You were never meant to survive. You were never meant to suffer, to
feel weighed down and overloaded. You are created in the image and
likeness of the Divine. You are of the Divine. It is not an extract; it
is your essence, your very beingness.
In this period of external turbulence, I invite you to notice the
‘fizz’ within. Yes, things are changing, but equally importantly, you
are changing too. Your veils are falling and your divine essence is
becoming clear for you to see.
There is enormous energy for positive change in the air at present.
Seize it! Own it! It’s yours. It’s a gift to you. It is the life force
required for you to come into alignment with the transformations within
you. It is the energy you require to make the changes you feel popping
up inside.
New thoughts, new homes, new careers, new lives. All this is the
zeitgeist of this age, these years. You have done your service and you
are being offered promotions, relocations, new adventures, new
Let go of your worries and concerns. This age has been planned
meticulously, in the face of innumerable, seemingly insurmountable odds.
Do you think that your precious life, your generous efforts for the
light were not considered in that equation? Of course they are. You are
more precious, more highly regarded than you can ever conceive.
The new ideas bubbling within you are the clues to your new life,
your new promotion. Follow them! See where they lead you. Not running
wild, but embracing that which you know to be true, even if it feels
like a bigger step than you had thought you could take.
As everything is being shaken up, there is new space, new
opportunities, new magic to be had. This is the beginning of the
long-promised golden age. It will grow, deepen and evolve.
Your world and your lives will change beyond all recognition and in a
remarkably short period of time. In five years, looking back to the You
of Now, you will be amazed at the speed of the journey.
My beloveds, seize your moments! Open up to the embrace of change.
Step into the unknown with the confidence that if you can co-create the
Golden Age, you can co-create anything you can dream.
Consider this, that the invitation offered by the fires in Australia is not a call for water, or for rain, but a call to love.
Consider this, that the fires that burn to clear and purge, to
transform and renew, are not just for the benefit of Australia, but for
the entire planet.
Consider this, that meditations for rain are good, but meditations for love are even more powerful. Why is that, you may ask?
Consider this, that every ‘purge’, like this fire is a mechanism for
increasing the vibration of humanity. It scorches out the lower
vibrations, cleansing and purifying all that is not of love,
transforming it into love.
Consider then, that with every seeming ‘purge’, the aim is not to
transform the past, but to increase the love and light on the planet in
the present.
As you come together, in compassion and love, you are achieving just
that goal. The more love there is, the higher the vibration and the
faster the fires burn themselves out, because their purpose is to raise
the vibration.
Can you send love to the fire? It is my messenger. It comes in my
service. Hating it and fearing it, especially for those who are distant
from it, is adding to the darkness of the planet, not to the light.
Transcend the darkness. Love the fire as much as you love the rain. Love the perpetrator as much as you love the victim.
To truly take your place as Galactic Beings, higher dimensional
beings, duality needs be transcended. Beyond bad. Beyond good. Only
love, pure love, for ALL That Is.
The purge is Australia, as the purges you see across across precious Gaia are all the same: they are The Call to Love.
You may meditate on rain for Australia. You may meditate on healing
for your sick friend. You may share a smile with a stranger. You may
open a door for the elderly. It matters not.
All actions, and let me be very clear about this, all actions that
increase the love on my precious Gaia, are creating raindrops of
healing, raindrops of blessings, for ALL That Is.
Divine Mother: There has been a huge reticence individually and
collectively on the part of human beings to assume that divine
authority. And of course, the first step to that is the individual
Now part of that reticence has been the very well-established abuse
of authority upon your planet so that many who are of the love hesitate
to step forth thinking that authority has so often meant that you are
trying to coerce or tell somebody else what to do, and that you don’t
want to put yourself in that role or in that position of potential
conflict. But that is not what we are talking about.
You are of us, and you are fully and completely autonomous. (1) And
in this I mean that that is the gift and the trust of free will. Because
free will has been so aberrant in so many ways, those of you who wish
to align with love, with divinity, often will hesitate, be reticent, to
assume your authority. But if you do not assume it, then who does?
Now let me be a very practical Mother, which is not what I am known
for. (Chuckles) You have assumed form, and let me say to you I have
allowed you to assume form. I have chosen and created and birthed you
into form. That is the Plan at work and I have done this, we have done
this, with that spark of divinity so that you would be divine in form.
And what that means in very practical terms is the assumption of your
divine authority to be in charge of your life, of your thoughts, of
your feelings, of your actions, of your behaviors, of your steps, of
your environments, all the way out to the edges of the universe,
throughout all times and dimensions. …
If you do not take authority over your existence – think in practical
terms, this life – then what happens? You are adrift. You are in fact
that row boat in the middle of the ocean being twisted and turned every
which way. Divine authority means choosing, yes with your free will and
your divine authority of free will, to direct how, where, when, if you
choose to proceed.
You have the most magnificent internal wisdom and knowing. That pain
barometer of separation tells you when you are not in alignment with
your divine self and hence with us. There are times, and we mean
moments, when the action is what you would think of as doing nothing.
But of course doing nothing is always doing something because you are
either disengaged or being the observer or participant observer. So,
there is no such thing. It is an illusion for you to even conceive or
believe or think that you are not in your divine authority every moment
of your existence.
Now, if you choose to ignore it, and that is what the reticence is,
then you are not fulfilling your joy, your purpose or what gives you the
greatest glee. And yes, there are moments when those decisions can be
challenging and difficult. But, that shows you your strength, your
courage, your valor, your persistence in working your way back to us. So
much of that reticence has been, “Well, I don’t want to step on
anyone’s toes,” while allowing yourself to be trampled. That is not the
The plan is harmonious, like a dance. Will there be missteps at
times? Yes. That is when you bow to each other and chuckle. You do not
go to war.
So, there is this reticence, particularly upon the light worker
community, because authority has been defined as dictatorial, as
controlling. But, what you are truly doing is anchoring and
re-anchoring, through this assumption of divine authority, the truth of
what leadership, stewardship and creation and co-creation and
partnership and community and unity and truth is all about. And, if you
do not do it, my beloveds, who does?
Because, as the old is fading away – and trust me, it will fade away,
that is a given – then there will be a vacuum if you have not stepped
forward and said, “You know, there is an alternate way to be human, to
live upon this planet in ways that are kind and considerate and sharing
and decent and honest and filled with laughter and sweetness.”
This is a planet of such diversity and beauty and she will be pure
again. That is already underway. I am not suggesting that you engage in
bully fights. That is futile. It is an exercise in futility. What I am
suggesting as your creator self, in the assumption of individual and
collective authority, is that you forge a different pathway and you open
that pathway for all to come with you. And we are helping you. That
gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and
you will be assisted every step of the way. (“Transcript ~ The Divine
Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,”
February 28, 2017, at
My beloved children, I wish to bring forth a discussion on
forgiveness today. As you prepare for the final stages of the dark, it
is imperative that you are equipped with the tools of the Light, so that
you may manifest your highest personal destiny in this frequency and
the highest potential for Gaia and Ascension for all.
There is Mastery in Forgiveness. There is deep humility, and
compassion. Forgiveness is the road we walk when we have embraced and
truly understood the flawed nature of the ego.
When we are no longer pretending and we are no longer hiding, then we
are owning our divine, sacred heritage within the lightness of the
It is only when we have cracked open the heart, and surrendered the
illusions of the ego, that we are able to contemplate forgiveness.
Forgiveness is for ourselves, as mortal beings, for I too had to walk
this path in physical form. There was much I knew, and there was much
divine assistance, but I too had to stumble and fall. It is the blessing
and the learning of being in human form, to create and miscreate, to
forgive and to recreate.
I wish to offer you a suggestion for the practice of forgiveness,
because it can be hard to know what to do to engage the energy of
forgiveness in a practical, every day way.
I suggest that while this method is to provide assistance with the
enormous wave of mass-forgiveness that is required at this time, it can
also be adapted for personal use.
It is but two sentences long:
May all who ………(action to be forgiven, eg steal, murder, betray)……… experience forgiveness.
May all who have been ……(the victim of eg stealing, murder betrayal)….. experience forgiveness.
You are blessing both sides of the action, for very often –if not
always – the perpetrator has been the victim first; so, both sides are
worthy and deserving of the experience of forgiveness.
It is not just the perpetrator who may feel guilt and self-betrayal.
So often the victim also suffers from feelings of guilt, fear and
self-betrayal, which lie hidden beneath the pain they experienced. This
formula will help them to release these feelings, finding healing and
wholeness much more rapidly.
May I also suggest that when you repeat these phrases, which you may
do multiple times, you pay attention to your heart space. Does it expand
and feel lighter? Or does it contract?
When it expands, your forgiveness is freely, wholly given and will be fully received and integrated in divine timing.
When your heart feels hardened or contracted, this is not the issue
for you to invoke forgiveness for others, for there is still wounding
within you that is holding you back.
In these instances, tend to your dear sweet self first. Repeat softly
‘May I experience complete forgiveness across all bodies and
timelines.’ This will gently wash away the pain that blocks your heart
and heal the wound that has been inflicted upon you.
While you are doing this, you may offer forgiveness to others in
different circumstances that do not trigger your pain; you may focus on
circumstances where you heart opens in compassion and expands freely
when the forgiveness is invoked.
I ask this service of you, with all the love a mother can shower on
her most beloved, cherished child, forgive yourself. It will change your
life and the lives of those around you.
My dearest children, as you walk into the phase of golden light,
where the old seems to crash down around you while the final titles of
the movie roll, you are invited to look towards the light and focus on
If your work is not in the field of accountability – and you will
know clearly if that is the case – then your work is Ascension.
Now, what does that mean? It means that you are invited, or may I
even say that we pray of you, to focus on all that is positive, all the
change that can now allow for growth, for freshness, for creativity, for
a clean start. (1)
It is true that the end is not clean. It is dirty, messy and deeply upsetting.
But the start, my beloved children, the start is a fresh page for
humanity. Here anything is possible. All of creation is stretched out
before you. All your creativity is coming on line soon, and you are
being invited to dream, to create, to grow… to expand into all that is
joyful, sacred, dynamic… You are in and of this creative moment.
This new world, this golden age is to reflect the very best of you.
It will evolve and grow as you will evolve and grow. It is a virtuous
circle that cannot be halted or extinguished.
It is the reason you came here now; to play with a template, to experience the divine aspect of creation in physical form.
Let your hearts, your minds, your souls run free, my dearest beloveds. Let this be your greatest dream fulfilled.
Yes, there is much to clear up from the past. But this shall be
achieved far more quickly than you imagine, and with far greater ease
than it may currently appear.
If the souls who have contributed to the darkness had not played
their role, the ascension project could not have happened. So, there is
need for gratitude to them, as well as forgiveness.
Their lives have served their karma and the collective ascension.
They are shocking many into wakefulness; that in itself will stand to
their credit, even while they experience the rebalancing of the
energetics of their thoughts, words, and deeds.
Beloved children, in this time of storms and chaos, focus with the
determination that I know you carry within, on the light and the birth.
Forgive and pass on to the creation process. Now is the moment.
We are constantly with you, surrounding you in the love, light, and
infinite grace of the Divine, so that you may share these qualities with
all aspects of yourself and with others. Call on us when you need us,
for we are always here for you.
“As a cross-cultural scholar, I asked the Divine Mother questions
that were right at the heart of the matter for me and she kindly
answered them.
“They were questions that no one else could authoritatively answer or answer better than she. Here are examples:
Am I right in saying Creation/Preservation/Destruction = Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva = Rajas/Sattwa/Thamas (the gunas) = Akar/Ukar/Makar (AUM) = a subset of You? (Yes)
Am I right in saying that Father/Son/Holy Ghost = Brahman/Atman/Shakti? (Yes)
Is Sahaja Samadhi the culmination of Ascension? (Yes)
I AM Mother God and I wish to tell all my Children that I am ever so proud of you! You came, you volunteered on this grand experiment of Gaia’s journey from dark to light, and you have all accomplished your goal. You have worked together tirelessly with all of Gaia’s kingdoms, your Galactic family and the Company of Heaven to accomplish this giant task together. Your Father and I are extremely proud!
This grand experiment or project is the largest in scope that has ever been attempted. Many, many Souls have worked on this project for millenia! Do you know what that means? More of your years than you can count, for starters (laughs). Yes, I am feeling jolly and joyful tonight as I give you this message to share with your Lightworker allies.
ENERGIES TO ASSIST YOUR TRANSFORMATION I have been sending you my Tsuanmi of Love for a few years now and the intensity of the love waves continue to amp up. Your bodies are adjusting beautifully. This process has been slow and deliberate. It must be this way so I don’t overload your bodily circuits and cause you to crash (in electronic terms). On top of my love waves, the Pleiadians and other members of your Galactic families are sending their own energy, specifically transferred from the sun. You may feel these energies as pressure on your crown chakra, upset stomach, hyper energy or fatigue. Up and up and up your frequencies will rise until you cannot fit into your little 3D bodies anymore. You are continually expanding and I know you all feel this. Sometimes you are physically exhausted, other times you feel so bloated like you’re a big bubble that will burst at any moment. Each body receives them and reacts differently. Please know they are benevolent, meant to assist you in your transformation to 5D.
Be patient and gentle with yourselves as you endure these intense energies, dear hearts. Walk, drink plenty of clean water, eat when you are hungry and rest when you are tired. Ahhhhhh…..relax. Breathe in and breathe out. Visualize. Center. Share. Join your hearts and your hands together, Lightworkers. Continue your daily meditations and group meditations as you are more powerful when you join together.
YOUR NEW EARTH Focus on what you want to see in your lives. Imagine the world you wish to live in! Dream it! Believe it! Create it and it will be yours. Your New Earth that you have imagined and spoken about is nothing more than a large platform ready for you to enter and create in it. It’s like a big ball of clay to a potter or an empty canvas to a painter. Visualize it, imagine it and it will manifest for you For your 5D building blocks will be fully active for manifestation. 5D IS CREATED BY YOU.Do you understand?
You are sooooo very close, dear Children. You’re on the tippy tippy tippy top, ready to burst forward! All you need is a little push and I’m doing that right now!! Pushing you over the edge, pushing you onward and upward, dear Children!
Fear is a no-thing. Time is a no-thing. FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT.
Think like a child who squeals when he/she sees something they love! A puppy! A kitten! A tricycle! Weeeeeee! Then you will fly and take off, leaving behind this 3D world forever. And your joy will lift others up too, did you know that? Don’t you love to watch a baby or child laughing? It is contagious! You begin giggling and laughing out loud yourselves. Yes, a child’s laughter is one of our most cherished creations.
Feel my energy, dear Children. FEEL MY LOVE IN THESE WORDSfor it is powerful and joyful and will assist you with the tiniest detail of your lives. Let it in, soak it up and fill your hearts with my unconditional love. Use it to feel stronger and supported. For anything you do, you can call on me for assistance. I will be here for you always.
Again, I am extremely proud of you, dear Children and I send you my Love, Gratitude and Congratulations!!!
Greetings, I AM Mary. Greetings, I AM Maré [i.e., the Ocean of Love], Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of One, Mother of you, Mother of all. Welcome my beloveds, ascending and ascended angels…welcome home…for you join Me this day in the Heart of One, in the 13thOctave, in the place and the state of reunion.
When last we spoke, just prior to this time you think of as Christmas, I have offered you a gift and it has been the gift of being reborn – in every sense of the word. No, not like dying but crawling back into my womb, into the Essence of One, the Essence of All, and reemerging refreshed, renewed, reborn…there are many ‘re’s’…reconstituted, rejuvenated.
Many of you have said “yes” and you have come to me and surprisingly, confusingly, and understandably, some have said “no” and some have not answered at all! And they have said “no”, or not answered because they did not believe in resurrection, they did not believe in rebirth, they did not believe in the potential of miracles, and they did not value themselves deeply and wholly enough to say “yes”.
Now, does this mean, in any way, shape, form, reality, dimension, or realm, that these ones are ignored or released? Of course not! We never do that. But what I wish to speak of is this new beginning that has confused some of you. Now, for some of you, this has become a major event and you have woken up on Christmas morning feeling bright and shiny and reborn.
But for the majority of each and every one of you, dear hearts, even though you have a long-standing love affair with events, you have embraced and entered into the process of rebirth. You have literally crawled back into my womb, settled upon my lap, cradled within my arms, and you have said, “Mother, I have yearned to be back with you. And I am tired, I am worn out, I am exhausted, so let me be home for a while.”
It is not that you have, in any way, shunned or abandoned your beautiful mission of fulfilling My Plan, and yours, upon this beautiful planet Gaia. But, you have come back, and I have welcomed you because you needed a break. So, for some of you, it has been a time of confusion… you’ve said, “Mother, I’ve said ‘yes’, and yet I am more tired, more exhausted, more immobile, more confused than ever.” And that, sweet ones, is because you have chosen and I have chosen to have this period of reconstruction…the brushing away the troubles and woes, the disappointments, and yes, even in some cases, the despair…and the renewal, the reintegration, the elevation of you.
This is the time of Epiphany…yes, what some, what many, think of as a religious event. But, what this occasion marks is, in fact, more gifts, the Gifts of the Magi, of which St. Germaine was one, Serapis Bey another, Sanat Kumara another. It was the marking and the honoring of the Christ Consciousness, of the love consciousness upon this planet.
So, what I offer thee this day, at the beginning of this New Year of 2019, is the gifts of hope, and trust, and forgiveness, for this is the retinue that you most deeply need in this beautiful array of the 13 Blessings and Virtues. Yes, you require Fortitude and Beauty and Compassion to sustain you, but in this moment and in this year, you need, and I give thee, hope, and trust, and forgiveness; for hope and trust, as you well know, are brothers and sisters, first cousins and family.
Hope is the ability to see beyond, to hold and to know Divine presence, both within your sacred self and in all things, all situations, all environments, no matter what. It is the ability to be on the earth, on the planet, but not of it and most certainly not of the chaos…that is still being cleared.
And trust is the impetus, the excitement, the joy to move forward, not merely to embody the Divine Qualities but to claim your birthright, to claim your ascension, to claim the truth of who you are, and to act accordingly, to live this life that you have come to live.
Yes, I have spoken to this channel…if you do not put yourself front and center first, then who are you putting first? And you say, “Oh Mother, I am putting you first!” I do not want to be first, dear heart. I wish, we wish, to walk alongside of thee, arm in arm, hand in hand, in the sacred union of our family. You are the wayshowers, you are the pathfinders, you are the pillars and the portals…you are this because of my faith and trust in each and every one of you. And that is why I have given you the gift of rebirth!
And yes, this year, this brand new year of 2019, yes, is a year of resolution and completion, but it is also a year of rebirth…of rebirth of you, of rebirth of humanity, a rebirth of ideation, of values, of societies, of institutions. The old is being swept away by my final waves of my Tsunami of Love…and this is My Plan. It does not mean that we abandon those who have said no, or maybe, or thanks but no thanks, but what it means, regardless of those who ignore, is the new paradigm emerges, anchors, is fully present. And it is not merely fully present because of our input, energies, downloads, teachings…it is fully present, beloved ones, because of you, because of your choices, your decisions, your actions, your interactions, your creations.
I have said to the channel as we have discussed Conscious Creation this week, that the history…you think of current history, and when I say current history I mean the last several thousand years…the history of humanity has been about ten percent creation into the physical realm. This is particularly true of love-holders, light-bearers. Ninety percent of what you do has been beautifully, magnificently, powerfully in the unseen realms and it is those creations in the unseen realms, which, at times, have been so frustrating to you, but it is those creations that have allowed this rebirth, this reemergence of humanity.
Now, what we do in this coming year and in this golden age is we begin to shift so that you become…let us give you a new nickname – the fifty percenters – so often that is looked on and referred to as an insult. Fifty percent of what you do will be creation in the physical reality of bringing forth and anchoring and building Nova Earth, in the physical, tangible, experiential realm that you can taste, smell, touch, experience.
Remember what I have said, “Love, in the human realm, is what you experience and what you express.” Now you are bringing into physicality so that you can experience it physically, so that you express it physically. The other fifty percent remains in the unseen realm and this is a new concept known as balance and this is the time of balance. And yes, you are tired sometimes and that is why you are being reborn. But this is the key, this is the key and this is what lies ahead.
And so my beloveds, my children, my angels, I fortify thee with the Gifts of the Magi, with the gifts of hope and trust and forgiveness…forgiveness of all, of self, of others seen and unseen. There is no room for injury and grudges, revenge, hatred, greed; there is only room in your hearts, in your love, in your life, for what brings you joy. And let me be very clear…what brings you joy ignites my heart and the heart of every legion throughout the omniverse! You are loved, you are cherished, you are valued, you are powerful, and I am with you, next to you.
Let us proceed in glee, excitement, and joy. Happy New Year. Farewell.
Dear Children, many, many things are coming at you now, fast and furious. Not only in your news, and social media platforms, but within and without. Please know that I am sending my Tsunami of Love and it is hitting you all right now.It makes some of you tense and others who have their hearts wide open are feeling my love within their hearts. Continue to open your hearts, dear Children, to allow more of my love to come in. Open your hearts and heart chakras up wide! Those not accustomed to my love, those who are closed off to me will continue to become more and more agitated as the wave becomes stronger and stronger. It is your job, Lightworkers, to assist others who are having difficulty. How? By being a shining example of LOVE embodied. Show them how to breathe, how to relax and allow these feelings of love tingles enter. Show them that it is OK and that all will be well. Be gentle and kind to everyone.I know this is difficult, especially if someone is shouting or hitting you, for example. But allow me to come into your hearts and I will help you to do this. You are my emissaries, dear Children. You are ME embodied and I need your help at this time!! Yes, you have taken on many jobs for this lifetime and this is one of them. This is URGENT, dear Lightworkers for we wish to save and help as many as we can.For those who do not receive your assistance or blessings will have a more difficult time. Rash actions can occur. You see this everyday in your news and it will become more prevalent as time passes…until the threshold of love vibrations reach the tipping point to take you all into the next level. When that occurs, anyone who is not vibrating at a specific rate will not be able to go forward. They will be taken care of, not to worry! However, it is our joint goal that as many people as possible make the transition and ascend together.Do you see? (Yes!) Yes, dear One you may ask a question. Any cosmic events coming in also to coincide with your Tsunami of Love? I’ve heard lots about the sun lately. Ahhh, yes dear One, there are many events all joining in together in perfect harmony to bring about this apex of highest vibrations to assist humanity at this time. Some are cosmic events, some are astrological in nature some are more physical (such as sounds) while others are energetically based. This is an incredible time to be alive, dear Children and you all wished to be here NOW. You are the bravest of the brave and my pride and joy. I salute you and applaud your steadfastness and courage during this difficult time. Please remember that you all have your own entourage of loving Beings surrounding you at all times who would jump at the change to help you!!! Call on them!! They live to serve and to help you as they have also taken on this mission. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance, dear Children. In doing so, you show strength and the wisdom to know when to seek help. There is no weakness or shame in that. We are a family, a grand team and we all have our parts to play. Remember, shine your lights as brightly as you can and when others are drawn to you, show them grace and love in my name. Teach them to breathe, relax and open their hearts to love. That is all. I AM your Mother God. Live in ease and grace and go with my love, dear Children. * * * *Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
I AM your Mother God and I have quite the message for you to share with your Lightworker friends on this fair and cool evening. I am continuing my Tsunami of Love; sending love in waves and bursts to you, my children living on the surface. This benevolent onslaught will continue until all the dark entities are gone. They cannot handle my high vibrations of love and this is the most effective way to cancel out their existence on Gaia at this time. At I said previously, I have given them more than enough time to give up their position of staying true to the dark, or their non-loving ways. They did not acquiesce, so I have pushed forward with my plan and continue to send love waves consistently until they are all cleared. Lightworkers must stay vigilant for they will strike out where ever they can. They will attempt to attach themselves to ones who they feel cannot harm them or ones whom they wish to harm. I AM CALLING ON YOU, LIGHTWORKERS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. Lightworkers, please be faithful in practicing your energy work and your healing and protecting practices for they are vital at this time. Blaze the violet flame for transmutation whenever you can; and also use your healing talents to send love, light and healing blessings to all your Brothers and Sisters on the planet. Of course, my Legions of Angels are always on call and wish you would call on them more often. This current situation will not last much longer, dear Children. The dark cannot hold on as I continue to raise the frequencies of love on Gaia. Although in times past you have “battled” these lost ones, please try your best to send them love and help them go into the light of the great central sun for re-purposing. It is their time to let go and they need help from you to let go! This may sound preposterous to you, but it is your job as Lightworkers and Light Bearers to send even your enemies love. Many have come before you and tried their hardest to send love to their enemies. It is not an easy thing to do, especially when they have caused so pain and suffering. But this pure act of loving even your enemy is powerful enough to blast your hearts wide open and allow even more love to enter. I will be there with you, dear Children as you practice this exercise. Forgive them. Send them love and help them on their way. This One has heard her friend speak of this action which he and his son have been doing. Bravo! This is the way to ‘be rid of them.’ They are honestly coming to many of you for help in the only way they know how—by attacking. So, wrap them up in pink fuzzy blankets of my love and see them floating away in a big pink bubble of love. Please pursue these actions, dear Children and it will be no time until all of Gaia will be cleared of the last remaining trouble makers. We must do it together! I am sending my love waves and you are sending them love also and assisting them in crossing over. My Angels and your Space Family are helping too. Do you see? We are all in Divine Partnership! All working together for the great good and for the further of Nova Gaia. I send you bright pink moonbeams of love this fair evening, dear Children. I am your Mother God and I am ecstatic to be in Divine Partnership with you all. Together we cannot be stopped! Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
Received Wednesday, October 24, 2018. I AM your Mother God, the Divine Feminine, the Sacred One. Your Father God is here too, he shares his energies also but has asked me to speak. We have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth on this fair evening, during your full harvest moon. Things are shifting and changing quickly now, dear Children. You all feel it and see it all around you. I’m not speaking of your news programs. I’m speaking of your beautiful Gaia, Planet Earth. Have you noticed how sparkling and beautiful she is now? Can you feel it in the air? Have you noticed the crystal blue skies and fluffy white Sylphs making appearances for you? Yes, they do! The animals and insects too; all know that something has changed!
Slyphs at sunset (Note: Sylphs are Air Elementals)
Gaiaherself has fully ascended now and she is awaiting for you all in the 5thdimension and beyond. Even in your present state, somewhere between 3rd and 4thdensity or dimensions as you have come to understand it, you can see her beauty reflected back to you. But let us say that in the 5this where her beauty shines. Truly. She is very grateful for all that you have done for her; you Lightworkers of Earth. She is also grateful to your Galactic families and all of her Kingdoms who have all helped. Symptoms for LightworkersThose of you who are closest to her are feeling the effects of Gaia’s Ascension now. You may feel light-headed, have headaches, body aches, stomach and intestinal issues, feel scatter-brained, exhausted and many other symptoms. How could you not be affected? The one whom you have lived upon your whole lives has changed and morphed into a new body. This is quite exciting stuff!! Of course, this great change in Gaia’s make-up is also occurring as the same time as my (our) Tsunami of Love, so the energies are ‘off the charts’ as you say. Please give yourselves extra rest, clean food and clean fresh water when you can. Try your best to let go of as much as you can. Your lives are changing and will continue to change dear hearts. We will step away as we know this One needs her rest. Your Father and I love you all more than you know and send it to you continually. Go rest now with our love. Please feel free to share!Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin
Prelude from Dancing Dolphin: I’ve been feeling very “down” today, almost brokenhearted for some reason. Can’t seem to shake it. I reallyneeded to feel and hear a message of comfort and hope today!! So, after I got home from work I sat down and asked Mother God to please speak to me. ‘What’s going on? Why am I so sad today?’ Just connecting with her energy helped me release my tears and let it all out . I hope that you all get something special out of her message also. Namaste. * * * Hello, dear heart, this is indeed your Divine Mother answering your call. I feel your downtrodden heart, dear One. Allow these feelings to flow through you. You are sensing the old passing by…your old life ending, to be more accurate. Things will change very quickly and this is your personal process taking place. Endings and new beginnings are difficult as you know. For things do need to end before the new can take place. This ending includes people as well as “things” such as your jobs, homes, etc. Some people will leave your lives, dear hearts. Try your best to let them go with ease and grace. Everyone has their own path. This may happen by way of an illness, an accident, a death, or them just moving away in various forms. Thank them for their contribution to your life and let them go. Change is indeed inevitable. Sometimes you love how things are and want everything to stay the same; however, it cannot. Everything is in flux and movement; constant movement. You know all this in your minds, but your hearts have a difficult time in letting go. I understand, dear hearts. Please remember too that Love is forever! Love ties will stay together forever. So, this is a gentle reminder to you, dear heart and to all my Lightworker Children. You are facing a great change in your lives and loss is part of this change. However, you will gain much more than you have lost! Please remember this. Let people and objects go with your blessing. Let go. Flow with my love. I will wrap you up safe and sound in my pink fuzzy blanket with slippers and a nightcap to keep your head warm and loved. Ease your instinct to attempt to control a situation that you are not happy about. Let go! I will watch over your loved ones too. That is a lifelong guarantee, my Children! You have no-thing to worry about—ever! Listen to your Mother, your Divine Mother for I know best. (smiles). I am pleased to speak with you today and ask that you continue to call on me when you need guidance, love, support and a gentle but firm “talking to” that only a Mother can provide. I love with you all my heart. I AM your Mother God and wish you all a relaxing evening filled with my love. Please feel free to share!Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin
Prelude from Dancing Dolphin: As I sat down to take a message this evening, I asked my H.S. “Who would like to give me a message for the Lightworkers of Earth?” Almost instantly, I felt Mother God’s incredible presence! My stomach started tingling big time with energy, my eyes began watering with joy and so much energy was pulsating through my arms that my hands were shaking. Wow! * * *Yes, dear heart, this is Mother God and I do have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth and for all my Children of Earth. My children, the time has come for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love, of what you are now calling “The Event.” For in truth, I have been sending this wave of brilliant love light for a couple of years now but had to tone it down so I wouldn’t overload your systems. I have asked this One to bold the sentence in the above paragraph because that is what I wish to discuss with you tonight, this very night. So again I say, The time is now right for me to send the final wave of my tsunami of love to Earth, to YOU! I am joyful and thrilled that you all have adapted so well to the preliminary waves that I have been sending you. It was vital that you adjust first to these energies before more could be sent. Many other triggers or events had to happen in line also as you can imagine. But the careful, meticulous planning by the Company of Heaven and your Galactic Family and implementation by the Alliance of ALL OF YOU combined—the Company of Heaven, Galactics, Lightworkers, StarSeeds, Inner Earth & Hollow Earth families and of course, Gaia and all her Kingdoms have made this final wave of love light possible. You are all doing it together, dear children! I am pouring forth my love light into the Soul of this One as we speak and let me say—she feels it! The tingling in the stomach, tears of joy, shaking of the hands, the overflowing love in her heart—YES!! My final wave will simply flood your Being with everlasting unconditional love which will wash clean all that no longer serves your highest good. There is absolutely no reason to fear this wave of love light dear Children! Depending upon where you are when it reaches you, you may or may not see it coming. If you are outside, you may see brilliant colors in the sky flowing towards Earth. It will be a beautiful sight! If others are concerned or become afraid, please comfort them with the knowledge that it is Divine Mother’s love coming to Earth. If you are inside (and possibly sleeping) when the wave washes over you, you will feel joy, excitement, contentment, ease and my unconditional love. If your family becomes alarmed in any way; again—please do comfort them and reassure them that this wave of love was sent from their Mother God. Your world and lives will change greatly after the wave passes. Go slow, follow your hearts and you will know which path to take. Of course, many other events will follow in short order. You are always protected and loved, dear Children; and you may call on myself, your Father God and/or all our Angels and Ascended Masters for guidance if you wish. I will be sending further updates through this One shortly. She has asked to receive Messages of Love for the Lightworkers of Earth and so I am very pleased to have this communication with you, my Children. This is the time that you all have been working towards for millennia. Please relax and enjoy this experience! Your stories will be told for generations to come. Rest now with my love.