Category Archives: Arcturians

You chose the path that you are on because you knew you were the best ones for the job. You knew that humanity’s ascension would have a domino effect on the rest of the galaxy, and you wanted to be there on the front lines.

Humanity’s Challenging Path ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are familiar with the process that you all are in right now. We became ninth dimensional by ascending, and before we ascended to the ninth dimension, we of course had to ascend to the fifth. We are aware of the journey that you are on, even though yours is different from ours, and we want you to know that the path you have chosen for ascension is by no means easy.

You are showing the rest of the universe how it is done, how it is possible to move from such a polarized version of reality to an integrated one. We, and so many others like us, are in awe of you, and we want to share our appreciation for what you are doing. It is no small feat. It is also no accident that you are the ones who are taking this particular path.

You knew how challenging it would be, and you chose to be there anyway. Now, you did this not because you are masochists, and not because you felt you needed to prove yourselves to anyone else, or even to Source. You chose the path that you are on because you knew you were the best ones for the job. You knew that humanity’s ascension would have a domino effect on the rest of the galaxy, and you wanted to be there on the front lines.

So when it is particularly hard to be there, remember that you wanted this challenge, and you wanted this challenge because you wanted to feel what it was like to move so far in a single lifetime, to explode with love, joy, and freedom bursting from your hearts. You wanted this. You are ready for this, and you are going to enjoy the rest of this journey to the fifth dimension. You are going to enjoy your shift to 5D more than we enjoyed ours, because we did not choose such a difficult path.

And so, we also want to express how much we hold you in a high esteem. You have many fans out in the galaxy, and we are amongst the biggest.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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example of a situation that could come up in the next several months that would bring you all together and prepare you for full and open extra-terrestrial contact.


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the different probabilities that humanity has in front of you, and we are noticing that more timelines have opened up in recent weeks. Now, these timelines are about bringing you all closer to one another, as becoming a unified human collective is showing itself to be more important than ever. 

So there are preparations being made by the physical extra-terrestrials who are continually watching you. They want very much to ensure that humanity will be ready when they make themselves know to everyone across the world. The unification of humanity is necessary, and it is something that all of the benevolent e.t.s are working towards.

We want you to know that all of us here in the non-physical are working towards that as well, and we can see how a global event could bring you all together. Now, you often do not agree on how certain situations on your planet should be addressed, but something like a giant meteor headed towards one of your large continents or oceans is something you could all agree upon as a bad thing.

Now if something like this were to occur, it would either burn up when entering the Earth’s atmosphere, be destroyed en route, or it would miss and not impact the Earth in any way. A scare like that has the potential to bring you all together, just as ever natural disaster does. We are not saying this will happen, but we are giving you an example of a situation that could come up in the next several months that would bring you all together and prepare you for full and open extra-terrestrial contact.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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Meetings in the Astral Realm ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have arranged for a meeting to take place that will include many of you who are receiving this transmission. You see, we often meet with you individually in the astral plane, while you are asleep. And so, we decided to bring you all together at a time when most of you are asleep.

There will be certain arrangements made to include as many of you as we can in this meeting, and the meeting will be about the primary goals that we all have for humanity. We want to get on the same page with all of you, and we want all of you to be on the same page as well.

So there will actually be several meetings like this, not just because you all sleep at different times, but also because we want there to be a progression of ideas. And while we never come to a complete and unanimous consensus in these types of meetings, it is our desire to get as many of you in agreement as we can so that the focus for humanity can be on the common goal of expansion, growth, and ways in which you all can come together as a collective.

This is a brief list of our goals for humanity, and we are not alone. There are many beings in the higher realms who share these desires and who are working to bring about the experience of a common ground amongst as many of you as we can.

And then we will get to the part where we implement a plan to bring this goal and all of these goals to fruition. We are seeing much more cooperation than we have amongst the awakened, at least while you are asleep, and we will continue to facilitate this coming together of humans.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You Receive Because You Feel.

You Receive Because You Feel ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are the best possible senders of high frequency energies to all of you who have been receiving our transmissions on a regular basis. You see, we can tell how you are receiving the energies, what you are doing with them, and then we receive your more specific requests as well. This helps us to calibrate the energies that we send.

Now, your Earth, sun, and spirit guides are doing the same. What makes you better candidates for receiving the energies that we and the other beings send is that you decided that before you incarnated in this lifetime that you would awaken. In order to awaken, you would also need to be sensitive, empathic, compassionate beings.

In order to receive higher frequency energies, you must first be attuned to what feels good and what does not feel good. This is what makes you all excellent creators. It makes you all harder to lie to, and it gives you so many different ways to help others. If you don’t know how something feels when someone else experiences it, then it’s harder for you to have compassion for that person and to hold space for them.

Now, you also have the opposite end of the spectrum there on planet Earth. You have people who do not feel much of anything at all, and we have a very hard time reaching them in any way that we have attempted thus far. Therefore, we need your help in reaching the humans that we can’t, and one thing that you have in common with them that we do not is that you are physical human beings.

And there will always be a way to reach one of your human cohorts there who needs reaching. We will continue to deliver the energies to you, and we will continue to implore you to spread those energies around so that others may experience what it feels like to engage with higher frequency energies.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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You don’t have to grab anyone and shake them awake. In fact, they’re much more likely to benefit from all that you have received if you go about living your life quietly and joyously, in harmony and in peace.

You Receive & You Give ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving you more now than we have been previously in our transmissions, and we are doing so because you have shown an ability to handle more. Now, of course, when you receive more you feel the need to spread it around. And so, we see many of you scrambling to do something, anything, with all of the transmissions of energy, all of the activations, and all of the downloads of information that you’ve been given.

You want to shout it from the rooftops and to help others awaken in whatever way that you can. Now, of course, this is something that you do out of compassion for others, but there is also that desire to have others share in your experience so that you don’t feel so lonely and so that you can have others around you confirming that what you are experiencing is real.

So we want you to pay attention to that tendency that might come up within you – the tendency to try with all of your might to get others to awaken. Instead, what you really want to do is appreciate that you have been able to receive more, take what you have received, and put it into some form of expression. Even if it is a book that no one else will ever read, or a work of art that no one else will ever see, you will have taken the energy and put it into the physical realm. And that matters.

Next, we suggest that you take all of the energy that you are being given and utilize it for the purpose of sending it out to others who are in need. You can do this quietly. You can send healing energy and transmissions of love. You don’t have to grab anyone and shake them awake. In fact, they’re much more likely to benefit from all that you have received if you go about living your life quietly and joyously, in harmony and in peace. That’s the vibration that will help others to awaken.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Listen to the audio here

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downloads will help each individual to see each situation from multiple sides, and that will help to lessen the polarity, and that will help you to no longer see anyone else in this galaxy as your enemy.

Downloads Are Coming ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in witnessing the next several months that humanity has in front of you. We are very optimistic about what we will witness, and we are collaborating at this time with many other higher dimensional collectives to assist you in bringing about the age of enlightenment on planet Earth.

Now, this will be achieved through many downloads that you will receive. Sometimes you will receive these downloads in the bath or the shower, other times when you are asleep, and at other times during meditation or when you are relaxing or enjoying yourselves. These downloads will contain more of the galactic history that you have been a part of.

You all have taken part in the history of this galaxy, and therefore, you have many different perspectives operating within you all at once. This is why humanity is so important for the rest of the galaxy and universe, especially when it comes to the shift.

You will be able to hold many different perspectives all at once as a result of these downloads that you receive. You will be able to see how each group of beings, or each star system, has its perspective on how the lack of harmony in the galaxy was created.

You will be able to see both sides of every argument and every dilemma, and you will use this to not only help the rest of the beings in our galaxy, but also to help all of you who are there on Earth now, navigating through a time when people who disagree with one another get very angry, very triggered by those disagreements.

The reason why is because each of those individuals carries within them the history of the galaxy and all that has occurred. So these downloads will help each individual to see each situation from multiple sides, and that will help to lessen the polarity, and that will help you to no longer see anyone else in this galaxy as your enemy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Listen to the audio here

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Because Love/oneness is the only reality, all false concepts about love must be allowed to fade away and be replaced by a deeper realization of what love really is.

We are the Arcturian Group, a collective of ascended Arcturian beings from the eighth dimension here to assist Gaia and her people during these times of ascending consciousness.
 Know that these messages as well as others that may resonate with you are in reality your own state of consciousness manifesting as the particular message.  If this were not true, you would not be drawn to or be able to understand them.
 You, who are spiritually prepared to expand beyond the illusion and integrate truth are the forefront of the ascension process.  You chose to be on earth during these times of intense energetic chaos and change in order to complete your own third dimensional spiritual journey and become the first wave of ascension and example for those following.
 You are preparing the way for those of the second wave–individuals spiritually ready to awaken but who until now have resisted doing so.  Know that the Light of so many now awakening out of three dimensional sleep state, is shifting and dissolving the old paradigm, even when things appear to getting worse.  Try not to give up hope but rather stand back as an observer for you are soon going to see much that will restore the  hope you may have lost.
 You serve as living breathing examples of unconditional love for those around you when you realize and begin to live out from a consciousness that knows unconditional love is the only reality and that anything else simply represents conditioned beliefs about love such as; its absence, concepts about, or its reality.
 Unconditional love can only ever be all there is because there is only ONE–one substance, one life, one reality, one law.  Love is the energetic glue connecting  everything within this Infinite ONE and those who ignorantly continue to believe in and live out from a consciousness of separation and duality create for themselves the illusory forms of these beliefs.
 You can ignore, but never change the reality of Oneness by judging from outer appearances as proof of its nonexistence.  Continuing to hold to the third dimensional belief system after outgrowing it only delays a person’s spiritual evolution because Oneness is the foundation of all reality and must be acknowledged at some point.  For some it may be in a future life, for you it is now.
 There are some who present a very religious face to the public, preaching ideas of love, but who do not practice them when confronted with experiences or opportunities that may result in personal inconvenience or lifestyle discomfort.  Unconditional love cannot continue being flowery words spoken or written, but must become an attained state of consciousness.
 Because Love/oneness is the only reality, all false concepts about love must be allowed to fade away and be replaced by a deeper realization of what love really is.  The third dimensional belief system has created and promoted hundreds of concepts of love, the grandest of them being romantic love.
 Romantic love is based in the belief that everyone is half of a couple. This concept would be true if humans were simply physical, but they are not and never have been.  Although appearing to be just physical, the reality is that everyone is a whole and complete expression of Divine consciousness having the experience of being in physical form.
 Many, even the very evolved are reluctant to move past their favorite three dimensional concepts of love but as long as an individual continues to seek wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment from another, they remain just that– half of a couple.
 This does not mean that spiritually awakened individuals will or can never have happy and fulfilling relationships, it simply means that their relationships will unfold in new and higher ways, without the seeking, yearning,  and intense game playing that constitutes most three dimensional relationships.
 When a person attains a consciousness of being whole and complete, the mind interprets this outwardly in forms that represent wholeness and completeness for the individual–a surgeon may get new ideas for surgery, the mechanic may get new ideas for fixing something, and the right life partner may show up–or the opportunity to live alone–whatever represents fulfillment for the individual.
 Those of you hoping for right partnership must accept, live, be, and integrate the truth that  completeness and fulfillment already fully exists within.  Consciously bring to mind; “I am one with and can never be separate from my perfect partner-Divine Consciousness”.   Once again we remind you that you are creators.
 Attachment to another even when there is no energetic alignment has to do with many things. Two people may of had happy relationships in other lifetimes as partners, siblings, or friends and are drawn to do it again.  This is why some are drawn to same gender relationships.
 Frequently, and especially in these times of closure for many, two people will come together in order to compete some unfinished lesson or experience from an earlier lifetime.  For some it is their opportunity to once and for all resolve some long standing karmic situation in a loving way.
 Occasionally two people come together in spite of intense dislike because sub-consciously they know that the higher frequencies of Light pouring to earth at this time will enable them to clear and move beyond the negative past life issue between them.
 Anyone who understands higher truth is spiritually  ready to let go of and move beyond concepts of love promoting that family, friends, country, church, etc. must always be fully supported and accepted whether right or wrong because this is love.

                    Love is the unconditional realization of another’s Christhood. 
 Since in reality there is no time, you can always acknowledge another’s Christhood after the fact, when you remember that you forgot to do it when with the person.  This is how you practice living, breathing, and being Reality.
 Let go of concepts  proclaiming that things need, should, or must be a certain way in order to be correct. Most of the worlds’ “should’s and shouldn’t’s” have been carried in collective consciousness from earlier times when they may of actually made sense for personal safety.  Others are nothing more than rules and regulations given by third dimensional thinkers, governments, and religious leaders often to promote their own agendas.
 You are ready to come out from under the bondage of three dimensional thinking because you have evolved beyond the need for someone to tell  you what is right and what is wrong–you already know what is right and wrong.
 Allow yourselves to be who and what you are.  If family or friends think you have become a  “weirdo”,  simply laugh, bless them, and move on.  Does God need outer validation?    Where could it come from since IT is all there is?
 You validate yourselves and it is called evolution.   When you can finally move past commonly accepted beliefs and replace them with truth, you stop energetically feeding the manifestations of duality and separation.
 You must accept that you have attained a consciousness that no longer needs to seek, search, and struggle to find God.  You are no longer beginners or you would not understand the deeper truths.  It is time to live your attained state of consciousness without further doubt and procrastination.
 Many come to intellectually accept truth but continue to live exactly as they always have,  considering truth to be a nice idea, but not practical.  Many go to church regularly in the belief that this makes them spiritual.  There is nothing more practical for a whole, complete, and joyous life than a consciousness fully aware that these qualities are ever present and available within.
 In order to get to  where you are today, you have had thousands of experiences and studied truth in its various forms  and modalities throughout  many lifetimes.  In this lifetime, some of you are now living or have lived and carry with you in cellular memory strict religious beliefs with all their rules and regulations but finding that you no longer resonate with the teachings.
 For some it takes a great deal of courage to live truth when it begins to unfold from within.  A person may be afraid to speak of these things  to those of his old mindset be they family, friends, or church elders.  Living truth is not for the faint hearted especially in the beginning,  but continuing to align with some organization or individual out of fear of criticism serves only to keep the person in energy he has outgrown and where he will continue to create experiences reflective of that energy.
 The choice is yours, dear ones.  Do you choose to be what you already are or do you wish to continue with the illusion of being a poor human constantly suffering third dimensional problems and continually seeking a savior, human or Divine, to save you?.
 Stop  waiting for someone or  something to change the world for you.  Only the awakened consciousness of the collective can and is shifting the three dimensional world out of illusion.
 Allow the real YOU  to create your experiences.  You are your own Light should you choose to accept this fact.
 You are Divine Consciousness in expression.  Claim it.
  We are the Arcturian Group     

So celebrate it with us, and look for more ways to enjoy this journey that we are all on together.

The Love that Binds ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been enjoying the ride that humanity has taken us on, and we invite you to enjoy it with us. We want you all to feel the certainty that we have that life on planet Earth is getting better and will continue to get better as you move forward here.

Now, a lot of that can be attributed to the energies that you are receiving, but you all deserve credit as well. You deserve credit for hanging in there, and you deserve credit for being the receivers of the energies. You certainly have the option of deflecting them.

We also want you to acknowledge you for all that you have endured, and we want you to know how significant it is that you feel compassion for people that you have never met and probably never will meet. You have broadened your horizons to include more than just those in your family of origin, and you have expanded beyond thinking of only those who are in your community or in your country.

You are including more people in your prayers because of your awareness of the suffering of others all around the world, and this is significant. It is significant to know that their pain is your pain and your pain is their pain. It is even more significant to recognize that what binds all together is not your race, your religion, your nationality, your gender, or your sexuality. What binds you all together is love.

The commonality of that experience is something that is far more significant than you will ever know. It is the frequency of Source, or the best possible way you have of knowing Source, and knowing yourselves as Source. The love that binds you all together is eternal and infinite, as are you. And nothing can take that away from you.

So celebrate it with us, and look for more ways to enjoy this journey that we are all on together.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

picture credit :Morning Gloryville London

We are working together so harmoniously with that common goal of making sure you are ready for the next big download of energies, and you can help us out by making sure that you are hydrated, well-rested, and grounded in your physical bodies.

The Energies that Are Coming Your Way ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have taken every possible precaution to ensure that you will never receive more of our energy than you are capable of handling. We are working with many other beings to ensure that humanity is never overloaded overwhelmed, and we also monitor your activity in terms of how much physical action you are taking versus how much rest and relaxation your bodies require.

And so, this is where your ascension symptoms come into play. They will slow you down when you need to be slowed down, and they will get you to go within when going within is what serves you. When you are at rest, you are more likely to feel what you are feeling, and if there is anything that we would like to convince you to do more of, it is the feeling of your emotions.

We would also like to introduce you to the vast array of vibrations that you have within you to choose from, but you do need to get through certain emotions first. You cannot just jump right past the main course and start on dessert. So these are the things that we pay attention to as we watch you, and as we said, there are many other beings who are assisting in the observation and the recalibration.

We are working together so harmoniously with that common goal of making sure you are ready for the next big download of energies, and you can help us out by making sure that you are hydrated, well-rested, and grounded in your physical bodies. You can also take better care of yourselves by letting go of foods and beverages that you know do not serve you, and you can all benefit from a cleanse every once in a while.

You are wanting to have the cleanest and most pure of vessels for the energies that are coming your way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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This shift is about all of you being the highest frequency conduits of energy you can possibly be.

You Are High Frequency Conduits ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are placing a great deal of our attention on how humanity is going to handle the influx of energies that you are receiving at this time. The reason why it is important for us to notice how you are handling the energies is because we need to constantly monitor how much transformation you are ready for.

Now, some of you are ready to become your higher selves completely and ascend to the fifth dimension, but most of you are not. Most of humanity needs to experience much more of that fourth dimensional energy before they are ready to transform completely.

Sometimes when you add high frequency energy to an equation it doesn’t always give you the results you might expect. So most of humanity is being slowly coaxed into the hot bath of the fifth dimensional energies. But when those of you who are awakened are able to handle more, you sort of filter the energies for the rest of the collective.

The energies move through you, they transform you, and then they are made available to the rest of humanity in that filtered form, which is a bit watered down. The trees and the animals do this as well, and you have joined them in their mission to help humanity, to ready all of you, for those very high frequency energies that are coming at the time of the shift.

Now, when you perform an energy healing on someone, you send them the highest frequency energies they are ready for. When you send someone a transmission of love, you are literally sending that love at the highest frequency they are capable of handling. We are watching. We are monitoring, and we are working with you.

So you can relax and know that you are doing enough just by being there and by being open to receive. This shift is not about doing, and it’s not about defeating any dark forces. This shift is about all of you being the highest frequency conduits of energy you can possibly be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

EXTENDED by one day – Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Listen to the audio here

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Like You Are High Frequency Conduits ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council on Facebook

Once and for all let go of continuing to seek and search for God.You have found him and He is YOU.

DECEMBER 30,2018

Greetings dear ones.  We observe that many of you are now able to rest in energies of peace and calm in spite of outer appearances. This is because your integration of higher frequencies more in alignment with your true nature are starting to manifest outwardly in every day living.

All is proceeding according to plan.  You are and will continue to witness universal discord for a while longer because those wishing the world to remain asleep in order that  their financial and power coffers remain filled, are resisting through fear tactics that have worked in the past.
 Stay true to your highest awareness at all times dear ones, for by doing this you stop contributing more energy to the illusory “powers” of the third dimensional belief system.  Higher dimensional  Light is increasing every day even though it may not seem that way.  Many are now awakening or at least beginning to question the status quo.  All is proceeding according to plan.
 Be not afraid dear ones–Be not afraid.
 Because today is a time of change and shifting awareness for everyone, fear and trepidation is manifesting in the hearts of those who are unaware of the evolutionary process taking place at this time.  Be aware that some will be drawn to your energy simply seeking your opinion while others may have become temporarily unbalanced by world events.
 When a person’s  belief system begins to fail, their sense of security collapses as well causing some to believe that they are losing their mind,  creating more fear and confusion.  When this happens, some individuals act out negatively in a futile attempt to restore the familiar, while others simply begin their  awakening process.
 Understand that you who are spiritually awake today were the un-awakened ones in previous lives.  Along the way you too lived from the same mindset as the spiritually young souls causing many of today’s problems.  Evolution by earth school is a process of experiences through many lifetimes where after  having had most every experience possible the individual is finally ready to graduate beyond that form of learning.
 Everyone is seeking peace and love regardless of whether or not they are aware it.  This is why you will find people drawn to the energy of your awakened consciousness even though they do not really understand why they feel comfortable seeking you out.  However, do not be surprised if you occasionally experience baseless hostility from some few who react to your energy field with fear. Silently bless them and move on.
 For those who are receptive, you can explain what is happening both within and without, but for those not yet ready or able to grasp  the bigger picture, simply give them comfort and love on levels they align with.  Always trust your intuition and use spiritual discernment–give spiritual pablum to the babes, and spiritual meat only to the grown ups.
 Always work with those drawn to you for guidance from levels of compassion rather than sympathy because in sympathy you align with the person’s lower resonating energy.
 The higher frequencies are disrupting what is old, but it does not mean the end of the world as many still  believe and fear.  Rather, it is the end of the world as it has been known.  Higher forms of Divine ideas  will begin to appear as their old three dimensional forms fall away, bringing to world consciousness ideas never before known or even imagined with human thinking.
 Higher dimensional expressions of healing, finance, education, science, government, and business, will become the norm as fifth dimensional energy replaces old three dimensional concepts based competition, lack, and limitation designed to get the most money possible out of every idea or institution.
 Hospitals,  schools,  businesses, and government will continue but will function from a higher level that serves from oneness rather than from separation consciousness.  Hospitals and schools of learning exist in the higher dimensions and many of you visit them when you are asleep,  bringing new ideas back with you. This is how inventors often get new ideas and because there is only One, the same invention is often  thought of at the same time.  Everything on earth is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
 Be prepared for some businesses to close regardless of tactics used to remain successful.  Those based in energies of self- service over service to others will be unable to align with the higher frequencies of fifth dimensional energy.  Businesses  based in the spiritual principles of love and gratitude that are the foundation of all business–  (I  give to you this product or service that is right for you, and you give me money as gratitude)–will expand and remain successful.
 It is important to resist expectations of what changes will be or  must look like because expectations based in three dimensional thinking are very limited and consist of what is already known.  Simply remain open to whatever ways change may present itself and  know that there will be times when you may not like what you are seeing.
 In third dimensional energy where time still exists, there must always be a process, an unfolding versus the immediate.  Much that is coming is not yet a part of the collective consciousness.
 You are now aware that in order for interactions of any kind to work harmoniously, there must be an energetic alignment.  As personal and global energies expand, many are finding themselves no longer in alignment with what has always been familiar and comfortable, be it relationships or ideas.
 Trust your intuition in all things.  If something no longer feels right to you, trust this.  Intuition works softly and silently and will not be heard by anyone choosing to stay plugged in 24/7.   Allow yourself to let go of the things in your life that no longer work for you as they once did. This need not be a huge effort or struggle and can be as simple as eliminating certain foods.  Anyone choosing to evolve must be open change.
 Those refusing change, standing firm in obsolete three dimensional ideas–  ( “This is the way we have always done it!  This is the only right way!  This is the real truth.  Government knows best. That is woman’s work. That is a sin!” )  –are in for many surprises and will soon find themselves to be in the minority, much like someone  on a deserted island shouting into the air.
 The sense of isolation that may result from  refusing change or compromise can be an important spiritual tool for those continuing to hold rigid three dimensional  beliefs.   The experience may cause them to question  whether their  belief system really is correct,  is simply what they have been told, or is just ego desiring to be right.
 Everyone’s “stuff” is rising to the surface in order to be looked at and this can be very stressful.  Never lose sight of the fact that  you wanted and chose to be on earth  at this intense and powerful time or you would not be here.  Problems arise because the majority as of yet does not consciously know this.
 There remain many who still believe that everyone lives only one life after which they go to either heaven or hell depending on how well they followed the “rules” during  that one life.  This false belief is what causes some to do whatever it takes get everything they desire in this one  life regardless of the consequences to others.
 Once you realize and integrate the realization that God is all there is, you understand as well that there is a Divine plan of unification (Oneness) forever held  in place by Divine Law.  Some third dimensional issues that previously caused problems now begin to lose their seeming power because you are no longer in alignment with that particular energy.
 Living the spiritual life never necessitates  leaving the world as many still believe, it simply means learning to be in the world but not of it because no matter where you may go to get away from something, you always bring your state of consciousness with you which will in turn express itself as the same issues you hoped to leave behind.
 It is important that you realize we are not saying that leaving a violent or dangerous situation is not wisdom, we are saying that your  state of consciousness is what forms your outer experiences and must be carefully examined if you wish things to change.
 Trust that you are exactly where  you are supposed to be even if you are tempted to believe that you are not. Never compare yourselves to others who may seem to be evolving more quickly.  Each of you is working through and moving beyond hundreds of different experiences.
 Once and for all let go of continuing to seek and search for God.  You have found him and He is YOU.
  We are the Arcturian Group                                                                             12/30/18

(The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele)

what we recommend is that you feel for the essence of all of humanity’s desires put together.

The Combined Desires of Humanity ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have taken all of the desires of humanity, and we have put them together to create a representation of all of those combined desires. The combined desires of all of humanity has a unique vibration, and we have identified that vibration so that we can send it to you in the form of a download. This is a download that you will all receive in your energy fields around the time of your new year.

Now, like any gift, you have to be willing to receive it. You have to unwrap it, open it, and appreciate it. So what we recommend is that you feel for the essence of all of humanity’s desires put together. Feel it around you, and invite it in. In so doing you will become a part of the fulfillment of those desires.

Now, you all have your own desires wrapped up within the essence of all of humanity’s desires. And when you access all desires, you access your own. You are beginning to operate as a collective, and this is one of the ways in which you are achieving that goal. There are many more to come, of course, but this is a wonderful place to start.

As you acknowledge that everyone else’s desires on Earth have a place right next to your own you begin the process of unification, and that is what this upcoming year is all about for all of you.        

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Reattaching Your DNA ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are pleased to announce that the energies you have been receiving from the higher realms have altered your DNA. Now, as you know, the human being typically has two strands of DNA. And you also have junk DNA, which was previously not junk DNA. Your bodies carry that DNA with you because just as you are reassembling all of your parts to become your higher selves, you are also reassembling your DNA.

It is happening at this time because of how open you have all been to receiving energy, feeling emotions, and releasing trauma from past life experiences. Now, of course, it is affecting everyone differently, but these are growing pains, and there is much more left to be reassembled.

You are activating within you the junk DNA, and then it is reattached to give you more strands. But not everyone is ready to be receiving all of that junk DNA. Not everyone is ready to have twelve strands. The process of reassembling this DNA will take time. It will depend on the individual and his or her openness to the energies, and it will also depend on how much that person has yet to process.

However, the good news is that most humans who are awakened are taking quite nicely to the process. And so, it is important for you all to allow this to occur without freaking out when you have some issues in your physical bodies. Rest, relax, and take care of yourselves, because there is, of course, more to come.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You don’t need to wait for e.t.s to land, and you don’t need to wait for mass arrests. You don’t even need to wait for the event to create the world that is beneficial for everyone to be upon.

The Help You’ve Been Seeking ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed that the trend on planet Earth right now is to look for ways to create a better planet for everyone. You have reached a tipping point in your evolution, and there is no stopping the energetic momentum that you have going towards actualizing that world, even before the shift is completed.

You don’t need to wait for e.t.s to land, and you don’t need to wait for mass arrests. You don’t even need to wait for the event to create the world that is beneficial for everyone to be upon. It is the movement that you are making towards this world that is quite noticeable to us, as we see you reaching out to those in need, and we see you supporting each other, and wanting to know how you can do more to serve.

Now this trend will continue, and the momentum will continue to build upon itself as you see the results of your conscious creation. When you are able to help yourselves to the extent that you possibly can, that’s when you will receive the help and the technology that you want to make broad, sweeping changes for the better, for all of humanity.

Now, we are not saying that you have to earn this help or that the technology is being held back until you find the ability within you to create this Earth we are talking about. What we are saying is that when you are holding the proper vibration to receive more help, that’s when you will get it. That’s when it will not be interference, it will be an enhancement of what you have already done.

You all know this to be true. You know that as you help each other, you put out a vibration that has to come back to you. And it will come back in a very big way. It is by helping each other that you open the door for more help from above.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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You are there on Earth leading by example, holding space for humanity, and wanting what is best for every single person on the planet.

The Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the perspective on this time on planet Earth that is most beneficial to all of you, but we cannot make you take on our perspective. All we can do is share it with you as a gift, and then you will have the option of whether you want to receive the gift that we are giving you.

Our perspective is that you are awakening within you so much of the light that the world needs, and yet you often do not give yourselves credit for the fact that you are doing so much for the rest of humanity. Your consciousness there on Earth is bringing about the great changes that you want to see.

Those of you who are awakened want to experience a better world, and you want that world to be a better world for everyone. Just the fact that you hold that desire within you is a huge service to humanity. The big picture here is that you are breaking down barriers that have existed within each of you. You have been defragmenting yourselves and becoming whole.

That work alone is so significant that if it were all that you did, it would still be enough of a contribution. When you realize that the outside world must reflect what is going on inside of you, and you take note of all of the wonderful work that you have done, it should then be impossible for you all to not acknowledge yourselves. We want you to do just that on a regular basis so that you can take the pressure off of yourselves to do more or to be more than you are right now.

You are there on Earth leading by example, holding space for humanity, and wanting what is best for every single person on the planet. And that common desire that you have for a better life for all unites you as a collective of lightworkers. This is the gift that you are to humanity. This is the second coming of the Christ Consciousness that you are celebrating on your Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We want you to know that the freedom from limitation that we are talking about has nothing at all to do with money, borders, governments, or even the cabal/illuminati/whatever name they are being called in this moment. You will be the ones who lift the veil, and that will occur in the moment you truly recognize that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love.

Lifting the Veil ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested to see how you are going to enjoy the feeling of liberation when you release yourselves from the limitations that you have placed upon you. This experience is one that you only get to have once, because you will never move from such a place of limitation to such a place of liberation. It’s not possible in any of the other dimensional shifts that you will make on your journey back to Source.

The agreement that you made to be third, and now fourth, dimensional before you incarnated is one that you did not take lightly. It is one that you knew would be the ultimate challenge of existence, and now that you are closing in on letting go of all of that limitation, we can feel the excitement and the enthusiasm within you.

We want you to know that the freedom from limitation that we are talking about has nothing at all to do with money, borders, governments, or even the cabal/illuminati/whatever name they are being called in this moment. You will be the ones who lift the veil, and that will occur in the moment you truly recognize that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love.

When you start living that truth in every moment, then nothing about your economy can keep you down. No chemtrail is strong enough to lower your vibration, and there is nothing that anyone can do, who is in one of those positions of power, that will be able to put the limitations back on you.

One of the greatest illusions that you are living under is that people outside of you have any sort of control over you. They do not decide for you whether you are in your hearts or not. That is all on you, and that is the freedom that you seek.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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You wanted to know what it would feel like to have so much joy and so much freedom, and so you chose to experience the opposite first.

Freedom from Limitations ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have never mistaken you for beings who would let yourselves be controlled by others. You are not a species that wants to be under the thumb of any other beings, including other humans. The fact that you agreed to incarnate on a planet and in a dimension where this type of oppression takes place means that you have done it for a very good reason.

You wanted to know what it would feel like to have so much joy and so much freedom, and so you chose to experience the opposite first. The vast majority of humans are playing a game with themselves, and it is a game of limitation. Now once that game is over, and there are far fewer limitations placed upon you, the feeling you will have will be that of exhilaration. You will step into your power in a very bold way.

And you will also realize that you took on the oppressors because you have been them in previous lifetimes. It’s not punishment. It’s not payback. It’s not that type of karma at all. It’s your willingness to experience something that will ultimately bring you to a place of sincere compassion for each other and for all who have ever been oppressed on Earth and everywhere else in the galaxy.

You are making this leap forward in your consciousness at the same time that you are throwing off the shackles of your limitations, the restrictions that you agreed to place upon yourselves. The two experiences are linked. You are not here to defeat those who have been the oppressors. And they go by many names. We don’t need to give you one of those names here. You all know who we are talking about.

You are here to access your power in spite of the current state of affairs on your world. You are the ones who will bring forth the higher frequency energies and run them through you, and make them available to others, in spite of the fact that you only enjoy a sliver of the freedom that you have coming to you in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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When you recognize that the shift is not happening because of changes in your political and economic systems, that’s when you know you are the ones who are making this happen.

The Maturing of the Awakened ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how many of you took our previous transmission to heart, and we are pleased to relay to all of you the truth that the energies that came through were even more powerful than anticipated. There has been a lot more interest in Earth of late because of your willingness to reach deep down inside of yourselves.

What we and others have been witnessing on Earth is a tendency on your part to give more of yourselves. We are noticing that more of than ever before are looking for ways in which you can feel that you are contributing to humanity and to the shift in consciousness. Not only that, but we also see that you are effectively bringing forth more of the truth of who you are as beings of light and love.

We see more of you tiring of the same old approaches that have been on Earth for quite some time, and we are noticing that the way in which most of you are going about shifting is through exploring your consciousness. We see you taking more of an active approach to the evolution of your consciousness, and we know that this trend will continue.

We know that those who are awakened are going to continue to mature. There will be more individuals looking to initiate the changes they want to see outside of themselves, and they will do so by going within. When you recognize that the shift is not happening because of changes in your political and economic systems, that’s when you know you are the ones who are making this happen.

And all the changes that you want to see on Earth will come as a result of how many of you are going within and seeking to feel something that you’ve never felt before.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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Receiving the Solstice Energies ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested and excited to see you all downloading the Solstice energies that are coming your way. We know that most of you who are awake celebrate these different points on your calendars, and that puts you in a place of expectation for something good to happen. When you are in that place of expectation, you open yourselves up more to receive that which is always coming to you.

Yes, you are always being given high frequency energies from the higher realms. You are always given upgrades, downloads, support, unconditional love, and information that will serve you on your journeys. But you’re not always open to receiving these gifts from above. So we also want to encourage you to see yourselves now as always in a place where you are expecting something good to be coming to you.

You’ve done enough asking, enough summoning, in this lifetime and all of your other lifetimes put together, but you have also experienced letdowns, disappointments, heartbreaks, and all sorts of financial and physical woes throughout these years that you’ve been on Earth and throughout all of your many lifetimes. So your expectations have not always been very high.

But if you focus on the energies that you are receiving, rather than the stuff, and the money, and the people, and the opportunities that you want, then it will be easier for you to change your expectations. And then it will be easier for you to receive.

We are so happy to see you receiving that which you have asked for and that which is yours for the taking. This is why we are encouraging you so much to make this a daily practice, and why not start right now? Do some active receiving of these beautiful Solstice energies that are coming your way. Let them wash over you. Let them open your hearts, and use them for creating the reality that you prefer.

And then continue to do so, day after day, after day. You will be surprised and delighted by how much energy there is for you. Feel for it and enjoy it. It is yours. You have summoned it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Letting Go Has Gotten Easier ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the way in which you all have been letting go of what no longer serves you in the recent weeks and months leading up to now. We have witnessed you all getting into a higher frequency state, and in so doing, becoming more aware of what is heavy for you. And then we can see you simply letting go, and we are very impressed with how easy it has become.

In your collective past, you would have seen something within you that held a lower vibration, and you would have held onto it with the belief that you needed to fix something within you. But truly it was the judgment that caused you to cling to something that no longer served you. However, now we can see the ease with which you are letting go of all that holds a lower frequency.

This is in large part due to your awareness of who you have been in previous lifetimes. When you recognize that you have had some very dark incarnations,and you know that you are doing such tremendous work in this lifetime of integrating those past life selves, you then must realize that you have somelower vibrational gunk that you simply have to acknowledge and then let go of.

You don’t need to identify with a thought or a belief. You don’t have to take on a prejudice that comes up within you as your own. You have the freedom to just let it all go. There is no need for you to go through a large number of steps in order to do so, and this knowing is making it so much easier for all of you to move on and to become the fifth dimensional beings that you were always destined to become in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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you can celebrate yourselves as a species for having been willing to do all of the work that you are doing on yourselves

Humanity’s Contributions ∞The 9thDimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are the perfect beings to contribute what you are contributing to the rest of the galaxy. You have shown your brothers and sisters in the other star systems how resilient you are, how creative you are, and how willing you are to experience such a wide range of emotions. When you realize that you get your creativity from your willingness to endure and feel, you can see that there is value in pain and suffering, and you can celebrate yourselves as a species for having been willing to do all of the work that you are doing on yourselves.

You are contributing so much just by living your lives, and yet some of you still feel inadequate. Some of you still feel that you are not doing enough to serve. We could not disagree more. Your willingness to incarnate on Earth says so much about your character. We are impressed by humanity every single day, as we see the compassion growing within the collective consciousness.

We know where the hear to humanity lies, and we are very pleased to see that more and more humans are discovering that heart, that willingness to feel, and that desire to let go of judgment. We see that the awakenings that are occurring on planet Earth are bringing you closer together every single day, and we marvel at the ways in which you connect with one another in spite of differences and distances between you.

You are a remarkable species, and you are shining at the best possible time. We are here to assist you, but most of the time we are simply thrilled to be able to observe who you are and what you are becoming on a moment-by-moment basis.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The word Christ does not refer only to the master known as Jesus/Jeshua as many believe, but rather Christ refers to Light, illumination, and a consciousness that fully realizes self to be SELF.

DECEMBER 16,2018

Dear readers, during these tumultuous times of confusion and strife, we remind you to never lose sight of the fact that the real Self and the real world is fully present at all times in spite of any outer appearances.  When qualities of love and  harmony are absent and chaos seems to reign over persons or situations, know that it can only be personal and collective three dimensional consciousness  manifesting.
 Many duality/separation concepts do not go lightly into the night even after the person understands that three dimensional creations based in duality and separation have no law to maintain or sustain them.   Because of this you may occasionally wonder; “Have I failed?  Why am I still experiencing  issues that  I thought I had cleared and moved on from ?”
 Never resist, claim,  or make a power out of the unwanted thoughts or actions that may occasionally pop up unexpectedly as you go about your day.  Rather, simply recognize them to impersonal thoughts floating about in the collective consciousness or remnants of energy still held in cellular memory.  As your consciousness becomes ever more enlightened, these experiences simply fade away.
 When negative fears and emotions arise, speak to your physical cells  telling them that it is a new time in which they no longer need to retain intense and often fear filled energies from the past in order to warn and protect you.  Lovingly inform them that these old energies are no longer necessary and that you want them  to be replaced with frequencies of Light that reflect the physical body’s Divine blueprint.
 Never become impatient when you find yourself experiencing emotions that you thought you had cleared because the intense experiences of your many various lifetimes often clears in layers, allowing you the time needed to be spiritually ready for each next layer.
 Know that God  has never formed ITself as fear, anxiety, hate, disease, or lack and limitation.  If God the only substance did not form ITself as these things, then they can not exist as reality.  Where then do these things come from?  You who are awakened know the answer, that they are the manifestations of personal and collective states of consciousness imbued with beliefs of duality and separation.
 You are ready to make truth your attained state of consciousness and begin living it rather than allowing it to remain  interesting dinner conversation.  Many of you still live with one foot in both worlds but that only works for so long.  Truth must be lived once it is known otherwise it just remains information to be dragged out now and then during intellectual discussions and the spiritual journey stagnates.
 Fear and anxiety is never yours  personally.  Only the sacred qualities of Source are personally yours. Everything else represents the the accumulated energy of the masses from hundreds of lifetimes lived in ignorance that created a consensus consciousness based in good and evil (duality), and separation.
 Often the remnants of energy from intense past life experiences (being burned at the stake, war, etc.) will remain hard wired in the physical cells and consciousness of even the very evolved until  a state of consciousness is attained in which lower resonating energies simply dissolve into the nothingness that they have always been and transmute into Light.
 You who resonate with these messages have been preparing through the experiences of many lives for these ascension times and are prepared to claim your Christhood.  The word Christ does not refer only to the master known as Jesus/Jeshua  as many believe, but rather Christ refers to Light, illumination, and a consciousness that fully realizes self to be SELF.
 Much of the world will soon celebrate  Christmas  in the belief that it represents the birth of the only son of God.  Carry with you into your Christmas celebrations the realization that the true Christmas is not the birth of the one and only son of God, but rather is the birth of Christ consciousness that takes place within each and every soul when they attain conscious Oneness with God/Source.
 How could an Omnipresent God limit ITself to manifesting through only one person?  Since IT is all there is, where would the rest of mankind come from? This myth, a false concept still perpetuated and accepted by many, represents the belief in separation and promotes  ideas of being “less than” by those who seek power over.
 Every soul at some point will experience a personal Christmas, the birth of Christ consciousness within.  For many it will not come in this lifetime but sooner or later it will because of who and what every person is, always has been, and forever will be–One Divine consciousness manifesting  ITself as infinite form and variety.  Every soul embodies the fullness of  all that God is regardless of how many lifetimes  lived or still being lived under the veils of duality and separation.
 Never doubt that you live forever.  Can an Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient God die?   The lives you chose to live in  third dimensional energy are and always have been simply educational pauses in your eternal life meant to bring you to where you are now–prepared for your personal CHRISTmas.
 Allow truth to penetrate your thinking in every situation, realizing that God alone is power, not a power over another power but rather simply the one and only power there is.  This realization automatically relegates all seeming powers to their rightful place as erroneous concepts and relieves a great deal of worry.
 You have graduated beyond the seeking and searching that was  necessary at the beginning of your spiritual awakening.   You now understand that everything you sought for over lifetimes was and is already present within you.   Rather than continuing to search and seek,  it is time to live the truth you know in every aspect of “ordinary” every day living and ceasing to judge some experiences as good and others as bad.
 You are quickly moving into new and higher dimensional states of consciousness yet some of you continue to seek and search in the belief that because you are not yet experiencing the fullness of your Divinity, you must continue to seek through rituals, practices, and begging God.
 Once you know where the Key To All Things  is hidden, continuing to seek and search for it in the outer  simply acts to block  access to it because the  belief in separation  is still alive and well in consciousness.  Does the college graduate feel any need to keep learning grade school lessons?
 LET GO of continuing to seek and search in the outer for that which you now know is and always has been fully present within!  Allow your own Christ to be born  regardless of how humble you may believe your stable to be.
 No one is more worthy or deserving than another and no one is or ever will be barred from experiencing their personal CHRISTmas because it is the eternal reality.
 In acknowledgement of your CHRISThood, we honor the true CHRISTmas of all.
  We are the Arcturian Group                                                                 12/16/18