Category Archives: Holistic Lifestyle
Daily Residence at HONESTBAR:IBIZA
Supporting all vegan and raw vegan locations across the world and this is this summer daily residence,located close to San Antonio in Ibiza.
Come enjoy awesome Vegan Recipes ,Smoothies,Fruit Juices while we share Ascension Teachings,Life Coaching Tips and where i offer Angelic Energy Attunemens 1:1 and free meditation class,3 hours every day except Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Feel More Than Fine at Zoo Project,Ibiza.
Everybody knows that Feel More Than Fine events are healthy ( non alcoholic/toxic free) dance events.In favour of the transition humanity goes through right now and the law of non interference with the free will of everybody ,we decided to come back to an environment where there is an option to drink the toxine called alcohol.
Simply put,You are your own God/Goddess and every moment you choose what is best for your vibration.And you are humbly invited to take full responsibility and control of your being for your own benefit and for all those around you.
Now that this clarification is out of the way,let’s move to the fun side of things!
You are invited to spend a nice afternoon on sunset time with us at The Arena Area,which is a small cosy area to find at the right side as soon as your enter The Zoo Project.
Punk Buddha Clown will warm up things with music attuned on the natural frequency of 432 HZ & the miracle frequency of 528 HZ.
DVJ UZUL255 will satisfy your ears and your eyes with Music and Video synchronised while Eric Capone will finish this with Uplifting Deep Tec that he knows very well how to do he is deeply to Ibiza’s Vibration.
Holistic Life Coaching Tips and Ascension Exercices will be shared organically and spontaneously.
For Guest List Send Email with Full Names: info@feelmorethanfine.eu
Victory of Light
The beginning of the liberation of humanity is more than obvious,
Corey and Cobra are giving us through this interview by Rob some major intel about what has been going on our planet since millions of years.
On the Higher Realms we are also receving confirmations through these channelings:
AA Michael:
The Arcturians & Pleiadians:
Our Financial Situation is also super close to change once and for all as we keep our focus towards the common vision.It is about staying in the joy of victory every now till this reality becomes Truly True,seconde by seconde,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day.
Authentic choices speed you in your soul growth on your soul path. In order to grow on that path, it is necessary for you to meet challenges. How you handle the challenges determines the rate of your soul growth. If you stay in trust that everything is happening for your highest good, that will be your experience.
Holistic Life Coaching Retreats with me in Ibiza are taking place now,find all about it here and come spend 3 days with me To Feel More Than Fine in the core of your being.
Emptying Our Vessel To Receive More Love & Light
To be an empty vessel,receiving the infinite amount of love from our Supreme Creator is the number one priority in these times of our evolution.The pure knowledge that this Tsunami of love reaches its climax on June 20th 2016(3rd Wave of Ascension announced by Archangel Michael) is another great opportunity to step away from the hustle bustle of every day life and reach for the God/Goddess In Self with prayer,meditation,eating and drinking light or even better fasting.This is the time that every human on Earth has been waiting in the core of our being.There are those who have awakened into this and doing the work into self,being a beacon of Light and expressing God by being present in the here and now for everybody else who are not aware of this.They are also ‘Bridge Workers’ channeling the energies towards Earth creating a connection with Heaven that helps to uplift all existence on the planet to the 5th Dimension.
Remembering our purpose of existence is bringing us close to the agreement we made before incarnating on the planet and our Guides/Angels are always by our side supporting in the unseen with all the help we need in order to help us follow the path of truth while respecting of course our free will to a certain extend as our mind can not always perceive what is right or wrong
Feeling good in the core of our being is a signal that we are going to the right direction.
This feeling gets developed when we take the time to create enough space in self.
So meditation is the key.And when combined with laughter it helps raise our vibration closer to the source.There are many other ways to raise our vibration of course with movevement,some yoga,some Chi Gung,some Reiki or simply running ,doing pilates in a holistic way or dancing preferably barefoot and voiceless.
So this is again another reminder for all sisters and brothers on the surface of the planet to join into this action in finding The God/Goddess in self.
This is the time that we going through the hole of the niddle that our brother Sananda aka Jesus has talked about.The money in our accounts are not being taken in consideration.The time we take truly dedicating ourself into receiving The Golden Rain of Love & Light from Father/Mother God is what matters.
We are sovereign of our being and we are doing this for our personal evolution which is by the way the best way to help somebody on the other side of the planet.
On the other side of the niddle lies a beautiful reality that our minds are not able to conceive right now and those we are doing the work in Self are getting to be there within our physical bodies.
Infinite Abundance in Peace,Love,Joy,Freedom,Excellente Health and Laughter to All.
1 Wish for All of you who read this message:
Feel More Than Fine In The Core Of Our Being.
Gabriel Raphael
(Nikos Akrivo’s Higher Self)
Sahana Yoga
Powerful Techniques To Raise Your Vibration
Ascension is all about intending to keeping our vibrations high. Learning to raise our vibration is about learning to use our breath and being present.
Technique 1:
1.Lie in your bed
2.Set your intent(like for exemple find out about your deepest fear)
3.Breath in and out for some time with all your strength while remaining present in the now.
4.Listen to your inner voice,if you don’t hear any voice,breath in and out stronger.
Technique 2:
Anybody said that masturbation is not good?
1.Lie in your bed
2.Masturbate Yourself without ejaculation or reaching orgasm.
3.Breath in and out for some time while remaining present in the now.
Feel More Than Fine Always!
Nikos Akrivos
Doing Nothing Is An Activity
Children must be allowed to feel fresh air, to experience nature, and feel dirt on their hands. They must be allowed to do nothing at all now and then–free from rounds of continuous activity and technological toys. Parent’s will find their lives become easier as well with times for doing nothing. Every soul needs quiet and peace in order to center no matter what his earth age. Children need love, not continuous activity and material concepts of love. Love allows the bud to unfold and blossom within an energy of safety and security.
-The Arcturians-
Ascension is the most important aspect in this timeline of our existence as humanity.
-Prime Creator-
Mayan’s prophesy about the arrival of photons on Earth emanating from the central galactic Sun after the date of 21 December 2012 is becoming more and more apparent all around us.
Prime Creator,Mother Father God,The Archangels , Sananda (Jesus),Mary,The Angels and Ascended Masters are confirming by connecting with those ones who master the art of raising their frequency at will and with intention to connect with the Higher Realms in order to receive enlightenment and more definition in words of what is occurring on our planet touching all forms of life.
These confirmations come to be very useful when we can understand their veracity simple by crossing observations in our reality.We come to notice the beauty of a flower opening in spring and the magic of the simplicity of life,which requires extreme sophistication in the making , understood only by the minds of what we label as genius.Of course there are still many sources out there that are not transmitting pure love & light and therefor it is of the outmost importance to learn to use our internal radar called feeling to be able to filter what is coming through and see with the eyes of our soul what news we choose to resonate with.
Enlightenment is not to be understood rather to be accepted for what is.Remaining present continuously while being thankful and aware that we are creating in every moment of our existence is something that we can master with disciplined practise on a day to day basis.And i don’t mean to be too serious about it rather than have fun with it same way as dolphins are expressing happiness.
Before our incarnation in the physical bodies we live in we agreed that we wanted to be here and now to witness all the amazing things that take place and to remember what is our purpose of existence.
Each one of us has a specific mission to accomplish that is anchored in our DNA library which we awaken through intention and will to vibrate higher.The only way to experience density was to forget who we really were and all of us without exception living in the here and now agreed to be part of this.There are those who have taken the conscious steps towards discovering the truth and those who have no idea of what is truly happening.
We attract what we fear,we attract what we believe and we strengthen what we oppose.
– Sananda –
We have Free Will,that is The Present of Life given to each one of us and we can choose in what direction to go.Free will can be a dangerous tool if we don’t know how to use it,there is the way where no suffering is present where one lives with an open heart in peace,joy,freedom,abundance,prosperity the one we call 5th dimensional and there is the opposite lifestyle where a lot of suffering exists,serving the ego, living in a competitive world and spirit and loving with conditions which we call 3 dimensional.Nevertheless our choice ,we are loved beyond measure and those who choose to follow a dark path have the choice to come back to the light at any given time they wish as Prime Creator does not condemn or judge anybody.The only difference is that these souls are facing suffering in their experiences and if this is their wish,so it is.
Self love is the way to guide ourself to the light.Self love is the way to be able to become compassionate and serve others.
True Love is Unconditional and Sets Free.
From a higher perspective we all came here to experience the process of Ascension and to help through our presence.Human beings we have the power through our frequency to transcend all realities around us with our conscious use of our emotions.
The powerful energies that come from above need to be channeled through our bodies to Mother Earth.In this way we are helping our planet to ascend when we take off our shoes and connect with her on a daily basis.If this is not done we experience pain in different part of our bodies,the energy is seeking way to get out. The planet of course has its own life and can decide at will when is the right time for transformations to take place.Energies coming out of our bodies ,guided towards Earth to all forms of Life around us even at a long distance through the power of thought and presence are practises that contribute in the achievement of True Global Peace and the reactivation of Gaia to become pristine again.With 2 powerful waves of photons that came through on the dates of 28 September 2015 and another one mid march 2016 about 10 billion people living on the surface of the planet have been activated whether aware of it or not.A 3rd wave arriving on the planet in June 2016 is going to activate the remaining 1/3 of humanity.All this is predicted by Archangel Michael and Sananda and of course those who are aware of the changes have felt it with a positive outlook for all these new sensations appearing in our bodies while many believed that they got ‘sick’ / caught a flu and run to use pills to hide the ‘effects’.The ‘effects’ is just Love & Light knocking our door.
The food we choose to eat is important ,a choice in vibrating high or low goes through our stomach.
It is evident that people who are Vegan have bigger compassion not only for the animals but also for one another.When we add to this a holistic lifestyle with meditation and movement integrated in every day life the effects are immediate as we are helping consciously to reactivate our ‘junk’ DNA and with the help of the energies we are becoming more telepathic,we are able to heal with our hands,to move objects with our thoughts or even to teleport ourself for those who have mastered the art of raising their vibrations.This is to become The Pure Christ for each one of us.
Of course there is no doubt that hidden advanced technologies have been used against The Human Race to prevent this awakening and of course those who are connected with God always knew that there is nothing to be afraid of, we are eternal spirits living a human experience.
Dear beloved we gathered all here today to get through this thing called life but i am here to tell you,there is something else,the after world -Prince-
One of the best ways to raise our frequency is through dancing and laughing and with the intelligent combination of moves and breathing can learn to do this in a more effective way.I have been sharing these movements in short videos that i have posted on youtube and i am sharing those in all the events i organise called Feel More Than Fine.
The warm up is based on few very simple moves connecting us with our higher self in action and a lot of fun.
Music attuned on the natural frequency of 432Hz and use of other frequencies such as 528z make the experience more intense.
Raw Vegan Pure food ,fruit juices,purified water & elixirs of life using pure organic materials are helping to raise our frequency.
Alcohol,white sugar or meat are materials that low our vibration dramatically and therefor they are intentionally not part of the FMTF experience.
Sober is the new drunk and something that is becoming very trendy.
FMTF events are here to help rush into the Golden Age of New Earth Realities that are far beyond what our imagination can conceive in this moment i am writing this and which is actually happening right now.To start with the official release of disclosed documents of the existence of UFO in Australia beginning of May.
So what to expect?The unexpected.Much More UFOs in our skies in May 2016???absolutely!And the meeting with our galactic brothers and sisters after the landing take place once we all agree upon this as a United Human Race.Free Will in action always! I expect people running in the streets and hugging each other,especially when they don’t know each other as we have discovered that ALL IS ONE in the core of Our Being.
Ascension Keys.
Nikos Akrivos.
Feel More Than Fine on Tour!
Holy Electronic Beats,Barefoot Dancing & Meditation.
Wednesday May 18th Düsseldorf:13h00-16h00 Coco Mat.
Sunday May 22nd Bonn :16h00-19h00 Pole Dance Bonn.
Monday June 20th Düsseldorf :13h00-16h00 Coco Mat.
Join us and experience what can not be expressed with words.
Party for those who honor their bodies & seek spiritual growth
From Amsterdam to NYC and Cologne to Bonn Sober Parties are taking over!
For those who honor their bodies,seek spiritual growth are from all backgrounds/races,who respect and wish to explore our connection to each other and enjoy Healthy Pleasures!
Sober is the new drunk: why millennials are ditching bar crawls for juice crawls
http://detoxnight.com/workout/ In Cologne April 28th 2016.
Feel More Than Fine in Bonn.May 22nd 2016.
Bonn Healthy//Voiceless//Barefoot Dance Party Bonn.
Keep your lives on track for eventually a quick change to enjoy a new way of life.
You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to:
Feel More Than Fine in Bonn City
Feel More Than Fine are Healthy Dance Events thriving in bringing people together with the intention to raise the vibrations on ecstatic beats and with the intelligent use of The Mind/Body/Spirit Complex through Dancing.
Purified Water or maybe just Divine Love is all is needed!
And Dancing is the best form of Meditation!
Our next event takes places in Bonn,Germany on May 22nd,2016.
Here is a full description:
Absolutely no need to use alcohol or drugs to get high.As a matter of fact these substances are attracting entities in our auric field,creating negativity on the environment of the person who makes such choice.Free will is ours and nobody can interfere for our well being except ourself.Watch here this 10′ video explaining the spiritual effects of alcohol with a scientific proof.
Here few of our events involving Yoga and Acro Yoga.
and the early opening at Solar 2014 when everybody is still sober 🙂
Daybreaker are similar events taking place in United States,here is a video of their party:https://vimeo.com/146402615
I Love ya all and keep the faith, throw the rest back and let it grow up to be like you someday
Don’t go kicking and screaming into your blessing. It’s embarrassing at the finish line.
Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you
It comes back to where we started with deepest truths,I ‘ve been talking about connecting bare feet in nature for quite some time now,here is once again Hilarion’s confirmation,along my blog about Grounding /Centering.
HILARION’s WEEKLY MESSAGEby Marlene Swetlishoff ~ March 27 – April 3, 2016 |
Beloved Ones, The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you. Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious! |
You are not alone in this transformation; the entire world is in the throes of great change. It begins in the minute cells of every living thing upon the planet and it is being felt internally. It is important as we have stressed many times before, to connect to the Earth each day. Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you. This is something that humanity as a whole needs to become more aware of, for it is the Earth your planet that is your home. There is only one Earth and it needs acknowledgement and love from its inhabitants. Each day ask your Divine Essence to shift your consciousness in order that you see your individual circumstances through the higher perspective. A higher connection to the divinity within you can make your way through life more peaceful and harmonious. This also develops the qualities of trust and courage within you. Trust that all that is experienced by you and your loved ones are happening for a higher reason and purpose. If we could share one most important piece of advice at this moment in time, it would be that you begin the daily practice of blessing. Bless every circumstance that you find yourself in and look within for the gift it contains. Bless the loved ones with whom you are experiencing challenges, for they are being the courageous souls who agreed to play this role in order that you learn your soul lessons and grow beyond them. They took this on because of their love for you. |
Bless every bird, every animal, every tree, every plant, and living thing within your immediate environment. Realize that everything you see is the Source of All That Is in physical manifestation. This is practicing the highest form of love in action and it is what is needed now. Do not allow distractions to take you away from this practice. Realize and become aware of the cycles that are occurring on the planetary and seasonal level and work in unison with them. You are an integral part with all of it and your love helps to maintain and sustain it. In everything that occurs, choose love as your response. Until next week… I AM Hilarion Share video version by using this link: 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. |
Crying From Happiness
Last night i dreamed about people making huge lines in front of banks as they start to realise that we can all start trusting again our financial institutions that are now in place to support humanity.I saw people crying from happiness and not believing how much money they got in their hands,unable to understand how this ‘miracle’ has happened.And I Nikos Akrivos I confirm you that Saint Germain prosperity funds are being put in place right now to purify Gaia’s waters and to bring joy to every man,woman and child living on Earth.The Universe is So Abundant and Father Mother God has the proof for all 7.5 billion of people.Be in Joy and prepare yourself from the inside out to receive what is your birth right,to remember who you really are and why you chose to be here at these amazing New Earth times.There is only thing we are all requested to do in these coming 3 months.To be Loving with all and especially with those that we think are our enemies.The only enemy is our own mind.We create what we believe.We create what we fear and we strengthen what we oppose as our brother Sananda aka Jesus says.Feel More Than Fine in the core of your being.Then everything else falls into place.Each one of us have our own Angels guiding us.If you feel lost,ask for guidance in your own prayers.Our Angels are connected with us telepathically,ask what you need and it it is given.Be a S.T.A.R.Surrender.Trust.Allow.Receive.
Also look around you,there are many Angels in Human form that can assist you.Ask for help.This is how it works.Every Human being is specifically good for something and We all are Light Workers.
We are reaching now the 2nd wave of Ascension.Enjoy the process of awakening by celebrating with your loved ones with music and dance without alcohol or drugs eating high vibrational foods,eat vegan or even better raw vegan and fresh organic juices and purified water.
We are in this together.And nobody is left behind.This is the promise we made to each other before we incarnate in the vessels we call human bodies.Our souls will carry our memories for ever.Let’s make every moment Amazing for our self and for every one.The time is Now.And Heaven Or Earth is happening around us when are aware of our thoughts,projecting pure love through our eyes ALL THE TIME,no matter what we observe and without judging anything or anybody.
High Vibrational Food Art – Jasmin Dué
High Vibrational Food is synonym of Raw Vegan Food using exclusively Fresh Organic Ingredients,the closer we are to the source,the highest the vibration.
For example in Germany there are a lot of apples in the winter and a lot of strawberries in the summer.These foods are vibrating higher than bananas coming from Peru as they are they didn’t have to travel from the other side of the globe.
The Vibration of a preparation is also rising through the passion that it is made with and Jasmin Duè’s Creations are a proof of what i am talking about,not only from the depth of the taste but also from an aesthetic point of view.
Jasmin has been experimenting for a while now with some new creations and one of them is Sneak N Raw.You most probably know sneakers right?she is the inventor of the raw vegan version along few other similar products imitating the taste of that we find in the mainstream market with the only difference that they are not harming our bodies.
She is organising workshops to help you invent your own creations.
Have a Party!Invite few friends , book your workshop and find some of her products on her new website: www.Sneaknraw.com
Spiritual Effects of Alcohol / Ascension Workshop 2016
What Is Ascension – Gabriel Raphael
Dear ones,I want to clear something about Ascension:It is NOT the fact of meeting with our galactic brothers and sisters after the landings happen.This is rather one of the joys awaiting those who do their work to stay in High Frequencies WITHIN their being which results in being able to see the ships that vibrate in very high frequencies.When we are in High Frequencies everything that comes close to us becomes too as states the resonance law in physics:the lower frequency will always meet the higher frequency.I dreamed about one of those ships last night meeting with the captain of it which was a pretty bearded beautiful man radiating unconditional love and explaining with a big smile how to grow seeds aboard his ship.Some of us are able to dream about it and others are able to communicate telepathically with them being able to channel messages benefiting those who are attracting such information whenever asking the right question to themselves.To ask the right question to ourself there is one thing that works best :To Pray and Meditate and then do some Google or Youtube research as Internet is a great conductor of energies.By praying i don’t mean to just say a prayer we learned when we were a child but rather being in a state of feeling grateful and in peace for what is while asking our Angels to guide us through and being alert of the message we receive,this inner voice that we need to start to trust.Ascension we feel it within,sometimes it feels like we are getting sick which is definitely not the case.When this happens ,it is a message that we need to relax,have a nap and give our body enough rest to be able to process the huge amount of light passing through.Ascension is a question about how much light we can house in our body.We tend also to need less food and fasting regularly even for few hours or half a day is a good way to become aware of the energies.I personally like to go to bed early,latest at 22h then waking up around 03-04 o’clock and doing my one hour meditation.I almost never skip this one ,unless i feel really tired, it gives me a lot of balance in my manifestations.This meditation includes a reiki cleansing i do on myself,an energetic shower to purify myself.Clear ideas come then,i can remember and write down my dreams ,create music or write a blog as i am doing right now.When i start feeling tired,i go back to bed and then i tend to have the most amazing lucid dream experiences.Keeping a window open to let fresh air come through is equally important as much as hydrating ourself and staying grounded with Mother Earth (walking barefoot/ taking of our shoes while meditating/dancing/practising yoga in nature).
As Father Mother God recently said:Do Everything You Can to Remain on High Frequency .To Be Joyful which i express by saying Feel More Than Fine!
Eating High Vibrational Foods like for example Raw Vegan / Alcaline Kitchen helps to raise our frequency too.
Here is a blog i share about Self Cleaning Energies Technique and Grounding/Centering
We Are One.
Gabriel Raphael aka Nikos Akrivos
Holistic Life Coach and Musician
Do What You Can To Raise Your Frequency – Prime Creator
Father Mother God talks through Channel Susie Beiler about different themes that are so important in this timeline of our existence such as:
-Hollow Earth
-Ascension Symptoms
-Change of Bodies after Ascension.
-New Technologies
-Mastery of The Physical Body
-Food and Drinks Will Be More Pure after the collective shift.Stay Hydrated.Have Clean Food.
-Develop a relation with our physical being to bring the joy maintaining a high frequency (which i personally call Feel More Than Fine 🙂
-What Is God?The Highest Energies of Love and Light.An Expanded way of Being.The Ultimate Expansion.
-Channels of Receptivity.
-Releasing Implants and Programs.
-We Are At 88% of Critical Mass
-Ask In Our Meditations Our Brothers and Sisters To Awaken To Their Truth.This is not manipulation,we ask without attachment.
-Patience.We move along quite quickly.
-Many Systems are Destructive.Each Thought and Action contributes to Heaven On Earth or The Old Paradigm we wish to leave.
-Money:Bless The Currency That Flows To Us.Currency is an energy of flow.Offering blessing to this flow.
-Acceptance and Gratitude are Keys for our Ascension.