Victory of light is a fact.

In higher dimensions understanding God/Humanity have won and we can now proceed without obstructions in creating the new. Everything i share just confirms what I KNOW to be true in my heart. It may take a while till all perceive it as such. There are lessons along the way as we learn to Ascend from Human to Galactic Society and every soul is pushing for the discovery of that path for everyone. Our best bet is to focus on vibrating high at all times. In other terms to Feel Good more often than not and basically get to that state 24/24 which i call Feel More Than Fine. EveryONE has their own path and speed and i respect that and the choices one makes at any moment shows up in the reality one chooses to focus upon. Love Yoursef so much so you may discover your path. The only way is within. And God along all Angels are always present, ask and take time to listen voice within and you ll receive your answer. If not today, tomorrow after a good night sleep. Or at least have that inner joy constantly on check. For a while till you get you want there will be just that. Inner Joy. It may take years till you get what you really want or less depending where you stand in your allowing of what you desire . Let Joy within be enough for a while. It is the best and most accurate system we each have. And from that space you know. Victory of Light is A Fact.New Earth is already here.Our new lives on a loving and forgiving planet that works for all too.💫💚🙏

We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations.

January 19, 2022,

We are here to honor and celebrate who you are as a multidimensional being of energy. Most earthwalkers are unconscious to their own personal energy, energy signature, or the energy surrounding them. Therefore they are unconscious of the interchange of energy that is continuously taking place between themselves and others and between themselves and their surroundings.

We want you to begin to understand that you, everyone and everything has an energy matrix, from the smallest atom to the galaxy; each connected, nested and woven together in one cosmic whole. These grids or holograms are interactive with your personal energy girds or holograms.

As you move about in your life you move through many grids and matrices. We realize that you usually do not consciously check out or sense or even read the energy flow. But that is an important skill to develop.

Once you begin to sense or feel or see the subtle vibrations, even the thought forms and emotions that create the environment you step into, you will begin to understand how these vibrations are affecting your own personal energy field as well as the effects on your physical body and the exchange of information that is taking place.

You move through these fields of energy all the time and most of the time you are totally unconscious of how they interact with your field or your personal matrix. Realize it is the matrix that holds the pattern, much like the matrix of stone holds the crystal.

Your personal matrix holds your contact with this dimension; it is the framework, the grid of energy vibrating with the memories, the experiences, and the family patterns. Your personal matrix is created from your thought forms, habits, emotions and programmed beliefs. Your energy signature or matrix will always be affected by the energy surrounding you.

Remember that emotional vibrations or frequencies are contagious. If you step into a space or matrix where there is an emotion of fear, it will certainly trigger your own personal stored fear energy. A hospital or dentist office is an example of a space where you might experience your own personal fear being triggered. Become aware of the vibration offered by the spaces or matrices you move into.

woman sitting and smiling
Photo by Guilherme Almeida on

As each human begins to awaken, to become conscious and responsible, they become more aware of their personal energy field. As each human strives to enrich their awareness, to grow, to expand, their personal matrix becomes more extended, brighter as it were.

It is valuable and important to become aware of your own matrix and as we said earlier to become aware of the grids or energy fields that surround you each moment. This is a major working. This is a level of awareness that allows your conscious self a bigger playground. Allow yourself to see or sense and become sensitive to the matrices that surround you at all times.

Begin to notice the energy matrix or energy vibration that is being offered by your planet, the stars, the galaxy and the cosmic collective. Make it your intention to learn how to read, feel or hear this energy that is enveloping you. Where do you sense your connections with the global matrix. Does that feel too big, too impossible to even imagine? Where do you sense your connection with the galactic matrix? Allow yourself to investigate your own personal matrix, grid or energy field.

Become sensitive to how far this matrix extends. You will realize how interconnected you are to your planet, your community, your circle of friends and acquaintances, your spirit family and your physical family. Notice the family matrix you experience. Does this matrix trigger any limiting emotions or thoughts or does it feel expansive and accepting?

a photo of a singing bowl
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations.

As you move about in your life be aware of each subtle shift of the flavor, the sensations, the emotional and mental offerings of the matrix of each experience. There will be a matrix at each store or activity that you will temporarily connect with, a group of people will share a common matrix created by all the combined energy fields of everyone. There will be a skill that you will develop which will allow you to read the information given by others sharing the same space together.

Far more data is exchanged between one being and another, between you and the matrix you step into. This exchange takes place during one in-breath and one out-breath. Remember throughout your day, simply say “All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed.” This is a gentle yet powerful way to keep your energy field clear of the influence of others.

We invite you to consider the past week and reflect on activities, all the exchanges that took place in the stores or on the street. Gently reflect back to all the people you passed by or sat next to, realize that energy was exchanged especially the ones who made eye contact or spoke to you. Now realize that they were also affected by your matrix, your energy field, your grid.

You have the opportunity to offer a higher vibration, a more conscious vibration with each exchange and with everyone that you encounter. You have the opportunity to trigger the awakening in another by your conscious exchange without a word being spoken.

You have the opportunity to uplift and activate a sense of well-being, a sense of wholeness in the other. You have the opportunity to express acceptance and respect for the other. You can quietly in your mind simply say “I see you.” The energy of that expression will uplift the other. Remember who you are as a magnificent being and use your awareness to transform and offer expansion to all those that you meet.

When you declare “I am aware that I am aware.” When you bring your full consciousness of your matrix, your full awareness into your field, others respond from their highest understanding as well. You trigger their awareness of who they are.

When you set your intention to sense these grids and all these other matrices observe how you are responding and how others are responding to you. You begin to consciously ride these flows of energy, move through these fields of energy with delight and joy. This is the place of transformation, of miracles as you call them, of total synchronicity. Practice this. Be at peace, Beloved, the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself.

If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, “Well, Abraham you teach selfishness.” And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don’t have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 4/21/01

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Global Martial Law Imminent!

  • The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots on food shortages, gas shortages, Vaccine Mandates, forced vaccines/lockdowns as citizens of the world rise against the Deep State Plandemic.
  • The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries.
  • The Deep State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the pandemic and Bank companies and pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested = Zero Hour, the Fall of the Cabal in all countries.
  • Trust the Plan: The Military is the only way.

White Hats vs. Deep State: inside the War a very important battle was raging for the next Internet.

The Deep State wanted a new Internet that would be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World Internet. These passports would only be for those who abided by the world infection laws (growing currently) and co-operated with online banking (new rules/ standards/ regulations). The Deep State has a plan to control the world through their Internet, banking and social networks. They called this The Great Reset – restarting the Internet.

The White Hat’s New Internet was ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee and has the most advanced security and unbreakable and encrypted system ever created to serve mankind. Features behind the New Internet included A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks and world money laundering. Incubated in the many features was the saving of the world through an earth given foundation, (A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty. Among the features was ending all wars and giving generational healing through high technology that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing (the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind).


England Ending All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions!

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions

Lily Zhou, Epoch Times, Jan. 19, 2022


Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home requirements will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday.

Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the [Covid] virus pandemic becomes endemic.

Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home.

The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 26.

And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.

The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will also be removed from the Department for Education’s national guidance.

Roaring cheers from lawmakers could be heard in the House of Commons following Johnson’s announcements on masks.
Boris-Johnson-House-of-Commons-1200×720 England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions

People who test positive for COVID-19 and their unvaccinated contacts are still required to self-isolate, but Johnson said he “very much expect[s] not to renew” the rule when the relevant regulations expire on March 24.

“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister said.

Asked to remove testing rules for vaccinated UK-bound travellers, Johnson said the government is reviewing the testing arrangements on travel and that an announcement can be expected in the coming days.

But he refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”

Johnson told MPs that the Cabinet decided to remove its so-called “Plan B” measures on Wednesday morning as data suggest the Omicron wave has peaked nationally, and he attributed stabilising hospital admission numbers to “the extraordinary booster campaign” and the public’s compliance to the restriction measures.

The removal of the “Plan B” measures against the [Covid] virus came as the prime minister battles increasing pressure calling for him to resign over alleged lockdown-breaching parties in Number 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, during the pandemic.

You have been experiencing a greater influx of energy that is designed to get you to want to experience unity consciousness

The New Energies Upon You Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in how you are handling the latest energies that are upon you there on Earth. You have been experiencing a greater influx of energy that is designed to get you to want to experience unity consciousness. You are living in a time where there is less socializing going on. You have less people gathering together in large groups than you typically have there on Earth and more people in isolation because of the virus. And while these are unfortunate conditions in many ways, they also give you the opportunity to reach out in a different way to your human collective. You realize that when you are in the same room as another person, you don’t have to talk to one another in order to communicate, and you don’t have to touch one another in order to feel the presence of the human that you are sharing space with at that time.

Take this a bit further, and realize that you can feel the energy and the consciousness of all other humans from the privacy of your own home or from your favorite spot in nature where you are sitting. You can connect telepathically with all beings – human, plant, animal, extra-terrestrial. You don’t have to wait until you have someone sitting across from you, looking you in the eye, before you open up to nonverbal communication.

If you reach out to just one human being, and then you ask that person if they could perceive the thoughts you were sending them, that is the fastest way to dismiss all of this. If instead, you recognize that you want to express yourself to the collective, and you send out a message to all of humanity, then you will feel that you have done something to help other people who are feeling isolated or lonely.

There is always this opportunity, of course, but right now the energies are very supportive of unity consciousness. They are very supportive of those who would like to reach out and make contact, and these energies are answering the call, the summoning of so many who would like to feel less alone. People can feel alone even when surrounded by others, but it comes up more at times like these when there are individuals who spend a lot of their time by themselves. Feel for the energies that are around you in order to benefit more from them and so they can inspire you to reach out with your consciousness to all humans or to all beings.

You, of course, can also reach out to specific groups. You can reach out to a country of people who are struggling with something right now, and you can become a more deliberate contributor to the solutions that they seek to their problems. These energies will keep coming, and keep coming, because the need will continue to be there on Earth for quite some time. There is a need for all of you to come together and realize that you are all part of one collective. And we, and others like us, will continue to nudge you in that direction for as long as it takes.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Darkness already lost, and each moment their holographic reality cracking like ice into pieces-Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez –

January 18, 2022

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This new alliance keeps expanding it includes right now over 200 different civilizations, who want to live in peaceful environments.

Ashtar mentioned in his last message that the Star Wars is not a science fiction, and it’s the truth. For long time many civilizations have been attacked by the Dark Forces and their planets were destroyed or damaged by them. They love wars and destroy advanced and peaceful worlds. If you can see we have own challenges in our realities.

The Mother Earth is going to become a free and independent planet. The high energies pouring and lifting everyone’s spirits and waking up many ones from the long sleep.

The Darkness already lost, and each moment their holographic reality cracking like ice into pieces. I have been observing Mother Earth since my last visit thousands years ago, and I can tell you that these Corrupted Souls are not in charge anymore even it seems like they are.

When I was on your planet at that time the humankind was not ready to accept our help to expand expansion and grow by learning to use our safe and no harm technologies. Please don’t forget, you are living in exciting times, despite that everything on the surface looks like chaos. The governments who are trying to control everyone, their strategies are not working anymore. The humans are rising in globally with their attentions to throw out their leaders and to set free societies.

The Dark Entities can’t stop the rising storm, the humans reach their limit of being pushed, having bare minimum to survive. They have been stealing trillions from humanity and treating them with Draconian Health System. I am very happy to see that your Matrix is collapsing and humankind shifting into a New Earth. It’s long overdue for this liberation.

My daughter is living on your planet, I mentioned previously in my messages. Her mission has been announced to her awhile ago. She is going to represent the Galactic Federation of Light and Planetary InterGalactic Coalition as the Ambassador. Her name announcement will come in Divine Timing, when the most of hidden truths surface into the Light.

The humanity needs to get comfortable to stay in higher energies, and let go of the negative 3D emotions. It will take some time to adjust to new vibrations after living for so long in low vibrations. Right now, the Mother Earth is in perfect Divine Alignment with Cosmos Energies to go through the planetary transformation.

I am pleased to be one of many others, who are watching your Ascension Process. Sending Light and Love. Thank you Universal Channel.

Be Alert and Trust Your Instincts.
Queen An-Ra

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Truth is one reality, one way of looking at the totality of creation. A feeling is expansive & undeniable.

What Is Newly Available to Humanity Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are on the precipice of some new understandings about this universe that we are very excited about. We can feel ourselves expanding into this knowing, and it is a delicious feeling, one that we highly recommend. You can get there yourselves because everything is available to all beings, even if that understanding is different because of your dimension and your ability to grasp concepts with your physical mind. This is why we will always emphasize the feeling over the truth. The truth is a limited perspective. It’s one reality, one way of looking at the totality of creation, but a feeling is expansive and undeniable.

You cannot question whether you felt something, but you can question where a thought comes from. Know that the universe is expanding all the time, and that to keep up with it, you sometimes have to surrender, and you sometimes have to admit that you don’t know everything, and that not everything is meant to be known, not intellectually. But what we are all here to do is to experience Source, and experience is something that you get more of when you let go. When you let go of limiting beliefs, you open so many doorways to so many different realities and experiences.

We invite you to let go, to surrender, to seek out oneness with the universe above all else. We see so many individuals clinging to their truths and living lives of quiet desperation as a result of that clinging. We want to invite you to the expansive experience of tuning in to what’s available right now with your ability to sense, your ability to feel. Think of it as an invitation to more of you. There’s always more of you to explore, just as there will always be more of this universe and Source to explore.

So please don’t think that you have it all figured out or that you know yourself completely, because that is a type of death that you will never experience. You will always experience more, you will always discover more, and you will always realize eventually that there is so much more for you to understand. You are getting there, gradually, and we see that. We notice all the little steps and all the improvements, and we certainly notice the spikes in the vibration of your overall consciousness. But we still see room for more surrendering, more letting go, and more tuning in to the new energies that will always be available to you when you poke your heads out of the little realities that you have felt stuck in and you allow yourselves to become more, to experience more, and to explore more of the infinite and ever-expanding Source Energy that you are, and that you continue to contribute to, with the lives that you live there on Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The ascension diet series.

I have created a 6 episode short videos of +/- 10 minutes on Ascension Diet to assist you in mastering hunger called Ascension Diet Series. :

1. Intro

2. PH balance

3. Boost immune system

4. Intermittent Fasting.

5. Blissfood

6. Food that boosts your creativity

and Free PDF booklet of easy to do recipes….😋

I share this knowledge through donations on my paypal.

If you are interested please send email at :

Cause It is all about enjoying the journey along the way.

The days of hoping and praying are over. The birthing has begun…You are in the final labor push. Allow that to be.

woods covered with snow
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Dear Ones,

You have been transitioning for eons for this moment – your final birth push of a new age.

But now, it seems impossible to push, to maintain your interest for one more second. It is too much. You are tired, angry, and disappointed. Even though you discussed this with thousands of entities before your preparations for this time in this life, it seems too much. You are ready to give up, to say, “That’s enough. I want to stop now.” But you cannot, any more than you can stop a birth from happening once the birthing process begins.

Many of you think that such words are merely another “come on.” That the new earth is some fantasy dreamed up by those who want to be more positive in this seemingly chaotic time. Such thoughts allow you to blame someone, anyone, for your upheaval and inner pain, for you are certain you would never have agreed to such emotional pain otherwise.

You are in the new earth birthing process, as unpleasant as that now seems.

Of course, many will respond that we, of the Universes, are teasing you one more time, that we do not exist – that all is your imagination. In your mind, such could be true given how many eons you pined for this time.

You moved mountains to be here, to experience these emotional pains.

This is your time and your place. So it is you are FINALLY birthing what you have discussed, hoped for, prayed for, and pined for eons.

Many wonder what the end-product will be as there is nothing physical to show for your troubles. The short-term effect will be a bit more chaos, as is true when a newborn arrives home. Perhaps some sleepless nights, concerns about care, and new routines – but the result of birthing this new era will be the love and gentleness you now pine for.

The days of hoping and praying are over. The birthing has begun.

Will your life be altered tomorrow? Yes, but not as you expect, for your new earth birthing process will be days instead of hours. The result of that birth will be a sense of calm and achievement.

No one will need to announce this new earth birth, for you will know in every fiber of your being. Just as a mother feels a sense of bliss when she connects with her newborn, so it will be for you.

Perhaps you wonder if everyone is birthing at the same time, and our response is yes. Even though you are on unique paths, those paths will be lit simultaneously. You cannot yet comprehend what we, of the Universes, are speaking of, for it is incomprehensible that the current chaos will shift as quickly as flipping a light switch.

Those who wish to remain in 3D chaos will. So even though some of the earth’s confusion will continue, that chaos will not impact you in any measurable way.

When you fall in 3D love, it seems as if the world is a lighter, brighter, and more exciting place. Day-to-day tasks that once seemed so important are no longer as you wait for messages and interactions with the one you love. So it will be for you within days – when your final new earth birth push has ended. Very little will seem more important than the joy you feel.

Perhaps you believe this message is again pushing you forward with little reward. We, of the Universes, respond that just as someone cannot tell a mother in intense labor that all will be over and joyful soon, so it is for you now. You are in the final labor push. Allow that to be.

Allow yourself to accept that no matter how frightened, angry, or chaotic you feel now, within days, those emotions will be replaced with a loving joy you have yet to experience while of the earth other than following the birth of your baby. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

You are meant to explore life from a sense of joy and curiosity; it is your birthright.

Jeshua: Remember Joy

Pamela Kribbe

I am with you again and I rejoice in being with you.

Feel my joy. Just to share this moment with you lifts my heart because you are one with me, so close to my heart. Feel the joy rushing over you and through you.

Joy is the essence of creation. Everything, every act of creation begins with joy. Your very journey to Earth once began with a sense of joy. Remember that feeling.

You once held a vision in your heart of a beautiful and balanced Earth. This vision is still alive and now it is coming closer every day.

I know that when you look around this world, you see a lot of chaos and negativity, but things are stirring and changing and you do not have to be part of the chaos and negativity in the world. In your heart, you can return to the garden of Eden, to paradise.

You can keep that vision alive in your heart and cherish it every day. You can be in paradise while now living on Earth. And that is actually how you bring in the energy of paradise on Earth.

So you see that your mission is to be a part of this world and at the same time, to not be a part of it.
And how do you do this?

You accomplish this by the energy of love. If you struggle with the world and the energies in it, you are drawn into the negativity and the chaos. But if you accept these energies as being part of a stage of evolution, the energy in your heart becomes more gentle, more mild.

Sometimes, to hold that vision in your heart, means you have to withdraw from the world, at least to some extent.

You all present here are sensitive beings, responding to the energy around you, so often you need to be on your own and to spend time in nature to refresh yourself.

When you dwell too long in the energies of the world, your mind may become engrossed in the negative thought-forms in it, and then it is time to retreat into yourself, into your essence; to be in the silence within yourself.

Now let us take a few moments of silence to feel the eternal source of which you are a part….

Allow yourself to be filled with this energy and allow it to heal you. Taste the energy of Home and be aware that you are loved and cherished endlessly.

You are a child of the universe and, as such, you are allowed to express yourself and to explore life in all possible ways. Feel the energy of joy behind this.

You are meant to explore life from a sense of joy and curiosity; it is your birthright.

You are dearly loved by all of us on the other side; we respect and honor you.

You are our equals.

We do not come here out of pity, we are here because we are honored to share time with you and to embrace you like brothers and sisters.

Thank you very much for being here.

So if you are having trouble with surrender, we suggest you sit with your ego and simply reassure it.

January 17, 2022,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Right Relationship with the Ego

Dear Ones, you can’t surrender and be in ego at the same time, because the ego’s preferred state is control, not flow. In fact, if you try to surrender, the ego will likely try to prevent you from taking that empowered step through the use of fear and doubt.

silhouette photo of man leaning on heart leaf shape tree during dawn
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on

To be clear, the ego is not the enemy. Far from it! It is a beloved and necessary part of you that is required to be in the body, on the planet, and having a human experience. It is simply not the part of you that you wish to be in charge of all decisions, because it is very much about wanting things to stay the same in a controlled or contracted state, while your soul is seeking freedom, growth, and expansion.

So if you are having trouble with surrender, we suggest you sit with your ego and simply reassure it. Let it know you always will need it and that you love it, and that it is a very important aspect of you. Then, let it know that you are the wise adult, and you will be making decisions that are best for all aspects of you. Feel into that. Can you feel how empowered you are and how the ego settles under your loving guidance?

Trying to eradicate the ego in the name of spirituality only activates it more, and puts you in a state of resistance to a vital part of yourself. It is, in a sense, trying to practice separation consciousness with yourself in an attempt to move into unity consciousness, which simply cannot work.

It will only keep you in a perpetual state of tug of war within yourself, expending all of your energy but getting nowhere. By accepting all parts of yourself, and knowing yourself to be part of an even bigger whole, you will find the act of surrender much easier.  From there, true progress can be made on your journey.

we suggest that you put ‘being the highest-vibrational version of myself’ at the top of your priorities list.

Begin Now & Enjoy the Rest of the Ride to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving you the best of ourselves at all times. We only want to show up for you as the best of who and what we are, and we know that there are certain limitations built in to our dimension that only allow us to be at a certain frequency, but we accept that, and we consistently reach for that highest frequency that is possible for us. We know that you all can do the same. You can find the highest frequency that is available to you in your dimension, and show up in the world as your best possible self, and you don’t have to do it, but you can do it.

When you do it, you feel better, not just because you’re contributing more to society or to the person you are interacting with, but because being in the highest frequency state possible just does feel better. You will constantly be shown when you are not offering the best possible vibration. Those reflections will get clearer and louder, and you will not be able to ignore them, and that is how it has been set up so that all of you can learn. You learn best by doing, and as you pay attention, you get more of that feedback before it creates something in your life that you do not then want to experience.

You all have your goals; you have the things that you are striving for, and we suggest that you put ‘being the highest-vibrational version of myself’ at the top of your priorities list. Then, you don’t have to figure out what to do in order to be of service. You don’t have to figure out what your calling is, what your purpose is, because as you be that version of yourself that you were always meant to be and that you are destined to be, you are helping. Just being there and offering a high vibration is a tremendous help to your fellow humans. You can join us in our quest to help humanity to heal and to ascend. And more importantly, you can help to be that best version of yourself for yourself.

Then you can really start to enjoy life; you can enjoy the journey, the rest of the ride to the fifth dimension. We want it to be smooth for you. We want it to be easy and filled with exciting opportunities and experiences, but ultimately we know that it is up to you. It is up to you to use your free will to be in the highest-vibrational state you can be in, while still operating in the fourth dimension and waiting for that opportunity to shift to the fifth. And know that it is coming, and you will want to be prepared. You will also be able to help so many others as you begin this practice right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Your Own Personal Treasure Hun

January 16, 2022,

It is common for human beings to experience fear if they don’t know where they are going, yet your greatest discoveries are made through exploration. You lose that gift if your path is always mapped out ahead of time. If you have deeply-honed faith and trust, you can get comfortable with not knowing, and simply allow the unfoldment with peace and a sense of curiosity.

You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure things out, when in fact it is unlikely you will ever figure everything out because you simply do not have access to all the pertinent information from your vantage point. That amounts to trying to successfully solve a puzzle when you only have half the pieces.

That is where connecting with your guides and your own inner wisdom will help shine the way forward. They lead you to the collection of the next puzzle piece. The unfoldment is your own personal treasure hunt, and can be filled with the joy of discovery.

What we are trying to tell you is this: If you simply shift out of the futility of trying to figure it all out, and into simply being present and navigating through your highest, most supported choices one now moment at a time, the grace and ease you yearn for would be yours, as would be your highest outcomes.

A wise human being knows when it’s time to stop expending their time and energy on old practices that simply cannot take them where they wish to go, and start concentrating on the new practices that can.

Ask for assistance in all the mundane things that bring you stress. Ask for angelic intervention in all overwhelming situations.

January 16, 2022,

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ Angels Work Every Day

Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.

Dear One,

The Angels are always available. Their presence is blessing all that you do and say. Their intention is for Peace, Harmony and Divine Order on the Earth. When you call upon the grace of the Angels, all situations are blessed with their intentional energy. This is a very powerful tool to use in daily life.

Do you want order in your workplace so that all your work is done quickly and easily, so that all you need is available, and all your words and actions are guided? If so, call the Angels into your workplace. Ask for their blessings and know divine order will be the result. Allow the Angels to intervene on your behalf even with the smallest details that you feel you should take care of by yourself. You will find your work flowing more easily and smoothly. Even more, Creative Solutions will abound.

woman in angel costume
Photo by Ольга Солодилова on

Do you want peace and harmony in your relationships? Ask the Angels to assist in your family and in all interactions with others. More harmony and a new level of grace will be the result.

The Angels are here to bring more love, harmony and order into daily life. They are here to demonstrate how much easier life can be when you allow a higher frequency of energy to work through you. But they will not intervene unless they are asked, so there must be a willingness on your part to bring peace-filled energy into your life.

The Angels are messengers of God. They are not here for you to worship nor to gain power over you. They are here to assist you. The Angels are a part of the Divine Presence just as humans are, so there is no need to fear when you have prayed to experience more miracles in your life. Your willingness to have more love, joy and harmony will bring to you those very qualities you seek. You can bring the Angels into your life to assist you in enhancing the energy you work with every day.

It is a great gift to have the Angels offer their assistance for planetary good, as well as for the good of your personal life. Allow yourself to receive this blessing. Ask for assistance in all the mundane things that bring you stress. Ask for angelic intervention in all overwhelming situations.

Allow yourself to feel this incredible level of support. Be willing to have yourself surrounded in wings of Pure Love and see how much easier your life will feel to you. You can receive the love, light and wisdom of the Angels now, all you have to do is ask.

Please remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabrie

You will survive and learn how to thrive. Hold that in your heart for you know it is true. This week’s task is a simple one: to practise holding this thought within your heart. With this thought in place in your heart and mind, send out positive loving vibrations to the earth in general or any areas that you wish specifically. -AA Michael via Sharon-

This is Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

Your world is heating up, literally. Volcano’s are being erupted, wars on borders are being threatened, and Taiwan is still under attack. It stands to reason that many eruptions will occur as a result of these practises, however what is required is calming.

Love goes forward at this time, violence and chaos still seeks to rule but you cannot allow it to. Keep your focus on peace and tranquility and do not allow yourself to be scared by current events. However, understand that avoiding any news of them is fear – this is flight of the fight flight and freeze response. Understand as you read news of current events that they are being conducted in order to bring peace to the people of the earth, ultimately. Have faith in this.

Yes, this is a time for faith. Humanity will go forward and transform itself in the process. You will survive and learn how to thrive. Hold that in your heart for you know it is true.

This week’s task is a simple one: to practise holding this thought within your heart. With this thought in place in your heart and mind, send out positive loving vibrations to the earth in general or any areas that you wish specifically. But hold that thought true in your heart.

I am Michael. I am the Lord, I am the voice, I am the servant of all who battle evil. Be with me now as I lead you to a glorious future along this road of much learning.

We are Legion. We are the Light. We are One.


Tomorrow please remember to help with the COBRA/sisterhood of the rose calming full moon meditation at 11:48 p.m. UTC. There is a UTC converter on on the Archangel Michael group page where you can determine what time to meditate along with the rest of the world.

Many are now moving into a higher consciousness of sexuality and its deeper significance as being the Mystical Marriage

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JANUARY 16, 2022

Greetings dear readers.

In these present times of chaos and seeming negativity it is important to remember that in spite of appearances all is proceeding according to the Divine Plan. You may look out at the world and say to yourself that nothing is changing but understand that before something can manifest materially, the idea and energy of it must be first present in the invisible.

Changes that you cannot yet see in the outer are taking form on other levels because so many are now awakening to the deeper truth about themselves and as a result are adding light to collective consciousness. The outer world in time will, can not avoid, manifesting these energies of higher awareness because their essence will be present in the invisible allowing them to then appear in material form.

Now is a time for trust, a time to cease judging the world’s evolution according to the three dimensional standards based in old energy that seem to still rule the world. As the substance, energy, and essence of many obsolete beliefs decrease through the spiritual awakening of increasingly more individuals, the energy that originally formed and supports what many still consider to be the right and only way of doing things will no longer exist.

Earth is a spiritual universe, peopled with Sons of God. Those who do not know this, create and live out from a very limited three dimensional belief system and experience their good and their bad on the physical/material level, unaware that they are manifestations of God and one with all life. This is the human condition, the illusion of separation that you came to help dissolve by entering into and experiencing these energies yourselves.

As we have said many times, there is no unexpressed consciousness. Divine Consciousness is always expressing ITSelf in infinite form and variety. Individual consciousness (which is the ONE Consciousness individualized) is therefore always in expression as well. Any little bit of false energy you hold in consciousness will express but often in simple unnoticeable ways. If you recognize them, use these experiences as opportunities to examine your belief system and remove that which is false no matter how seemingly unimportant it may seem.

When living in a physical body surrounded by energies of duality and separation a person cannot help but absorb some of them. You chose to be on earth at this time not only to add Light to the world’s ascension process, but also to clear remaining accumulated old energy from your own cellular memory. Clearings often involve the physical, emotional, or mental re-experiencing of some old energy as it moves through so do not think that somehow you have spiritually failed or are going backwards if it happens. See these experiences as graduations.

Many of you are continuing to clear vows, promises, and oaths from the past, some of which you renewed in succeeding lifetimes because the beliefs involved were still held strongly as truth in your consciousness. Take time to sit quietly and state your intention to specifically clear all old oaths, vows, and promises which when taken with sincerity and intense belief, permeate cellular memory and often take time to fully clear.

Most of you had lives in which you sincerely embraced a vow of poverty (find yourself always lacking?) You also willingly took a vow of obedience (find yourself always playing follow the leader, afraid to make choices for yourself?) Lastly there was the vow of chastity. (Still judge sexuality as being of a lower level and not spiritual?) Although participants accepted and entered into these vows with sincerity and a desire to be closer to God, these same vows often represented a source of power and control for churches and those in charge.

Sexuality is a sacred facet of every person’s being. The ignorance of third dimensional thinking especially within organized religions have relegated it to being evil, sinful, and a temptation brought about by women. For much of the world sexuality continues to be nothing more than a source of pleasure and a money maker, as well as something to be ignored, hidden and never talked about. In these times of awakening, sexuality is beginning to be seen in a new and higher way but continues to be presented through the media, film, books, etc. in ways that primarily reflect old three dimensional thinking.

Sacred sexuality was taught in the ancient mystery schools and high resonating temples as being a path leading to a deeper awareness of one’s innate Divinity. As with all things present in material form, human sexuality flows from a much deeper reality without which the material form would not exist. Divine Consciousness is neither male or female but rather is the totality of both as ONE.

In the duality energy of the third dimension, an individual is either male or female. Physically, emotionally, and mentally the male energy manifests as the active, be-er, do-er while the female energy manifests as the receptive, love, and intuitive. When they come together physically, a child, a new person is created.

Every individual and not just some special one or a few, is fully complete embodying all of God’s qualities and not half or just some–ALL. On earth most are raised to emphasize only the qualities of their physical gender and to avoid those of the other, but this is changing. Men are opening themselves to qualities previously considered feminine and women are becoming more willing to experience the masculine energies. This is a sign of spiritual evolution, and not that men and women are becoming weak.

At some point in everyone’s spiritual journey, they must acknowledge and then consciously bring their fully present male aspect into alignment with their fully present female aspect allowing a new and higher state of consciousness to be born. This perfect, whole, Divine Self has always been fully present in every person, but has always been unknown and unrecognized by the majority.

In spiritual terms, when a person embraces, accepts, and joins his/her male and female aspects allowing it to become their state of consciousness, it is called the Mystical Marriage. Un-awakened minds interpret the Mystical Marriage simply as sex although most suspect that something deeper underlies it.

This is not to relegate the human sexuality to being “less than” for it represents the material sense of sacred love and oneness, a physical expression of the mystical reality of individualized completeness. Human sexuality is a pleasurable and enjoyable experience and is likewise sacred when entered into with love and respect. However, because the reality underlying sex is the Mystical Marriage, sacred guidelines do exist. It is never to be forced, made fearful, used as a means to an end, self serving, violent, entered into without love or respect, or considered a “duty”.

A consciousness that knows it is whole and complete because it has both male and female qualities rather than just one, lives from a sense of completeness because he/she understands that their masculine aspect (action, initiative, strength, decisiveness) will act to support and balance their feminine aspect ( love, tenderness intuition and sensitivity) while their feminine aspect will love and intuitively assist their masculine actions.

Individuals who are spiritually ready to embrace their male or female aspect but resist, will often experience situations that force them to do it. For example a woman who continually looks to a man to make decisions for her may find herself through divorce, death or some other circumstance forced to do these things for herself. A “macho” man may suddenly find himself in a situation where he is the caregiver for a child or parent.

Many are now moving into a higher consciousness of sexuality and its deeper significance as being the Mystical Marriage and through this deeper awareness are beginning to accept that they are complete and in need of nothing outside of self/SELF.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/16/22

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