Information Is Light And You Can Process Any Knowledge Into Light -Archangel Gabriel



I come as the Archangel who makes announcements and delivers news. I come to announce that you are approaching a turn of Events that will be acute as a result of a truth being exposed in the media that will shake the world to its core. It will not be DISCLOSURE as the lightworkers hoped it would happen, but something of a critical nature.  The magnitude and consequences of the revelations will be so enormous it will make people feel sick as if they had been punched in the belly. This has already been announced as a peak in disclosure to take place in March to April 2016. However, this peak will not be in the sense of a crest as if disclosure could not go any further, but in the sense that a climax of conditions, that has been in preparation, will hit its highest point, with the result that this disclosure, accompanied of sensationalism, will take place. It will cause alarm and outrage. Attention will be drawn to the enormity of the conspiracy that has been going on and will cause the world to awaken. At the same time this event will be like a blast that will kick-start the world into a proper phase of disclosure. It will be fireworks.

Behind the scene of the mainstream media, on the internet, there is a movement and atmosphere of agitation with predictions in relation to the collapse of the dollar, the economy and financial system. There is a war in the media with cross fires of information and disinformation. Analysts and academics, as well as representatives of governments and large organizations, are called to the rescue for an opinion on the perception of Reality of those agencies which do not carry out a duty of information any more but seem to disseminate propaganda in the service of the dark forces because they cause divisions, confusion, and fuel the blame game of false flag attacks. A force is still attempting to trick the nations to unleash an apocalyptic World War III but is deluded. When you hear a politician whose views are based on common sense it is a relief – when the rest of the world seems to have gone insane with the same old deception and outdated stories which cover-up the machinations of the secret agenda of control.

But I have only tried to present to you a picture of the underlying situation.  It is brewing to a boiling point, to a point of outburst that will bring about the Event that I am announcing. I have not mentioned a name to reveal who, at the top of the pyramid of great deceit, is going to be stripped of his credibility. I have sent a mental image of who it is to the emissary of this message. This is going to bring great turmoil in the political affairs but will be followed by a great renewal in relation to that mechanism in which those who preside over the people, in a certain nation in particular, are being replaced.

This turn of events will be deserved by those who have betrayed the trust of a Nation that was to be an example of democracy with a Constitution inspired by Saint Germain, and so dear to his heart. The time has arrived when there can no longer be any secret machinations and conspiracies of wars for economic gain and wealth that ends in the pockets of a few. They are those that are being removed. The decree has been passed that they must be rounded up, or else the Earth Herself will not ascend. They turned against the people whom they were supposed to lead and serve. They made slaves of the them in every way, and impoverished them, depriving them of their homes, and poisoned them with chemical trails while diverting monies for the secret escape they planned to the Stars, of their Alternative projects, which they found could not be realised because of the blockade that the Blue Avians and their Sphere Alliance have enforced around Earth and the Solar System. This is a large, but yet incomplete, picture of the scenario of reality that is a prelude to the grand and terrible blow about to happen. A Damocles Sword has been hanging over the head of these fallen ones, particularly since last year, 2015, as the year of enlightenment is upon you. Heaven has decreed ‘Enough is enough’. Now is the beginning of that Phase of Enlightenment that starts with a shaking up of the world. I am blowing my trumpet to announce to the world it is time to step upon that Path of the resurrection of civilization, of healing those wounds of an atrocious past, and of liberation from a deception that caused beautiful angels to be inhibited by the shackles of their own creation.  They could only be delivered from this captivity by spiritual tools, such as those provided by Archangel Michael’s and Mighty Astrea’s circles and swords of Blue Flame.

Mankind must be freed from its misconceptions, its mind set, and place its feet upon the path of enlightenment to recreate a civilization that will be represented in the Galactic Federation of Light. A new Gaia and golden age will then be recreated. We are all working together in unison, in a sacred relationship, to achieve this goal. Be vigilant as the astral forces of darkness, though in disarray, present a greater danger at this time, just as does a wounded beast. They are still attempting to attack the light in the light workers.  It is best to ask for a reinforcement of your protection. Avoid getting extremely overworked and tired, or spending long periods of time using your intellectual capacities in front of computers, as it can result with a lowering of your vibration. You may know what I mean because if you then enter into meditation, prayer, or spiritual practice, in the love and peace of your Divine Self, or in communication with the Masters and Archangels, you will notice the difference. You should feel uplifted, as if you have literally been pulled up by balloons, upon the ladder of the dimensional consciousness. Do not be concerned about the process of receiving information if a subject is disturbing as information is Light and you can process any knowledge into light. With Archangel Michael and other great beings of Light at your side, there is no fear, and you are being protected.

I am now parting to attend to my duties to further bring Heaven, as the Divine Will, upon Earth, instructing, teaching bringing more Light to the hearts of the people to lift the world, and I send you love on the wings of the words of my announcement. Archangel Gabriel.



And Talking about Trumpets:

The sounds you hear from the beginning of this track i produced lately are recorded in various locations around the world by people being witnesses of so called Trumpets of Heaven like in the bible announcing the arrival of Galactic Spaceships and landings on Earth.
I believe it is all true and by march and april 2016 Spaceships on Earth atmosphere will be a common thing.
Just letting you know a little bit of the story of this track as we are writing history together all humanity as one.Really amazing times!!!

Nikos Akrivos

Changing a planet of more than 7 billion souls from a prison planet to a Paradise -Father God

Awake! Awake! There Are Lightworkers All Around You! 
by Father God through Kathryn
Photo Credit: “March to Arunachala”
Father God:
My Beloved Children, it is a time of revolution and evolution in your galaxy, and you and your planet are at the center of the action.  Much of what you took for granted has been turned on its head in just the last moments.  It may seem to you when the news reports finally hit the mainstream, that all this happened in a flash, but I can tell you it has been hundreds of years in the making, and more.
The process of changing a planet of more than 7 billion souls from a prison planet to a Paradise is a monumentally complex effort in this age of global computer systems, multinational corporations, political and financial dealings that span continents, and a centralized power structure that controlled it all in surreptitious and hidden ways.  Most of the population of the planet is still unaware of the vast influence wielded by those who controlled the food supply, the weather, the energy resources, and every major banking institution on the planet.
It is actually a blessing that not everyone was aware of how completely controlled was their fate.  It would have been crushing to the human spirit to know that nearly every deck was stacked against you, that your destiny was not your own, and that until now you would not have been able to truly reach a state of independence or freedom from the iron fist of the secret dark orders who controlled the planet.  For some, it was better to believe for a time that they could climb the ladder of success to become rich and powerful themselves.  It would have been too depressing for words if everyone had been aware of the true reasons for their unhappiness and their difficulties.
It will be a gradual process of awakening for some of Earth’s children, yet a steady one.  Meanwhile, in the most unexpected places, awareness grows by leaps and bounds, about the issues that affect people’s lives most deeply:  the question of whether food, water and soil should be allowed to be polluted and befouled in the name of profit; the aching question of whether police ever have a right to kill a teenager just because he appears to be behaving wildly, and the deep sadness of knowing that millions of children and animals across the globe are refugees held in hostility and deprivation.
I am not suggesting that you should feel bad about the state of your world now.  I am preparing you for the time when the truth will be revealed to you, and you will be shocked to know how pervasive and deep the connection really was between those who controlled the planet’s wealth and resources and the suffering you have seen and experienced across your planet.  It is not a story we will tell to condemn or punish the perpetrators.  It has gone far beyond that.  There is no punishment that could restore the dignity of entire races, or replace the devastated homelands of those who have been displaced by cynically instigated wars for profit.  No, the revolution will not be fought this time.
You are now making a transition, deep within yourselves.  You are discovering how deeply you care about your family, your own emotional and spiritual growth, and the conditions your children will face as they grow into adults in the new world.  You want to shape that world into something that will allow individuals to flourish and communities to prosper.  You, in your heart of hearts, long to see your fellow humans happy, safe and thriving.
Your Heartfelt Prayers & Actions Have Created the Change
You will have what you have longed for, because your longing, praying and reaching to find ways to make life better for yourself and others has created the solution you thought was impossible.  It is a simple law of the Universe that what you envision and yearn for you create, especially when that yearning focuses on the Greater Good.
You are a tender-hearted lot, Dear Humankind.  Only by torturing you with worry and fear have the dark ones been able to subdue your passionate impulse to reach out to each other in love and compassion.  The wonder is not that they were able to succeed in suppressing your natural desire to be loving.  It is that they had to apply such drastic, relentless and sadistic practices to even slow you down.
You have shown your mettle, Beloved Humankind.  As Mother God and I have increased our Light energy on your planet, you have used it to lift yourselves and your loved ones.  You have been patient when it was the kindest approach, and you have forged ahead whenever you saw an opening.  When two or more of you have gathered in our name, miracles happen.
Look how you have changed in the past few years.  “Paying it forward” has become a mantra, an excuse to devise a joyful prank, and the source of inspiration for others to outdo one another finding the most creative and ingenious ways to amuse and inspire others.  “Flash mobs” of talented musical groups surprise shoppers in malls and town squares with uplifting, celebratory performances, just because it delights everyone involved.  You have changed, Dear Ones.  You no longer hold back out of fear or shyness from offering your heart-felt friendship and compassion when you see an opening or a need.  You leap, and the results create a splash in the community pond that resonates in every heart.
Across your world, spontaneous acts of Love send sparks like great fireworks shooting into the atmosphere around you.  It ignites others, and now where we used to see solitary small bonfires dotted across your world, we witness a Jubilee of Light shining through and all around you.  This is how you have changed your world, one individual action at a time.
We Love to Celebrate With You
You are feeling our increasing Love and Light pouring down on you, are you not?  It is not an impersonal thing, this blessing we are sending you.  We look adoringly on you, moved by your beautiful efforts to be loving and kind, your love for your children, your animals and yourselves.  At this very moment, as Kathryn works with me to create this message, we see little Che’, the powerful Chihuahua healer, pressed now against our Christine to help her transmute the dislodged toxic Earth energies.  We rejoice with his family over the fact that he just finished a healthy dinner, after several weeks of being “off his feed.”
In the same way, we love to see you rejoicing at a celebration dinner where all of you push back your chairs in contentment, joking and laughing together, well fed and glowing with pleasure.  We are with you, glowing when we see you happy.
You were not aware were you, that we love to attend weddings and birthday parties?  We especially like the ones for little toddlers and old people.  Blowing out the candles, or singing songs to celebrate the birthday person thrills us too, because we remember your birth, your contracts and your past lives, and we celebrate all of it with you.  At last we are entering a glorious time on Earth when all humankind will experience the glow of plenty, every day. Starvation, poverty and slavery will quickly become a distant memory, and we are as happy to see this new day dawn as you are.
It is possible for us to speak of these happenings and to see them clearly as present events, because they are.  We see the timeline you are on and know the inevitability of the events we describe because we are living them as completely as we do things that are happening in this now moment or in the “past.”  We have learned not to give you dates and times, because even the most definite timeline can warble in terms of the time required to experience the events.  This has happened several times on the way to this release of Prosperity Events, but the inevitable always comes, just as we experience it here in the timeless dimensions.  We can see the infinitesimal moment between you and a sparkling host of glorious events; you have only to breathe, lift your spirits and your eyes to the skies, and we are there.
Let the Force Be With You
We have asked Archangel Michael, the Editor-in-Chief of this Newsletter, to help Christine gather certain postings from “Dinarland” experts on the ground who have accurate and timely short messages about the progress across the globe in the area of economic reform.  It may seem odd to you that a “spiritual” newsletter would contain political and financial news, but my Dear Children, your Mother God and I are intimately involved in the unfolding of this historic shift that will bring freedom from debt slavery – the heavy chains that money has built for humankind.  It is of utmost importance to us that Saint Germain’s efforts succeed, and that our Boots on the Ground complete the necessary work to form new structures of governance to oversee and protect your new freedoms!
Art: Alex Grey
We encourage you to watch with us in joy as the first news reports of these long-held secrets begin to surface.  The secrecy was absolutely necessary, you see, because it convinced the supposedly secret cabal that they were still in power, while behind the scenes, everything was made ready.  Many of your leaders, including Barack Obama, were well aware of the monumental changes the Light is bringing in during these days; in fact, it was his Mission to keep a steady hand on the rudder, sailing his great ship through stormy seas, carrying the energy of compromise, negotiation and beneath it, Love.
Few have understood the sensitive mission of the leaders of this age.  It was their calling to avoid dangerous controversy and breast-beating antics while building relationships and collaborating with other undercover Lightworkers around the world.  All the while it was in the best interest of peace to appear to make compromises that would contradict their basic agenda, because they knew it would not matter in the end.  They could remain in their positions safely only by speaking a new language – one for the enlightened followers who could see the basic goodness of their character, and one for the enemies who would have sabotaged every effort to build a new world if they really saw what a threat to their power these good people were.  At times, this message came through in both languages in the same sentence. These adept multi-dimensional leaders are good actors, deeply spiritual beings, and Masters in every sense.  Their patience and heartfelt dedication to the greater good will be legendary in ages to come.
Celebrate with us now, Beloved Ones, these heroic leaders who risked everything in the most dangerous age ever to dawn on Earth.  You may not yet know their names and titles, but if you look closely, not at every small action, but at the energy of their character, the twinkle in their eyes, the great love they show for their families and their people, and even at the intense resistance they have engendered in their enemies, you will learn a new way to detect integrity and loving service.
Open your minds, my Dearest Ones, to see the Light in those around you.  I ask you to use the powerful technique our beloved Eoghan (pronounced Owen) gave you in his channeling through his Twin Flame on last week’s radio show, (link).   Here is a true path to discernment, a reliable technique that will show you the truth:  Look at each person as if you were their Twin Flame, the loving higher dimensional Twin Soul who knows the depth of their Being, their character, and the true intentions of their heart.
Many of those on the world stage today (and those behind the scenes) are much more than they seem.  Leave behind the old ways of judging, evaluating, picking at what you see on the surface.  Leave all preconceived notions of ideology, rightness, alignment with formerly understood political, religious and social mores, and feel with your hearts.  You are going to be amazed, I promise you.  There are many ways to find the path to Love – as many as there are beings on Earth.
Be assured that God is everywhere, waiting to be revealed.  You are each discovering your deep connection to us, feeling our Love and our commitment to you.  So it is with everyone around you.  Do not fear the changes in your world, my precious Humankind.  We are with you, we love and protect you in every moment.  You are our hands and our hearts, and we rely on you always to bring forth the brilliance you are capable of.  We trust you.  Look around you.  You will see your brethren awakening just as you are.   You are not alone.
We are One.  Your Mother God and I love you eternally.
I am your Father God.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 18 February 2016)

What Is Ascension – Gabriel Raphael

Dear ones,I want to clear something about Ascension:It is NOT the fact of meeting with our galactic brothers and sisters after the landings happen.This is rather one of the joys awaiting  those who  do their work to stay in High Frequencies WITHIN their being which results in  being able to see the ships that vibrate in very high frequencies.When we are in High Frequencies everything that comes close to us becomes too as states the resonance law in physics:the lower frequency will always meet the higher frequency.I dreamed about one of those ships last night meeting with the captain of it which was a pretty bearded beautiful man radiating unconditional love and explaining with a big smile how to grow seeds aboard his ship.Some of us are able to dream about it and others  are able to communicate telepathically with them being able to channel messages benefiting those who are attracting such information whenever asking the right question to themselves.To ask the right question to ourself there is one thing that works best :To Pray and Meditate and then do some Google or Youtube research as Internet is a great conductor of energies.By praying i don’t mean to just say a prayer we learned when we were a child but rather being in a state of feeling grateful and in peace for what is while asking our Angels to guide us through  and being alert of the message we receive,this inner voice that we need to start to trust.Ascension we feel it within,sometimes it feels like we are getting sick which is definitely not the case.When this happens ,it is a message that we need to relax,have a nap and give our body enough rest to be able to process the huge amount of light passing through.Ascension is a question about how much light we can house in our body.We tend also to need less food and fasting regularly even for few hours or half a day is a good way to become aware of the energies.I personally like to go to bed early,latest at 22h then waking up around 03-04 o’clock and doing my one hour meditation.I almost never skip this one ,unless i feel really tired, it gives me a lot of balance in my manifestations.This meditation includes a reiki cleansing i do on myself,an energetic shower to purify myself.Clear ideas come then,i can remember and write down my dreams ,create music or write a blog as i am doing right now.When i start feeling tired,i go back to bed and then i tend to have the most amazing lucid dream experiences.Keeping a window open to let fresh air come through is equally important as much as hydrating ourself and staying grounded with Mother Earth (walking barefoot/ taking of our shoes while meditating/dancing/practising yoga in nature).

As Father Mother God recently said:Do Everything You Can to Remain on High Frequency .To Be Joyful which i express by saying Feel More Than Fine!

Eating High Vibrational Foods like for example Raw Vegan / Alcaline   Kitchen helps to raise our frequency too.



Here is a blog i share  about  Self Cleaning Energies Technique and Grounding/Centering

We Are One.


Gabriel Raphael aka Nikos Akrivos

Holistic Life Coach and Musician



Do What You Can To Raise Your Frequency – Prime Creator

Father Mother God talks  through Channel Susie Beiler about different themes that are so important in this timeline of our existence  such as:

-Hollow Earth

-Ascension Symptoms

-Change of Bodies after Ascension.

-New Technologies


-Mastery of The Physical Body

-Food and Drinks Will Be More Pure after the collective shift.Stay Hydrated.Have Clean Food.

-Develop a relation with our physical being to bring the joy maintaining a high frequency (which i personally call Feel More Than Fine 🙂

-What Is God?The Highest Energies of Love and Light.An Expanded way of Being.The Ultimate Expansion.

-Channels of Receptivity.

-Releasing Implants and Programs.

-We Are At 88% of Critical Mass

-Ask In Our Meditations Our Brothers and Sisters To Awaken To Their Truth.This is not manipulation,we ask without attachment.

-Patience.We move along quite quickly.

-Many Systems are Destructive.Each Thought and Action contributes to Heaven On Earth or The Old Paradigm we wish to leave.

-Money:Bless The Currency That Flows To Us.Currency is an energy of flow.Offering blessing to this flow.

-Acceptance and Gratitude are Keys for our Ascension.

Worldwide Synchronized Meditation March 11, 12 & 13 New Delhi, India

Let’s keep the momentum going!
Millions of people participated in the Syrian Prayer Vigil, and the impact was absolutely amazing. Now it’s time to take the next step. It’s time to heal the Heart of the Mother itself!
James Twyman and will be present with three and a half million people at the World Culture Fest in New Delhi, India, and over 10 millionhave already committed to join in the world synchronized meditation. Our goal is for at least 100 million people to stop for 15 minutes at noon in their own time zone March 11, 12 & 13 to heal the heart of our Planetary Mother. What better place than Mother India to focus such a revolutionary meditation.
Our ultimate goal is to attract at least a million people to be part of an international community that is ready and prepared to respond prayerfully whenever a world crisis occurs in the world. (If you singed up on, then you are already part of that team.) Over the next month, before the India meditation, we will promote this vision far and wide, and with your help, we will reach out goal of creating a New Earth.
The Fun has just begun!

We Design Our Own Life Plans/ You Are Our Heroes -Sananda

Greetings, I want to talk with all of you about Love.  I love talking about Love.  Yours, mine, ours.  During this time of monumental change, it is important to rest easily in Love, because it is the best life-preserver there is.  Love buoys us up, carries us through the difficult or turbulent times.  That is my experience, is it not yours?
How often when things go badly for you have you turned to an old and trusted friend who has loved you through the good times and bad?  It may not change the conditions, but it certainly soothes the ache, doesn’t it?  And have you ever boarded a bus or subway at the end of a day that left you frazzled and then watched a baby gaze around and giggle at the people who smile at him?  It can warm your heart and melt away your cares to be in the presence of laughter – especially the laughter of a young child.
We Design Our Own Life Plans
All of us knew when we came here to Earth to live out a lifetime, we knew it would be difficult at best, because the conditions on the ground had deteriorated to the point where disease, pain and suffering came into every life.  No matter how privileged a life might appear from the outside, there truly have been no easy lifetimes on Planet Earth during the span of time which includes everyone who is alive now.  We came because we wanted to help, to uplift ourselves and our beloved planet, but we knew it would not be easy.  Once we had designed our life path with the help of loving Guides, angels and soul family, we submerged ourselves in the experience of lower dimensional Earth. We always came with hope and optimism that we would be able to bring the kind of Love we remembered from Home to our life here.  We were realistic about how much we hoped to accomplish, but we wanted most of all to bring Love to those we would share our lives with.
The conditions we knew in higher dimensions were serene, comfortable, filled with delight. Here at Home we are aware that we are immersed in the loving energies of Mother and Father God, and our soul family surrounds us always with unconditional love, Light and good humor.  We work hard in our positions as overseers of our incarnated loved ones, and we serve as members of Councils which discuss every nuance of how we can work with you to alleviate the suffering and bring about change.  These Councils have been working non-stop over the last many years to help bring about the massive shift you are now experiencing, but here we live in the knowledge that time is illusory, darkness has no definitive reality, and the Light is Home to all.  This gives us great comfort, even as our hearts ache for you as you continue to push forward so valiantly into the New Day.
Some of you are feeling intensely the discomfort of the rising frequencies, but it does not stop you from focusing on your chosen tasks – to transmute and clear away dark energies, hold the Light, provide laughter or shelter or food or inspiration for those who are suffering and feeling alone or discouraged.  We are especially admiring of your efforts because we know of the mental and emotional barriers you have had to break through to accomplish your mission.
So many of you there on the ground were taught some very strict and frightening things about God and his angels, his judgments and punishments.  Humanity as a whole has had little of the spiritual comfort of the sort we enjoy in higher dimensions.  Rules, threats of punishment and isolation are a constant danger in many cultures.  Dogma commonly encouraged one to shun or attack others not of their own beliefs.  These religious and social “rules” have created barriers where Love might otherwise have flourished.  Religions, in general, have had a stifling effect on friendship or love when it tries to cross boundaries. How many famous stories have told of the Romeo and Juliet dilemma:  true love squashed because families or cultures or countries must be served before the feelings of the lovers.  All this, Beloved Family, is about to come to an end.
You Are Our Heroes
You who are reading this have done a heroic job of changing the energetic atmosphere around you.  We look upon you adoringly and respectfully; you are truly our heroes, and we know each and every one of you as our brothers and sisters.  We know each other here so well, and we know the stories of the family members we each long to reunite with as this project comes to fruition.  We hold a sister’s hand, or stand with an arm around a brother as they watch over you, their loved ones who are in the thick of the fray on the ground.  Sometimes we do what feels like holding our breaths as we watch you take on difficult and dangerous tasks, straining your physical, emotional and mental resources beyond your capacity.  On Earth as in Heaven, we have all been working beyond our capacity, in the place beyond Creation, with the heartfelt encouragement of Mother and Father and all our loving Company of Heaven.
In Love and intimate solidarity, our hearts go out to our hard-working Twin Flames on the ground, the twin spark of our soul, the love that has endured throughout our eternity together.  There can be no separation between twin souls.  We could spend eternities in separate galaxies doing our Light work, but there would be no sense of isolation or loneliness, for we are forever connected by our shared heart-flame. We are like Mother and Father, who are inseparable in every way.  It could not be otherwise.
There has been a misunderstanding about the difference between a soul mate and a twin soul/twin flame.  It is very simple, really.  A twin soul/twin flame is literally our twin, the other half of our soul. Yet it is interesting to comprehend that although we share our soul essence, neither of us is less than whole.  A soul mate is just as it would sound in Australian vernacular:  A close and valued pal, friend, lover or family member.  Our soul mates are many and treasured; they share lifetimes with us over and over, helping us to fulfill the particular experiences and missions we have chosen.
We know before we come what part we will play for each other, so that the benefits accrue to all of us.  They may come as brother, father, teacher, lover or friend, as sister, aunt or closest confident.  Depending upon the requirements of a particular lifetime, they may even come as an arch enemy, a rival, a competitor, or a villain.  We choose to play these roles for each other because of the trust and familiarity we have developed over eons as a family group.
Every soul, even one who comes to this lifetime to live as a hermit, has such a loving and reliable family, always serving them whether incarnated or in spirit, and that family reaches far and wide, ultimately intertwined with every other family and soul group.  In the Home we share in higher dimensions, we are in loving acceptance of other groups who may come to interact with our family group.  This is what is happening now, with the arrival of families from all over the Universe who have come to join us in this historic Ascension of Planet Earth.  They come to learn and to Love, one and all.
The Skies Above You and the Air Around Are Filled with Love
It has been a concerted cabal program to make humankind think that all visitors from other planets must be invaders, conquerors with evil intent.  Of course that is absurd, because all ships and their inhabitants from the 5th dimension and higher are loving.  I want to reassure you, the story of the Ancharon Alliance and the danger, destruction, evil and imbalance they programmed and incited into this reality is not only at an end; it is not to be repeated.  At this very moment, there are billions of benevolent Galactic high dimensional beings in your skies, beaming their love and support, to assist you in your glorious Ascension.
Thanks to your tireless efforts to hold the Light on the surface and the stupendous achievements of the Galactic fleet under our Supreme Commander Ashtar, no invaders or cosmic accidents will be allowed to interfere with Earth.  Be assured that any significant event you experience in your life in this pivotal stretch on Earth is something you yourself planned.  This should bring you tremendous comfort and allow you to embrace your experiences as you go through your days.
Yes, you are still doing the clean-up and restoration, and our project to bring Light to all souls on Earth is gaining momentum.  Many of those who had temporarily aligned with cabal ideology are coming out of their hiding places to seek restoration in the Light, as the tattered Matrix crumbles into oblivion.  The day of hope fulfilled is upon us.
Sananda: Be My Valentine
Here is the inscription on my forever Valentine card to you, Beloved Earth Humans, as I stand on the deck of the New Jerusalem, in solidarity with all Beings of Light:
You are safe, my Beloveds, as never before
You are wrapped in our Love, forevermore
Dear Terra, Ascending, holds true to her duty,
Restoring dear Gaia to richness and beauty
As her children turn to each other in Love
They awaken and heal in the Light from above.
The Company of Heaven helps carry the banner,
You at one end and we at the other,
Our Bridge is resplendent, expanding Creation –
The Rainbow of Love arches over all nations.
While the HoneyLove flows from our Mother above,
We’re surrounded and safe in our Father’s great Love.
And this is my promise, Beloved Friends,
That this Valentine blessing never ends.
It is a pledge of Love that remains ever true;
Our Loving Hearts linger to usher you through
Your New Golden Age, this era foretold
By angels and prophets and sages of old.
We joyfully dance as we join hand in hand,
Peace love and forgiveness flow over the land.
I love you now and I ever will serve
I am your Sananda, I give you my word.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 15 February 2016)

You Already Live In A World Where Danger Has Ceased To Exist – Ashtar

Ashtar: Of the New Jeruselem starship.

Greetings, Beloved Children of God. It is I, Ashtar, coming to you from the bridge of the New Jerusalem. Of course, that is not strictly true. I am also projecting my being in many complex ways, as all of us in higher dimensions can do. I am connecting heart and mind with Kathryn as she sits in her sunroom typing this message, and I am with each one of you who is reading it, at the very moment you turn your eyes to read my words. Simultaneously, I am giving Christine my signature energy trill-hug, which she recognizes immediately.

You see, it is as natural as breathing for us to direct our energies in a multidimensional way, to be fully present in every encounter. Of course our abilities are not as far-reaching and all-encompassing as Mother and Father’s, but every time we raise our Light quotient, we gain more “wattage” within our beings. It is a thrilling process, this growing in Light. It is exhilarating to feel your own abilities expanding, is it not? You are experiencing the same process now in an analogous way: your Light is expanding, lifting you into more glorious abilities and awareness. You are the lower dimensional version of exactly what we are doing in higher dimensions right along with you. This does not imply that you are somehow doing less of a job than we are because you are currently in a lower dimension, on the contrary. At this time, we are all expanding at a tremendous rate to accomplish this shift of shifts now happening on on Surface Earth – and beyond. There is no better or greater. You are expanding to fulfill your great potential, as we stretch to expand our own Light.

You are now beginning to understand how valuable, how precious is your life there on Surface Earth. The learning you accomplish there – the hurdles leapt, the bridges built – are directly related to the growth of your Higher Self here with us. All efforts to be true to your inner Light are equally valuable, regardless of the dimension you may choose as your playing field. We see your heroic efforts to create Love in the face of all kinds of challenges: this is your brilliance, Beloved Humans.

You are not changed in your essence when you take on the human uniform for this experience; you are being given an opportunity to accomplish the nearly impossible. We all grow when we take on those kinds of challenges. The outcome is not the measure of success or failure. It is the steadfast adherence to Light and Love in the midst of it all that reveals our deep connection to Mother and Father – the living example of how we are made in their image.

We tell you this week through many sources, as you will see in this newsletter, that you have reached the Tipping Point. You have raised yourselves to a higher vibration of Light, enough to carry the whole collective and the planet herself to a higher plane of existence. It is difficult to find the words to describe what we see, because your languages refer so consistently to showing things as places, times, isolated events. We see your rise toward the Light as colors, sounds, illumination, energies, increasing waves of life-force emanating from your planet. Each of you is a growing point of Light, a part of the Universal Light. We applaud you wholeheartedly because we know how difficult it has been to hold steady while you are there, surrounded by doubters, naysayers and the dwindling and now toothless attackers who remain steadfastly “cabal.”

The simple meaning of the tipping point is that you now are creating and sustaining more Light than the cabal can suppress by trying to convince you to stop. They do not create darkness; they do not create anything. They were only able to gain power over Earth’s population by getting you to stop being who you truly are – Lightworkers all. As you have regained your birthright, removing the shackles of negative thoughts and feelings, your divine Light emerges triumphantly. This is the miracle you came here to create, and you are succeeding gloriously.

It is so important now that you hold steady, Dearest Brothers and Sisters. Continue to emit your brilliant Light. Keep expanding, the way a bud grows into a full-blown flower. Do not allow the last-ditch dramas, false flags and theatrically produced displays of violence and negativity to distract you. Keep your focus on us, on the hands we reach out to you and the great Light flowing to you now from the Great Central Sun, our Mother and Father God. Anchor deeply and permanently with Gaia. This stabilizes both you and her. Your past lives, your deep personal work and your willing heart have prepared you for this last great leap into a completely new life.

As you know, my Galactic team and I are overseeing the security for the important transactions that are taking place on Gaia in this phase of the Prosperity Programs. It has required the physical movement of great stores of gold and other precious instruments. Our Galactic and surface teams have accomplished this in synchrony with enormous legions of angels, coordinated by my brother and sister, Archangels Michael and Christine. We work together constantly, in complete harmony and with great joy, as we oversee this massive shift of wealth, out of the grasping hands of the cabal and into the loving arms of our generous, hard-working Lightworkers.

We can hardly wait to celebrate our beloved Boots on the Ground, the great heroes of this time, who have long worked under dangerous and difficult conditions, mostly in anonymity for their own safety. Of course, nothing occurs during this final phase that was not a pre-planned life contract. You are safe under our watchful eyes, and a pivotal part of the success of this great shift is your faith and trust, that even though you are performing services that would be considered difficult or risky, you are completely held in our adoring embrace.

As you all prepare to move from relatively modest circumstances to great wealth, we want to remind you that during this transition phase we wish for you to maintain just a bit of awareness as you move from place to place, especially when you are transporting anything of great value. Always call on us to overlight your movements, and we will instantly assign an extra security detail, both Galactic and Angelic, to accompany you, while we complete the “clean up” of those who would have enjoyed disrupting our work. And don’t forget to join us in celebration, great joy and excitement, but always combined with an aura of generosity, modesty and gratitude.

This temporarily low-key approach, which you have seen us use throughout this project, will not only allow all of us to accomplish our shared goal of spreading the blessings, but it will also create a gentle, high-vibrational atmosphere of abundance – the easy-going atmosphere we experience here in higher dimensions. After all, this is the goal of our magnificent project, is it not?

You are here to establish a global system without anxiety or want. An unwavering state of grace – the assumption that you are safe and loved – is the basis for creating the new world. True abundance must be experienced with joy and the knowing that life is not dangerous or arbitrary. This was the constant programming of the dark ones: “Be afraid!” I am offering to you the higher-dimensional alternative: “Be safe and secure in our Love.” You have come here to be of service, and it is our great pleasure to help pave the way for you. Join with us to celebrate our “un-Veiling.” As Michael Jackson’s song says, “You are not alone; we are here with you.”

Of course we have always been watching over you, but our close communication and your willingness to call on us has allowed us to increasingly ease the way for you, doing our part to “grease the wheels” as we move together into the New Golden Age, the dream we created together. The more you trust in us and take pleasure in our protection and Love, the greater our dispensation to offer more. And so the Love, abundance, joy and peace increase by the moment.

Can you conceive, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that you already live in a world where danger has ceased to exist? I assure you it is true. You are probably now thinking, “But Ashtar, there are still wars and terrorists and crazies with guns all over the place!” Even if that were true, which it is not because such reports are now the stale waning cabal production of over-exaggerated and invented fear-mongering headlines, it would still have no bearing on your own survival. If it is not part of your soul contract to leave the planet now, then you will not do so. The mainstream media (most of what appears on television) is in its last gasp of working overtime to find stories of violent crime to fill their “news” spots.

ISIS was a creation of the CIA, Mossad and Saudi cabal “intelligence” agencies in order to perpetuate instability in the Middle East. It is already failed to create a profitable World War III because humanity has begun to see the manipulations and lies and are increasingly unwilling to resort to violence against their neighbors. World leaders, including Putin, Obama, Abadi, Rouhani, Merkel, Troudeau, Pope Francis and others are intensively meeting and talking behind the scenes with the ancient Chinese and other ancient families to bring peace, mutual trade, and separation from the iron fist of the U.S. cabal. Syria will soon be shepherded through the current conflicts with help from Russian and Chinese benefactors.

ISIS recruiters and trainers will be captured and unmasked as the fraudulent interlopers they really are, and the resources that have long been pilfered from the war-torn countries of the world will be returned to their rightful citizens. Extensive rebuilding in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and countries all across Africa and South America will flourish this spring, will be generously funded by Prosperity Funds and enthusiastically aided by volunteers and Lightworker experts from around the world. Your Galactic friends are preparing to join the legions of joyful participants who will help organize the global jubilee we are all anticipating.

The changes that are about to take place in your world will be so swift and so far-reaching, it will seem to you that you have awoken one morning to find that the world of struggle, violence and chaos you were immersed in was really a dim nightmare. The New Earth will burst onto the scene, as the old saying goes, like an overnight thousand-year success. You see, Dearest Friends, the danger has already passed, the era of peace prophesied and created, and the details prescribed, down to the last child to be pulled from the rubble of the old reign of terror. You can breathe now, build your Pillar of Light, reach out to touch the first person you encounter in friendship and compassion, and join with us in joyful celebration. We are here, we have triumphed, and we are in Love.

I am Ashtar, your loving brother. Salut!

(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 10 February 2016)

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Healthy Dance Events -The New Underground Is Here.

Educational programs to ban for ever the existence of any kind of toxins -such as alcohol,drugs,cigarettes,meat etc- in our world and specifically in the clubbing and dance scenes are being put in place as we talk.
This is one of the New Earth Realities taking full effect as Humanity becomes aware of its holiness.
Such a program is Feel More Than Fine/The Party that Nikos Akrivos,Dj & Holistic Life Coach, has been experimenting on since 2010 , kickstarted in Ibiza.

‘From the day i discovered the negative aspect of alcohol specifically in my body it made even bigger sense to me that there is something wrong in our world.One drop of alcohol is enough to take us away from our divinity and connection with higher self.It has been very hard work to share this message with the clubbing scenes.

My Greek ancient ancestors used to celebrate by drinking fruit juices and eating raw vegan food while being entertained with their favourite music of that time.I am doing the same thing,the only difference is that i have spent the most amazing times of my life in Ibiza for the last 18 years where Electronic Dance Music is the queen.We had few people attending our events,not more that 20 but all of them felt the positive effects of it,the next morning they wake up.No secondary effects and a great happy sensation that lasted for few days as most have witnessed.
We are now ready to take it to the next level as humanity awakens ,there are so many reasons to celebrate brothers and sisters,join our community right here to  learn more or be part of our events across the world.








These are the Beginning Times as you are ushering in an era of Peace, Abundance and Prosperity never known on this Sacred Orb.

Saint Germain: 
It is I, St. Germain.  I am that voice that has spoken to you and guided you since you were a wee, small child. It is I, along with Archangel Michael, who have guided and protected you through the perils of your life that you might reach this Day of Graduation. Your journey has been arduous and there were times when your life hung in the balance. Joyously, you have completed the groundwork for the great Mission that you accepted before coming into physicality. You are now set to matriculate and to begin this great work of ending hunger and degenerative disease on this sacred planet that we call Terra or Gaia.
You have been led to be part of a community of great Warriors of the Light. Indeed, they were led to bring together a great global assembly of Divinely Inspired Beings who are Gladiators of Truth and Warriors of the Light, for make no mistake, you have all been involved in a Battle for the Hearts, Minds and Souls of your Brethren. We have given you, Dear One, the great honor to deliver this message to your fellow spiritual Warriors at this most auspicious moment in time.
All of you who read this message have suffered greatly in bringing forth the beauty of this day. We have heard your pleas, crying out in pain over the losses you have endured. When you accepted this great undertaking, you, as a Divine Being, agreed to forfeit the memory of whom you are as part of a Great Experiment and to accelerate your Souls growth by finding the goodness inherent within you and returning to the Light. Many of you have thought that you lost everything, gave up everything and some have even wondered, “Why me?” Did it ever occur to you that these losses were necessary to prepare you for the enormous wealth that many of you will control? We have heard many of you reflect on the fact that so many in this Global “Dinar” community find themselves in such dire circumstances, even those who had enjoyed great wealth. Each of you agreed on a Soul Level to experience these losses so that you would never take for granted the bounteous blessings that are about to be manifested.
For those of you with great money and physical resources, when you passed a homeless person, many of you averted your eyes, not wanting to see their lack and their hopelessness. This is no longer the case. When you see the homeless now, you do not say “There but for the Grace of God go I . . . You say, There go I.” Their pain is no longer an abstraction to you. You feel their pain now in such a deep and visceral way, you are overcome with a Compassion and Love for them that you could never have known had you not walked in their shoes. This has been part of your preparation to be Great Stewards of these Blessings that are coming to you from Heaven. The words of the Great Poet John Donne ring with this truth today, as when they were written 500 years ago:
“Any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in Mankinde;
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;         It tolls for thee….”
When Sananda or the one that you know as Yeshua ben Joseph or Jesus the Christ, walked this Earth, he was a very learned Rabbi. He was indeed a Sacrificial Lamb and started the process that is finally culminating at this time. You might say that he was the First Martyr. The only time that He lost his temper was when He was in the Temple of Solomon and he overturned the tables of the Money Changers. I hope that it is not lost on you that we are now recapitulating that time and invoking his mighty wrath against those who have enslaved you by the use of lies, trickery and chicanery. Their time is over. They will no longer be permitted to harm you or to harm our beautiful Gaia.
Christ did not come to start a church or to be worshipped. He came to end the tyranny of the Mosaic Laws and to replace those laws with a New and Everlasting Covenant. This Covenant is simple in its purity: Thou shall Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And the second Covenant is like unto it: Thou shall Love thy neighbor as thyself. He did not hold himself out to be better than his Disciples. When asked about his Miracles, he very humbly said, “These things that I do, you shall do also and even greater things than these shall you do!” He sought not to divide you, but to bring you together as One Family of Man.
I say these things to you so that you may know that there is no longer any need to war against one another in the name of religion. These separate religions were created to divide you, to control you and to stop your spiritual growth. It is time to recognize the Divinity in one another and to put aside those things that no longer serve you. You are your neighbors keeper. Your neighbor’s pain is your pain and in that way you are truly One Heart, One Mind and One Breath!”
Because you have become Great Beings of Love and Compassion, you emanate a Light that is so Bright that it is overpowering the Darkness that had nearly choked the life from each and every Being on this planet. This is why so many of your brothers and sisters throughout the Cosmos are watching this Great Spectacle with breathless anticipation. To them, you are truly Heroic Beings who have stood in your Truth and demonstrated Courage beyond the call.


Dear Ones, many have said that these are the “end times”.  This is not so!  These are the Beginning Times as you are ushering in an era of Peace, Abundance and Prosperity never known on this Sacred Orb.

There are so many Heroic Beings who have made great sacrifices to bring you this knowledge. They walk among you and have worked tirelessly to give you Hope and Courage to persevere in spite of all adversity.
Do you really think, Dear Nana, that it is by accident you have been brought to know some of these Great Ones? There are no coincidences. They are instrumental in your ability to fulfill your Mission. Our Beloved Sheldan has been laying the groundwork that all may understand what Heaven has been trying to accomplish for these many years. It has been part of your journey to have been guided to know some of these great humanitarian Souls such as the one known as Zap or Jerzy. He has suffered greatly for our Humanity. He, like too many others, has suffered assaults on his character, given over his wealth and even his family, so that Beloved Gaia can once again be restored to her Celestial Glory.
These sacrifices go back to the Founding Fathers of your great Republic and to the many martyrs who stood in their Truth for your benefit. These include many of your Presidents such as the ones known as Jack Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and William McKinley. There are many more unsung heroes who have dared to stand up to the evil forces who have enslaved you for thousands of years. These Great Ones are joyously applauding you and urging you on as you approach the Grand Finale, the Great Victory that is now upon you. We say to all of you, Bravo! We applaud you!
This is now your time to shine your Light! One among you known as Yusuf has rightly stated that you are not the new 1% but truly you are the 100%. There is great Wisdom and Truth in these words. You have heard that you are One and this is so. But make no mistake, you are not of a hive mentality or spirituality. Dear Jerzy was inspired last week to state this Truth with Love and Wisdom-You are Individuated Divinity, filled with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. This is your Essence, IT IS WHO YOU ARE! Believe it for it is so.
I, St. Germain, speaking for the Company of Heaven, have brought this message through Nana that you may be prepared for the Great Announcements that are about to take place. Do not despair! Your long, dark night is over! This is indeed the beginning of the Aquarian Age, the beginning of a New Year and the restoration of your Individuated Divinity! You stand at the threshold of a New Earth, a New Reality and a Golden Age of Peace, Love and Abundance for all. We say to you, “Well done, Good and Faithful Servants of the Light! Well done!”
St. Germain

Join With Us In Joyful Celebration

Greetings, Beloved Children of God.  It is I, Ashtar, coming to you from the bridge of the New Jerusalem.  Of course, that is not strictly true.  I am also projecting my being in many complex ways, as all of us in higher dimensions can do.  I am connecting heart and mind with Kathryn as she sits in her sunroom typing this message, and I am with each one of you who is reading it, at the very moment you turn your eyes to read my words.  Simultaneously, I am giving Christine my signature energy trill-hug, which she recognizes immediately.
You see, it is as natural as breathing for us to direct our energies in a multidimensional way, to be fully present in every encounter.  Of course our abilities are not as far-reaching and all-encompassing  as Mother and Father’s, but every time we raise our Light quotient, we gain more “wattage” within our beings.  It is a thrilling process, this growing in Light.  It is exhilarating to feel your own abilities expanding, is it not?  You are experiencing the same process now in an analogous way:  your Light is expanding, lifting you into more glorious abilities and awareness.  You are the lower dimensional version of exactly what we are doing in higher dimensions right along with you.   T his does not imply that you are somehow doing less of a job than we are because you are currently in a lower dimension, on the contrary.  At this time, we are all  expanding  at a tremendous rate to accomplish this shift of shifts now happening on on Surface Earth – and beyond.    There is no better or greater.  You are expanding to fulfill your great potential, as we stretch to expand our own Light.
You are now beginning to understand how valuable, how precious is your life there on Surface Earth.  The learning you accomplish there – the hurdles leapt, the bridges built – are directly related to the growth of your Higher Self here with us.  All efforts to be true to your inner Light are equally valuable, regardless of the dimension you may choose as your playing field.  We see your heroic efforts to create Love in the face of all kinds of challenges:  this is your brilliance, Beloved Humans.
You are not changed in your essence when you take on the human uniform for this experience; you are being given an opportunity to accomplish the nearly impossible.  We all grow when we take on those kinds of challenges.  The outcome is not the measure of success or failure.  It is the steadfast adherence to Light and Love in the midst of it all that reveals our deep connection to Mother and Father – the living example of how we are made in their image.
We tell you this week through many sources, as you will see in this newsletter, that you have reached the Tipping Point.  You have raised yourselves to a higher vibration of Light, enough to carry the whole collective and the planet herself to a higher plane of existence.  It is difficult to find the words to describe what we see, because your languages refer so consistently to showing things as places, times, isolated events.  We see your rise toward the Light as colors, sounds, illumination, energies, increasing waves of life-force emanating from your planet.  Each of you is a growing point of Light, a part of the Universal Light.  We applaud you wholeheartedly because we know how difficult it has been to hold steady while you are there, surrounded by doubters, naysayers and the dwindling and now toothless attackers who remain steadfastly “cabal.”
The simple meaning of the tipping point is that you now are creating and sustaining more Light than the cabal can suppress by trying to convince you to stop.  They do not create darkness; they do not create anything.  They were only able to gain power over Earth’s population by getting you to stop being who you truly are – Lightworkers all.  As you have regained your birthright, removing the shackles of negative thoughts and feelings, your divine Light emerges triumphantly.  This is the miracle you came here to create, and you are succeeding gloriously.
It is so important now that you hold steady, Dearest Brothers and Sisters.  Continue to emit your brilliant Light.  Keep expanding, the way a bud grows into a full-blown flower.  Do not allow the last-ditch dramas, false flags and theatrically produced displays of violence and negativity to distract you.  Keep your focus on us, on the hands we reach out to you and the great Light flowing to you now from the Great Central Sun, our Mother and Father God.  Anchor deeply and permanently with Gaia.  This stabilizes both you and her.  Your past lives, your deep personal work and your willing heart have prepared you for this last great leap into a completely new life.
As you know, my Galactic team and I are overseeing the security for the important transactions that are taking place on Gaia in this phase of the Prosperity Programs.  It has required the physical movement of great stores of gold and other precious instruments.  Our Galactic and surface teams have accomplished this in synchrony with enormous legions of angels, coordinated by my brother and sister, Archangels Michael and Christine.  We work together constantly, in complete harmony and with great joy, as we oversee this massive shift of wealth, out of the grasping hands of the cabal and into the loving arms of our generous, hard-working Lightworkers.
We can hardly wait to celebrate our beloved Boots on the Ground, the great heroes of this time, who have long worked under dangerous and difficult conditions, mostly in anonymity for their own safety.  Of course, nothing occurs during this final phase that was not a pre-planned life contract.  You are safe under our watchful eyes, and a pivotal part of the success of this great shift is your faith and trust, that even though you are performing services that would be considered difficult or risky, you are completely held in our adoring embrace.
As you all prepare to move from relatively modest circumstances to great wealth, we want to remind you that during this transition phase we wish for you to maintain just a bit of awareness as you move from place to place, especially when you are transporting anything of great value.  Always call on us to overlight your movements, and we will instantly assign an extra security detail, both Galactic and Angelic, to accompany you, while we complete the “clean up” of those who would have enjoyed disrupting our work.  And don’t forget to join us in celebration, great joy and excitement, but always combined with an aura of generosity, modesty and gratitude.
This temporarily low-key approach, which you have seen us use throughout this project, will not only allow all of us to accomplish our shared goal of spreading the blessings, but it will also create a gentle, high-vibrational atmosphere of abundance – the easy-going atmosphere we experience here in higher dimensions.  After all, this is the goal of our magnificent project, is it not?
You are here to establish a global system without anxiety or want.  An unwavering state of grace – the assumption that you are safe and loved – is the basis for creating the new world.  True abundance must be experienced with joy and the knowing that life is not dangerous or arbitrary.  This was the constant programming of the dark ones: “Be afraid!”  I am offering to you the higher-dimensional alternative: “Be safe and secure in our Love.”  You have come here to be of service, and it is our great pleasure to help pave the way for you.  Join with us to celebrate our “un-Veiling.”  As Michael Jackson’s song says, “You are not alone; we are here with you.”
Of course we have always been watching over you, but our close communication and your willingness to call on us has allowed us to increasingly ease the way for you, doing our part to “grease the wheels” as we move together into the New Golden Age, the dream we created together.  The more you trust in us and take pleasure in our protection and Love, the greater our dispensation to offer more.  And so the Love, abundance, joy and peace increase by the moment.
Can you conceive, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that you already live in a world where danger has ceased to exist?  I assure you it is true.  You are probably now thinking, “But Ashtar, there are still wars and terrorists and crazies with guns all over the place!”  Even if that were true, which it is not  because such reports are now the stale waning cabal production of over-exaggerated and invented fear-mongering  headlines , it would still have no bearing on your own survival.  If itis  not part of your soul contract to leave the planet now, then you will not do so.  The mainstream media (most of what appears on television) is in its last gasp of  working overtime to find stories of violent crime to fill their “news” spots.
ISIS was a creation of the CIA, Mossad and Saudi cabal “intelligence” agencies in order to perpetuate instability in the Middle East.  It is already failed to create a profitable World War III because humanity has begun to see the manipulations and lies and are increasingly unwilling to resort to violence against their neighbors.  World leaders, including Putin, Obama, Abadi, Rouhani, Merkel, Troudeau, Pope Francis and others are intensively meeting and talking behind the scenes with the ancient Chinese and other ancient families to bring peace, mutual trade, and separation from the iron fist of the U.S. cabal.  Syria will soon be shepherded through the current conflicts with help from Russian and Chinese benefactors.
ISIS recruiters and trainers will be captured and unmasked as the fraudulent interlopers they really are, and the resources that have long been pilfered from the war-torn countries of the world will be returned to their rightful citizens.  Extensive rebuilding in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and countries all across Africa and South America will flourish this spring, will be generously funded by Prosperity Funds and enthusiastically aided by volunteers and Lightworker experts from around the world.  Your Galactic friends are preparing to join the legions of joyful participants who will help organize the global jubilee we are all anticipating.
The changes that are about to take place in your world will be so swift and so far-reaching, it will seem to you that you have awoken one morning to find that the world of struggle, violence and chaos you were immersed in was really a dim nightmare.  The New Earth will burst onto the scene, as the old saying goes, like an overnight thousand-year success.  You see, Dearest Friends, the danger has already passed, the era of peace prophesied and created, and the details prescribed, down to the last child to be pulled from the rubble of the old reign of terror.  You can breathe now, build your Pillar of Light, reach out to touch the first person you encounter in friendship and compassion, and join with us in joyful celebration.  We are here, we have triumphed, and we are in Love.
I am Ashtar, your loving brother.  Salut!
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 10 February 2016)
The rest of the newsletter, edited by Archangel Michael, is worth a look!

Expand to Understand – MOTHER GOD

Imagines 7 billion people waking up to the fact that there is no bad or good.Everything and everybody labeled as ‘bad’ or ‘dark’ was created to fulfill its purpose of existence.Even what we call ‘cabal’.Everything and everybody labeled as ‘good’ was created to fulfill its purpose of existence.’Bad & Good’ creating a polarity on the planet in order to experience a low density reality also called 3dimensional and 4th dimensional which were both based on ego & material possessions.This has lasted for the last 13,000 Years.When we remain peaceful and calm in the core of our being,our ego still exists but this time it is in service of our heart and when we accept this truth by remaining present in the moment being grateful for what is and eager for what is unfolding,practising kindness,compassion and unconditional love 24/24 it is all is requested in this timeline while Earth and Her Children are Ascending together in the 5th Dimension and Beyond rushing towards The Golden Age of our Humanity’s existence NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE EVER.

I invite you to both read and   listen to this message from Mother Sekhmet followed by Mother God. She delivers a transmission intended to bring amazing  healing understanding to you and to Earth at this important moment.

Photo on 08-02-16 at 15.57








-Clean Contaminated Water
-Activate Water to Heal Diabetis.
-Healing From Cancer.
-Recovering From Addictions,
-Regrowing a Finger that is damaged.
-Healing Asthma,Psoriasis ,Alzheimer,Emphysema etc.
-Feeding ourselves in Space (without the need to eat).
The Blueprint by Keshe Foundation costs no more than 200€ to make at our own homes.
6 hours of our time to LEARN and REALISE that the future is already here.

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87% of Critical Mass – Prime Creator /Peace Is Possible When Fears Are Melted -Sananda

Focus in keeping your vibration high with Prayer, Meditation & High Vibrational Foods and saying in nature.

This benefits not only you but everybody and everything in your environment.

New planets and New celestial bodies that are helping with our planetary alignment and ascension.

The message from Father Mother God this week

channeled by Susie Beiler :



It is natural to feel preasure on the head and tingles of vibrations throughout the body, seeing energy, and feeling more intuitive with an inner knowing without any doubt, along with an increased feeling of joy and unconditional love/commander Vrillon

Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek

January 27 2016

While it continues to be important to maintain a balanced presence within every moment of the Now, the ongoing activity of transformative energies coming in as photonic light through the Great Grand Galactic Central Sun system of Alcyone continues to gradually expand the Earth and humanity in frequency. Depending on how much DNA you have activated through all the light downloads and upgrades, the more light you will be able to maintain within your Aura and morphogenetic field. This awakening into a fully conscious multidimensional being is determined by the level of light quotient you uphold and maintain, which activates you into a light body expression.

It is important to know that while your Higher Self knows all there is to know about reality and all that exists, yet you ask the reason behind why you have incarnated on the Earth in this Now and what it is that you came to do on this plane of existence.

DNA Activation allows you to access this information through daily going within the heart in stillness. This is all that is necessary to activate your dormant DNA.  Cultivating stillness increases your light exponantially into higher levels of awareness, activating energy blocking potential and your original divine blueprint.

Upon activating your DNA, which your light will as it increases, eventually reaching its climax and activating you into your highest state in consciousness;  you will begin to be more open to your extrasensory abilities like clairvoyance, direct cognition, intuition, and telepathy where, with practice, it will all feel natural and you will get used to using the abilities daily.

It is important to know that while the frequencies being radiated to the Earth through the Great Grand Galactic Central sun system are raising at a very fast rate within every moment, many on the ascension path are experiencing these intense 12d and higher density in consciousness waves in many various manners of being.

Many on the ascension path are experiencing an awakening in consciousness, while feeling more at peace, grounded and balanced with an intense feeling of lightness in frequency while the lower ego mind is dissolved. It is natural to feel preasure on the head and tingles of vibrations throughout the body, seeing energy, and feeling more intuitive with an inner knowing without any doubt, along with an increased feeling of joy and unconditional love.

While many living in the mind are feeling stress, with endless challenges, anger, sorrow, feeling confused and lost in 3d everyday drama’s where the lower ego mind is in constant bombardment of these individuals, many are always fighting in an endless conflict of the mind fighting themselves, feeling sorry for themselves in endless suffering and limitation and much ignorance and fear. This is where you can see why these beings are in a low frequency, insisting to live in this state of separation. You can see just how one cannot ascend to the 5th dimension with all these blockages, as fear does not exist within our hyperspace community of ascended beings. It is seen as a virus.

I am aware that there are individuals who have been propagating the various information that has been released on the Internet about ascension from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command, in which these individuals have convinced many who are awakened that this is all a hoax and an Agenda that is part of the government’s plan to take over the Earth.  I just want to clarify that this is in fact the government spreading fear in their last attempt to hold onto power and control all of you. These beings are claiming that those who are aware of their nature as unconditional love in being the Light are confused and programmed by the government’s psy-ops program sent through electromagnetic radio frequency. In conclusion, they are saying that even I am programmed for giving out the truth to who we all are and how we claim our power through love and peace. These, ladies and gentlemen, are merely scare tactics. If you look deep within your heart to see if what I say to you is truth or illusion ,you will find that I have never mislead you.

One such individual is the channeler known as Greg Giles, in which this individual has written a long paragraph confessing that all the information he had so far channelled from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ashtar Command were messages he had rather been recieving from the C.I.A and the U.S government; that he was confused and takes full responsibilty for misleading his followers. This is all to create confusion in those who come across these messages. Before I read this last message from him, where he had even said that he would take his blog down, I had been informed by my brother and ally, Jose Contreras, through Anne DeHart from the Hollow Earth network about this, that the real Greg Giles had been taken aboard our Motherships as his work had been completed and therefore had to leave the planet which he did, as he is the son of Sananda,  which Commander Ashtar personally confirmed to me.  This is where the confusion about me being a clone, just after I had been away for 20 days, and returned, where I had left without telling anyone came in; as everyone thought I would do the same and tell you all that I was confused in which everything I had so far shared came from my imagination. This is not true, my brothers and sisters; everything I have so far shared with you is as genuine as the air I now breath. I would just like to clear all this confusion and bring it into the light that Greg Giles, ladies and gentlemen, is not the Greg Giles you all knew. The originator of Greg Giles last message claiming to be in confusion and programming is a clone and I just wish to clarify this, as nobody has. This is most likely from the government itself.

Continue remaining within your heart center and go within for clarity, bring the light forth from within and keep focusing on peace and love for all on this planet. Focusing on fear will only bring one in a low vibration and in much confusion. This is real. There is no hoax here. May you all shine bright and ascend with the Earth upon reaching the Galactic core within zero point. Those who continue to entertain the mind will be teleported to another duality plane where they will continue with their life of Karma in endless reincarnation cycles.

I am Commander Vrillion of the Ashtar Galactic Command.

Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek

The time of the dark cabal is over/I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life- Saint Germain.

In this new time, you are to become uniquely aware of your origins and to completely rediscover the sacred mission, which led you to this wondrous orb approximately 900,000 years ago! It is this restored vision that is to drive you toward quickly returning to full consciousness. You are in fact a great people, which were chosen by the Heavenly hierarchies to come here and aid Gaia and her sister worlds. You are to reformulate a star nation. It is this manifesting star nation, which is to secure galactic peace and insure that the wonders of the Light be fully displayed in this broad galaxy. Thus, you have a sacred mission that was temporarily waylaid by the dark. We are here now to restore Heaven’s divine mandate and permit you to rediscover who and what you truly are. As physical angels, you have been given a sacred role to play as the Light’s power quickly unfolds in this special galaxy. You are a symbol of how those captured by the dark can be fully restored to the sacred energies of the Light!

Some are called to simply be still and hold Light for the world, while others are called to do hands on- feet running, work.   Both are necessary, both are serving as Light workers, and neither is more spiritual than the other.   The garbage man who carries away your trash with love and friendliness is a Light worker.

Every seemingly mundane action of daily living when done with love is Light work.  Know that in truth you only serve your Self, for there are no “others”.   Let go of any concepts you may still  hold regarding the belief that only those who teach, heal, or channel are  Light workers.  Unconditional Love must be lived on all levels–this is what you came to earth to learn.

I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life- Saint Germain.

We are going to have a series of Events followed by Disclosure, and this chain of events will come to a peak in March and April, this year. After this, the sightings of UFOs will become more common all over the world. Each lightworker is fighting his, or her, own battle and overcoming the aspects of Self that are less than the desired higher consciousness. They will be a beacon in the night that the others are still dwelling in. The teachers are on their way. The world will be born a new with an upsurge of innovation both in technology as well as understanding and truths, and your brothers and sisters of far away worlds, galaxies and stars, are with you, all the way, coming closer everyday, as I am as well, as I AM your Saint Germain, Knight Commander, bidding you Farewell with all the love of my heart, – though not for long as I remain close at hand, – and I summon that Abundance to come to your world and life.

Saint Germain.

Saint Germain ~ Knighthood

The Art of Ascension


Humanity’s Ascension : Prime Creator Confirms Priority Number 1.

Acceptance,Allowance,Gratitude.Mastering Our Physical Body.Blessing Our Food and Our Environments at home or where we travel.

Focusing our attention into our ascension is what matters more in this timeline of our existence as human beings.

I am here to elevate myself and Gaia.If you think same way welcome,if you are not i have no time for nonsense

-Pleiadian Teaching-

Ascension is the accelerated process of evolution that all sentient  being go through with the arrival of photons from the central galactic sun since December 2012 accelerated by the passage of inhabited planet Nibiru.Intending to raise our vibration constantly in our day is the best gift we can offer to ourself the planet and of course everybody around us.

Low Frequency will always rise to meet The Higher Frequency states the Resonance Law in physics.


Humans we carry the living library of the existence of the universe in our genes.We are All equally important.Every  action little or small counts right now! Every smile,every act of kindness,the love we send out to All  is transforming everything around us and  assisting Ascension for the benefit of this Universe and  of many more others.(Yes we do have this great responsibility and honour to serve through our existence)

Love is the way,through meditation and prayer,connecting and asking help from our Angels,Ascended Masters,Father/Mother God.

Raising our vibration can be done also by being with others while keeping this intention in mind.Nothing better in my opinion than an alcool free daytime event,dancing preferably outside with bare feet on the ground with friends sharing crazy wisdom and raw vegan food.

Ascension is about learning that we are vibration and that we have the ability to raise it through our machine called emotions.

Intending to Feel More Than Fine in the core of our being is accelerating our Ascension.

There are many fun ways to raise our vibration be integrating movement,prayer and meditation.One of them is Yoga.But i am not going to talk about this cause it is so widely spread already.There
other ways ,that you mind find easier too to start with.

In these next videos i am sharing how to do this while dancing,while doing Pilates,Qui Gond and a combination of Pleiadian/Mayan Teachings.


If you really like any of those please go ahead and watch.It is important that you like it because if you don’t it can have the opposite effect.IT IS ALL ABOUT BEING PRESENT WITH YOUR BREATH WHILE YOU MOVE.I invite you to be your own artist ,find and combine what resonates more with your heart.

So here we go :



Nikos Akrivos

www.Feel More Than






Inca Shamanic Recurring Life Trip.

Before I incarnate in this life I was existing as Pure Light Expanding.
I came here to experience the low density of material world and to bring light in ”dark” places according to where my passions guide me.It is the only human life i incarnate but I Am An Old Soul.In one lifetime i have already lived many parallel realities and lives in a very accelerated pace.In one session of recurring life trip of one hour with the help of an Inca Shaman (without the use of any drugs ) i have remembered all again.The time i suffered the most,the time i was in most service to the Light and the time i was the less.

Do you see the orb on my face? 🙂NikosatCuco,jpgHealer1



Nibiru Is An Inhabited Planet Passing By To Let Humanity Understand That You Are Light – St.Germain

The Presence of Nibiru has many levels to it. First of all, it is an inhabited planet. It is not an empty ball of magnetic mass. It is a planet that is guided, just as much as the peoples of this world and this planet have been guided ever since the world began. Nibiru is coming again, not so much to create disaster, disease, starvation and hunger, but more to catalyze that shift that was predicted by the beings of ancient times, to correlate with the shift in consciousness that is already happening with beings who have reincarnated over and over again to get to this place in themselves where they are now able and willing to come into the experience of their Light Bodies from the soul outward.

The main reason for the presence of Nibiru, not only in this particular era, but also in all succeeding eras, was for humanity to understand that “You are Light.”

When humanity completely understands that “You Are Light,” then Nibiru will spin out of this Solar System and do its work elsewhere, wherever, it is wanted and needed. This is the truth of Nibiru, which has not completely been revealed.



Feeling Good is Feeling God.