So, the next time you are in the middle of an intense situation, and you are feeling like lashing out in anger or reacting defensively, teach yourself to “Take Three”…to take a three second break in that moment, so that you may try to respond less emotionally and in a more neutral manner. I would suggest you try to make those three seconds last for as long as you can…possibly by breathing deeply, to allow your emotions to calm down.

My channeler here is also trying to process what I am saying, and she knows she could also benefit greatly from the Take Three method. She is going to begin utilizing this approach and I am asking her to report back on what she learned from using it, in the near future, here.

My beloved friends, this journey of yours on Earth is a very challenging one…however, it can also reap great rewards for you if you learn to address your daily life and all its various experiences from your center…the center of your soul. Life is right in front of you for those who want to learn from it, and to continue to evolve themselves, and to also help others to find their center, along the way.

It was my pleasure to speak with you through this channel on this day. May your days be filled with Love.

Your Siddhartha Buddha.

Channeled by Losha.



Patricia Cota-Robles

August 29, 2021
 During the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination, Awakening Humanity in collaboration with our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven, cocreated the greatest shift of Consciousness ever attempted in any System of Worlds. Now that we have had some time to assimilate this incredible influx of Light, our I AM Presence is standing in readiness to help us perceive just how this shift of Consciousness is affecting each of us personally and all of us collectively. If you have not noticed changes already, all you have to do is ask your I AM Presence for this intuitive revelation. Then, if you pay attention, you will see not only positive changes in your own perceptions and behavior patterns, but you will also see that people, places, conditions and things in your sphere of awareness are gradually shifting in very positive ways. As you objectively observe, without interfering, the positive shifts taking place within the hearts and minds of your Loved Ones as well as the other people in your life, it will be obvious that something dramatic is happening. It is not that everyone is suddenly behaving in ways that are entirely different than their actions were in the past, but your silent observations will reveal that many of the people in your life are now responding in a kinder, gentler and more compassionate way to the people and situations manifesting in their daily lives. The people you are observing may not even be aware that their heart is more open or that for some odd reason they have better ideas and are able to think of more loving ways to handle the challenges that are surfacing in their lives. However, in spite of their lack of awareness, this is occurring because the original intensity of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love which we were all invested with at our inception when we were first Breathed forth as Sons and Daughters of God, has now been restored to its full Divine Potential. We have not been able to withstand this frequency of our Mother God’s Love since our fall from Grace millions of years ago.
 As Awakening Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity Cocreated a Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love, our Mother God was able to safely restore this frequency of her Love in every Heart Flame. Then, as she enveloped the I AM Presence of every person, the restoration of this frequency of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Love created the sacred space for the full activation of the Divine Masculine within every person’s Heart Flame. This intensity of our Father God’s Divine Will and Power has been almost dormant since our fall from Grace when we closed our Heart and our Mother God was forced to withdraw her Comprehensive Divine Love. The activation of the Divine Masculine within every person’s Heart Flame was an essential factor in preparing for the next step of the unfolding Divine Plan. Once the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in every Heart Flame were restored to their original balance and intensity, every person’s I AM Presence was able to permanently secure the original Presence of Unity Consciousness within our Heart Flame. This frequency of Unity Consciousness pulsates with the full Divine Potential of Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness the Sons and Daughters of God were invested with when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God. The God Victorious accomplishment of this mighty feat restored every person’s Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame to the original intensity our Father-Mother God Breathed into our heart at our inception. We have experienced small increments of expansion in our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame every now and then over many decades. However, for the very first time since our fall from Grace millions of years ago the full Divine Potential that our Father-Mother God Breathed into our Threefold Flame at our Inception has now been fully restored. When we experience the full magnitude of how this event has changed our life, the Beings of Light said we will perceive it as miraculous. The power and positive influence of this awesome Divine Intervention from our Father-Mother God and the newly empowered Presence of Unity Consciousness cannot be denied, avoided or suppressed by the fragmented and fear-based human ego of even the most recalcitrant or resistant Son or Daughter of God.
 The Company of Heaven said our I AM Presence alone has the ability to influence how this NEW frequency of our Threefold Flame will Transfigure our life and accelerate our Ascension process. Our I AM Presence is One with our Father-Mother God and functions in perfect alignment with God’s Will and our Divine Plan. What has now occurred in every Heart Flame will be a powerful catalyst that will create Life-transforming shifts for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. The Company of Heaven wants us to know that every day as we Breathe our newly Elevated Holy Breath, the integration of our I AM Presence is being amplified within us. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and all the spaces in-between the atoms and molecules of our Earthly Bodies are now receiving and assimilating multidimensional and multifaceted Divine Light through our newly empowered Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.
 We are One with God and the fullness of our Father-Mother God now abides within us through our fully restored Threefold Flame. With the guidance of our I AM Presence all that we are Called to do, we will now be inspired to do with enthusiasm and happiness for we will know that nothing is too insignificant. With every endeavor we will be embraced in the perfect balance of our Father God’s Power and our Mother God’s Love as well as the full Enlightenment of Christ Consciousness bestowed upon every Son and Daughter of God at our inception. With the amplified integration of our I AM Presence, we are now able to hear our Intuitive Inner Guidance in new ways.  As we focus on this Inner Guidance, we will realize that with the Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence and our newly empowered Threefold Flame we have the ability to liberate our Father-Mother God’s Light in every physical and chemical interaction within our Earthly Bodies. This Light is now Healing and recalibrating all of the energy bonds within atoms and between atoms to the vibrational frequency of God’s Infinite Physical Perfection.
 We are now able to comprehend in brand NEW ways that our Father-Mother God’s Eternal Light pulsates with a Divine Wisdom that contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin and electronic charge of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. Through Humanity’s newly Elevated Holy Breath, ALL of the energy bonds within the Atomic Realm are now being accelerated in vibration toward the frequency of the New Earth’s 5th-Dimansional Crystalline Solar Light.
 Through the Luminous Being of Light that is formed by Humanity’s Unified I AM Presences, every person on Earth is now receiving and assimilating the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge encoded within their own individual I AM Presence, their recently activated Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA and now their fully restored Threefold Flame. As this occurs, every person’s I AM Presence is liberating the Heart-based patterns encoded within the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge in our Twelve Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA. As these Heart-based patterns flood the Earth, they penetrate into every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein. These interactions include the relationships of all people, all organizations, all cultures, all races, all religions and all nations.
 All of these interactions are now being liberated into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus greatly expanding the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence and our fully restored Threefold Flame on Earth. Through every person’s integrated I AM Presence, our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA and our fully restored Threefold Flame, ALL of us are now able to clearly receive the Divine Promptings, Ideas and Concepts from our Father-Mother God. All we have to do is ask. The Beings of Light have affirmed that as this profound Truth resonates in every person’s Heart Flame, our physical realities will be Transfigured into the Love-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth. Dear One, with Eternal Peace and Infinite Gratitude contemplate this information and allow the amplified Divine Energies from your I AM Presence and your fully restored Threefold Flame to be assimilated at a cellular level as you revel in the Bliss of this Knowing. 
 God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. 
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2021 Patricia Cota-Robles

Feeling Good is Feeling God.