Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Hello,this is God.

Hello,this is God experiencing Life through this body, mind and spirit complex.
And I Am here to create out of thin air -which even though it appears empty to my human eyes, I know it is everything but empty, I Know it is filled with the Divine Essence of Love and Light just As I Am, just as We All Are, just as All that is is – what I feel is necessary for the highest good for all.
And so if you feel like keep on reading let’s Do this Together, skip what you don’t like and send me and add what you do like.It all goes in the field and my Higher Self has already said yes ,if it serves the highest good for all 😉
Every time i say these words :’’I Am my I Am Presence and I Am One with the I Am Presence of All Humanity’’ ,I Am inviting The Higher Selves of each child, woman and man to join us in this manifestation and since it is for the highest good for all, they all are in agreement and therefor there is no need to ask for permission.

And since there is only NOW WE begin:

’I Am my I Am Presence and I Am One with the I Am Presence of All Humanity’’

I Create a Loving and Forgiving planet.

I Create Free Energy to be used for all needs.

I Create Free Health Care Systems using cutting edge non invasive technologies in true understanding of the Ascension process able to heal and rejuvenate each and everyone with ease, grace and flow everyone that wishes to Ascend in their physical bodies all over the planet.

I Create Free Mobility For All on the Planet.

I Create Basic Universal Income for everyone on the planet.

I Create that all Children and All Women and Men are safe and sound at all times doing what they love in life with abundance of whole foods and plenty of fresh clean water in homes of their liking wherever they wish to live on the planet.

I Create True Respect and Care for Mother Earth ,Reforestation of all lands and cities and Clean Oceans.

I Create New Earth educational systems that are fun and playful for all children and all ages to attend and learn with ease grace and flow.

I Create New Vegan and Raw Vegan Restaurants with new tastes to discover that raise our vibrational frequency

I Create 100% Healthy events where ALL Artists are able to express themselves, no matter their age to allow their innocent child come out and play with ease grace and flow in front of a good crowd that appreciates their creations.

I Create More Authenticity ,Love and Compassion in all relations.

I Create ease grace and flow for Galactic Contact.

I Create Abundance and Prosperity For everyone on the planet.
Everyone gets more than what they need and exactly what they want.

I Create more fun and playfulness and joyful moments for everyone on the planet in such way that all past memories that do no serve us any longer are gone and forgotten and out of our systems.

I Am God and I Remember why I Am here:
To enjoy the ride of being a deliberate creator and focus on the frequency of what I want, especially at those moments when nothing around me appears to be working as I Want.I Am God and I Know what I See is an illusion and I Can make this illusion become better for myself and / with /and for all of you who resonate with these words by focusing on feeling more on the frequency of WHAT I WANT.There is only now and I Am a magnet that brings this to me.I Am Enough Here and Now.

My 12 double strand DNA is fully activated, I Am my 5th Dimensional Self because I Say and Know So.

I Create using my emotions, good or bad , transmuting all through the Violet Fire of Saint Germain and assisted by always asking all The Light Beings to Manifest All That I wish to see Manifest before my eyes for my own pleasure because I Know I Am God, experiencing the unfolding and there is only Joy in that as I witness how my Vortex comes out and play with me.

And when i feel some resistance , I know all i have to do is go within and attune myself to my true nature of GOD BEING CREATOR CREATING CREATIONS IN MY NOW.

I Am God and with God, I Am.

Feel More Than Fine Always!

(just another way to say Be Loving no matter what arises)

Nikos Akrivos

Everybody Has (432 Hz) Buy Here

Art Work by Mark Eden

My Ascension Experience(So Far)

In this life time of mine i have experienced quite few moments that i could not clearly understand what was it that was taking me away from one desired path (from an ego perspective as perceived then) to bring me towards another one that i was not expecting, only to find out that in the end all worked out much better than i was hoping for.I feel it is right time for those of you that have chosen to go through your Ascension process to share with you some of my stories, so this may assist you in normalising things even during these ever increasing frequencies and energies pummeling Earth and all living beings in this now time space reality of ours as a collective.

It was in 1987, while practicing during my college years to become a high level athlete (sprinter of 200m), that i had a quite serious ankle twisting forcing me me to stop and keep my leg in plaster for about 3 months, that i found myself slowly saying good bye to my teenage dream.It is only just 2 years ago that i found out about the convergence experience in August 1987 where many Light workers came together globally to meditate for peace and harmony,confirming to our Creator our will of not allowing humanity destroy itself one more time and sending out the intention to allow all Humanity go through the Ascension within our physical bodies ,for those that choose so.And so my so called accident back then became a blessing right now seen from this new perspective. We collectively experienced a huge awakening with the 9/11 incident and then on 2008, another personal awakening happened for me when while doing extremely well in my international DJ career, one day out of the blue ,i felt like ‘the sky fell over my head’.
I was already practicing meditation almost on a daily basis at this point and of course as always The Angels received my call and as the student was ready for more, they showed me the way: i got introduced to Reiki Usui Practice for Self Healing and for assisting others to heal themselves.Since that time there is not one day that i don’t practice it, for clearing my Aura and for quite few years i did Reiki on others to assist them in their self discovery journey till one day, i decided to turn this page and move in a more planetary work, offering myself free of charge for distance healing sessions and volunteering for creation or support of already existing humanitarian projects.I for sure practiced my free will on doing exactly what i want from my point of view then leading me to so many more experiences.

One of the projects that we had the idea to start up with 2 more Light Workers, Toby and Belinda ,it was Healing Ibiza in 10-10-2010 with the intention to bring channelers and healers and artists and musicians under one roof, all offering our gifts free of charge with a based on donation entrance and where all money goes to assist children.It was for me also a perfect occasion to merge my DJ skills with my newly learned Reiki technique and do a healing work through sound that come closer to defining what Feel More Than Fine is all about.It is in that moment that i chose to continue playing music as much as possible in Healthy Events promoting Well Being.The event continues still on this day,only the name has changed to Ibiza Spirit and while it is filled with great workshops and people gathering for the highest good, the location itself still has to do their business and sell alcoholic beverages that quite frankly destroy the vibe.And that has been my intention since then, to create events that are 100% healthy.That is the intention i send out to the Universe to allow us create these events at Conscious Light workers totally free and sustainable to create free of the need to depend on someone that wants to keep on doing business as usual.So then,the big became small and small is beautiful.

And so in 2012, life again showed me another facet where i had to choose between my comfort zone or the Mother Earth and living close to nature path.And since i was already preaching the Feel More Than Fine lifestyle in always choosing what feels and fills us with joy, i found myself again ‘walking my talk’ ,selling my BMW to my dad and living a camping life for 2 long summers seasons of more than 6 months in Ibiza, living in a tent just 3 meters in front of the sea, swimming ,running and doing yoga every day while switching from vegetarian to vegan and raw vegan diet, all intuitevelly, all organically taken decisions.

It was in this year(2012) that i totally trusted The Mayan prophecy ,knowing deeply ,that there is an end to this world and a much better one coming that yet our minds can not conceive, especially back then

.t was then in 2016 that i knew i had, again, to drop everything i was doing , totally engage in finding myself and loving myself , say goodbye to poly-amorous relationships and materialistic 3d dreams , isolate myself in nature with very little financial means ,learning to absorb more Love and Light within my body through intense meditation techniques and fasting. Looking around me and becoming aware that almost none of my friends were doing meditation , i knew that somebody had to do the work to be the example of clarity and way shower for others and that was me.
The sense of responsibility in truly doing the inner work is something that i feel very blessed about because back then i had no idea where this all leads,not that know today btw.I just knew that i had to follow my joy and it was my responsibility to find all the pieces within me if i truly wanted to make my dream reality of living in a loving and forgiving, abundant and prosperous planet in total respect for Mother Earth in beautiful communities where we each value each other in true authentic understanding of our oneness .I even made my own 5’ movie with different scenes that i could watch and dream of which btw many pieces became my reality while others in a different way i was hoping and that’s because of the soul lessons i had to learn.

And so this bring me to where i am today:The merging of my Higher Self within my physical body and me, where I Know and Feel and experience Ecstatic states of pure Love within my Divinity and Awesome Small and Big Manifestations ,one with my Higher Self ,One with God and One with All that is,Loving Unconditional All That Is, leading through the Clarity of my example through Joy at all times with ease, grace and flow .And yes while i love myself intensely and throwing flowers to myself to show off , i am not trying to convince you about my experience.We both Know that this is very personal ,same way as you are already experiencing or will experience in your journey of evolution from Carbon based cells to Crystalline Based called Ascension. Do show off to others, because that is how they learn, my perspective, we don’t have to agree:)

What is the next phase? you ask me.
It has to do in assisting others to also cross the bridge which i am already doing using all i have and many more colleagues are doing so as well: social media, website ,music, workshops to help as many as possible realize the presence of the huge elephant with red nails in their living room called Ascension.
Innovative Philanthropy for the Highest Good for All is the next stage for Feel More Than Fine for 2020-2037…quite honestly i thought it would be for at least 100 years and then again some message came to me that all humanity and life will be served by 2037.A prophecy???We shall see.

Btw do you know the joke? why elephants paint their nails red?

They do this so they can hide behind red flowers.

But, did you ever see elephants hiding behind red flowers?

Of course you didn’t.(and if you did,You are the exception of exceptions!)

You know why?

Because …..

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

Because they hide so well!

And so same way Ascension is hiding so well under our skin.
Should i start painting my nails red maybe so some may know where i am on my journey? naaaaaaaa on a day to day basis, better to be spotted by those that are already on the path, much more exciting this way :))))))))

I still get to play music in healthy events, sober parties or DJ classes for Kids, maybe catch up with you in one of those.

Or maybe ,we just share moments in meditation rooms or/and retreats tor maybe in one of Abraham Hicks cruises who knows?

Or maybe, you can come and visit one of our sanctuaries and experience what is about to happen in this next decade which quite honestly while i have more than few ideas about , i have learned to anticipate for the unexpected out of mercy for my ego, that has lost all hope and had also accepted the high way of Love and Light instead of the struggling timelines that i truly wish no-one should experience for any longer now.

Smooth Ascension and The Highest Good for All Please Universe ,I Love You, Thank You.

I do hope that you had a good laugh at least with this blog of mine!
If i can make somebody laugh today, even by being the joke myself that’s a winner to me.

See when i see you, if i see you and you see me , bumping on each other because our frequencies have matched because we both Feel More Than Fine.
(red nails may always help lol)

And So It Is.And So Be It.

Much Love


ps.The synchronised meditations are 2 powerful ways to get on your Ascension Self discovery Journey, all information here.

Art Work by Mark Eden.

Meditation for cleaning up toxicity in human bodies,homes & festivals all over the planet.

Among all sorts of drugs , alcohol in any shape or from is another cause of toxicity.
Alcohol does not serve anyone in the energies of evolution from Carbon based to Crystalline based cells called Ascension.
We will do this invocation and meditation every day at 20h00 for the coming 7 days from 5-20 minutes to assist in clearing up all addictions to use any toxic substances & alcohol , to suction all impurities from each and everyone on the planet to clean up all homes and all clubbing scenes and festivals for the highest good for all.

‘’In Gratitude to be here in this now moment I call upon in Gratitude My Higher Self and My Soul Team ,The Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom,All Beings of Light of the Unlimited Unconditional Love,The Ascended Masters , Galactic Sisters and Brothers,The Animal and Plant Kingdom,Mother Father God and Prime Creator to assist in clearing up from each and everyone the toxic habits, whatever it is, to purify each and everyone’s energies and to help them realise their oneness with God/Love within and all life so all can go through their Ascension Journey smoothly with ease, grace and flow taking full responsibility of their being,Thank You,Thank You,Thank You.And So Be It.’And So It Is’

We visualise in a Golden Green Emeraud Violet Light each and everyone being vibrant, healthy, rejuvenated, happy ,connecting and celebrating authentically one with another in loving and forgiving communities.

God Bless You and Thank You

Feel More Than Fine

Ascension Update & The Final Purification.

As even more energies of love and light are hitting the planet and all living beings here is my personal experience today Thursday 30th of January and how these energies translate through my filter.
My right ear feels super heavy with very strong ringing here that happens only when there are super strong energies coming in.My general feeling is good, uplifting ,i do make a special effort to always stay on a positive creative momentum of thoughts and feelings, i know i need to drink more water and have as less food as possible and as alkaline as it can be.
Meditation and participation in global synchronised gatherings eases the ride towards a more ease, grace and flow feeling and timeline, less thinking means less or not resistance.
Grounding in nature and hugging trees feels great as well being in an open air space inhaling as much as possible fresh oxygen.
The main message that comes through is this:

The Final purification.

Speaking to my my Higher Self:yes, yes, you said this many times over ,every time it is the final time.
Higher Self responds:It is the last time because the extreme energies are about to finish the decapitated head of the sneak of darkness .Rejoice for the victory is at hand and the time to start restoring Humanity ,Mother Earth to Ascend Smoothly is finally here .
Conratulations to all you Light workers for doing your work with such dedication.You are loved.Light workers you know what it means to be the joy and this is your work now here no matter what you choose to do, to be the joy at all times.
I am asking who is speaking right now, voice says :IAM AA Raphael, call upon my energy to assist you in your healing, on easing any suffering and also call upon my brother Serapis Bey with his white ray to assist you for your Ascension.You are magnificent beings Light workers, we love you ,feel our love deep into your hearts right now by closing your eyes for few moments.You will recognise our signature.Oh and brother Saint Germain and Lady Amethyst are here too, along the dragons and they all bring in the violet ray to purify and clean all that remains and to allow you to be receptive in these energies.Call upon all of us and make your Ascension a journey of pleasure towards the higher dimensions.Life is meant to be joyful at all times.Find the joy in your now.Find the joy you are at every now.Be the excitement.Be the Bliss and let it radiate all around you to uplift all those you come in contact with.And finally Mother God is here,she covers each one of of us with a blanket of her pink ray to sooth and take away all pain that does not serve us.

God Bless You All and Much Love.

Feel More Than Fine


Art Work by Mark Eden

Synchronicity and Alignement with Source.

When one is aligned with source, there is an ever increasing number for synchronicities that show up on one’s experience and some even across time and space reality.
And here is a solid proof of what i mean:
About 8 years ago, i made a choice of colours for the walls of one of my spaces that goes from yellow wall then purple wall and then orange wall in this sequence.
And then about 2 years ago, as i read a channeling about our perfect human DNA and the activation of it with a powerful invocation from Saint Germain i discover within this invocation that the magma of Mother Earth is Yellow,Purple and Orange.This means that without my awareness Mother Earth was already communicating with me about choice of colours i selected and in exactly the same sequence as the invocation which then not only confirms that the invocation is the right one and also confirming that all is interconnected, all is one.
Here is the full invocation,I have integrated this every morning in my meditations and i can clearly feel tangible results in the way my DNA is being activated towards its original perfection of twelve double helixes with the ever increasing energies now pummelling Earth and all living beings.One can choose to just allow energies do their work and one can also choose to do active meditation with focus towards manifesting our highest good.

”I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, Love and Light, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma iup through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, nto my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, Love and Light, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Love and Light ! (Saint Germain Invocation for 24 strand DNA activation to be invoked daily for best results) ”

Feel More Than Fine


I Command.


if you like and feel the heart call please repeat this invocation with me:

Through the God Being Creator Source Energy Being that i know I AM and with the help of all Light Beings of the Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters and the Galactics, Mother Father God and all company of Heaven that is only of the pure unconditional Love and Light that I am asking humbly for support in a gratitude state in this now moment that we have entered officially in the Golden Age of Aquarius I Command:

1.The Release of Financial Funds destined to assist Humanity and Mother Earth to reach the higher dimensions of existence in 5D and beyond smoothly with ease, grace and flow
2.The Release of Free Energy Technologies to replace all other ways for energy in all levels and domains of use.
3.The Release of Non Invasive Healing Technologies of Light for rejuvenating all people and healing all diseases from cancer to diabetes and all in a minimum of time with ease, grace and flow experienced in a wonderful pleasant way that alleviates any suffering and allows the activation of DNA to its original perfected state of 12 double strands.
4.The Highest Good for all,Abundance and Prosperity in all ways always for all!
5.The best possible life for myself, my families, my communities and all of almost 8 billion sisters and brothers on the planet and all animal kingdom and all plant kingdom.
A life where each and everyone lives in harmony and peace with one another accomplishing their life’s mission through what gives them joy and speaks to their hearts.
6.The Reforestation of all Mother Earth out in nature or in small or big cities and towns.
7.The Total Cleansing,Erasing and Releasing of all memories, causes and cores that serve Humanity and the planet no longer.A new Now is created where past is shifting to an exclusive joyful experience and future is created with each and everyone doing what gives them joy serving in this way their highest good which in turn serves the highest good for all
8.The Creation of New Earth Educational Systems where all children and all adults learn the true history of our existence as Humanity : amazing beings called Terrans in playful and fun ways easily absorbed by each student.
9.The use of artificial intelligence serving exclusively the highest good for all humanity and the planet.
10.That each and everyone discovers their connection with the Love and Light within each and everyone is ,that each and everyone has and always is enough as He/She is, the truth that each and everyone is Source Energy Being,God Being Creator, God and with God creating a loving and forgiving planet that works for all and in reverence for all Life.

And So Be It.And So It Is.

Thank You and Bless You for your service dear Heart,

I Love You.

One Love.

Feel More Than Fine


Art Work by Mark Eden

Sober Bars Are The New In Thing For Recovering Alcoholics To Enjoy The Social Scene In A Healthy And Booze-Free Way

Everybody visiting this website knows my passion about 100% healthy celebration ,about a holistic approach in the way we celebrate and about dance music attuned on 432Hz that you listen on all the links posted below this post.In 2020 our Party Sober events are going to be our direct contribution and action in creation towards this goal.Our next event will be on March 28th in the city of Antwerp,you can find all information about our event here. In that line i see the appearance of sober bars all across the world as a direct manifestation of what has been taking place in my vortex for already 10 years now in this blog that i repost here

Posted on: December 24, 2019 at 8:29 am

Bars are an integral part of our culture. For decades, people have gathered at their local watering hole to have philosophical (and not-so-philosophical) debates, to check in on the local gossip, and to simply kick back with a pint on a friday night.

Yes, bars can be fun places to meet up with friends and be a part of the local crowd, but for someone who is a recovering alcoholic, they can be toxic environments full of temptation.

Luckily for them, there is a new trend emerging in the bar scene: sober bars.

An Alcohol-Free Bar

That’s right. Alcohol-free, or “sober” bars are becoming increasingly popular across the United States for recovering addicts and alcoholics who still want to have fun on a friday or saturday night [1].

These bars look and feel like the real thing- right down to the dim lighting and dingy booths, except the usual shelves filled with beer and liquor have been replaced with non-alcoholic substitutes like coffee and kombucha [1]. Guests can sit back and listen to a local musician or join in on a round of karaoke while sipping on virgin cocktails and Heineken 0.0 [1].

“I Can’t Stay Sober, But We Can”

This is a popular saying at Alcoholics Anonymous [3]. If you are recovering from addiction, it is extremely important to have a community around you- you need people to support you to stay clean. Without this support, addicts tend to isolate themselves which can lead to depression, and make them more likely to relapse [4].

Unfortunately, it is imperative in the beginning stages of recovery to avoid places and situations where you might be tempted to relapse, which of course means staying out of pubs and bars [5]. 

It is necessary, then, to seek support in other places and other circles. In recovery, other sober individuals are the best people to have around you during vulnerable times [4]. Recovery is about moving forward, and establishing new, sober relationships based on a foundation of recovery encourages healthy changes and communication [4].

A Step In the Recovery Process

For many recovering addicts, it can seem difficult to imagine having an active social life again, since a majority of their past activities revolved around alcohol and drug use [4]. This is where a concept like a sober bar becomes so valuable.

Paul French is the owner of one of these in Barstop, Texas, called Cherokee Recovery Village. A former addict himself, he now works as a licenced chemical dependency counselor and says that his bar is a crucial help for people recovering from alcohol dependency [1].

The bar-like environment exposes you to triggers to potentially weaken them, which will hopefully allow you to eventually go into places where there’s drinking and partying without it affecting you so much [1].

These bars also provide a community for people recovering from addictions, and helps them to stick to their recovery programs.

Recovering alcoholic Ember Zenchyshyn has been sober for three years and frequents Cherokee Recovery Village.

“I can’t do this alone,” she says, “I need to have the people walking through this with me and kind of be a part of something.” Zenchyshyn often feels like she misses out on fun times with friends. She reveals, “I didn’t want to give up the fun lifestyle. I didn’t want just to go home and go to sleep at 10 and not do things.” [2]

Not Just For Recovering Addicts

These sober bars are not exclusive to people recovering from addictions. They are also great spaces for people who simply don’t partake in any substance use, but still find the bar atmosphere to be fun [1].

Lorelei Bandrovschi, co-owner of Listen Bar, a monthly alcohol-free pop-up bar in New York City, want non-drinkers to have a space that is “theirs”.

“Nondrinkers have been made to feel like the odd ones out,” Bandrovschi says. “We are here to say that [they] deserve their own space and to be the star of the show.” [6]

Interestingly enough, only one third of the bar’s guest identify themselves as non-drinkers. The rest are occasional or regular drinkers, who just want a night out without the hangover the next day [6]. 

Sober Bars Popping Up Everywhere

The concept of an alcohol-free bar is becoming more and more popular across the United States. Here are a few more sober spots that have popped up in the United States:

  • Sans Bar in Austin, Texas is a weekly pop-up bar. They have taken their concept on the road, and done pop-ups in Nashville, Kansas, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC, among others.
  • The Other Side in Crystal Lake, Illinois, has ping pong, pool tables, and more, and offers karaoke, open mic nights, comedy and dancing.
  • Listen Bar in New York City is a monthly pop-up that focuses on making amazing alcohol-free cocktails.
  • Getaway in Brooklyn, New York features cozy couches and chic decor that make this spot perfect for Instagram.

Whether you’re recovering from addiction, you simply don’t drink, or you just feel like having a night out without the consequences the next morning, perhaps a sober bar is just the thing you need.

What will be Humanity’s 5D Reality from my perspective?

Each one of us,as God Being Creators/Source Energy Beings has the potential of creating our own version of New Earth and all together it will be an amazing tapestry that I dare to imagine and feel in this now moment,even though i know that my wildest imagination in creation can never reach what our collective as God and with God are about to bring about in the coming decade and next 1000 years of Golden Age.

This is my invitation for you to dive into my science fiction /metaphysical script.If I was a film maker this will be a very short summary of the story I feel will be taking place seen through my filters of God Being Creator.

So let’s begin!Shall we?

Healing & Ascension

In this coming decade i see a total shift in the way that diseases are treated.The Ascension process taking place on our planet is totally accepted by the scientific community and doctors and even though we are at early stages,the way healing technologies operate are based on the fact that humans are electromagnetic beings and that vibrational frequency of the body mind spirit complex is what defines one’s well being.There will be no more invasive surgery,there will be healing through Light and special chambers working with crystals and medbeds that can reverse age and heal someone in very short time from any disease(cancer,diabetis,alzheimer,parkinson etc.)same way a laser eye operation takes place,just in 3′.

Abundance,Prosperity,Free Energy and Replication Technologies

Our financial systems will be in service to everyone for realizing projects and ideas that uplift the spirits for everyone after we have achieved the completion of basic needs for each and everyone on the planet and the total cleansing of the planet.Money represents for all just another expression of Love,all negative thinking about it is gone,all have more than enough to create and live the life of their dreams and this will bring about the end of the need to use any money at all as replication technologies and free energy will be now available for all to be used freely along so many more.

New Earth Educational Systems

The New Earth schools will be based in playfulness and the further development of new abilities of telepathy,teleportation,telekinesis,healing abilities,clear communication with animals and with our galactic families.All children will be able to absorb easily and at once any information given to them as their minds and hearts are wide open to receive in evolved light bodies of fully activated perfected DNA doing always what gives them joy.This goes of course for each and everyone of the rest of us living on Earth who now have totally accepted that we can live in our Ascended Light bodies for thousands of years following the steps of our Hollow Earth Family.


All foods,water and drinks are 100% whole,organic and high vibrational in all places, served in a multitude of new ways of preparing them remaining in their original state using techniques such as fermentation and cutting edge knowledge preparing Elixirs of Life in liquid or eaten form using gold and other precious elements we have no idea about right now.We can already witness a first impression of this with the raw vegan restaurants and specialists which will be far more advanced in the coming years.The energy of the person making these preparations is something that will be valued much more than today,this will be the signature of each chief that is bringing their own Alchemical Magical ways of new tastes.As for entertainment i see a multitude of daytime clubs all across the planet in total respect of mother earth, sustainable with the purpose to elevate vibration and bring people together in joy for sharing moments in 100% healthy ways:dancing,singing,playing music and art creation/performance in magical innovative ways going from ”cirque de soleil” performances type of and amazing 5D projections where each and everyone can be involved.

Mobility ,Housing and Infrastructure

I see something between The Venus Project of Jacques Fresco and the movie The 5th element and The Light Cities described by Genii Townsend in her book :”Something is coming” with all kinds of transportation,electric vehicles,anti gravity vehicles with a lot of nature and trees in cities in a very peaceful environment.

The Highest Good for all.

Do No Harm to Self,others or a thing.

Focus on what gives you Joy.

These will be IMHO the 3 basic rules of our New Earth realities.When these 3 are respected collectively we are collectively at a stage of Service to Others instead of Service to Self one with our Galactic Families.

And this ends for now my script of manifestation for this coming full moon and the incoming age of Aquarius.Thank you for reading,thank you for being a Co-Creator.

Much Love

Feel More Than Fine


Party Sober March 2020

Join us in our next edition of Healthy Celebration in March 2020 in Antwerp City,Belgium.

Here is our menu:

9h00-10h00 :Yoga.
10h00-13h00 :Dance Music 432Hz.
13h00-14h00 :Meditation and inner Journey with Acoustic Instruments.
Volunteers for performing arts text the host and co-hosts of this event.


Early Bird:
16€ with Yoga.
11€ Just Wake Up and Dance!
including Vegan Cacao Based Breakfast and Tea.

Door :
25€ with Yoga
21€ Just Wake Up and Dance
including Vegan Cacao Based Breakfast and Tea.

Payment bank account:BE44744071018945 Francq Michelle
or through paypal
Description :Party Sober at 2nd Wave.

10% of the proceeds go to Charity for VZW NEST (GENT)

Set from previous event :

Time to Be The God Being Creator That I know IAM.

And one morning like today I wake up and I don’t feel anymore like reading any of the news out there,I ignore all and focus on my creations for the highest good for all and nothing else,I focus on creating the new and nothing else.

And with this on this day January 4th 2020 I declare officialy that IAM World Peace IAM and as i say it and feel it and know it, World Peace becomes reality in MY Universe.And while i say this,the cat comes on my lap and asks for some attention.We are creating this together in the here and now.

On this day January 4th 2020,I create The Highest Good For all Humanity to be assisted with thousands of innovative ideas and projects to reach 100% Well Being and Rejuvenation,Abundance and Prosperity in all ways,100% Respect for Mother Earth with the utilisation of Free Energy Technologies for all uses and 100% Respect for the Animal Kingdom with Humanity is becoming Vegan or at least Vegeterian,where all understand that what one needs on their body mostly is more Love and Light,more water and minerals as we evolve from Carbon Based Bodies to Light Bodies of Crystalline nature.

On this day January 4th 2020,I Create New Earth Schools that truly assist each and everyone to be more aware of their Creator abilities and New Powers with playfulness,with ease,grace and flow.Where all that needs to be learned is being read or receive once and direclty assimillitated by a perfect functionning brain.

On this day January 4th 2020,I Create Basic Universal Income for all Humanity.I Create Homes for all Homeless and I create a Loving and Forgiving Planet with all live in the house of their dreams and liking and get to travel whenever they want wherever the want and where all children are safe and sound,where all humanity is Safe and Sound.

On this day January 4th i release all memories ,from past lives and from this life ,that do not serve me,i keep only those that give me joy and I congratulate myself for my hard work to bring about and be part of the miracle called The Ascension of Humanity and Mother Earth in constant gratitude for all the help I Am receicing at all times from all Light Beings,The Company of Heaven and Mother Father God and The Supreme Creator.

On this day January 4th,i decree it as the day where communities of like minded and hearted Human to Galactic Beings,all connected to The God within ,they all know they are, are physically coming together to Co-Create the New with power and trust that this is now being magnified a 1000 fold every second of our Earthhy hours.

I create amazing mobility for myself and for all our communities,starting from the use of a vast choice of electric vehicles and going to super anti gravity vehicles that brings us from Paris to Rio in 1 hour+ time.This will help all of us that are working in our communities in being in the best service I/WE can be in assisting all and everyone I/WE meet on my/our path to have a smooth Ascension process.If there is a need for a house,I/WE will provide!If there is a need for financial assistance to realize projects FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL,projects that DO NO HARM TO SELF OR OTHERS I/We will provide!

And with this i decree today that our organisation Feel More Than Fine Africa for assisting children in Senegal is being hydrated financially to begin the works,it has been a long wait since 2013,now is the time to put the hands in the dirt and begin the work.

I decree today that our Free Energy Invention called Electra is receiving the funding and compliance to begin the works and replace all electric energy producers using coil or other sources stolen from Mother Earth with our solution.I create the all Greece and other countries that wish so to have 100% clean energy for all uses.

I create and decree that all people on the planet are being fed abundantly with whole organic foods and hydrated with 100% vitalised water and clothed and have the roof of the likikg over their heads.

This list is to be continued by you and all that feels in the n ow their Creator Power within.No intel or news or 3dimensional movies and stories can hinder any longer our powerful creator abilites.This is the end of the old.This is the beginning of the new.I decree it,I Create It with ease,grace and flow.

I create 100% healthy entertainment where all are celebrating and dancing one with their wholy nature with musicians and artists and performers of all ages are sharing their gift in a 100% healthy environment being served only water,juices and high vibrational vegan foods.I create worldwide transformation in this sector.

I create vast amounts of money available for reforestation of all cities and Mother Earth,i create more Trees all over the planet.I see,sense and acknowledge beautiful green peaceful cities,living somewhere in nature or living in the cities is at all times a peaceful and grounding experience.

I create that all harm that has been done on the planet and on humanity in blocking our Ascension process is now officially reversed and in accelerated GOD SPEED ways reaching the perfection of existence in all ways,in all dimensions and in all of Creation.And SO IT IS.AND SO BE IT.

Create with me,Create with me Feel More Than Fine family.


I love you.



I thank each one of you following this website’s posts and when feeling the call equally participating in our posted activities for the highest good for all.My Gratitude and appreciation goes to all the unknown sisters and brothers currently incarnated doing their meditations and prayers in service to all.My Gratitude and appreciation goes to my Self as Human,my Higher Self and Soul Family for assisting me from the other side of the veil at all times.My Gratitude and appreciation goes to the Higher Selves and Soul Families of all Humanity for assisting every child,woman and man on the planet from the other side of the planet.Our Gratitude and appreciation goes to the animal and plant kingdom,to Mother Earth,To The Fairies,To The Gnomes,To The Elementals,To The Angels,to The Archangels,to The Unicorns,To The Dragons,to The Ascended Masters,to our Galactic Families:Arcturians,Pleiadians,Andromedans,Sirians,The Triangle Head Beings,The Blue Avians,Sirians to name but a few,to All Light Beings known and unknown that together compose The Company of Heaven serving only what is of the Pure Unconditional Love of Mother Father God,Our Gratitude and appreciation goes to Mother Father God and Supreme Creator for the continuous Love pouring to our hearts at all times, I LOVE YOU ALL,WE LOVE YOU ALL. IAM ALL THAT I AM. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO ACHIENE OUR HIGHEST ASPIRATIONS AND DREAMS AND PROJECTS SERVING THE HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL IN THE YEAR 2020 AND FOR THIS UPCOMING DECADE.

Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace, Saint Francis Prayer :

”Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. ”

Well,HO HO HO Surprise Surprise!

When i hear AA Michael saying that I created all my experiences in life and all my life, the truth is that there have been many moments that i had difficulties in understanding why did i create this or that experience.And this is not from a point of view of my terrestrial choices rather a point of view before i incarnate in my current physical body.I understand that many so called negative experiences in my life have been the result of a kind of karmic debt to be instantly paid off ,sometimes in the speed of a boomerang ,for the choices i made living my 3D reality of SEPARATION from Source God within:Prayer was coming from a place of begging instead of already being thankful for all i have in my life.I thought that i need to go to church in order to connect with God and i thought that i need to do good at all costs, including neglecting myself 100% for the benefit of others, giving away all financial means and all my love to partners, family and friends.Needless to say that because of this attitude i found myself in situations of poverty, even if that wasn’t needed when somebody looks at the family where i was born too:a hard working family of 2 parents with 2 kids, that gave the best they can and have to their kids in their own understanding of doing good. This came to be from the moment i started doing my inner work to reconnect with my soul:while from one side, i am experiencing a deep feeling of love emanating from within that i don’t yet qualify as such in the early stages, i am becoming witness of a reality that it is not what i thought it was, the more i love myself, the harder the lessons and the harder the lessons the more i am asking myself and God(still from a separation place) is there any end in this?and then after realising with a great deal of struggling all things i want to experience in my 3D world, one day i come to understand deeper the importance of daily practise called meditation.Prayer has always been in the menu since i was a child:i couldn’t go to bed in i wouldn’t first say ‘Our Father’ prayer and also ask for peace and love on the planet , my own little prayer that i could understand saying it in my own simple words.Meditation for me has been for the over 16 years of my life now, first years sporadically then daily ,a journey to realising the unlimited mighty power that Love and Light truly is.And not just that, in this life time you and me are experiencing Ascension while remaining in our physical bodies and this just by itself is already a reason to celebrate at all times.And so while now, because of immediate effects of the accelerated evolution of my body mind spirit complex through the Tsunami of Love inundating all Life and my willingness to be the open cup to receive this love for the highest good for all, one can expect to have feelings of joy emanating from within at all times, especially when one dedicates all ‘nows’ constantly remaining observer of ‘How do I Feel?’ ,’Do I Feel Good?’ ,’Do I Feel More Than Fine?’. Well,HO HO HO surprise surprise!!!The first 6 months of 2019 have been for me, a deep cleansing of memories of past lives:while i am constantly making the effort, participating in global meditations daily and doing my inner works , a lot of pain and suffering comes to the surface to be released and i witness it both in my inner and outer world.Then now, after reaching a place of totally feeling one with Source, One with My God within(which is One and the same for all Life:I Am Presence) and starting to become witness of small and bigger miracles unfolding now from a place of NO SEPARATION while learning to live a 5D life , one again can expect to be in the bliss and peace and love and joy at all times. ‘Well ,cut II,HO HO HO surprise surprise!’ a pain is present so deeply felt that it is impossibly to ignore it and play games or do something pleasant that will make me feel more than fine.This pain is asking for my attention, even though i am doing my meditations and inner work, this pain is still present and it is not willing to go away for almost 2 days.Of course Abraham Hicks would say that this is because i am not aligned with source within and my feeling is a great indicator that i need to reconnect and shift my attention in something pleasant and while i do my best to do that, creating music or projects or making some great raw vegan recipe, deliberate creation, anything that i know gives me joy, nothing nothing nothing makes this pain go away.I do not say that Abraham is wrong here, she is super on spot ,just that in my case what saved the situation is the deep understanding that the pain i feel is not my pain but the pain of the collective.And while i am aware of that, i forgot to do one simply thing:Ask during my meditation The Creator, Mother Father God to take this pain away. And so i want to say a big thank you to Natalie and a big thank you to Sananda aka Master Jesus for this reminder here this past weekend. Now, i am back into Feeling Good .The effect was immediate after asking for assistance and doing the invocations.We are not separate with Mother Father God means that when pain is present we can ask for it to be taken away, it is not ours to carry and only Joy is the order of the day at all times.So yes :Feel More Than Fine at all times is the intention at all times, what one vibrates, one creates!To Feel More Than Fine is to be the Love ,to be the Light and the Joy one knows is.
Sometimes it takes more time to recalibrate our being to truly feel IT, especially like now being in these extreme energies of 12-21 portals.And that is because there is a lesson to be learned.As Abraham Hicks says:i’’t is ok if we don’t always feel it, be easy about all this on yourself’’. How many lessons are there to be learned while progressing in living a 5D life?we will find out!’’Well, HO HO HOSurprise Surprise cut III’’ to be continued, hopefully this time with immediate action knowing fully what needs to be done as i/we remain in gratitude for all ‘negative’ moments in my/our life, shaping the person I Am/We Are becoming.
Austerity?yes, grateful for having experienced it because without it, i would have never felt the joy of manifesting small and bigger things and that Feels MOOOOOOre than Fine,the more ‘O’s the more Love as LOOOOOOOOOOVE.

Austerity like the homeless man on the picture of this blog sitting right next to me while i am posting at Starbucks.I Create Homes for All Homeless on the planet.And So it is.And So Be It!

And so now here comes the bonus of all bonuses:Isn’t this because i am one with GOD that i feel also what GOD feels? IAM GOD,IAM. And isn’t this the proof, at least the proof for me, from my own experience, that GOD is experiencing HIM/HER-SELF through me and each one of us?the joys and the tears of me and all ? the cries and hopelessness of me and all? the misery and fulfilment of me and all?

I wish you this Christmas Holidays to go into your cave within to find your innocent child baby Christ being re-born again, even when we know this is not the real b’day of Christ, Love is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ,i wish you to find that indeed It is UNLIMITED.Where do you stand in your pain and what needs to be released from personal traumas in this life or other lives, this is only up to you to know to discover and to always remember to ask God, The Creator to take it away because one way or another you came here for the purpose of Joy.YOU AND ME ARE UNLIMITED BEINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT.
I wish you to truly FEEL this DEEP in your Being so that it becomes integrated as knowledge from within and not just something you read somewhere or somebody writes about.

And then out of pure joy emanatating from your being ,find somebody on the streets that is not as blessed as you are and show them love,give them a bottle of water and something to eat,some monies maybe,always out of joy,never because you feel you have to.

Much Love!

Feel More Than Fine


Donations are welcome.Out of Pure Joy.Not because you feel you have to:)))

I Pray

I pray for family and friends that are not ready to hear my perspective about all atrocities that took place on our planet.Many of you ask yourselves why we can not hang out together like always and while i always reply to you that I Love You so Much and I respect the Divine in You,i am asking you also now:how can we hang out out when you are not ready or do not want to hear my perspective ?I can only allow silence speak for itself.This is the big awakening for all of you my dear family and friends.I pray for you and i pray for your families and friends too for you that reads these words.I know that the wounds that are now opening is the place from where Light can finally penetrate your and their Hearts.I pray and hold the space for you and i send also Compassion and Love to Mother Father God cause if there is one that can truly Feel Humanity’s pain is our Mother Father God.I can only feel part of the pain as a result of Unified Consciousness and my job is to send the pain to the One Mother God to be released so i may poursue my work to hold the space in my Heart for all not fully awake sisters and brothers,that’s my job on the planet:To #FeelMoreThanFine holding the space,that is how Divine Love works.My job is to empty the vessel and allow more Love and Light move through.In this endeavour i ask for assistance and IAM immediately assisted by countless Light Beings=The Company of Heaven and Mother Father God.My only job is to be the Love,to be the Light: IAM The Love,IAM the Light,IAM. And that’s your job too,if you happen to be reading these words.You are not of service when you REACT to something one says,when you want to be right about your beliefs at all costs.You are doing your service when you can sit and listen and hear and hold the space of compassion and love,allowing each and everyone evolve and feel the pain deep in the hearts because it is from the wound that Love will FINALLY penetrate their closed Hearts.I pray for all of you.I pray that The Angels and your Light soul families from on High assist us all to release the suffering and finally live our lives peacefully with one another where each and everyone is safe from harm.There is so much to be done in this coming decade and you that keep reading these words,your mission is for now to hold a space of Love and Light and Peace for those that are waking up around you.And so to be of service for the Highest Good for All,what you need to do is to Love Yourself,to love all parts of Yourself.Only when you love yourself unconditionally you will be able to feel again the Joy and Love you already are,The God that You already Are.This is Who You Are.Only then you can truly radiate out your Love and Light fully as only then you from within Out.Truly.Unconditionally.In Harmony with All That Is.With All That You are.Thank You.And I Love You and Hallelujah Anyways.



Invocation for this week to assist ourself, all humanity and Mother Earth

I am my I am presence and I am one with the I Am presence of all humanity.
As one voice, one breath, one heartbeat and
one energy vibration and consciousness
of pure divine love we invoke our father
mother God and the legions of life
throughout infinity.
Beloved ones come
forth now
we are one with all these magnificent
forses of light through our sincere
heart call .
They have joyously come to
help humanity’s i am presence empower
and sustain the light burden of every
man woman and child on earth a 1000x
Beloved legions of light we ask that you
gather up every electron on the precious
life energy being expended by humanity
during this sacred and holy time.
this energy with the power and might of
a thousand suns using the new 5th
dimensional solar frequencies of the
violet flame of God’s infinite perfection.
Weave this purified energy into the
collective cup of humanity’s
consciousness so that every electron of
precious life energy released by the
sons and daughters of God at this time
will be used to exponentially expand the
light of God into the planetary grid of
transfiguring divine love that is now
enveloping mother earth and all her life.
We accept that this activity of light is
being God victoriously accomplished
right here and right now.
We also accept
that through humanity’s I am presence this
activity of light will be permanently
sustained increasing daily and hourly
the maximum that cosmic law will allow
with every breath we take.
Beloved father mother God we ask that
you now breathe the highest possible
frequencies of divine love oneness and
reverence for all life into every
person’s heart flame .
In oneness with the I am presence of
every person on earth and the entire
company of heaven
we now affirm within the divinity of our
heart flame:
I am the cup the holy grail through which the light of God now flows to bless every particle and wave of life evolving on this precious planet.
I am my I am presence and I now invoke my father mother God to breathe their infinite light into our planetary grid of transfiguring divine love .
As this exquisite light blazes through
the grid of divine love it bay’s the
earth and expands every person’s light
work a thousandfold.

Now it’s unfathomable influx of our
father mother God’s infinite light lifts
every atomic and subatomic particle and
wave of life on earth into a higher
order of day.
As this wondrous light is anchored
within the divinity of every person’s
heart flame it expands into the heart
flame of every other person on earth
unifying heart flame with heart flame.

Through this amazing activity of light
the I am presence of every person
becomes a power point of divine love and
oneness unified in consciousness with
the I am presence of every other person.

Through the unified efforts of heaven
and earth we are empowering our
planetary grid of transfiguring divine
love this Force field of light is
extending from the very depths of
humanity’s pain and suffering into the
highest frequencies of the
fifth-dimensional realms of God’s
infinite light .

This grid of divine love is the bridge
to freedom over which this blessed
planet and all her life are now
ascending into the fifth dimensional
realms of perfection on the new earth .

Through this activity of light we are
reclaiming our divine birthright as sons
and daughters of God as we become Love
in action .
We are collectively changing the core
vibration of the primal light substance
which has gone into creating the present
negative conditions that are surfacing
all over the planet to be healed and
transmuted into light.
This activity of
light is bringing into tangible form the
archetypes for the patterns of perfection
for the new earth.
These patterns are now
flowing into the heart and mind of every
man woman and child through the mental
and emotional strata of this planet.
The I am presence within every person is the
open door for these resplendent patterns
of divine love .
We are the cause of
divine love now being re-established on
earth .
Together we are setting in place
the basic spiritual forces of divine
love over which the earth and all her
life are at last ascending out of our
long exile in darkness into the fifth
dimensional realms of light associated
with the new earth.
The love of God is
now thriving on earth through each of us
and through the I am presence of every
person on the planet.
Through this
activity of light humanity is being
raised into a profound awakening of
supreme love consciousness.
We are here
and now
the masters of love we were always
destined to be.
We are beings of love
accepting responsibility or loving the
sweet earth and all our life free.
We are
one with this blessed planet and the
planet is one with us.
Our father mother
God and the company of heaven are now
intensifying their light through every
person’s heart flame.
This influx of
light is lifting all humanity into a
higher octave of divine service.
person on earth is being permanently
invested with a cosmic force field of
divine love.
This force field is
initiating each of us into a higher
order of service to humanity and the
Our light work is being
intensified a thousand fold through the planetary grid of transfiguring divine Love.
Beloved father mother God we accept that
this activity of white as being God
victoriously accomplished even as we
And so it is beloved I am beloved I am beloved I am that I am.
Transcript from Patricia Cota Robles Vlog 143 :Nikos.

Uncovering A Deeper Meaning of Life. My Agenda and Vision for 2020-2030. (Part 2)

Talking about synchronicity!!!On a quick note before i continue on with part II of my yesterday’s post :Just i have posted the part I of this blog here i check in my mailbox and notice this message about number 7 from the Universe :

The way you know you’ll receive 7 times what you give, Nikos, or in some cases 4,900 times what you give, is that the giving gives you true joy without any thought of even receiving 1 times back. 
Nice R.O.I.,    

The Universe

Oh, the 4,900 multiple, Nikos? Yes, this was overlooked by your parables because it was never quite understood. To quote, “Verily, he or she who gives, without any thought of receiving, will receive 7 times recompense for their offering, while those who do so with an authentic glad heart, happy dance, or “Whoohooo!” will receive thy 7 times recompense 700 more times.” ( Thoughts become things… choose the good ones! ® © ®  )

And so going back to the spiral of life, these last days i discovered that actually the reason i chose to travel-without really knowing it in the moment why i chose to go in one particular place, just having fun on the way-in same places is because of information embedded in my DNA for activating portals and doing Grid work on the planet.Quite a discovery for me i must confess here down the path of these 7 years of transition.It totally brings the answer to my question:why do i find myself being in the same place again and again?why did i not always have the means to travel somewhere on the planet where i have never been before?did i create this experience for myself or was it guided from my soul as an agreement i made before i incarnating in this body?Do i really create my life through the things i want or is it my soul and soul team that has the final word?who is the creator?my mind or my soul?

Today what i came to realise is that it is both.When i am aligned with source within, being the source energy being that i am know IAM, mind and soul merge and become one from where more guidance comes satisfying in all paths and directions i wish to go including thoughts.

’’The path to what you want will never go away, it is only the receptiveness to that path that changes’’ Abraham Hicks.

And so while i know now that while i m making some 3 dimensional choices based on my experience so far, yes i do want my toys(mind): electric car and van and ebikes and 5th dimensional home(s) and also i want (soul) free energy on a pristine planet knowing that all children are safe and sound and all 8 billion people are having their basic needs met for smooth Ascension, inner guidance is now taking the lead of becoming an instrument of God for the highest good for all.This does not take the pleasure away, no not at all.In fact it is one and the same and it happens through following one’s joy and by choosing moment to feel good to feel more than fine, from within out in the spiral of life playing ping pong between what soul came to do in this body and what is our current definition of doing things that give Joy which is right now transitioning from 3D to 5D.(most probably when i do get my so called toys, it will be only temporary joy for a few weeks or months till i find some new toys or joys)
Quite a ride!Where does this end?
Well, it is a spiral that never ends,same way the Earth revolves around the Sun while the Sun is also going in some direction creating all together an infinite spiral,the spiral of evolution we notice in all life from the the cells become cells to trees growing or music attuned to 432Hz.(all good subjects to research and find out all the information you like to know)

We are eternal and immortal source energy and multidimensional beings catapulting ourselves from human to galactic living in beautiful ascended rejuvenated physical bodies up to 1000 years One with God,One with All That Is.
That’s where my intel and disclosure go so far from high up in the skies!
Don’t believe me?look around you and see what takes place in these coming months and let’s speak again, telepathy does the trick to btw;) in one year from now, shall we?and then let’s speak in 2021 and 2022 and 2023.
350,000 years of enslaved humanity being liberated each one living an abundant and prosperous life on a loving and forgiving planet in reverence and respect for all life with all they need with ease, grace and flow.That resumes my Agenda and my vision for 2020-2030.
December 6th 2020, our next meeting, telepathic or physisal,you may choose!
My email is if you feel like expressing your thoughts and feelings.Cause if we didn’t already , we might find some common ground for co-creating New Earth experience for the highest good for all , cause if you read till the end of this blog, it is not a coincidence at all 😉

Feel More Than Fine because it your your vibration that creates your reality and the way you feel shows how aligned or not you are with source.

Donations are always welcome here and do a happy dance while doing so,whether it is your love or some monies,remember one more time The Universe’s message :Verily, he or she who gives, without any thought of receiving, will receive 7 times recompense for their offering, while those who do so with an authentic glad heart, happy dance, or “Whoohooo!” will receive thy 7 times recompense 700 more times. 

Uncovering A Deeper Meaning of Life.My Agenda and Vision for 2020-2030. (part I)

Life is a spiral.For example we always have somehow the impression that we are visiting the same places as we go on about our days whether this is what we call our home we live in or a place we like to walk to or jogging or travelling to etc.We may chose always to visit the same place countless times because of its familiarity or because of comfort reasons for working reasons , for finding peace etc.And along that path we are learning our lessons of evolution.
In my case, it was 16 years ago that i was jumping up and down when i discovered for the first time in my present incarnation the power of the words Feel More Than Fine.I was at a private party celebrating with friends.And it took me 16 years to finally grasp the deeper meaning (so far) of it:it has been always been my human nature to share with others this important discovery i made in me and i confess that i used everything that i found as information and tools around and in me from workshops to events and music to bring all those who come in contact with me to the importance of these words.Without a visible success for the most part, in fact i lost many of my friends and connections because of my stubbornness to prove my discovery, which is of course nothing else than resistance to the creation process.So now, as we come to the end of this very shockingly revealing 2019 ,as more of us, of humanity learn to always live in the now, releasing all that do not serve us any longer while also learning to navigate in our newly found multidimensional selves in the 5th dimension and beyond having at an accelerated pace a clear understanding of the importance of our conversation with our God within which is one and the same for all and yet with different messages for each and every one, we are discovering that we are made of the same stuff of Love and Light yet with different missions and purposes from each other all at the end in Joyful service for the Highest Good for all, fulfilling Divine Mother’s Plan.Every moment is to be lived from authentic Joy emanating from within that one can truly feel when there is alignment with God within.Feeling and Being the Joy that one truly is ,is now becoming the definition of Feel More Than Fine.While at the past i was trying to convince others about the truth of my message, now all i need to do is go within, refill my cup and share my light in all places i want anywhere on the planet, sometimes physically most times through the ethers.
One now has the opportunity to truly feel the Joy they are in their being according of own ways of self discovery that are very different from one another and a subject that i avoid to discuss nowadays because i don’t want to come into discussions of being right or wrong.Meditation , silent contemplation , Light work for the planet and the collective, dancing ,mindfulness in all things is doing the ‘trick’ for me.
And so speaking about Spiral of Life, in my case i have been living in many same places all around Europe that i come to ask myself:What is it that makes me travel to same places ,is it because of people i meet, is it for comfort reasons ? what is it that i have always tendency to go visit and travel in same or at times a new place after a while like feeling that my work is done and need to move elsewhere.And so in my spiral of Life while going to same or new or same new places, it has been always a very different experience.In the past i will go to places to meet like minded and hearted people for doing same job, same activities, learning from each other while today this has totally shifted in me as i know i have always been GOod enough, that I Am The Love and The Light and The Joy at all times and all i need to do is connect to my God within, ask for guidance and i will get a clear message on where or what to do next and if i need to make a move and even at times take even 1 or 2 steps back.
And so in these last 7 years of my life starting in 2012 more than anything intuition has been guiding my choices about always choosing to do what gives me joy.I knew there is a transition in process for humanity and the planet and about Ascension.This has been embedded in my DNA like inner knowing that can not be described with words.I received the call to go to Ibiza while at an airport in Paris and with the last of my money i buy myself a ticket and land in Ibiza without preparing anything in advance.Just a call and a joyful feeling and my decision to Trust it.This Trust that i learned to cultivate brought me constantly in many discoveries about myself that i have not encountered in my earlier years.Again in 2016,i leave my partner and choose to isolate in meditation in Ibiza while following my passion for playing music and 2 years later being in U.K. or France visiting all these sacred places in Glastonbury or in Nice doing Grid work, only to read about the leylines later on.Quite interesting rider I must admit!(Most people will go about reading some information before visiting places, i personally never liked to do that.Maybe because i never really trusted books since the time i chose to quit my medical studies and pursue a more artistic career following the inner path joy and nothing else).

I call this my awakening process:7 years of purification,7 years of transition ,7 cycles of 7 years as i become 49 circles around the sun, feeling always 22 in my age :))))), 7 years of discovering that the more i purify myself even from past life traumas, the more this affects my reality and all life on the planet understanding that all the clearing i do for myself i am also doing for all humanity and the planet.Did i always choose for the path of Trust?well,i can confess again that at times i did some really daring things, like going to Senegal in 2013 with the last money i had in my pockets, at times i felt that i was going to die, at times that lasted for even long periods of time nothing was feeling good , not to mention ”more than fine!” in my life.Only to discover that after few days or weeks or months all i was doing is to just did not truly listen to my inner voice and chose for the comfort mind solution or for pleasing others including mostly close family members.And i can also affirm that in these moments, i felt the presence of God, of my angelic team and guides so powerfully that my ears will be buzzing for long periods of time.I know today that the buzzing in my ears is the confirmation of high vibration beings, my soul family and guides around me confirming their presence and that all is well.Some call it the kundalini rising energy.I feel it is both.The sounds of the spheres come with different tones.

Tomorrow part 2.

Can’t sleep?Take it as a good sign.

This post comes from my Facebook wall shared this morning :

Can’t sleep last night?too much energy?feeling angry cause your cycles are being disrupted?no panic, the only constant is change, lol , i think and feel we can all FINALLY agree about this now , right? or maybe instead you are experiencing some digestive problems, maybe you think you ate some food that wasn’t good for you yesterday ?can be! or it can just be that there is such a huge shift happening in you cells and body right now that the ‘symptoms’ are here for all your neihbours to witness.At least now you can agree about something with them , right? Or maybe the other way around? you are so tired that you want to sleep all the time.Or you are so hungry that you eat all the time and can’t feel to get enough while visiting your toilet at least 6 times a day.MMMMM,strANGE what can it be????How about The transformation of your carbon based cells to crystalline based cells ?=Ascension process in your physical body which means you don’t die, you get to keep your body and experience the shift as you experience it in your now , even scientists start now to confirm this FINALLY and about time in their DNA observations . One needs more crystals = minerals in the body means eating more veggies ,more of the green stuff, drinking MORE mineral WATER.That’s what love and light coming from the central galactic SUN does.In spiritual terms :The Tsunami of Mother God is here).
Nikos shut up, i don’t want to hear / read that stuff!
sorry m8, my wall.
One can choose to resist and remain in the same old same old way =struggle (=do too much social media, watch movies , play games for distraction ,eat too much or bring more toxicity to the body with smoke / substances in order to mask the pain or one can choose to celebrate and instead of fighting it and wanting to sleep at all cost of they can’t sleep, take a walk, go for a run while at it, hug a tree or 2, do a dance do some stretching, pilates, yoga or tai chi or all together combined ,play some music, take off the shoes and let the feet touch the green grass even if it is winter and it is cold or wet, to discover the goodness that comes from connecting with nature, with Ascended Mother Earth inhaling the breeze of fresh air purified to vitalise body, mind and spirit.Everything is available and it is for free.And while you are at it, don’t forget the most important of all parts: make a prayer and ask for support to your soul team for assistance , go within and listen what the team has to say for your highest good =the highest good for all.After all you are only becoming aware that you are a member of an Angelic Love Race called The Human becoming Galactic Race .That’s not too bad for good news to rejoice or is it? what’s not too bad and what’s too good to be true news ?what do you prefer? how about news?Just my perspective, one is always free not to read it ,lol.