Category Archives: Caroline Oceana Ryan

Get quiet, ask for a vision of what is unfolding, and what it is you have come to do. Then prepare to receive it, for you shall. No need for timidity, fear, or unsureness now.

A Message to Lightworkers – May 1, 2020

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today.

We wish to say that you have, as they say, “the best seats in the house” for witnessing the ongoing spectacle of powerful Light data flowing into your planet now, such as it has not flowed in many, many centuries.

You may yourselves feel a lift some days in your outlook on life, even though many are finding that their work and income feel uncertain or seem to have disappeared, while so many become ill, and hospital staff work relentlessly under difficult circumstances.

It may appear outwardly to be a time of pain and shock, and yet—there is a greater reality, and you are witnessing it, and perhaps in quiet moments, feeling the Joy and beauty of it.

That is your inner Spirit, rising to greet the Sunlight and fresh air of the New Day that Earth Herself is experiencing now.

That is your love of adventure, and your memory, though tucked deep inside your consciousness, of what you knew you would witness, and had to contribute to, at this unprecedented time.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Our writer is asking us now, Is that why this outbreak was planned for this time—did someone see this time of higher Light coming, so they decided to rig outer circumstances against humanity, even if they couldn’t stop the astrological alignments, and the start of the new era, the Satya Yuga?

Most assuredly, we would answer, there was a small minority upon the Earth—some, as they say, having chosen to wear the white hats, and some having chosen to wear the dark hats in this great drama you have been living—who saw what was coming, and who have shaped their plans accordingly.

And none of you are mere witnesses to that narrative; you have all been deeply involved, and knew what was to occur well before incarnating, seeing the potentials of this particular Earth timeline.

You know it now as well—you’re simply awakening to the significance of the moment more slowly some days than others.

We ask that you remind yourself of that Waking Up moment often, even in the midst of what feels to be a chaotic time of uncertainty, whether you feel stress for your family, your finances, your health and mental/emotional outlook, your country, or all of that.

We do not encourage a kind of “Well, I knew it would be this way before I came in” defeatist moment, but a moment of “Great change is afoot, and my presence is anchoring the Light needed to empower that, every moment I am alive.”

Are we celebrating now because we do not feel the stress, worry, and discomfort of many millions?

Most assuredly not. We are aware of the broad range of human emotion, as ever, and feel such deeply.

And yet, your job is separate and different from those who reincarnated with only their own growth and progress in mind, as vital as that is.

The role you chose has to do with assisting all of humanity to rise in consciousness to where not only will it understand the many traps you have all been subjected to for millennia, but to help it see and powerfully feel a New Reality dawning now, that heralds the sovereignty and emancipation of more than 8 billion people.

This is done through the vibration you radiate, not by mere words or outer action.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Yet in a higher sense, you are finding your voice, finding your note.

It is never the same note that all of you sing, yet all tones ring together in perfect form, in perfect rhythm, as each Earth culture and Earth being who dares to join in the realization of what is occurring now willingly adds their note.

It will take some daring, and some bravery, to be at Peace now, or in Joy.

You have been systematically trained to believe that only what is visibly before you actually exists. This has hidden from you your own co-Creative powers, till now.

We would say, draw them out of the shadows, and out of the depths of your spirit and psyche, and place them before you.

These abilities are yours—claim them!

Use your visioning power; put it to work for you.

If you desire a steady income, more Love, greater health and well-being, more Peace of mind, time in Nature, NESARA enacted—envision that!

Do not wait for outer circumstances to shift to assist you. That time is over, dear ones.

You are co-Creators, and must act as such now.

Take your reality into your own hands, and decide what circumstances would make you Joyful, if your current ones have not.

Take time every single day, and particularly as you are falling asleep, to picture yourself already living that life.

Your physical self, your income, your home, your relationships, your daily comings and goings, your Earth mission—all of this is subject not only to a vibrational upgrade now, but a complete transformation into higher form, based on the far higher frequencies now flowing into your very body and energy systems.

We will not linger on this point, for we wish you to absorb the immense power of it, and to realize the reality of it, whether you see or feel it yet present in your own life, home, and community.

We assure you, it is here, and pouring forth more and more brilliantly at every moment.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

You have heard that many billions of starships wait just outside and within Earth’s atmosphere and on the planet Herself now, to witness exactly that which you yourselves are experiencing firsthand.

Find every form of motivation, inspiration, and thankfulness you can possibly find now, if you feel to be missing these in your emotional life, for you do not want to remain closed in your energies to where an Earth-shaking moment is the only thing that will awaken you.

This is your day, dear ones!—the moment you have come in for.

Get quiet, ask for a vision of what is unfolding, and what it is you have come to do.

Then prepare to receive it, for you shall. No need for timidity, fear, or unsureness now.

You are our example of the very finest, most luminous Light Beings who have ever led a planet into an Ascension.

Namaste, dear family!

For every day you are on this planet and beyond, you are never alone.

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Most assuredly—if you prefer to Ascend and remain on the Earth rather than move out of the physical body and leave it behind, that is your decision to make.

A Message to Lightworkers – April 24, 2020

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We see many of you working very hard at times to readjust your energies as higher Light pours in.

Much Angelic and extraterrestrial assistance is likewise pouring in, in answer to millions of people’s requests for assistance for the planet and humanity.

We wish to assure you that these requests and appeals are always answered.

We are, as they say, “busier than usual,” not in the sense of “not enough time in the day,” but in the sense of the intensity and focus being applied now to assist the human condition, and all you travel through currently.

You yourselves have opened a special portal through which higher energies can arrive to Earth and all of humanity, and particularly those who are experiencing more than usual amounts of hunger, loss, poverty, and illness.

For one, you have requested such, and for another, the immensity of your etheric efforts, in requesting and requiring our assistance at this crucial time, is more powerful than you could know.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Likewise your own actions, as you work in the etheric in your sleep state each night, have opened the doorway wide for much to flow through that is of higher vibrational purpose and intent.

Now would be the time to ask yourselves, “Am I holding a higher vibration and intent in my waking hours? Or am I just trying to get through every day without undue stress and anxiety?”

We speak of stress over health matters, or about a job or business, or bills to pay, or friends or family members who are struggling now, even if you are not.

Understandably, much that was business as usual a month or two ago is no longer such.

And yet, we see occurring all around and within you now the shifts you have long clamored for; they have simply arrived in a different way than you would have preferred.

There is also the matter of what you call “the rollout” of new technologies that many find harmful to living beings.

We are assisting you in this also, assisting in moving your vibration (as you also endeavor to raise it) to where you are above the effects of those technologies, and able to assist others in doing so as well.

And there is the increasing amount of new Light data flowing to you, increasing your cells’ ability to hold Light, as you engage in new and higher forms of communication with your soul and soul family, increasing your inner abilities, including what you call telepathy.

So that even though many dire messages are being extended to you now via the media, while disruptive technologies are being sent around Earth’s atmosphere, these do not outrun your own increasing empowerment.

Nor do they block out the fact that your own perceptions are growing to where you see and accept the much, much bigger picture.

We would say, that many of you have helped draw up the designs for much of what is occurring now—beyond the astrological alignments which you have chosen to take full advantage of—as new gateways open over the next two and a half years or more that make forms of inner realization and recognition of one’s higher path far, far easier to achieve than ever before.

They are also the doorways to many new forms of the New Earth which you have envisioned over many lifetimes.

You are safely, happily, though in some ways, shakily leaving the third dimension fully behind, though yes, there is a contingent that would prefer you not realize that now or ever.

We would say, there is no hiding it from you now, even if it were to be hidden from you in some ways—it could never escape your growing awareness of the energies flowing to you now, and what they portend.

And so though this appears to be a time of difficulty for many, know that most people at this time of great shift and new beginnings have badly needed to step off the daily treadmill and to view their lives with fresh eyes—many, for the first time.

And that nearly all who leave the planet now have chosen to do so on a higher level.

They will continue their Earth missions from a far more elevated vibration than was possible while in physical body.

  • Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

They will return to you when the time is right.

Nor do you ever fully “lose” a loved one—those whom you have known outside of all time-space, on a soul level.

Their love for you, and your love for them, remains intact, without invasion of each other’s energies, or demands regarding when they arrive upon the Earth, or when they choose to leave.

Can this be changed at all, this choosing of the hour, date, and place of one’s leaving?

Most assuredly—if you prefer to Ascend and remain on the Earth rather than move out of the physical body and leave it behind, that is your decision to make.

We would say, be aware that much purification and strengthening of the mental and emotional bodies will be needed, and the physical body also cleansed and strengthened, in order to make the transition to crystalline Light body as smooth as possible.

And so, a very clean diet, full of pure water, fresh vegetables and fruits, and the kind of exercise that gives you not only muscle strength but endurance, would be called for, in addition to much meditation and time in Nature.

The heartfelt desire to serve others, to serve Lady Gaia in Her recovery from eons of harm, and the desire to live as your higher self, are also required.

There is much we could write on that subject, but we will simply say for now that this “pause” as it is wisely being called, is part of the path of Ascension that reveals to you much of your inner life—what requires healing now, what must be released, and what must be developed.

We do not say “attained,” for you are complete, dear ones.

You have within you all that is needed—yes, to move beyond this time of being socially isolated from one another, beyond the news reports and the “scare tactics,” beyond the feelings of unsureness that the ego-mind will exert.

And beyond the personality identifications that the Earth self has declared necessary for so long.

All is Well, even if you feel your checkbook does not always reflect such.

If you are still healthy, or basically so, give thanks and know that an even greater health desires to come to you now.

If you have any food, shelter, or money at all, give thanks and know that an even greater outer Abundance desires to come to you.

If you have any job or business to which you can return when the time is right, again—give Thanks, and know that your presence is invaluable to all whom you see each day.

  • Photo Sheila Fitzgerald

You may have your times of wondering which news report to believe, which video to trust, which channeling to take seriously, and we understand this.

You have been trained to live in the left brain, more than in your heart.

And so only that which makes sense to the left-brain reasoning rings True some days, when in fact, a far greater Truth stands quietly within you.

And so now, a new caveat: When encountering any new information, ask your higher self, “Is this my higher truth? Is this something that is true for my path? Is it relevant for me?”—meaning, “Is it for my higher good?” before expending thought, emotion, and energy on it.

Then return to that calm inner place which you invest in above all else—that sense of Beingness that is the perfect reflection of the Universal flow of energy that knows only the present moment, and is at Peace with it.

Put them down, both the sword and the shield, dear ones. You have no enemies.

Accept your sovereignty, your inner strength, your true self.

Now is the time.

Namaste, dear ones—look up!

We are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

The vision you hold now for a humanity that lives in an atmosphere of individual and global Peace, Abundance, fulfillment, and Oneness is a great one, and we join you in celebrating such.

A Message to Lightworkers – March 13, 2020

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We see several things occurring now which may be difficult for many of you who telepathically pick up on others’ thoughts and emotional energies.

This may also pose a challenge to the many of you who, in your increasing evolvement, are able to pick up on the goings on of governments, populations, and the inner, unconscious reactions to events now occurring around the planet.

We would say, allow yourself to feel the emotions of uncertainty and unsureness now, even moments of fear and stress, before releasing them into the Light.

You may have heard on our latest Abundance Call, that many will have the impulse now to squash emotion and to deny it, because the resonance of fear or panic is something they deem as “unspiritual” or “unbefitting” a Light Bearer and Way-Shower.

We do absolutely understand that your standard for your own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and overall resonance and vibration has never been higher.

The vision you hold now for a humanity that lives in an atmosphere of individual and global Peace, Abundance, fulfillment, and Oneness is a great one, and we join you in celebrating such.

  • Photo by Meta Cerar

We would only point out the many hundreds of lives you have lived on this a low-vibrational planet, over many thousands of years.

For the vast majority of those lives, Survival was your main interest.

Life on Earth was not only challenging and unsure. It was chaotic and untenable in many respects, in many places, for a very long time.

So that the very cells of your body have (until the recent powerful influxes of Light now reaching the planet), been tuned mainly attuned to struggle and fear of loss or death.

As you see reports on your news programs and speak with others about a virus that your officials claim has no cure (though all illness is curable), your survival mechanisms leap into action.

These send warning signals throughout your mind and body, telling you to run and hide, fight the assailant, or freeze with shock or panic.

This flight-fight-freeze reaction is well-known to you as being the opposite of the centered calm that humanity is increasingly moving into.

Yet many are succumbing to these early and middle Earth age human reactive moments, as if this were the only sensible way to behave.

The pressure that fear and panic put on the body mean that the stores of nutrition, inner coping mechanisms, and physical endurance must fly to those parts of the body and emotions most in need of assistance.

This is extra stress that you do not need in a time when extra rest, vitamin C and D, pure nano-silver, and pure food and water are called for, while outer and inner stresses are not.

We assure you that there are higher forms of help now occurring on Earth to assist in keeping this illness from reaching even the lower stages of a pandemic.

And that you assist those efforts as you envision these helpers being successful in their work, and envision yourself and all around you, and all around the world, remaining healthy and calm, at Peace and assured that All Is Well.

  • Photo by Meta Cerar

Is this the simplest assignment you have ever been given, Light Bringer?

No, certainly not.

Yet this is the life in which you have decided to dispense with your accumulated density altogether—to release the density which you have retained from all your other Earth lives, and from this life.

Again, this is not the simplest or most unchallenging task one could think of.

And yet—it is what you and many millions of others chose as your path before incarnating, as you knew that in the process of releasing the survival fear and panic reaction—of coming out of ego, personality, and smaller self, you would then begin to resonate all the more powerfully with your true, authentic, and higher self.

We do not make light of what you experience now, dear ones.

We are aware that many of you are re-experiencing the fear you felt during a plague or other disaster in other Earth lives.

Consider that as you establish inner calm in your quiet time each morning—meditating, sending forth prayers and petitions, spending time in Nature, emptying your mind of all thoughts, and speaking with your Spirit team—that you are anchoring that calm for many thousands living in the areas all around you, and beyond.

Consider that you are calming Earth’s energies, dispersing dense frequencies and entities—sending all into the Light where they may heal and transform, or transmute to a whole higher form of themselves.

And consider that your courage in that and every respect rings in the highest planes of Spirit for all to celebrate—that nothing is lost, and nothing is at risk, in the greater sense.

We send our Love, dear ones, knowing you shall rise not only above the current frequencies you now navigate, but all that remains of third dimensional Earth, as you willingly and quite consciously help create the fifth dimensional one.

  • Photo by Meta Cerar

You stand upon the precipice not of disaster, but of a New Earth. Rest your mind and heart upon that.

Image the beauty of that!

Remember Who you are, and how completely you are Loved.

Stand tall now.

You are every day more and more living upon a New Earth, one freed of all the shocks and pressures you now live under—Free at last!

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

Fires Australia:It is vital to send higher Light to those issuing the orders that those technologies be used for this purpose, and also to send Light to the technologies themselves. Call in your galactic family members to assist both etherically and physically.

A Message to Lightworkers – January 17, 2020

byCaroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

Today we cede part of our time to a Council of powerful higher beings. This is a group of Spirit guides who assist a friend of our writer.

He is adept at Native American shamanic ceremony and healing ritual.

He requested a channeling from his guides and the spirit of his deceased wife, who have lived lives as Native shamans, on how best to assist those in Australia and elsewhere, who are suffering from rampant bush and forest fires. 

Here was the reply, from that Council of Higher Guides:

“The fires in California, the Amazon, African countries, and now Australia are being intentionally set with advanced technology as well as by local arsonists.

There are several reasons for this, including to punish, subdue, and distract Mother Earth from Her Ascension journey, as Her vibration raises daily.

They will not be able to stop that, but they remain in denial, as the old ruling groups have had dominion for so long. Yet now they have lost that.

It is vital to send higher Light to those issuing the orders that those technologies be used for this purpose, and also to send Light to the technologies themselves.

Call in your galactic family members to assist both etherically and physically. 

This assists you in coming out of a defensive posture, which is often the weaker, more passive posture in any situation.

It also spoils the “Us vs. Them” paradigm, which is highly defeating.

Visualization is paramount to success in the rainmaking, as you know.

Children born in the last 10 years especially are brilliant at this.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

So in addition to holding your own visions each day, envision them visualizing rain, healing, stability, Peace, and normalcy occurring around the world.

Children’s visualizations are the most powerful on the Earth now.

Seek out videos from YouTube that have the sound of rain falling, and play that all throughout the day, in the background.

That is also helpful, as you envision Australia being rained on right now. [One example:]

Key into the vibration of the rain. You are able to do this instinctively.

Hold that in your energies on behalf of Australia, so that the essence of rain will reach the fires and endangered areas.

So that even if it isn’t yet raining in some areas, the effects of rain falling will begin to set in.

If you can drum softly to imitate thunder, that is also powerful.

It’s most helpful to imagine Earth as something you are cradling now and healing, rather than say, being in opposition to those starting the fires, or in opposition to the fire itself—that only feeds the destruction.

We are working with ancestral shamans to assist in an end to the fires, the rebirth of the burnt areas, and the spirits of the animals whose lives were lost.

They will return to a much higher vibrational Earth, in part because of the healing work being done now to assist Earth.

Remind yourselves and one another to bring in higher vibrational assistance.

It is here for you, but you must call upon it!

Many are also working in their sleep and dream state at night to assist, which is often why your emotions are erratic and changeable some days.

There will be times when you are relieved that so much good is being born because of this, and other times distressed at loss of plant, human, and animal life.

The grief and loss felt by the people in various places in the world are also affecting you.

Photo by Lynne Newman

[The higher guide known as Red Thunder speaks]: Let it pass through you.

Note it, but don’t be pulled this way or that by it. As you become more aware that that is what is happening, you will release the need to carry another’s pain.

You cannot carry it for them!

They came in to experience this, and much more.

Would you take their Joy from them? No, you would not.

Send them courage by higher Light, but do not attempt to lessen their pain, for you cannot.

That is all for now.”

The Collective: We are honored by the insights and astounding energetic assistance of these brilliant higher beings.

We urge you to consider not only their words, but the memories of your lives on this and other planets, in which you assisted in shifting dense weather patterns, mitigated extreme planetary changes, and assisted whole populations in moving out of fear, shock, or trauma.

Yes, you are that powerful, dear ones!

Yes, this is part of why you came, and you are doing it quite often, with just your presence upon the Earth now.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Art Work by Mark Eden

The Collective of Guides via Caroline Oceana Ryan, January 3d, 2020

A Message to Lightworkers – January 3, 2020

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today we again answer a question from a Light Bearer, who asks:

“My concern is that I HAVE been feeling and expressing gratitude for what I have, I HAVE been imaging and feeling financial abundance to SHARE, personal freedom, and living in 5D and with NESARA, for 11 years! 

But I have not attracted these to me in 11 years.

I have NOT been wallowing in bitterness/anger at not receiving, thus I could not have been “too low vibe” to receive. 

Instead, my life force has been withering away, my Hope has gotten weaker even though still in me. 

What say the Collective to this circumstance, which many are feeling?”

This is an excellent question, and one we deal with often.

The answer would be individual in each case, though we would say there are things that hold back manifestations for many millions, much to their frustration and upset.

Yet we wish first to assure this dear one and all others, that your life force is in fact growing stronger at every moment.

What you are experiencing is a release of that which no longer serves you, and when certain energies, which used to propel one forward (including the survival and “getting by” frequency), begin to leave the physical and energy bodies, it will feel as if a great part of you has left, and that you are weaker as a result.

In fact, you are becoming stronger, but in ways you cannot yet identify or measure.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

Understand as well, that there are, as you know, hidden barriers to wealth and other forms of well-being that people carry within themselves, at such a deep level that they are entirely unaware those blockages exist.

You may have lived any number of past lives, for example, in which you labored long, hard hours under a tyrannical overseer who threatened you with complete loss—not only of your job, but with loss of home and food, if you did not produce to a high enough level to please him or her.

You may unconsciously associate receiving money with having to do unpleasant things.

You may have had a number of lives in which you had to do forms of work or compromising behaviors to keep your place in a household, to keep your livelihood, or to keep your life, as a slave.

Or you may have engaged in work that supported industries, businesses, or secretive operations that were utterly abhorrent to you on one level or another, as they exploited animals, human beings, or the environment, or defrauded innocent people in some way.

In order to hold onto your sense of doing what was right, you were put in the position of taking part in something you detested.

Because you felt you had no choice, you protected yourself in any way you could.

This often meant separating yourself from the spirit and energy of money itself, because of what you had to do to receive it, while carrying on with activities and receiving punishments that may have at times taken you out of your body, merely so you could feed yourself and your children.

Is money to blame for the terrible goings on of a chaotic third dimensional planet? We believe that you already know that No, money itself is not to blame. It truly desires to serve and assist humanity.

Nor is Abundance itself to blame. As one moves higher in realization and experience, vibrationally, one begins to understand: There is no one to blame.

And yet, you have blamed yourselves quite often, dear ones.

You detested yourselves for what you supported in the name of survival—somehow hated yourself for what you and so many others suffered under the overseer’s whip or the mill manager’s strap.

You swore you would never again sell your good services—your life energy—in ways that compromised or hampered your Light and your beautiful, life-affirming intent.

Yet what the human subconscious records from that determination, is not “In my next Earth life, I will create forms of work that are positive and life-affirming for all involved.”

Far more likely, your subconscious decided, “I will avoid money, because of the demeaning behaviors one has to go through in order to get it.”

Photo by Kimberly Trefz

Punishing work atmospheres and tasks still exist on the Earth plane, as you know.

There are still many sweatshops, many desperate situations of slavery via human trafficking and other means, and far too many working too hard for an ignoble and insulting hourly wage, often while demeaned and insulted in the workplace.

The subconscious is fully aware of these situations, and uses them as proof in the collective consciousness, that hardship still exists on the Earth at plentiful levels.

That money is still “hard to come by” and that you have to “work hard” for it.

One’s own place in a family and experience there likewise affects the ability to receive, often straight from infancy.

For example, it is not unusual to hear a parent complaining to a child that they “cost too much.” In other words, they are too expensive to keep.

This instills in a child or teen the feeling that their requirements for life well outrun the family’s actual financial income.

If the child was asking for things they genuinely needed and desired, that feeling of “there’s no money for that” can follow them for the rest of their lives, influencing outer events and their handling of money that are based on images of lack.

Certainly, giving children and teens everything they ask for is not the answer.

Yet we would say, word carefully how you explain to a young person that there is a family budget that must be adhered to, and that as they start earning, they will be able to buy themselves much that they desire—while also mentioning the importance of saving and sharing money as well.

Be aware that you not only come into this world with a definite money vibration.

Most come in intending to intensify the effects of their previous Earth life circumstances, in an attempt to see them fully and to finally heal them.

Yet the human response, for the most part, is to rail against the condition and not notice of tend to the wound that lies beneath it.

And so the condition must continue on one level or another, with your powerful subconscious marking the way to yet another empty moment of not receiving, until you awaken and realize, This is only a signpost to the real challenge. There’s something here I need to understand.

The appearance of lack doesn’t happen so that the Universe can have a good chuckle on your aimless Earth efforts, then go back to ignoring you.

It happens so that you actually see what it is you have suffered from in the past, and can now address that with full conscious awareness that This is Something to Be Dealt With.

There is a vast difference between that moment of Awakening, and the moments that say, “Look, I’ve done it all! I AM a walking Positive Affirmation machine! What’s going on that the Universe is not responding to that?”

Photo by C O Ryan

And we would say, it is responding perfectly—to your dominant vibration, which at the moment, is not fully under your realization and control.

As you work to heal that which lies underneath your everyday thoughts and emotions, you shift from a place of discomfort and frustration to one of openness—to allowing the Universe to work through you easily and Joyfully, without a great deal of effort, as old fears, shocks, trauma, grief, and dogmatic belief systems release themselves from deep within your psyche and energies, and you release them just as fully.

This can take some assistance. It is why we work with those who call into the twice-a-month Abundance Calls, and why members of that group submit questions for individualized energetic assistance.

It is why we encourage all to meditate and visualize, to make use of the energy clearings that are available online (many are free), and to use tapping, question answering, and honest, immediate responses to the affirmations you write, so that what your subconscious is holding to be true can be revealed, brought to the surface, and healed in an ongoing way.

Does it help to have a positive conscious mindset?

Most assuredly. Yet it is the spirit—the subconscious and the etheric—you came in to heal, and to free.

And you are not alone in that, friends!

In that and all journeys, we are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

When facing the unsolved mystery of why some area of life is not working for you, sit quietly with your Spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self. Using money as an example, ask them for an extra focus of Light to be held on not only the energy of money and the flow of money in your life. Ask them to draw to you now the exact higher Light and energies that will assist you in healing that which holds off the money from flowing to you positively and fully, whether it is old oaths, agreements, or promises, a mental or emotional blockage, or an energy blockage that stands in your way.

A Message to Lightworkers – December 27, 2019

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Again today we answer a question from a Light Bringer who asks:

“I was wondering how to call in Divine Light to transmute energy or emotions, in a practical way.

Do you have some examples of what to say, or what to do in a concrete way, when in the middle of a challenging moment or situation, whether an external or internal one (like deep grief surfacing)?”

This is another excellent question that strikes straight at the heart of what is troubling so many now, as they ask how to assist themselves and loved ones in dealing with the tremendous inner change that has flowed into your lives over these past few years.

Know that when outer situations feel to be challenging, it is because they are leaning on an old wound.

This is why they have occurred—so you may heal them and finally move on from an issue that may have troubled you over any number of Earth lives.

It is old emotional residue, energy patterns, Earth identities, and learned responses that are leaving you now, as well as much shadow picked up in lives in which you clung to any false hope that seemed to promise a way out of trauma and loss.

There were also lives in which you made agreements with sources of knowledge and information that would grant you more power, more strength, more of what your will demanded, without knowing what this would cost you over time.

Your ego-mind is panicked at the thought of losing that which, comfortable or uncomfortable, has helped define it for thousands of years of Earth time.

It panics at the thought of being left behind in this new construct you are taking on now.

And having been constructed as a false self, it doubts that any integrity will be left to the old structure that your conscious and subconscious minds built and have clung to for so long, in order to filter life experiences in a way you could live with.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

It misses entirely that you did not come in to once again live according to the dictates of the left-brain, logical mindset, hampered by its severe limits.

You did not come in to once again be swayed by the arguments of a patriarchal religion, or the dependence upon images of the Divine Masculine, while all ideas of a Divine Feminine are ridiculed and discarded.

This time you came in for the unity of both Presences, joined perfectly in an interwoven tapestry of both logic and intuitive feeling, both inner design and outer creation.

Flow with this new form. Do not deny it.

In a difficult situation that calls upon your inner resources, pay close attention to what your inner Wisdom—your intuition—is telling you about the situation.

If you cannot remain emotionally calm and centered while dealing with an outer situation , see if you can physically get away from the person or situation that the problem is demonstrating through (though it is rooted elsewhere).

Take a moment to clarify or reclaim your own calm stance, energetically.

If that is impossible, image the person’s body and energies held inside a bubble of Divine Golden Light—not to capture or encapsulate them to constrict their expression, but so that the first context they are speaking from is one of Divine Light and all its higher intent.

From there, image them as very young, for when someone reacts in a dense or difficult way, that is who is speaking.

See their frightened two- or three-year-old self, or five-year-old self on the first day of school, and understand that anyone causing another trouble feels fear on some level, whether it is the fear of the ego or the upbraided pride of the false self.

This reminds you not only of their great vulnerability, but of the immaturity of their view of the world, and that they are simply still moving forward on their path.

They may be desperately wanting to catch up to where you are, and unhappy at realizing there is some work ahead of them yet.

For internal struggles, release the logical mind’s constant need to label and judge.

If a friend says something that is hard for you, for example, or if a man or woman you are seeing decides to move on and stop seeing you—these are difficult moments, as are the loss of a home or job, or a sudden large expense you were not expecting.

You may feel in these moments that life has somewhat shrugged you off, and that you are not so “plugged in” spiritually as you had hoped, or this dreadful thing would not have happened.

Photo by Lynne Newman

Yet it did not happen because you are not where you should be vibrationally.

It happened precisely because your path is moving ahead now at Lightspeed.

Your own soul and higher self are asking that you release not only the false self, but all its old energy patterns, misinformation, and short-sightedness, based on the self-protectiveness of the ego more than that of you as your higher self.

Have you been led astray, lied to, disempowered for centuries? Certainly, that is so.

Yet you came in to this particular Earth life to release not only the victim status you may momentarily claim as you hear of the false structures built up long ago in Earth life to imprison human beings.

You came in primarily to assist in anchoring the vibration of the New Earth, and you are doing so.

If something is not working in your life, dear ones—the finances, the health, the relationships, the work, the home or social life—it is not because you are not “doing the right thing.”

It is because at its core, you are viewing something that has troubled you, possibly for millennia, and that may only be somewhat related to the actual outer situation itself.

So that if money is a difficult issue for you, deep in your heart-mind and subconscious energies there may be a longstanding belief in your unworthiness—a lack of self-esteem, and feelings of not deserving.

This is only one example, yet it is a huge one.

It is difficult to help build a New Earth while believing yourself undeserving of good and beautiful things, on all levels of life.

And yet so many of you do, and we see your higher selves and guides distressed on some levels as a result, as this makes your life so much harder than it need be.

And so the approach of dealing with the issue on the level of everyday money matters can of course be helpful.

Yet the approach of dealing with the issue on the level of what unspoken, unseen energy blockage is holding it back from you would be far more helpful to you.

When facing the unsolved mystery of why some area of life is not working for you, sit quietly with your Spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self.

Using money as an example, ask them for an extra focus of Light to be held on not only the energy of money and the flow of money in your life.

Ask them to draw to you now the exact higher Light and energies that will assist you in healing that which holds off the money from flowing to you positively and fully, whether it is old oaths, agreements, or promises, a mental or emotional blockage, or an energy blockage that stands in your way.

“Whatever it is that has caused me to be living this situation of apparent financial lack, I pray [command forth] complete healing of all emotional, subconscious, conscious, and energetic wounds in this area. And I pray a complete dissolving of all energetic blockages in this and all areas of my life. I give thanks.”

You do not have to know what the exact blockages are in order to dissolve them.

But you must give full permission and command forth the move up in vibration, to assist those waiting to support you in your healing.

Unless you have previous agreement for them to work with you whether you request it or not, they cannot move in and assist, until you call upon them and give permission for that intervention.

Believe us, all of us wish to assist you in this way!

We will continue to include ways to deal positively with difficult moments in these Ascension days you are living in now, in future Messages.

We ask only that you learn at its base to take a moment for yourself, as soon as your situation permits, whenever you feel to be on edge, or stretched or stressed in any way.

Photo by Angela Pereira

Sit quietly and breathe, and remind yourself that you live in a time in which Divine Love has already reached well into the collective hearts and minds of humanity. And that Mother Earth Herself called you forward to assist in Her transformation.

You live on Earth now as a Light Warrior, here not for battle so much as to guard, ground, and establish the depths of Transformation and Transmutation in human energetic experience.

Because of that, your own wounds must rise to the surface to be fully healed.

Bless them and release them now.

Feel them fully in moments when they come forward to express themselves.

Ask your Spirit team to go into the depths of what lies very far under that emotion, and all related to it, and to heal all remaining to be healed there.

They know well the path you chose before incarnating, and will assist in ways that outstretch what your mind is able to grasp, or even consciously ask for.

We will continue with more on another day. For now, know that you are Loved beyond all measure, and treasured for your bravery—your chutzpah in coming forth to this low dimension, one last time.

Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.


Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan