All posts by Nikos

FEEL MORE THAN FINE Founder ENERGETIC THERAPIST/PERSONAL TRAINER/REIKI THERAPIST AND INSTRUCTOR (Healthcare) Accomplished professional healer and energetic therapist with extensive experience in providing treatment as well as personal training utilising various holistic healing techniques. Commenced medical education but changed track and decided on pursuing an artistic career and became a dancer, a DJ, a restaurateur and model agency business owner; however finally reached the actualisation of self and pursued education in reiki personal training. Expertise in offering therapeutic services for clients by mainly combining music therapy and reiki. Rich experience in establishing and mutually achieving short- and long-term objectives ensuring better post-therapy life for clients. CORE COMPETENCIES ▪ Therapeutic Restoration ▪ Understanding Therapy Techniques ▪ Client Requirement Analysis ▪ Personal Training ▪ Nutritional Planning ▪ Exercise Demonstration ▪ Motivation ▪ Client Health and Safety ▪ Strength, Healing and Conditioning ▪ KEY SKILLS Therapy Intervention – Recognised for hands-on experience in providing therapeutic services to harmonise the body, mind and spirit for overcoming and resolving various conditions/issues of clients including health, money, relations, stress and fear, among others. Expertise in energising clients and helping them activate their inner healing power utilising a combination of techniques such as reiki, qui gong, pilates, yoga, cardio training, dance, tantra and therapeutic music. Client Management – Adept in identifying clients’ dilemma and empathising with their situation by discussing their past experiences and current problems. Significant experience in successfully delivering distance treatment at prearranged times for resolving issues of long distance clients and transporting the vibration energy flow through email and Skype. Program Planning – Outstanding track record of understanding client’s needs and developing detailed programs aimed at achieving defined goals. Skilled in creating structured programs encompassing therapy, exercise, conversation and diet as well as giving guidelines to clients to achieve a peaceful, joyful and abundant life. Interpersonal and Communication – Proactive professional with proficiency in English, French, Spanish, Greek and conversational Dutch and German and the ability to communicate confidently and effectively with clients as well as providing specialist advice and training on energetic therapy for clients from diverse cultures. KEY DELIVERABLES Clearly communicating the program and explaining the process prepared for clients. Undertaking client consultations including medical history and preparing notes. Pre-treatment, ensuring the client is as comfortable as possible either lying on a couch, or seated. Placing hands in a sequence of positions covering the whole body to guide energy and activating the healing process. Treating clients by applying the energetic principles of Reiki as well as performing distance treatment at prearranged times. Adhering to established industry guidelines and providing safe therapeutic recommendations to clients. Planning the routine by comprehending the needs of clients and designing nutrition as well as diet plan for the client, as applicable. Interacting with client and strengthening client relations. Adhering to all personal trainer policies and demonstrating as well as teaching exercises to clients and providing feedback on techniques used. Preparing self for treatment, raising own energy levels and attuning self. Researching, strategising special techniques and increasing knowledge to introduce clients to innovative wellness programs. Constantly motivating clients to achieve maximum gain utilising provided therapy. Maintaining punctuality and preparing for all appointments with clients or professional staff. Attending mandatory and optional staff training classes. Designing rehabilitation program to manage specific physical conditions, injuries, diseases and swiftly responding to emergencies, if any. Handling client grievances and swiftly resolving conflicts by negotiating an amicable settlement. CAREER PROGRESSION Personal Trainer and Energetic Healer Natural Mente Festival,Camping La Playa, Ibiza Jul 2011 – Present Personal Life Coach Feel More Than Fine, Ibiza May 2010 – Present Energetic Healer Consciousness Festival, Rimini Energetic Healer Workshop Interconnectedness, Amsterdam Healing DJ and Therapist Healing, Ibiza Master Reiki Reiki Healer level II Reiki Healer level I International Career DJ and Producer Personal Trainer and CardioFunk Classes Fitness 1st (Passage), Brussels Co-owner Model Agency Pure Star Management Vilnius and Paris Club Manager/Choreographer Cova Santa, Ibiza Restaurant Owner L'empire des sens Professional Dancer Classes of Dance & Cardio Fitness Instructor Fitness 1st, Brussels Commenced career as a professional dancer and simultaneously working as a DJ and music producer. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Certified Energetic Healer & Life Coach Certified Reiki Master Certified Personal Trainer Fitness 1st Belgium June 2013 Dec.2012 Mar 1997 Medical and Physiotherapy Studies University of Brussels, Brussels Oct 1988 – Jun 1993 Graduation High School May 1987 High Level Athletics as sprint runner Sep.1982 – May 1987 PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: 2nd Nov, 1970Nationality: GreekMarital Status: SingleDriving Licence: European Driver’s Licence References available on request

Join With Us In Joyful Celebration

Greetings, Beloved Children of God.  It is I, Ashtar, coming to you from the bridge of the New Jerusalem.  Of course, that is not strictly true.  I am also projecting my being in many complex ways, as all of us in higher dimensions can do.  I am connecting heart and mind with Kathryn as she sits in her sunroom typing this message, and I am with each one of you who is reading it, at the very moment you turn your eyes to read my words.  Simultaneously, I am giving Christine my signature energy trill-hug, which she recognizes immediately.
You see, it is as natural as breathing for us to direct our energies in a multidimensional way, to be fully present in every encounter.  Of course our abilities are not as far-reaching and all-encompassing  as Mother and Father’s, but every time we raise our Light quotient, we gain more “wattage” within our beings.  It is a thrilling process, this growing in Light.  It is exhilarating to feel your own abilities expanding, is it not?  You are experiencing the same process now in an analogous way:  your Light is expanding, lifting you into more glorious abilities and awareness.  You are the lower dimensional version of exactly what we are doing in higher dimensions right along with you.   T his does not imply that you are somehow doing less of a job than we are because you are currently in a lower dimension, on the contrary.  At this time, we are all  expanding  at a tremendous rate to accomplish this shift of shifts now happening on on Surface Earth – and beyond.    There is no better or greater.  You are expanding to fulfill your great potential, as we stretch to expand our own Light.
You are now beginning to understand how valuable, how precious is your life there on Surface Earth.  The learning you accomplish there – the hurdles leapt, the bridges built – are directly related to the growth of your Higher Self here with us.  All efforts to be true to your inner Light are equally valuable, regardless of the dimension you may choose as your playing field.  We see your heroic efforts to create Love in the face of all kinds of challenges:  this is your brilliance, Beloved Humans.
You are not changed in your essence when you take on the human uniform for this experience; you are being given an opportunity to accomplish the nearly impossible.  We all grow when we take on those kinds of challenges.  The outcome is not the measure of success or failure.  It is the steadfast adherence to Light and Love in the midst of it all that reveals our deep connection to Mother and Father – the living example of how we are made in their image.
We tell you this week through many sources, as you will see in this newsletter, that you have reached the Tipping Point.  You have raised yourselves to a higher vibration of Light, enough to carry the whole collective and the planet herself to a higher plane of existence.  It is difficult to find the words to describe what we see, because your languages refer so consistently to showing things as places, times, isolated events.  We see your rise toward the Light as colors, sounds, illumination, energies, increasing waves of life-force emanating from your planet.  Each of you is a growing point of Light, a part of the Universal Light.  We applaud you wholeheartedly because we know how difficult it has been to hold steady while you are there, surrounded by doubters, naysayers and the dwindling and now toothless attackers who remain steadfastly “cabal.”
The simple meaning of the tipping point is that you now are creating and sustaining more Light than the cabal can suppress by trying to convince you to stop.  They do not create darkness; they do not create anything.  They were only able to gain power over Earth’s population by getting you to stop being who you truly are – Lightworkers all.  As you have regained your birthright, removing the shackles of negative thoughts and feelings, your divine Light emerges triumphantly.  This is the miracle you came here to create, and you are succeeding gloriously.
It is so important now that you hold steady, Dearest Brothers and Sisters.  Continue to emit your brilliant Light.  Keep expanding, the way a bud grows into a full-blown flower.  Do not allow the last-ditch dramas, false flags and theatrically produced displays of violence and negativity to distract you.  Keep your focus on us, on the hands we reach out to you and the great Light flowing to you now from the Great Central Sun, our Mother and Father God.  Anchor deeply and permanently with Gaia.  This stabilizes both you and her.  Your past lives, your deep personal work and your willing heart have prepared you for this last great leap into a completely new life.
As you know, my Galactic team and I are overseeing the security for the important transactions that are taking place on Gaia in this phase of the Prosperity Programs.  It has required the physical movement of great stores of gold and other precious instruments.  Our Galactic and surface teams have accomplished this in synchrony with enormous legions of angels, coordinated by my brother and sister, Archangels Michael and Christine.  We work together constantly, in complete harmony and with great joy, as we oversee this massive shift of wealth, out of the grasping hands of the cabal and into the loving arms of our generous, hard-working Lightworkers.
We can hardly wait to celebrate our beloved Boots on the Ground, the great heroes of this time, who have long worked under dangerous and difficult conditions, mostly in anonymity for their own safety.  Of course, nothing occurs during this final phase that was not a pre-planned life contract.  You are safe under our watchful eyes, and a pivotal part of the success of this great shift is your faith and trust, that even though you are performing services that would be considered difficult or risky, you are completely held in our adoring embrace.
As you all prepare to move from relatively modest circumstances to great wealth, we want to remind you that during this transition phase we wish for you to maintain just a bit of awareness as you move from place to place, especially when you are transporting anything of great value.  Always call on us to overlight your movements, and we will instantly assign an extra security detail, both Galactic and Angelic, to accompany you, while we complete the “clean up” of those who would have enjoyed disrupting our work.  And don’t forget to join us in celebration, great joy and excitement, but always combined with an aura of generosity, modesty and gratitude.
This temporarily low-key approach, which you have seen us use throughout this project, will not only allow all of us to accomplish our shared goal of spreading the blessings, but it will also create a gentle, high-vibrational atmosphere of abundance – the easy-going atmosphere we experience here in higher dimensions.  After all, this is the goal of our magnificent project, is it not?
You are here to establish a global system without anxiety or want.  An unwavering state of grace – the assumption that you are safe and loved – is the basis for creating the new world.  True abundance must be experienced with joy and the knowing that life is not dangerous or arbitrary.  This was the constant programming of the dark ones: “Be afraid!”  I am offering to you the higher-dimensional alternative: “Be safe and secure in our Love.”  You have come here to be of service, and it is our great pleasure to help pave the way for you.  Join with us to celebrate our “un-Veiling.”  As Michael Jackson’s song says, “You are not alone; we are here with you.”
Of course we have always been watching over you, but our close communication and your willingness to call on us has allowed us to increasingly ease the way for you, doing our part to “grease the wheels” as we move together into the New Golden Age, the dream we created together.  The more you trust in us and take pleasure in our protection and Love, the greater our dispensation to offer more.  And so the Love, abundance, joy and peace increase by the moment.
Can you conceive, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that you already live in a world where danger has ceased to exist?  I assure you it is true.  You are probably now thinking, “But Ashtar, there are still wars and terrorists and crazies with guns all over the place!”  Even if that were true, which it is not  because such reports are now the stale waning cabal production of over-exaggerated and invented fear-mongering  headlines , it would still have no bearing on your own survival.  If itis  not part of your soul contract to leave the planet now, then you will not do so.  The mainstream media (most of what appears on television) is in its last gasp of  working overtime to find stories of violent crime to fill their “news” spots.
ISIS was a creation of the CIA, Mossad and Saudi cabal “intelligence” agencies in order to perpetuate instability in the Middle East.  It is already failed to create a profitable World War III because humanity has begun to see the manipulations and lies and are increasingly unwilling to resort to violence against their neighbors.  World leaders, including Putin, Obama, Abadi, Rouhani, Merkel, Troudeau, Pope Francis and others are intensively meeting and talking behind the scenes with the ancient Chinese and other ancient families to bring peace, mutual trade, and separation from the iron fist of the U.S. cabal.  Syria will soon be shepherded through the current conflicts with help from Russian and Chinese benefactors.
ISIS recruiters and trainers will be captured and unmasked as the fraudulent interlopers they really are, and the resources that have long been pilfered from the war-torn countries of the world will be returned to their rightful citizens.  Extensive rebuilding in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and countries all across Africa and South America will flourish this spring, will be generously funded by Prosperity Funds and enthusiastically aided by volunteers and Lightworker experts from around the world.  Your Galactic friends are preparing to join the legions of joyful participants who will help organize the global jubilee we are all anticipating.
The changes that are about to take place in your world will be so swift and so far-reaching, it will seem to you that you have awoken one morning to find that the world of struggle, violence and chaos you were immersed in was really a dim nightmare.  The New Earth will burst onto the scene, as the old saying goes, like an overnight thousand-year success.  You see, Dearest Friends, the danger has already passed, the era of peace prophesied and created, and the details prescribed, down to the last child to be pulled from the rubble of the old reign of terror.  You can breathe now, build your Pillar of Light, reach out to touch the first person you encounter in friendship and compassion, and join with us in joyful celebration.  We are here, we have triumphed, and we are in Love.
I am Ashtar, your loving brother.  Salut!
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 10 February 2016)
The rest of the newsletter, edited by Archangel Michael, is worth a look!

Expand to Understand – MOTHER GOD

Imagines 7 billion people waking up to the fact that there is no bad or good.Everything and everybody labeled as ‘bad’ or ‘dark’ was created to fulfill its purpose of existence.Even what we call ‘cabal’.Everything and everybody labeled as ‘good’ was created to fulfill its purpose of existence.’Bad & Good’ creating a polarity on the planet in order to experience a low density reality also called 3dimensional and 4th dimensional which were both based on ego & material possessions.This has lasted for the last 13,000 Years.When we remain peaceful and calm in the core of our being,our ego still exists but this time it is in service of our heart and when we accept this truth by remaining present in the moment being grateful for what is and eager for what is unfolding,practising kindness,compassion and unconditional love 24/24 it is all is requested in this timeline while Earth and Her Children are Ascending together in the 5th Dimension and Beyond rushing towards The Golden Age of our Humanity’s existence NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE EVER.

I invite you to both read and   listen to this message from Mother Sekhmet followed by Mother God. She delivers a transmission intended to bring amazing  healing understanding to you and to Earth at this important moment.

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-Clean Contaminated Water
-Activate Water to Heal Diabetis.
-Healing From Cancer.
-Recovering From Addictions,
-Regrowing a Finger that is damaged.
-Healing Asthma,Psoriasis ,Alzheimer,Emphysema etc.
-Feeding ourselves in Space (without the need to eat).
The Blueprint by Keshe Foundation costs no more than 200€ to make at our own homes.
6 hours of our time to LEARN and REALISE that the future is already here.

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87% of Critical Mass – Prime Creator /Peace Is Possible When Fears Are Melted -Sananda

Focus in keeping your vibration high with Prayer, Meditation & High Vibrational Foods and saying in nature.

This benefits not only you but everybody and everything in your environment.

New planets and New celestial bodies that are helping with our planetary alignment and ascension.

The message from Father Mother God this week

channeled by Susie Beiler :



It is natural to feel preasure on the head and tingles of vibrations throughout the body, seeing energy, and feeling more intuitive with an inner knowing without any doubt, along with an increased feeling of joy and unconditional love/commander Vrillon

Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek

January 27 2016

While it continues to be important to maintain a balanced presence within every moment of the Now, the ongoing activity of transformative energies coming in as photonic light through the Great Grand Galactic Central Sun system of Alcyone continues to gradually expand the Earth and humanity in frequency. Depending on how much DNA you have activated through all the light downloads and upgrades, the more light you will be able to maintain within your Aura and morphogenetic field. This awakening into a fully conscious multidimensional being is determined by the level of light quotient you uphold and maintain, which activates you into a light body expression.

It is important to know that while your Higher Self knows all there is to know about reality and all that exists, yet you ask the reason behind why you have incarnated on the Earth in this Now and what it is that you came to do on this plane of existence.

DNA Activation allows you to access this information through daily going within the heart in stillness. This is all that is necessary to activate your dormant DNA.  Cultivating stillness increases your light exponantially into higher levels of awareness, activating energy blocking potential and your original divine blueprint.

Upon activating your DNA, which your light will as it increases, eventually reaching its climax and activating you into your highest state in consciousness;  you will begin to be more open to your extrasensory abilities like clairvoyance, direct cognition, intuition, and telepathy where, with practice, it will all feel natural and you will get used to using the abilities daily.

It is important to know that while the frequencies being radiated to the Earth through the Great Grand Galactic Central sun system are raising at a very fast rate within every moment, many on the ascension path are experiencing these intense 12d and higher density in consciousness waves in many various manners of being.

Many on the ascension path are experiencing an awakening in consciousness, while feeling more at peace, grounded and balanced with an intense feeling of lightness in frequency while the lower ego mind is dissolved. It is natural to feel preasure on the head and tingles of vibrations throughout the body, seeing energy, and feeling more intuitive with an inner knowing without any doubt, along with an increased feeling of joy and unconditional love.

While many living in the mind are feeling stress, with endless challenges, anger, sorrow, feeling confused and lost in 3d everyday drama’s where the lower ego mind is in constant bombardment of these individuals, many are always fighting in an endless conflict of the mind fighting themselves, feeling sorry for themselves in endless suffering and limitation and much ignorance and fear. This is where you can see why these beings are in a low frequency, insisting to live in this state of separation. You can see just how one cannot ascend to the 5th dimension with all these blockages, as fear does not exist within our hyperspace community of ascended beings. It is seen as a virus.

I am aware that there are individuals who have been propagating the various information that has been released on the Internet about ascension from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command, in which these individuals have convinced many who are awakened that this is all a hoax and an Agenda that is part of the government’s plan to take over the Earth.  I just want to clarify that this is in fact the government spreading fear in their last attempt to hold onto power and control all of you. These beings are claiming that those who are aware of their nature as unconditional love in being the Light are confused and programmed by the government’s psy-ops program sent through electromagnetic radio frequency. In conclusion, they are saying that even I am programmed for giving out the truth to who we all are and how we claim our power through love and peace. These, ladies and gentlemen, are merely scare tactics. If you look deep within your heart to see if what I say to you is truth or illusion ,you will find that I have never mislead you.

One such individual is the channeler known as Greg Giles, in which this individual has written a long paragraph confessing that all the information he had so far channelled from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command were messages he had rather been recieving from the C.I.A and the U.S government; that he was confused and takes full responsibilty for misleading his followers. This is all to create confusion in those who come across these messages. Before I read this last message from him, where he had even said that he would take his blog down, I had been informed by my brother and ally, Jose Contreras, through Anne DeHart from the Hollow Earth network about this, that the real Greg Giles had been taken aboard our Motherships as his work had been completed and therefore had to leave the planet which he did, as he is the son of Sananda,  which Commander Ashtar personally confirmed to me.  This is where the confusion about me being a clone, just after I had been away for 20 days, and returned, where I had left without telling anyone came in; as everyone thought I would do the same and tell you all that I was confused in which everything I had so far shared came from my imagination. This is not true, my brothers and sisters; everything I have so far shared with you is as genuine as the air I now breath. I would just like to clear all this confusion and bring it into the light that Greg Giles, ladies and gentlemen, is not the Greg Giles you all knew. The originator of Greg Giles last message claiming to be in confusion and programming is a clone and I just wish to clarify this, as nobody has. This is most likely from the government itself.

Continue remaining within your heart center and go within for clarity, bring the light forth from within and keep focusing on peace and love for all on this planet. Focusing on fear will only bring one in a low vibration and in much confusion. This is real. There is no hoax here. May you all shine bright and ascend with the Earth upon reaching the Galactic core within zero point. Those who continue to entertain the mind will be teleported to another duality plane where they will continue with their life of Karma in endless reincarnation cycles.

I am Commander Vrillion of the Ashtar Galactic Command.

Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek

The time of the dark cabal is over/I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life- Saint Germain.

In this new time, you are to become uniquely aware of your origins and to completely rediscover the sacred mission, which led you to this wondrous orb approximately 900,000 years ago! It is this restored vision that is to drive you toward quickly returning to full consciousness. You are in fact a great people, which were chosen by the Heavenly hierarchies to come here and aid Gaia and her sister worlds. You are to reformulate a star nation. It is this manifesting star nation, which is to secure galactic peace and insure that the wonders of the Light be fully displayed in this broad galaxy. Thus, you have a sacred mission that was temporarily waylaid by the dark. We are here now to restore Heaven’s divine mandate and permit you to rediscover who and what you truly are. As physical angels, you have been given a sacred role to play as the Light’s power quickly unfolds in this special galaxy. You are a symbol of how those captured by the dark can be fully restored to the sacred energies of the Light!

Some are called to simply be still and hold Light for the world, while others are called to do hands on- feet running, work.   Both are necessary, both are serving as Light workers, and neither is more spiritual than the other.   The garbage man who carries away your trash with love and friendliness is a Light worker.

Every seemingly mundane action of daily living when done with love is Light work.  Know that in truth you only serve your Self, for there are no “others”.   Let go of any concepts you may still  hold regarding the belief that only those who teach, heal, or channel are  Light workers.  Unconditional Love must be lived on all levels–this is what you came to earth to learn.

I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life- Saint Germain.

We are going to have a series of Events followed by Disclosure, and this chain of events will come to a peak in March and April, this year. After this, the sightings of UFOs will become more common all over the world. Each lightworker is fighting his, or her, own battle and overcoming the aspects of Self that are less than the desired higher consciousness. They will be a beacon in the night that the others are still dwelling in. The teachers are on their way. The world will be born a new with an upsurge of innovation both in technology as well as understanding and truths, and your brothers and sisters of far away worlds, galaxies and stars, are with you, all the way, coming closer everyday, as I am as well, as I AM your Saint Germain, Knight Commander, bidding you Farewell with all the love of my heart, – though not for long as I remain close at hand, – and I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life.

Saint Germain.

Saint Germain ~ Knighthood

The Art of Ascension


Humanity’s Ascension : Prime Creator Confirms Priority Number 1.

Acceptance,Allowance,Gratitude.Mastering Our Physical Body.Blessing Our Food and Our Environments at home or where we travel.

Focusing our attention into our ascension is what matters more in this timeline of our existence as human beings.

I am here to elevate myself and Gaia.If you think same way welcome,if you are not i have no time for nonsense

-Pleiadian Teaching-

Ascension is the accelerated process of evolution that all sentient  being go through with the arrival of photons from the central galactic sun since December 2012 accelerated by the passage of inhabited planet Nibiru.Intending to raise our vibration constantly in our day is the best gift we can offer to ourself the planet and of course everybody around us.

Low Frequency will always rise to meet The Higher Frequency states the Resonance Law in physics.


Humans we carry the living library of the existence of the universe in our genes.We are All equally important.Every  action little or small counts right now! Every smile,every act of kindness,the love we send out to All  is transforming everything around us and  assisting Ascension for the benefit of this Universe and  of many more others.(Yes we do have this great responsibility and honour to serve through our existence)

Love is the way,through meditation and prayer,connecting and asking help from our Angels,Ascended Masters,Father/Mother God.

Raising our vibration can be done also by being with others while keeping this intention in mind.Nothing better in my opinion than an alcool free daytime event,dancing preferably outside with bare feet on the ground with friends sharing crazy wisdom and raw vegan food.

Ascension is about learning that we are vibration and that we have the ability to raise it through our machine called emotions.

Intending to Feel More Than Fine in the core of our being is accelerating our Ascension.

There are many fun ways to raise our vibration be integrating movement,prayer and meditation.One of them is Yoga.But i am not going to talk about this cause it is so widely spread already.There
other ways ,that you mind find easier too to start with.

In these next videos i am sharing how to do this while dancing,while doing Pilates,Qui Gond and a combination of Pleiadian/Mayan Teachings.


If you really like any of those please go ahead and watch.It is important that you like it because if you don’t it can have the opposite effect.IT IS ALL ABOUT BEING PRESENT WITH YOUR BREATH WHILE YOU MOVE.I invite you to be your own artist ,find and combine what resonates more with your heart.

So here we go :



Nikos Akrivos

www.Feel More Than






Inca Shamanic Recurring Life Trip.

Before I incarnate in this life I was existing as Pure Light Expanding.
I came here to experience the low density of material world and to bring light in ”dark” places according to where my passions guide me.It is the only human life i incarnate but I Am An Old Soul.In one lifetime i have already lived many parallel realities and lives in a very accelerated pace.In one session of recurring life trip of one hour with the help of an Inca Shaman (without the use of any drugs ) i have remembered all again.The time i suffered the most,the time i was in most service to the Light and the time i was the less.

Do you see the orb on my face? 🙂NikosatCuco,jpgHealer1



Nibiru Is An Inhabited Planet Passing By To Let Humanity Understand That You Are Light – St.Germain

The Presence of Nibiru has many levels to it. First of all, it is an inhabited planet. It is not an empty ball of magnetic mass. It is a planet that is guided, just as much as the peoples of this world and this planet have been guided ever since the world began. Nibiru is coming again, not so much to create disaster, disease, starvation and hunger, but more to catalyze that shift that was predicted by the beings of ancient times, to correlate with the shift in consciousness that is already happening with beings who have reincarnated over and over again to get to this place in themselves where they are now able and willing to come into the experience of their Light Bodies from the soul outward.

The main reason for the presence of Nibiru, not only in this particular era, but also in all succeeding eras, was for humanity to understand that “You are Light.”

When humanity completely understands that “You Are Light,” then Nibiru will spin out of this Solar System and do its work elsewhere, wherever, it is wanted and needed. This is the truth of Nibiru, which has not completely been revealed.



Connection/Communion with your mentors. You can accelerate this by intentionally requiring it, most especially at the beginning and ending of your awake times, and by meditating.

January 23 2016

 “When our mentors come to greet us, will they be in the physical plane of existence, or in spiritual form? Thank You.” Jamie, CT
Ashtar: “First, it is that, as you continue to uplift, you are more and more in connection/Communion with your mentors. 
You can accelerate this by intentionally requiring it, most especially at the beginning and ending of your awake times, and by meditating.  

There are many forms of meditation, but they all are to take you beyond the confines of your physicalities, so as to be more free to make these high vibe connections. Thus it is that many of Humanity’s members are already engaged in these meetings.

“Next, I will say many of those who dwell in the Realms of Light are physically present in this World – below, on and above.  For instance, I, Ashtar, and my ships are here in your atmosphere, and many of my crew are embodied in human forms.  Some of you may indeed have a sensing of being a member of the Ashtar Command!  

“Although I remain totally in my Light body, there are mentors who have been and/or continue to be seen among you.  Examples are St Germain, Lady Nada and Mother Mary.  Although they are fully ascended, they have the ability to enter into human forms, thus moving about the 3D World.  Sometimes they are recognized, sometimes not, as they go about their missions of helping with bringing in the Golden Age, and with Planet Earth’s Ascension into Higher Dimensionality!”


“Hello Ashtar, how long time will it take to get Gaia poison free?” K.A.M, Sweden(?)

Ashtar: “In Truth, we are already cleaning up the excessive toxicities, such as some of the radiation and chem trails.  As Humanity’s consciousness raises more and more, we can do more – even before our presence here is ‘officially’ announced!  In this way we can assure you that Planet Earth will not die as a result of all the poisoning she has endured!

“Once our presence is openly acknowledged, we shall make available even more of our technologies to completely cleanse the World’s waters, soil and air.  All of this can be accomplished in a very short time as you measure it on your calendars, but we will require that people join with us as partners in this mission. The exact amount of time this cleansing will take depends upon the extent of their participation, and upon their becoming completely committed to maintaining Planet Earth’s pristine condition!!!”


If you have a question for Ashtar, you can email it to him here:

He will select one or two questions of general interest to answer in our emails – they will not be posted on our website, and they will not be answered privately. Remember to ask about ONE topic only! Be sure to include at least your first and last initials, and the state or country where you live!!!

Lightworkers, will be in the driver’s seat when it comes to deciding how your town, your country and your world will be uplifted, inspired and touched by kindness and generosity.

A Brief RV/GCR Update by
The Company of Heaven

by   Sananda


Greetings, dear Brothers and Sisters.  Those of you who have been following the revaluation of currencies (RV) around the world will be very happy to know that we are entering the next phase for the slow roll-out of the financial reforms and Prosperity Programs that will profoundly change your world, beginning in Iraq.

Relax, sit back and watch the indicators roll gradually across the globe, as all the 209 countries involved join together to activate a new banking system that will protect you, rather than enrich the banksters who have controlled all the wealth on the planet.  Your Blessings are secure, Beloved Friends, and we could not be more excited about the effects it will have on all those living on Earth.  Be patient as you await the signal from your Dinarland friends.  You will be exchanging currency as you are called in turn.  It will be uncomplicated, joyful, and what you would call a win-win for everyone.

You are to be the new leaders and benefactors who will change everything.  Look deeply into your hearts to ignite your love and your creativity.  You will be called upon to create imaginative networks and groups who can help each other to help those in need.  It will be the most fulfilling and exciting time of your lives, because you, Lightworkers, will be in the driver’s seat when it comes to deciding how your town, your country and your world will be uplifted, inspired and touched by kindness and generosity.

You will be initiating a wave of good feeling that will wash away old programming, and open hearts to new possibilities for loving relationships that bridge all boundaries.  We will be here to help you if you need guidance, and to let you know about the brilliant new technologies your Galactic friends have sponsored through your talented “boots on the ground,” to speed your transition to higher vibrational living.

It is an historic time, Dear Ones.  As Lightworkers, you will suddenly be seen as the ones who have helped to bring through these wonderful new changes, and you will find yourselves in the position of being “in the right” for the first time with many of your skeptic family members and friends.  I hope you will graciously, with good humor, resist the temptation to say to anyone, “I told you so.”  Rather, smile mysteriously and put an arm around their shoulders (literally or figuratively) and reassure them that they will be delighted with the wondrous changes that are yet to unfold this very year.

It is our time, at last, and we will celebrate in love, grateful thanksgiving and joy.  It has been a long journey together already, but we are cresting the mountaintop, and the rest of our journey is going to be filled with astonishment and wonder.  I send you my blessings, my unconditional love.  I am with you always; just call on me and I will laugh with you, jump for joy with you, and we will celebrate the most courageous triumph ever in Earth’s human history.

I am your Sananda.
Find in this PDF File The True True Story of Sananda.

Project Himmelblau : Meditation For Blue Skies and Natural Clouds.

Since the man made cloud formations are not helping the ships land along with low vibrational lifestyles as a whole,why not raise our vibration and send out the intention to clean the skies!
The Higher we Vibrate The Easier For The Ships To Land.
Aren’t We All Love,Light,God?
We Faith It Till We Make It!!!


What the Matrix Really Is -Sananda via His Twin Flamme Kathryn.

Another Awesome Message from our Brother Sananda (Jesus) transcribed via his twin flamme Kathryn.

You can read all here:

Let us talk about something new, since we are now beginning our new lives together.  You see, we are already taking our places in the new reality you have created on Earth, even while we are still here in higher dimensions.  Your increased vibration, and the rising Light on the planet make it easier and easier for us to reach across the dimensions to touch your face, to send a trill down your spine to tell you we are here with you.  The boundaries are dropping away; the clouds of dark energy that used to make it murky on your surface are being transmuted and dissolved by the Lightworkers on the Transmuting teams.  We could not be more excited and delighted to see what progress you have made on your side of this Great Project.
You Are Clearing the Way
Do you remember the scenes in the movie Interstellar where the dust cloud became so thick no one could see through it?  It has been like that on Earth, from our perspective.  It also made it very difficult for our Galactic ships to come close to Earth.  Our ships vibrate at a very high frequency, so it was normally too great a descent for them to come down into the lower 3rd dimension.  It was dangerous for them, and it would have been dangerous to anyone on the ground who came too close to the great power source that surrounds even our small scout ships.  Now the conditions are changing.  Not only will we soon be assured by your world leaders that our ships will not be attacked, but the conditions are improving, in terms of the level of frequency on the surface.
The rising vibrations are a great blessing for us, the Mentors, who wish to come to your Earth to meet with you and open the dialogue about your intriguing history.  It would have been far too difficult for us to make the transition to such a low vibration, but it would also have been too difficult for you to make your own Ascensions from such a low starting point.
Those of us who have raised ourselves into higher dimensions with our bodies have accomplished it under very different conditions.  The energetic layer surrounding the Earth was less dangerous until about 60 years ago.  Recently, no one has been able to raise their bodies through the swirling darkness of clashing energies of rage, hostility, revenge, depression and conflict, along with fairly dense levels of radioactivity and other interferences that can damage both body and soul.  This is one of the reasons we have asked our beloved family on the ground to remain, even though they were at least as prepared as we were when we accomplished our ascensions.
As a side note, in case you were concerned for your loved ones who are transitioning in these days, I want to reassure you that these conditions are not a problem for those who are making their ascension by leaving the body.  This was their contract and their plan, and all is well.  The portals to higher dimensions are always open, and the legions of angels accompanying them is as joyful as ever.  Not everyone needs or wants to raise their bodies, as they called my Resurrection during the Jesus lifetime.  We will talk more in future messages about the current reasons for wanting to have the option to return to Earth without having to incarnate as an infant.  It is a good topic for another discussion.
What the Matrix Really Is
For now, let us gaze upon our beautiful Earth, or as some call her, Gaia.  Your beloved planet really has been the battleground between those who built and defended the Matrix – the illusion of darkness that has gripped the imaginations of humankind on Earth for more than 13 millennia – and the Lightworkers, or as we are sometimes called, the Warriors of the Light.  Now we wish to de-militarize the language and the discussion about what we are doing.  We are not going to “defeat” the dark ones.  We are going to refuse to give energy to dark thoughts and ideas.  This technique has the effect of “water on the witch,” as Dorothy discovered in the Wizard of Oz.
Let me try to paint the picture for you of how we see the Matrix, the dark energies that support it, how it came to be, and how it will end.
You are familiar with the concept of a labyrinth.  It is a constructed environment that is deliberately confusing, disorienting and nearly impossible to navigate unless you discover or are given the key to finding the way through it to the other side, which symbolizes freedom.  Now let me introduce another parallel concept that I will borrow from Kathryn’s psychology studies.  There is a dynamic in families in which the parents may deliberately confuse, punish and belittle a child, making the child feel that there is no way he or she can ever please the parents, and their attitudes and feelings seem to change so unpredictably that he cannot “get his head around it.”  The child will also feel in great danger because he is powerless to change the outcome.  This dynamic has been called “schizophrenogenic.”  Literally, crazy-making.
In the Matrix, the game is rigged.  Only those who designed it know the key to navigating it successfully, and they only share this privileged information and all the supposedly enormous benefits that go with it with their very small inner circle. They may create games such as the labyrinth to tantalize their captives into thinking they can outsmart the designer or even outrun the pack of their fellows (as in the Hunger Games), but the rules are set: no one outside the ruling class, which remains completely hidden from view, will ever make the transition from slave or minion into the ruling class.  Everything to the contrary is just trappings.  Self-appointed Kings and Queens, moguls and pop stars may have their moment in the arena, but they do not hold the real power.
This, my dear Brothers and Sisters, has been the state of affairs on Earth.  The physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual environment has been mind-boggling, life-threatening, and deliberately designed to leave the participants in the “game of LIfe” feeling as if they are swimming upstream, giving their best effort to just stay even, rather than prosper and find joy in their lives.
This gives just a hint of the intricate and diabolical master-plan that was designed and implemented long ago by the Anunnaki, and carried forward by Reptilian and then human minions.  It was specifically meant to create a small, wealthy and powerful ruling class who would rule over slaves – either abominations created in a laboratory, or humans who had been so thoroughly debased and damaged that they no longer experienced themselves as human, a soul, or connected to God.
We knew this before we incarnated here, but we truly believed we could follow our hearts, and that would make it possible for us to remember once we were here that to break the code is to remain connected to Mother and Father, to raise ourselves up rather than compete for the scraps or covet the trappings of our Overlords.  It has been a difficult challenge.  We were blinded by the smoke and mirrors. Lifetime after lifetime, we struggled to remain true to our hearts.  We knew when we planned these incarnations on Earth that we would face the darkness, and we knew it was tantalizing, hypnotic, and often overwhelming, given our limited consciousness behind the Veil.
The greatest dilemma of all became apparent early on.  By incarnating on a planet where the selfish, cruel and murderous Overlords held all the cards, we would have to create a tremendous energetic shift in our own collective consciousness in order to flood the world with enough Light to illuminate the delusions, and free humankind from the psychological grip of the compounded lies and deceptions of the Matrix construct.  It would require a sudden upshift, a shared revelation of great energetic power, like a great wave that could wash the world in Light and reveal the fragile false facade, the flimsy movie set world where humankind was walking without seeing, striving without fulfillment, and believing a web of lies that had been built, through clever propaganda and intricate weaving of fantasy and sensation, to create a “world” that is not real.
This is our great moment, NOW.  With the help of Mother and Father God, we have created that great upshift.  The plans for our freedom are more intricate and grand than any Matrix side-show.  It has taken thousands of years of planning and gradual growth for us to put in place the solid and reliable structure that will support Life in the Light of God’s great plan for our happiness.  It is a simple and direct program of change that will raise all to higher levels of consciousness, little by little, hand in hand.
You see, once we reach critical mass, the tipping point, we can simply dismantle the systems and structures that kept the delusions alive in our minds.  When enough enslaved humans awaken to see that they are the majority, and that their Overlords cannot maintain their power without the agreement of all who are “subjects,” the old systems will crumble into dust.  Revolutions have been won on Earth, only to have the rebels recreate the patterns of abuse they fought against in the first place, and so the underbelly of the Matix was unwittingly recreated, over and over.  We must rise above those temptations this time.  We are ready, and our numbers grow every day.
A rebellion like those of old is replaying now in the United States, where the populace is being asked to decide what level of arrogance, meanness and buffoonery they will tolerate before they finally glimpse the shoddy truth behind the mask of chest-thumping theatrical outrage: It is a tired replay of the rage, hatred, racism and petty superiority that feeds the delusions that feed the ego that believes the delusions.  We have all been caught up in these sad “Incarnation Games.”  Where will we take it from here?
We Are a Heavenly Team, Above and Below
You will notice that I say “we,” and I am speaking for the Company of Heaven when I include all of us who have overseen and monitored this Earth Project, for we have all played both parts – the incarnates and the spiritual guides who stayed in higher dimensions to hold on to our beloved ones as they braved the turmoil on Surface Earth.  Neither role is easy, I can assure you, but being the one to incarnate requires real courage and grit.  On the Spirit side of the Veil, we have the great advantage of being with Mother and Father God, steeped in their great Love, and we have the constant support and Love of our Brothers and Sisters of the Light.
For us there is no intrigue, no struggle, no physical pain, but that does not mean that our hearts are not breaking when we see our loved ones in pain.  We feel our love, deep connection and loyalty just as you do, but with greater clarity because we have clear memories of our eons together, planning and working to achieve our shared goals.
Are you beginning to see the picture I am showing to you?  You are the husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers we know and remember.  We are working together on this, Dearly Beloved Ones.  We have all shared the challenges and the delights of incarnating in a human body of Earth origins, and it is the most exquisitely delightful, and for many millennia, the most difficult of incarnations.
We honor you for your willingness to come during this time, to take the “night shift” at the most challenging and thrilling time in Earth’s history.  Now, the first rays of dawn are breaking.  We are the family and friends who await you at the finish line of this historic marathon, and we are ready with the confetti and streamers, sparkling champagne showers and brass band serenades.  All the Multiverse will celebrate your inspired sprint across the finish line.  This is the unique human ability that is admired throughout the cosmos – the inner strength that inspires you to draw on more than your last reserves, to suddenly and brilliantly outdo yourself when you thought you were exhausted, to push through with joy and laughter in the moment when it really matters.
You Are Synergy, and You Are Beautiful
With every small triumph, every step you take in joy and celebration, you are lifting yourself and all around you.  You are Synergy, and you are beautiful.  The more you focus your sweet life force on our shared Vision, the more it changes the energy in your environment, clearing away the storm of dark energies.  The more you reach out to us, the wider and stronger our Rainbow Bridge grows.  Every thought, every gesture, every feeling is now important.  As the group consciousness rises and Mother and Father’s Light sweeps across the surface, the more we are lifting the entire population.
Yes, there is a last-ditch backlash from the ones who would try to sustain the Matrix in all its hideous practices and sugar-coated temptations.  We have worked with you for many months now to remind you of your penetrating intuition, your deeply loving hearts, and the fact that we are well on our way to making the monumental shift that will carry this train to glory, as the song goes.  (By the way, the toe-tapping song “This Train Is Bound for Glory” is one of Mother’s current favorite Earth songs. She laughs and emanates sparks of joy, and wants all of us to join in.)
There is no need to break the code or figure out the secret to the Matrix.  The answer is so simple it is hiding in plain sight.  It is Love, and that Love is Us.  Our steadfast refusal to believe that darkness is real will carry the day.  Our Vision is already forming before our eyes, with the hands-on assistance of millions of Lightworkers who have worked for years to create the new structures for NESARA, GESARA and all the accompanying triumphs of liberty, abundance and peace. Your bright energies are flowing together in a river of golden Light, joining with the Loving energies of Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven, as we match your every incremental rise.  I raise you, as you raise me; you carry your brother, and your brother begins to smile and reaches out to carry a child.  Together, we are the Ascension of Planet Earth.
This is the way we are doing it, and this is the way we will transcend every temporary bump in the road – together.  Hallelujah, Brothers and Sisters, hallelujah.
I am your Sananda, in service to the Ascension of Planet Earth.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, January 19, 2016—The-New-Earth-Times—Edition—47—Tuesday–January-19–2016.html?soid=1114135227078&aid=u0rcbr_sWdw

We are preparing diligently for the release of Prosperity Funds for the good of all humankind, to free all from the grip of economic slavery.

As many of you know, we are preparing diligently for the release of Prosperity Funds for the good of all humankind, to free all from the grip of economic slavery.  There have been details throughout the process that needed to be ironed out.   A few of these details have had to do with hidden power structures that secretly and overwhelmingly controlled the financial and political systems on Earth.  One such example is the Vatican bank.

The Vatican Bankers had to be convinced to give up their hold on the funds that had long ago been designated for the Greater Good, so that they could be distributed. Pope Francis presented them with an offer they couldn’t refuse, and he issued a decree allowing for their arrests. They were given a short span of time to change their minds voluntarily. The Pope has shown himself to be different from his predecessors. Reforms have been unfolding gradually by most standards, but remarkably quickly compared to Papal tradition.

The Vatican officials have been steeped in centuries of secrecy and absolute financial power over the entire Western world. Most people have no idea of the enormous wealth and the civil edicts that are still in place, which give the Church ownership of all the lands that have ever been held by the Crown of England, along with all the lands that were allied under the Axis powers, and all the countries of South America that have adopted the beliefs of the Catholic Church. This includes nearly all of Europe and the Western Hemisphere. So, as you may have suspected, the Catholic Church is the most powerful consolidated political force on the planet.

The protectors of the Vatican Treasury are well aware that loosening their hold on the bank funds would be the end to their personal power, and the end to the myth that the Catholic Church as an institution was ever a well-intended religious order. Of course, there have been many devout and well-meaning Priests, Bishops and lay worshipers, including the current Pope Francis I, but the institution in Rome has always been interested primarily in political and economic power to control the world. This is coming to an end.

Many who are not religious in their current lives are unaware of the worldwide implications of how the dissolution of the Catholic Church will affect the lives of everyone on the planet. This is the ultimate inevitability – the complete dismantling of the Church in all its pomp and wealth. It will also mean the end of the psychological and religious stranglehold it has had on its people. I can hardly emphasize enough the enormous effect this will have on freeing the minds and hearts of the people.

It may seem strange to some of you that it is I, the one who came to Earth as Jesus, who is at the forefront of this apparent attack on the religion that was ostensibly established in my name. I assure you that I would not and never have supported the establishment of any large organization which called itself “Christian.” I was opposed to the building of great temples; this was an important part of my teachings. Above all, I would never have supported teachings that were designed to enslave the thinking and behavior of any of my students.

I, Jesus, Yeshua ben Joseph, was raised a Jew. I practiced the principles and ethics I learned at my parents’ knees, and I never left behind the essence of those teachings, which encouraged a strongly ethical and devout way of life. I was interested in expanding the limits of Judaism to create a practice based in the simple understanding that Love – the Love of Creator and of one’s fellow creatures – was the only principle needed to live a good life.

I taught that turning away from dogma and rote practice of any rules is the first step in turning toward God. You see, in terms of the practice of the day when I lived, I was a radical/libertarian/free-thinking agitator. This is the reason both the powerful hierarchy of the Jewish community and the Romans were suspicious of me.

Any and all other Fundamentalist sects operating in the areas where I traveled would have been opposed to what I taught as well, for I stood for the freedom of each individual to freely communicate with God, unhampered by any dogmatic human opinions or prejudicial ideas. I taught that there was no need for priests or intermediaries. All human beings are possessed with the innate ability to communicate telepathically with their God, their Angels, and even with their ancestors.

Does this sound to you like some airy-fairy New Age extremism? Well, the New Agers have promoted their own misunderstandings as well. Namely, that spirituality is supposed to make you feel good, as an end in itself. I will address many such falsehoods within these New Scriptures as we talk together.

This is a new phenomenon, is it not, your ability to read the “scriptures” as they are being written, in my own words? I will be here soon to affirm these words in person, but it has been decided in our Council that some preparation would be very helpful for all of you.
Now that our background information is complete, let us begin with the first and most important lessons I will present in these pages.

1. God is Love. I, Sananda, the representation of God, am Love.

2. I speak the words our Creator has breathed into my mouth, as I will do faithfully as long as my life as a soul goes on, eternally.

3. God does not punish or pronounce judgments. Free will requires that humans direct their own path to higher learning. There is no hell other than the one you create in your own minds.

4. After each lifetime, you have returned to the higher dimensions where Love is All, where you planned the elements of each life, depending on what you felt you needed or wanted to experience and achieve.

5. “The New Scriptures,” as we have called this collection of teachings, are the words of Mother Father God / Source directly through me. Many of the old “Scriptures” have been reinterpreted or purposely distorted to serve the wishes of those in power, in order to remain in power. We must begin anew. If you wish to quote me, please use these teachings rather than ancient texts.

6. I will speak only in words of encouragement that will serve to enlighten and uplift humankind to rise above the fear, divisiveness and hatred that has been the way of life on Planet Earth for millennia.

7. I do not come to establish a new religion, not by any name. I wish to teach The True Way – communication with God and all conscious beings in Love, Compassion, Harmony, Forgiveness and Joy.

8. Any teachings that engender feelings of fear, guilt, separateness from others, superiority over any other living being, or any rift between an individual and their True Being is not the Word of God and will not be found in my words.

9. There have been beings of darkness inhabiting and overseeing Planet Earth in the past. The Higher Souls who created and managed the “Matrix” of financial, political and social control are now gone, by decree of our Mother and Father, the one we call Creator, and they will not be permitted to return.

10. We are all Galactic beings, with genetic origins from far-flung planets. There are no superior races, and there are no “aliens.” We are all Star Brothers and Sisters.

I AM One with God, as you are. WE ARE ONE. This is the lesson I bring to you in Joy and in unending Love. You are God, as I AM. We cannot be separated because we are not separate. No physical distance, no idea nor belief can keep us apart. We are destined to live in harmony and peace, in absolute Love. So be it.

I am Sananda, and I approve this message, with Joy and Hope in my heart.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, 2015



Chapter One:The Lesson of One

Who Needs Light


The goal is to unlearn ,NOT TO learn.
There is no NEED to be worried over the performance or in relation to aesthetics, there is no NEED To fake.
Each movement is right.
The goal is not to be disciplined, beautiful, strong, confident, coordinated, as we so often taught in dance.
In many ways, this dance is the antithesis of everything we’ve learned that dancing is supposed to be.
The whole being is allowed to melt in the rhythms, allowING ITself to relax and let CRAZY wisdom guide EVERY movements.
No dance experience is necessary, just the desire to move.

DANCE MUSIC  432 HZ &  528 HZ:Dj Nikos Akrivos



FRIDAY 29 TH JANUARY 2016 : 17H00-20H00 AND



A few mixes 🙂






Making Contact With Our Galactic Brothers and Sisters/Accelerating The Time for The Event and Massive Landings.

Making contact in a half asleep state with our galactic brothers and sisters can be super Fun and of course accelerate the time for The event when the massive landings will take place.

We practised this with my partner and personally i saw them being teleported from their inner planet then fell asleep while she asked for confirmation of their presence and heard few people next door making noise twice.She asked for more pleasant sounds and the people started to laugh.

Before you go to sleep take a shower to raise your vibration.

Lie in your bed and stay without moving for about 20 minutes.

Put your hands on  your belly.

Set the intention to meet with The Pleiadians,The Arcturians ,The Andromedans or your favorite galactic race.

Open your eyes and see if you observe any shadows in your room.

Remain Calm.

Ask for a confirmation of their presence on your body or something external.

Join us every Sunday 19h00 at our weekly event meditation.


Evidence of Pleiadians Ships making Contact and Barbara Marciniak who has been channeling  Pleiadians Message for many years now.


Lucid Dreams/Learn To Fly

Last night i had an amazing experience,i found myself flying and following a guy that was using a futuristic air flying surf. My view was breathtaking and exciting  at the same time as i knew somehow that i was safe.This is what Lucid Dreaming is all about: to be aware that your are dreaming in your dream.

How was I Flying?By using my wings!

To be able to lucid dream in a consistant /conscious way you need to follow a certain way of sleeping.

I usually go to bed at 22h (between 22h and 02h is the best time for the body to regenerate) then wake up few hours later to read ,do some yoga , meditate or create music depending on my levels of energy.An hour later i tend to go back to bed and this is the time where i am lucid dreaming.

Try for yourself. The feeling of it when you wake up is amazing,you are living another life where there are no 3dimensional limitations and that is brining a lot of satisfaction to your being.

Being able to lucid dream consciously is also helping to manifest better reality in our life.


Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos


When you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Always when you want to create something new you will need to let go of something old. If you want beliefs that work better for you, you have to work diligently to release old ones that don’t. If you want a new house, you must release the old. If you want new clothes, you must clear your closet, and if you want a new relationship you must give up hanging on to all that has gone before.

In truth, your past exists only in your mind, because in truth it is gone. It has washed away like water in a stream and you only carry with you what you remember and what you judge. As soon as you can love the past for what it brought you and taught you, then dear ones, it is over. The energy is released and allowed to flow from you, into the heavens where we, the angels, will help turn it into something so much better. Very much like donating fertilizer, when you give us your past pains, sadnesses, fears, unmet hopes and dreams, and ask that we transform them to love, we will. Like cleaning out your closets, dear ones, regularly giving us your heavy energy will allow you to breathe, and to make room for the new.

Place your hands just in front of your navel as if you are ready to catch something that will be released. Take a breath. Feel any area of your body, mind, or soul that feels heavy. Imagine as you breathe in deeply, that you are gathering this energy into your stomach. Then, as you breath outward imagine you release this dense energy in the form of a ball that gathers up into your hands. It may look dark, cloudy, or simply dense, if you are visual. It may feel prickly, heavy, or just unusual if you feel, or you may just imagine it. Keep breathing in this fashion, gathering heavy energy into the stomach with a slow breath in, then expelling it outward into this ball of energy in your hands. When you feel the ball has become quite heavy, and you are feeling much lighter, hand it upwards to the heavens, and we will take it from you and transmute it to love to be recycled into the universe.

Do this frequently dear ones, perhaps after work each day, or at least once a week. You clean your homes, wash your cars…why not clear yourself on a regular basis so your light can shine more brightly, your body can feel much better, and your mind can be at peace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

6 fingers :A Sign of Evolution.High Six!!!!

David Wilcock talked about 6 fingers printing on a stone of Padmasmbhava,giving the message of evolution for humanity:

”A Tibetan Legend of a man who descended down from space. Leaving hand prints into the stone, with 6 fingers on the hand”

”…ET Human Padmasambhava, came from space in an egg, taught the monks of Tibet how to turn into a light body. takes 7 days. Your body shrinks down to about 9 inches tall, rainbow appears of the hut. Then people start to see them in their dreams…”


Find more about David’s Blog/Predictions right here:
hqdefault (1)In 2014 i have posted a  link sharing this in my video but strangely is doesn’t work anymore.Here is the video:

and here are few more videos with 6 fingered families proving this: