Category Archives: Arcturians

Trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan unfolding that cannot be stopped by those who do not want the world to awaken.

Arcturian Group Message 10/25/20

OCTOBER 25,2020

We see your suffering dear ones, and we witness the struggle of so many to remain objective in the midst of a world that seems to have gone mad with people acting out in ways never seen or experienced before. Trust dear ones, trust that there is indeed a Divine Plan unfolding that cannot be stopped by those who do not want the world to awaken.

All is proceeding according to plan but to three dimensional thinking there is no plan. Most are as of yet unable to see or understand that there is a Divine plan underlying outer appearances. Human minds steeped in beliefs of duality and separation are unable to grasp anything outside of the limiting belief system they live in and so act in the only ways they know.

You do know what is going on and this why your job is to hold the Light as an observer, doing what needs to be done but in ways that reflect spiritual awareness. It is time to actually embrace being “In the world, but not of it” and because the third dimension functions in time and space, the Divine plan must unfold as a process.

Do not accept everything you read and hear though news media sources for they are often misinformed themselves, passing on information that has been skewed with falsehoods. Always let your intuition guide you in these matters, even with regard to “spiritual messages” for some of these are not on the highest level as well because a channel flows through the consciousness of the channeler.

Anything that promotes fear and negativity is not reflective of the Light. However, be alert to whether you are reacting to something from your present human mind level, or are being intuitively guided. It is easy to be fooled when something you simply do not wish to hear about or deal with in yourself is presented in a channel.

Stay informed, while not aligning with the energy of that which you are being informed about unless you are guided to become involved. Some are guided to be a part of the chaos, but they are those who have attained a consciousness that allows them to work from a detached level and bring Light into situations. Never doubt that there are many Light workers in the trenches at this time but this work is not for most. Trust your intuition on this.

Our message today is about Trust. Not ordinary trust based in ideas, concepts, and beliefs reflective of the third dimensional belief system but a higher trust, one that springs from the realization that omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Divinity is the reality of who you are. This trust understands that the qualities of Source are already fully present within, available to express and be experienced as truth becomes an attained state of consciousness.

As the reality of Oneness is understood, accepted, and becomes the consciousness of increasingly more individuals, many three dimensional creations will dissolve simply because the energy that formed them in the first place is no longer present to sustain and maintain them. This is beginning to happen now. Many obsolete belief structures are beginning to crumble and much more is to come which is very frightening for those who have placed hope and trust, safety and security in concepts.

Allow everything that feels finished in your life to drop away regardless of how well it once worked for you in spite of the opposition you may get from those around you. Try not to mourn the loss of certain comfortable ways of living if they have begun to feel “old”, but rather rejoice in the knowledge that a spiritual idea underlies every outer manifestation because you cannot make something out of nothing.

When the energy that formed and has sustained many facets of three dimensional living like health, education, government,religion, relationships, etc. begins to dissolve, always know that only the lower resonating form/concept of the Divine idea dissolves, never the reality. Divine Ideas, permanently held in place by Divine Law will always re-manifest in a new and higher resonating form if allowed.

Evolution is and always has been an ongoing process but these times represent a particularly giant step of evolution. Everything, on all levels automatically changes as the substance of it (consciousness) changes. Recycling is simply a higher form of waste disposal, cars have replaced horses, the printing press replaced hand written books, respect for nature is growing, and people are becoming increasingly aware of how unloving and unfair much that was previously considered acceptable, is.

God being the only cause, can therefore be the only effect. Ask yourself; “Do I really believe in One omnipresent God, or do I continue to have many gods in my consciousness?” The third dimensional belief system has promoted gods of money, power, religious beliefs, fashion, physical appearance, employment, relationships, family, traditions, and much more. Anything a person deems to be necessary for happiness and success represents belief in a false god. Utilize these present “down times” to seriously reflect on this.

A person cannot continue to worship one or more three dimensional gods while at the same time believing that they accept the truth of ONE God. Ancient belief systems of many Gods were about invisible beings and creatures that had power over everyone and needed to be appeased, often in some violent way. Now replace images of these ancient gods with whatever you have allowed to become a personal god.

Take time to go within and honestly ask; “What am I worshipping in the outer scene? What have I made into a god? What do I continually dedicate my thought and action to attaining in the belief that I must have it in order to be happy?” Examine your beliefs honestly, sincerely, and without judgement dear ones, for this is the purpose of the present down times. Go within and discover what you may still hold as being true, real, necessary, unchangeable, and important etc . and then decide if you wish to continue making it a part of your consciousness.

Never allow self judgement to interfere with your journey of self examination for it is a sacred process, a necessary part of evolution. You were taught throughout lifetimes to put your dependence and value in outer things and you sincerely believed in the correctness of these teachings. However, those of you who read and understand these messages, have attained a level of awareness that now makes these three dimensional teachings obsolete.

Many three dimensional ideas have served well and continue to serve some, but because you have shifted into a deeper awareness these same things will no longer function for you as they once did. For awhile the mind will continue to express what it is familiar with–judgement and criticism, fear and negativity, longing and desires. Simply allow the old programming to flow through , aware of what is happening, and giving it no power. There is a bible statement that says; “Let the heathen rage”.

If I am truly one with Source, Divine consciousness in expression, then I am self-sustained , complete, and whole. So why do I continue to seek that which I already am outside of myself? You have been on this journey of enlightenment for a very very long time dear ones, and have reached a fork in the road. “Do I stay on a path that has worked pretty well for many lifetimes and brought me some success and happiness, or do I take a chance on this unfamiliar path that seems to be drawing me toward it?”

It is a frightening time for the world, a time in which much that has worked in the past, is no longer working and everything seems to be getting worse. The dense energy creations now surfacing and shocking many have always been present, well sustained and maintained but out of majority awareness and those that did became aware were often silenced.

You have not failed, for you cannot fail. Let go of all remaining concepts about spirituality and what you must do or not do in order to be “spiritual”. These teachings were valid steps along your evolutionary but are now simply part of that which you are ready to let go of. You have moved on and no longer need former tools once so important to your awakening process.

Use these present times to discover and release concepts you may still hold about what constitutes failure or success on the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. Acknowledge your talents, your reality, your gifts, the truth of your being, and accept what you discover, dear ones. Denying one’s talents and Divine Light never represents humility as many have been taught, but rather is its opposite, a rejection of one’s true nature as ONE.

Let go, let go, let go and allow the Divine Consciousness that you are to live and express ITself through and as you. These times are the reason you came and why you have devoted so much of your life to spiritual study, growth, and awareness. The world needs your Light NOW and you are fully capable of doing this work.


We are the Arcturian Group 10/25/20

Donations are welcomed

Slowing down gives you an opportunity to feel what you’re feeling.

A Huge Sign from the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite certain that you all are going to look back at this time in your lives as a time when you were being given a clear signal from the universe to slow down, to go within, and to evaluate your priorities in life. Even those who subscribe to one or more conspiracy theories will look back at this time and recognize that they were missing the signal that the universe has been giving you. Every time humanity tries to get things back to normal, you find yourselves backsliding in terms of your progress.

We are talking about the progress of getting everyone in the world into a state of health and well being, but everyone has to want that for themselves. Everyone has to value themselves enough to slow down, to take the signs as being important and as being real in order to benefit from the opportunity you have before you to pay attention to what you have going on inside of you, and to evaluate what you have been prioritizing in your life. If you can do that, then you are living more in the flow with the current energies that are still upon Earth, still waiting to be recognized.

You have a beautiful planet there, and you are beautiful beings, but you have been programmed to think that you have to keep moving, or you will die. And what you are seeing is that the opposite is true for many. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to feel what you’re feeling. Slowing down gives you an opportunity to evaluate everything, including your relationships and friendships. Slowing down is the key to relaxing and receiving all that this universe wants to give you, but when you are moving around, you are moving targets, and it is harder then for the universe to deliver to you the wonderful gifts that it has for you.

Now is the time to finally give yourselves the treat of relaxing into the moment and doing less, if not doing nothing at all. Let yourselves heal. Let yourselves feel, and let yourselves take into consideration that the universe is always talking to you in a variety of ways, every single moment. But you have to believe that, and you have to slow down enough to listen, to see the signs, and to work with the energies. The energies upon you right now are about co-creation. They are about building that new Earth that you all want to be living on, and it all starts with you, each and every individual on the planet.

You are the ones. You are the changemakers, and there has never been a better time than now to work with the energies and bring about the changes that you want to see on your Mother Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away

Better Timelines & a Better Future for All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the various timelines that you have in front of you and the new timelines that you have created for yourselves, and we want you to know that we feel you are doing an excellent job of choosing consciously which timeline to put yourselves on. You have also done a wonderful job of working with the energies you have been given to create new timelines for yourselves and the rest of humanity. This is a time to be inclusive in your creations. There is more power in your summoning of an experience or an event when you include as many people as possible and hold the intention that they will all benefit from that creation as well.

One of the most beautiful aspects of those of you who are a part of the awakened collective is that you take others into consideration when you seek to create a better reality. As we have just said, that makes your summoning of the energies more powerful, and it means that when you let those energies in, you have more co-creators beside you in physical and nonphysical form. You want to be reaching out to the higher selves of all of your fellow humans, especially those who are in your inner circle of your family and friends.

You want to let everyone know that you see them as their higher selves and as creator beings, because that is what they are. And you are there to empower others. You are there to influence and to help every single human in the collective. That’s what you signed up for. That’s why you are awake, and that’s why these more inclusive timelines are lighting up so much for humanity at this time.

The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away, because more and more people recognize that everyone is a Source Energy Being, and therefore everyone must be included in the shift in consciousness, a shift that is all about bringing you closer and closer to Source.

This shift is not just about creating a better Earth for the worthy and the good. It’s about creating a better Earth for all, and that’s what you all have been doing, and that is why we feel so happy in giving you this progress report about the timelines you are creating and the ones you are strengthening with your attention to them. Keep up the good work and know that better things are to come, more energy will be flowing to you, and you are the creators of that better future for all.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Everything that causes you to feel and experience less than LOVE is inviting you to Align your SELF with SOURCE on a deeper level.

“We are Here NOW. 
We LOVE you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear Ones, as you are going through the Grand SHIFT of Earth, please KNOW that everything is being orchestrated at the HIGHEST Cosmic Levels to move planet Earth through this Ascension process.
Your Higher SELF is in direct connection with this orchestration to provide you with the Experiences, Lessons and Breakthroughs you had planned to have, before you came into this lifetime.
It might seem very intense right NOW, but it is important to Focus on the Big Picture and what you wish to experience vs what is currently happening.
Everything that causes you to feel and experience less than LOVE is inviting you to Align your SELF with SOURCE on a deeper level.
In other words, every time you observe something that is unpleasant, instead of interacting with it, go Inward and connect to SOURCE.
Instead of giving unpleasant experience the power, give your POWER to SOURCE. Withdraw the Energy from unpleasant experiences, may they be in the past, present or future.
Give All your ENERGY to what you wish to experience.
You have the POWER to choose your Responses, Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions.
You have the POWER to create your Reality by connecting to the All-Powerful SOURCE and ask for what you wish to experience.
Then, Hold your Unwavering Focus on it.
Keep Holding your Focus on your Vision for your Reality, even if it takes some time.
Acknowledge every little SIGN that points towards your Vision.
Eventually, you will experience it.
We are holding the vision of the NEW Earth with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved BEyond measure.
We are with you… Always. We LOVE You.
WE are YOU.
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light! Channelled through Asara Adams

the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.

Full E.T. Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking into the possibilities that are in front of humankind at this time, and we must say that we are very pleased with the timelines that you have been putting together. We know that so many of you continue to desire extra-terrestrial contact, and we want you to know that the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.

There are many of you who’ve had your own encounters, your own experiences, and you’ve done a wonderful job of acclimating to the energies of the e.t.s that you’ve encountered that there are new plans for sightings of spaceships in your skies. You are going to have more experiences where humans come together to observe the so-called UFOs in the sky and marvel at their beauty and their movements. It is true that proof of extra-terrestrial life will unify the human collective, because you will all start to see each other as one race, and that is so important for humanity.

It is so important that you set aside your differences and realize that you all have the same feelings, the same emotions. Your ability to emote connects you in a very real way to one another, energetically. And so, even if you disagree on the level of the mind, if you were to have an actual conversation about your emotions, you would realize that you are all the same, and yet wonderfully diverse and different at the same time. Now, we have talked about a timetable for full, open extra-terrestrial contact before, and we want you to know that you have brought yourselves closer to that experience.

You have brought yourselves closer to a mass landing of ships around the world, and it is because so many of you are asking for a unifying human event to bring you all together, to set aside those mental differences so that you can embrace each other as members of one human race, one human collective, one beautiful group of beings who are having a human experience at the same time on the same planet. You will start to see it that way on a much larger scale when you have these sightings, and you come together to observe your friends from across the galaxy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.-Arcturians via Daniel-

Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that you continue to make, as the awakened collective, to bringing together the polarized forces that you have there on your world. You are awake enough to realize that it doesn’t serve you well to play the polarity game, and that is what keeps you in a higher vibration. You must already be in a high vibration to be able to receive these messages, and you are continuing to demonstrate your abilities to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, and to release judgment so that you can forgive and let go of resentment.

You are finely-tuned beings who have demonstrated an ability to feel into something, and you are also very connected to your hearts, which are the new centers of your beingness, and that movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about. You must be in your hearts to maintain those high vibrations and to rise above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies, between perspectives. You have a long history of deciding that your feelings are important, and your feelings have served you well.

You can count the number of times that an intuitive feeling has prevented you from making the wrong decision, or has guided you to the right decision, and in those moments, your lives were changed forever. This is what you do. This is how you do it, and this is why you are the ones to lead humanity into a higher consciousness. It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’re following the right teacher. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions.

You are meant to be feeling beings who use your intuitive sense to guide you towards the light, and when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.

You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity. We see you struggling to figure out what you should be, what you should do, what you should call yourself, and the truth is you are you and that is enough.

It’s time for the awakened collective to rise up to the challenge of bringing these poles together. You don’t need any more separation. You don’t need anyone in a position of power or authority to save you. All you need is to recognize the hero that lies within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, the healer that has always been there, and go forth and do exactly what you want to do, and know that because of who you are, you are helping and healing humankind.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

This is a fatal flaw amongst humans. When you look for love and support in those who do not have it to give, you set yourselves up for a disastrous experience.

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are available to all of you in every moment of every day, and so are your guides. So is Source, your oversoul, and your higher self, all the archangels, all the ascended masters, your soul family that exists in other parts of the galaxy and the universe. They are all available to you as well. And then there’s your planet, the other planets in your system, your sun, nature, trees, flowers, and animals. You are surrounded by love. You are surrounded by support.

But many of you look for that love and support in places where it isn’t. You look for it in human beings who never received it themselves, who turned to some sort of addiction at some point in their teens or twenties, and who never got the opportunity to go and see a therapist, or someone who could help them to love themselves. This is a fatal flaw amongst humans. When you look for love and support in those who do not have it to give, you set yourselves up for a disastrous experience.

So we suggest that you don’t ask anyone to be that for you when they are having a hard enough time being it for themselves. Instead, feel for all the love and support that you have all around you in non-human form, fill yourselves up with it, and go out and spread it around.

When you spread love and support around, guess what happens? You find yourself in the company of other people who are spreading love and support around. When you go looking for it in other people, you tend to find other people who are also looking for it. And certainly, most of you have been in a romantic relationship that was like that at some point, and you know exactly what we mean.

You can feel an infinite amount of love flowing through you for a cat, and you can feel that love coming back to you as well. It is unconditional, and there is more where that came from. There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered.

Please do yourselves a favor and stop trying to fix the people in your lives so that they can love you the way that you want to be loved, and instead, ask yourself why you don’t just be the love that you want to receive. Love is free. Love is infinite, and it is fundamentally unconditional, so please don’t hold back.

The world needs you to be that love more today than it is has ever needed you before, and you are the ones who know that what we are saying is true. You are the ones who know that Source doesn’t withhold love from anyone, ever, no matter what they do, and you know that you are there to be like Source.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

If you do like what you are feeling, it means that it serves you to continue to go down that path with that feeling and with whatever evokes that feeling within you.

Attract What You Want to Attract ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are interested in the paths that you are choosing at this time to bring yourselves into a greater awareness of what is going on inside of you. As many of you know, your thoughts and emotions are clues that indicate to you what exactly you are vibrating at your core. If those thoughts and emotions do not get your attention, then you will create something in your experience that will magnify the vibration that is inside of you, and hopefully that will get your attention. Hopefully, that will tune you in to what you are vibrating, and you will do something about it.

You have so many opportunities to do this when looking at your outside world as well. It doesn’t even have to be happening to you in order for something to clue you in as to what you are vibrating. If you keep seeing accidents between cars, then that should clue you in. If you keep hearing about, and interacting with, people who are getting very sick, that should be a clue. And even if all of the news that finds its way to you is about some disaster, some cataclysmic event, that should help you to realize that you’ve got a vibration going on that needs addressing.

Pay attention to what comes into your awareness in the outside world, and of course, pay attention to what’s going on inside of you so that you can make course corrections. You do not have to get sick or into a car accident. You do not have to have a hurricane come to your neighborhood. These are options. You are, in fact, constantly presenting yourselves with options, different timelines that you could take, some of which have a higher potential than others.

Now, this is true when it comes to predictions as well. You might hear about, or read about, a prediction, and you might get triggered by it. Or you might read about it, or hear about it, and feel excitement. If you feel excitement, that means you want to move towards that potential reality, even if it is far-fetched, unlikely, given where you are.

There is still a reason why you put that prediction in front of you, because you do create one hundred percent of your reality. So pay attention. Pay attention to everything, and you will know what’s going on inside of you. And if you don’t like what you are feeling, then it means you need to feel that feeling. If you do like what you are feeling, it means that it serves you to continue to go down that path with that feeling and with whatever evokes that feeling within you.

You are going to get better at this. We know that you will. We have the utmost faith in humanity, and we see that the energies that are upon you are making you more sensitive. They are waking you up to how you feel, and being awake to how you feel is so important that those experiences in the outside world will get closer and closer to you until you feel what you need to feel. It is only then that you can vibrate what you want to vibrate, attract what you want to attract, and experience what you want to experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

It is those of you who are awake and are focusing on the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, that you are Love Incarnate, who are the ones doing the balancing of the energies.-Arcturians via Daniel-

Those of You Who Are Truly Awake ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the different levels of consciousness that are currently existing on your planet, and we have noticed that those of you who are awake are more than compensating for those who are living their lives in the dark, who are playing the roles of the villains. Now, we want to be very clear about what we are saying here. It is those of you who are awake and are focusing on the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, that you are Love Incarnate, who are the ones doing the balancing of the energies.

Those who are constantly on a witch-hunt for the villains of your planet are not balancing those energies at all. In fact, they are lowering their vibration while on that witch-hunt, and they are not examining themselves at all to see what these villains represent that also exists inside of them. But those of you who are living the truth that you are Source Energy Beings know that Source is all-inclusive. And so, you are not attempting to root out the evildoers of the world, but rather, you are focusing on the good that exists within yourselves and within others.

You are seeing the good in those who may not deserve that perspective to be placed upon them, but you know what your role is as a lightworker. As a lightworker, you are there to shine light. You are not there to go into the darkness to defeat those in the darkness, and you know that. And this is a good time for this reminder to hit all of you who are truly awake, because the smear campaigns on your world are going to continue, and you will not know what is true and what isn’t for quite some time.

It is best then for you to stay in the light and invite others to join you in the light. Allowing more of Source Energy to flow through you is what will create this tipping point that many are looking for. You are there to serve that purpose. You are there to do your part, and oftentimes that means forgiving the villains, and even having compassion for them, so that you can stay in that Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is not about excluding others, which is why all of these scenarios where half of humanity ascends and half does not makes absolutely no sense.

You are all in this together, and when you can love unconditionally the worst in humanity because you have decided that you are love, that’s when you are ready to take humankind into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimension, and those of you who are receiving this message understand that at your core. And you are the ones doing the heavy lifting there on your planet. You are the ones who will continue to invite your fellow humans to the light, to seeing the good in others, to being in that state of forgiveness and compassion, and that’s what makes a difference on your world.

That’s the only thing that’s going to tip the scales for humanity, that is going to change the world that you live on. And you will be saving yourselves in the process, because when you go down those rabbit holes of who is doing what in the dark, you find yourself in the dark. And that’s not where you belong. You are there to save. You are there to help. You are there to heal. And from what we see, those of you who are awake enough to receive this message are making good on that promise that you made to yourselves and all of humanity when you decided to incarnate there, and that makes us very happy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You Don’t Need to Reverse Engineer UFOs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

You Don’t Need to Reverse Engineer UFOs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are fully surprised by humanity all the time. We never cease to be amazed by what you are able to create on your own. We know that many of you are aware that humans are routinely helped by extra-terrestrials when it comes to technology and making advancements in various fields. But you are far more creative when you are putting a paintbrush to a canvas, writing a song, or crafting a screenplay that will become a movie.

And your creativity doesn’t stop there. You have made so much with so little since the beginning of time that we know you would’ve gotten to all of those technological advances on your own if you had never reverse engineered a fallen UFO, and if you had never received any help from any extra-terrestrial beings. You are magnificent creator beings on a path of ascension, and it is a path that you have been on since the day that humanity was born.

You don’t need help, but we and others like us love helping. We love giving you that nudge, showing you how we did something, and we know that you will always put your own unique spin on whatever you are given, because that’s how creative you are. You are souls seeking experience. You have gone way past survival, and you are exploring the vastness of your own consciousness. That’s when beings and collectives in higher-dimensional planes get really excited, because then we see ourselves in you.

We want you to know that all of the downloads and information that you receive is coming from you. You’re just getting it from another aspect of you with some help from your guides, with some help from collectives like us. But there is no separation, so even when you receive from a collective from another star system, it is still you that is giving the download, that is giving the information. You cannot possibly reach outside of yourselves, but you can reach. You can go beyond the ego. You can go beyond what others have done before you, and that’s what you are doing every time you set out to create something new.

And that’s when we get excited, surprised, and amazed by the will of the human spirit, the creative force coming through a person living on Earth at this time. This is why you all are the greatest show going on in the galaxy, and why there are so many e.t.s tuning in to see what you will do and what you will create next with all that energy that you are being given on a consistent basis from higher-dimensionals, like ourselves.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are all pieces of the same one Being, and the same one Being exists in all of the pieces.

The Mission of The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be able to share this journey with all of you and to be able to give you these updates on your progress. We know that it has been hard there on Earth, and we know that many of you are ready to shift, to become your higher selves. You have enough awareness to do so, but you are still there in the fourth dimension because you are there to shepherd the rest of humanity. You are there to remind them of who they really are as Source Energy Beings, and the best way to do that is to show them what it means to be a Source Energy Being, to be an aspect of Source.

A good way for you all to practice living this truth is to not only think of yourselves as aspects of Source, and then to think, speak, and act accordingly, but you can also refer to others as aspects of Source when you are thinking about them, in some cases, even when you are addressing them. But when strong feelings come up for you about someone and what they are doing or saying, a good way for you to think about that situation, that event, that circumstance, is to say to yourself, ‘I wonder why that aspect of Source is doing that or saying that.’

Again, it is good to practice. It is good to put to practice that which you know to be true. If you are receiving this transmission, and enjoying it, then you must know that you and everyone else that you know, and everyone else that you share your planet with, is an aspect of Source. You are all pieces of the same one Being, and the same one Being exists in all of the pieces. That is to us what being awake means, but it’s not enough to know it. And if you want to put that truth into practice all the time, then you have to start thinking about others as they truly are, not as the egos that they are showing, not as the versions of Source that have all that light and love turned way down.

You are there to focus on those individuals in such a way that the light and love gets turned back up, naturally, because you are holding them in that space. You are holding them in that knowing that you have in you of who they really are. That is what’s important. That is how you change the world. That is how you elevate the consciousness on your world so that no one wants to do the bad things that you see people doing and hear about people doing. All of the things that are being done and that are said that have the potential to throw you back into a place of judgment, those are the moments when you have to ask yourself why that aspect of Source might be doing or saying that.

We see this as the mission of the awakened collective, and we see it as something every single one of you can do right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The energies coming in for you will be about helping you to create more ease, more relaxation, and more fun in your lives…You need to let in what you have already created, and now is the time…Now is when the energies will support you and assist you, and make your jobs there on Earth a lot easier.

What the September 2020 Energies Are All About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very satisfied with the progress that we have felt you all making during this month of August, and we know that many of you are anticipating what the upcoming month’s energies will be all about. We know that you anticipate more change, more assistance, and more of the natural evolution of the energies that you have available to you. And that is what you are going to find there in the month of September, the month of your next equinox.

The energies coming in for you will be about helping you to create more ease, more relaxation, and more fun in your lives. It is time for humanity to get less serious and to feel more free, more childlike. It is time for you all to invite the faeries to play with you, to demonstrate to you what their lives are like. We invite you to feel for the truth that what you are becoming, as you shift into your fifth-dimensional selves, is very faerie-like. You are there to awaken within you the knowing that you can create lives of ease, playfulness, and fun. You can allow your inner children to emerge and to take you away from all of the doom and gloom that many humans have been focusing on for quite some time.

We are here to remind you that you can take a break. You don’t have to be focusing on what’s wrong with the world all day, every day. That will always be there for you. You can always go back to fulfilling your purpose, your mission. The upcoming September energies are about reminding you that it is also important to replenish, to relax, to rejuvenate, and to make this journey, this evolution of consciousness, as much fun as you possibly can.

The joy is only in the journey if you allow it in, if you look for it, if you make sure that you are the one skipping and singing as you traverse your path. We invite you to feel for the joy that is available to you, the joy of existence. Your joy does not have to be conditional. You do not have to wait for everything to change for the better before you start having more fun. And in fact, if you allow these September energies to do what they are designed to do, then you will be more likely to let in all that you have been summoning for yourselves and for all of your fellow humans.

You might do a better job of asking and summoning when you’re in that place of angst, fear, and sadness, but you do a far better job of receiving what you have created when you are in that place of ease, when you are looking for opportunities to take a load off, to take it easy, to take some of the responsibility off of your shoulders for making it all better. You are there to create this beautiful reality there on Earth that you want to experience, and you need this component. You need to let in what you have already created, and now is the time. Now is when the energies will support you and assist you, and make your jobs there on Earth a lot easier.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are becoming higher dimensional…It’s why some of you feel like you need less food, or you feel only attracted to foods that hold a lot of light in them.

Your Light Bodies Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have achieved a level of consciousness that is simply too high to be held in a physical body. Any physical body that we would attempt to be fully aligned with would have to be enormous, and it would feel very limiting, very restrictive. And so, we enjoy our nonphysical status. Many of you are beginning to feel the same way about your physical bodies. You want to be free of them because they feel limiting, not because you want to die, or cease existing. Those of you who are awake know that you will never cease to exist.

And you also know that you are transforming. You are becoming higher dimensional. You are holding more light in your physical bodies, because your consciousness is making that possible. Raising the level of your consciousness opens you up. You let go of fear, and you let go of tension. You let go of your guardedness, and all of that lets the light pour to you and through you, transforming your physical bodies into light bodies.

This is a process. It’s not something that happens all at once, and it’s not something that happens overnight. It is something that we see you doing more and more of all the time. It’s why some of you feel like you need less food, or you feel only attracted to foods that hold a lot of light in them. Now, as you continue on in this journey, you are going to find that you no longer feel trapped and limited. You no longer feel attached to your physical bodies, either, and that will be a relief. That will mean that you have transcended your fear of death, your fear of annihilation.

Right now, all you can do is pay attention to how things feel when they move through your physical bodies. How does that food you ate feel? How does that piece of information feel? How does that music feel? Does it feel more expansive? Is it elevating you? Or is it bringing you down and making you feel heavy? Use your beautiful bodies to inform you of whether to move towards something or away from it.

And be open. Be open to all of the possibilities that are in front of you. Be open to the light and love that is pouring down upon you at all times, and be open to changing your minds, because that is one of the ways that you raise the level of your consciousness. The less attached you are to your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, the better.

The more present you are, the more likely you are to feel that expansiveness and to get in touch with your feelings. You have to be in your body to feel your feelings. So please accept your bodies as they are now, and know that they are in the process of transforming into light bodies, and it is all happening because of your willingness to raise the level of your consciousness as you move through your lives.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You will only experience the planet you want to experience by raising consciousness.

You Are Getting Heart Chakra Upgrades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sincere in our appreciation of how well you have all been able to manage during these tumultuous times there on planet Earth. We know that those of you who are awake often carry a much heavier burden than those who are not, because you are in touch with your emotions, and you are willing to feel them. We want you to know that you are going to be repaid for all that you have done for humankind. You are going to receive some beautiful upgrades to your heart chakras that will enable you to process for humankind much faster and with very little pain.

This is something that your higher selves have decided it is time for you to receive. It is time to make the journey to the fifth dimension easier on those of you who have been doing more than your fair share of the work to get humanity ready. Humanity needs you to stabilize the energies there, and humanity needs you to show the way, to show them how it is done, how to take something that is painful, process it, release it, and replace it with something that is beautiful.

You do not transmute energy. This is something that we often hear people say in your new age community, and it isn’t actually what you are doing. You are processing it, allowing it to be exactly what it is, and running it through you as it is. You change through that process. You are transmuting you by being willing to do that work for yourself, for your past life self, and for humanity. And then you activate a vibration that feels much, much better to take its place, but you aren’t transmuting anything.

You are there to allow everything to be as it is and to rise above what is lower vibrational. You are not there to eliminate anything, and you are not there to transmute anything. You are there to be Source, which is everything, embracing Source, which is everything. That is why it is not your mission to defeat anything. There is nothing outside of you that you could possibly defeat. It is your job to make peace with everything that is in existence and to then choose what you want to experience, what resonates with you, what is of a high vibration.

When you seek to defeat, you lower your vibration, and then you have more things to defeat in that lower vibrational state. You’ll get more and more of what you would deem to be inappropriate, or even evil. And that is why we are so proud of those of you who are able to receive this message. We are so proud of those of you who are doing this, who are rising above what others are seeking to chase down and lock up. You will only experience the planet you want to experience by raising consciousness. That is the only way to get there.

Now, getting back to the work you all have been doing. We want to assure that these heart chakra upgrades are already in the works. It is going to be easier the next time you process, and easier the time after that, and it will continue to get easier because you have paid your dues. You don’t need to continue to experience abject fear or anger that borders on rage. You don’t need to experience sadness that quickly spirals into despair. You have done it all. And while humankind by and large cannot and will not acknowledge this, we can, we will, and we are, and we are happy to be a part of these upgrades you are getting to your hearts and your heart chakras.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Nothing exists but One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness/God. -Arcturian Group Message-

AUGUST 23, 2020

Greetings dear ones. Once again we join you old souls to explore the issues involved in living on earth during a time that has become confusing and troubling even for those who are aware. You already know that it is a time of great change, but many of you unconsciously continue to hope and wait for everything to return to “normal” or the way things were.

This cannot happen because consciousness being the substance of form, is changing and evolving both personally and globally. The energy that formed the creations of the world you are familiar with is not the same and will no longer energetically support much that you have come to accept as normal. Many aspects of three dimensional living are dissolving in order to reappear in higher and better forms, that reflect a higher state of consciousness. It is simply cause and effect.

Compare the present to a seed in the ground that is forcing its way up through the darkness of heavy, dense dirt before it can emerge into the light as a strong healthy plant ready to grow into its full potential. The seeds of a new and higher dimensional world are present, alive and well, but must work their way through the dense and heavy dirt of duality and separation.

Cells store and continue to hold energy from intense experiences of past and present lifetimes. Some of these experiences were good, some bad, and a few horrendous and terrifying. This old energy remains alive and well, affecting a person’s life choices until cleared through conscious intention or spiritual evolutionary growth.

High resonating frequencies of Light dissolve and replace those of a lower resonance because there is no Divine law to sustain, maintain, or hold them in place. The higher frequencies of Light now pouring to earth along with your intention and choice to spiritually evolve and clear old energy is exposing a tremendous amount of low resonating energy globally as well as personally.

Increasingly more people are beginning to experience a sense who and what they are and that they themselves and not others are the creators of their lives. This move into empowerment is effecting everyone differently because every person interprets life according to their state of their consciousness. This is why there is a lot of negative chaos is taking place while at the same time, there are individuals acting from their newly awakened sense of empowerment with positive, uplifting, and more evolved activities based in love.

Because you have evolved to being consciously aware that God/Divine Consciousness is the reality of you and everyone else, your job during these times is to stand back and in the light of your awareness and allow the outer process to unfold without trying to direct it. All is progressing as it needs to which may not be how you or the majority think it should or want it to based on limited three dimensional concepts.

Try not to be overly concerned with outer appearances, but rather use them to focus more fully on the truth underlying them while examining your belief system with regard to particular appearances that may be effecting you .

Information is beginning to surface that is shocking to you. You knew that many would be shocked when
long embedded dark activities began to surface, but you didn’t expect that you yourself would be shocked. This well runs very deep. Be aware, but do not become overly involved with energetically dark and heavy information. More is to come, the swamp is indeed being drained but not in the way many anticipated.

Be in the world, but not of it for you have evolved beyond the need for the lessons of old energy. You have played the games being played at this time over many lifetimes and your work now is to be a Light Holder wherever you are. A Light Holder stays centered in truth, in oneness, and in the consciousness of God as the one and only power fully present within every soul whether or not they choose to accept this.

The core essence of every person is Divine for there is nothing else. How can there be something outside of ONE? To believe that there is, is duality, the false energy that has formed most three dimensional creations. There is not and never has been a faraway God keeping track of who is naughty and who is nice.

Even some very evolved individuals continue unconsciously holding beliefs of a punishing/rewarding God because these beliefs ruled throughout many lifetimes and have become deeply embedded in collective consciousness. Recognize this old energy if or when you find yourself expecting to be punished for some unintended infraction.

If there is only ONE omnipresent God, where would any other life come from? Where would any other mind come from, or any other consciousness? There is only One and that One is forever expressing ITself in infinite form and variety. This is the truth that every person must at some point acknowledge, accept, and live. Do I believe this or not? This is the essence of the spiritual evolutionary journey.

Picture a “body of water”, then picture a “body of land”, now with that same concept in mind imagine a “body of consciousness”. This is the reality of you. You never have been a material body housing a consciousness, but have always been a “body of consciousness”. What you see as the physical body is a material concept (necessary for living in third dimensional energy) of the perfect spiritual “body of consciousness” reflecting the conditioned beliefs and state of consciousness of the individual. Ponder this, take it into your meditation.

Nothing exists but One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness/God. Therefore no one is or ever could be separate from that One or for that matter, each other. Everything is formed of the “same stuff”-Divine Consciousness- but interpreted by human minds according to their attained level of awareness. The realization and consciousness of ONE is the bottom line, the period, and the only key to true happiness and fulfillment.

What am I believing that is manifesting in my life this way? What do I hold in my consciousness as being truth? Experiences are taking place in the lives of many awake individuals that are no longer a part of their belief system and this is leaving them confused and wondering why. You must understand that over hundreds of previous lives everyone has accumulated low resonating energies that are now surfacing.

If some intense unpleasant experience is currently presenting in your life consider it to be a graduation rather than a failure, for it indicates that you have achieved a level of awareness prepared to clear and move beyond the remaining remnants of the energy. Old energies hidden in the corners of every person’s consciousness are being swept out at this time. Issues that previously would of not been noticed are now declaring themselves with a loud voice.

No one is presented with experiences beyond their ability to learn from or are incapable of healing. Every individual’s Higher Self directs and guides their personal evolutionary journey in unity with the person’s pre-birth contract. Pre-birth soul contracts are created before incarnating with the help of a spiritual guidance team and do not simply reflect a person’s current state of consciousness but rather what they are spiritually prepared for and need in order to learn and spiritually grow.

During these intense times of spiritual awakening, everyone is experiencing a full plate of “stuff” to be acknowledged rather than just one or two issues as has been usual in other lifetimes.. This is because you have chosen and are on earth at this time to move into the higher frequencies of earth’s ascension process and low resonating energy cannot be carried into the higher frequencies.

Everything is proceeding according to plan. Try not to resist anything but rather allow unconditional love to be your shield and sword in every situation. If you are drawn to these messages it means you are not a beginner in the evolutionary journey and are no longer experiencing random events representative of the third dimensional belief system. Rather, you are being pushed and guided to a higher level of awareness.

Trust your intuition. Stay centered at all times, meeting every low resonating situation you see, read about, or personally experience from your highest realization of truth. This does not mean you do nothing of a practical nature, but means you do what needs to be done from a place of spiritual realization and knowledge.

This is your segue into that state of consciousness you have unknowingly sought lifetime after lifetime. One in which the personal limited you no longer exists, having been replaced by YOU.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/23/20

Donations are welcomed

You have surpassed a tipping point there on Earth with the mass awakenings that have been occurring, and as a result, you are now ready for more downloads, more activations, more attunements, more upgrades, more of everything that you have been asking for as individuals, as the awakened collective, and as the entirety of the human collective.

Mass Awakenings Have Created an Energetic Net ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission, because we know how much you all care about the advancement of the human collective consciousness. And we have some very good news for you. You have surpassed a tipping point there on Earth with the mass awakenings that have been occurring, and as a result, you are now ready for more downloads, more activations, more attunements, more upgrades, more of everything that you have been asking for as individuals, as the awakened collective, and as the entirety of the human collective.

Humanity has demonstrated enough compassion to bring about another huge surge of energies that will allow those of you who are open to hold yourselves in a high-vibrational state, even when many of your fellow humans are deciding to stay in a lower-vibrational state because they think they need to. You have undoubtedly seen a lot of the anger, fear, and hate playing itself out on your world of late, and some of you may have even felt tempted to go down those paths, to explore, to see whether or not they have anything worth investigating.

And whether you did or did not fall down that rabbit hole, you have certainly been seeing enough trauma and tragedy on your world to open your hearts even more, to feel empathy, to feel compassion, and to offer your healing energy to humans that you have never met and may never meet. This is a time where your world has gotten even smaller, and you have been connecting with one another in ways that you couldn’t even have imagined thirty or forty years ago.

But now that you feel so much more connected to other people who live on the other side of the planet, you have opened your hearts, and you have allowed yourselves to feel that sympathy, that sorrow, and all of the other emotions that have come up for you, because of the suffering that you know others are enduring and have endured. And that is what tipped the scales for humankind. It has been your kindness. It has been your willingness to care about others who do not look like you and who are nothing like you.

And as you have extended your hearts out to those in need, you have co-created an energetic net that is above the Earth’s surface that is perfectly suited to receive the next wave of energies that you have coming now, a wave of energies that you have summoned and that you have demonstrated a readiness to receive. You, the awakened collective, have done it again. You have allowed more energies in. You have grounded those energies and spread them around, and now is the time to reap the rewards.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We want you all to congratulate yourselves and feel very proud of the work you’ve been doing…You are not going to see real change on your world because of actions taken, arrests made, or the right person being put into political office. You are going to see the massive changes that you want to experience because of your willingness to be in that state of a higher vibration, a higher consciousness.

You Are Responsible for the Massive Changes Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the many possible timelines that you have in front of you now that you have taken in, absorbed so many of the beautiful energies that you have been sent in recent weeks there on planet Earth. We have noticed more and more of you are recognizing your ability to create a better future for yourselves and your fellow humans. You have been so powerful in your desiring and in your focusing that you have co-created thousands of new timelines, timelines that are going to show themselves to you in your dream state. These are timelines that are going to be giving you a glimpse of potential futures that you now have on Earth, futures that will delight you, that will excite you, and that will light you up.

We want you all to congratulate yourselves and feel very proud of the work you’ve been doing. You have needed to open up more for quite some time, and the Lions Gate Portal gave you that reason. It gave you that excuse to open yourselves up. And as we said, we have noticed that you in fact did put yourselves in that receptive state, so that you can move forward for the rest of this calendar year with more confidence that you are moving in a direction that is better for everyone.

This is the distinct advantage that you have as spiritually awake people. You want what’s best for everyone, not just a few humans, not just the ones who agree with you politically and ideologically. You want what is best for everyone, and you operate as your Source Energy Selves when you seek the timeline that is best for everyone there on Earth. You are the changemakers. You are the ones who can see and feel the bigger picture, who can rise above the pettiness of arguing over whether one should wear a mask or one should not wear a mask. You are the ones to bring about the higher consciousness that is needed on your world at this time to bring about real change.

You are not going to see real change on your world because of actions taken, arrests made, or the right person being put into political office. You are going to see the massive changes that you want to experience because of your willingness to be in that state of a higher vibration, a higher consciousness. And that all starts with you and the knowing that you and everyone else in creation is an aspect of Source. When you hold that knowing, and when you seek to bring all of the pieces of Source together, you are then responsible for the massive changes that are coming for humanity and the human collective consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tap in to the oneness, the unity consciousness of humankind. Feel for these energies we are referring to, and create the reality that you want to experience right now. That is your God-given right.-The Arcturians via Daniel Scranton-

The Current Energies & What to Do with Them ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are watching and waiting to see what humanity is going to do with the current energies that are upon your world, because they are so co-creative. They are literally looking for awakened humans like yourselves to open up to them and to begin to feel your power as creator beings, to mold these energies into the version of reality that you want to see, feel, and experience. There is a reason why we tell you to shut off your devices and stop looking for predictions about what is going to happen. We want you to take charge, to take command of your reality, your planet, your lives.

This is not a dress rehearsal. This is the real thing. This is the time of ascension, a time where you have more of your powers activated and more energies available to you. And so, it is not the time to be looking at the reports of doom and gloom that tell you what’s going to happen there on your planet. We are here now to remind you of how powerful you are, to remind you of the truth that you have Arcturian DNA, and Arcturians are now and always have been masterful creators. Arcturians know how to work with energy, and you have been Arcturian in at least one lifetime.

You are not just from one star system, and you didn’t descend all the way from Source to be there on Earth. You wanted to get a taste of all of the different star systems, because you knew that Earth would be a giant melting pot of energies from all across the universe. And so, the part of you that is still Arcturian and that knows how to create realities is the part we want to activate. We want to remind you of who you really are, and we want you to be the ones who lead humanity into the golden age.

You are very close at this time to accessing some beautiful wisdom, and you are very close to having full extra-terrestrial contact. But you don’t have to wait around and see what others are going to do, others who are well known because they have risen to a position of power and authority. There are so many of you who are awake at this time, and you can use the collective consciousness that you are a part of to increase your power as a creator being. Tap in to the oneness, the unity consciousness of humankind. Feel for these energies we are referring to, and create the reality that you want to experience right now. That is your God-given right.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

So we recommend that you begin now to focus on opening up to these energies that are coming in. They are bigger and more powerful than anything you’ve ever experienced there on Earth before.

The Lions Gate Portal & Higher-Dimensional Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been summoning lots of energies on your behalf from the higher dimensional planes. Beings, collectives, all the different energies throughout this universe, are focusing on humankind at this time, but there are those of us who focus a bit more on you, and we have become the experts on what would serve humanity the most. And that is why we feel qualified to summon energies on your behalf.

There are some beautiful collectives in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions that we have been working with, that we have been channeling and connecting with telepathically. And we have arranged for these energies to come to you at a time when you not only feel the need for some energetic and vibrational support, but this is also a time when you expect more energies to flow to you from throughout the galaxy and the universe.

We are talking about the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. We know that this is a time when many individuals there on Earth who want to be of service are expecting to receive a bit more. And when you do that, you align yourselves with these beautiful and powerful energies. You align yourselves and you open yourselves up to receive, and all of the energies that you have been summoning for yourselves and for the human collective can then run through you, as you are the conduits. You are the ones who have readied yourselves for these energies to flow through you.

When you take care of your physical bodies, you make yourselves better vessels, better vehicles, better at receiving the higher-dimensional, higher-frequency energies that are coming to you at this time to support you, to ground you, and to get you to feel more stable, secure, and heart-centered. And as always, it is up to you whether you are going to receive these transmissions, and it is up to you what you will do once these energies have landed.

The work is not going to be done for you, but you will always be supported, especially when you are looking to be of service. And we know that so many of you who receive these transmissions are looking to be of service. It is in these moments that you are being called forth. You are being summoned, and you the ones who are the perfect candidates, because you know about the world you want to co-create. You might not all agree on what’s happening in the world right now, and who is responsible, and what it’s all about, but you can unite under the flag of now knowing more than ever what you want to co-create there on Earth and how you want people to live freely and with health and well-being.

So we recommend that you begin now to focus on opening up to these energies that are coming in. They are bigger and more powerful than anything you’ve ever experienced there on Earth before. Be ready to transform yourselves and transform your planet into the paradise that it can be and that we know you will make it with our help and with the help of even more higher-dimensional beings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source loves all beings unconditionally-Arcturians via Daniel-

The Cassiopeian Contribution to the August Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that we have been meeting with several collectives here in the ninth dimension to determine how we can all unite in a more harmonious way so that we can all be of greater service to humankind and all of the other physical beings throughout the galaxy. We are so very happy that we have experienced more of the perspective of the Cassiopeians during these little get-togethers. Cassiopeia is a star system where beings incarnate in order to explore all of the various ways there are of feeling, expressing, and knowing the vibration of love.

And so, the Cassiopeian perspective on how to help humanity at this time is to transmit more and more love every single day, every single moment, in fact. They are very certain that this is the best approach to assisting all of you. It is an approach that they have found to be tried and true in their experience, and they have a lot of experience putting this philosophy to the test. Now, as we have said, in previous transmissions, the main purpose of the energies that are coming to you from our collective, and other collectives that we are working with, is to put you all in that knowing that you are Source Energy Beings.

And the path to Source is now and always will be the heart. Source is Love. Source loves all beings unconditionally, and so this Cassiopeian approach, this Cassiopeian agenda is one that we are in harmony with, and we are going to help put to the test there on Earth and throughout this galaxy of ours. This is a time when many humans are abandoning their hearts, and getting very attached to their thoughts, their perspectives, their points of view about what’s happening there on your world, and we could not imagine a better time, nor a better opportunity for love to be anchored in and to do what it does.

Love heals. Love awakens. Love is a force to be reckoned with, and one that can be used to create a much more harmonious and peaceful experience of life there on planet Earth. Now is the time to put this Cassiopeian philosophy to the test, and you are the ones who are awake enough to resonate with this truth. And so, we suggest that you all focus on opening your hearts up throughout the month of August there on planet Earth, and see how much of this beautiful Cassiopeian energy you can anchor in and make available to the rest of humankind.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

it’s time to stop pinning all of your hopes on one politician saving the day, or even a group of well-meaning individuals defeating the bad guys. What humanity needs now, and what this upcoming month is giving you the opportunity to recognize, is that Divinity activated within as many of you who are willing to go out there on a limb in the same way the one known as Yeshua once did. Remind everyone that they are Source, that they are Divine, that they are creating all of this as an illusion so that they can wake up from the dream and become the powerful beings of light they truly are.-The Arcturians-

The August Energies from Arcturus, Pleiades & Sirius ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased and excited to share with you what we believe the month of August will be all about there on planet Earth. We have been working with a Pleiadian collective and a Sirian collective to put together a package of energies that will work quite nicely with the other energies that you have coming in for the month of August. It is our intention to make this upcoming month be all about you finding your core within. This is the month of humankind recognizing the Divine that is always present within each and every one of you.

We really want to hammer home the truth that you all are Source Energy Beings, and that you have access to All That Is when you focus inwardly, when you give your full and undivided attention to the unconditional love that exists at your core, at your heart-center. If you are going to lead humanity as the awakened collective, then you have to be the ones who hold the Christ Consciousness within you. You have to be the ones to demonstrate to the rest of humankind what is possible when you truly know yourselves as Divine Beings of Light and Love.

What we see there on Earth is far too much waiting around for something to occur that will rescue humanity from yourselves. Only humanity can truly rescue humanity. There are, of course, beings and collectives like ourselves who are doing everything in our power to help you awaken as a collective, to guide you back into yourselves, and to remind you of how powerful you are. But there are far too many humans out there telling you that you aren’t as powerful as some cabal group and that you have to wait for some kind of solar flash to come and rescue all of you.

It’s time to stop pinning all of your hopes on one politician saving the day, or even a group of well-meaning individuals defeating the bad guys. What humanity needs now, and what this upcoming month is giving you the opportunity to recognize, is that Divinity activated within as many of you who are willing to go out there on a limb in the same way the one known as Yeshua once did. Remind everyone that they are Source, that they are Divine, that they are creating all of this as an illusion so that they can wake up from the dream and become the powerful beings of light they truly are.

Welcome in the August energies with open arms, and take that full knowing of who you really are out into the world. Spread the light, spread the love, spread the healing, and offer compassion and forgiveness freely, and you will see your world transformed in a way that nothing else could possibly accomplish. You are the ones to truly embrace your true nature as Divine Beings, and it will be a group effort to bring the rest of humanity along for this very fun, joyous, and beautiful ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You are there to know yourselves as gods in the flesh.

You Are Awake Enough to Meet Archangels & Ascended Masters ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
You Are Awake Enough to Meet Archangels & Ascended Masters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite famous throughout the galaxy for our spirituality here in the Arcturian star system. We have been through so many different processes, teachings, exercises, meditations, and different ways of knowing ourselves as Source Energy Beings in physical bodies, and that is essentially what you all are there to discover. You are there to discover how to be Source Energy in a physical body, how to represent Source in the physical. You are there to know yourselves as gods in the flesh. And the journey that you have been on to that knowing has been much longer than the journeys that Arcturians have been on throughout history. When incarnate, we came into our physical bodies in a higher vibrational state. That is not us bragging. That was a choice, and it was a choice that almost everyone on Earth has made in previous lifetimes in our star system. We are doing our best to help humankind, even though your experience has been, and continues to be, much, much different from the Arcturian experience. But you need a stable force. You need beings to hold that higher vibrational frequency so that we can call you up to us. We, and others like us throughout the galaxy and throughout the universe, are always pulling humanity up with our intention, with our love and our compassion, and we will continue to do so because we love and honor you so much. We want so much for humankind to succeed with as much joy and ease as possible. And you are living at a time right now where joy and ease are hard to come by. Therefore, we invite you to lean on us more. Lean on the archangels more. Lean on the ascended masters more. Surrender to our invitations to be in a higher vibrational state, and you will find yourselves there. You have already come so far, and those of us in the higher realms are ready to give you that last little nudge, so that you can catapult yourselves into the fifth dimension and so that you can start living better lives there in the fourth. You are awake enough to receive what we in the higher realms have to offer. You are awake enough to rise up and meet us in the beautiful space that we can co-create together, a new fifth dimension, a new way of knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings in physical bodies. And when you get there from having been so far away from that knowing, when you get there from having felt so separate from Source, it is a tremendous ride. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”