Category Archives: Arcturians

And now that the door is open, soon it will be the floodgates.

Accessing Your Positive Past Lives ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are excited to announce that humanity has crossed another important threshold that will take you to the next step in your consciousness evolution. Those of you who have been doing the work on yourselves have cleared enough trauma and stuck energy from your past lives that the entire collective is now able to access more of the positive aspects of all of your collective past lives.

There have been many beautiful civilizations there on Earth, and many of you have achieved levels of mastery that you have yet to attain in this lifetime. This lifetime has been more about doing the clearing work necessary to ascend, but in certain past lives you were unencumbered by all of the baggage that you agreed to take on in this one. And so, you developed skills and abilities, and you downloaded knowledge and information, and most importantly, you became more loving and compassionate in those lifetimes that you lived in Atlantis, Lemuria, and as members of the Mayan civilization, as Native Americans, and as other aboriginal groups.

You have tended to develop more of your consciousness in those lifetimes when you lived closer to nature. In lifetimes where you were more civilized, and part of high society, you tended to not evolve as much. And so, this time that you are in is significant because as we said in our previous transmission, you are being given choices. As technology becomes a bigger part of your everyday life, you need to make time for nature. And when you do, you are more likely to access these evolved aspects of you from these previous lifetimes.

They had it easier. There is no denying that. Sometimes you would choose a path in a particular lifetime that would present you with challenge after challenge, and sometimes you would want a smooth and easy ride to see how far you could take your consciousness. And so, you’re not just there at this time to cleanse and clear all the negative lifetimes where you didn’t overcome those challenges, or where you had a tragic or traumatic end.

You are also there to bring in these aspects of self and integrate them. And what we are saying to you is that you’re being given that opportunity because of all the work you and everyone else who is awake has been doing. So make requests for which lifetimes and abilities you want to access and assimilate, because at this time, you do have access to more. And now that the door is open, soon it will be the floodgates.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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Protecting Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are living in a world that is giving you more and more reasons to keep your vibration high. If you can keep your vibration high in the world that you are living in, then all of the toxins will have a very limited effect on you. We are talking about the air pollution, the water pollution, the food pollution, and also the EMF pollution that you are currently enduring there on Earth. It is becoming more and more important that you take care of yourselves physically and spiritually, as well as emotionally, because of how many more detrimental toxic elements you have around.

And we also notice that you even have less oxygen in your air, much less than you once did. And so, it becomes more important for you to breathe consciously. It becomes more important for you to take in more air and to get out into nature, which is always good for you. It has become more important to your health and well being to eat pure foods, to drink pure water, and to do whatever you can to maintain your energy field.

As some of you know, there is this new technology that is being rolled out, and it is called 5G. Many of you are concerned about it, because of the studies that have shown the detrimental effects of being exposed to that particular EMF. So what are you to do? There are certain actions that you can take on the physical level, like getting some orgonite, lining your walls with lead, moving out into the country, where there are less of these transmitters around. And of course, you can shut off your Wi-Fi and your cell phones when you are not using them, and you can also use them less.

So, in addition to all of the steps that we have just outlined, you also have to find a way to keep your vibration high. You cannot just take care of yourselves physically. You have to process your emotions, especially the ones that come up when you that these gigantic corporations are going to be harming people. There is also even talk that this level of technology could be used for mind control, and again, you have to process your emotions about that. You cannot just fight the power.

First, you have to acknowledge what it is doing to you, what you can do about it, and then, by raising your vibration, you make yourselves less susceptible to the technologies that will continue to be rolled out to humanity. It is a good time to make that important decision about who you want to be. Do you want to be mind-controllable, or do you want to be openhearted, grounded, and connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature? These are the choices in front of you.      

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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You can help humanity by raising the consciousness of that collective. And as you raise that consciousness up to a higher range, then you no longer find yourselves living in a world where people are mistreated or where people have no access to basic living needs.

Humans Helping Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing more instances of humans helping other humans at this time, and we see the help coming from what you would call strangers and being given to strangers. You tend to help out your friends and family members, possibly even your neighbors, but now you have stepped into a time where you can reach all the way across to the other side of Mother Earth and deliver some much needed help to those in need of that help. As you awareness expands of how many people are in need on Earth right now, so does your compassion expand.

You are extending yourselves out to those that you may never know, and you are doing so not just because of that awareness, but also because of the compassion that we see you all holding more of in your hearts. Now at times, it can be overwhelming how many people are out there in the world suffering. And when you cannot help more than just a handful of the many, many humans in suffering, then we recommend that you process those emotions.

Rather than jumping right to solutions, you need to let yourselves feel what comes up for you. The mind always wants to fix because the mind then gets more active. It gets to do what it does, but your minds are less effective when your emotions are jamming your own signals.

Therefore, let yourselves feel what you feel when you see another human or a group of humans in suffering that you cannot help. You cannot help them in that moment. We just want to be clear about that. You can help humanity by raising the consciousness of that collective. And as you raise that consciousness up to a higher range, then you no longer find yourselves living in a world where people are mistreated or where people have no access to basic living needs.

So you can do your part by sending a donation to those in need after a flood, an earthquake, or a hurricane, and then you can send some of that compassion to them as well. You can send your energetic support, and you can continue to play your part as the awakened collective. Those of you who are awake are doing your part to bring about the new Earth as quickly as you can. And while you cannot change everything that needs changing on Earth in a heartbeat, the heart certainly is the place to start making those changes within you.

And as you operate from that heartspace, you will do what you can in the moment to help anyone who comes to you in their time of need. And eventually, there will be no more time of need. And you will be able to look back at your journey of consciousness and see that you helped make that happen.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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It is your vibration that is your biggest gift to humanity. Take very good care of yourselves.

More Support for Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the perspective on what you are all living that allows us to be optimistic. We understand why you cannot always hold that same optimism for humanity, but because we are able to see so much and feel so much, we can measure your progress better than you can by looking at the different stories in the news. There is a great deal of support that is also being sent to you by new groups of beings, beings that have never paid any attention to Earth before.

These are beings from outside your galaxy who have felt drawn to come in and not only observe, but also offer energetic support. There are several groups, none of which you have names for, but you would experience them as clouds of love, being wrapped up in the most comfortable garment you can imagine and feeling the warmth and love coming from the outside in.

There is also more support coming to those of you on the surface from the beings that live underneath the planet’s surface. They are a bit more advanced than you, and so, they can offer a tremendous amount of support. And recently they have started to realize that it was part of their role and their mission to be there for the rest of humankind.

You are also getting so many downloads from your sun at this time, and those downloads will be accessed by you at the most appropriate times. And the reason we tell you about all of the behind-the-scenes support that you have is because you need to take some of the weight off of your shoulders as the awakened collective that you are. Those of you who are receiving this transmission are awakened, and there are many more who are not receiving it directly, but they will receive it through all of you as you tap into the grid that you are co-creating with the other lightworkers on the planet.

We are quite certain that this is the most support that humanity has ever had, that you are receiving downloads and energy surges the likes of which Earth has never seen, and that you are doing the best that you can with all of it. That is quite evident to all of us as well. You cannot ask too much of yourselves at this time because of all the processing and clearing that you’re doing. You have to make room for the energies that come in. So please do not get so hung up on what actions you need to take, what actions you should take, and what actions that humanity needs you to take and let yourselves be supported for a change.

It is your vibration that is your biggest gift to humanity. Take very good care of yourselves.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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at this powerful time mankind is ascending while in physical body.

Arcturian Group Message (4/21/19) | Marilyn Raffaele

Dear ones, we greet you on this religious holiday of Easter being celebrated in Christian communities the world over in remembrance of the suffering, death, and resurrection of the master teacher Jeshua. However, just as with the Christmas story, Easter also holds much deeper meaning and every human is living the Easter story at some level.

Every individual throughout their many lifetimes has experienced the death of old beliefs and the integration of new ones but always within the third dimensional belief system. This is how evolution happens.

At some point a spiritual completion of sorts is reached and the death of what has become one’s outgrown state of consciousness begins. The soul has reached a place of readiness for new and higher dimensional awareness although usually not consciously aware of it.

Many past lives were short and filled with suffering while others were long and fulfilling but all were necessary in order for the soul to experience and grow from every aspect of three dimensional living and then move on which begins with a growing sense of dissatisfaction with what has previously been comfortable and normal.

Confusion and a sense of loss comes as a person gradually begins to shift out of alignment with some friends, traditional family values, religious doctrine, certain foods, entertainments, work, etc. This is the period in which many make futile attempts to restore that which they feel they are losing, not realizing that their energy is no longer in alignment with these things.

The death throes of one’s old state of consciousness can be painful on one or all levels but is short or long depending upon resistance. This is the period known as the “dark night of the soul”–the part of the Master’s story where he was alone, confused, and praying in the desert with a sense of what was coming.

Change is eventually embraced and understood as being necessary and he/she begins to seek, accept, and practice increasingly higher levels of truth. The length of this phase varies with every individual and often extends through lifetimes. However, there eventually comes the personal resurrection and ascension that births a new state of consciousness. The Easter story is your story.

You have all lived as both genders, all colors, warriors, rich and poor, good and bad, etc. Every lifetime experience has served to develop your intelligence and wisdom so that over time you became a person wise and experienced regarding the best forms of three dimensional living and survival. It was not meant for this to be the final goal, but rather a portion of your journey toward remembering–every experience a step along the way to higher awareness.

Ascension is a process. When a spiritually prepared person becomes comfortable in their three dimensional world believing that they have reached the pinnacle of success and that there is nothing more, this world will often collapse on one or more levels– physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually allowing the first stage of their personal Easter to begin.

For those living fully in the the third dimensional belief system these types of experiences are usually the manifestation of their belief in duality and separation but for the spiritually evolved, they represent the dissolution of the person’s old illusory belief system. Always remember that nothing real can ever be lost but rather only changes form. That which seems to have disappeared will reappear in better and higher form if it is a part of one’s consciousness of wholeness.

The crucifixion of one’s belief system can be an excruciating experience leaving the person with no foundation to depend upon or to look toward for answers and solutions. Friends and family often try to assist during this period but are unable to because the three dimensional tools they offer are not in alignment with the higher frequency process taking place.

After many “failures” to recreate what has been lost with three dimensional solutions, he/she begins to give up and stop resisting which then allows the person to open to the inner guidance that has always been present but ignored. He/she begins to disengage from the false beliefs that created the pain and suffering and enters the tomb to rest and process what has taken place.

A new and higher state of consciousness is born as the individual rises out of his/her personal death and darkness, a consciousness that only those at a similar level of awareness can recognize. As he/she begins incorporating and living from their new awareness, more truth unfolds and they become increasingly enlightened until at a certain point they are ready for ascension out of their old state of consciousness.

On Earth at this time, ascension means the shift of consciousness out of the third dimension and into the fifth, a dimension governed by frequencies of unconditional love and Oneness.

The Christ is already fully present within each and every person but can not be experienced until recognized. Many continue to cry out; “How could a loving God allow this?” God activity cannot be present in a vacuum but must flow through his expressions on Earth. It is the same as having a large bank account that one is totally unaware of and so lives ignorantly in poverty.

Through un-awakened ignorance the third dimensional state of consciousness has created the world of pain, suffering, lack, and limitation that most have come to accept as normal. A world that many continue begging God to change. Divine Consciousness knows nothing about what three dimensional thinking is creating because illusion does not exist in Divine Consciousness. This is why the changes you wish to see, you must create.

The Easter experience is here for all who choose it. Mankind is now in the midst of the suffering, pondering, and dying part in preparation for resurrecting out of the duality and separation that has ruled and governed over hundreds of lifetimes.

Up to now individuals had to physically die in order to ascend to a higher dimension, but at this powerful time mankind is ascending while in physical body. The integration of higher more refined Light energies cannot take place with the old still in place which is why most of you are in the process of clearing old cellular energy and remaining karmic issues at this time.

Arcturian Group wishes to speak of the energy changes taking place on Earth. As the frequencies of Earth become increasingly refined, there comes increasing chaos because when Light flows to that which is dark and heavy, it causes a reaction.

Those continuing to hold tightly to the illusions of old energy are experiencing resistance and fear as they struggle through means that no longer work, to keep the status quo. Everyone, those awake and those who are not, are experiencing the higher frequency energies, but because many do not understand what is going on, they are acting out in ways that make sense to their un-awakened consciousness.

Negative and false beliefs are beginning to be recognized for what they are in the awareness of an increasing number of people starting to realize that they no longer agree with many of the beliefs and laws they previously accepted. People are waking up the world over and starting to question what they have been told which in turn is causing resistance and action on the part of those who thrive from everything remaining in old energy.

Hold to your center, dear ones, holding the Light of truth closely within you at all times. Try not to get overly involved in the negative appearances that confront your awareness every day. Concern and worry over appearances only adds more energy to those very things. Allow false creations to dissolve into the nothingness that they really are which will happen if they are no longer fed.

Much is yet to be revealed. Let trust and truth be your shield and sword always remembering that nothing can make you less than the Divine Being that you are. If someone were to shoot you in the heart, you would continue simply watching the show but from a different seat. You are Divine beings, always have been, and forever will be, for there is nothing else.

This realization is your Easter.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/21/19

You are the awakened collective. You are working together, whether you know it or not, and the impact you are having is setting humanity on the best possible timeline

The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking at the different possibilities that are in front of all of you right now, and we can see that there is a great deal of energy being put towards the best possible timeline for humanity. We see you all putting that energy forth for the rest of the collective. And of course, we others who are very well-meaning with their intentions but not quite ready for their awakening experiences intending for this best possible timeline.

So whether you know it or not, you are all working together. Whether you gather together in convention centers or other meeting places and discuss your intentions for the collective, you are working together. You are doing all of this as a group of awakened individuals that you might refer to as lightworkers. Those of you who are awake are also aware that something very big is happening there on Earth, and you also know that you can have a positive impact on the collective.

We often see and hear you asking how you can have more of an impact, and we want you to know that your intentions for the greatest and highest good of all are significant. These intentions are aligning you with each other, and you are creating a beautiful future experience for all of humanity.

Those of you who understand that you do not need to and cannot exclude anyone from your collective are making such a huge difference. You are very much aware of the possibility for the oneness experience, and you know that the oneness experience is all-inclusive. We know this as well. We’ve had it. We experience it all the time in fact, but we also experienced it when we were in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dimensions.

The fact that you want that experience also speaks volumes about how far you have come as individuals and as the awakened collective. This is what you are known as throughout the galaxy, those of you on Earth who have had many labels placed upon you. You’ve been called wanderers and volunteers, and of course starseeds and lightworkers. You are the awakened collective. You are working together, whether you know it or not, and the impact you are having is setting humanity on the best possible timeline, and we just thought you should know that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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until you find yourself relaxed and enjoying every little thing that you do.

Slow Down & Enjoy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking all of the non-existent time that we need to infuse our energy transmissions with as much love and information that we possibly can. We are in absolutely no hurry. We have no clocks and no calendars. We have the luxury of honing whatever message we have to send to all of you until it is what we consider to be perfect.

You live in a fast-paced world where there are clocks everywhere. You have deadlines. You have bills that have to be paid by a certain date, or else. And so, we see you rushing to get as much done as you possibly can in the shortest amount of time. Of course, we are only speaking to the vast majority of you. And so if you don’t find yourself in this group that we are speaking to, you will still find something in this transmission that is for you.

When you have something to do, whether it is something you really want to do, or it is something you just have to do, we suggest that you start practicing this slowing down technique that we have been utilizing for our entire existence in the ninth dimension. We want you to savor what you are eating and to give your full attention to what you are doing, or even what you are watching. We see so many of you multi-tasking, instead of stopping long enough to enjoy what it is that is right in front of you and that deserves your complete and undivided attention.

Now, generally speaking, when you find something that you really enjoy doing, you tend to get lost in it. You lose track of time, and aren’t those the best experiences? So of course, we also suggest that you do more of those things that put you in a state of timelessness. But we also suggest slowing down, no matter what it is that you are doing, because you are going to experience yourselves more fully, and that is truly what you want.

You want to be more of you, and you want to bring more of you to whatever it is you are doing in the moment, regardless of whether it’s something that you consider to be important. Start this slowing down practice with one thing, and then add something else, and then add something else, until you find yourself relaxed and enjoying every little thing that you do.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

You already have a tremendous amount of compassion for the victims, whether they be human, animal, or plant, but it is your ability to feel that compassion for the ones on your planet who make things harder for everyone else that will put humanity past the tipping point.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very excited to present to you our most recent findings about how the human collective consciousness has been faring. We are noticing that there is a greater degree of compassion for one another being felt and being exhibited through words and actions. We even see you thinking more in harmony with the greatest and highest good of the entire collective. Now, some of you are probably wondering how you could possibly care more about your fellow humans. We know that you do, and we also know that there are certain perpetrators out there who are very hard to love, very hard to feel compassion for.

We know that it is part of the journey of those of you who are awakened to lead others, and we know that you are meant to lead the rest of the collective in forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. Those are superpowers. Those powers are far more important than telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation, and they are certainly a better choice than time travel. Nothing needs to be fixed in your history to take you to where you are ultimately going. You are going to ascend, and you are going to do it more peacefully and joyously as you embrace every member of the collective, no matter what they are doing, no matter how bad they have been.

You are here to serve all humans, and you do so mostly with your presence, but you are being even more of service when you are offering your compassion, your forgiveness, and your unconditional love to those who have done absolutely nothing to earn. These are the people who are most in need of it. You already have a tremendous amount of compassion for the victims, whether they be human, animal, or plant, but it is your ability to feel that compassion for the ones on your planet who make things harder for everyone else that will put humanity past the tipping point.

And it is your greatest gift to your fellow humans. It is a wonderful time for all of you to practice using this gift, because you will see more and more stories coming out about what this one did and the abuse of power that someone else exhibited. So this recent uptick that we have sensed in the human collective consciousness has come just in time, as it always does.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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By demonstrating how powerful an experience connecting with the Earth is, you are giving so much to your fellow humans.

The Recent Energy Surges ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested to see the effects of the most recent energy surges that have been coming up from the core of Mother Earth. We know that you are all affected, but we also realize that you don’t always know how or what to attribute your feelings to. So we are here to tell you that the energetic surges coming up from the Earth’s core have a type of magnetism within them. That magnetism is designed to get all of you to connect more consciously to her and with her.

And the reason why this is more important now than it has been previously is because of the way in which Earth has been raising her vibration. Mother Earth is a lot like us. She is paying very close attention to all of you and determining what it is that you are ready for. When she makes her assessments, she takes into consideration every single person, animal, plant, tree, flower, and blade of grass. She takes into account all of the drops in the ocean and all of the beings living in the ocean.

And sometimes she waits very patiently for all of you to be ready to receive these energetic surges, not all of which are exactly the same. They don’t have the same intended outcome. As we said, you are being not so gently nudged by your planet to connect more with her, and it is for your own benefit to do so. When you are connected with Mother Earth, you also cannot help but receive more from your sun. Your sun is also stepping up the energetic transmissions, because all of you have demonstrated a readiness, a willingness, and an openness to receive and then to purge.

You are going to feel more relaxed and at ease when you connect to Mother Earth, and you certainly are going to feel a higher vibration within you. It’s automatic. You don’t even have to do anything. You just have to spend more time with her, and she is doing the rest. She is raising her vibration incrementally, taking all of you into consideration as she does. And those of you who are aware of these energy surges are really benefiting. Remember, you are there on Earth to lead the rest of humanity through your example.

By demonstrating how powerful an experience connecting with the Earth is, you are giving so much to your fellow humans. People will ask you what your secret is, you will be able to tell them that you have simply been getting out in nature more. And as you feel the love coming up from Mother Earth, that is certainly going to help you maintain a higher vibration, even when you are in the stuffiest of office buildings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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What you really want to do is enjoy the time in between the asking and the receiving, and that is why we are always telling you to go out and play. Have fun. Enjoy the world that is right now available to you as best you can. And then you will have something that you can point to when others ask, ‘How did you do it?’ You can point to all of the fun you were having along the way.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have begun to explore the different ways in which you all have of reaching out for help. We have been examining the different methods of what you have traditionally referred to as prayer. Prayer is the asking of a benevolent being that the one doing the praying believes is outside of them, and the asking is usually for something good to happen in their lives. Of course, we see all of you praying for each other and for the entire collective, or we see you praying for those who are suffering, having bombs dropped on them, starving, or in the midst of some other type of turmoil or natural disaster.

We see you praying for the animals and the planet, and of course, we hear those prayers as well. We receive those requests, because we and all non-physical beings are paying attention to what is going on there on planet Earth, and we are happy to say that we can feel more of a vibrational alignment between what you are asking for and what you believe you can receive. You see, it’s not about praying to the right god, or asking in the right way. We see many of you being very particular about the language that you use, as if there are magic words and phrases. It really doesn’t work like that.

You ask even when you are not consciously asking. You ask even when there is no thought associated with the ask, but then you need to believe that it is possible for you to receive what you want, and that is usually when your mind gets working on the problem. Your mind tries to figure out all the different ways it could happen for you, this thing that you want to have happen. But that’s where you need to let go. You need to let go of specifics like how, who, when, where, and there needs to be more of an emphasis on holding the vibration of what you have just asked for.

So you don’t want to feel like you are very far from that which you desire. Some people say that you should set smaller, more achievable goals, and that’s why they say that. But you can go right around your beliefs, and you can go right to the vibration of what you have asked for, and just know that beings like us live for opportunities to grant you whatever it is you are praying for. We can deliver the energy that will co-create that desire with you, but you have to receive it. And that is why it is important to stop asking at times and stop trying long enough so that you can let in all that has already been given to you.

You need to have more attention on the receiving and less worry about getting the wording exactly right in your asking. And we have been pounding this point home for quite some time. Those of you who have been receiving these transmissions know that we often tell you to relax and receive, but we also want to point out that you don’t even have to ask, because what it is that you desire is already known.

What you really want to do is enjoy the time in between the asking and the receiving, and that is why we are always telling you to go out and play. Have fun. Enjoy the world that is right now available to you as best you can. And then you will have something that you can point to when others ask, ‘How did you do it?’ You can point to all of the fun you were having along the way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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Open yourselves up to the higher frequency beings like ourselves who are here in service and here to help, and you will empower yourselves tremendously. And all of us in the higher realms who have been and will continue to help you are just getting started.

Focus on the Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been searching for the right opportunity to express to all of you how much is going on that you don’t know about, and we have decided that now is the perfect time. Now, we understand that you have many whistleblowers and insiders on your planet right now who have been telling you about many of the forces that are at work on your world, and even on other planets. And these are the forces, the individuals, the groups, and the e.t. beings who have been working against you.

You get much more information about them than you do about beings like us and the other beings throughout the universe who are supporting you and who are helping you. And the positive energy that we are all putting towards you and your evolution and shift in consciousness, far outweighs what those other beings and humans are doing to try to thwart your progress.

First of all, it is a guarantee that they will fail, and it is a guarantee that you will succeed. So for that reason and that reason alone, you do not need to focus upon them. But an even better reason for not focusing upon those you refer to as ‘The Illuminati,’ ‘The Cabal,’ ‘The Deep State,’ ‘The Anunnaki,’ and the list goes on and on, is because when you are giving them your attention, you cannot be giving your attention to the positive energy that is coming your way. You cannot do both at the same time. Is it good for you to know that these forces exist? Well, it really depends on what you do with that information.

But is it good for you to know that we exist and that so many other beings exist who are working in your favor, who are supporting you, loving you, sending you energy, activations, and downloads? Yes! It is absolutely to your benefit to know about all of us, but also to feel for all of us. In order to feel for us, you have to raise your vibration. When you start to focus upon them, you lower your vibration. Even if you are just curious about them, even if you just find all of it to be very interesting, it still doesn’t serve you to put your focus there. And it certainly doesn’t serve you to focus on defeating them.

And if you think that your lives will only get better when they are removed from positions of power, then you are disempowering yourselves. Open yourselves up to the higher frequency beings like ourselves who are here in service and here to help, and you will empower yourselves tremendously. And all of us in the higher realms who have been and will continue to help you are just getting started.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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The energies that are coming in at this time want to co-create with you, but they cannot do so if you are tense and if you are running around all day, trying to get things done. They work best with those who believe in magic-The Arcturians-

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is an opportune time for you all to be arranging your day by the order of what is most important to you. We see many of you trying to get things accomplished, and we also notice how you feel when you do not cross off enough items on your to-do lists. So now would be an excellent time for you to prioritize what is actually most important to you, and then to let go of the responsibility that you often take on for getting it done yourselves. You don’t need to get the credit for having put in the hours and the blood, sweat, and tears, at this point in your spiritual evolution. You are beyond all of that.

You are beyond justifying all of the things that come to you. It is time for you to let go of that idea that you have to earn what comes your way, and it is much better for all of you to work with the energies that are coming in to serve. The energies that are coming in at this time want to co-create with you, but they cannot do so if you are tense and if you are running around all day, trying to get things done. They work best with those who believe in magic. They work best with those who are relaxed and at ease, and of course, they work best with those who are unattached to outcomes.

If you need to not only get what you want, but also get the credit for having worked for it, then the energies coming in are not for you. They are for those who dare to dream and then let go of that dream, and they certainly are for those who have given up the struggle, who have stopped playing the game that most of society is playing. These energies are more likely to co-create with you when you are sitting or lying down comfortably and offering a vibration that comes somewhere close to their neighborhood.

This is not even about positive thinking. This is more about letting go of limited thinking, limited beliefs, and embracing the power of this time that you are in. And of course, we also want to see you embracing the power within you as a Source Energy Creator Being. And there is no need for any of you to prove yourselves to anyone or anything outside of you at this point. You’re all done that before. It’s been done to death, and it’s time for a new way of co-creating your reality.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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You have had times in your history where things have been easier on you as a collective, and then you have had times like these. And so, you can go easy on yourself when you acknowledge how challenging the lower frequency energies have been and how much they have influenced you into certain states of being.

The Vibrations Around You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are doing the best that you can under the circumstances that you were born into in this lifetime. Recognize that you are affected by the vibrations that are around you. And so, the next time that you decide that you are going to be critical of yourself, remember that you have been influenced by your environment. And also, recognize that the Earth experience has been a very harsh environment, for not only this lifetime, but for almost every other one leading up to it.

You have had times in your history where things have been easier on you as a collective, and then you have had times like these. And so, you can go easy on yourself when you acknowledge how challenging the lower frequency energies have been and how much they have influenced you into certain states of being. And also realize that a lot of the emotions you feel are coming up because of past life experiences that were traumatic to you and for you.

Therefore, we are inviting you to let yourself off the hook here. Now, we are often telling you about the higher frequency energies that are coming in, and we want you to pay more attention to them so that you benefit more from what you are receiving from the higher realms. Those high frequency energies also have an effect on you that is positive, but they also stir up that which is of a lower frequency and still needs to be purged.

So you haven’t chosen an easy path for yourselves, but you did choose a very rewarding one. You did choose a path where all of this purging will lead you to feeling shiny and new. The biggest part of your journey here is the emotional one. When you move from feeling despair to embracing your power, that is a very big move, and there are lots of steps along the way that you have to go through. Now, you may have been taught by other spiritual teachers that you can jump from one state of being right to another, and that certainly is the fifth dimensional way.

It is what you are moving towards as you ascend, but as of now, you are still moving through these emotional journeys step by step. And these journeys can seem like they take an eternity to complete. But you will complete them in this lifetime. They will be a part of your ascension journey as well, and as we said, the higher frequency energies keep coming. And you make yourselves more available to them every time you do some of that purging of the lower frequency energies that you have picked up in this lifetime and brought with you from other lifetimes.

Those of you who are awake and receiving this transmission are not waiting for someone or something to come and save you from all of this. We can see and feel that you are up to the challenge, and that is why we are speaking directly to you in this way. We know that you can handle it, and we know that you have already seen the benefits of taking these emotional journeys, and we are very proud of all of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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I IS GOD.Begin to realize the truth of I AM and cease using the word I so much in its personal sense. Every time you say; “I am sick.” or “I am broke.”, or “I am a failure” you create that very thing for yourself. Begin to think of I in its real sense–the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent I that is my true Selfhood.-The Arcturians-

through Marilyn Raffaele,

APRIL 7,2019

Dear Readers, we welcome you once again to spiritual messages that in reality are not ours but yours, for they are expressions of your own state of consciousness. If they were not, you could not align with them. Whatever you are in energetic alignment with, you can experience.

You have evolved to a state of consciousness spiritually prepared to release the old programing, concepts, and beliefs you were taught and accepted as truth throughout many lifetimes.

This is the reason it often seems difficult or even unnecessary to let go of some ordinary concepts that have worked well in three dimensional living. The three dimensional mind in its limited capacity for anything other than what is already in the collective, keeps telling you that things should stay as they are; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, you reading these messages are no longer in the third dimension.

We have stated many times that you have reached that point at which you no longer need classes, objects, rites, and rituals to gain a deeper understanding of God and spirituality. You have come to that place in your spiritual journey where you now understand that you already have everything you had hoped these things would give you. You now know that there is only One and you are IT. The journey now is about living this truth until it becomes your attained state of consciousness.

Metaphysical tools do not or can not make you any more than you already are. Continuing to depend upon and look to outside means after awakening to the truth that God is already fully present within, will serve only to prolong experiences of separation.

Please understand that we are not saying you cannot have and hold your favorite crystals, go to a class you are drawn to, see an energy worker, or participate in sacred ceremonies. What we are saying is that you must understand that crystals, rites, and rituals awaken and augment Light energy already present but not yet recognized within you. Once recognized, the spiritual student must begin to draw from within rather than from the without.

Crystals carry their own unique energy and serve to align and activate that same particular energy in a person. Never believe that physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual tools of any kind can give you something you don’t already have.

You are ready to accept that everything you have been seeking from others, places, and things throughout hundreds of lifetimes has never existed anywhere but within you. You have done the work and are qualified to let go of seeking and searching for God. You have found Him/Her/It and it is you!

At a certain point everyone must fully accept and live the reality of who and what they are as best they can. True spiritual living is not based in common three dimensional concepts (picture the saint on a holy card) but rather is the practice of meeting ordinary events from a place of unconditional love.

Unconditional love is state of consciousness that automatically recognizes every person to be a Divine being in spite of appearances to the contrary. It may be accompanied by emotion but may not. After inner recognition, the person can then take whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take. Unconditional Love is a facet of being in the world, but not of it.

As the energy of earth becomes increasingly refined and intense, your physical systems are changing in order to integrate these higher frequencies. The process of releasing stored cellular memory from hundreds of past lives and replacing it with frequencies of Light may leave you feeling sick and totally exhausted on all levels leaving the human mind to step in with dire warnings about all the diseases you might have.

Try to “go with the flow”, resting and loving yourself as best you can during the “down” times, trusting that all is proceeding as it is meant to. Ascension symptoms will often manifest through the body’s weakest area. Example; If you died of tuberculosis in one or more lives, you may experience lung problems in this one as old energy from this source as well as others clears.

Clearing symptoms come and go which is one way you can recognize them for what they are. However, if you feel the need to seek medical help, do so without guilt or resistance.

Many of you are being intuitively guided to remove energy cords that may be actively holding you in energetic bondage to certain people, places, or things. Energetic bonds (cords) are frequently carried from lifetime to lifetime simply because they are in the person’s energy field. They can be recognized by intense “good” or “bad” reactions or connections to a certain person or persons.

Energy cords result in a draining and unhealthy energetic attachment to someone–partner, family member, friend, or enemy. Intense experiences of every sort can and often result in the formation of an energetic connection cord. Cord removal is simple. You can do it with intention and visualization. Ask your Guides to assist you.

Removing an energy cord does not mean the ending of love and interaction with those you love and want in your life, but means that the addictive and unhealthy connection ceases unless once again created. Parents often carry energy cords to their children or to one particular child. Relationships become healthier without energy cords.

Talk to your cells, sending them Light and telling them that it is time to release all old three dimensional programing (age, deterioration, disease etc.) and move into the Divine blueprint. This practice often results in long buried issues surfacing to be cleared.

Never believe that the sudden appearance of some negative issue indicates failure on your part for you cannot fail. Failure is a myth, a human concept based in the belief of duality (success vs failure) and separation. You can forget or ignore, but can never be less than the fullness of the Godhead expressing ITself.

Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be, in the midst a process that is sometimes uncomfortable. You are ready to let go of old programming that shouts you must do this or do that and only in “this” way. You have graduated beyond the “shoulds” and “should nots” that represent lingering three dimensional programming.

Once you choose to stop being a slave to the three dimensional belief system you will quickly discover that the sky does not fall down and life proceeds very nicely.

You must accept that things are going to be different. Many believe that as the world ascends into higher dimensional energy they can continue doing everything just as they are doing now but without interference. Because consciousness is the substance of all form (as interpreted by mind according to an individual’s state of consciousness), the outer scene cannot help but change as personal and collective consciousness evolves.

Trust and accept that your Higher Self knows what you need, when you need it, and how to get it to you, be it a necessary lesson or person. This is spiritual trust and you reading these messages are ready for spiritual trust.

Spiritual trust is the recognition that all is proceeding according to plan regardless of how it may seem to third dimensional thinking. Spiritual trust is an attained state of consciousness and you are ready for it or already in it. Continuing to concepts of how spiritual experiences must be or look in order to be authentic can act to block the Higher Self’s attempt to bring to you some important lesson experience.


and never Mary, Joe, or Betty. I is God. The word I is sacred and refers to the real Divine Self but which through un-awakened ignorance is thought of as personal selfhood, the one that believes itself to be separate and apart from God and all life forms.

The master teacher Jesus taught the truth about I AM but the people of that time were not sufficiently evolved and misinterpreted his message as referring to him personally. This is and continues to remain the source of the most extreme error of present day Christianity–that only one person is the son of God.

Begin to realize the truth of I AM and cease using the word I so much in its personal sense. Every time you say; “I am sick.” or “I am broke.”, or “I am a failure” you create that very thing for yourself. Begin to think of I in its real sense–the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent I that is my true Selfhood.

Know that you are experiencing the dying gasps of old programming such as physical inheritance, karmic relationships, and cellular memory. Never claim problems as being personally yours or you make them yours. All error is impersonal because the I that you are has no problems nor does IT know anything about problems.

Divine Consciousness is infinitely whole, complete, and perfect. If error (sin, disease, lack, limitations etc. ) existed in Divine Consciousness, it would be forever held in place by Divine law and could never be removed or healed.

Once you consciously or unconsciously state your intention to awaken and evolve, you are on your way and do not need to keep doubting, worrying, and asking if you are doing it right. Every person is only required to live out from their highest level of awareness and as they do that, more is given. It is a process because you still live in energies of time and space.

Evolution is the ongoing journey of awakening into conscious Oneness but does not stop with that realization. Each new revelation embraced and practiced creates a pathway for more truth to unfold because God is infinitely expressing ITself and thus so are you/YOU.

The time has arrived in which all hedging, doubting, and making excuses must cease. To say; “I am not worthy. I am a sinner. I cannot be a Divine Being.” simply reflects old, false, ego based concepts of true humility.

Once a person awakens to the fact that there is only ONE expressing ITself as the many, they can never go back to being asleep although some will try.

With great love and respect for you all we are the Arcturian Group. 4/7/19

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You, who are awakened, have been doing a wonderful job of handling the higher frequency energies as they have been coming in, and we applaud you for that-The Arturians-

via Daniel Scranton.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to see what you will all do when the next batch of higher frequency energies hits your planet. You, who are awakened, have been doing a wonderful job of handling the higher frequency energies as they have been coming in, and we applaud you for that. But every time you receive another wave of these energies, you are stretched a bit more. You are asked to handle a bit more of your share for the rest of the collective. But in spite of the fact that you might endure some ascension symptoms, and you might need more sleep, you will also have more energy to create with. The creation of the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension, along with the creation of your experience of the fifth dimension, is what we are talking about here. Once you stepped into a fourth dimensional frequency range, you were given a lot more freedom to create. You also can see how much polarity there still is outside of you, and you have the opportunity to either react to that in a way that does not serve you, or you can use everything that is happening outside of you as the inspiration to create more of what you do want. You get to create your version of planet Earth in the fourth dimension, while someone else can be creating theirs, and their version can be quite different from yours. That’s the freedom you have granted yourselves, and that freedom will continue on into your ascension. You will become your fifth dimensional selves, which are your higher selves, and you will have even more freedom to create. But for right now, focus on the here and now. Focus on what is in front of you. Focus on the world as it is inspires you to create a different version of it, without condemning the one that you are in. Condemnation and judgment will keep you stuck where you are. This is why it is so important to stay out of the us-versus-them mentality that is everywhere outside of you. Everyone thinks they are on the right side of things and that the other side must be defeated. Now, of course, there are people out there who are doing very bad things because you still need that representation of darkness where you are. You won’t have that after you shift. But for now, they are holding the side of the spectrum down that is dark, and you are being asked to hold up the side of the light. And you do that by paying attention to the energies that are coming in and opening yourselves up to them. In order to that, you must take your attention away from the battles that are going on all around you. Those battles are very alluring until you realize that everyone thinks they are on the right side. Everyone has their own sense of what is right and moral, and it certainly not up to anyone else to decide that for them. So all you can do is continue to anchor in the light, and know that you are creating change with your presence there on Earth. You are creating the version of the shift that you want, and the version of the fifth dimension that you are most excited to participate in. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here:

There are so many aspects of the human condition that have been normalized over the years because of the brave souls who have stood up and said, ‘I am going to be who I am, and I’m going to express how I feel through art or song, through poetry, or through dance. There are more and more of you now who feel safe to express who you are.

Self-Expression & Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing the different ways in which you have been contributing to the advancement and evolution of the human collective consciousness, and we have to say that from our perspective, you are contributing the most when you are expressing yourselves. When you allow yourselves to speak your truth, or to create a work of art, or even when you are just expressing yourselves through dancing or playing, you are contributing so much.

So many humans are afraid to express themselves as they truly are, because of a fear of backlash, whether from parents, friends, co-workers, teachers, or even government officials. There are so many beings on your world that you give your power away to. There are so many other humans that have positions of authority and so many humans who feel afraid to be who they really are because of what could happen as a result. And those fears really are about what has happened already in other lifetimes, but you all don’t know that.

And so, there are many awakened individuals now who are the trailblazers in terms of their willingness to be unique and different and in terms of their willingness to express themselves in spite of what might happen if the wrong person or people were to find out. That’s the type of courage humanity needs right now. Humanity doesn’t need courage in the form of people who are willing to fight using weapons. Humanity doesn’t even need the mass arrests that some people are talking about, not to evolve, not to ascend. Perhaps that is needed to make you all feel safer.

But it is through the expression of what you do feel in the moment that you are human, that you give yourselves permission to be human. And it is through self-expression and courage that you give others permission to be who they are. There are so many aspects of the human condition that have been normalized over the years because of the brave souls who have stood up and said, ‘I am going to be who I am, and I’m going to express how I feel through art or song, through poetry, or through dance. There are more and more of you now who feel safe to express who you are.

Even this is a form of expression, this act of channeling and putting out these transmissions. It is a way of breaking through convention and norm, and we are happy to be a part of this channel’s self-expression. And we would like to see and hear more from him as an individual, as we are sure the rest of you would as well. And this is not just true for this particular channel here.

We would like to see more and hear more from all of you, and so would the other humans on Earth with you at this time. You all have so much to give, so much to express. Do not hold yourselves back at all, not for anyone else’s benefit. Be true to you, and let the chips fall where they may.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What you want more of are personal experiences with the e.t.s. We know that is what you want, and we know that you having those experiences is not dependent on your governments opening up about what they know and what they have been doing with various e.t. groups. You are the ones determining whether you have those experiences.

Full E.T. Disclosure ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking into the best possible timeline for humanity to get to a full disclosure of extra-terrestrial life and how e.t.s have been working with humanity since the beginning of your time there on Earth. We can see many different potentials for a full e.t. disclosure, and what we are seeing as the best possible timeline is the one where you all continue to have your personal experiences with e.t.s.

We see disclosure more as a grassroots movement than something that a government official, such as a president, or a prime minister, or a collection of presidents and prime ministers should have control over. You all still put far too much faith in elected officials, and you give them way more power than they deserve. Just as the e.t.s are not coming to save humanity from itself, neither are the elected officials going to save anyone from anything.

You will continue to be the creators of your reality. That’s not going to change, no matter what happens or does not happen. So if you want to have experiences with e.t.s, then that is something for you all to create and talk about with each other. You really don’t need evidence at this point. You don’t need to be told that e.t.s exist or that they have been influencing the evolution of your consciousness and have been providing your technological advancements. You already know that.

What you want more of are personal experiences with the e.t.s. We know that is what you want, and we know that you having those experiences is not dependent on your governments opening up about what they know and what they have been doing with various e.t. groups. You are the ones determining whether you have those experiences. It is your readiness that will determine when the physical e.t.s land their ships. It will not be the result of a press conference held by an elected official that gives them permission then to land.

You as a human collective consciousness are evolving all the time, and you are going to join the galactic community officially, and it will happen sooner than later. Our recommendation is that you let go of this idea that it has anything to do with what someone in a powerful position says in an official capacity. When you open your hearts to an experience, then you will have that experience. It is that simple.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

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if you go within and feel for your own vibration and what you can do to raise that vibration, you will be happier, healthier, and you will thrive. And others will ask what your secret is, and then you can tell them.

The Time It Takes to Ascend ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are making history there on Earth with the shifting of your consciousness to a fifth dimensional frequency state. You are taking yourselves from the most polarization that there has ever been in this universe to a more enlightened state of being, and therefore, this is something that is taking quite a bit of your linear time. One of the many reasons why you haven’t shifted already is because of that deep polarization that has existed on Earth for so long.

You are there cleaning up a lot of messes, and you are also resolving a lot of conflicts that have existed throughout the galaxy for millions and millions of years. That is why your planet is diverse. The animal kingdom is very diverse. The beings who live in the ocean are so diverse that you haven’t even discovered all of the sea creatures that you have there on Earth yet, and the human race has many shapes and sizes in terms of your physical expression, but also in terms of how you live your lives, what you believe in, what you consider to be important, and so on.

Therefore, the coming together of all of these energies to create a more harmonious planet is something that is taking quite a bit of your time. There is, however, always something that you can cling to for a feeling of hope and optimism. You can always bring yourselves into a higher frequency state, no matter what is going on in the seemingly chaotic world around you. If you look outside of yourselves, you will see evidence that there is quite a bit of polarization out there.

If you look within you, you will find that you are far less chaotic and polarized. You will find more peace, harmony, and love within yourselves at this time than at any other point in human history, including the advanced civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.

That is why we, and others like us, will always point you in the direction of going within, and it is also why those who want you to be at each other’s throats will continue to entice you to pay attention to what’s going on in the world. Even most of your reality television programs are created based on the idea that you like to see people fighting and in conflict with each other. But you who are awakened know what is best for you. Ypou know that if you harmonize with the Earth’s vibration, you will feel better. You know that if you harmonize with your pet’s vibration, you will feel better.

And if you go within and feel for your own vibration and what you can do to raise that vibration, you will be happier, healthier, and you will thrive. And others will ask what your secret is, and then you can tell them. And then you can help accelerate this process of ascension. The process of ascension will not be accelerated by defeating anyone outside of you. You will accelerate it by going within and then sharing with the human collective the peace, harmony, and love that you have established within you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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We want you to rely less on us and more on yourselves for everything that you could ever possibly need or want.

The Portal Within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have opened many portals to help all of you receive the energies that you have asked for, and we are continuing to offer our energetic support, in addition to our love and compassion, at all times. But we want to introduce you to the most important portal that you have available to you. We are talking about the portal that exists at the center of your heart. This portal connects you to all other dimensions, including the Source Energy dimension, which means it is your gateway to more of who you really are.

You want to be centered in your hearts for the love, for the guidance, and to be in the present moment as often as you can, but you also want to access more of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings. All that is required of you to access this portal is that you give your attention to what is in your heart. You must be willing to feel everything that comes up emotionally in order to get to that very loving center of who you really are.

Anything that you are feeling that is something other than the vibration of love is getting in the way of you having full access to your hearts and to that unconditional love of Source. That is what you want flowing through you at all times. The energy of Source is creative and is filled with more than just love and compassion. The energy of Source is filled with ideas, inspiration, and anything else that you could ever possibly need to be living the lives that you want to be living.

So it is our recommendation that you meditate on your hearts. Put your attention there first thing when you wake up in the morning, and as you are falling asleep, and at any other point in the day that you can think of to put your attention there. You can use your minds to focus you more on your hearts and access more of who you are with that focus, and that is what we are recommending here, in this transmission.

We want you to feel how powerful you are. We want you to rely less on us and more on yourselves for everything that you could ever possibly need or want. And as we said earlier, it could not be easier to access this beautiful and wonderful portal.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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The Newly Awakened Will Find You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.You have been facilitating a particular frequency for the rest of humanity. You who are awakened enough to receive this transmission have been tuning yourselves to higher frequencies when you are asleep, and you have been bringing back the essence of those frequencies when you wake up in the morning. You are beginning to experience them in your waking state, and you are doing so for the purpose of sending out a signal to the rest of humanity.You are essentially telling your fellow humans that you are available to them when they have questions about what they are going through. There are people who are having very strange dreams. There are people who are having extra-terrestrial encounters. There are people who are having strange ascension symptoms. There are people who are experiencing what it is like to have a wide open third eye, and there are people who are hearing a voice in their head. And these are just a few of the experiences that people have and don’t know anything about.There are people who are awakening in communities where they will be the only one who has a new age, or spiritual, orientation. They are looking for you. You are sending out this particular frequency to them so that they will recognize you in the grocery store, the post office, the bank, or at the PTA meeting. You are helping by being willing to be who you are in spite of the fact that you are very different. Some of you could be institutionalized, if they knew what you believed in, specifically. It all does sound very crazy to the average person.And so, you can imagine what happens inside the head of the average person when they begin to experience these awakenings. They need support there on the ground floor. They need others who will be able to not only relate to them, but also who can explain to them what they are experiencing, why, and who can also tell them that it’s perfectly normal. You are leading the surge forward for humanity in terms of the consciousness that humanity can hold as a collective, and it is a big responsibility.And you can expect more and more people to come looking for you, not only because of how you dress, or the things you say, but also because of this frequency that you are beginning to send out. And the frequency says that it is safe to talk to you. It says that you will understand. You will be able to not only hear them but also validate for them that they are not crazy and that it is all real. So what can you do to help facilitate this process? Well, it is quite easy. All you have to do is keep being who you are, believing what you believe, and get a good night’s sleep.We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon hereWatch the Video Here – I’m in It!Love these quotes? Make a donation here

We see that when people take a break from being spiritual all the time, that is when they let in some of what they have summoned.

Ask, Create, & Then Go Have Fun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready to receive more requests from all of you because we know that in your state of asking you are summoning the energy to bring you the experience that you want to have. We also thrive on those desires that you put out into the universal collective consciousness. We may not be from the same star system, or the same dimension, but we still benefit from the expansion that your asking causes in this universe that we share.

We also know that in your asking, you get creative. You are creating the reality that you will someday experience while you are in that state of asking. And so, we love to witness you getting those inspired thoughts and ideas going, and we love to see how the universe expands. We love to feel that expansion ourselves, as we look for the cracks that you leave open to receive what it is that you have asked for.

Once you ask, that part of the equation is done. You don’t have to keep asking, but you do want to stay in the same vibration of what it is you have been asking for. The way you do that is by having more fun. When you play, when you are in your state of joy, that’s when you open those cracks, through which we can pour a tremendous amount of energy. Once you have the energy, you can create whatever you want, and we see this happening all the time.

We see that when people take a break from being spiritual all the time, that is when they let in some of what they have summoned. That means that you have our permission to do things that you want to do for the sake of enjoyment. It doesn’t all have to be meditation, yoga, chanting, and acts of service. You do plenty of those things, and the effects are experienced by every other being in this universe.

But there are times when you just need to engage in some self-care. There are times when it is best for you to just explore the physical realm and to do what brings you the most joy. And in so doing, of course, there will be opportunities for growth. But there will also be synchronicities. There will also be unexpected encounters. There is so much that is spiritual that also slips through the cracks when you’re not thinking about your chakras, or your thoughts, or your vibration.

So continue to ask for what is new and interesting, and then go have some fun. And let’s see what happens. We will be watching.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

it’s not important whether anyone agrees with you and your unique brand of spirituality. What is important is that each individual feels themselves to be whole and complete, empowered, and feels the love of Source flowing through them.

How You’re Awakening Your Fellow Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the various possibilities that you have in front of you at this time, and we can see that there is a greater potential for growth in the realm of your consciousness than there has been in quite some time. We also see that the potential for more awakenings is growing exponentially, as those of you who are awakened hold space for everyone else on the planet.

You have been a doing a tremendous amount of asking, and the universe and all of the universe’s helpers have been answering your requests. Now, because you are all learning how to open yourselves up more and receive what you have asked for, you are going to find yourselves living on a planet with more awakened humans.

Now, we want to point something out here, in case it isn’t obvious yet. These awakenings will not occur because you went out like a missionary and sought to convert others. These awakenings will not occur because you force-fed your friends, co-workers, and family members your spiritual beliefs. And these awakenings are not even occurring because of books and videos and documentaries. These awakenings are occurring because it’s very natural for them to occur and because you have nudged the process along. In fact, you have sped it up with the desires that you have to live in a more harmonious society.

Whether someone else shares your beliefs about extra-terrestrials, shadow governments, or even the way you create your reality is all irrelevant. What you really want for that fellow human of yours to discover is that he or she is an eternal Source Energy Being of light and love and that the individual in question feels themselves to be that. It’s one thing to have an awakening that occurs on the mental level, and it’s another to experience it.

So that’s why it’s not important whether anyone agrees with you and your unique brand of spirituality. What is important is that each individual feels themselves to be whole and complete, empowered, and feels the love of Source flowing through them. And this is the world that you are all co-creating together, by holding the space that you hold for your fellow humans and by living that truth in your hearts, by feeling it, by exuding it.

This is how you change your world. Remember that the next time someone baits you into an argument over your beliefs or your politics. It is far more important to love that person that you are in disagreement with and to offer your compassion and your help whenever it is needed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Purchase The Arcturian Council’s book, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, on amazon here

Watch the Video Here – I’m in It!

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