Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Let’s Dance!

The dance floor has been a place for many of us to heal and express ourselves freely through dancing raising our frequency and being with like minded people. Unfortunately the blindness of few to make more money without carrying about the well being of all brought the clubbing scene to its knees (call it C19 or anything else). We live on a planet that is ascending with human beings equally ascending . This means our bodies are changing to accommodate higher frequencies of Light and since dancing and celebration is one of the best ways to keep raising our frequency, i am asking myself what the future holds in relation to coming together to celebrate as ONE, this time being careful of our health and sleeping patterns as new beings living in a new world with each and everyone aware of our ONEness. I can only imagine and feel into this moment where we dance and express ourselves freely again .The dancefloor so far is the only place that i found LOVE is expressed more easily by all present. Call me a conspiracy theorist i don’t care. I have witnessed the degradation of the clubbing scene and i feel that once more and more among us are able to face our darkness and love unconditionally ourselves and all others and forgive, creating by the same authentic joy from within, the clubbing scene will flourish again not because we need to dance to be happy but because we are happy within at all times and we celebrate our new found freedom together as ONE dancing and expressing freely as the ‘good old times’ with an important tweak from inside out that makes the whole difference of our existence as humanity that made it this time. Oh what a celebration this would be!!! and because i know this is already achieved in the higher dimensions, i already celebrate in this now by feeling into it more and more and playing music that i love and dancing even if there is nobody around that gets it so far 🙂 or maybe some of you really get it . So LET’s DANCE!!!!🥳💚🙂

Picture Credit :#MorningGloryVille

Meditation,Visualization, Celebration, Repetition. #feelmorethanfine

Truth revealed makes many angry. For your own good make it your intention to be loving & kind no matter what arises at all times. And if someone is angry around you or in your environment ,make sure to not take it personnally as every time that someone is angry ,this shows clearly their own battle with the Self. Also do not engage in any way because this may take you out of your own balance and centre. Mastery is about remembering at all times : IAM the Love , IAM the Light , IAM the Truth and this is the only real thing that i have the freedom to chooce to be and feel at all times .Remember a moment in your life where you had such a good time ,feeling satisfaction about everything that it did not matter what others around you say or do :Yes, you were in the clouds and while it is good to be grounded it also good to be and feel into that state as the more you practise this, the more you attract of the same experience. This is a vibrational Universe :What you feel and think ,you attract. Remember this next time you see a post on social media you disagree strongly or when you speak with a friend that may trigger you to loose contact with your foundational Truth. It sure takes practice and that is the reason that taking the time to go within 15-20 daily will boost your power to remain centered and calm at all times creating the reality you so wish to experience. And yet all we are asked to do is to be happy all of the time. Not happy with the conditions of the outside world but happy within which is the only authentic JOY as True Love is without conditions .Appreciation of All That Is and Eagerness for what is coming are the keys that allows us to operate with ease and grace and flow.

So to resume : Meditation, Visualization, Celebration, Repetition.

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Here is a nice Q&A about healing we had with a friend today.

Here is a nice Q&A we had today with a friend that asks support for some friends:

Friend :Nikos, can you send some healing energy to X?He is really not in a good mental state, very skinny, sad and very addicted still.And also to XX . She has cancer and needs to get treatment the following weeks and months.

Nikos :i can but instead of you asking for it, they must be the ones asking otherwise they do not receive and we both get karmic debt.Instead i invite you to do the following with me :visualize them in their own pure Lightin this now.Visualize them 100% healthy. See them moving on in their journey with ease and grace. See them in a green emeraude ray of healing as we ask the Angels to support them in their journey and if they want help all they need to do is ask and it will be given, but we can not mess up with their free will.💚🙏ps. it is very important to see them as capable as we were/are to get on with the energies and step out of the fear/disease mode.if we did it, they can also do it.that is how Jesus performed his miraclesbecause everyone believed so and Jesus saw them as they are in their Pure Light.

Friend I do that every day already … for X I have been doing that for 3,5 years now. For XX I see it clearly as welljust don’t know when what I see will occur.I always pray and say : I know they are strong enough! let their strength come out even more so they can save themselves and be happy and enjoy life just as I enjoy mineI know they can!!

Nikos :…even if you ‘know’, this does not mean they will 100% because it is up to them in their own plan to take action…practising detachement for expected results is the only way of unconditional love…in other words send them love and let go and let God.

Friend :By “knowing” I mean “feeling” and I send them love and light every day…Don’t interfere with anything…It’s like the birth of a bird out of an egg or a butterfly out of its cocoon. They need to struggle for their own (re)birth for them to be strong enough for the future.

Nikos :yes when you feel it, you help the collective not just them .Individual cases depend only on how each feel for themself…your power can not be transferred, they must do the work and give birth. Don’t worry, if they are already going through their dark night of the soul , it means they are already on their path. Darkness showing itself is a good sign. it is the only thing we can rejoice for now,for everything in Life because Light shows more darkness .

Meditate and Celebrate.



We’ve been told time and time again that Israel was the last step before things take a dramatic change for the highest good for all. There is a World War III raging to be announced as this is the only way for the sleeping masses to wake up. If you check one my latest posts about onboard flight MH370/ you will see evidence that the White hats are in control all this time and this movie needs to be played out as it does .Make your best to not identify with what takes place to be aware but to not make it your reality, to care but to not carry .This train leads to glory ,not everybody can see it, the intention is for as many as possible to see the Light at the end of the tunnel and to not be engaged verbally or in any other way if there is no real change happening from such action. We let the professionals do their work while we send silently our prayers and intentions for The Love and Light of God to be tangibly manifest in our physical world as it is already done in the higher dimensions which is the reason we say always LOVE HAS WON.YOU and I are more powerful through our focused intention to bring Peace than our minds can conceive. ps. on a side note you need to know that is very hard at times to take out terrorists in civilian zones where children are playing and where military must stop their operation to not harm any civilians and especially children always looking to do as less as possible collateral damage…the dismantling of the cabal teams happens in plain sight, they are the end of their end, take my word for that.Nikos

Touch & Play: Returns!

2021 is about making a conscious choice.The big question is…. “Do you want to shift into higher-vibrations and live in-love, joy and peace everyday, or do you want to live in the lower vibrations and be disappointed, annoyed, jealous, angry, upset and suffering from depression and anxiety?”It’s a simple choice that requires action, determination and a conscious effort to make it happen. I am choosing LOVE. This year “Touch & Play – It’s Magic” returns! And this is our first new video of our new collaboration in 7 years. It’s an aurasome mix of high vibing techno beats and aura painting that makes you shine!The aura painting has now been transformed into colourful smart phone covers (biodegradable for iPhone) and all the profits from the sales of these items will be donated to the children of Mbarara orphanage in Uganda! 🙂

You can follow them on:

You can purchase the Touch and Play smart phone covers at:

Here is our first YouTube video together in 7 years! Keep on shining Love Rebels!

24 Questions with Nikos Akrivos

Recently i have been interviewed by Or Aura, you may find my answers interesting (besides a free ebook with 30 raw vegan recipes i created is waiting for you 🙂

1. What’s your name?

Nikos Akrivos aka Feel More Than Fine

2. Where do you live?

Planet Earth, even though for the moment I am in Greece, I feel more a world citizen than anything else.

3. Do you consider yourself a creator? Of what in particular? What do you feel is your gift?
Yes, I AM a creator creating creations at all times and in everything I do. I feel any action I take, even when sitting and doing ‘nothing’ is a creative moment for the simple reason I know I am a multidimensional being. I might not be aware of all my other dimensional expressions while being in this costume called the human body yet I can feel that multiple shifts are happening in other dimensions. Now, if I have to contain this within human experience I can say that every moment I change, every moment I am more my Higher Self and so everything I do is a creative process as I allow more of what I am becoming to flow through me… I love playing music (DJ-ing), I love feeling into solutions that benefit the highest good for all, and I love to witness my manifestation mastery taking place faster and faster and stronger. This last one is really nice game I like to focus on and I like to combine all those 3 as I feel they complementary to my creative abilities.
I feel this is the difference I bring to the world. More is on the way and maybe the gift of all gifts is that one day ”handicaps will rise and dance with you” as The Angels told me 25 years ago in a channeled message 🙂

4. When were you aware the first time of the fact that you were gifted? And how did this impact you or your relationships at the time?

When I realized that everything that I wanted, manifested in my life and at times so fast that it took me some time to realize that I have already manifested what I wished for. Now, this can also be interpreted in a different way: when I was 12, a friend that I was in love with, got attacked by a bunch of hooligans, around 20 of them and I couldn’t take it, so I went up to them and told them to respect her and not touch her… They put me on the ground and started kicking me from everywhere and left me there, but miraculously I had no pain and I had no bruises either… Another incident: one day I told my mom: “You know the sports teacher told me I am an amazing athlete and I really have the gift to perform all sports amazingly”, which was a lie. Then the next day the sports teacher told me exactly what I said to my mother…they never met or knew each other… Of course, without me being aware of it, all this affected my relations with others in such a way that I ended up being surrounded by those with special abilities, which now I understand as the law of attraction and like attracting like.
When my truth came out, there were those that could not accept it and tried to make me change my mind or got angry with me… Now after all these years I became aware that I was channeling information and that information were the seeds that needed to be planted and grow… I did not know why my hand would start writing stuff in the middle of a party or why I would whisper mantras at friends’ ears while dancing in clubs, all I know is that it felt good to do so. I felt a release and the moment the words I feel more than fine came out of my mouth that is when I felt I started taking a new direction (I was 33 at the time) I left behind everything to create the new. To create a system that makes the current one obsolete… So I had to leave everyone behind and follow my heart and become more of a loner while of course having partners and lovers along this path and new friends too.
Read the full interview here + find the free ebook full of raw vegan recipes!

Visualize with me Prosperity for all Humanity

In the not so distant future every human being will be liberated from the burden of having to worry about all basic needs as this is a Human right and Basic Universal Income will be installed no strings attached. This means that whatever governments to do these days with giving monies to only those who do the vaccine and getting passport is conditional and hence does not apply to what i am speaking to you. It is obvious for one to see clearly that what they are trying to do is be able to control the flow and control the we the people but this can never succeed as we each and everyone are taking back our power as Sovereign Beings from within out, spreading our Light and exposing more of the darkness that has been happening for thousands of years without our collective awareness. Collective yes, because some knew and tried to let know others and lost their lives while others just chose to sell their souls and work for the darkness.

Now to this realization and since this website is always about feeling good and living a joyful life i want to invite you to visualize with me what freedom will do to people’s lives and how this will affect the planet towards reaching a higher state of existence individually and collectively. How would this affect your personal life ,what would you do if you had every month in your account say 1200$ / month or more ?

Imagines that all utility bills ,rent ,food , water etc are being taken care of .What will be your next choice ?

Spend more time with family and friends ? Find new ways to inspire yourself ? Getting more on the Spiritual Wheel of Life of Love and Light which btw is the only real one ?

How will people behave all around us ? How would children behave around more relaxed adult parents and how much comfortable and with ease would be the lives of the boys and girls finishing college , not really knowing or decided what their orientation is, yet having amply the time to feel into what they like to do most and being able to follow their heart’s song ?

That goes also for all adults that never in the lives previously had such opportunity.

I believe Covid year was a good preparation for that and yes many have left us physically to assist us from the other side of the veil as nobody really dies.

I believe that there is nothing more important that doing the sacred work to find The True Self and with the ease that the new financial system will bring in covering basic needs each and everyone is given the chance to focus on their Ascension path from Human To Galactic.

So i invite you to visualize with me how our lives will be transformed with more ease on Gaia Terra Christa Mother Earth with these new changes being implemented. I invite you to feel into these moments and practice this daily as to entrain yourself into living a New Earth reality on a planet that works for all ,where The Highest Good for all is served.

Nikos Akrivos

555 Stargate reminder.

Don’t forget the quantum shift begun officially on 555 (5 May 2021) because we collectively were ready for it ,which allows higher frequency energies of Love and Light from The Central Galactic Sun perceived as Solar flares to reach us. One easily notices that our Sun ‘burns’ much more than before but that does not mean it is dangerous :it really feels good to absorb the sunrays ,more than ever.For not being triggered into wrong actions the ‘trick’ is to always make 2 steps back and breath, Let go and Let God. And when i speak of Let God i mean action through inspiration and not because one must or should do so. Higher Self has the answers while mind tries to engage into physical action. One will notice that it feels more than fine to act through guidance from Higher Self and totally the opposite when one tries to keep on doing things the old 3D ways. Once again, take what you resonate with and leave the rest.Namaste.#feelmorethanfine

How do i destroy chemtrails?

As soon as i see a plane flying by, i am having first a good laugh thinking : oh there you are again, you are so afraid of Humanity waking up that you now are trying once again to hide the sunrays even though you know you already lost the game and that Love has won. Then i am sending love to the pilot and then i call upon The Violet Flame of Saint Germain, The Angels of the Violet Flame and The Crystals and The Ascended Golden Eyed Dragons(only those are of the light) and Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst asking them to support the expansion of these clearing energies to transmute all and to raise the frequency for all.A few minutes staying in these energies and voila the work is done.

I Speak Only of What I Want.

One can choose to speak for ever about what doesn’t go well at any level personal or global. And one can choose to notice and speak of only of the GOod stuff he/she notices and only of what she/he wants. Both are right in their perspectives, with the first the big majority or part of the world agrees while the 2nd is called a happy dreamer. Only one of the 2 is a Master Creator. Can the Master Creator demonstrate this to the rest of world ?

yes, at some point when enough momentum is reached and when this happens, the world will say : what a lucky guy/gal. But a true creator knows that he/she had to work on it from their depths of their being feeling GOod to the very deepest of their guts, he/she has practised for so long feeling good that at the end all projects and manifestations happen like a domino falling at geometric speed and when this happens the whole world is uplifted, simply because the Master Creator has focused enough to make what he/she wants TRUE.


Nikos Akrivos

Raise Your Frequency (Touch and Play Special DJ SET)

⭐⭐The infamous duo ‘Touch & Play’ returns! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐This time We Are Unlimited! ⭐⭐⭐We’re bringing you a very special co-creative interactive online experience that expands from Greece to Spain and beyond! 🔉😎Kicking off with DJ Nikos Akrivos spontaneously playing a set on either Sunday and sharing through Facebook Live on both our FB walls 🙂 This will then be recorded and later this week, I’ll do a Facebook Live session of Aura Painting to Nikos Akrivos recorded DJ set, of the energy of the beautiful people present, and watching! 🙂 So keep an eye-out on our walls 🤩🧐and join in the joy!Be in the Flow and You’ll Catch the Vibe! 🙂#FacebookLive#shining#touchandplay#collaberations#techno#highvibes#joy#love#bliss

IAM the Future Self of Humanity.

Hi, this is the Future Self of Humanity speaking in the here and now.

Do no harm is my law.

I am in service for a planet that works for all.

I am working on a fair financial system that assists each and everyone to have all they need so they don’t have to worry about working for a living and instead do what they really love and through that be in service for the highest good for all. Basic Universal Income for all will be the manifestation of this.

I am working to make sure that all children worldwide are safe and sound.

I am working on bringing forward the celestial chambers/medbeds that are able to heal any disease in less than 3 minutes.

I am working on bringing forward free energy to be used all over the planet, exactly as my brother Nicola Tesla dreamed of with a few tweaks here and there as many other inventors are waiting for their inventions to be recognized and supported.

I am working on creating eco sustainable communities that are self sustained in harmony with Mother Earth and the use of Technologies that respect this harmony.

I Am the Future Self of Humanity.

I am working on finding new ways to clean the oceans and the rivers.

I am working on Holistic Care and Ascension Centers for all Humanity and Animal Kingdom.

I am working on creating more plant based restaurants in balance with The Ascension of humanity.

I am working on creating Conscious celebration with art, music, meditation and dance in nature.

I am working on bringing humanity to immortality awareness as a collective.

I am working on creating new infrastructure for amazing mobility and intergalactic connection

I am working on making sure that every human has the roof of their liking of their head in the area,city,town of place they want to live.

I Am the Future Self of Humanity.

I Love You Humanity.

I am here with you right now.

I am Ascended.

I am 5D.

Joy is guiding my existence.

Authentic Joy from Alignement with The Supreme Creator, Mother Father God and Source of All Creation.

I am The Future Self of Humanity.

My biggest strength is compassion and forgiveness. My Light Armor is assisted by The Archangelic ,Angelic and Elementals and Elohim and Crystals Kingdom.

My Light Armor consists of the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity :

I AM safety,security,protection,Divine Will,Divine Order and Resolve I AM

I AM Divine Wisdom and Illumination I AM.

I AM Love, Light ,Truth and Humility I AM.

I AM Ascension and Purity ,The Ressurection and The Life I AM.

I AM Excellent Well Being and A Master Healer IAM.

I AM Divine Grace and Harmony and The Pure Christed Light Radiating out infinitely I AM

I AM Forgiveness,Freedom,Receptivity,Balance of Divine Feminine and Masculin,Transmutation I AM

I AM Clarity I AM

I AM Balance and Understanding I AM

I AM Peace, Abundance and Prosperity I AM

I AM Joy, Enthusiasm , Passion , Fun , Laughter and Playfulness I AM

I AM Transfiguration and Transformation I AM.


I AM The Future Self of Humanity here and now , I AM.

And So It Is.

Nikos Akrivos

Feeling GOod.

It can be irritating with the speed that things seem to move in the physical world.And all we have is NOW.So better make good use of it,instead of wanting at all cost to be right for any matter at hand,even when one knows there is truth in what they share.It all comes back to feel the Love that one really is. One can not do this by blaming any other as any other is a mirror to the self.Yes to be aware and look to feel the love and be the love no matter the circumstances is the true mastery that any human is called to work on in this phase of our existence as a collective,it has always been like that,only now the energies are calling for a much larger awakening.The true meaning of life in my sense is to intend to feel good most of the time and when it is not so,do what needs to be done to find it from within out.I can not do this with words i share here for anyone but myself and so goes for anyone.The more one realizes their power as Love,as a positive vibrational frequency,the more their world becomes a better place to live in with all one wishes in it including everybody else as one understands that ALL IS ONE and ONE IS ALL.From this place caterpillar has permanently moved to Buttefly existence.And the more butteflies one feels within the more their ability of soaring in infinite possibilities expands.Pure Magic.#feelmorethanfine

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